Scenario:Katalina - For Whom the Sword Swings

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For Whom the Sword Swings

Katalina has just finished having her weapon serviced and is on her way to meet Lyria, Farrah, and Vira at a cafe, when an imperial soldier confronts her. Katalina immediately readies her sword, but the soldier is suddenly struck down from behind by Katalina's former superior, Captain Galatea.

Imperial Captain: Heh... Hehehe... I won't let you get away from me, Lieutenant.
Imperial Captain: You'll show it to me again, won't you? That icy beauty of yours in all its twisted glory.
Imperial Captain: Ah, yes... The sheen of pure ice shines brightest when smashed into pieces.
The Erste Empire has established a garrison within a forest, where one man is murmuring to himself as if in a trance.
This soldier of the imperial army used to worship Katalina, his former superior officer.
Although Lyria was briefly captured by the imperials, the crew quickly rescued her. The man has been plotting his revenge ever since.
Imperial Captain: What's the status of the replacement personnel and equipment I requisitioned?
Imperial Soldier 1: Sir! All active personnel have been reoutfitted.
Imperial Soldier 1: They are ready to be deployed to the front on your command.
Imperial Soldier 1: As for reinforcements, a company from the nearby expeditionary division is en route and should arrive by midday—
Messenger: Who's the CO here? I have an urgent message!
Imperial Captain: Calm down, son. I'm in charge. What's the message?
Messenger: Sir! There's a problem with the expeditionary division...
Imperial Captain: A problem? As in they can't send me reinforcements?
Messenger: Actually an insurgent escaped from the division, and they're asking for guidance on how to proceed...
Meanwhile in a town not too far away, the crew shops for supplies.
The resupply takes less time to finish than expected, so Katalina visits a blacksmith to have her weapon serviced.
Lyria, Farrah, and Vira decide to accompany Katalina back to the Grandcypher when she's done.
The three ladies wait for her at a cafe, swapping tall tales of the knight.
Vira: Heehee. Where do I even begin?
Vira: She was always turning heads whenever she walked through the halls of the academy.
Vira: That raw beauty of hers was a blend of danger, evanescence, and purity.
Vira: Chirping birds danced overhead, flowers burst into bloom as she walked past, and wilted branches sprang back to life.
Lyria: Gosh! It all sounds so magical!
Farrah: Oh, puh-leeze! How does beauty make flowers bloom or bring dead branches back to life!
Vira: I call it as I see it. Do you have a problem with that?
Farrah: Gulp. Well, if that's how it plays out inside your head, then I guess it's not my place to judge...
Farrah: But looks aren't the only thing Katalina has going for her!
Farrah starts into an anecdote of her own about Katalina's imperial army days.
Farrah: Just the sight of Katalina slicing and dicing monsters like a bladed whirlwind scared the fur off other monsters.
Farrah: I swear she even knocked out an airship-sized monster with a single punch!
Vira: Farrah. There's stretching the truth, and then there's what you just said.
Vira: Katalina is a skyfarer of refined elegance. She wouldn't stoop to such savagery.
Farrah: Well, I heard it with my own two ears. And you know for a fact no monster is a match for her!
Farrah: Ooor... Are you saying that Katalina would lose to a cowardly monster?
Vira: Tch... I'll concede to your point since you put it that way.
Lyria: Um...
Not wanting to fall behind her fellow Katalina admirers, Lyria weighs in.
Lyria: Sometimes I think Katalina can be real motherly.
Lyria: Her cooking always has such interesting colors, and it's tasty too!
Vira: ...
Farrah: ...
Lyria: H-hello?
Vira: Hahaha. You're too cute, Lyria.
Farrah: I love Katalina as much as anyone, but I'm going to have to say "no comment" about her cooking.
While Lyria and the others continue to fangirl over Katalina, the lady of the hour is walking through the streets in high spirits.
Katalina: Oops. That took longer than I'd planned.
Katalina: I feel bad for making Lyria and the others wait on me. I hope they found something to keep themselves busy.
Katalina: (I lost track of time chatting with the blacksmith. Old habits die hard.)
Katalina: (But this sword polish makes my blade absolutely radiant! And the design on the cross guard looks nearly brand new.)
Katalina: (This town has an amazing blacksmith. I'll be sure to make a recommendation to (Captain).)
Katalina gazes happily at her sword, but she jerks her head up when she notices someone standing in front of her.
Imperial Soldier 2: Former Lieutenant Katalina, I presume?
Katalina: An imperial!
Katalina leaps back in an instant, her sword leveled at the enemy.
Katalina: (They must be after Lyria. She should be with Vira and Farrah.)
Katalina: (Those two are capable of handling any soldiers that come their way.)
Katalina: (Good. That frees me up to fight here!)
Imperial Soldier 2: No! W-wait! I'm just here to talk!
Imperial Soldier 2: I know about the relationship between you and the captain. You might be able to do something about—
Imperial Soldier 2: Urgh!
Katalina: ...!
A blue blade sprinkled with red flecks sticks out of the soldier's body.
As the blade withdraws, the soldier's lifeless body clanks against the ground.
???: My, my. Did you really think you'd get away? But thanks for giving me an open shot at your back.
The killer, muttering with some incredulity, wipes the blood from her sword.
Katalina: Captain Galatea!
Galatea: If it isn't Katalina. Long time no see.
Katalina's eyes grow wide with shock at this unthinkable reunion.
On the opposite spectrum, Galatea's smile of utter delight shows just how much fun she's having.

For Whom the Sword Swings: Scene 2

While Farrah, Vira, and Lyria secretly tail Katalina and Galatea, Farrah tells the girls that Galatea had been assigned to an imperial expeditionary division because of her numerous questionable actions. Meanwhile Galatea and Katalina enjoy reminiscing about their army days, when they're suddenly surrounded by imperial soldiers.

Katalina: Sorry to keep you waiting, Captain.
Galatea: Haha! Even you clean up well in a uniform. Imagine that.
Galatea: I see you have the "competent-but-way-too-serious" commissioned officer act down pat.
Katalina: Thank you, Captain.
Galatea: Come on, lighten up. I bet you've got a witty retort waiting to fly off the tip of your tongue.
Katalina: No, ma'am. I would not talk back to a superior officer in such a manner.
Galatea: Sigh... Yeah, that's not annoying at all. But I guess that's the good thing about you.
Galatea: That is to say, I'm not praising your blind obedience to the organization, understand?
Galatea: Your mouth might say one thing, but in your heart, you refuse to compromise your values.
Katalina: ...
Galatea: It's obvious you don't get hung up on the little things thanks to those bigger values you have to guide you.
Galatea: As well you shouldn't. Especially if you want to get off the battlefield in one piece with no regrets.
Katalina: Yes, ma'am. I will remember what you have taught me today.
Galatea: You've been reassigned to Pommern's unit.
Galatea: That old goat's uncompromising like you, but in a different way. Oh well. I hope you're not wasted on him.
Galatea: Anyway, I've still got some time until then to mold you some more.
Galatea: Up and at 'em. We've got a lot to get through if I'm going to teach you everything I know.
Galatea: Burn this stuff into your memory and your muscles so you don't even have to think about it when you need it most.
Katalina has run into someone she never thought she'd see again: her former superior officer, Galatea.
The two women move to an empty part of town where they won't attract the attention of pedestrians.
As it so happens, Lyria, Farrah, and Vira exit the cafe at just the right moment to spot Katalina and Galatea.
Sensing that something is awry, Vira and the girls tail them in secret.
Lyria: Katalina...
Vira: Who is that woman? Judging from her armor, she's probably with the empire.
Farrah: That's Captain Galatea. She was Katalina's instructor when she first joined the army.
Farrah: Galatea's easygoing but highly skilled. Katalina seemed to get along with her just fine.
Vira: Did she now? Farrah, can you tell me more about this captain?
Farrah: It's not like I know that much about her honestly.
Farrah: I heard she got assigned to an expeditionary division out in the boonies because of her numerous questionable actions.
Farrah: That division has a reputation as the go-to place for dumping soldiers with disciplinary issues.
Farrah: "Let sleeping dogs lie" seems to be the general idea when someone gets transferred there. No one ever hears from them again...
Vira: Regardless, this expeditionary division is still part of the imperial army.
Vira: The empire is chasing after Katalina, yet that woman seems to be cooperative. Why is that?
Farrah: Hm... I don't really know...
Farrah: Ah! What if Captain Galatea still sees Katalina as her precious subordinate!
Farrah: They have a special junior-senior bond that can't be broken! That's got to be it!
Vira: I find that really hard to believe...
Vira: Let's just keep observing them some more.
Lyria: (Katalina... I hope you're okay.)
Katalina: ...
Galatea: Why do you look like you're in the doghouse? This is a joyous occasion. How about giving me a warm smile for old times' sake?
Katalina: Captain, I...
Galatea: Oh. Let me guess: that soldier I stabbed was an acquaintance of yours?
Galatea: If so, then I'm sorry. He belonged to the expeditionary division—right up until he decided to join a mutiny and betray the army.
Galatea: I closed the net quickly on that revolt, but one fishy managed to slip through. Which led me here.
Katalina: Captain. You should know that I'm wanted by the empire as well.
Katalina decides to take a gamble. Ever cautious, she makes her intentions clear.
Katalina: If you've come to eliminate me, then I—
Galatea: Remember what I told you during your training days? The good thing about you is that you refuse to compromise on your values.
Galatea: I know about the fugitive girl incident. I don't even need to cite regulation. As far as the military is concerned, execution is the only thing you can look forward to.
Katalina: ...
Galatea: But you never gave in, did you?
Galatea: Even if it meant abandoning everything else, you couldn't leave her be. Am I right?
Katalina: Yes...
Galatea: Haha! Glad to hear it. That's peak Katalina for you.
Seeing Galatea smile in an upbeat fashion, Katalina finally feels comfortable enough to relax.
Galatea: But out of all the people you could've chosen, it ended up being her.
Galatea: Well, at least you found someone to protect.
Katalina: For me, Lyria and the crew are—
Galatea: Quiet. We have visitors.
Galatea barely finishes her order when a platoon of imperial soldiers appears around them.
Katalina: I can't believe I let my guard down. They have us surrounded.
As if that were his cue, the leader of the platoon steps toward the center of the circle.
Imperial Captain: I've been looking all over for you, Captain Galatea.
Galatea: Sigh... You're late, idiot.
Galatea shows no love for her fellow comrade.
Katalina can only watch in bewilderment at the contention unfolding inside this trap.

For Whom the Sword Swings: Scene 3

The commanding officer of the hostile imperials accuses Galatea of wiping out her entire unit the previous night. Galatea suddenly attacks Lyria, who is secretly watching from her hiding spot. Luckily (Captain) and the others arrive to hold off the imperials while Katalina engages Galatea.

Katalina: Captain, please hear me out!
Katalina: I know these soldiers are our enemies, but their kingdom is surrendering to Erste.
Katalina: With this annexation, they will surely become law-abiding Erste citizens.
Katalina: Please reconsider having these prisoners of war executed.
Galatea: Spoken like a true greenhorn. You do understand that looks can be deceiving, don't you?
Galatea: These people will never be citizens of Erste. They're drifters of a fallen kingdom.
Galatea: Or are you suggesting we strip them of every last shred of love for their homeland too?
Galatea: Conquering lands is one thing; conquering hearts is another. Are you going to be the one to naturalize these prisoners?
Katalina: No, I... Not if that's what it entails...
Katalina: But why must they be sentenced to die?
Galatea: This is me showing them kindness, Katalina.
Galatea: For all intents and purposes, their kingdom is gone. But they still cling to remnants of the past.
Galatea: What do you think will happen if they can't let go of those memories? We'd have living ghosts on our hands.
Galatea: Regret rots the soul. It's easy to blame yourself when you fail to protect something,
Galatea: They will torment themselves day in and day out. You can't run from your own head unless you cut it off.
Katalina: There has to be another way!
Galatea: I'm offering them salvation. Otherwise despair will continue to gnaw away at their sanity.
Galatea: They failed in their duty as protectors, so this is where they will die.
Galatea: Our mortality is inescapable; we all die when we're supposed to. Living past that is meaningless. Absolutely. Meaningless.
Imperial soldiers form a perimeter around Galatea and Katalina.
Their commanding officer barks an order at Katalina.
Imperial Captain: Stay where you are, Lieutenant.
Imperial Captain: We are hunting down a traitor within our ranks. This has nothing to do with you.
Katalina: This must be a mistake! The captain dealt with said traitor just a moment ago—
Imperial Captain: Wrong. The traitor we're after is none other than Galatea herself.
Galatea: ...
Imperial Captain: Last night Galatea wiped out the company she was assigned to and fled.
Imperial Captain: To avoid further casualties, we were ordered to bring her in quickly.
Katalina: What is the meaning of this, Captain? Why would you do that?
Katalina looks at her former instructor with a mixture of horror, confusion, and disappointment, but Galatea simply smirks.
Galatea: If you want to know, I'll put it in terms even you can understand.
Suddenly Galatea points behind Katalina to a thicket of bushes.
Galatea: Say, Katalina. Isn't that the blue-haired girl peeping on us over there? The one you took off with?
Lyria: ...!
Katalina: Lyria!
Katalina: (Don't tell me Galatea—)
Suddenly a blue flash flies toward Lyria.
Katalina immediately intercepts Galatea's attack, blocking it with her sword.
Katalina: Guh!
Vira: Katalina!
Farrah: Katalina!
Galatea: Nice reflexes. You read my attack all the way. But then how else could you have beaten my speed?
Katalina: Why are you doing this, Captain!
Imperial Captain: Well, isn't this convenient? All troops capture the girl! We have strength in numbers!
Vyrn: Nope! Don't think so!
  1. Are you all right?

Choose: Are you all right?

Vyrn: We started gettin' worried when you guys hadn't come back yet, but who could've seen this coming?
Katalina: (Captain)! Farrah! Vira! I'll leave the imperial soldiers to you!
Katalina: For whatever reason Captain Galatea is after me and Lyria!

For Whom the Sword Swings: Scene 4

Katalina and Galatea are locked in a stalemate until Galatea suddenly starts writhing in pain. She unleashes a powerful attack so ferocious that it breaks Katalina's sword and armor; the force of the blow knocks the skyfarer unconscious.

In the midst of a huge free-for-all, Katalina and Galatea engage in a fierce back-and-forth of clashing steel.
Katalina: Lyria! Don't get separated from me!
Lyria: Okay!
Galatea: That's right. If you want to protect her, don't let her—
Galatea: ...!
Galatea: Cough... Hack...
Katalina: C-Captain?
Galatea suddenly stumbles and goes into convulsions. She groans in pain.
Galatea: Eeurgh...
Imperial Soldier 1: Got you!
An imperial seizes the moment to attack the weakened woman.
Imperial Soldier 1: Ugh!
Galatea: Huff... Huff...
Galatea slices through the soldier's armor straight down the middle without looking away from Katalina.
Katalina: What's happening to you?
Galatea: Aaaah!
Katalina: ...!
Galatea, as if she's possessed, swings her sword at Katalina.
The blow slams down on Katalina's sword with such force that one would think it came from a wild beast.
Katalina: Cough...
Lyria: Katalina!
The brutal power behind Galatea's attack shatters Katalina's sword and armor.
The shock of the attack rattles through her bones and knocks her unconscious.