Scenario:Shura - Restorative Leadership

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Restorative Leadership

After the war between Erdeni and Zilantos, (Captain) and company stay to help with restoring the city of Zaha. Thanks to Shura's precise instructions, the reconstruction progresses smoothly. However, the crew is worried that Shura may be shouldering too many responsibilities.

On a certain island in the Phantagrande Skydom, the country of Erdeni—famed for its many sites of historical importance—and the country of Zilantos were at war with each other for many years.
(Captain) and the crew assisted Erdeni in their fight and, after many challenging trials, were finally able to put an end to the war.
Following their victory, the crew decided to stay in Zaha, Erdeni's biggest port, to help restore the war-ravaged city to its former glory.
Erdeni Soldier 1: Shura, here is the report from yesterday's investigation of the damage to the city.
Erdeni Soldier 1: And here are the calculations for the materials needed for the repairs.
Erdeni Soldier 2: Shura, you have a letter from His Majesty, King Leonis.
Erdeni Soldier 3: As you ordered, I've conducted a survey on all of the citizens affected by the war and have compiled a list of their needs.
Shura: Thank you very much.
Shura: Hm... Just as we expected. It seems the entire city area has suffered serious damage from the war.
Shura: For now, we will prioritize restoring the...
(Captain) and company arrive at the assembly hall to find their friend, Shura, giving out orders to the soldiers.
Vyrn: Hey, Shura! Over here!
Shura: Ah, (Captain), Vyrn, Lyria. Good morning.
Vyrn: Mornin'! The day's barely started and you're already lookin' pretty busy.
Shura: Not at all. I am merely doing what I can at the moment.
Shura smiles gently at them.
Lyria: Is there anything we can help with today, Shura?
Shura: For today, could you assist with clearing away some rubble? We are planning to use a certain area in the city to set up basic lodgings for civilians.
Shura hands the crew a piece of paper.
Shura: After that, if you could follow the task schedule here...
Lyria: Wow, thank you for preparing this for us! I'm sure you already have a lot to do...
Shura: Please don't worry about it. This, too, is part of my job as Erdeni's military strategist...
Shura: Or should I say, my responsibility to ensure that Zaha is fully restored.
Shura: The work will be hard, but your assistance is much appreciated.
The crew give an enthusiastic nod and turn to make their way toward the location written on the paper.
Following Shura's instructions, (Captain) and company arrive at the appointed location and begin their work immediately.
The area is to be cleaned of debris so that temporary lodgings can be set up for victims who have lost their homes in the war.
Lyria: Whew... It's looking a lot cleaner, isn't it?
Vyrn: Yeah! Now we just gotta figure out how t'get this pillar outta the way...
A giant stone pillar lies in the middle of the field, remnant of the building it once belonged to that was destroyed during the battle.
Vyrn: Hmm... It's gonna take a lot more than just us to lift this up...
Lyria: But if we don't do something about it, they won't be able to build anything here...
Vyrn: Yeah... Maybe we should go back and ask Shura what she thinks.
Shura: No need for that.
The crew turns to find Shura already at the scene. Behind her are soldiers carrying a large amount of logs and ropes.
Shura: Now, please begin.
Erdeni Soldier 1: Yes, ma'am!
The soldiers salute and proceed to lay out the logs. In the blink of an eye, they successfully hoist the pillar onto the logs and begin to transport it.
Shura: We will deal with the stone pillar.
Shura: After the rubble has been cleared away, may I ask you to proceed with preparing the soil for building?
Shura: Feel free to use these tools from our engineering unit. I've had them adjusted so that they are easier for you to use.
Lyria: Wow! Thank you so much, Shura!
Vyrn: Boy, are you on top of things! How'd ya prepare all that so fast?
Shura: I simply had people investigate the areas we need to restore ahead of time.
Shura: Preparing for something that may pose a problem in the future is not such a difficult task.
Erdeni Soldier 2: Shura, it's about time for us to head to the next place...
Shura: All right. Well then, I'll leave this in your hands.
Vyrn: Whew! I can't believe she's handlin' everything all by herself!
Lyria: It's hard enough remembering where everything is... It's amazing how she can even think of a solution for each problem!
The crew is silent for a moment, admiring their friend's competence.
Still, they worry about Shura and the burden she continues to bear for the sake of her country.
Once the crew finish clearing away the debris, they proceed to help with distributing emergency rations.
However, the rations are clearly insufficient compared to the large number of people in the city.
Lyria: What should we do? We won't have enough for everyone...
Shura: There is no need to worry.
Lyria: Oh! Shura!
Shura: All of the reserve stock at the military base is being transported here and will be used as rations for the people instead.
Shura: We should have enough for everyone here.
The crew look behind them to see Shura once again, carrying a large box in her arms.
Around her are several soldiers carrying boxes of their own.
Shura: Could I ask you to help with distributing the extra rations as well?
Vyrn: That's not a problem for us, but you sure it's gonna be okay?
Shura: We should soon be receiving relief supplies from elsewhere in the country and abroad.
Shura: I have also taken the liberty of preparing several emergency stores, in case we find ourselves in an unexpected situation where we are unable to secure more supplies.
Lyria: Oh, I'm so glad... I was worried that some people might not be able to eat.
Lyria: Now everyone will be happy!
Shura: Yes... It would be a problem if the people were dissatisfied with the situation.
Shura: This, too, is a tactic of sorts.
Lyria: A tactic?
Shura: Our country's soldiers risk their lives to fight at the front lines of war, and in return, they expect a certain amount of respect and gratitude.
Shura: After fighting long and hard to win this war, now they are splitting their own supplies and distributing them to the people.
Shura: Offering the army's supplies will certainly gain the soldiers the respect and gratitude they desire.
Shura: And in turn, the gratitude of the people will serve as motivation for the soldiers and boost morale among them.
Shura: Of course, the army can reward its soldiers with benefits and time off.
Shura: However, it is the admiration of the people that truly supports each and every soldier, inspiring them to protect their country.
Lyria: That's true... We feel happy and want to help even more when someone says thank you to us too.
Vyrn: Whoa, so I guess we're not just handin' out stuff... Pretty sneaky of ya!
Shura: Haha. There is no better compliment than that for a strategist.
Shura: One must be open-minded and consider all options equally.
Shura: If it is for the sake of the country, then all available avenues should be pursued.
Shura: I must do all that I can so this city—this country—can become a better place.
Shura continues to go around the city, giving precise advice where necessary before hurrying off to another place.
It is thanks to her persistent efforts that the day progresses without a hitch.
The crew finish all of the tasks on their schedule and decide to take a break.
Shura: Thank you for all of your help. I've brought you some refreshments.
Shura: Please have some if you'd like.
Lyria: Wow! Thank you so much!
Vyrn: Awesome, I was just gettin' thirsty! Thanks!
(Captain) and the others happily receive the drinks and snacks from Shura.
Lyria: Mmm! This is so delicious, I could eat a thousand of them!
Lyria: It has just the perfect amount of sweetness... Just what I needed for a boost of energy!
Vyrn: This drink here's nice and cold. I've never tasted anythin' like it before...
Vyrn: Just takin' a sip makes me feel less tired!
Shura: It's a special drink made by mixing salt, fruit juice, and nectar from flowers. It's very effective in eliminating fatigue.
Shura: As for the confection Lyria is eating, it's made with seeds that are good for replenishing strength. The seeds were ground into powder and kneaded into the batter.
Lyria: You know so much about them... Could it be that you made these yourself, Shura?
Shura: Indeed. I am somewhat skilled in preparing food, if I may say so myself.
Shura: While I was growing up, my parents were quite busy, you see. I often assisted them with chores and cooking.
Shura: The cook at the place where I was employed was also kind enough to teach me a few things in between our work.
  1. This really is delicious.
  2. Can you teach me how to make it?

Choose: This really is delicious.

Shura: Haha. I'm glad you like it so much.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Can you teach me how to make it?

Lyria: Oh, I want to know too! Then I can make it for (Captain) later...
Shura: Very well. I can teach you when we have some extra time.
Shura: The recipe is very simple, so it shouldn't be too hard for you to learn it.

Continue 1

Lyria: Sigh... Shura, thank you for the refreshments! They were really good!
Shura: I'm happy you enjoyed them. I hope they were able to help you relax after all the work you've done for us today.
Vyrn: So whaddya want us to help you out with next?
Vyrn: There's nothin' else left on the schedule you gave us.
Shura: Yes, that will be all for today.
Shura: Please leave the rest to us and take some time off for yourselves.
Shura bows her head in gratitude. The crew look at one another in surprise.
Vyrn: Come on, we can do a lot more than that! We had a break and some snacks, so we're good to go!
Lyria: Yeah! I'm ready for more work!
(Captain) nods enthusiastically. But Shura smiles and gently shakes her head.
Shura: I have listed all of the tasks needed for the reconstruction of this city and calculated the appropriate amount of work for each person.
Shura: Any more outside of what I have already assigned you would be overwork.
Shura: No need to worry. I will take over the remaining tasks and finish them according to what I have planned.
Lyria: So you'll be going back to work?
Shura: Of course. Problems will arise, and my instruction will be needed.
Lyria: Um, Shura... Don't you think you're taking up too many responsibilities?
Lyria: Maybe you should ask others for help too...
Shura: I appreciate the concern, but this is my duty.
Lyria: But...
Shura: There is truly no need for you to worry. I will not be working without sleep or rest.
Shura: It is simply that the soldiers and I have more experience in these affairs and, as a result, more stamina that allows us to work for longer hours.
Shura: Please relax and give yourselves plenty of rest. After all, resting is also part of one's duty.
Reluctant to leave their friend, (Captain) and the crew hesitate.
Lyria: I understand what you're saying, Shura, but... do you think you can let us help out just a little bit more?
Lyria: We can't just sit around while everyone is doing their best!
  1. There are people that need our help.
  2. My stamina's not too shabby either.

Choose: There are people that need our help.

Lyria: Yeah! There are lots of people who have lost their homes in this city...
Lyria: We want to help so that they can go back to their normal lives as soon as possible!
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: My stamina's not too shabby either.

Vyrn: That's right! We're skyfarers—it's our job to run around helpin' people!
Vyrn: It's gonna take a lot more than this to wear us down!

Continue 2

Shura frowns, hesitation lingering in her gaze, before letting out a sigh.
Shura: Very well. Then I may request your assistance for just a while longer...
Shura: However, your tasks will be limited to those performed under my direct supervision.
Shura: From what I have gauged, you seem to have a tendency to push yourselves too hard.
Shura: I will be keeping watch to make sure that does not happen here.
Vyrn: O-okay... We're ready...
Shura: Then let's begin, shall we?
Despite her deep concern for the crew, Shura does not appear to spare any concern for herself whatsoever.
Worried for her well-being, (Captain) and company stay close behind the Erdeni strategist as she guides them to their next task.