Fate Episodes

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Fate Episodes
List of Fate Episodes | The Eternals | Arcarum Evokers | Cross-Fate

Fate Episodes are special cutscenes that provide lore about the character a player recruits. Fate Episodes also unlocks character skills. New Fate Episodes can be seen in-game here.

All SSR characters have fully-voiced Fate Episodes. For most SR and R characters, only the recruited character is fully-voiced.

Episode format

Most character Fate Episodes follow a standard format, but there are exceptions.

Standard format

  1. Introduction
    • A cutscene-only episode which shows how the character meets and joins the Main Character. Not all character have intro fates, such as the free Story Characters. Some characters need to clear a certain point of the Main Story in order to unlock their first fate episode. Rewards Crystal ×50.
  2. Skill
    • Unlocks a character's skill. Typically involves battles. Can also unlock the final uncap star for the character's associated unlock weapon.
  3. Lvl Cap +1
    • Unlocks a character's uncap star. The character must be at 4★ and at max level to unlock it. Only a select few characters have an extra uncap star.
  4. 5★ Max Lvl
    • The character must be at 5★ max level to unlock it.

The Eternals

See also Fate Episodes/Eternals

The Eternals follow a different format.

  1. Encounters
    • Three "Encounter" cutscenes that occur depending on the upgrade level of their respective Revenant Weapon.
  2. Introduction
    • Unlocked after fully-upgrading the Eternal's respective Revenant Weapon. Defeat the Eternal to recruit them.
  3. Skill
    • Unlocks a character's skill. Typically involves battles.
  4. Rematch
    • Unlocked after reaching level 80. Defeat the Eternal in a one-on-one rematch. This is the first step in unlocking an Eternal's 5★ uncap.
  5. Weapon Encounter
    • After going through the uncap process and obtaining a Pure Weapon Soul, it can be spent to start a new fate episode where the Eternal will fight the related Revenant Weapon.
  6. 4th Skill
    • Unlocked after reaching level 100. Defeat all other Eternals in a one-on-one gauntlet, and then defeat your respective Eternal with your own party.
  7. Transcendence Stage 1
    • Immediately plays upon consuming the materials to progress to stage 1 of Transcendence for that Eternal.
  8. Transcendence Stage 3
    • After reaching level 120 and fulfilling certain conditions, a Lapis Merit may be spent to start a new fate episode.
  9. Transcendence Stage 5
    • After reaching level 140 and fulfilling certain conditions, a Glorious Eminence may be spent to start a new fate episode.

The Eternal Seox is slightly different because of his separate event unit ( Seox (Event)). The fate episode for Seox (Event) is unlocked and viewed like a regular SSR character's, and fits between the 4th Skill episode and Transcendence Stage 1 on the main Seox unit. In comparison, the fate episode for Seofon's event unit ( Seofon (Event)) is unrelated to the main Seofon unit's fate episodes, instead taking place directly after the ending of the event ...and you.

Arcarum Evokers

See also Fate Episodes/Evokers

Arcarum Evokers follow a different format.

  1. Encounters
    • Five "Encounter" cutscenes that occur depending on the upgrade level of their respective Arcarum Summon.
    • A sixth "Encounter" unlocked after 5★ uncapping the Arcarum Summon. Defeat the summon in battle.
  2. Introduction
    • Unlocked after purchasing the appropriate Arcana Card from the shop. Recruits the Evoker.
  3. Lvl Cap +1
    • When a level 80 Evoker obtains all their Domain Bonuses and their respective New World Foundation Weapon is uncapped to 5★, a new fate episode will unlock allowing the Evoker to be 5★ uncapped.
  4. vs. Inchoate World
    • Immediately plays when starting a battle against The World in Replicard Sandbox for the first time after 5★ uncapping the Evoker.
  5. 5★ Max Lvl
    • After reaching level 100, The World Card may be spent to start a new fate episode. Clearing the fate episode unlocks the Evoker's 4th skill.

List of Fate Episodes

This list does not display special Fate Episodes or loyalty episodes. See the character's lore page for any non-standard episodes.

Name/Page Intro Skill Lvl Cap +1 5★ Max Lvl
Abby Bye-Bye, Bobo‎ Bobo the Deity‎
Abby (Promo) With a Bear and a Battle Axe Bobo's Favorite Food
Adam A Golem's Duty‎ Good Morning‎
Agielba Child In Tow Ardora's Quest Growing Pains Good Intentions
Aglovale Path of Conquest‎ Blade and Mind of Steel‎
Aglovale (Valentine) Sweet Crisis in Wales Ruler of Chocolae Island
Aglovale (Yukata) A Festival in Wales The Ruler's Orders
Aglovale and Tor For Family's Sake Deepening Trust
Airi Totoki Innocent Airi Dependable Flakey Fighter
Alanaan An Unsevered Bond
Surpassing Good and Evil Festival to Paradise
Albert The Lightning Knight Trial By Lightning All for My Kingdom A Legend Rises Again
Albert (Dark) For a Melancholic Friend To Beginnings, New and Old
Albert (Event) Skyblade's Secret Reviving Levin
Albert (Summer) Roiling Thunderswift Lord A Night to Remember
Alec The Fated Child Flames of Friendship A Child's Determination Goodbyes Aren't Allowed
Aletheia The Veteran Sage The Ersatz Sage Reverence for an Old Sage Rejuvenation for an Old Sage
Aletheia (Dark) Together, Alone A Long Road Home
Alexiel An Earnest Disciple Time to Go Legit Lament of the Fallen Guardian's Pledge
Alexiel (Summer) Divine Beauty's Vacation‎ Scorching Summer Break‎
Alistair Small Debater Intellectual Giant
Aliza A Trip Down Memory Lane Master Catoblepas
Aliza (Event) The Little Lady Who Fights A Training For Whom
Aliza (Summer) Smiles at the Beach Searching for Red
Aliza (Water) Pursuit of Strength Paying It Forward
Alliah The Previous King's Room Unexpected Visitors
Almeida Ultimate Weapon Uncovering the Mask
Almeida (Summer) Perv Party Working on Vacation
Altair No Road Is Long with Company The Truth of the Stolen Tome Where He Truly Belongs Read It and Sleep
Altair (Holiday) A Mysterious Gift‎‎ Holy Night's Miracle
Amelia Captain Amelia Strength of a Father's Love
Ami Guided to Meet Here The Cardinal Saints
Amira Encounters in... 2 The Bounty Hunter A Fateful Encounter His Chivalry
Amira (Promo) Encounters in... 1 The Raging Storm Searching for Mother Bottomless Appetite
Amira (Summer) New Summertime Memories Battle of the Predators
Anastasia A Day with Anya Hope for the Stars
Anderson The Noble General How Does One Converse
Andira Guardian of the West-Southwest Andira's Journey to the Sky Andira's Journey to the Sky II Truth Behind the Mist
Andira (Event) Andira Gets Dozy Andira Lang Syne
Andira (Summer) Blossoming Angel Anything for Love
Ange In Fate's Footsteps Someday, Princess... A Destined Encounter To Wish Upon a Prince
Ange (Halloween) Halloween Prince Prince for a Day
Anila Keeper of the South-Southwest Anila and the New Year Feast The Lost Sheep‎ A Boy and His Soldier‎
Anila (Event) Year-End Shopping Ring in the New Year
Anila (Summer) Anila's Beach Caper Endless Summer
Anila (Yukata) A New Proposition‎ The Creative's Quagmire‎
Anna The Witch in the Wood Nightmare's Nightmare
Anna (SR) Remembering Grandmother Golden Days
Anna (SSR) Changes and Constants Generational Magic
Anna (Summer) Beware of that Red-Hot Sun! The Voice from the Cave
Anne Friendship is Magic Mysteries of Mysteria Bridging the Rift What the Future Holds
Anne (Light) The Magic Games Victory Will Be Ours
Anre Threatening Boundaries‎ A Restrained Approach To Challenge the Impossible Questioning the Nature of Strength
Anthuria Passionate Yet Purehearted I Dance Only for You
Anthuria (Holiday) Sham Sweethearts Overflowing Emotions
Anthuria (Yukata) A Dancer's Troubles A Dancer's True Feelings
Anzu Futaba Easy Does It Anzu's Aspirations Two's Better Than One Uh-Huh, We Can Handle It
Aoidos Judgment Night Bloody Garden
Aqours First-Years
Saviors of the Snack Bar
Aqours Second-Years
A Seaside Encounter Back Again Heartfelt Lyrics
Aqours Third-Years
Stewshine, Coming Up!
Arisa Arisa, Forest Guardian Devoted Friend
Arriet Musician of the Gods The Mysterious Musician
Arthur I Can't Run Away Some Things Never Change
Arthur (Event) Boundless Sky Gentle Tears
Arthur and Mordred Childhood Friends Operation Chickadee
Arulumaya The Fairy Oracle Wishes Left Unspoken‎‎ She Who Bears the Future Facing Tomorrow
Arulumaya (Holiday) The Ultimate Referee Feline Mischief
Arulumaya (Light) No Visions Allowed! Her Source of Power
Arulumaya (Yukata) Glamorous Wear Candy Apple Memories
Arusha The Book Hunting Librarian Just a Tiny Cuddle!
Aster Apprentice Archer Crossbow Training
Aster (Event) An Archer Dreams of Adventure And Today We Rest!
Athena Goddess of the Shield Fated Reunion Then and Now Wielder of the Aegis
Augusta Cellist Augusta Will to Entertain
Augusta (Promo) Cellist Augusta Will to Entertain
Ayer Dim New World Ashen Boundary‎‎ A Dark Mirage A Hopeful Heart
Ayer (Summer) Sunset Over the Coastline Curious Beach Encounters
Azazel The Day of Defeat‎ Those Who Won't Give Up
Azazel (Halloween) The Halloween Demon‎ Truth behind the Murky Well‎
Azusa The Delusional Warrior's Curse Do You Have Any Hobbies
Azusa (Summer) Would You Like to Go on a Date She Left It to Me
Baal A Resonant Crowd New Musical Horizons
Baal (Fire) Power Play Blue Sky and Starry Sea
Bakura Well-Traveled Monk One with the Clouds
Balurga The Lone Wolf's Claw Fishing for Trouble
Baotorda A Holy Knight Indeed A Willingness to Learn
Baotorda (SSR) Baotorda: A Man of Culture In the Name of Justice
Barawa A Fateful Encounter Finding Some Backbone
Barawa (Event) Great Detective Essentials Case of the Rightful Owner
Barawa (SR) More Than One Truth The Great Detective!
Barawa and Sarya Nose on the Case Solving a Mystery Hand in Paw
Beatrix Mind If I Join You Unbeatable Cooking
Beatrix (Earth) The Embrasque Enigma Submerge in Ultramarine
Beatrix (Halloween) Society, We Have a Problem How'd It Come to This
Beatrix (SR) Form Change! Covert Op
Beatrix (Summer) Careless to a Fault‎ A Stroke of Bad Luck
Benjamin Behind the Evil (Disc 1) Behind the Evil (Disc 2)
Black Knight A New Wish Awakened Beyond Hope and Prayer Proof of Her Resolve Her Vow as a Knight
Black Knight and Orchis Armor and Soul‎ For the Sake of a Wish‎
Blazing Teacher Elmott The Blazing Teacher Extra Credit
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Scenario:Bo-bobo - Free Your Soul
Bowman You Were Once Naive‎ A Relentless Shadow‎
Bridgette Whatever It Takes! Too Scary
Bridgette and Cordelia Traces of Corruption Front Line of Justice
Cagliostro The Beauty Sealed Away Cagliostro's Secret The Alchemist's Melancholy Cagliostro's Vendetta
Cagliostro (Dark) Cutie Reborn Cagliostro's Grief
Cagliostro (Event) Dilemma of a Genius Starting Small
Cagliostro (Grand) The Beginning of Alchemy‎ And There Was Cute‎
Cagliostro (Halloween) The Alchemist's Halloween A Lost Child and an Alchemist
Cagliostro (Summer) Creating Cuteness Catcher in the Sea‎
Cailana Into the Granblue Leaving No One Behind
Cailana (SR) Time to Surf This Is Madness
Caim Awakening and Departure
Memory's Trigger Dusk or Dawn
Brothers' Conviction
Cain (Grand) Cain, Abel, and...‎ For Those Who Matter‎
Cain (Holiday) Santa's Not-So-Little Helper The Greatest Gift
Camieux Timid Workshop Apprentice Mustering Courage
Camieux (Earth) The Gunsmith's Youngest Securing the Mountain Foundry
Camieux (Summer) Gun Girl Getaway Fire Flowers in the Sky
Cantate Taking Wing from Perfetto Finding Value
Carmelina Disorder and Peace Breaking the Revolt
Carmelina (SR) A Helping Paw A Duo Is Born
Caro Song of Celebration A "Caro" to All
Carren Longing for Adventure Duties as Acting Captain
Carren (Event) Special Order Swimwear Bye-Bye, Beach Days
Cassius (Event SSR)
Illogical Skies
Cassius (Event) After the Fall Highly Illogical
Cassius (Valentine) The Price of Love A Dash of Something Special
Cassius (Yukata) The Only Logical Yukata Unexpected Leisure Activities
Catherine Like Smoke Where There's Smoke
Catherine (SR) In the Rick of Time A Thief's Honor
Catherine (Wind) Disappearing Act Chasing Purple Smoke
Catura Guardian of the North-Northeast Catura's Very Best My Final Plan The Dream Begins
Catura (Event)
When a Dream Isn't a Dream
Catura (Holiday) Leave It to Catura Operation Milky Love Story
Cecile Trumpeter Cecile The Name of That Song
Cecile (Promo) Trumpeter Cecile The Name of That Song
Cendrillon Money Is Life Forever a Troublemaker
Cerberus Magic Circle Greeting Confessions of a Mage Cerberus's Truth Cerberus Threefold!
Ceylan (Event) Ceylan Charm Different Values
Charioce XVII Invictus Rise of the Nightmare
Charlotta Wish Upon a Star Knight's Honor Value of a Smile Sacred Vow
Charlotta (Event) No More Little Skyfarer's Lunches For Might and Height
Charlotta (Grand) Vow to Protect On the Azure Blade's Honor
Charlotta (Halloween) Holy Knight Dress-Up A Day for the Children
Charlotta (Light) Proud Dragons, Holy Heart Captains' Mettle
Charlotta (Summer) No Suffering, No Summer Sun Scream
Chat Noir Chat Noir Steals the Show! The Art of Thievery The Crew's Treasure Misdirection
Chichiri An Earth-Shattering Bow A Toughy-Woughy Duty
Chloe Teenager's Journey Chloe's Inner Struggle
Chloe (SSR) A Whole New Hype A Little Hero
Chloe (Summer) One Teenager's Vacation Wish to the Stars
Christina Queen's Decision Lash of Love The Reigning Queen Lashes Fall Tender
Chun-Li What She Fights For Justice and Sweets
Cidala Guardian of the East-Northeast Tiger! Tiger!
Cidala (Valentine) Omen for Trouble Twofold Treats
Cinnamoroll and Pompompurin
Cinnamon & Purin's Adventure
Clarisse Carefree Bomber Girl Facing Fate Taking That First Step Finding What Works for Me
Clarisse (Holiday) Twas the Night Before For Cover
Clarisse (Light) Proof of Determination The Vow to Start Anew
Clarisse (Summer) Dip Your Toes In‎ Our Promised Summer
Clarisse (Valentine) Clarisse, Alchemist Enamored I'm Gonna Do It!
Claudia Traveling Maid Mansion Keeper
Colossus Metal Memory A Command for a Giant
Conan Edogawa Conan and Shinichi The Junior Detective Squad
Cordelia The Attractive Praetor Holy Knight or Fair Maiden
Cosmos Scenario:Cosmos_-_Connection Scenario:Cosmos_-_Wish
Cucouroux The Gunsmith's Heir Ol' Cucouroux's Got This!
Cucouroux (Halloween) Preparations Galore Holding Hands, Always
Cucouroux (SSR) A Gunsmith's Worries I've Gotta Try This!
Cucouroux (Summer) Destination: Sunken Ship Duo in the Deep End
Cupitan The Rainbow Maiden A Bridge of Colorful Emotions
Cupitan (Summer) A Vacation with Ris Pure Devotion‎
Cure Black and Cure White Opposites Attract A Sweet Misunderstanding
Daetta Good Morning Star Crew's New Star
Daetta (SR) Into the Wild Lovin' the Wild
Dante Cat, Freedom, and Mage Meandering Cat Collector
Dante (Halloween) Getting Ready for Halloween What is Happiness
Dante (SR) Abandoned Kitten Blue Past, Feline Future
Dante and Freiheit Black Cat, Freedom Beckons For Cats, Liberty, and Dante
Danua Misunderstood Puppeteer The Least I Can Do Tragic Night Catharsis
Danua (Halloween) Halloween Hijinx Funny Friends
Danua (SSR) Relinked Threads Clothes for the Dolls
Danua (Summer) Jellyfish Ahoy! Summer Adventures
De La Fille Rampaging Princess The Cursed Stone Synthetic Shine Sparkle of Hope
De La Fille (Earth) Gems and a Girl's Best Friend Guardian of the Glitter
De La Fille (Summer) Beach of Your Dreams The Ocean-Blue Gem
De La Fille (Yukata) Gem Sailing An Imparted Wish
Deliford Arrival of the Spearman The Trick to Staying Young
Deliford (SR) Family Man Toast to Friendship
Deliford (SSR) Ex-Soldier's New Opportunity Ex-Soldier's New Gig
Diablo (Collab) Scenario:Diablo (Collab) - The Dubious Demon Scenario:Diablo (Collab) - A Demon's Wrath
Diantha New Skies Bonfire Ballet
Diantha (Promo) Diantha's Farewell Tour Promised Letter
Diantha (Summer) Beach-Bound Maidens The Seaside Performance Is On
A Magical Dream
Dorothy Maid-in-Waiting The Spirit of Service
Dorothy and Claudia Handmaidens Reunited Come Home, My Queen
Dorothy and Claudia (Summer) The Melancholy Queen Sweet Reunion
Drang Someone to Depend On The Foreign Merc Duo
Drang (Grand) A Brief Interlude Memories in the Blue
Drusilla Runaway Princess The Plant and I
Drusilla (SSR) Grandmother's Trial The End... or Is It
Eahta The God of the Blade Readiness is Half the Battle The Ultimate Katana In Pursuit of Answers
Ejaeli Hidden Emotions The Truth of the Curse Spun Spoken Word A Timeless Wish
Elea I Want to Be Like You Older Sister's Secret
Elize Lutus What She Reached For Teepo Versus Vyrn
Elmelaura The Wandering Chef The Miracle Ingredient
Elmott The Midnight Prowler A Boy Alone
Elmott (SSR) A Firebrand Meets His Match The Mercy of Man and Fruit
Elmott (Summer) Fire Watch Controlling the Blaze
Elmott (Yukata) Fiery Expectations A Booming Success
Elta The Kind-Hearted Minstrel Bonds Woven by Song
Elta (Light) To a Truly Clear Day Where I Belong
Enyo Destruction's Rebirth Trampler's Aspirations
Enyo (Summer) Best Not Left to Her Own Devices Something Scarier than Ghosts
Erica Fontaine The Red-Clothed Nun Miraculous Food
Erika You Only Live Once A Melody Doesn't Make a Song
Erin A Small Step Search for the Elusive Flower
Erin (SSR) One Small Step One Giant Leap
Eso A Giant in Search of Courage A Light in the Dark
Eso (SR) Tragedy in Triumph‎ Inconceivable Calamity
Estarriola Broken Chalice Restored
Rewinding Filling the Chalice
The Old Soldier's Meddling
Eugen (Grand) Daughterly Love A Family Discord Past Happiness A Promise for the Future
Eugen (Summer) Old Timers Ride the Waves In Search of Coconuts
Europa The Maiden of Water Descends The Beauty in People Call of the Snow What It Means to Love
Europa (Holiday) Scenario:Europa_-_A_Present_to_Give Scenario:Europa_-_Lord_of_the_Castle
Europa (Summer) To Uncharted Waters Beachside Bonding
Eustace Hit List All for Peace and Quiet
Eustace (Dark) Still Snow Tranquil Light
Eustace (Halloween) Undercover Bloodsucker Finding Peace in the Din
Eustace (Summer) Lakeside Vacation Light of Valor
Ewiyar Cats_Don't_Earn_Their_Keep! Goodbye_Lotteries!
Ewiyar (Grand) Mighty Cat's Hissy Fit The Enraptured Cat Is Pleased!
Ezecrain The Guiding Chains An Old Map's Temptation
Ezecrain (Event) Mr. Chains and His Pupil The Writhing Shadows
Farrah Bravery in a Small Package Creed of the Young Knight
Farrah (Event) Her Superior's Smile Treasure Hunting's Not Easy!
Farrah (SR) Follow the Leader What It Takes to be a Knight
Farrah (Summer) Got Plans for the Summer? Red-Hot Summer Battle!
Farrah and Juri New Gear, Same Old Us Like Sword and Shield
Feather Letting Fists Do the Talking Spirit Fist
Feather (Halloween) Spooking Up Halloween The Haunted Room
Feather (SR) Patience, Young One Wielding a Fist of Fury Heart to Heart, Fist to Fist When Fists and Feet Collide
Feather (SSR) Reckless Seeker One-Hit Boy
Fediel Fifty Shades of Curiosity‎ Darkness Sees Light
Fediel (Summer) Fediel the Black Goes to Auguste‎ To Show Respect
Feena Feena's Close Call A Vengeful Blade of Oblivion
Feena (Event) The Talkative Female Agent A Chance Reunion
Feena (Holiday) Holy Night, All Is Bright Operation: Secret Feena
Feena (Light)
Fenie An Ancient Promise A New Promise
Feower Duel in Stardust Town Running Rampant Around Town Four-Sky Awakening Wandering Blades
Feower (Holiday) Feower and the Holiday Miracle Feower and the Meaning of a Gift
Ferry Until We Meet Again Scary, Scary Ghosts
Ferry (Grand) Day of the Funeral The Last See-You-Again
Ferry (Halloween) Her First Halloween Finding Them
Ferry (SSR) Unknown Spirit Forever a Plunder Precious Family Always and Forever
Ferry (Summer) Snow Cone Frenzy, Coming Up! Phantagrande Girls' Day Out!
Fif Short-Tempered Sorcerer Her Current Obsession Pleading the Fif The Fif Element
Filene Ice Queen Frozen Fate
Fiorito When the Abs Bloom‎ The Stars Shine Bright
Fiorito (Holiday) Merry Muscles Tree of Gains
Flesselles Attention Lover Attention Demander
Florence An Unchanging Smile The Inherited Will of a Protector
Florence (Dark) An Invitation to Excitement The Diamond of Dalmore
Florence (Halloween) The Archduke's Order A Power for Peace
Forte Dark Dragoon Forte Dragon Daycare
Fraux The Coming Light
Indomitable Strength An Unexpected Reunion
Freezie Flight of the Lovebirds‎ Fantasy and Reality‎
Freyr Never-Ending Night‎ The Stars Shine Not
Friday (Summer) Friday's Survey Premium Rage
Gabriel Self-Portrait Hope
Detective Dinosaur
Galadar Pride of a Craftsman The Skill of a Master
Galadar (SR) The Galadar Crudes More Stubborn than Steel
Galleon A Love Too Great Blessings upon All Life
Galleon (Summer) A Love Too Strong The Earth Mother Troubled
Garma Twilight Battle Blast from the Past
Gawain Admonishing Armor A Trial of Compassion Showdown with the Curse Sincerity
Gawain (Light) The Strength to Carry On‎ Where a Hero Was Forged The Arrogant Knight Warm Guidance
Gayne A Shy Dance For Whom the Blade Dances A Tale of Two Dances‎‎ Back in Step
Geisenborger Dignity of Warrior & Star
Pursuit of Valor Reminiscence of Valor
Gemini Sunrise The Samurai Girl from the Prairie Who Will Stand In
Ghandagoza Way of the Fist Bare-Handed Man Beyond Anger Rise, Unrivaled Master‎
Ghandagoza (Summer) Eternal Finship Duel of the Masters
Goblin Mage Goblin Mage's Adventure Goblin Mage's Melancholy‎
Goblin Mage (SSR) The Problem with Growth Spurts Growing Up
Golden Knight The Toothless Beast Golden Splendor
Grea Can I Call You My Friend Stand By Me
Grea (Event) The Difficult First Step Her First Friend‎
Grea (Light) The Blood Calls One of Mortal and Dragon
Grea (Summer) Still Near and Dear Summer Recollections
Grimnir The Mad Cyclone The Mad Snowstorm Sealed Memories Blessed Be the Path
Grimnir (Valentine) A Choco-Mad Cyclone A Choco-Mad Cyclone Cont.
Gwynne A Place Called Home Family Talk
Haaselia Truth in Lies
A Moon Dyed Crimson Bloodstained Nobility
Hallessena Walking Wraith Insanely Awesome Die, Sticky-Ickies! Now It's My Turn
Hallessena (Halloween) Carving My Own Halloween Crazy Halloween
Hallessena (Summer) A Fruitless Harvest Reverie of Revenge
Halluel and Malluel The Best Worst Day Smile upon Receipt
Halluel and Malluel (Summer) One Very Busy Vacation Sending Our Thoughts
Haohmaru Two Bound By Steel Two Bound by Drink
Hazen Fistful of Love The Mountain God
Hazen (SR) A Gentle Soul A Foul Soul
Hekate I Long to Become One The Goddess's Scheme
Hekate (Summer) The Goddess's Romantic Rival Come Shell or High Water
Helel ben Shalem Raiders of the Lost Coffer Dusky Dreamer
Helel ben Shalem (Holiday) To the Dusk Speaker Ancient Gift
Helel ben Shalem (Summer) Hour of Inquisition Rainy Beach Day
Heles Resolute Royalty The Princess's Finest Guards
Heles (Summer) Royalty in the Summer Sun‎ The Princess and the Sea
Heles (Wind) The Former Princess But Still They March On
Helnar The Legendary Libertine An Eternal Temptation Musings of a Young Man Helnar Gets His Groove Back
Helnar (Summer) The Thrill of the Beach For All the Beach Babes
Herja The Agents' Head Honcho The Soft-Hearted Swordswoman
Herja (SR) Love at Last Last Love
Herja (SSR) The Melancholy of Herja Her Chosen Path
Himiko Toga
Not Normal
Hiro Ryugasaki
A Man's Promise
Horus (Summer) Irrepressible Anxiety Finding Courage
Icarus The Boy with the Demon Sword‎ A Fated Encounter‎
Illnott A Crazy Proposition Wild Style
Illnott (Holiday) King of the Day A Not-Ill Date
Illnott (Summer) King of the Nightlife Naughty Nighttime Fun
Ilsa Day Before the Storm The Most Important Day
Ilsa (Light) Responsibility & Resolve A Drill Sergeant's Duty
Ilsa (Summer) Drill Sergeant and Designer Shoreline Love Story
Ilsa (Yukata) Moonlit Shadows on Silver Snow Diuturnas
Indala Guardian of the South-Southeast Poison Within
The Little Lady's Secret
Io (Grand) Raring to Go‎ Eat and Be Merry The Delicate Age Magic, Lost and Found
Io (Summer) A Little Beachside Relaxation The Mage's Staff
Ippatsu Ramen Or Bust The Ramen Way
Ippatsu (SR) Ippatsu Indignation Ramen Perfected
Ippatsu (SSR) Ramen for the Soul The Perfect Bowl
Ippatsu (Summer) Ramen at the Beach A Man and His Ramen
Tenacious Heart
Isaac Moon Descendant Prayer in the Sky
Izmir Frozen Glances The Icy Smile Kingdom of Isolation Deadly Promise
Izmir (Summer) Snow Queen of Summer Sea A Midsummer Night's Freeze
Izmir (Yukata) To Bigger Thrills‎ Passion Born from Ice
Izuku Midoriya
A Bizarre Encounter
Izuminokami Kanesada Remembrance Foul Bullet
J.J. The Rapper's Racket The Beat Of The Thug-Life
J.J. (Summer) Crazy, Crazy Summer Rhyme in Summertime
Jamil Pride Veiled in Purple Truth Revealed in Black
Jamil (Dark) The Captive Avenger Uncertain Tomorrow
Jamil (SSR) Thin Ice Daybreak
Jasmine New Horizons One Remedy Coming Up!
Jasmine (SR) The Warmhearted Healer A Spoon Full of Sugar
Jasmine (SSR) A New Dream‎ To Save a Life‎
Jeanne d'Arc La Pucelle Grasping Peace Otherworldly Invitation Wedge that Pierces the World
Jeanne d'Arc (Dark) Fallen Maiden Invitation from Darkness
Jeanne d'Arc (Grand) Recollections of a Princess Of Diseases and Vaccines
Jeanne d'Arc (SR) A Maiden's Revelation Days Worth Remembering
Jeanne d'Arc (Summer) Tough Choices Riverside Joyride
Jeanne d'Arc (Water Summer) A Tale of Two Jeannes A Maiden's Desire
Jessica A Worried Sister Siblings Apart
Jessica (Event) Gunner's Brother Hopeful Reunion
Jessica (SSR) Changing Myself First Step to a New Me
Jessica (Summer) The Gunslinger's Swimwear The Miss Swimsuit Contest
Jessica (Yukata) A Girl in Summer‎ A Girl in Hesitation
Jin Crushing Weight of Reality Unwavering Righteousness
Jin (Event) Aspiring Samurai Doctor Visit
Jin (Ronin) Dedicated to Duty‎ Kitten and Treasure
Jin (Summer) Warmhearted Warrior Frigid Waves, Blazing Hearts
Jin (Wind) Famed Apprentice Onward to the Whitecaps
Joel Ocean Loving Coast Guard Holistic Health
Joel (SR) Dreaming of an Ocean King of the Skies' Seas
Johann Boundless Mystery A Folklorist's Wrath
Johann (Event) The Lonely Folklorist Johann the Hunted
Joker Sky Blue Rendezvous Sky Blue Reflections
Joy (Event)
A Skyfaring Bell Is Born
Juliet Midtown Stroll Hope for Verona
Juliet (Water) The First Morning Love Neverending
Juri Trail of Memories Red-Hot Imperial Spirit
Juri (Event) The Puzzled Imperial Soldier Like Father, Like Son
Juri (SSR) Nonstop Punch Lines Shoulder to Shoulder
Kaede Takagaki
Hot Springs Nocturne
Kaguya Bamboo Guardian Light at Dawn
Kallen Kouzuki
In Hot Pursuit
Kanako Mimura Where All the Sweets Go Sweets You Don't Eat
Kaoru Sakuraba Cold Day Sick Village
Karin Karin Kanzuki's Sky Debut A Friendly Competition
Karteira The Clairvoyant Trader The Battle of the Broach
Karteira (SR) Cast a Line, Not a Net Dandelion on the Wind
Karva S.O.S. It's Just Not That Exciting
Karva (SR) All for the Thrill Let the Thrills Begin
Karyl Can't Read Her Poker Face Catgirl-of-all-Work
Operation Picnic
Katalina (Grand) Quintessentially Katalina A Vow as Vast as the Sky For Whom the Sword Swings What I'd Wanted to Protect
Katalina (Promo) Freeing the Girl in Blue A Chitchat with Kat
Katalina (Summer) Unyielding Blade Watching Over the Waterfront
Katsuki Bakugo
By the Light of Sparks
Katzelia Any Way the Wind Blows
Trumpeting the End of The World Verdict
Keehar Free-Spirited Skyfarer From Fable to Fact
Kokkoro Night and Day, Ever on My Mind My Lord, Help Is on the Way!
Koku Koku, Annihilation Incarnate Impossibly Delicious
Kolulu The Collapsed Girl Girl in Flux
Kolulu (Earth) My Own Style Picnic under the Blossoms
Kolulu (Summer) No Swimsuit, No Summer Memories of Auguste‎
Korwa Much Ado About Endings Interwoven Fates
Korwa (SR) Ladies' Night Goes into Overtime What's Up with the Class Prez
Korwa (Summer) Beach-Bound Fashionista Finding Happily Ever After
Korwa (Water) The Unexpected Wedding Personal Best
Kou Kou Makes a Promise Step Up, Big Bro
Koume Shirasaka She's Something Special Let's Be Pals
Krugne Lucky Roll Sour Decision
Krugne (SR) The Die Is Cast‎ Dice Will Roll‎
Kumbhira Guardian of the North-Northwest Have Boar, Will Travel Trials and Aspirations How the Mighty Have Fallen
Kumbhira (Event) An Outfit of My Own New Year, New Me
Kumbhira (Summer) Seaside Treasure Hunt Into the Glistening Waves
Kyojuro Rengoku
Forged in Flame
La Coiffe She Who Styles the Forest Simply Organic
La Coiffe (SR) Organic Healing Realizing Her Potential
Ladiva A Most Honorable Spirit All in the Name of Love
Ladiva (Holiday) Lady Luck‎‎ Holiday Gifts‎
Ladiva (SSR) Maydays and Heydays Path of Glory
Ladiva (Valentine) The Shape of Love Chock-Full of Love
Lady Grey Master of the Haunted House Monsters in Memories Heart and Soul Rest in Peace
Lady Grey (Halloween) A Stunning Smile The Meaning of Remembrance
Lady Katapillar and Vira Uber-pocalypse The Best Bad Ending Ever
Laguna A Little Memory Potentially Invincible
Laguna (SSR) Rivalries All Around To Be Fair
Lamretta The Loveable Klutz Feeling Tingly
Lamretta (R) To Feast Again In the Middle of a Feast
Lamretta (SSR) Lamretta Runs Away Lamretta Returns
Lamretta (Water) Another Wine Day to Be Alive The Water of Life
Lancelot The Calm Before the Storm‎ Study Abroad‎ The Dedicated Knight Falters‎ The Loyal Knight's Resolve
Lancelot (Event) An Unyielding Spirit In the Fury of Battle
Lancelot (Grand) Feendrache of Days Gone By A Knight's Loyalty
Lancelot (Wind) A New Process Rise of a Nameless Knight
Lancelot and Vane Life of a Knight The Foundation Ceremony
Lancelot and Vane (Summer) Watch Out, Summer! In the Years to Come
The Untrained Captain
Lecia (Grand) An Unexpected Promotion Protecting the Peace
Lecia (SSR) Reprieve for White Wings A Journey Free from Duty
Lecia (Summer) Vacation Time Beachside Showdown
Lecia (Water) For Lecia's Eyes Only For Order in the Skies
Lelouch Lamperouge
Lelouch in the Sky
Lennah Lady of the Flowers The Tithe for Magic A Time to Sow A Time to Harvest
Lennah (Earth) New Dress for a New Lady Roots of the Tree
Leona Mourning Lioness Home Cooking
Leona (Grand) Pack Your Bags Why the Lioness Roars
Leona (Yukata) Lonely Nights Even If Sleepless
Leonora The Long-eared Girl Ninjas on the Move
Levi I'm Watching You I'm Trusting You
Levin Sisters The Three-Sister Rule United We Stand
Lich The Corpse King‎ In Love with Love
Lich (Halloween) Feisty Fear Fest‎ Envy Ensures Enmity‎
Lilele Daydream☆Miracle I Send My Love
Lilele (Fire) Space-Time Idol Kimi to Boku no Mirai
Lilele (Summer) I Said Idol, Not Noodles! A Stomach for All Occasions
War Dance of Hope
Lily A Girl in Search of Spring The Icy Heroine's Anguish Ice Crystal Hospitality Home of Spring
Lily (Event) Tour of the Palace Until Spring Comes
Lily (Holiday) Captain Lily, Reporting In! Spreading the Warmth
Lily (Wind) What's Beyond Spring A Place to Bloom
Lina Dragon Spooker Bandit Killer in Full Force
Lobelia The Tower Reversed
Answer Me, Partner Unencumbered Duo
Lowain Work is Ever Over Lowain's Special Attack
Lowain (Event) Bros be Bros Lowain's World Party On, Shopkeep Mega Happy Ending
Lowain (SSR) How It Started How It's Going
Lowain (Summer) Summer Fling The Never-Ending Vacation
Lu Woh How Feeble is Fate The Destiny Called Hope
Lucio Bringer of Dawn Serpents and Apples Dawn Speaker Origins of God
Lucio (Summer) The Elusive Green Flash A Salty Evening Breeze
Lucius The Aloof Swordsman The Meddlesome Swordsman The Flower of Andalise Accursed Scars
Lucius (Fire) Aimless Nomad Cries of a New Dawn
Lucius (SSR) Bitter Lamentation The New King
Ludmila Fungal Laughing Fit Portobello Problemo
Where There's a Will
Luna Wanna Go on an Adventure Luna's Outing
Lunalu The Crybaby and the Butler A Beauty on the Battlefield
Lunalu (Light) Square One for a Dreamer‎ Popol Saga Side Story‎
Lunalu (SSR) Into the Sunset Incredibly Lifelike
Lunalu (Summer) Popol Saga Chapter Four Armored Warrior Shenanigans
Lyria (Event) I Will Protect You! Irreplaceable You
Macula Marius A Frigid Enforcer A Watchful Guardian
Magisa The Witch's Dream The Unseeable Future‎ The Witch's Confession‎ The Witch Hunting Village‎
Magisa (Holiday) Past, Present, and Future A Way to Seize the Future
Magisa (Summer) A Skilled Swimmer A Witch's Past
Magus (Summer) Lost in the Skies Lost at Sea
Mahira Winging It Chicken Light, Chicken Flight Pa-rum-pum-pum Goddess Clucket Science
Mahira (Event) Flap Those Wings! The Grateful Rooster
Mahira (Holiday) A Curious Invitation‎ Half-Baked Santa
Makura Guardian of the East The Marching Hare‎
Malinda (Event) Dreaming of Days Past
Manamel Say Hello to Manamel Super Cutest
Manamel (Halloween) Manamel Is a Cat Macarons in the Sun
Maria Theresa Newfound Justice
Judgment Is at Hand Empress Who Upholds Justice
Mariah Atonement Thinking of You, Sis
Marquiares Opening the Supernal Door Supernal Shuffle Swaying the Sages Supernal Guidance
Mary The Beautiful Treasure Hunter A Treasure for Her Alone
Mary (Holiday) Before the Long Night Yuletide's Pre-Eve Bash
Mary (SR) Thanks for Letting me Know The Beam of Light
Mary (Summer) Beachside Battle Flower of the Night Sky
Medusa Good Old Days Operation Play House
Medusa (Grand) The Stalking Shadow Ward of Blood
Medusa (Promo) Foolish Mortals!‎ Crying Won't Save You!
Medusa (Summer) A Worthwhile Invention Competitive to the Core
Medusa (Valentine) I'm Not Impressed! It's All Your Fault!
Meg (Event)
As Plain as Can Be
Meg (Summer) Operation: Be Sneaky The Trouble with Being Normal
Meg and Mari Everyone's Auguste Our Auguste
Melissabelle Questions in the Cornfield Secret of the Golden Locks An Ominous Letter Long-Haired Princess Saga
Melissabelle (Valentine) In Preparation Kind Times
Melleau The Languid Vagrant An Unknown Friend
Meteon (Event) Sky Racer Apple Capriccio Actions Say It All The Things We Bear
Meteon (Holiday) An Unexpected Offer The Holiday Air Show
Metera The Troublesome Stowaway Moody Metera Forlorn Metera A Guardian's Endless Trials
Metera (Fire) Hanging With My Sis Sisterly Love
Metera (Holiday) On the Prowl for a Hottie Into the Modeling World
Metera (Summer) Metera's Guide to Good Times No Good Taste Goes Unpunished
Michael A New Insight The Right Response
Mika Jougasaki The Confused New Girl Sky Shenanigans Missing the Good Ol' Days The Ultimate Stage
Mikasa Dawning of a New Me The Gap Between Us
Mikazuki Munechika Into the Horizon Moonlit Alleyway
Miku Maekawa This is a Joke, Right Operation Fish Feast
Milla Maxwell Lord of Sprits, Skybound Memory of an Aftertaste
Milleore The Little Commando A Heavy Reward
Milleore and Sahli Lao Mercenary Pride Special Comrades in Arms
Mimlemel The Willful Horn Journey of the Horn
Mimlemel (Summer) Mimlemel Sets Sail In Deep Water
Mimlemel and Pun-Kin (Halloween) Happy Pumpkin Pumpkin Gone Wild
Mimlemel and Stumpeye Stand-up Stump Hurry Up, Stump
Mimori Amamiya
My Friends
Mina The Life of the Vice Eyes for the Leader
Minami Nitta What Makes an Idol What Makes a Skyfarer
Mio Honda Bursting with Curiosity Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Her Origins Natural Charisma
Mireille and Risette And Then There Were Two The Path of Atonement
Miria Akagi Sunflower in the Snow More Mature Than She Looks
Mirin First Time Abroad Market Monkey Mischief Sentimental Samurai My Way of the Samurai
Mirin (Holiday) A Toasty Warm Spell The Unfinished Yakan
Mirin (Light) The World-Class Sword A Kindness Repaid
Mirin (SSR) Gozaru! The Guide to Yokai Gozaru? The Tale of a Tengu
Mirin (Summer) Tearful Parting Samurai Together
Mishra The Beautiful Mage The Sage's Treasure
Mishra (SSR) A Visit to Beauty Springs Beauty is Passion
Mizuki Kawashima An Oh-So-Strange Feeling The Legend of Magical Mizuki
Monika A Day in the Deputy's Life Monika's Daily Grind
Monika (Grand) A Quick Breather Individual Motivations
Monika (Summer) Well-Earned Vacay Best-Laid Plans Go Awry
Monika (Valentine) Birth of a Magical Girl Lovely-Heart Monika's Debut
Morphe and Phoebe (Event) Dreamwalkers May You Find Happiness
Morrigna Goddesses of Battle Undying Purpose
Ms. Miranda A Fine Educator‎ Ms. Miranda's Counseling Office
Mugen Confused Journey Inspired by Fun
Mugen (Halloween) A Secret Surprise Pancakes of Happiness
Naga A Shack-Shaking Laugh Strongest Sorceress
Nakoruru Protectors of Nature Partner Appreciation Day
Nami and Robin
The Promise of Treasure
Naoise Fear and Benevolence The Flame That Burns Within
Naoise (Event) Runaway Knight's Homecoming The Knight and the Prince A Dangerous Game Knightly Duties
Naoise (Fire) Scenario:Naoise_-_Memories_of_Old What Waits Beyond Repentance
Naoise (Promo) The Sorrowful Knight Happening at the Food Stall
Naoise (Summer) Summer Sentinel Seaside Gourmet
Narmaya The Flutterby Princess‎ Wavering Spirit‎ My Precious Friend It Was So Simple
Narmaya (Grand) Concealed Origins Fated Intervention
Narmaya (Holiday) The Most Dangerous Baker Remember: Customer First
Narmaya (Summer) Summer with Narmaya‎‎ One If by Sea‎
Narmaya (Valentine) Cocoa Cakewalk Sweet Hearts and Tears
Narmaya (Yukata) Skilled Yet Clumsy‎ Fighting Shrine Festival‎
Nectar Once Upon a Time Happily Ever After
Nectar (Water) The Self Comes A-Tumblin' Someone, Once Upon a Time
Nehan Edge of the Dream Lost No More
Nehan (Valentine) Sunny Clinic No Guide Needed
Nemone Girl Comes Along Like the Wind Happy-Go-Lucky Kindness
Nemone (Holiday) Thus Speaks Nemo Santa Thus Spake Nemo Santa
Nene Want Some Cake Take as it Comes
New Generations
Shining Evermore
Nezahualpilli A Most Curious King Secret of the Eagle King The Flightless Eagle In Need of Guidance
Nezahualpilli (SR) Plume and Doom Murder Most Fowl
Nezha Wavering of the Stars Wish of the Stars
Nezha (Yukata) Tradition No More Tradition Reborn
Nicholas Between Monster and Man Never Forget
Nicholas (Event) Machine Dreams Trial and Errors
Nicholas (Light) Family Bonding Making Memories
Nier Death and Rebirth
Deathly Union Beyond the Thirst
Nier (Yukata) The Unyielding Lover You Belong with Me
Nina Drango Red Dragon Close Encounter
Niyon Mystical Concerto Magical Tuning Duel of the Mystic Musician Trial of the Eternals
Noa A Crewmate's Worst Fear Secret of the Grandcypher On Waves of Grace The Vessel of Wishes
Noa (Grand) Amid the Miasma A New Light
Noa (Holiday) Golonzo's Representative Golonzo's Competence
Nobara Kugisaki and Maki Zen'in
Otherdimensional Frenzy
Nobita and the Fortune Rabbit
Noire Let Me In Mega-Super Gambler of Death
Norcel Momma-Lovin' Country Boy Agony of the Magic Tome
Novei Encore with the Concertmaster Melodious Pursuit
Novei (Promo) Violinist Novei Ode to Joy
Olivia Precipian Entity Keeping Secrets
Olivia (Event) Vacation Preparation A Summer for Popsicles
Olivia (Grand) The Fallen One Pride of the Fallen
Orchid From Me to You Just the Way You Are
Orchid (Grand) Search for Purpose Innocent Doll Unforgettable Scars To Protect and Be Protected
Orologia My Holiday My Holy Day
Owen The Ever-Loyal Knight‎ Bound to Protect‎
Pamela Flutist Pamela The Tone We Wish to Convey
Pamela (Promo) Flutist Pamela The Tone We Wish to Convey
Paris A Letter from Home Sincerely
Paris (Event) Footsteps of War Paris's Determination
Pavidus The Animals' Underling Save My Betters!
Payila Guardian of the East-Southeast This Is My Treasure
Payila (Event)
Divine Dragon's Coveted Shine
Pecorine Way of the Gourmet Pecorine Pays It Forward
Pengy A Penguin's Pride Pengy-ese 101
Pengy (Event) The New and Improved Pengy Pengy: The Hope of All Kids
Pengy (SSR) Headstrong Hero Courage Comes from Within
Percival The Simmering Fire Within The Lord of Flames's Requiem A Royal's Resolve Reaching for His Kingdom
Percival (Event) A Memory of Brothers Three Two Kings
Percival (Grand) From the Ground Up All in Good Time
Percival (Light) Homecoming A Much-Expected Ceremony
Percival (Summer) The Leisurely Lord of Flames Summer's Promise
Petra Praying to the Wind Temple of Trials
Petra (SSR) A New Wind Blows The God of Humility Traces of Mother Mother's Reasons
Philosophia Mystery of the Spinning Top The Philosopher's Sweet Side
Philosophia (SR) The Philosophia Dialectic What is Will
Pholia Never Farther Away from Home Where Resolute Winds Blow
Pholia (Yukata) Casual and Comfortable Relieved of Royal Duties
A Detour at Hello Beach
Poseidon The Tide Father Resurfaces‎ Impressing a Sea God‎
Predator Die Another Day On the Way
Predator (SSR) Now Is the Time Let Them Fall Where They May
True to Life
To Fix What's Broken
Rackam (Grand) So You Wanna Be a Pilot Only Pilots Get It‎ Good Ol' Rackam Rackam's Driving Force
Rackam (Holiday) Mystery Dessert Friendly Feels
Ragazzo What Is Freedom Freeeedooom!
Ragazzo (Summer) Sandy Freedom I Got Ya
Randall Friend and Rival And the Winner Is
Randall (SR) Shared Credos No Surrender
Randall (SSR) Contagious Passion‎‎ Kicking the Habit
Ranko Kanzaki Hymn of the Skies Return of the Demon Ruler
Raphael The Wind in the Furrows Thus Spoke Carrothustra
Rashid In Search of Lost Friends Lost in the Dark
Razia A Knight Forever Hunting In Search of Distant Truth The Time Has Come The End of the Chase
Razia (SR) A Goal Only Glimpsed I Pledge Myself Anew
Raziel (Event)
Sinful Wish for Life
Raziel (Summer) To Dazzling Shores Oh Auguste, My Enigma
Redluck Belly Battles Eat and Be Merry
Rei Family Gathering Eternal Mother
Reinhardtzar's Day Off
Reinhardtzar (Grand) Blue Period‎ Battle of Wills‎
Richard Luck of the Draw What Good Luck is Worth
Richard (SR) All Bets Are Off Showdown Aftermath
Richard (SSR) Meteors with a Chance of Romance Loving Uncertainty
Rika Jougasaki The Girl on the Bear Summer Means Bug Hunting Love Ya, Sis and Beetles! Rika Land, Here We Come!
Rimuru Tempest
A Food Tour to Remember
Rin Shibuya A Whole New World The Sword and the Song Picking Up the Sword Never Forget
Rita The Girl Who Beckons the Dead Reports of a Hammerhead My Own Choice Messy Memories
Robertina The Tuba God's Guidance Stall-Hopping in Namvia
Robertina (Promo) Tubist Robertina Tuba God of the Sacred Peaks
Robomi Robomi, Online That Which Was Lost
Robomi (Event) The Android's Dream Keeping Secrets
Romeo Even Now I'd Die for You What I Wish to Say
Romeo (Event) Star-Cross'd Lovers The World Is Our Stage
Rosamia The Cursed Mask The Masked Traitor
Rosamia (SR) Recollection and Conquest A Familiar Voice
Rosamia (SSR) Cursebreaker‎ Sugar-coated Lie
Rosamia (Yukata) A New Mask‎ Wish upon the Wind‎
The Language of the Forest
Rosetta (Grand) Timelessly Devoted Envy Throughout the Sky Island of the Rose Queen Love Eternal
Rosetta (Halloween) A Mischievous Monster The Warmth of Someone Close
Rosetta (Holiday) Protective Gaze One's Vestige
Rosetta (Summer) She Who Laments the Summer Wanted! Repel Tactics!
Rosine Sun-Baked Rice Crackers Walking the Bright Path
Rosine (SR) Reunion Promise by Senbei
Ryan The Backwoods Bodyguard Save the Stuffed Rabbit!
Ryan (SR) A Heavy Heart Family Longings
Ryu The Path Toward True Strength Date with a King
Sabrina A Surprise Proposal Burning Remorse
Sachiko Koshimizu Sachi-in-a-Box Call Me The Cutest
Sahli Lao Shaky Aim That Person's Aura
Sakura Kinomoto Sakura and the Captain Sakura and the Witch's Herbs
Sakura Shinguji Wishes in the Sky That Promise...
Sandalphon The Ideal Cafe A Cup Full of Memories
Sandalphon (Earth Grand) 2,000 Years of Boredom Without a Purpose
Sandalphon (Event) Bittersweet Memories Two Millenia of Coffee
Sandalphon (Summer) Management Training Why We Return
Sandalphon (Valentine) The Potential of Coffee‎ Pursuit for the Perfect Brew
Sara Heart Lock‎ Kind World‎ Small Yet Great Uncertainty I Can Be Anything
Sara (Event) Small Maiden, Unknown World Midnight Snack
Sara (Light) The Last Priestess Beyond the Sands
Sara (Summer) Sara's First Summer Shedding Tears
Sarunan Forbidden Lovers Enshrined Where to Next, Honey Accursed Lovers
Sarunan (Dark) Diminishing Flame Lost and Found
Sarya Detective Work Is Never Done The Lost Sculptures
Sarya (Event) Absent Teacher Haunted House Investigation
Sato Daring to Dream Again Unabashed Pride
Satyr Fancy Meeting Crew Here! Primal Phantasy!
Satyr (Earth) Making the Band Lessons We Can Learn
Satyr (Halloween) Scenario:Saytr - What's Jiangshi Scenario:Saytr - Ready for Hop Scares
Scathacha True Dragon's Day Off‎ How Old in Dragon Years‎ Three Cheers for a Festival Blood of Curse or Blessing
Scathacha (Valentine) A Fragrant Suggestion Living in the Now
Selfira A New Path Traveling Musician
Selfira (Event) Island Fever Musician To Whom I Love Echo into Eternity Portraying Feelings
Sen Mountain Girl One Cool Cat
Sen (Holiday) Winter Night Practice, Meow! I'm Senta Claws, Meow!
Sen (SSR) Sen's First Job Happy in Their Own Ways
Sen (Valentine) To My Feline Friends Mixed Messages
Seofon Trial By Celestial Blade The Boy and the Blade King Seven-Star Encounter To Rule the Skies
Seofon (Event)
Man in a Million
Seox Behind the Karm Dynasty The Message Left Behind Inevitable Ruin Nine Nocturnal Targets
Seox (Event)
Arriving at Dawn
Seruel Ruined Prince Sought Out Truth The Young Protector Seruel, Son of Connor
Seruel (Holiday) A Protector's Wish Happiness in One's Work
Seruel (Summer) A Needed Retreat A Father's Love, a Child's Wish
Sevastien The Sanguine Hellhound The Praetorial Ledger
Sevastien (SSR) One Last Problem The Bonds of the Past
Sevilbarra The Reckless Ronin Fate in the Demon Blade
Sevilbarra (Event) A Lead at Last Awaiting Easterly Winds
Sevilbarra (SSR) His Path Breaking Swords
Shao Healer's Miracle Line between Good and Evil That Was in the Past A Future from the Mire
Shiki Ichinose Chemical Perfumer Enchanting Elixir
Shinobu Kocho
A Poison for Monsters
It's Joints That Tend to Feel Stiff
Shion Salt's Best on Tempura Salt's Best on Soba Too
Shion (Collab) Scenario:Shion (Collab) - Right for the Role Scenario:Shion (Collab) - Legend of the Oni Deity
Shion (Summer) In Unsalted Waters Salt's Best on Octopus
Shitori Sleeping Memories The End of a Dream
Shiva Destruction Incarnate Light of Destruction Beginning of the End Supreme Destroyer of Blight
Shiva (Summer) Purification Sacred Dance
Sho Living Clean Dad's Example
Shura Restorative Leadership Making Her Decision
Shushuku A Fool's Act Home Slovenly Home
Siegfried Ominous Shadow Purifying Shell Demon Dark Facing the Demons
Siegfried (Fire) Aloof Knight Burdens of a Loyal Knight
Siegfried (Light) Life on the Run Indomitable
Siegfried (Summer) Bane of the Seas Exempt from the Cycle
Siegfried (Yukata) Once Upon a Breeze Summer Chaperon
Sig The Wide Blue Yonder The Wide Green Yonder
Sig (Event) Druga Pirates' Request Yudhisthira Net Fishing
Silva Steadfast Sniper Sonorous Ring To Overcome Regret By Your Side
Silva (Light) The Face of a Sniper Counter-Snipe
Silva (Summer) Start of a Sparkling Summer Family Vacation
Silva (Yukata) The Perils of Dressing Up A Festival Night to Remember
Skull A Genius's Best Friend For True Liberty
Skull (Event) What Is Freedom What Is Freedom, Really
Skull and Balurga The Hand Left in the Past The Hand Right for the Future
Societte Millennial Dance Floral Arrangement Societte's Wish The Best Big Sisters
Societte (Fire) People Who Matter Most Ninetails Hunt
Societte (Wind) A Dip with Societte Aren't Baths Fun
Sophia Astral Pilgrim Past and Present
Sophia (SR) Search for the Lost Map The Town Without a Heart
Sophia (Water) Tracing the Past Changing the Past
Sophie A Blue Light in the Darkness Little Sisters
Soriz A Man's Dream Passionate Gaze Unforgettable Spot Guardian of Dreams
Soriz (Event) The Explorer Search for Steam in the North
Soriz (SSR) New Tricks for an Old Hound Gather Ye Rosebuds, Soriz A Nice, Fulfilling Life No Rest for the Wicked
Special Week, Silence Suzuka, and Tokai Teio
Training Grounds in the Sky
Spinnah The Beauty Is in the Spin Make Their Heads Spin
Spinnah (Holiday) High-Speed Spinnah The End of Spinnah
Spinnah (SSR) Mistah Spinnah Beyond the Boom
Stahn Aileron Unfamiliar Blue Skies The Battle's End
Stan Timid Apprentice I Spy a Monster!
Stan (Event) Newfound Will A Most Peculiar Banquet
Stan and Aliza Timid Hearts Changing Perspectives
Sturm Mercenaries' Night Out A Rough Assignment
Sturm (Grand) Dinner Dangers Silence Is Golden
Sturm (Summer) Beachside Bounty Where the Flowers Bloom
Suframare Wandering Tutor Training Results
Suframare (Summer) Beachside Lesson The Magic Parasol
Sui Posthumous Poetry Multiplying Suis
Sutera An Archer, Mix-Up, and Nushi Nice One Heir of the Magic Bow Autobiography
Sutera (Event) How Sutera Got Her Groove Mixer Aftermath
Sutera (Fire) Shopping With My Sis Following in your Footsteps
Sutera (SSR) The Role of a Guardian‎ Tearing Through Illusions‎
Suzaku Kururugi
A Vow under the Night Sky
Sylph Concerning Love Concerning Life
Syr (Event) Before the First Step Monster Pet
Tabina Tomboyish Moon Sun in the Heart
Tabina (Summer) A Taste of Tahar Lady with Ambition
Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke
Journey to Mt. Shugyo
Tanya Tongue Tied Knife User Smooth Talker
Tanya (SR) The Shy Knife Girl Let the Bidding Begin!
Tanya (SSR) Cold Moonlight Warmth in Darkness
Tanya (Summer) Sharpen the Tongue Listen to the Flow
Tear Grants The Confused Visitor Her Real Feelings
Teena In the Heart of the Flames A Flame That Transcends Time Light of Hope Meaning Behind the Flower
Teena (Summer) Teach Me, Teacher Teena! Tutoring with Teacher Teena!
Teena (Valentine) Our Funny Valentine Heartfelt Gratitude
Tefnut (Summer) Tefnut's Melancholy The Ultimate Cure
Teru Tendo Red-Hot Hero Hymn Singing for Sun!
The Lowain Bros Playboy No More From TPO to CEO
Thelonim What's in a Lie A Hero's Dream
Therese The Duelist's New Look The Truth Comes to Light
Therese (Event) Jewel of the Casino Liner Pride of a Duelist
Therese (SSR) My Fair Duelist A Storied Blade
Therese (Wind) Neoduel‎ Casino Royale‎
Threo The Axe Master‎ True Strength‎ One Bad Axe‎ An Axe to Grind... Nine Times
Tiamat Eternal Blessed Winds Ride Out the Storm Absent Winds Always at Your Back
Tien I Want to Believe You May My Words Reach You Invitation to War Ballad of Bullets
Tikoh The Magic Surgeon‎ Two Heads Are Better than One‎
Tikoh (Halloween) Tikoh Trick Tikoh Treat
Tikoh (Summer) Prescription for Rest‎ Prescription for Support‎
Tōru Amuro Man of Many Faces The Pain of Separation