Scenario:Lily - Home of Spring

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Home of Spring

While (Captain) and the others battle the monsters, Lily and Tia head deeper into the palace. There the two see that the ice goddess's hall has collapsed in on itself and the Snow Maiden has died. Although the two emit frost in an attempt to halt the structural failure, they aren't able to make any decisive repairs. Meanwhile (Captain) and the others struggle against the slew of monsters.

Lily and the others bring the peace talks to a successful close.
But they receive a sudden notice that monsters have infiltrated the palace.
Immediately following that, the palace begins shaking, and the ice cave at the rear of the Ice Crystal Palace can be heard thunderously collapsing.
Lily: Spring has come...
Tia: You heard the Snow Maiden too, didn't you, Lily?
Lily: But she's silent now...
Lily: Snow Maiden!
Tia: Ah, Lily!
Tia: Are you going into the hall of the ice goddess? But we have to do something about the monsters...
  1. We'll take care of them!

Choose: We'll take care of them!

Vyrn: Ah, we'll go around to the entrance. You follow Lily!
Tia: Thank you, everyone!
The party members split up. Some head to the interior of the castle; others, the entrance.
Lily & Tia: ...
Lily finds the ice goddess's hall in the rear of the palace completely destroyed.
Lily: This broken block of ice... Is it the Snow Maiden?
Tia: That's what it looks like. The ice goddess's protection is gone, so the temperature's rising...
Tia: And now there are monsters inside the palace, destroying it...
Lily & Tia: ...
An oppressive silence hangs over the pair after they learn of the death of the Snow Maiden.
Meanwhile the Ice Crystal Palace continues to melt.
Tia: ...!
Lily, watch out!
Lily: Eek!
Lily: Th-that was really close...
Tia: The rooms, the walls, everything... They're all collapsing from the rear inward.
Lily: ...
Lily: There'll be time to be sad later... Right now we have to act!
Lily & Tia: ...!
The two princesses release a potent burst of frost, and the water freezes over in a moment. The sudden collapse draws to a halt.
Tia: Agh... If this keeps up...
It takes all the princesses have to stop the collapse; repairing the building is out of reach.
Lily: More... more frost!
Lily: We have to protect everyone!
Tia: How did you fix the walls and make it this cold!
Lily: I can't let them down...
Lily: Groan...
Lily summons all her power, but she can only continue for so long.
Lily: N-no...
Tia: We can't emit frost forever... What should we do...
The alarmed expressions of the two are reflected in the bare, impersonal walls of ice.
Meanwhile other Crystalia assemble at the entrance to the Ice Crystal Palace, having sensed the death of the Ice Maiden.
At the front of the crowd, (Captain) and the party contend with the monsters, assisted by a few Crystalia who are able to fight.
Vyrn: Geez, there are a million of 'em! We're never gonna end this!
Lyria: The collapse has stopped. Do you think Lily and Tia are okay?
Erin: I think they're keeping the palace together with their frost. But not even a princess can go on like that forever...
Allie: The wait's over! I brought you some herbs.
Lyria: Thank you!
Erin: How are you all doing?
Allie: I'm honestly not sure what to do. I'm not used to fighting...
Erin: Yeah... That makes sense.
Erin: The Snow Maiden passed away, and now the Ice Crystal Palace is falling apart. Everything I thought I could rely on is gone all at once...
Allie: It's okay, Erin... I know things will be all right.
Erin: Sure...
Erin: At any rate, there's nowhere we can escape to. First we have to beat the monsters!
(Captain) and the others fight valiantly, but the cramped quarters and enemies crowding them make for rough going.
Erin: Rgh!
Allie: Erin, are you okay!
Erin: Isn't there any way we can protect our home without the Snow Maiden?
An unprecedented crisis is in progress at the Ice Crystal Palace. Despair continues to spread throughout the crowd.

Home of Spring: Scene 2

Unable to stop either the monsters or the collapse of the Ice Crystal Palace, the Crystalia are crestfallen. Lily returns and calls on everyone to cooperate like when they made pie together. Spurred on by her words, they join together and spring into action. Lily then exits the palace and emits a tremendous burst of frost skyward.

Lily & Tia: ...!
In the rear of the Ice Crystal Palace, Lily and Tia are doing their best to stop the collapse.
Lily: Groan... Our frost isn't enough! What should we...
Tia: ...
Tia: At this rate, we'll be destroyed along with the Ice Crystal Palace and the ice goddess... Is this the fate of the Crystalia?
Tia's voice is almost a whisper.
Tia: I won't accept it!
Lily: Tia?
Tia: Lily. This is a test... And we'll get through it.
Lily: Y-yeah. But how!
Lily: The only ones who can make strong frost are me and you... The Ice Crystal Palace is gonna fall apart.
Tia: What are you saying?
Tia: Weren't you the one who said that we'd be fine if we worked together?
Lily: ...!
Tia: Now's the time for all of us Crystalia to join together... Isn't that right?
Tia: Go on, Lily. Everyone has to be feeling nervous. You should go give them some encouragement.
Lily: But if I get too far away...
Tia: I'm the imperial princess. I can handle this alone.
Lily: Tia...
Tia: Teehee! I said we'd all have pie later. Isn't that right?
Lily: R-right!
Lily: I forgot something important! I'll be back later!
Tia: Good luck!
Lily runs off as fast as she can. Tia brings all of her consciousness to bear on the ice before her, never looking away.
Tia: Now then. I'm not positive I can control this, but I have no choice!
Tia: Hah!
The imperial princess gathers every scrap of her power, preparing to unleash frost the way only an imperial princess can.
Meanwhile, a battle against the monsters is still raging at the entrance to the Ice Crystal Palace.
Erin: (There's no end in sight. If this keeps up...)
Erin: Oh no!
Seeing an opening, a monster slips past Erin toward those trying to evacuate.
Lily: Yah!
Erin: Lily...
Lily: You can't give up, everyone!
The downcast Crystalia raise their gazes to Lily.
Lily: Right now Tia's doing all she can inside the palace!
Lily: So let's do everything we can too, okay? That's how we'll protect the Ice Crystal Palace!
Erin: But how? Not all of us can fight.
The Crystalia's expressions speak eloquently of frustration at their inability to help.
Seeing their anguish, Lily does her best to give them some cheerful encouragement.
Lily: Fighting isn't the only way to help.
Lily: There's more to making pie than just baking after all.
Lily: You knead the dough, mix the ingredients... Everyone plays their own part.
Lily: We all made it taste great together. This isn't any different!
Lily: That's why I know we can do it!
Lily gives a big grin.
Even in the direst of straits, she provides solace to the others. She is a flower blooming in frozen soil.
Erin: Lily...
Erin: (I'll grab her sleeve...)
Erin: (She has to be feeling worried too. But she's still trying to make everyone feel better.)
Erin: You're right. We've all got to pitch in and just keep going till we succeed!
Allie: Even if we can each only do a little, I know that together—
The Crystalia just might be able to do this.
Hope begins spreading through the crowd, and everyone springs into action.
Some summon their courage to battle the monsters; others gather supplies for the palace; still others gather materials and consider how to proceed.
Everyone works together, each doing what he or she is able to.
Lyria: Wow! Everyone can tell how much you care!
Lily: Y-yeah! We're all going to do a great job together!
Vyrn: Finish line's in sight, huh, (Captain)?
Lily: Everyone who can use ice magic, follow me! We're going to help Tia!
Allie: But I can only use a little...
Lily: It'll be okay... as long as we harmon-ice!
Erin: Use that ice sculpture. It should help reinforce the wall.
Lily: Huh? But you worked so hard to make it, Erin...
Erin: And this is a team effort, right? Please use it.
Lily: Erin...
Lily: Thank you!
Accepting the ice sculpture from Erin, Lily hurries into the rear of the Ice Crystal Palace with the others.
Lily: Tia!
Tia: Huff, huff... You came, Lily!
Allie: Tia, did you really do all of this yourself...
Tia is unable to hide her fatigue after maintaining the structure with so much of her own frost.
The others hurriedly work to keep the frost going with their own ice magic.
Lily: Let's combine our power!
Allie: Every last bit of magic we've got!
The light of hope burns in their eyes as they combine their frost to rebuild the palace.
Tia: Huff, huff... I'm sorry. It's not working because I'm running out of strength...
Lily: No... This isn't your fault, Tia...
Perhaps because she overworked herself, Tia's frost gradually grows weaker. The others' assistance is not enough to effect a change.
Allie: It's only going to get worse at this rate... With our ice alone, it's a challenge to even keep things together...
Lily: Ice alone...
Tia: We have to defeat the monsters and escape before it collapses... The palace is a lost cause...
Lily: Not yet!
Tia: ...!
Lily: You can't give up! We'll do this pie style!
Allie: What are you saying?
Lily: I'm going outside... You've got this, everyone!
Tia: Sounds like you have an idea. We'll handle things here!
Lily: Thanks!
Lily rushes back to the entrance with all the strength she can muster.
Lily: Clear a way for me!
Vyrn: Lily! How come you're back?
Lyria: We have to believe in her!
Erin: Right. (Captain), let's all attack at the same time!
(Captain) nods and, with Erin and Lily's help, knocks the monsters back.
Lily: Thanks, everyone!
Lily: Huff, huff...
The short-of-breath Lily runs outside and points her hands at the sky.
Lily: No matter what... We'll eat pie at the Ice Crystal Palace again!
She then fires every bit of her frost into the air.

Home of Spring: Scene 3

Tia and Erin emit frost in hopes of halting the collapse of the Ice Crystal Palace. Just as their magic is about to reach its limits, Lily, Grueler, Hassan, and others appear and begin emergency repairs. While Grueler and the others were on their way home, Lily's frost signal drew their attention to the change in temperature. They gathered stone and lumber from the forest and returned to help.

In the rear of the Ice Crystal Palace, Tia and the others are frantically attempting to stop the collapse.
But they gradually reach the limits of their strength.
Allie: Our magic's almost—
Tia: Huff, huff... We can't just roll over and—
Tia: (So dizzy... Everything's turning black...)
Tia: (But we've gotten this far together... We have to keep our hope alive till Lily returns!)
Lily's Voice: I'm back!
Lily's voice rings out.
And a host of footsteps become audible.
Grueler: We heard what was going on, and we're ready to help!
Hassan: Here's some stone and timber... It's just what we found in the forest, but it should be enough to stop the collapse!
Allie: Everyone... How did you—
Ginta: Lily let us know! Gile and Linus are off defeating the monsters now.
Tia: Let you know? How?
Lily: The details can come later! First we've gotta stop the collapse...
While Lily attempts to check the collapse with her frost, Grueler and the others focus on construction work.
Ginta: How're we doing this? I'm good with rocks. Should we combine them with ice?
Hassan: That should help reinforcing in places. But the foundation's unstable. We should use timber to create a solid base.
Grueler: That sounds like a very logical plan. Do you have experience with this?
Hassan: No. But I've heard a lot from Santos, this carpenter friend of mine.
Ginta: Heh, their technology is really something. I'll go ahead and clear away the collapsed ice.
Lily: Tell me if there's any place that you want me to strengthen. I'll refocus my frost there!
Allie: I can't believe this... The work's moving so fast...
Tia: Pie style...
Tia: Lily meant we should handle this not just with Crystalia, but with the people and the Souval warriors too.
The Crystalia all gather to help with repairs.
The ice, boulders, and timber slapped together make for a graceless sight.
But the construction is solid and will not easily fail.
Hassan: There you have it. It's going to need some serious reconstruction, but there's no danger of collapse for now.
Vyrn: We beat all the monsters!
Gile: Seems that they all came out of the forest at once, but... Things should be fine for now.
Tia: Everyone... I don't know how to thank you...
Cooperation from Grueler and Hassan has brought the Ice Crystal Palace's crisis to an end.
Vyrn: So... How come you knew things were such a big mess here to begin with?
Grueler: Well, a pillar of light rose up from inside the Ice Crystal Palace.
Tia: Pillar... of light?
Lily: I shot frost up into the sky! It went sparkle, sparkle in the sun, and I thought Grueler and everyone would see it!
Grueler: In light of the area's sudden temperature spike, I made the logical assumption that the Snow Maiden had vanished.
Erin: Logical... huh?
Linus: To be honest, I thought he was talking crazy, but... Souval warriors have sharp senses after all.
Hassan: Linus and I were actually the ones who worried what might happen if the ice goddess disappeared.
Gile: Ginta and I started collecting materials based on their assumption.
Ginta: Yeah, and we did all we could to get the rocks and wood into usable shape.
Lyria: I can't believe you all worked together!
Lily: It's amazing! Everyone was really harmon-icing!
Tia: Yeah... That's right. It was a real piece of pie once everyone came together!
Ginta: Huh? Harmon-icing? Piece of pie? What in the world are you talking about?
Lily: Um, harmon-icing pie style is when everyone...
Lily: Oh, yeah! We need to have a pie party sometime!
Tia: Lily! Aren't you going to explain?
Vyrn: Hahaha, a pie party sure sounds like fun!
The free and easy interaction brings a smile to everyone's faces.
Though their laughter is all different, it harmonizes as it echoes throughout the Ice Crystal Palace.

Home of Spring: Scene 4

A while later, (Captain)'s crew receives word that reconstruction of the Ice Crystal Palace is complete. After a party to which Grueler, Hassan, Ganba, and others are invited, Lily leads the guests to a flower garden that she seeded herself. Gazing on the blossoms, she reflects that everyone's cooperation is the key to the survival of the species and notes with a smile that spring has come.

A while has passed since the death of the Snow Maiden.
With the help of the other factions, repairs to the Ice Crystal Palace are completed, and the monsters are dispatched.
Word reaches (Captain) and the others that reconstruction is finished and a celebratory pie party is in the works, so they pay a visit to the Ice Crystal Palace.
Lily: Mmm! It's so nummy!
Ginta: Geez, I never thought you'd have the guests helping you make pie...
Ginta: But to be honest, it was a lot of fun.
Gile: You said it. This is a nice way to thank someone after all.
Hassan: That's right. It's tastier than ever before since we all made these together.
Tia: Teehee, and we've also gotten better than before!
Erin: We've been trying our hands at lots of different dishes since then.
Linus: I'd really like to try some of your home cooking, Allie.
Allie: Teehee, let's do it sometime if you'd like.
Linus: What! Are my ears playing tricks on—
Linus: Of course!
Grueler: You said you have a massive crush on her, right? Notions like "crushes" are foreign to Souval warriors... But for some reason I'm wishing you the best.
Ganba: Sorry I'm late!
Lyria: Oh, Ganba!
Santos: My boss suddenly insisted I bring some pie.
Milko: What's the problem? You got here in time for the party after all.
Roddy: Yeah, you're right. And I brought the candy Tia ordered!
When Ganba and the others make their late appearance, the party grows that much more lively.
The celebration comes to an enjoyable end. Afterward Lily guides the others into the forest, saying that there's something she'd like to show them.
Lily: La-lala-lalaa! This way!
Ginta: She sure seems to be in a good mood... But we've walked a long way.
Tia: We must be halfway to the Central Plains. You know, there's a story about how a Crystalia once helped a lost Harvin around here.
Allie: I never would've guessed...
Tia: I wonder if the information was only shared among princesses. There's so much I have to share with you all.
Lily: Ah, we're getting close!
Hassan: So it's around here? If I remember correctly, there's a snowy field just ahead...
There is a sudden clearing between the trees.
In it there is no trace of snow but rather a kaleidoscopic field of flowers.
Lyria: Ooh, it's so pretty... Did you do all this, Lily?
Lily: Uh huh! I found a place where all the snow had melted, and I planted seeds.
Erin: So now we're having a flower party. I've read about these in books.
Grueler: What a gorgeous sight!
Tia: ...
The group gazes quietly at the flowers.
Lily: I wanted everyone to see this together!
Lily: It's a nice, toasty flower garden that smells like spring!
Snow Maiden: ...
Lily: Oh yeah... "Spring has come."
Tia: Quoting the Snow Maiden? Did you have some sort of realization?
Lily: Um, maybe!
Lily grins and gazes at the flower garden.
Lily: They all have little differences, but they're the same! They're all pretty... Like all of the Crystalia!
Lily: Each and every one of us is spring.
Lily: I think that's what the Snow Maiden was trying to say.
Erin: Spring... The key to preserving our species... The hope of the Crystalia...
Tia: Yes... We got through the danger because we all worked together.
Lily: Yeah! And spring isn't just the Crystalia!
Lily smiles at the others, united as they gaze at the flowers.
Lily: You know, the reason the Ice Crystal Palace survived was that we all helped out pie style.
Lily: So Grueler, and Gile, and Ginta...
Lily: And Ganba, and Roddy, and Santos, and Milko, and Hassan, and Linus...
Lily: And of course Vyrn, and Lyria, and (Captain) too!
Lily: You're all spring—aaaall of you!
Lily: I found real spring!
As if answering Lily, a northerly wind blows through the garden.
It is cold—cold, but somehow mysteriously warm as well.
The swaying flowers at her back, Lily smiles as brilliantly as the sun.