Tsubasa Kashiwagi/Lore

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Official Profile

This character does not have an official profile.




Special Cutscenes

This character does not have special holiday cutscenes.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Nothing but Wind and Sky

Tsubasa, a pop star transported to Sky World, still believes that he’s filming a video there. Rackam, seeing Tsubasa’s inexperience with firearms, takes him under his wing, and teaches him the basics of gun handling.

(Captain) and the crew were fighting some strange green monsters when they came across a young man named Tsubasa.
Afterwards, they decided to return to the ship for a break, taking Tsubasa with them.
Mysterious Creature: Ribbiiiiiit…
Rackam: There we go! That looks like the last of them. Wanna go back to the ship?
Tsubasa: Wow! We're using a real airship? Not just special effects?
Lyria: Special effects… What's that? Any idea, (Captain)?
  1. Like… alchemy?
  2. Hmm, I don't know…

Choose: Like… alchemy?
Lyria: Wha-? Tsubasa, you can perform alchemy?
Tsubasa: Erm, I don't know if the people in post-production can do that…
Tsubasa: The producer didn't say anything about it… I think.

Choose: Hmm, I don't know…
Vyrn: Tsubasa says some weird things, doesn't he?
Tsubasa: R-really? I'm sorry, I'll be more careful!
Tsubasa: Please, (Captain). If I say anything weird, tell me!
Continue 1
Rackam: Do you have a minute, Tsubasa?
Tsubasa: Sure! What is it, Mr. Rackam?
Rackam: Well, I saw you earlier… You don't seem to have any idea of how to use a gun…
Rackam: Are you alright with that gun? If you're not careful, you'll really hurt yourself, you know!
Tsubasa: R-really? I'm still not very good at using props, and I haven't had much training…
Rackam: What! No training? So you're self-taught? Man, that's dangerous!
Tsubasa: I'm sorry…
Rackam: Oh man… I suppose I should teach you the proper way to handle a firearm, then.
Tsubasa: Really? You'll teach me?
Rackam: Watching you with that gun makes me nervous. I've never taught anyone before, but it's gotta be better than nothing, right?
Tsubasa: Thank you so much, Mr. Rackam! I really appreciate the help!
And so, Rackam instructed Tsubasa on the correct way to handle a gun.
Tsubasa: Ow!
Rackam: Hey, hey, what did I tell you? With that posture, the recoil will just hurt your shoulder!
Tsubasa: I'm sorry, I'll be more careful! So, I hold it like this… And then…
Rackam: Well, I think that's about as much as I can teach you, Tsubasa.
Tsubasa: Thank you so much! I've got to be careful when I use it in the video too!
Rackam: Gods, you're such a worrier! Well, learning to use a gun could help you loosen up a bit.
Rackam: Woah! You've gotta be careful with the bullets, too!
Tsubasa: Oh, right! I thought they were all gone, but the gun's still loaded! Phew, that was close!
Rackam: You've got to try harder, Tsubasa! I don't see a single mark on that target!
Tsubasa: Yeah… If I mess up a take when we're actually filming, it'll be frustrating for everyone else…
Tsubasa: Anyway, thank you so much for training me, Mr. Rackam!
Rackam: Well done. Right, let's head back to the airship!
Tsubasa: Erm, is it okay if I stay here and practice for a bit longer?
Rackam: Sure. There shouldn't be any monsters around here. Seeya in a bit!
Tsubasa: Okay! Thanks again for your help, Mr. Rackam!
Tsubasa: Right, let's do this… First, check your posture…
Tsubasa: Wow, this gun's so heavy, it doesn't even feel like a prop!
Tsubasa still hadn't realized where he had been transported to, and was lost in a strange world.
But, like so many of his journeys in his past, he felt that he would definitely enjoy the ride.

To Fly Again

The members of the pop group Dramatic Stars have now accepted the fact that they have crossed over into the Sky World. Tsubasa is greatly interested in the Grandcypher, and is being shown around the ship by its pilot, Rackam. Tsubasa is shocked to hear that, long ago, Rackam once crashed the ship. Just then, the party receives a commission to take some packages to a neighboring island.

The three members of the pop group Dramatic Stars had crossed over into the boundless Sky World.
At first they thought they were still shooting a TV ad, but through the course of their adventures they came to realize the truth.
Tsubasa was interested in seeing a real airship, so Rackam was giving him a tour of the Grandcypher.
Tsubasa: Thank you for showing me around Rackam.
Tsubasa: It's a wonderful ship isn't it, the Grandcypher!
Rackam: Right? It's a league apart from any other airship you'll find.
Tsubasa: Have you always flown on the Grandcypher, Rackam?
Tsubasa: Or did you pilot a different airship before you joined this one?
Rackam: No, I've always been aboard the Grandcypher.
Rackam: Hehe… One time I crashed the ship and it fell into disrepair, but, ultimately, I couldn't be parted from her…
Tsubasa: …!
Tsubasa: That's… quite some story.
While the two were talking, (Captain) and the others came back from the town with news of quests that the party could undertake.
Vyrn: Heya! We're back!
Rackam: Welcome back. How did you get on, are there any quests for us?
Lyria: Yes! One of the townsfolk asked us to deliver some packages to the next island.
Vyrn: But, they said they'd bring the packages here to the ship for us.
Rackam: That's handy. All right then, let's finish getting ready for lift off.
Lyria: Yes, isn't it, this way we'll be able to deliver the packages to the next island more quickly.
Rackam: You got it. We still need someone to bring the packages aboard the ship though. (Captain) and Tsubasa, can you help out?
Tsubasa: … Huh? So- sorry, I was lost in thought.
Tsubasa: You'd like us to help with the preparations for lift off. Anything you say!
Rackam: OK everyone! Let's get this ship airborne, all hands on deck!

To Fly Again: Scene 2

(Captain) and the others are onboard the Grandcypher, on an assignment to deliver some packages to a neighboring island. But Tsubasa is still thinking deeply about what Rackam just told him, and cannot concentrate. A monster attack forces him to pull himself together and focus on the task at hand.

Vyrn: Hehe, I don't think we'll have too much trouble from monsters. Delivering these packages should be a piece of cake.
Rackam: Hold on, don't get too cocky! Up here in the sky monsters can attack from the direction you least expect.
Vyrn: Oh, you're right. We should brace ourselves.
Whilst the party were engaged in their jolly bantering, Tsubasa was by himself in one corner of the deck, lost deep in thought.
Vane (Event) is a crew member

Tsubasa: Aaaargh!
Suddenly, monsters swooped down on Tsubasa from above.
Vane: Have at you!
Monster: Grrrrr…
The skyfarer who had come to Tsubasa's aid at the last minute was Vane.
Vane: What's going on! I called Rackam, he should know better than to let his guard down.
Tsubasa: Oh… are you… Vane?
Tsubasa: (Ah, it's Vane! I should talk to him as research for my role… but maybe not just now.)
Vane: Good grief… The quest isn't over yet! What are you guys doing, lazing around like that!
Tsubasa: Er… yeah! Quit slacking!
Tsubasa: (…I feel bummed out, causing trouble for everyone like this… I've got to get it together!)
Vane (Event) not in crew

Lyria: Um… Tsubasa.
Tsubasa: …Huh? P- pardon me, Lyria. What can I do for you?
Lyria: Are you feeling all right, Tsubasa? You don't seem yourself.
Tsubasa: Well…
Lyria: You mustn't overdo it. You're looking a bit pale…
Tsubasa: I'm fine! I'm sorry about earlier, when I was lost in thought… I got sucked in to my own thoughts.
Tsubasa: I can't let myself get carried away like that. Until the quest is finished, we mustn't let our guard down.
Tsubasa: (OK, I think I've turned a corner. Feels good.)

To Fly Again: Scene 3

(Captain) and the others have safely completed their assignment. Noticing that Tsubasa seems out of sorts, Rackam asks him if he is all right. Tsubasa explains how miserable he is about having abandoned his dreams when he hit a career setback. Rackam gives Tsubasa some encouragement, reminding him of the importance of friendship. Tsubasa's spirits are lifted, and he promises to himself that he will not be trapped in the past, but will face toward the future and move forward.

(Captain) and the others safely delivered the packages to the neighboring island.
Rackam: Hey Tsubasa! You still got that gun I gave you? Let's finish your training.
Tsubasa: Oh, OK.
Tsubasa: So… that bit goes like this and… Huh? Oh!
Tsubasa: Oh, a bit has gone under the bed… I don't think I can reach it…
Rackam: Hmmm… You're pretty clumsy ain't cha, Tsubasa. Here, try this one instead.
Tsubasa: Ah, thanks.
Rackam: Or at least, you haven't gotten used to it yet. The more you use it the better you'll get, right?
Tsubasa: You're right. I won't improve if I don't practice.
Tsubasa: Come on Tsubasa, get a grip… unfasten this part, give this a clean…
Rackam: …Tsubasa, earlier today, when you were lost in thought, is something bothering you?
Rackam: Or, what I meant… perhaps it would make things easier if you talked about it?
Tsubasa: Rackam…
Disturbed by Rackam's words, Tsubasa began to speak with a grim determination.
Tsubasa: Before I was scouted by the producer, I was an airline… an airship pilot.
Tsubasa: But… so many things happened, and… I had to abandon that path.
Tsubasa: But, you… when I heard that you managed to get over your accident, and take to the skies as a pilot once more…
Tsubasa: …I became really miserable. Whereas I had abandoned my dream…
Rackam: Well, you certainly have a high opinion of me, Tsubasa. And yet…
Rackam: I can't help thinking that you and I are not that different, no?
Tsubasa: Huh?
Rackam: Hehe… After that crash, I was finished, washed up.
Rackam: And yet… (Captain) and the crew reformed me. And that's how I was able to fly again.
Rackam: And you, Tsubasa… You're the same, right? If your friends are there to support you, you can aim for your dreams.
Tsubasa: Oh!
Tsubasa: Yes, yes, you've got it! That's exactly it!
Tsubasa: For my part, Teru and Kaoru, and also this person called Mr. Producer are my best friends.
Rackam: Well knock me down… it seems your troubles have been washed away.
Tsubasa: Yes! Thank you so much Rackam.
Tsubasa: From now on I will strive to have the best outlook on life, together with Mr. Producer and the others.
Although he still bore the scars of the past, Tsubasa bravely faced the future and stepped forward.
And with his friends' support, he advanced, step-by-step, along the path toward positivity.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
旅っていいですよね! Don't you love traveling!
終わったらみんなでご飯いきましょう Let's all grab a bite after this!
体力なら、自信あります! I've got confidence in my strength!
繊細な作業は得意じゃなくて…… I'm not so good at delicate jobs...
わわっ!びっくりしたぁ…… Whoa! You scared me...
力仕事は任せてくださいね Just leave the heavy work to me!
いろんな騎空艇に乗ってみたいなぁ I wanna see all kinds of airships!
輝さんと薫さん、ケンカしてないかな? Sure hope Teru and Kaoru aren't fighting.
(主人公)くん、疲れてませんか? Don't you get tired, (Captain)?
(主人公)くん、一緒に頑張ろう! Let's give it our best shot, (Captain)!
