Omega Unique Item

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(Redirected from Green Dragon Eye)
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Resolute ReactorFanned FinGenesis Bud
Green Dragon EyePrimal BitBlack Fog Sphere

The 6 Omega raids all have a drop item unique to the boss itself, pertaining to its appearance or lore. Colossus drops Resolute Reactor, Leviathan drops Fanned Fin, Yggdrasil drops Genesis Bud, Tiamat drops Green Dragon Eye, Luminiera drops Primal Bit, and Celeste drops Black Fog Sphere.


These unique items are used to uncap characters and in crafting Fabled Weapons.

Use Amount
Uncap SSR to 5★ 3
Uncap SR to 5★ 2
Uncap Story SR to 5★ 10
Awakening R to Lvl 7 2
Awakening SR to Lvl 5 2
Awakening SSR to Lvl 5 5
4★ Uncap Rotating Showdown Summons 5
4★ Uncap Xeno Summons 20
4★ Uncap Omega Summons 10
5★ Uncap Omega Summons 20
Upgrade Revenant Weapons (step 5) 20 of each item
+ 60 in the desired element
Upgrade Bahamut Weapons to Nova form 20, dependent on weapon
Forge Xeno Weapons to True form 30
Uncap Seraphic Weapons (SR) to 3★ 10
4★ Uncap Omega Rebirth Weapons 30
Raid Hosting
Host Impossible Omega Raids 3
Host Tier 2 Summon Raids 1
Resort Island Builder
Upgrade Captain's Home to level 1 50 for each item
Upgrade Artisan Town, Downtown, Hot Springs, Rec Area, The Port, The Quarry to level 2 1,500 for each item in their respective areas
