Basic Grids

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Basic Grids is a comprehensive guide for new players looking to start their journey into strengthening their weapon grids. Listed on this page are basic grids for each element, as well as a glimpse at the next step, so you have an idea of how a grid evolves as you progress. This is meant to be a starting point for your grids before you begin tackling harder raids, which will give you better weapons. Depending on your pace, it may not be necessary to fully farm each grid listed.

Quick Navigation

Fire Grids

Water Grids

Earth Grids

Wind Grids

Light Grids

Dark Grids

Q & A

Q: Wait, what's "Magna"?
Omega is known as Magna in Japanese which is commonly used by the community.
  • Beginner Omega grids are sometimes referred to as "M1" for Magna 1.
  • The upgrade to M1 grids unlocked at rank 120 are "M2", or Magna 2.

For more terminology, see the Glossary.

Q: How do I tell weapon skills apart?
Each weapon skill has a unique icon that shows what it boosts and what modifier it is:
  • - Omega skills have an Ω symbol
  • - EX skills have an EX symbol
  • - Normal skills will have no symbol or will have II or III depending on its strength
  • Some weapons come with unique skill icons like or where you will have to visit the individual weapon wiki page to learn about it, or read about them on this page.

As a beginner, you will want one or two EX and Normal attack skills in your grid with the rest of the weapon skills being Omega attack modifiers.
For more information, see Weapon Skills or Damage Formula.

General Tips

Free Completion Rewards

  • Complete Chapter 8 Story: The Iron Titan to unlock Sierokarte's Knickknack Academy as soon as possible, as it has excellent rewards from the start and gives a 5x bonus to all RP and EXP earned during the early game.
    • Many of the academy tasks involve doing what this article already recommends, but with extra rewards that greatly speed up progression.
  • Continue Main Quests to receive uncapped weapons and to unlock raids, free quests, and Side Stories (some of which will allow you to recruit free SSR characters). Clearing at least Chapter 62 Story: Stars Beyond the Sky is recommended to unlock most pre-rank 101 content.
  • Clear the free quest Chapter 30 (44/65) Quest: Inchoate World to unlock Arcarum: The World Beyond as soon as possible.
    • Arcarum Passports are required to play Arcarum. One Passport is granted per day, but only after Arcarum is unlocked. Weekly missions require 7 Passports to be used per week, making unlocking Arcarum and using Passports a priority regardless of which stage of the game you're at. The mission arcapoint rewards can be left in the crate until they are needed, and can allow you to bypass the 50,000 holding cap for arcapoints.
  • Clear these Side Stories as soon as you can to jump-start your progression:
Side Story Notable Rewards
Side Story SSR Characters

For a full list of weapons obtainable from Side Stories, see Side Story Weapons.

How to get Grid Weapons

  • To farm a specific raid, use the in-game raid finder.
  • Renown Pendants can be used to buy weapons from the Pendant Shop. Items in the Shop are restocked at the top of every month, with the exception of Luminiera Sword Omega, which has a lifetime limit of 10. The amount of pendants you can get per month is limited, so use them wisely.
  • Daily Points, earned from the Daily Bonus, can be traded for weapons, including weapons otherwise exclusive to limited-time events like Xeno Clashes and Proving Grounds. Keep in mind these weapons cannot be fully uncapped without participating in the respective event while it is running.
Standard Omega Raids, also known as M1 raids.

How to get EXP / Skill Level Fodder

  • Simply participating in the monthly new story event, commonly referred to as "Boxing" events, is the easiest way to acquire and skill fodder. These usually occur at the end of every month.
  • The next best way is to do your daily Omega Raids for and fodder and grid weapons.
  • Farming Arcarum: The World Beyond will occasionally drop weapons.
  • EXP fodder, or Upgraders, can be farmed from the Angel Halo quest.

Grid Optimization

Beginner Tip!
A weapon's Skill Level is more important than its EXP Level.
Be sure to skill up weapons that you know you will be using for a while!
  • Set up a basic grid of 0★ weapons before you uncap them with extra copies. In most cases, uncapping weapons will only give them extra raw ATK and HP, which is generally less valuable than having another of the weapon skill in your grid.
    • i.e. It is better to have four 0★ weapons than a single 3★ weapon.
  • Summons that are not your main summon do not have to match the element you are playing. As a beginner, it's better to equip summons that have the highest stats.
  • If you hit a wall in progression, leveling up weapon skills is the most effective way of gaining grid strength. However, skill fodder is hard to come by in the early game, so use them wisely.
  • Be sure to use Journey Drops for Upgrade EXP and Grand Success Rate whenever upgrading weapons to save on fodder!
Q: What is PWR? Does it matter?
PWR, the indicator on the top left of your Home screen, is simply the sum of your weapons' ATK and HP. It doesn't take weapon skills into consideration.
It is almost entirely useless as a metric for actual power.

Inventory Management

Reserving and Reducing

Source What To Do
Weapons Reserve
Siero Shop Upgrade Keep 1 copy
Farmable Weapons Reserve
Farmable Weapons Reserve
Farmable Weapons Reserve or Reduce*Only reserve or reduce excess SSR weapons
Farmable Summons Reserve
Farmable Summons Reduce
Farmable Summons Reduce*Keep at least 1 fully uncapped copy, reduce extras
Skill Shard Reserve
Skill Jewel Keep
Seraphim Cradle Reserve
Source What To Do
Premium Weapons Reserve
Premium Weapons Reduce
Premium Weapons Keep
Premium Summons Reserve
Carbuncles Keep*Keep three 3★ copies of each element, extras are safe to reduce
Premium Summons Reduce
Premium Summons Keep

Premium Draw Weapons

Beginner Tip!
Keep your SSR Premium Draw weapons in your crate,
or favorite and stash them so you don't accidentally fodder them.
  • It is recommended to keep all Premium Draw SSR weapons in your crate, because it acts as infinite storage. If you absolutely must claim your weapons from your crate, it's best to Favorite them and store them in a safe space, such as a stash.
    • Do not combine copies by uncapping them, as some grids require multiple copies of one weapon.
  • A majority of the SSR weapons received from pulling in Premium Draw will go unused, especially as a beginner, because their skills are primarily boosted by Optimus SummonsAlso called "Primal" Summons by the playerbase.. Often, both the weapons and the summon must be fully uncapped for best performance in a grid, which requires rare consumable materials like Sunlight Stones and Damascus Ingots.
    • In general, premium draw weapons are not useful in grids that are boosted by Omega Summons.
    • It is not recommended to invest into an Optimus grid until the player has a deep understanding of grid building, to ensure optimal usage of rare uncap materials.

The Power of Amplify

  • Seraphic Weapons provide "Amplify" skills. Because of how the Damage Formula works, these boost your final damage, which makes them very strong even at SR rarity.
  • Always equip a Seraphic Weapon and sub-aura summons (e.g. Arcarum series) when their in-battle conditions are met (usually, when your team is the advantaged element).
    • When using a character with an "Amplify All Element Allies' Damage" passive in your front row, keep in mind that this effect does not stack with the Seraphic Weapons' "Amplify" skill. Only the highest value takes effect.
  • Seraphic Weapons: Acquire these as soon as you're able to.
    • Upgrading the tetra elementFire, Water, Earth, and Wind weapons requires clearing stages of the Primarch Trials, which are limited to 2 attempts daily, with attempts shared across the four elements.
    • Clearing What Makes the Sky Blue II: Paradise Lost is required to unlock Light and Dark Seraphic weapons.
  • Arcarum Summons: Get the SR "Amplify" summon for every element first, upgrading as you go until they are SSR. Then start working on your desired Evoker.
Sword of Michael

Wand of Gabriel

Gauntlet of Uriel

Ring of Raphael

Harp of the Teachers

Scythe of Belial
The Sun

The Moon

The Hanged Man


The Star


Unlock Dark Fencer

Dark Fencer is a Row III class that unlocks very useful skills that you will use throughout your entire gameplay. Because of this, it's recommended to focus on unlocking the Dark Fencer line first. Afterwards, feel free to unlock the rest of the Row I - III classes as you progress through the game.

Class How to Unlock

Unlock and fully level up the following classes:

Enhancer Arcana Dueler Dark Fencer
Knight Sentinel
Useful Skills Total Unlock Cost
Inflict 25% ATK DownATK is lowered
Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 secondsStacking: Dual
and 25% DEF DownDEF is lowered
Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 secondsStacking: Dual
on all foes.
Inflict GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
Duration: 180 seconds
on a foe.
  • CP ×800

Unlock Relic Buster

Relic Buster is a Row IV class that can be unlocked by simply trading materials. It is a fantastic generalist that carries a lot of utility that will help carry you through the early game and well into mid- to endgame. Be sure to pick up  Tactical ShieldAll allies gain ShieldNext ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount
Duration: Indefinite
, Veil (1 time)Debuffs will be nullified (1 time)
Duration: Indefinite"Veil" is an unofficial name used by the wiki for this status effect. Its actual in-game name is "Immune."
, and 100% / 20% ArmoredChance of lowering DMG taken
Strength: 100% chance of taking 20% less damage.Duration: 3 turns
(Boost to ShieldNext ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount
Duration: Indefinite
's specs based on number of Machine CellConsumed upon normal attacks and using skills (Can't be removed / Max: 5)
for defensive utility and  Limit BurstAll allies gain Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by
, C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time)
Duration: Indefinite
, and C.A. DMG Cap Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG cap is boosted (1 time)
Duration: Indefinite
based on number of Machine CellConsumed upon normal attacks and using skills (Can't be removed / Max: 5)
(Consumes all Machine CellConsumed upon normal attacks and using skills (Can't be removed / Max: 5)
for quick offensive bursting.

The materials for unlocking this class can also be fully obtained by completing Home Sweet Moon, though this side story is locked behind several Side Stories.

Class Where to Unlock
Shop > Treasure Trade > Quest Items > Event/Other >
Exclusive Treasure > Home Sweet Moon
Unlock Material Total Trade Cost



Weapon Grids

Rank 1-100

Rank 101+

Beginner Colossus Cane Grid

This is a beginner grid used while farming early game content and transitioning into more specialized grids at Rank 101+.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 3★
Lucifer Lvl 250
Bahamut Lvl 250

Elemental ATK Boost

Any stronger weapon

Any 3★ EX modifier weapon
Premium Options:
Lord of Flames 0★

Core Grid Weapons

A free 3★ Colossus Blade Omega is given by clearing the story, however this weapon doesn't have a Might weapon skill and is less helpful to a beginner player.

Weapon Obtain Notes

Colossus Cane Omega
Raid: Colossus Omega Showdown
Shop: Renown Pendant ×2,500
Story: Chapter 8 Story: The Iron Titan (One copy, 3★ SL10)
  • Fire's best ATK modifier in the early game. Stacking multiple is recommended before uncapping with copies.

Dagger of Bahamut Nova
Side Story: What Makes the Sky BlueTrade Bahamut Claw in the Shop
Shop: Bahamut Weapons
  • Bahamut Weapons are very strong Normal modifiers and can be used in any element grid. Once forged further, they will boost two races depending on the weapon type.
    • Dagger of Bahamut Coda boosts Human and Erune characters which are the most common races in the game.
    • Sword of Bahamut Coda is the second common choice which boosts Humans and Draph characters.
    • More Bahamut Weapons can be forged later to support different team compositions.

Sword of Michael (SR)
Shop: Seraphic Weapons
  • This weapon should always be in a grid when fighting at an elemental advantage because of its 10% damage amplify even at 0★.
    • See Damage Formula for a detailed explanation of how the game calculates damage.

Filler Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Sephira Emerald Dagger
Arcarum: Various Drops
  • Can be used as a filler Omega ATK modifier for Colo Canes.
  • Can be equipped in your grid while playing through Arcarum, and eventually Sandbox for an extra boost to critical hit rate.
  • This weapon should NOT be purchased with Arcapoints.

Cosmic Rod
Raid: Grand Order (Raid)
Treasure Trade: Cosmos Weapons
Heavenly Horn x 30
  • Cosmos Weapons are best used when grids consist primarily of the same weapon type (e.g Staves, Swords, Axes, etc.).
  • These weapons are useful filler if you get one, however obtaining a Cosmic Weapon can be cumbersome and go largely unused in most endgame grids. It is not recommended to go out of your way to obtain one.
    • Only one copy of a Cosmos Weapon is needed, feel free to fodder extras.
    • More useful as a grid piece once uncapped to 4★, which is locked behind rank 151.

Side Story: Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Sky-High!
  • Filler EX modifier that has a 4★ uncap.
  • Will eventually be replaced by stronger EX modifiers below.

Martial Steel of the Sovereign
Side Story: Forgiveness and Gratitude
(3★ copy for clearing)
  • Filler EX modifier, any 3★ EX weapon can be used in its place.
  • First to be replaced by stronger EX modifiers below.

Bewitching Bouquet
Side Story: L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G.
(3★ copy for clearing)
  • Filler Normal modifier.
  • First to be replaced by any stronger weapon.

Rank 1-100

Rank 101+

Once Impossible-tier raids are unlocked at Rank 101, players should start to build different grids depending on the type of content they want to tackle.

Basic Grid

Short Fight

Long Fight

Colossus Cane Grid

This grid can still serve as a solid baseline for any early content as you start to branch off into more specialized grids. Due to some Colossus Canes getting replaced in later grids, 4★ uncapping all of the copies below is not entirely necessary.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★
Lucifer Lvl 250
Bahamut Lvl 250

Elemental ATK %

Any strong EX modifier

Any strong EX modifier


Colossus Cane Omega

Basic Grid

Short Fight

Long Fight

Nilakantha Stamina Grid

This grid setup utilizes the unique Stamina modifier from Nilakantha which boosts your party the higher their HP is which is ideal for any short content where you will not be taking many turns. This weapon can be equipped at 0★ due to it having all of its weapon skills unlocked already.

Al-Abad is introduced to add Supplemental Damage to allies' charge attacks for setups utilizing Relic Buster's  Limit BurstAll allies gain Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by
, C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time)
Duration: Indefinite
, and C.A. DMG Cap Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG cap is boosted (1 time)
Duration: Indefinite
based on number of Machine CellConsumed upon normal attacks and using skills (Can't be removed / Max: 5)
(Consumes all Machine CellConsumed upon normal attacks and using skills (Can't be removed / Max: 5)

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★
Lucifer Lvl 250
Bahamut Lvl 250

Elemental ATK %

Any strong EX modifier



For teams not utilizing charge attacks.



For teams not utilizing charge attacks.

Basic Grid

Short Fight

Long Fight

Ancient Ecke Sachs Grid

This grid utilizes the Enmity weapon skill on Ancient Ecke Sachs which boosts your team when they take more damage. This is more suited for longer and harder content fights where enemy triggers will start doing more damage to the party. Multiple copies are also equipped to reach ~100% critical hit rate, though this cannot be fully achieved until Colossus Omega is uncapped to 5★ at rank 151. For further setups, see Advanced Grids.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 5★

This weapon can be equipped at 0★.

Any strong EX modifier

Core Grid Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Ancient Ecke Sachs
Quest: Twin Elements Showdown
Shop: Prestige Pendant ×1,000
  • Stacking four copies in your grid with 4★ Colossus Omega in Main/Support summons brings you to 88.4% critical hit chance. Later on, once you begin using 5★ Colossus, this will jump up to 98.8% crit chance.

Raid: Shiva (Raid)
Prestige Pendant ×6,000 (2 copies)
Daily Point Shop (300 Points, 1 copy)
  • This weapon can introduce a boostable Stamina modifier to your grid before you can uncap your Scythe of Renunciation to 5★ at rank 170.
  • Ideal for any short content where few turns are taken and your party can stay at high HP levels.
  • Can be used as an HP weapon in later grids as it gets higher uncaps and skill levels.

Dagger of Bahamut Coda
Side Story: What Makes the Sky BlueTrade Bahamut Claw in the Shop
Shop: Bahamut Weapons

Sword of Michael (SSR)
Shop: Seraphic Weapons
  • This weapon should always be in a grid when fighting at an elemental advantage because of its 20% damage amplify.
    • See Damage Formula for a detailed explanation of how the game calculates damage.
    • Its 4★ upgrade into the Sword of Valorblaze, which increases its amplify from 20% to 23%, costs a sizeable amount of hard-to-get materials and should not be prioritized.

Scythe of Renunciation
Treasure Trade: Dark Opus Weapons
  • This will be an anchor piece for all Omega Fire grids onwards into endgame content.
  • This weapon should not be used until it is uncapped to 4★ and upgraded to lvl 120 as that is when you unlock its second weapon skill.
  • 4★ Uncap Cost:
Shadow Substance ×5
Silver Centrum ×5
Legendary Merit ×10
Supreme Merit ×100
Fire Urn ×30
Shiva Omega Anima ×10

Supplementary Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Raid: Atum (Raid)
  • One of Fire's few charge attack related weapons, provides 400,000 Supplemental Damage to Fire allies' charge attacks as well as boosts Charge Attack Cap Up.
  • Up to 2 are used with Attack awakening.

Raid: Atum (Raid)
  • A strong weapon to equip for fights that last less than 8 turns.
  • Adds up to 30,000 Supplemental Damage to Fire allies' damage instances.
  • Up to 2 are used with Attack awakening.

Cosmic Sword
Raid: Grand Order (Raid)
Treasure Trade: Cosmos Weapons
Heavenly Horn x 30
  • Only one copy of a Cosmos Weapon is needed, feel free to fodder extras.
  • Functions as filler until uncapped to 4★ which is locked behind materials accessed at rank 151 in Grand Order (Impossible).
    • At 4★, the boost to the ATK and HP of equipped swords increases to 50% and gains a 1% boost to Damage Cap based on how many swords are equipped.

Xeno Weapons

These EX weapons can be dropped from Xeno Clashes which are found in Special Quests. These fights can be difficult for brand new players, but picking some up will help boost your grid substantially compared to other Side Story EX weapons.

Weapon Obtain Notes

Emberfire Longblade
Event: Xeno Ifrit Clash
Shop: Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • Base form of Wrathfire Longblade which can be upgraded to 5★.
  • Its "Massive" EX modifier puts it above most EX weapon in terms of grid strength.

Xeno Infernal Flamescythe
Event: Xeno Ifrit Clash
Shop: Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • Base form of True Infernal Flamescythe which can be upgraded to 5★.
  • Its "Massive" EX modifier puts it above most EX weapon in terms of grid strength.
  • Useful axe mainhand once fully forged.

Limited Event Weapons

These weapons can only be obtained or upgraded during limited-time events. It is recommended to pick these up while they are available.

Weapon Obtain Notes

Event: Proving Grounds
Shop: Daily Point Shop (200 Points)
  • Not as useful in a grid until it is 4★ uncapped. Will provide more utility once awakened on top of its skill damage cap up.
    • Attack awakening is suggested as first awakening.
    • A fully upgraded and awakened Proving Grounds weapon is stronger as a grid slot than a fully forged Xeno weapon in terms of EX modifiers.

Event: Proving Grounds
  • Not as useful in a grid until it is 4★ uncapped. Will provide more utility once awakened.
    • Attack awakening is suggested as first awakening.
    • A fully upgraded and awakened Proving Grounds weapon is stronger as a grid slot than a fully forged Xeno weapon in terms of EX modifiers.
  • Can be used as early Ancient Ecke Sachs crit filler once 4★ uncapped, but otherwise this weapon needs multiple fully awakened copies and a more advanced grid to fully utilize outside of a Melee mainhand.

Summer's Mirage
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×30,000
  • Only one copy can be obtained and is 3★ when purchased
  • Useful weapon for beginner players because it can be 4★ relatively easily.
  • Provides one of Omega Fire's very few sources of C.A. DMG and C.A. DMG Cap up.

Garnet Broadaxe
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×50,000
  • Only one copy can be obtained and is 3★ when purchased
  • Can function as a Colossus Cane Omega replacement as it has the same Big ATK modifier.
  • Will become more useful in a more developed grid once it is 4★ uncapped and unlocks its ProgressionBoost to elemental ATK based on number of turns passed.
    See Damage Formula for more information.
    • Cannot be uncapped to 4★ until rank 120.

Ray of Zhuque
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×30,000
  • This weapon comes uncapped to 3★ when purchased
  • Has a 4★ uncap and can be upgraded to Ray of Zhuque Malus which can be further uncapped to 5★ after rank 120.
  • This weapon is used in endgame grids due to its damage cap up weapon skill. This weapon is less useful in beginner grids as they will not be able to reach the damage cap.

Special Premium Draw Weapons

Any weapons listed below can be used at 0★ and should not be uncapped with Damascus Ingots
until the player reaches a point in their progression to understand their value and what benefits uncapping offers.
Weapon Obtain Notes

Lord of Flames
Draw: Premium Gala (Legfest)
  • Provides very strong boosts to EX ATK40%, DEF25%, and Special DMG Cap7% (Max: 20%) when 4 or more weapons of the same weapon groupe.g., 4 Swords, 4 Spears, 4 Staves, etc. are equipped.
    • Does not require uncapping or skill leveling to slot in a grid.
    • Boost stacks with multiple copies.
    • EX ATK boost is stronger than an SL20 Unworldly EX modifier weapon.
  • Can be used with Colo Cane and AES stacking grids.

Crimson Scale
Draw: Premium Gala (Legfest)
  • Provides 50,000 supplemental damageFlat damage that is added onto every damage instance.
    See Supplemental Damage for more information.
    for all Fire allies.
  • Provides 8% EX ATKUp to a total of 80% per Axe weapon in the grid.
    • Does not require uncapping or skill leveling to slot in a grid.
    • Boost stacks with multiple copiesUp to a combined total of 80%.
  • Functions less as an initial EX grid piece due to the lack of beginner Fire Axe weapons, but will become much stronger as your grid develops and you obtain weapons like Scythe of Renunciation, Garnet Broadaxe, and True Infernal Flamescythe to synergize with its Voltage skill.



Summon Obtain Notes

The Sun (SR)
Shop: Arcarum: The World Beyond
  • Core sub-summon in all content when at an elemental advantage.
  • Similar to Seraphic Weapons, it amplifies damage dealt against Wind foes.

Dragon's Rage
Side Story: What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000
  • Can be used as a main summon until a 3★ Colossus Omega summon is obtained.
  • Provides 50% boost to all Elemental ATK which means it can be used a a main summon in all elements.
  • Also provides an additional 10% boost to HP.

Premium Draw
Some summons obtained through Premium Draw can provide sizeable Elemental ATK boost and can serve as your main summon until higher uncaps of Colossus Omega are obtained.

It is not recommended to use Sunlight Stones to uncap any summons until the player
reaches a point in their progression to understand their value and what benefits uncapping offers.
Icon Boost Notes

0★: 80%
3★: 90%
4★: 100%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon due to its sub-aura providing various buffs.
  • Useful as a main summon at 4★ due to buffs gained by TranceAdditional effects based on lvl (Max: 3 / Can't be removed)

Shiva (Summon)
0★: 120%
3★: 140%
4★: 160%
  • Currently the highest % elemental attack aura in the game at 4★, but requires a lot of hard-to-get materials for beginners.
  • Recommended for players to choose this 4★ summon as a friend support.

Wilnas (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon when equipping weapons that have Normal weapon skillsFire's, Hellfire's, and Inferno's. due to its sub-aura.

Hekate (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
4★: 130%
  • Also has a useful sub-auraHekate's EmbraceDeals fire DMG to all foes every 3 turns (Can't be removed)
    to Fire MC at battle start. (Deals 700% Fire damage to all foes every 3 turns [Damage cap: ~1,160,000].)
    at 4★.

Sylph, Flutterspirit of Purity
0★: 120%
3★: 140%

Michael (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
4★: 140%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon due to its sub-aura providing damage cap up.

Yatima (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
4★: 140%
  • A strong summon for advanced players with access to other strong summon calls. For a beginner, this summon is just used for its 100%+ Elemental ATK main aura.



Weapon Grids

Rank 1-100

Rank 101+

Beginner Leviathan Dagger Grid

This is a beginner grid used before reaching rank 120. Afterwards, you will transition to a Tyros Zither grid.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 3★
Lucifer Lvl 250
Bahamut Lvl 250

Elemental ATK Boost


Leviathan Gaze Omega

Core Grid Weapons

A free 3★ Leviathan Bow Omega is given by clearing the story, however this weapon doesn't have a Might weapon skill and is less helpful to a beginner player.

Weapon Obtain Notes

Leviathan Gaze Omega
Raid: Leviathan Omega Showdown
Shop: Renown Pendant ×2,500
Story: Chapter 12 Story: Battle at the Falls (One copy, 3★ SL10)
  • Water's best ATK modifier in the early game. Stacking multiple is recommended before uncapping with copies.

Dagger of Bahamut Nova
Side Story: What Makes the Sky BlueTrade Bahamut Claw in the Shop
Shop: Bahamut Weapons
  • Bahamut Weapons are very strong Normal modifiers and can be used in any element grid. Once forged further, they will boost two races depending on the weapon type.
    • Dagger of Bahamut Coda boosts Human and Erune characters which are the most common races in the game.
    • Sword of Bahamut Coda is the second common choice which boosts Humans and Draph characters.
    • More Bahamut Weapons can be forged later to support different team compositions.

Wand of Gabriel (SR)
Shop: Seraphic Weapons
  • This weapon should always be in a grid when fighting at an elemental advantage because of its 10% damage amplify even at 0★.
    • See Damage Formula for a detailed explanation of how the game calculates damage.

Filler Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Sephira Emerald Blaster
Arcarum: Various Drops
  • Can be used as a filler Omega ATK modifier for Levi Daggers.
  • Can be equipped in your grid while playing through Arcarum, and eventually Sandbox for an extra boost to critical hit rate.
  • This weapon should NOT be purchased with Arcapoints.

Cosmic Dagger
Raid: Grand Order (Raid)
Treasure Trade: Cosmos Weapons
Heavenly Horn x 30
  • Cosmos Weapons are best used when grids consist primarily of the same weapon type (e.g Staves, Swords, Axes, etc.).
  • These weapons are useful filler if you get one, however obtaining a Cosmic Weapon can be cumbersome and go largely unused in most endgame grids. It is not recommended to go out of your way to obtain one.
    • Only one copy of a Cosmos Weapon is needed, feel free to fodder extras.
    • More useful as a grid piece once uncapped to 4★, which is locked behind rank 151.

Ice Claymore
Side Story: Princess Connect! Re:Dive: Dinner at the Turned Table
  • Filler EX modifier that has a 4★ uncap.
  • Useful as a Sword mainhand until better options are obtained.

Sunshine Blade
Side Story: Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Sky-High!
  • Filler EX modifier that has a 4★ uncap.
  • Will eventually be replaced by stronger EX modifiers below.

Bow of Sigurd
Raid: Grani (Raid)
Shop: Renown Pendant ×5,000
  • Good Normal weapon for short battles (Less than 8 turns). Used primarily in OTKOne-Turn Kill setups.
  • Not recommended to purchase until the rest of your grids are built.
  • Only one copy of the weapon is needed.

Side Story: Blade of the Young Champion
(3★ copy for clearing)
  • Filler Normal modifier.
  • First to be replaced by any stronger weapon.

Rank 1-100

Rank 101+

Once Impossible-tier raids are unlocked at Rank 101, players should start to build different grids depending on the type of content they want to tackle.

Basic Grid

Short Fight

Long Fight

Leviathan Dagger Grid

This grid can still serve as a solid baseline for any early content as you start to branch off into more specialized grids. Due to some Leviathan Daggers getting replaced in later grids, 4★ uncapping all of the copies below is not entirely necessary.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★
Lucifer Lvl 250
Bahamut Lvl 250

Elemental ATK Boost

Any strong EX modifier

Any strong EX modifier

Basic Grid

Short Fight

Long Fight

Tyros Zither Charge Attack Grid

Once reaching rank 120, players can start dropping their beginner Leviathan Daggers for charge attack-focused Tyros Zithers. For further setups, see Advanced Grids.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★
Lucifer Lvl 250
Bahamut Lvl 250

Elemental ATK Boost

Any strong EX modifier

Any strong EX modifier

Basic Grid

Short Fight

Long Fight

Ancient Auberon HP Grid

This grid utilizes the crit boost weapon skill on Ancient Auberon as well as the small HP boost for survivability. This is more suited for longer and harder content fights where players will want to sacrifice a bit of damage for more sustain. Ideally these weapons are equipped alongside Wamdus's Cnidocyte for more damage which are unlocked after rank 151. For further setups, see Advanced Grids.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 5★

Any strong EX modifier

Any strong EX modifier

Core Grid Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Tyros Zither
Raid: Europa (Raid)
Shop:Prestige Pendant ×4,000
Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • This weapon provides a decent ATK boost alongside Charge Attack specs. Because of this, it outperforms Leviathan Gaze Omega as long as your team charge attacks.
  • A third harp can be used, but is not a priority for beginner grids yet.

Dagger of Bahamut Coda
Side Story: What Makes the Sky BlueTrade Bahamut Claw in the Shop
Shop: Bahamut Weapons

Wand of Gabriel (SSR)
Shop: Seraphic Weapons
  • This weapon should always be in a grid when fighting at an elemental advantage because of its 20% damage amplify.
    • See Damage Formula for a detailed explanation of how the game calculates damage.
    • Its 4★ upgrade into the Wand of Charmtide, which increases its amplify from 20% to 23%, costs a sizeable amount of hard-to-get materials and should not be prioritized.

Staff of Renunciation
Treasure Trade: Dark Opus Weapons
  • This will be an anchor piece for all Omega Water grids onwards into endgame content.
  • This weapon should not be used until it is uncapped to 4★ and upgraded to lvl 120 as that is when you unlock its second weapon skill.
  • 4★ Uncap Cost:
Shadow Substance ×5
Silver Centrum ×5
Legendary Merit ×10
Supreme Merit ×100
Water Urn ×30
Europa Omega Anima ×10

Supplementary Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Ancient Auberon
Quest: Macula Marius Showdown
Sandbox: Zone Joculator
Shop: Prestige Pendant ×1,000
  • Relatively weak when only equipping a few by themselves, this weapon will be the core grid piece for critical hit rate focused endgame grids that include Wamdus's Cnidocyte.
    • 2-3 are generally used, up to 4 when survival is prioritized over damage.
  • Also comes with a small amount of HP, which adds up to a decent boost when stacking multiple.

Xeno Weapons

These EX weapons can be dropped from Xeno Clashes which are found in Special Quests. These fights can be difficult for brand new players, but picking some up will help boost your grid substantially compared to other Side Story EX weapons.

Weapon Obtain Notes

Dante's Harp
Event: Xeno Cocytus Clash
Shop: Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • Base form of Dante Alighieri which can be upgraded to 5★.
  • Its "Massive" EX modifier puts it above most EX weapon in terms of grid strength.

Xeno Glacial Dream Staff
Event: Xeno Cocytus Clash
Shop: Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • Base form of True Glacial Dream Staff which can be upgraded to 5★.
  • Its "Massive" EX modifier puts it above most EX weapon in terms of grid strength.

Limited Event Weapons

These weapons can only be obtained or upgraded during limited time events. It is recommended to pick these up while they are available if possible.

Weapon Obtain Notes

Event: Proving Grounds
Shop: Daily Point Shop (200 Points)
  • Not as useful in a grid until it is 4★ uncapped. Will provide more utility once awakened on top of its skill damage cap up.
    • Attack awakening is suggested as first awakening.
    • A fully upgraded and awakened Proving Grounds weapon is stronger as a grid slot than a fully forged Xeno weapon in terms of EX modifiers.

Event: Proving Grounds
Shop: Daily Point Shop (200 Points)
  • Not a very useful grid piece. Two Clarions will perform better than a Clarion and a Bident.
  • If you use this weapon, it will be when you need a Spear mainhand.

Winter's Frostnettle
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×30,000
  • Only one copy can be obtained and is 3★ when purchased
  • Useful weapon for beginner players because it can be 4★ relatively easily.
  • Used more in later grids that are built around critical hit chance with Ancient Auberons.

Aquamarine Hatchet
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×50,000
  • Only one copy can be obtained and is 3★ when purchased
  • Can function as a Leviathan Gaze Omega replacement as it has the same Big ATK modifier.
  • Will become more useful in a more developed grid once it is 4★ uncapped and unlocks its ProgressionBoost to elemental ATK based on number of turns passed.
    See Damage Formula for more information.
    • Cannot be uncapped to 4★ until rank 120.

Xuanwu Mace
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×30,000
  • This weapon comes uncapped to 3★ when purchased
  • Has a 4★ uncap and can be upgraded to Xuanwu Mace Malus which can be further uncapped to 5★ after rank 120.
  • This weapon is used in endgame grids due to its damage cap up weapon skill. This weapon is less useful in beginner grids as they will not be able to reach the damage cap.

Special Premium Draw Weapons

Any weapons listed below can be used at 0★ and should not be uncapped with Damascus Ingots
until the player reaches a point in their progression to understand their value and what benefits uncapping offers.
Weapon Obtain Notes

Gospel of Water and Sky
Draw: Flash Gala
  • Provides 50,000 supplemental damageFlat damage that is added onto every damage instance.
    See Supplemental Damage for more information.
    for all Water allies.
  • Provides 8% EX ATKUp to a total of 80% per Dagger weapon in the grid.
    • Does not require uncapping or skill leveling to slot in a grid.
    • Boost stacks with multiple copiesUp to a combined total of 80%.
  • Pairs well with the beginner Leviathan Gaze Omega grid.



Summon Obtain Notes

The Moon (SR)
Shop: Arcarum: The World Beyond
  • Core sub-summon in all content when at an elemental advantage.
  • Similar to Seraphic Weapons, it amplifies damage dealt against Fire foes.

Dragon's Rage
Side Story: What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000
  • Can be used as a main summon until a 3★ Leviathan Omega summon is obtained.
  • Provides 50% boost to all Elemental ATK which means it can be used a a main summon in all elements.
  • Also provides an additional 10% boost to HP.

Premium Draw
Some summons obtained through Premium Draw can provide sizeable Elemental ATK boost and can serve as your main summon until higher uncaps of Leviathan Omega are obtained.

It is not recommended to use Sunlight Stones to uncap any summons until the player
reaches a point in their progression to understand their value and what benefits uncapping offers.
Icon Boost Notes

0★: 80%
3★: 90%
4★: 100%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon due to its sub-aura providing various buffs.
  • Useful as a main summon at 4★ due to buffs gained by TranceAdditional effects based on lvl (Max: 3 / Can't be removed)

Europa (Summon)
0★: 120%
3★: 140%
4★: 160%
  • Currently the highest % elemental attack aura in the game at 4★, but requires a lot of hard-to-get materials for beginners.
  • Recommended for players to choose this 4★ summon as a friend support.

Wamdus (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon when equipping weapons that have Normal weapon skills Water's, Tsunami's, and Hoarfrost's. due to its sub-aura.

Poseidon, the Tide Father
0★: 120%
3★: 140%

Gabriel (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
4★: 140%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon due to its sub-aura providing damage cap up.

0★: Up to 100%
3★: Up to 120%
4★: Up to 130%
  • Boosts based on number of Water summons equipped.
  • Max boost with 5 Water summons. Friend support summon does not count.
  • Also a powerful support summon at 4★ due to its call.

Yatima (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
4★: 140%
  • A strong summon for advanced players with access to other strong summon calls. For a beginner, this summon is just used for its 100%+ Elemental ATK main aura.



Weapon Grids

Rank 1-100

Rank 101+

Beginner Yggdrasil Sword Grid

This is a beginner grid used before reaching rank 120. Afterwards, you will transition to a Nibelung Horn grid.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 3★
Lucifer Lvl 250
Bahamut Lvl 250

Elemental ATK Boost

Any stronger weapon

Any 3★ EX modifier weapon
Premium Options:
Landslide Scepter 0★

Any 3★ EX modifier weapon
Premium Options:
Landslide Scepter 0★

Core Grid Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega
Raid: Yggdrasil Omega Showdown
Shop: Renown Pendant ×2,500
Story: Chapter 16 Story: The Sacred Tree (One copy, 3★ SL10)
  • Earth's best ATK modifier in the early game. Stacking multiple is recommended before uncapping with copies.

Dagger of Bahamut Nova
Side Story: What Makes the Sky BlueTrade Bahamut Claw in the Shop
Shop: Bahamut Weapons
  • Bahamut Weapons are very strong Normal modifiers and can be used in any element grid. Once forged further, they will boost two races depending on the weapon type.
    • Dagger of Bahamut Coda boosts Human and Erune characters which are the most common races in the game.
    • Sword of Bahamut Coda is the second common choice which boosts Humans and Draph characters.
    • More Bahamut Weapons can be forged later to support different team compositions.

Gauntlet of Uriel (SR)
Shop: Seraphic Weapons
  • This weapon should always be in a grid when fighting at an elemental advantage because of its 10% damage amplify even at 0★.
    • See Damage Formula for a detailed explanation of how the game calculates damage.

Filler Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Yggdrasil Dewbranch Omega
Raid: Yggdrasil Omega Showdown
Shop: Renown Pendant ×2,500
Story: Chapter 40 Story: The Plot Thickens (One copy, 3★ SL10)
  • A free 3★ Omega weapon that can provide a small amount of HP along with a Medium Omega ATK modifier.
  • Can be saved when extra HP is needed throughout the game.

Sephira Emerald Blade
Arcarum: Various Drops
  • Can be used as a filler Omega ATK modifier for Yggy Sword.
  • Can be equipped in your grid while playing through Arcarum, and eventually Sandbox for an extra boost to critical hit rate.
  • This weapon should NOT be purchased with Arcapoints.

Cosmic Sword
Raid: Grand Order (Raid)
Treasure Trade: Cosmos Weapons
Heavenly Horn x 30
  • Cosmos Weapons are best used when grids consist primarily of the same weapon type (e.g Staves, Swords, Axes, etc.).
  • These weapons are useful filler if you get one. The Cosmic Sword will eventually be useful in Fire AES grids and Light Lumi Sword grids.
    • Only one copy of a Cosmos Weapon is needed, feel free to fodder extras.
    • More useful as a grid piece once uncapped to 4★, which is locked behind rank 151.

Compound Gadget Bow
Side Story: Platinum Sky
(3★ copy for clearing)
  • Filler EX modifier, any 3★ EX weapon can be used in its place.
  • Useful as a Bow mainhand even in mid-endgame content.

Psycho Gauntlet
Side Story: A Walk on the Wild Side
(3★ copy for clearing)
  • Filler EX modifier, any 3★ EX weapon can be used in its place.
  • Will eventually be replaced by stronger EX modifiers below.

Babylon Staff
Side Story: Yesterday's Scars and Tomorrow's Hope
(3★ copy for clearing)
  • Filler Normal modifier.
  • First to be replaced by any stronger weapon.

Rank 1-100

Rank 101+

Basic Grid

100% Crit

Caim Highlander

Yggdrasil Sword Grid

This grid can still serve as a solid baseline for any early content as you start to branch off into more specialized grids. Due to some Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega getting replaced in later grids, 4★ uncapping all of the copies below is not entirely necessary.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★
Lucifer Lvl 250
Bahamut Lvl 250

Elemental ATK Boost

Any strong EX modifier

Basic Grid

100% Crit

Caim Highlander

Nibelung Horn Grid

This grid is the next step after reaching rank 120 before fully dropping duplicate weapons for a Caim-focused "highlanderWhen all equipped weapons are different." grid. For further setups, see Advanced Grids.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 5★

Basic Grid

100% Crit

Caim Highlander

Caim Highlander Grid

This grid has dropped all duplicate weapons to activate Caim's  The Hanged Man ReversedWhen Sub Ally:
When all equipped weapons are different, 20% boost to Earth allies' ATKMultiplier: Perpetuity, 50% boost to DEF, and 10% boost to damage cap.
At level 95:
Also supplement Earth allies' damage (Damage cap: 20,000).
. For further setups, see Advanced Grids.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 5★

Core Grid Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Nibelung Horn
Raid: Godsworn Alexiel (Raid)
Shop:Prestige Pendant ×4,000
Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • This weapon provides a StaminaMore ATK based on how high HP is modifier as well as a critical hit rate boost.
  • 2 axes + Autumn's Transformation will make your critical hit rate 95.4%. It will increase to 100%+ once you unlock 5★ Yggdrasil Omega
  • When transitioning to this grid, the first axe can be used at 0★, however subsequent copies should only be used at 4★.

Dagger of Bahamut Coda
Side Story: What Makes the Sky BlueTrade Bahamut Claw in the Shop
Shop: Bahamut Weapons

Gauntlet of Uriel (SSR)
Shop: Seraphic Weapons
  • This weapon should always be in a grid when fighting at an elemental advantage because of its 20% damage amplify.
    • See Damage Formula for a detailed explanation of how the game calculates damage.
    • Its 4★ upgrade into the Gauntlet of Proudearth, which increases its amplify from 20% to 23%, costs a sizeable amount of hard-to-get materials and should not be prioritized.

Harp of Renunciation
Treasure Trade: Dark Opus Weapons
  • This will be an anchor piece for all Omega Earth grids onwards into endgame content.
  • This weapon should not be used until it is uncapped to 4★ and upgraded to lvl 120 as that is when you unlock its second weapon skill.
  • 4★ Uncap Cost:
Shadow Substance ×5
Silver Centrum ×5
Legendary Merit ×10
Supreme Merit ×100
Earth Urn ×30
Alexiel Omega Anima ×10

Supplementary Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Nibelung Klinge
Raid: Godsworn Alexiel (Raid)
Shop:Prestige Pendant ×4,000
Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • Brings the same Big Omega ATK modifier as an Yggdrasil Sword, however at 4★ it gains a small HP boost.
  • Not a priority weapon, but can help when more HP is needed.

Ancient Perseus
Raid: Medusa Showdown
Shop:Prestige Pendant ×1,000
  • This weapon comes with two boostable Omega ATK modifiers at add up to a large ATK boost.
    • Reduces allies' double attack rate by 10%, which can largely be ignored.
  • Also comes with a small HP boost which can help when more HP is needed.

Raid: Bennu (Raid)
  • This weapon is used for its 30,000 Supplemental Damage weapon skill.
  • Ideally used in bonus damage normal attack focused team compositions.
    • Attack awakening is suggested.

Xeno Weapons

These EX weapons can be dropped from Xeno Clashes which are found in Special Quests. These fights can be difficult for brand new players, but picking some up will help boost your grid substantially compared to other Side Story EX weapons.

Weapon Obtain Notes

Event: Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
Shop: Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • Base form of Last Sahrivar which can be upgraded to 5★.
  • Its "Massive" EX modifier puts it above most EX weapon in terms of grid strength.
  • Useful Sword mainhand once fully forged. Also brings Water SwitchElemental DMG from foes turns into water DMG
    on its charge attack which can be useful against any foes that deal non-water damage.

Xeno Judgement Lyre
Event: Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
Shop: Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • Base form of True Judgement Lyre which can be upgraded to 5★.
  • Its "Massive" EX modifier puts it above most EX weapon in terms of grid strength.

Limited Event Weapons

These weapons can only be obtained or upgraded during limited time events. It is recommended to pick these up while they are available if possible.

Weapon Obtain Notes

Event: Proving Grounds
Shop: Daily Point Shop (200 Points)
  • Not as useful in a grid until it is 4★ uncapped. Will provide more utility once awakened on top of its skill damage cap up.
    • Attack awakening is suggested as first awakening.
    • A fully upgraded and awakened Proving Grounds weapon is stronger as a grid slot than a fully forged Xeno weapon in terms of EX modifiers.

Dawn Rising
Event: Proving Grounds
Shop: Daily Point Shop (200 Points)
  • Not a very useful grid piece. Two Daggerpeaks will perform better than a Daggerpeak and a Dawn Rising.
  • If you use this weapon, it will be when you need a Staff mainhand.

Autumn's Transformation
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×30,000
  • Only one copy can be obtained and is 3★ when purchased
  • Useful weapon for beginner players because it can be 4★ relatively easily.
  • Used more in later grids that are built around critical hit chance with Nibelung Horns.

Zircon Edge
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×50,000
  • Only one copy can be obtained and is 3★ when purchased
  • Can function as a Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega replacement as it has the same Big ATK modifier.
  • Will become more useful in a more developed grid once it is 4★ uncapped and unlocks its ProgressionBoost to elemental ATK based on number of turns passed.
    See Damage Formula for more information.
    • Cannot be uncapped to 4★ until rank 120.

Baihu Claw
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×30,000
  • This weapon comes uncapped to 3★ when purchased
  • Has a 4★ uncap and can be upgraded to Baihu Claw Malus which can be further uncapped to 5★ after rank 120.
  • This weapon is used in endgame grids due to its damage cap up weapon skill. This weapon is less useful in beginner grids as they will not be able to reach the damage cap.

Special Premium Draw Weapons

Any weapons listed below can be used at 0★ and should not be uncapped with Damascus Ingots
until the player reaches a point in their progression to understand their value and what benefits uncapping offers.
Weapon Obtain Notes

Landslide Scepter
Draw: Flash Gala
  • Provides very strong boosts to EX ATK40%, DEF25%, and Special DMG Cap7% (Max: 20%) when 3 or more weapons of the same weapon are equipped.
    • Does not require uncapping or skill leveling to slot in a grid.
    • Boost stacks with multiple copies.
    • EX ATK boost is stronger than an SL20 Unworldly EX modifier weapon.
  • Can be used with Yggy Sword stacking grids.
    • Should be replaced later on as your grid develops as fulfilling this requirement becomes more difficult and not worth building your grid around.

Draw: Premium Gala
  • Provides 50,000 supplemental damageFlat damage that is added onto every damage instance.
    See Supplemental Damage for more information.
    for all Earth allies.
  • Provides 8% EX ATKUp to a total of 80% per Melee weapon in the grid.
    • Does not require uncapping or skill leveling to slot in a grid.
    • Boost stacks with multiple copiesUp to a combined total of 80%.



Summon Obtain Notes

The Hanged Man (SR)
Shop: Arcarum: The World Beyond
  • Core sub-summon in all content when at an elemental advantage.
  • Similar to Seraphic Weapons, it amplifies damage dealt against Water foes.

Dragon's Rage
Side Story: What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000
  • Can be used as a main summon until a 3★ Yggdrasil Omega summon is obtained.
  • Provides 50% boost to all Elemental ATK which means it can be used a a main summon in all elements.
  • Also provides an additional 10% boost to HP.

Premium Draw
Some summons obtained through Premium Draw can provide sizeable Elemental ATK boost and can serve as your main summon until higher uncaps of Yggdrasil Omega are obtained.

It is not recommended to use Sunlight Stones to uncap any summons until the player
reaches a point in their progression to understand their value and what benefits uncapping offers.
Icon Boost Notes

0★: 80%
3★: 90%
4★: 100%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon due to its sub-aura providing various buffs.
  • Useful as a main summon at 4★ due to buffs gained by TranceAdditional effects based on lvl (Max: 3 / Can't be removed)

Godsworn Alexiel
0★: 120%
3★: 140%
4★: 160%
  • Currently the highest % elemental attack aura in the game at 4★, but requires a lot of hard-to-get materials for beginners.
  • Recommended for players to choose this 4★ summon as a friend support.

Galleon (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon when equipping weapons that have Normal weapon skillsEarth's, Mountain's, and Terra's. due to its sub-aura.

0★: 100%
3★: 120%
4★: 130%
  • Also provides 30% boost to charge bar at battle start.

Marduk, Battlefield Reaper
0★: 120%
3★: 140%

Uriel (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
4★: 140%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon due to its sub-aura providing damage cap up.

0★: 50%
3★: 60%
4★: 110%
  • Provides strong buffs when called in battle.
    • See Gorilla#Gameplay_Notes for more information.
    • Becomes a powerful main/support summon at 4★ due to its call. Not recommended as a main summon at earlier uncap levels.

Yatima (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
4★: 140%
  • A strong summon for advanced players with access to other strong summon calls. For a beginner, this summon is just used for its 100%+ Elemental ATK main aura.



Weapon Grids

Rank 1-100

Rank 101+

Beginner Tiamat Bolt Grid

This is a beginner grid used before reaching rank 120. Afterwards, you will transition to a Last Storm Harp grid.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 3★
Lucifer Lvl 250
Bahamut Lvl 250

Elemental ATK Boost

Core Grid Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Tiamat Bolt Omega
Raid: Tiamat Omega Showdown
Shop: Renown Pendant ×2,500
Story: Chapter 4 Story: The Storm Guardian (One copy, 3★ SL10)
  • One of Wind's best ATK modifier in the early game. Stacking multiple is recommended before uncapping with copies.
  • This weapon will provide more ATK than Tiamat Gauntlet Omega if you lose HP.

Tiamat Gauntlet Omega
Raid: Tiamat Omega Showdown
Shop: Renown Pendant ×2,500
Story: Chapter 28 Story: A Ship Full of Memories (One copy, 3★ SL10)
  • One of Wind's best ATK modifier in the early game. Stacking multiple is recommended before uncapping with copies.

Dagger of Bahamut Nova
Side Story: What Makes the Sky BlueTrade Bahamut Claw in the Shop
Shop: Bahamut Weapons
  • Bahamut Weapons are very strong Normal modifiers and can be used in any element grid. Once forged further, they will boost two races depending on the weapon type.
    • Dagger of Bahamut Coda boosts Human and Erune characters which are the most common races in the game.
    • Sword of Bahamut Coda is the second common choice which boosts Humans and Draph characters.
    • More Bahamut Weapons can be forged later to support different team compositions.

Ring of Raphael (SR)
Shop: Seraphic Weapons
  • This weapon should always be in a grid when fighting at an elemental advantage because of its 10% damage amplify even at 0★.
    • See Damage Formula for a detailed explanation of how the game calculates damage.

Filler Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Sephira Emerald Sword
Arcarum: Various Drops
  • Can be used as a filler Omega ATK modifier for Tia Fist.
  • Can be equipped in your grid while playing through Arcarum, and eventually Sandbox for an extra boost to critical hit rate.
  • This weapon should NOT be purchased with Arcapoints.
  • One of Wind's few farmable Sword mainhands.

Side Story: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - The Blue Reckoning
  • A solid EX modifier that has a 5★ uncap, but 4★ is okay for now.
  • Will eventually be replaced by stronger EX modifiers below.
  • One of Wind's better gun mainhands once 5★ uncapped.

Silver Bow
Side Story: Shadowverse: Duelist of Eternity
(3★ copy for clearing)
  • Filler EX modifier that has a 4★ uncap.
  • Will eventually be replaced by stronger EX modifiers below.

Wind God Sword
Side Story: Footprints on Sacred Ground
(3★ copy for clearing)
  • Filler Normal modifier.
  • Functional Sword mainhand until something better is acquired.

Rank 1-100

Rank 101+

Once Impossible-tier raids are unlocked at Rank 101, players should start to build different grids depending on the type of content they want to tackle.

Basic Grid

Short Fight

Long Fight

Tiamat Bolt Grid

This grid can still serve as a solid baseline for any early content as you start to branch off into more specialized grids. Due to some Tiamat Guns and Tiamat Fists getting replaced in later grids, 4★ uncapping all of the copies below is not entirely necessary.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★
Lucifer Lvl 250
Bahamut Lvl 250

Elemental ATK Boost

Any strong EX modifier

Any strong EX modifier

Basic Grid

Short Fight

Long Fight

Short Fight Grid

This grid setup utilizes the unique Stamina modifier from Last Storm Harp which boosts your party the higher their HP is. This is ideal for any short content where you will not be taking many turns. It also uses the Tyranny and Betrayal from Ancient Nalakuvara which is ideal for shorter content. The first Harp can be equipped in the grid at 0★ but it is recommended to equip subsequent copies once you have uncapped them fully.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 5★

Coruscant Crozier

Any strong EX modifier

Basic Grid

Short Fight

Long Fight

Last Storm Harp Grid

This grid utilizes more weapons that provide HP are used to boost survivability. This is more suited for longer and harder content fights where players will want to sacrifice a bit of damage for more sustain. For further setups, see Advanced Grids.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 4★

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 5★

Any strong EX modifier

Core Grid Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Last Storm Harp
Raid: Grimnir (Raid)
Shop:Prestige Pendant ×4,000
Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • This weapon provides a StaminaMore ATK based on how high HP is modifier as well as a critical hit rate boost.
    • Three harps will make your critical hit rate 100%.
  • In the future, one of the harps can be replaced with Coruscant Crozier, however you will still need 4 harps for setups that run Qilin support summon.
  • When transitioning to this grid, the first harp can be used at 0★, however subsequent copies should only be used at 4★.

Dagger of Bahamut Coda
Side Story: What Makes the Sky BlueTrade Bahamut Claw in the Shop
Shop: Bahamut Weapons

Ring of Raphael (SSR)
Shop: Seraphic Weapons
  • This weapon should always be in a grid when fighting at an elemental advantage because of its 20% damage amplify.
    • See Damage Formula for a detailed explanation of how the game calculates damage.
    • Its 4★ upgrade into the Ring of Wandergale, which increases its amplify from 20% to 23%, costs a sizeable amount of hard-to-get materials and should not be prioritized.

Spear of Renunciation
Treasure Trade: Dark Opus Weapons
  • This will be an anchor piece for all Omega Wind grids onwards into endgame content.
  • This weapon should not be used until it is uncapped to 4★ and upgraded to lvl 120 as that is when you unlock its second weapon skill.
  • 4★ Uncap Cost:
Shadow Substance ×5
Silver Centrum ×5
Legendary Merit ×10
Supreme Merit ×100
Wind Urn ×30
Grimnir Omega Anima ×10

Supplementary Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Coruscant Crozier
Raid: Grimnir (Raid)
Prestige Pendant ×6,000 (2 copies)
Daily Point Shop (300 Points, 1 copy)
  • This weapon provides more HP while also bringing back some Omega ATK modifiers into the grid.
  • This weapon is very expensive to purchase in the shop and should not be purchased until the rest of your grid is completed.

Raid: Ra (Raid)
  • This weapon is used for its 30,000 Supplemental Damage weapon skill.
  • Ideally used in bonus damage normal attack focused team compositions.
  • One of Wind's few good Axe mainhands.

Ancient Nalakuvara
Quest: Nezha Showdown
Shop: Prestige Pendant ×1,000
  • Very strong Omega ATK modifier for fights that last less than 8 turns.

Xeno Weapons

These EX weapons can be dropped from Xeno Clashes which are found in Special Quests. These fights can be difficult for brand new players, but picking some up will help boost your grid substantially compared to other Side Story EX weapons.

Weapon Obtain Notes

Event: Xeno Sagittarius Clash
Shop: Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • Base form of Arkab Prior which can be upgraded to 5★.
  • Its "Massive" EX modifier puts it above most EX weapon in terms of grid strength.

Xeno Conviction Flashspear
Event: Xeno Sagittarius Clash
Shop: Daily Point Shop (150 Points)
  • Base form of True Conviction Flashspear which can be upgraded to 5★.
  • Its "Massive" EX modifier puts it above most EX weapon in terms of grid strength.
  • Situational spear mainhand once fully forged.

Limited Event Weapons

These weapons can only be obtained or upgraded during limited time events. It is recommended to pick these up while they are available if possible.

Weapon Obtain Notes

Event: Proving Grounds
Shop: Daily Point Shop (200 Points)
  • Not as useful in a grid until it is 4★ uncapped. Will provide more utility once awakened.
    • Attack awakening is suggested as first awakening.
    • A fully upgraded and awakened Proving Grounds weapon is stronger as a grid slot than a fully forged Xeno weapon in terms of EX modifiers.
  • One of Wind's only farmable sword mainhands.

Daur da Blao
Event: Proving Grounds
Shop: Daily Point Shop (200 Points)
  • Not as useful in a grid until it is 4★ uncapped. Will provide more utility once awakened on top of its skill damage cap up.
    • Attack awakening is suggested as first awakening.
    • A fully upgraded and awakened Proving Grounds weapon is stronger as a grid slot than a fully forged Xeno weapon in terms of EX modifiers.
  • Decent Harp mainhand for providing charge bar.

Spring's Whisperings
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×30,000
  • Only one copy can be obtained and is 3★ when purchased
  • Useful weapon for beginner players because it can be 4★ relatively easily.
  • A decent Harp mainhand for providing multiattack buffs.

Peridot Crossbow
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×50,000
  • Only one copy can be obtained and is 3★ when purchased
  • Can function as a Tiamat Gauntlet Omega replacement as it has the same Big ATK modifier.
  • Will become more useful in a more developed grid once it is 4★ uncapped and unlocks its ProgressionBoost to elemental ATK based on number of turns passed.
    See Damage Formula for more information.
    • Cannot be uncapped to 4★ until rank 120.

Qinglong Spear
Event: Rise of the Beasts Four Symbols Pendant ×30,000
  • This weapon comes uncapped to 3★ when purchased
  • Has a 4★ uncap and can be upgraded to Qinglong Spear Malus which can be further uncapped to 5★ after rank 120.
  • This weapon is used in endgame grids due to its damage cap up weapon skill. This weapon is less useful in beginner grids as they will not be able to reach the damage cap.

Special Premium Draw Weapons

Any weapons listed below can be used at 0★ and should not be uncapped with Damascus Ingots
until the player reaches a point in their progression to understand their value and what benefits uncapping offers.
Weapon Obtain Notes

Piercing Galewing
Draw: Flash Gala
  • Provides 50,000 supplemental damageFlat damage that is added onto every damage instance.
    See Supplemental Damage for more information.
    for all Wind allies.
  • Provides 8% EX ATKUp to a total of 80% per Dagger weapon in the grid.
    • Does not require uncapping or skill leveling to slot in a grid.
    • Boost stacks with multiple copiesUp to a combined total of 80%.
  • Dagger grid weapons are fairly uncommon in Wind, so players should not force Dagger Voltage II synergy.



Summon Obtain Notes

Judgement (SR)
Shop: Arcarum: The World Beyond
  • Core sub-summon in all content when at an elemental advantage.
  • Similar to Seraphic Weapons, it amplifies damage dealt against Earth foes.

The Eternal Defenders
Side Story: Seeds of Redemption
  • Can be used as a main summon until a 3★ Tiamat Omega summon is obtained.
  • Provides 70% boost to both Wind and Dark Elemental ATK which makes it slightly better than Dragon's Rage for those two specific elements..

Dragon's Rage
Side Story: What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000
  • Can be used as a main summon until a 3★ Tiamat Omega summon is obtained.
  • Provides 50% boost to all Elemental ATK which means it can be used a a main summon in all elements.
  • Also provides an additional 10% boost to HP.

Premium Draw
Some summons obtained through Premium Draw can provide sizeable Elemental ATK boost and can serve as your main summon until higher uncaps of Tiamat Omega are obtained.

It is not recommended to use Sunlight Stones to uncap any summons until the player
reaches a point in their progression to understand their value and what benefits uncapping offers.
Icon Boost Notes

0★: 80%
3★: 90%
4★: 100%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon due to its sub-aura providing various buffs.
  • Useful as a main summon at 4★ due to buffs gained by TranceAdditional effects based on lvl (Max: 3 / Can't be removed)

Grimnir (Summon)
0★: 120%
3★: 140%
4★: 160%
  • Currently the highest % elemental attack aura in the game at 4★, but requires a lot of hard-to-get materials for beginners.
  • Recommended for players to choose this 4★ summon as a friend support.

Ewiyar (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon when equipping weapons that have Normal weapon skillsWind's, Whirlwind's and Ventosus's. due to its sub-aura.

Anat, for Love and War
0★: 120%
3★: 140%

Raphael (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
4★: 140%
  • Ideally used as a sub-summon due to its sub-aura providing damage cap up.

Yatima (Summon)
0★: 100%
3★: 120%
4★: 150%
  • A strong summon for advanced players with access to other strong summon calls. For a beginner, this summon is just used for its 100%+ Elemental ATK main aura.



Weapon Grids

Rank 1-100

Rank 101+

Beginner Luminiera Bolt Grid

This is a beginner grid used before reaching rank 101. Afterwards, you will transition to a Lumi Sword grid. Luminiera Bolt Omega is preferred over Luminiera Harp Omega due to its higher raw stats, but Harps can be used while transitioning to stronger grids.

Main Summon Support Summon

Omega Weapon Skill Boost 3★

Elemental ATK Boost


Luminiera Harp Omega


Luminiera Harp Omega


Luminiera Harp Omega

Core Grid Weapons

Weapon Obtain Notes

Luminiera Bolt Omega
Raid: Luminiera Omega Showdown
Shop: Renown Pendant ×2,500
Story: Chapter 44 Story: On One's Honor (One copy, 3★ SL10)
  • Light's best ATK modifier in the early game. Stacking multiple is recommended before uncapping with copies.

Luminiera Harp Omega
Raid: Luminiera Omega Showdown
Shop: Renown Pendant ×2,500
Story: Chapter 20 Story: Reach for the Skies (One copy, 3★ SL10)
  • Light's second best ATK modifier in the early game. It has slightly lower base stats compared to Luminiera Bolt Omega. Stacking multiple is recommended before uncapping with copies.
    • Do not fodder in case you pull Harmonia later on. Up to 3 are still used even in endgame grids.

Dagger of Bahamut Nova
Side Story: What Makes the Sky BlueTrade Bahamut Claw in the Shop
Shop: Bahamut Weapons
  • Bahamut Weapons are very strong Normal modifiers and can be used in any element grid. Once forged further, they will boost two races depending on the weapon type.