Dark Fencer

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Row 3 Class
Dark Fencer


SpecialtyThe MC gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid.
CCWClass Champion Weapon Ipetam
Unlock Requirements
CP ×300
Lvl 20 Arcana Dueler and Sentinel
ID 150201
NameJP ダークフェンサー
Release Date 2014-04-17
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
Slash enemy combo attacks and recover health.
Support SkillsDoes not work as a sub ally unless explicitly stated.
Icon Name Effect Obtained
Sabotage Boost to debuff success rate. Lvl 1
Hasty Action 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns. Lvl 1
Base Skills
Icon Name Effect Cooldown Duration SubSubskill usable on other classes Obtained
Stall II 200% elemental damage to a foe.
Inflict DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
5T - No Lvl 1
Miserable Mist Inflict 25% ATK DownATK is lowered
Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 secondsStacking: Dual
and 25% DEF DownDEF is lowered
Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 secondsStacking: Dual
on all foes.
5T 180s Yes 5
Gravity Wave Inflict GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
Duration: 180 seconds
on a foe.
9T 180s Yes 15
Extended Mastery Skills
Icon Name Effect Cooldown Duration EMPCost in EMP
Quick Down Inflict DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Duration: 180 seconds
and TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered
Duration: 180 seconds
on a foe.
6T 180s 3
Blood Sword Gain DrainNormal attack and C.A. DMG dealt is partially absorbed to HP
Strength: 5% of damage dealt (Healing cap: 500 HP)Duration: 3 turns
9T 3T 10

Level Bonuses
Lvl 1 Debuff success rate +4%
Lvl 5 Debuff success rate +4%
Lvl 10 Debuff success rate +4%
Lvl 15 Debuff success rate +4%
Lvl 20 Debuff success rate +4%
Total Stat Bonuses These bonuses only apply to this class. Completion Bonuses Unlocked at level 20.
These bonuses are applied while as any class.
Debuff success rate +20% Debuff resistance +7%

Gameplay Notes

Facsimile Compatibility

Icon Skill Copyable?
Stall II Yes
Miserable Mist Yes
Gravity Wave Yes
Quick Down Yes
Blood Sword Yes


This section contains subjective remarks about this class.
Relevancy of information and recommended weapons can quickly change over time.
Use substantial discretion before heavily investing resources.


Dark Fencer is a Row III class that unlocks very useful skills that you will use throughout the entire game. Because of this, it's highly recommended for newer players to focus on unlocking the Dark Fencer line first. Afterwards, feel free to unlock the rest of the Row I - III classes as you progress through the game.

Base Skills

These skills can be equipped by any class.

Skill Future Usage Comments

 Miserable MistInflict 25% ATK DownATK is lowered
Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 secondsStacking: Dual
and 25% DEF DownDEF is lowered
Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 secondsStacking: Dual
on all foes.
Very High
  • An incredibly powerful skill that will be used in most teams, single-handedly accounting for half of the 50% ATK/DEF Down cap.

 Gravity WaveInflict GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
Duration: 180 seconds
on a foe.
  • Can potentially reduce the frequency of foe charge attacks. They can also be used to counter mechanics or triggers where foe charge diamonds fill instantly.
  • Some enemies may be immune to this effect.

Extended Mastery Skills

None of these skills are used.

  1. PowerOfTheAsian, Blood Sword. User:PowerOfTheAsian/Testing_Area#Blood Sword