Character Extended Mastery Perks
- This article is about awakening characters. For awakening weapons, see Weapon Awakening.
Character list | Extended Mastery | Gallery
SSR Characters | SR Characters | R Characters | NPC Characters
This article is about recruitable Characters' Perks. For the Main Character's Class Perks, see Extended Mastery Perks.
Once a character reaches their level cap, Extended Mastery is unlocked which offers a variety of bonuses through perks. The bonuses are acquired by spending Extended Mastery Points (EMP) to add stars to the perks.
- See the Character Extended Mastery List for each individual characters' perks
- See Extended Mastery Perks for the perks accessible to the main character
- All characters can earn EMP and have most if not all their EMP perks available, though newly added characters typically release without their final perk. Special groups of characters (such as Eternal or Evoker characters) may have additional perks locked behind other requirements.
About EMP
- Characters at their current level cap earn 1 EMP per 36,000 EXP, e.g. an SSR that has been uncapped two times can gain EMP once they have reached level 60, but if they are uncapped a third time, they will no longer gain EMP until reaching the cap again with the following exceptions:
- 5★ SSR characters can earn EMP at any level
- 5★ SR characters can earn EMP at any level above 70
- 20 Gems can be converted to 1 EMP without limit
- EMP and starred perks are not shared between different versions of a character, though Extended Mastery Lvl is.
- However, 5 EMP from one version of a character can be traded for 1 EMP to another version
- Earning EMP raises a character's Extended Mastery Lvl
- Nothing is refunded when resetting stars
Perk Details
- The total number of stars a character can have is determined by their current Extended Mastery Lvl (see Star Cap below)
- Opposite the main character's Extended Mastery Perks, most character perks become less efficient with each star invested into a given perk.
- Thus, it is usually recommended to take one star in multiple perks before investing three stars anywhere
- In most cases, the highest priority perks are Critical Hit (if on-element), Elemental ATK, C.A. Damage Cap, and Skill Damage Cap
- The bottom row of each character's EMP grid is always a custom set chosen specifically for that character. If you have addressed High priority items as listed below, consider investing points into the bottom row if you are unsure where to put points next.
Icon | Name | ★☆☆ | ★★☆ | ★★★ | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||||
ATK | 500 | 800 | 1000 | Value: Medium Much less ATK than the main character's version of the perk and usually less value than the Elemental ATK perk. Can be considered after other perks with higher priority have been invested. | |||||||||||||||||||||
DEF | 5% | 8% | 10% | Value: Medium More value for characters with counters, dodges, substitute, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||
HP | 250 | 500 | 750 | Value: Medium Usually less effective-HP than DEF. However, it is treated as a base HP increase and thus will be more effective when HP boosting auras or weapon skills are present. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Healing | 10% | 15% | 20% | Value: Varies Also increases Healing Cap; viable on characters with team healing and/or targeted healing with a short cooldown. Note that healing from RefreshHP is restored on every turn | |||||||||||||||||||||
Elemental ATK | 5% | 8% | 10% | Value: High Usually outperforms raw ATK (Matches character's element)
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Element Resistance | 2% | 4% | 5% | Value: Low This is Elemental DMG Lowered (not Damage Cut) (Matches character's elemental advantage) Every node has its own modifier; having 2 nodes at 1★ will reduce DMG by 3.96%1-(0.98*0.98) versus 4% with a single node at 2★.[1]
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Double Attack | 3% | 5% | 6% | Value: Varies Value diminishes as weapon grid reaches higher inherent DA rates, including DA status buffs. Also loses its value for characters who have inherent guaranteed multiattacks. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Triple Attack | 2% | 4% | 5% | Value: Varies Similar to Double Attack, the value depends on each individual character. Unnecessary for characters who are included in a team that has consistent ways to achieve guaranteed triple attacks. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Attack Up Defense Down |
+900 ATK -10% DEF |
+1300 ATK -15% DEF |
+1500 ATK -20% DEF |
Value: Varies Usually too risky, but one star can be viable. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Defense Up Attack Down |
+10% DEF -900 ATK |
+15% DEF -1300 ATK |
+20% DEF -1500 ATK |
Value: Varies Much better trade than above. With a strong weapon grid the ATK penalty is relatively small for the same reason ATK perks become worse the stronger your grid is. The more stars put into the skill the smaller the relative penalty so it's better to go for 3★ than stop at 2★. Furthermore, rather than putting 2★ or 3★ Defense Up it's better to put 1★ here and 1★ in two Attack Up nodes. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Critical Hit | Small | Medium | Big | Value: High (and more efficient with each star!) At Small/Medium/Big: 12/20/25% chance of 12/20/25% bonus damage. In terms of estimated damage this is one of the best EMPs, however it has issues for practical use in endgame due to inability to maintain consistent damage and inefficient usage near the damage cap. In such cases experienced players may opt for more consistent EMPs instead to guarantee their setups work. Separate perks act independently (eg. two 3-stars offer two separate 25% chances to crit) and separate crits (from perks or otherwise) can occur on the same attack; if three 3-star procs, it'll confer 75%25%+25%+25% extra damage.[2] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Hostility Up | Small | Medium | Big | Value: Varies At Small/Medium/Big: +5/+8/+10. See Hostility for details. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Hostility Down | Small | Medium | Big | Value: Varies At Small/Medium/Big: -3/-4/-5. See Hostility for details. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dodge Rate Up | 1% | 2% | 3% | Dodge Rate Up EMP activates on a turn basis, in contrast to Dodge Rate UpChance to dodge DMG and debuffs which rolls per hit. If activated, the character will dodge all attacks during the turn.[3] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Reflect | 2% | 4% | 5% | Chance to reflect 99% of the damage, thus acts as a 99% cut as well. Same effect as Narmaya's Lock Swords passive | |||||||||||||||||||||
Debuff Hit Rate | 5% | 8% | 10% | Value: Varies Important for characters brought for their debuffs (eg. Tweyen). Generally more useful in longer battles as bosses build up resistance to debuffs. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Debuff Resistance | 5% | 8% | 10% | Value: Low Not a very reliable bonus by itself, while strong debuffs often have too much accuracy or outright ignore resistance. In some cases, it might be a nice boost for a character that already has some strong resistances and skills to help out other party members, though in most cases a source of Veil is a far more effective countermeasure. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Overdrive Attack | 5% | 8% | 10% | Value: Medium Great supplement to other damage perks at higher Extended Mastery Levels. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Break Attack | 5% | 8% | 10% | Value: Varies Great supplement to other damage perks at higher Extended Mastery Levels. Harder to see the benefits compared to Overdrive Attack perks, since many late-game enemies will have short break timers or will escape break through triggers. Debuffs such as Break Boosted (Time)Break mode time is extended | |||||||||||||||||||||
Overdrive Curbed | 5% | 8% | 10% | Value: Very Low Ineffective in V2.0 battles. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Boost to Charge Bar | 5% | 8% | 10% | Values are rounded up. So for a single attack where 1★ is 10.5%, 2★ 10.8%, 3★ 11.0% all are rounded up to 11%. [4]
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Mode Bar Cut | 5% | 8% | 10% | Value: Very low. Increases the mode bar reduction from damage. Even if it increases the mode bar reduction by several percent it will still usually take the same number of turns to break an enemy's overdrive. This can, however, be useful in Unite & Fight NM150 (which historically has the following mechanics) because it both helps hit overdrive (which fills the diamonds) before the first trigger (at 85) and then subsequently reset the diamonds with the trigger (avoiding a situation where you are hit by an ougi twice) and also with the fairly difficult race to break the boss after 85 due to the lack of triggers from 85 to 50. | |||||||||||||||||||||
C.A. Damage | 10% | 15% | 20% | Value: Medium If a character isn't reaching their Charge Attack damage cap, one star is often worth it. | |||||||||||||||||||||
C.A. Damage Cap | 5% | 8% | 10% | Value: High Useless before a character hits the Charge Attack damage cap; an excellent way to increase damage after they do. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Skill Damage | 10% | 15% | 20% | Value: Awful As damage skills tend to easily hit their cap, and especially since it's additive; a skill that does 500% damage will do 520% and skill that does 100% * 10 will do 120% * 10 when this node is 3★.[5] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Skill Damage Cap | 5% | 8% | 10% | Value: High Good for characters that deal damage mainly with skills, and excellent for characters with automatic skill damage (e.g. auto-activated skills, bonus elemental damage after Charge Attack). | |||||||||||||||||||||
Enmity | Small | Medium | Big | Value: Varies Good for characters already using enmity Separate from weapon skill enmity.[6][7] At Big:
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Stamina | Small | Medium | Big | Value: Varies Separate from weapon skill stamina[6] At Big: 6% damage at 100% HP and decreases linearly to 2% at 0% HP[8] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Support Skill | Lvl 1 | Lvl 2 | Lvl 3 | Grants a new passive. Effects vary by character. |
ATK vs Elemental ATK
ATK offers a smaller effective damage increase as one's weapons and summons improve due to the inflation of the raw ATK stat.
- eg. a character with 10,000 ATK gaining 1,000 ATK (3 stars in the perk) represents a 10% increase
- alternatively: a character with 30,000 ATK (still gaining 1,000 from the perk) represents only a ~3% increase
Elemental ATK, on the other hand, increases the Elemental Modifier, scaling with raw ATK regardless of inflation.
- ie. the 5/8/10% increase does not change whether a character has 10,000 or 30,000 ATK
- Still encounters diminishing returns due to other contributors to the Elemental Modifier, such as most summons, carbuncle calls, or having an elemental advantage
- On the other hand, provides exceptional value when using non-elemental summons such as Omegas, Primals, or Grand Order
Ultimately, Elemental ATK usually has priority simply because it offers more effective damage than raw ATK when the math settles, but it is still almost always worth adding one star to each before adding three stars to either.
Star Cap
The total number of stars a character can have at a time is determined by their Extended Mastery Level, which increases by gaining Extended Mastery Points. Extended Mastery Lvl, unlike EMP, is shared between all versions of the same character.
EM Lvl | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stars | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EMP | - | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EMP total | - | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EM Lvl | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stars | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EMP | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EMP total | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | 280 | 10*(n-1) |
- Current Extended Mastery Lvl cap is 999.[9]
Star Cost
Each star added increases the cost of additional stars by 1, eg.
- The first star added for a character costs 1 EMP
- The seventh star costs 7 EMP
- The cumulative cost of the first through seventh stars is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28 EMP
- Removing stars will similarly reduce the cost when you add stars again, making it more efficient to remove multiple stars at a time before replacing them
Star | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EMP cost | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gem cost | 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 | 120 | 140 | 160 | 180 | 200 | 220 | 240 | 260 | 280 | 300 | 320 | 340 | 360 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EMP total | 1 | 3 | 6 | 10 | 15 | 21 | 28 | 36 | 45 | 55 | 66 | 78 | 91 | 105 | 120 | 136 | 153 | 171 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gem total | 20 | 60 | 120 | 200 | 300 | 420 | 560 | 720 | 900 | 1100 | 1320 | 1560 | 1820 | 2100 | 2400 | 2720 | 3060 | 3420 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Star | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EMP cost | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gem cost | 380 | 400 | 420 | 440 | 460 | 480 | 500 | 520 | 540 | 560 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EMP total | 190 | 210 | 231 | 253 | 276 | 300 | 325 | 351 | 378 | 406 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gem total | 3800 | 4200 | 4620 | 5060 | 5520 | 6000 | 6500 | 7020 | 7560 | 8120 |
Perk Determination
Each character has access to perks based on their style and race, as well as perks individual to that specific character. In cases where style/race perks are impractical for a certain character, some of those perks may be individualized as well (eg. Seox).
First Row (Style)
Style | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Second Row (Race)
Style | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
- Light ATK and Dark DMG Down change elements to match the character's element and elemental advantage respectively
Third Row (Individual)
Specific to each individual character: see Character Extended Mastery List or an individual character page.
Over Mastery
The first and second Over Mastery Bonus stats are always ATK and HP . The third and fourth bonuses are randomly picked from a list of possible stats (excluding ATK and HP) and is the same list for all characters. For example, it is possible for a character with no innate healing skills to obtain a Healing Over Mastery Bonus.
A character's Over Mastery Bonuses can be overwritten by using another ring. After using another ring, the game will give you the choice of keeping a character's current bonuses or the newly generated bonuses. The ring is not refunded if you keep the current bonuses.
Sublimity Ring | ||||||||||
Intricacy Ring | ||||||||||
Lineage Ring | ||||||||||
Coronation Ring | ||||||||||
ATK | 300 | 600 | 900 | 1200 | 1500 | 1800 | 2100 | 2400 | 2700 | 3000 |
HP | 150 | 300 | 450 | 600 | 750 | 900 | 1050 | 1200 | 1350 | 1500 |
Debuff Success | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% | 10% | 11% | 12% | 13% | 14% | 15% |
Skill DMG Cap | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% | 10% | 11% | 12% | 13% | 14% | 15% |
C.A. DMG | 10% | 12% | 14% | 16% | 18% | 20% | 22% | 24% | 27% | 30% |
C.A. DMG Cap | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% | 10% | 11% | 12% | 13% | 14% | 15% |
Critical Hit (+30% DMG)[11] |
10% | 12% | 14% | 16% | 18% | 20% | 22% | 24% | 27% | 30% |
Enmity 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Stamina 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
DEF | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% | 10% | 12% | 14% | 16% | 18% | 20% |
Healing | 3% | 6% | 9% | 12% | 15% | 18% | 21% | 24% | 27% | 30% |
Debuff Resistance | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% | 10% | 11% | 12% | 13% | 14% | 15% |
Dodge | 1% | 2% | 3% | 4% | 5% | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% | 10% |
Double Attack | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% | 10% | 11% | 12% | 13% | 14% | 15% |
Triple Attack | 1% | 2% | 3% | 4% | 5% | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% | 10% |
- 1 Each ring is guaranteed ATK and HP. In addition, there is a chance a ring will gain 1 stat of each color. Lineage rings guarantee a third stat, Intricacy Rings guarantee four.
- 2 Enmity activates at 75% HP where ATK increases slowly until 50% HP, where it increases steeply. For a graph with values, we refer to the top image within Google spreadsheet.
- 3 Stamina either decreases linearly, or is constant until a certain HP breakpoint and then decreases linearly. For a graph with values, we refer to the bottom image within Google spreadsheet.
Over Mastery Ring Stat Probabilities
In general, higher quality rings have better chances for higher stat values.
ATK | HP | Coronation Prob. | Lineage Prob. | Intricacy Prob. |
300 | 150 | 28.3%Verification needed. | 0%Verification needed. | ?% |
600 | 300 | 20.5%Verification needed. | 0%Verification needed. | ?% |
900 | 450 | 13.4%Verification needed. | 18.0%Verification needed. | ?% |
1200 | 600 | 10.6%Verification needed. | 18.6%Verification needed. | ?% |
1500 | 750 | 8.7%Verification needed. | 18.6%Verification needed. | ?% |
1800 | 900 | 5.9%Verification needed. | 14.5%Verification needed. | ?% |
2100 | 1050 | 5.9%Verification needed. | 10.5%Verification needed. | ?% |
2400 | 1200 | 3.1%Verification needed. | 8.7%Verification needed. | ?% |
2700 | 1350 | 2.8%Verification needed. | 7.6%Verification needed. | ?% |
3000 | 1500 | 0.8%Verification needed. | 3.5%Verification needed. | ?% |
Permanent Mastery
A Perpetuity Ring is a power-up item that unlocks permanent bonuses for a character. A ring icon will appear on a character's thumbnail if a perpetuity ring has been used for them.
Permanent Mastery Bonuses
- Extended Mastery Star Cap +10
- ATK +10%
- HP +10%
- DMG Cap +5%
- Permanent mastery bonuses are predetermined.
- Over mastery bonuses from coronation, lineage, and intricacy rings can still be unlocked on top of the permanent mastery bonuses.
- A perpetuity ring can only be given once to each character. A perpetuity ring won't unlock permanent mastery bonuses for other versions of the same character.
- 10% ATKPerpetuity modifier Up stacks additively with Shield of Eternal Splendor
Where to obtain Perpetuity Rings
- Trade Gold Nuggets in the Shop.
- Trade Four Symbols Stones in the Shop.
- Pride of the Ascendant Shop (1 for 3× Cloud Commendation).
- Alchemy Lab
- Trade Premium Pass points in the Premium Point Shop.
- Star Premium Draw Set special promotional bonus item.
Rings available from Treasure Trade:
No | Date | Wait | Cost | Notes |
- | - | 157 days | ??? | Time since last ring |
17 | 2024-08-15 | 287 days | Four Symbols Stone ×5 | |
16 | 2023-11-02 | 330 days | Four Symbols Stone ×5 | |
15 | 2022-12-07 | 218 days | Four Symbols Stone ×5 | |
14 | 2022-05-03 | 179 days | Cloud Commendation ×3 | |
13 | 2021-11-05 | 302 days | Four Symbols Stone ×5 | |
12 | 2021-01-07 | 62 days | Four Symbols Stone ×5 | |
11 | 2020-11-06 | 11 days | Gold Nugget ×20 | |
10 | 2020-10-26 | 227 days | Cloud Commendation ×3 | |
9 | 2020-03-13 | 87 days | Gold Nugget ×20 | |
8 | 2019-12-17 | 22 days | Gold Nugget ×20 | |
7 | 2019-11-25 | 136 days | Cloud Commendation ×3 | |
6 | 2019-07-12 | 33 days | Gold Nugget ×20 | |
5 | 2019-06-09 | 135 days | Gold Nugget ×20 | |
4 | 2019-01-25 | 131 days | Gold Nugget ×20 | |
3 | 2018-09-16 | - | Gold Nugget ×20 | Initial stock of 3 |
Average 154 days between rings |
Other sources:
- 2024-09-21: Reward from Tales of Arcarum
- 2024-09-01: Limited-Time Power-Up Packs and Skyscope Half Birthday Missions
- 2024-06-18: Guaranteed bonus item from Star Premium Draw Set
- 2024-03-22: Reward from Tales of Arcarum
- 2024-03-10: Reward from GBF 10th Birthday Giveaway
- 2024-03-06: Reward from Heart of the Sun
- 2023-10-07: Reward from Tales of Arcarum
- 2023-06-07: Reward from Tales of Arcarum
- 2022-11-21: Reward from Tales of Arcarum
- 2022-03-17: Perpetuity Ring ×1 given to all players as part of an Official Twitter Campaign
Aetherial Mastery
Characters can get a random bonus on stats by using bonus-unlocking items for aetherial mastery bonuses.
Different versions of the same character can have their own individual aetherial mastery bonuses.
Characters that already have aetherial mastery bonuses can have their current aetherial mastery bonuses replaced with new ones.
Items used to replace bonuses will not be returned even if you decide to cancel.
Unlocking Aetherial Mastery Bonuses
Each item that unlocks aetherial mastery bonuses is usable on characters of its corresponding element.
The following items will unlock aetherial mastery bonuses when used:
- Fire allies: Brimstone Earrings, Blazeheart Earrings
- Water allies: Permafrost Earrings, Frostvault Earrings
- Earth allies: Brickearth Earrings, Lifebloom Earrings
- Wind allies: Jetstream Earrings, Stormchase Earrings
- Light allies: Sunbeam Earrings, Soulcleanse Earrings
- Dark allies: Nightshade Earrings, Darkfathom Earrings
Any of these can be used on characters whose element changes depending on the main character's element.
Only one of the following bonuses is unlocked upon using an earring.
Bonus | MinimumCurrent known values | MaximumCurrent known values |
Double Attack | 10% | 17% |
Triple Attack | 5% | 12% |
Element ATK UpMatches the element of the earring. |
15% | 22% |
Element ResistanceThe element that the earring element is strong against. |
5% | 12% |
Stamina | 5 | 12 |
Enmity | 5 | 12 |
Supplemental DMG | 5 | 12 |
Critical Hit | 18% | 35% |
Counters on Dodge | 5% | 12% |
Counters on DMG | 10% | 17% |
+5 | +6 | +7 | +8 | +9 | +10 | +11 | +12 |
10,000 | 12,000 | 14,000 | 16,000 | 18,000 | 20,000 | 22,000 | 24,000 |
- Supplemental damage is based on 1% of the foe's max HP, capped based on the bonus value.
- For more information, see the Supplemental Damage page.
Uncapped Mastery Bonuses
- See also: Cages
An item called a Cage can be used to give a character an uncapped mastery bonus and raise their EM Star Cap by 2.
Up to 5 cages can be used per character. Cage usage is unique to each version of a character, and therefore cages used on one version of a character will not carry over to another.
Unlocking Uncapped Mastery Bonuses
Cages corresponding to a character's element are required to unlock uncapped mastery bonuses. Here is a list of each cage and its matching element.
- Fire characters: Oxblood Cage
- Water characters: Cyan Cage
- Earth characters: Sepia Cage
- Wind characters: Fern Cage
- Light characters: Sulfur Cage
- Dark characters: Nightshade Cage
Any of these can be used on characters whose element changes depending on the main character's element.
- This section is about awakening characters. For awakening weapons, see Weapon Awakening.
Characters' stats are boosted based on their awakening level. Awakening level can be raised once their character level reaches a certain level, which depends on the character's rarity.
- SSR: Lvl 80
- SR: Lvl 70 (60 for certain characters)
- R: Lvl 50
Awakening Bonuses
There are four types of Awakening Bonuses, with each type granting different bonuses. Balanced is the default for all characters, but Awakening types can be changed after reaching Awakening level 2 or higher and requires an Awakening Orb of the corresponding type.
Awakening levels are kept when changing between types, and players may switch back to the default of Balanced at any time for no cost.
All characters start at Awakening level 1 which provides no bonus.
Balanced (Default)
- Level 1 provides no bonus.
- ATK +1000
- HP +500
- C.A. DMG +5%
- Multiattack +2% (+2% Double Attack Rate and +2% Triple Attack Rate)
- ATK +2000 (Requires clearing Chapter 63 Story: Boundless Joy to unlock)
- HP +1000 (Requires clearing Chapter 110 Story: Protector of Truth to unlock)
- C.A. DMG +15% (Requires clearing Chapter 148 Story: A Tale of Two Souls to unlock)
- Multiattack +2% (Requires clearing Chapter 164 Story: Harsh Reality Part 2 to unlock)
Attack (Requires Ruby Awakening Orb)
- Level 1 provides no bonus.
- ATK +1000
- ATK +1000
- C.A. DMG +5%
- C.A. DMG +5%
- ATK +2000 (Requires clearing Chapter 63 Story: Boundless Joy to unlock)
- ATK +2000 (Requires clearing Chapter 110 Story: Protector of Truth to unlock)
- C.A. DMG +15% (Requires clearing Chapter 148 Story: A Tale of Two Souls to unlock)
- ATK +2000 (Requires clearing Chapter 164 Story: Harsh Reality Part 2 to unlock)
Defense (Requires Sapphire Awakening Orb)
- Level 1 provides no bonus.
- ATK +1000
- HP +500
- HP +500
- DEF +5%
- HP +1000 (Requires clearing Chapter 63 Story: Boundless Joy to unlock)
- HP +1000 (Requires clearing Chapter 110 Story: Protector of Truth to unlock)
- DEF +15% (Requires clearing Chapter 148 Story: A Tale of Two Souls to unlock)
- HP +1000 (Requires clearing Chapter 164 Story: Harsh Reality Part 2 to unlock)
Multiattack (Requires Citrine Awakening Orb)
- Level 1 provides no bonus.
- ATK +1000
- Double Attack +4%
- C.A. DMG +5%
- Triple Attack +2%
- ATK +2000 (Requires clearing Chapter 63 Story: Boundless Joy to unlock)
- Double Attack +6% (Requires clearing Chapter 110 Story: Protector of Truth to unlock)
- Triple Attack +3% (Requires clearing Chapter 148 Story: A Tale of Two Souls to unlock)
- N.A. DMG Amplify +5% (Requires clearing Chapter 164 Story: Harsh Reality Part 2 to unlock)
Raising Awakening Level
Awakening lvl can be raised by consuming treasure or gems. The treasure used is based on the character's rarity and element. Characters that have dynamic elements, such as Lyria, have a unique treasure requirement.
To access the Awakening menu, go to the character details screen, tap Add Bonuses, and tap the Awakening Lvl tab.
General Awakening materials for each rarity are as follows:
SSR Awakening Materials
Lvl 2 |
Lvl 3 |
Lvl 4 |
Lvl 5 |
Lvl 6 |
Lvl 7 |
Lvl 8 |
SR Awakening Materials
Lvl 2 |
Lvl 3 |
Lvl 4 |
Lvl 5 |
Lvl 6 |
Lvl 7 |
Lvl 8 |
R Awakening Materials
Lvl 2 |
Lvl 3 |
Lvl 4 |
Lvl 5 |
Lvl 6 |
Lvl 7 |
Lvl 8 |
Current characters with support skills
No | TTier | Name | ElElement | Style | Race | Support Skill |
3011 | SR | Abby (Promo) | Fire | Attack | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable). |
4017 | SSR | Agielba | Fire | Defense | Draph | Slight chance to counter upon taking damage. |
3121 | SR | Airi Totoki | Earth | Defense | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4045 | SSR | Albert | Light | Attack | Human | Chance to attack even when Albert has ElectrifiedCan't take any action (Can't be removed) . |
3177 | SR | Albert (Event) | Light | Balanced | Human | Chance to gain ATK Up (Stackable)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Duration: Indefinite with every normal attack. |
3003 | SR | Alec | Fire | Attack | Human | Chance for Fireflow to remain upon using a DMG skill. |
4002 | SSR | Aletheia | Earth | Attack | Human | Slight chance of Dodge-and-Counter effect (1 time). |
4158 | SSR | Alexiel | Earth | Defense | Primal | Water damage reduction. |
2053 | R | Alistair | Water | Special | Harvin | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks. |
4083 | SSR | Aliza | Fire | Attack | Draph | Wind damage reduction. |
3015 | SR | Aliza (Event) | Fire | Attack | Draph | Chance to boost ATK with every one foe attack (Stackable) |
3242 | SR | Aliza (Water) | Water | Attack | Draph | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable). |
3139 | SR | Almeida | Earth | Attack | Draph | Chance to lower foe's debuff resistance with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4001 | SSR | Altair | Water | Balanced | Human | Boost to skill-sealing debuff resistance |
4373 | SSR | Altair (Holiday) | Fire | Balanced | Human | Chance to gain 1 Hellfire CrestFire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite upon normal attacks. |
4051 | SSR | Amira | Light | Special | Other | Chance to gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Strength: 10% (Max: 30%)Multiplier: Unique StackableDuration: Indefinite with every normal attack. |
3065 | SR | Amira (Promo) | Light | Attack | Other | Slight chance to restore HP with every one-foe attack. |
3160 | SR | Anastasia | Water | Attack | Human | Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered Strength: Varies (Up to 15%)Duration: 180 secondsStacking: Single upon dealing multiattacks. |
4071 | SSR | Andira | Wind | Balanced | Erune | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks. |
3170 | SR | Andira (Event) | Wind | Balanced | Erune | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldown with every one-foe attack |
3012 | SR | Ange | Water | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to counter upon taking DMG. |
3042 | SR | Ange (Halloween) | Dark | Attack | Human | Boost to hostility when HP is above 50% |
4027 | SSR | Anila | Fire | Balanced | Draph | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks. |
3110 | SR | Anila (Event) | Fire | Special | Draph | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldown with every 1-foe attack |
2008 | R | Anna | Fire | Attack | Human | Fire damage and Burned (2000)HP is lowered on every turn Strength: 2000Duration: 180 seconds effect to all foes upon dodging. |
3095 | SR | Anna (SR) | Fire | Attack | Human | Boost to skill damage cap when HP is full. |
2021 | R | Anna (Summer) | Fire | Attack | Human | Fire damage and Burned (2000)HP is lowered on every turn Strength: 2000Duration: 180 seconds effect to all foes upon dodging. |
4132 | SSR | Anne | Water | Defense | Human | Boost to DEF and hostility. |
4030 | SSR | Anre | Water | Defense | Harvin | Boost to skill-sealing debuff resistance. |
4103 | SSR | Anthuria | Fire | Special | Erune | Gain ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Multiplier: NormalDuration: Indefinite upon dodging. |
3071 | SR | Anzu Futaba | Earth | Special | Human | Chance to inflict 5% ATK Down (Stackable / Max: 10%)ATK is lowered (Stackable) Strength: 5% (Max: 10%) with every one-foe attack.[13] |
4076 | SSR | Aoidos | Fire | Special | Human | Chance to boost HypeATK is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. upon normal attacks. |
3179 | SR | Arisa | Wind | Balanced | Other | Boost to ATK based on number of FairyCharge attack DMG and charge attack DMG cap are boosted summoned |
4058 | SSR | Arriet | Wind | Special | Human | Earth damage reduction to all allies. |
4358 | SSR | Arthur | Light | Balanced | Human | Chance to raise a foe's ThunderstruckMultiattack rate is lowered based on lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed) Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: 180 seconds lvl by 1 upon using charge attack (Max: 10). |
3226 | SR | Arthur (Event) | Wind | Balanced | Human | Boost to all allies' charge attack damage cap. |
4019 | SSR | Arulumaya | Earth | Special | Harvin | Water damage reduction to all allies. |
4104 | SSR | Arulumaya (Holiday) | Water | Special | Harvin | Slight chance to be able to use all skills immediately upon using skill. |
3036 | SR | Arusha | Light | Balanced | Erune | Boost to dodge rate when not debuffed |
3268 | SR | Aster | Fire | Special | Erune | Chance to end Refreshing Breeze's cooldown upon one-foe attacks. |
3044 | SR | Aster (Event) | Wind | Balanced | Erune | Wind DMG and BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss Duration: 180 seconds effect to all foes upon dodging |
3143 | SR | Augusta (Promo) | Earth | Special | Draph | All allies gain Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by upon using AdagioPerform a concerto. (All allies gain AdagioEarth ATK and DEF is boosted Strength: 15% Earth ATK Up / 5% DEF UpVerification needed. While FocusAdagio effect is boosted is active: 45% Earth ATK Up / 15% DEF UpVerification needed. Duration: 4 turns.). |
4084 | SSR | Ayer | Earth | Special | Human | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
3199 | SR | Ayer (Summer) | Earth | Attack | Human | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes |
4137 | SSR | Azazel | Dark | Attack | Primal | Boost to debuff success rate when HP is 50% or above. |
2066 | R | Bakura | Dark | Balanced | Draph | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks. |
2055 | R | Balurga | Earth | Attack | Harvin | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against foes in Overdrive. |
3053 | SR | Baotorda | Light | Defense | Draph | Slight chance to withstand lethal damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
4124 | SSR | Baotorda (SSR) | Light | Defense | Draph | Boost to charge bar at end of turn when BulwarkReceives foe attack in place of an ally (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks) / DEF is boosted (Can't be removed) is in effect. |
2034 | R | Barawa | Fire | Attack | Draph | Chance to end Bluff's cooldown upon one-foe attacks. |
3154 | SR | Barawa (Event) | Fire | Attack | Draph | Chance to reuse Bluff with every one-foe attack |
3239 | SR | Barawa (SR) | Light | Attack | Draph | Boost to DEF as it gets harder to turn back |
4070 | SSR | Beatrix | Dark | Special | Human | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
3163 | SR | Beatrix (Halloween) | Fire | Special | Human | Slight chance to withstand lethal damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
4110 | SSR | Beatrix (Summer) | Fire | Special | Human | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
4082 | SSR | Black Knight | Dark | Attack | Human | Boost to debuff success rate when not debuffed. |
3203 | SR | Blazing Teacher Elmott | Fire | Balanced | Erune | Chance for all allies to gain a Scorch MarkFire ATK and double attack rate are boosted (Up to 3 marks per ally) upon using Char |
4331 | SSR | Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo | Light | Special | Human | Chance to end Fistful of Armpit Hair's cooldown upon normal attacks. |
4424 | SSR | Bowman | Dark | Attack | Human | Boost to resistance against charge-attack-sealing debuffs |
2048 | R | Bridgette | Water | Special | Harvin | Extend I've Got Your Back! effect time. |
4009 | SSR | Cagliostro | Earth | Heal | Human | Slight chance to fully recover HP upon taking damage. |
4120 | SSR | Cagliostro (Dark) | Dark | Heal | Human | Restore all allies' HP upon using charge attack. |
3189 | SR | Cagliostro (Event) | Dark | Heal | Human | Slight chance to fully recover HP upon taking DMG. |
4062 | SSR | Cagliostro (Halloween) | Dark | Balanced | Human | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks. |
4225 | SSR | Cagliostro (Summer) | Water | Heal | Human | Chance to gain 1 Deluge CrestWater magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite upon normal attacks. |
2062 | R | Cailana | Water | Attack | Erune | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable). |
4164 | SSR | Caim | Earth | Special | Human | Water damage reduction to all allies. |
3184 | SR | Cain | Earth | Special | Human | Earth DMG to all foes upon dodging |
4171 | SSR | Cain (Grand) | Earth | Special | Human | Reduces damage taken from foes with Secret PlotFallen in Cain's trap. Debuff resistance is lowered (Can't be removed) Local status effect for all allies. |
2032 | R | Camieux | Fire | Special | Draph | Slight chance to counter upon taking damage. |
2047 | R | Camieux (Earth) | Earth | Special | Draph | Lessen damage taken from foes in Overdrive. |
3152 | SR | Camieux (Summer) | Water | Special | Draph | Boost to charge attack damage cap when HP is full. |
4042 | SSR | Carmelina | Wind | Special | Draph | Boost to multiattack rate when not debuffed |
3240 | SR | Carmelina (SR) | Earth | Special | Draph | Chance of ApplauseMultiattack rate is boosted based on how loud Applause is (Can't be removed) getting louder at end of turn |
3046 | SR | Carren | Fire | Balanced | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect when BurnedHP is lowered on every turn . |
3200 | SR | Carren (Event) | Fire | Attack | Human | Boost to charge attack damage when Carren is BurnedHP is lowered on every turn . |
4074 | SSR | Catherine | Earth | Special | Erune | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against charmed or enticed foes |
3146 | SR | Cecile (Promo) | Fire | Special | Erune | All allies gain Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by upon using VivacePerform a concerto. (All allies gain VivaceFire ATK and C.A. DMG are boosted Duration: 4 turns.). |
4016 | SSR | Cerberus | Dark | Special | Primal | Boost to dodge rate based on an attacking foe's number of debuffs. |
3074 | SR | Ceylan (Event) | Light | Heal | Erune | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
4144 | SSR | Charioce XVII | Fire | Special | Human | Chance to gain a DoomglowGain 1 upon using skills (Max: 4) at the end of each turn. |
4010 | SSR | Charlotta | Water | Balanced | Harvin | Lessen damage taken from foes in Overdrive. |
3192 | SR | Charlotta (Event) | Wind | Defense | Harvin | Boost to all other allies' DEF |
4020 | SSR | Charlotta (Halloween) | Light | Heal | Harvin | Boost to green and blue potion effects |
3198 | SR | Charlotta (Summer) | Water | Balanced | Harvin | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against foes in overdrive |
4093 | SSR | Chat Noir | Water | Special | Human | Bonus Elemental DMG effect against foes with ForewarningDebuff effect resistance is lowered due to Chat Noir's challenge letter (Can't be removed) Stacking: PermanentLocal status effect. |
2059 | R | Chloe | Wind | Special | Erune | I get a one time boost to my vibes! ☆=(ゝω・) |
3202 | SR | Chloe (Summer) | Wind | Special | Erune | Don't mess with me when I'm hyped ٩(๑òωó๑)۶ (Boost to multiattack rate when hyped.)[14] |
4018 | SSR | Christina | Wind | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to give bounty with every one-foe attack |
3105 | SR | Chun-Li | Water | Attack | Human | Chance to end cooldown for Qigong Fist upon using charge attack |
4046 | SSR | Clarisse | Fire | Special | Human | Slight chance to deal Fire damage to all foes upon charge attack. |
4067 | SSR | Clarisse (Holiday) | Earth | Special | Human | Boost to multiattack rate when the field effect Atomic CollapseMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted Field effect is in effect. |
4121 | SSR | Clarisse (Light) | Light | Attack | Human | Boost to debuff success rate when not debuffed. |
4413 | SSR | Clarisse (Summer) | Water | Attack | Human | Boost to charge bar gain |
3057 | SR | Claudia | Earth | Attack | Human | Chance for Siesta to remain upon using a Damage Skill. |
4157 | SSR | Conan Edogawa | Light | Special | Human | Lessen all allies' damage taken from foes with TrackedConan has his eyes on this target Local status effect. |
2064 | R | Cordelia | Light | Defense | Human | Slight chance to counter upon taking DMG |
3155 | SR | Cucouroux | Fire | Attack | Human | Chance to get a powder keg upon using Gatling Barrage |
4159 | SSR | Cucouroux (SSR) | Water | Balanced | Human | Boost to gun-specialty allies' double attack rate. |
2024 | R | Daetta | Light | Attack | Draph | Slight chance to deal massive critical DMG |
3116 | SR | Daetta (SR) | Light | Attack | Draph | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
2044 | R | Dante | Fire | Attack | Human | Boost to Fire and Water ATK. |
3156 | SR | Dante (SR) | Fire | Attack | Human | Boost to fire and water ATK |
3017 | SR | Danua | Dark | Special | Draph | Slight chance to restore HP based on normal attack and C.A. DMG dealt. |
4135 | SSR | Danua (Halloween) | Fire | Special | Draph | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against PetrifiedPetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling. PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling. Local status effect foes |
4055 | SSR | Danua (Summer) | Dark | Special | Draph | Boost to debuff success rate when not debuffed |
4004 | SSR | De La Fille | Light | Heal | Human | Boost to all allies' healing cap. |
4113 | SSR | De La Fille (Earth) | Earth | Heal | Human | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
4014 | SSR | De La Fille (Summer) | Light | Heal | Human | Lessen damage taken from foes with BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss for all allies. |
2005 | R | Deliford | Water | Defense | Human | Bonus DMG against a foe in overdrive. |
3188 | SR | Deliford (SR) | Dark | Defense | Human | Boost to DEF when substituting |
3150 | SR | Diantha (Promo) | Water | Special | Human | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes |
4129 | SSR | Diantha (Summer) | Water | Special | Human | Lessen Fire damage for all allies. |
3058 | SR | Dorothy | Fire | Special | Human | I will boost multiattack rate just for you! |
4134 | SSR | Dorothy and Claudia | Light | Special | Human | Boost to charge bar upon using skill |
4119 | SSR | Drang (Grand) | Water | Special | Erune | Boost to healing specs |
2063 | R | Drusilla | Fire | Special | Harvin | Boost to all allies' ATK and restore all allies' HP at turn start. |
4037 | SSR | Eahta | Earth | Attack | Draph | Boost to other allies' charge bar upon using a chain burst of 2 or more chains. |
3061 | SR | Ejaeli | Water | Balanced | Human | Fire damage reduction to all allies. |
3138 | SR | Elize Lutus | Dark | Special | Human | Boost to Resurrection's success rate |
2025 | R | Elmelaura | Fire | Special | Harvin | Boost all allies' ATK and restore all allies' HP at turn start. |
3023 | SR | Elmott | Fire | Attack | Erune | Boost to skill DMG against burned foes |
3083 | SR | Elmott (Summer) | Fire | Attack | Erune | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against BurnedHP is lowered on every turn foes. |
3025 | SR | Elta | Wind | Special | Human | Less DMG taken from charmed foes for all allies |
3244 | SR | Elta (Light) | Light | Special | Human | Boost to debuff success rate when not debuffed |
3131 | SR | Erica Fontaine | Light | Heal | Human | Boost to Grasse au SuieruChance to revive an ally. If revive fails, Grasse au Suieru cooldown is set to 2 turns. (Only useable when in Koubu.)'s success rate. |
3164 | SR | Erin | Water | Heal | Other | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
2002 | R | Eso | Wind | Attack | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3128 | SR | Eso (SR) | Wind | Balanced | Human | Boost to hostility when HP is above 50% |
3007 | SR | Eugen | Earth | Balanced | Human | Chance to lower foe's DEF with every one-foe attack (Stackable). |
4077 | SSR | Eugen (Grand) | Earth | Attack | Human | Gain ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Multiplier: NormalDuration: Indefinite upon using charge attack. |
3085 | SR | Eugen (Summer) | Earth | Attack | Human | Slight chance to deal massive critical DMG |
4069 | SSR | Eustace | Earth | Attack | Erune | Boost to multiattack rate upon using a buff skill. |
4198 | SSR | Eustace (Dark) | Dark | Attack | Erune | Chance to gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Strength: 10% (Max: 30%)Multiplier: UniqueDuration: Indefinite with every one-foe attack. |
4099 | SSR | Eustace (Halloween) | Earth | Attack | Erune | Boost to resistance against charge-attack-sealing debuffs |
3027 | SR | Ezecrain | Fire | Special | Human | Chance to end Amethyst's cooldown upon one-foe attacks. |
3210 | SR | Ezecrain (Event) | Light | Special | Human | Chance to end cooldown for Way of the Amethyst upon using charge attack. |
2006 | R | Farrah | Earth | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to deal massive critical DMG. |
3103 | SR | Farrah (Event) | Wind | Defense | Human | Slight chance to deal massive critical DMG |
3037 | SR | Farrah (SR) | Earth | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to counter upon taking DMG |
2020 | R | Feather | Light | Attack | Human | Chance to boost double attack rate with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3078 | SR | Feather (SR) | Light | Attack | Human | Chance to gain DA Up (Stackable)Double attack rate is boosted (Stackable) Duration: Indefinite with every normal attack. |
4061 | SSR | Feena | Wind | Attack | Human | Boost to ATK based on CrushedCharge attack DMG and charge attack DMG cap is boosted level |
3035 | SR | Feena (Event) | Wind | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to deal massive critical DMG |
3228 | SR | Feena (Holiday) | Light | Attack | Human | Boost to triple attack rate |
4033 | SSR | Feower | Water | Special | Erune | Slight chance to end all skill cooldowns upon using a skill. |
3032 | SR | Ferry | Light | Special | Erune | Slight chance to dodge and counter one-ally attacks |
3101 | SR | Ferry (Halloween) | Light | Special | Erune | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against foes in Break. |
4073 | SSR | Ferry (SSR) | Light | Balanced | Erune | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
4034 | SSR | Fif | Light | Heal | Harvin | Chance to gain DEF Up (Stackable)DEF is boosted while active (Stackable) Duration: Indefinite with every one-foe attack. |
2049 | R | Flesselles | Fire | Balanced | Erune | Chance to end Here Boy! Ruff Ruff!'s cooldown upon one-foe attacks. |
4086 | SSR | Forte | Dark | Attack | Draph | Chance to gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Strength: 10% (Max: 30%)Multiplier: Unique StackableDuration: Indefinite with every normal attack. |
2004 | R | Galadar | Earth | Defense | Draph | Chance of 50% DMG Cut effect. |
3094 | SR | Galadar (SR) | Earth | Defense | Draph | Chance to lessen damage. |
2027 | R | Garma | Earth | Balanced | Draph | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against poisoned foes |
4000 | SSR | Gawain | Wind | Defense | Human | Chance to lower foe's ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4298 | SSR | Gawain (Light) | Light | Attack | Human | Boost to DEF when HP is 50% or below. |
3009 | SR | Gayne | Earth | Special | Human | Earth damage to all foes upon dodging. |
3132 | SR | Gemini Sunrise | Fire | Attack | Human | Boost to multiattack rate when in Rodeo Star. |
4052 | SSR | Ghandagoza | Fire | Attack | Draph | Chance to boost ATK upon normal attacks (Stackable) |
3201 | SR | Ghandagoza (Summer) | Fire | Attack | Draph | Slight chance to counter upon taking DMG |
3100 | SR | Goblin Mage | Wind | Special | Other | Chance to lower foe's debuff resistance with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4297 | SSR | Golden Knight | Earth | Attack | Erune | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks. |
4130 | SSR | Grea | Fire | Attack | Other | Boost to multiattack rate when there are no buffs on foes. |
3204 | SR | Grea (Event) | Fire | Attack | Other | Chance to boost double attack rate with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4079 | SSR | Hallessena | Earth | Attack | Draph | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
3173 | SR | Haohmaru | Wind | Attack | Human | Boost to hit rate for one-foe attacks |
2009 | R | Hazen | Wind | Defense | Human | Slight chance to partially absorb damage taken |
3066 | SR | Hazen (SR) | Wind | Heal | Human | Slight chance to counter upon taking DMG |
4060 | SSR | Heles | Fire | Attack | Erune | Lessen damage taken from foes in Overdrive. |
4091 | SSR | Heles (Summer) | Light | Balanced | Erune | Slight chance of Dodge-and-Counter effect (1 time) |
3004 | SR | Helnar | Wind | Balanced | Erune | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
3031 | SR | Helnar (Summer) | Wind | Special | Erune | Boost to ATK based on number of female party members |
2001 | R | Herja | Earth | Balanced | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against foes in overdrive |
3175 | SR | Herja (SR) | Earth | Balanced | Human | Boost to triple attack rate when main character is male / Boost to ATK when main character is female |
4148 | SSR | Ilsa | Earth | Attack | Erune | Chance to turn each normal attack into an all-foe critical hit attack. |
3006 | SR | Io | Water | Heal | Human | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
4065 | SSR | Io (Grand) | Light | Balanced | Human | Boost to charge bar upon using skill |
4015 | SSR | Io (Summer) | Fire | Attack | Human | Boost to healing specs. |
2038 | R | Ippatsu | Fire | Special | Human | Extend Ultracalifragilistic Ramen effect time. |
3232 | SR | Ippatsu (SR) | Fire | Special | Human | Boost to C.A. DMG while RaaamenDEF is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted (Can't be removed) Stacking: Special Buff is in effect. |
2060 | R | Ippatsu (Summer) | Fire | Special | Human | Chance to reuse Bowl of the Heavens with every one-foe attack. |
4100 | SSR | Izmir | Water | Attack | Draph | Chance to gain 1 Icy BladeC.A. DMG and C.A. DMG cap are boosted based on number of Icy Blades (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) upon using Farewell. |
4126 | SSR | Izmir (Summer) | Water | Attack | Draph | Boost to dodge rate when BlizzardATK is modified by number of turns passed Field effect is in effect. |
3205 | SR | Izuminokami Kanesada | Fire | Attack | Other | Boost to ATK based on how low DEF is |
3075 | SR | J.J. | Light | Special | Human | Boost to charge bar upon using skills |
3149 | SR | J.J. (Summer) | Earth | Special | Human | Chance to boost double attack rate with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3134 | SR | Jamil | Earth | Special | Human | Chance to boost double attack rate with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3196 | SR | Jamil (Dark) | Dark | Attack | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against foes in Break. |
2012 | R | Jasmine | Earth | Heal | Human | Slight chance to create a Green Potion at end of turn |
3102 | SR | Jasmine (SR) | Earth | Heal | Human | Slight chance to create a Green Potion at end of turn |
4040 | SSR | Jeanne d'Arc | Light | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to withstand lethal damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
4080 | SSR | Jeanne d'Arc (Dark) | Dark | Attack | Human | Chance to withstand lethal turn-based damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
3195 | SR | Jeanne d'Arc (SR) | Light | Special | Human | Dark damage reduction to all allies. |
4154 | SSR | Jeanne d'Arc (Summer) | Wind | Balanced | Human | Restore Jeanne d'Arc's HP upon using Banner of the Brave. |
3159 | SR | Jessica | Earth | Special | Human | Boost to ATK for male allies |
3016 | SR | Jessica (Event) | Fire | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to counter upon taking DMG. |
3030 | SR | Jessica (Summer) | Fire | Special | Human | Chance to lower foe's DEF with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4257 | SSR | Jin | Earth | Attack | Human | Chance to raise Martial Spirit lvl by 1 upon using charge attack |
3022 | SR | Jin (Event) | Earth | Attack | Human | Boost to ATK based on how low DEF is. |
3086 | SR | Jin (Ronin) | Earth | Attack | Human | Slight chance to dodge and counter one-ally attacks |
3178 | SR | Jin (Summer) | Earth | Heal | Human | Boost to next turn's multiattack rate upon missing a one-foe attack |
3151 | SR | Jin (Wind) | Wind | Balanced | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
2040 | R | Joel | Water | Balanced | Human | Fire damage reduction. |
3140 | SR | Johann | Light | Heal | Human | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
3050 | SR | Johann (Event) | Light | Heal | Human | Upon using healing skills, all allies gain Debuff Res. UpDebuff resistance is boosted Duration: 1 turn Strength depends on EMP level.. |
4173 | SSR | Joker | Dark | Special | Human | Deal critical hits against a foe with ComatoseComatoseCan't attack and takes big DMG (Chance to end upon taking DMG) Takes 50% more damage Local status effect ComatoseCan't attack and takes big DMG (Chance to end upon taking DMG) Takes 50% more damage Local status effect effect. |
4096 | SSR | Juliet | Light | Defense | Human | Chance to not consume SpiritConsumes 1 upon normal attacks (Restored every 5 turns / Can't be removed) upon using skills. |
3253 | SR | Juri | Wind | Attack | Human | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes |
3038 | SR | Juri (Event) | Earth | Balanced | Human | Cut to DMG taken when substituting |
3089 | SR | Kanako Mimura | Earth | Heal | Human | Boost to green and blue potion effects. |
3098 | SR | Kaoru Sakuraba | Water | Special | Human | Chance to remove 1 debuff from target upon using Condition Keep |
3125 | SR | Karin | Fire | Attack | Human | Boost EX-Gauge gain by 1 every turn when V-Trigger is active |
2043 | R | Karteira | Wind | Special | Erune | Chance of Partnered UpHaving a Sales Talk with Karteira Duration: Indefinite"Sales Talk" in Karteira's skill descriptions with every one-foe attack |
3222 | SR | Karteira (SR) | Wind | Special | Erune | Boost to rupies earned in battle |
2036 | R | Karva | Fire | Balanced | Draph | Slight chance to withstand lethal damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
3230 | SR | Karva (SR) | Fire | Special | Draph | Boost to debuff success rate when not debuffed |
3005 | SR | Katalina | Water | Balanced | Human | Fire damage reduction to all allies. |
4054 | SSR | Katalina (Grand) | Water | Balanced | Human | Boost to all allies' healing cap. |
4118 | SSR | Katalina (Promo) | Dark | Balanced | Human | Boost to skill-sealing debuff resistance |
3029 | SR | Katalina (Summer) | Water | Defense | Human | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
3024 | SR | Keehar | Wind | Balanced | Erune | Slight chance for damage skills to activate twice |
4283 | SSR | Kolulu (Summer) | Water | Special | Human | Chance to gain 1 Deluge CrestWater magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) upon normal attacks. |
4081 | SSR | Korwa | Wind | Special | Erune | Earth damage reduction to all allies. |
4127 | SSR | Korwa (Summer) | Wind | Special | Erune | Earth damage reduction to all allies. |
4242 | SSR | Kou | Dark | Heal | Erune | Boost to healing specs. |
3090 | SR | Koume Shirasaka | Dark | Special | Human | Lessen damage taken from ZombifiedReceives DMG if healed foes for all allies. |
2035 | R | Krugne | Wind | Special | Erune | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks. |
2058 | R | La Coiffe | Earth | Special | Erune | Boost all allies' ATK and restore all allies' HP at turn start. |
3055 | SR | Ladiva | Earth | Attack | Draph | Slight chance to counter upon taking DMG |
3109 | SR | Ladiva (Holiday) | Light | Attack | Draph | Boost to ATK for male allies. |
4005 | SSR | Lady Grey | Dark | Special | Human | Chance to convert turn-based damage to HP recovery. |
4116 | SSR | Lady Katapillar and Vira | Water | Special | Other | Boost to DEF when Front Formation is in effect / Boost to ATK when Flank Formation is in effect |
3133 | SR | Laguna | Earth | Special | Draph | Gain an Omar's OdysseyStatus boosted based on number of turns passed Duration: Indefinite upon charge attack |
3013 | SR | Lamretta | Earth | Balanced | Draph | Chance to remove a debuff at turn start |
2052 | R | Lamretta (R) | Fire | Special | Draph | Drink and feel better! |
3186 | SR | Lamretta (Water) | Water | Special | Draph | Cheers and get hyped, everyone! |
4023 | SSR | Lancelot | Water | Attack | Human | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
3108 | SR | Lancelot (Event) | Water | Attack | Human | Slight chance to dodge and counter one-ally attacks |
4140 | SSR | Lancelot (Wind) | Wind | Attack | Human | Boost to double attack rate when Bonus DMG effect is in effect. |
3072 | SR | Lecia | Wind | Balanced | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4101 | SSR | Lecia (Grand) | Wind | Balanced | Human | While issuing orders, chance to raise Orders lvl at end of turn. |
3087 | SR | Lecia (Summer) | Wind | Balanced | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against charmed foes |
4021 | SSR | Lennah | Wind | Heal | Human | Boost to skill-sealing debuff resistance. |
3241 | SR | Leona | Earth | Attack | Human | Restore Leona's HP upon dodging |
2026 | R | Leonora | Wind | Balanced | Harvin | Slight chance of Dodge-and-Counter effect (1 time) |
4142 | SSR | Levi | Wind | Attack | Human | Chance to not use up Blades upon one-foe attacks |
4066 | SSR | Lilele | Water | Special | Harvin | Boost to ATKNormal modifier for male allies |
4007 | SSR | Lily | Water | Heal | Other | Fire damage reduction to all allies. |
3165 | SR | Lily (Event) | Water | Heal | Other | Fire damage reduction to all allies. |
3114 | SR | Lina | Fire | Balanced | Human | Chance to amplify magic power by 1 on turn end |
2031 | R | Lowain | Dark | Attack | Erune | Boost to ATK when Katalina is in the party. |
3123 | SR | Lowain (Event) | Water | Special | Erune | Boost to multiattack rate when Katalina is in the party. |
2041 | R | Lowain (Summer) | Dark | Attack | Erune | Boost to ATK when Katalina is in the party. |
4106 | SSR | Lucio | Light | Balanced | Other | Restore all allies' HP upon using charge attack. |
3033 | SR | Lucius | Dark | Attack | Human | Boost to skill damage against BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss foes. |
3171 | SR | Lucius (Fire) | Fire | Attack | Human | Chance to end cooldown for Slash Streak upon using charge attack. |
3185 | SR | Ludmila | Dark | Attack | Harvin | Boost to hit rate for normal attacks. |
3180 | SR | Luna | Dark | Special | Human | Boost to ATK based on ShadowCharge attack DMG and charge attack DMG cap are boosted Can't be removed lvl. |
2050 | R | Lunalu | Dark | Special | Harvin | Chance to end Facsimile's cooldown upon normal attacks. |
4172 | SSR | Lunalu (SSR) | Dark | Special | Harvin | Chance to "Ooh-ooh-aaahhh!" upon drinking Handsome Gorilla DADark allies gain HypeATK is boosted Duration: 4 turns, Guaranteed DAGuaranteed double attack regardless of Double Attack Lowered debuffs Strength: GuaranteedDuration: 4 turns, and 20% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns, ooh-ahh! (Self-inflict 20% Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Max: 100%)Max HP is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed) Strength: 20% (Max: 100%)Duration: IndefiniteAt 100%, leaves 1 max HP. At level 95: Dark allies also gain 10% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 4 turns.). |
2061 | R | Lunalu (Summer) | Dark | Special | Harvin | Chance to end Facsimile's cooldown upon normal attacks. |
3182 | SR | Lyria (Event) | AnyThis character's element is determined by the player. | Special | Human | Boost to charge bar at end of turn. |
4011 | SSR | Magisa | Fire | Special | Human | Chance to withstand lethal turn-based damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
4107 | SSR | Mahira | Earth | Special | Harvin | Chance for all allies to dodge one-ally attacks. |
3229 | SR | Mahira (Event) | Earth | Special | Harvin | Boost to multiattack rate when Mahira has Drum Beats |
3093 | SR | Malinda (Event) | AnyThis character's element is determined by the player. | Balanced | Other | Boost to multiattack rate when in adult form. |
3045 | SR | Mariah | Earth | Attack | Human | Chance to gain ATK Up (Stackable)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) with every one-foe attack. |
4108 | SSR | Marquiares | Dark | Special | Harvin | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
2016 | R | Mary | Fire | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to give bounty with every one-foe attack. |
4143 | SSR | Mary (Holiday) | Light | Balanced | Human | Boost to target's charge bar upon using Piece of CakeGrant an ally Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20% Strength: 20%, 100% / 20% Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Strength: 100% chance of dealing 20% more damage.Duration: 4 turns, Happy SprinklesATK is boosted / DEF is boosted Strength: 50% / 50%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 4 turnsStacking: Special Buff, and 50% Bonus Light DMGDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 50%Duration: 1 turn .. |
3068 | SR | Mary (SR) | Fire | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to inflict BountyItem drop rate is boosted with every one-foe attack. |
2023 | R | Mary (Summer) | Fire | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to deal Plain DMG to all foes upon charge attack. |
4123 | SSR | Medusa (Promo) | Earth | Attack | Primal | Chance to inflict 5% ATK Down (Stackable / Max: 10%)ATK is lowered (Stackable) Strength: 5% (Max: 10%) with every normal attack. |
4151 | SSR | Medusa (Valentine) | Earth | Balanced | Primal | Boost to critical hit rate against foes with PoisonedHP is lowered on every turn . |
4102 | SSR | Melissabelle | Wind | Attack | Harvin | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks. |
4022 | SSR | Melleau | Earth | Attack | Erune | Chance to gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Strength: 10% (Max: 30%)Multiplier: Unique StackableDuration: Indefinite upon normal attacks. |
3172 | SR | Meteon (Event) | Wind | Special | Human | Boost to multiattack rate when Wind ATK is boosted. |
4012 | SSR | Metera | Wind | Balanced | Erune | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against charmed foes |
4072 | SSR | Metera (Fire) | Fire | Attack | Erune | Chance to not consume Aetherial SealAetherial Seal is casted upon using skills |
3051 | SR | Mika Jougasaki | Dark | Special | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss foes |
3227 | SR | Mikasa | Wind | Attack | Human | Chance to not use up Blades upon one-foe attacks |
4131 | SSR | Mikazuki Munechika | Light | Balanced | Other | Boost to skill-sealing debuff resistance |
3070 | SR | Miku Maekawa | Wind | Attack | Human | Chance to boost double attack rate with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3080 | SR | Milla Maxwell | Fire | Attack | Other | Gain C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time) Duration: Indefinite upon using Cloud Pierce. |
3064 | SR | Milleore | Water | Balanced | Harvin | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
3043 | SR | Mimlemel | Wind | Special | Harvin | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
3220 | SR | Mimlemel and Pun-Kin (Halloween) | Earth | Attack | Harvin | Boost to charge attack damage based on RevMultiattack rate is boosted and DEF is lowered based on Rev level (Can't be removed) lvl. |
3166 | SR | Mimlemel and Stumpeye | Wind | Attack | Harvin | Chance to withstand lethal turn-based damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
3176 | SR | Mina | Water | Balanced | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3193 | SR | Minami Nitta | Water | Balanced | Human | Chance to lower foe's DEF with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3052 | SR | Mio Honda | Fire | Balanced | Human | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
3161 | SR | Miria Akagi | Fire | Special | Human | Chance to inflict 5% ATK Down (Stackable / Max: 10%)ATK is lowered (Stackable) Strength: 5% (Max: 10%)Duration: 180 seconds with every one-foe attack. |
3224 | SR | Mirin | Wind | Attack | Human | Boost to charge bar upon using Swordstorm. |
3002 | SR | Mishra | Water | Special | Erune | Damage reduction to all allies against foes with BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss . |
3069 | SR | Mizuki Kawashima | Water | Heal | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against CharmedAttacks are slightly limited foes |
4186 | SSR | Monika | Wind | Balanced | Human | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon dodging. |
3135 | SR | Morphe and Phoebe (Event) | Water | Special | Other | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes |
4339 | SSR | Ms. Miranda | Fire | Heal | Human | Boost to all allies' ATK when not debuffed. |
3115 | SR | Naga | Water | Balanced | Human | Random boost to skill damage cap. |
3174 | SR | Nakoruru | Light | Attack | Human | Boost to multiattack rate when in Rage Explosion |
3096 | SR | Naoise (Event) | Fire | Defense | Human | Chance to lower foe's ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4354 | SSR | Naoise (Fire) | Fire | Defense | Human | Chance to raise DragonianDMG and DMG cap for normal attacks and counterattacks are boosted based on Dragonian lvl / Can withstand lethal DMG by consuming 1 lvl (Leaves 1 HP) (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) lvl by 1 upon normal attacks. |
3000 | SR | Naoise (Promo) | Light | Defense | Human | Chance to lower foe's ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4063 | SSR | Narmaya | Dark | Attack | Draph | Boost to critical hit rate against foes with KaleidoscopeTargeted by a skill Local status effect. |
4089 | SSR | Narmaya (Summer) | Water | Attack | Draph | Slight chance to be able to use all skills immediately upon using skill. |
3235 | SR | Narmaya (Valentine) | Dark | Attack | Draph | Add a special C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time) Duration: Indefinite boost taste to my sweet captain's cake! |
4085 | SSR | Nemone | Earth | Attack | Erune | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
2051 | R | Nene | Earth | Special | Human | Slight chance to counter upon taking damage. |
4003 | SSR | Nezahualpilli | Wind | Attack | Human | Boost to critical hit rate against foes with Sharp EyeTargeted by a skill Local status effect. |
3237 | SR | Nezahualpilli (SR) | Earth | Attack | Human | Boost to critical hit rate against foes with Sharp EyeTargeted by a skill Local status effect. |
4156 | SSR | Nicholas | Dark | Defense | Human | Gain C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time) Duration: Indefinite upon Reverso activation. |
3141 | SR | Nicholas (Event) | Light | Balanced | Human | Chance to lower foe's DEF with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4133 | SSR | Nina Drango | Fire | Attack | Other | Slight chance for damage skills to activate twice. |
4038 | SSR | Niyon | Wind | Special | Harvin | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG against tuned foes. |
3039 | SR | Noa | Light | Special | Primal | Dark damage reduction to all allies. |
2033 | R | Norcel | Earth | Special | Harvin | Boost to charge bar gain for all other Earth allies. |
3142 | SR | Novei (Promo) | Light | Special | Human | All allies gain Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by upon using ModeratoPerform a concerto. (All allies gain ModeratoLight ATK and dodge rate are boosted Strength: 15% Light ATK Up / 3% Dodge Rate Boosted While FocusModerato effect is boosted is active: 45% Light ATK Up / 15% Dodge Rate BoostedDuration: 4 turns.). |
4145 | SSR | Olivia (Grand) | Dark | Special | Primal | Gain Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by upon using a skill. |
4111 | SSR | Orchid (Grand) | Dark | Special | Other | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
3207 | SR | Owen | Water | Balanced | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3145 | SR | Pamela (Promo) | Water | Special | Human | All allies gain Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by upon using LargoPerform a concerto. (All allies gain LargoWater ATK is boosted / Recovers HP each turn Strength: 15% Water ATK Up / 100 HP While FocusLargo effect is boosted is active: 45% Water ATK Up / 300 HPDuration: 4 turns.). |
3157 | SR | Paris (Event) | Earth | Defense | Human | Boost to DEF and hostility. |
2045 | R | Pavidus | Wind | Defense | Draph | Chance to end Hide's cooldown upon taking DMG |
3153 | SR | Pengy | Water | Defense | Human | Chance to gain DEF Up (Stackable)DEF is boosted while active (Stackable) with every one-foe attack. |
3073 | SR | Pengy (Event) | Water | Defense | Human | Slight chance to fully recover HP upon taking DMG |
4050 | SSR | Percival | Fire | Attack | Human | Chance to inflict Burned (5,000)HP is lowered on every turn Strength: 5,000Duration: 180 seconds on a foe with every one-foe attack. |
3168 | SR | Percival (Event) | Fire | Attack | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4090 | SSR | Percival (Summer) | Fire | Balanced | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
2011 | R | Petra | Wind | Heal | Human | Slight chance to withstand lethal damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
4047 | SSR | Petra (SSR) | Wind | Balanced | Human | Chance of 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon using charge attack. |
2039 | R | Philosophia | Light | Heal | Harvin | Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Duration: 3 turns and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Duration: 3 turns upon using healing skills. |
3190 | SR | Predator | Dark | Attack | Human | Boost to charge attack damage based on Death's DoorHostility is boosted / DEF is lowered lvl. |
3008 | SR | Rackam | Fire | Special | Human | Slight chance to counter upon taking DMG |
4059 | SSR | Rackam (Grand) | Fire | Special | Human | Boost to critical hit rate against foes with ConvulsionMode bar was greatly cut (Resistant to further Convulsion / Can't be removed) Duration: 180 seconds. |
3048 | SR | Rackam (Holiday) | Earth | Special | Human | Chance to recover HP when HP is below 50% |
2070 | R | Randall | Water | Attack | Human | Chance to boost double attack rate with every one-foe attack (Stackable). |
3234 | SR | Randall (SR) | Dark | Attack | Human | Chance of Kickfighter's CreedCharge attack DMG and charge attack DMG cap boosted (Max: 5 lvls / Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite lvl rising upon using High Kick II. |
3162 | SR | Ranko Kanzaki | Dark | Attack | Human | Revel at the unbridled power of my cohorts! |
3126 | SR | Rashid | Wind | Attack | Human | Boost EX-Gauge gain by 1 every turn when V-Trigger is active |
4109 | SSR | Razia | Earth | Defense | Draph | Boost to DEF when HP is 50% or below |
3122 | SR | Redluck | Earth | Special | Draph | Boost to debuff success rate when HP is above 50% |
3208 | SR | Reinhardtzar | Fire | Attack | Draph | Slight chance of Dodge-and-Counter effect (1 hit). |
2014 | R | Richard | Water | Special | Human | Randomly gain boost to ATK or hit to DEF at turn start. |
3088 | SR | Rika Jougasaki | Fire | Attack | Human | Bonus Elemental DMG for attacks against foes in Overdrive. |
3041 | SR | Rin Shibuya | Water | Attack | Human | Slight chance for damage skills to activate twice |
3054 | SR | Rita | Dark | Special | Human | Chance to not take damage from healing when ZombifiedReceives DMG if healed . |
3144 | SR | Robertina (Promo) | Wind | Special | Harvin | All allies gain Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by upon using AnimatoPerform a concerto. (All allies gain AnimatoWind ATK and charge bar speed are boosted Strength: 15% Wind ATK Up / 10% Charge Bar Gain Up While FocusAnimato effect is boosted is active: 45% Wind ATK Up / 20% Charge Bar Gain UpDuration: 4 turns.). |
4155 | SSR | Robomi | Light | Attack | Other | Chance to not consume AmmoPreloaded Robomi-specialized ammo. Consumed when skills are used. upon using Repulsor Storm. |
3079 | SR | Robomi (Event) | Light | Special | Other | Slight chance for damage skills to activate twice |
4098 | SSR | Romeo | Water | Balanced | Human | Chance to not consume Spirit upon using skills |
3077 | SR | Romeo (Event) | Water | Balanced | Human | Bonus elemental DMG for attacks against foes in overdrive |
2018 | R | Rosamia | Light | Balanced | Human | Boost to hostility while UnchallengedNext DMG received will be ineffective is in effect. |
3049 | SR | Rosamia (SR) | Light | Balanced | Human | Boost to hostility while UnchallengedNext DMG received will be ineffective is in effect. |
4087 | SSR | Rosamia (SSR) | Light | Balanced | Human | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
3010 | SR | Rosetta | Wind | Balanced | Other | Wind DMG and Poisoned (2000)HP is lowered on every turn Strength: 2000Duration: 180 seconds effect to all foes upon dodging. |
4068 | SSR | Rosetta (Grand) | Wind | Special | Primal | Chance to boost Rose Barrier strength upon using Iron Maiden |
4026 | SSR | Rosetta (Holiday) | Dark | Heal | Primal | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes |
4176 | SSR | Rosetta (Summer) | Earth | Special | Primal | Boost to DEF while Blue Rose BarrierSubstitute effect / DMG taken is reduced / Grants buffs to all allies every turn based on the barrier's strength lvl (Can't be removed / Ends when endurance hits 0) is in effect. |
2057 | R | Rosine | Fire | Heal | Human | Chance to gain 1 CrackerRosine's homemade rice crackers, made with love. Use them to cast skills. at end of turn. |
2000 | R | Ryan | Fire | Attack | Human | Slight chance to dodge and counter one-ally attacks. |
3119 | SR | Ryan (SR) | Fire | Attack | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3104 | SR | Ryu | Wind | Attack | Human | Chance to end cooldown for Hadoken upon using charge attack |
3120 | SR | Sachiko Koshimizu | Light | Special | Human | Slight chance to dodge and counter one-ally attacks |
3076 | SR | Sahli Lao | Water | Balanced | Harvin | Slight chance for damage skills to activate twice |
4136 | SSR | Sakura Kinomoto | Light | Special | Human | Boost to skill-sealing debuff resistance. |
3130 | SR | Sakura Shinguji | Wind | Balanced | Human | Boost to multiattack rate when in Koubu MK 2. |
4312 | SSR | Sandalphon (Earth Grand) | Earth | Special | Primal | Boost to triple attack rate based on number of foe's debuffs |
4153 | SSR | Sandalphon (Event) | Light | Balanced | Primal | Gain ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Multiplier: NormalDuration: Indefinite upon using charge attack. |
4041 | SSR | Sara | Earth | Defense | Human | Slight chance to counter upon taking damage. |
3021 | SR | Sara (Event) | Earth | Defense | Human | Boost to hostility upon using a skill. |
3147 | SR | Sara (Summer) | Earth | Defense | Human | Chance to convert damage taken into Water damage. |
4008 | SSR | Sarunan | Light | Special | Erune | Dark damage reduction to all allies. |
4048 | SSR | Sarunan (Dark) | Dark | Special | Erune | Chance to withstand lethal turn-based damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
3209 | SR | Sarya | Light | Special | Draph | Chance to inflict Debuff Res. Down (Stackable)Debuff resistance is lowered (Stackable) Duration: 180 seconds with every normal attack. |
3063 | SR | Sarya (Event) | Fire | Special | Draph | Boost to debuff success rate when not debuffed |
4122 | SSR | Scathacha | Wind | Attack | Erune | Boost to dodge rate for allies with Wind ATK UpWind ATK is boosted . |
4175 | SSR | Selfira | Wind | Special | Erune | Chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldown upon using a charge attack. |
3026 | SR | Selfira (Event) | Wind | Heal | Erune | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
3127 | SR | Sen | Fire | Attack | Erune | Chance to boost double attack rate with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3169 | SR | Sen (Holiday) | Wind | Attack | Erune | Chance to boost double attack rate with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4036 | SSR | Seofon | Wind | Attack | Human | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes |
4035 | SSR | Seox | Dark | Attack | Erune | Chance to inflict 5% DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 10%)DEF is lowered (Stackable) Strength: 5% (Max: 10%)Duration: 180 seconds with every one-foe attack. |
4013 | SSR | Seruel | Light | Attack | Erune | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3191 | SR | Sevastien | Wind | Balanced | Erune | Boost all allies' ATK and restore all allies' HP at turn start |
3118 | SR | Sevilbarra | Wind | Attack | Harvin | Boost to charge bar gain |
3124 | SR | Shao | Dark | Special | Erune | Chance to inflict 5% Debuff Res. Down (Stackable / Max: 10%)Debuff resistance is lowered (Stackable) Strength: 5% (Max: 10%)Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds with every normal attack. |
3194 | SR | Shiki Ichinose | Wind | Special | Human | Boost to CharmedAttacks are slightly limited resistance |
4273 | SSR | Shura | Water | Balanced | Human | Boost to charge bar gain. |
4025 | SSR | Siegfried | Earth | Special | Human | Water damage reduction. |
4128 | SSR | Siegfried (Yukata) | Wind | Attack | Human | Boost to DEF and hostility |
3106 | SR | Sig | Water | Attack | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental damage effect against foes in Overdrive. |
3028 | SR | Sig (Event) | Water | Attack | Human | Bonus elemental DMG for attacks against foes in overdrive |
4049 | SSR | Silva | Water | Attack | Human | Boost to ATKNormal modifier as number of foes decreases. |
3263 | SR | Skull | Dark | Attack | Harvin | Chance to withstand lethal turn-based damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
3112 | SR | Skull (Event) | Earth | Attack | Harvin | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against foes in Overdrive. |
4044 | SSR | Societte | Water | Special | Erune | Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Duration: 3 turns and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Duration: 3 turns upon using healing skills. |
4095 | SSR | Societte (Fire) | Fire | Defense | Erune | Boost to DEF and hostility. |
4024 | SSR | Sophia | Light | Heal | Human | Boost to all allies' recovery cap. |
3225 | SR | Sophia (SR) | Light | Heal | Human | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
3082 | SR | Sophie | Light | Attack | Other | Gain C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time) Duration: Indefinite upon using Shadow Moment. |
3020 | SR | Soriz | Earth | Attack | Human | Slight chance to counter upon taking DMG |
3117 | SR | Soriz (Event) | Light | Defense | Human | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks. |
4170 | SSR | Soriz (SSR) | Earth | Attack | Human | Chance to end cooldown for Bravado Bullet upon using a charge attack |
2071 | R | Spinnah | Wind | Attack | Human | Boost to resistance against charge-attack-sealing debuffs |
3136 | SR | Stahn Aileron | Fire | Attack | Human | Gain C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time) Duration: Indefinite upon using Fiery Beast. |
2019 | R | Stan | Wind | Attack | Erune | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against foes in overdrive |
3129 | SR | Stan (Event) | Dark | Balanced | Erune | Boost to multiattack rate when Aliza is in the party. |
4115 | SSR | Sturm (Grand) | Fire | Attack | Draph | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
2029 | R | Suframare | Water | Heal | Harvin | Boost to DEF upon using healing skills |
3091 | SR | Suframare (Summer) | Water | Special | Harvin | Boost to all allies' healing cap. |
3018 | SR | Sutera | Wind | Balanced | Erune | Boost to skill DMG against blinded foes |
3187 | SR | Sutera (Event) | Fire | Balanced | Erune | Chance to not consume Jade DiagramJade Diagram is granted upon using skills |
3113 | SR | Sutera (Fire) | Fire | Defense | Erune | Chance to not consume Jade DiagramJade Diagram is granted upon using skills. |
3067 | SR | Syr (Event) | Wind | Special | Human | Boost to dodge rate |
2015 | R | Tanya | Dark | Balanced | Human | Dark DMG to all foes upon dodging. |
3167 | SR | Tanya (SR) | Dark | Attack | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against foes in Break. |
3084 | SR | Tanya (Summer) | Dark | Balanced | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG for attacks against foes in Break. |
3137 | SR | Tear Grants | Light | Balanced | Human | Boost to target's charge bar upon using Charge |
3034 | SR | Teena | Fire | Heal | Human | Boost to skill DMG against BurnedHP is lowered on every turn foes. |
3236 | SR | Teena (Valentine) | Fire | Balanced | Human | Boost to skill damage cap against foes with BurnedHP is lowered on every turn . |
3097 | SR | Teru Tendo | Fire | Attack | Human | Gain C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time) Duration: Indefinite upon using Focal Point. |
2056 | R | Thelonim | Wind | Special | Erune | Chance to end Thelonim's Magic's cooldown upon one-foe attacks. |
3062 | SR | Therese | Fire | Balanced | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
3001 | SR | Therese (Event) | Water | Special | Human | Chance to boost ATK with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
4149 | SSR | Therese (SSR) | Fire | Attack | Human | Gain ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Strength: Based on rank (Max: 30%)Multiplier: NormalDuration: Indefinite upon dodging. |
4032 | SSR | Threo | Earth | Attack | Draph | Chance to gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Strength: 10% (Max: 30%)Multiplier: Unique StackableDuration: Indefinite upon normal attacks. |
4152 | SSR | Tiamat | Wind | Special | Primal | Boost to multiattack rate when not debuffed. |
4039 | SSR | Tien | Fire | Balanced | Erune | Boost to ATKMultiplier: Normal based on foe's BountyItem drop rate is boosted lvlUp to Bounty lvl 9Item drop rate is boosted . |
3099 | SR | Tsubasa Kashiwagi | Wind | Balanced | Human | All allies gain Wind ATK UpWind ATK is boosted Duration: 2 turns upon using Fly High. |
4031 | SSR | Tweyen | Light | Balanced | Human | Light damage to all foes upon dodging. |
3181 | SR | Tyre | Wind | Special | Human | Boost to double attack rate when Vira is a main ally (Her voice counts) |
3238 | SR | Tōru Amuro | Wind | Attack | Human | Chance to reuse One-Two Punch with every one-foe attack |
3014 | SR | Ulamnuran | Water | Special | Harvin | Boost to multiattack rate when not debuffed |
3040 | SR | Uzuki Shimamura | Light | Balanced | Human | Less damage taken from CharmedAttacks are slightly limited foes for all allies. |
4147 | SSR | Vajra | Water | Attack | Erune | Boost to multiattack rate while Summon GarjanaCome on, Garjana! Let's show them! (Can't be removed) is in effect. |
3107 | SR | Vane | Water | Defense | Human | Slight chance to withstand lethal damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
3047 | SR | Vane (Event) | Water | Defense | Human | Slight chance to withstand lethal damage (Leaves 1 HP). |
4117 | SSR | Vane (SSR) | Water | Defense | Human | Boost to DEF when HP is below 50% |
4057 | SSR | Vania | Dark | Special | Other | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against CharmedAttacks are slightly limited foes. |
3221 | SR | Vania (SR) | Dark | Special | Other | Boost to multiattack rate when there are no buffs on foes. |
2037 | R | Vanzza | Earth | Attack | Draph | Slight chance to dodge and counter one-ally attacks. |
3243 | SR | Vanzza (SR) | Earth | Attack | Draph | Chance to end cooldown for Tonfa Kick upon using Fighter's Reprieve |
4029 | SSR | Vaseraga | Dark | Attack | Draph | Boost to DEF and hostility. |
4146 | SSR | Vaseraga (Earth) | Earth | Attack | Draph | Slight chance to counter upon taking damage. |
4094 | SSR | Veight | Dark | Attack | Other | Gain ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Strength: Based on rank (Max: 30%)Multiplier: NormalDuration: Indefinite upon dodging. |
2054 | R | Vermeil | Light | Balanced | Harvin | Slight chance of Dodge-and-Counter effect (1 time). |
3183 | SR | Vermeil (SR) | Light | Balanced | Harvin | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes. |
2046 | R | Viceroy | Fire | Special | Human | Extend Weapon Adjustment effect time. |
4252 | SSR | Vikala | Dark | Balanced | Human | When UtopiaFoes' ATK is boosted / All allies' hype is boosted before attacking Field effect Local status effect is in effect: Bonus Elemental DMG effect. |
3019 | SR | Vira | Dark | Attack | Human | Boost to multiattack rate when Katalina is in the party. |
4141 | SSR | Vira (Grand) | Light | Defense | Primal | Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks. |
4043 | SSR | Vira (SSR) | Dark | Attack | Human | Slight chance to restore HP based on normal attack and C.A. damage dealt. |
4053 | SSR | Vira (Summer) | Earth | Special | Human | Lessen damage taken from CharmedAttacks are slightly limited CharmedAttacks are slightly limited CharmedAttacks are slightly limited Local status effect foes for all allies. |
2007 | R | Volenna | Earth | Defense | Human | Cut to damage taken when SubstituteReceives foe attack in place of an ally (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks) is active. |
3056 | SR | Volenna (Event) | Earth | Defense | Human | Chance to lower foe's DEF with every one-foe attack (Stackable) |
2013 | R | Walder | Earth | Balanced | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against blinded foes |
3197 | SR | Walder (Event) | Earth | Special | Human | Boost to ATK when in Super Ranger mode |
2028 | R | Walder (Holiday) | Earth | Balanced | Human | Boost to Earth ATK / Boost to Light ATK |
2022 | R | Walder (Summer) | Earth | Balanced | Human | Less DMG taken from blinded foes |
4419 | SSR | Wamdus | Water | Defense | Harvin | Chance to gain Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn Duration: 1 turn upon using Ravenous DrainI'm hungry... (Pick one I can chow down on.). |
2010 | R | Will | Dark | Special | Human | Convert turn-based damage dealt to a foe to heal all allies. |
3092 | SR | Will (SR) | Dark | Balanced | Human | Boost to all allies' healing cap |
4174 | SSR | Wulf and Renie | Dark | Attack | Other | Chance to remove 1 debuff at turn start. |
3111 | SR | Yaia | Earth | Special | Draph | Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes |
3206 | SR | Yamanbagiri Kunihiro | Earth | Special | Other | Boost to multiattack rate while mirror imaged |
4125 | SSR | Yggdrasil | Earth | Special | Primal | Boost to all allies' healing cap. |
4088 | SSR | Yngwie | Water | Defense | Human | Slight chance to counter upon taking damage. |
2030 | R | Yodarha | Water | Balanced | Harvin | Bonus elemental DMG for attacks against foes in overdrive |
4064 | SSR | Yodarha (SSR) | Water | Attack | Harvin | Chance to gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable) Strength: 10% (Max: 30%)Multiplier: Unique StackableDuration: Indefinite upon normal attacks. |
4006 | SSR | Yuel | Fire | Balanced | Erune | Damage reduction to all allies against foes with FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn Local status effect. |
3223 | SR | Yuel (Event) | Water | Balanced | Erune | Fire damage reduction to all allies. |
4138 | SSR | Yuel (Water) | Water | Special | Erune | Damage reduction to all allies against foes with FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn Local status effect. |
4105 | SSR | Yuisis | Wind | Balanced | Erune | Chance to raise ChivalryBoost to charge bar gain and healing specs based on Chivalry lvl when in Starslayer mode / Boost to C.A. DMG and C.A. DMG cap based on Chivalry lvl when in Heavensbane mode Duration: IndefiniteCan't be removed lvl by 1 upon using Steadfast Shield or Ardent Blade. |
3081 | SR | Yuri Lowell | Dark | Attack | Human | Gain C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time) Duration: Indefinite upon using Shining Eagle. |
4199 | SSR | Yurius | Wind | Special | Human | Boost to charge bar at battle start. |
4075 | SSR | Zahlhamelina | Fire | Special | Harvin | Boost to all allies' healing cap. |
3059 | SR | Zaja | Dark | Defense | Draph | Slight chance to counter upon taking damage. |
2017 | R | Zehek | Dark | Attack | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect against BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss foes. |
3060 | SR | Zehek (Event) | Dark | Balanced | Human | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect when BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss . |
4028 | SSR | Zeta | Fire | Attack | Human | Boost to critical hit rate against foes with Arvess FermareTargeted by a skill Local status effect. |
4112 | SSR | Zeta (Dark) | Dark | Attack | Human | Reduce all allies' damage taken from foes with BurnedHP is lowered on every turn . |
3231 | SR | Zeta (Event) | Light | Attack | Human | Reduce all allies' damage taken from foes with BurnedHP is lowered on every turn . |
4056 | SSR | Zeta (Summer) | Light | Attack | Human | Boost to critical hit rate against foes with Arvess FermareTargeted by a skill Local status effect. |
4150 | SSR | Zooey | Light | Balanced | Primal | Increase the Dodge Rate UpChance to dodge DMG and debuffs effect. |
3233 | SR | Zooey (Event) | Fire | Special | Primal | Chance to end Thunder's cooldown upon one-foe attacks |
4092 | SSR | Zooey (Grand) | Dark | Special | Primal | Gain Mirror Image (1 time)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack) Duration: Indefinite upon taking big DMG. |
4078 | SSR | Zooey (Promo) | Light | Balanced | Primal | Gain Bonus Elemental DMG effect when Spacial RuptureMultiattack rate is modified by number of turns passed Field effect is in effect. |
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