Scenario:Alchemist Astray - Chapter 3: The Gate of Helmuth - Episode 2

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Alchemist Astray - Chapter 3: The Gate of Helmuth - Episode 2

Deliford, (Captain), and company are driven into a corner by the sheer number of their foes. At that very moment, Clarisse arrives to save them. But their joy is short-lived, as Clarisse attacks them the moment their backs are turned.

(Captain) and company take down wave after wave of enemies.
Their foes' numbers, however, prove too great, and the crew is slowly driven into a corner.
Cagliostro: Tsk! It's like a never-ending stream of scum.
Deliford: We have to make it through this!
Paracelsus: You live up to the legends, founder.
Paracelsus: And your friends seem to be plodding along just as well. I doubt any of you will last much longer though.
Deliford: Pant... Pant... They're trying to whittle us down with sheer numbers.
Lyria: What do we do, (Captain)? We're not going to make it at this rate.
Cagliostro: Tsk. Looks like I'll have to—
Vyrn: Wh-what was that?
Zechs: By the fates! I-it's...
???: You guys okay?
Lyria: C-Clarisse?
Vyrn: What're you doing here?
Vyrn: I thought you went home to see your parents.
Cagliostro: ...
Any version of Clarisse is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

No version of Clarisse in crew

Go to "Continue 2"

Continue 1

The crew is dumbfounded by Clarisse's explosive entrance.
She had previously left on a trip to settle family matters—or so the crew thought.
Go to "Continue 3"

Continue 2

Clarisse—alchemist and direct descendant of Cagliostro's younger sister.
Having first met the crew on a monster hunt, she's joined them on their journey ever since.
She had previously left on a trip to settle family matters—or so the crew thought.

Continue 3

Lyria: Oh, you want to go back home?
Clarisse: Mm, yeah. I need to have a heart-to-heart talk with my parents.
Clarisse: I mean, you guys know my family's bent on hunting down Cagliostro, right?
Clarisse: And they want me to do that too, but... I kinda went full-on rebellious teen in my last letter.
Clarisse: Now they're asking me to come home for a bit...
Clarisse: This is good though. I can finally sit down with them and talk it all out.
Clarisse: Hope you can understand. I'll have to take some time off from the crew. Just for a bit.
Vyrn: It's cool. We understand. Hope things go over well with your parents!
Clarisse: Thanks! Hope I can make them understand how I feel!
Lyria: C-Clarisse!
Clarisse: Hm? What's up?
Lyria: Um, never mind. It's nothing.
Clarisse: Don't worry—I'll be back! Count on it!
Clarisse: The crew's my real home now!
Lyria: We'll be waiting!
Clarisse: I'll fill you in later! Right now you need to come with me!
Vyrn: Gotcha!
Lyria: C-coming!
(Captain) and company follow Clarisse's lead.
Cagliostro: ...
Vyrn: C'mon, Cagliostro! What're you staring at?
Cagliostro: ...
It's nothing.
Alchemist 1: Don't let the founder get away!
Zechs: Humph.
Paracelsus: Zechs. I shall pursue them myself. You know what to do.
Zechs: Understood.
Lyria: Clarisse!
Vyrn: Clarisse!
Clarisse: I'm glad you guys are safe.
Alchemist 2: Don't let them escape! Get the girl too!
Clarisse: Guys, you go on without me. I'll hold them off.
  1. I'll help you.
  2. We can't just leave you here.

Choose: I'll help you.

Clarisse: Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
Clarisse: It's better if I'm alone anyway—I won't have to worry about getting you caught in the blast.
Go to "Continue 4"

Choose: We can't just leave you here.

Clarisse: Don't worry—I can handle it!
Clarisse: And trust me, you do not want to be around when I go boom on them.

Continue 4

Vyrn: You got a point there. Okay, be careful, Clarisse!
Deliford: Then allow me to take the front line! (Captain) can cover us from the rear.
Cagliostro: No, I'll handle the flank. I can take whatever they throw at me.
Lyria: Are you sure? But in your condition...
Cagliostro: No, it's better this way. Trust me.
Deliford: Very well. Cagliostro will take the rear.
Deliford: (Captain) and I shall open a path!
(Captain) nods in assent.
Vyrn: Deliford, (Captain)! We're counting on ya! You too, Clarisse!
Lyria: Be careful, Clarisse!
Clarisse: Thanks, guys!
Cagliostro: ...
Lyria: Pant... Pant...
Vyrn: Lyria, you holding up?
Lyria: I-I'm fine. I just—
Lyria suddenly finds herself in (Captain)'s protective embrace.
Lyria: Huh? Wha? What's going on?
Cagliostro: Tsk!
Lyria: C-Cagliostro?
Cagliostro moves in alongside (Captain), transmuting a protective barrier in an instant.
Lyria: Aah!
Vyrn: Lyria! You okay?
Lyria: Y-yes! Thanks to (Captain) and Cagliostro.
Lyria: Thank you, both of you.
Lyria: Huh? What's wrong, you two?
Cagliostro's and (Captain)'s faces twist into a scowl, their eyes focused on the source of the attack on their group's flank.
Cagliostro: ...
I didn't want to believe it.
Lyria: What do you... Oh no.
Vyrn: What the!
Deliford: This can't be!
Clarisse: ...
There standing ready to strike again is the attacker—Clarisse.