Mikan-Orange Blade

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Mikan-Orange Blade
ID 1030106200
JP Name みかん色ブレード
Release Date ?
Other Sites KamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
The songstress dances gracefully upon the shining stage, bathed in a bright mikan-orange glow. Her heart is stirred by the glittering sea of light moving in time to the melody.
Charge Attack
Let Sunshine In Big Earth damage to a foe.
Base Reduction Materials

Gameplay Notes

  • This weapon has no combat prowess and is meant to be used as a weapon skin.


  • The level 1 ATK stat of each Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Sky-High! SR blade is the height, in centimeters, of the idol associated with the image color.[1]
  • The level 1 HP stat is 10 for first year, 20 for second year, or 30 for third year.
Name Element HP ATK Idol Name
Yellow Blade Light 10 152 Hanamaru
Pink Blade Fire 10 154 Ruby
White Blade Light 10 156 Yoshiko (her actual image color is gray)
Light-Blue Blade Water 20 157 You
Mikan-Orange Blade Earth 20 157 Chika
Sakura-Pink Blade Earth 20 160 Riko
Red Blade Fire 30 162 Dia
Emerald-Green Blade Wind 30 162 Kanan
Violet Blade Dark 30 163 Mari
