Ideans are materials used to trade for and upgrade Arcarum Summons. With the exception of
World Idean, each Idean is used for its associated Arcarum Summon, Evoker, and New World Foundation weapon.
Arcarum Summon Ideans
World Idean
Arcarum Summon Ideans
- Arcarum Shop (3,000 Arcapoints each, limit 10 per month).
- Unlocked after clearing all Here Be Staves areas in Replicard Sandbox.
- Replicard Sandbox Shop trades (2 for 1
New World Quartz, not recommended unless you have a surplus to spare)
- Arcarum: The World Beyond
- Random ideans can drop from treasure chests, stage clear chests, certain enemies, or the Stage 3-3 and 6-3 Puppets.
- The best way to obtain a specific idean is defeating its respective Stage 9-3 boss (see Arcarum Starting Points). Use
Globe of the Starways to switch to your preferred boss if a different one appears.
- Replicard Sandbox: Many bosses and Sephira Treasure Chests can all drop ideans related to their element or Sephira grouping.
- Here Be Staves: Since every Sephira group is associated with a particular Summon, every defender will only drop that particular Idean. The tougher normal boss in each group also has a chance to drop the related idean.
- Here Be Swords: Tetra-element Sephira group Defenders can drop either idean of the related element. Xeno Militis bosses can drop any of the 3 ideans associated with the zone. Normal bosses also have a small chance to drop ideans of the related element.
- Zone Mundus: Defenders can drop either idean of the related element plus either light or dark. Sephira Treasure Chests will only drop ideans of the related element as there are seperate Sephira gauges for Light and Dark. The Zone boss can drop any idean. Normal bosses also have a small chance to drop ideans of the related element.
- Sealed Idean Coffer provides a selection of random ideans and can drop from any Xeno Militis Boss in Here Be Swords or rarely from Sephira treasure chests in Zone Mundus.
- Tales of Arcarum shop and event missions (Available idean rotates depending on the featured Arcarum Summon)
- Auto-Expeditions loot can include ideans, with all Evokers having a bonus type for them. The type of ideans found through that bonus is random, regardless of character element or chosen zone.
World Idean