Belial (Raid)

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This article is about the raid. For the summon stone, see Belial. For the solo quest, see Fallen Paradise. For the Granblue Fantasy: Versus character, see Belial (Versus).

Raid Grids

About Belial

Unlock Requirements

All of the following requirements must be met:

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Raid Battles

Heads up!
Leeching this raid is disrespectful unless otherwise specified.
If you don't have time to contribute, please don't join.

The Fallen Angel of Cunning
Cost to Host: 100 AP,
Malice Fragment ×3
Cost to Join: Rank 170+, 5 EP Unlock: Rank 170+, Clear Chapter 111 Quest: Fallen Paradise
Participants: 6 Vice: 2nd-3rd Elixirs: Not available Strike Time: NoStrike Time does not apply for this raid.
Location: Chapter 111: The Edgelands - WalflosseStart QuestNetwork Errors will appear if the hosting conditions are not met.
(AP, Host Materials, Daily Limit)
Lvl 250 Belial Lv250 ベリアル
Phase Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Phase 1 Belial 250 700,000,000 (100%) ◇◇◇◇◇◇ No
20 DEFEstimated damage dealt to a 20 DEF foe
ElementBaseRelative to damage dealt to neutral element foes in Party setupDEF DownDEF is lowered
DEF DownDEF is lowered
0%All fire damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All water damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All earth damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All wind damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All light damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All dark damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All plain damage taken reduced by 0%.
DEF DownDEF is lowered
ATK DownATK is lowered
GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
Not immune
Debuff Res. DownDebuff resistance is lowered
Lethal HitInstant death for the victim.
PoisonedHP is lowered on every turn
Not immune
BurnedHP is lowered on every turn
Not immune
PutrefiedHP is lowered on every turn
Not immune
BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Not immune
CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
ZombifiedReceives DMG if healed
SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
ImmuneTakes 25% more damage
ParalyzedCan't attack
PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
StunnedCan't attack
Immunity unknown
Accuracy LoweredAttacks and special attacks have a chance to miss
Not immuneLocal status effect
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Lemegeton (Join Trigger) TR 100%
19,999 Plain Damage to all allies.
Inflicts Cunning HorseplayRandom effects to all allies every 3 turns (Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
on MC.

 Asmodeus Stance Attack If an incoming special attack is due to the foe's charge diamonds being full, the charge diamonds will flash white. If it is instead due to an HP trigger or some other special condition, the charge diamonds will not flash, even if they are full. N

13-hit random-element DMG to random allies. (2200% DMG total)
Inflicts Charge Bar Gain LoweredCharge bar gain is lowered (Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
, DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered (Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
, TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered (Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
, and Max HP Lowered (Stackable)Max HP is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Duration: IndefiniteAt 100%, leaves 1 max HP

 Goetia Incanted Attack If an incoming special attack is due to the foe's charge diamonds being full, the charge diamonds will flash white. If it is instead due to an HP trigger or some other special condition, the charge diamonds will not flash, even if they are full. TR

16-hit random-element DMG to random allies. (2400% DMG total)
Inflicts SlashedHP is lowered on every turn
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
and Supplemental DMGDMG taken is supplemented
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
CANCELThis Omen can be cancelled when the following condition is met before the foe's next action. Deal 15,000,000 damage.

 Lemegeton Stance Attack If an incoming special attack is due to the foe's charge diamonds being full, the charge diamonds will flash white. If it is instead due to an HP trigger or some other special condition, the charge diamonds will not flash, even if they are full. (Omen) TR

500% random-element DMG to all allies.
Remove 2 buffs from all allies.
Fill 1 charge diamond
CANCELThis Omen can be cancelled when the following condition is met before the foe's next action. Hit the foe 35 times.

 Asmodeus Stance Attack If an incoming special attack is due to the foe's charge diamonds being full, the charge diamonds will flash white. If it is instead due to an HP trigger or some other special condition, the charge diamonds will not flash, even if they are full. TR 65%

13-hit random-element DMG to random allies. (2200% DMG total)
Inflicts Fruit of Treachery OmegaCharge attack reactivates / Plain DMG to self upon using a charge attack (Can't be removed / Ends upon using a charge attack)
Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
to all allies.
CANCELThis Omen can be cancelled when the following condition is met before the foe's next action. Use a buff-removing effect.
  • Normal attacks hit all allies.
  • Starts battle with Dark MotivesCertain special actions' specs are boosted based on lvl (Can't be removed / Lvl lowers upon canceling Omens)
    Duration: Indefinite
    and Cunning WingsHP won't lower below 5% / Counters when Delayed by a skill (Can't be removed)
    Strength: 6,666 Plain damage to all allies.Duration: IndefiniteLocal status effect
  • If the conditions for multiple special attacks are met in the same turn, priority is as follows:
  1. 5% Lemegeton
  2. Full-diamond special attack
  3. HP triggers (except 5%)
  4. Turn-based triggers
  • ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
    Local status effect
Raises by 1 level whenever Belial knocks out an ally.
Climax gives Belial additional effects depending on level.[1]
  1. ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
    Local status effect
    : Fill 1 additional diamond at the end of turn.
  2. ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
    Local status effect
    : +100% DA Up/50% TA Up
  3. ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
    Local status effect
    : Fill 2 additional diamonds at the end of turn.
  4. ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
    Local status effect
    : Damage dealt is always the target's weak element.
  5. ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
    Local status effect
    : Fill 3 additional diamonds at the end of turn.
  6. ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
    Local status effect
    : +50% ATK Up
  7. ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
    Local status effect
    : Fill 4 additional diamonds at the end of turn.
  8. ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
    Local status effect
    : +100% DEF Up
  9. ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
    Local status effect
    : Fill 5 additional diamonds at the end of turn.
  • Upon entering the battle
Casts Lemegeton (Join Trigger).
Applies one of the following effects to the entire party every 3 turns:
Fruit of Treachery AlphaUpon using damage skills: Consumes 50% of current HP / Deals 20,000% of HP consumed as plain DMG to a foe (Can't be removed / Ends upon using a damage skill)
Duration: 2 turns
Fruit of Treachery BetaUpon using healing skills: Restore all allies' HP by 15,000 / Fills 1 charge diamond on a foe (Can't be removed / Ends upon using a healing skill)
Duration: 2 turns
Fruit of Treachery GammaUpon using buff skills: 2-turn cut to skill cooldowns / Consumes all of charge bar (Can't be removed / Ends upon using a buff skill)
Duration: 2 turns
Fruit of Treachery DeltaUpon using debuff skills: Delay effect to a foe / Caster takes 10,000 plain DMG (Can't be removed / Ends upon using a debuff skill)
Duration: 2 turns
  • 75% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.
Removes all debuffs on Belial.
Normal attacks now randomly apply Skill SealedCan't use skills
Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
  • 65% Trigger
Readies Asmodeus.
  • On the third turn and every six turns after
Readies Goetia.
  • On the sixth turn and every six turns after
Readies Lemegeton (Omen).
Phase 2 Belial 250 350,000,000 (50%) ◇◇◇◇◇◇ No
20 DEFEstimated damage dealt to a 20 DEF foe
ElementBaseRelative to damage dealt to neutral element foes in Party setupDEF DownDEF is lowered
DEF DownDEF is lowered
0%All fire damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All water damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All earth damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All wind damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All light damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All dark damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All plain damage taken reduced by 0%.
DEF DownDEF is lowered
ATK DownATK is lowered
GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
Not immune
Debuff Res. DownDebuff resistance is lowered
Lethal HitInstant death for the victim.
PoisonedHP is lowered on every turn
Not immune
BurnedHP is lowered on every turn
Not immune
PutrefiedHP is lowered on every turn
Not immune
BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Not immune
CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
ZombifiedReceives DMG if healed
SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
ImmuneTakes 25% more damage
ParalyzedCan't attack
PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
StunnedCan't attack
Immunity unknown
Accuracy LoweredAttacks and special attacks have a chance to miss
Not immuneLocal status effect
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes

 Anagenesis Stance Attack If an incoming special attack is due to the foe's charge diamonds being full, the charge diamonds will flash white. If it is instead due to an HP trigger or some other special condition, the charge diamonds will not flash, even if they are full. TR 50%

100% dark DMG to all allies.
Deals 10,000 Plain DMG for each Dark MotivesCertain special actions' specs are boosted based on lvl (Can't be removed / Lvl lowers upon canceling Omens)
Duration: Indefinite

 Anagenesis Stance Attack If an incoming special attack is due to the foe's charge diamonds being full, the charge diamonds will flash white. If it is instead due to an HP trigger or some other special condition, the charge diamonds will not flash, even if they are full. N

Knock out all allies.
Also hits backline allies and ignores AutoreviveRecovers once from a knockout while in effect

 Goetia Incanted Attack If an incoming special attack is due to the foe's charge diamonds being full, the charge diamonds will flash white. If it is instead due to an HP trigger or some other special condition, the charge diamonds will not flash, even if they are full. TR 30%

16-hit random-element DMG to random allies. (3840% DMG total)
Inflicts SlashedHP is lowered on every turn
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
and Supplemental DMGDMG taken is supplemented
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Increase ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
Duration: IndefiniteLocal status effect
lvl by 1.
CANCELThis Omen can be cancelled when the following condition is met before the foe's next action. Activate a Fated Chain.

 Lemegeton Stance Attack If an incoming special attack is due to the foe's charge diamonds being full, the charge diamonds will flash white. If it is instead due to an HP trigger or some other special condition, the charge diamonds will not flash, even if they are full. (Omen) TR

30,000 random-element DMG to all allies.
Inflicts Skill SealedCan't use skills
Duration: 6.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 6 turns remaining.
and C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
Duration: 6.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 6 turns remaining.
CANCELThis Omen can be cancelled when the following condition is met before the foe's next action. Use a buff-removing effect.
  • 50% Trigger
Gains DMG Cut NullifiedNullifies 'all elemental DMG cut' (Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
and one of each of the following pairs of buffs (3 total)
Deceitful FallacyAbsorbs fire DMG (Can't be removed / Ends upon dealing 15,000,000 DMG of 1 element within 1 turn)
Duration: Indefinite (300s if only one player is in the raid)
/ Deceitful FallacyAbsorbs wind DMG (Can't be removed / Ends upon dealing 15,000,000 DMG of 1 element within 1 turn)
Duration: Indefinite (300s if only one player is in the raid)
Deceitful FallacyAbsorbs water DMG (Can't be removed / Ends upon dealing 15,000,000 DMG of 1 element within 1 turn)
Duration: Indefinite (300s if only one player is in the raid)
/ Deceitful FallacyAbsorbs earth DMG (Can't be removed / Ends upon dealing 15,000,000 DMG of 1 element within 1 turn)
Duration: Indefinite (300s if only one player is in the raid)
Deceitful FallacyAbsorbs light DMG (Can't be removed / Ends upon dealing 15,000,000 DMG of 1 element within 1 turn)
Duration: Indefinite (300s if only one player is in the raid)
/ Deceitful FallacyAbsorbs dark DMG (Can't be removed / Ends upon dealing 15,000,000 DMG of 1 element within 1 turn)
Duration: Indefinite (300s if only one player is in the raid)
Readies Anagenesis.
Normal attacks change to multi-hit random-element damage.
  • 30% Trigger
Readies Goetia.
  • 25% Trigger
Removes all debuffs on Belial.
ClimaxBased on lvl: Gains various buffs / Fills a number of charge diamonds at end of turn (Can't be removed / Lvl rises upon knocking out an ally / Lvl rises every turn when Belial's HP is lower than a set amount / Max: 9)
Local status effect
lvl now increases at the end of every turn.
Normal attacks now inflict 100% Charge CutInstantly reduces Charge Bar by 100%
Strength: 100%
and dispel two buffs.
  • On the third turn and every six turns after
Readies Goetia.
  • On the sixth turn and every six turns after
Readies Lemegeton (Omen).
Phase 3 Belial 250 35,000,000 (5%) ◇◇◇◇◇◇ No
? DEF0%All fire damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All water damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All earth damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All wind damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All light damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All dark damage taken reduced by 0%.0%All plain damage taken reduced by 0%.
DEF DownDEF is lowered
Not immune
ATK DownATK is lowered
Not immune
GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
Debuff Res. DownDebuff resistance is lowered
Lethal HitInstant death for the victim.
PoisonedHP is lowered on every turn
Not immune
BurnedHP is lowered on every turn
Not immune
PutrefiedHP is lowered on every turn
Not immune
BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Not immune
CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
ZombifiedReceives DMG if healed
SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
ImmuneTakes 25% more damage
ParalyzedCan't attack
PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
StunnedCan't attack
Immunity unknown
Accuracy LoweredAttacks and special attacks have a chance to miss
Not immuneLocal status effect
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes

 Lemegeton Stance Attack If an incoming special attack is due to the foe's charge diamonds being full, the charge diamonds will flash white. If it is instead due to an HP trigger or some other special condition, the charge diamonds will not flash, even if they are full. TR 5%

100% dark DMG to all allies.
Cunning WingsHP won't lower below 5% / Counters when Delayed by a skill (Can't be removed)
Local status effect
changes to Cunning Wings (5%)Elemental DMG cut based on number of parties / Charge diamonds don't decrease (Can't be removed)
Local status effect
Fills all charge diamonds.

 Anagenesis Stance Attack If an incoming special attack is due to the foe's charge diamonds being full, the charge diamonds will flash white. If it is instead due to an HP trigger or some other special condition, the charge diamonds will not flash, even if they are full. N

Knock out all allies.
Also hits backline allies and ignores AutoreviveRecovers once from a knockout while in effect
  • 5% Trigger
Readies Lemegeton.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Not guaranteed 100% 100% 100%
Chest 5 Chest 6 Host MVP
100% 100% --
Drop table last updated: 2021-12-28, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.


  • Delay effects from Typhon, Proto-Joya, Siegfried, Wulf and Renie (Halloween), and Yuni will not work on Belial. However, these summons and characters can still be used as the buffs they provide are independent from the success of the Delay effectSiegfried and 4★Typhon only. Rest is unconfirmed..

Other Resources

Voice Lines

Line JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Battle Entry
Above 50% HP
ううぁぁ… Sigh...
さぁてぇとぉ… Well then...
はぁ~…やるか Sigh... time to do this.
Battle Entry
Below 50% HP
殺してやる!! I'll kill you!!
早く来いよ…ぉお゛い゛!! Hurry up and come at me... HEY!!
ビビってんのか? Shaking in your boots yet?
Normal Attack
Above 50% HP
っと… Hm...
この辺? Around here?
行くぜ? My turn?
Normal Attack
Below 50% HP
そォら! There!
目障りだ! You're an eyesore!
ハハハッ! Hahaha!
Asmodeus 耐えられるかい? Can you withstand this?
Goetia ほうらっ Watch out.
Lemegeton もっとよがって見せてくれ Satisfy me more More literally translates as "show me that you can satisfy (the subject) more"
サァ、終末を始めようか… Now, let's begin the doomsday...
Anagenesis 逝っちまえよ…アナゲンネーシス! Go meet your creators... Anagenesis!
Upon Defeat ハハッ、おめでとう… Hehee, congratulations...
トんじまいそうだ Seems like it's the end.
Unknown もっと見せてくれ Show me more
