Scenario:Ferry - The Last See-You-Again

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The Last See-You-Again

A young girl visits Ferry's home while she is sorting out family belongings. This girl is Firra, Ferry's little sister, and she claims to have come for Ferry. They relish the touching reunion in a warm embrace. However, Ferry's pet Momo voices its suspicions in the form of growls.

Having finally come to terms with her sister's passing, Ferry held a memorial at their village in Tramont to commemorate.
Ferry: Okay, that about does it for this room.
Beppo: ...
Ferry: Thank you, Beppo. Can you put that box in the closet?
Ferry: Nicola! Fugee! Aww, why'd you have to go and do that! I just cleaned that up!
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Ferry: Geez...
Geegee: ...
Ferry: Hm? Right, we'll get through it all for sure.
Ferry: Even if just to put my feelings in order...
After the funeral, Ferry decided to stay on the island a while longer before returning to the crew.
Hoping for some sort of emotional closure, she sorts out her family's belongings in the house.
Ferry: And next is...
Ferry: ...
Ferry: Well, I guess I can't be putting it off forever.
Ferry enters her own room—a room she spent so much time in while she was alive.
Ferry: So now that I'm in here, I don't know where to begin...
Ferry: Bookshelf?
Actually, no...
Ferry: If I pick up any of these books, I might just start reading them...
Momo: Rawr!
Ferry: Hm? What's wrong, Momo?
The dog-like ghost that is Momo comes to Ferry with a notebook held in its jaws.
Ferry: I thought I lost my diary forever! Wh-where did you find it?
Momo: Rawr! Rawr!
Ferry: Between the desk and the bookshelf? I must've dropped it into that little crack without realizing it...
Ferry grabs the diary and casually opens it up, no heed paid to her words from seconds ago.
Ferry: This takes me back... She and I used to take turns writing in this...
Ferry: Haha... There were so many days when she was too ill to get out of bed.
Ferry: We came up with this diary to keep her from getting bored.
Ferry: But on her good days, when she was able to go out with us as a family, she always wanted to write the entry herself.
Ferry: It wasn't long before the order in which we took the diary was all over the place...
Ferry looks fondly and nostalgically on the childish letters she and her sister scribbled so many years ago.
Her hand stops after flipping to a certain page.
Ferry: You see this, Momo? She drew this.
Momo: Raawr!
Ferry: It's a drawing of that one time she was feeling well enough to go with us on a family picnic all the way out by the outskirts of the island.
Ferry: Haha... That was so much fun. I still remember how bubbly she was that day.
Ferry: It was then that I promised her we'd someday go to those mountains she watched from the window in her room all the time...
Ferry: As soon as she got better, of course... But now...
Ferry: She's no longer...
Ferry lovingly caresses the drawing done by her dear little sister.
But it is merely a memory that Ferry clings to. The warmth of Ferry's hand will never be felt by her sister.
Ferry: She's gone to where the departed go... To see Mom and Dad...
Ferry: I wonder if they're living happily like in this drawing...
Ferry: Like in the old days...
Ferry: ...
Momo: Raawr...
Ferry: Sniff... I'm okay... I'm okay, Momo. I've—
The sound of the house's old creaking doors opening up echoes aloud.
Momo: Rawr!
Ferry: That's the sound of the entrance.
Ferry: But how can that be? We should be the only ones—dead or alive—on this island.
Momo: Grr...
Ferry: I know... We'll have to keep our guard up just in case.
Ferry and Momo cautiously approach the entrance of the house.
What greets them is the sight of a small, precious, familiar figure.
???: I'm back, Sis.
Ferry: ...!
Ferry: How... How is this possible...
???: Hehe... No need to be surprised. I came back for you.
That soft smile is what Ferry had never stopped yearning to see again on this mist-shrouded island.
???: So, yeah... I'm finally back.
???: I kept wishing and wishing that I could see you again, Sis.
???: And well, here I am.
The little girl spreads her arms wide in invitation to Ferry.
Ferry: ...!
Welling up with emotion, Ferry thrusts herself into her sister's arms.
As if to make up for their long-overdue reunion, they come together in a tight, loving embrace.
Momo: Grr...
However, Momo remains vigilant, emitting low growls all the while.

The Last See-You-Again: Scene 2

The two sisters spend the next few days together in peace, as if living a continuation of their childhoods. While playing in the mountains one day, Firra's mood suddenly turns sour when Ferry keeps talking about her pets and adventures with the crew. Then monsters show up.

Even with no other living or dead on the island, Ferry miraculously manages to reunite with her sister.
As if resuming their lost childhoods from where they last left off...
The two spend the next days together in bliss.
Firra: Over here, Sis!
Ferry: Watch out, Firra! You wouldn't want to trip—
Ferry: Waah!
Ferry: Ooouch...
Firra: Teehee... You okay, Sis?
Ferry: Ngh... How embarrassing that I'd be the one to trip instead...
Firra: You haven't changed at all, Ferry.
Firra: You're usually super reliable, but you can be a real klutz sometimes!
Ferry: Hey, quit teasing your sister! C'mere, you!
Firra nimbly dodges her sister's hand and creates some distance between them.
Firra: Hehehe... Catch me if you can!
Ferry: Okay, now you're really gonna get it!
They've come to play at the mountains visible from Ferry's home.
Geegee: ...
Ferry: Hah! Got you!
Firra: Yikes! Wait, Sis...
Ferry: Wha... Aah!
When Ferry seizes Firra's hand, they both end up losing balance and collapsing to the ground.
But they get right back up and playfully laugh at each other's clumsiness.
Ferry: Teehee...
Firra: Hehe...
Amid the dense fog, this time that Ferry is able to spend with her sister is a dream come true.
Worn out from running circles around the field, they huddle together by a great tree in the forest for a spell.
Ferry: Phew...
Firra: Haha... Getting to run around and play hide-and-seek with you out here...
Firra: Really brings back memories, Sis.
Ferry: Hm?
Firra: Sis... What's wrong? You look dazed.
Ferry: I just... still can't believe we're actually here together.
Ferry: Part of it might be the mist, but I'm feeling a bit hazy.
Ferry: It's like I'm in a dream... Is it really okay for me to be this happy?
Firra: ...
Ferry: I finally get to be with you again, Firra... I want to make the most of this miracle.
Ferry: I want our days together on this island to last... forever...
Ferry: You're the reason I set out on a journey. And here you are now, before my very eyes.
Ferry: I'm sure (Captain) and everyone else will understand why I had to leave the crew.
Ferry: That's how nice they are... They've been so good to me...
A lonely smile crosses her face.
But the smile quickly fades away as she looks into the distance before turning to Firra.
Ferry: I don't know if I deserve all this...
Ferry: Would it really be okay for me to just give up my travels?
Ferry: Something seems off about all of this... I get the feeling that I can't just stop everything I've been doing up to this point...
Firra takes Ferry's hand and consoles her sister with a smile.
Firra: That's not true. It's about time you took things easy.
Firra: You've waited to see me again for so long now.
Firra: You're being too harsh on yourself if you think you don't deserve happiness.
Firra murmurs in a sweet, dulcet tone, hoping to get through to Ferry's closed-off heart.
Firra: You've been alone this whole time, right? That must be why you're afraid to be happy.
Firra: But don't worry. We'll be together forever now.
Ferry: Firra...
Encouraged by her sister's words, Ferry's mouth curls into a soft smile.
Ferry: You're right... It's not like I've been alone this whole time either.
Ferry: I had these little pets to keep me company...
Pets: ...
The ghosts go over to Ferry for a generous helping of head pats.
Ferry: And there were visitors to the island.
Ferry: Just when I had begun to give up on everything, (Captain) and friends brought me out of my shell.
Ferry speaks proudly of her episode with the crew in defeating Celeste.
Ferry: And after that, I left the island and joined the crew on an adventure...
Momo: Raawr!
Ferry: Yeah... And I even met Momo in my travels.
Firra: ...
Ferry: I felt so lonely waiting for you, but I wasn't alone the whole time—
Firra: Sis!
Ferry: Huh? Wh-what's wrong, Firra?
Firra: Your family is me, Papa, and Mama. And this is where you belong.
Firra: That's all you need! Please tell me you haven't forgotten that, Sis!
Ferry: Firra! What's gotten into y—
Monster: Graaah!
Ferry: Monsters! I didn't think there were any left on the island...
Ferry: Firra! Get behind me.
Firra: Okay...
Ferry: C'mon, guys! My sister's watching... I have to show her I can keep us safe!

The Last See-You-Again: Scene 3

Shortly after returning home, Ferry notices that her pets are nowhere to be seen. Firra invites Ferry to the realm of the dead, where the rest of their family awaits. When Ferry points out proof that this Firra must be a fake, she reveals herself to be an otherworldly being. Ferry's power as one who stands on the precipice of two worlds awakens, and she is able to call back her pets for a confrontation with the imposter.

Ferry and her pets thwart the monsters' attack in the mountains.
After making it back to the house, Ferry spends some time in her room deep in thought.
Ferry: (Something's not right...)
Firra: Sis!
Firra: Your family is me, Papa, and Mama. And this is where you belong.
Firra: That's all you need! Please tell me you haven't forgotten that, Sis!
Ferry: (Why would Firra say something like that? She's supposed to be the sociable one between the two of us...)
Ferry: (She didn't get to go out often, but when she did, she always had so much fun chatting away with the villagers...)
Ferry: (How did she come to be so dismissive of other people...)
Ferry recalls how her pets responded when Firra first made her appearance.
Ferry: That's right... They were really wary of her...
Ferry: (I wonder why... Was it simply because that was their first time meeting her?)
Ferry goes looking for her pets to confirm her suspicions.
Ferry: Beppo... Geegee...
Ferry: Fugee! Nicola! Momo! Answer me if you're there!
Ferry searches all over the mansion, but they are nowhere to be found.
Ferry: Where could they be... Maybe they're outside?
Just as Ferry is about to step out of the house, Firra is there to greet her.
Firra: What's wrong, Sis? You look like you're in a rush...
Ferry: Hey, do you think you can help me, Firra?
Ferry: I can't seem to find my pets—
Firra: I know. That's because they're not here.
Firra: They're with Papa and Mama now.
Ferry: What... do you mean?
Firra: The place where the dead belong... The world where all lost souls return to.
Firra: It's time for you and I to go soon too, Sis. They're waiting for us on the other side.
A soft grin on her face, Firra extends a hand to Ferry.
Ferry: That can't be...
Firra: From now on, you, me, Papa, and Mama will be together forever.
Firra: Isn't that what you've always wanted, Sis?
Ferry: ...
Unsure of how to respond, Ferry remains speechless.
The faces of the kind skyfarers who reached out to her when she needed it most flash through her mind.
Firra: Sis... What's wrong?
Firra: The people we both care about most are waiting for us.
Firra: There's nothing left for us here. Let's go meet them already.
Firra: We can live happily ever after if you'll come with me. We'll all be together. Forever and ever.
Ferry: ...
Ferry pulls back the hand she was about to extend to her sister and slowly opens her mouth.
Ferry: Thank you... You just made me realize something very important.
Ferry: Even if you might not be real, spending these past few days with my sister has been a blessing.
Ferry stands confidently, a satisfied air about her as she speaks to the girl opposite her.
Firra: ...
When did you first notice?
Ferry: Something felt off from the beginning. I was too happy, as if it were a dream... It was too perfect.
Ferry: Firra was really frail... It was rare that she could play outside—that was only for times she was feeling exceptionally well.
Ferry: That's why we often talked about going to the mountains, but only once she got better.
Ferry: Except when we went there, you said it "really brings back memories."
Ferry: Which was impossible, because that was our first time playing in the mountains together.
Firra: ...
Ferry continues firmly.
Ferry: What's more... You said there's nothing left for us, but I know that's not true.
Ferry: I saw the gravestone that was erected in memory of you, on the island where you spent your final days.
Ferry: It was well-tended... I can tell that you were loved by everyone.
Ferry: I heard you especially doted on your grandchild.
Simply imagining how blissful her sister's final years must have been brings a tear to Ferry's eye.
Ferry: There's no way you could have all those precious memories and still say that there's nothing left for you in this world.
The girl puts on a surprisingly mature expression, betraying her childlike appearance.
Firra: Well, well...
Otherworldly Being: My reference material was a bit outdated... You residents of this world make it so difficult.
Ferry: So I take it that's your true form...
Otherworldly Being: Who is to say? Though I won't deny that my previous form was a false one.
Otherworldly Being: Although it is true that I tried to fool you, the words I spoke were true.
Ferry: What do you mean?
Although Ferry grows cautious, the otherworldly being continues to speak in earnest.
Otherworldly Being: Our world has strong ties to that of the underworld...
Otherworldly Being: Grab my hand, and I will give you the chance to see your parents and sister.
Otherworldly Being: You stand out as an irregularity by staying in this world while deceased.
Otherworldly Being: If you choose to let this chance slip through your dead fingertips, you will never know the peace that comes naturally with death.
Otherworldly Being: You'll be alone for all eternity—never again to reunite with your family, seeing your friends die off one by one as you linger without end.
Ferry: ...
Otherworldly Being: Haven't you suffered enough already? Just let it all go. You could certainly use the peace.
Otherworldly Being: You only need to take my hand. We can at last put an end to this twisted existence you've had to endure for so long.
Ferry shakes her head, refusing the offer.
Ferry: I'll see my family someday. But now is not that time...
Ferry: I won't take your hand. Especially not after you tried to trick me.
The otherworldly being unleashes its power.
Otherworldly Being: If you will not comply, then I must resort to force. Do you think a little girl like you really stands a chance?
Ferry: Hehe... I'm not alone.
Otherworldly Being: What?
Ferry: Beppo, Geegee.
Beppo & Geegee: ...
Ferry: Fugee, Nicola.
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Ferry: And... Momo.
Momo: Raawr!
The otherworldly being grows uneasy at seeing the ghosts gather beside Ferry.
Otherworldly Being: Impossible... I thought I'd already sent them to where they belong...
Ferry: You said it yourself, didn't you? That I'm an irregularity.
Ferry: If I'm able to stand on the precipice of existence...
Ferry: Then it only makes sense that my voice would reach the underworld...
Otherworldly Being: A wicked turn of events... Failing at my own endeavor and awakening your latent power...
Otherworldly Being: It's time I forgo the notion of invitation... You will come with me!

The Last See-You-Again: Scene 4

The otherworldly being sought to enlist Ferry for her ability to interfere with either realm, in order to assist with an impending otherworldly invasion of the skies. Before fading away, the being warns Ferry that a second chance for her to reunite with her family will not come. Now aware of this incoming threat to the skies, Ferry leaves Tramont with new knowledge and new power.

Ferry and her pets corner the mysterious presence who had assumed Firra's identity.
Otherworldly Being: Pant... Wheeze...
Ferry: Must we continue this?
Otherworldly Being: I was about to say the same. Do you realize you will be relinquishing the opportunity to reunite with your family?
Otherworldly Being: Do you truly care to stay in this world so much that you would abandon them?
Ferry slowly shakes her head in response.
Ferry: I haven't abandoned them. I'll go back to my family someday.
Ferry: It's because I know I have a place to return to that I can continue fighting.
Otherworldly Being: Humph... So you would spurn a chance for solace.
Otherworldly Being: Perhaps we underestimated the residents of this world.
The otherworldly being slowly fades away as if melting into the void.
Ferry: Can you tell me just one last thing?
Ferry: Why did you try to bring me into your world?
Otherworldly Being: Haven't you figured it out by now? Your ability to thrive on the brink of existence makes you special.
Otherworldly Being: The connection between the Otherworld and this one is extremely fragile and dim.
Otherworldly Being: But as you now know, you're able to interfere with the other world while remaining in this one.
Otherworldly Being: Our master seeks a guidepost. To allow our armies to move freely, facilitating our invasion of this world.
Ferry: So that's what you were trying to get me to do...
Ferry: But then why would you tell me the truth about it?
Ferry: All you've done just now is put me on guard.
Otherworldly Being: I am ultimately nothing more than a pawn. When our main force moves, your vigilance will mean nothing.
Otherworldly Being: Furthermore...
The otherworldly being twists the corners of its mouth.
Otherworldly Being: I approached you out of pity. If nothing else, the sympathy I showed you was genuine.
Otherworldly Being: I pray that you do not regret your choice to remain in eternal solitude...
The otherworldly being fades away, leaving behind those accursed words.
Ferry breathes a huge sigh of relief at the resolution of this incident.
Ferry: Phew...
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Ferry: We're okay now. You did great, everyone.
Pets: ...
Ferry looks toward the distant skies as the mist of Tramont Island begins to clear up.
Ferry: The Otherworld, huh... I had no idea an invasion on such a massive scale was being planned...
Ferry clenches her fists, resolve deep in her heart.
Ferry: Maybe that's why I've been allowed to stay in this world as a ghost...
Ferry: This could be my true purpose...
Having had a taste of the threat that awaits the skies, Ferry is determined to play her part.
Now that she has come to terms with the passing of her family and her own existence, Ferry leaves Tramont with a new power in hand.
???: Come back in one piece, Sis...
The little girl who bears an uncanny resemblance to Ferry gives her a gentle push and continues to affectionately watch over her.