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Marionette Stars/Story
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Marionette Stars - Opening
One evening, two members of the crime syndicate Navis—the Chairman Ferdinand and the Auditor Ragazzo—talk quietly in a room where they can see the stars in the night sky. In the midst of Navis's scheming, (Captain) and company arrive at Stella Island, the island of stars, for a monster extermination request. The team includes Troue, Feather, Randall, Kolulu, Tikoh, and Fiorito, who accompany (Captain) into the forest for the mission.
In a large room with elaborate equipment lining its walls, two men stand looking up at the ceiling.
More precisely, they gaze through the transparent ceiling at the starry sky beyond.
Ferdinand: Beautiful... Simply beautiful. I could keep looking at this forever.
Ragazzo: No kidding—we've been standing here forever. Damn, my neck hurts...
Ragazzo: If you're looking for something, you know there's a huge telescope right over there.
Ferdinand: Ah, that's right. This is an astronomy observation room. But there's no need for a telescope.
Ferdinand: Listen, Ragazzo. The night sky is a work of art, painted by the world itself.
Ferdinand: To look at only a portion of that would be much too—
Ferdinand: Ahh!
Ragazzo: What's the matter?
Ferdinand: A shooting star went by, just when I was talking!
Ferdinand: I couldn't get a wish in... I was looking for a shooting star so I could pray for your safety.
Ragazzo: Wha! Is that what you were doing? Gimme a break...
Ragazzo: If it's the mission involving the skyfaring crew or whatever, no need to worry. Just leave it all to me.
Ferdinand: Haha, I have perfect confidence in you, of course. And the Chairmen are aware of all that goes on in the night sky, drawing the constellations that become your missions.
Ferdinand: But there is always risk involved, so I can't help but worry. That's the job of a dad, you know.
Ragazzo: Right, sure.
Ferdinand pulls Ragazzo into an embrace, gently stroking the young man's head.
Ragazzo slowly closes his eyes, comforted by the warmth of Ferdinand's hand.
Ragazzo: (I don't care about constellations and all that stuff. The only star I care about... is you.)
On a skyskimmer sailing across the night sky, Fiorito opens an old book.
She flips through the worn pages as always and stops at a passage she has read countless times before.
Fiorito: "We may be looking up at the same stars, but we are all reminded of something different."
Fiorito: "It may be a person that we love. Or it may be a person that we hate."
Fiorito: "What about you? What are you reminded of?"
Fiorito gently closes the book and looks up at the starlight.
Young Fiorito: Dad... Dad!
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito: Me, I'm reminded of...
???: The story has begun.
???: Vergine, the loyal servant... Meticulous and temperamental.
???: Cancro, pure yet trapped within a most pitiful fate.
???: And a new star...
???: The evasive Pesci, compassionate and idealistic.
???: As the very center of these skies, you must bear witness to this story until it reaches its conclusion.
The next morning, the airship makes a landing at a small port. (Captain) and the crew disembark to find someone standing in wait.
Astronomer: Welcome to Stella, the island of stars. We have been expecting you.
Lyria: Hello! We received a request from a scholar for some monster extermination...
Astronomer: That would be me. Although, to be precise, I made the request on behalf of the director.
Astronomer: As we are quite a remote island, it must have been a difficult journey here.
Vyrn: We're used to long journeys! But it's been a while since we rode on an airship that's not the Grandcypher.
Astronomer: Ah, yes. We provided a special airship because of the sailing restrictions on this island.
Astronomer: The air around this island is very clear and the climate steady, so stars can be easily observed from here.
Astronomer: Thanks to this, astronomical research has flourished and restrictions implemented within the vicinity in order for us to continue examining the sky from the observatories.
Troue: I noticed when we were making our landing that there were a large number of facilities on this island. So all of those are observatories...
Feather: Oh, that's what they were? Here I was thinking they were all dojos!
Randall: Don't be ridiculous, Feather... What were you even looking at to think that?
Kolulu: Oh... I was thinking how there were a lot of reeeally big pieces of fried chicken lining the area...
Randall: And I definitely don't know what you were looking at!
Kolulu: Heheh... I saw a place at the port that was selling chicken, so I'm feeling a little hungry.
Tikoh: Didn't you just eat breakfast? You certainly have an incredible digestive system...
Fiorito: Oh, if you're okay with chicken breast, I've got some with me. And broccoli too.
Kolulu: What! My savior... She's been with us all along!
(Captain), Vyrn, Lyria, and six others are at Stella Island for a job.
Troue—a knight from a ruined country who fights by imitating the memories of a hero that dwells within the holy blade Durandal.
Feather and Randall—both of whom are aiming to be the strongest fighter, though one uses his fists and the other his legs.
Kolulu—a girl with an insatiable appetite who wields the spear Gisla.
Tikoh—a doctor who wields the Asclepius Rod and practices healing magic and medicine.
And finally, Fiorito—a young woman who dons Sphairai on her fists and trains her muscles through rational methods.
Kolulu: Munch, munch...
Kolulu: Wheeew. The chicken is really hitting the spot! Thank you, Fiorito!
Fiorito: Er, yeah, no problem... Anytime.
Kolulu: ...?
Randall: In any case, we sure have a strange team this time.
Vyrn: Yeah. A buncha requests came up right before this, so we had to ask whoever was available for this job.
After receiving news of a large number of malicious monsters on Stella Island, the crew had rushed over to deal with them.
However, from the astronomer's explanation, it appears the situation isn't as dire as the crew had expected.
Tikoh: Hmm. Doesn't sound much different from our usual monster extermination jobs.
Astronomer: Really? We don't often have monsters on our island, so perhaps we made it seem like a bigger deal than it really is when we put in the request...
(Captain) and company decide to set out for the forest where the monsters were said to have appeared.
Without a hint of fear in them, the skyfarers take on the job like any other mission.
???: ...
The crew tread on, oblivious to what awaits them ahead.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 1: Nova - Episode 1
With the monster extermination over in a flash, (Captain) and the others spend some time training at Feather's suggestion. Feather's fighting spirit is strong as he pictures Ragazzo, whom he once lost to. Seeing this, Randall feels conflicted, while (Captain) notices Fiorito being more quiet than usual. Suddenly, a monster appears out of nowhere. It snatches Kolulu up and begins to run away.
Pushing through the forest, the crew soon stumbles across a nest of monsters.
Choose: Haaah!
After successfully exterminating the monsters, (Captain) and company return to town and report the completion of their mission to the astronomer.
Randall: It's still just before noon. That didn't even serve as a warm-up.
Feather: I was thinking the same! Hey, Randall. You wanna go for—
Randall: A spar? Sure, I'm in.
Overhearing the two's conversation, (Captain) also shows interest in training some more.
Choose: Me too!
Fiorito: Hmm...
Fiorito: I wanted to work my muscles a bit more, so I'll come too.
Fiorito: How about you, Kolulu? Some exercise before another meal might be good.
Kolulu: Nom, nom...
Fiorito: Nom... nom?
Kolulu: Aah!
Kolulu: Whew... That was delicious.
Kolulu extracts something from her mouth and puts on a satisfied smile.
Fiorito: Um, that thing you just fished out of your mouth... Is that a chicken bone?
Kolulu: Yep! My stomach was rumbling loudly earlier and the astronomer noticed it...
Kolulu: So he kindly got some fried chicken for me!
Tikoh: The bone is so clean, it almost looks like a specimen. You polished off the meat quite nicely.
Kolulu: Heheh. I was so grateful for the chicken, I made sure to savor it as much as I could!
Feather: Yeah, fried chicken is the best! Every part of it is just so meaty and good!
Randall: Heh, you'll eat anything when it comes to meat.
Kolulu: They were chicken thighs.
Kolulu: The thighs were so thick, digging into them was really satisfying!
Tikoh: ...!
Troue: Oh yes, thighs are great! The meat is so juicy, and I love how it bounces when you bite into it!
Tikoh: ...!
Failing to notice Tikoh who is looking intensely at her own legs, Kolulu turns to Fiorito.
Kolulu: You're right, Fiorito. I think I'll join you for some exercise to help with digestion!
Fiorito: Right. Looking forward to it, Kolulu.
Fiorito: (I really don't get her...)
And so, (Captain), Feather, Randall, Fiorito, and Kolulu decide to head off to a field slightly outside of town.
The others stay at the inn in the meantime.
Randall: Huff... Huff...
Randall: Shall we call it a day?
Choose: Good idea.
Choose: Yeah, I'm exhausted!
Randall and (Captain) flop down onto the grass.
After finishing their individual training, the group had broken off into pairs to spar before switching partners and repeating the routine.
Kolulu: Nice work. Here's some water.
Randall: Thanks, Kolulu.
Where's Feather and Fiorito—
Where's Feather and Fiorito—
Randall's question is cut off by something rushing past behind him with great vigor.
Feather: Hraaah!
Fiorito: Too slow!
Feather: Gwah!
Feather: Okay, that didn't work! Then how about this!
Randall: Is he joking? What's up with those ridiculous moves?
Randall: Hey, Kolulu. Have they been fighting like this the whole time?
Kolulu: Yes. They've been sparring for quite some time without any breaks, and I don't see an end to it anytime soon.
Feather: Huff... Huff... I can't believe your kicks can reach this far!
Fiorito: I was actually holding back. My kick can go about a meter further than that.
Fiorito: Look, I've asked a couple of times already, but don't you think this is enough for today?
Feather: Huff... Well, I've said this a couple of times already, but this is hardly enough!
Ghandagoza: Keep fighting! Pit yourself against your rival and as many worthy adversaries as you can find in your quest for glory!
Ghandagoza: And if our paths should cross again as we journey across the skies, our fists will have much to tell one another!
These words surface in Feather's mind as he is once again reminded of Ghandagoza, the martial artist he has always admired.
Feather: You're definitely a worthy opponent, Fiorito! And that's why I wanna keep talking with our fists!
Feather: Haaah!
Randall: (Just what lit that fire inside of him?)
Randall: (Was it his encounter with Ghandagoza? No, it wasn't just that...)
Ragazzo: Out of the damn way!
Feather: Argh...
Feather: You... can really pack a punch! Got my blood pumping, and my soul aching!
Feather: Makes me wanna... break past my own limits! Would you mind punching me again?
Feather: I don't care what that guy's a part of! I'm gonna face his fists and come out on top!
Randall: (That Ragazzo guy who took him out in one hit...)
Randall: (That's who Feather's looking at right now...)
Randall bites his lip, his eyes fixed on his friend.
Meanwhile, Kolulu cocks her head as she watches Fiorito fight.
Kolulu: Um, (Captain)... Do you know if Fiorito's feeling all right today?
Choose: I was thinking the same thing.
There is a very specific tempo to Fiorito's usual training.
Fiorito: Yes, that's it, Rosa! Here, lemme water you some more! We're gonna get all six petals blooming!
Fiorito is known for her intensely upbeat routine in which she talks to her muscles—particularly her ab muscles, Rosa.
Choose: What do you mean?
Kolulu: I happened to see you and Fiorito training one time, you see...
Fiorito: Yes, that's it, Rosa! Here, lemme water you some more! We're gonna get all six petals blooming!
Kolulu: I remember she talked to her ab muscles, Rosa, and was really into it the entire time. But today...
Choose: But she's rather quiet today...
Choose: You're right. She is rather quiet...
Kolulu: Come to think of it, it's already past noon! It could be that she's getting hungry...
Kolulu: Th-this is bad! I'll let the two know right away.
Kolulu steps forward to bring Feather and Fiorito's spar to an end.
However, it is in that moment that something unexpected happens.
A monster leaps fiercely out from the bushes behind them and charges straight at Kolulu.
Kolulu: ...!
It happens so quickly that Kolulu has no time to react, flung to the side from the impact. The monster picks up the crumpled Kolulu with its jaws and starts to run.
Randall: Wha!
Choose: Kolulu!
(Captain) desperately reaches out in an attempt to stop the monster, but it manages to narrowly dodge the captain's grasp.
The monster runs off at full speed, leaving the stunned crew behind.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 1: Nova - Episode 2
The crew are chasing after the monster when three people stand in their way, one of them being Ragazzo. In the middle of their fight, a mysterious girl appears to assist the crew. However, Randall is knocked out when he takes a strong hit from Ragazzo to defend Feather. Though secretly allied with the foe herself, Fiorito pretends to help the crew while letting the enemy escape with Kolulu. Despite her actions, Fiorito feels conflicted inside.
Randall: Feather!
Feather: On it!
Witnessing the sudden kidnapping, Feather and Fiorito immediately cease their training and chase after the monster.
Kolulu: ...
Kolulu lies limp in the monster's jaws, her consciousness fading.
Fiorito: What the heck is that monster!
Randall: It specifically targeted Kolulu just now! What could it be after—
Mysterious Girl: Hehehe... You want the answer to that question?
A girl wielding an axe jumps down out of nowhere, a boorish expression on her face.
Mysterious Girl: Wolf One, into the forest you go.
At the girl's drawl, the monster stops running and turns, leaping into the forest as instructed.
Feather: Wha! Did that monster just listen to her?
Mysterious Girl: Hehehe! All right, come on out, you stupid things.
The girl's eyes crinkle in an eerie smile as a large number of monsters appear, obstructing the crew's way.
Fiorito: So many of them... So you're controlling all these monsters?
Mysterious Girl: Pff... Hehe...
Fiorito: What's so funny?
Mysterious Girl: Ahaha, I can't help it! It's just too funny!
Mysterious Guy: Tristette... You summoned them too soon. You're creating more work than what's in the contract.
Tristette: But it's just so stupid, Lavirita! I wanted to show you and Ragazzo too!
Two more figures appear beside the girl, one of whom Feather immediately recognizes.
Feather: You... Ragazzo!
Ragazzo: Hey. Feather, was it? Still hanging in there?
Randall: Why, you...
Randall: I don't care what the hell you guys are up to—release Kolulu this instant!
Ragazzo: Wha? I ain't talking to you, loser.
Randall: ...!
Ragazzo: Hehehe! Your knees are shaking pretty bad there. Not feeling too hot, are ya?
Ragazzo: Here, this should help!
When Ragazzo smashes his fist into the ground, a fierce wall of fire rises up, surrounding himself, Feather, and Randall.
Feather: Whoa! What the!
Randall: Damn it, we got separated from (Captain) and the others!
Ragazzo: Hahaha! What d'you say we make this into a campfire?
Ragazzo: Lucky for you guys, I've been told to be your opponent. So let's have some fun together, hm?
Ragazzo cackles loudly. Feather raises his fist and thrusts it in Ragazzo's direction.
Feather: Hah, so that means we just gotta take you down, right?
Feather: Hraaah!
Ragazzo: Haha, there you go! Finally getting fired up, huh? Still barely making a scratch though!
Ragazzo: Well, I guess you're doing better than the long-haired dude slacking off over there.
Randall: ...!
Randall: (Damn it! I don't want to admit it, but...)
Randall: (I know that if I jump in now, I'll just get in the way...)
Meanwhile, outside the fiery wall, (Captain) and Fiorito are busy bringing down the multitude of monsters so they can go after Kolulu.
Tristette: Hehehe.
Lavirita: Hah!
Continue 1
The gunfire and monster attacks continue. (Captain) looks for an opening, but finds none in the enemy's perfect movements.
Lavirita: I'm terribly sorry, but it's our job to stall for time, you see.
Tristette: Let's play a little more! A stupid captain and a stupid number six should be good enough entertainment.
The monster holding Kolulu in its jaws disappears behind the trees in the forest.
Choose: It's getting away!
Sweat drips from the captain's brow.
Archer Girl: Ris! Found you!
Fiorito: ...!
A girl wielding a bow appears and releases a shimmering arrow at the enemy. She walks over to (Captain) and Fiorito to stand beside them.
Archer Girl: Are the both of you all right?
Choose: Yeah. Who are you?
Cupitan: My name's Cupitan, and um... I'm your friend!
Tristette: Ack! Of all people... what are you doing here?
Cupitan: You have to stop doing dangerous things, Ris! Why don't you come back with me?
Tristette: Sigh... The stupidest of all stupids...
Tristette's expression grows irritated as she looks at the girl named Cupitan.
Fiorito: Now!
Fiorito takes the opportunity to break through the wall of monsters and runs toward the forest.
Lavirita: Oops! Looks like we let our guard down.
Tristette: Can't be helped... Come on, Wolf Two, Three, Four!
Lavirita and Tristette hop onto the monsters and begin to chase after Fiorito.
Cupitan: You're not getting away!
Monster: Whine...
Tristette: Too bad! We've got some solid monster defense!
Cupitan: Ris!
Choose: Let's go after them!
(Captain) and Cupitan hack down a few more monsters before following the enemy into the forest.
A slight ways away, Feather, Randall, and Ragazzo are still caught in battle.
Ragazzo: Uh oh, sorry. Looks like it's about time I got going. See ya!
Feather: Hold it!
Feather: Our fists have barely started talking!
Ragazzo: Wha?
Feather: I've been training so I can match my fists with yours and win!
Feather: How are you so strong? Why are you kidnapping Kolulu? And where'd you learn to fight like that!
Feather: The conversation's not over!
Ragazzo: Conversation, you say?
Feather: That's right! We can form a bond and understand each other better if we talk it over with our fists!
Ragazzo: Talk it over... with our fists?
Ragazzo: Whew... Well that's the lamest joke I've ever heard.
Ragazzo takes a deep breath before bending his body into a unique pose.
Ragazzo: You wouldn't get a thing even if we did talk—that's why I'm beating you up like this, dumbass.
Ragazzo: Crimson Finger... Spin crime into claws!
Randall: ...!
Randall: Feather! Something big's coming!
Feather: Bring it, Ragazzo!
Ragazzo: I don't like the look you're giving me, punk! Really gets on my nerves!
Ragazzo: Take thiiis!
Feather: Gragh!
Ragazzo's punches are precise, hitting Feather in his vital points. Feather crumples to the ground, stunned.
Feather: Wh-what is this...
Feather: I don't feel anything... from his punches...
Ragazzo: I don't have to tell you a damn thing.
Ragazzo: Get outta my face already!
Feather: ...!
Randall: Feather!
Randall: Gaaah!
Feather: ...!
The next moment, Feather finds himself drenched in his friend's blood.
Randall falls back onto the ground, his long hair fluttering like scattered petals. Feather's eyes widen in shock at the scene in front of him.
In the forest, Fiorito continues running through untrodden paths, close behind the monster holding Kolulu captive.
Fiorito: Hah!
Monster: ...!
Finally released from the monster's jaws, Kolulu slowly opens her eyes.
Kolulu: Fiorito... Thanks for... saving me...
Relief washes over Kolulu's face as Fiorito extends a hand toward her.
Fiorito: Glad you're okay, Kolulu.
Fiorito: But... I'm sorry.
Kolulu: Huh?
Fiorito's gauntlet flashes for a split second before Kolulu collapses to the ground, unconscious.
Fiorito: I've got no other choice...
Lavirita: Nice work, Fiorito.
Lavirita: All is according to the constellations... It seems the plan is proceeding well.
Fiorito: ...
Lavirita: I must say, that was perfectly executed. I'm quite jealous of the power of Sphairai myself—it could definitely make some money.
Tristette: Hehehe. Your acting was pretty lame though.
Tristette: "So you're controlling all these monsters?"
Could've sounded less like you already knew we were coming!
Could've sounded less like you already knew we were coming!
Fiorito: ...
Tristette: Eep! Wh-what's your problem? You don't have to glare at me like that, geez!
Fiorito: I've already arranged for the transport of the target. Where're (Captain) and the others?
Lavirita: They've already entered the forest. You may do as you see fit from here.
Fiorito: All right.
Tristette: Well, bye then, our little star actress!
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito watches as her accomplices carry Kolulu away.
Fiorito: (My hand's still shaking...)
Fiorito: (I knew this day would come, and yet...)
Fiorito bites her lip, her expression convoluted. Eventually she straightens up and breaks into a run again, off to carry out her mission to the end.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 1: Nova - Episode 3
Having lost sight of the enemy, the crew returns to the inn after confirming that the enemy is, indeed, the crime syndicate Navis. The girl who had appeared to help them earlier, Cupitan, tells them that Navis is attempting to summon a certain primal beast by gathering weapons called "Horoscopes," as well as the wielders of such weapons called "Accordants." After finding out that the weapons held by Kolulu, Troue, and Tikoh are all Horoscopes, the crew realize that their visit to this island had been a part of Navis's plan all along. They are more determined than ever to save Kolulu before she becomes brainwashed by the enemy.
Randall: ...
After suffering heavy injuries from the battle, Randall was carried back to the inn where he is now resting while receiving medical treatment from Tikoh.
Tikoh: ...
Feather: Tikoh! How's Randall? Is he gonna be all right?
Tikoh: I'm doing all that I can.
Tikoh: Eleven of his ribs were fractured, in addition to hemorrhage and the near-rupturing of several organs. Several bones also penetrated his lung...
Feather: ...!
Does that mean h-he's...
Does that mean h-he's...
Tikoh: Don't worry, I've already cured that part.
Tikoh: It's just that there's still some peculiar magic in his body, and a few particularly deep burns remain, especially around the areas that suffered direct hits.
Tikoh: It's quite troublesome—almost like a curse. I'm trying to find a way to deal with it at the moment.
Feather: I see...
Feather: ...
It's my fault that Randall got like this...
It's my fault that Randall got like this...
Tikoh: ...
Tikoh: You shouldn't blame yourself too much. Leave Randall to me and focus on what needs to be done from here on.
Feather: ...
After Randall took the hit for Feather, Ragazzo had lost all interest in the two and promptly made his exit.
During that time, (Captain) and Cupitan had been scouring the forest, looking for Lavirita and Tristette.
Lyria: So you tried to chase them, but they'd completely vanished... And that's when you met up with Fiorito and came back to the inn.
Cupitan: I'm sorry... I arrived on scene in such a grand fashion, but didn't end up helping at all.
Vyrn: Wait, who're you again?
Cupitan: Oh, I haven't introduced myself, have I? My name's Cupitan.
Once Cupitan finishes giving another quick self-introduction, the crew runs through the events that have happened up until now.
Vyrn: You went into the forest first, didn'tcha, Muscle Lady? Was there any sign of Kolulu?
Fiorito: No... Sorry. It was pretty dark in the forest, so I lost them too...
Cupitan: ...
Fiorito: Why're you staring at me like that?
Cupitan: Oh, um, it's nothing. What did you do after that?
Fiorito: I tried to look for footprints to see if I could track down the people or the monster that kidnapped Kolulu. But I couldn't find any hints in the forest.
(Captain) nods, having done the same but to no avail.
Vyrn: Seriously? You'd think there'd be at least some kinda clue if they ran around the forest for that long...
Cupitan: Either they have excellent skills in moving undercover...
Cupitan: Or someone is helping them from behind the scenes.
Fiorito: ...
Vyrn: Ack... We're hitting a dead end!
(Captain) and company gather in a another room at the inn to discuss Kolulu's abduction and their current situation.
The air is heavy, with everyone hesitant to start the conversation. Finally, Feather speaks up.
Feather: Ragazzo... From what we know, he's a member of the crime syndicate Navis, isn't he?
Vyrn: So the most logical thing to assume's that the people who tried to kidnap Kolulu are from Navis, huh?
Navis—a secret organization that works in the dark and is rumored to be involved with a variety of crimes.
The existence of the group itself is shrouded in mystery, treated like an urban legend by most people.
However, from Feather's chance encounter with Ragazzo before, it is clear that Navis does, in fact, exist, albeit in the shadows.
From what little the crew knows, the syndicate seems to be comprised of an elite few who use ordinary people to carry out their plans, though their objectives remain unknown.
Lyria: But... why would they want to kidnap Kolulu?
Tikoh: ...!
Cupitan: Eep!
Tikoh: Ah... Sorry. I get... really worked up when it comes to Navis.
Tikoh: I've had a run-in with the group before, you see... So I've been looking for them as well.
Cupitan glances nervously at Tikoh, taken aback by the healer's tremendous anger toward Navis.
Cupitan: I'm under the impression that your friend Kolulu was abducted for the Gisla that she wields.
Vyrn: Gisla? Kolulu's spear?
Cupitan: Yes. To Navis, it's a very special weapon.
Tikoh: A special weapon?
Cupitan's words remind Tikoh of something.
Tikoh: Come to think of it, the man named Ferdinand who belonged to Navis...
Tikoh: He also said that they were collecting weapons so they could find a certain primal beast.
Cupitan: Oh! I see you already know quite a lot about the syndicate then.
Vyrn: Huh? Does that mean you're pretty in the loop about Navis, Rainbow Girl?
Cupitan: Yes, you could say that. I don't know everything, of course, but I have many of the important facts.
Cupitan: After all, I've been chasing after Navis by mysef for many years, gathering all the documents and records of them I could find.
A look of accomplishment flashes across Cupitan's face before she continues.
Cupitan: As Tikoh mentioned, Navis is collecting special weapons needed to manifest a certain primal beast.
Cupitan: These weapons are called Horoscopes, and twenty-three of them in total exist in these skies.
Feather: Horoscopes?
Cupitan nods. She reaches behind her to extract an elegant bow from her satchel.
Cupitan: Actually, this Rainbow Bow that I wield is also one of the Horoscopes.
Cupitan: But that's not all. Fiorito's Sphairai and Troue's Durandal...
Cupitan: As well as Tikoh's Asclepius Rod and Kolulu's Gisla...
Cupitan: All of them are Horoscopes.
Troue: Really? The holy blade Durandal... is a Horoscope?
Cupitan pauses, giving the crew time to absorb this new information.
Cupitan: Horoscopes contain an immense power, which is why they have been treasured and passed down from generation to generation.
Cupitan: But not everyone can use them. Horoscopes have a will of their own, and they are able to choose their wielder.
Cupitan: Those who are chosen by the Horoscopes, such as yourselves... Navis calls them "Accordants."
Feather: Oh yeah. Ragazzo was wearing pretty strange-looking gauntlets. Is he one of the Accordants too?
Cupitan: Yes. The people who attacked you earlier were most likely Auditors.
Cupitan: Auditors make up Navis's main fighting force, and I've heard that all of them are Accordants.
Cupitan: This is just my impression, but it seems what Navis wants to gather is not the Horoscopes themselves... but the Accordants that can wield them.
Vyrn: Wait a second. That means...
Randall: In any case, we sure have a strange team this time.
Vyrn: Yeah. A buncha requests came up right before this, so we had to ask whoever was available for this job.
Thinking back to their conversation from when they first arrived at Stella Island, (Captain) comes to a realization.
Choose: Our trip to this island was planned?
Cupitan: The possibility of it being so is high. This way of bending ordinary people to their will is very typical of Navis.
Lyria: What do you think Navis is planning to do with Kolulu?
Cupitan: I can guess—although this would be the worst-case scenario.
Cupitan casts her gaze down, her eyes suddenly brimming with tears.
Cupitan: They may brainwash her.
Tikoh: B-brainwash?
Cupitan: That's right. Navis is capable of brainwashing Accordants... and making them submissive to the syndicate.
Fiorito: N-no way...
Cupitan: A precious friend of mine was also abducted by Navis.
Cupitan: The Auditor from earlier, Tristette—or as I call her, Ris. She was brainwashed by Navis, then made a part of the organization.
Feather: Tristette's the one with the mask who can control monsters, right?
Cupitan: She didn't always wear a mask. It doesn't suit her at all...
Cupitan: I'm chasing after Navis because I want to rescue Ris from them.
Cupitan: I know it sounds like a crazy story, so you might not believe me...
Choose: We believe you.
Vyrn: Yeah, it doesn't seem like you're lyin' to us, Rainbow Girl. You'd have no reason to anyway.
(Captain) gives a firm nod.
Choose: Sorry, it's a lot to take in.
Vyrn: Yeah, all this stuff about weapons and brainwashing's pretty confusing...
Vyrn: But in any case, there's only one thing for us to do from here, right?
(Captain) gives a firm nod.
Choose: Let's go save Kolulu!
Choose: Let's go save Kolulu!
Lyria: Of course! We can't let them brainwash her!
Cupitan: Then we should hurry. Ris was made into an Auditor just three days after she was captured by Navis.
Cupitan: Let's work together. I don't want all of you to go through the experience of having your friend taken away too!
Thanks to Cupitan's explanation of the basic workings of Navis, the crew is able to grasp the situation better.
With no time to waste in rescuing Kolulu before their friend is brainwashed by the enemy, the crew get to work.
Feather: ...
Fiorito: ...
In the midst of this, two stars begin to flicker as they struggle to retain their light.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 1: Nova - Episode 4
Tikoh, Lyria, and Vyrn remain at the inn to look after Randall while the others split up to search for Kolulu. Fiorito takes this opportunity to attend a strategic meeting between Navis members. Ferdinand praises Ragazzo, Lavirita, Tristette, and Fiorito for their work as Auditors. After the meeting, Fiorito leaves the place feeling irritated.
After some discussion, the crew decides to split up to search for clues in order to locate the missing Kolulu.
The first group—comprising of (Captain), Cupitan, and Troue—heads to the port.
The second group—Feather and Fiorito—makes for the town area.
In the meantime, Tikoh remains at the inn to continue Randall's medical treatment, with Vyrn and Lyria staying behind to help.
Fiorito: So let's go with that.
Feather: ...
Fiorito: Feather? You're zoning out there, buddy. Did you hear what I said?
Feather: Huh? Uh, sorry. What were you saying?
Fiorito: I was saying how we should each search a different section of town so we can cover more area. You good with the south side?
Feather: Oh... Right, sure! We gotta find Kolulu as fast as we can!
Fiorito: You know, Feather...
Fiorito starts to say something, but stops herself midway.
Fiorito: Never mind. Okay, let's meet up again in a bit.
Fiorito: ...
After parting ways with Feather, Fiorito steps into an alley that is strangely deserted despite it being daytime.
Fiorito: (Manipulating the Stars as usual... Yep, this should be the place.)
Fiorito glances around before ducking into a quiet coffee shop, ignoring the "Closed" sign hanging on the door.
Descending the stairs into the basement, Fiorito eventually reaches a narrow space where several people are seated around a table.
Ferdinand: Hello, Fiorito. We've been expecting you.
Fiorito: Sorry I'm a bit late.
Lavirita: Given your situation, it can't be helped. Would you like some tea?
Fiorito: No. I'm fine.
Once Fiorito lowers herself onto a chair, Ferdinand gives a nod.
Ferdinand: Now, let's begin the meeting.
Ferdinand: I'm happy to say that we've succeeded in capturing Gisla's Accordant. This is all thanks to our Auditors, of course.
Ferdinand: Tristette—Auditor Secondo, and Accordant for Slarnd.
Ferdinand: Ragazzo—Auditor Terzo, and Accordant for Crimson Finger.
Ferdinand: Lavirita—Auditor Quinto, and Accordant for Bird Eye.
Ferdinand: Fiorito—Auditor Sesto, and Accordant for Sphairai.
Ferdinand: As representative of all three Chairmen, I would like to thank the aforementioned four Auditors for their exceptional work.
Lavirita: Excuse my imprudence, but I would rather be thanked with something of monetary value than words.
Ragazzo: Watch it, Lavirita! I can't believe you're asking for money straight up—
Ferdinand: It's fine, Ragazzo. That's what I like about him.
Ferdinand: According to the report, it seems you had to work more than what was agreed on in the contract. A sufficient amount for that will be added to your compensation.
Lavirita: Haha. That is most delightful to hear.
Ferdinand: Ah, speaking of which! Tristette, your work this time was impeccable.
Tristette: Hehe, I think so too. I'm definitely at the top.
Ferdinand: And most of all... Fiorito.
Fiorito: ...!
Ferdinand: Being away from home and infiltrating the enemy must be difficult for you.
Ferdinand: But you've put out excellent results in the mission this time!
Ferdinand: Fooling (Captain) and the skyfaring crew in addition to investigating, guiding, and manipulating its members—you've proven your superior skill in these aspects.
Fiorito: Thanks.
Ferdinand: Truth be told, you've been doing so well that I was starting to worry whether you've forgotten where your true home is.
Fiorito: ...!
Ferdinand: But now I see there's no need to fear.
Ferdinand: Still, as a precautionary measure, you won't be informed of Kolulu's location.
Ferdinand: After all, there's still the risk of you accidentally revealing the location to the crew.
Ferdinand: With that said, we'll be counting on you to continue monitoring the crew without arousing suspicion.
The meeting is eventually brought to a close. Ferdinand continues to enjoy his tea at the table while the four Auditors slowly climb up the stairs to exit the shop.
Ragazzo: Well, well. Wasn't that nice, Sesto. Did it feel good getting praised by the Chairman?
Fiorito: Wha?
Ragazzo: Tch. Just because you finally did one thing right...
Ragazzo: Doesn't mean you can act all high and mighty!
Fiorito: Psh. Jealous 'cause you didn't do enough for the Chairman to give you any attention?
Ragazzo: What'd you say? I think it's time you got off your high horse.
Fiorito: Oh yeah? Why don't you try and make me.
Ragazzo: You little...
Lavirita: Both of you, calm down. Like I always say, it's important to respect one another.
Tristette: There, there. Geez, stupid people always get so worked up over nothing...
Ragazzo: Say that one more time...
Tristette: Eek! Y-you can glare at me all you want, but you're still below me, you know! And you've only got yourself to blame!
Ragazzo: Tch. No one's getting worked up here. I'm always like this.
Lavirita: Hm, you have a point. While that may be true for you...
Lavirita: I can't say the same for Fiorito. Is something bothering you?
Fiorito: ...!
Lavirita: The usual Fiorito would simply brush off meaningless banter.
Lavirita: Is living a double life that difficult? I'm always here to listen should you wish to complain.
Fiorito: Gross. I don't need your help.
Tristette: Hehe, she called you gross! Stupid, gross Lavirita!
Ragazzo: Ha, thanks for that. Your words put a shiver down my spine—really helped cool my head.
Lavirita: Those are terrible things to say, both of you!
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito continues ascending the stairs without looking back.
Though her steps are quick, they echo hollowly as if without a destination.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 2: Gravitation - Episode 1
While (Captain) and company are looking for Kolulu, Cupitan mistakes Troue's Gift of Visions for Durandal's power, and explains that she is able to see people's emotions through the power of the Rainbow Bow she wields. Cupitan attempts to look at Troue's heart with her power and is touched by how beautiful its color is. The three continue looking for clues but are unable to find any.
(Captain), Cupitan, and Troue arrive at the port and begin gathering information on the commercial airships frequenting Stella Island.
Because of the sailing restrictions in the surrounding airspace, the crew figured that, logically, the only means of escape from the island would be from the port.
Troue: It doesn't seem like there's been any airships arriving on or departing from Stella Island since we got here.
Cupitan: And there haven't been any reports of suspicious aircrafts in the area either. That means...
Choose: Kolulu is still on this island!
The likelihood of Navis hiding Kolulu somewhere on the island appears to be high.
Troue: Then we should look for the so-called Auditors you met.
Troue: (Captain), I'd like to know what they look like. Would you mind if I held your hand for a moment?
Choose: No problem.
Troue takes off his gloves and wraps his hand around (Captain)'s.
Troue: ...!
Troue: Ragazzo, Lavirita, Tristette... So these are the people called Auditors.
Cupitan: Wow...
Cupitan stares at Troue with her mouth agape.
Troue: ...?
Troue: (Ah, that's right. Cupitan and I have only just met, so she doesn't know about my power.)
Troue: Um, actually, I... have the Gift of Visions, a power that allows me to read memories and thoughts through objects.
Troue: I can also read them by coming directly into contact with someone like this. Just now, I was able to see (Captain)'s memories.
Troue: Oh, but I usually have my gloves on so I don't use my power all the time! I wouldn't want to intrude on other people's privacy.
Cupitan: Ohh, I see. So that's the power of your blade, Durandal.
Cupitan looks at Troue's blade and nods thoughtfully to herself. Troue cocks his head, puzzled.
Troue: The power of Durandal? Is that what it is?
Cupitan: Hm? Yes, I believe it's a Horoscope power that its Accordant can channel.
Troue: Horoscope power? I don't remember that being written anywhere...
Troue takes out the journal attached to his belt and begins to flip through it.
Troue: Hmm... This is a power I received upon being afflicted by a type of hypha called the phantombloom. Durandal doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.
Troue: Is it true that special powers can reside in weapons too? I don't feel anything in particular when I hold Durandal though...
Cupitan: "Don't feel anything"?
I don't believe it... So you haven't even noticed its power.
I don't believe it... So you haven't even noticed its power.
As if examining something, Cupitan narrows her eyes and looks fixedly at Troue.
Gradually, tears brim her eyes and her lips start to quiver.
Cupitan: I'm sooowwyyy!
Troue: Huh!
(Captain) and Troue cannot hide their surprise when Cupitan suddenly bursts into tears.
Cupitan: Sniff... It was stupid of me to doubt you!
Cupitan: Th-there wasn't a hint of falsehood in you! Sob... Your heart is just so... so... pure!
Cupitan: The color of your heart is so clear... Sniff... So precious... What a beauuutiful colooor!
Troue: Ahh, your nose is dripping! Please use my handkerchief!
Cupitan: Fssshhh!
Cupitan: Whew... I'm sorry, I've calmed down a little.
Troue: (Her crying started so suddenly... and stopped so abruptly!)
Cupitan: My apologies. The color of Troue's heart was so beautiful that I lost my composure from looking at it.
Troue: The color... of my heart?
Cupitan: The Rainbow Bow I wield has the power to see people's emotions.
Cupitan turns to show them the bow slung over her shoulder.
Cupitan: I mentioned how Horoscopes possess tremendous power...
Cupitan: Actually, what defines an Accordant is the ability to draw out such power from Horoscopes.
Cupitan: A clear example would be the Asclepius Rod Tikoh wields, which has the power of healing.
Thinking back to how Tikoh has used the Asclepius Rod up until now, (Captain) nods.
Cupitan: I'm sorry I didn't explain it clearly enough. I'd always assumed that the powers were something felt instinctively...
Troue: I had no idea... I knew Durandal contained the hero Roland's memories, but that was the extent of my understanding.
Holding out his blade, Troue examines it.
Cupitan: With the Rainbow Bow's power, I can see the color of other people's emotions.
Cupitan: If I focus hard, I can take a closer look at the different colors of these emotions, as if I were using a magnifying glass.
Cupitan: Troue's heart was a shining, almost transparent shade of yellow... I'd never seen anything like it before.
Cupitan: It was as pure as that of a newborn baby, without a trace of wicked intent...
Cupitan: Aah... I want to cry just remembering it. When I witnessed it for the first time, tears came out naturally.
The archer rubs her eyes, sniffling as she smiles timidly.
Troue: This is a little embarrassing... but I suppose I'm not too far from a newborn baby.
Troue: The truth is, I'm extremely forgetful. Every day, I wake up in the morning not remembering who I am.
Troue: Troue may not even be my real name.
Two years ago, Troue had fallen into a pit overgrown with phantomblooms and lost consciousness, continuing to breathe in the phantomblooms' poison until he was found.
Though his life was saved, aftereffects remained, causing him to lose all of his memories overnight, every night.
Cupitan: So that means... every time you wake up to a new morning, you experience the sensation of not knowing any of us...
Cupitan: Sniff... That's amazing. What a beautiful color!
Troue: Wh-whoa! Cupitan, your nose, it's dripping again...
(Captain) also takes out a handkerchief and hands it to Cupitan.
After that, Cupitan and Troue attempt to use their special powers for their investigation around the port.
Cupitan: I do see some shades of guilt here and there... But it's not very strong—most likely guilt from eating too much, or greed from wanting more money.
Troue: The Gift of Visions is also difficult to effectively utilize. It'd be easy if we found an object the Auditors happened to drop, but otherwise...
They earnestly look for clues in the area, but with no luck, they are left searching in vain.
After some time, clouds slowly move to cover Stella Island, and it begins to rain.
Troue: I hope Kolulu is all right...
The three look up into the somber sky, praying for Kolulu's safety.
But any stars that might grant their wish are hidden behind the dark clouds, not yet to be found.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 2: Gravitation - Episode 2
Randall slowly begins to recover as he continues receiving Tikoh's medical treatment, but feels frustrated at how he couldn't do anything but be a shield for Feather. Meanwhile, Feather's confidence is also low as he is feeling the pressure of both having lost to Ragazzo, as well as having to fight for Randall and Kolulu's sakes. He comes across some thugs during his search in town, but for some reason, suddenly finds himself unable to swing his fists during the fight.
Randall: ...
Lyria: Randall! You're awake!
Randall slowly comes to consciousness and opens his eyes to see Lyria, Vyrn, and Tikoh hovering over his bed.
Randall: What... happened?
The blood drains from Randall's face when he hears Tikoh's explanation of their current situation.
Randall: So they still have Kolulu? Ergh, I can't waste time lying here—
Randall: ...!
Tikoh: In your current state, you won't be able to move much, so it would be best if you rested for now.
Tikoh: I'm having you undergo an experimental method of treatment that stimulates your ability to self-heal, which will remove the magic left in your body little by little.
Tikoh: And because your body is still recovering from surgery, you will need to see that it gets the rest that it needs.
Randall: But...
Tikoh: These are (Captain)'s instructions: "Randall's job is to ensure his own recovery."
Tikoh: The captain and the others are looking for Kolulu now, so don't worry.
Randall: ...!
At Tikoh's reassuring words, Randall finally relaxes and slowly lowers himself back onto the bed.
Randall: Sorry, I got ahead of myself.
Randall: My injuries were pretty bad, weren't they? Thanks for treating them, Tikoh.
Tikoh: In that case, you'll need to thank Vyrn and Lyria too. They helped in bandaging you up and preparing the medicine.
Randall: I see... Thanks, Vyrn. Lyria.
Vyrn: Don't mention it! We're just glad you're already gettin' better.
Randall takes a deep breath, putting a hand to the wound on his stomach.
Randall: Feather!
Randall: Gaaah!
Feather: ...!
Randall: (I'm so lame... All I could do was be his shield.)
Randall: (In my current state, I'm hardly worthy to be Feather's rival...)
Outside the window, heavy rain begins to fall.
Feather: It's raining...
Feather is on the city streets, getting drenched by the rain as he looks for clues on where to find Kolulu.
Feather: And wherever Kolulu is... Ragazzo's gotta be there too.
Ragazzo: Talk it over... with our fists?
Ragazzo: You wouldn't get a thing even if we did talk—that's why I'm beating you up like this, dumbass.
Ragazzo: Take thiiis!
Feather: Gragh!
Feather: I couldn't sense anything from his punches back then.
Feather: I couldn't understand anything!
Feather: Can I really talk to him with my fists? And can I really... win against that guy?
Feather is briefly lost in thought before he shakes his head, remembering his mission.
Feather: Wake up, Feather! Now's not the time to think about that!
Randall: Gaaah!
Feather: ...!
Feather: I have to fight for Randall's sake too and save Kolulu!
Feather: Yeah. That's what I gotta do!
Feather continues circling the town streets when something in an alley catches his attention.
Man: P-please! Take it easy on me... This money's for my mother...
Thug 1: Aww, that's nice to know. Now it's for us.
Thug 2: Yeah. So stop wastin' everyone's time and fork over that cash!
In the shadows of the alleyway, a man is being cornered by two ruffians.
Having noticed this, Feather immediately jumps in.
Feather: Hey, mister! Make a run for it and leave these guys to me!
Man: ...!
Th-thank you!
Th-thank you!
Thug 1: Wha? Who the hell are you?
Thug 2: You want a dent in your face or what?
Feather: Heh!
The ruffians rush at Feather, but he swiftly dodges their attacks.
Feather: You two need to cool down!
Feather plants a foot forward, swinging his fist to deal the finishing blow...
Or so he thought.
Feather: Huh?
His body stiffens and he finds himself struggling to muster any strength to throw a punch.
Thug 1: Bwahaha! Yo, the dude froze!
Thug 2: Beat him! Beat him down!
Feather: Gwah!
Thug 1: The sucker from before got away, but I guess you'll do. Let's have some fun, yeah?
Feather: Why... Why can't I move!
Still unable to make any counters, the thugs gang up on Feather and continue throwing hard punches.
Thug 1: Gahaha! This guy makes a pretty good sandbag!
Thug 2: Eat this!
Feather: Why... Tell me! Tell me why I can't ball up my fists.
Thug 1: H-huh? Is he talkin' to us?
Thug 2: What a weirdo... Let's beat him up real good till he can't talk anymore—
Fiorito: Haaah!
Thugs: Bwah!
Suddenly, Fiorito appears and knocks the two down in the blink of an eye. The ruffians topple over each other, unconscious.
Fiorito: Hey, you okay, Feather?
Feather: Fiorito...
Fiorito: I was wondering where you were when you didn't show up at our meeting place... Why were you getting beat up by this lot? Did you hurt your hand or something?
Feather: I don't know.
Fiorito: What?
Feather: I don't know anything.
Feather: Damn it!
Fiorito: Hey, Feather! Wait!
Fiorito reaches out to Feather as he breaks off into a run.
Fiorito: ...
She hesitates, slowly lowering her hand.
Fiorito: What am I doing... I don't have the right to say anything to him.
Fiorito instinctively reaches for the flower pouch at her side, tightly grasping the book inside it.
Fiorito's Dad: "The prince says to the helmsman:"
Fiorito's Dad: "We may be looking up at the same stars, but we are all reminded of something different."
Fiorito's Dad: "It may be a person that we love. Or it may be a person that we hate."
Fiorito's Dad: "What about you? What are you reminded of?"
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito: I wonder what Dad... would think of me now.
Fiorito's words fall away, together with the raindrops as they hit the ground.
The rain grows heavier, concealing her surroundings until all Fiorito can see is haze.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 2: Gravitation - Episode 3
The crew returns to the inn for the day with no results. Late in the night, unable to fall asleep, Tikoh goes outside for a walk when she is approached by Cupitan, who shares her own story on how she became involved with Navis. After finding out that Ferdinand is, in fact, a high-ranked Chairman of Navis, Tikoh is determined to exact her revenge once more. But Cupitan tells Tikoh that the reason for her insomnia may actually be due to her worry for Kolulu. Soothed by Cupitan's words, Tikoh calms down, and the two make a promise to take another walk together once they have saved Kolulu.
When night finally falls, (Captain) and company regroup at the inn to discuss their findings for the day.
Troue: In conclusion, Navis is most likely still on this island, but we were unable to find any solid clues at the port.
Fiorito: Same here. We didn't find anything that seemed useful, and the town was a lot bigger than we'd expected, so we couldn't cover all of it today.
Vyrn: So I guess we'll look around the rest of the town area tomorrow... We've also got the forest northwest of here, and the research area where all the observatories are.
Tikoh: Whew...
Lyria: Oh, Tikoh. How's Feather doing?
After returning to the inn, Feather was sent to Tikoh to get patched up.
Tikoh: It seems he took quite a few punches, but none of the injuries are too serious. It helps that he's been training his body every day.
Tikoh: But he's fast asleep at the moment, so we should let him rest for now.
Vyrn: Who'd have thought that Feather would lose to a bunch of thugs... What in the skies happened?
Fiorito: ...
Lyria: ...
The crew is quiet, tense with worry. Finally, Tikoh tries to lighten up the mood.
Tikoh: Well, everyone should get some rest. I'm sure you're all a lot more exhausted than you think after such a long day—both physically and mentally.
Tikoh: Get some good sleep tonight, and let's find Kolulu tomorrow.
Cupitan: ...
Following Tikoh's advice, everyone retires to their individual rooms and turns off the lights for the night.
Tikoh: ...
Once everyone is asleep, Tikoh sneaks out of her room in the dead of night and walks down the unlit path outside.
Tikoh: Goodness, I can't believe myself... Here I am, being a good doctor and telling everyone to sleep when I can't fall asleep myself.
Tikoh: It's still raining... Not the best time for a walk outside.
???: Sniff... Sniffle...
Tikoh: ...
Tikoh: If you're going to hide, you should try a little harder... I can hear you sniffling, you know.
At Tikoh's words, Cupitan sheepishly steps out from the shadows, nose dripping.
Cupitan: I-I'm sowwyyy... Hiccup... I was worried about how you couldn't sleep, and decided to follow you...
Tikoh: Are you... okay? I'm more worried about you right now.
Tikoh: Here, blow your nose.
Cupitan: Fshhh!
Cupitan: B-but your heart, Tikoh... I-it was just... so...
Tikoh: Ah, that's right. You can see the color of emotions, can't you? Was mine that bad?
Cupitan nods, then takes a moment to collect herself.
Cupitan: I see worry, sadness, and anger coming together in a pitch-black layer of emotion... or rather, two layers.
Tikoh: ...!
Cupitan: I've never seen two people's worth of frustration so concentrated like that before.
Cupitan: Um, if it's okay with you, would you like to talk for a bit?
Cupitan: You might be able to sleep better if you share your thoughts with someone.
Cupitan: Oh, but if you don't want to, that's okay too! I'll just go away!
Tikoh: ...
Tikoh and Cupitan move to the town plaza, where they take a seat on a bench with a roof overhead.
Cupitan: Here, have some chocolate cookies. Having something sweet might help you calm down.
Tikoh: Thank you. I'll take one then.
Tikoh: Mm... It's really good. Did you make these yourself?
Cupitan: Yep! I'm quite proud of them, hehe.
Tikoh finishes her cookie and lets out a sigh.
Tikoh: About the two layers of emotion in me. It's not a happy story, but... do you want to hear it?
When Cupitan nods, Tikoh begins to tell her tale.
Tikoh once traveled by herself, wielding the Asclepius Rod and healing people along the way.
It was during this journey that she stopped at a particular village, where she came to know a girl named Shannon.
Shannon: It's not studying that I wanna do! I wanna go out into the world as a doctor and expand my horizons!
Tikoh: Haha... Aren't you cute.
Shannon: Cuter than you?
Tikoh: No, but you come pretty close.
Shannon: Ahahaha! You're hilarious, Tikoh!
Tikoh: It was then that the man named Ferdinand appeared...
Tikoh: I'd seen him before that, when he came to me to receive treatment for his injury.
Tikoh: He left the village soon after I healed him. But then he was there in Shannon's house...
Shannon's Dad: Ngh!
Shannon's Mom: Aiieee! Honey, no...
Ferdinand: He's dead. If only he'd just left like I asked him to.
Ferdinand: What say we have dinner? Seems like the perfect family thing to do. Especially since the food's right in front of us.
Ferdinand: Consider this a rite to welcome the newest member of your family. In with the new, out with the old.
Shannon's Mom: Eeeep! Aaahh...
Shannon: ...
Ferdinand: Eat up, Shannon. Wouldn't do to let the food go to waste.
Ferdinand: Just so we're all on the same page, Shannon's going to call me "Papa" from now on.
Ferdinand had killed Shannon's father, then made Shannon and her mother eat him, forcing them into submission.
Tikoh: At the time, a series of seemingly intentional injuries was being inflicted on the villagers. I managed to locate the person whom I thought to be responsible and entered the house he was in.
Tikoh: That's when, right in front of my eyes...
He killed my mom and me...
He killed my mom and me...
Ferdinand: It's too bad!
Shannon's Mom: ...!
Ferdinand: Look what you made me do!
Shannon: ...!
Tikoh: Shannon... Shannon!
Shannon: ...
Tikoh: I won't let you die, Shannon... There was so much more you wanted to do... I'm going to save you!
Tikoh: Asclepius Rod! Transfer Shannon's soul into me!
Tikoh: Afterwards, Shannon and I became one with the power of the Asclepius Rod.
Tikoh: Both our personalities and our memories are now mixed, and we've lived together like this since.
Cupitan: So the layers of emotion I saw earlier were both yours, Tikoh, as well as Shannon's...
Tikoh nods, putting a hand over her heart.
Tikoh: We've been chasing after Navis in order to get revenge on Ferdinand.
Cupitan: I see... So the grief and rage that I saw were a part of your desire for revenge.
Tikoh: I don't know what Ferdinand wanted to achieve by doing what he did back then...
Tikoh: But I saw him giving instructions to someone else after that, so he probably ranks pretty high in the organization.
Cupitan: Right... I don't know the details myself, but I believe he was referred to as the "Chairman."
Tikoh: Yeah. We're getting closer to finding out his true identity.
Tikoh glares intensely into the dark. Eventually, she realizes what she's doing and relaxes her shoulders.
Tikoh: Sigh... This is probably what's keeping me awake. We're just so close to finding him.
Cupitan: Oh, actuallly... I think it's something else that's keeping you awake.
Tikoh: Huh?
Cupitan gazes at the aura around Tikoh, its black color mixed with several different hues.
Cupitan: The strongest emotion you have is worry...
Cupitan: This bright shade of red means... you're worrying about someone.
Tikoh: Worrying?
Tikoh: Oh.
Tikoh: I guess I'm worried about Kolulu. I keep thinking, what if she's forced to witness something similar to what I experienced...
Cupitan: Yes, I thought it would be something like that. The red around you sparkles like a jewel.
Tikoh: Really? When you said "worry," I thought it'd be a more ominous shade of red.
Cupitan: Oh, no, it's nothing negative like that! Worrying over a friend is a very precious emotion!
Cupitan: The hearts of everyone in (Captain)'s crew have such beautiful colors. I can tell you're all wonderful people from a single glance.
Cupitan: Though there was one person who piqued my curiosity...
While Cupitan is lost in thought, Tikoh stands up and stretches, feeling somewhat refreshed.
Tikoh: So worry is... beautiful.
Tikoh: I think I was able to organize my thoughts a little from talking with you, Cupitan. You're a great counselor.
Cupitan: Thank you... I used to do something similar, after all.
Cupitan: Well then, please allow me to do one more thing for you so you can sleep well tonight.
Cupitan: Prism Arrow... Let this be a prayer to the child of caprice, and link us to a dream of golden hue.
At Cupitan's chant, a magic arrow with a golden glow appears.
Cupitan: Hold this arrow, and it will help soothe your worries so you can fall asleep.
Tikoh: Oh?
Tikoh: Ngh... Yaaawn... You're right, I'm starting to feel drowsy...
Cupitan: That is the power of the Prism Arrow, born from the Rainbow Bow I wield.
Cupitan: Prism Arrows have the ability to change the emotions of whoever touches it for a certain time.
Cupitan: There's even a legend of someone named Cupid who, in the past, used these arrows to manipulate emotions of love.
Tikoh: Ooh... That's impressive...
The two walk through the quiet town once more to return to the inn.
Cupitan: Tikoh, um... After we save Kolulu, do you think we can take another walk together?
Tikoh: Sure, why not. Next time, I want to hear more about you too.
Cupitan: Hehe. Thank you!
Cupitan: I know it's not exactly the time to get excited, but... I've been traveling by myself for a long time, so talking with you tonight was really nice.
Cupitan: Well then, good night, Tikoh.
Tikoh: Good night, Cupitan.
Despite the heavy burdens they both carry, for a brief moment, the two girls smile at each other.
But their smiles quickly disappear, replaced by the firm resolution on each of their faces as they retire to their rooms for the night.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 2: Gravitation - Episode 4
That same night, (Captain), Vyrn, and Lyria are worried about Fiorito and decide to visit her at her room. When (Captain) and company tell her she can always depend on them, Fiorito feels her emotions swaying from their kind words. However, she is reminded of how she had once sworn to live on by herself, and of her tragic past in which her father Judah, who had been researching the Horoscope Sphairai, was betrayed and killed by his best friend.
While Tikoh and Cupitan are outside...
Fiorito is lying on her bed while doing some exercises, pushing herself to the limit.
Fiorito: Huff, huff... Rrgh... Huff...
Fiorito: Not... enough! I can... do better!
Fiorito: ...!
A knock sounds at the door, surprising her. Fiorito wipes off the sweat and takes several deep breaths to cool herself down.
Fiorito: Okay... Come in.
Lyria: Hello, Fio. I'm sorry to bother you so late at night...
Vyrn: While I was headin' to the bathroom, I noticed the light in your room was still on. Can't sleep?
Fiorito: Oh, I just happened to wake up and decided to do some light exercises while I was at it.
Fiorito: Sorry I worried you. I was just about to go back to sleep.
Choose: If you need anything, just tell us.
Fiorito: Yeah. Thanks.
Lyria: I know that face! That's no good—you can't keep all your problems to yourself.
Lyria: Promise you'll let us know if anything happens, okay? We're friends, and that's what we're here for!
Lyria smiles and takes Fiorito's hand, linking their fingers in a pinky swear.
Fiorito: Huh? Um, Lyria—
Vyrn: Yeah, we're just worried about ya. What if you start goin' out every night in a daze again?
Vyrn: Come on, (Captain)! We want in too, don't we?
Vyrn and (Captain) follow Lyria's lead and each link fingers with Fiorito in an act of promise.
Vyrn: You're not feelin' so great, are ya, Muscle Lady?
Vyrn: Is it... somethin' to do with that thing you couldn't tell us about before?
Fiorito: ...!
Vyrn: Well, you don't hafta tell us if you can't right now.
Lyria: Right. But still, if there's anything we can do to help, please tell us!
Vyrn: And if you have another craving for somethin' sweet, we can always make ya some tofu pudding again!
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito gazes silently at the closed door of her room, where (Captain) and the others were standing just a moment ago.
Fiorito: Muscles don't lie. But people do.
Fiorito: That's my approach in training myself to be stronger.
Fiorito: If I train properly, my muscles will get stronger. They'll grow the way I want 'em to and bloom nicely.
Fiorito: On the other hand... people are different. They deceive you, and never go the way you expect 'em to.
Fiorito: That's why I never ask anyone for help. I'm gonna get stronger, all by myself.
Fiorito: That's how I've always done it.
Fiorito: But now...
Vyrn: What's with that face? We're on the same ship travelin' together, so it's only normal for us to help ya out!
Lyria: We know just how kind and strong you are, Fio. Whatever happens, we'll trust you!
Fiorito: Friends, huh...
Girl's Figure: But they're not your friends, are they?
Girl's Figure: You're only on (Captain)'s ship because infiltrating it was your mission from Navis.
Girl's Figure: Meeting them in the first place was a part of Navis's plan. (Captain) is nothing but a pawn in the game you have to play.
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito reaches into her flower pouch and takes out the old book inside it.
Girl's Figure: You don't need friends. You can bloom, all on your own.
Girl's Figure: That's what you swore to do, remember?
Fiorito: ...
The worn pages of the book give off a nostalgic smell, bringing back memories of the days that Fiorito can never return to.
Young Fiorito: Dad! Um, I have a book I want you to read me...
Fiorito's Dad: Haha, sure thing. Is it the story about the prince who grows roses?
Young Fiorito: Wha! How did you know?
Fiorito's Dad: Haha, well... Enough experience can unravel mysteries.
In a small village on a small island, Fiorito lived with her father, Judah.
Judah was an archaeological specialist who examined excavated artifacts together with his close friend, who was also a researcher.
Fiorito often waited for when her father had some time between his research to bring a book to his room.
Fiorito's Dad: "The Roses and the Prince"... You really like this book, don't you, Fio?
Young Fiorito: Yep! A story about a prince who grows roses... It's so interesting!
Young Fiorito: But no matter how many times I read it, I'm still curious about the stranded helmsman who listens to the prince's story...
Fiorito's Dad: Oho! Clever girl. That means you've grasped the theme of the story, Fio.
Fiorito's Dad: It's a story about realizing what love is. It's wonderful that you noticed the change in the helmsman's emotions, even though he's only listening to the story.
Young Fiorito: Hehe. I especially like this part!
When his daughter points to a particular passage on the page, Judah reads it out loud.
Fiorito's Dad: "The prince says to the helmsman:"
Fiorito's Dad: "We may be looking up at the same stars, but we are all reminded of something different."
Fiorito's Dad: "It may be a person that we love. Or it may be a person that we hate."
Fiorito's Dad: "What about you? What are you reminded of?"
Young Fiorito: It's beautiful! The helmsman's thinking about the prince here, isn't he?
Fiorito's Dad: That's right. The helmsman loved the prince—both as a friend, and as someone very dear.
Young Fiorito: Someone dear to him...
Young Fiorito: You know, whenever I hold this book, I think of you, Dad!
Fiorito's Dad: Haha. Well, in Dad's case, just breathing makes me think of you.
Young Fiorito: Heeey, not fair! Then me too!
Such were their peaceful days of living together on the island.
However, their tranquil life came to be destroyed all too easily.
Fiorito's Dad: Cough!
Researcher: I really have you to thank, Judah. It's because of you that the research was able to come this far.
Researcher: The Horoscope "Sphairai" will be in my custody from now on.
The researcher reaches for an artifact lying on the desk—an old pair of gauntlets.
He yanks out the knife from Judah's body and scatters live coals onto the floor, causing the room to quickly catch fire.
Researcher: Better to have all the documents burnt to ashes. That's what I promised to do.
Researcher: Well, see you.
Young Fiorito: Hey, Dad! Do you have time today to read me a—
Young Fiorito: ...!
Fiorito spots her father lying on the ground amidst the spreading flames.
Young Fiorito: Dad! Why... What happened?
The panicked little girl looks around and notices that both the desk and the room are emptier than usual.
Young Fiorito: No way... Did Mr. Researcher do this?
Fiorito's Dad: I'm sorry, Fio... I'm afraid there isn't much time.
Fiorito's Dad: He's being used... by an organization called Navis...
Young Fiorito: Huh?
Unable to hold back, Judah coughs out blood, but desperately continues to talk.
Fiorito's Dad: I suspected something since a while ago... that someone was after our research...
Fiorito's Dad: Fio... This book you love so much... I left a bookmark in it...
Fiorito's Dad: I want you to go to the place written on that page...
Fiorito's Dad: And then... you need to run from Navis...
Young Fiorito: What are you talking about, Dad... I don't get it!
Fiorito's Dad: Cough!
Fiorito's Dad: I'm really... sorry.
Judah reaches out and gently cups Fiorito's face with his hand.
Fiorito's Dad: You are a smart and beautiful girl, Fio. I know you'll grow to be an exquisite flower.
Fiorito's Dad: And when you look up into the stars, I'll be—
A burning pillar crashes down, and the house begins to crumble.
Young Fiorito: Sniff... Waaah!
Hugging the book tightly, Fiorito musters all of her strength and runs outside.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 2: Gravitation - Episode 5
After discovering that her father's death had been orchestrated by Navis, the young Fiorito followed her father's final instructions to obtain Sphairai. When a member of Navis who had been chasing after her, Lavirita, revealed himself, Fiorito struck a deal with him and decided to join Navis as an Accordant herself. From then on, in order to obtain the information and power she needed, Fiorito had lived her life as a part of Navis where she saw everyone around her as an enemy. Back in the present, Fiorito reminds herself that she must use everything she can to avenge her father.
Young Fiorito: Mr. Researcher... He betrayed my dad.
Judah: He's being used... by an organization called Navis...
Young Fiorito: I won't forgive him, or Navis... ever!
When dawn breaks, Fiorito opens the book she is holding.
She turns to the page where her father's bookmark sits to find that it is a scene describing the prince's birthplace.
Young Fiorito: Six of twelve... If these numbers are correct, it should be in this forest.
Fiorito arrives at the location indicated by the coordinates in the book, and sure enough, finds a wooden box waiting for her.
When she opens the box, she discovers a pair of old gauntlets.
Young Fiorito: Huh? Aren't these what Dad was doing his research on...
She reads the note included in the box, realizing that the real artifact had been kept here all along to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
Young Fiorito: So what Mr. Researcher stole was a fake...
???: I thought so... Thank you for taking me here.
Young Fiorito: ...!
Lavirita: Who would have thought that he'd keep the real thing in a place like this? The researcher we just got rid of would turn in his grave if he knew.
Young Fiorito: (Oh no, I was being followed! Does that mean this person's from...)
Fiorito's lips begin to tremble, and she clenches her fists.
Lavirita: Miss, if you wouldn't mind, could you leave that here and run away now while you still can?
Lavirita: I don't particularly like murder when it isn't being properly compensated. Having you leave now would make things easier for the both of us.
Young Fiorito: ...
Young Fiorito: (Navis... I have to take them down!)
It is then that the Sphairai in Fiorito's hands begins to glow, releasing a dazzling light.
Lavirita: ...!
Could it be that it's accordant with...
Could it be that it's accordant with...
Lavirita: Give me a break! If I don't take Sphairai back with me...
Lavirita: I can't get my money!
Lavirita whips out his gun and attempts to shoot at the weapon, but the bullets are repelled by Sphairai's light.
Before long, the light wraps around Fiorito's fists, gauntlets fitting easily around them.
Fiorito looks at her hands, feeling strangely comfortable with her new gear.
Lavirita: Oh dear. I never thought it would find its Accordant so quickly.
Young Fiorito: (I can feel it... I can win this!)
Young Fiorito: (But... that wouldn't be enough for me.)
Fiorito takes a deep breath and slowly lets it back out.
Coming to a decision within herself, she raises her gaze and looks straight at Lavirita.
Young Fiorito: Hey, you. Think you can let me join you guys?
Lavirita: Oh?
Young Fiorito: You want this weapon. But I don't want to die.
Young Fiorito: In that case, we can solve both problems by having me join your team instead.
Looking into Fiorito's unwavering eyes, Lavirita puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully.
Lavirita: Hm. A ridiculous proposal, but...
Lavirita: (If she comes with me, unnecessary conflict can be avoided and the requirements will still be fulfilled. I may even receive additional compensation...)
After some time, Lavirita nods and extends a hand to Fiorito.
Lavirita: Very well. I will take you back with me.
Lavirita: However, it is up to the Chairmen to decide whether to accept you or not. You may be killed on the spot, for all I know.
Young Fiorito: That's fine. I've got nowhere else to go anyway.
Young Fiorito: (There's no point in just killing this guy... The rest of 'em will definitely find me after.)
Young Fiorito: (I'm not strong enough yet, and I don't have the information I need. I can't let my emotions right now get the better of me.)
Young Fiorito: (I have to crush Navis and get revenge on them, for Dad's sake.)
Young Fiorito: (That's why, first... I need to join them.)
As unhinged as her decision may be, not a sliver of doubt is in Fiorito's heart as she willingly leaps into a new world of darkness.
Young Ragazzo: Oooh! So you're the newbie they're all talking about.
Young Fiorito: Yep. Nice to meet you, Ace.
Ever since then, Fiorito has spent her days growing up as a part of Navis.
Young Fiorito: Trust no one.
Everything around her was her enemy.
Young Fiorito: I need more information.
Pushing back her own emotions, she worked hard to contribute to Navis, finally earning herself a position as an Auditor.
Fiorito: I need more power.
She dedicated herself to training her body in the most rational way in order to gain power as quickly as possible.
Fiorito: I'm going to bloom, all by myself.
That was what she had decided for herself.
Young Fiorito: You remember now?
Young Fiorito: (Captain), Kolulu, Feather, Ragazzo, Lavirita... All of them are nothing but fertilizer for our flowers to bloom.
Fiorito: I know that.
Fiorito sets aside the book and snuffs out the light. From within the dark, she looks out the window into the night sky.
Tonight, the stars are hidden behind the thick rainclouds in the sky.
Fiorito: That's right. Hate and revenge are more my style.
When she draws the curtain over the window, the figure of her younger self disappears.
Fiorito lies down and closes her eyes, but the shores of sleep remain far in the distance.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 3: Approach - Episode 1
The next morning, the crew sets out once more to search for Kolulu. Feather wallows in negativity at the inn, but Randall lights the fire in his friend again by reminding Feather about his reason to fight. Remembering his will to cross fists with Ragazzo and win, Feather regains his motivation. Randall looks on, all the while mocking himself internally for not having been chosen as his friend's rival. Meanwhile, a lady dressed like a priestess observes their exchange from far away.
The next morning, the sky is still overcast with no sign of the rain stopping.
At Fiorito's suggestion, the crew splits up into several groups to search different areas of the town.
Meanwhile, Tikoh stays at the inn and continues treating Feather and Randall.
Tikoh: So try to stay put and rest for a little longer, all right?
Feather: Okay...
Lyria: How are they, Tikoh?
Tikoh: Randall's recovery is going well. Leave it to me to cure even the most mysterious of symptoms.
Tikoh: With that said though, traces of Crimson Finger's magic still remain in his body, so we'll need to keep an eye on that.
Tikoh: On the other hand... Feather's injuries have already completely healed.
Lyria: Oh! But... didn't you just tell him that he needs to continue resting?
Tikoh: His physical wounds have healed, yes. But not the ones in his heart, I'm afraid.
Tikoh: Those are the ones I'm concerned about.
Feather: ...
Randall: ...
A heavy silence fills the room where the two are left by themselves.
Finally, Feather speaks up, his voice raspy.
Feather: Sorry, Randall...
Feather: You got hurt because of me.
Randall: How many times do I have to tell you? I'm tired of hearing you say that.
Randall: There's nothing for you to worry about. I just did what I wanted to do.
Feather: ...
Randall: What I do want to know is... how come you couldn't fight yesterday?
Feather: I... don't know myself.
Randall: Fine, let me rephrase that. What's with that depressed look on your face?
Feather: What? My face?
Randall: Yeah. Usually, you'd have an "I'm reckless and I know it" look written all over your face.
Feather: I would not.
Randall: You would.
Randall: But right now, all I see written is "I'm just moping and I don't even know it."
Randall: You can't seriously expect anyone to get better when they're stuck in a room with a grouch like you.
Feather: Sorry...
Randall: ...!
That's exactly what I'm talking about!
That's exactly what I'm talking about!
Irritated, Randall puts his head in his hands.
Randall: Damn it! I didn't want to have to come to this, but...
Randall: Yo... You're trying to fight for my sake, aren't you?
Feather: ...!
Randall: I bet you're thinking how you gotta fight for my sake, and take revenge for what they did to me.
Randall: Not only that. You're freaking out about having to save Kolulu and crush Navis.
Randall: That's why you're getting all confused and forgetting the real reason you're fighting.
Randall: Your brain is so full of all that nonsense that you can't even control your fists anymore.
Feather: H-how do you know when even I don't know myself?
Randall: I told you. It's written all over your face.
Randall: Just how many years of my life do you think I've spent looking at your face?
Feather: Nothing about my face has changed!
Frustrated, Feather shifts his gaze to the window. Staring at his own reflection on the glass, he reaches up to touch his own face.
Randall: One thing that doesn't change is your recklessness, that's for sure.
Randall: Come on, Feather. Remember what exactly you're fighting for.
Feather: What exactly... I'm fighting for?
Feather: (In the beginning, I looked up to Ghandagoza as a martial artist.)
Feather: That person can fight anyone with a single fist, and reach a point of understanding with their opponents along the way.
Feather: I'll never be able to forget the way they fought. It's a constant inspiration to become stronger... to become just a little more like them.
Feather: (Through crossing fists with Ghandagoza at the tournament, I realized again just how strong he was.)
Ghandagoza: Keep fighting! Pit yourself against your rival and as many worthy adversaries as you can find in your quest for glory!
Ghandagoza: And if our paths should cross again as we journey across the skies, our fists will have much to tell one another!
Feather: (I've come a long way and pitted myself against a lotta people. But there's only been one person who really shook my soul...)
Feather: Ragazzo... I've trained all this time so that I can win against him!
Randall: There we go.
A hint of bitterness flashes across Randall's face, but soon disappears.
Randall: Simple, right? All you have to focus on is defeating Ragazzo.
Feather: But I have to help save Kolulu—
Randall: The likelihood of you running into the Auditors again while looking for Kolulu is high.
Randall: But you're not the kind of guy who can handle doing a bunch of things at once, so I'd say just focus on Ragazzo.
Randall: You want to cross fists with him, don't you?
Feather: ...!
Feather: I do... I couldn't cross fists with him before!
Feather: But next time, I'm gonna make sure we talk it out with our fists! And then, I'm gonna win!
Randall: So what're you lying around here for?
Feather: Nothing! It's time I got up and got things done!
Feather bounces out of bed, his eyes sparkling and full of energy once more.
Randall: Heh... Glad you're back to being your reckless self. That's your usual face.
Feather: Thanks, Randall!
Feather: Haaah! All right, here I go!
Randall: You're obnoxiously loud, you know that? Hurry up and get going!
Tikoh's Voice: Feather? Where do you think you're going!
Feather's Voice: Hey, Tikoh! I'm gonna go move my body a bit!
Randall: Sigh...
Randall: ...
Feather: Ragazzo... I've trained all this time so that I can win against him!
Randall: There we go.
Randall: What was I expecting? It was obvious what his answer was going to be.
Randall: Sigh... Who's the one being reckless now?
Exasperated at himself, Randall turns his gaze toward the window, quietly watching the raindrops slide down the glass.
???: So the island of stars—the setting for this story—has chosen rain...
The woman clothed like that of a priestess looks somberly at her staff.
Priestess: The eccentrically objective yet wise Acquario...
Priestess: And the tirelessly spirited and optimistic Leone...
Priestess: Despite their opposite positions, I pray that both of their dreams can come to be realized.
Priestess: But it is not to the stars I pray, much less to a god.
The priestess says these words as she continues gazing into her staff.
But what she sees in store for the stars reflected in her eyes remains shrouded in mystery.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 3: Approach - Episode 2
During the search, Fiorito visits the library in town, and Ragazzo soon shows up. Sensing Fiorito's hesitation, Ragazzo offers some words of encouragement and tells her that she should just do what she wants. Ragazzo's words make Fiorito put aside her vengeful feelings for a brief moment, bringing (Captain) and the crew to her mind instead. Fiorito asks Ragazzo why he decided to join Navis.
On her search through town, Fiorito visits a library located on the main street.
Fiorito: ...
Taking a few books on Stella's history and geography from the shelves, the fighter sits down at one of the tables and flips through them.
A young man with red hair and glasses slides into a chair beside her.
Ragazzo: Yo.
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito: Here's my progress report. (Captain) and the others are...
In a small and emotionless voice, Fiorito starts to report on her mission, but Ragazzo cuts in.
Ragazzo: Ah... No need for a report.
Fiorito: Okay. Then what do you want?
Ragazzo: Heh, isn't it obvious? I'm here to read some books, duh.
Ragazzo pushes his glasses up by the bridge and slowly opens a book.
Ragazzo: What do we have here... A collection of stories about stars.
Ragazzo: A conflict breaks out between the personified constellations, leading the gods to pass judgment on them. Whew, that's some trouble brewin'.
Fiorito: Seriously, just spit it out. What do you want here?
Ragazzo: You know what they say—there's fault on both sides in a fight. But this story's saying that it's who picks the fight that's wrong.
Fiorito: I'm leaving if you've got nothing for me.
Ragazzo: Wait!
When Fiorito makes to get up from her seat, Ragazzo immediately straightens up.
Ragazzo: Sorry, okay? For saying stuff that made you mad.
Fiorito: What?
Ragazzo: I wanted to say... I'm sorry. You know... for making those comments after the last meeting.
Fiorito: ...
Ragazzo: Lavirita kept bugging me about how I should apologize, so... here I am.
Fiorito: I see. Well, no need to apologize. It's not like I care a ton about every little detail.
Ragazzo: Okay, well... That's good.
Fiorito: Yeah. See you around then.
Fiorito gathers the books in her arms and turns to walk away.
Ragazzo: Hey, I don't know what it is that you're thinking about, but if you have something you wanna do, you should just do it.
Fiorito: ...!
Ragazzo: Don't go disappointing me. You've always aimed high—I rather liked that gleam in your eyes, you know.
Ragazzo: But I see nothing but clouds in them right now.
Fiorito: You're the one with clouded eyes. You know nothing about me, Ace.
Ragazzo: Oh, come on, are you looking down on me? How long do you think we've known each other?
Ragazzo: What is it that you wanna do?
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito is silent, turning to the window to look out at the sky.
Fiorito: (What I wanna do? Obviously I wanna crush Navis and get revenge on...)
Fiorito: ...!
Ragazzo: Well, hang in there, lil' Sesto.
Fiorito: Wait.
Ragazzo: Hm?
Fiorito: What do you wanna do? Why're you even in Navis in the first place?
Ragazzo: ...
Ragazzo smirks at Fiorito before shifting his eyes to the pouch at her waist.
Ragazzo: Sure, I can tell you—if you tell me what that book you always have with you is.
Fiorito: Uh, why? You're even creepier than Lavirita.
Ragazzo: No reason. That collection of stories was boring as hell, so I'm just looking for another book to read.
Fiorito: ...
Without a word, Fiorito fishes out the book from her pouch and shows it to Ragazzo. The young man grins.
Ragazzo: The reason I'm in Navis is...
Marionette Stars - Chapter 3: Approach - Episode 3
The crew follows Cupitan's advice and heads to the research zone to look for clues. On the way there, Cupitan tells the others about her past with Tristette. Tristette had been her only friend, and when Navis began to chase after them, Tristette sacrificed herself for Cupitan's sake by joining Navis and getting brainwashed soon after. Now, Cupitan is chasing after Navis in order to rescue Tristette. The crew promises to help Cupitan in her quest.
(Captain) and company gather back at the inn in the afternoon to check in with one another on their progress.
Cupitan excitedly tells the others that she has found what she believes to be a clue.
Cupitan: When I was in town, I happened to notice Ris's bird flying overhead!
Cupitan: It's likely that she's using the bird to keep an eye on us.
Cupitan: But I guess it ended up backfiring. I watched where the bird flew back to after—it was the research zone. Navis must be hiding there!
The crew decides to follow Cupitan's theory and heads to the research zone where the observatories are located.
Troue: We've finally narrowed it down to a specific area! It's all thanks to you, Cupitan!
Fiorito: I'm impressed you knew at a glance that it was Tristette's familiar flying.
Cupitan: That bird's Tristette's favorite. She uses it a lot.
Cupitan: We were always together and I've been chasing after her for a while, so... I know a few things by now.
Troue: So you and Tristette have known each other for a long time...
Vyrn: But then Tristette got brainwashed by Navis...
Cupitan: Yes... and that's how we got separated.
With a sad smile, Cupitan tilts her head up to look at the overcast sky.
Cupitan: I guess I need to tell all of you how Ris was made into an Auditor.
Choose: When you're ready.
Cupitan: I am. Sharing as much information as possible will be beneficial for our fight against Navis.
Choose: You don't have to if you don't want to.
Vyrn: (Captain)'s right. Things must've been tough for ya.
Cupitan: What a kind color... Thank you.
Cupitan: But I believe sharing my experiences will be beneficial for our fight against Navis.
Continue 1Her tone resolute, Cupitan begins to tell her story.
A story of two girls who possessed powers they never wanted that led them toward an unfortunate fate.
For as long as Cupitan can remember, she has always had the Rainbow Bow with her.
Because of her power, she was revered by the people of her country as the "miracle maiden."
Lost Young Man: Blessed Cupitan, please show me the way...
Young Cupitan: Sniff... An unbelievably tragic shade of purple... Has a loved one passed away?
Lost Young Man: My mother, she was sick... Please, is there something you can do to relieve this pain?
Young Cupitan: Of course.
Young Cupitan: Prism Arrow... Let this be a prayer to the child of caprice, and link us to a dream of golden hue.
Lost Young Man: Aah... Thank you... I feel as if a heavy burden's been lifted!
Young Cupitan: ...
The miracle maiden was a valuable existence to all, praised even by the king himself.
Young Cupitan: (My parents sold me and went off somewhere.)
Young Cupitan: (Who will save me from this sadness and loneliness I feel?)
Awed by every person in the land, Cupitan had no friends of her own and was always alone.
Then one day, the demon child appeared.
Frantic Mother: Blessed Cupitan... My daughter accidentally touched the familiar of the demon child...
Frantic Boy: Waaah, blessed Cupitan! The demon child glared at me!
Young Cupitan: The "demon child"... A child of evil from a nearby village who can bend monsters to her will.
Young Cupitan: I wonder if she, too, is looking at the stars, all by herself...
She sits alone in the excessively spacious room the villagers have arranged for her, gazing up at the night sky.
Suddenly, the window shatters.
Young Cupitan: Eep!
Without warning, a girl with a monster at her side bursts into the room from the window.
Young Tristette: Sniff, sniff...
Young Tristette: Ugh, smells disgusting. What a nasty smell for someone about the same age as me.
Young Cupitan: ...!
Wh-who are you?
Wh-who are you?
Monster: ...!
Young Cupitan: Are you... the demon child?
Young Tristette: Hehehe! Even the miracle maiden's scared of me. That puts me above her, right?
Trisette licks her lips. She turns to face Cupitan and is met with the unexpected.
Young Cupitan: Welcome to my room!
Young Tristette: What?
Young Cupitan: Ooh, what to do! It's my first time having a guest over, so I better be extra hospitable.
Young Tristette: What're you talking about? I came to scare the hell outta you—
Young Cupitan: Right. You want to scare everyone so they'll acknowledge your existence. That's what you're doing, isn't it?
Young Tristette: ...!
Young Cupitan: I couldn't help but see... the lonely shade of your heart, dark like a long-forgotten wasteland...
Young Cupitan: Let's be friends! Our hearts have the same shade, so I'm sure we can be good friends in no time.
Young Tristette: What the heck's wrong with you! Like hell I'm just gonna follow along with whatever you're saying!
Young Tristette: You're stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Young Cupitan: Oh, wait!
Young Cupitan: This has to be fate... I'm sure she and I can be friends!
The next night, Tristette goes to Cupitan's room again in another attempt to scare her.
Young Tristette: Yo, miracle maiden! If I manage to scare you, then I can stand at the top and be the best!
Young Cupitan: I have an idea. Let's be the best of friends instead!
Young Tristette: Let's not!
The following night, and the night after that, Tristette continues to visit Cupitan, and Cupitan continues to welcome her with open arms.
They soon come to realize that they both possess a mysterious weapon.
Young Cupitan: I looked into it, and apparently it's called a Horoscope.
Young Tristette: Whatever. I don't care about this piece of trash that only brings bad luck.
Young Tristette: I just happened to pick it up one day, but now I can't get rid of it, and monsters keep following me.
Young Tristette: All the stupid people in the village started treating me like I was a monster and locked me up in a tiny room...
Young Tristette: This thing is nothing but a curse.
Young Cupitan: I'm not sure about that.
Young Tristette: I am. You too—sure you have a hella big room, but you're all alone.
Young Cupitan: Well, I'm not anymore.
Young Tristette: ...!
Young Cupitan: Not when I have you now.
Young Tristette: You're hopeless...
From the next night, Tristette stops trying to scare Cupitan.
One year after their first encounter, the two continue to meet every night.
Young Tristette: Here, I made a hair ornament. You can have it.
Young Cupitan: Huh? A present... for me?
Young Cupitan: Yaaay! Let me try putting it on!
Young Tristette: What do you think? Does it look good on me?
Young Tristette: Pff... Haha!
Young Tristette: Stupid! It's just something random I put together using vines and pebbles. I can't believe you're actually wearing it!
Young Cupitan: But I'm really happy! Thank you, Ris!
Young Tristette: Come on, aren't you supposed to be able to see people's emotions? Can't you see that I'm just poking fun at you?
Young Cupitan: I try not to read your emotions.
Young Cupitan: We're friends, right? I don't need the Rainbow Bow to tell me about you!
Young Tristette: If you say so.
Young Cupitan: Are you blushing, Ris?
Young Tristette: I'm definitely not! Stupid!
Young Cupitan: Hehe. Ahaha!
Young Tristette: Hehe. Hehehe!
The very next day, the city becomes engulfed in flames.
Young Cupitan: Why are those people chasing after us?
Young Tristette: No idea... In any case, we gotta run.
Suddenly, the two girls find themselves chased by people from Navis and forced to flee.
They continue running from town to town, island to island, until one day.
Tristette suddenly disappears, leaving behind only a single letter.
"There only needs to be one sacrifice, and that's me."
Described in the letter is Tristette's feelings of friendship toward Cupitan.
Cupitan: Ris negotiated with Navis, that in return for offering herself to them, they would let me go.
Cupitan: Navis stopped chasing me after that.
Cupitan: But then, I started to chase after them instead.
Three days after her friend's disappearance, Cupitan discovered Tristette working as an Auditor for Navis.
Vyrn: So she'd already been brainwashed...
Cupitan: Tristette would play pranks, but that's as far as she'd go. She was the type of person who would never do anything bad.
Cupitan: But ever since she became an Auditor, she started k-killing people without batting an eye...
Cupitan closes her eyes for a brief moment before opening them again with determination.
Cupitan: I don't want all of you to experience what I did.
Cupitan: We have to save Kolulu.
Vyrn: Thanks, Rainbow Girl. And we'll do what we can to help you too!
Cupitan: Huh?
Choose: Let's save Tristette together.
Cupitan: (Captain)...
Cupitan: Yes, let's!
Encouraged by (Captain)'s words, Cupitan nods with a smile.
Fiorito: (Brainwashing, huh?)
Fiorito stands beside them, lost in her own thoughts.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 3: Approach - Episode 4
(Captain) and company are sent away at the entrance of the research zone, but come across the astronomer who had requested the monster extermination. The astronomer agrees to talk to the director of administration for the crew. The crew returns to the inn to wait until morning for news from the astronomer. Meanwhile, Ragazzo, Lavirita, and Tristette pay a visit to Kolulu, who is locked up within a cage. Kolulu munches on the fried chicken given to her for her meal, all the while watching the enemy closely.
Finally, the crew reaches the research zone, where a number of observatories stand.
However, they find themselves unable to enter the area due to its strict security.
Vyrn: I mean, I get how they can't just let anyone in, but we're kinda in an emergency here.
Troue: Talking to the guard about our situation didn't seem to help either... He was really suspicious of us.
The crew is standing outside at a loss on what to do when a familiar figure approaches them.
Astronomer: It's you! Is something the matter?
Vyrn: Hey, it's the astronomer! Actually, we've got a bit of a problem...
(Captain) and company relay to the astronomer about how Kolulu was kidnapped and the possibility of her being kept in one of the observatories.
Astronomer: I see... That's quite the bind you're in. Unfortunately, the research zone is a little complicated.
Astronomer: Are all of you aware of why there are so many observatories here?
Fiorito: I read about it in a book earlier. Each research institution has its own facility set up here, don't they?
Astronomer: Correct. Each institution needs to ensure their research results are safe from the eyes of rival institutions.
Astronomer: As a result, an intermediary was set up to manage the security for this area to prevent any quarreling between institutions.
Astronomer: That is why it's highly unlikely that any suspicious persons could have infiltrated one of the observatories. However...
The astronomer thinks for a moment before nodding.
Astronomer: If it's for that little girl, I would like to do what I can.
Vyrn: You mean you'll help us get in?
Astronomer: Unfortunately, I have no such authority. But I will try to negotiate with the head of administration.
Astronomer: The head of administration is very kind, so there is no need to worry. I'm sure he will be glad to offer his assistance.
After promising to contact the crew again by the next morning, the astronomer makes his way back into the research zone.
Vyrn: Kolulu... I sure hope she's okay!
The crew look up at the observatories looming above them, unable to hide their anxiety.
A cage sits in the middle of a dimly lit room with no window.
Kolulu: Taaallyho!
Within the cage, Kolulu swings Gisla at the barred door with as much strength as she can muster.
However, her strike hardly makes a scratch on the bars.
Ragazzo: You still don't get it, do you?
Ragazzo: It's no use, no matter how hard you try. This thing is made so that nothing you do from the inside can bend it.
Kolulu: ...
Ragazzo: Tch. Ignoring me now, huh?
Ragazzo: Well, whatever. It's time for grub, so eat up.
Ragazzo slides a plate between the bars, the appetizing smell of food wafting through the room.
Kolulu: ...
Ragazzo: What, can't trust us? Geez, you're just like a certain little number six I know.
Ragazzo: Fine, watch me.
Ragazzo snatches a piece of fried chicken from the plate and tosses it into his mouth.
Ragazzo: See? Perfectly safe to eat.
Kolulu: ...!
Fried... chicken!
Fried... chicken!
Kolulu takes the plate and begins to devour the food.
Ragazzo: Ooh, you really don't hold back when it comes to food, do ya? Just as Sesto said.
Keeping Kolulu in sight, Ragazzo takes out a book and looks at it.
Ragazzo: "The Roses and the Prince." Who'd have thought she'd like reading this kinda thing?
Ragazzo: "We may be looking up at the same stars, but we are all reminded of something different."
Ragazzo: Ergh, I can't stand these stories about love. Reeks like hell.
Grumbling, Ragazzo begins turning the pages of the book.
Tristette: Ooh, done feeding the prisoner already?
Lavirita: Working hard, I see. Very nice work on apologizing to Fiorito as well.
Ragazzo: Tch, shut up. Get lost, you're getting in the way of my work.
Ignoring Ragazzo, Lavirita and Tristette stare at Kolulu through the cage bars.
Tristette: Hehehe, look at her eating that chicken. How stupid.
Kolulu: ...
Tristette: Why's this Accordant here anyway?
Lavirita: Who knows? Perhaps she'll be used as negotiation material. Or maybe she'll join us—there's been a few instances of that before, after all.
Ragazzo: No point thinking about it. Everything's gonna be according to the Chairman's constellations.
Tristette: Someone's a goody two-shoes. Guess you're too stupid to think about this stuff.
Kolulu: (These people don't know why I was taken here either...)
Keeping an ear on her captors' conversation, Kolulu reflects on the events that have happened since getting attacked by the monster.
Kolulu: (Hmm... I feel like I was saved by Fiorito at one point... Or maybe not...)
Kolulu: (In any case, before I knew it, I was here. I can't remember anything else.)
Monster: ...
Kolulu: ...!
While Kolulu is preoccupied with her thoughts, a monster suddenly pounces toward her and begins to urinate.
Tristette: Hehehe! It's peeing on the cage!
Tristette: Peeing in front of people and getting peed on... So stupid, both of them!
Tristette: They're way under me! I'm definitely on top!
Ragazzo: Yo, you shouldn't get too close. Aren't you allergic to animals? You're gonna have tears and snot all over your face.
Tristette: Sh-shut up!
Lavirita: Please, show some decency. We have a guest with us, you know.
Lavirita: I apologize for interrupting your meal, Kolulu.
Lavirita: And for your information, I would be willing to let you out of this cage for 900 billion rupies.
Kolulu: ...
Lavirita: Ah, is that a little too expensive for you? I have to include my losses in the case that I am removed from Navis as a result, you see.
Lavirita: However, life itself is priceless! Your dear friends must be worried sick about you too.
Lavirita: Don't worry. I can suggest a number of methods on procuring the money you need.
Lavirita: You cannot buy life with money, but life can be replaced with money. Now, if you can just sign—
Ragazzo: Hey, you money-loving dirtbag. Who's the one that needs to show some decency here, huh?
Kolulu: ...
Dumbfounded, Kolulu watches as the members of Navis banter among themselves.
She picks up another piece of fried chicken and continues munching on it quietly.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 4: Intersection - Episode 1
When (Captain) and the others return to the inn, Feather asks the captain to spar with him to help hone his fighting senses back into shape. Fiorito is touched when she sees (Captain) putting full trust in Feather by fighting him seriously. Feather asks Fiorito to be his opponent as well. She decides to trust Feather, (Captain), and the crew too and puts all her strength into the spar. Eventually, Feather regains control of his fists, and Fiorito is able to collect her own thoughts.
(Captain) and company make their way back to the inn from the research zone.
When they arrive, they are surprised to find Feather rushing out to greet them.
Feather: (Captain), I've got a favor to ask! Spar with me!
Vyrn: Whoa, Feather? What's the rush?
Fiorito: Are you feeling better? Actually, that might be an understatement. Why're you glowing like that?
Feather: No time to talk with words. Let's talk with our fists!
Tikoh: You're confusing them, Feather.
Tikoh steps up and explains the situation to the rest of the crew.
Tikoh: Feather's body is completely healed. It was only a matter of his heart...
Feather: Hraaah! Just you wait, Ragazzo!
Tikoh: As you can see though, it seems he has thought things through and is set on defeating Ragazzo and saving Kolulu.
Fiorito: But he couldn't even throw a punch yesterday...
Tikoh: Right. That's why he wants to spar in order to regain his fighting senses... or so he was saying.
Feather: I was practicing while picturing myself fighting Ragazzo, and I'm feeling really good about it!
Feather: I'm 100 percent sure that I have full control of my fists now!
Tikoh: And that's the gist. How about it, (Captain)?
Choose: All right, let's fight!
(Captain) agrees to be Feather's opponent, albeit only until they can enter the research zone to continue their search for Kolulu.
Choose: We should prioritize finding Kolulu...
Feather: I guess you're right...
Choose: But a little training can't hurt.
(Captain) agrees to be Feather's opponent while they wait for word from the astronomer.
Continue 1Feather: Thanks so much, (Captain)!
Fiorito: Hang on, are you serious? Shouldn't you get some rest while you can?
Choose: Feather needs my help.
Vyrn: Yeah, that's (Captain) for ya. Never says no to a friend in need!
Fiorito: ...
(Captain) and Feather head out to the field. Taking their positions, the two begin to spar.
Choose: Haaah!
Feather: Gwah!
Feather: ...!
This is where I counter with—
This is where I counter with—
Feather takes a step forward, but his fists can't keep up with his feet.
The captain sends Feather flying with a clean roundhouse kick.
Feather: Augh! Wouldn't have expected... any less from you!
Gran is the Main Character
(Captain) leaps at Feather once more, giving no time for the young man to recover.
Djeeta is the Main Character
(Captain) leaps at Feather once more, giving no time for the young man to recover.
Fiorito: Whoa, whoa! (Captain)'s serious here!
Vyrn: Well, I'm pretty sure Feather wouldn't want (Captain) to take it easy on him.
Fiorito: But he literally just got beaten to a pulp yesterday. If he gets pummeled again...
Vyrn: His body might not be able to recover so quickly this time. But ya know, (Captain) believes in him.
Fiorito: Huh?
Vyrn: Feather put his trust in us, and that's why he asked us to do this for him, right?
Vyrn: So it's only right that we put our trust in him too.
Fiorito: ...!
Feather: Pant... Pant...
Gran is the Main Character
(Captain) strikes again and again despite Feather's struggle.
Djeeta is the Main Character
(Captain) strikes again and again despite Feather's struggle.
Feather: (I know what (Captain)'s saying through these attacks... I can feel it! The captain's calling for me to stand up!)
Feather: (I know it, but... why can't I do it!)
Irritated, Feather clenches his fists. Suddenly, his friend's words come to mind.
Randall: Your brain is so full of all that nonsense that you can't even control your fists anymore.
Feather: That's right... I need to clear my head!
Feather: I just need to answer! To (Captain)'s call!
Feather: Hraaah!
Choose: ...!
Feather's fist flies through the air, straight and true, and (Captain) barely manages to catch it.
Feather: ...!
That punch... It came out so naturally!
That punch... It came out so naturally!
Vyrn: You did it, Feather!
Feather: ...
The fighter stares at his own fist, his eyes lighting up in epiphany.
Feather: I get it... I know why I couldn't feel anything from Ragazzo's punches!
Feather: Hey, Fiorito! Think you could spar with me for a bit?
Fiorito: Wha! M-me?
Feather: I couldn't tell what was important before, but I feel like I can now!
Choose: Please, Fiorito?
Fiorito: (Captain)...
Fiorito: Fine.
At the captain's prompt, Fiorito reluctantly agrees to a spar with Feather.
Fiorito: Hah!
Feather: Haaah!
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito: (He's nowhere close to his usual self... I'll have to pull my punches—)
Feather: Fiorito! Fight me for real!
Fiorito: ...!
Fiorito: You say that, but look at you. You haven't fully—
Feather: It doesn't matter! Hit me with all you got... With that fire in you!
Feather: That's what I need to fight against!
Vyrn: Trust him, Muscle Lady! He's not that weak!
Choose: Put your faith in Feather!
Fiorito: ...!
Fiorito: (Stop. What am I thinking? I don't have the right to do this...)
Ragazzo: What is it that you wanna do?
Vyrn: So it's only right that we put our trust in him too.
Feather: Come on, Fiorito! Give me your best!
Fiorito: ...!
Fiorito: (Can I really... trust someone else?)
Fiorito: (My "friends" are putting their trust in me. Just this once, should I... trust them too?)
Balling her fist tightly, Fiorito comes to a decision and leaps straight at Feather.
Fiorito: All right, Rosa! It's time to bloom!
Rosa: ...!
Fiorito: Haaah!
Feather: Gragh!
Fiorito: Yes, yeees! Let's pump those muscles and sprinkle that lactic acid around with a full-body workout!
Fiorito: Yeeeah, it's blooming! My flower garden! It's at full bloom!
Vyrn: That noise... Muscle Lady's finally gettin' serious!
Fiorito: I'm at full bloom! Just try and keep up, Feather!
Feather: Ha, perfect!
Feather takes Fiorito's fierce attacks head-on.
Gradually, Feather's sluggish punches grow sharper and quicker.
Feather: Let's finish this! Raging Blast Knuckle!
Fiorito: We're gonna bloom big! Muscolo Fioritura!
Feather & Fiorito: Haaah!
Before they know it, the two are lying on the field, both out of breath.
Feather: Pant... Pant...
Fiorito: Whew...
Feather: I felt it through your fists, Fiorito. You might get lost at times, but you always find your way again. Your heart sways, but in the end, it's straight and true.
Fiorito: That's so contradictory. You sure you're feeling things right?
Feather: Haha, who knows!
Feather gives a cheerful laugh and raises his fist high into the sky.
Feather: But I get it now! My fists are a reflection of my heart!
Feather: I saw the fire in both (Captain)'s heart and yours, and I wanted to answer that with my own fire!
Feather: I wanna make Ragazzo feel that too! I want him to see the fire in my fists!
Fiorito: My heart, huh...
Feather: Thanks, Fiorito!
Fiorito: I'm the one who should be thanking you.
Fiorito stretches and looks up to the sky.
Fiorito: Oh, the sky cleared up.
Feather: Nice! That's gotta be a good sign!
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito takes a deep breath, slowly closing her eyes.
Girl's Figure: Satisfied?
Girl's Figure: After all this time, you still think you can trust other people? Aren't you optimistic.
Girl's Figure: We're supposed to be getting revenge for Dad. (Captain) and the others are just pawns. The only person you need to trust is yourself.
The voice still ringing in her ears, Fiorito opens her eyes again.
Fiorito: (I know. I know what I have to do...)
Dazzling rays of sunlight peek through the clouds, making the drops of water on the grass sparkle like desolate stars.
The sun shines bright, slowly illuminating the torrent of emotions within Fiorito.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 4: Intersection - Episode 2
In the evening, the astronomer visits the director of administration to ask for permission for the crew to enter the research zone. The director turns out to be Ferdinand. Ferdinand agrees to have a talk with the astronomer, but soon reveals his true identity and information about Navis. After explaining that he would prefer the astronomer not to speed up his plans for the crew, Ferdinand kills the astronomer and looks up into the sky without a hint of remorse.
The sun shines through the transparent ceiling of the observation room, giving it an open and liberating atmosphere.
A number of devices and various equipment, large and small, are spread out across the large space.
The astronomer finds who he is looking for next to the large telescope in the middle of the room.
Astronomer: Pardon my interruption, Director.
Astronomer: There is a matter I'd like to discuss with you. Would you have some time right now?
The man the astronomer calls "Director" turns and smiles.
Ferdinand: Yes, of course.
Ferdinand: The storm's finally passed. The skies are so clear, I feel as if I can soar into them.
The director of administration—or rather, Ferdinand—narrows his eyes as he looks cheerily at the bright sky.
Ferdinand: Now, what is it that you'd like to discuss? I believe you told me the monster extermination's already been taken care of.
Astronomer: Yes. However, there appears to be another problem.
Ferdinand: Another problem?
Astronomer: Actually, it concerns the skyfaring crew that assisted in the monster extermination...
Ferdinand: Hold it right there. Hm, I thought it'd come to this sooner or later...
Ferdinand: Very well. Why don't we settle ourselves down for a talk?
Ferdinand walks to a nearby stool and sits down on it, gesturing for the astronomer to do the same.
Astronomer: Thank you. So, about the crew...
Ferdinand: Say, do you believe in horoscopes?
Astronomer: Excuse me?
Ferdinand: Many astronomers dismiss horoscopes as nothing but entertainment, but I believe there is much to be learned outside of observation and exchanging theories.
Ferdinand: I may be the director of administration, but personally, I do enjoy horoscopes quite a lot.
Astronomer: ...?
Ignoring the astronomer's confused reaction, Ferdinand continues.
Ferdinand: Our organization, Navis, also participates in the practice of horoscope-reading, you see.
Ferdinand: Although, each of the three Chairmen has their own approach to astrology.
Ferdinand: It takes quite the effort for us to compromise and agree on what we want for the "constellations"—or our plans, if you will.
Ferdinand: All for the sake of that which is both a primal beast and not: Argo.
Astronomer: Um... Director? My apologies, but I'm afraid I'm not following—
Ferdinand: Please, listen to me until the end. It'd be your loss not to, and I most definitely wouldn't want that for you.
Astronomer: ...!
Despite the director's kind demeanor, the astronomer finds himself in a cold sweat, unable to give neither his consent or refusal.
Ferdinand: We are gathering Horoscopes and their Accordants, you see.
Ferdinand: However, that is merely a preface to something greater.
Ferdinand: The constellation will move on to the next step as we reach out to a more vast and beautiful night sky.
Ferdinand: But... I'd rather you not speed that up.
Astronomer: ...?
Ferdinand: You visiting me today is, of course, in accordance with the constellations.
Ferdinand: But I'm afraid it's slightly different than what I'd predicted in my own reading.
Astronomer: Cough!
A dagger pierces his heart before the astronomer can register what is happening to him.
Ferdinand: You understand, don't you? Timing is crucial in astronomical observation.
Astronomer: Direc... tor... Wh-why...
Ferdinand: I just told you, didn't I?
Ferdinand: Life is valuable. I hope you'll accept my good faith by at least telling you the reason I need you to die.
Astronomer: ...
Ferdinand: Ah... He's already gone.
Ferdinand gazes down at the corpse before breathing a sigh, shifting his eyes to the clear skies above.
Ferdinand: Haha. I wonder if we'll be able to see Cancer in the skies tonight.
His cheery voice echoes across the bloodied observation room.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 4: Intersection - Episode 3
The morning after, feeling something off about the lack of word from the astronomer, the crew debates infiltrating the research zone. Sensing danger for the crew, Fiorito quickly directs them to something else from which they are able to find a lead on Kolulu's location. Afterwards, Fiorito meets up with Ferdinand, who explains that Fiorito's decision to give the crew a clue had been a part of his plan, though he would like her to prove her loyalty nevertheless. He orders her to assassinate (Captain).
The next day, the crew waits for the astronomer to contact them as promised, but he never comes.
(Captain) and company visit the research zone once more to ask the front security for the astronomer's whereabouts.
Troue: It seems he left a message for us saying that permission was denied.
Vyrn: But didn't he say he was gonna come tell us directly? Don'tcha think it's a bit odd?
Cupitan: Yes... Something about this research zone seems off.
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito: (Navis is definitely interfering here... That means we're getting close to the base.)
Vyrn: We might hafta just sneak in...
Vyrn: I mean, we don't know which observatory they're in and the security's pretty strict, but we don't have time.
Troue: That's true. I caught glimpses of the Auditors while examining the ground around here, so we might be able to figure out where their base is once we're inside.
Fiorito: (Ferdinand must've predicted that they'd come this far.)
Fiorito: (I have a bad feeling about this. At this rate, they're gonna...)
While the crew is discussing the best way to infiltrate, Fiorito stands beside them, feeling uneasy.
Ferdinand: With that said, we'll be counting on you to continue monitoring the crew without arousing suspicion.
Fiorito: (As long as I'm not arousing suspicion... Those were my orders. In that case, it'd be more natural for me to do something, right?)
Fiorito looks around when something catches her eye.
Fiorito: I'm gonna go take a look!
Vyrn: Huh? Hey, Muscle Lady!
Fiorito suddenly breaks into a run.
The crew dashes after Fiorito, who heads toward a mountain of garbage and begins to rummage through it.
Cupitan: This seems to be the garbage collection site for the research zone...
Vyrn: Boy does it stink... I can't not hold my nose.
Fiorito: (My report on the crew... If Ragazzo actually put that information to use, then maybe...)
Fiorito: ...!
Fiorito fishes out something long and white from the pile of trash.
Vyrn: What's that?
Fiorito: A chicken bone! It's shiny and clean, without a shred of meat left on it!
Fiorito: And I've only ever seen one person eat chicken that cleanly.
Troue: You mean... Sorry, can I see that for a minute?
Troue takes off his gloves and receives the chicken bone from Fiorito, focusing his attention on it.
Kolulu: (Please! Someone notice this!)
Troue: This person... (Captain), could you take a look with me?
Choose: You got it!
(Captain) reaches out to take Troue's other hand.
Immediately, Troue's vision of the memories from the chicken bone are transferred to (Captain).
Choose: No doubt about it. It's Kolulu!
Vyrn: So that means this bone is from what Kolulu ate here!
Troue: That's right! In addition, an Auditor might have thrown out the trash.
Troue: In that case, if we can find something that an Auditor's touched, I might be able to narrow down the location of their base!
Vyrn: Nice work, Muscle Lady! Now all we gotta do is put together a plan and find out where exactly they're hidin'!
Vyrn: How'd you think of checking out the garbage dump though?
Fiorito: Huh? Oh, well... it was just a fluke! Got lucky, that's all!
Cupitan: ...
Troue: I'm sorry, but it may take me a while to figure out their exact location.
Troue: But they're bound to find us if we stay here for too long. Would it be all right if we took this garbage with us so I can look through it carefully?
At Troue's suggestion, the crew take the garbage back with them to the inn.
While Troue continues looking through the items in the garbage, the others get ready to infiltrate the research zone.
As part of the preparations for the upcoming rescue mission, Fiorito is delegated with finding a map they can use and heads to the library to carry out her task.
Fiorito: (It's okay... I'm sure it'll be fine...)
Girl's Figure: Are you actually feeling bad for what you're doing? What a waste of time.
Girl's Figure: You're gonna have to betray (Captain) sooner or later.
Fiorito: ...
Monster: ...
Just then, a single monster jumps out in front of Fiorito, leaving behind a letter before hopping away again.
Fiorito: (That's one of Tristette's familiars... Is this a letter for me?)
Fiorito: ...!
Fiorito immediately heads to the location written in the letter.
Fiorito: This place...
Ferdinand: Ah, there you are, Fiorito. The room's a little messy at the moment, but don't mind it.
Astronomer: ...
Fiorito: ...!
Catching a glimpse of what was once the astronomer, crumpled on the floor, Fiorito struggles to push down her nausea.
Ferdinand: This is your first time here, isn't it, Fiorito? Welcome to our home... Our base on Stella Island.
Ferdinand: The place that (Captain)'s crew is about to find after that helpful hint of yours.
Fiorito: ...!
Sweat slides down the back of Fiorito's neck as Ferdinand looks at her, a calm smile on his face.
Fiorito: I had to contribute in some way to avoid suspicion.
Ferdinand: Haha. No need to explain yourself—I already know.
Fiorito: Huh?
Ferdinand: We'll be ambushing them here.
Fiorito: ...!
Ferdinand: Kolulu's abduction was merely the groundwork for this very purpose.
Ferdinand: The plan has gone well thus far. However... it is very unfortunate that you've mistaken another place for your home.
Fiorito: No! I haven't mistaken—
Ferdinand: Ah, don't misunderstand me. I, too, believe that you didn't willingly mistake your home.
Ferdinand: It's just that... I need you to show me your true intentions, Auditor Sesto, Fiorito.
Ferdinand: You only have one mission now.
Ferdinand: Assassinate (Captain).
Fiorito: ...!
After receiving her new instructions from Ferdinand, Fiorito moves to another room where Lavirita is waiting.
Lavirita: Hesitant, are we, Fiorito?
Fiorito: What're you talking about?
Lavirita: ...
Lavirita: Never mind. Well then, let's go over the plan for (Captain)'s assassination.
Fiorito: So with this, we can clear all our problems in one go?
Lavirita: Indeed. And this way, they won't know that you are working as a member of Navis.
Lavirita: After (Captain)'s death, you will still be able to feign ignorance and continue infiltrating the group.
Lavirita: Sphairai's power is well-suited for this strategy. The Chairman's meticulous plan will make some good money.
As the two continue checking the next stages of their plan, Lavirita asks again.
Lavirita: We only have one chance. Are you ready for this?
Fiorito: Of course I am.
Fiorito: (I've always been ready. Or... so I'd thought.)
Fiorito: (I have to do it. I knew this from the beginning.)
Fiorito: (I can't afford to lose the Chairman's trust now.)
If Fiorito were to be removed from Navis, she would no longer have access to their information from the inside as an Auditor.
It would mean throwing away everything she has worked toward since childhood in order to carry out her revenge.
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito: (Dad...)
Fiorito puts a hand on her pouch.
Feeling the book inside it, she quietly tilts her head back to look up at the sky.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 4: Intersection - Episode 4
While Troue uses his Gift of Visions to search for Kolulu's exact location, Feather is outside training by himself. Frustrated at his own lack of strength, he wishes to himself that he could fight Ghandagoza again when a mysterious priestess appears in front of him. The woman raises her staff and sends Feather to the mountains, where Ghandagoza is training. Sensing Feather's vexations, Ghandagoza agrees to Feather's request for a spar.
Feather: Hup! Hah!
While waiting for Troue to finish examining the items in the garbage, Feather is outside on the fields practicing by himself.
Feather: Come on, focus! Picture his moves!
He swings his fists furiously, caught in a battle with Ragazzo within his mind.
Feather: I'm gonna put my heart into these fists... and draw out what's in his heart too!
Feather: But in order to do that, I gotta get stronger!
Feather: Stronger... and stronger! I'm gonna make you face me with all that you've got!
But even within Feather's imagination, Ragazzo overpowers him easily.
Feather: Gragh!
Feather: Damn it... It's not enough! I don't have enough power or experience!
Feather: Ghandagoza... If only I can cross fists with him again like last time...
Priestess: Lost, I see.
Feather: Whoa!
Feather: Who the heck are you? How'd you get behind me like that?
A woman holding a mysterious staff in her hand talks calmly to Feather.
Priestess: I am one who has come to give you the guidance you seek.
Priestess: The man you pursue, the legendary martial artist... I can bring you to him once more.
Feather: What! Really?
Priestess: Yes. At once, if you so wish.
Feather: Okay, then let's go!
The woman nods in a dignified manner and slowly raises her staff.
Priestess: O Nereus Staff, mock the absent god.
Feather: ...!
At her chant, the staff releases a bright light.
Feather: Wha! Where... am I?
In the blink of an eye, Feather finds himself on a mountain, with a large shadow looming over him.
Ghandagoza: Nwahaaa! Who would've thought that a young fighter like yourself would appear on these mountains?
Ghandagoza: Such an encounter is truly a mystery!
Feather: Ghandagoza!
Feather sees the mighty fighter Ghandagoza standing in front of him, in the middle of his own training high up in the mountains.
Ghandagoza: Hm... You've grown much since last I saw you, but it seems you've come across another obstacle in your path!
Feather: You mean... you could tell just from my fighting spirit?
Ghandagoza laughs heartily and nods at Feather.
Ghandagoza: Oho, so you wish to cross fists with an opponent much stronger than yourself...
Ghandagoza: As you already fear, it is far from feasible in your current state! Absolutely impossible, I say!
Feather: Damn it! I knew that, but it sucks getting told straight-up!
Feather: But you've lit the fire in me! Will you spar with me, Ghandagoza?
Ghandagoza: Gahaha! Very good!
Ghandagoza: Well then, young fighter! Let us gain strength by crossing fists with one another!
Ghandagoza guffaws again before looking straight at the determined young man in front of him.
Ghandagoza: Now, put everything you have into those fists...
Ghandagoza: And surpass your limits!
Marionette Stars - Chapter 5: Phase - Episode 1
Cupitan tells the crew that Fiorito's color of betrayal has been growing darker, and raises a number of questions on Fiorito's behavior up until now. Nevertheless, (Captain) and company decide to put their trust in Fiorito wholeheartedly; seeing this, Cupitan also puts her trust in the crew and their judgment. The crew goes back to making preparations, not knowing that Fiorito had heard everything from beyond the door. The crew's conversation spurs Fiorito to come to a decision of her own.
Cupitan: Fiorito... may be working for Navis.
Feather: Wha...
The crew is silent, shocked by Cupitan's words.
Cupitan: It's been bothering me since I first met all of you.
Cupitan: Fiorito's heart has a very complicated hue, like there's a constant tornado of emotions.
Cupitan: The navy purple shade of betrayal within her heart, especially, has been growing stronger and stronger since the day we met.
(Captain) and company listen quietly as Cupitan goes on, stammering here and there.
Cupitan: There are several things that caused me to grow suspicious, you see.
Cupitan: Encouraging Kolulu to go with you on the day you were attacked, making plans that allow her to move on her own, conveniently finding that clue at the research zone...
Cupitan: I don't know what her intentions are, but there is a possibilty that she's tricking all of you into something.
Cupitan: I don't have solid proof. And if I turn out to be wrong, that's all right with me too.
Cupitan: But I wanted to tell all of you this before we head to the enemy's base.
Cupitan finishes her explanation, still looking nervous.
Lyria: Cupitan, thank you for telling us. That must've been hard for you.
Vyrn: I mean, Muscle Lady's always had somethin' she couldn't tell us about, but...
The crew grows silent again, processing Cupitan's thoughts on Fiorito and her motives.
All except the captain, who speaks up without hesitation.
Choose: I trust Fiorito.
Cupitan: ...!
Feather: Yeah! Me too!
Feather: I felt it through her fists... Fiorito's definitely thinking of us as her friends! And she's not the type of person who'd do something bad!
Vyrn: I can't see emotions or cross fists with anyone, so I can't say much about Muscle Lady...
Vyrn: But we made a promise. Though we might've been a bit pushy about it.
Lyria: We've gotten to know Fio a lot since we started journeying together.
Lyria: She has a sweet tooth, doesn't like chicken breast or broccoli... and she cries when she gets sore muscles from training.
Vyrn: She's nice to kids, and she actually likes reading a lot.
Lyria: There's plenty we still don't know about her, of course, but I'm excited to get to know her even better from here on!
Cupitan: Are you... sure? Do good friends usually keep secrets from one another?
Lyria: She might be keeping a thing or two from us... but Fio is still Fio!
Vyrn: Yeah, and if we're talkin' about people involved in some kind of trouble, we've got a ton of those in our crew already!
Cupitan: I... see.
Cupitan casts her gaze down, thinking for a moment. Then she raises her head and smiles gently.
Cupitan: All of you truly do trust in Fiorito, from the bottom of your hearts.
Cupitan: The trust you have for your friend is a beautiful orange, like a sunrise that warms the heart.
Cupitan: I almost feel a bit jealous.
Lyria: Cupitan?
Cupitan: All right. Since you have perfect confidence in Fiorito, then I'll put my trust in all of you.
With Cupitan's concerns somewhat cleared, they all resume their preparations for the upcoming mission.
Outside the room where (Captain) and the others are having their discussion, a figure hovers at the door, listening.
Fiorito: ...
Having heard everything, Fiorito bites her lip as she stands frozen in place.
Fiorito: (What is it... that I wanna do?)
Hugging her book to her chest, Fiorito makes an important decision that will determine her path going forward.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 5: Phase - Episode 2
Troue is able to pinpoint Kolulu's location, and the crew begins the rescue mission. Randall is at the inn by himself, recovering, when a mysterious woman dressed like a priestess appears in front of him. Meanwhile, the crew infiltrate the old observatory in the research zone, where they are confronted by Ragazzo on the first floor. Feather takes on Ragazzo as his opponent while the others go on ahead. Feather tells Ragazzo that he is determined to have a talk with him through their fists this time, and their battle begins.
Troue is finally able to pinpoint which observatory Kolulu is being held captive in, just as the sun begins to set.
Using the maps Fiorito found at the library, the crew immediately sets out for the research zone.
On the other hand, following the captain's orders, Randall remains at the inn to give his body time to heal.
Tikoh had also advised him to continue resting in order to speed up his ongoing recovery.
Randall: Damn it! How am I supposed to just lie here at a time like this?
Randall sits up abruptly, clenching the edge of the bedsheets.
Randall: Maybe I can still catch up to them now—
Priestess: Even if you go, I'm afraid you will not be of any assistance.
Randall: ...!
Who the hell are you?
Who the hell are you?
Priestess: I shall give you the guidance you seek.
The woman's staff begins to glow, its light illuminating Randall's face.
Feather: Hah!
Guard: Rrgh!
Feather: Sorry... Just sleep there for a bit!
Meanwhile, (Captain) and the others knock out the guards at the front gate and proceed to infiltrate the research zone.
Cupitan swiftly hits the other guards on patrol with her Prism Arrows, robbing them of any feelings of suspicion toward the crew.
Cupitan: The arrows' effect will last several hours at the longest. We don't have much time.
Tikoh: Let's press on!
(Captain) and company reach an old observatory that now serves as the main administrative office.
Vyrn: It's kinda dusty in here... Doesn't look like anyone's around.
Fiorito: It seems most of the functions needed for administration have been moved to other buildings, so this place isn't being used as much.
Tikoh: According to this diagram, this building has four floors. The first, second, and third floors are all old laboratories, and stairs are located on both sides of the hallways.
Lyria: And it looks like there's a large space on the fourth floor... The diagram says it's the "astronomy observation room."
Troue: From what I was able to see, Kolulu appeared to be held in a room on the third floor.
Troue removes his gloves and touches the walls and floor of the building.
Troue: I see memories of Kolulu being carried in, but not out.
Vyrn: But it's possible that she was carried to another room, right? The enemy seems like a pretty careful bunch.
Troue: Right. Let's take a look around each floor and make our way up.
The crew cautiously proceeds down the hallway and opens the door to a room on the first floor.
Vyrn: It's completely empty...
The room is dark and dreary with pedestals that look like they would be used for experiments.
Feather: Is anyone here?
Ragazzo: There sure is.
Feather: ...!
When Ragazzo steps out from the shadows, Feather jumps back and immediately takes on a combat position.
Vyrn: Ragazzo! Were you waitin' here to ambush us the whole time?
Ragazzo: Yeah, you sure took your sweet time! But you made it, so lemme give you a warm welcome.
Feather: Haaah!
Ragazzo: Whoa there!
Feather: (Captain)! Everyone! Leave this to me!
Lyria: Feather!
Feather: You guys go and find Kolulu! Hurry!
Choose: I believe in you!
Choose: See you in a bit!
(Captain) and the others dash out of the room and down the hallway.
Making sure his friends are safely out of the room, Feather turns back to Ragazzo in high spirits.
Feather: Okay, Ragazzo! Your opponent's gonna be me!
Ragazzo: Oh, come on. Are you serious? How're you still so confident after getting beat up that badly last time?
Feather: Simple! Because I'm just that confident!
Feather: And this time... I'm gonna make sure we have a talk with our fists!
Feather: Hraaah!
Feather throws a fast punch, but Ragazzo dodges it.
Ragazzo: Whew! I gotta admit, that was pretty fast.
Ragazzo: But you can do better than—
Feather: Hah!
Ragazzo: Ergh!
Without a pause, Feather throws another punch—this time, so fast that Ragazzo has no time to react before it hits him straight in the face.
Feather: You're right! I can do better!
Feather: I'll say it one more time. We're really gonna have a talk with our fists this time!
Feather's words ring out loud and clear as he thrusts his fist straight ahead.
Ragazzo: Heh...
Ragazzo wipes the blood from his mouth, the look in his eyes changing as he gets up from the ground.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 5: Phase - Episode 3
On the second floor, the crew encounters Tristette, who sends a wave of attacking monsters. Cupitan shoots Prism Arrows that render the monsters' emotions colorless, knocking the creatures out. The others leave Tristette to Cupitan and move on to the third floor. With tears in her eyes, Cupitan tells Tristette that she doesn't want to fight as she aims an arrow at her friend.
While Feather is keeping Ragazzo occupied, (Captain) and company run up to the second floor and stop to catch their breaths.
Vyrn: What do we do now? More Auditors are probably waitin' for us up here.
Cupitan: It looks like we'll have to fight them... Still, our main priority is saving Kolulu!
Fiorito: Right. Which means that Troue should avoid fighting so he can continue looking for clues that'll take us to Kolulu.
Troue: In that case, Tikoh should also stay back, in case Kolulu needs medical attention later.
Choose: You too, Vyrn. Lyria.
(Captain) tells the two to continue looking for Kolulu even if they encounter another Auditor.
The crew members nod at one another before making their way down the hallway.
Lyria: ...!
There's something inside that room! And not just one—
There's something inside that room! And not just one—
Monsters: ...!
Tristette: Pretty stupid of you all to just waltz into our base.
Cupitan: Ris!
Tristette: Go, my stupid little army!
Monsters: ...!
Cupitan steps forward to face the large group of oncoming monsters.
Cupitan: (Captain)! Leave this to me!
Cupitan: Prism Arrow... Let this be a prayer to the child of caprice, and link us to a hueless dream.
Cupitan: Hah!
Monsters: ...
Hit with Cupitan's arrows, the monsters are knocked out one by one.
Tristette: Tch. Those arrows that make emotions colorless could get problematic.
Cupitan: Now! Go!
Tikoh: Thanks, Cupitan!
Tristette: (You better do this right.)
Fiorito: ...!
Tristette shoots Fiorito a look while the others are distracted.
Tristette: I have to deal with you again one on one? This sucks.
Cupitan: Wake up, Ris! You have to stop this!
Tristette: You're not just being stupid—you're gross, you know that? What're you, a crazy stalker?
Cupitan: The Ris I know would never say something like that!
Tristette heaves a sigh, scratching her head.
Tristette: Don't tell me you still think I'm getting brainwashed...
Tristette: There is no brainwashing.
Cupitan: What?
Cupitan freezes for a second before vigorously shaking her head.
Cupitan: They're making you say that, aren't they? That's what brainwashing does!
Cupitan: Come on, Ris. Let's run away from Navis. If we work together, I'm sure we can escape them!
Tristette: It's no use trying to talk. How many times have we been through this?
Tristette shakes her head, exasperated.
Tristette: Grovel before me, Slarnd... I grant you permission to release your power.
Monsters: ...!
Cupitan: More monsters... No! I don't want to fight you, Ris!
Tristette: Well that's a coincidence. As a matter of fact, same here.
Tristette: Let's go for another round, my stupid little army!
Cupitan: ...!
Tears in her eyes, Cupitan nocks an arrow and points it at the attacking monsters.
Her dazzling hair and hair ornament wave in the air, as if to lament the battle that is about to happen.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 5: Phase - Episode 4
In his rematch with Ragazzo, Feather is overwhelmed by Crimson Finger's power and collapses. At the same time, on the third floor, (Captain) and company are met with gunfire from Lavirita. (Captain) tells Troue and the others to go on first while the captain and Fiorito stay behind to take on Lavirita. However, little does (Captain) know that this, too, is a part of Fiorito and Lavirita's assassination plan. The captain is struck from behind by Fiorito and loses consciousness.
Meanwhile, on the first floor.
Ragazzo: Whew...
Feather: He's coming!
Feather's heart is beating fast as he senses Ragazzo's growing thirst for blood.
Ragazzo: Crimson Finger... Spin crime into claws!
Feather: I've been waiting for this!
Feather: Bring it, Ragazzo! Let me see the fire in your heart!
Ragazzo: Fooled ya.
Feather: Wha!
Ragazzo closes the distance, striking Feather in his vital points at an incredible speed.
Ragazzo: You got a lot done in a short time—I'll give ya that.
Ragazzo: But this is as far as you go. There's no way a chump like you can match Crimson Finger's power, no matter how hard you try!
Feather: I can and I will! Then we can talk with our—
Ragazzo: Seriously, that face of yours...
Ragazzo: Really makes me...
Ragazzo: Sick!
Feather: Gwah!
In his unique pose, Ragazzo continues hitting his opponent in the vitals. Feather falls to the ground, unable to block in time.
Feather: Damn... it!
Feather: Why won't you fight me, Ragazzo? Your fists... I still don't feel anything from them!
Ragazzo: Please... Your asininity's off the charts.
Ragazzo: It's not an arena here. I ain't got the time to hang around and have friendly matches with people.
Ragazzo: I've got work to do. Beating people up's a one-sided task and that's how it's gonna stay.
Feather: ...!
Feather: (Ragazzo... Just how are you so...)
Ragazzo: As long as I immobilize you, my task here is pretty much done.
Ragazzo: Hehehe. Well... Sweet dreams, yeah?
Feather: (Damn... Am I about to lose again?)
Feather: (Am I gonna lose, get down about it... then train myself to be stronger and try again?)
Feather: (Wait. It's almost like...)
As strength is leaving his body, strangely, a smile spreads on Feather's face.
He sinks into unconsciousness.
Upstairs, (Captain) and the others are climbing the stairs to the third floor as Troue updates them on his findings.
Troue: Neither the first floor nor the second floor had any signs of Kolulu being moved to another place.
Vyrn: Does that mean she's still in that room on the third floor?
Troue: We can't be certain. After all, there's still the possibility that she was moved to the observation room on the fourth floor.
Reaching the top of the stairs, the crew steps out onto the hallway of the third floor.
Tikoh: Wah!
Lavirita: Good evening, everyone. It appears you're all here.
The crew turn to see Lavirita slowly walking down the hall towards them, their noses stinging from the smell of gunpowder.
As (Captain) and company ready themselves for combat, they whisper to each other in low voices.
Tikoh: We need to examine the third floor thoroughly, which means we need to get him out of the way.
Choose: Fiorito!
The captain signals to Fiorito so the two of them can take on the enemy together.
Fiorito: ...!
Troue: The rest of us will investigate the fourth floor, then come back down to the third floor from the stairs on the other side.
Lyria: See you again soon!
Tikoh, Troue, Vyrn, and Lyria turn and continue up the stairs to the fourth floor.
Lavirita: Excellent... It appears our plan was correct.
Lavirita: Well then, let's go over the plan for (Captain)'s assassination.
Lavirita: According to the constellations, after the skyfarers infiltrate this place, they will end up fighting separately.
Lavirita: Eventually, (Captain) will team up with you, Fiorito, in a battle against myself.
Lavirita: That should leave you with plenty of opportunities to strike (Captain) from behind. Then, I will finish the captain off with my gun.
Fiorito: And it'll look like (Captain) simply died during the fight with you... making the circumstances look natural.
Lavirita: (Everything is according to the constellations. I'm counting on you, Fiorito.)
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito takes a deep breath and glances over at (Captain).
Choose: Let's go!
Gran is the Main Character
Sword raised, (Captain) makes a dash toward Lavirita.
Fiorito follows suit, running just behind the captain.
Djeeta is the Main Character
Sword raised, (Captain) makes a dash toward Lavirita.
Fiorito follows suit, running just behind the captain.
Lavirita: ...!
Gran is the Main Character
Fiorito: Sphairai... I devote my entire being. Let my spirit bloom!
Fiorito: Haaah!
Djeeta is the Main Character
Fiorito: Sphairai... I devote my entire being. Let my spirit bloom!
Fiorito: Haaah!
At Fiorito's chant, the gauntlets on her fists release a blinding light.
Choose: …!
Without registering what had happened, (Captain) falls over on the ground, unconscious.
Fiorito: Sorry, (Captain)...
Fiorito's whisper and the soft applause from Lavirita echo across the otherwise quiet hallway.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 6: Collision - Episode 1
Tristette tells Cupitan the truth behind their past, and explains that she had joined Navis out of her own free will because she hated being with Cupitan. Cupitan had known this but was unable to accept this reality, so she had used her Prism Arrows to overwrite her own memories. Finally remembering the true events of the past, Cupitan loses her will to fight. In the meantime, Troue and the others find Kolulu on the fourth floor and realize that Kolulu had been used as bait by Navis to lure all of them to the observatory. They rush back down to the third floor, where they find (Captain) lying on the floor.
On the second floor, Cupitan is struggling against the multitude of monsters under Tristette's control.
Monsters: ...!
Cupitan: Haaah!
Cupitan: Ugh!
Cupitan: (There's so many of them! I can't produce my Prism Arrows fast enough...)
Tristette: This is taking way too long. Just give up already.
Cupitan: I won't give up! I'm going to bring you back with me, Ris!
Tristette: Ack... You're so annoying.
Tristette lets out a sigh.
Tristette: How long are you gonna keep wearing that thing in your hair anyway?
Cupitan: Forever! It's proof of our friendship!
Tristette: Oh yeah? Then how about my letter? The last one I wrote you.
Cupitan: Of course I still have it! It's here in my pocket...
"There only needs to be one sacrifice, and that's me."
A letter that spelled out their friendship.
A letter that spelled out their friendship.
However, when Cupitan reaches into her pocket to take the precious letter out, she finds nothing.
Cupitan: Huh... Why isn't it in here?
Tristette: Because you threw it away.
Cupitan: There's no way I'd do that! I know I put it in here...
Tristette: You mean this right here?
Her miffed expression unchanging, Tristette takes out an old, crumpled piece of paper.
Cupitan: Wh-why do you have it?
Tristette: Forgetful, aren't you? Isn't that convenient.
Tristette: Here, how about I help you remember then? I'll bring those stupid memories back... Both yours and mine.
Brows knitted, Tristette reluctantly recalls their story.
Tristette: That day, the town became engulfed in flames and we began to run from Navis.
Tristette: The two of us escaped and started our journey together.
Young Tristette: I'm so hungry... Let's rummage through some trash and see what we can find.
Young Cupitan: Wait! I'll go ask the villagers!
Young Tristette: Come on, you think they're gonna hear us out and give us their food?
Tristette: To be honest, I looked down on you at first. How stupid do you have to be to think that people would actually listen to a monster?
Tristette: But then...
Young Cupitan: Look, Ris! The people from the village were so kind. They gave me all this bread!
Young Tristette: ...!
Tristette: You were so radiant.
Tristette: It was then that I realized that even though we were both monsters, we weren't of the same kind.
Tristette: You grew up praised by everyone around you, bathing in the light.
Tristette: But me... I'd always been in the shadows.
Tristette: People've always hated me and thought me disgusting. I never had a place anywhere.
Young Cupitan: Let's run away together! With the both of us, I'm sure we'll be just fine!
Young Tristette: Yeah...
Tristette: I hated it.
Tristette: Truth is, you were the one who was always looking down on me, the pitiful monster.
Tristette: You were so bright, just being with you made my head hurt.
Young Cupitan: Zzz...
Young Tristette: See you, Cupitan.
Tristette: I didn't want to spend my entire life getting looked down on by you.
Tristette: Navis wanted me, so I thought it was the perfect chance to rise to the top and look down on you instead.
Tristette: And this letter? I wrote very clearly that I was going to join Navis because I hated you.
Tristette: I thought it was the least I could do as thanks for everything up until that point, you know.
Tristette: But then you went and did something stupid.
Young Cupitan: No way... This can't be true!
Young Cupitan: Prism Arrow... Let this be a prayer to the child of caprice, and link us to a hueless dream.
Young Cupitan: Prism Arrow... Link us to a dream of golden, ruby, and emerald hue.
Young Cupitan: ...!
Tristette: You couldn't accept the truth, so you erased the despair in your heart by piercing yourself with hundreds of arrows.
Tristette: Not only that—you overwrote your memories with emotions that made you feel better.
Tristette: I was shocked the first time I saw you again after becoming an Auditor. You kept going on about me getting brainwashed.
Tristette: I figured out what you'd done right away.
Cupitan: No! That can't be right, Ris...
Cupitan desperately shakes her head, but the memories come flooding back to her.
Young Cupitan: Why, Ris... Why did you go away?
Young Cupitan: No. This is all a bad dream. We're best friends—she'd never do this to me.
Young Cupitan: Hehe. I'm sure that, in reality, Ris is doing this for me...
Cupitan: Ah... Aaah!
Cupitan: Prism Arrow... Let this be a prayer—
Tristette: Oh no you don't!
Cupitan: Nngh!
Tristette: You've erased your own emotions and run away twice before. This is the third time.
Tristette: But I'm not letting you do it this time.
Cupitan: You weren't... brainwashed?
Tristette: Luckily, no.
Cupitan: Then that means... I...
Cupitan sinks to her knees. Trisette slowly walks up to the groveling Cupitan and puts a foot on her back.
Tristette: Hehehe... Now I'm the one standing at the top.
Tristette: How do you feel now, huh? How does it feel getting stepped on by someone you looked down on before?
Cupitan: ...
Tristette: Oh, come on. You're just gonna give me the silent treatment now?
Tristette gives a bored yawn. She takes her foot off of Cupitan and turns to walk away.
Tristette: Now I'll always be the one at the top. Maybe I'll see your sorry face around again one of these days, if I feel like it.
Tristette: See ya, stupidest of all stupids.
Cupitan: ...
With no particular destination in mind, Trisette casually walks off.
Cupitan remains on the ground, even as the sound of Tristette's footsteps fades and disappears.
Meanwhile, Tikoh and company reach the observation room on the fourth floor.
They are about to begin examining the place when Tikoh spots something from the corner of her eye. She freezes, her eyes widening in shock.
Astronomer: ...
Tikoh: ...!
Lyria: What's the matter? Is something—
Tikoh: Don't come over here, everyone!
Tikoh crouches over the astronomer. After confirming that he is no longer breathing, she gently puts her hand over his terror-filled eyes and closes them.
Tikoh: May you rest in peace...
A number of desks and various equipment are spread out across the enormous room. Troue is on the ground, feeling for any clues when he lets out a cry.
Troue: It's Kolulu! She's in the memories of this very spot!
Lyria: Does that mean Kolulu is somewhere on this floor?
Troue: It's possible. I'm going to dig deeper into it now—will you all look with me?
Taking the other crew members' hands, Troue shares his vision of the memories he found.
Kolulu: Where are you taking me?
Ferdinand: To this very telescope. A fitting place for all of you.
Ferdinand: Hello, Feli—ahem. Troue from the pit, was it? You're looking at this memory, aren't you?
Ferdinand: Sorry for making you come all the way here. But I'm glad you came.
Ferdinand: Our constellation will soon be complete. In the meantime, I'll be returning Kolulu to you.
Troue: What was that...
Troue: How... does he know me?
The strange experience of someone talking to him through his Gift of Visions sends a chill down Troue's spine.
Tikoh: Ferdinand!
Tikoh and company immediately head to the gigantic telescope standing in the middle of the room.
Kolulu: ...!
In the shadow of the telescope is Kolulu, gagged and bound with ropes.
Vyrn: Kolulu! Hang on, we're gonna come save you right now!
They run to where Kolulu is and release her from the constraints.
Kolulu: Haaa! Thank you, everyone!
Lyria: Are you all right? Did they do anything to you? I hope they didn't feed you anything strange...
Kolulu: No, actually... They didn't do anything to me, which was odd.
Kolulu: I tried to stay alert and resisted eating or drinking anything they gave me... except the fried chicken.
Tikoh does a quick examination of Kolulu before nodding, wearing a perplexed expression.
Tikoh: Looks like they really didn't do anything to you. No external injuries, and your brain and organs are functioning properly, save a slight nutritional deficiency.
Vyrn: What's going on? I thought they wanted to kidnap Kolulu so they could brainwash her.
Vyrn: She hasn't been made into an Auditor, and they didn't even take Gisla even though they're supposed to be after Horoscopes.
Troue: I'm not quite sure... but it seems Ferdinand knew that we would come.
Troue: And if our movements have been a part of Navis's plan all along, then...
Tikoh: Are you saying that Kolulu was being used as bait to lure all of us here?
Lyria: Oh no! That means...
Troue: (Captain)'s in danger!
Tikoh and the others hurry back to the stairs to descend to the third floor.
When they reach the hallway of the third floor, they find it completely quiet, with Lavirita nowhere in sight.
Finally, something lying on the bullet-ridden floor catches their eye.
Vyrn: You're... kidding...
The crew members are lost for words as they struggle to comprehend the tragic scene in front of them.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 6: Collision - Episode 2
While he is unconscious, Feather sees a vision of himself and Randall sparring on the field when they were children, and remembers that his reason for fighting had been to "get stronger." When the Lion Khan Claw reacts to his thoughts, Feather becomes accordant with the Horoscope. With this new power, Feather wakes and begins to push back against Ragazzo. Ragazzo responds with building anger and the two engage in a fierce battle, in which Feather's strengthened will begins to draw out Ragazzo's true feelings.
Feather: Ngh... Where... am I?
After suffering Ragazzo's attacks, Feather had lost consciousness.
Now he wakes to a nostalgic smell as he finds himself lying in a grassy field.
Energetic Boy: Okay, Randall! One more time!
Calm Boy: Again? The sun's about to set.
Feather: Whoa! Is that...
Feather looks over at two boys sparring in the field and realizes that it is himself and Randall when they were little.
Feather: Heh, this brings back memories. Come to think of it, we used to spar here a lot.
Young Feather: Who cares if the sun sets? Come on, time for another match!
Young Randall: You know... have you ever thought of doing anything other than training?
Young Randall: Just playing like the other kids... or how about exploring the forest? Everyone from the village's doing that.
Young Feather: No! I don't need any of that!
Young Feather: I wanna be strong! I wanna fight some strong guys, get stronger, and then fight some even stronger guys!
Young Feather: Doesn't that get you excited? Nothing can be more fun than that!
Feather: ...!
The young Feather proudly throws out his chest. Seeing himself do that, Feather sucks in a breath.
Feather: Oh yeah... How could I have forgotten?
Young Randall: Sigh... All right, fine.
Young Feather: Here I come! Haaah!
Young Randall: Take this!
Feather: I wasn't fighting because I wanted to talk with my fists.
Young Feather: Haha, you hungry or something? Your moves are getting slow!
Young Randall: That's because we've been doing this since sunrise! You're the weird one for still having so much energy!
Feather: I was fighting to get stronger. Talking through my fists was just a part of that journey.
Feather: (Damn... Am I about to lose again?)
Feather: (Am I gonna lose, get down about it... then train myself to be stronger and try again?)
Feather: (Wait. It's almost like...)
Feather: Like... I'm having fun!
Feather breaks into a grin, pumping his fist high into the air.
A mad and endless passion is ignited once more in the young fighter's heart.
Feather: I wanna be strong... Stronger and stronger!
Lion Khan Claw: ...
Suddenly, a magnificent gauntlet appears in front of Feather.
Feather: You mean... you can help me get stronger?
The gauntlet answers by releasing a bright light, as if it had been waiting for this moment all along.
Words surface in Feather's mind.
Feather: Lion Khan Claw... Forsake the sheep of old and become the lion of this day!
Feather: Whew...
Ragazzo: Hey. What did you just do?
Ragazzo: That's the Lion Khan Claw! How'd you get your hands on it?
Ragazzo stares in shock as Feather, whom he had knocked out just a moment ago, suddenly rises with a new energy.
And sitting on Feather's hand is the legendary Horoscope, the Lion Khan Claw.
Ragazzo: Don't tell me you're... accordant with it?
Feather: Why don't you see for yourself?
Feather: Haaah!
Ragazzo: Gwah!
Ragazzo: (I can't see his movements at all!)
Feather: No time to rest!
Ragazzo: Gah!
Ragazzo: (It's like his entire body's been enhanced... His attacks are so powerful!)
Feather: I'm gonna keep getting stronger! I'm gonna beat you and go beyond that!
Ragazzo: Damn it... Just what is happening here? I never heard anything about this!
Feather: Hraaah!
Ragazzo: Gragh!
Feather's swift attack sends Ragazzo flying without a moment's notice.
Ragazzo: You're... joking...
Feather: Haha! No one's joking here!
Ragazzo: Argh, you're really getting on my nerves! I'll wipe that smirk off your face!
Feather: Huh... Didn't even realize I was smiling.
Ragazzo: ...!
Ragazzo: I'm... I'm gonna kill you!
Ragazzo gets into position as ominous flames emit from his fist.
Ragazzo: Eat thiiis!
Feather: Bring it!
The fight grows fierce, the air around the two convulsing with each of their blows, blasting away the surrounding walls.
Each attack lasts only a split-second, but nothing escapes Feather with his heightened senses.
Feather: (I can feel it... Something is flowing from his fists to mine!)
Feather: (This fire... It's Ragazzo's memories.)
Having remembered his true will to become a stronger fighter, Feather stands again, ready to cross fists with Ragazzo.
However, it is also Feather's strong will that draws out what is in Ragazzo's heart.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 6: Collision - Episode 3
Though born as the oldest son to a prestigious line of magicians, Ragazzo had no talent for magic. In hopes of gaining his parents' affection, Ragazzo had stolen Crimson Finger from a magic academy, but was met with severe punishment from his parents instead. In his despair, Ragazzo ended up slaughtering his parents. It was then that Ferdinand had appeared and showed Ragazzo the love that the young boy had always yearned for.
A memory surfaces—the memory of a young boy who craved for love.
Ragazzo was born as the oldest son to the Spica family, a distinguished line of magicians who had served the royal family for many generations.
Naturally, Ragazzo received special magic education from his parents from a young age, and moved on to entering a prestigious magic academy.
Ragazzo's Dad: You good-for-nothing!
Young Ragazzo: Rngh!
Ragazzo's Dad: You're the oldest son of the Spica family and you can't even do something as basic as this?
Young Ragazzo: I-I'm sorry...
Ragazzo's father strikes him again and again. The boy falls back onto the carpet, bloodied.
Ragazzo's Dad: Do you know how embarrassing it is for my own son to fail his magic class? An apology won't clear the stain on our family name!
Young Ragazzo: I understand, Father... I'll work harder...
Ragazzo's Mom: Darling, stop!
Ragazzo's Dad: What do you think you're doing? He doesn't need any healing magic.
Ragazzo's Mom: Yes, he does.
Ragazzo's Mom: He needs it so he can suffer through the rest of his punishment and be thorougly "educated."
Young Ragazzo: ...!
Young Ragazzo: It's only natural that Mother and Father are mad at me.
Young Ragazzo: I have to do better so I don't dishonor the Spica family name!
Ragazzo wakes up early in the mornings to practice his spells. After finishing classes, he continues his studies on his own, reading books on magic until late into the night.
But no matter how hard he works, his grades at school do not improve.
Young Ragazzo: (No way. It's not possible! How could it be...)
Young Ragazzo: (How could I have no talent in magic...)
Ragazzo's Dad: You are a disgrace!
Young Ragazzo: Gah!
Ragazzo's Mom: Sniff... Why did I give birth to something so defective...
Ragazzo's Dad: Sigh... Isn't there some way we can put him up for adoption?
Young Ragazzo: ...!
Young Ragazzo: No... I don't want to be thrown away! I have to work even harder...
Young Ragazzo: Huh? What is this book?
One night, Ragazzo finds a mysterious book on his desk.
Young Ragazzo: Wha! It's... a banned book?
The book describes a certain magical apparatus prized by the magic academy.
Young Ragazzo: A forbidden apparatus that will grant the chosen one an immense power of flame...
Young Ragazzo: This is it!
Ragazzo follows what is detailed in the book and carefully sneaks into the academy in the dead of night.
Young Ragazzo: There it is... It's real!
Young Ragazzo: Crimson Finger!
Young Ragazzo: Father! Mother! Just wait—I'm going to be a great magician!
Having found the weapon he knew he was destined for, Ragazzo steals it from the school.
Ragazzo's Dad: You miserable piece of filth! Just how far will you make the Spica name fall!
Young Ragazzo: Gragh!
Ragazzo's Mom: I can't believe you stole something! And a prized apparatus from the treasury at that!
Young Ragazzo: Gwah!
What awaited Ragazzo was not the praise he craved from his parents, but an even fiercer bout of ridicule and violence.
Ragazzo's Dad: If you have the energy to commit crimes, then why can't you have the energy to work harder!
Ragazzo's Mom: He must be possessed by the devil... He needs to be "educated" so the devil is driven out of him!
Ragazzo's Dad: Then we'll thoroughly "educate" him today! If we don't do this, he just won't get it!
Young Ragazzo: …
Beaten by his father's magically enhanced fists until his bones and organs are crushed, his mother heals him before his father does it again, over and over. Ragazzo feels his consciousness slipping away.
Young Ragazzo: (It hurts... It really hurts...)
Young Ragazzo: (Why? Why can't they understand?)
Young Ragazzo: (I just want them to pat me on the head, and tell me that I did my best...)
Ragazzo's Dad: Wh-wha! The forbidden apparatus's glowing—
Young Ragazzo: If I don't do this, you just won't get it, right?
Young Ragazzo: Aaaah!
Ragazzo screams at the top of his lungs and begins to pummel his parents, Crimson Finger strapped to his fist.
He pummels them hard.
Again, and again, and again...
Again, and again, and again...
Ragazzo's Parents: ...
And when he comes back to his senses, his parents are no longer moving.
Young Ragazzo: Pant... Pant...
Young Ragazzo: Sniff... Why... Why did it have to be like this!
Ferdinand: It's all right... There's no need for you to cry.
Young Ragazzo: Huh?
Ferdinand: You did your best... It was tough being all alone, wasn't it?
Ferdinand: You don't have to cry anymore. You'll have me with you.
Young Ragazzo: Um... Who are you?
Ferdinand: I'm someone who's on your side. Isn't that enough?
Ferdinand: Now, come with me. Today marks the beginning of your new life—a life of joy and abundance.
The man, Ferdinand, reaches out and pats Ragazzo on the head.
Young Ragazzo: Ah... Aah!
Young Ragazzo: (For once, it's not a fist... but a warm and welcoming hand...)
Ragazzo realizes it is this calm and gentle feeling that he had always yearned for...
The feeling of love.
Marionette Stars - Chapter 6: Collision - Episode 4
The clash between Feather and Ragazzo intensifies. Not wanting to lose for the sake of Ferdinand, Ragazzo prays for power, which pushes Crimson Finger to make an ominous transformation. When Feather falters against Ragazzo's newly attained power, Randall appears just in time to block Ragazzo's strike with the Horoscope Joyeuse. Together, Feather and Randall stand against Ragazzo once more.
Feather: Ergh!
Ragazzo: Tch!
Their blows offset one another, and they both take several steps back.
Ragazzo: What the hell was that?
Both Feather and Ragazzo felt the other's will and memories flowing into them from their last exchange of fists.
Feather: Ragazzo... You're doing this for Ferdinand?
Ragazzo: And you're just in this to get stronger? You're one crazy dumbass!
Feather: Heh! Looks like we were finally able to do some talking with our fists!
Ragazzo: Yeah right! Something weird happened when our Horoscopes collided with each other, that's all. You can't call that talking.
Feather: That is talking! We got through to each other. And now...
Feather: I just gotta give it my all and win!
Ragazzo: Rrgh!
Feather's strikes are so fast that Ragazzo finds himself losing the upper hand, unable to dodge all of them in time.
Ragazzo: (Damn it! Am I really gonna lose here?)
Ferdinand: I couldn't get a wish in... I was looking for a shooting star so I could pray for your safety.
Ferdinand: But there is always risk involved, so I can't help but worry. That's the job of a dad, you know.
Ferdinand: Now, come with me. Today marks the beginning of your new life—a life of joy and abundance.
Ragazzo: (I can't lose here... I haven't given anything back to him yet!)
Ragazzo: (I can't lose to this twerp! I can do better than this!)
Ragazzo charges straight at Feather with all the strength he can muster.
Ragazzo: I don't care if I'm praying to a god or a devil...
Ragazzo: Just let me win thiiis!
In that moment, Crimson Finger explodes with a dark light.
Feather: Wha!
Ragazzo: Hraaah!
Feather: Graaagh!
Ragazzo's hit lands true. Unable to evade the attack, Feather is flung into the air, gasping for breath.
Feather: ...!
Feather: What... is this?
His gauntlet glowing ominously, Ragazzo feels an immense energy pulsing through him. He grins.
Ragazzo: Hehehe! I can feel the power surging from the depths of my body!
Ragazzo: Aah... I should've known sooner that Crimson Finger had this kind of power inside it...
Fiery Demon: ...
Ragazzo: So a demon's answered my call... Ha, why not!
Feather: Ugh...
Feather: (He's fast... and his hits are strong! What the heck is that huge demon behind him anyway?)
Feather: (I'm getting the shivers... So this is Ragazzo's true will!)
Ragazzo: Yo. You're wide open, you know that?
Feather: Crap!
Struggling to handle Ragazzo's attacks fused with demon power, Feather is left defenseless midair.
Ragazzo: See ya!
Feather: ...!
Without any means of evasion, Feather prepares himself for the hit.
He braces himself for the heat of Ragazzo's incoming fist.
???: Haaah!
Ragazzo: ...!
Suddenly, a shock wave intercepts Ragazzo's attack. Ragazzo's fist misses Feather by a hair's breadth.
Randall: Whew... Looks like I made it just in time.
Feather: Randall!
Ragazzo: The long-haired slacker again? You look different than when I last kicked your sorry ass.
Randall: You know this, right? The Horoscope "Joyeuse."
The treasured blade attached to Randall's leg glows with a dazzling light.
Ragazzo: Tch... The hell? Are Horoscopes on sale or what?
Feather: Thanks for the save, Randall!
Feather: But what just happened? More importantly, are you sure you should be moving around alr—
Randall: I've got a ton of questions to ask you too, but let's save that for later.
Randall: First we need to make sure this guy gets what he deserves!
Randall walks over to stand beside Feather. Together, they turn to face Ragazzo.
Ragazzo: You sure you're up for this? You were shaking like a leaf last time, so I'm getting a little worried here!
Randall: Thanks for the concern, but you won't see me do that again. Not in front of Feather.
Randall: 'Cause I'll always be his one and only true rival!
Feather: Randall!
Randall: Come on, Feather! Let's finish this together!
Marionette Stars - Ending - Episode 1
After their epic clash against one another, Ragazzo, Feather, and Randall collapse onto the ground at the same time. Strangely enough, Ragazzo was able to sense a form of love in their exchange of blows. Just then, Ferdinand appears and stabs Ragazzo with a dagger, taking Crimson Finger by force. The crew arrives on the scene with (Captain) carrying a heavily injured Fiorito. Ferdinand advises the crew to refrain from fighting him this time for their own good and leisurely makes his exit.
Ragazzo: Damn it aaall!
Ragazzo puts all of his power in a furious, flaming attack.
Sensing that this is the deciding blow, Feather and Randall also summon all of their power to counter the blow.
Feather: Hraaah!
Randall: Haaah!
Ragazzo: ...!
For a split second, Feather's fist and Randall's kick remind Ragazzo of the warm hand that had taught him the meaning of love.
The three fighters clash, their concentrated powers colliding with one another. Finally, one of them falls to the ground.
Ragazzo: Rngh!
Randall: It's... over...
Feather: We... We did it...
All three of them lay on the ground, finding themselves no longer able to move even a finger.
Feather: Pant... Pant...
Randall: Ngh... Huff...
Ragazzo: ...!
Ragazzo: (Daaamn... I can't believe I'm lying on the ground with them like this. Pathetic.)
Looking up at the dim ceiling overhead, Ragazzo can't help but feel a smirk creeping over his face.
Ragazzo: (But strangely enough... it doesn't feel all too bad.)
Feather: That was... an intense fight...
Ragazzo: You're completely crazy, you know that?
Randall: Yeah, well... So are you...
The three take time to catch their breaths as they all peer at the ceiling.
When Ragazzo shifts his body, a book falls out from his pocket.
Ragazzo: (Oh, the book...)
Ragazzo: "We may be looking up at the same stars, but we are all reminded of something different."
Ragazzo: (Are we though? It might be the same... at least for the three of us here.)
Ragazzo feels strangely calm as he listens to the ragged breaths of Feather and Randall beside him.
Just then, the three men hear the sound of approaching footsteps.
Ferdinand: Good evening. Very nice work back there.
Feather & Randall: ...!
Ragazzo: Ferdinand!
Ferdinand: You did well, Ragazzo. You've carried out your role perfectly.
Ragazzo: Huh?
Ragazzo: (Oh, that's right... My instructions were merely to "immobilize" them.)
Ferdinand walks over to Ragazzo, a tender smile on his face.
Ferdinand: It's just as you said. There was no need to worry.
Ragazzo: Yeah. I mean, a couple of unexpected things happened, but... nothing to pray to a shooting star about.
Ferdinand: Yes, everything is going smoothly. Excellent work, my son.
Ferdinand slowly extends his hand toward Ragazzo.
Ragazzo: (I'm glad... I proved useful to—)
Ragazzo: Augh!
Ferdinand: Truly, thank you.
Ragazzo: Ah... Wha...
In Ferdinand's hand is a golden dagger, which he has plunged deep into Ragazzo's chest.
Ragazzo: Wh-why...
Randall: What...
Everyone is frozen, unable to comprehend the turn of events.
When Ferdinand pulls the dagger out, a large amount of blood spurts out.
Ragazzo: Cough! Augh!
Ferdinand: Ah, you shouldn't struggle like that!
Ragazzo: Eugh!
Ferdinand: I don't intend to kill you.
Ragazzo: Ah!
Ferdinand: Life is! Precious, after all!
Ferdinand holds the writhing Ragazzo down, stabbing him over and over again.
Feather: Stop... it!
Ragazzo: ...
Ferdinand: Whew... Finally, quiet like I want you to be.
Ferdinand: Now, it's time for the harvest!
Ferdinand smiles and lifts his blade again, swinging it down onto Ragazzo's wrist.
Ragazzo: Ah... Aaaah!
Ferdinand: I'm sorry. It hurts, doesn't it? But I had to sever your entire hand. Same trick as preparing chicken, you see.
Ferdinand: Ah... Splendid. As expected of my son.
Ferdinand holds up Crimson Finger, Ragazzo's hand still dangling from it, and gazes at it in complete rapture.
Ferdinand: It's perfectly harmonized... A flawless result.
Ragazzo: ...
Ragazzo lifts up his bloodied arm as if to grasp the distant stars, extending it toward Ferdinand.
Warm liquid trickles down from his wrist. It drips onto the book beside him, dyeing it red.
Ragazzo: (It's fine... As long as I proved useful to you...)
Ragazzo: (Ah, but if I were to be a little selfish...)
Ragazzo: (I wish he'd pat me on the head... and tell me I did my best...)
Ragazzo: ...
The light fades from Ragazzo's eyes, and his arm drops loosely to his side.
Randall: Ragazzo!
Feather: Damn it...
Feather: Why, Ferdinand! Ragazzo did everything for you, and you...
Ferdinand: Yes, he did his very best. I was proud to have someone like him as my son.
Ferdinand: It was all part of the constellation I drew, after all.
Randall: Constellation?
Ferdinand: I went through quite the trouble, you know.
Ferdinand: I created a situation in which the prospects of the Spica family would depend on the oldest son of their main household.
Ferdinand: I delivered a forbidden book to Ragazzo, tempting him to steal Crimson Finger.
Ferdinand: And that very night, I approached his parents, disguising myself as a member of the academy staff.
Ferdinand: Your son was found committing theft, so I'm afraid an adequate punishment will have to be implemented.
Ragazzo's Mom: How could this happen...
Ragazzo's Dad: Please... Is there any way not to have this matter escalate any more than it already has?
Ferdinand: I can most likely persuade the principal... However, it is crucial to make it so that it's clear your son is reflecting on his mistakes.
Ferdinand: Will you give your son a thoroughly severe "education" so that this incident will not become a disgrace to the Spica family?
Ragazzo's Parents: ...!
Ferdinand: The "education" went beyond my expectations.
Ferdinand: His natal chart was already superb, but the education pushed him to become accordant with the Horoscope in an instant...
Feather and Randall glare at Ferdinand as the man continues to talk ecstatically.
Feather: Ferdinand... I won't forgive you! I'll never...
Ferdinand: You shouldn't move like that—your abilities especially are quite the burden to your bodies.
Ferdinand: Now, I believe it's about time.
Ferdinand: Whoops!
A blade flies through the air, leaving a scratch on Ferdinand's cheek.
Tikoh: ...!
Ferdinand: Shannon! It's been a while!
Tikoh: Ferdinand!
Ferdinand: To think you'd throw a scalpel at me at our long-awaited reunion!
Ferdinand: I would've died if I didn't dodge it! How could you do that to Papa?
Vyrn: Everything okay?
Huh? Feather? Randall?
Huh? Feather? Randall?
Tikoh, Kolulu, Vyrn, and Lyria come running, followed by two other people.
Gran is the Main Character
Fiorito: ...
Djeeta is the Main Character
Fiorito: ...
(Captain) also comes running, carrying a heavily injured and unconscious Fiorito.
Ferdinand: Haha, you're all here.
Ferdinand: Ah, no. I suppose Troue is on the second floor, looking after a very heartbroken Cupitan.
Ferdinand smiles and looks over at Fiorito, seemingly intrigued.
Ferdinand: Haha! Interesting... So that's the choice you made.
Tikoh: What's so funny!
Tikoh whips out multiple scalpels with one hand and channels all of her power into them.
Eerie Man: Let's continue the "operation" from last time!
Ferdinand: Shannon... Ah wait, maybe it should be Dr. Tikoh. Do you really have time to spare on me right now?
Ferdinand: Aren't you a doctor? Shouldn't you be prioritizing dying patients first?
Tikoh: What?
Ferdinand points to the pool of blood in which Ragazzo lies.
Tikoh: ...!
Tikoh: He... He's your subordinate! His life isn't my responsibility!
Ferdinand: Oh, is it not? For not caring, your magic's fluctuating quite a lot.
Tikoh: That's not... true...
Ferdinand: Well, it doesn't matter to me. But I do believe it's a life that you—and only you—can save.
Tikoh: Shut up! I'll make it so no words ever come out of your mouth again—
Feather: Tikoh, please... Save Ragazzo!
Tikoh: ...!
Feather: He's a victim too... Ferdinand tricked him...
Feather: Please... Please, Tikoh!
Tikoh: I don't understand... What is going on here?
While Tikoh is struggling to comprehend the situation, Ferdinand remains calm, straightening his clothes.
Ferdinand: You are a doctor through and through. I experienced it myself when you saved me that day.
Ferdinand: From the amount of blood I was losing, I would have died not long after if you'd decided to leave me there. But you didn't.
Ferdinand: Because you are a doctor.
Ferdinand: Now, if you'll excuse me.
Vyrn: Stop right there! You think we're just gonna let you leave like this?
Ferdinand: I wouldn't try if I were you. You don't have the resources to fight right now.
Choose: I'm not letting you get away!
Ferdinand: Oh, no, I'm definitely getting away. I'm quite confident in my abilities to run from anything.
Ferdinand: I'm honored to finally meet you, (Captain), but you have to think about how you're going to get everyone back safely.
Ferdinand: If I were to call on the Auditors now and instigate a battle here... What do you think would happen?
Choose: ...!
Conflicted, (Captain)'s grip on the sword tightens as the captain looks around at the battered crew.
Ferdinand: There's no need to rush. I'm sure there'll be another chance for us to meet.
Ferdinand begins to walk off, and the crew can do nothing but watch in frustration. Tikoh steps forward.
Tikoh: Wait!
Ferdinand: If you really want me to wait, simply release that magic you have stored within you.
Tikoh: ...!
Ferdinand: Do what you want. But there isn't much time left.
Tikoh: Agh...
Tikoh: Aaaah!
At Tikoh's cry, the Asclepius Rod unleashes its power.
Healing magic pours from the rod into Ragazzo.
Ferdinand: You're truly a kind child... You make Papa proud.
Ferdinand slowly makes his way out of the room, his footsteps echoing until he is out of sight.
And with that, the battle at the observatory comes to a close without the crew losing a single member.
However, (Captain) and company now find themselves facing a plot much more complex than they had imagined, with so much of it still shrouded in mystery.
Just as the night sky holds many secrets—more than a single telescope can tell.
The End?
Marionette Stars - Observation - Episode 1
Three days later, Fiorito wakes up. She thinks back to how she had bribed Lavirita with money to make a false report to Navis, which allowed her to save (Captain)'s life while narrowly escaping the failure of her mission. Having realized that what she truly wants is to stay with (Captain) and the others while continuing to carry out her revenge, she looks over at the unconscious Ragazzo—who had helped her realize her true wish—and prays for his recovery. Meanwhile, Feather and Randall also decide to take on Ragazzo's burden and swear to defeat Ferdinand.
Fiorito: Ngh... Where... am I?
Lyria: Fio! You're awake!
Vyrn: Hey, don't move too much yet, Muscle Lady. You've been sleepin' for three days, ya know.
Fiorito wakes up to find (Captain) and the others around her bed, looking relieved.
Fiorito: What happened in the end? How's Kolulu?
Tikoh: Calm down. Your medical check comes first.
As Tikoh examines Fiorito, the crew fills her in on the details of what happened at the observatory.
Fiorito: So... everyone was able to make it back safely.
Fiorito: I'm really glad we could save Kolulu too...
Vyrn: Yeah, and she wasn't hurt or brainwashed.
Lyria: In the end, we still couldn't figure out why Navis decided to kidnap Kolulu in the first place.
Tikoh: It was probably to lure us all to the observatory, but I'm not sure what exactly they wanted us there for.
Fiorito: ...
Vyrn: Oh yeah, we wanted to ask you some things too, Muscle Lady.
Fiorito: Hm? About what?
Vyrn: When you were fighting against Lavirita on the third floor with (Captain)...
Vyrn: What in the skies happened?
After rescuing Kolulu in the observation room, Vyrn and company had run to the third floor.
Vyrn: You're... kidding...
Gran is the Main Character
Lavirita is nowhere in sight. Finally, the crew spots (Captain) lying on the bullet-ridden floor, along with one other person.
Djeeta is the Main Character
Lavirita is nowhere in sight. Finally, the crew spots (Captain) lying on the bullet-ridden floor, along with one other person.
Lyria: We found you bleeding and unconscious on the floor...
Tikoh: I gave both of you emergency first aid. (Captain) suffered only minor wounds, but you were heavily injured, Fiorito.
Vyrn: Does that mean... you were fightin' Lavirita after (Captain) fainted?
Fiorito: Yeah... I was. When Lavirita knocked (Captain) out, I knew I had to fight him by myself.
Fiorito: Well, we kinda came to a draw. I managed to stop him, but I guess he got me too.
Tikoh: Nice work. What kind of powers did he have?
Choose: Thanks, Fiorito.
Fiorito: Huh? Um... I dunno, I was so into the fight that I don't really remember.
Tikoh: I see. You did only just wake up, so I'm sure it'll come back to you later.
Tikoh: In any case, get some rest for now.
The crew steps away from the bed and heads toward the door.
As they do so, Fiorito catches sight of the person on the bed next to her.
Fiorito: ...!
Fiorito: Isn't that...
A red-haired, young man lies on the bed, a number of medical instruments attached to his entire body.
Tikoh: Don't worry. He suffered so many injuries that he won't be waking up anytime soon.
Tikoh: Well... I guess, as a doctor, I should be worried.
Lyria: Tikoh...
A conflicted expression appears on Tikoh's face for a brief moment, but soon disappears.
Tikoh: It's all right. I don't regret saving him.
Tikoh: My goal is still the same: to defeat Ferdinand.
Tikoh: Besides, it could be our chance to extract more information from this Auditor.
Tikoh's tone is firm as she opens the door.
Lyria: Get well soon, Fio.
Vyrn: Don't start trainin' just yet, ya hear?
Fiorito: Thanks, everyone.
Fiorito watches as the others exit the room.
Once they are gone, Fiorito breathes a sigh of relief and looks over at Ragazzo.
Fiorito: You're a mess, Ace... You were acting so snobby, but look at you now.
Ragazzo: ...
Fiorito waits, but no brash retorts come as Ragazzo remains in deep slumber.
Fiorito: ...
Fiorito: I lied to (Captain) and the others.
Fiorito: But I don't plan to betray them. That's the decision I've made for myself.
Cupitan: The navy purple shade of betrayal within her heart, especially, has been growing stronger and stronger since the day we met.
Fiorito: The one I betrayed... is Navis.
Fiorito: It's all your fault, you know? You're the one who told me I should just do what I wanna do.
Fiorito: Sphairai... I devote my entire being. Let my spirit bloom!
Fiorito: Haaah!
Fiorito: Sorry, (Captain)...
Fiorito: The Horoscope Sphairai has the ability to directly attack the spirit—something that the naked eye can't see.
Fiorito: I struck (Captain)'s spirit with Sphairai and rendered the captain unconscious.
Lavirita: Excellent work, Fiorito. I will take care of the rest.
Fiorito: Wait, Lavirita. I've got something I wanna discuss.
Lavirita: Something you want to discuss... here? Somehow I sense trouble coming.
Fiorito: I'll give you all the money I have. Everything I've saved since the day I joined Navis.
Fiorito takes out piece after piece of gold from her pouch.
Lavirita: This is some trouble indeed.
Fiorito: I'll give you everything that I'll be getting after this too. So just listen to me.
Lavirita: Let me warn you that there is no guarantee that I'll accept your proposal, if it doesn't compare to what the Chairman can offer.
Fiorito: Meaning you'll do it if the price is right?
Lavirita: Sigh... Stubborn as always, I see.
Lavirita: I had a feeling that something like this would happen.
Fiorito: Huh?
Lavirita: Very well. Let me hear what you have to say.
Fiorito: I asked Lavirita to shoot me with his gun and leave...
Fiorito: That was my request.
Fiorito: To lie after and say that I suffered heavy injuries due to Lavirita's own mistake, and that we couldn't kill (Captain) as a result...
Fiorito: In other words, to give a false report to the Chairman.
This would solve all the issues at hand by relieving Fiorito of failing her mission, while also sparing (Captain)'s life.
Fiorito: (Captain) and the others chose to believe in me... even though I'm always doing my own thing.
Fiorito: I wanted to give back to them. I don't know how or when it started, but that's what I found myself thinking.
Fiorito: I wanted to stay with all of them—I realized this when you told me to do what I wanted to do.
Fiorito: But... that's not all. I also want to crush Navis.
Fiorito: That's why I can't quit being an Auditor yet.
Fiorito: Both of these are what I wanna do, so I'm gonna do both.
Fiorito confesses her thoughts to Ragazzo, who answers with nothing but silence.
Fiorito: I made my decision. So you should make yours too.
Fiorito: You told me what you wanted, didn't you?
Ragazzo: The reason I'm in Navis is...
Ragazzo: Because I wanna return a debt I owe. A debt that I won't ever be able to return within the span of my life.
Fiorito: You mean...
Ragazzo: Oh yeah, and one more thing.
Ragazzo: The Auditors are a pretty stifling crowd. Every single one of us.
Ragazzo: But... it's not so bad. The girl who calls everyone "stupid," the greedy dealer, and the girl obsessed with muscles... All of you have character, and I like that.
Fiorito turns to look out the window at the clear, blue sky.
Fiorito: The helmsman thought of the prince when he looked up into the starry sky.
Fiorito: As for me, I'm first reminded of (Captain) and everyone in the crew. And then...
Biting her lip, Fiorito shifts her gaze back to Ragazzo, lying battered on the bed.
Fiorito: I think of you, Ace. And Lavirita and Tristette too.
Fiorito: I'm so dumb... I should have realized this sooner!
She reaches up to wipe the tears from her eyes as she continues talking to Ragazzo.
Fiorito: Auditors are nothing but pawns.
Fiorito: We didn't know that Horoscopes could change shape like Crimson Finger did this time... The Chairman hid it from us.
Fiorito: Same with the primal beast Argo. Only the three Chairmen know what Navis's true objective is.
Fiorito: Ferdinand is the only Chairman who ever contacts Auditors... We've never even seen the other two's faces.
Fiorito: I'm gonna destroy them... Ferdinand and the other two Chairmen!
Fiorito clenches her fists, more determined than ever before.
Feather: Haaah!
Randall: Hraaah!
In an open field, the two are in the middle of an intense fight.
When they finally decide to take a break, Feather sits on the grass, running his fingers along the body of his weapon.
Feather: Just who was that lady? The one who gave me the Lion Khan Claw...
Randall: Beats me. The only thing we know is that it's the same person who gave me Joyeuse.
Feather: I was taken to see Ghandagoza, and then after that, she just slipped it over.
Eerie Man: You make it sound so shady...
Feather: She didn't seem like anyone bad though. How'd you get your weapon anyway?
Randall: ...
Randall: I'm never gonna tell you.
Feather: What? Why not!
Feather: I thought you were my one and only rival! No secrets between us, right?
Randall: ...!
Stop repeating that, you idiot!
Stop repeating that, you idiot!
Randall turns away from Feather, but his expression is soft.
The two continue gazing at the drifting clouds above, thinking back to the dim ceiling of the observatory.
Feather: Ragazzo... I hope he wakes up soon.
Randall: Yeah? Well... I don't.
Feather: Wha! But why? You formed a bond with him too when you fought, right?
Randall: That's exactly why.
Randall: You saw it. He was betrayed... by someone he trusted with his whole heart.
Feather: ...!
Randall: I can't even begin to imagine the pain and despair he's going to go through.
Randall: If you woke up and realized you've lost everything... how would you feel?
Feather: ...
Ferdinand's heinous acts come back to Feather, more vividly than ever.
Feather: There's something I want to do.
Randall: It's probably... the same thing I want to do.
Both of them stand and face each other, getting into position.
Feather: Ferdinand... I won't forgive him!
Randall: Neither will I! I'm going to chase him to the end of the skies and kick him straight in the face!
Taking Ragazzo's burden onto themselves, Feather and Randall are set on bringing down Ferdinand.
They turn their whirlpool of emotions into energy as they get up and begin to spar once more.
Marionette Stars - Observation - Episode 2
Cupitan is heavy-hearted after finding out the truth of the past. Tikoh takes Cupitan out for a walk and offers her encouragement, which helps Cupitan to regain the will to face Tristette again. Meanwhile, Troue is reading his own notes on the recent events when he finds something erased in his notebook. When he digs deeper, he catches a glimpse of Kolulu's past and realizes his past self had decided against delving any further. To avoid intruding on Kolulu's privacy, Troue closes his notebook.
Cupitan: ...
Under the cloudless sky, Cupitan sits on a bench, staring blankly at nothing in particular.
For Cupitan, it feels as if she has been doing this for days—even years.
Tikoh: Can I sit beside you?
Cupitan: ...
Tikoh slowly approaches the bench and takes a seat next to Cupitan.
Tikoh: You listened to my story on that rainy day once upon a time. Right here on this bench.
Cupitan: ...
Tikoh: I can't see colors or emotions, but I knew then that you were a kind person.
Cupitan: I'm not kind.
Her gaze cast downwards, Cupitan begins to confess her thoughts.
Cupitan: It's as Ris said. I must've been looking down on her all this time.
Cupitan: I comforted myself by thinking I was simply worried for my friend.
Cupitan: I'm the worst... I don't have the right to ask Ris to come back.
Tikoh: Then why don't you take off that hair ornament? Maybe it'll help you feel better.
Cupitan: Huh?
Tikoh: It's a present from Tristette, right? Looking in the mirror with it on must remind you of those painful memories.
Cupitan: ...!
Cupitan: B-but... this ornament's...
Cupitan hesitates, reaching up to cradle the hair ornament.
Tikoh: Yep, your feelings are pretty clear to me.
Tikoh: You want to keep chasing Tristette, don't you?
Cupitan: ...!
Tikoh: People are selfish. Sometimes they have bad intentions or feel jealous, which causes them to act rashly or make bad decisions.
Tikoh: But worrying about your friend... isn't a bad thing at all.
Tikoh: After all, a certain someone once told me that being concerned over a friend is a sparkling kind of emotion.
Cupitan: Tikoh...
Cupitan finally raises her head, tears in her eyes.
Cupitan: I don't want to give up on Ris!
Cupitan: But I don't know what Ris is thinking!
Cupitan: I never intended to look down on her. I'd always thought that friends were supposed to be equal.
Tikoh: So... you haven't been looking at Tristette's emotions.
Cupitan: I said I didn't want to look because we were friends, but the truth is, I was just scared.
Cupitan: I was scared to know what the colors of her true emotions were...
Cupitan: Even though, as her best friend, I should have been open to everything!
Cupitan's fear of seeing the unknown surfaces as she begins to tremble.
Tikoh reaches over to squeeze her hand, smiling reassuringly.
Tikoh: You can still be friends even if you can't see the other person's heart.
Cupitan: Huh?
Tikoh: Why don't we go for a walk? I did promise you that, after all.
Tikoh pulls Cupitan by the hand and takes her to the lively main street of town.
Tikoh: Look at that store over there. They're selling star-shaped chocolates!
Cupitan: Huh? Um...
Tikoh: Maybe it's popular on Stella Island. I want to try it!
Cupitan: Wah!
Tikoh continues pulling Cupitan along, taking her to different places around town.
They exchange casual conversation, sometimes walking in comfortable silence, and enjoy the rest of the afternoon together.
Cupitan: It's already nighttime... Thank you for accompanying me today.
Tikoh: No need to thank me.
Tikoh: This is kind of embarrassing to say outright, but... we are friends.
Cupitan: Huh?
Tikoh: I don't know how you feel, and I don't know everything there is to know about you yet, of course.
Tikoh: But at the very least, I think of you as my friend.
Cupitan: Tikoh!
The stars in the night sky twinkle above the two girls.
Cupitan: Sniff... Waaah!
Tikoh: Whoa, whoa! Goodness, your nose is dripping!
Cupitan: Sniiiff. Fshhh!
Cupitan: I'm sooowwyyy! I-I'm just so... happy!
Tikoh: That surprised me...
Cupitan: Sniffle... Truly, thank you, Tikoh.
Tikoh: Like I said, no need to thank me.
Cupitan: Oh, right!
Cupitan wipes her tears and nose before clenching her fists with new motivation.
Cupitan: I've decided.
Cupitan: I'm going to chase after Ris, and have an open talk with her. I want to be friends with her again.
Tikoh: I'm here for you. You can do it.
Tikoh: I'm sure you'll be able to become even better friends. It's the same with wounds—you'll heal and become stronger than before.
Cupitan: Hehe. I'll do my best, Ti!
Tikoh: Ti? Is that what you're going to call me now?
Cupitan: Yep! My new nickname for you, starting today!
When Cupitan beams, Tikoh nods in return, her own lips curving into a smile.
The next day, Cupitan thanks the crew and says goodbye to them before setting out on her own once more, determined to find Tristette again.
Once Fiorito has recovered from her injuries, (Captain) and company hop on a regular flight and depart from Stella Island.
Ragazzo remains in a coma, and continues to receive treatment from Tikoh aboard the ship.
That night, the crew holds a small dinner party to celebrate Kolulu's safe return.
Kolulu: Oh, wow... What luxurious dishes! You prepared all this for me? I can't thank you enough!
Fiorito: Yep, we made these together. So be sure to eat up!
Kolulu: I will! Tonight, I'll eat to my heart's content!
Fiorito: I'm sorry you had to go through all that... because of me.
Kolulu: Munch, munch...
Hm? Did you say something?
Hm? Did you say something?
Fiorito: Oh, uh, it's nothing! I was just saying how I'm glad you're safe!
Vyrn: Is that fried chicken you're eatin' there, Kolulu?
Kolulu: Chomp, chomp...
You can even call this the food that saved me... This really hits the spot!
You can even call this the food that saved me... This really hits the spot!
Vyrn: You mean how Troue found ya through the chicken bone? That's why you only ate the chicken when they kidnapped you, right?
Kolulu: Yes. I remembered Troue's gift and gave it a try... I'm very thankful for what you did, Troue!
Troue: Huh? Oh, I'm glad I could be of help.
After a cheery time at the dinner party, Troue returns to his room and opens up a notebook.
Troue: ...
In the notebook are annotations on what Troue had observed about Navis.
Every morning, Troue depends on his journal to remember the bonds he's formed with his friends.
But because he did not have access to his usual resources to record his memories during the run-in with Navis, he had written down the main gist of events in a separate notebook.
Troue: I see... That day, we infiltrated Navis's base and a number of events ensued...
Troue: Hm? What's this here?
Troue notices a faint trace of something that had been erased in the corner of one of the pages.
Troue: "Gisla"... That's the name of Kolulu's weapon, isn't it? Why did I write it down and then erase it?
Troue takes off his gloves and brushes his fingertips across the faded writing.
Troue: Back when I wrote this...
Troue: I mean... it seemed like a memory from a long time ago, and it might not necessarily be related to Navis... right?
Troue: Let's forget about it. I shouldn't know about it if Kolulu doesn't want to share this memory.
Troue: Such a terrifying memory... I almost can't bear it myself.
Troue: ...?
Just what did I see...
Just what did I see...
Troue cocks his head, struggling to remember the details of what happened the other day.
Right after the crew saves Kolulu in the observation room...
Kolulu: Ah!
Troue: Careful!
Faint from hunger, Kolulu staggers for a second. Troue rushes over to hold her up.
Troue: ...!
Troue's bare hands—his gloves off from searching the area—brushes against Gisla.
In that moment, a vivid memory from the spear surfaces in Troue's mind.
Kolulu: The scrap mountain is burning...
Elderly Mother: Kolulu! Snap out of it! You need to run!
Elderly Father: Eergh! Gotta find a way to put it out!
Kolulu: What are you doing? You need to get on too so we can all get out of here.
Elderly Mother: We'll be fine.
Kolulu: What are you talking about! How are you going to be fine!
Elderly Father: Kolulu, may you experience ample happiness for the three of us.
The small island Kolulu grew up on as a child once suffered a fire.
The flames had burnt everything on the island to a crisp—all except Kolulu, who had managed to escape with an old skyskimmer from her elderly parents.
Troue: ...!
I-I'm really sorry, Kolulu!
I-I'm really sorry, Kolulu!
Kolulu: Huh? Thanks for catching me. I'm just so hungry...
Troue lets go of the spear immediately, but he can feel sweat trickling down the back of his neck, his heart pounding from what he just saw.
Troue: (That was Kolulu's memory just now... I can't believe something so terrible happened to her!)
Troue: (And that person who stood among the flames...)
Eerie Man: ...
Troue: His eyes are so cold... It's almost like he's completely unaffected by the flames...
Troue: ...!
Kolulu: Troue? You look a little pale... Are you feeling all right?
Troue: Please, don't mind me... I just need a minute...
Troue wraps his arms around himself, as if to fend off the afterimage of the vision he saw.
Troue: (I'm curious, but... I shouldn't intrude on Kolulu's privacy.)
Troue gently closes the notebook, smothering the distant yet haunting memory inside it.
Marionette Stars - Observation - Episode 3
Lavirita reports to Ferdinand on the failed assassination of (Captain). After Lavirita takes his leave, another person approaches Ferdinand—Judah, who is supposed to be dead. The two discuss the progress of their plans, and how their main objectives this time had been to make Feather and Randall become accordant with the Lion Khan Claw and Joyeuse, as well as retrieving the harmonized Crimson Finger. Their plans successful thus far, the two Chairmen continue discussing their next course of action in a nonchalant manner.
In a room on a distant island, two men talk among themselves.
Lavirita: That is all I have to report.
Lavirita: Again, I apologize for the failure to contribute toward the constellation this time due to my ineptitude.
Ferdinand: I see... So you're saying Fiorito isn't to blame.
Lavirita: No, she is not. If there is to be any penalty, allow it to fall on me.
Ferdinand: It's fine. I'm not angry at either of you—though I have to say, it's rare for you to make any mistakes, Lavirita.
Lavirita: I am most ashamed of the unfortunate outcome. I'm afraid I have no excuses.
Ferdinand: Don't worry too much about it. I look forward to your future endeavors.
Lavirita: I shall do my best.
Ferdinand: Whew...
Ferdinand heaves a sigh and looks out at the starry sky beyond the window.
Ferdinand: Ah... Truly beautiful. Exquisite no matter how you look at it.
Just then, the figure of a man silently appears from behind Ferdinand.
Eerie Man: Ferdinand... Don't tell me you actually believe that forgery of a report.
Ferdinand: Ah, Judah.
In the dimly lit room, a man dressed in a black suit shows himself from within the dark.
Ferdinand: You don't talk to any of the Auditors yourself, so you don't understand.
Ferdinand: I could never bring myself to doubt any of my precious subordinates.
Judah: I don't have time to play your games. Are you suspecting me and Fiorito?
Ferdinand: Nonsense! I would never doubt a fellow Chairman!
Judah walks over to Ferdinand to stand next to him, gazing out at the starry sky.
Gran is the Main Character
Judah: (Captain)'s assassination was never part of the plan in the first place.
Djeeta is the Main Character
Judah: (Captain)'s assassination was never part of the plan in the first place.
Judah: The constellation would've been complete as long as the astronomer brought the skyfarers to the base.
Judah: But you killed the astronomer and showed him to Fiorito on purpose. Then you asked her to assassinate the captain.
Judah: All of this was according to your arbitrary judgment. How do you intend to justify yourself?
Ferdinand: I'm sorry, all right? I couldn't stop myself from putting Fiorito through a little test.
Ferdinand: A test to see what kinds of decisions she makes, and what excuses she can give...
Ferdinand: Well, regardless of the means, the fact that we successfully brought the skyfaring crew to the base remains unchanged.
Ferdinand: As well as the fact that the observer (Captain) is still alive—as we had intended.
Judah: ...
Judah: It's true that I led Fiorito to become accordant with her Horoscope in correspondence to my constellation.
Judah: However, I have no connection with her aside from the constellations—the same as you and Ragazzo.
Ferdinand: I see... That's good to know.
Ferdinand: It's just that her constellation is becoming a little different than what was first charted... I just can't help but be curious, you see.
Judah: ...
The thorny conversation between the two comes to a pause, melting into the darkness of the night.
Judah: I didn't come to squabble with you.
Ferdinand: Ah, that's right. We must evaluate our progress.
Ferdinand changes the topic, as if reminded of a more pressing task.
Ferdinand: The first objective was to ensure that the Lion Khan Claw and Joyeuse were matched up with worthy Accordants.
Judah: Leone and Acquario... Ensuring the Horoscopes fall into the hands of those with exceptional natal charts was necessary for this story.
Ferdinand: The second objective was to retrieve the harmonized Crimson Finger from its Accordant.
Judah: My hypothesis was correct—the trigger for harmonizing Horoscopes is an exchange between two Accordants at their utmost limits.
Ferdinand: Oh, how far we've come! I can hardly control my excitement.
Ferdinand: With these two objectives complete, the constellation can now move on to the next phase. We're that much closer to finding Argo.
Judah: What should we do with the other Accordants?
Ferdinand: Tristette, the Scorpione, and Lavirita, the Toro... We can put these off for later, can't we?
Judah: That's fine. It'll be a while until we get around to the other Auditors.
Ferdinand: Then let's start with the wielder of the Rainbow Bow, Cupitan. While she had a few exchanges with other Accordants, her Horoscope is still far from harmonization.
Judah: Pesci... She is an interesting sign indeed.
Ferdinand: It will take some more time for Fiorito... Ah, but all seems to be progressing well with Dr. Tikoh.
Judah: Gemelli... The one who lost her destiny as a snake charmer with the union of the two souls.
Judah: What will become of the role of the snake charmer then?
Ferdinand: The Accordant for Durandal has not yet realized the Horoscope's power, but the seeds have been sown.
Ferdinand: The same can be said for Kolulu. Finally, it's time to reap the fruit of our past labor... It was worth the wait.
Judah: Indeed... It's deeply moving to see Capricorno finally on the move after so long.
Ferdinand: For Gisla to fall into the hands of an avenger... It is truly a weapon of karma.
The two Chairmen continue exchanging their thoughts on the constellations as if it were mere small talk.
Just as their conversation begins to dwindle, a single star shoots across the sky from outside the window.
Ferdinand: May our wish come true, may our wish come true, may our wish come true...
Judah: Wishing upon a shooting star? A most contradictory act, I'd say.
Ferdinand: Ah, you have a point. Then...
May we finally meet the primal beast Argo.
May we finally meet the primal beast Argo.
Judah: That, too, is meaningless.
Ferdinand: Sorry, I was just having some fun by myself.
Judah: The legendary ship Argo Navis has already set sail.
Judah: And the Accordants are the main stars in this legend.
Ferdinand: In other words... marionettes that can't but move according to what is in the playbook.
Judah: How utterly boring.
An infinite number of stars dot the skies unfolding in front of them.
But each star can only release its light at the time and place it is designated to shine, helpless and unchanging.
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow—as if following a scripted course.
To be continued...
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