Weapon Lists/SSR/Melee
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About Weapons | Weapon Series | Weapon Lists | Weapon Skills | Sword Mastery Skills
Icon | Name | R | El | Type | ATK | HP | Skills | |
Abu Simbel | 2812 | 244 | Tranquility's Fortitude: Supplement wind allies' DMG based on how low HP is Preemptive Gale Blade: Boost to wind allies' ATK for first 8 turns of battle Setepenre: Massive Wind damage to a foe. Inflict 20% Wind DEF DownDEF is lowered for wind DMG Strength: 20%Duration: 180 seconds. 4★: Also inflicts 10% Debuff Res. DownDebuff resistance is lowered Strength: 10%Duration: 180 seconds. |
Adamantine Gauntlet | 2640 | 280 | Thunder's Verity: Medium boost to light allies' critical hit rate Grand Epic: Boost to ATK based on how many Epic weapons are equipped Dauntless Grip: Massive Light damage to a foe. / All allies gain 15% DMG CutTaking 15% less DMG Duration: 0.5 turnsDamage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements. Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 0 turns remaining.. 4★: Increased to 20% DMG CutTaking 20% less DMG Duration: 0.5 turnsDamage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements. Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 0 turns remaining.. |
Air Cannon | 2275 | 242 | Air Blast: Big boost to water allies' ATK Bang!: When main weapon (MC only): Massive boost to critical hit rate. Sleight Shot: Massive Water damage to a foe. Inflict 25% DEF DownDEF is lowered Strength: 25%Duration: 180 seconds. Gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10% Strength: 10%. 4★: Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10% Strength: 10% now affects all allies. |
Ancient Auberon | 2620 | 280 | Oceansoul's Majesty: Small boost to water allies' ATK and max HP Oceansoul's Restraint II: Medium boost to water allies' double attack rate and critical hit rate Udaka-Ostha: Massive Water damage to a foe. Gain Mirror ImageNext one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Ancient Bandages | 2840 | 300 | Terra's Enmity: Big boost to earth allies' ATK based on how low HP is Earth's Dual-Edge: Small boost to double attack rate for Earth allies Mountain's Garrison: Medium boost to earth allies' DEF based on how low HP is Sand Bash: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Gain Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. 4★: Also gain KeenSupplemental DMG to critical hits Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. (When below 25% HP: Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. and KeenSupplemental DMG to critical hits Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. affect all allies.) |
Arkab | 2142 | 220 | Horseman's Supremacy: Massive boost to wind allies' ATK Southern Dipper: Massive Wind damage to a foe. All allies gain 20% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Arkab Prior | 2858 | 295 | ▶ |
True Horseman's Supremacy: Massive boost to wind allies' ATK / Small boost to max HP Conviction's Double Star: When main weapon (MC only): All allies gain Guaranteed TAGuaranteed triple attack regardless of Triple Attack Lowered debuffs Duration: 1 turn after a chain burst activation of 4 or more chains. Southern Dipper Beta: Massive Wind damage to a foe. All allies gain 20% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 1-turn cut to MC's skill cooldowns. 5★: All allies also gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10% Strength: 10%. |
Arkab Prior Militis | 2181 | 230 | Stormwyrm's Majesty III: Big boost to wind allies' ATK and max HP Fortified Gauntlet: Boost to DEF based on how many melee weapons are equipped Dipper Beta Repetere: Massive Wind damage to a foe. All allies gain 20% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 1-turn cut to MC's skill cooldowns. (Activates twice in Arcarum.) |
Atma Fist | Any | 2328 | 237 | Luctor Rubell: Big boost to melee-specialty allies' ATK and max HP Supernova: Massive elemental damage to a foe. / All allies gain Element ATK UpElement ATK is boosted Element ATK Up buff based on weapon element. |
Auberon | 2620 | 280 | Water's Majesty: Small boost to water allies' ATK and max HP Tsunami's Restraint: Medium boost to water allies' double attack rate and critical hit rate Udaka-Ostha: Massive Water damage to a foe. Gain Mirror ImageNext one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Auriculata Bow | 2454 | 227 | Inferno's Verity: Big boost to fire allies' critical hit rate Scarlet Craft: Supplement fire allies' critical hit DMG Passion Flower: Massive Fire damage to a foe. All allies gain ATK Up (Stackable)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Duration: Indefinite. |
Baihu Claw | 2210 | 236 | ▶ |
Terra's Might II: Big boost to earth allies' ATK Western Guardian Charge: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Gain Mirror Image (1 time)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: Increased to Mirror Image (2 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Baihu Claw Malus | 2595 | 277 | ▶ |
Terra's Might II: Big boost to earth allies' ATK Essence of the West: Boost to Earth allies' damage cap. Western Guardian Charge: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Gain Mirror Image (1 time)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: Buff increased to Mirror Image (2 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Baihu Claw Pontus | 2595 | 277 | ▶ |
Terra's Might II: Big boost to earth allies' ATK Fang of the Way: When main weapon (MC only): Boost to ATK every turn (Stackable / Resets upon taking DMG). Western Guardian Charge: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Gain Mirror Image (1 time)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: Buff increased to Mirror Image (2 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Baihu Claw Regus | 2595 | 277 | ▶ |
Terra's Might II: Big boost to earth allies' ATK Mountain's Verity: Medium boost to earth allies' critical hit rate Western Guardian Charge: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Gain Mirror Image (1 time)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: Buff increased to Mirror Image (2 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Bakugo's Bracers | 2793 | 139 | Explosive Reinforcement: Big boost to fire allies' ATK Explosive Tenacity: When main weapon (MC only): 20% boost to skill damage. Howitzer Impact: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Raise foe's SingedHP is lowered on every turn based on Singed lvl (Can't be removed) Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: 180 seconds lvl by 1 (Max: 10). 4★: Also inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Blushing Blossom Pin | 2325 | 253 | Inferno's Might: Big boost to fire allies' ATK Fire's Dual-Edge: Small boost to double attack rate for fire allies Ajisai: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted . |
Brahma Gauntlet | 2840 | 300 | Inferno's Might: Big boost to fire allies' ATK Preemptive Fire Blade: Boost to fire allies' ATK for first 8 turns of battle Supremacy's Fist: When main weapon: 15% boost to melee-specialty allies' double attack rate. Inferno Punch: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Gain Mirror ImageNext one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) . 4★: Also gain 30% Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Strength: 30%Duration: 3 turns. |
Canisius | 2339 | 250 | Hoarfrost's Might: Big boost to water allies' ATK Tsunami's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for water allies Virtue of the Dog: Massive Water damage to a foe. Inflict PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling. Duration: 1.5-3.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1-3 turns remaining. for 1.5 to 3.5 turns. |
Celeste Claw Omega | 2680 | 278 | Mistfall's Might II: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Mistfall's Enmity: Small boost to dark allies' ATK based on how low HP is Black Fog: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Slight chance to remove buff effect. |
Celeste Grace Ater | 2682 | 270 | Omega Exalto Caliginis: 20% boost to Mistfall's weapon skills Mistfall's Might III: Big boost to dark allies' ATK Mist's Vivification: Boost to ATK and DMG cap based on how many weapons with Mistfall's weapon skills are equipped Void Coruscation: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Remove 1 buff. Inflict Debuff Res. DownDebuff resistance is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Championship Belt | Any | 3015 | 317 | Reigning Champ's Nature: When main weapon: Enhance Knifehand StrikeGain Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Strength: 350% DMGDuration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit., 30% DEF UpDEF is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 2 turns, and Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Strength: 20Duration: 2 turns. At level 30: Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Strength: 20Duration: 2 turns upgraded to Full Hostility100% chance to be targeted by one-ally attacks Duration: 2 turnsFull hostility has the same properties as Substitute, but has lower targeting priority than Substitute. Also gain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is Strength: 30%-90%Duration: 2 turns.'s effect / Gain SubstituteReceives foe attack in place of an ally (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks) Duration: 1 turn upon using Knifehand StrikeGain Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Strength: 350% DMGDuration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit., 30% DEF UpDEF is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 2 turns, and Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Strength: 20Duration: 2 turns. At level 30: Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Strength: 20Duration: 2 turns upgraded to Full Hostility100% chance to be targeted by one-ally attacks Duration: 2 turnsFull hostility has the same properties as Substitute, but has lower targeting priority than Substitute. Also gain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is Strength: 30%-90%Duration: 2 turns. Reigning Champ's Essence: This is the essence of greatness. Gain its power by using emblems. Ready to Rumble: Massive Elemental damage to a foe. Gain Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Strength: 350%Duration: ??TCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit. and ??% DEF UpDEF is boosted Strength: ??%Duration: ??T. |
Claw of Eternal Splendor | 999 | 99 | Ensanguined Talon: Massive Dark damage to a foe. | |||||
Claws of Terror | 2926 | 305 | ▶ |
Slaughterous Sovereign: Unworldly boost to Dark allies' ATK. Astral Claw II: 10% boost to Dark allies' one-foe attack damage cap on multiattacks. Catastrophic Ray: Massive Dark damage to a foe. All Dark allies gain Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Strength: 200%Duration: 2.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: All Dark allies also gain 100% / 15% ArmoredChance of lowering DMG taken Strength: 100% chance of taking 15% less damage.Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Coco & Mimi | 2770 | 286 | Oblivion's Might: Big boost to dark allies' ATK Triple Talon Hellion: Massive boost to your triple attack rate Triple Damnation: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Gain TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted . 4★: All allies gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Colossus Fist Omega | 2670 | 280 | Ironflame's Clarity III: Slight chance to dodge and counter (big DMG) for fire allies Dimensional Cleave: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Inflict 10% DEF DownDEF is lowered Strength: 10%Duration: 180 seconds. 4★: Increased to 15% DEF DownDEF is lowered Strength: 15%Duration: 180 seconds. |
Cosmic Gauntlet | 2775 | 294 | ▶ |
Cosmic Gauntlet II: 50% boost to ATK and HP of equipped melee weapons. Azure Gauntlet's Discipline: Boost to DMG Cap based on how many melee weapons are equipped. Mediation Blow: Massive Light damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Covenant-Ruin Fist | 3079 | 320 | Gauntlet Voltage II: Boost to ATK based on how many melee weapons are equipped. Realm-Breaker's Animus: Boost to ATKMultiplier: EX, multiattack rate, C.A. specs, and DMG cap. (Boost to specs for melee-specialty allies.) Guiding Star's Splendor: 30% boost to ATKMultiplier: Normal, 25% boost to DEF, and 30% boost to max HP for all allies. Essence of a Masked Devastator: Massive Dark damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge/Tank-and-Counter (2 times)Counters upon dodging one-ally attacks or taking DMG Duration: 2.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: All allies also gain DMG AmplifiedDMG for one-foe attacks and counterattacks is amplified Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Creepy Claws | 2895 | 291 | Ventosus's Enmity: Big boost to wind allies' ATK based on how low HP is Tranquility's Fortitude: Supplement wind allies' DMG based on how low HP is Tricky Moon Strike: Massive Wind damage to a foe. All allies gain 35% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Strength: 35%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and 35% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 35%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: All allies also gain 15% Bonus Wind DMGDeals bonus wind DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 15%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Crimson Finger | 2850 | 300 | ▶ |
Inferno's Might II: Big boost to fire allies' ATK Hellfire's Enmity: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK based on how low HP is Meltdown: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Cute Ribbon | 2365 | 245 | Oblivion's Enmity: Big boost to dark allies' ATK based on how low HP is Dark's Might: Small boost to dark allies' ATK The Grand Fight: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Gain DrainNormal attack and C.A. DMG dealt is partially absorbed to HP Strength: (Healing cap: 500)Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Deirdre's Claws | 2830 | 300 | ▶ |
Ventosus's Enmity: Big boost to wind allies' ATK based on how low HP is Whirlwind's Verity: Medium boost to wind allies' critical hit rate Blistering Breeze: Massive Wind damage to a foe. All allies gain Wind ATK UpWind ATK is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. 4★: All allies also gain Earth DMG LoweredEarth DMG is lowered Duration: 3.5 turnsEarth DEF Up. Not a Damage Cut. Reduces Earth damage taken on a multiplier separate from Damage Cuts.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Deirdre's Heart | 2760 | 320 | Inferno's Garrison: Big boost to fire allies' DEF based on how low HP is Fire's Majesty: Small boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP Heart's Upholder: Massive Fire damage to a foe. All allies gain 25% Fire ATK UpFire ATK is boosted Strength: 25%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: All allies also gain Shield (1000)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount Strength: 1000Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Delightful Dolce | 3045 | 261 | Hatred's Primacy: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK and double attack rate Dark's Trium: Small boost to dark allies' multiattack rate Dolce Fiore: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Inflict Dark DEF DownDEF is lowered for dark DMG Duration: 180 seconds and CharmedAttacks are slightly limited Duration: 180 seconds. 4★: Also inflict Light ATK DownLight ATK is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Destiny Knuckles | 3070 | 250 | Ventosus's Bloodshed: Big boost to wind allies' ATK / Take DMG worth 20% of max HP at battle start Wind's Enmity: Small boost to wind allies' ATK based on how low HP is Wind's Might: Small boost to wind allies' ATK Let's Dance: Massive Wind damage to a foe. Gain 30% Bonus Wind DMGDeals bonus wind DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 30%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. 4★: Also gain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is Strength: 20%-60%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Disaster Claw | 1957 | 185 | Armed Blaze: Big boost to fire allies' ATK Synchronized Artistry: When main weapon (MC only): 20% boost to double attack rate and 10% boost to triple attack rate. Rupture of Despair: Massive Fire damage to a foe. All allies gain 20% Fire ATK UpFire ATK is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Dom Party-On | 2099 | 298 | Hatred's Progression: Medium boost to dark allies' dark ATK based on number of turns passed Hatred's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Bring the Champain: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Gain rupies. |
Draco Claw | 2571 | 207 | Hellfire's Celere: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK and critical hit rate Fire's Mystery: Small boost to fire allies' C.A. DMG Scratched by Fire: Massive fire DMG to a foe / Hit to fire DEF |
Embroidered Handballs | 2340 | 250 | Inferno's Verity: Big boost to fire allies' critical hit rate Hellfire's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for fire allies Whirling Wind, Piercing Flame: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Inflict Wind ATK DownWind ATK is lowered Duration: 180 seconds and Fire DEF DownDEF is lowered for fire DMG Duration: 180 seconds. |
Emperor's Hand | 1935 | 190 | Super Abomideath Power Z: Big boost to dark allies' ATK Dark Destructo Fist: When main weapon (MC only): Boost to Hostility while under Counter. Boost to Counter damage. Mega Death Gash: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Inflict 10% Light ATK DownLight ATK is lowered Strength: 10%Duration: 180 seconds. |
Exo Aristarchus | 2632 | 280 | Solaris's Supremacy: Massive boost to light allies' ATK Resplendent Ruler's Sanctity: When main weapon upon MC using a damage skill (MC only): All Light allies gain Supplemental Skill DMG (Stackable / Max: 50,000)Skill DMG dealt is supplemented (Stackable) Strength: 10,000 (Max: 50,000)Duration: Indefinite. Heliacal Blaze: Massive Light damage to a foe. Gain Lethal Attack Dodged (25% HP / 1 time)Can withstand lethal DMG if HP is 25% or higher (Leaves 1 HP) Duration: Indefinite. 4★: 1-turn cut to MC's damage skill cooldowns. |
Faceless | 2480 | 310 | Terra's Garrison: Big boost to earth allies' DEF based on how low HP is Ridge's Fortitude: Supplement earth allies' DMG based on how low HP is Hidden Selbst: Massive Earth damage to a foe. All allies gain Shield (2000)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount Strength: 2000Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: Also removes 1 debuff from all allies. |
Fist of Destruction | 3141 | 327 | ▶ |
Inferno's Celere II: Big boost to fire allies' ATK and critical hit rate Fire's Trium: Small boost to fire allies' multiattack rate Blazing Apocalypse: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Inflict 10% Fire DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 30%)DEF is lowered for fire DMG (Stackable) Strength: 10% (Max: 30%)Duration: 180 seconds. 4★: Also gain KeenSupplemental DMG to critical hits Strength: 1% of foe's max HP (Damage cap: 50,000)Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Frilly Charm Bracelet | 1852 | 206 | Resilient Shine: Big boost to light allies' max HP Covert Artistry: When main weapon (MC only): 20% boost to C.A. damage. Tie a Ribbon: Massive Light damage to a foe. Inflict CharmedAttacks are slightly limited Duration: 180 seconds. |
Gauntlet of Proudearth | 2780 | 290 | Uriel's Blessing III: Amplify Earth allies' damage against Water foes by 23%. Earth's Majesty: Small boost to earth allies' ATK and max HP Uriel Bomber: Massive Earth damage to a foe. All allies gain 20% Earth ATK UpEarth ATK is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. and 20% Water DMG LoweredWater DMG is lowered Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsWater DEF Up. Not a Damage Cut. Reduces Water damage taken on a multiplier separate from Damage Cuts.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Gauntlet of Uriel (SSR) | 2300 | 240 | Uriel's Blessing II: Amplify Earth allies' damage against water foes by 20%. Earth's Majesty: Small boost to earth allies' ATK and max HP Iudicium Aftershock: Massive Earth damage to a foe. All allies gain 10% Earth ATK UpEarth ATK is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Gauntlets | 1880 | 201 | Strength: Big boost to Light allies' ATK Beast: Massive Light damage to a foe. Gain Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Gigante Fist | 1910 | 203 | Zion's Might: Big boostNormal 5% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 15% to light allies' ATK Gigaton Smasher: Massive Light damage to a foe. Slight chance to inflict BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss Duration: 180 seconds. |
Golden Dragon | 2500 | 218 | Ventosus's Might: Big boost to wind allies' ATK Wind's Garrison: Small boost to wind allies' DEF based on how low HP is Feilong Fangs: Massive Wind damage to a foe. Gain Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Duration: 2.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Golden Fists of Ura | 3192 | 338 | Ogre's Retribution: When main weapon (MC only): Full-force counter upon taking damage (3 hits). 500% Light damage to a foe upon countering (Damage cap: ~560,000). Eternal Animosity: When main weapon: Amplify Light allies' normal attack DMG by 30%. Take DMG worth 40% of max HP at battle start. Zion's Fandango: Big boost to light allies' ATK / Big boost to triple attack rate Ura's Ward: Unworldly Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). Gain SubstituteReceives foe attack in place of an ally (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks) Duration: 0.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 0 turns remaining.Verification needed. until end of turn. 4★: Also gain ?% / 80% ArmoredChance of lowering DMG taken Strength: ?% chance of taking 80% less damage.Duration: 0.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 0 turns remaining.. |
Golden Gauntlet Relic | 1890 | 201 | The Pulse: A soul from eons past lingers within. Golden Radiance: Massive Light damage to a foe. |
Gothic Cutlery | 2469 | 219 | Thunder's Primacy: Medium boost to light allies' ATK / Medium boost to double attack rate for light allies Light's Dual-Edge: Small boost to double attack rate for light allies Menagere: Massive light DMG to a foe / Restore all allies' HP |
Hand of Brahman | 2550 | 270 | Ironflame's Gauntlet III: Big boost to melee-specialty fire allies' ATK Ironflame's Clarity II: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for fire allies Rudra: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Inflict DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered and TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered . All allies gain 15% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 15%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Hard Knuckle | 3140 | 240 | Terra's Mystery: Big boost to earth allies' C.A. DMG Amber Arts: Boost to Earth allies' skill damage cap. Terrae Excelsior: Boost to earth allies' C.A. DMG cap Rocket Power Punch!: Massive Earth damage to a foe Inflict StunnedCan't attack Duration: 2.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: StunnedCan't attack Duration: 2.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. duration increased to 2.5-3.5 turns. |
Heartbeat Mitten | 2398 | 238 | Zion's Healing: Big boost to light allies' healing cap Thunder's Garrison: Medium boost to light allies' DEF based on how low HP is Sweets Maker: Massive Light damage to a foe. All allies gain Tank-and-Counter (1 time)Counters upon taking DMG Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Hellion Gauntlet | 2245 | 235 | Harbinger of Destruction: Slight chance to dodge all attacks. Gain Charge Bar +5%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 5% Strength: 5% upon dodging. Strength to Spare: Gain SubstituteReceives foe attack in place of an ally (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks) Duration: 1 turn upon using CounterGain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit. and ATK UpATK is boosted Duration: 2 turns., Counter IIGain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Strength: 350%Duration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit. and 20% ATK UpATK is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns. or Knifehand StrikeGain Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Strength: 350% DMGDuration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit., 30% DEF UpDEF is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 2 turns, and Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Strength: 20Duration: 2 turns. At level 30: Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Strength: 20Duration: 2 turns upgraded to Full Hostility100% chance to be targeted by one-ally attacks Duration: 2 turnsFull hostility has the same properties as Substitute, but has lower targeting priority than Substitute. Also gain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is Strength: 30%-90%Duration: 2 turns.. Hellion All-Blaze: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20% Strength: 20%. |
Hellion Gauntlet (Element) | Any | 2640 | 277 | Harbinger of Destruction: Slight chance to dodge all attacks. Gain Charge Bar +5%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 5% Strength: 5% upon dodging. Strength to Spare: Gain SubstituteReceives foe attack in place of an ally (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks) Duration: 1 turn upon using CounterGain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit. and ATK UpATK is boosted Duration: 2 turns., Counter IIGain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Strength: 350%Duration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit. and 20% ATK UpATK is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns. or Knifehand StrikeGain Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Strength: 350% DMGDuration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit., 30% DEF UpDEF is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 2 turns, and Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Strength: 20Duration: 2 turns. At level 30: Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Strength: 20Duration: 2 turns upgraded to Full Hostility100% chance to be targeted by one-ally attacks Duration: 2 turnsFull hostility has the same properties as Substitute, but has lower targeting priority than Substitute. Also gain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is Strength: 30%-90%Duration: 2 turns.. Hellion All-Blaze: Massive Elemental damage to a foe. Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20% Strength: 20% and Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Hellion Gauntlet Rebirth | 2265 | 237 | Harbinger of Destruction: Slight chance to dodge all attacks. Gain Charge Bar +5%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 5% Strength: 5% upon dodging. Strength to Spare: Gain SubstituteReceives foe attack in place of an ally (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks) Duration: 1 turn upon using CounterGain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit. and ATK UpATK is boosted Duration: 2 turns., Counter IIGain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Strength: 350%Duration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit. and 20% ATK UpATK is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns. or Knifehand StrikeGain Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Strength: 350% DMGDuration: 2 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit., 30% DEF UpDEF is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 2 turns, and Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Strength: 20Duration: 2 turns. At level 30: Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Strength: 20Duration: 2 turns upgraded to Full Hostility100% chance to be targeted by one-ally attacks Duration: 2 turnsFull hostility has the same properties as Substitute, but has lower targeting priority than Substitute. Also gain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is Strength: 30%-90%Duration: 2 turns.. Hellion All-Blaze: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20% Strength: 20%. |
Honoikazuchi-no-Okami | 2046 | 166 | Paramita's Might: Big boost to dark allies' ATK Lone Wolf's Karma: When main weapon (MC only): Boost to multiattack rate every turn (Stackable / Resets upon taking DMG) Phantom Claw: Terminus: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Gain Mirror Image (2 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) . |
Hope-Filled Knuckles | 2883 | 291 | Zion's Might: Big boost to light allies' ATK Radiant Pearl Blow: 20% Bonus Light DMG effect to the third hit of Light allies' triple attacks. Lightning Hound: Massive Light damage to a foe. All allies gain Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. 4★: Buff increased to 40% / 20% Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Strength: 40% chance of dealing 20% more damage.Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. All allies also gain 10% DMG AmplifiedDMG for one-foe attacks and counterattacks is amplified Strength: 10%Multiplier: SeraphicDuration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Huanglong Gauntlet | 3080 | 320 | Thunder of the Sunrise: Big boost to Light allies' ATK Scales of the Sunrise: Lessen Dark damage. Alabaster Blade: Massive Light damage to a foe. Inflict 15% Light DEF DownDEF is lowered for light DMG Strength: 15%Duration: 180 seconds. |
Imaginary Knuckles | 2842 | 299 | Hatred's Enmity: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK based on how low HP is Hatred's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for dark allies Gauntlet's Wrath: Boost to ATK, max HP, and multiattack rate based on how many melee weapons are equipped Temple-hieb: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Gain Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Duration: 2.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: Also gain Guaranteed TAGuaranteed triple attack regardless of Triple Attack Lowered debuffs Verification needed. . |
Imperious Fury | 3116 | 331 | Golden Vitality: Boost to light allies' ATK, DEF, and DMG cap based on their max HP Light's Majesty: Small boost to light allies' ATK and max HP Scattering Lightfall: Massive Light damage to a foe. Restore 10% of all allies' HP (Healing cap: 1500). 4★: All allies also gain 10% UpliftedCharge bar is boosted on every turn Strength: 10%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Kicking Enhancement Shoes | 2190 | 230 | Doc Agasa's Invention: Big boost to light allies' ATK Game Changer: Boost to light allies' skill DMG Amplified Striker: Massive Light damage to a foe. Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20% Strength: 20%. |
King's Thruster | 1872 | 202 | Armed Flood: Big boost to water allies' ATK Synchronized Artistry: When main weapon (MC only): 20% boost to double attack rate and 10% boost to triple attack rate. Current Piercer: Massive Water damage to a foe. All allies gain Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Kiss of The Devil | 3098 | 327 | ▶ ▶ |
Strength-Devil's Seduction: Massive boost to Fire allies' ATKModifier: EX. Supplement DMG to Fire allies against foes with Red HeatHP is lowered on every turn (Damage cap: 50,000). Sephira Maxi-Fire: 20% boost to Fire allies' DMG Cap in Arcarum. 5% boost to Fire allies' DMG Cap. Fire's Majesty: Small boost to Fire allies' ATK and max HP Hellfire: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Gain 50% Skill DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted Strength: 50%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining. and 200% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted Strength: 200%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. 4★: Effect increased to 60% Skill DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted Strength: 60%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining. and 250% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted Strength: 250%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. 5★: Effect increased to 70% Skill DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted Strength: 70%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining. and 300% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted Strength: 300%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Lagrange | 2936 | 302 | Cobalt Enforcement: Boost to Water allies' ATK and DEF (Activates when either Water Omega or Water Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above) Zenith Art: Water: Boost to Water allies' skill DMG cap and C.A. DMG cap Strike and Shatter: Massive Water damage to a foe. All Water allies gain Tank-and-Counter (1 time)Counters upon taking DMG Duration: 2.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: Buff upgraded to Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Duration: 2.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Lagrange Mk II | 3192 | 328 | Cobalt Enforcement: Boost to Water allies' ATK and DEF (Activates when either Water Omega or Water Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above) Zenith Art: Water: Boost to Water allies' skill DMG cap and C.A. DMG cap Neo Strike and Shatter: Massive Water damage to a foe. All Water allies gain Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG Duration: 2.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and Dispel Cancel (1 time)Effects that remove buffs will be nullified (1 time) Duration: Indefinite. |
Lion Khan Claw | 2840 | 302 | ▶ |
Zion's Might II: Big boostNormal II 6% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 16%, SL15 20% to light allies' ATK Thunder's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for light allies Emery Greatslash: Massive Light damage to a foe. Inflict DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1 . |
Magma Gauntlet | 2400 | 252 | Inferno's Might: Big boost to fire allies' ATK Fire's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (small DMG) for fire allies Infernal Smash: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Gain ATK Up (Stackable)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Duration: Indefinite. |
Mammon Glove | 1890 | 199 | Ventosus's Aegis: Big boost to wind allies' max HP Greed: Massive Wind damage to a foe. Restore HP. |
Manawydan Gauntlet | 1880 | 202 | Hoarfrost's Aegis: Big boost to water allies' max HP Fluctuat Maatel +: Massive Water damage to a foe. / Inflict 11% DEF DownDEF is lowered Strength: 11%Duration: 180 seconds. |
Maritozzo | 2285 | 244 | Hoarfrost's Enmity: Big boost to water allies' ATK based on how low HP is Water's Garrison: Small boost to water allies' DEF based on how low HP is Special Secret Ingredient: Massive Water damage to a foe. Gain 30% Bonus Water DMGDeals bonus water DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 30%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Marquesas | 3015 | 317 | Armed Blaze: Big boost to fire allies' ATK Scarlet Reticle: 20% boost to fire allies' critical hit rate Hunting Tattoo: Massive Fire damage to a foe. All allies gain DrainNormal attack and C.A. DMG dealt is partially absorbed to HP Strength: (Healing cap: 500)Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: All allies also gain KeenSupplemental DMG to critical hits Strength: 1% of foe's max HP (Damage cap: 50,000)Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Marriage Ring | 2359 | 246 | Oblivion's Might: Big boost to dark allies' ATK Dark's Restraint: Small boost to dark allies' double attack rate and critical hit rate Marriage & Madness: Massive Dark damage to a foe. All allies gain TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Merveilleux | 2299 | 258 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Mountain's Grace: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP and debuff resistance Amber Arts: Boost to earth allies' skill DMG cap Raffine: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Gain DrainNormal attack and C.A. DMG dealt is partially absorbed to HP . 4★: DrainNormal attack and C.A. DMG dealt is partially absorbed to HP Strength: (Healing cap: 1000)Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. now affect all allies. |
Metal Hand | 2350 | 250 | Hoarfrost's Tyranny: Big boost to water allies' ATK / 10% cut to water allies' max HP Water's Verity: Small boost to water allies' critical hit rate Full Barrage: Massive water DMG to a foe / Hit to water DEF |
Midnight Radiance | 2340 | 252 | Terra's Might: Big boost to earth allies' ATK Earth's Mystery: Small boost to earth allies' C.A. DMG Evanescent Fireworks: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Gain Mirror Image (2 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) . |
Mittron's Gauntlet | 2540 | 270 | Knightcode's Clarity II: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for light allies Preemptive Silver Barrier: All light allies gain Shield at start of battle Pleiades: Massive Light damage to a foe. All allies gain 30% DMG CutTaking 30% less DMG Duration: 0.5 turnsDamage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements. Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 0 turns remaining. and 20% Light ATK UpLight ATK is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Neko Punch Pro | 2499 | 218 | Mountain's Celere: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK and critical hit rate Mountain's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for earth allies Gorgeous Scratch: Massive Earth damage to a foe. / Inflict SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG) Duration: 3.5 turnsTakes 25% more damage Local status effectApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Nibelung Glas | 3126 | 243 | Mountain's Sentence: Medium boost to earth allies' C.A. DMG and C.A. DMG cap Uncrossable Paradise: When main weapon: Boost to Earth allies' double attack rate when Water DMG cut is granted Tropical Mirror-Blades: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Remove 1 buff. 4★: All allies also gain 20% Water CutWater DMG is cut 20% Duration: 2.5 turnsWater Damage Cut.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Night Rider | 2334 | 251 | Ventosus's Might: Big boost to wind allies' ATK Wind's Verity: Small boost to wind allies' critical hit rate Etoile de l'Amour: Massive Wind damage to a foe. Inflict Wind DEF DownDEF is lowered for wind DMG Duration: 180 seconds and CharmedAttacks are slightly limited Duration: 180 seconds. |
Nostalgic Coffee Jelly | 2340 | 250 | Whirlwind's Stamina: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK based on how high HP is Wind's Celere: Small boost to wind allies' ATK and critical hit rate Sweet and Bitter: Massive Wind damage to a foe. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered Duration: 180 secondsVerification needed. . All allies gain RefreshHP is restored on every turn Verification needed. . |
Phantom Fangs | 3192 | 282 | Armed Shine: Big boost to light allies' ATK Golden Arts: Boost to Light allies' skill damage cap. Dual Mirage: Massive Light damage to a foe. All allies gain Supplemental DMGDMG dealt is supplemented Strength: 1% of foe's max HP (Damage cap: 10,000)Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. 4★: All allies also gain Mirror Image (1 time)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: Indefinite. |
Pillardriver | 3086 | 337 | Ridge's Pact: Supplement earth allies' DMG Gauntlet Voltage II: Boost to ATK based on how many melee weapons are equipped Ridge's Quintessence: Boost to earth allies' DMG cap Terra Strike: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Inflict DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1 . 4★: All Earth allies also gain StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Pink Fan | 2215 | 231 | Mysterious ATK II: Big boost to wind allies' ATK P-p-piña!: Massive wind DMG to a foe / Randomly boost charge bar speed |
Poison Hand | 1860 | 204 | V-Skill: Big boost to earth allies' ATK Sotoja: Massive earth DMG to a foe / Poison |
Predator Claw | 2867 | 294 | Hatred's Trium: Medium boost to dark allies' multiattack rate Dark's Verity: Small boost to dark allies' critical hit rate Purgatory's Fortitude: Supplement dark allies' DMG based on how low HP is Shadow Claws: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Gain 20% Bonus Dark DMGDeals bonus dark DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks (Ends upon taking DMG) Strength: 20%Duration: Indefinite. (Bonus Dark DMG effect ends upon taking damage.) 4★: Also gain Mirror Image (2 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: Indefinite. |
Psycho Gauntlet | 1882 | 200 | Psycho's Might: Big boost to Earth allies' ATK Playboy Destroyer: When main weapon (MC only): 15% boost to charge bar gain. Playboy Beam Manipulator: Massive Earth damage to a foe. All allies gain 30% / 30% Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Strength: 30% chance of dealing 30% more damage.Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Rainbow Bracelet | 2270 | 240 | Power of the Prism Stones: Big boost to Light allies' ATK Rainbow-Colored Light: When main weapon (MC only): Recover HP each turn (Healing cap: 150). Gain 10% Charge BoostInstantly boosts Charge Bar by 10% Strength: 10% if HP is full. Pretty Cure Rainbow Storm: Massive Light damage to a foe. Gain 30% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. 4★: Gain StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is Strength: 5%-15%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Rainbow Hand | 2329 | 252 | Mountain's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Earth's Stamina: Small boost to earth allies' ATK based on how high HP is Rainbow Blow: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Tank-and-Counter effect to MC until end of turn (2 times) Boost to DEF and hostility |
Rin's Maracas | 2282 | 241 | School Idol: Big boost to Wind allies' ATK If You're Smiling, Any Day Is Okay!: MC only: 20% boost to charge attack DMG when not debuffed. Chase Your Dreams: Massive Wind damage to a foe. Gain HypeATK is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: Also gain 10% UpliftedCharge bar is boosted on every turn Strength: 10%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Ringed Armguards | Any | 2961 | 345 | Enlightened Monk's Nature: When main weapon: Boost Martial ProwessAttack specs and skill specs are boosted based on Martial Prowess lvl / Chance to deal 4-hit elemental DMG to random foes at end of turn (Max: 10 / Can't be removed) lvl gain from Snap Punch by 1. Martial ProwessAttack specs and skill specs are boosted based on Martial Prowess lvl / Chance to deal 4-hit elemental DMG to random foes at end of turn (Max: 10 / Can't be removed) lvl lowers by 2 instead of 5 when MC is below 25% HP at end of turn. Enlightened Monk's Apex: When main weapon: Inflict 7% ATK Down (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is lowered (Stackable) Strength: 7% (Max: 30%)Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 seconds and 7% DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 30%)DEF is lowered (Stackable) Strength: 7% (Max: 30%)Base Accuracy: 80% on all foes when damage is dealt by Mantra. Tenacious Thrash: Massive Elemental damage to a foe. Gain 30% DMG AbsorptionPartially absorbs DMG to recover HP Strength: 30%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Rose Crystal Claw | 2200 | 235 | Bronze Rose Brier: Medium boost to Earth allies' ATK and max HP Bronze Rose Bud: Lessen Wind DMG taken for Earth allies Domination Claw: Massive Earth damage to a foe. / Lessen all allies' Wind DMG. |
Royal Straight Flush | 2319 | 254 | Whirlwind's Celere: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK and critical hit rate Whirlwind's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for wind allies Glinting Fortune: Massive Wind damage to a foe. Inflict a random debuff. |
Ruling Pen | 2830 | 300 | ▶ |
Oblivion's Might: Big boost to dark allies' ATK Hatred's Verity: Medium boost to dark allies' critical hit rate Graphite Craft: Supplement dark allies' critical hit DMG The Pen Is Mightier: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Inflict BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss Duration: 180 seconds. 4★: Also inflict Accuracy LoweredAttacks and special attacks have a chance to miss Duration: 2.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Scarlet Sapphire | 2852 | 297 | Hatred's Primacy: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK and double attack rate Hatred's Healing: Medium boost to dark allies' healing cap Dark's Stamina: Small boost to dark allies' ATK based on how high HP is Swirling Blossoms: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Buff to MC based on current HP. (When HP is 50% or above: Gain StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. When HP is below 50%: Gain Dodge All (1 time)Takes no DMG or debuffs while in effect for a set period Duration: Indefinite.) 4★: (When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Bonus Dark DMGDeals bonus dark DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Verification needed. . When HP is below 50%: Also remove 1 debuff.) |
Scarlet Vane | 2730 | 290 | Hoarfrost's Might: Big boost to water allies' ATK Inferno's Aegis: Big boost to fire allies' max HP Dancer's Discipline: Boost to Water allies' DMG cap.7% at skill level 15. Wildflower: Massive Water damage to a foe. Gain 10% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns. 4★: All allies gain 30% Water ATK UpWater ATK is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 3 turns. |
Scissorhands | 2140 | 150 | Hatred's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Dark's Aegis: Small boost to dark allies' max HP Ultra Impact: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Scorched Scorn | 2057 | 165 | Clawed Blaze: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Synchronized Artistry: When main weapon (MC only): 20% boost to double attack rate and 10% boost to triple attack rate. Violet Delusion: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Second Boss of the Herd | 2240 | 270 | Hoarfrost's Stamina: Big boost to water allies' ATK based on how high HP is Bovine Blizzard: Virtue of the Ox: Massive Water damage to a foe. Restore MC's HP. Gain Veil (1 time)Debuffs will be nullified (1 time) "Veil" is an unofficial name used by the wiki for this status effect. Its actual in-game name is "Immune.". |
Sephira Emerald Duke | 2540 | 271 | Lifetree's Might III: Big boost to earth allies' ATK Sephira Earthsoul: Big boost to earth allies' max HP in Arcarum Forbidden Blow: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Deal bonus Earth damage225% skill damage (50% of charge attack) (Damage cap: ~300,000). |
Shadowverse Gauntlet | 2303 | 237 | Shadowverse Player: Big boost to fire allies' ATK Trump Card: When main weapon (MC only): Gain Instant ChargeInstantly sets Charge Bar to 100% Unaffected by Charge Bar Gain status effects. No effect when afflicted with Shorted debuffs or when Charge Bar is above 100%., 50% C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time) Strength: 50%, and 30% C.A. DMG Cap Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG cap is boosted (1 time) Strength: 30% when almost knocked out at end of turn (1 time). Play Spell Card: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted Multiplier: NormalDuration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: Damage increased to 450%. Also gain 25% ATK UpATK is boosted Strength: 25%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and 10% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Silver Gauntlet Relic | 1830 | 194 | Vessel Phantasmic: This masterless weapon slumbers through eternal night. Silver Shine: Massive Light damage to a foe. |
Six-Ruin Fist | 2220 | 236 | Zion's Might: Big boostNormal 5% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 15% to light allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Light damage to a foe. Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20% Strength: 20%. |
Six-Ruin Fist Aqua | 2400 | 250 | Hoarfrost's Might: Big boost to water allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Water damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Cardinal | 2630 | 280 | Inferno's Might: Big boost to fire allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Fire damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Cobalt | 2630 | 280 | Hoarfrost's Might: Big boost to water allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Water damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Ecru | 2630 | 280 | Terra's Might: Big boost to earth allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Earth damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Incendo | 2400 | 250 | Inferno's Might: Big boost to fire allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Fire damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Ivory | 2630 | 280 | Zion's Might: Big boostNormal 5% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 15% to light allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Light damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Lumen | 2400 | 250 | Zion's Might: Big boost to light allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Light damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Strength: 150%Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Nyx | 2400 | 250 | Oblivion's Might: Big boost to dark allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Dark damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Obsidian | 2630 | 280 | Oblivion's Might: Big boost to dark allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Dark damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Sage | 2630 | 280 | Ventosus's Might: Big boost to wind allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Wind damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Sterling | 2340 | 240 | Zion's Might: Big boost to light allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Light damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Strength: 100%Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Terra | 2400 | 250 | Terra's Might: Big boost to earth allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Earth damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Six-Ruin Fist Ventus | 2400 | 250 | Ventosus's Might: Big boost to wind allies' ATK Realmic Convergence: Massive Wind damage to a foe. All allies gain Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Duration: 1.5 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Sky Piercer | Any | 3562 | 382 | ▶ |
Big Normal Enmity: Big boost to weapon elementi.e., the same element as the weapon. allies' ATK based on how low HP is Apocalyptic Power II: When main weapon (MC only): GuaranteedUnaffected by Hit to triple attack rate debuffs triple attacks / Take 5% damageBased on max HP every turn / 30% Bonus Elemental damage Elemental Blow: 20% Bonus weapon elementi.e., the same element as the weapon. DMG effect to third hit of elemental allies' triple attacks. Lunar Fang: Massive elemental damage to a foe. Gain Supplemental DMGDMG dealt is supplemented Strength: (Damage cap: 10,000)Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. 4★: Supplemental DMGDMG dealt is supplemented Strength: (Damage cap: 40,000)Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. cap raised to 40,000. |
Sole Intenso | 2414 | 235 | Thunder's Sentence: Medium boost to light allies' C.A. DMG and C.A. DMG cap Thunder's Garrison: Medium boost to light allies' DEF based on how low HP is Passione Massima: Massive Light damage to a foe. All Light allies gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10% Strength: 10%. |
Souval Gauntlet | 1900 | 197 | Feral Roar: When main weapon (MC only): Gain DA Up (Stackable)Double attack rate is boosted (Stackable) Duration: 5 turns and Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked Duration: 5 turns after being targeted by a foe. Rachis of Fire: Big boost to Fire allies' ATK Crimson Fist: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Gain 20% Bonus Fire DMGDeals bonus fire DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Sphairai | 2827 | 302 | Terra's Trium: Big boost to earth allies' multiattack rate Mountain's Verity: Medium boost to earth allies' critical hit rate Primal Pugilism: Boost to ATK based on how many melee weapons are equipped Trilok Smash: Big Earth damage to a foe. Inflict 25% DEF DownDEF is lowered Strength: 25%Duration: 180 seconds. |
Spirit of Mana | 2520 | 270 | Oceansoul's Celere: Small boost to water allies' ATK and critical hit rate Oceansoul's Enmity II: Medium boost to water allies' ATK based on how low HP is Euripus: 450%Massive Water damage to a foe. All allies gain Supplemental DMGDMG dealt is supplemented Strength: 1% of the foe's max HP (Damage cap: 10,000)Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and 10% Normal Attack DMG Cap UpNormal attack DMG cap is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Street Weapon | 1820 | 196 | Street Fighter: Change into Street Fighter outfit Focus Attack: Big boost to water allies' ATK Metsu Hadoken / Hosenka: Massive water DMG to a foe / Random speed boost to charge bar |
Subekuri Gauntlet | 2364 | 245 | Hellfire's Celere: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK and critical hit rate Hellfire's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for fire allies Explosive Candy: Massive Fire damage to a foe. All Fire allies gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10% Strength: 10%. |
Summer Genesis | 2184 | 281 | Hatred's Stamina: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK based on how high HP is Dark's Celere: Small boost to dark allies' ATK and critical hit rate Soul Convergence: Massive Dark damage to a foe. All allies gain DrainNormal attack and C.A. DMG dealt is partially absorbed to HP Strength: 10% (Healing cap: 500)Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Sunset Fan | 2210 | 234 | Zion's Aegis: Big boostNormal 8% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 18% to light allies' max HP Light's Might: Small boostNormal 0% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 10% to light allies' ATK Sol Burst: Massive light DMG to a foe / Boost to skill DMG |
Tahar Masala | 3020 | 266 | Hatred's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Dark's Enmity: Small boost to dark allies' ATK based on how low HP is Oblivion's Bloodshed: Big boost to dark allies' ATK / Take DMG worth 20% of max HP at battle start Har Ladhidh: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Inflict CharmedAttacks are slightly limited Duration: 2.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and Burned (10000)HP is lowered on every turn Strength: 10000Duration: 180 seconds. 4★: Also gain 10% UpliftedCharge bar is boosted on every turn Strength: 10%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Tiamat Gauntlet Omega | 2670 | 281 | Stormwyrm's Might III: Big boost to wind allies' ATK Cyclonic Destruction: Massive Wind damage to a foe. Inflict 10% ATK DownATK is lowered Strength: 10%Duration: 180 seconds. 4★: Increased to 15% ATK DownATK is lowered Strength: 15%Duration: 180 seconds. |
Tigrisius | 2910 | 286 | Mountain's Celere: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK and critical hit rate Amber Arts: Boost to earth allies' skill DMG cap Amber Craft: Supplement earth allies' critical hit DMG Virtue of the Tiger: Massive Earth damage to a foe. All allies gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10% Strength: 10%. 4★: All allies also gain KeenSupplemental DMG to critical hits . |
Tlepilli | 2224 | 274 | Hoarfrost's Verity: Big boost to water allies' critical hit rate Tsunami's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for water allies Loudness: Small Water damage to a foe. All allies gain Water ATK UpWater ATK is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and RevitalizeRecover HP each turn. Boost to charge bar if HP is full. Strength: (Healing cap: 500) or 10% charge bar if HP is fullDuration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
True Grit | 1882 | 200 | Powerbomb: Big boost to Earth allies' ATK I'll Never Go Down: When main weapon (MC only): Lethal Attack Dodged (25% HP / 1 time)Can withstand lethal DMG if HP is 25% or higher (Leaves 1 HP) effect at battle start Gritty Impact: Massive Earth damage to a foe. / Gain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Ultima Claw | Any | 3415 | 349 | Luctor Rubell: Big boost to melee-specialty allies' ATK and max HP Soulless Passage: A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. Gate of Omnipotence: A gate to the summits of power locked within Ultima weapons. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. The Rage: Massive elemental damage to a foe. / All allies gain 30% Element ATK UpElement ATK is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 3.5 turnsElement ATK Up buff based on weapon elementApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. and 30% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Urchin Fist | 1885 | 200 | Echinoderm: When main weapon: Boost to all allies' DEF Tube Feet: Big boost to Fire allies' ATK Urchin Attack: Massive Fire damage to a foe. Gain 20% Repel (3 times)Reflects DMG Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsDamage Cut reducing damage taken and reflecting attacks. Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Ursula Glove | 2484 | 221 | Oblivion's Verity: Big boost to dark allies' critical hit rate Graphite Craft: Supplement dark allies' critical hit DMG Ursula-nado: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Deal triple attacks while in effect. |
Wales' Finest | 2340 | 250 | Thunder's Stamina: Medium boost to light allies' ATK based on how high HP is Thunder's Aegis: Medium boost to light allies' max HP Taste of Excellence: Massive Light damage to a foe. All allies gain Shield (1500)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount Strength: 1500Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Wilhelm | 2527 | 273 | Hoarfrost's Tyranny: Big Boost to water allies' ATK / 10% cut to water allies' max HP Tsunami's Verity: Medium boost to water allies' critical hit rate Aura Prison: Massive Water damage to a foe. Gain ??% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: ??%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. 4★: 20% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. now affects all allies. |
Wilhelm Militis | 2410 | 259 | Gauntlet Voltage II: Boost to ATK based on how many melee weapons are equipped Snowfall's Marvel: Supplement water allies' skill DMG based on how low their HP is Sephira Manus Aquae: 6% boost to water allies' multiattack rate. (60% boost to water allies' multiattack rate in Arcarum.) Aura Prison Repetere: Massive Water damage to a foe. All allies gain Shield (1500)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount Strength: 1500Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: All allies also gain DEF UpDEF is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Wilnas's Finger | 2825 | 297 | Firestorm's Enmity: Massive boost to fire allies' ATK based on how low HP is Vermillion Covenant: Supplement Fire allies' damage based on how low HP is. Hadron Claw: Massive Fire damage to a foe. All allies gain Shield (2000)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount Strength: 2000Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. 4★: Also remove 1 debuff from all allies. |
Wyrmtiger Claw | 2600 | 320 | Mountain's Primacy: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK and double attack rate Old-School Style: When main weapon (MC only): Boost to DEF and hostility Leaping Tiger, Charging Dragon: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Restore 5% HP. 4★: Gain 10% DEF Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)DEF is boosted while active (Stackable) Strength: 10% (Max: 50%)Duration: Indefinite. Heal increased to 10% HP (Healing Cap: 1500). |
Xuanwu Shellfists | 2130 | 230 | Hoarfrost's Fourth Pursuit: Bonus Water DMG effect to fourth-positioned water ally / 30% hit to charge bar gain Hoarfrost's Might: Big boost to water allies' ATK Shellshock: Massive Water damage to a foe. Gain 30% Bonus Water DMGDeals bonus water DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 30%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Yggdrasil Bark Bracer Arbos | 2662 | 274 | Lifetree's Glory III: Big boost to earth allies' C.A. specs and chain burst specs Lifetree's Restraint: Small boost to earth allies' double attack rate and critical hit rate Impetus Hederae: Massive Earth damage to a foe. 300% Bonus Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~620,000). All allies gain StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is Strength: 30%-10%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Zwei Schaedel | 3018 | 320 | Armed Shadow: Big boost to dark allies' ATK Royal Purple Blow: 20% Bonus Dark DMG effect to third hit of dark allies' triple attacks. Seltsam: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Gain Supplemental DMGDMG dealt is supplemented Strength: 1% of foe's max HP (Damage cap: 10,000)Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. and 15% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 15%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. 4★: Supplemental DMGDMG dealt is supplemented Strength: 1% of foe's max HP (Damage cap: 10,000)Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. and 15% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 15%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. now affects all allies. |