Table for Six

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Event Story

Table for Six is a side story.

This event is part of the Lowain Bros series. Listed in order of premiere:

A young guardian takes a journey of
self-discovery at her beloved sister's behest.

Who is this heavenly visage
dressed in a glamorous ensemble
with lips freshly coated in red?

Though her insecurities remain,
an excited young lady is about to blossom
as she steps onto the battlefield.

For new players

Notable Rewards

New Character

Sutera (Event)

  • Role: Attacker/Support/Debuffer
  • Decent debuff coverage with BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
    , ATK DownATK is lowered
    , and DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
  • Decent normal attack and Charge Attack damage with Jade CrestJade Crest is casted
  • Dodge Rate UpChance to dodge DMG and debuffs
    for all allies can be useful, but shouldn't be relied on.
  • Falls off when Jade CrestJade Crest is casted
    aren't available.
Site RatingThe character's overall rating out of 10. GrindingThe character's general efficiency in repeatedly clearing menial content with an emphasis on real-time speed.
GW Max Grade: SS
KG Max Grade: SS
Full AutoThe character's general performance in Full Auto parties.
GW Max Grade: SS
KG Max Grade: SS
High DifficultyThe character's capability relative to the game's most difficult content.
GW Max Grade: SS
KG Max Grade: SS
Last Update
GameWith 7.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Kamigame 6.5 N/A N/A N/A 2023-06-08

Sutera joins your party after clearing the Loyalty episodes, What'd They Say?, unlocked after completing the Ending.

What'd They Say?

All loyalty cutscenes are viewable in the Journal after permanently recruiting Sutera (Event).

Scene Conversation
To the Max


  1. Sutera: Hey, (Captain), when I was at the mixer the other day, I kept hearing the boys say to the max.
  2. Sutera: Everyone else seemed completely at home with it, but I can't say I'm too familiar with that expression.
  3. Sutera: I was wondering if you could shed some light on what it means.
    1. It means to the limit. (good)
    2. You're cute to the max. (normal)
    3. Marvelous. (best)

Choice 1

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
  2. Sutera thinks
  3. Sutera: To the limit?
  4. (Captain) gives the correct answer, but Sutera's brows furrow in consternation.

Choice 2

  1. Sutera thinks
  2. Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
  3. Sutera: Cute... to the max?
  4. (Captain) blurts out the first thing that comes to mind. Sutera reflects on the answer, her brows furrowed in consternation.

Choice 3

  1. Sutera laughs
  2. Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
  3. Sutera: Oh, I see! So it's used to describe something as marvelous! Thank you!
  4. (Captain) had only meant to get a laugh out of her but seeing Sutera's readiness to accept any answer makes (Captain) feel guilty.


  1. Sutera: Excuse me, (Captain), but another word kept coming up at the mixer. I think it sounded like... emo?
  2. Sutera: It seemed like I was the only one who didn't understand what it meant.
  3. Sutera: Could you tell me what emo means?
    1. It means it's Elsam-Tomoi time. (good)
    2. Let's not go there... (normal)
    3. It's an emo-tional kind of word. (best)

Choice 1

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
  2. Sutera: As in a designated period of time reserved for Elsam and Tomoi? I've never encountered a situation like that before...
  3. Sutera: Well, I suppose that's the kind of thing you would hear at mixers.
  4. (Captain) is overcome with shame at how quickly Sutera falls for the joke.

Choice 2

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
  2. Sutera: Oh? Why not?
  3. (Captain) advises Sutera not to delve too deeply into its meaning, which only causes her to become more puzzled.

Choice 3

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
  2. Sutera: Y-you think so too? I wasn't sure what I was supposed to feel when using that word, but I used it throughout the conversation anyway!
  3. (Captain) gazes at the overjoyed Sutera and mutters the word again in disbelief.
Hot and Fresh


  1. Sutera: (Captain), I heard the phrase hot and fresh at the mixer..
  2. Sutera: It seemed to be describing Lowain, Elsam, and Tomoi in some way.
  3. Sutera: Looking back on what happened that night, the meaning behind that phrase still eludes me.
  4. Sutera: What do you think hot and fresh means, (Captain)
    1. Coffee, black, no sugar. (good)
    2. It means manliness. (normal)
    3. Think of it as being refined. (best)

Choice 1

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
  2. Sutera: Oh, I see... Hmm...
    But given the context, there must be some hidden meaning behind it, right?
  3. (Captain) gives the right answer, but even so Sutera knits her brow in confusion.

Choice 2

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
  2. Sutera: Manliness? Um... Okay...
  3. The nuances are numerous and complex, so much so that Sutera remains confused.

Choice 3

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
  2. Sutera: Oh, so it's like getting over your shortcomings! It has a surprisingly deep meaning!
  3. (Captain) smiles coolly at her reaction.
Partner Type


  1. Sutera: Hi, (Captain). You know, the topic of partner types came up at some point in the night.
  2. Sutera: The conversation became animated, and I really want to know what other types of partners there might be.
  3. Sutera: I'm interested in hearing your answer, (Captain). What kinds of partners are there in the world?
    1. Someone who makes your heart pound. (best)
    2. Someone you'd want to tease. (good)
    3. A delicious person. (normal)

Choice 1

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
  2. Sutera: Makes my heart pound? Like when I'm nervous?
  3. Sutera: My father, who served as the previous guardian of my island and passed on the magic bow to me, would be such a person.
  4. Sutera: Hm, I guess that type exists too...
  5. It would appear some wires got crossed in the interpretation, but (Captain) is content with the end result.

Choice 2

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
  2. Sutera: Someone I'd want to tease? But I don't know anyone like that.
  3. Sutera seems troubled by (Captain)'s answer.

Choice 3

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
  2. Sutera: D-delicious? Um, you mean someone who cooks and makes desserts?
  3. (Captain) had only meant it as a joke and feels guilty for confusing the trusting Sutera.
What Do You Think of Me?


  1. Sutera: What manner of impression do you get when you look at me?
  2. Sutera: Metera says I lack the will to overcome my rivals.
  3. Sutera: Since I've been traveling with you all this time, I'd be interested in hearing your assessment.
  4. Sutera: That is, if you don't mind me asking!
    1. I'd say you're cute. (good)
    2. You're super... serious, I guess. (best)
    3. You're easy. (normal)

Choice 1

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
  2. Sutera: Cute? What are you basing that evaluation off of?
  3. Sutera: There have been times when Metera's called me cute as well, but in what context do you feel this is true?
  4. Sutera: (Captain) answers candidly which only opens the door to more unexpected, tougher questions.

Choice 2

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
  2. Sutera: So you recognize my prudence!
  3. Sutera:Your affirmation means the world to me! I'm going to increase my diligence from here on out!
  4. (Captain) is taken by surprise at Sutera's emphatic, delighted response.

Choice 3

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
  2. Sutera: I'm sorry? I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean by that...
  3. Sutera's bewildered face says it all. (Captain) immediately feels regret at giving such an answer.
First Impressions


  1. Sutera: Say, (Captain), role-playing situations regarding love and relationships is one thing, but where does that feeling of love actually originate from?
  2. Sutera: Lowain and Lamretta said that in their case it was love at first sight.
  3. Sutera: Metera tends to pursue handsome men or hunks as she's prone to calling them.
  4. Sutera: What's the first thing you notice about someone that might lead to love?
    1. Their appearance. (normal)
    2. How they talk. (best)
    3. Our compatibility. (good)

Choice 1

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
  2. Sutera: Oh, is that so, (Captain)? Hm...
  3. Sutera: Sutera considers (Captain)'s blunt response with a slight frown.

Choice 2

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
  2. Sutera: Oh, that's a good point!
  3. Sutera: Communication is an essential factor in knowing your partner!
  4. Sutera: (Captain) is pleased to see a smile on Sutera's face.

Choice 3

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
  2. Sutera: Compatibility? How does one go about making such judgments?
  3. (Captain)'s straightforward opinion gives Sutera pause, her mind deep in thought.
What about Lamretta's Groove?


  1. Sutera: I'd like to hear your opinion on raising one's groove, (Captain).
  2. Sutera: Where do you think Lamretta's groove stands at this point?
    1. She's got a carefree groove going. (normal)
    2. She's got a spontaneous groove going. (best)
    3. She's got a lovestruck groove going. (good)

Choice 1

  1. Sutera thinks
  2. Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
  3. Sutera: Hm, carefree...
  4. Sutera: It's true that Lamretta enjoys a few drinks, leading to her happy-go-lucky persona.
  5. Sutera: I see. Then it behooves me to develop a preference for drinks, I suppose...
  6. (Captain)'s casual remark doesn't appear to sit well with Sutera.

Choice 2

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
  2. Sutera: Hm, spontaneous...
  3. Sutera laughs
  4. Sutera: Yes, she's certainly a free spirit in her actions.
  5. Sutera: Being spontaneous works in any situation! Now I understand! I have much to learn!
  6. (Captain) gives a small fist pump at seeing Sutera's enthusiastic response.

Choice 3

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
  2. Sutera thinks
  3. Sutera: Well, Lamretta did say that she fell head over heels for that gentleman who helped her up on the roadside.
  4. Sutera blushes
  5. Sutera: Ah, but I myself don't have much experience when it comes to falling in love. Mm... This is a tough one...
  6. (Captain)'s straightforward opinion gives Sutera pause, her mind deep in thought.
What about Korwa's Groove?


  1. Sutera: I'd like to hear your opinion on raising one's groove, (Captain).
  2. Sutera: Where do you think Korwa's groove stands at this point?
    1. She's full of conviction. (good)
    2. She has a grown-up attitude. (normal)
    3. She has a need to weave happy endings. (best)

Choice 1

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
  2. Sutera: Conviction...
  3. Sutera: I noticed the tremendous passion she poured into creating the outfit I'm wearing now, as if she were betting everything on this single piece.
  4. Sutera: Yes, I believe that's a fitting evaluation!
  5. (Captain)'s casual remark draws an unexpectedly warm reception from Sutera.

Choice 2

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
  2. Sutera: A grown-up attitude?
  3. Sutera: Are you saying that anyone can raise their groove once they grow older?
  4. Sutera shakes her head in doubt. (Captain) realizes that such a simplistic answer isn't enough to touch upon deeper nuances.

Choice 3

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
  2. Sutera: Oh?
  3. Sutera: Yes, ending a story on a happy note is such a wonderful feeling!
  4. Sutera: Korwa is always attentive to the happiness of others. As a guardian, I should also follow her shining example!
  5. Speaking of ending on a happy note,(Captain) smiles at Sutera's joyful expression.
How to Raise Your Groove
  1. Sutera: I'd like to hear your opinion on raising one's groove, (Captain).
  2. Sutera: Is there anything I can do to improve my groove?
    1. Get a boyfriend. (good)
    2. Master the art of flirting. (normal)
    3. How about a date? (best)

Choice 1

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
  2. Sutera: Boy... friend? Y-you mean as in... a relationship?
  3. Sutera: Th-that's not what I meant! Please try to take this more seriously!
  4. (Captain)'s definitive answer sends Sutera into a tizzy.

Choice 2

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
  2. Sutera: Huh?
  3. Sutera: I understand that flirting is essentially the active pursuit of a partner...
  4. Sutera: But I still haven't forgotten about my previous failed attempt when I practiced with Tomoi!
  5. Sutera: But what exactly does that have to do with raising my groove?
  6. (Captain)'s attempt at ribbing Sutera backfires spectacularly.

Choice 3

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
  2. Sutera: A date with (Captain)? I would be absolutely delighted to!
  3. Sutera: I've never been on a date before.
  4. Sutera: Nothing would make me happier than to enjoy a day together with you!
  5. (Captain) can't help but wonder if Sutera understands what it means to go on a date.
  6. In any case (Captain) shrugs it off and waits for the fateful day with anticipation.
Pretend Date with Sutera


  1. Sutera: Ever since I took part in that role-playing simulation at the mixer, there's one thing that I've been a little confused about.
  2. Sutera: When I pretended to hit on Tomoi, I got the sense that everyone was taken aback.
  3. Sutera: I thought about it for a long time afterward, but nothing struck me as particularly odd about my actions.
  4. Sutera: So I'd like run that simulation again with you as my partner, (Captain). Please point out the flaws in my approach!
  5. Sutera: Can you do that for me?
    Great! Thank you!
  6. Sutera: Okay, then let us begin!
  7. Sutera: I was getting kind of lonely by myself though, so you know...
  8. Sutera: I thought you could come by and... watch me try on some outfits.
    1. That's not the Sutera I know. (best)
    2. What are you... suggesting? (good)
    3. Okay. (normal)

Choice 1

  1. Sutera laughs
  2. Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
  3. Sutera: Really? What should I be doing instead? Please show me how I can improve!
  4. Sutera: And so (Captain) takes the time to coach Sutera on being herself.

Choice 2

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
  2. Sutera: Well, you'll just have to catch me if you want to find out.
  3. This over-the-top version of Sutera is almost too much for (Captain) to handle, who starts to feel weak in the knees.

Choice 3

  1. Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
  2. Sutera: Oooh, think you can catch me? This is where the fun really starts...
  3. Sutera's impression of Metera quickens (Captain)'s heartbeat, who doesn't seem to mind.

Event Battles

Story Battles

Occurrences Notes
Ch. 1, Ep. 2
Ch. 2, Ep. 3
Ch. 2, Ep. 4
Ch. 3, Ep. 3
Ch. 4, Ep. 3
Ch. 5, Ep. 4
Ch. 6, Ep. 4

Solo Battles

Dude, Your Vira Is in Another Fantasy
Cost to Host: 20 AP Unlock: Clear Normal
Start QuestNetwork Errors will appear if the hosting conditions are not met.
(AP, Host Materials, Daily Limit)
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Psycho Vira 35 1,750,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Finger Beam Cannon:
10-hit Wind damage to random allies.
Inflicts PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
on all allies.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Death... to... Playboys...Rewards
Crystal ×50
, H.P.A. (3★)
Every clear: Honor ×75,000
Wooden Silver Gold

Event Rewards

Event Shop

Item Step Limit

1 13015
2 16050
3 19075
4 1120100

1 1155
2 13020
3 15040
4 17560

Salad Tongs
1 15-
2 115-
3 120-
4 125-

Roasting Skewer
1 15-
2 115-
3 120-
4 125-

Premium Draw Ticket
1 115-
2 1205
3 13010

Angel Queen
1 303-

Half Elixir
1 20-2

Soul Berry
1 50-1

CP ×10
1 2031
2 1052
3 1083

Champion Merit
1 3155
2 33010
3 35015

Supreme Merit
1 35020
2 310040

Skill Shard
1 5203

Skill Jewel
1 33010


  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Reaching Manhood 思春期 Get 200 love medallions Crystal ×30
Her Ghost 生霊 Get 100 mayo-dressed spinach bowls Crystal ×30
w00t! w00t! ふわっ! ふわっ! ★☆☆ Get 100,000 honors in Table for Six Crystal ×10
Puttin' Those Abs in Overdrive 腹筋オーバードライブ ★★☆ Get 500,000 honors in Table for Six Crystal ×30
Oh Snap, It's B-B-B-Bahamut! ヤバババババババハムート ★★★ Get 1,000,000 honors in Table for Six Crystal ×50
Leave Me and Run for It! 私を置いて逃げて! Complete chapter 3 of Table for Six Crystal ×10
Super Whatchamacallit Vira Pwned! 激オコフニュングインフェルノ Complete chapter 6 of Table for Six Crystal ×10
Lettuce Turnip the Beet パリピ ★☆☆ Defeat Freezie or Psycho Vira a total of 5 times in Table for Six free quests Crystal ×10
Macho Honcho 頭こんがらマッチョ ★★☆ Defeat Freezie or Psycho Vira a total of 50 times in Table for Six free quests Crystal ×30
Macho Cheese マチョサイダー ★★★ Defeat Freezie or Psycho Vira a total of 200 times in Table for Six free quests Crystal ×50
Death... to... Playboys... チャラ男死すべし Clear the free quest Dude, Your Vira Is in Another Fantasy Crystal ×50
So As I Pray... はじめての共同作業 Clear the free quest Take It Easy, Freezie Crystal ×50


For the original run, see: Table for Six/History
For the rerun, see: Table for Six/History 2

Voiced Trailer

Japanese[1] EnglishUnofficial amateur translation











Sutera... come here a second.

... Yes, Sister? What is it?

I've got it-- how we get your groove on, girl!

My... groove...?

Okay? The stage is set.
But we need a game plan, too.
And then... you let your groove GO! Cut your way through!

Sister mine, what are you...
Could she be teaching me something important about being a guardian...?

Let's go, Sutera!
First, we get you all dolled up! Then, a change of clothes! Let's get you dressed for war.

...Yes, Sister!
Next time, on Granblue Fantasy:
"Table For Six"
Please look forward to it!
One's groove...
If this be my path to mastery, then I, Sutera, shall give it my all!


