Lu Woh

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This article is about the recruitable character. For the summon stone, see Lu Woh (Summon). For the solo quest, see Six-Dragon Advent#White. For the 18-man raid, see Lu Woh (Raid).

Game Strategy Lore Voice
[White of the Six Dragons]This title is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Lu Woh
MAX HP 1590
MAX ATK 5760
BASE DA/TAThis character's base double attack rate and triple attack rate.Characters with support skills that grant guaranteed multiattacks may have very high values.Due to a game update, base DA/TA values are no longer obtainable from in-game data files. Exact values for characters released after 2023-10-10 are currently inaccessible. 4% DA / 1% TA
RaceOfficially called "Type" in-game.
SpecialtyThis character gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid.  
Exp. BonusExpedition Bonus Type in Auto-Expeditions None
GenderGender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Other
Voice Actor Takuya Satō
How to Recruit
Premium Gala
Recruitment Weapon
Imperious Fury
ID 3040449000
Char ID 3221
Uncap Limit
NameJP ル・オー
TitleJP 六竜の『白』
Voice ActorJP 佐藤拓也
Release Date 2023-02-28
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GamewithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
Light personified—the dragon who takes on the title of Lu Woh the White. Though his will to restore the distorted and vulnerable skies to their correct state may be attributed to his existence as a pillar of the world, his compassion for mortals may also play a part. Whatever the reason, his hope for an ideal world is clear and true.

Charge Attack
Icon Name Effect
Flashpoint Trajectory 450%Massive Light damage to a foe.
(When Aureole of LifeFoes' ATK is boosted / Light allies' HP is restored every turn
Field effect
Local status effect
is in effect:
3,000,000 Bonus Plain damage.)[1]

Icon Name Cooldown Duration Obtained Effect
Prayer of Imminent Light 18 turns
Lvl 55:
16 turns
- Lvl 1
⇧ Lvl 55This skill is enhanced at level 55.
Light allies with at least 40% HP gain Prayer of Imminent LightBoost to ATK and critical hit rate / Revitalize effect / Keen effect (Can't be removed / Ends when HP drops below 40%)
Multiplier: NormalDuration: Indefinite
.[1] (Ends when HP drops below 40%.)
Radiant Spearthrow 7 turns
Lvl 75:
6 turns
180 sec Lvl 1
⇧ Lvl 75This skill is enhanced at level 75.
6-hit, 150% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~108,000 per hit).
Inflict 10% ATK Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)ATK is lowered (Stackable)
Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
and 6% S.A. DMG Down (Stackable / Max: 30%)Foe's special attack DMG is lowered (Stackable / Can't be removed)
Strength: 6% (Max: 30%)Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: IndefiniteLocal status effect
(When Aureole of LifeFoes' ATK is boosted / Light allies' HP is restored every turn
Field effect
Local status effect
is in effect:

Auto-activates upon normal attacks.)
The White's Lightfield - - Lvl 45
The field is illuminated by the Aureole of LifeFoes' ATK is boosted / Light allies' HP is restored every turn
Duration: IndefiniteField effect
Local status effect
(Can't recast.)

Support SkillsDoes not work from the backline unless explicitly stated.
Icon Name Obtained Effect
Luminous Compassion Lvl 1
For Light allies, when Aureole of LifeFoes' ATK is boosted / Light allies' HP is restored every turn
Field effect
Local status effect
is in effect:

50% boost to debuff resistance, 100% boost to double attack rate, 30% boost to triple attack rate, 100% boost to C.A. damage, and 50% boost to C.A. damage cap.[1]
Limitless White Lvl 1
Remove a buff from all foes upon activating a Fated Chain.

Extended Mastery Perks
  • ATK
  • DEF
  • HP
  • Debuff Resistance
  • Healing
RaceCalled "Type" in-game.
  • ATK
  • DEF
  • Double Attack Rate
  • Triple Attack Rate
  • Light ATK Up
  • Light ATK Up
  • Charge Attack Damage Cap
  • Skill Damage Cap
  • Skill Damage Cap
  • Perk unknown, please help fill it out

Gameplay Notes

Prayer of Imminent Light

  • Prayer of Imminent LightBoost to ATK and critical hit rate / Revitalize effect / Keen effect (Can't be removed / Ends when HP drops below 40%)
    Multiplier: NormalDuration: Indefinite
    grants the following effects:[1]
    • 50% ATKMultiplier: Normal Up
    • 100% / 30% Critical Up100% chance of dealing 30% more damage.
    • RevitalizeRecover HP each turn (Healing cap: 1000). Gain 10% Charge BoostInstantly boosts Charge Bar by 10%
      Strength: 10%
      if HP is full.
    • Keen effect (Damage cap: 50,000)

Radiant Spearthrow

The White's Lightfield

  • Aureole of LifeFoes' ATK is boosted / Light allies' HP is restored every turn
    Duration: IndefiniteField effect
    Local status effect
    grants the following effects:[1]
    • 30% ATK Up to all foes
    • Restore 10% of Light allies' HP (Healing cap: 1000)
  • Casting The White's Lightfield changes the battle background.

Luminous Compassion

  • Lu Woh himself must be a main ally in order for this support skill to take effect.

Uncap Materials

Uncap 1★
Uncap 2★
Uncap 4★

Awakening Materials

Facsimile Compatibility

Icon Skill Copyable?
Prayer of Imminent Light No
Radiant Spearthrow No
The White's Lightfield No


Distinguished Sincerity

The world is not always kind, and hard work is not always rewarded. Still, as long as there are matters within his control, Lu Woh the White of the Six Dragons remains adamant on returning sincerity with sincerity, as reflected in his exquisite ivory formal wear.
Outfit Name Distinguished Sincerity
How to Get Distinguished Sincerity Outfit Set
(Limited-time in-game purchase)
Release Date 2024-02-14
Charge Attack Flashpoint Trajectory
ID 3710217000
