Arkab Prior

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This article is about the Xeno weapon. For the Militis weapon, see Arkab Prior Militis.

Xeno Weapons
Arkab Prior
Can be uncapped to 4★Can be uncapped to 5★Can have AX Skills
ID 1040611100
JP Name アルカブ・プリオル
Release Date 2019-03-23
4★ Date 2019-03-23
5★ Date 2022-08-12
AX Date 2022-08-12
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
Equipped with wings of purity, this gauntlet rips through the air with extreme prejudice. Opposition is smashed into ashes, the muffled lamentations returned to the void.
Charge Attack
Southern Dipper Beta Massive Wind damage to a foe.
All allies gain 20% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted
Strength: 20%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
1-turn cut to MC's skill cooldowns.
Additional effect at 5★:
All allies also gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10%
Strength: 10%
Weapon Skills
Horseman's Supremacy Massive boost to Wind allies' ATK.
▼ 200 Upgraded at level 200 to: Upgraded at level 200 to:
True Horseman's Supremacy Massive boost to Wind allies' ATK. Small boost to max HP.
▶ 120 Unlocks at level 120: Unlocks at level 120:
Conviction's Double Star When main weapon (MC only):
All allies gain Guaranteed TAGuaranteed triple attack regardless of Triple Attack Lowered debuffs
Duration: 1 turn
after a chain burst activation of 4 or more chains.
AX Skills
Primary Secondary



Multiattack Rate

Normal Attack DMG Cap

Supplemental Skill DMG


Elemental DMG Reduction

Debuff Resistance




Elemental DMG Reduction

Debuff Resistance




Multiattack Rate

Supplemental Skill DMG

Supplemental C.A. DMG


Multiattack Rate

Supplemental C.A. DMG

Normal Attack DMG Cap


5★ Uncap
Base Reduction Materials
Keep a fully-uncapped copy for main weapon. Others are safe to reduce or use as fodder.
True Xeno Weapons

Gameplay Notes

Conviction's Double Star

  • The Main Character must be a main ally for the Guaranteed TAGuaranteed triple attack regardless of Triple Attack Lowered debuffs
    to be granted.
