Boots & Blades is a side story.
This event is part of the Aliza and Stan series. Listed in order of premiere:
Two young warriors wish to
strengthen the bond they've
built through the years.
To fulfill this wish,
one warrior heads toward
the perilous ancient lands
where the golden flower of legend
is said to be blooming...
For new players
Notable Rewards
New Character
Stan (Event)

- Role: Defender
- Provides a three-turn
SubstituteReceives foe attack in place of an ally (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks) to a single ally.
- Being hit improves the damage of his skills and Charge Attack.
- Lacks defense buffs to help him survive while tanking.
RatingThe character's overall rating out of 10.
GrindingThe character's general efficiency in repeatedly clearing menial content with an emphasis on real-time speed. GW Max Grade: SS KG Max Grade: SS
Full AutoThe character's general performance in Full Auto parties. GW Max Grade: SS KG Max Grade: SS
High DifficultyThe character's capability relative to the game's most difficult content. GW Max Grade: SS KG Max Grade: SS
Last Update
Stan joins you after completing Chapter 6.
Event Battles
Story Battles
Occurrences |
Ch. 1, Ep. 1 |
Ch. 1, Ep. 4 |
Ch. 3, Ep. 4 |
Ch. 4, Ep. 2 |
Ch. 6, Ep. 1 |
Ch. 6, Ep. 4 |
Solo Battles
Cost to Host: 10 AP |
Unlock: Clear Boots & Blades Ending |
Start QuestNetwork Errors will appear if the hosting conditions are not met. (AP, Host Materials, Daily Limit)
Wave |
Name |
Lvl |
HP |
Charge |
Mode |
Boss | Catoblepas |
20 |
620,000 |
◇◇ |
Yes |
Cost to Host: 20 AP |
Unlock: Clear Catoblepas Showdown |
Start QuestNetwork Errors will appear if the hosting conditions are not met. (AP, Host Materials, Daily Limit)
Wave |
Name |
Lvl |
HP |
Charge |
Mode |
Boss | Druj |
25 |
1,400,000 |
◇◇ |
Yes |
Special Attacks |
Triggers and Notes |
- 18-hit Light damage to random allies.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger |
Challenge Battle
The Dance of Flames
Event Rewards
Event Shop
English Title |
Japanese Title |
Step |
Description |
Reward |
Notes |
 | Timid but Brave |
勇敢なる臆病者 |
★☆☆ |
Get 100,000 honors in Boots and Blades |
Crystal ×10 |
 | Feet and Sticks |
交じり合う剣と脚 |
★★☆ |
Get 500,000 honors in Boots and Blades |
Crystal ×30 |
 | Boots and Blades |
剣と脚に想いを乗せて |
★★★ |
Get 1,000,000 honors in Boots and Blades |
Crystal ×50 |
 | Evil Eyes Overcomer |
魔眼を乗り越えし者 |
★ |
Clear Boots and Blades free quest Catoblepas Showdown |
Crystal ×10 |
 | Slayer of the Vicious Dragon |
暴虐の竜を屈服せし者 |
★ |
Clear Boots and Blades free quest Druj Showdown |
Crystal ×10 |
 | Enflamed Fighter |
炎の格闘家 |
★ |
Clear the challenge quest The Dance of Flames |
Crystal ×10 |
 | Swift Strikes |
疾風の剣閃 |
★☆☆ |
Defeat Catoblepas or Druj a total of 5 times in Boots and Blades free quest |
Crystal ×10 |
 | A Story to Last |
語り継がれる物語 |
★★☆ |
Defeat Catoblepas or Druj a total of 50 times in Boots and Blades free quest |
Crystal ×30 |
 | Hero of Legends |
お伽噺の主人公 |
★★★ |
Defeat Catoblepas or Druj a total of 200 times in Boots and Blades free quest |
Crystal ×50 |
 | Protector of the Golden Flowers |
黄金の花を守護する者 |
★ |
Complete the story of Boots and Blades |
Crystal ×50 |
Voiced Trailer