Defense Order

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Defense Order was a public raid event where all players must defend an island from invading enemies by defeating an enemy boss within a 30 minute time limit. There were multiple groups of smaller enemies, and defeating these weakened the much stronger Area Keeper bosses. Defeating the Area Keeper unlocked new areas to defend, until ultimately the Area Boss descended. Players would have to defeat all the Area Keepers and then face the Area Boss before the time limit. The Defense Order menu could formerly be found from the Home screen in the Town area.

Defense Orders were split by player group to prevent overloading servers. Initially, each Defense Order only applied to one player group at a time, but later updated to include up to 4 player groups to compensate for off hours. You can find your player group by going to Menu > Profile - your player group is listed next to your ID, under your name. Defense Order times were announced on the official Twitter a few hours before each began, and a notice was visible from the Home screen in place of the Town button as well.

Enemy minion groups were split into four categories: Attack, Defense, Blitz, and Convoy. The enemies in each group could be different elements, but the specific configuration of elements is always fixed within each Defense Order scenario, so it was possible to identify which groups were best to fight. Up to 18 players could battle against each enemy minion group. When the Area Keepers spawned, they received buffs for each enemy unit still alive; Attack and Defense units boosted Attack and Defense respectively, while Blitz units granted increased Multiattack rate and Convoy units granted increased Debuff Resistance. Killing minion groups would weaken the Keepers and Boss, even for players that were in the middle of fighting them. Area Keepers and the Area Boss could have HP upwards of the tens of billions and multiple health bars, each denoted by a different color. There was a limit of 10,000 players who could participate in their battles. If the Area Boss was not defeated within the time limit, the Defense Order would fail.

During Unite and Fight events, Defense Orders were suspended.

Due to negative player feedback, Defense Order was suspended indefinitely after the Order of the Lord event ended on September 21, 2016.

Weapons that were exclusive to Defense Order were later added to some Malice and Menace raids as possible loot drops with revised weapon skills.


Port Breeze Archipelago

  • Rare Monsters: Ruination Ogre (wind)

Ferocious Fowl

A raging fire storm struck suddenly on an island where there once was serenity. Powering the storm at its center is the massive bird known as the Ferocious Fowl. If none dare to fight through the storm and subdue it, the island may never again know peace.
  • Area Keepers: Sky Dragon (fire), Ancient Rodfly (wind), Giga Penguin (water), Hippogriff (wind)
  • Area Boss: Mega Lavavian (fire)

Sweet Revenge

  • Area Keepers: Gusty Guard (wind), Nectar Knave (earth), Gusty Knight (fire)
  • Area Boss: Queen Bee (wind)

Valtz Duchy

Steely Reconquest

The machina soldiers have been awakened, giving rise to a nightmare reborn. Their onslaught, lead by Conquistador, takes them across new planes of conquest. Though unmatched in power, they must be stopped; the fate of the island hangs in the balance.
  • Area Keepers: Relic Golem (earth), Onyx Knight (water), White Machina (light)
  • Area Boss: Conquistador (fire)

Immortal Giant

Demons once driven into the forest now seek revenge against their oppressors. With the unstoppable Immortal Gigan by their side, none who step foot in their warpath can ever hope to escape.
  • Area Keepers: Gelgon the Shrill (wind), Gudbog the Rock (wind)
  • Area Boss: Immortal Gigan (earth)

Auguste Isles

Reign Unfurled

Seeking to extend its grasp upon the sky, the Erste Empire has dispatched its army on a massive campaign. They have established their impregnable fortress complete with their ultimate weapon, Proto Adversa. If no one dares to face them, they may yet push further in their conquest.
  • Area Boss: Proto Adversa (light)

Shore Maiden

A happy couple meets a tragic turn of events when Allivia, the bride-to-be, drowns in the ocean. Her soul filled with sorrow, she turns into a monster, luring men to their doom. Now, only a strong and kind heart can put her soul to rest.
  • Area Keepers: Pinceton Payne (water), Heartbreak Harlow (water), Agony Antonio (dark), Grevious Gloomray (water)
  • Area Boss: Allivia Sorrowqueen (water)


Similar to raid battle honor, players earned Siege Shields in proportion to their battle contribution. Players were ranked based on the number of Siege Shields earned throughout the event; the top 1, 10, 100, and 1000 players earn a trophy. After the Area Boss was defeated, there was a Share Chest containing 3 different rewards. Each reward had a minimum Siege Shield requirement in order to roll. Players chose their desired reward then roll a random number between 1 and 10,000,000; for each reward, the two highest and two lowest rolls win the reward - in other words, 12 players will receive one of the Share Chest rewards. You could only choose one of the three rewards to roll on.

In addition to the the Share Chest, there was a Siege Shield bonus for winning the Defense Order; it used to initially be 500 Siege Shields per win, but then the bonus appeared to scale with your overall contribution. Neither this Siege Shield bonus nor the Share Chest would be granted if the Defense Order failed. In addition, trash enemy units had a low chance to drop chests with various treasures, such as orbs, tomes, scrolls, and whorls. Siege Shields were accumulated over many Defense Order invasions and could be traded within the Defense Order menu or at the Shop for event items, consumables, or Defense Order exclusive boost items.

As of February 14th, 2017, all Siege Shields were removed from all players' inventories and it is no longer possible to access the Defense Order shop.

Ferocious Fowl share chest
Reward Min. Siege
Shields to roll
Black Rabbit
SR Dark summon
Peacemaker Star 500
Star Sand Scoop 500
Sweet Revenge share chest
Reward Min. Siege
Shields to roll
Black Rabbit
SR Dark summon
Peacemaker Star 500
Silver Centrum 1,000
Steely Reconquest share chest
Reward Min. Siege
Shields to roll
Black Rabbit
SR Dark summon
Star Sand Scoop 500
Gold Moon 1,000
Immortal Giant share chest
Reward Min. Siege
Shields to roll
Black Rabbit
SR Dark summon
Peacemaker Star 500
Horn of Bahamut 500
Reign Unfurled share chest
Reward Min. Siege
Shields to roll
Black Rabbit
SR Dark summon
Horn of Bahamut 500
Silver Centrum 1,000
Shore Maiden share chest
Reward Min. Siege
Shields to roll
Black Rabbit
SR Dark summon
Horn of Bahamut 500
Gold Moon 1,000


Ranks were earned based on the total number of Siege Shields you have ever obtained, including Siege Shields that were spent on items in the past. In other words, you did not spend Siege Shields to earn ranks; these thresholds simply represented your overall participation in Defense Order events.

  • Rank 1 Defender
    • Required Siege Shields: 0
  • Rank 2 Defender
    • Required Siege Shields: 20,000
  • Rank 3 Defender
    • Required Siege Shields: 80,000

The number of Siege Shields provided from using items are 40 at rank 1, 35 at rank 2, and 30 at rank 3.


Siege Shields earned from Defense Order can be spent here.

Rank 1
Item Siege Shields Limit
Half Elixir 300 5 weekly
Soul Berry 120 5 weekly
Fury Pebble 1000 10 monthly
Champion Merit 2500 3 monthly
Stalwart Hammer 2500 2 monthly
Batadia 2500 2 monthly
Aegis Potion 100 3 weekly
Aegis Herb 30 3 weekly
Aegis Revival Potion 300 3 weekly
Hero Ration 120 3 weekly
Battle Horn 120 3 weekly
Rank 2
Item Siege Shields Limit
Supreme Merit 10000 2 monthly
Crystal x150 1500 1 weekly
Orpheus Harp 2500 2 monthly
Master Bamboo Sword 20000 2
Magma Rush 20,000 2
Blowgun 3,000 10 monthly
Sticky Shell 7,500 2 monthly
Steel Trap 300 3 weekly
Ballista 300 3 weekly
Snare 300 3 weekly
Nab Net 300 3 weekly
Victory Capsule 400 3 weekly
Fortitude Capsule 400 3 weekly
Rank 3
Item Siege Shields Limit
Blue Sky Crystal 3,000 1
Crystal x200 2,000 1
Onyx Stormbringer 25,000 2
Dark Thrasher 25,000 2
Illuyanka 35,000 1
Queen Bee 35,000 1
Bahamut Unchained 50,000 1
Rune Dagger 3,000 10
Charm Bullet 10,000 2
Aegis Potion + 200 3
Aegis Revival Potion + 500 3
Item Trade
Item Cost
Aegis Potion Soothing Splash x5
Aegis Revival Potion Coarse Alluvium x10
Hero Ration Wheat Stalk x10
Steel Trap Blistering Ore x8
Snare Fine Sand Bottle x5
Anti-Water Verse Blue Tome x25
Anti-Earth Verse Brown Tome x25
Anti-Wind Verse Green Tome x25
Aegis Herb Native Reed x2
Battle Horn Infernal Garnet
Ballista Horseman's Plate
Nab Net Iron Cluster x8
Anti-Fire Verse Red Tome x25
Anti-Light Verse White Tome x25
Anti-Dark Verse Black Tome x25

Event Tips