Advanced Grids is a comprehensive guide for experienced players looking to optimize their weapon grids for various content. Early game players should start with Basic Grids and Sierokarte's Knickknack Academy to build a foundational grids before exploring this page. Players are assumed to be at least rank 151 and above.
Interested in adding a setup? Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Manual of Style before doing so. If you have any questions, you can also reach us in the discord under the #User_Guides section!
Element Subpages
The following subpages provide comprehensive advice on grid weapons, team configurations, and grid compositions to explore. As not every setup may match your available weapons, characters, or summons, it's important to test these configurations using your own resources. This process of experimentation is essential for finding the most effective strategies for your gameplay.
Often the best way to start creating a setup for a specific fight is to see what your fellow players are doing. While Advanced Grids aims to collect a good amount of setups for reference, there's only so many that can reasonably fit within the wiki's standards.
The most common starting place for researching alternatives is YouTube. You can use the generator below to help with the Japanese text for searching.
YouTube Title Generator
Full Auto
Use Honors for finding specific Blue Chest setups (e.g., a Revans raid setup would specify 4m for 4 million honors).
The Solo field is primarity used for high difficulty / 6-man raids. Using it on lower raids may give inconsistent results.
The Element field can be ignored if the selected raid does not involve different player elements.
Try it out! While the wiki will attempt to add a varied selection of setups, YouTube can be a great way to find additional teams!
Note: The above websites are not affiliated with the Granblue Fantasy Wiki, nor were the grids contained within tested by wiki staff.
Building Different Types of Grids
Grids are often built around a certain weapon skills or playstyles. Below are some examples of common grid styles. Players should note that Optimus weapons should not be used in Omega grids unless otherwise specified.
Weapon Skill Calculator
Check Weapon Skills for a list of weapon skill values.
Aura Boost
Total Aura Boost: 0.00%
Total Weapon Skill Value: 0.00 (%)
Common Grid Components
Check out the tabs below to see more information on the different types of components that make up grids.
Exalto & Aura Boost Grids
Aura boosting is an essential part of building many grids, as a higher aura boost typically results in better performance from the grid and its boosted weapons.
The Exalto weapon skill is a unique skill that aura boosts Omega or Optimus weapon skills. For example, Colossus Cane Ira will boost Omega Fire weapon skills and Overrider will boost Optimus Fire weapon skills.
Stacking these types of weapons is often a strategy to meet aura boosting requirements from items such as Dark Rapture ZeroPendulumsPendulum of Extremity Pendulum of Sagacity Pendulum of Supremacy which require a total aura boost of 280%. However, due to how strong some main summons are, some setups will often run additional aura boosting sources like characters with passives or sub summons to reach this threshold.
Stacking supplemental damage sources is a great way to enhance a grid, particularly for setups with many damage instances. This can apply to setups based around auto-attack damage utilizing Bonus DMGDeals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks stacking and for setups with a lot of multi-hit skill damage.
General Supplemental DMG
Weapons that provide general supplemental damage apply a boost to all sources of damage that a character does (auto-attacks, skill damage, charge attacks, etc.). Different weapons have different skills that all fall under the "general" supplemental damage boost and all stack with each other up to a max of 100,000. The most common skills are listed below:
Persistence: Up to 30,000 staminaScales based on how high a character's HP is-based supplemental damage
Fortitude: Up to 60,000 enmityScales based on how low a character's HP is-based supplemental damage
Craft: 20,000 supplemental damage only applied on critical hits
Pact: 50,000 unconditional supplemental damage
Q: What makes Pact weapons so good? Their unconditional 50,000 supplemental damage means that allies always get the boost regardless of HP levels or critical hit rate. This can then stack up to the max of 100,000 with only 2 copies leaving the rest of the grid open to other useful weapons!
Setups that utilize characters that have multi-hit skill damage can benefit from running weapons that supplement skill damage. These weapon skills combine to a maximum supplement of 200,000 to skill damage. The two forms of skill supplemental are listed below:
Spectacle: 100,000 skill supplemental damage
Tempering: Aura-boostable skill supplemental damage and skill damage cap
Big Tempering provides 25,000 skill supplemental and 5.5% skill damage cap at skill lvl 15.
Medium Tempering provides 18,000 skill supplemental and 4.5% skill damage cap at skill lvl 15.
Small Tempering provides 12,500 skill supplemental and 3.5% skill damage cap at skill lvl 15.
Here's a tip! General and skill supplemental weapon skills can be used together! Be sure to mix and match these weapons depending on your team setup!
Certain grids may focus on reaching 100% critical hit rate. This is often achieved by using double aura main summons (e.g., setting Leviathan Omega as main and friend support) or using additional aura-boosting sources. Some grids may only reach ~96% crit rate, but this is often seen as reliable enough. However, for situations that require meeting a specific damage threshold (e.g. Unite and Fight EX+), running less than 100% critical hit rate is avoided due to the inconsistency it will bring.
Assuming no Overskills, critical hits from grid sources will provide +50% damage. Normal, Skill and Charge Attack damage can all crit.
Crit grids are often used for the large amount of raw damage they provide. However, the grids can be quite restrictive as they require numerous weapon slots to achieve a reliable critical hit rate and typically need double aura-boosting main summons.
Here's a tip! Players can check a grids current critical hit rate with the in-game grid skill boost info menu or by manually calculating it with numbers from the Weapon Skills page. * Note: The in-game damage calculator will not apply critical hit damage unless it is 100%.
Example 1:
This example uses double sided 5★ aura boost from Tiamat which allows for more grid customization but limits the summon options.
Critical Weapons
Aura Boost
= 100.7%
(10% + 10% + 6.5%) = 26.5%
1 + (140% + 140%) = 380%
Example 2:
This example uses a single Lvl 250 Tiamat which requires quite a few grid weapons, but frees up the main/support summon to run something with more utility.
Grids that build around charge attacks typically funnel all the grid support into boosting the charge attack damage and leave less support for auto attack damage or even sustain. Players have two ways of boosting overall damage shown below:
Here's a tip! General Supplemental weapons tend to lose value in a charge attack focused grid due to charge attacks only counting as 1 damage instance. Check out Supplemental Damage for more information on how this game mechanic works!
Boosting Charge Attack DMG
Weapons skills that boost charge attack damage or charge attack cap are typically the most straightforward way to enhance overall charge attack damage, but they usually require aura boosting summons to be most effective. This is found on skills like Sentence and Glory. Players can also opt for to run Chain of Glorification on their Dark Opus Weapons to free up grid space to run other useful weapons.
Weapons that add supplemental damage to charge attacks are a great addition to grids that focus on maximizing damage. The grid cap for this weapon skill goes up to 1,000,000 which is a lot more substantial than the 100,000 damage cap for general supplemental damage weapons.
Certain weapons will also boost Special C.A. DMG Cap, allowing charge attacks to exceed the hard damage cap of 13.1 or 6.6 million present in most Impossible Raids. It is important to note that this boost to damage cap only applies if hard cap has been reached. Therefore, to benefit from this weapon skill, the grid must have substantial C.A. DMG boosting sources overall.
Some weapons can come with random AX Skills or have the ability to be awakened in different styles similar to Character Awakening. These can either add a small bonus to the weapon or completely change its role in the grid.
Weapon AX skills do not provide significant bonuses and are largely a min-max feature. However, there is a priority in terms of which AX skill to aim for.
In nearly all scenarios, a max roll Stamina +3 will perform the best for damage when compared to all other AX skills. A max roll ATK +3.5% will perform better than a Stamina +1 but will be surpassed by a Stamina +2.
Additionally, Multiattack can be useful in reaching certain TA thresholds.
Be sure to farm all 4 copies of a weapon before uncapping it, in case a copy with a better AX skill drops. Please read the full article's section on the inheritance system for information on how to transfer AX skills between copies of a weapon.
Weapon awakening is a unique mechanic that adds additional boosts to the weapon depending on the type of awakening. Each weapon series has a different set of stat boosts for each awakening style. For information on what exact stats each awakening gives, please see the full article. Below is a rough suggestion of which awakening to pick for each series:
It's important to note that the Weapon Awakening level will reset if switching to a different awakening type. Additional materials will be needed again if another Awakening type is desired.
A majority of the Ennead weapons do not come with an ATK modifier, so Attack is strongly suggested.
A few weapons like Bigeh and Edfu and Esna can make use of Defense due to their Enmity playstyle, but these weapons are inherently niche and not strictly required.
Revans weapons are unique in that both Attack and Defense awakenings are incredibly strong options. Be sure to check out their respective elements' pages for more information on individual awakening recommendations and quantities.
Forging Mk II Revans weapons will give it 5 more levels of awakening, though Mk II Defense has significantly less priority due to its less useful bonuses especially given the increased awakening material cost.
Weapons with Elemental Arts weapon skillsUshumgal Clarion Daggerpeak Daur da Blao Phantom Fangs Bismarck (Boost to Skill DMG Cap) synergize well with both Special and Attack. Two Special awakened copies can cap the grid's Skill DMG Cap Up when used alongside a Dark Opus Weapon's β Pendulum. Attack awakening will raise the weapon's EX modifier to similar values of a fully leveled Astral Weapon.
Other Proven weapons have unique uses and will have different Awakening priorities. For details, see each individual element's page for information on their usage, or lack thereof.
Strong mainhand weapons due to their potent Attack awakening boosts.
Special awakened copies can serve as decent filler for less developed grids, though Attack should be prioritized first.
How to Choose Your Main and Support Summon
Setups will choose which summons to bring based on their grid. If the grid uses weapons with skills that are predominantly boostable by the summon's aura, then running double aura main summons (e.g., setting Leviathan Omega as main and friend support.) may be more beneficial. Vice versa, if a grid is using more weapons that possess skills that cannot be boosted, running an Elemental summon in one or both slots may be more optimal.
Aura boosting summons tend to be used with:
Grid setups that want to reach 100% critical hit rate, boosting skills like Celere and Verity.
Weapons with skills that have low base skill numbers and prefer being boosted: Oblivion's TemperingBig boost to dark allies' skill DMG cap / Big supplemental boost to skill DMG or Ventosus's GloryBig boost to wind allies' C.A. specs and chain burst specs
Weapons with skills that have aura boosting thresholds such as Scarlet EnforcementWhen either Fire Omega or Fire Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above: 20% ATKMultiplier:EX boost to Fire allies' ATK and 15% boost to Fire allies' DEF. or Divine Water's Ruination40% boost to Water allies' ATKMultiplier:EX, 7% boost to DMG cap, 25% boost to double attack rate, and 25% boost to triple attack rate. AmplifyMultiplier: Special normal attack DMG by 10%. (Activates when either Water Omega or Water Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above.)
Other things to consider include summons that provide a unique utility even if their ATK boost is lower or lacking. Listed below are some examples of these cases:
Outside of the strong Elemental ATK boost, Lucifer also provides an automatic debuff clearing effect upon enemy special attacks at Lv 230 as well as a 50% boost to max HP at Lvl 250.
Transitioning to an Optimus "Primal" Grid
All content in the game is clearable with Omega grids. Building Optimus is not a required step in progression.
Why Transition to an Optimus Grid?
A properly built Optimus grid will outperform Omega grids.
This can make certain content "easier" to tackle by opening up more grid options since you are able to equip stronger weapons.
While Optimus grids have a higher power ceiling than Omega grids, a well built Omega grid will almost always outperform a poorly made Optimus grid. Before considering transitioning to Optimus, you should verify that you own all the necessary pieces to truly make it shine, otherwise it will just be a waste of resources.
You simply enjoy an element and how it plays.
The Cost of Transitioning
Both Omega and Optimus grids are continuously updated as the game's meta shifts and new weapons and characters are introduced. For Optimus grids, this is particularly significant as you may need multiple copies of a weapon obtainable only from the gacha. It is strongly recommended to only focus on one, maybe two, elements to make the level of investment manageable. Investing in multiple Optimus grids is uncommon among players, as it requires a combination of luck and monetary investment.
Uncap materials are very limited and a single Optimus grid can consume the majority of the Damascus Ingots available in an account. Further Optimus grids (or even adjusting the existing Optimus grid with newly-released weapons) will quickly require farming Gold Bricks from high-level raids.
It is recommended to have most or all of the grid pieces and summons ready before uncapping any with Damascus Ingots, Gold Bricks, and Sunlight Stones. Otherwise, a new grid piece may release in the meantime that may make an older piece redundant.
Poor Reasons to Transition to an Optimus Grid
You want to skip farming an Omega grid.
New content releases all of the time, and grids update and change. Building an Optimus grid is not a one-and-done task and will still require farming of some sort, whether that be due to the release of new farmable weapons or needing to farm Gold Bricks to uncap new premium grid pieces.
You have most or all of the pieces for an Optimus grid.
Simply having pieces for a grid does not mean you have to invest into it.
Simply having Grand weapons does not necessarily mean your grid will be better than an Omega grid.
Even if the resulting grid is better than Omega, you have to consider whether that improvement is worth the high investment cost for you.
Remember that these are just tips to help you progress through the game in the best way possible. At the end of the day, players are free to play however they want, and it's important to remember that not every player will have the same priorities for gameplay or want the same level of grid optimization.
Dark Opus Weapons
Dark Opus weapons are an integral part of all weapon grids once fully upgraded as they are incredibly efficient grid pieces while also having the flexibility to change their weapon skills to suit the content they're used in. A 5★ uncapped Dark Opus is a very substantial power increase for any grid due to the variety and strength of the pendulums and chains available.
Belial drops Cunning Devil's Horn, which can be traded for specialty Chains. These can be used in the Dark Opus weapon's third skill slot instead of Pendulums.
Omega Boosted(Renunciation)
Optimus Boosted(Repudiation)
Choosing Pendulums and Chains
It's important to note that Pendulums and Chains are consumable and will need to be repurchased if another weapon skill is desired.
2nd Slot β Pendulum 50% boost to all allies' skill DMG cap β Pendulum (Lvl 120 required)
3rd Slot Pendulum of Strength Big boost to weapon element allies' ATK based on how high HP is Pendulum of Strength (Lvl 200 required)
The 2nd key slot gives a damage cap up weapon skill based on the key selected. Any of these options are good, just be sure to pick whichever is not already equipped on your Ultima weapon.
A niche key that sees less usage due to many competitive grid options already providing C.A. DMG cap.
When equipped as a mainhand, this pendulum will provide 20% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. upon charge attacks. This may see use in certain teams that need to reach certain charge bar thresholds.
A niche key that sees usage in certain Charge Attack and OTK lineups.
When equipped as a mainhand, this pendulum will provide Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10% Strength: 10% upon charge attacks. This may see use in certain teams that need to reach certain charge bar thresholds.
Below are the most commonly used 3rd skill keys. For the full list of available keys, see #Guiding Gospel.
Not as commonly used as the other keys in this table, but can be used when the grid already has a multitude of modifiers and the raid lasts several turns.
Also grants Bonus DMGDeals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. to all allies on its charge attack.
Provides a 20% Passive Bonus Damage effect to all allies regardless of element and Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn on its charge attack in exchange for a 100% hit to charge bar gain.
The core piece to many burst setups by using the Dark Opus weapon as mainhand and using skills like Splitting SpiritConvert caster's HP to charge bar3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar. (Consumes up to 50% of current HP.) and charge bar gain boosting skills to continuously give Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn to allies.
Provides various buffs50% ATK UpATK is boosted Strength: 50%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 4 turns 50% DEF UpDEF is boosted Strength: 50%Duration: 4 turns 10% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 4 turns 35% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Strength: 35%Duration: 4 turns 25% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 25%Duration: 4 turns 20% Dodge Rate UpChance to dodge DMG and debuffs Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns 20% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns 80% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted Strength: 80%Duration: 4 turns 20% C.A. DMG UpCharge attack DMG is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns 30% C.B. DMG UpChain burst DMG is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 4 turns 20% C.B. DMG Cap UpChain Burst DMG Cap Boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns Veil (1 time)Debuffs will be nullified (1 time) Duration: Indefinite"Veil" is an unofficial name used by the wiki for this status effect. Its actual in-game name is "Immune." Dispel Cancel (1 time)Buffs can't be removed or shortened (1 time) Duration: Indefinite at the start of battle for 4 turns in exchange for a 30% hit to allies' max HP.
Ideal for short burst setups.
This effect applies to all allies regardless of element, so some players may use an off-element Dark Opus to save on trade materials.
This chain is sometimes called "Freyr chain" or "Freyr key" due to its similarity to the buffs gained from Freyr (Summon).
Provides very strong charge attack related boosts while also dealing 10,000 plain damage to the ally that charge attacked.
Most commonly used in charge attack focused OTKsOne-turn-kills in event battles like Unite and Fight Extreme+.
This effect applies to all allies regardless of element, so some players may use an off-element Dark Opus to save on trade materials.
This chain is sometimes called "Apple chain" or "Apple key" due to its similarity to the Forbidden FruitC.A. specs are boosted / Takes plain DMG upon using charge attack (Can't be removed / Ends upon using charge attack) status found in Dark Rapture.
Used in any situation that needs a lot more HP, in exchange for a slight damage loss from not running Stamina instead.
Dark Opus Transcendence
Omega Boosted(Renunciation)
Transcendence Lvl 5
Transcendence Lvl 5
Transcendence Lvl 5
Transcendence Lvl 5
Transcendence Lvl 5
Transcendence Lvl 5
Optimus Boosted(Repudiation)
Transcendence Lvl 5
Transcendence Lvl 5
Transcendence Lvl 5
Transcendence Lvl 5
Transcendence Lvl 5
Transcendence Lvl 5
Uncap Upgrades and Changes
Dark Opus Transcendence upgrades one of the strongest weapons in the game even further. Each step provides a small boost to its power, mostly focusing on aura-boosted skills. Because of this, fully uncapping the opposing Opus to the type of grid you run has less priority (e.g., Optimus Fire players don't need to fully uncap Scythe of Renunciation).
Key MaterialsImportant uncap materials that have limited availability or are difficult to obtain otherwise.
Celestial Weapons are an incredibly potent weapon slot due to their mixed Normal and EX ATK modifiers along with additional damage cap up, HP, DEF, and multiattack boosts. The Celestial Weapon type should be changed depending on the weapon proficiencies in your party or for Voltage II synergy if your party is too spread out.
Celestial Weapons can be acquired through Unite and Fight events. All Nightmare difficulty raids have a chance to drop these weapons however, Nightmare Lvl 90 is the preferred method as you are able to stack Drop Rate Boosting effects while still being able to defeat the battle quickly.
Although the weapon dropped from the raid is random, each can be reduced for Crystallized Core ×15. This can then be used in the Shop to purchase another Celestial Weapon for the same cost. As long as you are not reducing a weapon you bought from the shop, there is no harm in reducing a 0★ Celestial Weapon since you only need one fully uncapped per weapon type and enough copies to do so can be traded for in the Shop.
To 4★ uncap a Celestial Weapon, you will need the 20 of the corresponding Star fragments (e.g. Seven-Star Fragment ×20). Since this requires reducing Revenant Weapons, there are a certain number of steps needed before you are able to do so:
Don't forget about my Fate Episode! At least give me a fair fight before you take my sword...
Obtain Priority
The priorities given for each weapon below primarily take into account the amount of relevant characters that match the respective weapon proficiency. Any additional factors that impact the priority will be listed.
All New World Foundation Weapons provide an EX ATK modifier, DMG Cap in Arcarum and an additional effect unique to each weapon when equipped as a mainhand. These effects are upgraded when uncapped to 5★. They gain a general 5% DMG cap, available outside of Arcarum and the main weapon restriction is lifted for the additional effect.
New World Foundation weapons are a necessary step in Uncapping an Evoker. As such, the weapon's priority is based mostly on the corresponding Evoker's priority.
World Weapons
The materials required for the World Weapons can be acquired from the solo fight found in Replicard Sandbox, The World or from the raid version unlocked at rank 170, The World (Raid).
While each World Weapon can be awakened, unlike other Weapon Series, World Weapons only possess one Awakening type.
All World weapons possess a damage amplification modifier, limited to a certain damage type and available only to characters with certain weapon proficiencies.
It's important to note that the Weapon Awakening level will reset if switching to a different awakening type. Additional materials will be needed again if another Awakening type is desired.
Standard Revans Weapons
280% Aura Boost Revans Weapons
Awakening Revans
The bonuses that Weapon Awakening provides for Revans Weapons are particularly significant compared to other weapon series. Many Revans weapons depend on their Awakening effects to be a competitive grid option and can feel underwhelming if used without them. Attack provides a solid Normal modifier attack boost, particularly useful in Omega grids. Defense can be a significant source of HP and DEF for any setups that require more survivability. Special can provide additional DMG cap in niche situations but this awakening is generally utilized less frequently than the other two awakening types.
Might +2%
HP +3%
ATK +50
Might +2%
DEF 3%
HP +10
Might +2%
HP +4%
C.A. DMG Cap +2%
ATK +100
HP +4%
DMG Cap +1%
Might +3%
DEF +3%
ATK +50
Might +3%
HP +6%
HP +10
Might +3%
HP +6%
ATK +50
Might +3%
DEF +3%
C.A. DMG Cap +3%
ATK +100
HP +8%
DMG Cap +2%
Might +4%
HP +8%
HP +15
Might +4%
DEF +3%
ATK +50
Might +4%
HP +8%
HP +15
Might +5%
HP +8%
C.A. DMG Cap +2%
ATK +300
DEF +3%
DMG Cap +2%
Might +35%Multiplier: Normal ATK +500
DEF +15%
HP +55%
C.A. DMG Cap +7%
DMG Cap +5% HP +50 ATK +200
Should you Mk II Forge?
Mk II forging Revans weapons is incredibly costly and require farming multiple different Revans raids, so players should prioritize which weapons to upgrade. For most players Defense and Special Mk II weapons can be ignored outside of very specific niche use cases as the additional stat boosts they give are generally not worth the material cost. Attack gives a fairly substantial attack boost making them some of the strongest raw damage modifiers available, assuming the base weapon is useful in the first place. Be sure to check out each individual elemental page to see which weapons are used.
Stats gained with Mk II Awakening
Below is a table of each additional stat gained per awakening level after Mk II forging:
Elemental ATK +2%
Debuff Resistance +2%
C.A. DMG Cap +3%
EX Might +5%
Elemental Reduc. +2%
Skill DMG Cap +2%
Elemental ATK +3%
Debuff Resistance +3%
Normal Attack DMG Cap +2%
EX Might +5%
Elemental Reduc. +3%
Skill DMG Cap +3%
Elemental ATK +10%
Healing Cap +5%
Normal Attack DMG Cap +2%
EX Might +10%
Elemental ATK +15%
Debuff Resistance +5%
Healing Cap +5%
Elemental Reduc. +5%
C.A. DMG Cap +3%
Skill DMG Cap +5%
Normal Attack DMG Cap +4%
Mk II Forge Cost
While Mk II awakening provides particularly potent effects, they cost a significant amount of resources to do so. Uncapping and awakening a Mk I Revans weapon will require 125 of the respective Revans material (e.g. Automagod Plating), while rebuilding and fully awakening a Mk II weapon will require an additional 650 materials. You will also need 80 mats from two other Revans raids.
Forging Mk II Revans
Needed Lvl: 150
Skill Lvl: 15
Lvl 20 Awakening Cost
Awk. Lvl 15
Forging Mk II Weapons
Needed Lvl: 150
Skill Lvl: 15
Lvl 20 Awakening Cost
Awk. Lvl 15
Forging Mk II Revans
Needed Lvl: 150
Skill Lvl: 15
Lvl 20 Awakening Cost
Awk. Lvl 15
Forging Mk II Revans
Needed Lvl: 150
Skill Lvl: 15
Lvl 20 Awakening Cost
Awk. Lvl 15
Forging Mk II Revans
Needed Lvl: 150
Skill Lvl: 15
Lvl 20 Awakening Cost
Awk. Lvl 15
Forging Mk II Revans
Needed Lvl: 150
Skill Lvl: 15
Lvl 20 Awakening Cost
Awk. Lvl 15
Ultima Weapons
Your First Ultima Weapon
Reminder! Ultima Weapons are best used at 5★. It's okay to save your choice until you're ready to upgrade!
Ultima Weapons are a unique weapon series that can equip different keys to gain different effects. From the Heart of the Sun event, players received a free 5★ uncapped Ultima weapon which is usually reserved for rank 200+ players who can clear Super Ultimate Bahamut. Players can also receive a free Atma Weapon from What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000 which can be upgraded into an Ultima Weapon. It's important to choose your free weapon and its keys wisely. Below is a recommended weapon setup that will most widely benefit all of your teams.
1st Slot Gauph Key of Strength Big boost to allies' ATK based on how high HP is (Only affects this weapon type specialty allies. ATK boost is based on weapon skill level) Gauph Key of Strength
2nd Slot Gauph Key α 10% Boost to one-foe attack DMG cap Gauph Key α (Auto Cap)
3rd Slot Gauph Key Tria Amplify all allies' superior elemental DMG by 25% Gauph Key Tria (Lvl 200 required)
Be careful! Ultima 2nd key doesn't stack with Dark Opus 2nd key! Be sure to keep them different!
What Weapon Type Affects
Your Ultima weapon type only affects the boost it gives on its first key slot as well as its ability to be used as a mainhand weapon. This boost can largely be ignored in early game setups. Further in game progression, players will craft different Ultima Weapon types to min-max their damage output for key characters.
Choosing an Ultima Weapon Type
When deciding on which Ultima Weapon type to make, it's always best to consider what would benefit the teams that you use the most. Every player has different preferred teams and playstyles.
The element chosen for the weapon doesn't matter for the most part as Ultima weapons are rarely used as mainhands, which is the only thing that would be affected by that choice. Check out the chart below in case you need some light guidance on which one to make.
Hover over special icons to show specific usage cases.
02Used primarily in high-end Hraesvelgr burst setups. 05Can be used in Relic BusterBlitz RaidInstantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn. (Consumes 1 Machine CellConsumed upon normal attacks and using skills (Can't be removed / Max: 5) .) burst setups.
Leveling your Ultima Weapon to lvl 200 is very important, as it will gain access to its 3rd Gauph Key slot which is the most impactful part of this weapon. Once this key slot is unlocked, be sure to equip the Gauph Key Tria. This gives the weapon a very powerful Seraphic-type ATK boost, even stronger than a fully upgraded Seraphic Weapons when fighting at elemental advantage.
It's important to note that Gauph Keys are consumable and will need to be repurchased if another weapon skill is desired.
Gauph Key Tria Amplify all allies' superior elemental DMG by 25%
Wait a second... Gauph Key Tria means Seraphic Weapons are fully replaced by Ultima Weapons in all of your grids. (So much for the power of the Primarchs...)
As mentioned previously, the 1st key slot only boosts allies that match the weapon type of the Ultima Weapon being used. While it is nice when the team's weapon proficiencies match up, it shouldn't be forced.
Great for setups that want to guarantee Triple Attack rate, especially in endgame raids with "Triple Attack × times" omens.
The 2nd key slot gives a damage cap up weapon skill based on the key selected. Any of these options are good, just be sure to pick whichever is not already equipped on your Dark Opus weapon. This weapon skill will affect all allies regardless of their weapon proficiency and Ultima Weapon's forged element.
A niche key that sees usage in certain Charge Attack and OTK lineups.
The 3rd key slot is the most impactful and defines what the weapon is used for. This weapon skill will affect all allies regardless of their weapon proficiency and Ultima Weapon's forged element.
Upon reforging Draconic Weapons into their Provenance forms, these weapons gain a number of benefits. They can be equipped alongside Dark Opus Weapons and can also be equipped in the additional weapon slots for Extra Party teams. This provides additional flexibilty in weapon choices when building a grid.
Below is a table of the available Telumas that can be additionally equipped to fully forged Draconic weapons. For more information on trading for these items, see: Draconic Weapons#Six_Pillars' Judgment.
It's important to note that Telumas are consumable and will need to be repurchased if another weapon skill is desired.
Typically, the standard elemental DMG reduction Telumas will function similarly when used for defensive purposes.
Other Raids and Weapons
Throughout rank progression, players gain access to various additional raids that provide materials to unlock different weapon series, though some of these are not used as often or at all compared to the weapon series above.
Hollowsky weapons are similar to Ultima Weapons in that they only provide a boost to allies with the specified weapon specialty. Hollowsky Weapons also come with a conditional supplemental skill, which stacks with general supplemental damage weapon skills up to a maximum of 100,000. This makes their grid viability questionable in current grid setups.
Picking up any of the Hollowsky weapons should not be a priority unless a specific setup requires it.
Cosmos weapons boost the ATK and HP of other weapons in the grid that share its weapon type. They become more useful at 4★, which upgrades its stat boost and unlocks a damage cap up skill.
Generally, Cosmos weapons should not be used unless there are at least 5 of the specified weapon type in the grid, including the Cosmos weapon itself.
Generally not recommended to invest into these weapons when your grids are still developing as they require a lot of weapon fodder and upgrade materials like Damascus Crystals.
Draconic weapons do not unlock their 3rd weapon skill until lvl 200 which is the most important skill for slotting this weapon into your grid.
Astral weapons provide an Unworldly EX attack modifier, making them some of the strongest single-slot EX weapons available. Once an Astral weapon is uncapped to 5★, its second weapon skill loses its mainhand requirement and takes effect even when the Astral weapon is placed in the grid.
Sol Remnant being the most commonly used due to its passive A-sided bonus damage effect instead of a conflicting cap up skill. This weapon is typically seen in any auto attack based setups not already utilizing Chain of Falsehood or Optimus Grids with Overrider
Non-Xeno Militis weapons provide a Voltage II modifier that matches with the weapon itself. This can make them a strong source of EX ATK for grids that stack many of the same weapon types.
Xeno Miltis provide Omega ATK and HP modifiers which can serve as filler pieces, especially for the additional weapon slots in Extra Party teams.
Overall, Militis weapons see niche usage. Check out each respective element page for further details.