Field Effects

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About Status Effects
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Field effects are special statuses that affect all allies and all foes simultaneously. During raid battles, field effects apply to all parties.

About Field Effects


No more than two global field effects can be active at once. When two global field effects are already active, at least one must end before another field effect can be deployed. Existing effects cannot be overwritten by stronger effects or extended by the same effects. If a quest has multiple waves, field effects do not carry over to subsequent waves. Icons appear in the upper left corner of the screen when field effects are active in battle. Tap the icons to see more information.


Local field effects, such as Sun-Touched ParadiseCan deal critical hits regardless of element / ATK is boosted / DEF is lowered
Field effect
Local status effect
, only affect the caster's battle while active. Local field effects can be deployed even when two global field effects are already active. Only one local field effect can be active at a time. Attempting to deploy a second while one is already active has no effect. Local field effects usually also change the battle background while active, though this is purely cosmetic.

Currently, Satoru Gojo's call is the only way to immediately remove an active local field effect.

List of Field Effects


Status Effect Source
Abyssal DepthsAllies can deal critical hits regardless of element / ATK & DEF buffs are ineffective / Ally is knocked out if HP is at 5% or lower
Allies can deal critical hits regardless of element. ATK & DEF buffs are ineffective. Ally is knocked out if HP is at 5% or lower. Demon God Astaroth
Accumulate DesiresAllies can't use charge attacks
Field effect
Prevents use of all charge attacks. Event Challenge Joya
Agastia FieldSkill cooldowns are cut by 1 turn (Skill cooldown can't be lower than 1 turn) / Buff durations are cut by 1 turn (Buffs with an initial duration of 1 turn won't be applied at all)
Field effect
Unofficial status name
Skill cooldowns are cut by 1 turn (Skill cooldown can't be lower than 1 turn). Buff durations are cut by 1 turn (Buffs with an initial duration of 1 turn won't be applied at all). Agastia (Raid)
Atomic CollapseMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
Field effect
Increases the damage cap for allies and enemies based on the level indicated by the number on the icon, up to 20%. Clarisse (Christmas)
AureoleHP is restored at end of turn for foes and allies
Field effect
HP is restored at end of turn for foes and allies. Lu Woh (Raid)
BlizzardATK is modified by number of turns passed
Field effect
ATK is increased over time. Izmir (Summer), Xeno Cocytus Clash
ChaosAllies' and foes' debuff resistance and foes' special attack DMG are modified as time passes
Field effect
Debuff resistance and foe special attack damage are modified over time. Chaos Ruler
Dark HourAllies can deal critical hits regardless of element / ATK & DEF buffs are ineffective / Ally is knocked out if HP is at 5% or lower
Field effect
Allies can deal critical hits regardless of element. ATK & DEF buffs are ineffective. Ally is knocked out if HP is at 5% or lower. Ultimate Bahamut
DeadlockedDouble attack rate is lowered
Field effect
Double attack rate is lowered. Luminiera Omega, Raphael
DeadlockedCan't multiattack (Ends upon defeating Striker Bit and Disrupter Bit)
Field effect
Can't deal multiattacks. Buffs that affect multiattack rates have no effect.
Overrides character's support skills.
Luminiera Malice
Destined MortalityAlly is knocked out if HP is at 5% or lower
Field effect
Ally is knocked out if HP is at 5% or lower. Kikuri (Proud+)
Dies IraeDMG taken by foes and allies is reduced by a fixed amount
Field effect
Damage taken by foes and allies is reduced by a fixed amount. Exo Diablo
Field of MediationDMG is amplified based on number of main allies' elements
Unofficial name
Field effect
DMG is amplified based on number of main allies' elements. Grand Order (Impossible)
FirestormFire DMG to all foes and allies every turn
Field effect
All allies and foes take Fire damage after each turn. Event Boss Grueler
FlareATK is modified by number of turns passed
Field effect
ATK is increased over time. Zahlhamelina, Qilin (Raid), The Sun (all difficulties)
Heaven's Floodgates2-3 battle turns progress per turn
Field effect
2-3 battle turns progress per turn. Lucilius (Hard)
Holy Ray of PurificationAllies can deal critical hits regardless of element / ATK & DEF buffs are ineffective / Ally is knocked out if HP is at 5% or lower
Field effect
Allies can deal critical hits regardless of element. ATK & DEF buffs are ineffective. Ally is knocked out if HP is at 5% or lower. Grimnir (Raid)
Hour of RuinAllies can deal critical hits regardless of element
Field effect
Allies can deal critical hits regardless of element. Ultimate Bahamut
KailashATK is boosted / Healing amount is lowered
Field effect
ATK is boosted. Healing amount is lowered. Shiva (Raid)
Legion Void FieldFoe's elemental DMG taken is reduced from the 20th hit of each turn / 50% boost to allies' charge bar gain
Field effect
Unofficial status name
Foe's elemental DMG taken is reduced from the 20th hit of each turn. 50% boost to allies' charge bar gain. Legion Void (Raid)
MaliceHP is lowered at end of turn for foes and allies
Field effect
HP is lowered at end of turn for foes and allies. Fediel (Raid)
MaliceHP is lowered at end of turn and can't be restored for foes and allies
Field effect
HP is lowered at end of turn and can't be restored for foes and allies.
Moonlight Melody FieldMoonlight Melody lvl rises by 1 upon Bastet's normal attacks and lowers by 1 upon special attacks
Field effect
Moonlight Melody lvl rises by 1 upon Bastet's normal attacks and lowers by 1 upon special attacks. Bastet
Nightmare's RiseAllies can deal critical hits regardless of element
Allies can deal critical hits regardless of element. Magus
Realm of Domination (Phase 1)50% hit to charge bar gain / 2-turn cut to skill cooldowns
Field effect
50% hit to charge bar gain. 2-turn cut to skill cooldowns. Primal Dominator
Realm of Domination (Phase 2)50% boost to charge bar gain / 3-turn extension to skill cooldowns
Field effect
50% boost to charge bar gain. 3-turn extension to skill cooldowns.
Realm of Domination (Phase 3)2-3 battle turns progress per turn
Field effect
2-3 battle turns progress per turn.
Spacial RuptureMultiattack rate is modified by number of turns passed
Field effect
Multiattack rates are increased over time. Zooey (Promo), Huanglong (Raid)
Time WarpSpace-time has been distorted, causing 1-3 battle turns to progress per turn
Field effect
Space-time has been distorted, causing 1-3 battle turns to progress per turn. Akasha (Raid)
Twilight ZoneWhen superior element, DMG is boosted for fire, water, earth and wind attacks
Field effect
When superior element, damage is boosted for Fire, Water, Earth and Wind attacks. Nighthound


Status Effect Source
Aureole of LifeFoes' ATK is boosted / Light allies' HP is restored every turn
Field effect
Local status effect
Foes' ATK is boosted. Light allies' HP is restored every turn. Lu Woh
BallroomAll foes' and allies' multiattack rate is boosted / Allies deal bonus elemental DMG for normal attacks
Field effect
Local status effect
All foes' and allies' multiattack rate is boosted. Allies deal bonus elemental DMG for normal attacks. Masquerade
Flames of the UnderworldFoes' ATK and fire allies' skill DMG cap are boosted
Field effect
Local status effect
Foes' ATK and fire allies' skill DMG cap are boosted. Hekate (Summon)
Holy Rays of PurgationFoes and allies can deal critical hits regardless of element / DMG is supplemented
Field effect
Local status effect
Foes and allies can deal critical hits regardless of element. DMG is supplemented. Grimnir (Valentine)
IliofaneiaAll foes and allies can deal critical hits regardless of element / ATK is boosted / DEF is lowered
Field effect
Local status effect
All foes and allies can deal critical hits regardless of element. ATK is boosted.
DEF is lowered.
Zahlhamelina (Yukata)
Malice of DespairAll foes' and allies' DEF is lowered / Take DMG every turn
Field effect
Local status effect
All foes' and allies' DEF is lowered. Take DMG every turn. Fediel
MoshAt end of turn: Foes' charge diamonds fill by 1 if a charge attack has been used / 40% boost to all allies' charge bars if a special attack has been used
Field effect
Local status effect
At end of turn: Foes' charge diamonds fill by 1 if a charge attack has been used.
40% boost to all allies' charge bars if a special attack has been used.
Rising Force
Spooky UtopiaFoes' ATK is boosted / Water allies' dodge rate is boosted
Field effect
Local status effect
Foes' ATK is boosted. Water allies' dodge rate is boosted. Vikala (Halloween)
Sun-Touched ParadiseCan deal critical hits regardless of element / ATK is boosted / DEF is lowered
Field effect
Local status effect
Can deal critical hits regardless of element. ATK is boosted. DEF is lowered. Alanaan
Unlimited VoidElemental DMG dealt by foes is reduced to 0 / Allies' attacks won't miss against mirror-imaged or dodging foes
Field effect
Local status effect
Elemental DMG dealt by foes is reduced to 0. Allies' attacks won't miss against mirror-imaged or dodging foes. Satoru Gojo
UtopiaFoes' ATK is boosted / All allies' hype is boosted before attacking
Field effect
Local status effect
Foes' ATK is boosted. All allies' hype is boosted before attacking. Vikala
World of Death and LoveAll foes' and allies' ATK is boosted / Allies deal bonus DMG for one-foe attacks.
Field effect
Local status effect
All foes' and allies' ATK is boosted. Allies deal bonus DMG for one-foe attacks. Nier

Proving Grounds

Most iterations of the Proving Grounds event have their own special Field Effect permanently active in all battles. Unlike most field effects, these effects only apply to the allies. Characters whose skills can take advantage of the respective boost are marked in the character selection screen and favored for auto-selection.