Melody of Judgement

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New World Foundation
Melody of Judgement
Can be uncapped to 4★Can be uncapped to 5★
Level 1 41 337 350%
Level 100 255 2059 400%
Level 150 309 2490 450%
Level 200 363 2921 550%
Additional SlotIn Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. Yes
Shop (New World Foundation Weapons)
ID 1040813300
JP Name メロディ・オブ・ジャッジメント
Release Date 2020-12-04
4★ Date 2022-02-21
5★ Date 2022-12-26
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
A melody brought forth by awakening judgement. Its golden notes ring throughout the skies, waking all from their eternal slumber.
Charge Attack
Verdict Sphere Massive Wind damage to a foe.
All allies gain Conquest Anthem'Boost to DEF' is converted to 'Boost to ATK' (Excludes certain effects)
Multiplier: NormalDuration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
. (Converts "Boost to DEF" effects to "Boost to ATKNormal modifier" [Cap: 100%].)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain 100% / 30% ArmoredChance of lowering DMG taken
Strength: 100% chance of taking 30% less damage.Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Verification needed.
Additional effect at 5★:
Conquest Anthem'Boost to DEF' is converted to 'Boost to ATK' (Excludes certain effects)
Multiplier: NormalDuration: 4.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 4 turns remaining.
and 100% / 30% ArmoredChance of lowering DMG taken
Strength: 100% chance of taking 30% less damage.Duration: 4.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 4 turns remaining.
's duration increased to 4.5 turns.
Weapon Skills
Emperor-Judgement's Awakening When main weapon: Massive boost to Wind allies' ATKModifier: EX.
Wind allies take 1% DMGBased on max HP every turn.
30% Earth DMG reduction.
▼ 150 Upgraded at level 150 to: Upgraded at level 150 to:
Emperor-Judgement's Awakening Massive boost to Wind allies' ATKModifier: EX.
Wind allies take 1% DMGBased on max HP every turn.
30% Earth DMG reduction.
Sephira Maxi-Wind 20% boost to Wind allies' DMG Cap in Arcarum.
▼ 200 Upgraded at level 200 to: Upgraded at level 200 to:
Sephira Maxi-Wind 20% boost to Wind allies' DMG Cap in Arcarum.
5% boost to Wind allies' DMG Cap.
▶ 120 Unlocks at level 120: Unlocks at level 120:
Wind's Majesty Small boost to Wind allies' ATK and max HP
1★ Uncap
2★ Uncap
3★ Uncap
4★ Uncap
5★ Uncap
Base Reduction Materials
This weapon cannot be reduced.
New World Foundation Weapons

Gameplay Notes

  • Cannot be sold for rupies, reduced or used for upgrading.
  • Only one copy can ever be obtained.
  • Melody of Judgement's associated Arcarum Evoker is Katzelia.

Sephira Maxi-Wind

Verdict Sphere

Emperor-Judgement's Awakening

  • The 30% Earth damage reduction is the cap value for this effect. Similar skills such as Draconic Weapons' and Rose Crystal Knife's therefore do not raise the effective value further. [6]
  • The turn-based damage from Emperor-Judgement's Awakening:
    1. Is not affected by Death's GraceConverts turn-based DMG, such as from Poison, Burn, or Putrefy effects, to HP recovery
    2. Consumes one stack of Mirror ImageNext one-to-one attack received will be ineffective
      (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack)
      instead of dealing damage.[7]
    3. Is absorbed by ShieldNext ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount
      before dealing HP damage.
    4. Bypasses UnchallengedNext DMG received will be ineffective
    5. Wakes up allies under SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
      Takes 25% more damage
