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This article is about obtainable trophies in the Granblue Fantasy mobile game. For obtainable trophies in Granblue Fantasy: Relink, see Trophy (Relink).

Trophies are in-game objectives that give various rewards for achieving certain milestones. Usually the rewards are Crystals, but there are some trophies that award other things such as summon stones and Class Distinctions.

Most trophies can be completed at any time, but some are related to various events and generally only available while these events are underway.

Display and Rewards

You can display a trophy that you have completed as a title that appears in your profile and in the coop room. To display a trophy, go to Menu > Profile, click on the pencil icon to the right of your player name, then click on Change Trophy. Here you can set a trophy title, see your current trophy progress, and claim rewards for completed trophies (by clicking the Rewards button).

Notable Trophies

Eternity Sands

Each of these trophies rewards Eternity Sand, which are otherwise extremely rare and hard to obtain.

Collab Trophies with Rewards

Coop Quests

Story Trophies (1918)

See: Trophy/Story

Battle Trophies (705)

Unite and Fight (13)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Road to Victory 初勝ち星 ★☆☆ Advance to finals, and win a finals battle or the Final Rally in Unite and Fight Crystal ×10
Unite and Fight Ace 古戦場の闘士 ★★☆ Win 3 finals battles or win 2 finals battles and the Final Rally in the same Unite and Fight Crystal ×30
Unite and Fight Legend 古戦場の勇者 ★★★ Win 4 finals battles and the Final Rally in the same Unite and Fight Crystal ×50
Unite and Fight Hero 古戦場の英雄 Place in the top 2,000 in Unite and Fight individual rankings Crystal ×50
Unite and Fight Big Shot 古戦場の豪傑 Place in the top 50,000 in Unite and Fight individual rankings Crystal ×50
Unite and Fight Up-and-Comer 古戦場の麒麟児 Place in the top 100,000 in Unite and Fight individual rankings Crystal ×30
Unite and Fight Apprentice 古戦場の新鋭 Place in the top 150,000 in Unite and Fight individual rankings Crystal ×10
Are You Saving for Your Future? 戦貨を集めてみませんか? ★☆☆☆☆☆ Get 50,000 tokens in Unite and Fight Crystal ×10
Nest Egg Acquired 積み立てコツコツ ★★☆☆☆☆ Get 150,000 tokens in Unite and Fight
Token Collector 戦貨コレクター ★★★☆☆☆ Get 300,000 tokens in Unite and Fight Crystal ×10
You Don't Know? That's When... 止まるんじゃねぇぞ ★★★★☆☆ Get 600,000 tokens in Unite and Fight Crystal ×30
Got My War Chest Right Here ウォーブルジョワ ★★★★★☆ Get 1,000,000 tokens in Unite and Fight Crystal ×30
Ultimate Enlightenment Achieved 悟りの境地 ★★★★★★ Get 2,500,000 tokens in Unite and Fight Crystal ×50

Dread Barrage (29)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
The Dawn of Battle 激戦の幕開け ★☆☆☆☆☆ Get 100,000 individual honors in Dread Barrage Crystal ×10
Brave Survivor ブレイブ・サバイバー ★★☆☆☆☆ Get 1,500,000 individual honors in Dread Barrage Crystal ×10
Daily Diligence 日々是精進 ★★★☆☆☆ Get 3,000,000 individual honors in Dread Barrage Crystal ×30
Winning Is Etched in My Body 勝利が血となり肉となる ★★★★☆☆ Get 10,000,000 individual honors in Dread Barrage Crystal ×30
Dread Hunter ドレッドハンター ★★★★★☆ Get 25,000,000 individual honors in Dread Barrage Crystal ×50
Bow Before the Master of Dread マスター・オブ・ドレッドバラージュ ★★★★★★ Get 40,000,000 individual honors in Dread Barrage Crystal ×50
Show of Bravery 己が武勇を示さん ★☆☆☆☆☆ Clear ★★★ or higher quests a total of 50 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×10
Prelude to Eternal Battle 終わりなき戦いの序曲 ★★☆☆☆☆ Clear ★★★ or higher quests a total of 100 times in Dread Barrage
Proud to Be a Winner 積み重ねた勝利は誇り ★★★☆☆☆ Clear ★★★ or higher quests a total of 150 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×30
Endless March エンドレス・マーチ ★★★★☆☆ Clear ★★★ or higher quests a total of 250 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×30
Keep Fighting the Good Fight! まだ終わりじゃないぞ! ★★★★★☆ Clear ★★★ or higher quests a total of 500 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×50
The Valiant One 勇敢なる一人の行進者 ★★★★★★ Clear ★★★ or higher quests a total of 1,000 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×50
Have No Fear, the Crew Is Here! みんなで倒せば怖くない! ★☆☆☆☆☆ Clear quests against an unparalleled foe a total of 5 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×10
All Hands on Deck! 総力を結集せよ ★★☆☆☆☆ Clear quests against an unparalleled foe a total of 50 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×10
We Fight as One! 一致団結!! ★★★☆☆☆ Clear quests against an unparalleled foe a total of 100 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×30
Victory, Thy Name Is Us 最後に勝つのは我々だ ★★★★☆☆ Clear quests against an unparalleled foe a total of 200 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×30
A Crew for the Ages 最高の騎空団 ★★★★★☆ Clear quests against an unparalleled foe a total of 300 times in Dread Barrage
One for All, All for One One for all, All for one ★★★★★★ Clear quests against an unparalleled foe a total of 500 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×50
Phew, Took You Long Enough フッ……待たせたな ★☆☆☆☆☆ Receive special backup 1 time in Dread Barrage Crystal ×10
The Cavalry Has Arrived 最強の援軍、現る ★★☆☆☆☆ Receive special backup 10 times in Dread Barrage
This Is Our Last Stand! この一撃に、全てを懸ける! ★★★☆☆☆ Receive special backup 50 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×30
Bonds of Friendship 強固な絆で結ばれし者 ★★★★☆☆ Receive special backup 100 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×30
Saviors of the Battlefield 戦場の救世主 ★★★★★☆ Receive special backup 300 times in Dread Barrage Crystal ×50
ELIMINATED! ELIMINATED! ★★★★★★ Receive special backup 500 times in Dread Barrage
Boo! Boo! ★☆☆☆☆ Defeat Pumpkin Arch Knight 1 time
Intruder of the Ghostly Banquet 幽宴の闖入者 ★★☆☆☆ Defeat Pumpkin Arch Knight 3 times
Dread or Treat ドレッド・オア・トリート ★★★☆☆ Defeat Pumpkin Arch Knight 5 times
Pumpkin Busters パンプキンバスターズ ★★★★☆ Defeat Pumpkin Arch Knight 7 times
Guardian of the Mad Night マッド・ナイト・ガーディアン ★★★★★ Defeat Pumpkin Arch Knight 10 times Crystal ×50

Battle Record (383)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Rare Beast Slayer レアモンスター討伐者 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Darius Bunny 1 time Crystal ×10
Darius Fighter ダライアスキラー ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Darius Bunny 20 times Crystal ×10
Hopping Skyfarer ぴょんぴょん★騎空士 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Darius Bunny 50 times Crystal ×10
Windsprite Watcher 風霊を見た者 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Elmenhilde Windsprite 1 time Crystal ×10
Windsprite Vanquisher 風霊を鎮めし者 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Elmenhilde Windsprite 20 times Crystal ×10
Windsprite Sage 風霊の賢人 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Elmenhilde Windsprite 50 times Crystal ×10
Scrap Hunter スクラップハンター ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Gigantic Gear 1 time Crystal ×10
Keeper of Raya ラヤ・キーパー ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Gigantic Gear 20 times Crystal ×10
Geared for Rebellion 帝国反乱分子 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Gigantic Gear 50 times Crystal ×10
Firesprite Watcher 火霊を見た者 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Baltomeus Firesprite 1 time Crystal ×10
Firesprite Vanquisher 火霊を鎮めし者 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Baltomeus Firesprite 20 times Crystal ×10
Firesprite Sage 火霊の賢人 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Baltomeus Firesprite 50 times Crystal ×10
Watersprite Watcher 水霊を見た者 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Juanita Watersprite 1 time Crystal ×10
Watersprite Vanquisher 水霊を鎮めし者 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Juanita Watersprite 20 times Crystal ×10
Watersprite Sage 水霊の賢人 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Juanita Watersprite 50 times Crystal ×10
Shell Buster シェルバスター ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Crab of War 1 time Crystal ×10
Shell Breaker シェルブレイカー ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Crab of War 20 times Crystal ×10
Crab Crazy 蟹道楽 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Crab of War 50 times Crystal ×10
Daryl Destroyer ダリルバスター ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Daryl Lionbrave 1 time Crystal ×10
Lionbrave Rival ダリルの好敵手 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Daryl Lionbrave 20 times Crystal ×10
Lionbrave Champion 勇猛の百人将 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Daryl Lionbrave 50 times Crystal ×10
Mushroom Picker キノコ狩り ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Eyeshroom 1 time Crystal ×10
Flavor of Fall 秋の味覚 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Eyeshroom 20 times Crystal ×10
Mushroom Maniac ダケーッ!! ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Eyeshroom 50 times Crystal ×10
Gimme Goosebumps 肝試し ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Hitodama 1 time Crystal ×10
Supernatural Adventurer 心霊体験 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Hitodama 20 times Crystal ×10
Spirited Skyfarer スピリチュアル騎空士 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Hitodama 50 times Crystal ×10
Earthsprite Watcher 土霊を見た者 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Evsej Earthsprite 1 time Crystal ×10
Earthsprite Vanquisher 土霊を鎮めし者 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Evsej Earthsprite 20 times Crystal ×10
Earthsprite Sage 土霊の賢人 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Evsej Earthsprite 50 times Crystal ×10
Franz Fighter フランツバスター ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Franz Furystorm 1 time Crystal ×10
Furystorm Rival フランツの好敵手 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Franz Furystorm 20 times Crystal ×10
Furystorm Champion 激昂の百人将 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Franz Furystorm 50 times Crystal ×10
It's So Shiny! ピカピカみつけたゴブ ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Wandering Goldslime 1 time Crystal ×10
Shiny Object Collector 金ピカ山盛りゴブ! ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Wandering Goldslime 20 times Crystal ×10
Goblin Mage Master ミニゴブの師匠 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Wandering Goldslime 50 times Crystal ×10
Amateur Gardener ガーデニング初心者 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Man-Eating Flower 1 time Crystal ×10
Weed Eater Expert 雑草駆除請負人 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Man-Eating Flower 20 times Crystal ×10
Gifted Landscaper 一級庭師 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Man-Eating Flower 50 times Crystal ×10
Mist Resister 霧にも負けず ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Tagosaku 1 time Crystal ×10
Walking Dead Wrecker アンデッド・ウォーカー ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Tagosaku 20 times Crystal ×10
Country Living 田吾作 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Tagosaku 50 times Crystal ×10
Squid Fisher イカ釣り ★☆☆ Defeat Sea Empress 1 time Crystal ×30
Squid Cynic イカ嫌い ★★☆ Defeat Sea Empress 20 times Crystal ×30
Addicted to Ink スルメ中毒 ★★★ Defeat Sea Empress 50 times Crystal ×30
Bug Repellant 蚊取り線香 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Killer Hornet 1 time Crystal ×10
The Exterminator 害虫駆除業者 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Killer Hornet 20 times Crystal ×10
No Fly Zone 全身から殺虫剤 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Killer Hornet 50 times Crystal ×10
Belle Ringer ベルバスター ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Belle Sylphid 1 time Crystal ×10
A Little Top Heavy 巨大な女の子 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Belle Sylphid 20 times Crystal ×10
Clear as a Belle 風鈴火山 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Belle Sylphid 50 times Crystal ×10
Returned from the Darkness 切り裂き魔から生還した者 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Blood-Thirsty Death Camel 1 time Crystal ×10
Dealing with Death Gods 死神ノ倒シ方ヲ知ル者 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Blood-Thirsty Death Camel 20 times Crystal ×10
Blood-Thirsty Death Camel 血に飢えたデスキャメル ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Blood-Thirsty Death Camel 50 times Crystal ×10
One Bad Joker 売れないコメディアン ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Jittery Jester 1 time Crystal ×10
Spit-Take Specialist リアクション芸人 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Jittery Jester 20 times Crystal ×10
The Don of Stand-Up お笑い界のドン ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Jittery Jester 50 times Crystal ×10
Avian Guardian of the Oasis オアシスの守護鳥 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster King Desert Penguin 1 time Crystal ×10
I Believe I Can Fly 頑張れば空も飛べるはず ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster King Desert Penguin 20 times Crystal ×10
Emperor Penguin ペンギン ★★★ Defeat the rare monster King Desert Penguin 50 times Crystal ×10
Pumped Up アドレナリン ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Millennium Cactus 1 time Crystal ×10
Packing Some Punch 飛び散るアドレナリン ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Millennium Cactus 20 times Crystal ×10
Adrenalin Rush! アドレナリンブシャーッ! ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Millennium Cactus 50 times Crystal ×10
Rogue Wolf はぐれ狼 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Lone Wolf Hati 1 time Crystal ×10
Lone Wolf 一匹狼 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Lone Wolf Hati 20 times Crystal ×10
Alpha Leader アルファ・リーダー ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Lone Wolf Hati 50 times Crystal ×10
Inkredible Odyssey イカめしい ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Architeutha 1 time Crystal ×30
No Squidding Around! イカす ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Architeutha 20 times Crystal ×30
Inksidious Tactician イカメン ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Architeutha 50 times Crystal ×30
I Met a Bear くまさんに出会った ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Sleepy Forest Bear 1 time Crystal ×30
Show Me the Honey ハチミツください ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Sleepy Forest Bear 20 times Crystal ×30
Forest Bear Brawler クマー ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Sleepy Forest Bear 50 times Crystal ×30
Failure Breeds Success 失敗は成功の母 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Blunder Beast 1 time Crystal ×10
Try and Try Again 七転び八起き ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Blunder Beast 20 times Crystal ×10
Thanks Mom 生んでくれてありがとう ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Blunder Beast 50 times Crystal ×10
Jeremiah Buster ジェレミアバスター ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Jeremiah Pyrestorm 1 time Crystal ×10
Jeremiah Rival ジェレミアの好敵手 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Jeremiah Pyrestorm 20 times Crystal ×10
Jeremiah Champion 怒涛の鬼将 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Jeremiah Pyrestorm 30 times Crystal ×10
I'm Just Going Easy On You 本気出してないだけ ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Steam Gunner 1 time Crystal ×10
Where There's a Will, There's a Way なせばなる ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Steam Gunner 20 times Crystal ×10
Steam and Guns ゴンちゃん ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Steam Gunner 50 times Crystal ×10
Squirmish Skyfarer 黒蚯蚓 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Rubble Grub 1 time Crystal ×10
Wriggle Warrior 土作りの味方 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Rubble Grub 20 times Crystal ×10
Sinuous Slugger ウネウネ ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Rubble Grub 50 times Crystal ×10
See You Next Spring 冬眠中 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Gyraphanodon 1 time Crystal ×10
Winter Warrior 越冬する肉体 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Gyraphanodon 20 times Crystal ×10
Exoskeleton Emancipator 巨大外骨格 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Gyraphanodon 50 times Crystal ×10
Debris Duster ガレキ掃除 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Scrap Salamander 1 time Crystal ×10
Captain Cleanup ガレキ清掃員 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Scrap Salamander 20 times Crystal ×10
Dust to Dust ガレキを瓦礫に戻す者 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Scrap Salamander 50 times Crystal ×10
Ssseeker of the Serpent Princess 蛇姫との出会い ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Siren Serpent Pydra 1 time Crystal ×10
One Ssstubborn Snake Lady 執念深い蛇女 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Siren Serpent Pydra 10 times Crystal ×10
Ssso Long, Snake Lady! 蛇女との決別 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Siren Serpent Pydra 20 times Crystal ×10
Zeyen's Pupil ゼエンに弟子入り ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Garotta the Next Zeyen 1 time Crystal ×10
Zeyen's Number One ゼエンの一番弟子 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Garotta the Next Zeyen 20 times Crystal ×10
Zeyen's Next in Line ゼエンにもっとも近い男 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Garotta the Next Zeyen 50 times Crystal ×10
General's Advisor 将軍補佐の男 ★☆☆ Defeat the rare monster Rhem General's Advisor, Brouchard 1 time Crystal ×10
Inept Superior's Advisor 無能な上官の補佐 ★★☆ Defeat the rare monster Rhem General's Advisor, Brouchard 20 times Crystal ×10
General Surpassed 将を超える器 ★★★ Defeat the rare monster Rhem General's Advisor, Brouchard 50 times Crystal ×10
Tiamat Crusher ティアマトバスター ★☆☆ Defeat Tiamat (Hard) 5 times Crystal ×30
Tiamat Slayer ティアマトスレイヤー ★★☆ Defeat Tiamat (Hard) 50 times Crystal ×30
Tiamat Vanquisher ティアマトジェノサイダー ★★★ Defeat Tiamat (Hard) 200 times Crystal ×30
Colossus Crusher コロッサスバスター ★☆☆ Defeat Colossus (Hard) 5 times Crystal ×30
Colossus Slayer コロッサススレイヤー ★★☆ Defeat Colossus (Hard) 50 times Crystal ×30
Colossus Vanquisher コロッサスジェノサイダー ★★★ Defeat Colossus (Hard) 200 times Crystal ×30
Leviathan Crusher リヴァイアサンバスター ★☆☆ Defeat Leviathan (Hard) 5 times Crystal ×30
Leviathan Slayer リヴァイアサンスレイヤー ★★☆ Defeat Leviathan (Hard) 50 times Crystal ×30
Leviathan Vanquisher リヴァイアサンジェノサイダー ★★★ Defeat Leviathan (Hard) 200 times Crystal ×30
Yggdrasil Crusher ユグドラシルバスター ★☆☆ Defeat Yggdrasil (Hard) 5 times Crystal ×30
Yggdrasil Slayer ユグドラシルスレイヤー ★★☆ Defeat Yggdrasil (Hard) 50 times Crystal ×30
Yggdrasil Vanquisher ユグドラシルジェノサイダー ★★★ Defeat Yggdrasil (Hard) 200 times Crystal ×30
Luminiera Crusher シュヴァリエバスター ★☆☆ Defeat Luminiera (Hard) 5 times Crystal ×30
Luminiera Slayer シュヴァリエスレイヤー ★★☆ Defeat Luminiera (Hard) 50 times Crystal ×30
Luminiera Vanquisher シュヴァリエジェノサイダー ★★★ Defeat Luminiera (Hard) 200 times Crystal ×30
Celeste Crusher セレストバスター ★☆☆ Defeat Celeste (Hard) 5 times Crystal ×30
Celeste Slayer セレストスレイヤー ★★☆ Defeat Celeste (Hard) 50 times Crystal ×30
Celeste Vanquisher セレストジェノサイダー ★★★ Defeat Celeste (Hard) 200 times Crystal ×30
Promise Keeper 契約履行 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 50 Mithra 5 times Crystal ×30
Promise Breaker 約束を違えし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 50 Mithra 50 times Crystal ×30
New Promise 誓願の徒 ★★★ Defeat lvl 50 Mithra 200 times Crystal ×30
Sundown Soothslayer 震天の境界を打ち破りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat Huanglong 5 times Crystal ×50
Rising Conqueror 十二天将勾陣 ★★☆ Defeat Huanglong 50 times Crystal ×50
Subduer of the Twilight 黄昏の最果に至りし者 ★★★ Defeat Huanglong 200 times Crystal ×50
Nightfall Lightbringer 靂天の境界を打ち破りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat Qilin 5 times Crystal ×50
Beast Master 霊獣の長 ★★☆ Defeat Qilin 50 times Crystal ×50
Bearer of Daybreak 紫電の黎明を迎えし者 ★★★ Defeat Qilin 200 times Crystal ×50
Beckoned by the Wind 嵐竜方陣に導かれし者 ★☆☆ Defeat Tiamat Omega (Extreme) 5 times Crystal ×50
Transcending the Wind 嵐竜方陣を超越せし者 ★★☆ Defeat Tiamat Omega (Extreme) 50 times Crystal ×50
Beyond the Wind's Horizon 嵐竜方陣を極めし者 ★★★ Defeat Tiamat Omega (Extreme) 200 times Crystal ×50
Beckoned by the Land 創樹方陣に導かれし者 ★☆☆ Defeat Yggdrasil Omega (Extreme) 5 times Crystal ×50
Transcending the Land 創樹方陣を超越せし者 ★★☆ Defeat Yggdrasil Omega (Extreme) 50 times Crystal ×50
Beyond the Land's Horizon 創樹方陣を極めし者 ★★★ Defeat Yggdrasil Omega (Extreme) 200 times Crystal ×50
Beckoned by the Sea 海神方陣に導かれし者 ★☆☆ Defeat Leviathan Omega (Extreme) 5 times Crystal ×50
Transcending the Sea 海神方陣を超越せし者 ★★☆ Defeat Leviathan Omega (Extreme) 50 times Crystal ×50
Beyond the Sea's Horizon 海神方陣を極めし者 ★★★ Defeat Leviathan Omega (Extreme) 200 times Crystal ×50
Beckoned by the Flame 機炎方陣に導かれし者 ★☆☆ Defeat Colossus Omega (Extreme) 5 times Crystal ×50
Transcending the Flame 機炎方陣を超越せし者 ★★☆ Defeat Colossus Omega (Extreme) 50 times Crystal ×50
Beyond the Flame's Horizon 機炎方陣を極めし者 ★★★ Defeat Colossus Omega (Extreme) 200 times Crystal ×50
Beckoned by the Glow 騎解方陣に導かれし者 ★☆☆ Defeat Luminiera Omega (Extreme) 5 times Crystal ×50
Transcending the Glow 騎解方陣を超越せし者 ★★☆ Defeat Luminiera Omega (Extreme) 50 times Crystal ×50
Beyond the Glow's Horizon 騎解方陣を極めし者 ★★★ Defeat Luminiera Omega (Extreme) 200 times Crystal ×50
Beckoned by the Void 黒霧方陣に導かれし者 ★☆☆ Defeat Celeste Omega (Extreme) 5 times Crystal ×50
Transcending the Void 黒霧方陣を超越せし者 ★★☆ Defeat Celeste Omega (Extreme) 50 times Crystal ×50
Beyond the Void's Horizon 黒霧方陣を極めし者 ★★★ Defeat Celeste Omega (Extreme) 200 times Crystal ×50
Dark-Winged Beast Slayer 黒銀の翼を屠りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat Proto Bahamut 5 times Crystal ×50
Vanquisher of Gods 神を撃ち落しし者 ★★☆ Defeat Proto Bahamut 50 times Crystal ×50
A Mortal Amongst Gods 神と居並びし者 ★★★ Defeat Proto Bahamut 200 times Crystal ×50
Raging Wind-Dragon Slayer 荒れ狂う嵐竜を屠りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Tiamat Omega 1 time Crystal ×50
Advancing on the Tempest's Truth 風の真理に近づきし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Tiamat Omega 30 times Crystal ×50
Keeper of the Tempest's Truth 風の真理を知る者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Tiamat Omega 100 times Crystal ×50
Zephyr Guardian 烈空の覇者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Nezha 1 time Crystal ×50
From Flurry to Flame 蓮の化身 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Nezha 30 times Crystal ×50
Genuine Zephyr 真なる風 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Nezha 100 times Crystal ×50
Rose Queen 薔薇の女王 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 110 Rose Queen 1 time Crystal ×50
Breaking Free 羽化登仙 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 110 Rose Queen 30 times Crystal ×50
Rival of Primal Beasts 星の獣に比肩せし者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 110 Rose Queen 100 times Crystal ×50
Great Iron Giant Slayer 大いなる鋼の巨人を屠りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Colossus Omega 1 time Crystal ×50
Advancing on the Flame's Truth 火の真理に近づきし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Colossus Omega 30 times Crystal ×50
Keeper of the Flame's Truth 火の真理を知る者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Colossus Omega 100 times Crystal ×50
Blaze Guardian 紅蓮の覇者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Twin Elements 1 time Crystal ×50
The Flames and the Void 獄炎と虚無 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Twin Elements 30 times Crystal ×50
Genuine Blaze 真なる火 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Twin Elements 100 times Crystal ×50
Howling Water-Dragon Slayer 咆哮轟く海龍を屠りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Leviathan Omega 1 time Crystal ×50
Advancing on the Maelstrom's Truth 水の真理に近づきし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Leviathan Omega 30 times Crystal ×50
Keeper of the Maelstrom's Truth 水の真理を知る者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Leviathan Omega 100 times Crystal ×50
Frost Guardian 霧氷の令嬢 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Macula Marius 1 time Crystal ×50
Twinkling of a Frozen Planet 煌めく氷星 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Macula Marius 30 times Crystal ×50
Genuine Frost 真なる水 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Macula Marius 100 times Crystal ×50
Eternal Creation-Tree Slayer 悠久の創世樹を屠りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Yggdrasil Omega 1 time Crystal ×50
Advancing on the Earthquake's Truth 土の真理に近づきし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Yggdrasil Omega 30 times Crystal ×50
Keeper of the Earthquake's Truth 土の真理を知る者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Yggdrasil Omega 100 times Crystal ×50
Terra Guardian 大地の覇者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Medusa 1 time Crystal ×50
Standing Firm Under Evil Eyes 震慴の魔眼 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Medusa 30 times Crystal ×50
Genuine Terra 真なる土 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Medusa 100 times Crystal ×50
Glorious Knight Defeater 栄光の騎士を従えし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Luminiera Omega 1 time Crystal ×50
Advancing on the Illumination's Truth 光の真理に近づきし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Luminiera Omega 30 times Crystal ×50
Keeper of the Illumination's Truth 光の真理を知る者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Luminiera Omega 100 times Crystal ×50
Sublime Light Guardian 天光の覇者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Apollo 1 time Crystal ×50
Cruel but Kind Youth 優しく残酷な少年 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Apollo 30 times Crystal ×50
Genuine Sublime Light 真なる光 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Apollo 100 times Crystal ×50
Dampening Miasma Eliminator 絶望なる瘴気を振り払いし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Celeste Omega 1 time Crystal ×50
Advancing on the Obscurity's Truth 闇の真理に近づきし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Celeste Omega 30 times Crystal ×50
Keeper of the Obscurity's Truth 闇の真理を知る者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Celeste Omega 100 times Crystal ×50
Obsidian Guardian 奈落の令嬢 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Dark Angel Olivia 1 time Crystal ×50
Dark Angel Dエンジェル ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Dark Angel Olivia 30 times Crystal ×50
Genuine Obsidian 真なる闇 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Dark Angel Olivia 100 times Crystal ×50
The Door Opener 摂理の扉開きし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 100 Grand Order 5 times Crystal ×50
Wielder of the Skyblue Sword 蒼き剣の使い手 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 100 Grand Order 50 times Crystal ×50
The World's Enemy 世界の敵 ★★★ Defeat lvl 100 Grand Order 200 times Crystal ×50
God Slayer 神を屠りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 150 Proto Bahamut 1 time Crystal ×50
God Slayer 神を斬りし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 150 Proto Bahamut 10 times Crystal ×50
Godlike 神に最も近い者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 150 Proto Bahamut 30 times Crystal ×50
Fire Primarch Got Burned 火の天司を打ち破りし者 Defeat Michael in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Water Primarch Got Dunked 水の天司を打ち破りし者 Defeat Gabriel in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Earth Primarch Got Rocked 土の天司を打ち破りし者 Defeat Uriel in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Wind Primarch Got Blasted 風の天司を打ち破りし者 Defeat Raphael in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Purged by the Light 神光に煌めく者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 150 Ultimate Bahamut 5 times Crystal ×50
Survivor of the Dark Hour 滅びの刻を越えし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 150 Ultimate Bahamut 50 times Crystal ×50
Alpha and Omega アルファ・オメガ ★★★ Defeat lvl 150 Ultimate Bahamut 200 times Crystal ×50
Empyreal Rage 神撃を堪えし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 200 Ultimate Bahamut 1 time Crystal ×50
Slayer of Godwings 白金の四翼を屠りし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 200 Ultimate Bahamut 10 times Crystal ×50
Beyond Ultimate オーバー・ジ・オメガ ★★★ Defeat lvl 200 Ultimate Bahamut 30 times Crystal ×50
Faced the Deity of Destruction 破壊神に挑みし者 ★☆☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Shiva 1 time Crystal ×50
Bested the Deity of Destruction 破壊神に比肩せし者 ★★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Shiva 20 times Crystal ×50
Deity of Destruction Transcended 破壊神を凌駕せし者 ★★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Shiva 50 times Crystal ×50
Deity of Destruction 破壊神 ★★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Shiva 100 times Crystal ×50
Faced the Celestial Beauty 星の美姫に挑みし者 ★☆☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Europa 1 time Crystal ×50
Bested the Celestial Beauty 星の美姫に比肩せし者 ★★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Europa 20 times Crystal ×50
Celestial Beauty Transcended 星の美姫を凌駕せし者 ★★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Europa 50 times Crystal ×50
Celestial Beauty 星の美姫 ★★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Europa 100 times Crystal ×50
Faced the Godsworn 神域の守護神に挑みし者 ★☆☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Godsworn Alexiel 1 time Crystal ×50
Bested the Godsworn 神域の守護神に比肩せし者 ★★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Godsworn Alexiel 20 times Crystal ×50
Godsworn Transcended 神域の守護神を凌駕せし者 ★★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Godsworn Alexiel 50 times Crystal ×50
Godsworn 神域の守護神 ★★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Godsworn Alexiel 100 times Crystal ×50
Faced the God of War 暴風の軍神に挑みし者 ★☆☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Grimnir 1 time Crystal ×50
Bested the God of War 暴風の軍神に比肩せし者 ★★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Grimnir 20 times Crystal ×50
God of War Transcended 暴風の軍神を凌駕せし者 ★★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Grimnir 50 times Crystal ×50
God of War 暴風の軍神 ★★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Grimnir 100 times Crystal ×50
Aspiring to the Light's Legacy 光の意志に挑みし者 ★☆☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Metatron 1 time Crystal ×50
Heritor of the Light's Legacy 光の意志に比肩せし者 ★★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Metatron 20 times Crystal ×50
The Light's Legacy Transcended 光の意志を凌駕せし者 ★★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Metatron 50 times Crystal ×50
Light's Legacy 光の意志 ★★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Metatron 100 times Crystal ×50
Defier of the Dark Legacy 闇の意志に挑みし者 ★☆☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Avatar 1 time Crystal ×50
Undaunted by Darkness 闇の意志に比肩せし者 ★★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Avatar 20 times Crystal ×50
Destroyer of the Dark Legacy 闇の意志を凌駕せし者 ★★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Avatar 50 times Crystal ×50
Dark Legacy 闇の意志 ★★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Avatar 100 times Crystal ×50
Furious One 猛き者 ★☆☆ Clear Huanglong & Qilin (Impossible) a total of 1 time Crystal ×50
Check Out That Mecha! メカっぽいの来たーッ!!! ★★☆ Clear Huanglong & Qilin (Impossible) a total of 50 times Crystal ×50
Alabaster and Ebon Subdued 白召刃と黒召刃を支配せし者 ★★★ Clear Huanglong & Qilin (Impossible) a total of 100 times Crystal ×50
Vanquished the Malicious Storm 殲嵐竜を屠りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 150 Tiamat Malice 1 time Crystal ×50
Malicious Presence マリス・アトモスフィア ★★☆ Defeat lvl 150 Tiamat Malice 30 times Crystal ×50
Guardian of the Storm ガーディアン・オブ・ザ・ストーム ★★★ Defeat lvl 150 Tiamat Malice 100 times Crystal ×50
Overcoming Megiddo メギドの丘を越えし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 200 Akasha 1 time Crystal ×50
Time Flyeth 光陰箭の如し ★★☆ Defeat lvl 200 Akasha 30 times Crystal ×50
Sovereign of the Aether 虚空の王 ★★★ Defeat lvl 200 Akasha 100 times Crystal ×50
Exalted Wings, Clad in Brambles 荊棘を纏いし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 110 Rose Queen solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Exalted Wings, Sealed in Flame 禁焔を封ぜし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 120 Prometheus with no elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Exalted Wings, Among the Clouds 聖雲を巡りし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 120 Ca Ong with no elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Exalted Wings, Conquering the Hero 英雄を継ぎし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 120 Gilgamesh with no elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Exalted Wings, Triumvirate Unfurled 三相を隔てし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 120 Morrigna with no elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Exalted Wings, Immortality Routed 不滅を覆せし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 120 Hector with no elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Exalted Wings, Conviction Divulged 断罪を暴きし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 120 Anubis with no elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Exalted Wings, Storms Appeased 殲嵐を鎮めし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 150 Tiamat Malice solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Exalted Wings, Pure Transcendence 神撃を超越せし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 200 Ultimate Bahamut solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Intricacy Ring
Shield against the Encroaching Void 虚無への回帰を妨ぎし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 150 Lucilius 5 times Crystal ×50
Preventer of the Skies' Ruin 蒼空を堕天から護りし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 150 Lucilius 50 times Crystal ×50
Deliverer from the Grand Finale 世界を終末から救いし者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 150 Lucilius 200 times Crystal ×50
Bane of the Fallen Angels' King 堕天司の王を凌駕せし英雄 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 250 Lucilius 1 time Crystal ×50
Skyfarer of Another Dimension 異なる次元の騎空士 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 250 Lucilius 10 times Crystal ×50
Savior Transcendent 超越者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 250 Lucilius 30 times Crystal ×50
The Lord of the Fallen, Felled by Divine Fire 神火の頂にて堕天の神を止めし者 ★☆ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 1 time with only fire allies in the party Tidings of Dancing Flame
Blessed Blaze Stoker 火を極め、世界に祝福されし者 ★★ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 5 times with only fire allies in the party Tidings of Dancing Flame
The Lord of the Fallen, Felled by Divine Water 神水の頂にて堕天の神を止めし者 ★☆ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 1 time with only water allies in the party Tidings of the Welling Spring
Blessed Water Bearer 水を極め、世界に祝福されし者 ★★ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 5 times with only water allies in the party Tidings of the Welling Spring
The Lord of the Fallen, Felled by Divine Earth 神土の頂にて堕天の神を止めし者 ★☆ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 1 time with only earth allies in the party Tidings of Earth's Shelter
Blessed Earth Shaker 土を極め、世界に祝福されし者 ★★ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 5 times with only earth allies in the party Tidings of Earth's Shelter
The Lord of the Fallen, Felled by Divine Wind 神風の頂にて堕天の神を止めし者 ★☆ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 1 time with only wind allies in the party Tidings of the Whispering Wind
Blessed Wind Whisperer 風を極め、世界に祝福されし者 ★★ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 5 times with only wind allies in the party Tidings of the Whispering Wind
The Lord of the Fallen, Felled by Divine Light 神光の頂にて堕天の神を止めし者 ★☆ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 1 time with only light allies in the party Tidings of Heavenly Light
Blessed Light Bringer 光を極め、世界に祝福されし者 ★★ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 5 times with only light allies in the party Tidings of Heavenly Light
The Lord of the Fallen, Felled by Divine Darkness 神闇の頂にて堕天の神を止めし者 ★☆ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 1 time with only dark allies in the party Tidings of Enveloping Darkness
Blessed Darkness Waker 闇を極め、世界に祝福されし者 ★★ Clear Dark Rapture (Hard) 5 times with only dark allies in the party Tidings of Enveloping Darkness
Surpass Finality on Wings of Fire 終末を凌駕せし紅蓮の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Lucilius with only fire allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Surpass Finality on Wings of Water 終末を凌駕せし霧氷の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Lucilius with only water allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Surpass Finality on Wings of Earth 終末を凌駕せし地裂の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Lucilius with only earth allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Surpass Finality on Wings of Wind 終末を凌駕せし乱気の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Lucilius with only wind allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Surpass Finality on Wings of Light 終末を凌駕せし天光の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Lucilius with only light allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Surpass Finality on Wings of Dark 終末を凌駕せし奈落の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Lucilius with only dark allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Vanquished the Fanged Tsunami 狂濤龍を屠りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 150 Leviathan Malice 1 time Crystal ×50
Malicious Hydrogen マリス・ハイドロゲン ★★☆ Defeat lvl 150 Leviathan Malice 30 times Crystal ×50
Embodiment of the Sea 大海の化身 ★★★ Defeat lvl 150 Leviathan Malice 100 times Crystal ×50
Exalted Wings, Groundswell Ebbed 狂濤を斎みし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 150 Leviathan Malice solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Lives By the Books 規律を守りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 150 Phronesis 1 time Crystal ×50
Hall Monitor 風紀委員 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 150 Phronesis 30 times Crystal ×50
Guardian of the Law ガーディアン・オブ・ザ・ロウ ★★★ Defeat lvl 150 Phronesis 100 times Crystal ×50
Rule Breaker ルール・ブレイカー Defeat lvl 150 Phronesis solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Vermillion Dragon Destroyer 六竜「朱」を打ち破りし者 Defeat Wilnas in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Azure Dragon Destroyer 六竜「碧」を打ち破りし者 Defeat Wamdus in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Gold Dragon Destroyer 六竜「金」を打ち破りし者 Defeat Galleon in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Emerald Dragon Destroyer 六竜「翠」を打ち破りし者 Defeat Ewiyar in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
White Dragon Destroyer 六竜「白」を打ち破りし者 Defeat Lu Woh in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Black Dragon Destroyer 六竜「黒」を打ち破りし者 Defeat Fediel in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Exalted Wings, Firestorm Snuffed 炎威を滅せし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 200 Wilnas solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Brimstone Earrings ×1
Exalted Wings, Survived the Flood 水禍を凌ぎし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 200 Wamdus solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Permafrost Earrings ×1
Exalted Wings, Landslide Averted 巌迫を穿ちし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 200 Galleon solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Brickearth Earrings ×1
Exalted Wings, Bound the Gale 劫風を鎮めし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 200 Ewiyar solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Jetstream Earrings ×1
Exalted Wings, Authority Denied 威光を遮りし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 200 Lu Woh solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Sunbeam Earrings ×1
Exalted Wings, Above the Eclipse 呪蝕を治めし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 200 Fediel solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Nightshade Earrings ×1
Vanquished the Luminknight 崇騎を屠りし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 150 Luminiera Malice 1 time Crystal ×50
Malicious Knighthood マリス・ナイトリネス ★★☆ Defeat lvl 150 Luminiera Malice 30 times Crystal ×50
Guardian of the Faith ガーディアン・オブ・ザ・フェイス ★★★ Defeat lvl 150 Luminiera Malice 100 times Crystal ×50
Exalted Wings, Fealty Sworn 崇騎を従えし孤高の翼 Defeat lvl 150 Luminiera Malice solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Committed to the Cause 信念を貫きし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 150 Anima-Animus Core 1 time Crystal ×50
Master of Mental Fortitude 鋼メンタル ★★☆ Defeat lvl 150 Anima-Animus Core 30 times Crystal ×50
Guardian of the Mind ガーディアン・オブ・ザ・マインド ★★★ Defeat lvl 150 Anima-Animus Core 100 times Crystal ×50
Iron-Willed Warrior アイアン・ウィル Defeat lvl 150 Anima-Animus Core solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Faced the Goddess of the Underworld 冥界の神に挑みし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Osiris 1 time
Silenced the Voice of Death 死の呼び声を克服せし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Osiris 20 times
Conqueror of the Underworld 冥界の覇者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Osiris 50 times Crystal ×50
Faced the Goddess of the Firmament 天穹の神に挑みし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Horus 1 time
Destroyer of the Rejuvenating Eye 再生の眼を打ち破りし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Horus 20 times
Conqueror of the Firmament 天穹の覇者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Horus 50 times Crystal ×50
Quashed Chaos on Wings of Fire 混沌を征圧せし紅蓮の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Beelzebub with only fire allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Quashed Chaos on Wings of Water 混沌を征圧せし霧氷の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Beelzebub with only water allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Quashed Chaos on Wings of Earth 混沌を征圧せし地裂の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Beelzebub with only earth allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Quashed Chaos on Wings of Wind 混沌を征圧せし乱気の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Beelzebub with only wind allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Quashed Chaos on Wings of Light 混沌を征圧せし天光の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Beelzebub with only light allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Quashed Chaos on Wings of Dark 混沌を征圧せし奈落の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Beelzebub with only dark allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Outfoxed Cunning on Wings of Fire 狡知を蹂躙せし紅蓮の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Belial with only fire allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Outfoxed Cunning on Wings of Water 狡知を蹂躙せし霧氷の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Belial with only water allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Outfoxed Cunning on Wings of Earth 狡知を蹂躙せし地裂の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Belial with only earth allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Outfoxed Cunning on Wings of Wind 狡知を蹂躙せし乱気の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Belial with only wind allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Outfoxed Cunning on Wings of Light 狡知を蹂躙せし天光の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Belial with only light allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Outfoxed Cunning on Wings of Dark 狡知を蹂躙せし奈落の翼 Defeat lvl 250 Belial with only dark allies in party (Solo / No backup requests / No elixir) Intricacy Ring
Faced the God of Rebirth 復活の神に挑みし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Bennu 1 time Crystal ×50
Eradicator of the Reincarnated 回生を絶ちし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Bennu 20 times
Conqueror of the Undying 不滅の覇者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Bennu 50 times Crystal ×50
Faced the God of Twilight 黄昏の神に挑みし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Atum 1 time
Breaker of the Cycle 生滅流転を絶ちし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Atum 20 times Crystal ×50
Conqueror of Twilight 黄昏の覇者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Atum 50 times Crystal ×50
Faced the Goddess of Dew 湿霧の神に挑みし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Tefnut 1 time
Repelled the Mist 霧を打ち払いし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Tefnut 20 times Crystal ×50
Conqueror of Dew 湿霧の覇者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Tefnut 50 times Crystal ×50
Faced the Goddess of the Sun 太陽の神に挑みし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 120 Ra 1 time
Eradicator of the Blistering Light 焦熱の陽光を打ち破りし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 120 Ra 20 times Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Sun 太陽の覇者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 120 Ra 50 times Crystal ×50
Now You're Lifting Like a Primarch 今の俺はクソほど強えェぞ! ★☆☆☆ Defeat lvl 200 Four Primarchs 1 time Crystal ×50
Primarch, Voiced by ??? CV:??? ★★☆☆ Defeat lvl 200 Four Primarchs 30 times Crystal ×50
Primarch's Day Job 天司のお仕事 ★★★☆ Defeat lvl 200 Four Primarchs 60 times Crystal ×50
St. Primarch's Basilica バ シ リ カ ★★★★ Defeat lvl 200 Four Primarchs 100 times Crystal ×50
Keeper of Imbalance 世界の均衡を崩す者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 200 Grand Order 1 time Crystal ×50
Knight of the Sky's Hopes 蒼穹の騎士 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 200 Grand Order 30 times Crystal ×50
Now I Am Become Chaos 渾沌の源 ★★★ Defeat lvl 200 Grand Order 100 times Crystal ×50
Rouser of the Six Dragons 六竜を喚び起こせし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 200 Lindwurm 1 time Crystal ×50
Calamity from the Depths 傾世没空の呼び水 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 200 Lindwurm 30 times Crystal ×50
Eutr Nogadr ウィルニシ ★★★ Defeat lvl 200 Lindwurm 100 times Crystal ×50
Immortality Ender 不滅を滅する者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 250 Beelzebub 1 time Crystal ×50
Chaos Bringer カオスブリンガー ★★☆ Defeat lvl 250 Beelzebub 10 times Crystal ×50
I, Singularity ★★★ Defeat lvl 250 Beelzebub 30 times Crystal ×50
Give Daddy Some Sugar 無価値なもの ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 250 Belial 1 time Crystal ×50
Invitation to Debauchery 淫蕩の誘い ★★☆ Defeat lvl 250 Belial 10 times Crystal ×50
Bow Chicka Bow Down イキまくりのパレード ★★★ Defeat lvl 250 Belial 30 times Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Ultimate 究極を凌駕せし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 300 Super Ultimate Bahamut Crystal ×50
Subjugator of the Four Azure Wings 蒼き四翼を屠りし者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 300 Super Ultimate Bahamut 10 times
Super Ultimate Slayer スーパーアルティメットスレイヤー ★★★ Defeat lvl 300 Super Ultimate Bahamut 30 times
Conqueror of Automagods 機神を超克せし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 275 Diaspora Crystal ×50
Society Top Secret: Clearance Required to View 機関の最高機密情報 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 275 Diaspora 10 times
Shoot the Moon Shoot the moon ★★★ Defeat lvl 275 Diaspora 30 times
Extinction Survivor 滅尽を超克せし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 275 Mugen Crystal ×50
Selfless Child 無我の童子 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 275 Mugen 10 times
Numberless ナンバーレス ★★★ Defeat lvl 275 Mugen 30 times
Conqueror of Black Dragons 黒竜を超克せし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 275 Siegfried Crystal ×50
Hero of the Capital 救国の英雄 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 275 Siegfried 10 times
Dragon's Roar ドラゴン・ロア ★★★ Defeat lvl 275 Siegfried 30 times
Conqueror of the Primordial Abomination 壊祖を超克せし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 275 Agastia Crystal ×50
Abomination Battleship 壊獣戦艦 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 275 Agastia 10 times
All-Range Hell オールレンジ・ヘル ★★★ Defeat lvl 275 Agastia 30 times
Conqueror of the Sovereign Sword 剣王を超克せし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 275 Seofon Crystal ×50
Star Sword Sovereign 天星剣王 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 275 Seofon 10 times
Cien Mil Espadas シエン・ミル・エスパーダ ★★★ Defeat lvl 275 Seofon 30 times
Conqueror of the Arbitrator 調停者を超克せし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 275 Cosmos Crystal ×50
Balance Keeper 世界の均衡を保つ者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 275 Cosmos 10 times
Cosmosgazer コスモスゲイザー ★★★ Defeat lvl 275 Cosmos 30 times
Archenemy of the Skies 全空の大敵 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 150 Legion Void 1 time
Final Invasion 最終侵攻 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 150 Legion Void 30 times Crystal ×50
Bringer of the Sky's End 空に終わりを齎す者 ★★★ Defeat lvl 150 Legion Void 100 times
Invasion Ender 幽世の侵攻を阻む者 Defeat lvl 150 Legion Void solo with no backup request sent or elixirs used Premium Draw Ticket
Wielder of Absolute Authority 「理」を掴みし者 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 325 Hexachromatic Hierarch 1 time Crystal ×50
Champion of the Six Dragons オーバーカム・ザ・シックスドラゴン ★★☆ Defeat lvl 325 Hexachromatic Hierarch 10 times
Beyond Providence 極理の果て ★★★ Defeat lvl 325 Hexachromatic Hierarch 30 times
Trial of World Creation 世界創造の試練 ★☆☆ Defeat lvl 250 The World 1 time
Guardian of the Sky Realm 世界の守護者 ★★☆ Defeat lvl 250 The World 30 times Crystal ×50
World Creator ワールド・クリエイター ★★★ Defeat lvl 250 The World 100 times
Conqueror of the Enlightened One 開眼者を打ち破りし者 Defeat Anre of the Eternals Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Dark Huntress 魔眼の狩人を打ち破りし者 Defeat Tweyen of the Eternals Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Divine Havoc 怪力乱神を打ち破りし者 Defeat Threo of the Eternals Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Double Blade Flash 閃耀の双剣を打ち破りし者 Defeat Feower of the Eternals Crystal ×50
Conqueror of Sorcery's Prodigy 魔導の申し子を打ち破りし者 Defeat Fif of the Eternals Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Heavenly Howl 神狼を打ち破りし者 Defeat Seox of the Eternals Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Starblade Sovereign 天星剣王を打ち破りし者 Defeat Seofon of the Eternals Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Blade God 刀神を打ち破りし者 Defeat Eahta of the Eternals Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Mystic Musician 繊細の魔奏者を打ち破りし者 Defeat Niyon of the Eternals Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Treacherous Trigger 魔弾の射手を打ち破りし者 Defeat Tien of the Eternals Crystal ×50

Showdown (70)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Cocytus Destroyer コキュートスを打ち破りし者 Defeat Cocytus (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Infernal Ruler 氷獄の覇帝 Defeat Cocytus (Nightmare) Crystal ×50
Judecca - The 4th Circle 第四円・ジュデッカ Defeat Cocytus (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Vohu Manah Destroyer ウォフマナフを打ち破りし者 Defeat Vohu Manah (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Evil's Judge 裁考者 Defeat Vohu Manah (Nightmare) Crystal ×50
Divine Immortality 不滅の聖性 Defeat Vohu Manah (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Ifrit Destroyer イフリートを打ち破りし者 Defeat Ifrit (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Frozen Hell Ruler 灼滅焔宮 Defeat Ifrit (Nightmare) Crystal ×50
Inferno インフェルノ Defeat Ifrit (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Sagittarius Destroyer サジタリウスを打ち破りし者 Defeat Sagittarius (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Armed Imperial 馬宮鎧天 Defeat Sagittarius (Nightmare) Crystal ×50
Astra Horizon アストロホライズン Defeat Sagittarius (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Corow Destroyer コロゥを打ち破りし者 Defeat Corow (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Halo Ruler 妃光陽輪 Defeat Corow (Nightmare) Crystal ×50
Alfven アルヴェン Defeat Corow (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Fenrir Destroyer フェンリルを打ち破りし者 Defeat Fenrir (Extreme) Crystal ×30
God Eater 神喰い Defeat lvl 60 Fenrir Crystal ×50
Star Chomper 星喰い Defeat lvl 100 Fenrir Crystal ×50
World Eater 天地喰い Defeat lvl 120 Fenrir Crystal ×50
Hroovitnir フローズヴィトニル Defeat Fenrir (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Diablo Destroyer ディアボロスを打ち破りし者 Defeat Diablo (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Phantom Demon Unsealed 幻魔葬来 Defeat Diablo (Nightmare) Crystal ×50
Dungeon of Darkness 暗獄のイデア Defeat Diablo (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Cerberus Destroyer ケルベロスを打ち破りし者 Defeat Cerberus (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Hadean Watchdog 冥界の番犬 Defeat lvl 60 Cerberus Crystal ×50
One Lucky Puppy ワンチャン Defeat lvl 100 Cerberus Crystal ×50
Top Dog ナンバーワン Defeat lvl 120 Cerberus Crystal ×50
Triple Damnation トライアド・ダムネーション Defeat Cerberus (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Xeno Ifrit Destroyer ゼノ・イフリートを打ち破りし者 Defeat Xeno Ifrit (Extreme) Crystal ×30
True Flame Incarnate 真なる焔の権化 Defeat Xeno Ifrit (Maniac) Crystal ×30
Hellfire Heir 灼熱纏う獄炎の王 Defeat Xeno Ifrit 2 times Crystal ×50
Infernal Burnification 六道・灼滅天 Defeat Xeno Ifrit 3 times Crystal ×50
Burning Souls to Ash 魂魄灰滅 Defeat Xeno Ifrit 4 times Crystal ×50
Burns Fast, Talks Faster ちょっと早口 Defeat Xeno Ifrit 1 time Crystal ×50
Xeno Vohu Manah Destroyer ゼノ・ウォフマナフを打ち破りし者 Defeat Xeno Vohu Manah (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Terra Firma Incarnate 真なる大地の権化 Defeat Xeno Vohu Manah (Maniac) Crystal ×30
Keeper of Good Intentions 聖性纏う黄天の裁司 Defeat Xeno Vohu Manah 2 times Crystal ×50
Divine Sanctification 六道・裁考天 Defeat Xeno Vohu Manah 3 times Crystal ×50
Undying Divinity 不滅聖裁 Defeat Xeno Vohu Manah 4 times Crystal ×50
Sacred Bonds Unbound 黄天の聖性を克服せし者 Defeat Xeno Vohu Manah 1 time Crystal ×50
Xeno Sagittarius Destroyer ゼノ・サジタリウスを打ち破りし者 Defeat Xeno Sagittarius (Extreme) Crystal ×30
True Zephyr Incarnate 真なる疾風の権化 Defeat Xeno Sagittarius (Maniac) Crystal ×30
Armored Archer's Advance 戦局を駆ける鎧甲の射手 Defeat Xeno Sagittarius 2 times Crystal ×50
Cavalier Consecration 六道・黄木天 Defeat Xeno Sagittarius 3 times Crystal ×50
Ascending Astra Arrow 星道八射 Defeat Xeno Sagittarius 4 times Crystal ×50
Amazing! Amazing! Defeat Xeno Sagittarius 1 time Crystal ×50
Xeno Cocytus Destroyer ゼノ・コキュートスを打ち破りし者 Defeat Xeno Cocytus (Extreme) Crystal ×30
True Rime Incarnate 真なる氷晶の権化 Defeat Xeno Cocytus (Maniac) Crystal ×30
Arbiter of Absolute Zero 絶対零度を操る氷界の覇王 Defeat Xeno Cocytus 2 times Crystal ×50
Netherworld Condemnation 六道・氷逆天 Defeat Xeno Cocytus 3 times Crystal ×50
Devouring Light of Purgatory 零輝凍滅 Defeat Xeno Cocytus 4 times Crystal ×50
Humph... Haaa! フンッ……ハァッ!! Defeat Xeno Cocytus 1 time Crystal ×50
Xeno Diablo Destroyer ゼノ・ディアボロスを打ち破りし者 Defeat Xeno Diablo (Extreme) Crystal ×30
True Daemon Incarnate 真なる悪鬼の権化 Defeat Xeno Diablo (Maniac) Crystal ×30
Endbringer From the Abyss 終焉招きし深淵の幻魔 Defeat Xeno Diablo 2 times Crystal ×50
The Archphantom 六道・普天幻魔 Defeat Xeno Diablo 3 times Crystal ×50
Nightmare Descender 夢幻墜落 Defeat Xeno Diablo 4 times Crystal ×50
Jaus in the House ヤウス君 Defeat Xeno Diablo 1 time Crystal ×50
Xeno Corow Destroyer ゼノ・コロゥを打ち破りし者 Defeat Xeno Corow (Extreme) Crystal ×30
True Sol Incarnate 真なる日輪の権化 Defeat Xeno Corow (Maniac) Crystal ×30
Empress of Sunglow's Puppeteering 猛焔を操りし光耀の后妃 Defeat Xeno Corow 2 times Crystal ×50
Paradise Seeker 六道・道天浄土 Defeat Xeno Corow 3 times Crystal ×50
No Reprieve for the Wicked 天網恢恢 Defeat Xeno Corow 4 times Crystal ×50
Connoisseur of Metaphors 四文字熟語使いがち Defeat Xeno Corow 1 time Crystal ×50
Subduer of the Hellfire Overlord 煉獄の主を制す者 Clear Xeno Ifrit (Extreme) within 4 turns Crystal ×50
Subduer of the Terrestrial Overlord 大地の主を制す者 Clear Xeno Vohu Manah (Extreme) within 4 turns Crystal ×50
Subduer of the Cyclonic Overlord 疾風の主を制す者 Clear Xeno Sagittarius (Extreme) within 4 turns Crystal ×50
Subduer of the Solar Overlord 日輪の主を制す者 Clear Xeno Corow (Extreme) within 4 turns Crystal ×50
Subduer of the Glacial Overlord 氷晶の主を制す者 Clear Xeno Cocytus (Extreme) within 4 turns Crystal ×50
Subduer of the Baneful Overlord 災厄の主を制す者 Clear Xeno Diablo (Extreme) within 4 turns Crystal ×50

Rise of the Beasts (27)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Xuanwu Destroyer 玄武を打ち破りし者 Defeat Xuanwu (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Northern Guardian 北玄の覇者 Defeat Neptune (Extreme+) Crystal ×50
Trident Ruler 純然たる青き輝き Defeat Neptune in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Hull of the Watery Shell 玄き霊亀を討ち砕きし者 Defeat Xuanwu (Extreme) 100 times Crystal ×50
3-Headed Turtle Attack トリプルヘッド・タートル Defeat Xuanwu (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Shell Which Breaks the Raging Waves 爆轟の狂瀾を阻む堅甲 Defeat Xuanwu (Proud) Crystal ×50
Qinglong Destroyer 青竜を打ち破りし者 Defeat Qinglong (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Eastern Guardian 東青の覇者 Defeat Zephyrus (Extreme+) Crystal ×50
A Vivid Green 艶麗たる緑の輝き Defeat Zephyrus in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Breath of the Windy Serpent 青き霊竜を討ち破りし者 Defeat Qinglong (Extreme) 100 times Crystal ×50
Mega Wind Dragon ギガ・ウインド・ドラゴン Defeat Qinglong (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Scales Which Quell the Rending Storm 裂空の狂飆を鎮めし鱗 Defeat Qinglong (Proud) Crystal ×50
Baihu Destroyer 白虎を打ち破りし者 Defeat Baihu (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Western Guardian 西白の覇者 Defeat Titan (Extreme+) Crystal ×50
Golden Brilliance 雄渾たる黄の輝き Defeat Titan in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Paws of the Earthen Beast 白き霊獣を討ち倒せし者 Defeat Baihu (Extreme) 100 times Crystal ×50
Yellow-Eyes White Tiger イエローアイズホワイトタイガー Defeat Baihu (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Fangs Which Frame an Unearthly Roar 破天の咆哮を治めし牙 Defeat Baihu (Proud) Crystal ×50
Zhuque Destroyer 朱雀を打ち破りし者 Defeat Zhuque (Extreme) Crystal ×30
Southern Guardian 南朱の覇者 Defeat Agni (Extreme+) Crystal ×50
Torch Bearer 凄烈たる赤の輝き Defeat Agni in a raid battle you started Crystal ×50
Wings of the Fiery Bird 朱き霊鳥を討ち落せし者 Defeat Zhuque (Extreme) 100 times Crystal ×50
Blastphoenix SZK 爆鳥SZK Defeat Zhuque (Maniac) Crystal ×50
Wings Which Devour Infernal Flame 紅蓮の獄火を喰らう翼 Defeat Zhuque (Proud) Crystal ×50
Rising Prodigy 麒麟児 Get the trophies "Wings of the Fiery Bird," "Hull of the Watery Shell," "Paws of the Earthen Beast," and "Breath of the Windy Serpent" Crystal ×50
Supreme Ruler of the Heavens 天之覇者 Clear Huanglong & Qilin (Proud+) Crystal ×50
Cardinal Conqueror 八方を制す者 Defeat Shenxian (Impossible) Crystal ×50

Special Quest (25)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Scarlet Explorer 朱緋の探訪者 ★☆☆ Clear Scarlet Trial 100 times Crystal ×10
Scarlet Seeker 朱緋の求道者 ★★☆ Clear Scarlet Trial 1,000 times Crystal ×30
Scarlet Champion 朱緋の覇帝 ★★★ Clear Scarlet Trial 10,000 times Crystal ×50
Cerulean Explorer 碧蒼の探訪者 ★☆☆ Clear Cerulean Trial 100 times Crystal ×10
Cerulean Seeker 碧蒼の求道者 ★★☆ Clear Cerulean Trial 1,000 times Crystal ×30
Cerulean Champion 碧蒼の覇帝 ★★★ Clear Cerulean Trial 10,000 times Crystal ×50
Violet Explorer 紫菫の探訪者 ★☆☆ Clear Violet Trial 100 times Crystal ×10
Violet Seeker 紫菫の求道者 ★★☆ Clear Violet Trial 1,000 times Crystal ×30
Violet Champion 紫菫の覇帝 ★★★ Clear Violet Trial 10,000 times Crystal ×50
Six-Dragon Explorer 六竜の探訪者 ★☆☆ Clear Six-Dragon Trial 100 times Crystal ×10
Six-Dragon Seeker 六竜の求道者 ★★☆ Clear Six-Dragon Trial 1,000 times Crystal ×30
Six-Dragon Champion 六竜の覇帝 ★★★ Clear Six-Dragon Trial 10,000 times Crystal ×50
Weekend Wanderer ウィークエンドワンダラー ★☆☆ Clear Shiny Slime Search! 100 times Crystal ×10
Weekend Rupie Rustler ウィークエンドルピサーチャー ★★☆ Clear Shiny Slime Search! 1,000 times Crystal ×30
Weekend Gold Miner ウィークエンドゴールドマイナー ★★★ Clear Shiny Slime Search! 10,000 times Crystal ×50
Angel Seeker エンジェル・フォロワー ★☆☆ Clear Angel Halo 100 times Crystal ×10
Angelic Explorer エンジェル・エクスプローラー ★★☆ Clear Angel Halo 1,000 times Crystal ×30
Fallen Angel Guide 堕天の導士 ★★★ Clear Angel Halo 10,000 times Crystal ×50
Primarch Hobbyist 四原質への感興 ★☆☆ Clear the Primarch Trials a total of 10 times Crystal ×10
Thirst for Primarch Knowledge 四原質への飽くなき探求 ★★☆ Clear the Primarch Trials a total of 30 times Crystal ×30
Primarch Guru 四原質を悟りし者 ★★★ Clear the Primarch Trials a total of 100 times Crystal ×50
Disciple of Fire 火の使徒 Defeat Michael (Extreme) Crystal ×50
Disciple of Water 水の使徒 Defeat Gabriel (Extreme) Crystal ×50
Disciple of Earth 土の使徒 Defeat Uriel (Extreme) Crystal ×50
Disciple of Wind 風の使徒 Defeat Raphael (Extreme) Crystal ×50

Bounty Count (6)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
My First Bounty はじめてのトレハン ★☆☆☆☆☆ Land Bounty effect on a foe 1 time Crystal ×10
Bounty Disciple トレハン教徒 ★★☆☆☆☆ Land Bounty effect on a foe 10 times Treasured Talisman
Bounty Plz! トレハン、入れますか? ★★★☆☆☆ Land Bounty effect on a foe 1,000 times Crystal ×30
Believe in the Bounty トレハン教開祖 ★★★★☆☆ Land Bounty effect on a foe 3,000 times Cherished Flip Charm
Bounty Maestro トレハンマイスター ★★★★★☆ Land Bounty effect on a foe 6,000 times Crystal ×50
No Bounty, No Life トレハン、それは人生 ★★★★★★ Land Bounty effect on a foe 9,999 times Reputable Red Relic

Crab Count (6)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Oh No! Sebastien! 千里のカニも一歩から ★☆☆☆☆☆ Defeat 1 crab Crystal ×10
Crusty Crabs カニ☆ピース ★★☆☆☆☆ Defeat 50 crabs Crystal ×10
Crab Vanquisher カニジェノサイダー ★★★☆☆☆ Defeat 255 crabs Crystal ×30
Crabocalypse カニの彼方に ★★★★☆☆ Defeat 1028 crabs Crystal ×50
To Crablivion and Beyond カニ☆カーニバル ★★★★★☆ Defeat 4096 crabs Crystal ×50
Crablue Fantasy カニファンタジー ★★★★★★ Defeat 9999 crabs Crab Grab

Proving Grounds (109)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Spooky Night Spooky Night Earn 6,000,000 PG points in Halloween Trooper Crystal ×30
All Hotted Up 滾ってきた Clear Red Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
Work Buddies 俺たち仕事仲間 Clear Red Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
Legendary Blacksmith 伝説のブラックスミス Clear Red Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
Royal Jelly ロイヤルゼリー Clear Green Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
Sting like a Bee 蜂のように刺す! Clear Green Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
Buzz, Buzz, Buzz ぶんぶんぶん Clear Green Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
Queen's Loyal Drone 女王様のしもべ Clear Green Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
Beetle King キングカブト Clear Green Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
Sheen! キーン! Clear Blue Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
Hypersensitive 知覚過敏 Clear Blue Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
Snowflake 六花 Clear Blue Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? 雪だるま作ろう Clear Blue Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
Snow White 白雪姫 Clear Blue Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
The Smithy Who Started It All 鍛冶の始祖 Clear Red Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
Muscles Are Forever マッスルメモリー Clear Red Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
Train Those Fast-Twitch Muscles これが鍛えあげた速筋だ Clear Red Trooper (Lvl 6) within 20 turns Crystal ×50
I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts! お化けなんて怖くないさ Clear Halloween Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
Flesh and Bones! 骨身にしみました! Clear Halloween Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
A Skele-Ton of Work 骸骨を倒すにはコツがいる Clear Halloween Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
I Put My Backbone into It 粉骨砕身 Clear Halloween Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
IiiiTt FOoOLloOwS 縺翫a縺ァ縺ィ縺 Clear Halloween Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
Ghost Hunter ゴースト・ハンター Clear Halloween Trooper (Lvl 6) within 20 turns Crystal ×50
Ye Who Tolls the Bell あの鐘を鳴らすのは Clear Yellow Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
Soba Noodle-Noggined Weirdo 不審な蕎麦 Clear Yellow Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
FPF with Granblue FPFにグラブルを Clear Yellow Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
Boar Tribe for Life 亥年ノ民 Clear Yellow Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
Here to Fry Noodles and Hit Bells 天そばを 食して臨む 鐘叩き Clear Yellow Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
Hit Me If You Can 当たらなければどうということはない Clear Yellow Trooper (Lvl 6) within 20 turns Crystal ×50
All for Tuna, O Fortuna カツウォを食って勝つォ! Clear Cyan Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
Breaming with Pride おめで鯛!! Clear Cyan Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
Turn Up for Tuna 出世魚! Clear Cyan Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
Upstream Battle 回遊魚 Clear Cyan Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
That Really Sticks in My Crawdad 骨は拾ってやる Clear Cyan Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
Cod Bless You 新しい生活に海の幸あれ Clear Cyan Trooper (Lvl 6) within 20 turns Crystal ×50
Insecter インセクター Clear Green Trooper (Lvl 6) within 20 turns Crystal ×50
Guest of the Sacred Mountain 霊峰の来訪者 Clear Grey Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
Explorer of the Sacred Mountain 霊峰の探索者 Clear Grey Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
Traveler of the Sacred Mountain 霊峰の踏破者 Clear Grey Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
Pioneer of the Sacred Mountain 霊峰の開拓者 Clear Grey Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
Master of the Sacred Mountain 霊峰の解明者 Clear Grey Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
Oracle of Dragons 竜の神秘に触れし者 Clear Grey Trooper (Lvl 6) within 20 turns Crystal ×50
Rubble Royal ガレキング Clear Dark Trooper Lvl 2 Crystal ×10
Clockwork Puppet カラクリ人形 Clear Dark Trooper Lvl 3 Crystal ×30
Mechanical Hound メカニカルハウンド Clear Dark Trooper Lvl 4 Crystal ×50
Ancient Gear アンティークギア Clear Dark Trooper Lvl 5 Crystal ×50
God of Machinery ゴッド・オブ・マシーナリー Clear Dark Trooper Lvl 6 Crystal ×50
I Swear It Broke by Itself 何もしてないのに壊れた Clear Dark Trooper Lvl 6 within 20 turns Crystal ×50
Even the Cutest Things Have Thorns 可愛いものにも棘はある Clear Earth Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
Fledgling Hunter かけだし狩猟者 Clear Earth Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
Proficient Hunter 熟練のハンター Clear Earth Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
Tracking Master 獣道を征く者 Clear Earth Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
Survival of the Fittest 弱肉強食 Clear Earth Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
Tyrannizing the Tyrant 獣王無尽 Clear Earth Trooper (Lvl 6) within 20 turns Crystal ×50
Little Lightweight 提灯持ち Clear Light Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
The Guiding Candela カンデラの案内人 Clear Light Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
I Have an Eye for Optics 光学の探求者 Clear Light Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
I've Got the Power 威光のある者 Clear Light Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
Hear Me Roar 雷名を轟かせし者 Clear Light Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
The Illuminated Ascetic 御光さす修験者 Clear Light Trooper (Lvl 6) within 20 turns Crystal ×50
Not Afraid of the Dark 暗いのなんか怖くない Clear Abyss Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
Conquering Fear 恐怖に打ち勝つ Clear Abyss Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
Exorcist エクソシスト Clear Abyss Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
Shining Purifier 光を照らす執行者 Clear Abyss Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
Begone, Evil Spirits! 悪霊退散! Clear Abyss Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
Abyssal Liberator アビス・リベレータ Clear Abyss Trooper (Lvl 6) within 20 turns Crystal ×50
Dancing Among Bubbles 泡沫に舞う者 Clear Ocean Trooper (Lvl 2) Crystal ×10
Wasserklinge ヴァッサークリンゲ Clear Ocean Trooper (Lvl 3) Crystal ×30
Snowy Beauty 雪華美人 Clear Ocean Trooper (Lvl 4) Crystal ×50
Command the Tides 海嘯を統べる者 Clear Ocean Trooper (Lvl 5) Crystal ×50
Down Where It's Wetter 海の底へよ~こそ~ Clear Ocean Trooper (Lvl 6) Crystal ×50
Favored by the Sea God 海神の祝福 Clear Ocean Trooper (Lvl 6) within 20 turns Crystal ×50
Casual Weight Lifter 筋トレが趣味です ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Red Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×10
Oiled-Up Mr. Universe 筋肉モリモリマッチョマン ★★☆ Clear the sortie Red Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×30
If I'm a Musclebrain, I'm a Genius 脳は筋肉なので全身筋肉の俺は賢い ★★★ Clear the sortie Red Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
The Bug Collector 昆虫採集家 ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Green Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×10
Bought It from Bugs"R"Us 市場で購入した ★★☆ Clear the sortie Green Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×30
It's a Honey of a Pick-Me-Up! 疲れたときにハチミツ! ★★★ Clear the sortie Green Trooper 100 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
Slushies! かちわり! ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Blue Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×10
Snow Ball Industrialist 雪玉製造機 ★★☆ Clear the sortie Blue Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×30
Battle on Ice バトル・オン・アイス ★★★ Clear the sortie Blue Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
Army of Darkness Trounced! 闇の軍勢を祓いし者 ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Halloween Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×10
RIP 南無三 ★★☆ Clear the sortie Halloween Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×30
Pumpkin King パンプキング ★★★ Clear the sortie Halloween Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
No Fly, No Fry No Fly, No Fry ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Yellow Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×10
Transfrymers, Toll Out 変形はロマン ★★☆ Clear the sortie Yellow Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×30
Boarserker 猪武者 ★★★ Clear the sortie Yellow Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
Free Us from This, Our Daily Grind 煩悩からの解放 Defeat 108 foes in the sortie Yellow Trooper Crystal ×50
A Bream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes 新生活応援してあげ鯛 ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Cyan Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×10
Sushi Sundae 刺身マヨ ★★☆ Clear the sortie Cyan Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×30
Got Milkfish? 鯛食漢 ★★★ Clear the sortie Cyan Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
Sacred Mountain Climber セイクリッドクライマー ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Grey Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×10
Dragon's Mate ドラゴンメイト ★★☆ Clear the sortie Grey Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×30
Dragon Scholar ドラゴンスカラー ★★★ Clear the sortie Grey Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
Machine Illiterate 機械音痴 ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Dark Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×10
Mechanical Engineer 機械技師 ★★☆ Clear the sortie Dark Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×30
Mecha Slayer 機械殺し ★★★ Clear the sortie Dark Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
Hunter at Heart 目覚めし狩猟本能 ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Earth Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×10
Eagle Eye 獲物を狙う鋭い眼光 ★★☆ Clear the sortie Earth Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×30
The Wild Hunt ワイルドハント ★★★ Clear the sortie Earth Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
Like a Shooting Star 流星光底 ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Light Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds
Traveling at the Speed of Light 光速周回 ★★☆ Clear the sortie Light Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds
Searing Glare 光輝燦然 ★★★ Clear the sortie Light Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
Conqueror of the Abyss 深淵を討つ者 ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Abyss Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds
Sanctifier of the Abyss 深淵を祓いし者 ★★☆ Clear the sortie Abyss Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds
Dominus of the Abyss 深淵を越える者 ★★★ Clear the sortie Abyss Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50
Roiling Nomad 海上の流浪人 ★☆☆ Clear the sortie Ocean Trooper 10 times in Proving Grounds
Tidal Conqueror 大海を制し者 ★★☆ Clear the sortie Ocean Trooper 30 times in Proving Grounds
Lord of the Sea 溟海の王 ★★★ Clear the sortie Ocean Trooper 50 times in Proving Grounds Crystal ×50

Slime Count (6)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Got Slimed ぬるぬるしたもの ★☆☆☆☆☆ Defeat 64 slimes Crystal ×10
Not a Bad Slime わるいスライムじゃないよ ★★☆☆☆☆ Defeat 256 slimes Slime Bell
Slime Vanquisher スライムジェノサイダー ★★★☆☆☆ Defeat 1,028 slimes Crystal ×30
I Ain't Takin' No Plain DMG 無属性だけは勘弁な ★★★★☆☆ Defeat 4,096 slimes Silverslime Bell
No Respect These Days 昔は強かった ★★★★★☆ Defeat 16,384 slimes Crystal ×30
Coolest in the World 世界一カッコイイ ★★★★★★ Defeat 65,535 slimes Goldslime Bell

Other (17)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Helpful Skyfarer 助っ人騎空士 ★☆☆ Join 10 raid battles Crystal ×10
Dependable Skyfarer 頼れる騎空士 ★★☆ Join 100 raid battles Crystal ×30
Veteran Skyfarer 秩序の騎空士 ★★★ Join 1,000 raid battles Crystal ×50
Soul Guide 魂ノ導 ★☆☆☆ Call the summon Brunnhilde 30 times Ranko Kanzaki (Summon)
Keeper of the Eye 「瞳」持つ者 ★★☆☆ Call the summon Brunnhilde 100 times Ranko Kanzaki (Summon)
The Wind Is Calling... 風が……呼んでいる…… ★★★☆ Call the summon Brunnhilde 346 times Ranko Kanzaki (Summon)
Riding in on a White Horse? 白馬で迎えて? ★★★★ Call the summon Brunnhilde 666 times Ranko Kanzaki (Summon)
Squishy Marshmallow まひゅまろほっへ☆ ★☆☆☆ Call the summon Kirari Moroboshi 50 times Kirari
Everybody's Happy! みんなでハピハピ ★★☆☆ Call the summon Kirari Moroboshi 185 times Kirari
Twinkling Kirari きらきらきらりん☆ ★★★☆ Call the summon Kirari Moroboshi 346 times Kirari
Passion Producer パッションP ★★★★ Call the summon Kirari Moroboshi 500 times Kirari
Aria at Ease 旋律を奏でたわ……! The Guardian of Calm Winds meets its end against the power of the true demon ruler. Sketch - Guardian of Wind
Frost Pulse 凍てつく波動 Quell the resentment and rage of the Iron Giant with the frost magic dwelling in the demon ruler's left hand. Sketch - Steel Giant
Transcending the Blue Horizon 蒼の境界を越え The Dragon of the Watery Isles finds peace with an ebony spire and the waters are once again calm. Sketch - Water Island Dragon
Tyrant of Paradise 楽園の覇者とならん Play a forbidden tune for the Lamentable Guardian of the Forest and bring it to rest. Sketch - Guardian of the Great Tree
Celestial Sky 天空の光よ!! Obliterate Light-Infused Thunder with a single blow from the true holy and unholy demon ruler. Sketch - Flash of Black Steel
Savor the Long Night 長き夜を楽しむもいい Banish the Ghost Ship of Eternal Servitude into an abyss with the power of the awoken demon ruler. Sketch - Ghost Ship

Collector's Trophies (67)

Treasure (1)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Anima Maniac アニママニア Get a total of 10,000 animas or omega animas Crystal ×50

Rupy (3)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Rolling in Rupies 富豪 ★☆☆ Hold 100,000 rupies Crystal ×10
Deep-Pocket Player 大富豪 ★★☆ Hold 1,000,000 rupies Crystal ×30
Rags to Riches 全空の長者番付常連 ★★★ Hold 10,000,000 rupies Crystal ×50

Casino (23)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Novice Gambler 駆け出し勝負師 ★☆☆ Win 10,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×10
Steady Winner いっぱしの勝負師 ★★☆ Win 100,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×10
High Roller ノってきた勝負師 ★★★ Win 500,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×10
Card up My Sleeve カジノ・ミリオネラ ★☆☆ Win 1,000,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×30
Going for Broke カジノ・テン・ミリオン ★★☆ Win 10,000,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×30
Lady Christy Lackey クリス様のしもべ ★★★ Win 50,000,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×30
Let the Chips Fall 天の至宝に最も近い者 ★☆☆ Win 77,770,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×50
Affluent Skyfarer 時価総額1億の騎空士 ★★☆ Win 100,000,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×50
Jewel Resort Billionaire カジノ・ビリオンスター ★★★ Win 1,000,000,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×50
Little by Little 塵も積もれば… ★☆☆ Find 1,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×10
Slow but Steady 雨垂れ石を穿つ ★★☆ Find 10,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×30
Moving Mountains 一念天に通ず ★★★ Find 100,000 chips in the casino Crystal ×50
Slot Spinner スロッター Spin "BAR" on the casino slot Crystal ×30
Lucky Sevens ☆★☆777☆★☆ Spin "777" on the casino slot Crystal ×30
I Hit the Jackpot. ジャックポット当選しました。 Hit the jackpot on the casino slot Crystal ×50
Trust In Providence 運は天に在り ★☆☆ Reach round 1 of Double Up Crystal ×30
Luck of the Draw 運否天賦 ★★☆ Reach round 5 of Double Up Crystal ×30
Blessed by Lady Luck 天運招来 ★★★ Reach round 10 of Double Up Crystal ×30
Royal Winner ロイヤルストレートフラッシュ Make a royal straight flush in the casino poker Crystal ×50
Didn't Lift a Finger 手を下すまでもなかった Get a bingo with only the wild balls Crystal ×30
First Up! 一番乗り! Place 1st in bingo Crystal ×30
Heavenly Bonus ヘブンリーボール Get a bingo using a bonus ball Crystal ×50
Super Bingo スーパービンゴ Get a super bingo Crystal ×50

Seraphic Weapon (36)

  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
A Sword from the Heavens 四天司の剣との出会い ★☆☆☆☆☆ Get the SR weapon Sword of Michael Crystal ×10
Wielder of a Sparkling Sword 光り輝く剣の使い手 ★★☆☆☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Sword of Michael 1 time Crystal ×10
Wielder of a Radiant Sword 眩き光を放つ宝剣の使い手 ★★★☆☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Sword of Michael 2 times Crystal ×10
Wielding the Divine Sword 神々しき輝きの名剣の使い手 ★★★★☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Sword of Michael 3 times Crystal ×10
Hark! The Herald Sword Sings! ミカエル・フォロワー ★★★★★☆ Get the SSR weapon Sword of Michael Crystal ×30
Primarch's Sword Transcendent 極まりし天司の名剣 ★★★★★★ Get the SSR weapon Sword of Valorblaze Crystal ×50
A Wand from the Heavens 四天司の杖との出会い ★☆☆☆☆☆ Get the SR weapon Wand of Gabriel Crystal ×10
Wielder of a Sparkling Wand 光り輝く杖の使い手 ★★☆☆☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Wand of Gabriel 1 time Crystal ×10
Wielder of a Radiant Wand 眩き光を放つ宝杖の使い手 ★★★☆☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Wand of Gabriel 2 times Crystal ×10
Wielding the Divine Wand 神々しき輝きの名杖の使い手 ★★★★☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Wand of Gabriel 3 times Crystal ×10
Hark! The Herald Wand Sings! ガブリエル・フォロワー ★★★★★☆ Get the SSR weapon Wand of Gabriel Crystal ×30
Primarch's Wand Transcendent 極まりし天司の名杖 ★★★★★★ Get the SSR weapon Wand of Charmtide Crystal ×50
A Gauntlet from the Heavens 四天司の手甲との出会い ★☆☆☆☆☆ Get the SR weapon Gauntlet of Uriel Crystal ×10
Wielder of a Sparkling Gauntlet 光り輝く手甲の使い手 ★★☆☆☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Gauntlet of Uriel 1 time Crystal ×10
Wielder of a Radiant Gauntlet 眩き光を放つ宝拳の使い手 ★★★☆☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Gauntlet of Uriel 2 times Crystal ×10
Wielding the Divine Gauntlet 神々しき輝きの名拳の使い手 ★★★★☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Gauntlet of Uriel 3 times Crystal ×10
Hark! The Herald Gauntlet Sings! ウリエル・フォロワー ★★★★★☆ Get the SSR weapon Gauntlet of Uriel Crystal ×30
Primarch's Fist Transcendent 極まりし天司の名拳 ★★★★★★ Get the SSR weapon Gauntlet of Proudearth Crystal ×50
A Bow from the Heavens 四天司の弓との出会い ★☆☆☆☆☆ Get the SR weapon Ring of Raphael Crystal ×10
Wielder of a Sparkling Bow 光り輝く弓の使い手 ★★☆☆☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Ring of Raphael 1 time Crystal ×10
Wielder of a Radiant Bow 眩き光を放つ宝弓の使い手 ★★★☆☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Ring of Raphael 2 times Crystal ×10
Wielding the Divine Bow 神々しき輝きの名弓の使い手 ★★★★☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Ring of Raphael 3 times Crystal ×10
Hark! The Herald Bow Sings! ラファエル・フォロワー ★★★★★☆ Get the SSR weapon Ring of Raphael Crystal ×30
Primarch's Bow Transcendent 極まりし天司の名弓 ★★★★★★ Get the SSR weapon Ring of Wandergale Crystal ×50
A Harp from the Heavens 天司の竪琴との出会い ★☆☆☆☆☆ Get the SR weapon Harp of the Teachers Crystal ×10
Wielder of a Sparkling Harp 光り輝く竪琴の使い手 ★★☆☆☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Harp of the Teachers 1 time Crystal ×10
Wielder of a Radiant Harp 眩き光を放つ宝琴の使い手 ★★★☆☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Harp of the Teachers 2 times Crystal ×10
Wielding the Divine Harp 神々しき輝きの名琴の使い手 ★★★★☆☆ Uncap the SR weapon Harp of the Teachers 3 times Crystal ×10
Hark! The Herald Harp Sings! は~ま~・フォロワー ★★★★★☆ Get the SSR weapon Harp of the Teachers Crystal ×30
Primarch's Harp Transcendent 極まりし天司の名琴 ★★★★★★ Get the SSR weapon Harp of Everlore