Arcarum Evokers

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About Arcarum | Arcarum Summons | Arcarum Evokers | Auto-Expeditions
Enemy List: Normal | Hard | Extreme
Bosses: Discarded Puppets (3-3 & 6-3) | Arcarum Bosses (9-3)

Arcarum Evokers

Arcarum Evokers are special recruitable characters thematically based on the Major Arcana.

Unlocking these characters requires fully forging their respective Arcarum Summon and materials from Arcarum: The World Beyond.

List of Arcarum Evokers

See Category:Arcarum Evoker Characters for a table view of the Arcarum evokers.
Evoker Summon Weapon

Maria Theresa


Rise of Justice


The Hanged Man

Binds of The Hanged Man



Pain of Death



Theater of Temperance


The Devil

Kiss of The Devil


The Tower

Collapse of The Tower


The Star

Shooting of The Star


The Moon

Reflection of The Moon


The Sun

Heat of The Sun



Melody of Judgement

Recruiting Arcarum Evokers

To recruit an Arcarum Evoker, the player must first fully forge the Arcarum Summon of the respective character to 5★. This will unlock the Arcarum Pactbearer category in Sierokarte's Shop, and a fate episode to recruit the character with their respective arcana card as material requirement. In the fate episode, the player will fight either a stronger version of the respective Arcana Summon boss or the Evoker themselves.

Battle Data

Disclaimer: Battle data is still being gathered.
Special attacks, triggers, drops, and notes may not be accurate or complete.

Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Upgrade Justice (SSR) to 5★.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Justice 120 40,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Abraxas N OD 100%-50% TR 90%
2-hit Water damage to random allies.
Inflicts UnrighteousnessA sinner has been revealed.
  • Aurum Sword N OD 100%-50% TR 50%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts UnrighteousnessA sinner has been revealed.
  • Remembrance OD 50%- TR 75% 25%
Multi-hit Water damage to random allies.
Deal 50% of Max HP as plain damage to all allies affected by UnrighteousnessA sinner has been revealed.
Justice and Astraea take 99999 plain damage if affected by UnrighteousnessA sinner has been revealed.
  • Only Justice must be defeated to clear the battle.
  • Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
    and PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
  • 90% Trigger
Casts Abraxas.
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Remembrance.
  • 50% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.Justice will deliver judgement!
Casts Aurum Sword.
Astraea 120 40,000,000 ◇◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Jurist Scales N TR
Plain damage to all allies. Damage dealt is based on difference between Justice and Astraea's HP (Damage cap: 99,999).
Additionally, one of the following may happen:
  • Justice and Astraea gain UnrighteousnessA sinner has been revealed.
  • Inflict UnrighteousnessA sinner has been revealed.
    on all allies.
  • Justice and Astraea gain ATK UpATK is boosted
  • Justice and Astraea gain DEF UpDEF is boosted
  • Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered
    on all allies.
  • Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
    , CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
    , EnticedAttacks are slightly limited
    , ParalyzedCan't attack
    , and PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
  • Doesn't attack.
  • 100% Trigger
Casts Jurist Scales.
  • 75% Trigger
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 50% Trigger
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 25% Trigger
Fills all charge diamonds.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50. Unlocks Maria Theresa's recruitment Fate Episode.
Drop table last updated: not specifiedThe game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff., all stated drop rates are estimates.

The Hanged Man
Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Upgrade The Hanged Man (SSR) to 5★
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss The Hanged Man 120 58,800,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Ordeal
Multi-hit Earth damage to random allies.
Self-inflict Debuff Res. DownDebuff resistance is lowered
on The Hanged Man.
  • Golden Dawn
Earth damage to one ally.
Removes all debuffs on The Hanged Man.
The Hanged Man gains ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 300 seconds
and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 300 seconds
  • Breaking Point
~50,000Verification needed. Earth damage to all allies.
Removes all debuffs on The Hanged Man.
  • Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
  • 100% Trigger
Casts Ordeal.
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Breaking Point.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Golden Dawn.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Golden Dawn.
  • 20% TriggerVerification needed.
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 10% TriggerVerification needed.
Fills all charge diamonds.
Rykov 120 11,700,000 ◇◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Invert Matter
Removes all buffs on all allies.
All enemies gain ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 300 seconds
and DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 300 seconds
  • Eye of the Blackstar
Earth damage to all allies and inflicts ATK DownATK is lowered
Duration: 2 turns
  • Tranquility
Earth damage to all allies and inflicts SuffocateHP is lowered on every turn
Inflicts SuffocateHP is lowered on every turn
Duration: 300 seconds
on The Hanged Man and Petrov.
  • 100% Trigger
Casts Invert Matter.
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Eye of the Blackstar.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Tranquility.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Eye of the Blackstar.
Petrov 120 9,500,000 ◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Bottomless Ravine
Small Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts DEF DownDEF is lowered
Duration: 5 turns
and CursedCan't be healed
Duration: 2 turns
on the target.
Inflicts DEF DownDEF is lowered
Duration: 300 seconds
on The Hanged Man and Rykov.
  • Necknapping
Water damage to all allies and inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Also inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: 300 seconds
on The Hanged Man and Petrov.
  • Exposing Flames
3-hit Water damage to random allies.
Inflicts Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked
on one ally.
Casts Necknapping.
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Necknapping.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Bottomless Ravine.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Bottomless Ravine.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Wooden Silver Gold

Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Upgrade Death (SSR) to 5★.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Death 120 60,000,000 ◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Deathly Thirteen TR
Gain Death WishTaking less DMG (Effect weakens each time an ally is knocked out)
Can't be removed.
and Death SentenceAll party members will be knocked out on turn 13
Can't be removed.Local status effect
  • Triumph of Death N TR
13 hits of Dark damage to random allies.
  • Misfortune N
Dark damage to one ally and inflicts Ill FortuneMore likely to be attacked
Duration: 4 turns
  • Immune to ParalysisCan't attack
    , GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
    , and Lethal HitInstant death for the victim.
  • At start of battle
Casts Deathly Thirteen.
  • 99% Trigger
Casts Triumph of Death.
  • 95% Trigger
Casts Triumph of Death.
  • 65% Trigger
Casts Triumph of Death.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Triumph of Death.
  • 45% Trigger
Casts Triumph of Death.
  • 10% Trigger
Casts Triumph of Death.
  • 5% Trigger
Casts Triumph of Death.
  • Death WishTaking less DMG (Effect weakens each time an ally is knocked out)
Starts at 90% cut and lowers by 20% each time an ally is KO'd.
Knocks out all party members on turn 13 including sub party members. Ignores AutoreviveRecovers once from a knockout while in effect
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: crystal ×50. Unlock Nier recruitment Fate Episode.
Drop table last updated: not specifiedThe game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff., all stated drop rates are estimates.


Unlike her Arcarum fights, Death doesn't have a significantly reduced defense in this one. Because of that, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to deal enough damage to clear the fight under 13 turns while Death WishTaking less DMG (Effect weakens each time an ally is knocked out)
is at full power. As it is reduced every time a character dies, there's a few ways to speed up the process:

  • Using Ayer's  Guilty BreakGain Guilty BreakATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is
    Strength: 40%-120%Duration: 8 turns
    (Consumes 25% of max HP.)
    4 times to reduce his HP to 1~3 and  ProvokeYou want a shot at me? Go ahead! Take it!
    (Gain Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked (Can't be removed)
    Duration: 2 turns
    . Take a lethal hit without being knocked out if Ayer has 1% of his max HP or more.)
    At level 100:
    I swing my fists to protect others!
    (No longer gain Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked (Can't be removed)
    Duration: 2 turns
    Gain SubstituteReceives foe attack in place of an ally
    (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks)
    Duration: 2 turns
    and Undying (2 times)Can withstand lethal DMG (Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
    Duration: Indefinite
    When below 25% HP: Also gain Dauntless SpiritATK is sharply boosted by Dauntless Spirit (Can't be removed)
    Strength: 50%Multiplier: AssassinDuration: 1 turn
    to increase his Hostility makes it very likely Death will kill him on the first turn.
    • The Lethal Attack Dodged effect of Provoke won't activate as it requires at least 10 remaining HP to.
    • Guilty break can only be activated 3 times if Ayer's maximum HP are a multiple of 4, leaving him with 25% of his HP.
  • Rackam (Holiday)'s  Collateral DamagePlain damage to all foes upon expending HP. leaves him at 1% of his current HP when used, making him extremely likely to get killed by Death.
  • Luna's  Soul ConversionKnock out another ally. can be used to kill a targeted ally other than Luna herself.
  • Death (SSR) call can be used to kill the Dark ally in 4th position, other than the Main Character or Lyria (Event).
    • This can be used to kill Luna, after she herself kills someone else.
    • Unlike other options, this one is always available and easily accessible at this point, as you are required to have Death to unlock this fight, and Luna can be obtained from Shadowverse: Duelist of Eternity in the Side Stories.
Characters who die and get revived by an AutoreviveRecovers once from a knockout while in effect
effect don't count for the purpose of lowering Death WishTaking less DMG (Effect weakens each time an ally is knocked out)
strength. However, regular methods of revive don't have any effect on Death WishTaking less DMG (Effect weakens each time an ally is knocked out)
(it is lowered on a character's death, but doesn't go up again when they're revived).

Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Upgrade Temperance (SSR) to 5★.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Estarriola 120 75,000,000 ◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Eternal Reverie TR 100% 70% 30% 10%
Wind damage to all allies.
Inflicts RestrainCan't deal one-foe attacks or charge attacks (Can't be removed)
Duration: 1 turn
on 2-4 allies.
  • Pent-Up Rage N
3-hit Wind damage to random allies.
  • Forbidden Chalices TR 50%
Wind damage to all allies.
Estarriola gains Forbidden ChalicesDeals wind DMG to all allies and removes 1 buff every turn (Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
  • At start of battle
Casts Eternal Reverie.
  • 70% Trigger
Casts Eternal Reverie.
  • 50% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.
Casts Forbidden Chalices.
Base charge diamonds: 2 → 1
  • 30% Trigger
Casts Eternal Reverie.
  • 10% Trigger
Casts Eternal Reverie.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50. Unlock Estarriola recruitment Fate Episode.
Wooden Silver Gold
- - -

The Devil
Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Upgrade The Devil (SSR) to 5★.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss The Devil 120 83,655,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Crimson Nightmare N
Fire damage to all allies. Inflicts Crimson DreamHP is restored for 2 turns and lowered after 3 turns
  • All Fall Down TR 75
Fire damage to all allies and removes all buffs.
Inflicts ATK DownATK is lowered
Duration: 4 turns
, DEF DownDEF is lowered
Duration: 4 turns
, Charge Bar LoweredCharge bar is lowered on every turn
Strength: 10%Duration: 4 turns
, and BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: 4 turns
  • Power Plant N TR 40
Fire damage to all allies.
The Devil restores 100,000 HP and gains ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsCan't be removedLocal status effect
and DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsCan't be removedLocal status effect
  • Hellfire OD TR 20
Fire damage to all allies and inflicts Red HeatHP is lowered on every turn
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
  • Malevolent Majesty TR 25
Plain damage to all allies based on 40% of max HP.
  • Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
    and PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
  • 75% Trigger
Casts All Fall Down.
  • 50% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.The Devil has shown itself!
  • 40% Trigger
Casts Power Plant.
Base charge diamonds change to ◇◇.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Malevolent Majesty.
  • 20% Trigger
Casts Hellfire.
  • 10% Trigger
Fills all charge diamonds.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50. Unlocks Fraux's recruitment Fate Episode.
Drop table last updated: not specifiedThe game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff., all stated drop rates are estimates.

The Star
Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Upgrade The Star (SSR) to 5★.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss The Star 120 100,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Stardeath TR N 75% 25%-OD 20%-
30-hit low Light damage to random allies.
Inflicts DivinityATK and triple attack rate boosted
Duration: 5 turns
on all allies.
Inflicts ElectrifiedCan't take any action (Can't be removed)
Duration: 1 turn
on allies with DivinityATK and triple attack rate boosted
  • Deimos Strike TR OD 50%-
Light damage~7000 damage to one ally and inflicts DeathKnocked out after 0.5 turns
Duration: 0.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 0 turns remaining.
  • Heavenly Glory TR OD 20%-
Multi-hit Light damage5 hits of ~4000 damage to random allies.
Inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: 5 turns
, Skill SealedCan't use skills
Duration: 5 turns
, and 100% Charge CutInstantly reduces Charge Bar by 100%
Strength: 100%Duration: instant
on all allies.
Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
, BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
, PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Stardeath.
  • 50% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.The Star is beginning to flex!
Casts Deimos Strike.
  • 25%-24%Verification needed. 26.2% - 16.2% Trigger
Casts Stardeath.
  • 20% Trigger
Casts Heavenly Glory.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50. Unlock Geisenborger recruitment Fate Episode.
Drop table last updated: not specifiedThe game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff., all stated drop rates are estimates.

The Moon
Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Upgrade The Moon (SSR) to 5★
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
' The Moon 120 70,785,000 ◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Flashback HP 100%-0%Verification needed. TR
The Moon gains LunamosityATK and DEF are boosted based on Bounty lvl
and BountyItem drop rate is boosted
  • If cast as trigger: Gains 1 BountyItem drop rate is boosted
  • If cast as C.A.: Gains 4 BountyItem drop rate is boosted
  • Koph HP 80%-0%Verification needed.
Large~2,800 per hit with -50% ATK Down 8-hit Water damage to random allies.
Additional effect depending on The Moon's HPVerification needed.  :
  • 100%-71%: The Moon gains RepelReflects DMG
    Strength: Up to 1000Duration: Up to 3 hitsDamage Cut reducing damage taken and reflecting attacks.
    Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
  • 70%-31%: Inflicts CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
    Duration: 1 turn
    on all allies.
  • 30%-0%: Inflicts ConfusedAllies can be targeted (Substitute and Counter are ineffective)
    Duration: 1 turn
    on all allies.
  • Phobos Blast
Multi-hit Water damage to random allies.
Inflicts GlaciateATK, DEF, and multiattack rate is lowered / HP is lowered on every turn (Same effect will be spread to an ally when the character uses a skill / Spread effect ignores debuff immunity)
on one ally.

  • Phase of the Moon TR
The Moon gains Crescent MoonChanges to Quarter Moon in 1 turn
Duration: 1 turn
  • Amundsen TR
Massive Water damage (~8,000 damage) to all allies and inflicts GlaciateATK, DEF, and multiattack rate is lowered / HP is lowered on every turn (Same effect will be spread to an ally when the character uses a skill / Spread effect ignores debuff immunity)
  • Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
    , CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
    , BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
    , PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
  • LunamosityATK and DEF are boosted based on Bounty lvl
The Moon's ATK and DEF are boosted based on BountyItem drop rate is boosted
  • 90% Trigger
Casts Flashback. Does not reset charge diamonds.
  • 70% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.The Moon waxes full with power...
  • 30% Trigger
Casts Phase of the Moon.
Unleashes True Power+.The Moon is energized with power!
  • If The Moon has Full MoonChanges to New Moon in 1 turn
Casts Amundsen.

  • Crescent MoonChanges to Quarter Moon in 1 turn
    Duration: 1 turn
    changes to Quarter MoonChanges to Full Moon in 1 turn
    Duration: 1 turn
    after 1 turn.
Quarter MoonChanges to Full Moon in 1 turn
Duration: 1 turn
changes to Full MoonChanges to New Moon in 1 turn
Duration: 1 turn
after 1 turn.
Full MoonChanges to New Moon in 1 turn
Duration: 1 turn
changes to New MoonATK and DEF are lowered / Changes to Crescent Moon in 3 turns
Duration: 3 turns
after 1 turn.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Wooden Silver Gold
- - -

Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Upgrade The Sun (SSR) to 5★.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss The Sun 120 82,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Resh N 100%-30% TR 100%
The Sun gains CoronaCasts Burn each turn
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
  • Gravity Slingshot OD 100%-30%
2-hit plain damage to random allies based on 40% max HP.
  • Primal Flare TR 30%
Deploys the FlareATK is modified by number of turns passed
Field effect
field effect.
  • Plasma Shooter N 30%-0%
Large Fire damage to one ally and inflicts Solar CrownAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: 3 turns
  • Coronal Ejection OD 30%-0%
Large Fire damage to all allies and inflicts BurnedHP is lowered on every turn
Immune to BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
, CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
, DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
, ParalyzedCan't attack
, GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
and PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
Can normal attack more than 3 times.
  • 100% Trigger
Casts Resh.
  • 75% Trigger
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 50% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.The Sun is surrounded by a blinding glow!
  • 30% Trigger
Casts Primal Flare.
  • 25% Trigger
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 10% TriggerVerification needed.
Casts Coronal Ejection.
  • CoronaCasts Burn each turn
    Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
Inflicts BurnedHP is lowered on every turn
Duration: 1 turn
after each turn.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: crystal ×50. Unlock Alanaan recruitment Fate Episode.
Drop table last updated: not specifiedThe game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff., all stated drop rates are estimates.

Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Upgrade Judgement (SSR) to 5★.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Judgement 120 65,812,500 ◇◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Verdict Sphere N OD
7-hit Wind damage to random allies.
  • Guilty TR
Small Wind damage to all allies, removes the stacked buffs of Innocent on Judgement, and inflicts one of the following debuffs:
  • Innocent TR
Removes all debuffs on Judgement, as well as Guilty's DA Down (Stackable)Double attack rate is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
and TA Down (Stackable)Triple attack rate is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
debuffs on all allies.Verification needed. From anonymous editor, no source Does not remove Guilty'sVerification needed. From anonymous editor, no source DEF Down (Stackable)DEF is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
Gains ATK Up (Stackable)ATK is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
and DEF Up (Stackable)DEF is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
. Does not consume charge diamonds upon use.
Immune to DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
, PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
, GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
, and ComatoseCan't attack and takes big DMG
(Chance to end upon taking DMG)
Takes 50% more damage
Local status effect
  • If Judgement has a debuffVerification needed.
Casts either Guilty or Innocent.Verification needed.
  • If an ally has a buffVerification needed.
May or may not cast Innocent.Verification needed.
  • 50% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.Judgement's melody has turned frenzied!
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear:
Drop table last updated: not specifiedThe game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff., all stated drop rates are estimates.

Arcarum Materials Required to Recruit an Evoker

The Arcana Cards required for the fate episode requires the following materials:

Arcarum Materials Required to Uncap an Evoker to 4★

Evokers have unique uncap material requirements that include the following materials:

5★ Uncapping an Evoker

Uncapping an Evoker to 5★ requires the following:

  • Raise to level 80.
  • Unlock all their Domain bonuses.
  • Obtain and uncap their related New World Foundation Weapon to 5★.
  • Complete the Fate Episode that unlocks after obtaining the above.
  • Unlock The New World node in Zone Mundus. (Not the actual boss battle, which is only unlocked by uncapping an Evoker to 5★).

5★ Uncap Materials

Once 5★ uncapped, an Evoker can unlock their fourth Skill.

Acquiring and 5★ Uncapping a New World Foundation Weapon

Once an Evoker is recruited, their related New World Foundation Weapon will be available for trade in the Shop under the Weapons list for the following materials:

Uncapping this weapon has the following effects:

Uncapping this weapon requires the following materials:

1★ Uncap

2★ Uncap

3★ Uncap

4★ Uncap

5★ Uncap

Total Materials Required for a 5★ Uncapped Weapon

Domain of the Evoker

Domain of the Evoker is a special Extended Mastery-like system specific to Arcarum Evokers. Domain bonuses require materials to activate instead of Extended Mastery Points. The first bonus is unlocked at the start, while following bonuses are unlocked based on the uncap level of the Evoker's corresponding New World Foundation Weapon which grants a trophy.

Bonuses can be activated in any order and materials are based on the number of activated Bonuses.

Activating all 4 Domain bonuses automatically activates and obtains the Domain Bonus Ability.

First Domain Bonus

Second Domain Bonus

Third Domain Bonus

Fourth Domain Bonus and Support Domain Bonus

Total Materials Required for a Support Domain Bonus

Unlocking the Fourth Skill

Once an Evoker reaches Level 100, a new Arcarum card is unlocked in Arcarum Pactbearer section of the Shop.

The World Card is required to play a set of Fate Episodes that unlocks the Evoker's fourth Skill. Ten become available at once, but only one is needed for each Evoker.

Each can be acquired for the following materials:
