Lunalu (SSR)

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
This character has multiple versions.
[Delusional Girl X]This title is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Can be uncapped to 5★
MAX HP 1160 / 1380Fully uncapped HP at MAX level.
MAX ATK 9240 / 10980Fully uncapped ATK at MAX level.
BASE DA/TAThis character's base double attack rate and triple attack rate.Characters with support skills that grant guaranteed multiattacks may have very high values.Due to a game update, base DA/TA values are no longer obtainable from in-game data files. Exact values for characters released after 2023-10-10 are currently inaccessible. 7% DA / 3% TA
RaceOfficially called "Type" in-game.
SpecialtyThis character gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid.
Exp. BonusExpedition Bonus Type in Auto-Expeditions None
GenderGender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Female
Voice Actor Rumi Okubo
How to Recruit
Premium Draw
Recruitment Weapon
Ruling Pen
ID 3040172000
Char ID 1043
Uncap Limit
NameJP ルナール
TitleJP 妄想少女X
Voice ActorJP 大久保瑠美
Release Date 2018-05-31
5★ Date 2021-10-29
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GamewithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
The artist finally stands upon the ultimate stage and unveils her romantic storybook to the world. But in her mind, she has only taken the first step. She continues her journey through the skies in order to further pursue her artistic studies and improve upon her trade.

Charge Attack
Icon Name Effect
Cataclysmic Storybook Gain 1 Page1 Page has been finalized
Duration: Indefinite
All allies gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10%
Strength: 10%
, 20% C.A. DMG Up (Stackable / Max: 60%)Charge attack DMG is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Strength: 20% (Max: 60%)Duration: Indefinite
, and 5% C.A. DMG Cap Up (Stackable / Max: 15%)Charge attack DMG cap is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Strength: 5% (Max: 15%)Duration: Indefinite
After 5★:
Disastrous Storybook
500%Massive Dark damage to a foe.
Gain 1 Page1 Page has been finalized
Duration: Indefinite
All allies gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10%
Strength: 10%
, 20% C.A. DMG Up (Stackable / Max: 60%)Charge attack DMG is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Strength: 20% (Max: 60%)Duration: Indefinite
, and 5% C.A. DMG Cap Up (Stackable / Max: 15%)Charge attack DMG cap is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Strength: 5% (Max: 15%)Duration: Indefinite

Icon Name Cooldown Duration Obtained Effect
Facsimile II 9 turns
Lvl 55:
8 turns
3 turns Lvl 1
⇧ Lvl 55This skill is enhanced at level 55.
Gain 10% UpliftedCharge bar is boosted on every turn
Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns
Copy an ally's skill. (If the skill is copiable, you know I'll never fail.)
Handsome Gorilla DA 8 turns
Lvl 75:
7 turns
4 turns Lvl 1
⇧ Lvl 75This skill is enhanced at level 75.
⇮ Lvl 95This skill is enhanced again at level 95.
Dark allies gain HypeATK is boosted
Duration: 4 turns
, Guaranteed DAGuaranteed double attack regardless of Double Attack Lowered debuffs
Strength: GuaranteedDuration: 4 turns
, and 20% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns
, ooh-ahh![1]
(Self-inflict 20% Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Max: 100%)Max HP is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Strength: 20% (Max: 100%)Duration: IndefiniteAt 100%, leaves 1 max HP
At level 95:
Dark allies also gain 10% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted
Strength: 10%Duration: 4 turns
Inspiration 0 turns - Lvl 45
Gain Instant ChargeInstantly sets Charge Bar to 100%
Unaffected by Charge Bar Gain status effects.
No effect when afflicted with Shorted debuffs or when Charge Bar is above 100%.
End  Facsimile IIGain 10% UpliftedCharge bar is boosted on every turn
Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns
Copy an ally's skill. (If the skill is copiable, you know I'll never fail.)
's cooldown.
(Self-inflict 30% Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Max: 100%)Max HP is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Strength: 30% (Max: 100%)Duration: IndefiniteAt 100%, leaves 1 max HP

Support SkillsDoes not work from the backline unless explicitly stated.
Icon Name Obtained Effect
Deadline Lvl 1
⇧ Lvl 90This skill is enhanced at level 90.
Boost to all allies' ATKNormal modifier and DEF as Lunalu's max HP decreases.
At level 90:
Also boost to all allies' DMG cap as Lunalu's max HP decreases.
Quality Upgrade Lvl 1
Boost to charge bar based on the number of finalized Page1 Page has been finalized
s at end of turn (Max: 3).
Manuscript Submitted Lvl 100
When Lunalu is knocked out with 3 Page3 Pages has been finalized
s finalized:
All other Dark allies gain Finished ManuscriptATK, DEF, and DMG cap are boosted (Can't be removed)
Multiplier: NormalDuration: Indefinite
Extended Mastery Support Skill EMP Chance to "Ooh-ooh-aaahhh!" upon drinking  Handsome Gorilla DADark allies gain HypeATK is boosted
Duration: 4 turns
, Guaranteed DAGuaranteed double attack regardless of Double Attack Lowered debuffs
Strength: GuaranteedDuration: 4 turns
, and 20% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns
, ooh-ahh!
(Self-inflict 20% Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Max: 100%)Max HP is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Strength: 20% (Max: 100%)Duration: IndefiniteAt 100%, leaves 1 max HP
At level 95:
Dark allies also gain 10% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted
Strength: 10%Duration: 4 turns

Extended Mastery Perks
  • ATK
  • DEF
  • Debuff Resistance
  • Overdrive Attack
  • Overdrive Curbed
RaceCalled "Type" in-game.
  • ATK
  • ATK
  • HP
  • Double Attack Rate
  • Dark ATK Up
  • Triple Attack Rate
  • Triple Attack Rate
  • Boost to Charge Bar Speed
  • Boost to Charge Bar Speed
  • Chance to "Ooh-ooh-aaahhh!" upon drinking  Handsome Gorilla DADark allies gain HypeATK is boosted
    Duration: 4 turns
    , Guaranteed DAGuaranteed double attack regardless of Double Attack Lowered debuffs
    Strength: GuaranteedDuration: 4 turns
    , and 20% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
    Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns
    , ooh-ahh!
    (Self-inflict 20% Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Max: 100%)Max HP is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 20% (Max: 100%)Duration: IndefiniteAt 100%, leaves 1 max HP
    At level 95:
    Dark allies also gain 10% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted
    Strength: 10%Duration: 4 turns

Gameplay Notes

  • This character has received balance updates on the following dates: 2021-10-28

Facsimile II

  • Certain skills cannot be copied. A "NO EFFECT" message will appear if Facsimile II is used after one of these skills.
  • The success rate of debuffs copied is influenced by Lunalu's own debuff success rate and not by the ally from which the skill was copied.[2]

Handsome Gorilla DA

  • Cannot cast if Lunalu's Max HP Lowered (Stackable)Max HP is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Duration: IndefiniteAt 100%, leaves 1 max HP
    is at least 90%.


  • Cannot cast if Lunalu's Max HP Lowered (Stackable)Max HP is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Duration: IndefiniteAt 100%, leaves 1 max HP
    is at least 80%.


  • For every stack of 10% Max HP Lowered (Stackable)Max HP is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 10%Duration: IndefiniteAt 100%, leaves 1 max HP
    • Boost to all allies' ATKNormal modifier and DEF by 5% (Max: 50%).
    • At Lv 90, also boost to all allies' DMG Cap by 2% (Max: 20%).[1]

Quality Upgrade

  • Lunalu gains Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by
    the end of turn based on the number of finalized Page1 Page has been finalized
Pages Status Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by
1 Page1 Page has been finalized
2 Page2 Pages has been finalized
3 Page3 Pages has been finalized

Manuscript Submitted

  • Finished ManuscriptATK, DEF, and DMG cap are boosted (Can't be removed)
    Multiplier: NormalDuration: Indefinite
    grants the following effects:[1]
    • 25% ATKNormal modifier Up
    • 25% DEF Up
    • 10% DMG Cap Up
  • Lunalu will not gain the buff herself if she is revived via AutoreviveRecovers once from a knockout while in effect
  • The ally that switches in after Lunalu is knocked out will also not gain the buff.

Extended Mastery Support Skill

  • Chance for Dark allies to gain GorillaATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is /
    Chance of lowering DMG taken /
    Inner gorilla is unleashed. Ooh-Ahh-Ahh!
    (Can't be removed)
    Duration: 1 turn
    upon using  Handsome Gorilla DADark allies gain HypeATK is boosted
    Duration: 4 turns
    , Guaranteed DAGuaranteed double attack regardless of Double Attack Lowered debuffs
    Strength: GuaranteedDuration: 4 turns
    , and 20% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
    Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns
    , ooh-ahh!
    (Self-inflict 20% Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Max: 100%)Max HP is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 20% (Max: 100%)Duration: IndefiniteAt 100%, leaves 1 max HP
    At level 95:
    Dark allies also gain 10% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted
    Strength: 10%Duration: 4 turns
  • GorillaATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is /
    Chance of lowering DMG taken /
    Inner gorilla is unleashed. Ooh-Ahh-Ahh!
    (Can't be removed)
    's ATK boost equals 25% ATK when above 75% HP and decreases linearly when below 75% HP, down to 10% ATK at 0% HP.[3].
    • GorillaATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is /
      Chance of lowering DMG taken /
      Inner gorilla is unleashed. Ooh-Ahh-Ahh!
      (Can't be removed)
      stacks additively with StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is
  • Allies with GorillaATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is /
    Chance of lowering DMG taken /
    Inner gorilla is unleashed. Ooh-Ahh-Ahh!
    (Can't be removed)
    will have their voices replaced with gorilla sounds.
    • The voice change has no effect on gameplay
  • GorillaATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is /
    Chance of lowering DMG taken /
    Inner gorilla is unleashed. Ooh-Ahh-Ahh!
    (Can't be removed)
    Duration: 1 turn
    is the same status effect granted by the summon Gorilla.
Rank Chance
1★ ?%
2★ ?%
3★ 99%

Uncap Materials

Uncap 1★
Uncap 2★
Uncap 3★
Uncap 4★
Uncap 5★

Awakening Materials

Facsimile Compatibility

Icon Skill Copyable?
Facsimile II No
Handsome Gorilla DA No
Inspiration No


Artist's Battle Armor

Those who engage in creative activities believe that if they just keep themselves cooped up, they'll finish their work in time somehow. This outfit makes that possible, with soft fabric that allows the wearer to relax and focus on their work, no matter the time or place.
Outfit Name Artist's Battle Armor
How to Get Handsome Gorilla
Release Date 2018-05-31
Charge Attack Cataclysmic Illustration
ID 3710070000
