Grand Order (Raid)

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This article is about the Grand Order raid. For the summon stone, see Grand Order. For the similar-looking recruitable character, see Zooey.

Raid Grids
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Raid Battles

The Peacemaker's Wings
Cost to Host: 80 AP,
Peacemaker Star x1
Cost to Join: Rank 50+, 5 EP Unlock: Rank 80+, Clear Chapter 4 Story: The Storm GuardianVerification needed.
Participants: 30 Vice: 2nd-6th Elixirs: Unlimited Strike Time: YesStrike Time bonus applies for this raid.
Location: Chapter : Zinkenstill - Azure Sky SanctumStart QuestNetwork Errors will appear if the hosting conditions are not met.
(AP, Host Materials, Daily Limit)
Lvl 100 Grand Order Lv100 ジ・オーダー・グランデ
Phase Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Grand Order 100 449,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
Phase 1
  • Spinning Slash N 100%-76%
Plain damage to one ally.
Gains TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
  • Bisection OD 100%-76%
Light damage to all allies.
Inflicts DEF DownDEF is lowered
and DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
  • Prism Halo TR
Gains Mirror ImageNext one-to-one attack received will be ineffective
(Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack)
Duration: 2 turns
and 100% DMG CutTaking less DMG
Strength: 100%Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
Phase 2
  • Thunder N 75%-46%
Light damage to all allies and inflicts ParalysisCan't attack
  • Stratosphere OD 75%-46%
Light damage to all allies and inflicts Fire DEF DownDEF is lowered for fire DMG
  • Gamma Ray TR 50%–46%
9,999,999 Light damage to all allies.
Final phase
  • Opposition N 45%-
Light damage to all allies and inflicts ATK DownATK is lowered
  • Conjunction OD 45%-
Sets the HP of all allies to 1. All ally skills have their cooldown timers randomized.
  • Ruler of Fate TR 40% 30% 20%
Inflicts WormholeSkill will take effect after 2 turns
Duration: 2 turns
on all allies. Does 500,000 plain damage to Wyvern Orders. Dispels 99% DMG CutTaking 99% less DMG
Damage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements.
Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
on all Wyvern Orders after Wyvern Orders reaches 45%.
  • Only Grand Order must be defeated to clear the raid.
  • Conjunction can't set a cooldown higher than its cooldown timer.
  • WormholeSkill will take effect after 2 turns
    Duration: 2 turns
    inflicts a random debuff when it expires.
  • 90%-86% Trigger
Casts Prism Halo.
  • 80% Trigger
Casts Prism Halo.
  • 75% Trigger
Moves into Phase 2.
  • 50%-46% Trigger
Casts Gamma Ray.
  • 45% Trigger
Moves into Final phase.
  • 40% Trigger
Casts Ruler of Fate.
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 30% Trigger
Casts Ruler of Fate.
  • 20% Trigger
Casts Ruler of Fate.
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 10% Trigger
Gains immunity to PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
Wyvern Order 100 134,000,000 ◇◇◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Hallow
20 hits of small Water damage to random allies.
  • Immortal Thrust
3 hits of small Water damage to random allies.
Gains DMG CutTaking less DMG
Damage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements.
Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
  • Sweeping Thrust
Small Light damage to all allies.
Dispels all ally buffs.
  • Doesn't normal attack
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Sweeping Thrust.
Gains 99% DMG CutTaking 99% less DMG
Damage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements.
Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
. Cannot be dispelled.
  • 45% Trigger
Loses 99% DMG CutTaking 99% less DMG
Damage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements.
Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
. Will not be dispelled until Grand Order casts Ruler of Fate.
  • 25% Trigger
Wyvern Order 100 120,000,000 ◇◇◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Hallow
20 hits of small Fire damage to random allies.
  • Immortal Thrust
3 hits of small Fire damage to random allies. Gains DMG CutTaking less DMG
Damage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements.
Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
  • Sweeping Thrust
Small Light damage to all allies. Dispels all ally buffs.
  • Doesn't normal attack
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Sweeping Thrust.
Gains 99% DMG CutTaking 99% less DMG
Damage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements.
Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
. Cannot be dispelled.
  • 45% Trigger
Loses 99% DMG CutTaking 99% less DMG
Damage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements.
Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
. Will not be dispelled until Grand Order casts Ruler of Fate.
  • 25% Trigger
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal x50
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3
100% 100% 100%
  •  9.99.86% ±3.36% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 21 drops from 213 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Heavenly Horn
  • 90.190.14% ±3.36% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 192 drops from 213 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Omega Fragment
  • 31.731.72% ±5.61% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 59 drops from 186 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Azure Feather
  •  2.72.69% ±1.95% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 5 drops from 186 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Omega Fragment
  • 20.420.43% ±4.86% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 38 drops from 186 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Champion Merit
  • 24.224.19% ±5.17% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 45 drops from 186 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Supreme Merit
  • 21.020.97% ±4.91% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 39 drops from 186 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Blue Sky Crystal
  • Shield of Lamentation
  • 30.530.48% ±5.54% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 57 drops from 187 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Azure Feather
  •  3.23.21% ±2.12% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 6 drops from 187 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Omega Fragment
  • 25.125.13% ±5.22% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 47 drops from 187 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Champion Merit
  • 18.218.18% ±4.64% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 34 drops from 187 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Supreme Merit
  • 23.022.99% ±5.06% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 43 drops from 187 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Blue Sky Crystal
Chest 4 Chest 5 Blue
100% Common 13.75?% (~966,625)13.75?% of total honor is required to guarantee a blue chest.
Based on HP alone a minimum 617,375 honor is required to guarantee a blue chest.
Typically 966,625 honor should be enough to guarantee a blue chest under normal circumstances.
  • 96.796.71% ±2.01% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 206 drops from 213 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Azure Feather
  •  3.33.29% ±2.01% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 7 drops from 213 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Azure Feather ×2
  •  5.25.20% ±2.78% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 9 drops from 173 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Coronation Ring
  • 49.149.13% ±6.25% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 85 drops from 173 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Azure Feather ×2
  • 27.727.75% ±5.60% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 48 drops from 173 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Heavenly Horn
  •  8.18.09% ±3.41% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 14 drops from 173 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Tier 1 Summon Omega Anima
  •  9.89.83% ±3.72% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 17 drops from 173 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Weapon Plus Mark
Host MVP Share
Source otokuro2
Drop table last updated: 2024-04-10, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

The Peacemaker's Wings (Impossible)
Cost to Host: 90 AP,
Heavenly Horn ×1
Cost to Join: Rank 150+, 3 EP Unlock: Rank 150+, Host & Clear
Wings of Terror (Impossible)
Participants: 18 Vice: 2nd-6th Elixirs: 1 (Host crew only)Only the host and participants belonging to their crew can use a single elixir. Strike Time: NoStrike Time does not apply for this raid.
Location: Chapter : Zinkenstill - Azure Sky SanctumStart QuestNetwork Errors will appear if the hosting conditions are not met.
(AP, Host Materials, Daily Limit)
Lvl 200 Grand Order Lv200 ジ・オーダー・グランデ
Phase Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Phase 1 Grand Order 200 1,080,000,000 (100%) ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Bisection N TR 95%
Light damage to all allies.
  • Spinning Slash OD TR 85%
Plain damage based on 60% of max HP to the ally with the highest HP.
Inflicts StunnedCan't attack
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
  • For all phases
Triggered special attacks do not clear charge diamonds.
Field of MediationDMG is amplified based on number of main allies' elements
Unofficial name
Field effect
amplifies damageSeraphic modifier based on how many different elements are present among your frontline allies:[1]
  • 1 Element: No boost.
  • 2 Elements: 15%.
  • 3 Elements: 45%.
  • 4 Elements: 75%.
ArbitrationThe special attack Gamma Ray's specs are boosted (Can't be removed / Lvl rises at end of each turn if there's a main ally with HP 25% or lower / Max: 5)
Local status effect
level increases whenever an ally is below 25% HP at end of turn (starts at 1, max 5).
  • 95% Trigger
Casts Bisection.
  • 85% Trigger
Casts Spinning Slash.
  • 75% Trigger
Moves to Phase 2.
Phase 2 Peacemaker's Wings 200 810,000,000 (75%) ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Stratosphere N
Plain damage to all allies based on 30% of max HP.
Inflicts 20% CollapsedCharge bar is lowered on every turn
Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
on all allies.
  • Thunder OD TR 60%
Multi-hit Light damage to random allies.
Inflicts C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
Duration: 3 turns
TR 60%
Targets ally with the lowest HP, switching to next-lowest if target is knocked out.
  • 60% Trigger
Casts Thunder.
  • 50% Trigger
Moves to Phase 3.
Phase 3 Grand Order 200 540,000,000 (50%) ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Ray Strike TR 50%
Plain damage to the ally in the 4th position based on 100% of max HP. If there is no 4th ally, targets the next lowest positioned ally.
Inflicts Death IneluctableCan't be revived (Can't be removed)
if the target is knocked out.
  • Opposition N
Large Light damage to all allies.
Gains TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
  • Conjunction OD
Sets all allies' HP to 1.
  • Normal attacks hit all allies.
  • Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
  • At start of phase
Removes all debuffs from Grand Order.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Ray Strike.
  • 40% Trigger
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 25% Trigger
Moves to Phase 4.
Phase 4 Grand Order 200 270,000,000 (25%) ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Gamma Ray TR 25% 10%
Plain damage to all allies based on ArbitrationThe special attack Gamma Ray's specs are boosted (Can't be removed / Lvl rises at end of each turn if there's a main ally with HP 25% or lower / Max: 5)
Local status effect
TR 25%
Plain damage based on (15% × ArbitrationThe special attack Gamma Ray's specs are boosted (Can't be removed / Lvl rises at end of each turn if there's a main ally with HP 25% or lower / Max: 5)
Local status effect
level) of max HP.
TR 10%
Plain damage based on (20% × ArbitrationThe special attack Gamma Ray's specs are boosted (Can't be removed / Lvl rises at end of each turn if there's a main ally with HP 25% or lower / Max: 5)
Local status effect
level) of max HP.
  • The Last Wish N
Plain damage to all allies.
Gains ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
and DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
  • Outburst OD
Multi-hit plain damage and multi-element damage to random allies.
Removes all buffs from all allies.
  • Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
  • At start of phase
Removes all debuffs from Grand Order.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Gamma Ray.
  • 15% Trigger
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 10% Trigger
Casts Gamma Ray.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Host: Prestige Pendant ×100 Join: Prestige Pendant ×70 Crew: Prestige Pendant ×70
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
100% 100% 100% 100%
Chest 5 Host MVP Blue
100% -- 12.0% 12.0% of total honor is required to guarantee a blue chest.
  • 50.049.98% ±1.80% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 1044 drops from 2089 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Verdant Azurite
  • 15.715.65% ±1.31% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 327 drops from 2089 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Champion Merit ×2
  •  7.67.61% ±0.95% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 159 drops from 2089 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Supreme Merit ×2
  •  3.13.11% ±0.62% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 65 drops from 2089 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Legendary Merit
  • 13.513.55% ±1.23% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 283 drops from 2089 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Silver Centrum
  •  7.57.52% ±0.95% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 157 drops from 2089 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Coronation Ring
  •  1.51.48% ±0.44% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 31 drops from 2089 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Lineage Ring
  •  0.90.86% ±0.33% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 18 drops from 2089 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Intricacy Ring
  •  0.20.24% ±0.18% chance to be selected when chest drops.
    Based on 5 drops from 2089 chests.
    Confidence intervals are assuming an approximately normal distribution at 90% confidence.
      Gold Brick
Drop rates from the otokuro2 spreadsheets. Please check the source spreadsheets for up to date numbers.
Drop table last updated: 2020-08-12, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Voice Lines

Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Play
Battle Start 世界の均衡が崩れる可能性が生まれた時、私は顕現する! When something which might throw the world off balance rises, I am made manifest!
Phase 1
Normal Attack せい! Sei!
やあっ! Yaa!
はっ! Ha!
Spinning Slash でやあああっ! Deyaaaa!
Bisection 滅する…空星(そらぼし)の狭間に() You will perish... Return to the void between sky and stars!
Prism Halo 隔絶せよ、極彩色の結界! Seal it away, O kaleidoscopic barrier!
Entering Overdrive 滅びの光を授けん… I grant you the light of destruction...
Entering Break Mode くっ…ぐうぅ… Ah... Gah...
Entering Phase 2 いいだろう…来たれ!調停の翼よ!! Very well... Come forth! The Peacemaker's Wings!
Entering Phase 3 行くぞ!蒼天の映し鏡たる我が剣にて、万象の憂いを断たん! Here we go! For by my sword which is a mirror reflecting the blue sky, I will sever the sorrow of all creation!
Phase 3
Normal Attack 行くぞ Let's go.
終わりだ This is the end.
滅せよ! Perish!
Opposition 断ち切る! Sever!
Conjunction 森羅万象、開闢(かいびゃく)暁光(ぎょうこう)!その身に受けて白灰(しらはい)となれ! All things in nature, the dawn of creation! Accept it with your body and turn to ash!
Ruler of Fate さぁ、共に終末へ向かおう Now, let us head into the apocalypse together.
Entering Overdrive 滅びの際を辿るのはどちらだ…? Which of us is nearing the brink of destruction...?
Entering Break Mode 世界の流れが…混迷している… The flow of the world... is in turmoil...
Nightmare Only
Upon Defeat 見事だ…お前達なら、世界を… Splendid... If it's you, then the world...
Impossible Only
Entering Phase 4 たっ! Ta!
認めよう、お前たちは世界の敵だ I shall acknowledge it. You people are indeed the enemy of the world.
これにて、混沌に終焉を告げん Herewith, I bid an end to chaos.
Phase 4 Turn StartVerification needed. 万象一切塵に帰す。劫末の輝きの中、己の罪を知れ! Every single thing in the universe shall return to dust. Learn your sins in the gleam of the apocalypse!
均衡が保たれし空星に不要の御者よ、虚無の果てへ失せよ Oh, unwanted beings in the preservation of the starry skies' equilibrium, disappear into the limits of nothingness!
世界に仇なす傲慢、我が蒼き意志を持って断罪する! My azure conviction shall condemn the arrogance of taking the world as your enemy!
Normal Attack 去ぬ Begone.
沈め Sink down.
無意味だ It's futile.
Gamma Ray 天地万物終焉の落暉(らっき)!明けぬ極夜の贄となれ!ガンマ・レイ! All things in creation, falling spark of demise! Become an offering to the neverending blackest night! Gamma Ray!
The Last Wish 数多の生命の光を見届けよ!ラストウィッシュ! Behold the light of countless lives! The Last Wish!
Outburst 世界に仇なす傲慢、我が蒼き意志を持って断罪する! My azure conviction shall condemn the arrogance of taking the world as your enemy!
Upon Defeat なるほど…お前たちが…新たな世界の理か…… I see... So, you people are... the order of the new world...
世界の総意を、捻じ曲げるというのか… So you would pervert the world's consensus itself...

