Kirari Moroboshi

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This article is about the summon stone obtainable from events. For the non-party character, see Kirari Moroboshi (NPC).

This summon has multiple versionsDifferent summon versions can still be equipped simultaneously.
Kirari MoroboshiKirari
Kirari Moroboshi

ID 2040058000
Summon ID 3050
NameJP 諸星きらり
Voice ActorJP 松嵜麗
Release Date 2015-01-16
Other Sites Huiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
Accidentally given the power of the stars, this young girl grows giant as she aims for bigger heights. The legend of her overwhelming strength will surely be passed down to future generations, to be known as "Kirari Power."
Aura - Kirari Power!
0★This is the basic aura for this summon. Its level does not influence the aura. 15% boost to HP.
3★This is the aura for the 3★ version of this summon. 20% boost to HP.
Call - Kirari Drop! Cooldown
0★This is the basic call for this summon. Its level does not influence the call. Massive Earth damage to all foes, bonus damage to all foes and allies. 9T9 turn cooldown.
3★This is the call for the 3★ version of this summon.

Reduction Materials
