Reputable Red Relic

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Reputable Red Relic
Level 1 43 332 -
Level 100 273 2006 ??
TrophyDeal Bounty effect to a foe 9999 times
Reputable Red Relic
ID 1040210700
JP Name 安心と信頼の赤箱御守り
Release Date 2018-03-10
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
KamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
Red chests are promised only to the truly brave or the truly capable. The limitless possibilities of their contents have historically motivated skyfarers to reach for ever greater heights.
Charge Attack
Treasure Drop Massive fire DMG to a foe
 ? time boost to a foe's item-drop rate
Weapon Skills
Bountiful Influence 10% boost to all allies' debuff resistance.
Immunity to skill-sealing debuffs
Bountiful Guidance When main weapon (MC only): Boost to multiattack rate based on Bounty lvl
Base Reduction Materials
This weapon cannot be reduced.
Similar Weapons

Gameplay Notes

Bountiful Influence

  • Does not need to be a main weapon to take effect. The debuff resistance is additive with Egoism and Class Weapons.[1]
  • Grants immunity to the Skill SealedCan't use skills
    status effect, but does not necessarily grant immunity to unique status effects that seal skills.
