With the great cataclysm overcome, people
relish in the halcyon days that follow.
But things take a sudden turn
when a veil of darkness covers the sky,
causing primal beasts to run amok.
As mass panic ensues among the skydwellers,
mysterious twin archangels appear before them.
The pair delivers a request from the primarchs—
to investigate the troubling occurrences in
Canaan, a land said to be unreachable.
People of the sky realm unite once again,
standing together against the threat brought on
by two thousand years of archangel history.
For new players
Complete each chapter, quest, and boss; each awards Crystal ×50 on first-time completion.
Glory Thread is itself a very good Sabre weapon, with a main character skill that synergizes with its CA; moreover, as a Sabre, it has excellent synergy with Luminiera Sword Omega based grids making use of a Cosmic Sword. As such, it is an excellent choice for a Light EX weapon, especially for players who do not plan or have no means to obtain a True Purity Sunblade in the near future. A recommended keeper for new players, and obtaining it should be a priority.
Sandalphon (Summon) is an unusually strong event summon if fully uncapped, as well as the first event summon to have a sub aura effect. Recommended to keep for newer players.
"Which reward should I choose?"
It is strongly recommended to choose Sunlight Stone over any of the Demi Summons. This grants players the flexibility to uncap a summon of their preference or contribute to a scarce resource crucial for various Arcarum-related items.
Additionally, the Demi summons are significantly weaker than their Premium Draw Optimus summon counterparts. Multiple Sunlight Stones will be needed to fully uncap them, and they can only be uncapped to 4★ with a 130% aura, which is lower than the Premium Draw versions at 140%. Furthermore, the Premium Draw summons can be further uncapped to 5★ and Transcended, offering 150% and 170% auras, respectively.
It should also be noted that the regular, full-power version of each summon can be obtained as a final reward from the Classic Draw and from a Surprise Special Draw Set.
Becomes a Tank at level 100. Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked and DEF UpDEF is boosted have a 4/6 turn uptime.
Supplemental DMGDMG dealt is supplemented Strength: 1% of enemy's max HP (Damage cap: 10,000)Duration: 3 turns and 30% / 50% Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG Strength: 30% chance of dealing 50% more damage.Duration: 3 turns for the party.
Stronger in long fights; requires multiple Charge Attacks to reach full effectiveness.
Eden's ExileEcliptica activates twice (Can't be removed) is a permanent damage and healing increase for the duration of that fight.
RatingThe character's overall rating out of 10.
GrindingThe character's general efficiency in repeatedly clearing menial content with an emphasis on real-time speed. GW Max Grade:SS KG Max Grade:SS
Full AutoThe character's general performance in Full Auto parties. GW Max Grade:SS KG Max Grade:SS
High DifficultyThe character's capability relative to the game's most difficult content. GW Max Grade:SS KG Max Grade:SS
Drop table last updated: 2019-05-17The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff., all stated drop rates are estimates.
Dark damage to all allies and inflicts ATK DownATK is lowered Duration: 2 turns.
Daedalus PierceTR 25%
Plain damage to all allies based on 20% of current HP.
Inflicts ATK DownATK is lowered Duration: 1 turn and DEF DownDEF is lowered Duration: 1 turn .
Immune to ParalyzedCan't attack and SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG) Takes 25% more damage.
After Avatar attacks
Chance for Avatar to gain Dark MotivesATK and multiattack rate are boosted (Stackable / Can be removed by dealing more than 500,000 DMG within a turn) Local status effect.
Drop table last updated: 2019-05-17The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff., all stated drop rates are estimates.
Why did Lady Michael decide to
rely on the Singularity and their crew so much?
Well, I don't really know the details, but
weren't they a big help during that cataclysm?
Hmm, really? Well, if that's what
Lady Michael says, then that must be the case.
Hey, look what popped up!
Phantagrande airspace, coming soon!
How nostalgic... If we have time, I wanna go sightseeing!
Next time, on Granblue Fantasy:
"Paradise Lost:
What Makes the Sky Blue II"
Okay then-- let's move!
This event features many characters and terminology based on various real-world religions and mythologies.
Paradise Lost is an epic poem by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. The poem concerns the biblical story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Sandalphon is an archangel in Jewish and Christian writings.
Some sources describe him as the "twin brother" of Metatron, whose human origin as Enoch was similar to the human origin of Sandalphon.
Sandalphon's charge attack, Ain Soph Aur (correct spelling is "Ohr Ein Sof") is Hebrew for "infinite light". It is an important concept in Jewish Kabbalah mysticism, as the essential emanation of and from God, "Ein Sof", from which the spheres of human understanding and experience (the sefirot) originate.
Metatron is an archangel in Judaism and known in Judaism as the Recording Angel or the Chancellor of Heaven. According to Jewish apocrypha, Metatron is the name Enoch received after his transformation into an angel.
Pleiades, one of Metatron's charge attacks, refers to the seven daughters of the titan Atlas and the sea-nymph Pleione in Greek mythology.
Lucifer comes from the Latin meaning 'light-bearer' or 'light-giver'. Lucifer is a name often associated with the Devil of Christian mythology and with the planet Venus when appearing as the morning star.
Granblue Fantasy's interpretation of Lucifer may be loosely based on Lucifer from Dante's Inferno. In Inferno, Lucifer was formerly the Angel of Light and once tried to usurp the power of God. As punishment, God banished Lucifer out of Heaven to an eternity in Hell as the ultimate sinner.
Belial is a term occurring in the Hebrew Bible which later became personified as the devil in Jewish and Christian texts. The demon of lies, he was acknowledged in the Bible as a source of great evil, and even as the lord of all demons. Some apocrypha declare that Belial was created next to Lucifer, and that he was a king of Hell governing 80 Infernal Legions. Others credit Belial as being the father of Lucifer and the angel that convinced him to wage a rebellion in Heaven against God, and that as such he was the first of the fallen angels to be expelled.[2]
Bartholomew refers to the Gospel of Bartholomew, in which Belial is labeled as the demon of lawlessness.
Goetia or Goëtia is a practice that includes the conjuration of demons, specifically the ones summoned by the Biblical figure, King Solomon.
Anagenesis is an evolutionary pattern defined by a gradual change that occurs in a species without the need for splitting.
Avatar's appearance is based on the design of the summon stone Satan, but with notably more pairs of wings and standing further upright.
Satan is a generally malevolent figure in the Abrahamic religions who seeks to seduce humans into falsehood and sin. In earlier Hebrew and Judaic traditions, he takes a role similar to YHVH's "prosecuting attorney", being the denouncer and scourge of evil and sin and acting as the adversary to those who have been found wanting (the word haSatan in old Hebrew meaning most literally "the adversary" and being a role in Hebrew courts); in later Christian and Islamic tradition, he was conflated with the serpent in the Garden of Eden who tempted Eve and introduced original sin to the world, and thus became the anthropomorphic personification of evil and all that is hostile to God and His will.
Daedalus is a mythical Greek inventor, architect, and sculptor, who was said to have built, among other things, the paradigmatic Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete. He is the father of Icarus.
Beelzebub or Beelzebul is a name derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshiped in Ekron, and later adopted by some Abrahamic religions as a given name to a major demon. The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal. In theological sources, predominately Christian, Beelzebub is sometimes another name for the Devil, similar to Satan. He is known in demonology as one of the seven princes of Hell. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the "Lord of the Flyers", or the "Lord of the Flies".
Canaan was a Semitic-speaking region in the Ancient Near East during the late 2nd millennium BC. The name Canaan occurs commonly in the Bible, where it provides the main setting of the narrative of the Bible (the area of Phoenicia, Philistia, Israel and other nations).
Halluel and Malluel are based on Harut and Marut, two angels mentioned in the second surah of the Quran, who were present during the reign of Solomon. The Quran indicates that they were a trial for the people and through them the people were tested with sorcery. The names are probably etymologically related to Haurvatat and Ameretat, two Zoroastrian archangels.