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This article is about the recruitable character. For the summon stone, see Lunalu (Summon).

Game Strategy Lore Voice
This character has multiple versions.
[Delusional Girl A]This title is an unofficial, amateur translation.
MAX HP 550
MAX ATK 4600 (+300Total ATK bonuses from Cross-Fate Episodes.)
BASE DA/TAThis character's base double attack rate and triple attack rate.Characters with support skills that grant guaranteed multiattacks may have very high values.Due to a game update, base DA/TA values are no longer obtainable from in-game data files. Exact values for characters released after 2023-10-10 are currently inaccessible. 4% DA / 1% TA
RaceOfficially called "Type" in-game.
SpecialtyThis character gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid.
Exp. BonusExpedition Bonus Type in Auto-Expeditions None
GenderGender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Female
Voice Actor Rumi Okubo
How to Recruit
Premium Draw
Recruitment Weapon
Night Bell
ID 3020050000
Char ID 1043
Uncap Limit
NameJP ルナール
TitleJP 妄想少女A
Voice ActorJP 大久保瑠美
Release Date 2016-01-31
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GamewithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
An artist of outstanding ability can create images so real they horrify those who witness them. However, the path Lunalu chose allows her to create a beautiful world from her endless imagination. Like the wings of a bird, her wings of imagination will stretch on throughout the sky.

Charge Attack
Icon Name Effect
Cataclysmic Illustration Big Dark damage to a foe.

Icon Name Cooldown Duration Obtained Effect
Facsimile 12 turns
Lvl 45:
10 turns
- Lvl 1
⇧ Lvl 45This skill is enhanced at level 45.
Copy an ally's skill. (Might fail, might not.)
Evil Eye 8 turns 3 turns Lvl 25
Gain 20% ATK UpATK is boosted
Strength: 20%Duration: 3 turns
, 20% DEF UpDEF is boosted
Strength: 20%Duration: 3 turns
, and 10% UpliftedCharge bar is boosted on every turn
Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns

Support SkillsDoes not work from the backline unless explicitly stated.
Icon Name Obtained Effect
Extended Mastery Support Skill EMP Chance to end Facsimile's cooldown upon normal attacks.

Extended Mastery Perks
  • ATK
  • DEF
  • Debuff Resistance
  • Overdrive Attack
  • Overdrive Curbed
RaceCalled "Type" in-game.
  • ATK
  • ATK
  • Double Attack Rate
  • Dark ATK Up
  • Charge Attack Damage
  • Critical Hit
    12% chance for 12% more DMG20% chance for 20% more DMG25% chance for 25% more DMG
  • Skill Damage Cap
  • Debuff Success Rate Up
  • Debuff Success Rate Up
  • Chance to end Facsimile's cooldown upon normal attacks.

Gameplay Notes


  • Certain skills cannot be copied. The message "Skill-Copy Failed" will appear if  FacsimileCopy an ally's skill. (Might fail, might not.) cannot copy a skill.
  • The success rate of debuffs copied is influenced by Lunalu own debuff success rate and not by the ally from which the skill was copied.[1]

Cross-Fate Episodes

Cross-Fate BonusesThese bonuses are only gained by this character. For the Cross-Fate partner's bonuses, see their respective page.
1 ATK +300
  • Bonuses are permanently gained based on the character's total number of completed Cross-Fate Episodes. They are not determined by who the Cross-Fate is with.
  • Cross-Fate bonuses are not shared between character versions.

Uncap Materials

Uncap 1★
Uncap 2★
Uncap 3★

Awakening Materials

Facsimile Compatibility

Icon Skill Copyable?
Facsimile No
Evil Eye Yes


Artist's Battle Armor

Those who engage in creative activities believe that if they just keep themselves cooped up, they'll finish their work in time somehow. This outfit makes that possible, with soft fabric that allows the wearer to relax and focus on their work, no matter the time or place.
Outfit Name Artist's Battle Armor
How to Get Handsome Gorilla
Release Date 2018-05-31
Charge Attack Cataclysmic Illustration
ID 3710070000
