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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 27
Height 127 cm
Race Draph
Hobbies Booze
Likes Singing at parties, people who can hold their liquor
Dislikes Fine detail work, people who sweat the small stuff
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 27歳
Height 127cm
Race ドラフ
Likes 宴会で歌うこと、お酒に強い人
Dislikes 細かい作業、細かい人
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday! Another year wiser, right? Soon you'll be a full-fledged adult!
Hee hee. Then I'll get to take you to my favorite tavern in the whole wide world!


Nyahahaha! The big day's rolled around once again!
So blow out them candles! Whooo! It's your birthday! Clap your hands!
Lemme give you a word of advice, (Captain). Once you get to be around my age, all your worries'll just kinda clear themselves up!
Huh? You wanna know the secret to living a long life? Hm... Don't compare yourself to others! And have low expectations!
For now just keep on livin' life! If things get rough, feel free to run. I'll be there to help with the tab!
Right. Sorry for rambling. Once you get old enough to drink, lemme know and I'll come running! Running and drinking! Both!
Thanks for inviting me this year! This ultra deep bond we share... Just thinking about it has me all choked up!
Anyways! To (Captain)'s thing we talked about! Cheeers!


Today's your birthday, (Captain)! Hooray-ray-ray! Congrats!
You gotta celebrate occasions like this with a drink! But don't worry, (Captain), I brought you grape juice. No, actual grape juice.
(Captain), you're a charmer, a go-getter, and a real leader.
But working too hard is like poison for your body, so you gotta just relax and let it all hang out from time to time, you know?
So when you wanna take a break, you just let ol' Lammy know, and she'll be there to show you a good time. Or tuck you in for a nap.
No matter what, you always remember that I'm your biggest ally, all right, (Captain)?
Glug, glug, glug—aaah!
Huh? (Captain), did you just zone out?
Well, whatever. If something's bothering ya, you know who to talk to!


(Captain), happy birthday!
Gulp, gulp, gulp...
(Captain), I have a lot of regret, but no real dream to speak of...
But ya know... Because I never chased any big dream, here I am able to help you.
Never mind that you're the one always helping me...
So if you're ever tired of chasing your dream, come down and relax with me!
I don't want anything more than for you to be full of life, (Captain).
Just chillaxing around the ship is sometimes what you need to give yourself another boost of energy.
And if even that doesn't help, then we can always turn to the bottle and think.
But I'll have a bottle of real grape juice for you though!
Now then. Let's celebrate your birthday!


Happy birthday, (Captain)! Cheeeers!
Gulp... Aaah! You're always working so hard, (Captain)...
I may look like all I care about is my grape juice, but I still notice things.
I know you're putting in a lotta effort even when people aren't looking.
But don't go overboard, 'kay? You gotta take care of yourself!
Well, I guess I'm not exactly a good example...
But everyone really cares about you!
So whenever you're feeling tired, come and talk to me anytime.
I'm really good at procrastinating, so you can count on me to give you some tips on how to do just that!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year! I'm gonna spend the day purifying my body... in drink!
Okay, time to break out the snacks and hot sake!


Whoo hoo! It's a new year, which means it's time for me to purify my soul the only way I know how! With as much drinks as I can handle!
Glug glug glug glug glug... Whew!
May the drinks this year be even tastier than the last! Hahaha!
Um, (Captain)? Why are you looking at me like that?
Anyway... Let's party just as hard this year too!
Just don't kick me off the ship, okay? Heheh!
With that out of the way... Let's make this another awesome year!


Sigh... What a nice dream...
I was on this nice island with a nice beverage... It tasted like heaven...
Maaan, wish I could drink it again... (Captain), any idea how I could get my hands on it?
If I visit lots of islands, I might find it?
Oh! Guess I found my New Year's resolution!
(Captain), I'm going to go to that island over there and buy all the liquor they have!
H-hey... It was just a joke!
Geez, sorry...
I apologized for just blurting that out, so you don't have to be so grumpy... Okay?


Oh, (Captain)! Happy New Year!
Gulp, gulp, gulp...
This is my first drink of the year! (Captain), why you got that big thing with you?
Huh? For the next mission?
B-but the new year just started... And you're already back to work?
Ow! That hurts! Stop giving me that painful look!
O-okay... Okay... I'll help!
There ain't a hangover in the world that that stare wouldn't kick right out of me!
Just don't fire me... Let's have a happy New Year, 'kay!


(Captain), happy New Year! What's your resolution?
Mine is to drink lots of delicious juice this year!
And I'm going to start right now! Chug, chug, glug...
Pheeew! I'm gonna be pretty busy with this!
Ah! D-don't give me that scary cold glare...
Okay, I-I'll change my resolution! I'll make it, "try not to get kicked out this year!"
So please! Stop glaring at me!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's! I made you some chocolates, (Captain)!
I know what you're thinkin', but trust me. Back in the abbey kitchen, I was a pro.
Hm? They're non-alcoholic chocolates, so you can rest easy!


Hey, (Captain)... G-got a sec?
I madeja some special chocolates as a kind of change of heart type deal...
This is... how I... really feel... So take 'em... okay?
Huh? I'm not acting like my usual self?
Nuh-uh! I t-totally am!
Sorry. I'm trying to be someone I'm not.
Got it. I'm gonna wait a little bit, call a do-over on the whole thing, okay?


Happy Valen—
Thanks for breaking my fall, (Captain)... Those were nice reflexes.
I got you some chocolate! As a token of my gratitude!
Huh? Sounds like my nose is stuffy?
And I smell like wine? Sorry...
Making chocolate makes me nervous... And so I had a drink to calm my nerves.
I'll properly give you your chocolate after the sauce wears off, so come back in a bit, okay?
I'm such a bad friend... But hey, you'll get some chocolate!


(Captain), this chocolate is for you! It's my way of saying thanks for always including me in everything!
And here's this too!
It's chocolate flavored "grape juice!"
Oh... Right... You're not allowed to drink this stuff yet...
Too bad. I guess I'll have to take full responsibility for this and drink it all myself!
Don't get mad at me! I just saw it and had to have it...
But... One day... I do want to drink with you. I swear.


(Captain)... I'm so s-sorry...
I thought this might happen, but... the chocolate I was supposed to give you...
I don't know where I put it! I've looked everywhere, but I can't find it!
Huh? Where did you get that chocolate in your hand?
It looks exactly like the chocolate I was going to give you.
Wha? I gave it to you a moment ago?
Ah! I remember now! I was super nervous giving it to you, so after I handed it over I went to have one drink...
And then I couldn't stop drinking... Um, uh, pretend you didn't hear that part!
I'm s-sorry! But anyway, hurry up and eat it! I wanna know what you think!

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy White Day! Hm? You got me something as thanks?
Ahahaha! You've made me a very happy girl!
C'mon, let's eat it together!


Huh? You need me for somethin', (Captain)?
(Wonder what this is about... It's not every day (Captain) calls me over to chat...)
(Whoa... Am I finally gonna get let go?)
Whew... Can't overlook what I've done, I s'pose.
Hahaha... No surprise you'd want me to quit, so...
Hm? What're these? You're returning the favor from Valentine's?
Wha-huh? I totally forgot today was White Day!
T-thanks so much, (Captain)!
You're the best! I love you so much!


Eh-heh... (Captain), I know the reason you want to meet. So I should apologize now.
I drank a little too much last night. After the way I acted, not sure an apology would be enough...
But please... don't fire me! I'll repent. I'll change my ways.
Huh? That packaging... Did you bring candy?
Gasp! N-no, a farewell gift! Is this it?
Mm... Sniff... It finally happened...
It's what? A thank you present for Valentine's Day? R-really?
Whew! (Captain), your generosity is the stuff of legend, I tell ya!
I'll never break that many plates again! I promise! I've seen the error of my ways!
I may be a good-for-nothing crewmate, but I want to stick by your side forever!


(Captain)! Today's a good day for drinking from the bottle! Hehehe...
Um... Did you have something you wanted to give me?
Huh? You're just passing through?
I... see...
(I... I'm so sad... But I did go on another binge fest yesterday... I probably upset (Captain)...)
(That's right... I'm just lucky I haven't been fired... I gotta count my blessings where I can find 'em.)
Gasp! Is this a joke? What is this wrapped thing? A White Day present?
Are you for real! (Captain), I thought you were mad at me!
Sob! Thank you!


(Captain) giving me some snacks to go with a drink...
This present is just the best!
Ah, my cup's empty. Could you pour me some more?
Whoa, whoa, whoa! It's gonna spill over!
Phew! Somehow it tastes better when you've poured it, (Captain)!
I couldn't be more happy with a present like this for White Day! Thanks a bunch!
I know I'm not super reliable, but I'll do my best to do what I can for you!
So for now, could you pour me just one more cup?

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween! Trick or treat?
Hmm... I always preferred drink or treat, myself.


Hehehe... I just thoughta something nice!
If I get some candies made with grape juice in 'em, that's two birds with one deliciously grape-flavored stone!
The problem is who to ask. Got any recommendations, (Captain)?
Huh? Make 'em myself? Nah, better to leave it to the experts, I bet.
How about Katalina or somebody like that?
Hm? What're you making that weird face for?
Fine. Whatever. If Katalina's the only friend I can count on in my time of need, then I guess I'll ask her myself!


(Captain)—cough, cough...
We got a serious problem on our hands! My favorite, um, grape juice is gone!
This is definitely somebody's prank. I won't rest until I get it back from the culprit!
Oooh, now that you mention it, I do remember giving it to you so I'd stop drinking for a week.
Hey, I didn't forget! I promised I'd take it easy until I got ever this stupid cold.
Maybe I should get some out of my secret stash then.
Nooooo! Someone's gotten into my secret stash too—cough, cough.
Sigh... Okay, you got me. I'll get some rest and take my medicine—just like the doctor ordered.
I've got some candy in my room. Go get it and either eat it or hand it out. But whatever you do, make sure you enjoy this Halloween enough for the both of us.


Gulp, gulp, gulp! Aaaaah...
Hahahaha! Trick or Juice! Gimme my special happy juice or you're gonna get pranked!
So (Captain), you got any?
You don't... I guess you're still a bit too young for that, huh?
How about this then... Instead of a trick, you come out with me tonight.
Hahahaha! We're going to enjoy Halloween, and I'm going to be getting that hair of the dog!
What? I'm just kidding... I know no one hands out my grape juice on Halloween...
Sorry, (Captain)... Don't look at me like that... You're scarier than a ghoul...


Huuuh? Oh, it's (Captain). Welcome back!
Well, I was just outside thinking I could have some fun on Halloween, but I got sleepy after drinking all that juice...
Anyway, looks like you've got a lotta candy there...
So I guess it's drink or treat! If you don't give me some candy, I'm gonna drink up all this juice!
And with all the sugary liquid in my body, I'm gonna end up getting reeeally wild! You sure you want that?
If you don't wanna see my wild side, then hand over some of that candy! Nyahahahaha!
Drink or treeeat! Don't you like the sound of that? I sure do! Nyahahaha!
O-oh, I was just kidding, you know... You don't have to get so worked up. I'll sit and drink my juice quietly...
Huh? You're really giving me this candy? Wow, thank you!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays! Let's make this the most happenin' holiday party there ever was!
With that out of the way, it's time for a holiday toast!
Wait. You're a little young to drink, aren't ya? No worries! I made sure to get some fruit juice just in case!


Heh heh heh... A special festive night like tonight calls for some heavy duty partying!
Hrm... With a little bit of grape juice, if you know what I mean.
Hm? You wanna celebrate with me too, (Captain)?
What a great kiddo you are! Here. Drink some of this, (Captain)!
It's fine, it's fine! Just grape juice!
Now then... Three cheers to the holiday season, (Captain)!


Happy holidays! Let's get this festive party started! Drink until you get into the spirit!
Gulp, gulp, gulp...
Huh? Is that Santa? Good work, old man! How about a drink?
Waaait a minute... You're not Santa; you're (Captain)!
Sorry... You're in that costume, so I couldn't tell.
Wha? Even if you were Santa, I shouldn't give him the sauce?
Uh... You gotta point, (Captain). If Santa went around smelling like liquor, it might hit a little too close to home for some people.
Okay, okay. I've seen the error of my ways. Here, I'll give you some of this funky cheese as an apology.
After you hand out all the presents, come back with some juice so we can say cheers together!


Hm? Where'd er'body go?
Hey, (Captain)... What's the dillio?
What! The party's over?
I-I remember what happened! Everybody was having a good time!
We were all together... And toasted...
And then...
And then...
W-whatever! (Captain), let's get our drink on again!
It'll be part two of whatever happened last night!


(Captain)! Happy drinking days! Cheers!
Chug, chug, chug...
Ahh, that hits the spot! Something about juice on the holidays just makes it extra tasty!
But... Where is everyone else? And why is this room all messy?
Huh? This is the second party?
Wh-what? Nobody invited little ol' me to the first party? I thought we were comrades...
Huh? I downed a whole bottle by myself during the first party?
(I don't... remember this at all...)
Well, whatever! Come on, (Captain), I'll give you some juice too, so let's drink some more!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Loveable Klutz

(Captain) and company stop at a tavern and get caught up in some trouble caused by a wine-loving nun named Lamretta. After they all get kicked out, Lamretta passes out from her partying ways, and the crew has no choice but to welcome her in as a crew member.

The crew stops by a village in the dead of night. Hoping to appease their growling stomachs, they step foot into the only tavern whose lantern still burns.
???: Come in, come in!
Vyrn: Hi there! Can we still order?
???: Sure, sure! I'm here to sherve!
Vyrn: Um, what's with her? She's wobblier than a slime on a seesaw.
???: ...!
Vyrn: Whoa! Watch it!
???: Whoopsy-doopsy-doo! Coulda hurt myself there. My bad!
Vyrn: Is that all you have to say for yourself after almost smacking us with that wine bottle?
???: Nyahaha! Look at da li'l baby griffin!
Vyrn: Wha? Don't compare me to those oversized parakeets!
???: Nyahaha! I've never met a shtuffed animal that could talk before. How weird!
Vyrn: Now you're really gettin' on my nerves! I ain't a stuffed animal! The name's Vyrn!
Lyria: Are you all right? Your legs are all wobbly. Have you had too much to drink?
???: Whazzat you say? Nah, I'm not hopped up on hops!
Tavern Owner: What're ya doin', Lamretta! We got thirsty customers over here too!
Geez, the regulars must've bought the lass drinks again...
Lamretta: You got it, boss! On my way!
Lyria: A-actually we were hoping you'd have food on the menu...
Lamretta: Haha! No problem, shweetie. I'll whip up a hot shoup sho good you'll wanna tell your momma about it!
Vyrn: This joint is weird. You sure we wanna eat here, (Captain)?
The tavern door suddenly bangs open, and a rough-looking man comes sauntering in.
Rough Customer: Hey! I'm dyin' o' hunger here. Just gimme something! Anything!
Lamretta: Be right with ya!
Lyria: Uh-oh! This doesn't look good.
Rough Customer: Hey! Watch where you're goin' with those plates!
Vyrn: Oh snap.
Rough Customer: What're you tryin' to pull here?
Lamretta: I'm oh sho shorry!
Tavern Owner: Please, sir! I sincerely apologize for the trouble we've caused you. Are you all right? Of course your meal is on the house!
Rough Customer: I'm fine! I just want food in my belly!
Sheesh... What's that woman's problem?
Lamretta: Right away!
Lyria: Um... She's quite something, huh?
Vyrn: That's the problem...
Rough Customer: What's the hold up! I don't care what you bring me, just wheel it out!
Tavern Owner: Eek! Yes, sir! Right away, sir! Lamretta, take this soup to the customer.
Lamretta takes the soup with a clumsy pair of hands and wobbles over to a table.
Lamretta: Here you go! Enjoy!
Lyria: Erm, we didn't—
Rough Customer: The hell! That there's my soup!
Lamretta: Gotta wait your turn, buddy. These kiddos ordered first.
Rough Customer: Hahaha! So you're lookin' for a fight, huh? Then I'll give you a whoopin'... on the house!
Tavern Owner: Oh no... How did it end up like this...
Vyrn: What should we do, (Captain)? We didn't ask for dinner and a show.
  1. Let's give him the soup.
  2. We better stop him.

Choose: Let's give him the soup.
Vyrn: Fine... Whatever it takes to calm the guy down.

Choose: We better stop him.
Vyrn: Sounds good! There's no telling what he'll do to her if we don't step in!
Continue 1
Lyria: Fighting is wrong! Please stop!
Rough Customer: You keep your mouth shut unless you want the first knuckle sandwich!
Lyria: Eeek!
Vyrn: Watch out, Lyria!
We gotta help her, (Captain)!
Lamretta: O great earth... hallowed spirits... forgive this sin...
Rough Customer: Huh? What're you mumblin' about?
Lamretta: Grant me the strength to cleanse this world of evil...
Rough Customer: Argh! She's a witch!
Lamretta: Shattered Earf!
Rough Customer: ...
Lyria: ...
Lamretta: ...?
Vyrn: Um... A spell won't work if you don't pronounce it right!
Rough Customer: Ergh! Make fun of me, will ya? Yer dead meat!
Vyrn: Yikes! Help her, (Captain)!
Lamretta: ...!
Rough Customer: Oof!
Vyrn: Whoa... He took a bottle to the head. I wouldn't wanna get on her bad side...
Lamretta sends the troublemaker packing, but her not-so-brilliant display of customer service costs her a job.
(Captain) and company also find themselves out in the cold in the aftermath of the ruckus.
Lamretta: Nyahaha! Good times! And good thing I grabbed one for the road too! Glug, glug. Ah, that's the shtuff!
Lyria: You're amazing! The way you clocked that guy was so cool!
Vyrn: Hear, hear! One hit and he was out cold! I'm surprised you even bothered with the hocus-pocus.
Lamretta: Nyahaha. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. Glug, glug. Mm, delishush.
Vyrn: I dig your style! You handle things like a boss!
Lyria: Oh... But because of us, your real boss had to let you go...
Vyrn: Nah, I don't think we did anything. We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And we still haven't eaten now that I think about it.
Lyria: Oh, my tummy's grumbling too.
Vyrn: Boy, I sure could go for a nice, juicy apple.
Lamretta: Nyahaha! Like these ones here? Munch, munch... Gulp!
Vyrn: Apples! Do you think I could have one?
Lamretta: You bet. The tavern master makes a mean cider, so he stocks a boatload of apples. Makes for a pretty good farewell gift.
Vyrn: I'm diggin' in then!
Lyria: Thank you so much!
Huh? Um, hello?
Lamretta: Snore... Snore...
Lamretta has already drifted into a deep sleep, her snoring as sonorous as an airship's engine.
Vyrn: You gotta be kidding me.
Lyria: It isn't safe to sleep out here, miss! Please wake up! There are monsters around!
Lamretta: Ngh... No more partyin' for me, thank you.
Lyria: This is no good... Can you stand up? Oof. You're heavier than you look.
Vyrn: What's done is done. (Captain), we'd better help Lyria out.
Lamretta: Heehee... Thanks. You're shuch a nice griffin.
Vyrn: I told you, I ain't no—oh, what's the point. She's a hassle and a half, isn't she?
Thus the fun-loving nun Lamretta joins the fold.
The crew has no idea just how much trouble her legendary fondness for wine will cause.

Feeling Tingly

In a village beloved by wine enthusiasts, Lamretta competes in a drinking contest. She develops a crush on one of her opponents, Lucien, so she tries to forfeit the contest to preserve his pride, but monsters interfere.

At Lamretta's request, (Captain) and company visit a village winery that is revered by wine connoisseurs.
After sampling a variety of beverages, they head to the central square, where they find a large crowd of people.
Emcee: Welcome, welcome! Who among this assembly of libation lovers and venerable vino veterans would like to compete in our drinking contest?
Lamretta: Huh? Did someone say drinking contest?
Emcee: You there, young lady. I know an aficionado when I see one! For only ten thousand rupies, you can enjoy all that our finest selection has to offer.
Lamretta: Really? Say, (Captain), I wanna compete in this thing.
Vyrn: C'mon now... Haven't you had your fill?
Emcee: Did I mention that the top drinker nets a cool one million rupies? You get a chance to win money by just having a good time! Now that's what I call value!
Lamretta: Can I do it, (Captain)? Pretty please?
Vyrn: Hmm... I got a bad feeling about this, but I'll let you decide, (Captain).
  1. Well, if that's what she wants.
  2. Fine, but don't go overboard, Lamretta.

Choose: Well, if that's what she wants.
Lamretta: Oh, I love you, (Captain)! Squeeze!

Choose: Fine, but don't go overboard, Lamretta.
Lamretta: I'm shtill totally fine. I know when I've had enough. Listen, I can shtill bust out my magic!
Lamretta: O great earth... hallowed spirits...
Continue 1
Vyrn: Yipes! Okay, we get it! Go ahead and compete!
Emcee: Hahaha! Best of luck to you, young lady.
And so Lamretta becomes the lone female participant.
At the emcee's signal, the contestants start downing their cups.
Lamretta: Yummy! Bring me more!
Glug, glug. Ah, goes down smooth!
Contestants drop out one by one. Soon the only ones left are Lamretta, a classy Erune gentleman, and a brawny Draph bruiser.
Lamretta: Glug, glug...
Glug, glug... This is paradise!
Emcee: Wow! Look at that beauty go! Has any nun ever loved wine so much?
???: Phew... These lightweights had no business at the pro's table. Top me off.
Emcee: Now there's a true competitor! The dashing Lucien is not to be outdone! He shows no sign of stopping!
???: Huff... Huff... These guys are monsters!
Emcee: What's this? Gaba, the crowd favorite, is showing cracks in his champion facade! This is an unexpected development!
Lamretta: Glug, glug... More! Glug, glug... More!
Lucien: Hmm... She's not half bad.
Gaba: Gah! I cansh gurgh...
Emcee: Down goes Gaba! Who could have expected this?
Lamretta: Aw, that poor wine has no one to drink it!
Lucien: Sigh... One more ugly man with an ugly way of drinking.
Emcee: Here we go! A duel between Lamretta and Lucien!
Lyria: Good luck, Lammie!
Neither side yields as the battle hits its stride. Lamretta's bottomless stomach threatens to deplete the wine stores entirely.
Lamretta: Not bad. You're the first person to ever rival me at drinking.
Lucien: Ugh... What kind of a furnace do you have in that body of yours?
Lamretta: This is fun. I don't think I've ever enjoyed drinking so much.
Lucien: Gah... F-fun? (My stomach is full. If she doesn't stop soon, I'll suffer an embarrassing defeat.)
Vyrn: Keep it up, Lamretta! He's on the ropes!
Lamretta: Heehee... Nice try, but you're not even in my league just ye—
Lamretta: (Wait! This guy's actually just my type! And he can hold his wine so well.)
Lucien: Damn... I can't believe I'm going to lose. (Ugh... Another drop and my stomach will burst. I can already taste it in the back of my throat.)
Lamretta: Oh, goodness gracious. I shink it's starting to hit me... (Hopefully Lucien's into this sort of thing!)
Vyrn: Is everything okay, Lamretta? Why'd you stop?
Lamretta: I'm sorry, everyone. This is for my happiness.
Lamretta: (If I crush his pride, our budding love won't stand a chance!)
Vyrn: What's going on? She's acting awfully weird.
Lamretta: I give u—
But Lamretta's attempt to win Lucien's heart by forfeiting the match is interrupted.
Emcee: Aahh! Monsters! Run for it!
Vyrn: What? But you were just about to win! (Captain), let's smash these party-crashers!

Feeling Tingly: Scene 2

In exchange for information on Lucien, who has been captured by monsters, (Captain) and company agree to hunt down some wine thieves. However, when they reach the thieves' hideout, they find the drinking contest emcee and Lucien himself waiting for them.

The contest is canceled due to the monster attack. The monsters make off with both Lucien and the prize money.
Emcee: Wow... I didn't see that coming...
Lamretta: After those monsters! We have to help that guy!
Vyrn: Yeah, but we have no clue where the monsters took him.
Lyria: Hmm... Let's go ask Siero about this.
Emcee: Thank you. I'm in your debt. Please defeat the monsters and save that poor man!
Lamretta: Leave it to me! You just wait here!
Sierokarte: That's quite a story. Robbery and kidnapping, huh? Let me use my connections. In the meantime if you could do me a favor...
In exchange for information, Siero hands the crew a request to capture wine thieves who have recently hit wineries in the area.
Lamretta: Oh no... My darling's in danger even as we speak.
Vyrn: Uh, what? When did you two become a thing? Anyway, pipe down, or the thieves'll know we're here!
Lyria: Shh! Someone's coming.
Suspicious Man: ...
A suspicious man shows up before the crew and starts loading stolen wine onto a cart with practiced ease.
Lamretta: Let's get him!
Vyrn: Wait! The plan is to find their hideout and then capture all of them!
Lyria: Oh! He's going somewhere!
The suspicious man heads into a cave deep in the forest. The crew quietly tracks him.
Suspicious Man: Hey! Here's what I promised you.
???: Oh! Good work. You sure no one saw you?
Suspicious Man: Yep. Everything went buttery smooth.
Vyrn: Huh? Don't I know that guy from somewhere?
Emcee: Bahaha! Who knew we could make so much money with stolen wine?
Lucian: Hehehe... Tell me about it. Too bad that weird woman's thirst is forcing us to steal more stock.
Emcee: Yeah. Good thing those monsters attacked when they did, huh?
Lucian: That's putting it lightly. Now let's hit the next town for the next big score.
Vyrn: Hey! You guys were in on this together!
Lamretta: Hold on! I'm not done with Lucien yet!
Lyria: Oh no! You both need to wait!
Emcee: What! What are you people doing here?
Lucian: Whoa! You're that crazy wine-lover! Tch! We have to get out of here!
Vyrn: They're getting away! We need to wipe out these monsters and go after them, (Captain)!

Feeling Tingly: Scene 3

(Captain) and company capture the wine thieves, but Lucien escapes. After the emcee confesses that Lucien plans to escape by airship, the crew tracks the ship down and manages to get aboard.

After defeating the monsters, the crew captures the emcee and the suspicious man, but Lucien gets away at the last moment.
The crew interrogates the two fraudsters to try to find out where Lucien is heading.
Vyrn: You two better hurry up and spill the beans or else!
Suspicious Man: Ugh... I'm telling you I don't know anything. I've never met them anywhere but in this cave.
Lamretta: Cough up where Lucien is!
Emcee: Hehehe... Let's say I did know. I wouldn't open my mouth anyway—except to spit on you.
Vyrn: Why you! You think you can walk all over us just 'cause you hold the cards?
Lamretta: Where's Lucien... Burp. Ugh... Uh-oh...
Lyria: Are you okay, Lammie? You look a bit pale.
Lamretta: Luci—hurk.
Lyria: This is bad! Lammie's going to lose her lunch!
Emcee: Gah! You gotta be kidding me! Not on me she isn't!
Lamretta: Here it comes...
Emcee: Nooo! Fine, I'll spill my guts, so don't spill yours!
Vyrn: Humph! Not so high and mighty now, are you?
The emcee reveals that Lucien plans to escape by an airship.
Vyrn: Crud! He's about to take off!
Lamretta: Hold it right there! You can't just make me fall in love and then run away like that!
Lucien: Gah! What nonsense are you spouting?
The crew manages to clamber onto Lucien's airship as it lifts off.
Vyrn: Not so fast, buster! You're not getting away!
Lamretta: Wow! The wind feels so nice. I can feel it going down my dress!
Lucien: You guys should have quit when you had the chance! Let's see you deal with this!

Feeling Tingly: Scene 4

After (Captain) and company capture the wine thieves and Lucien, Lamretta confesses her feelings for him, but he rejects her. The crew ends up accompanying her as she tries to drown her sorrows.

The crew return to Siero with the masterminds of the wine racket in their custody.
Sierokarte: Welcome back. Did you catch the wine thieves?
Vyrn: You bet! We didn't just catch the thieves, we busted up their whole crime ring!
The crew tells Siero all about the scheme. She takes custody of Lucien and his cronies.
Sierokarte: I guess I'll be leaving now that everything's been cleared up!
Lamretta: Just a sec! I still need to talk to Lucien!
Lucien: Huh? What do you want?
Lamretta: I still can't forget the taste of that wine when we were drinking together. I...
Lamretta: I decided long ago to spend the rest of my life with someone who can handle the bottle as well as I can!
Lucien: What in the world are you talking about?
Lamretta: I'm sorry, (Captain). I think it's time I left the crew. I'm going to go with him.
Vyrn: Whoa! Don't you realize he's a criminal?
Lamretta: Who among us can say we're free of sin! If I lose this chance, I don't think I'll ever find that special someone again.
Lyria: Oh dear... Do you really love him that much?
Lamretta: Lyria...
Lyria: It's okay. I know you can handle anything, Lammie.
Vyrn: I don't really get it, but you seem pretty sure of yourself, so you have our blessing!
Lucien: Hey, sorry to burst your bubble, but doesn't my opinion count for anything here?
Lamretta: I'll wait for you until you get out of jail!
Vyrn: Wow... Talk about faithfulness.
Lyria: Aw... I'll miss you a lot, but I hope the two of you will be happy together.
Lamretta: Oh, we will! (Captain), thank you for everything. It was fun traveling with all of you.
Lucien: Sigh... What's wrong with you guys? Your ability to ignore me is really quite shocking. And what makes you think I can hold my wine?
Lamretta: Huh? But you were chugging it like crazy at the contest, weren't you?
Lucien: Pffahaha! You really think anyone can drink that much?
Lucien: That was just water! No one could down that many glasses without cheating.
Lamretta: Wha?
Lucien: I can't stand a single drop of alcohol, nor do I want to be with some dummy who loves wine more than me. Sorry, but you'll have to find someone else.
Sierokarte: My, my... I'm completely out of the loop, but this is quite the awkward moment, so I'll just step on out first.
Vyrn: Um... Well, you know what they say: stuff happens. Right, Lyria?
Lyria: Yes! I'm sure you'll find someone nice! Right, (Captain)?
Lamretta: ...
Glug, glug... Glug, glug...
Thus Lamretta's unrequited crush on Lucien ends up being crushed.
The crew later goes with her so she can mourn her loss with her buddy-in-a-bottle.

Why Four Art Thou, Lamretta?

Lamretta, Lamretta, Lamretta, and Lamretta have a fun-filled party, while (Captain) and others look on in amusement.

Lamretta: Cheers!
Lamretta: Thanks for showing up today, everyone!
Lammy: Of course! Nothin' better than enjoying a night with good friends and good drinks!
Rammy: You're not going home early this time, right? This party's just getting started!
Red: I think... I'm just... about done...
Rammy: Whoa, check out this party animal over here!
Lamretta: Haha, now things are getting fun!
Rammy: Hold on, are you going to just let her go off on her own?
Lamretta: Sure am! Sometimes you just gotta call it a night!
Lammy: Mmhm, best to get out early before you regret it!
Red: Huff... Wheeze... I think I'll... be okay...
Rammy: You sure? Don't overdo it, dear! You're not as young as you used to be!
Lamretta: Forget the details! Let's party!
Lammy: To forgetting bad memories!
Rammy: What did I just say, you two?
Red: Urk... Don't worry about me... You guys... keep going...
Rammy: Hmm... You sure you're okay, dear?
Lammy: So how've things been lately, Lamretta? You digging the new workplace?
Lamretta: Heheheh, best joint I've ever worked at!
Lammy: Wow, really? That's unexpected.
Lamretta: Heheh, Cap'n (Captain), Cat-alina, and Rack'em are the best bosses I've ever had!
Lamretta: Hee hee, everyone else on the ship's so nice, too!
Rammy: Now that you mention it, you've lasted longer there than anywhere else!
Lammy: Wahoo! Now there's a cause worthy of celebration!
Lamretta: Yup! I'm just gonna do my best to stick around until Cap'n (Captain) gets sick of me!
Lammy: Heheh, how could anyone not want to keep a charmer like you around, Lamretta?
Lamretta: Hoho! You really think so? Am I... beloved?
Rammy: You guys need to get your acts together and think about the future!
Lammy: Hee, the future's so bright, we gotta wear shades!
Lamretta: Hey, we ain't got time for all this future talk! Let's paaartay!
Lammy: So like, which one of the other crew members do you like the best?
Lamretta: Bwaaah? Why you bringing up something like that?
Lammy: Oh, please. You've got feelings for someone there! Why try to hide it?
Lamretta: Brgraah? Nope! Sure don't! Just precious friends, one and all!
Rammy: Hm? Do you hear something?
Red: Never mind guys, I... gotta bow out this time... For real...
Lamretta: You okay?
Red: I'm exhausted...
Red: Burp...
Lammy: Wow.
Red: Just need a little... time out...
Red: Water... Get me water...
Lamretta: Got it! I'll get water. The rest is up to you!
Lammy: Party overload...
Red: Sorry, guys...
Rammy: Hey, we're all in this together, right?
Red: Belch...
Red: I can see rainbows...
(Captain) and the others have been observing Lamretta's strange display from nearby.
Vyrn: Is she okay? She's been mumbling to herself for hours.
Katalina: Goodness... She's not causing trouble for anyone. At least for now.
Lyria: Hee hee, if something happens, Rackam and (Captain) will handle it!
Rackam: Aw, c'mon! Not on our day off! Right, (Captain)?
(Captain) simply answers Rackam's question with a huge grin.
From there, Lamretta continued her one-woman party well into the night.
Surprising no one, Rackam was eventually forced to eject her from the premises due to rowdy behavior.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
まだまだ飲めるにゃ~! I could use another drink.
酒持って来いにゃ~! Bring on the liquor!
ぜぇんぜん酔ってにゃいれふよ~ Only a bit tipsy here!
やってやるにゃ~! I'll beat you all, haha!
ふぇへへぇ~ひっく…… Hahaha! Hic...
あれれ? 魔物がダブって見えるにゃ~ Hmm, I see two of the same monster...
ふにゃ~いい気分だにゃ~ It feeeels so goood...
魔物と飲み比べでもしようかにゃ~ Perhaps the monsters would like some drink.
(主人公)も飲むかにゃ? Care for an itty-bitty sip, (Captain)?
(主人公)もぐいっといくにゃ~! Go ahead and knock 'em back with me, (Captain)!


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 03.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「アオイドス」「ザルハメリナ」「ライアン」「ラムレッダ」
  3. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, キャラクター紹介!「ヴェイン」「ラムレッダ」