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This page is a Voice stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
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Notes: Missing JP transcriptions for: 2nd and 3rd lines for Valentine's Day in Holidays
Missing ENG translations for: Most lines in Holidays


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit がおー!えっへへー、驚いた?ヴァンピィちゃんだよ! Roooooar! Ee hee hee, did I scare you? It's me, Vania!
Home Screen ねぇねぇ、けんぞくぅ!そろそろ本当のけんぞくぅになっちゃう?なっちゃお! Hey hey, Bloodkin! You'll become my bloodkin for real soon, right? You will, right!?
ヴァンピィちゃん、すーぷが大好きなんだー!だから早く作ってー、けんぞくぅ! I really love soup, you know? So go make me some, Bloodkin!
あんたはもうヴァンピィちゃんのけんぞくぅなんだから、何でも言うこと聞いてくれるんだよねー? You're my bloodkin now, so that means you'll do whatever I say, right?
ふわぁ……ヴァンピィちゃんは、暗い所だと眠くなっちゃいますのでー Yawn... Dark places always make me sleepy.
あっ!見て見てー、ちょうちょ!あっち行っちゃった!待って待ってー! Hey, look! A butterfly! Ah, it's flying away! Wait! Come back!
うぅーん、疲れたー!けんぞくぅ、ヴァンピィちゃんをおぶってー! Nnnh, I'm tired! Bloodkin, carry me!
Add to Party まかせて! Leave it to me!
行こ行こー! Let's go, let's go!
頑張るよー! I'm gonna give it my all!
Uncap かぷっとしちゃうよ! I'mma chomp ya!
Journal がおー!えっへへー、驚いた?ヴァンピィちゃんだよ! Roooooar! Ee hee hee, did I scare you? It's me, Vania! Same as Recruit.
すーぷ、すーぷぅ! Soup, soup!
行け行け、けんぞくぅ! Go go, Bloodkin!
EM Lvl Up イェーイ!ヴァンピィちゃん、頑張っちゃうよー! Yay! I'm gonna give it all I've got!
EM Perk Lvl Up やったー! Yes!
いーねー Nice!
すごーい! Awesome!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack あはっ Ah ha!
ふっふーん! Mm-hm!
どーお? How's that?
Enemy Defeated ふっふーん! Mm-hm!
Skill 1 あっち行けー!しっしっ! Buzz off! Shoo, shoo!
Skill 2 ちくっとするよー! I'mma prick ya!
Skill 3 かぷっとしちゃうよ! I'mma chomp ya!
C.A. Ready ヴァンピィちゃんがやっつけてあげる! I'm gonna take 'em out!
Charge Attack ヴァンピィちゃん本気だよー!ブラッディ・リファイメント! I'm gettin' serious! Purification by Blood!
Skip Charge Attack ブラッディ・リファイメント! Purification by Blood!
Damage Taken あぅっ! Ow!
Red HP はぅ…はぁ…うぅ… Haa... haa... urgh...
Knocked Out あうぅ… Ow...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
I don't feel good...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed ありがと! Thanks!
Join Battle うぅーん…しょうがないなぁ! Mmmh... Guess I don't have a choice!
Victory ヴァンピィちゃんに勝とうだなんて、千年早いんだから! You're about a thousand years too early to try and take on me!
Turn Start イェーイ!頑張ってこー! Yay! Let's give it our all!
MC Defeats Enemy やったね! You did it!
MC C.A. Ready 行け行け、けんぞくぅ! Go, go, Bloodkin!
MC Red HP げーんきーだして! Keep your chin up!
MC Knocked Out ヴァンピィちゃん、おこったよ! I'm getting upset!

Final Uncap

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen ヴァイトはね、ちっちゃい頃から口うるさいし、無茶して怪我するしぃ、昔っから生意気な弟だけど、それでも大事な家族なの Veight, y'know, he's always had a big mouth ever since he was little, and he always gets himself hurt doing reckless stuff, and he's always been such a bratty little brother, but he's family and he's very precious to me.
ヴァンピィちゃん、いちおーお姉ちゃんですのでー! もっと甘えて欲しいっていうか、頼って欲しいの! けんぞくぅもそう思うでしょー? I'm also a big sister, you know! So I want you to rely on me, like how I always rely on you! You think so too right, Bloodkin?
ねぇ~ねぇ~けんぞくぅ~ヴァンピィちゃん疲れちゃった~。おんぶして? えっへへ~けんぞくぅはけんぞくぅだもん! ヴァンピィちゃん、これからもいーっぱい甘えちゃうもんね! Hey hey... I'm tired, Bloodkin... Could you carry me? Hehe... And that's why you're my bloodkin! So, I'm gonna keep putting aaall my trust in you, okay?
Add to Party ヴァンピィちゃん、頑張っちゃうからね! I'm gonna give it everything I've got, okay?
よぉし! まっかせなさーい! Alright! Leave it all to me!
うん! いこ! けんぞくぅ! Mhm! Let's go, Bloodkin!
Uncap ヴァンピィちゃん、また強くなっちゃった! I'm gonna become strong again!
Journal ヴァンピィちゃん、また強くなっちゃった! I'm gonna become strong again! Same as final Uncap.
えっへへ~どう? 似合う? 似合う? ヴァンピィちゃんかわいい? Eh heh heh, how's this? Does it look good on me? Hm? Do I look cute?
ヴァンピィちゃんがいちばーん! I'm number one!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack かぷかぷぅっ! Chomp chomp!
どぉだー! How's that!
それっ! There!
Enemy Defeated ふふーん! Mm-hmm!
Skill 1 いったーくしちゃうよ! I'm gonna make you hurt!
Skill 2 いっぱいかぷかぷしちゃうよ! I'm gonna chomp-chomp you whole!
Skill 3 悪い子にはお仕置きしちゃうよ! The naughty kids are gonna get a smack!
C.A. Ready すっごいの、いっくよー! Awesome! Let's gooo!
Charge Attack ヴァンピィちゃん、もう許さないから! ブラッディ・アブソープション! I'm not gonna let you off easy now! Bloody Absorption!
Skip Charge Attack ブラッディ・アブソープション! Bloody Absorption!
Damage Taken なぁにするのー! What're you doing?!
Red HP ヴァンピィちゃん、負けないもん…! I won't be beat...!
Knocked Out はぅぅぅ…まけちゃったぁ… Aughh... They beat me...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
I can't mooove!
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Uugh... Bloodkin...
Healed ありがとう! えへへ…… Thanks! Hee hee...!
Join Battle まかせて! 全部やっつけちゃうんだから! Leave it to me! I'mma beat 'em all!
Victory ヴァンピィちゃん、とっても強いので! I'm super-duper strong!
Turn Start ヴァンピィちゃんの出番だね! It's my turn!
MC Defeats Enemy けんぞくぅつよーい! You're so strong, Bloodkin!
MC C.A. Ready やっちゃえけんぞくぅ! ゴーゴー! Knock 'em out, Bloodkin! Go, go!
MC Red HP けんぞくぅ、無理しちゃだめだよ? Bloodkin, don't push yourself too hard, okay?
MC Knocked Out よくもけんぞくぅをイジメたなぁ! How dare you pick on my Bloodkin!

Character Banter


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 ヴァンピィ「ヴァンピィちゃんがやってあげるー!」
Vania: I'm gonna take 'em out!
Veight: We're counting on you.
Vania: Hiyah!
Veight: Not bad.
Skill 2 ヴァンピィ「ヴァンピィちゃん、本気なんだからぁ!」
Vania: I'm really serious now!
Veight: That's rare...
Skill 3 ヴァンピィ「かぷっとしちゃお! ほらほら、ヴァイトも!」
ヴァンピィ「もうっ! かぷかぷしちゃんだからぁ!」
Vania: I'mma chomp ya! And Veight, too!
Veight: N-no thanks!
Vania: Grrrr! I'mma chomp-chomp ya!
Veight: Not too much, now.
C.A. Ready ヴァンピィ「ヴァイトぉ! はやくしてぇ! おーそーいー!」
Vania: Veight, hurry up! You're so s-l-o-w!
Veight: Guh...!
Charge Attack ヴァンピィ「まかせて! ゴーゴー!」
Vania: Leave it to me! Go, go!
Veight: This isn't a game!
Red HP ヴァンピィ「もぉ~やーだー! ヴァイト、やっちゃえ~!」
Vania: I hate this! Veight, take 'em out already!
Veight: For heaven's sake...!
Vania: *weeps*
Veight:You better be ready for what's about to come!
Vania: Owww, it hurts...!
Veight: Let me take a look at it later.
Knocked Out ヴァンピィ「うぅ…ヴァイト~……」
ヴァイト「よくも…! 跡形もなく消してやる!」
Vania: Uu.... Veight....
Veight: How could you! I'll make sure you'll disappear without leaving a trace behind!
Join Battle ヴァイト「油断するなよ」
Veight: Don't let your guard down!
Vania: Same to you!
Victory ヴァンピィ「ヴァイトと同じくらいだったねぇ」
Vania: You were about the same as Veight.
Veight: In what sense? ...Hey! Vania!
ヴァイト「あぁ~もうっ! 暑いから離れてくれ!
Vania: I'm tired...
Veight: Ugh, it's too hot so move away from me!


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーニューイヤー! Happy New Year!
ふぇー! ヴァンピィちゃん、初日の出って初めて見たー!

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
えーなになにー? なあに、けんぞくぅ? これくれるの……?
そっかそっか! けんぞくぅは、ヴァンピィちゃんのこと大切なんだね! よろしいっ!

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
がおー! がおー! 血をよこせー! かぷっとしてちゅーってしちゃうぞー! えへへー? 驚いたぁー?
みんな仮装して楽しそーだねぇー? けんぞくぅも仮装してみたらぁ? えへへへ……きっと可愛いーと思うよっ!

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
メリークリスマース! 見て見て、街がピカピカ光って、とってもキレイだよねー!
