Branwen Rapier

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Branwen Rapier
ID 1030004200
JP Name ブランウェンレイピア
JP TitleIn the past many weapons had custom titles. Now replaced with series titles in game. 愁歎剣
Release Date ?
Other Sites KamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
The wounds this sword opens make your heart cry crimson tears. They also release the deepest, darkest feelings you've been hiding, plunging you into despair.
Charge Attack
Grievous Cry Big Water damage to a foe.
Inflict PoisonedHP is lowered on every turn
Weapon Skills
Tsunami's Aegis Medium boostNormal 5% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 15% to water allies' max HP
Sword Master Skills
Effect Cooldown Duration Cost
Awaken All allies gain Water ATK UpWater ATK is boosted
Duration: 3 turns
10TAs Sword Master / 8TAs Glorybringer / 6TAs Master Lvl 30
3T -
Resonance 400% Water damage to a foe in overdrive. 5T - Costs 2 energy
Attack Bonus Water damage. - - Costs 1 energy
Defend - - - -
Base Reduction Materials
This weapon is safe to reduce or use as fodder.