Dark Thrasher

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Menace Weapons
Dark Thrasher
Can be uncapped to 4★
ID 1040704800
JP Name 扇抜
JP TitleIn the past many weapons had custom titles. Now replaced with series titles in game. 大黒星
Release Date 2016-06-09
4★ Date 2020-07-20
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
This great bow was once used by a master archer to penetrate through enemy ships. With its arrows flying true, it is sure to bring down virtually any target.
Charge Attack
Deadeye Shot Massive Water damage to a foe.
Boost to critical hit rate.
Weapon Skills
Tsunami's Garrison Medium boost to water allies' DEF based on how low HP is
Tsunami's Majesty Medium boost to water allies' ATK and max HP
4★ Uncap
Rupies ×10,000
Base Reduction Materials
Keep at least 1 fully-uncapped copy for potential usage in a grid. Extras are safe to reduce or use as fodder.
Menace Weapons
