Gabriel (Summon)

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This article is about the summon stone. For the Gabriel trials and raid, see Primarch Trials. For the recruitable character, see Gabriel.

Archangel Series
[Archangel Series]
Can be uncapped to 4★

Level 1 140 375
Level 100 850 2100
Level 150 1205 2963
Obtain Premium Draw
Voice Actor Mariko Kouda
Combo Call Name
First HalfUsed when this summon is called first in the combo. Password is
Second HalfUsed when this summon is called second in the combo. Pink Hair
ID 2040311000
Summon ID 3248
NameJP ガブリエル
Voice ActorJP 國府田マリ子
Release Date 2018-12-31
4★ Date 2022-03-24
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
Water operates according to a fickle cycle: sometimes acting as a blessing, other times a disaster. The primarch of water, possessed of this same nature, watches quietly over the flow of life, ensuring that balance is forever maintained.
Main AuraThis aura is only available when equipped as a Main Summon. - Gabriel's Aura
0★This is the basic aura for this summon. Its level does not influence the aura. 100% boost to Water Elemental ATK.
3★This is the aura for the 3★ version of this summon. 120% boost to Water Elemental ATK.
4★This is the aura for the 4★ version of this summon. 140% boost to Water Elemental ATK.
Sub AuraThis aura is only available when equipped as a Sub Summon.
0★This is the basic aura for this summon. Its level does not influence the aura. 5% boost to Water allies' damage cap.
3★This is the aura for the 3★ version of this summon. 10% boost to Water allies' damage cap.
4★This is the aura for the 4★ version of this summon. 15% boost to Water allies' damage cap.
Call - Tidal Erasure Initial Cooldown Cooldown on Call
0★This is the basic call for this summon. Its level does not influence the call. Massive Water damage to all foes.
Inflict PureflowDMG taken is boosted / DMG dealt is lowered
Duration: 5 turnsLocal status effect
on Fire foes.
All allies gain 70% Fire CutFire DMG is cut 70%
Strength: 70%Duration: 1 turn Fire Damage Cut.
3T3-turn cooldown at the start of battle. 12T12-turn cooldown upon call.
3★This is the call for the 3★ version of this summon.
4★This is the call for the 4★ version of this summon.400% Water damage to all foes.
Inflict PureflowDMG taken is boosted / DMG dealt is lowered
Duration: 5 turnsLocal status effect
on Fire foes.
All allies gain 70% Fire CutFire DMG is cut 70%
Strength: 70%Duration: 1 turn Fire Damage Cut.
and Veil (1 time)Debuffs will be nullified (1 time)
Duration: Indefinite"Veil" is an unofficial name used by the wiki for this status effect. Its actual in-game name is "Immune."
9T9-turn cooldown.
4★ Uncap Materials
Rupie cost: 20,000

Reduction Materials
This summon should not be reduced or used as fodder.

Archangel Series


Gameplay Notes

Call - Tidal Erasure

  • PureflowDMG taken is boosted / DMG dealt is lowered
    Local status effect
    is a unique 10% ATK Down and 10% DEF Down effect which stacks past the normal cap. It is equivalent to ForfeitDMG dealt is lowered / DMG taken is boosted
    and does not stack with it.[1]


Voice Lines

Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Play
