Weapon Lists/SR
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About Weapons | Weapon Series | Weapon Lists | Weapon Skills | Sword Mastery Skills
Icon | Name | R | El | Type | ATK | HP | Skills | |
Acinaces | 1645 | 167 | Tsunami's Might: Medium boostNormal 2% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 12% to water allies' ATK Wind Weasel: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Aerial Cane | 1500 | 198 | Whirlwind's Aegis: Medium boost to wind allies' max HP Halo: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Akhu | 1390 | 102 | Earth's Might: Small boost to earth allies' ATK Heavy Smash: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Albacore Head | 1300 | 132 | Hatred's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Thunnus Attack: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted . |
Albacore Nose | 1275 | 137 | Hatred's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Thunnus Attack: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted . |
Albacore Rifle | 1500 | 92 | Hatred's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Thunnus Attack: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted . |
Albedo Blade | 1470 | 95 | Alchemy's Aegis: Medium boost to light allies' max HP Alchemic Blast: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Albedo Blaster | 1460 | 97 | Alchemy's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Alchemic Blast: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Almace | 1795 | 157 | Tsunami's Aegis: Medium boost to water allies' max HP Tempest Blade: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Alster Spear | 1356 | 120 | Clawed Gale: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Alster Thrust: Big Wind damage to a foe. Gain Wind ATK UpWind ATK is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Amber Axe Relic | 1175 | 85 | Aura Axe: Big Earth damage to a foe. | |||||
Amber Bow Relic | 1115 | 102 | Shadow Weave: Big Earth damage to a foe. | |||||
Amber Dagger Relic | 1065 | 107 | Wind Weasel: Big Earth damage to a foe. | |||||
Amber Gauntlet Relic | 1045 | 111 | Dragonic Decimation: Big Earth damage to a foe. | |||||
Amber Gun Relic | 1200 | 80 | Loose Shot: Big Earth damage to a foe. | |||||
Amber Harp Relic | 985 | 107 | Requiem: Big Earth damage to a foe. | |||||
Amber Katana Relic | 1185 | 84 | Clear the Air: Big Earth damage to a foe. | |||||
Amber Lance Relic | 1025 | 115 | Flashlance: Big Earth damage to a foe. | |||||
Amber Staff Relic | 960 | 128 | Light Ray: Big Earth damage to a foe. | |||||
Amber Sword Relic | 1120 | 96 | Earth Rift: Big Earth damage to a foe. | |||||
Ancestral Staff | 1152 | 160 | Soldat's Aegis: Medium boost to Water allies' max HP Strike of Rust: Big Water damage to a foe. / All allies gain Shield (500)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount Strength: 500Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Ancestral Trident | 1230 | 145 | Soldat's Might: Medium boost to Water allies' ATK Strike of Rust: Big Water damage to a foe. / All allies gain ATK UpATK is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Aquablade | 1730 | 150 | Tsunami's Verity: Medium boost to water allies' critical hit rate Rising Shot: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Aquarium Harp | 1525 | 170 | Tsunami's Aegis: Medium boost to water allies' max HP Lullaby of Eternal Sleep: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Arabesque Replica | 1500 | 140 | Impavid Impetus: When main weapon (MC only): Spellbound Salsa no longer lowers max HP Endless Waltz: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Archangel Axe | 400 | 100 | Aura Axe: Big Light damage to a foe. | |||||
Archangel Bow | 400 | 100 | Stream of Arrows: Big Light damage to a foe. | |||||
Archangel Brass Knuckles | 400 | 100 | Dragonic Decimation: Big Light damage to a foe. | |||||
Archangel Gun | 400 | 100 | Delta Shot: Big Light damage to a foe. | |||||
Archangel Harp | 400 | 100 | Requiem: Big Light damage to a foe. | |||||
Archangel Katana | 400 | 100 | Zangetsu: Big Light damage to a foe. | |||||
Archangel Knife | 400 | 100 | Wind Weasel: Big Light damage to a foe. | |||||
Archangel Spear | 400 | 100 | Soul Crush: Big Light damage to a foe. | |||||
Archangel Sword | 400 | 100 | Rising Shot: Big Light damage to a foe. | |||||
Archangel Wand | 400 | 100 | Light Ray: Big Light damage to a foe. | |||||
Architect Scythe | 1450 | 100 | Architect ATK: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Lightblade Flash: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Architect Spear | 1270 | 137 | Architect VIT: Medium boost to dark allies' max HP Lightblade Flash: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Arondight | 1750 | 150 | Thunder's Aegis: Medium boost to light allies' max HP Rising Shot: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Arquebus | 1600 | 100 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Duo Shot: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Arson | 1505 | 197 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Piercing Light: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Arson Link | 1527 | 213 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Piercing Light: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Aschallon Replica | 1550 | 130 | Blade of Conquest: Boost to energy cap (Effect is halved when sub-equipped) +2 energy, +1 in subgrid Aurora: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Astro Wand | 1140 | 160 | Clawed Blaze: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Starry Orbit: Big Fire damage to a foe. Restore 5% of all allies' HP (Healing cap: 500). |
Athanasius | 1530 | 169 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Soul Voice: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Aura Whip | 1775 | 152 | Thunder's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for light allies Tempest Blade: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Avaritia Blade | 1450 | 104 | Mountain's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Echo: Big Earth damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Avaritia Pistol | 1465 | 99 | Mountain's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Echo: Big Earth damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Avenger Replica | 1619 | 115 | Swordmaster's Soul: Extend effect duration of RageAll parties gain ATK UpATK is boosted Strength: SmallDuration: 3 turns. series by 1 turn for the caster. Exhatio: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Aves | 1725 | 161 | Tsunami's Might: Medium boost to water allies' ATK Shadow Weave: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Babylon Harp | 1205 | 133 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Nevil: Big Earth damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Babylon Sword | 1365 | 119 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Nevil: Big Earth damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Baguette Magique | 1266 | 138 | Clawed Shadow: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Fleur de Cristal: Big Dark damage to a foe. Restore MC's HP. |
Balisarde | 1750 | 146 | Whirlwind's Verity: Medium boost to wind allies' critical hit rate Kueken: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Bamboo Spear | 1240 | 143 | Mountain's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Deep Strike: Big Earth damage to a foe. Slight chance to inflict StunnedCan't attack . |
Barnacle Knuckle | 1270 | 137 | Reefy Coast's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Barnacle Impact: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Batadia | 1280 | 125 | Hellfire's Verity: Medium boost to fire allies' critical hit rate Fire's Might: Small boost to fire allies' ATK Death Prong: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Bedazzled Dagger | 1358 | 119 | Clawed Shine: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Love Decoration: Big Light damage to a foe. Inflict BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss Duration: 180 seconds. |
Bending Whip | 1415 | 121 | Delicious Aegis: Medium boost to Fire allies' max HP Leather Tanner: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Bhuj | 1890 | 138 | Thunder's Aegis: Medium boost to light allies' max HP Aura Axe: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Black Dragon Sword | 1333 | 124 | Black Dragons' Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Schwarzer Schnitt: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Black Lion's Tail | 1285 | 134 | Clawed Shadow: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Lioness Whip: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Blau Javelin | 1310 | 134 | Tsunami's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for water allies Soul Crush: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Blue Light | 1159 | 120 | Music Start!: Big Water damage to a foe. | |||||
Bombyx Bow | 1430 | 111 | Clawed Grounds: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Spirit Arrow: Big Earth damage to a foe. Gain Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Booster Knuckles | 1275 | 135 | Mountain's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for earth allies Turbo Assault: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Bottle o' Blossoms | 1737 | 149 | Tsunami's Might: Medium boost to water allies' ATK Sparkling Pink Splash: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Bow of Judgement | 1360 | 126 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Vendidad: Big Earth damage to a foe. Gain DEF UpDEF is boosted . |
Branwen Bow | 1400 | 131 | Tsunami's Aegis: Medium boost to water allies' max HP Grievous Cry: Big Water damage to a foe. Inflict PoisonedHP is lowered on every turn Duration: 180 secondsDamage Cap: 1000.. |
Branwen Rapier | 1405 | 123 | Tsunami's Aegis: Medium boostNormal 5% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 15% to water allies' max HP Grievous Cry: Big Water damage to a foe. Inflict PoisonedHP is lowered on every turn . |
Bravyry | 1485 | 90 | Interesting...: When main weapon (MC only): Boost to critical hit rate Assassination Speed Form: When main weapon (MC only): Boost to multiattack rate against foes in break Death Cleavyr: Big earth DMG to a foe / Boost to MC's ATK (Stackable) |
Briny Mouthful | 1400 | 110 | Foodie's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Briny Impact: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Bristlegrass | 1312 | 128 | Paw Pad's Aegis: Medium boost to Earth allies' max HP Come with Me: Big Earth damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Brocken Lance | 1585 | 182 | Hatred's Verity: Medium boost to dark allies' critical hit rate Soul Crush: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Broiled Eal | 1176 | 156 | Aromatic Aegis: Medium boost to Light allies' max HP Broil My Eal: Big Light damage to a foe. Inflict Burned (1000)HP is lowered on every turn Strength: 1000Duration: 180 seconds. |
Buffalo Horn | 1315 | 135 | Delicious Might: Medium boost to Fire allies' ATK Longhorn Run: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Bullova | 1815 | 135 | Tsunami's Might: Medium boost to water allies' ATK Melee: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Butler's Glove | 1357 | 119 | Clawed Blaze: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Gentlemanly Conduct: Big Fire damage to a foe. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Candy Cane Rifle | 1510 | 102 | Mountain's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Holiday Cheer: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Carpet Beater | 1453 | 10 | Tackle Drill's Might: Medium boost to Earth allies' ATK Whack! Whack! Kerthwack!: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Cat's Purr | 1250 | 122 | Paw Pad's Might: Medium boost to Earth allies' ATK Stay with You: Big Earth damage to a foe. / Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Celeste Cane | 1230 | 158 | Mistfall's Aegis: Small boost to dark allies' max HP Null Void: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain 10% Light CutLight DMG is cut 10% Duration: 2.5 turnsLight Damage Cut.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Celeste Rifle | 1535 | 97 | Mistfall's Aegis: Small boost to dark allies' max HP Null Void: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain 10% Light CutLight DMG is cut 10% Duration: 3 turnsLight Damage Cut.. |
Celeste Zaghnal | 1500 | 104 | Mistfall's Aegis: Small boost to dark allies' max HP Null Void: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain 10% Light CutLight DMG is cut 10% Duration: 2.5 turnsLight Damage Cut.Applied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Chain Knuckles | 1665 | 174 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Dragonic Decimation: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Chains of Twisted Fate | 1450 | 95 | Clawed Shadow: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Causality Severer: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Cherry Blossom Lance | 1350 | 150 | Whirlwind's Might: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Flashlance: Big wind DMG to a foe |
Cherubim Wand | 1172 | 156 | Highsage's Aegis: Medium boost to light allies' max HP Saint's Pillar: Big Light damage to a foe. Gain DEF UpDEF is boosted . |
Chivalrous Spear | 1400 | 110 | Clawed Gale: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Righteous Flurry: Big Wind damage to a foe. Slight chance of Instant Death effect. |
Cinder Claw | 1433 | 104 | Phosphor's Aegis: Medium boost to light allies' max HP Hatred Smolders: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Cinder Fang | 1465 | 100 | Phosphor's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Sliced Up in Smoke: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Cinquedea | 1465 | 147 | Thunder's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Cross-Cut: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Circle of Life and Death | 1745 | 185 | Thunder's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Tigerwolf Pummel: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Cloud Tomahawk | 1830 | 132 | Whirlwind's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for wind allies Heavy Smash: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Cloudbar | 1538 | 83 | Downdraft's Might: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Millibar: Big Wind damage to a foe. Inflict Wind DEF DownDEF is lowered for wind DMG Duration: 180 seconds. |
Cloudbolt | 1571 | 77 | Updraft's Aegis: Medium boost to wind allies' max HP Hexapascal: Big Wind damage to a foe. Gain Wind ATK UpWind ATK is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Col du Chat | 1366 | 124 | Clawed Gale: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Tirer: Big Wind damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Colorful Crackerjack | 1860 | 124 | Tsunami's Aegis: Medium boostNormal 5% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 15% to water allies' max HP Loose Shot: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Colossus Breaker | 1340 | 131 | Ironflame's Might II: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Flashpoint: Big Fire damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Colossus Fist | 1310 | 136 | Ironflame's Might II: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Flashpoint: Big Fire damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Colossus Piton | 1470 | 104 | Ironflame's Might II: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Flashpoint: Big Fire damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Confection Cutter | 1930 | 109 | Hatred's Verity: Medium boost to dark allies' critical hit rate Pastry Cutter: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG . |
Contrary Bow | 1395 | 125 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Demagog: Big Fire damage to a foe. Gain Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Contrary Sword | 1400 | 117 | Hellfire's Aegis: Medium boost to fire allies' max HP Demagog: Big Fire damage to a foe. Gain Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Cork Rifle | 1480 | 95 | Unfallen's Might: Medium boost to Water allies' ATK Festival Hotshot: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Corn Slicer | 1398 | 111 | Clawed Shadow: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Popping Slash: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Cotton Candy | 1630 | 170 | Hellfire's Healing: Medium boost to fire allies' healing cap Candymaker: Big Fire damage to a foe. Restore all allies' HP. |
Crafted Bow | 1380 | 128 | Mountain's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Mighty Attack: Big Earth damage to a foe. Gain Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted . |
Crimson Talons | 1725 | 180 | Hellfire's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for fire allies Tigerwolf Pummel: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Crimson Vyrnger | 1700 | 140 | Need Some Help?: When main weapon (MC only): Bonus Fire DMG effect to one-foe attacks against burned foes Nice-Abs: When main weapon (MC only): Boost to ATK upon taking damage (Stackable) Meltvyrn: Big Fire damage to a foe. Inflict BurnedHP is lowered on every turn . |
Croak Head | 1290 | 133 | Mysterious ATK: Medium boostUnknown 2% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 12% to water allies' ATK Rib-Ribbit!: Big Water damage to a foe. Gain a random speed boost to charge bar. |
Crocskin Glove | 1680 | 160 | Thunder's Verity: Medium boost to light allies' critical hit rate Total Fluke: Big Light damage to a foe. Random buff to all allies |
Crosswind | 2010 | 132 | Whirlwind's Might: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Duo Shot: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Cruel Claw | 1740 | 145 | Dark's Trium: Small boost to dark allies' multiattack rate Smiting Flurry: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
CtK4Life Merch Sample | 1350 | 124 | Clawed Shine: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Forbidden Love: Big Light damage to a foe. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Cube Staff | 1506 | 194 | Whirlwind's Might: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Cubism: Big Wind damage to a foe. Gain Mirror Image (1 time)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: Indefinite. |
Cup and Saucer | 1695 | 177 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Tornado Kick: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Cursed Cane | 1515 | 195 | Hatred's Aegis: Medium boost to dark allies' max HP Halo: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Cursed Ripper | 1470 | 100 | Hatred's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for dark allies Shadow Raze: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Cursed Spear | 1280 | 136 | Hatred's Aegis: Medium boost to dark allies' max HP Shadow Raze: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Custom Arquebus | 1980 | 129 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Duo Shot: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Dalmoran Partisan | 1276 | 136 | Struggler's Aegis: Medium boost to dark allies' max HP Ternary Stabs: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Dance Flower | 1453 | 10 | Tackle Drill's Aegis: Medium boost to Earth allies' max HP Floral Waltz: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Dandy Fist | 1332 | 124 | Clawed Grounds: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Meaning of Dandyism: Big Earth damage to a foe. Inflict Earth DEF DownDEF is lowered for earth DMG Duration: 180 seconds. |
Death Whip | 1373 | 116 | Clawed Flood: Medium boost to water allies' ATK Angled Lash: Big Water damage to a foe. Inflict 10% DEF DownDEF is lowered Strength: 10%Duration: 180 seconds. |
Deathly Arson | 1560 | 204 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Piercing Light: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Delicious Banana | 1512 | 90 | Creamy Banana: Medium boost to Water allies' ATK Banana Stream: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Delta Apex | 1680 | 144 | Hellfire's Enmity: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK based on how low HP is Rising Shot: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Demitasse | 1516 | 193 | Mountain's Verity: Medium boost to earth allies' critical hit rate Saucer Slice: Big Earth damage to a foe. Remove 1 debuff. |
Desert Arms | 1895 | 128 | Mountain's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Duo Shot: Big earth DMG to a foe |
Desperation Gauntlet | 1301 | 130 | Klesha's Aegis: Medium boost to wind allies' max HP Gooong...: Big Wind damage to a foe. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Desperation Rifle | 1491 | 95 | Klesha's Might: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Gooong...: Big Wind damage to a foe. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Diablo Dagger | 1365 | 131 | Hatred's Aegis: Medium boost to dark allies' HP Still Obscurity: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted . |
Diablo Scepter | 1230 | 158 | Hatred's Aegis: Medium boost to dark allies' HP Still Obscurity: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted . |
Diabolical Bow | 1351 | 127 | Resentment's Might: Medium boost to Dark allies' ATK Hell-Raiser: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Die-Cut Candy | 1260 | 140 | Candy Mold's Aegis: Medium boost to Water allies' HP Trace It, Eat It!: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Disaster Bolt | 1541 | 83 | Clawed Blaze: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Evil Roars: Big Fire damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Divine Spear | 1568 | 183 | Mountain's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Sanctified Impact: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Dolphin | 1870 | 122 | Hellfire's Verity: Medium boost to fire allies' critical hit rate Duo Shot: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Donare Knochen | 1352 | 122 | Endoskeleton's Aegis: Medium boost to light allies' max HP Bone of the Sword: Big Light damage to a foe. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Double Arm Drill | 1332 | 124 | Borer's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Drill Blow: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Dracula Harp | 1555 | 164 | Hatred's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Lullaby of Eternal Sleep: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Dragon Tail | 1945 | 127 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Loose Shot: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Dragonbeard's Harp | 1235 | 131 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Calamity: Big Fire damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Dragonfliar Cutter | 1600 | 178 | Whirlwind's Might: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Flashlance: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Dragonscale Lance | 1285 | 141 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Calamity: Big Fire damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Dragoon Lance | 1350 | 150 | Dragon-Knight's Might: 1000 boost to ATK Dragon-Knight's Dual-Edge: 3% boost to double attack rate Soul Crush: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Drakewing Knuckles | 1263 | 138 | Dragonstrike's Aegis: Medium boost to Earth allies' max HP Dragonscaler: Big Earth damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Dreadflayer | 1705 | 193 | Mountain's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for earth allies Soul Crush: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Dreyse | 1400 | 100 | Eugen Heartbond: Boost to ATK and DEF when Eugen is in the party War Never Changes: Boost to charge bar gain Ulte Cannone: Big earth DMG to a foe |
Drill Arm | 1262 | 138 | Driller's Might: Medium boost to Earth allies' ATK Drill Assault: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Drill Shooter | 1450 | 101 | Driller's Aegis: Medium boost to Earth allies' max HP Drill Assault: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Dum Edabl | 1457 | 101 | Clawed Grounds: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Dum Shasl: Big Earth damage to a foe. Inflict Earth DEF DownDEF is lowered for earth DMG Duration: 180 seconds. |
Egoism | 1300 | 130 | Rosetta Heartbond: Boost to ATK and DEF when Rosetta is in the party Aromatic Aura: 5% boost to debuff resistance. Sullen Rose: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Electro Axe | 1455 | 100 | Hatred's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Smash Break: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Electro Fork | 1270 | 143 | Thunder's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Thrusting Breaker: Big Light damage to a foe. Slight chance of inflicting BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss Duration: 180 seconds. |
Electro Harp | 1225 | 127 | Hatred's Aegis: Medium boost to dark allies' max HP Sonic Break: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Electro Sword | 1390 | 119 | Thunder's Aegis: Medium boost to light allies' max HP Slashing Breaker: Big Light damage to a foe. Slight chance to inflict BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss Duration: 180 seconds. |
Elfin Bow | 1740 | 158 | Whirlwind's Might: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Arrow Blast: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Ember Blade | 1785 | 150 | Hellfire's Aegis: Medium boost to fire allies' max HP Rising Shot: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Emerald Claw | 1305 | 137 | Whirlwind's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for wind allies Blaze: Big Wind damage to a foe. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered or DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Emerald Spear | 1260 | 140 | Whirlwind's Aegis: Medium boost to wind allies' max HP Blaze: Big Wind damage to a foe. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered or DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Emerald-Green Blade | 1162 | 130 | Let Sunshine In: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Emperor's Spike | 1303 | 130 | Abomideath Power Q: Medium boost to dark allies' max HP Sonic Death: Big Dark damage to a foe. Hit to ATK. |
Emperor's Trident | 1256 | 140 | Abomideath Power X: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Sonic Death: Big Dark damage to a foe. Hit to ATK. |
Ent Harp | 1210 | 130 | Whirlwind's Verity: Medium boost to wind allies' critical hit rate Forest Uprising: Big Wind damage to a foe. All allies gain Shield (300)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount Strength: 300Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Ent Ripper | 1460 | 100 | Whirlwind's Might: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Forest Uprising: Big Wind damage to a foe. All allies gain Shield (300)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount Strength: 300Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Epoxy Boogie Plates | 1610 | 170 | Tsunami's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for water allies Beat Bash: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Facon | 1295 | 133 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Wind Weasel: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Falcon Mace | 1185 | 160 | Mountain's Enmity: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK based on how low HP is Piercing Light: Big earth DMG to a foe |
Fancy-Schmancy Bow | 1340 | 130 | Fancy-Schmancy Aegis: Medium boost to water allies' max HP Attack with Style: Big water DMG to a foe |
Faust Replica | 1458 | 147 | Nature's Truth: Boost to A Little Pick-Me-Up Cosmikonus: Big earth DMG to a foe |
Festive Frying Pan | 1705 | 155 | Whirlwind's Verity: Medium boost to wind allies' critical hit rate Carol for Frying: Small Wind damage to a foe. Restore all allies' HP. All allies gain StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Fine Banana | 1202 | 150 | Dessert Banana: Medium boost to Water allies' max HP Banana Stream: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Fire Piece | 2000 | 133 | Hellfire's Verity: Medium boost to fire allies' critical hit rate Delta Shot: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Fire Starter | 1403 | 110 | Clawed Blaze: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Flame Ignition: Big Fire damage to a foe. All allies gain Fire ATK UpFire ATK is boosted . |
Flag of Verona | 1241 | 143 | Regalia's Aegis: Medium boost to fire allies' max HP Dual Insignia: Big Fire damage to a foe. All allies gain Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Flame Lit Curl | 1732 | 150 | Fire's Majesty: Small boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP Clad in Flames: Big Fire damage to a foe. Remove 1 buff. |
Flare Glaive | 1605 | 177 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Triple Thrust: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Floaty Sword | 1680 | 160 | Water's Trium: Small boost to water allies' multiattack rate Rising Shot: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Flower Crown | 1525 | 202 | Whirlwind's Healing: Medium boost to healing cap for wind allies Light Ray: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Fluorithium Blade | 1835 | 132 | Tsunami's Aegis: Medium boost to water allies' max HP Zangetsu: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Footman's Axe | 1500 | 120 | Hellfire's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for fire allies Melee: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Forbidden Cuffs | 1287 | 133 | Clawed Blaze: Medium boost to Fire allies' ATK Chains of the Sinner: Big Fire damage to a foe. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Fragarach | 1755 | 147 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Earth Rift: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Fraud Fire | 1460 | 100 | Tsunami's Aegis: Medium boostNormal 5% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 15% to water allies' max HP Judecca: Big Water damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Fremel Hammer | 1880 | 138 | Mountain's Enmity: Medium boost to ATK as earth allies' HP decreases Heavy Smash: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Frying Pan | 1770 | 153 | Mountain's Verity: Medium boost to earth allies' critical hit rate Tempest Blade: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Fusetto | 1665 | 165 | Whirlwind's Aegis: Medium boost to wind allies' max HP Cross-Cut: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Gauntlet of Uriel (SR) | 1580 | 160 | Uriel's Blessing: Amplify Earth allies' damage against Water foes by 10%. Iudicium Aftershock: Big Earth damage to a foe. All allies gain Earth ATK UpEarth ATK is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Genius Squared | 2002 | 95 | Hatred's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for dark allies Combustion Squared: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain 100% Bonus Dark DMGDeals bonus dark DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 100%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. |
Ghost Tree | 1400 | 160 | Intangibility: Slight chance for Dark allies to dodge attacks. Ghost Thrust: Big Dark damage to a foe. Slight chance to inflict PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling. . |
Giant Fork | 1675 | 190 | Mountain's Enmity: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK based on how low HP is Triple Thrust: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Glass Bow | 1775 | 159 | Hellfire's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for fire allies Shadow Weave: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Gold Wrench | 1388 | 113 | Scarlet's Aegis: Medium boost to dark allies' max HP Scarlet Onslaught: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Gold-Plated Fremel | 1870 | 118 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Cradle to the Crater: Big Earth damage to a foe. Inflict DEF Down (Stackable)DEF is lowered (Stackable) Duration: 180 seconds. |
Golden Baselard | 1398 | 111 | Diamond Sand's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Lamool: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Golden Disc | 1500 | 90 | Aurum's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Alchemic Saw: Big Earth damage to a foe. Gain TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Golden Mop | 1645 | 187 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Flashlance: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Golden Sickle | 1452 | 98 | Diamond Sand's Aegis: Medium boost to fire allies' max HP Lamool: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Golden Woofer | 1860 | 135 | Thunder's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Melee: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Goldie | 1881 | 120 | Hatred's Verity: Medium boost to dark allies' critical hit rate Blackjack: Big Dark damage to a foe. Inflict or self-inflict Lethal HitInstant death for the victim. . |
Gorgeous Spin Blade | 1809 | 134 | Whirlwind's Trium: Medium boost to wind allies' multiattack rate Spin the Spin: Big Wind damage to a foe. Gain TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Gorilla Plushie | 1200 | 132 | Gorilla's Might: Medium boost to Earth allies' ATK Gorilla Game: Big Earth damage to a foe. Slight chance to gain GorillaATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is / Chance of lowering DMG taken / Inner gorilla is unleashed. Ooh-Ahh-Ahh! (Can't be removed) Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Grand Edge | 1745 | 148 | Mountain's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for earth allies Earth Rift: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Grass Musket | 1470 | 97 | Whirlwind's Aegis: Medium boost to wind allies' max HP Loose Shot: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Gray Shaft | 1221 | 147 | Combat Module's Might: Medium boost to Light allies' ATK Cosmic Search: Big Light damage to a foe. Inflict Debuff Res. DownDebuff resistance is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Great Hammer | 1855 | 136 | Mountain's Clarity: Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for earth allies Heavy Smash: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Great Spear of Midgardsormr | 1270 | 144 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Glattonbiet: Big Earth damage to a foe. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Green Light | 1156 | 110 | Music Start!: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Griffith Bow | 1401 | 117 | Clawed Gale: Medium boost to wind allies' ATK Smaragdinos Anemos: Big Wind damage to a foe. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Gust-Piercer Arrow | 1370 | 123 | Whirlwind's Verity: Medium boost to wind allies' critical hit rate Aero Thrust: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Hala Kahiki | 1237 | 143 | Pineapple's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK A Punch of Hala Kahiki: Big Fire damage to a foe. Hit to DEF. |
Halite Axe | 1353 | 120 | Clawed Grounds: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Salt Burst: Big Earth damage to a foe. Inflict Earth DEF DownDEF is lowered for earth DMG Duration: 180 seconds. |
Handcuffs | 1392 | 112 | Disciplinarian's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Penalty: Big Earth damage to a foe. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Handy Arquebus | 1855 | 125 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Loose Shot: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Harp of the Teachers | 1520 | 150 | Teachers' Guidance: Amplify Light allies' damage against Dark foes by 10%. Seraph Aria: Big Light damage to a foe. All allies gain Light ATK UpLight ATK is boosted . |
Harpoon | 1335 | 153 | Tsunami's Might: Medium boost to water allies' ATK Soul Crush: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Harpronus | 1165 | 137 | Mountain's Enmity: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK based on how low HP is Lullaby of Eternal Sleep: Big earth DMG to a foe |
Heavy Blast Knuckles | 1685 | 179 | Thunder's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Tigerwolf Pummel: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Heavy Halberd | 1256 | 140 | Black Dragons' Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Heavy Slash: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Heavy-Duty Pumpkins | 1820 | 132 | Mountain's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for earth allies Heavy Impact: Big Earth damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Hekatonkheir Harp | 1210 | 132 | Thunder's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Godspeed: Big Light damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Hekatonkheir Muzzle | 1470 | 98 | Thunder's Aegis: Medium boost to light allies' max HP Godspeed: Big Light damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered . |
Hellion Gauntlet Replica | 1443 | 150 | Harbinger of Destruction: Slight chance to dodge all attacks. Gain Charge Bar +5%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 5% Strength: 5% upon dodging. Hellion All-Blaze: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Hellward Bow | 1385 | 121 | Hatred's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Abyssal Damnation: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Hellward Scepter | 1195 | 153 | Hatred's Might: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Abyssal Damnation: Big Dark damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Holly Knife | 1340 | 135 | Mountain's Dual-Edge: Medium boost to double attack rate for earth allies Holiday Cheer: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Holy Axe | 1840 | 128 | Wind's Aegis: Small boost to wind allies' max HP Wind's Refuge: Small boost to wind allies' debuff resistance Aura Axe: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Holy Cane | 1495 | 199 | Thunder's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Piercing Light: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Holy Glove | 1630 | 170 | Thunder's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Tigerwolf Pummel: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Holy Harp | 1535 | 168 | Thunder's Aegis: Medium boost to light allies' max HP Soul Voice: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Honebami Toushirou | 1716 | 115 | Treasured Blade of Ashikaga: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK Yoshimitsu Awataguchi Crafted: When main weapon (MC only): Boost to charge bar gain Blade of Ascension: Big Dark damage to a foe. Slight chance to inflict Lethal HitInstant death for the victim. . |
Hornet-Wing Bow | 1355 | 126 | Nectar's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Killer Sting: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Horrible Voulge | 1664 | 163 | Mountain's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Bloody Vow: Big Earth damage to a foe. Boost to MC's DEF and hostility. |
Horseman's Hammer | 1825 | 133 | Thunder's Might: Medium boost to light allies' ATK Aura Axe: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Humming Bard | 1450 | 184 | Thunder's Verity: Medium boost to light allies' critical hit rate Cinguettio: Big Light damage to a foe. |
Hunter's Rifle | 1870 | 125 | Hatred's Aegis: Medium boost to dark allies' max HP Duo Shot: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Ice Bough Staff | 1470 | 202 | Tsunami's Aegis: Medium boost to water allies' max HP Light Ray: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Ice Bow | 1755 | 163 | Tsunami's Might: Medium boost to water allies' ATK Arrow Blast: Big Water damage to a foe. |
Ifrit Axe | 1450 | 103 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Exhaust: Big Fire damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Ifrit Blade | 1380 | 116 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Exhaust: Big Fire damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
Ifrit Dagger | 1315 | 129 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Exhaust: Big Fire damage to a foe. Gain ATK UpATK is boosted . |
Ilhoon | 1740 | 150 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Earth Rift: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Impact Knuckles | 1650 | 176 | Mountain's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Tigerwolf Pummel: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Impassioned Rose | 1740 | 148 | Thunder's Grace: Medium boost to light allies' max HP and debuff resistance Crimson Tempest: Big Light damage to a foe. 1-turn cut to MC's skill cooldowns. |
Imperial Bow | 1810 | 162 | Hellfire's Might: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Arrow Blast: Big Fire damage to a foe. |
Ipetam Replica | 1483 | 142 | Hunger for Chaos: Boost to skill hit rate Count Zero: Big Dark damage to a foe. |
Iron Cannon | 1570 | 74 | Soldier's Assault: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Bombard: Big Fire damage to a foe. Inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered Duration: 180 seconds. |
Izuminokami Kanesada | 1706 | 117 | Hijikata Edge: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK Kanesada Crafted: When main weapon (MC Only): Boost to debuff resistance Blade of Branding: Big Fire damage to a foe. All allies gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10% Strength: 10%. |
Jacaranda | 1255 | 169 | Mountain's Verity: Medium boost to earth allies' critical hit rate Halo: Big earth DMG to a foe |
Jade Axe Relic | 1175 | 85 | Aura Axe: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Jade Bow Relic | 1115 | 102 | Shadow Weave: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Jade Dagger Relic | 1065 | 107 | Wind Weasel: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Jade Gauntlet Relic | 1045 | 111 | Dragonic Decimation: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Jade Gun Relic | 1200 | 80 | Loose Shot: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Jade Harp Relic | 985 | 107 | Requiem: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Jade Katana Relic | 1185 | 84 | Clear the Air: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Jade Lance Relic | 1025 | 115 | Flashlance: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Jade Staff Relic | 960 | 128 | Light Ray: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Jade Sword Relic | 1120 | 96 | Earth Rift: Big Wind damage to a foe. | |||||
Jamadhar | 1630 | 172 | Whirlwind's Aegis: Medium boost to wind allies' max HP Tigerwolf Pummel: Big Wind damage to a foe. |
Jedburgh Axe | 1880 | 140 | Tsunami's Might: Medium boost to water allies' ATK Melee: Big water DMG to a foe |
Jeunesse | 1752 | 146 | Whirlwind's Healing: Medium boost to wind allies' healing cap Sans Fin: Big Wind damage to a foe. Gain RefreshHP is restored on every turn Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
Jolie Dagger | 1352 | 120 | Music's Might: Medium boost to earth allies' ATK Apprezzamento: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Jolie Spear | 1186 | 156 | Music's Aegis: Medium boost to earth allies' max HP Apprezzamento: Big Earth damage to a foe. |
Jule | 1370 | 146 |