Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies

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Event Story Gallery

Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies is a side story. It is an Anniversary Event that commemorates the 8th Anniversary of Granblue Fantasy.

  • Initial Release: February 28, 2022
  • Rerun(s): June 13, 2023
  • Added to Side Stories: June 17, 2024
  • Unlock: Complete Paradise Lost and Primal Resonance

This event is part of the Primal Resonance event series. Listed in order of premiere:

This event is part of the Archangel Saga.

Additionally, the following story events take place after the conclusion of part III:

When arbitration's judgment
is thrust into the precipice,
a peek into the ripples of time reveals
boundless tragedy.

Many partake in the bloodstained
battlefield to fulfill their duty, yet they
never forget the warmth of sunbeams
streaming through the forest canopy.

Aspirations arise.
Hopes are dashed.

With resolve tested in every precious moment,
the path forward will not be an easy one.

Event Promotional Video

(Video is in Japanese. Unofficial English subtitles courtesy of granblue_en. For the original official video, see this link.)

For new players

Notable Rewards

  • Disaster Claw
  • Damascus Ingot - awarded from clearing all chapters of The War
  • Small Storyteller awarded from clearing all chapters of The Astral Artifacts can be exchanged for a Dark Opus Weapon or Damascus Crystal ×3 in the Shop under Quest Items > Event/Other > Exclusive Treasure.
    • A Dark Opus weapon will be better value as a trade until one is acquired of each element. Even at that point, trading for a second Dark Opus weapon in an element will offer significant savings if the player chooses to switch main summon type from Omega to Optimus or vice versa.
  • Ode to Evolution awarded from clearing all chapters of The Sky's Future can be exchanged for a Dark Opus Upgrade Set or Dark Opus Uncap Set in the Shop under Quest Items > Event/Other > Exclusive Treasure.
  • Standing by You awarded from Bonus Story "A True Connection" is used to uncap Lyria (Event) to 5★.
  • Prism of Duty awarded from Bonus Story "A World without You" is used to uncap Zooey to 5★.

Event Battles

Story Battles

The War
Occurrences Notes
Ch. 3, Ep. 2
Ch. 4, Ep. 4
The Astral Artifacts
Occurrences Notes
Ch. 4, Ep. 4
The Sky's Future
Occurrences Notes
Ch. 1, Ep. 4
Ch. 3, Ep. 3
Ch. 4, Ep. 4

Solo Battles

Primal Beast of Warfare
Cost to Host: 10 AP Unlock: Clear Ending
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Azi Dahaka 40 6,100,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Thousand Disasters OD TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Light DMG (450%)
Effect: Burned (1000)HP is lowered on every turn
Strength: 1000Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
(All allies)
  • Trinity Pyroblast N
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Light DMG (3-hit)
Effect: Bonus Light DMGDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Thousand Disasters.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, UnboundedRewards
Crystal ×10
Every clear: Honor ×20,000
Wooden Silver Gold

Encounter with God
Cost to Host: 20 AP Unlock: Clear Normal
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Bahamut 50 9,100,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Reginleiv Eclipse N OD TR 50%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Dark DMG (20-hit / 30%)
Effect: DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Local status effect
  • Catastrophe Nova TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Dark DMG (400%)
Effect: ATK UpATK is boosted (Can't be removed)
Local status effect
  • Providence Force OD
Targets: All allies
Deals: Dark DMG
Effect: 5 Buff Effects Removed (All allies) / 50% Light CutLight DMG is cut 50%
Local status effect
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Reginleiv Eclipse.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Catastrophe Nova.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Discovering God's WillRewards
Crystal ×10
Every clear: Honor ×75,000
Wooden Silver Gold

Hand of Arbitration
Cost to Host: 30 AP Unlock: Clear Hard
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Cosmos 65 11,600,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Dual Cry N TR 75%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Random-element DMG (300%)
Effect: UpliftedCharge diamonds fill more quickly
Local status effect
/ ATK UpATK is boosted
Local status effect
/ DEF UpDEF is boosted
Local status effect
  • Halo Attunement N TR 50%
Effect: Mirror ImageNext one-to-one attack received will be ineffective
(Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack)
/ DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Local status effect
  • Sweeping Detonation OD TR 25%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Wind/Earth/Water/Fire DMG (15-hit / 40%)
Effect: All Buff Effects Removed (All allies)
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Dual Cry.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Halo Attunement.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Sweeping Detonation.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Another Thousand YearsRewards
Crystal ×10
, Light Quartz ×80
Every clear: Honor ×150,000
Wooden Silver Gold

Event Rewards

Item Step Limit

Light Quartz ×20
1 13015
2 16050
3 19075
4 1120100

Disaster Claw
1 1155
2 13020
3 15040
4 17560

Disaster Bolt
1 15-
2 115-
3 120-
4 125-

Premium Draw Ticket
1 115-
2 1205
3 13010

Angel Queen
1 303-

Half Elixir
1 20-2

Soul Berry
1 50-1

CP ×10
1 2031
2 1052
3 1083

Champion Merit
1 3155
2 33010
3 35015

Supreme Merit
1 35020
2 310040

Skill Shard
1 5203

Skill Jewel
1 33010


  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes

Voiced Trailer

Japanese[1] EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation.











The color of the sky, changing every day, the scent of the wind blowing across the islands,

The shapes of the white clouds, the bridge of the rainbow, the green of the trees covering the earth,

the happy voices of people traveling to and fro across town,

And spread across the deep night sky, the stars beyond.

And in every one of the lives filling this landscape

are all kinds of feelings, joys, pains, and tears.

Whenever I touch this world, I love it without limit.

Captain, thank you for teaching me that the world

is such a beautiful place.

Whatever happens, I will never forget our meeting and our journeys.

And so, I...

Next time on Granblue Fantasy:

Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies

Hey, Captain, what kind of future do you wish for this world?

When the time comes, I... I want to be by your side.

Trailer Teaser Text


See: Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies/History and Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies/History 2


The War

The Astral Artifacts

The Sky's Future
