Elemental Quartz
(Redirected from Water Quartz)
Elemental Quartz are rare materials needed for advanced crafting. Players typically get them from reducing unneeded and summons.
Use | Amount |
Raid Hosting | |
Host Impossible Omega III Raids | 1 |
Characters | |
Transcend an Eternal to Stage 4 | 2000 |
Unlock Radiance of the Eternal Lvl 4 | 500 |
Weapons | |
Uncap SSR Omega weapons to 4★ | 200 |
Uncap SSR Omega weapons to 5★ | 200 |
Uncap Regalia weapons to 4★ | 200 |
Uncap Showdown weapons to 4★ | 200 |
Uncap Tier 2 Summon Weapons to 4★ | 200 |
Uncap Grand Weapons to 4★ | 200 |
Uncap Superlative Weapons to 4★ | 200 |
Uncap Silver Relics to 4★ | 300 of each element |
Rebuild Class Champion Weapons | 50 |
Create an Ultima Weapon | 500 |
Uncap Seraphic Weapons to 4★ | 500 |
Purchase Dark Opus Weapons | 500 |
Purchase Draconic Weapons | 666 |
Uncap Omega Rebirth Weapons to 4★ | 200 |
Uncap Revans Weapons to 4★ | 200 |
Forging Revans Weapons to Mk II | 500 |
Transcend Dark Opus Weapons to Stage 2 | 1200 |
Transcend Dark Opus Weapons to Stage 4 | |
Summons | |
Uncap Cerberus (Summon) to 4★ | ![]() |
Uncap Fenrir to 4★ | ![]() |
Uncap Dragon Knights to 4★ | ![]() |
Uncap SSR Premium Draw Summons to 4★ | 300 |
Uncap Summer Premium Draw Summons to 4★ | 500 |
Uncap Epic Series Summons to 4★ | 500 |
Uncap Omega Summons to 4★ | 500 |
Uncap Arcarum Summons (SR) to 1★ | 100 |
Bullets | |
Craft Aetherial Bullets | 10-30Depends on element and level of bullets |
Other | |
Create Secret Gear | 2-3 in varying elements. |
Trade for Omega II Anima | 30 |
Trade for Omega III Anima | 30 |
Elemental quartz are primarily obtained by reducing summon stones.
Elemental skill level increases the amount of elemental quartz obtained through reduction. Therefore, it may be worthwhile, for example, to stash extra farmed SSR summons to reduce them later, when your relevant elemental skill is 76 or higher.
- Reduce SR or SSR summons
- Farmable SR: 1
- Farmable SSR: 20
- Premium Draw SR: 15
- Premium Draw SSR: 200
- Possible drop from Omega II HL Raids (6 in Host chest, 3 in MVP and Blue chests)
- Possible drop from Omega III HL Raids
- Prestige Pendant shop (100 pendants for 20 pieces, limit 10 per month)
- SkyLeap Point Shop (20 for 500 points, limit 5 per month)
- Cerulean Stone shop (3 stones for 1 piece)
- Dread Barrage Shop (1 Victory Certificate for 20 pieces, available element is based on the latest run of Dread Barrage)
- Arcarum (Field Treasure)
- Proving Grounds (Maniac and higher difficulty sorties)
- Xeno Showdowns shop (100 pieces related to the boss' element of the particular Showdown)
- Exo Crucibles shop (100 pieces related to the boss' element of the particular Crucible)
- Six-Dragon Advent quests (Guaranteed 10-20 quartz per battle finished)
- Possible item from extraction in Alchemy Lab