Scenario:Lowain and Vira - Crucial Culinary Battle

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Crucial Culinary Battle

Lowain and Vira engage in a culinary showdown, at the end of which Lowain fears for his life as she draws her sword. Fortunately Katalina is there to save the day.

Lowain: Whoo! This has gotta be it... My time's finally come!
Tomoi: Word? What's the deal, bro? You're lookin' pretty turnt!
Elsam: Wahey! What's the haps? How 'bout you give us the skinny on what's goin' down!
Lowain, Elsam, and Tomoi are on the Grandcypher with their eyes glued to a letter.
Lowain: Whatcha think? I mean, look at it. It's gotta be a love letter, right?
Tomoi: No way! I. Can't. Even! From one of the G. Cyph peeps? Not in a million years!
Elsam: Totally! The dudes and dudettes on the crew have other things goin' on, you know?
Lowain: Ahaha! That's how it goes—a pretty young thing sees me and falls head over heels in love!
The letter Lowain holds is an invitation just for him. An invitation to the back of the bridge.
The sender had written her name in a tiny script, a sender by the name of Vira Lilie.
Lowain: So ya see? There's no mistakin' it! My time's come!
Tomoi: Noooo, no, no, no, no! Seriously? I can't even believe it's Vira...
Elsam: Way to go, dude! Guess even a broken clock's gotta get its chance once in a while! Right, Lowain?
Lowain: Aw man! I already got my eyes on a saucy little number called Katalina, but y'know...
Lowain: Oh, what the hell am I sayin'? I gotta get going!
Lowain: All right now! S'time she got a look at a real man!
And so, puffed up ten times his size, Lowain struts to the bridge.
Vira: ...
Lowain: Wahey! Sorry for the wait, Vira!
Lowain: I just wanna say... I know it is what it is, but I've already set my sights on a lady—
Vira: Haaah!
Lowain: Wha?
Vira: Tsk... missed. Focus, Vira...
Vira: Grr... I'll get it this time!
Lowain: Ulp! Dude! What's the deal?
Vira: What? Do I have to spell it out for you?
Lowain: Hold up. I'm really not diggin' what you're puttin' down...
Vira: Hehe... what? Do you have to give the garbage a little pep talk before you throw it out?
Lowain: Hey! Garbage? Don't tell me...
Vira: Silence... I won't tolerate the buzzing of insects when my moment is so close at hand...
Lowain: Huff... Huff... Seriously? Tell me what's goin' down, will ya? You angry or somethin'?
Vira: Don't be stupid... You spend all your time fawning over my dear Katalina!
Vira: But she's mine, you understand? You're just a bit of a blip that needs correcting...
Lowain: Aw, c'mon... Say what you want, but what I feel for Katalina is the real deal. Holy... Gah!
Vira: She's mine... Mine, you hear...
Lowain: (Aw, crap... She's gonna kill me for real. What do I do?)
Vira: Snkt... heehee... relax. Soon you'll be nothing but the foggiest of memories...
Vira: Haha... it will all be over in a second... Just you wait...
Lowain: All right now! I think I got it! This is some kind of showdown, right?!
Vira: Er... what?
Lowain: You mind? I'm top dog when it comes to the kitchen! I'm here to win, baby! I gotta say sorry.
Lowain: What I'm saying is once Katalina gets a taste of my dish, she's never gonna want another bite of anything else!
Vira: ...
Lowain: Lemme spell it out for you... I fight with a spatula, not a sword. You'd better bring it!
The next day, Vyrn, Lyria, and (Captain) find themselves in a tavern.
Lyria: My heart's beating like crazy... I've never judged a cooking contest before...
Vyrn: Sigh... I mean, a cooking contest between Vira and Lowain? Sounds like a big pain in the butt...
Vyrn: And I'm so hungry I could eat Katalina's cooking... When're they going to finish...
Vyrn: Eh? What's that smell...
Lyria: Huh? Vyrn? Where are you going?
Lowain: Wahey! The soup is hot, hot, hot! And I mean hot!
Lowain: Pfft! Hahahaha! Looks like we already got ourselves a winner. And that winner is me...
Lowain: Oh? That smells super tasty...
Lowain: No way, Vira... You're great shakes with a sword and a spatula?
Vira: Heehee... I suppose insects aren't known for their philosophical inclinations...
Vira: This is all for Katalina... There's nothing I wouldn't do for her...
Vira: Hehe... And I'll have to figure out how to cook them up once this battle is over...
Vyrn: Whew... I'm stuffed...
Lyria: Oh! Where did you get off to, Vyrn? You should have stayed... the food is on its way...
Vyrn: Oh, er... it was nothing! Nothing at all! Urp.
Both Vira and Lowain finish making their dishes. The time for judging has come.
Lyria: Wow! Oh my gosh! They're both so good!
Lyria: Munch, munch... I don't think I could ever get enough of either of them!
Vyrn: ...
Lowain: What'chu think? Go ahead, Vyrn. Eat up! There's plenty to go around!
Vyrn: Nah... To tell you the truth, I'm kinda full...
Vyrn: I, uh... I was starving, you know. So I had a few apples...
Vira: Huh?
Vyrn: I mean, they were just sitting there, all shiny and tasty... and I got the okay from the staff. Guess I'm not cut out for judging...
Vira: Gah... We should've never asked a lizard to judge...
Vira: Lyria. Surely I can count on your vote. Can't I?
Lyria: Wha? Oh... Well, um... Hrm...
Lyria: Uh... Ahem... you see...
Lyria: I can't! I just can't decide! They're both just so good...
Lowain: Wahey! What's that mean? You're the last one standing, (Captain). Whaddaya say?
Vira: It would seem so... Well, (Captain). Which dish was better?
The air is thick with tension as the verdict is announced.
  1. Vira.
  2. Lowain.

Choose: Vira.

Vira: Thank you, (Captain).
Vira: Hehe... I thought that (Captain) surely would have chosen my dish.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Lowain.

Lowain: Yeehaw! (Captain)! You're the real deal! I knew you'd be down with me!
Vira: ...
Lowain: Awesome! Lemme hear it, Vira! Tell me how awesome I am...
Vira: (Captain). To tell you the truth, I'd polished my sword to a mirror sheen just the other day.
Vira: But as luck would have it, I haven't had the chance to engage in battle since then.
Vira: Hehe... I've searched high and low for the perfect target to use my sword on...
Vira: Oh? My apologies. That doesn't have much to do with anything, does it... Well, then...
Vira: Tell us, (Captain)... Whose dish is worthy of the title?
  1. Vira
  2. LowainTakes you back to "(Captain). To tell you the truth..." until you pick Vira.

Choose: Vira

Lowain: No way! Ya really think so?
Vira: Ah, (Captain). Precise as ever. You've made a wise decision.

Continue 1

Vira: Heheh... And now it's time to exterminate the pests!
Lowain: Hey, now... I don't know if you know about a little thing called "vanity"...
Vyrn: Hey, what do you think you're doing!
Vira: Keep talking and you'll be next on the menu, lizard...
Katalina: Oh... Is this where you've all been?
Vira: K-Katalina? What are you doing here...
Katalina: What an odd question. Did you not realize it's dinner time?
Katalina: Hehe... Feel free to fill me in later. Let's go, Vira.
Vira: Katalina...
Lowain: Whew, leave it to our resident goddess to bail me out of a tight spot...
Katalina: What's wrong? You're looking pretty blue...
Katalina: Hehe... You'll feel better with a little something to eat. I hope you're ready for the Katalina special!
Katalina's sudden appearance helps to avert disaster that day.
But an even greater one awaits them back on the Grandcypher.
(Captain) and company pray in hope that they never have to eat another bite of Katalina's cooking.