Debuff Success Boosted
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Debuff success rate is boosted
Boosts to debuff success rate from different sides will stack additively with each other. Special buffs can stack with regular ones, even if they're from the same side. Boosts from weapon skills cap at 30%. See Debuff Resistance for more information.
Icon | Name | Element | Rarity | Source | Boost | Targets | Notes |
Viking |
- | JomsborgExtend the duration of all allies' buffs by 1 turn. (Excludes 1-turn buffs.) All allies gain two random buffs. |
10% | All allies | Randomly grants 10% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns. | ||
Apsaras |
- | Swan SongAll parties gain 10% Charge Bar Gain UpCharge bar gain is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns. Spear: All parties gain 80% / 20% Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Strength: 80% chance of dealing 20% more damage.Duration: 3 turns. Axe: All allies gain DrainNormal attack and C.A. DMG dealt is partially absorbed to HP Strength: (Healing cap: 800)Duration: 3 turns and 10% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns. |
10% | All allies | Requires an Axe main weapon, Springwater RobeOn next skill cast, both spear and axe effects activate , or Helmwige. | ||
Runeslayer |
- | RuneweavingCall forth the power of the tetra-elements to cast a spell. At level 30: Also gain Charge Bar +30%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 30% Strength: 30%. |
15% | All allies | Cleanse Soul ( + ) | ||
Hekate | Twilight Proposition500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000). All allies gain 1 Hellfire CrestFire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite and a random buff. (Additional buffs based on number of caster's Hellfire CrestFire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) upon cast.) |
10% | All allies | Randomly grants 10% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns. All buffs are granted when Hekate has 5 Hellfire CrestFire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) . | |||
Nina Drango | Half DragonGain 20% Skill Precision BoostedSkill accuracy is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 3 turns and 30% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 3 turns. |
20% | Self | ||||
Percival | TraeumereiGain StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is Strength: 60%-20%Duration: 3 turns. At level 100: Also gain 30% Bonus Fire DMGDeals bonus fire DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 30%Duration: 3 turns and additional buffs based on Percival's number of Hellfire CrestFire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) . |
20% | Self | Requires level 100 (5★) and 1 Hellfire CrestFire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) . | |||
Feower | AviratiExtend the duration of all allies' buffs by 1 turn. (Excludes 1-turn buffs.) At level 130: All allies also gain 2 random buffs. |
10% | All allies | Requires level 130 (Stage 3 Transcendence). Randomly grants 10% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns. | |||
Four-Sky's SorrowGain Holy HasteDebuff success rate is boosted / Next DMG skill used gets instant cooldown (Uses 1 Holy Haste) Strength: 100%Duration: Indefinite. End cooldown for Feower's damage skills. (Can't recast.) |
100% | Self | Requires level 100 (5★). | ||||
Yuel (Water) | Starlit SkyAll allies gain 100% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Strength: 100%Duration: 3 turns, 50% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 50%Duration: 3 turns, and 20% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 3 turns. (When a foe has FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn Local status effect: Caster also gains Dodge All (1 time)Takes no DMG or debuffs while in effect for a set period Duration: Indefinite.) |
20% | All allies | ||||
Caim | Club TrickInflict DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1 Base Accuracy: 100%, 10% ATK Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)ATK is lowered (Stackable) Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds, and 10% DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)DEF is lowered (Stackable) Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds on all foes. Raise caster's ClubDebuff success rate is boosted based on Club Rank / Deals bonus earth DMG for one-foe attacks (Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite Rank by 1 (Max: 4). |
10%-50% | Self | Boost varies based on ClubDebuff success rate is boosted based on Club Rank / Deals bonus earth DMG for one-foe attacks (Can't be removed) rank. Ends cooldown upon charge attack. | |||
Jessica (Yukata) | FeuerwerkAll allies gain FeuerwerkATK is boosted / DEF is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted (Can't be removed) Multiplier: NormalDuration: 3 turnsStacking: Special Buff, 10% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns, and Supplemental DMGDMG dealt is supplemented Strength: 1% of foe's max HP (Damage cap: 30,000)Duration: 3 turns. (When Fire SupportSkill DMG specs are boosted on Fire Support lvl (Max: 2 times / Can't be removed) lvl is 2: Consumes all Fire SupportSkill DMG specs are boosted on Fire Support lvl (Max: 2 times / Can't be removed) lvls. All allies also gain 50% Bonus Earth DMG (1 time)Deals bonus earth DMG for normal attacks (1 time) Strength: 50%Duration: 3 turns.) |
10% | All allies | ||||
Lobelia | Renegade FirebrandAll Earth allies gain Thunderbolt of DisasterATK and skill accuracy are boosted / Deals 500% earth DMG to a foe upon using a skill (Can't be removed) Strength: 10% ATK Up / 10% Skill accuracyMultiplier: UniqueDuration: Indefinite. (Consumes 10 Magic CrestMagic is amplified (Can't be removed) .) |
10% | Earth allies | Linked skill. Requires 10 Magic CrestMagic is amplified (Can't be removed) . | |||
Claudia | SiestaGain 50% Skill DMG Up (Stackable)Skill DMG and accuracy are boosted (Stackable) Strength: 50%Duration: Until used and boost to skill hit rate. Self-inflict 30% DEF DownDEF is lowered (Can't be removed) Strength: 30%Duration: 1 turn . |
?%Verification needed. -?%Verification needed. | Self | ||||
Laguna | Omar's WisdomAll allies gain ATK UpATK is boosted Duration: 4 turns, DEF UpDEF is boosted Duration: 4 turns, Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Duration: 4 turns and Debuff Res. UpDebuff resistance is boosted Duration: 4 turns. Boost to effects based on number of Omar's OdysseyStatus boosted based on number of turns passed stacks consumed. |
?%Verification needed. -?%Verification needed. | All allies | Boost varies based on Omar's OdysseyStatus boosted based on number of turns passed lvl. | |||
Andira | TricumuloAll allies gain LoopATK is boosted / DEF is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted / Debuff success rate is boosted Level 100: After 2nd cast: Critical hit rate is boosted After 3rd cast: DMG cap is boosted Duration: 6 turnsLevel 100: Can't be removed. (Effect specs increase for 3 turns, then decay until end.) At level 100: LoopATK is boosted / DEF is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted / Debuff success rate is boosted Level 100: After 2nd cast: Critical hit rate is boosted After 3rd cast: DMG cap is boosted Duration: 6 turnsLevel 100: Can't be removed now has maximum effectiveness for all 6 turns and can't be removed. From 2nd cast onward: LoopATK is boosted / DEF is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted / Debuff success rate is boosted Level 100: After 2nd cast: Critical hit rate is boosted After 3rd cast: DMG cap is boosted Duration: 6 turnsLevel 100: Can't be removed also boosts critical hit rate50% chance of dealing 20% more damage.. From 3rd cast onward: LoopATK is boosted / DEF is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted / Debuff success rate is boosted Level 100: After 2nd cast: Critical hit rate is boosted After 3rd cast: DMG cap is boosted Duration: 6 turnsLevel 100: Can't be removed also boosts damage cap by 10%. |
5%-30% | All allies | Special buff. See Tricumulo for details. | |||
Freyr | AlfheimrAll Wind allies gain 50% ATK UpATK is boosted Strength: 50%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 2 turns, 50% DEF UpDEF is boosted Strength: 50%Duration: 2 turns, 10% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 2 turns, 35% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Strength: 35%Duration: 2 turns, 25% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 25%Duration: 2 turns, 20% Dodge Rate UpChance to dodge DMG and debuffs Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns, 20% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns, 80% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted Strength: 80%Duration: 2 turns, 20% C.A. DMG UpCharge attack DMG is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns, 30% C.B. DMG UpChain burst DMG is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 2 turns, 20% C.B. DMG Cap UpChain Burst DMG Cap Boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns, Veil (1 time)Debuffs will be nullified (1 time) Duration: Indefinite"Veil" is an unofficial name used by the wiki for this status effect. Its actual in-game name is "Immune.", and Dispel Cancel (1 time)Buffs can't be removed or shortened (1 time) Duration: Indefinite. (Can't recast.) |
20% | Wind allies | Can't recast. | |||
Korwa | Noir et BlancAll allies gain EspritATK is boosted / Debuff effect success rate is boosted Strength: 20% ATK Up / 5% Debuff Success Rate UpMultiplier: NormalDuration: 3 turns Lvl 55: 4 turnsStacking: Special Buff. (Consumes 2 FilMagically infused thread. It is used up by Korwa's charge attack. ) |
5% | All allies | Special buff. | |||
Rosetta (Grand) | Elegant Rose BarrierDeploy a Rose BarrierRose Barrier is deployed (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) . (Consumes 30% of charge bar every turn. When recast, charge bar is below 30%, or Rose BarrierRose Barrier is deployed (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) 's lvl is 5: Releases Rose BarrierRose Barrier is deployed (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) and grants buffs to all allies.) |
10%-50% | All allies | Minimum effect at 3 Rose BarrierRose Barrier is deployed (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) lvl. Maximum effect at 5 Rose BarrierRose Barrier is deployed (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) . | |||
Veldora Tempest | Faust -Lord of Inquiry-Gain Guaranteed TAGuaranteed triple attack regardless of Triple Attack Lowered debuffs Duration: 1 turn , 20% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 3 turns, 30% Dodge Rate UpChance to dodge DMG and debuffs Strength: 30%Duration: 3 turns, and Dodge All (1 time)Takes no DMG or debuffs while in effect for a set period Duration: Indefinite. |
20% | Self | ||||
Andira (Event) | Speak No EvilAll allies gain Speak No EvilDebuff success rate is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / DEF is boosted / ATK is boosted Duration: 6 turns (After 3 turns, effect will slowly decay). Andira self-inflicts SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG) Takes 25% more damage for up to 3 turns. |
?%Verification needed. -?%Verification needed. | All allies | ||||
Aglovale (Valentine) | Gestober500% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000). All allies gain 1 Aurora CrestLight magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite and a random buff. (Additional buffs based on number of caster's Aurora CrestLight magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) upon cast.) |
10% | All allies | Randomly grants 10% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns. All buffs are granted when Aglovale has 5 Aurora CrestLight magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) . | |||
Conan Edogawa | Criminal Tracking GlassesInflict TrackedConan has his eyes on this target Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect on a foe. All allies gain 15% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 15%Duration: 3 turns. |
15% | All allies | ||||
Magisa (Summer) | Tidemark5-hit, 100% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~108,000 per hit). Remove 1 buff. Gain 1 Oblivion CrestDark magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite. (Hit number increases based on number of Oblivion CrestDark magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) upon cast [Max: 10 hits].) |
10% | All allies | Randomly grants 10% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns. All buffs are granted when Magisa has 5 Oblivion CrestDark magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) . | |||
Olivia (Grand) | NevermoreGain Shield (3000)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount Strength: 3000Duration: Indefinite, Veil (1 time)Debuffs will be nullified (1 time) Duration: Indefinite"Veil" is an unofficial name used by the wiki for this status effect. Its actual in-game name is "Immune.", and Fallen WingsTriple attack rate, critical hit rate, debuff success rate, and DMG cap are boosted / Bonus Dark DMG effect (Can't be removed / Ends upon taking DMG 3 times) Duration: Indefinite. (Fallen Wings effect ends upon taking damage 3 times.) |
10% | Self | ||||
Tabina (Summer) | Hubu Al-RaqsAll Dark allies gain Hubu Al-RaqsDebuff success rate and skill specs are boosted / DMG is supplemented (Can't be removed / Ends upon taking DMG 2 times) Duration: Indefinite. (Ends upon taking damage 2 times.) |
20% | Dark allies |
Charge Attacks
Icon | Name | Element | Rarity | Charge Attack | Boost | Targets | Notes |
Element-Changed Ipetam |
Count ZeroMassive Fire damage to a foe. Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20% Strength: 20% and Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
?%Verification needed. | Self | Applies to all element-changed forms. Exclusive to the Enhancer class line. | |||
Nine-Realm Harp Sterling | The Heavens Shall FallMassive Light damage to a foe. Restore 11% of all allies' HP (Healing cap: 2000). All allies gain Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
< 20%Verification needed. Both element-changed and final upgrade forms have No Effect against Rosetta (Grand)'s 20% C.A. effect. |
All allies | Applies to all upgraded forms.
| |||
Ullikummi | Titan's SongMassive Dark damage to a foe. All allies gain High Voltage (ATK Up)ATK is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and High Voltage (DEF Up)DEF is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. After 4★: Restore 110 + 10% of all allies' HP (Healing cap: 3000). All allies also gain Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
20% | All allies | Requires 4★. | |||
Dante Alighieri | Disperazione FinaleMassive Water damage to a foe. All allies gain 25% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 25%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining. and StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is Strength: 30%-10%Duration: 2.5 turnsStacking: TeamwideApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. After 5★: StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is Strength: 45%-15%Duration: 3.5 turnsStacking: TeamwideApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. effect increased. 25% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 25%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. and StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is Strength: 45%-15%Duration: 3.5 turnsStacking: TeamwideApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. duration increased to 3.5 turns. |
25% | All allies | ||||
Dante's Harp | DisperazioneMassive Water damage to a foe. All allies gain Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. |
?%Verification needed. | All allies | ||||
Caim | Golden Twilight500%Massive Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000). Caim's third skill resets to Blank FaceSkill effect changes based on the type of skill that is first used by a main ally.. End cooldown for Blank FaceSkill effect changes based on the type of skill that is first used by a main ally.. Randomly raise one of SpadeATK is boosted based on Spade Rank / Elemental DMG will be treated as the element superior to the target (Can't be removed) Multiplier: PerpetuityDuration: Indefinite, HeartHealing specs are boosted based on Heart Rank / Damage dealt by one-foe attacks is partially absorbed to HP (Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite, DiamondDEF is boosted based on Diamond Rank / Elemental DMG from foes turns into water DMG (Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite, or ClubDebuff success rate is boosted based on Club Rank / Deals bonus earth DMG for one-foe attacks (Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite rank by 1 for all Earth allies. |
10%-50% | Earth allies | Requires 5★. Boost varies based on ClubDebuff success rate is boosted based on Club Rank / Deals bonus earth DMG for one-foe attacks (Can't be removed) rank. | |||
Rosetta (Grand) | Endless Rose450%Massive Wind damage to a foe. All allies gain 20% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
20% | All allies | Only when Rose BarrierRose Barrier is deployed (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) is inactive. | |||
Ivory Ark | Covenant of LightMassive Light damage to a foe. All allies gain 15% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 15%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. After 4★: All allies also gain 15% Bonus Light DMGDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 15%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
15% | All allies | ||||
Luminiera Bolt Credo | Glauki AktisMassive Light damage to a foe. Remove 1 buff. All allies gain 10% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. |
10% | All allies |
Class Support Skills
Icon | Name | Source | Boost | Targets | Notes |
Enhancer |
SabotageBoost to debuff success rate. |
?%Verification needed. | Self | Level bonus: Debuff success +10% | |
Arcana Dueler |
SabotageBoost to debuff success rate. |
?%Verification needed. | Self | Level bonus: Debuff success +15% | |
Dark Fencer |
SabotageBoost to debuff success rate. |
?%Verification needed. | Self | Level bonus: Debuff success +20% | |
Chaos Ruler |
DemolishBoost to debuff success rate. 7% boost to debuff resistance. |
?%Verification needed. | Self | Level bonus: Debuff success +24% Master Level bonus: Debuff success +24% | |
Tormentor |
Torture RoomBoost to attack specs and debuff success rate against foes with PilloryTakes DMG at end of turn / Attacks are restricted by chance Local status effect. |
?%Verification needed. | Self | Requires Master Level 20. Barbed WireInflict PilloryTakes DMG at end of turn / Attacks are restricted by chance Duration: 5 turnsLocal status effect on a foe (Effect enhanced based on number of times secret gear is used). inflicts PilloryTakes DMG at end of turn / Attacks are restricted by chance Local status effect. |
Character Support Skills
Icon | Name | Element | Rarity | Source | Boost | Targets | Notes |
Clarisse | Who's the Fairest? I Am!5% boost to all allies' debuff success rate. |
5% | All allies | ||||
Ilsa (Summer) | Rise AgainBoost to stats based on foe's mode. When normal: 20% boost to base debuff success rate. When in Overdrive: 20% boost to ATKUnique modifier. When in Break: 10% boost to double attack rate and 10% boost to triple attack rate. |
20% | Self | Requires foe in Normal mode. | |||
Ferry (Summer) | Ghostly Summer BashUpon using linked skills: Raise EctopartyAll allies' debuff success rate is boosted based on Ectoparty lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) lvl by 1 (Max: 5). Boost to all allies' debuff success rate based on EctopartyAll allies' debuff success rate is boosted based on Ectoparty lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) lvl. |
?%Verification needed. -?%Verification needed. | All allies | Boost varies based on EctopartyAll allies' debuff success rate is boosted based on Ectoparty lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) lvl. | |||
Altair | Book of the Art of War5% boost to all allies' debuff success rate. 10% boost to Altair's charge bar gain. |
5% | All allies | ||||
Feower | Double Blade Flash10% chance to end skill cooldowns at start of turn. At level 90: Also grants 20% boost to debuff success rate. When a foe uses a special attack: End cooldown for Carnage4-hit Water damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~155,000 per hit). Inflict GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended Base Accuracy: 100% on all foes. At level 75: Damage increased. At level 95: Number of hits increased to 6. Also removes 1 buff on all foes.. |
20% | Self | Requires level 90 (5★). | |||
Lecia (Water) | Fourth Fleet, Charge!4 Enforcer's ZealConsumed by Lecia's skills (Max: 4 / Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite at battle start (Max: 4). 10% boost to all allies' skill hit rate. |
10% | All allies | ||||
Caim | The Fool UprightWhen Switching to Main Ally: Caim's SpadeATK is boosted based on Spade Rank / Elemental DMG will be treated as the element superior to the target (Can't be removed) Multiplier: PerpetuityDuration: Indefinite, HeartHealing specs are boosted based on Heart Rank / Damage dealt by one-foe attacks is partially absorbed to HP (Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite, DiamondDEF is boosted based on Diamond Rank / Elemental DMG from foes turns into water DMG (Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite, and ClubDebuff success rate is boosted based on Club Rank / Deals bonus earth DMG for one-foe attacks (Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite ranks all rise by a random number (Max: 4). (Can't be reactivated.) At level 95: Now affects all Earth allies. |
10%-50% | Self At level 95: Earth allies |
Boost varies based on ClubDebuff success rate is boosted based on Club Rank / Deals bonus earth DMG for one-foe attacks (Can't be removed) rank. | |||
Domain Bonus AbilityUpon using charge attack: Randomly raise two of SpadeATK is boosted based on Spade Rank / Elemental DMG will be treated as the element superior to the target (Can't be removed) Multiplier: PerpetuityDuration: Indefinite, HeartHealing specs are boosted based on Heart Rank / Damage dealt by one-foe attacks is partially absorbed to HP (Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite, DiamondDEF is boosted based on Diamond Rank / Elemental DMG from foes turns into water DMG (Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite, or ClubDebuff success rate is boosted based on Club Rank / Deals bonus earth DMG for one-foe attacks (Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite ranks by 1. |
10%-50% | Self | Boost varies based on ClubDebuff success rate is boosted based on Club Rank / Deals bonus earth DMG for one-foe attacks (Can't be removed) rank. | ||||
Clarisse (Holiday) | Who's the Fairest? I Am!5% boost to all allies' debuff success rate. |
5% | All allies | ||||
Claudia | Polite Yet RudeBoost to skill hit rate when foe is in Break. |
?%Verification needed. | Self | Requires foe in Break mode. | |||
Florence | FarsightedBoost to Wind allies' debuff success rate based on their number of Typhoon CrestWind magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) . (Takes effect even when Florence is a sub ally.) |
2%-10% | Wind allies | ||||
Lecia (Grand) | Acting Captain of the Crew of EnforcersBoost to all allies' ATKPerpetuity modifier, DEF, skill DMG specs, skill hit rate, and healing specs based on Silverwing BlessingAll allies' ATK, DEF, skill DMG specs, skill hit rate, and healing specs are boosted based on Silverwing Blessing lvl (Max: 3 / Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite lvl. |
3%-10% | All allies | ||||
Niyon | Mystic Musician10% boost to all allies' skill success rate. At level 90: Also reduces damage taken from foes with TuneHP is lowered on every turn based on Tune lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed) by 20% for all allies. |
10% | All allies | ||||
Goblin Mage | Struggle VisionBoost to debuff success rate. |
?%Verification needed. | Self | ||||
Danua (SSR) | Conjoined5% boost to all allies' debuff success rate. |
5% | All allies | ||||
Tweyen | Lone ArcherBoost to debuff success rate as number of foes decrease. |
5%-10% | Self | 10% Debuff Sucess Rate against 1 foe. | |||
Noa | Promise of an Old Friend10% boost to ATK and boost to debuff success rate when RackamAny version is an ally. |
10% | Self | Requires RackamAny version on the party. | |||
Danua (Summer) | Fear Domain5% boost to skill damage and 5% boost to debuff success rate for all allies. |
5% | All allies | ||||
Magus (Summer) | Spellcasting DominanceWhen a foe has Dark EnsorcellmentATK, DEF, and accuracy are lowered (Can't be removed) Local status effect: 30% boost to Dark allies' ATKMultiplier: Normal, 10% boost to skill success rate, and supplement skill damage (Damage cap: 50,000). |
10% | Dark allies | Requires Dark EnsorcellmentATK, DEF, and accuracy are lowered (Can't be removed) Local status effect. |
Extended Mastery Perks
The Main Character can gain a total of Debuff success +7% from Mastery Bonuses (obtained from: Ranger, Archer, Sidewinder, Chaos Ruler). This bonus is separate from Level Bonuses and Extended Mastery Debuff Success nodes. All classes can gain an additional +5% and +8% Debuff Success at 3★.
Debuff Success EM nodes on characters grant +10% at 3★. Most characters with Debuff Success nodes only have one, but there are some characters with more. Check the individual character's page for Debuff Success nodes.
Icon | Name | Element | Rarity | Source | Boost | Targets | Notes | ||||||
Tabina | Extended Mastery Support SkillBoost to debuff success rate when not debuffed.
5%-10% | Self | 10% Debuff Sucess Rate at 3★. | |||||||||
Karva (SR) | Extended Mastery Support SkillBoost to debuff success rate when not debuffed
?%Verification needed. -?%Verification needed. | Self | ||||||||||
Sarya (Event) | Extended Mastery Support SkillBoost to debuff success rate when not debuffed
?%Verification needed. -?%Verification needed. | Self | ||||||||||
Redluck | Extended Mastery Support SkillBoost to debuff success rate when HP is above 50%
?%Verification needed. -15% | Self | 15% Debuff Sucess Rate at 3★. | |||||||||
Clarisse (Light) | Extended Mastery Support SkillBoost to debuff success rate when not debuffed.
5%-10% | Self | 10% Debuff Sucess Rate at 3★. | |||||||||
Elta (Light) | Extended Mastery Support SkillBoost to debuff success rate when not debuffed
?%Verification needed. -?%Verification needed. | Self | ||||||||||
Azazel | Extended Mastery Support SkillBoost to debuff success rate when HP is 50% or above.
?%Verification needed. -?%Verification needed. | Self | ||||||||||
Black Knight | Extended Mastery Support SkillBoost to debuff success rate when not debuffed.
5%-10% | Self | 10% Debuff Sucess Rate at 3★. | |||||||||
Danua (Summer) | Extended Mastery Support SkillBoost to debuff success rate when not debuffed
5%-10% | Self | 10% Debuff Sucess Rate at 3★. |
Icon | Name | Element | Rarity | Source | Boost | Targets | Notes |
Freyr (Summon) | Call - AlfheimrAll allies gain 50% ATK UpATK is boosted Strength: 50%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 2 turns, 50% DEF UpDEF is boosted Strength: 50%Duration: 2 turns, 10% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted Strength: 10%Duration: 2 turns, 35% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Strength: 35%Duration: 2 turns, 25% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 25%Duration: 2 turns, 20% Dodge Rate UpChance to dodge DMG and debuffs Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns, 20% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns, 80% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted Strength: 80%Duration: 2 turns, 20% C.A. DMG UpCharge attack DMG is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns, 30% C.B. DMG UpChain burst DMG is boosted Strength: 30%Duration: 2 turns, and 20% C.B. DMG Cap UpChain Burst DMG Cap Boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 2 turns. |
20% | All allies | Can only be summoned once per battle. | |||
Orologia (Summon) | Sub Aura - Orologia (Summon)Sub AuraConnect MC to the power of the boundary for 1 turn at battle start. (MC starts battle with Yearning BlueFirst-slot skill is changed to Transcendent Blue (Can't be removed) Duration: 1 turn . Changes MC's first-slot skill to Transcendent Blue11-hit Elemental damage to a foe (2600% total / Damage cap: ~4,000,000 total). MC gains Power of the BoundaryPower of the Boundary (20% ATK Up)ATK is boosted (Can't be removed) Strength: 20%Multiplier: PerpetuityDuration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (30% DEF Up)DEF is boosted (Can't be removed) Strength: 30%Duration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (100% DA Up)Double attack rate is boosted (Can't be removed) Strength: 100%Duration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (50% TA Up)Triple attack rate is boosted (Can't be removed) Strength: 50%Duration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (10% DMG Cap Up)Maximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted (Can't be removed) Strength: 10%Duration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (10% DMG Amplified)DMG is amplified (Can't be removed) Strength: 10%Multiplier: SeraphicDuration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (DSR Up)Debuff success rate is boosted (Can't be removed) Duration: 5 turns. (Changes back to original skill after use.).) |
?Verification needed. | Main Character | ||||
Call - Roar of Mending Causality15-hit Elemental damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~445,000 per hit). All allies gain Supplemental DMG (100,000)DMG dealt is supplemented Strength: 100,000Duration: 1 turn . Connect MC to the power of the boundary for 1 turn. (MC gains Yearning BlueFirst-slot skill is changed to Transcendent Blue (Can't be removed) Duration: 1 turn and Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn Duration: 1 turn . Changes MC's first-slot skill to Transcendent Blue11-hit Elemental damage to a foe (2600% total / Damage cap: ~4,000,000 total). MC gains Power of the BoundaryPower of the Boundary (20% ATK Up)ATK is boosted (Can't be removed) Strength: 20%Multiplier: PerpetuityDuration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (30% DEF Up)DEF is boosted (Can't be removed) Strength: 30%Duration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (100% DA Up)Double attack rate is boosted (Can't be removed) Strength: 100%Duration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (50% TA Up)Triple attack rate is boosted (Can't be removed) Strength: 50%Duration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (10% DMG Cap Up)Maximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted (Can't be removed) Strength: 10%Duration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (10% DMG Amplified)DMG is amplified (Can't be removed) Strength: 10%Multiplier: SeraphicDuration: 5 turns Power of the Boundary (DSR Up)Debuff success rate is boosted (Can't be removed) Duration: 5 turns. (Changes back to original skill after use.).) Set MC's HP to full and remove all debuffs. |
Can only be summoned once per battle. |
Weapon Skills
Icon | Name | Type | Element | Rarity | Source | Boost | Targets | Notes |
Ridill | Paragon's HumanityWhen main weapon: 10% boost to all allies' debuff success rate and 20% boost to all allies' debuff resistance when MC has energy.[1] |
10% | All allies | Requires an Emblem of Humanity. Applies to all weapon versions. Exclusive to the Glorybringer class. | ||||
Rosenbogen | Battlefield TribulationsBoost to debuff success rate. |
?%Verification needed. | Self | Applies to all upgrades. Exclusive to the Ranger class line. | ||||
Aetherial Bow | Elegant Stratagem10% boost to MC's debuff success rate. |
10% | Self | Learned at level 120 (4★). | ||||
Cords of Heaven Lyre | Anointed OvertureBig boost to wind allies' ATK (Ventosus's Might skill-type) / When main weapon: Boost to all allies' debuff success rate |
8% | All allies | Learned at level 120 (4★). Only when used as a main weapon. | ||||
Harp of Westerly Winds | Westerly CrescendoWhen main weapon: 5% boost to all allies' debuff success rate. |
5% | All allies | Only when used as a main weapon. | ||||
Turpin Spear | One Star-Soaring ShowBig boost to wind allies' HP (Ventosus's Aegis skill-type) / Boost to wind allies' debuff success rate. |
?%Verification needed. | Wind allies | Learned at level 120 (4★). | ||||
Hollowsky Blade | Voidbroken Wing20% boost to sabre- and dagger-specialty allies' ATK 10% boost to sabre- and dagger-specialty allies' debuff success rate |
10% | Sabre- and Dagger-specialty allies | |||||
Sharom Bow | Amethyst's Grace2.5% boost to dark allies' debuff success rate |
2.5% | Dark allies | The debuff success rate on the skill is stackable. It is therefore possible to get up to 25% debuff success rate with 10 of these in a grid. | ||||
Qilin Lyre | Harbinger of the Dusk of NightfallWhen main weapon: Immunity to skill-sealing debuffs. 20% boost to debuff success rate and 20% boost to skill damage cap. |
20% | Dark allies | Only when used as a main weapon. |
- ↑ zekasyuz Ridill