Table for Six/Story

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Event Story

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Table for Six - Opening

The Lowain trio's hype for what they take to be a speed dating session dies down when they fail to get a conversation going with Sutera and Lamretta. Korwa shows up afterward to move things along.

It all begins one quiet night.
All Three: Duuude!
Awww yeeaah!
Their piercing shrills break the silence in the dead of the night.
Lowain: Let's rock.
Elsam: Gonna totes rock it!
Tomoi: Rock-a-bye baby!
Their excitement is not without reason.
The Lowain trio is about to enter a period of great change in their lives. It all started nearly half a day ago.
Korwa: Hey, you guys. Come out with me tonight.
Korwa: Doing what, you ask?
All Three: Speed dating, here we come! Wahey!
The Lowain bros raise a triumphant battle cry as they surge with intense anticipation.
Lowain: Let's do this, bros! I'm so amped I could power a few airships!
Elsam and Tomoi: Whoo!
The bros arrive in front of a bar, mustering the courage to enter the battlefield.
All Three: ...
Not ones to let a wooden door deter them, they place their hands on the door and push.
All Three: ...
Sutera: ...
Lamretta: Yawn... Can't do thish anymore...
Lowain: How 'bout another drink, Sutera?
Sutera: No, I'm okay! My glass is still half full!
Elsam: Shall I serve you the salad then, Sutera?
Sutera: No, I can do it myself! But thank you!
Tomoi: Erm, Sutera? Why don't we switch seats to shake things up a bit.
Sutera: No, it's okay! The current seating arrangement is perfectly fine!
All Three: ...
Lamretta: Mm... Zzz... Bad boys... deserve to be beaten with thish pitcher... Blegh... Zzz...
Waiting at the table are the sleepyhead Lamretta and the somewhat uptight Sutera.
The bros try their hardest to initiate a conversation from multiple angles, but things appear hopeless.
Elsam: (Psst, Lowain! They're givin' us the slip at every turn! What's a bro supposed to do, man?)
Lowain: (Shh! Not so loud, ya dweeb! Sutera might hear us!)
Tomoi: (This ain't goin' anywhere, dudes! We need to hit up someplace quiet and revise our battle plan!)
Tomoi: Ah! I'm going to go water some flowers. I'll be right back!
Lowain: Uh-huh, me too!
Elsam: Me three, me three!
Sutera: Water flowers? Oh, is that another way to say you need to use the restroom? I understand.
All Three: BRB!
Lowain: All righty. Commence Epic Bathroom Meeting Number One!
All Three: Jeah!
Lowain: Man, what the heck are we doin' wrong? Every conversation we try to start gets shut down faster than a speedship at full throttle!
Tomoi: You gotta admit Sutera's not hatin' on us though. She's totally into the whole shebang. Problem's gotta be with us, dude.
Elsam: Totes, man. It's like being stuck between a rock 'n' a hard place... Are we gonna have to resort to that imagination thing like when Lowain was hittin' on Kat?
Elsam: Whatever we do, we need to decide fast. I don't think our brains can handle the mental overload!
Lowain: Seriously, bro. We tried, like, every trick in the Guide to Love, but nothing's working!
Elsam: Gimme a sec! I'm gonna, like, look over the Guide to Love real fast!
Tomoi: Wait up, Sammy! I was thinkin'... could this just be the difference between theory 'n' practice?
Elsam: That's... deep, yo.
Tomoi: It happens a lot, ya know. What you see on paper is, like, way off from the real thing. I mean, just look at the primal beasts.
Lowain: I get ya, bro. It's like how Tzaka's portrait totally gives me the willies, but he's actually super nice to kiddies.
Tomoi: I wouldn't be all too gobsmacked if the Guide to Love's the same. Who knows how old the thing might be, ya know? Stuff gets lost over time.
Elsam: Dude, my mind's about to explode from your truth bombs... So, like, what's the next step for us?
Lowain: Maybe we just gotta learn to be more like (Captain)—when there are no chances, you gotta make your own.
Tomoi: So basically what you're sayin' is quit moanin' and get on with the show?
Tomoi: This whole speed dating thing's gonna go down the toilet if we don't set things straight before Korwa gets here.
Lowain: Ah, right. Kor-Kor said something about being late 'cuz of work.
Elsam: How much time we got before Korrie gets here anyway?
Tomoi: Speaking of time... We'd better get back into the trenches soon. Hidin' in the bathroom during chow time ain't all too polite, dudes.
Elsam: For sure. We'll never be able to set the record straight if they suspect anything.
Lowain: Aw, crud... I just remembered we never decided on a proper nickname for Korwa.
Sutera: Teehee... Just a little... This is so embarrassing.
All Three: ...!
Lowain: Oh snap, that might be the first time Sutera's cracked up today!
Elsam: There better not be any obnoxious goons chattin' her up!
Tomoi: Lambo's still half asleep out there! Shoot, this one's a real pickle!
Lowain: Commence Operation Bust Some Chops and Rescue Sutera! Chop-chop, bros!
Elsam and Tomoi: Check!
Korwa: Teehee. Really? I think it looks fabulous on you. No need to be bashful now. Anyway, where are the boys?
Lowain: (I don't care how wicked this evildoer might be! I pinky swear to protect Sutera and Lambo!)
Korwa: Ah, there you are! Sorry to keep you boys waiting! I was tied up burning a little midnight oil!
All Three: Korwie!
The appearance of the metaphorical goddess Korwa prevents all hell from breaking loose.
A fun little get-together for three guys and three gals from the Grandcypher kicks off. What will result from it is anyone's guess.

Table for Six - Chapter 1: Say What? Lambo Did That? - Episode 1

Lamretta tells her tragic love story, which happened only hours earlier, beginning with how a dashing young man helped her up when she was lying ill on the roadside.

Korwa: I know we're all in the same crew, but we don't get much of a chance to talk to each other. So then, self-introductions!
Korwa: I'm Korwa! There's been a lot going on, and I thought it would be nice to organize a get-together for us.
All Three: Korwie! w00t! w00t!
Sutera: ...?
Lowain: Lowain here. I'm a cook on the G. Cyph.
Elsam and Tomoi: w00t! w00t!
Elsam: Call me Elsam. It's totally a pleasure to rub elbows and wine and dine with everyone.
Elsam: My type of girl... is a fashionable one! Here's to a rad evening!
Lowain and Tomoi: w00t! w00t!
Tomoi: Tomoi's the name. I'm, uh, whatchamacallit... You know, that thing...
Lowan and Elsam: w00t! w00t!
Sutera: I'm Sutera. My big sister thought it might be good for me to join an event like this.
Sutera: Something about getting my groove on. To that end I vow to spare no effort this evening!
Sutera: W-woo...
All Three: Bwuuuh?
Sutera: Ah, forgive me. Was that... off-putting?
Korwa: Shocking! Sutera's really into it today!
Sutera: I'm so sorry. I thought it was normal to verbalize one's excitement at such an occasion with w00t w00t.
Elsam: You go, girl.
Tomoi: Now we're talkin'.
Lowain: You catch on quick, Sutera! Now let's try it together.
Lowain: Time to relax and just let it all out. Countdown with me: three, two, one!
All Five: w00t! w00t!
Lamretta: This some kinda fool's paradise?
All Three: Huh?
Lamretta: I can't take another sip...
Lowain: Everything okay, Lambo? You're actin' a bit pissed off tonight.
Korwa: Ahaha, Lamretta's—
Lamretta: Heartbroken! Oh, woe is me!
Elsam: Ouchie... Cupid must be toyin' with her emotions.
Tomoi: Wanna talk about it, Lambo?
Lamretta: You'll hear me out? Oh, it was awful...
Lamretta: Earlier today...
Lamretta: Urk... I might've had a little too much...
Rammy: Will you be okay?
Lamretta: I'm not my usual self today...
Red: Blacch... I feel it coming out...
Lam: Mwahaha! Down for the count already, are ye?
Rammy: It's all your fault for telling her to party at every chance you get!
Lam: I beg to differ. I haven't had a drop for so long that I just had to push her.
Rammy: Look at what you've done! She's coming apart at the seams!
Lammy: Snicker... Water's the best cure for times like this...
Red: Huff... Huff... Grghh... I... need to lie down...
Lowain: Cut, cuuut!
Lowain: You just, like, totally me lost there!
Lowain: Seven Mysteries of the G. Cyph Number One: why are there so many Lambos?
Lamretta: Erm, beats me...
Lamretta: When I see rainbows after a few good drinks, I seem to multiply in number...
Sutera: You... multiply?
Lowain: Dudes, this is, like, some super metaphysical stuff goin' on here!
Elsam: Even we haven't gone that far!
Tomoi: Yeah, dude. Cloning yourself is way out there!
Lowain: Tubular!
Elsam: Tubulariffic!
All Three: Tubularifficente!
Korwa: Quit it, boys! Let the lady talk, will you?
All Three: Our bad!
Lamretta: So I ended up lying on the roadside...
Rammy: Ugh! What are you gonna do if you catch a cold?
Lamretta: Brgraaah! Quiet!
Young Man: Are you okay, miss?
Lamretta: Graagh! Leave me alone already!
Young Man: S-sorry...
Lamretta: Ah... Sorry for screaming at you like that, mister...
Lamretta: Blegh!
Young Man: Um, I was hoping to lend a hand if you're not feeling too well.
Lamretta: He was really hot... I could tell from just a glimpse...
Lamretta: (I'm in love...)
Young Man: Here, I have some water for you.
Can you stand up?
Lamretta: E... Ehehe... Thanks...
Lamretta: He gently took my hand... Oh, he was sho kind...
Lamretta: (Ah...)
Lamretta: I haven't felt the heartbeats of love in so long...

Table for Six - Chapter 1: Say What? Lambo Did That? - Episode 2

Surprisingly Lamretta's mumbling and explosive sneezing don't get in the way of the romantic air between her and the young man. But when a thug comes interrupting them, she goes on the offensive.

Lowain: Whoa! That's a pretty cool story!
Tomoi: Cept I don't see how you'd go from that to heartbreak.
Elsam: I dunno, man... Happens to you pretty often, Tommy.
Sutera: Oh, does it?
Lowain: Just the other day actually.
Lowain: Tommy totally got hit on at the beach...
Elsam: They were all alone by the coastline at night. And then...
Lowan and Elsam: Zoom! She ran off faster than we could say wahey!
Elsam: Dude, that still brings tears to my eyes.
Lowain: Bwahaha! The details shall live on in the annals of the Lowain Legends!
Tomoi: Shut it! Enough about me already!
Lowain: Gahaha! Chill out, bro!
Lamretta: ...
Korwa: I said listen, boys!
Lowain: Oh, sorry. Got carried away...
Elsam: My bad. Mouth slipped...
Tomoi: (Ain't my fault...)
Lamretta: Everything was goin' great until...
Lamretta: Until...
Young Man: Are you all right?
Lamretta: Ehehe... I might've had a few too many back there...
Young Man: Are you a traveler? I'll gladly accompany you to the inn if you'd like.
Lamretta: Teehee, how sweet of you. I'll take you up on that offer...
Lamretta: Eek! It's getting cold! That's what I get for sleeping outdoors... Brr...
Lamretta: Achoo!
Young Man: ...
Rammy: Yikes, Lamretta! This is not the time to be sneezing!
Lammy: Oh dear, you grossed out pretty boy!
Lam: Gwahaha! How unladylike—looks like ye've hit a snag here!
Lamretta: Ngh... What's done is done...
Young Man: Do you have a cold?
Lamretta: Ehehe... It's been kind of chilly lately, you know?
The pair begin walking toward the inn that Lamretta suggests.
Lamretta: (Ahaha... This feels like a date...)
Lam: Hm... It would appear ye've taken a liking to this handsome chap.
Lamretta: Yes...
Lam: Why not make him yers? Surely a fine maiden such as yerself has a few tricks up yer sleeve...
Lammy: No, that won't do! Lamretta is a nun first and foremost, and that balance must not be disturbed!
Lam: Humph! Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Strike now while the iron is hot, Lamretta!
Lam: And let us not forget... He's already seen ye at yer worst. What more do ye have to lose?
Lamretta: ...!
Rammy: Hey, relax! Take a breather! There's no need to rush things!
Lam: Pounce on the lad!
Rammy: No, take it slow!
Lamretta: (I-I can't take this anymore! The light and darkness within me are colliding!)
Lamretta: Stop fighting!
Young Man: ...?
Is something the matter?
Lamretta: I... kinda talk to myself when I'm in a woozy mood...
Young Man: Haha. I do the same when I'm feeling down.
Well, here we are.
Lamretta: Ah, right...
Lamretta: ...
Lamretta: Erm... Can we meet again sometime?
Lamretta: I'd love to chat with you when I'm feeling more like myself.
Young Man: Huh? Ah... Yeah, sure. I'd love that.
Lam: Have ye lost yer mind? Ye've got drink and a fine young lad right here! Why put it off until later?
Lammy: I don't see the problem. Not everyone follows their desires to a fault like you, you know!
Lamretta: ...!
Thug: Ooh la la, what a lovely couple!
Young Man: Stay out of it.
Thug: Watch your attitude, buddy.
Lam: Ye see what happened? You refuse to make hay while the sun shines, and now ye've got pretentious nobodies buttin' in!
Rammy: How's this our fault?
Thug: Whoo, you're making me jealous! Care to trade places?
Young Man: Stop your baseless accusations at once. Don't make me call the guards.
Lamretta: ...
Thug: Wanna have a go at it, lettuce-boy?
Young Man: I won't let some arrogant potato talk down to me like that. You're on.
Rammy: It all started with you having her chug down so much back there!
Lam: Oh please! I merely helped the lady satisfy her inner desires! Get that in your head, potato-gal!
Lamretta: Gah, stop bickerin' already!

Table for Six - Chapter 1: Say What? Lambo Did That? - Episode 2: Scene 2

Lamretta suffers a bloody nose from going to town on the thug, after which she runs away in embarrassment. Korwa calls for a toast to commiserate.

Lamretta: Pant... Wheeze...
Lamretta: You're in the way of true love! Feel the wrath of my bottle!
Thug: Eek!
Young Man: Wow... You're pretty strong, Lamretta.
Lamretta: Ah... Sorry if I scared you.
Young Man: Um, well... I was in a pinch myself. Thanks for saving my skin.
Lamretta: Ahaha... Erm...
Lamretta: (I went a little too wild back there... Now I don't know what to say...)
Lamretta: Urgh!
Young Man: Uh... Your nose is bleeding...
Lamretta: ...!
Lamretta: Eep!
Lamretta runs away.
Lamretta: (From lyin' on the roadside to explosive sneezin' to pickin' fights to nosebleeds...)
Lamretta: (I've reached my limit for the day.)
Lamretta: I know, I know... How embarrassing, right? I guess my groove's at an all-time low... Sniff...
Sutera: Wow, what a day for you...
Lowain: Lambo...
Elsam: You need to cheer up with some of these fries!
Tomoi: I feel ya, Lambo. I know what it's like to be down in the dumps... So I guess that's why we're here, huh?
Korwa: Yep. I saw her weeping and decided to set up this gathering to help her cope with her loss.
Lamretta: My stomach's full, but I really appreciate the company.
Korwa: So we'll have lots of merrymaking tonight to help Lamretta let off some steam. Here's to getting over heartbreak and moving on! Cheers, everyone!
All Five: Cheers!
Korwa's little get-together starts off amicably enough.

Table for Six - Chapter 1: Say What? Lambo Did That? - Episode 3

Korwa vents her anger at the young man's lack of bravado and asks Lowain how he would have acted. Back in fantasy land, Lowain takes a most gentlemanly approach, fending off thugs and bringing about a happy ending.

Korwa: That is seriously messed up! I can't accept that the story ends on such a low note!
Elsam: Totally, man!
Korwa's tone intensifies as pitchers empty and the night draws on.
Lamretta: Ahaha... Fate can be a real jerk sometimes.
Korwa: Not true! If only that lettuce-boy had manned up, you wouldn't be sulking here right now!
Lamretta: Huh?
Elsam: Details, Korwa! Details!
Korwa: He lacked bravado and everything else you'd expect from a bigger man!
Elsam: So, Korwa, you're sayin' you like... big men?
Korwa: I mean, every person's got bravado. You've just gotta find it within yourself! That and the willingness to look past your partner's faults are an absolute must!
Korwa: Unbe-frickin-lievable! Who gives a crap how kind lettuce-boy looks if he doesn't have the guts to back it up!
Elsam: You've got a point there. I didn't think much of it at first, but I suppose that's one way to look at it.
Korwa: Standing idly by while his partner frantically swings a bottle around? The heck is his problem! That's a new low for a man!
Korwa: A real man easily takes out a dozen or two thugs with a sneeze!
Korwa: Huff... Puff... Tell me I'm right, boys! 'Cuz you know I am!
Lowain and Tomoi: Erm... Ahem... Yeah, totally... You're right on the money...
Korwa: I refuse to accept this story!
Korwa: Tell me, Lowain, what would you have done to guide this tale to a happy ending?
Lowain: Huh? Me?
Korwa: Considering how much you love happy endings, I'm sure you can easily come up with one, right?
Lowain: You got that right. Let's see, where would I start...
Lamretta: Gulp... I'm not feelin' too well today... My head's gettin' dizzy...
Lamretta: Ah...
A kind passerby gently helps her up.
Lowain: Whoa! Best watch your step, miss. The ground here can be a bit slippery.
Lamretta: I'm, uh, feeling really sleepy...
Lowain: Yeah, I can tell from the look in your eyes. Why not get some shut-eye in my restaurant?
Lowain props her up by the shoulder and points at a nearby restaurant.
Lowain: I'll treat you to some soup to help with the drowsiness. It's on the house of course.
Lamretta: Huh?
Lowain: That potato of a manager at my restaurant said I should treat the next cutie I latch onto.
Lamretta: Well, if it's really okay... I'd appreciate it.
Lowain: Oh, you are totes gonna love it! Well, let's get a move on then!
Lamretta: Okay... Ah... Ach...
Rammy: (Uh-oh, not another sneeze! Gotta hold it in!)
Lamretta: Eeyah-ka-chooie!
Lowain: Huh?
Lamretta: (D'oh! I hope he didn't realize I sneezed!)
Lowain: Oopsie, there goes my stomach again. It's been outta wack with these crazy sounds lately.
Lowain: Soup's good by itself, but it's better when paired with something. I'll join you at the table.
Rammy: (He's pretending he didn't hear the sneeze...)
Lamretta: (What a kind man...)
A shady figure stares at the two as they head toward the restaurant.
Potato-Punk: Whoa, hold it right there... The heck is this two-bit show you kiddos are putting on?
Potato-Punk: Yaargh!
Lamretta: Ah!
Lowain: Hm? I thought I stepped on something just now—guess it was just another thug. There's so many of them nowadays there's hardly any room to walk.
Lowain continues walking unfazed.
Potato-Punk 2: Hey, missy! Forget about lettuce-boy over there! What say you and I go for a cup o' coffee?
Potato-Punk 2: Urk!
Potato-Punk 3: Why, hello there.
I can read your fortune if—
Potato-Punk 3: Urgh!
Lowain effortlessly fends off every thug as he leads Lamretta to the restaurant.
Lamretta: ...
Lowain: Huh? Oh, sorry if I scared you. Mashing these potato-dudes is, like, second nature to me.
Lowain: I've run the gauntlet so many times I almost forget they're even there!
Lowain: Even if the G. Cyph were to fall, I'd never let any harm come to you—I swear it. You're safe with me, 'kay?
Lamretta: (He's so kind and strong...)
Lamretta: (I'm in love...)
Lowain: Well then, let's get that bite at the restaurant. It's right around the corner.
Lamretta: Ehehe... Sure!
Lowain takes Lamretta by the hand as they continue toward the restaurant.

Table for Six - Chapter 1: Say What? Lambo Did That? - Episode 4

Lowain's delusions get the highest praise from Korwa. Sutera—having attended the get-together for training as instructed by her sister—watches on with considerable interest, unsure of how she should behave for the occasion.

Lowain: Something like that?
Korwa: Bingo!
Lowain: Huh, you like it? Wow...
Korwa: That's exactly the kind of power you need to bring forth a happy ending! Bravo, Lowain! Bravo!
Lowain: Aw, it was nothin'.
Lamretta: Ehehe...
Sutera: ...
By the time Korwa calms down, Sutera finally opens her mouth.
Sutera: Um... I'm sorry if I'm not fitting into this mixer very well...
All Five: Huh?
Sutera: Ah, forgive me. I am inexperienced in many ways, and I have so much to learn...
Lowain: Chillax, Sutera. To be honest I'm pretty new to this kinda thing too.
Elsam: Ditto!
Tomoi: Double ditto!
Korwa: Wait... You haven't heard anything from Metera?
Sutera: She only said that this would be a suitable place to get some practice.
All Three: She said that?
Korwa: Hm, how should I put this... Think of this as a place to just let loose and talk about anything you want.
Korwa: No need to think about it too hard. Sorry I didn't tell you this sooner.
Sutera: I see...
Sutera: (Their conversation earlier... I suppose it was mental training in a sense for improving a girl's instincts.)
Sutera: (Very well... I'm going to give this my all!)
Sutera: (I promise to come out of this a better woman, Metera!)
What the Lowain bros take to be a speed dating session gets off on a smooth start, but where it will go from here is anyone's guess.

Table for Six - Chapter 2: The First Victim - Episode 1

Elsam starts a debate about the ideal encounter with a romantic partner. Sutera chimes in by commenting that she would make the first move on a man, shocking everyone.

No one could have predicted that Lamretta's devastating heartbreak would lead to an emotional get-together, but the excitement has only just begun.
Elsam: Come to think it, dudes and dudettes, we hardly know each other. What say we talk about the perfect way to meet someone.
Sutera: The perfect way to meet someone?
Lowain: Seriously, Sammy? Why you gotta bring that up? You already know my most bodaciously sublime first date with the perfect gal is in the past.
Korwa: Ooh, tell me about it!
Lowain: Erm, well... I'll just say the way Kat and I met was, like, totes perfect, you know.
Elsam and Tomoi: Whoo!
Sutera: How intriguing...
Lowain: Dudes, do we need a suggestion box or somethin'? Sammy, Tommy, you're up!
Elsam: I felt a tug on my heartstrings when this really snazzy chick showed up on the G. Cyph one day.
Sutera: Ah, so you're into fashion.
Elsam: Yeah, I guess you could say that. Girls with the epic sense to design clothes themselves are, like, totally the bestest! Can't go wrong with them!
Elsam: Speaking of... What do you consider to be the perfect encounter, Korwa?
Korwa: Hm... I'd say how you first meet your partner isn't all that important.
Korwa: But my man's gotta be a real pro at his job, never losing his cool and always confident no matter how tough the going gets.
Elsam: Erm... Whaddya mean by pro?
Korwa: Doesn't matter what the job is! As long as he can dedicate himself to it and envision himself going places, that's the man for me!
Elsam: Uh-huh... So you prefer someone who thinks on an epic scale...
Korwa: How about you, Tomoi?
Tomoi: I wouldn't be stuck on how we meet either. Call me crazy, but I know I've fallen for the chick when I'm thinkin' about her twenty-four seven.
Lamretta: I'd rather not think about meeting a new love right now...
Korwa: Ah, right... Sorry about that.
Sutera: ...
Korwa: Last but not least... What's your story, Sutera?
Sutera: I lack experience in such matters, so it is difficult for me to say...
Sutera: But if I were to fall in love... I believe I would be the one to make the first move.
All Five: Whoooa!

Table for Six - Chapter 2: The First Victim - Episode 2

Sutera begins role-playing with Tomoi as her partner-to-be. She imitates her sister's mannerisms in seducing Tomoi, who is so awestruck that he loses consciousness.

All Three: D-d-dudette, you for real?
Lamretta: Sutera's got guts. I never would've guessed...
Korwa: Now you've got my attention! Tell me: what's the first thing you'd say?
Lowain: Why don't we all go for a mental simulation? We've got someone here who's been hit on by a chick before after all!
Elsam: Gahah! You're up to bat, lucky bro!
Tomoi: I'm game.
Sutera: Lalala!
Sutera is in a most exalted mood as she walks around splurging on fashionable clothing.
Sutera: This is some great stuff I picked out today. It's kinda dull doing this alone though. Ah, if only I had a man for myself...
Sutera: Hm?
Her eyes focus on a street corner.
Tomoi: ...
Sutera: Hi there. Whatcha doin'? You free by any chance?
Tomoi: Huh? Um... Ahem... Well, this is kinda sudden... You look like you're on your way back home after a day of shopping.
Sutera: That's right. I was getting kind of lonely by myself though, so you know...
Sutera: I thought you could come by and... watch me try on some outfits.
Tomoi: Brgwaaah!
Lowain: Oh snap, did he just kick the bucket?
Elsam: Sutera, man, I think you just gave Tommy a heart attack!
Sutera: I-I'm so sorry... I'm still new to all this...
Tomoi: Cough...
Some time passes before Tomoi fully regains consciousness.

Table for Six - Chapter 2: The First Victim - Episode 3

After a brief respite, the delusion continues. She tempts Tomoi into chasing her out of the town, where she suddenly takes out a bow and shoots at a boar charging out from the bushes.

Tomoi: Aww man... I thought I was totes heading for the sky beyond the sky!
Lowain: Get some water in yourself, Tommy.
Korwa: I was pretty shocked myself. Never thought I'd hear that coming from Sutera's mouth.
Lamretta: Sutera's pretty gutsy, all right.
Sutera: I-I was only trying to imitate my sister...
Sutera: Did my actions seem peculiar? I'm sorry if anything I did put you off, but I'm still learning as I go along...
Lowain: Nah, it's all good.
Elsam: Gotta admit the contrast with your natural self is mega-bonkers though.
Lowan and Elsam: On the flip side...
Never mind, natural's good too.
Lowain: You naturally caught my attention.
Elsam: Bwahaha! Dude, Lowain, that's shady, man!
Sutera: Um... Sh-shady? Wh-what have I done?
Elsam: Meh, don't sweat it. Punch, kick, chop, flirt—or whatever you do—it's all in the mind.
Lowain: Believe me: our usual fantasies are way more wild than that. No need to hold back.
Tomoi: I'm all good now. Let's keep going.
Sutera: Yes! I'll do my best!
Sutera: Ooh, you cook for an entire crew, Tomoi? That's pretty hot.
Tomoi: Eh, haha... All I do is help out in the kitchen.
Tomoi: I'll say I serve some mean grub though. Like, you into cooking yourself? Mm, would I love to serve you, girl.
Sutera: Ahaha! You're really funny—you know that?
Sutera: Whoa!
Sutera stumbles from all her giggling.
Sutera: Teehee, I guess I bought too much clothing.
Tomoi: How 'bout I take some of the load off of ya?
Sutera: Haha, maybe if you can catch me first!
Tomoi: Eh... Haha...
Oh crap, why am I laughing right now? She might run into monsters!
Tomoi chases after her and ends up outside the town.
Sutera finally pauses for breath after running for some time.
Sutera: Okay, you've got me. I hope you stay true to your word about serving me delicious food.
Tomoi: Buh? Um, sure!
Sutera reaches into her bag.
Sutera: There!
She whips out a bow and lets loose an arrow that grazes Tomoi's cheek before landing in the nearby brush.
Tomoi: Aiiieee!
Boar: Groink! Groink!
Sutera: I knew it!
Tomoi: I-i-it's a boar! Wait, Sutera!
Sutera: Metera instructed me to enjoy my date with a fine gentleman to the fullest.
Sutera: And I never feel more full inside than when I'm enjoying a delicious meal with family and friends. I am merely preparing for that.
Sutera: Here I go!
Sutera nocks another arrow as the boar comes charging out of the brush.

Table for Six - Chapter 2: The First Victim - Episode 4

Sutera piles the innards of the boar onto Tomoi's hands. When undead who are jealous of the two show up, Sutera fights them off.

Sutera: Haha, how about that? What a nice catch!
Sutera carries her prey to a nearby pond to prepare it for dinner and realizes something.
Sutera: Ahaha, I forgot about all the clothes I bought. Here, can you hold some stuff for me?
Tomoi: Uh, sure.
Tomoi holds out his hands at Sutera's urging.
Sutera: Okay, here's the heart.
Tomoi: Huh? We're doing this here?
Sutera: Lungs coming right up.
Tomoi: ...
Sutera: A stomach for you.
Tomoi: ...
Sutera: Splendid! This liver looks absolutely scrumptious!
Tomoi: Y-yeah...
The boar's innards pile up on Tomoi's hands one after another.
Tomoi: Well... This is... pretty wild for a city boy like me.
Sutera: Haha. It's boar season!
Sutera: I'm looking forward to some really tasty morsels from you, okay?
Tomoi: O-of course...
Lamretta: Hate... Hate...
Tomoi: What the! Those things are comin' after us!
Sutera: What could the undead possibly want from us?
Lamretta: I'm feelin' lonely...
Tomoi: Whoa, hold it right there!
Don't tell me you're, like, hatin' on the beautiful relationship me and Sutera have?
Lamretta: Don't leave me...
Sutera: Tomoi! Leave this one to me!

Table for Six - Chapter 2: The First Victim - Episode 4: Scene 2

A familiar zombie appears after Sutera defeats all the rest. Tomoi's eyes widen into saucers as he calls out to it.

Tomoi: Whew, you just saved both of our hides, Sutera.
Sutera: It's not over yet, Tomoi! Behind you!
Freesia: To... mo... i...
Sutera: That's...
Tomoi: Freezie!
Tomoi's eyes bulge at the sudden appearance of the new yet familiar undead face. The truth is about to be revealed.

Table for Six - Chapter 3: Imp Enough for Ya? - Episode 1

Back in reality everyone else at the cafe is at a loss as to why a zombified Freesia made an appearance. Tomoi responds with a flashback of a delusion from days past, where he had run into Freesia fleeing from imperial soldiers.

Lowain can't help but chime in when Freesia appears in their collective delusions.
Lowain: Dude, wait a sec. What's Freezie got to do with all this?
Elsam: I'm a genius, but the logic here is so outta wack that my head's turning into mush!
Tomoi: My bad, dudes... It's a long story...
Tomoi: It all began when we last hit up Agastia.
Tomoi: I was out stocking up on ingredients when this strange sensation suddenly hit me...
Tomoi: Wha? Who's there?
Freesia: ...
Tomoi: Freezie!
You're Freesia, prime minister of the Erste Empire!
Freesia: You... don't appear to be with the empire's search party.
Tomoi: What's up with those duds? If you wanna talk, I'd be glad to listen.
Freesia: I have nothing to say to a complete stranger.
Tomoi: Hey, I know we've never chilled together, but this ain't our first encounter. I'm with the G. Cyph. Anything I can lend a hand with?
Freesia: Ah, a member of that crew. In that case I don't need your help. Leave me at once.
Tomoi: No can do, dudette. You look like you've just been to hell and back.
Freesia: ...
Tomoi: You can frown all you want, but that's gonna solve nothing! Give me a chance!
Freesia remains tight-lipped.
Imperial Soldier: Do whatever it takes to bring her in!
Freesia: ...!
Tomoi: Uh-oh, is someone after you?
Tomoi spots armored men in the shadows searching for something.
Tomoi: Imperial soldiers? I thought those imps were your pals, Freezie. Why would they be chasing you?
Freesia: ...
Tomoi: Look, I don't know what kinda beef you got with 'em, but I want you to know that I'm totally on the side of justice. I'm here for ya if you need me.
Freesia: Be with me and you will regret it.
The footsteps of the imperial soldiers draw ever nearer.
Freesia: ...
Tomoi: I dunno what they did to you, but we'd never be like them. So what it'll be, Freezie?
Imperial Soldier: Freesia's here! Everyone after her!
Tomoi: Tch! Talk to me, Freezie!
Imperial Soldier: Side with her and that will be the end of you, boy! Scurry away now if you value your life!
Tomoi: Back off! Can't you see I'm busy here?
Freezie, it's do-or-die time!
Freesia: ...
Freesia: Help... me...
Tomoi: Okaaay!
Freesia: My cuffs are off!
Imperial Soldier: Impossible! Those cuffs were made with the imperial army's cutting-edge technology!
Tomoi: Can't you tell I've got deft fingers? I don't peel those potatoes in the G. Cyph kitchen every day just for kicks, you know!
Tomoi: Now I'm gonna peel your armor right off! Let's do this thing, you impudent losers!

Table for Six - Chapter 3: Imp Enough for Ya? - Episode 2

Imperial troops find Tomoi and Freesia hiding out in a ruin and surround the couple. Having done everything he could to protect the love of his life, Tomoi is prepared to meet his maker.

Tomoi: So after imploding those armored dudes, I took Freezie's hand, bailed outta there, and here we are now.
Lowain: Wait up, Tommy. Wouldn't that mean Freezie's on the G. Cyph right now?
Tomoi: Sure is... in my dreams.
Lowan and Elsam: Figures!
Tomoi: I gotta say though... Ever since then I haven't been able to get Freezie outta my head. I'm havin' delusions, like, almost twenty-four seven.
Elsam: Dude, you got it bad, man! But don't worry, bro—we got your back!
Tomoi: What's a guy to do...
Lowain: Tommy-B, let's not forget it's just a dream.
Elsam: Yeah, what he said.
Lowain: Fallin' in love with a sweetie in your dreams...
Lowan and Elsam: Been there, done that!
Tomoi: Aww yeah! My heart skips a beat, or three, every time a hottie shows up in my dream!
All Three: Thump, thump!
All Three: Wahey!
Korwa: It feels like I'm eavesdropping on the conversation of boys blossoming into men.
Elsam: Haha. We can't be boys forever.
Tomoi: Seriously though once my fantasies with Freezie start up, they just don't stop!
Elsam: Bwahaha! Aw geez. I'm feelin' tingly, man! You gettin' the feels too?
Tomoi: F'real? I'm gettin' butterflies in my stomach... You dudes listening? 'Cuz here it comes!
Tomoi: Freezie and I ended up running all over Agastia.
Tomoi: With imps swarming every corner of the town, getting back to the G. Cyph was a no go.
Tomoi: So we ended up hiding out in an abandoned ruin.
Tomoi: Kept ya waitin', Freezie. Fried some squid for you.
Freesia: ...
Where did you get this?
Tomoi: It's, like, with the power of love, I can fish out anything, you know? Best lay into it while it's still hot.
Freesia: No... You're the one who prepared this. You deserve to eat first.
Tomoi: By the way, Freezie... You've a habit of knitting your brows, don'tcha?
Freesia: Huh? What do you mean?
Tomoi: Your brows scrunch up every time I do something for you. No need to be a wallflower.
Freesia: ...
Freesia: I'm not used to others being so kind to me.
Tomoi: Shucks...
Freesia: The imperial army is not a unified force. Various factions are vying to wrest control every day.
Freesia: Their incessant conflict turned me into the scapegoat for much of their wrongdoing, and that is why I'm on the run now.
Freesia: Make one wrong move and you're ousted... That's the kind of environment I've been in nearly all my life...
Tomoi: This might be the first time I've ever heard the real you, Freezie.
Tomoi: It's cool. You don't gotta fake it with me.
Freesia: ...
Tomoi: Oh, squid's ready for both of us! C'mon, let's dig in!
Freesia: Thank you...
Tomoi: Mm! Is this finger lickin' good or what?
Freesia: This is fantastic, better than anything they ever served me in prison.
Tomoi: Bwahaha! Setting the bar high, huh?
Freesia: Teehee... Thank you, Tomoi. I'm so glad it was you I bumped into.
Tomoi: Aww, hey, we good, Freezie.
Freesia: ...
Freesia: Tomoi... From now on, you and I—
Freesia: That sound! Could they have found us?
Tomoi: No way!
Tomoi: Aw, crud... They're just impossible to run from!
Tomoi: Man... You wimps made a mess of our love nest!
Imperial Soldier: Mwahahaha! No place is safe for you! Give it up already! Guards, get them!
Freesia: Tch... Tomoi, leave me and run!
Tomoi: No way in hell am I gonna let some impotent bottom-feeders lay a hand on my girl!
Imperial Soldier: Humph... You really think you can stand against such a large force?
The soldiers close in on the romantic pair, cutting off their escape route.
Tomoi attempts to defend Freesia, but he is vastly outnumbered.
Even the battle-hardened hero Tomoi is no match against such overwhelming odds. He feels the end drawing near.
But there is no regret. Falling in battle for the love of his life would be a most honorable way to go.

Table for Six - Chapter 3: Imp Enough for Ya? - Episode 3

As Tomoi and Freesia are pushed to the edge of a steep cliff, the Grandcypher comes to the rescue. Though the tables turn, the imperial forces fight back by unleashing dark essence on Freesia.

Imperial Soldier: Mwahahaha! Not such a smart aleck now, are you?
Tomoi: Bummer...
Tomoi and Freesia have been pushed all the way to the edge of a steep cliff.
Tomoi: I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, Freezie...
Freesia: I have no regrets. I'm just glad I met someone who loves me for who I am...
Tomoi: Freezie...
Freesia: Tomoi...
The couple turn their backs to the imperial soldiers and take a step forward.
Lowain: Cut!
Lowain appears at the base of the cliff, halting them from jumping.
Tomoi and Freesia: ...!
Elsam: Where the heck were you this whole time, Tomoi?
Tomoi: Bros!
Lowain: Sheesh, you know what it was like searching high and low for ya? Huh, do ya, bro?
Elsam: Even (Captain)'s pissed off!
The Grandcypher makes a grand appearance below the cliff.
With (Captain) leading the way, crew members come rolling out one after another to take on the imperial forces.
Imperial Soldier: Tch!
With the tables now turned, Tomoi catches his breath and watches the battle unfold before him.
Tomoi: Whew, saved by the crew... Now we can finally go somewhere safe.
Imperial Soldier: Tsk, it can't be helped. We were ordered to capture the prime minister unharmed, but our hand's been forced.
Freesia: A... Aaagh!
Tomoi: Freezie! The heck's goin' on here? What did they do to you?
Imperial Soldier: Mwahaha! We made sure to have dark essence on hand in case anything like this should happen! And now she's pumped full of it!
Tomoi: Wha!
Freesia: Tomoi... Run!
Tomoi: Freezie!
Freesia: No!
Tomoi: No... Nooo!
Freesia: Waaargh!

Table for Six - Chapter 4: Macho, Macho Man - Episode 1

Even in dark essence form, Freesia is still able to make out Tomoi's voice. He convinces her to elope with him. Rendered speechless at the direction this tale has gone, Lowain and Elsam recommend that Tomoi get himself checked at the hospital.

Freesia: Graaargh!
Tomoi: Freezie, please... Let's stop this. It's me! Tomoi!
Imperial Soldier: Mwahahaha! You fool! She can no longer distinguish between friend and foe!
Imperial Soldier: Calling out to her is futile! Prepare to meet your maker at the hands of your beloved!
Imperial Soldier: Ugh!
Freesia targets Tomoi next.
Tomoi: Freezie...
Freesia: Aaargh!
Lowain: Aw, hell no! We gotta cover Tomoi!
Lowain runs after Tomoi, with (Captain) right behind him.
Tomoi: Hold up, guys. I got this!
Tomoi stands unflinching and resolute in the face of an encroaching hostile Freesia.
Tomoi: Freezie! I know you can hear me in there!
Freesia: ...!
Freesia: Ngh... Ack...
Freesia: Aaargh!
Freesia swings her claws upward at Tomoi.
Tomoi: ...!
But she stops midway before the attack lands.
Freesia: Tomoi... Why?
How did you know I'd stop?
Tomoi: I've been watching you this whole time.
Tomoi: You know that I'd give anything to be with you... And I could tell you really wanted me by your side even as you were pushing me away.
Tomoi: It couldn't be more obvious that you were struggling not to fight me—your eyebrows told me the truth. 'Nuff said.
Freesia: ...!
Tomoi: (Captain), Lowain, Sammy... I hate to say this, but I'm out.
Tomoi: I'd love to continue soarin' the skies with everyone, but she's not gonna fit on the G. Cyph like this...
Tomoi: I'll just have to find a way for the both of us to rock on and continue our own adventure. Let's go, Freezie.
Freesia: You... still love me as I am now?
Tomoi: Like I said, you don't hafta hold back, sweetie.
See? Your brows are knit again.
Freesia: ...!
Tomoi: C'mon, Freezie! Let's go carve out a more permanent love nest for ourselves!
Freesia: Yes, dear!
Tomoi: And then I say my goodbyes to the crew... and live happily ever after with Freezie.
Tomoi: I don't know where we're headed from here. But there's gotta be a place somewhere for us in these vast skies.
Tomoi: With hope in our hearts, we depart.
Tomoi: The end!
All Five: ...
Tomoi: So, dude... Like, where do I go from here?
Lowain: Erm... Well, there's always that place.
Elsam: Yeah, it's called...
Lowan and Elsam: The hospital.
Tomoi: Screw you guys.
The bar's clock indicates that the first half of this playful psychological warfare of sorts has come to an end.
Armed with a better grasp of the situation at hand, the Lowain trio return to the bathroom to plan out the next phase of their battle strategy.
Now that the overall mood has vastly improved and an actual conversation is flowing, the outcome of the get-together is wide open.
All the while Tomoi's never-ending fantasy with Freesia continues to play out in his head.

Table for Six - Chapter 4: Macho, Macho Man - Episode 2

The bros decide on a secret code to facilitate communication should things go south. Back into the trenches they go.

Having somehow overcome the first stretch of the ongoing battle, Lowain and bros gather in the restroom for half-time.
Lowain: All right, dudes. We're pretty much reaching the turning point for the night. So without further ado...
Lowain: Commence Epic Bathroom Meeting Number Two!
All Three: Jeah!
Lowain: Right, so something's been bugging me this whole time.
Tomoi: Yeah, yeah, I feel ya there, bro!
Elsam: Uhm... Like, spell it out for me?
Lowain: It's... you know...
Tomoi: Uh-huh, that's for sure. Elsam was totes...
Lowain and Tomoi: Ego trippin'.
Elsam: You dudes f'real? Like, f'real real?
Elsam: Well... I am using a different hair gel today.
Lowain: No joke?
Lowain: Sniff... Sniff...
Yeah, no joke.
Lowain: That's pretty gnarly! What's it for?
Tomoi: Sniff... Sniff...
Tomoi: This is the fancy schmancy stuff for sure.
Elsam: Yep. Need it 'cuz, like...
Elsam: I'm goin' after Korwa.
Lowain and Tomoi: Oooh!
Lowain: Bwahahaha! You gotta be kiddin'!
Tomoi: Can't believe we missed it! Totally shoulda seen it from the get-go!
Lowain: No way, Sammy—you've already got Yggy!
Elsam: Well...
Elsam: Thing is, she and I live in radically different worlds, man.
Elsam: As much as I want to, I'll never be as big as Bahamut. Hate to admit it, but it was forbidden love from the start.
Tomoi: You're gonna give up so easily, bro? Heck, man, I never took you for the flaky type. That's low.
Elsam: Aww, give a dude a—
All Three: Break.
Lowain: A dandelion at hand means more than a far-off rose... I see your point, bro.
Lowain: But for me... Kat's my one and only—for now and forever.
Tomoi: Cept Korwa don't feel like much of a dandelion to me...
Tomoi: You sure you've got a chance at this, Sammy?
Elsam: I hereby swear among these consecrated stalls! Korwa and I shall at the very least...
Lowain and Tomoi: At the very least?
Elsam: Hold hands!
Lowain and Tomoi: Whoooaaa!
Lowain: Mind officially blown!
We got your back every step of the way, bro.
Tomoi: All right, we're gonna need some kinda secret code to step up our communication and make sure Sammy hits a home run.
Elsam: Tap the table and that's a yes. Move the pepper shaker and that's a no.
Lowain: Okay.
Lowain: Just one more thing: when I stuff three fries in my mouth, that means watch out for Vira.
Now armed with a secret code to facilitate communication should things go south, the Lowain bros return to the battlefield.

Table for Six - Chapter 4: Macho, Macho Man - Episode 3

When the conversation shifts to the chivalry needed to capture the heart of a woman like Katalina, Lowain begins his narrative about being a macho hunter. In his story, Lowain helps a defenseless little macho escape and stands up to the bully skyfarer chasing after it.

???: Whoooaaa!
Sutera: Could they be in danger?
Korwa: Nah...
Lamretta: Are they partyin' in there? Gah, I wanna party too!
Lowain: Sorry, dudettes. We had to make sure we watered every last flower.
Elsam: Double sorry, dudettes. A man's gotta water his flowers.
Tomoi: Pshh... Yeah, Sammy waters 'em good, all right.
Elsam: Yo, cut it out! I'm usually pretty chill about that stuff, but even I fly off the handle sometimes.
Korwa: Sure, sure. Have a seat already, boys.
All Three: Yes, ma'am.
Elsam: Right, now that we're all here...
Elsam: Korwa... uh, and the rest of you... why dontcha tell us what you look for in a man?
All Three Girls: What we look for?
Lowain and Tomoi: ...!
The situation has entered red alert.
Lowain, experienced well beyond his years in such matters, slides a pepper shaker across the table to call a time-out.
Elsam: ...!
Elsam flicks his drink at the pepper shaker, assessing a time-out on Lowain's time-out.
Lowain: (Dude, listen to me! You're gonna crash and burn!)
Lowain slams down a bottle of chili sauce beside the pepper shaker, determined to get his way.
Tomoi: (The plan was to finesse it! We've gotta slam the brakes on this thing before they get suspicious!)
Tomoi positions a vial of salt next to the bottle of chili sauce and raps the table, signaling to Lowain his consent.
Elsam: (I'm tellin' ya—it's now or never!)
Elsam restores the condiments to their original positions, negating the havoc that Lowain and Tomoi had wrought upon them.
Korwa: Um... What are you boys doing?
All Three: ...
Lowain: Ahem... We were, cough, um, well.. You know how I'm all about Kat?
Lowain: So, um, we were wondering what you girls think of us guys... Like, objectively, you know? Give us our numbers.
Tomoi: Yeah. What he said!
Elsam: Totally. I'm aimin' to be the best man I can be, so I figured that'd be useful stuff to know.
Sutera: There's something I'd like to say about that.
Sutera: Katalina herself is the ideal knight. And her swordplay is magnificent.
Sutera: Would she not want a partner equally chivalrous and skilled?
Lowain: Truth.
So a Prince Charming would fit the bill?
Korwa: Hm, Katalina's always wearing armor, isn't she.
Korwa: If you want to walk beside her and truly look the part, you'd need to have quite the well-built body.
Lamretta: Yeah, I hear ya on that one. Anyone too scrawny would be a poor match for Katalina.
Lowain: Whoa, now... You know what that means...
Elsam: Are we gonna have to bring that up?
Tomoi: Physicality can only mean one thing...
All Three: Macho!
Lowain: 'Cept I ain't cut out to be a macho. Don't you know? I'm descended from a long line of macho hunters.
Sutera: Macho hunters?
Lowain: Might not be obvious to you, but there are machos all around us who disturb the peace.
Elsam: The three of us took 'em to school.
Sutera: Why do machos choose to spread chaos?
Lowain: Good question. I, uh, never thought about that...
Korwa: It's not fair to beat them up without being in their shoes. I kind of feel sorry for them.
Lowain: Ah, you mean, like, from a chivalrous knight sorta POV? Yeah, I think Kat'd say the same thing.
Lowain: Hmm, toughie...
???: We're under attack by a macho!
Katalina: Lowain! The town needs our help again!
Lowain: Be right there... I'm always up for another round of macho huntin'!
Little Macho: ...!
Skyfarer: Its vile existence must not be allowed to continue! We shall band together and drive it out!
Katalina: This doesn't bode well... But thankfully, the only macho at large here is a small one. Our level of strength should be sufficient; no need to trouble yourself, Lowain.
Lowain: ...
Katalina: Are you all right, Lowain? You look bothered by something...
Katalina: Lowain? What's wrong?
Lowain: It's still a young macho by the looks of it...
Katalina: Yes, I agree that it's very small.
Lowain: Sorry, Kat, but I've gotta do this.
Katalina: ...?
Katalina: (That air of bravado about him as he walked away...)
Katalina: (What is it you have in mind, Lowain?)
Skyfarer: It's over!
Little Macho: ...!
Little Macho: ...!
Lowain: Hold it right there.
Skyfarer: What're you... Why would a revered macho hunter such as yourself stick up for those muscle heads!
Lowain: I may be a hunter by blood, but I cannot condone needless bloodshed.
Lowain: Big, medium, small—it doesn't matter what size they come in... Macho hunters hunt only when they must.
Lowain: Nothing against the townsfolk, but I'm siding with the machos this time.
Skyfarer: You're making absolutely no sense! We'll just have to take you out first!

Table for Six - Chapter 4: Macho, Macho Man - Episode 4

When Lowain explains his philosophy on macho hunting, Katalina, as well as the ladies listening to the tale back in reality, are deeply moved.

Skyfarer: How dare you! This isn't over!
Lowain finishes treating the wounds of the injured macho.
Lowain: That should do it. Go on back to the forest, macho dude.
Little Macho: ...
Lowain: Well, that takes care o' that... I'm sorry, Kat, but I don't jive with this town anymore.
Katalina: Why would you go so far for the machos?
Lowain: This whole feud started when people began trespassing into macho territory and cutting down their forests.
Lowain: Civilization sort of happened from there...
Lowain: Water pollution... Deforestation... The machos were robbed of their home.
Katalina: ...
Lowain: Machos are only doing their best to survive. I'm no good of a macho hunter if I can't understand at least that much.
Katalina: Is that why you let that little macho return to the forest?
Lowain: Yes. At the very least, no good can come from wiping out machos indiscriminately.
Lowain: Oh, how selfish I must seem to you, Kat...
Katalina: Not at all... I see now that you stand on the side of justice; I'm with all you all the way.
Katalina: I never imagined you to be such a chivalrous man, Lowain. I see you in a new light now.
Lowain: Kat...
Katalina: Lowain...
Katalina and Lowain continue to gaze at each other.
More unexpected twists and turns lie in wait for the saga of macho hunter Lowain.
Lowain: So, tell me, ladies! How'd I score on the chivalry test?
Korwa: Oh, thank goodness the little macho's okay...
Lamretta: Go, macho. Even my broken heart feels warm and fuzzy.
Sutera: Such an impressive story for a guardian like me.
Sutera: The coexistence of people with nature interests me greatly.
All Three: What about the chivalry!
Lowain's aimless delusions appear to strike a chord with the ladies, but not as they'd anticipated.
For some time afterward, they take great pains in attempting to lift the somber atmosphere.

Table for Six - Chapter 5: Isabella's No Joke - Episode 1

The topic at hand switches to the quirks of a new recruit—Tyre. Sutera can't imagine abandoning a life of academics for love, so the Lowain bros include her in their next delusion which takes place at Albion Fantasy High.

Lamretta: Blech... I've gotta get my groove on too... Snore...
As the night draws on, Lowain recalls the name of a recent addition to the crew.
Lowain: Aww man, now that we're all so pumped, we gotta get Ty in here!
Sutera: Ty?
Elsam: Yep. He's new to the crew, but, dude, is he gnarly!
Tomoi: Mm-hm. Good ol' chin bro.
Lowain: Yeah, yeah, that's him. His face kinda stands out.
Elsam: Ah, that butt chin and those mega-long eyelashes...
Elsam: Whoops, shouldn't talk about butts while we're eating. My bad...
The one they are referring to is a young man by the name of Tyre.
Tyre: Ahoy!
Tyre pays a visit to the Grandcypher one fine day.
Tyre not in crew

Tyre: Pardon the intrusion! I am known as Tyre!
Lowain: Sup, dude. Name's Lowain. Whatcha' doin here?
Tyre: I must say... I am Vi-Vi-Vi-Vi...
Tyre: Cough... Vi-Vi-Vi-Vi-Vi-Vi!
Lowain: Whoa, you need to take it easy, bro. You sound like some broken knickknack from a gift shop.
Elsam: Bwahaha! They definitely had some sorta trinket makin' that sound in 'Guste!
Elsam: So what's the haps, bro?
Tyre: I heard the whisperings of a little bird that a most gracious one adventures with this crew!
Tomoi: That the Vi-Vi-Vi you were talkin' about? No clue, man.
Tyre: That would be—
Tyre: Aaargh! A man of my ilk does not deserve to call out the name of one so hallowed!
Elsam: Psh, gimme a break... We don't got all day here, ya know?
Lowain: What say we just lock him up for now?
Elsam and Tomoi: On it!
Lowain: I thought he was one of those imps. Tried havin' a friendly meal with the dude to get him to spill the beans...
Elsam: Said he was Vira's junior.
Tomoi: Can't believe it took us half a day just to pry that tidbit from him. Are we just, like, masochistic or what?

Tyre is a crew member

Tyre: Pardon the intrusion! Tyre of the Albion Military Academy at your service!
The man introduces himself in an overzealous tone as (Captain) comes out to greet him.
He turns out to be a junior to Vira, Albion's former Lord Commander, and has come chasing after her.
Tyre: Please, allow me to join your crew! I don't care what I have to do to earn my keep. I'll do whatever odd jobs you may have!
His odd jobs are truly multifold, starting with the swabbing of the deck.
Lowain: Dude, Ty! I need this lettuce chopped! On the double!
Tyre: As you command!
Elsam: Yo, Ty! Help a bro carry some potatoes, man!
Tyre: At once!
Tomoi: Nice work, Ty! I whipped up somethin' good for the crew!
Lowain: All right! Time to kick it back, bros!
Tyre: Yes! I shall kick it back!
Through his many odd jobs in the kitchen, Tyre's friendship with the Lowain trio blossoms.
Lowain: So, Ty, what's your deal with Vira?
Tyre: Wh-wh-wh-why do you ask?
Tyre: Th-th-the-
Tyre: The very idea that I provide the nourishment to which she fills her belly instills me with such pride and joy! Ah, what an honorable task I have been given!
Elsam: Gahaha! I guess seein' your crush munchin' on your chow's gotta be the best feeling in the world!
Tyre: It is...
Tomoi: Woo-hoo, Ty! Before long Vira's gonna—
Vira: Who made this dish?
Vira: Heh... So it was you, Tyre. I must admit it was fantastic.
Vira: I'm going to reward you for this later.
Tyre: A r-r-r-reward from Vira? Aaah!
Lowain: Bahahaha! You better be ready for what's comin'!
Tyre: Urgh!
Tyre: Go back whence you came, impure thoughts!
Elsam: Dude... No need to smack yourself, man...
Lowain: So, yeah, he was pretty chill.
Elsam: Had my doubts at first, but now I see he's got smarts—it's no wonder he got into the same school as Kat and them.
Tomoi: Love how he solves all our problems in the kitchen.
Continue 1
Korwa: Hm, I do recall seeing someone like that...
Lamretta: Yawn... Wit' sho many crew members nowadays, even I can't keep track of 'em all...
Sutera: Um, if I may point out something...
Sutera: You said he was chasing her. Do you mean to say that Tyre left the world of academics to pursue Vira?
Lowain: Yeah, well... The sweetheart ya meet in school is always a special one, you know?
Elsam: I'm wit' ya, bro. I've only fantasized about it though.
Sutera: It would be like me abandoning my post as a guardian to pursue a love interest... It is unfathomable.
Sutera: I wonder... If I had gone to school, would I have met someone as equally charming?
Lowain: Ooh! Sutera, you lookin' to enroll in Albion Fantasy High?
Tomoi: Dude, that'd be like a whirlwind sweeping across campus!
Elsam: So, Sutera, if you were to, like, pick someone on the crew, who'd you go with?
Sutera: I'm sorry. But as I am inexperienced in such matters, I cannot say...
Korwa: Hm, let's put it this way: what kind of person do you respect?
Sutera: That would have to be someone who is knowledgeable in matters I am not... Someone earnest and sincere, willing to teach me the ways of the world.
Lowain: I think I know someone fitting that bill...
Tomoi: Me too. Instructor Tomoi, right?
Lowain and Elsam: In your dreams!
Tomoi: If it ain't me...
Tomoi: It's gotta be someone older...
Elsam: Someone older... How 'bout Rackam?
Tomoi: Dude's got his fans, so why we don't give someone else a chance?
Lamretta: Yawn... Jin's pretty serious...
All Three: Bingo!

Table for Six - Chapter 5: Isabella's No Joke - Episode 2

Ms. Lamretta and Sutera fall for Mr. Jin's gentlemanly charms. The Lowain bros complain about him, which Vice Principal Isabella finds laughable—especially considering the major test looming over them.

Vira: Well then. We'll be showing you around, Jin.
Jin: Ah, please do, Vira. Katalina.
With a distant look in his eyes, Jin surveys the throng of youngsters around him.
Jin: (So this is the Albion Military Academy...)
Jin: (Hah... Who'd have thought I'd one day take on the role of educator. Fate can certainly be fickle.)
A group of male students are shooting the breeze in a far-off school building, the sign of another peaceful day.
As Jin takes in the refreshing yet somewhat nostalgic air, a shrill voice splits the air.
Farrah: Elsaaam! Don't think you're getting away today! I'll drag you to the classroom if I have to!
Elsam: Uh-oh, hall monitor's on the loose again! Like, can't you see I'm busy?
Katalina: Farrah, Elsam... What are you doing? Class is about to begin.
Elsam: Whooaa!
Jin: My apologies. Are you hurt?
Elsam: Not a bit. Not an eensy-weensy bit.
Vira: ...
Farrah: What are you doing over there, Elsam? Apologize to the guest at once!
Elsam: Shut it, ya lousy hall monitor!
Elsam: Ahem. Sorry, mister.
Jin: No, I too am at fault. My eyesight is not what it used to be.
Elsam: Well, mine's fine, but I'm not right in the head. I guess that makes us even!
Farrah: Phew...
Farrah: Caught you at last! Time to go back to class!
Elsam: Gah!
Elsam: The boogeyman's got me! Heeelp!
Farrah seizes him by the scruff of his neck, dragging him all the way to the classroom.
Katalina: Oh my... I'm sorry you had to see that, Jin.
Vira: I must apologize as well.
Jin: Hm... I'm fine with a lively school.
Vira: Ah, to take such mindless chatter for liveliness... You truly grace us with your presence, Jin.
Vira: But don't be fooled—they are merely a new breed of disgusting, repulsive maggots who lack the intellect to do anything more than pollute the air we breathe.
Vira: Those foul vermin only serve to tarnish the reputation of this fine school. We must take care in exterminating them.
Vira: Please come to me if they should ever trouble you again. I will see to it that they are swiftly taken care of. They will be ground into animal feed.
Vira: Teehee, I apologize for speaking at length. Let us proceed to the staff room.
Korwa: Um, are you sure Vira's that type of person?
Lowain: Ain't the first time she's gone Isabella-mode on us.
Sutera: Isabella-mode?
Elsam: Whaddya call it... A split personality?
Tomoi: She turns uber-creepy when you get on her bad side.
Lowain: Man, she kinda looks out for us a bit though, now that I think about it.
Elsam: More like a lot. It's like she sees right past our shortcomings, dudes!
Tomoi: She sees us for who we really are. How rad is that?
Lowain: Think maybe she actually likes us?
All Three: ...
Korwa: What's wrong?
Lowain: Erm... Things just come to a stop every time we bring up Vira lately...
Tomoi: Yo, let's just...
All Three: Shake it off.
Elsam: Dudes...
Elsam: Albion Fantasy High's shiftin' toward a place for the elite.
Korwa: School life doesn't seem so fun anymore, does it?
Lowain: That's why we need someone like Jin who'll go easy on noobs like us.
During recess one day, Lowain and bros are chatting it up with good friends as usual.
Lowain: Dudes, this test is gonna make me a goner!
Korwa: ZOMG, right? I spent, like, zero hours studying for it. I'm a mega-goner!
Elsam: Y'all got nothin' on me—I lost my textbook! Talk about Bahamut-level goner!
Tomoi: Hah. I was never issued a textbook in the first place.
Elsam: Instructor Tommy, come flunk the test with us and watch your teaching license get revoked.
Korwa: Pff-aahaha! ROFLMAO!
Lowain: Yo, Ty. Why don't you help us give guidance to Tommy-teach here?
Tyre: Why, of course! What an honor and privilege that would be to teach a teacher!
Tomoi: Duuude, you're way too kind. How can you have such a big heart?
Sutera: Boys!
Lowain: Yes, Miss Class Officer?
Sutera: Ms. Lamretta has arrived!
All Three: Yeah, yeah. (Ugh, always the goody two-shoes!)
Korwa: ...
Lamretta: Burp...
Lamretta: G'moorning... There's someone I'd like to introduce everyone to.
Jin: I am Jin, the newly assigned teacher at Albion Fantasy High. It is with utmost pride and distinction that I take this position to better the bright, young minds of our future.
Lamretta: Hiccup... Mr. Jin will begin teaching... next... period...
Lowain: Ms. Lamretta, you all right?
Lamretta: My head's... feeling woozy...
Her face turns a pale blue.
Sutera: Ms. Lamretta!
Jin: Gotcha!
Jin grabs her before she collapses.
Jin: Hm... It appears she is not well.
Lamretta: E... Ehehe... I'm feelin' tired from yesterday's class...
Jin: Is that so? You must take it easy. I'll bring you to the nurse's room.
Sutera: Um, I'll come along too.
Jin: That would be most helpful. Your heart shines pure, young one.
Sutera: Eh...
Korwa: ...
Jin: Well then, we shall escort Ms. Lamretta to the infirmary. The lesson shall resume once I have returned.
Jin lifts up Lamretta's tottering body.
Lamretta: Eep!
Jin: Forgive me. I thought this might make things go faster. Now let us make haste, Miss Class Officer.
Sutera: Yes!
Lamretta: E... Ehehe... I feel like a princess...
Lamretta: (Aaah...)
The students look on with passing interest as they leave the room.
Lowain: Dudes, what's with the new teach? He's already made Lambo his!
Elsam: Shoot... Why didn't anyone tell me he was such an alpha male?
Tomoi: Sheesh... The dude's a total playboy...
Korwa: Sigh, could this be any more dull?
Sutera and Jin return to the classroom shortly after.
Jin: I apologize for my lateness. Well then, let us formally begin.
Jin: As this is my very first class, I may stumble here and there. I can only hope you will be patient with me.
Jin: Now turn to... page 109, I believe, in the textbook, please.
Sutera: (Where did I put it?)
Korwa: Teehee...
Sutera: (I don't have my textbook!)
Korwa: Oh my! Could it be that you've forgotten your textbook, Sutera?
Sutera: Impossible! (How could this be? I definitely put it in my book bag this morning!)
Korwa: Nooo way! The class officer who ripped me a new one the last time I forgot my textbook forgot her textbook?
Elsam: Bwahaha. Chill, dudette. It ain't cool to pick on Sutera.
Sutera: ...!
Jin: Oh, did you forget your textbook? No matter, you may borrow mine.
Sutera: ...!
Jin: Worry not. Even I forget the most important things every now and then.
Jin: Tis nothing to be ashamed of. Truth is... Even though I can hardly see, I forgot my glasses today.
All Four: Bwahahaha! He's blind as a bat!
Jin: Hahaha. Can we let bygones be bygones? Anyone is susceptible to failure.
Sutera: (Mr. Jin stood up for me...)
Jin: Okay, then...
Jin places the textbook on her desk and bends down to better see the text.
Sutera: (Eek!)
Sutera's heart races. Excluding her family members, this is the first she's ever been this close to the face of a man.
Jin: Here we are, page 109.
Sutera: (Eep, his face is so close to mine...)
All Four: ...
Lowain: Tch... What a boring teach...
Korwa: Seriously, what's up with the way he talks? Oh, did you forget your textbook? No matter, you may borrow mine.
Elsam: What the hell! He's payin' attention to the chicks only!
Tomoi: What a creepo that Mr. Jin is.
All Four: Totes to that!
All Four: Wahey!
Farrah: Lowain! Elsam! Korwa! Ah, Instructor Tomoi too! So this is where you all were!
All Four: Here comes the hall monitor again...
Farrah: Ugh... Delinquents and a teacher cutting class together is unheard of!
Lowain: That new teach creeps me out, man.
Tomoi: Yeah, like, I dunno if I'd even call him a teach.
Isabella: Ungh! I'm shocked to hear that from a fellow teacher!
All Four: (Ack! Vice Principal Isabella!)
Lowain: Hm? Nah, Instructor Tomoi's just tryin' to match our vibes, right?
Elsam: That's gotta be it. 'Cuz we're not popular or anything.
Tomoi: Erm... Uh...
Isabella: I would advise you to worry about your own advancement before concerning yourself with Mr. Jin.
Isabella: Tomorrow's test will decide your futures.
Isabella: But here you are goofing off without a care in the world... I look forward to those red marks.
All Three: ...
Farrah: (Lowain, Elsam, Instructor Tomoi...)
The hour of fate draws near.

Table for Six - Chapter 5: Isabella's No Joke - Episode 3

Lowain and bros receive a zero on their test papers. When Ms. Isabella decides to put them in detention for it, Mr. Jin comes by to protect them.

Examination week has ended, with the exams all graded and due to be returned today.
Isabella: I will now announce the results of the test.
Isabella: Katalina: 100.
Vira: 99.
Korwa: 91.
Isabella: Those were the highest scores.
Isabella: Next is Tyre: 78.
Farrah: 76.
Isabella: That is all. Those who've received their test papers may now leave.
Lowain: Um, where's ours?
Elsam: Yeah, what he said!
Isabella: Shut your damn pie holes, you little twits!
Lowain: (Dude... Is she pissed or what?)
Elsam: (She's pissed all right...)
Tomoi: (Full-on Isabella-mode...)
Isabella: We'll be entering the long holiday from today. Remember to exercise moderation in all things as you enjoy yourselves.
Those who've received their test papers back leave the room. The Lowain bros, of course, remain seated.
Farrah: (Lowain, Elsam, Instructor Tomoi... I hope they'll be okay...)
Vira: Mwahaha... Farrah, you look a bit upset.
Farrah: Student Council Vice President Vira... Will Lowain and the others be okay?
Katalina: What's the problem, Farrah? If they've gotten a zero, they'll get their just deserts.
Farrah: The vice principal seemed somewhat terrifying today, more so than usual. I have a bad feeling about this...
Katalina: It's nothing to fret over. I'm sure they'll be released after supplementary classes.
Vira: It doesn't matter how bad your test results are. You attend the supplementary classes, and you'll be given a passing grade.
Farrah: Vira, do you know what they'll be learning in the supplementary classes?
Vira: Yes, I worked with the vice principal to come up with a menu. It might be a bit taxing, but... Ohoho... Teehee...
Farrah: ...
Farrah: (I can't believe they all failed...)
Farrah cannot shake off her worries about the Lowain trio being stuck in the classroom.
Lowain: So, like, Ms. Isabella, is there any reason we're being kept here?
Elsam: I've got a part-time gig after this.
Tomoi: Can you, like, tell us our scores?
Isabella: There you go again with that insufferable attitude!
All Three: ...!
Jin: Whew... The tests are graded and now the holidays are upon us!
Jin: Being a teacher is difficult work. But it also provides ample opportunity to learn what my faults are.
Jin: There's always room for improvement.
Jin: Hm?
Done with the day's work, Jin walks down the hallway.
Isabella: Zero! Zero! Zero! I see nothing but zeros!
Isabella: A teacher scoring a zero? Are you frickin' kidding me?
Jin: What could possibly be happening in this classroom?
Lowain: Um, chill out. Why you so pissed, Ms. Isabella?
Isabella: Do I have to spell it out for you, you misshapen dipwad!
Elsam: Uh, she's scaring me...
Tomoi: She's off the deep end, all right...
Lowain: Look, I know we're no brainiacs, but we're doin' the best we can. Ain't your attitude goin' a bit too far?
Isabella: I dare you to say that again!
Isabella: I'll drain the cerebrospinal fluid from your ears and splatter it all over the blackboard, you miserable nincompoop!
Jin: Forgive me, Ms. Isabella. Have they done something wrong?
Isabella: Mr. Jin... Have you by any chance seen the results of their test?
Jin: Hm...
Jin: "Question 4: Write an essay on why you think the skydwellers won the War..."
Isabella: What kind of a birdbrain answers with: "The Astrals got rekt. They were so butthurt that they went home."
Lowain: Ty tutored us, and well, that kinda sums up what he said pretty well.
Elsam: Writing any more than that woulda been like watching paint dry.
Tomoi: Totes, man.
Isabella: How dare you!
Jin: Let us examine the situation more calmly, Ms. Isabella. Good choice of diction is indeed never an easy feat on these essay questions.
Jin: I promise to work with them to deliver a more comprehensive answer. Now will you please lower your halberd?
Isabella: Tch! Fine, I'm leaving you in charge of supplementary classes! Get to work on these knuckleheads already!
Lowain: Dude, Mr. Jin just stood up for us.
Elsam: We owe you big-time, big bro. It'd be the end of me if I had to drop out!
Tomoi: Muchas gracias, man!
Jin: Hahaha! I'm still new after all, so I figure it'd be a good chance for us all to improve together!
Jin: Now then, shall we begin?
All Three: (It's on...)

Table for Six - Chapter 5: Isabella's No Joke - Episode 4

Ms. Isabella lays on the insults against Mr. Jin for protecting the flunkers, but he simply tells her to bring it on.

Lowain: Jin's just overflowing with manliness—he's the mark of a real man.
Lamretta: But...
Lamretta: B-b-but you should know...
Lamretta: Deadpan, straitlaced people like that have the biggest pershonality defects!
Lowain: Spill it, Lambo!
Lamretta: My ex-ex-ex boyfriend watched me eat too much one time...
Lamretta: I felt sick, but his eyes were twinkling. Said he liked to see me in my natural element. Sure creeped me out.
Lamretta: I took him for the serious type, but he was way over my head...
Lowain: You're sayin' Jin's like that too? You know what... He's always standing up to take punishment!
Elsam: Bet he enjoys it too!
Tomoi: Wait, so that's his thing?
Isabella: Zero! Zero! Zero! I see nothing but zeros!
Isabella: A teacher scoring a zero? Are you frickin' kidding me?
Isabella: Every last one of you is going to...
Isabella: Retake this test!
Lowain: Whoa! Those are some totally gross and vicious monsters!
Isabella: If pen and paper will do you no good, then it's time to test your other skills! Consider this detention!
Jin: Forgive me, Isabella. But is this not going a tad bit too far?
Isabella: What? Are you saying I just give all these knuckleheads a perfect score, you dumb rookie?
Jin: Tsk... I promise to mend the situation. So can you please have these monsters fall back for now?
Isabella: Heh! Siding with these slackers at every turn, are you?
Isabella: I knew you would... A good reputation among the students wins you a long-term stay at this school.
Isabella: But don't you get it? You're practically admitting your lessons are utter trash!
Isabella: No, worse than trash! Simply put, your lessons are crappier than the excrement in these bathroom stalls!
Isabella: And that's being nice, you underqualified schmuck!
Jin: Tsk!
Tomoi: Don't take the bait, Mr. Jin! Take a swipe at Ms. Isabella now, and there'll be no comin' back from it!
Isabella: Grunge bucket! Maggot lover! Buckweed! Chunkhead! Enjoy the remediation with your loser students!
Jin: ...!
Jin: Insult me all you want, but I will not budge until my precious students are safe!
Jin: So bring it on, Ms. Isabella!
Jin: The harder, the better!

Table for Six - Chapter 5: Isabella's No Joke - Episode 4: Scene 2

Lowain and bros are freed from detention, deeply moved by Mr. Jin's display of gentlemanliness. His name leaves a mark in Albion history.

Jin: Whew, I guess that's it for the makeup test. Is everyone all right?
Lowain: Nah, we're more worried about you, Mr. Jin!
Elsam: You totally saved us back there, big bro! You kick so much butt!
Tomoi: Uh-oh, Mr. Jin's hurt!
Jin: A wound suffered for precious students is worth every iota of pain. Especially as this came about from Isabella's detention, I shall wear it proudly as a trophy.
Lowain: (After we dissed Mr. Jin so badly...)
Elsam: (To think he'd go through all that just to get through to us...)
Tomoi: (This teach is a man among men...)
All Three: (Aaah...)
Jin leaves an indelible mark in history as the great teacher who managed to get through to the worst delinquents Albion Fantasy High has ever seen.

Table for Six - Chapter 6: Vira Gone Wild - Episode 1

Midnight fast approaches when the topic of the Grandcypher's Seven Mysteries comes up, the most shocking of which is Vira's ghosting problem. The Lowain trio claim to feel Vira's glare every time they mention her name.

Midnight approaches as the get-together draws on.
Despite a mild drowsiness creeping over everyone, lively conversation continues to fill the air.
Sutera: Hehe.
Korwa: What's so funny?
Sutera: It just feels so... mysterious.
Sutera: The only other time I've had this much fun was at the village festival.
Lowain: Mysterious? Wanna talk about the G. Cyph's Seven Mysteries?
Lamretta: Bwuh? Seven Mysteries?
Elsam: You know how you multiply in number when you get really sleepy, Lambo?
Lowain: Bwahahaha! We've already got the first one down. Someone lay mystery number two on us!
Korwa: Hm... Isn't it strange how we have so much royalty in the crew?
All Three: Dun-dun-dun.
Tomoi: Mystery number two is on! So what's up with all the royalty in the crew?
Sutera: Indeed, it's quite an impressive number.
Lowain: From princes to princesses to their knights... Not to mention the ones who act like princesses...
Elsam: The Order of the White Dragons's got their elite joinin' us in droves... Makes me wonder how their country fares without 'em.
Elsam: Dude, is it really okay for plebs like us to be breathin' the same air as them?
Sutera: This crew is truly filled with mysteries.
Sutera: ...
Sutera: How about Vyrn?
All Three: Dun-dun-dun.
Lowain: That's, like, the topic of the day, isn't it?
Elsam: It's a mega-hot issue on the list of the Seven Mysteries.
Tomoi: To be totally honest, the... lizard? Dude? Yeah, the lizard dude, like, won every popularity contest in the crew.
Lowain: We've been trying to get a handle on his true form forever, but...
All Three: Beats us.
Korwa: The truth is out there. Is he lizard or dragon? Though Vyrn would argue he's a dragon.
Lowain: Guess we'll just have to buy that for now.
Korwa: Seven Mysteries means there have to be seven in total. What else is there?
Lowain: ...
Elsam and Tomoi: ...
Lamretta: Why'd it go quiet all of a sudden.
Lowain: Stuff just got real.
Elsam and Tomoi: Yeah. Vira's ghost.
All Three: Ghost?
Lowain: We did sorta touch upon it just now, you know.
Lowain: Haven't you dudes and dudettes noticed that Vira's been kinda distant with Kat lately?
Elsam and Tomoi: Stuff is legit.
Lowain: What are the odds she's tryin' to hand off Kat to me?
All Three: Oh snap, ghost vibes a-comin'...
Korwa: Um... I have no idea what you're going on about.
Elsam: When we bring up Vira every now and then, we can feel her vibes like she's right here with us!
Tomoi: Feels like she'll gank us at any moment.
Sutera: Extremely powerful emotions such as love and hate, when directed at someone, are said to leave the body and home in on their target.
Lowain: Yeah, yeah! And guess what! That's called a...
All Three: Ghost!

Table for Six - Chapter 6: Vira Gone Wild - Episode 2

Lowain and bros recall the Valentine's Day in which they ate every last one of Katalina's handmade chocolates. Vira takes this to mean that Katalina's chocolates are a success and makes the unfortunate mistake of trying one for herself.

Lowain: Since I keep feelin' her vibes, it's gotta mean Vira's head over heels in love with me—
All Three: Brr...
Elsam: Goosebumps got the jump on us...
Lamretta: Whatcha guys do to stir up all that hate from Vira?
Lowain: Lemme lay it out for ya.
Lowain: It must've been during Valentine's...
Lowain: Huff... Puff...
Lowain: Bring it on!
Elsam: I'll show you what a real man can do!
Tomoi: How many left? Twenty-three?
Lowain: I'm gonna lap up every last one o' Kat's homemade chocs!
All Three: Woo-hoo!
Lowain: We went for broke scarfin' down her chocolates, but...
All Three: ...!
Lowain: Kat's chocolates are... mmm!
Elsam: F'real! They're... mmm-mmm!
Tomoi: Her stuff is the best! Mmm-mmm-mmm!
Lowain: There was this one moment where everything just went blank!
Lowain: There we were gobblin' 'em down going mmm-mmm-mmm and in comes Vira...
Vira: Chocolates from Katalina? How could this be!
Lowain: Whoo! Kat's treats are the best thing since Ippatsu's ramen! Here, try one, Vira!
Elsam: Whew! I can't even! Aaahh!
Tomoi: ...
Vira: Why would Katalina feed you her first ever successful creation?
Vira: Unacceptable!
Vira: Give one to me!
Lowain: So we gave her one as ordered.
Vira: Nom...
Vira: Kphthooey!
Lowain: Vira violently spits it out the moment she puts it in her mouth.
Lowain: It all started 'cuz we lost ourselves pigging out on Kat's chocolates...
Elsam: And then she went bonkers with that one reaction.
Tomoi: I tried hollerin' at her after that, but she just gave me the cold shoulder.
Lowain: Bet she's still pissed about that incident...

Table for Six - Chapter 6: Vira Gone Wild - Episode 3

Lowain recalls the incident in which he bragged to Vira his understanding of Katalina's tastes in food. Though it seemed a peaceful encounter, the bros began to feel Vira's glare upon them ever since then. As the delusion continues, a voice consumed with malice sounds from outside the cafe.

Lowain: And then there was that time we butted heads over veggies.
Elsam: Dude, why's this my first time hearing about it?
Lowain: My tummy growled in the dead of the night, rousing me to the G. Cyph kitchen to whip up a snack.
Vira: ...
Lowain: Uh... Vira? Why you glarin' at veggies in the middle of the night?
Vira: ...
Why are you even here?
Lowain: Just makin' a snack for myself.
Lowain: I'll make you something too if you're getting the munchies.
Vira: No need. I got up to make a snack for Katalina.
Lowain: Kat must be havin' it tough with all the bumps we've been hittin'.
Lowain: Can I suggest you shower her with spinach? Stuff'll do wonders to someone who's tired.
Vira: Katalina is not exactly the biggest fan of spinach.
Lowain: Chop it up real good and dip it in mayonnaise with some chili pepper. Heard she likes that kinda thing.
Vira: Are you saying you've served this to Katalina before?
Lowain: Oh, yeah! Food goes down so much easier when you take out the yucky bits.
Lowain: So I considered her preferences and the traits of spinach leaves to come up with the dish.
Vira: ...
Lowain: She ate it all up.
Lowain: So I think it'd be good for you to make it.
Vira: Is that so...
Lowain: (Captain) left me in charge of the
G. Cyph kitchen for my culinary chops.
Lowain: Yep, you can butter my spinach and call me a chef! I make sure to have the lowdown on every crew member's tastes.
Vira: ...
Vira: Humph... Ahahahaha... You dare claim to have the lowdown on Katalina's tastes?
Vira: Please tell me that's a joke.
Lowain: Wha!
Lowain: Admitting to Vira my profound knowledge of Kat was my goof-up.
Lowain: I was sure I had bitten the dust and was all ready to go to the other side, but then...
Vira: Haha, thanks for the advice. I'll add some of that spinach.
Lowain: Huh? S-sure!
Elsam: Dude, Lowain! What you're sayin' doesn't make sense!
Tomoi: Totes.
Lowain: My bad, bros. I must be turnin' macho in the head. Let's rewind...
Lowain: So I thought I was a goner for sure, but then there we were making snacks together.
Lowain: And that's when Vira...
Elsam: ...!
Feels like someone's starin' at me.
Tomoi: Everywhere I go it feels like someone's out for my blood.
Korwa: I have no idea what just happened, but I take it Lowain did not get on Vira's good side?
Elsam: You know, I've been wondering how things ended up this way and as it turns out...
Elsam and Tomoi: It's your fault, Lowain! You dumb goon!
Lowain: There was no way in the name of all that is tubular I coulda guessed Vira would go off the deepest, darkest ends of the deep end.
Lowain: Who knows? Maybe I'm just thinking about it too hard.
Lowain: It's like our usual fantasies are comin' to life.
???: Diiieee, playboys!
All Six: !

Table for Six - Chapter 6: Vira Gone Wild - Episode 4

Everyone rushes out of the cafe to find Psycho Vira, a mechanical entity borne from Vira's malice. It devours the surrounding buildings, increasing in size with each bite. They realize that her love for Katalina has warped her into this bitter manifestation and vow to save her.

Lowain: Dude, what just happened?
Elsam: Sounded like someone was hollerin' at us.
Tomoi: Somethin' happenin' outside?
Sutera: Could it be a monster? I'll go take a look.
Korwa: I'll come along. I refuse to let any monster get in the way of our lovely get-together!
Lamretta: ...
Lamretta: I've got a bad feelin' about this...
???: Die... Die... Playboys must die!
Lowain: Oh snap, the heck is that?
Elsam: Looks like a monster to me. Doesn't it kinda look like it's been mixed with a dash of Vira?
Tomoi: Shoot, how'd that happen? Did Vira have somethin' bad for lunch?
Sutera: ...!
Speaking of lunch, it's eating the buildings!
Korwa: Vira! What is the meaning of this?
Sutera: I strongly doubt that is Vira any longer!
Lowain: You can tell, Sutera?
Sutera: I've seen this before in the manuscripts for our village's guardians. Ancient machines absorb the thoughts of people and take shape.
Tomoi: Some sorta retro gizmo?
Tomoi: You mean somethin' like Katapillar?
Sutera: It appears Vira's malice has separated from her body only to be taken in by that machine.
Sutera: It is a machine borne of the sole need to purge the skies of playboys... Super Ultra Mega Hyper Crazy Mecha Psycho Vira!
Tomoi: So that retro gizmo went, like, bam-bam-bam and somehow Vira got affected?
Lowain: Bam-bam-bam ain't my style, but, dudes, are we doomed, or are we doomed?
Psycho Vira devours the buildings, rapidly expanding in size.
Psycho Vira: Playboooys! Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Lowain: She talkin' about us? Must be hatin' on us to the max!
Lamretta: Hmm... She looks more sad than anythin' else to me.
Lowain: Whoa, give us the scoop on that!
Lamretta: Her hate for you's shimply an inversion of her love for Katalina.
Lamretta: Shupposin' her love for Katalina's real, that's all she's lookin' for. She doesn't want it garbled up with her hate for you guys...
Lowain: Right on the money, Lambo. Though I get why she'd channel all that passion into aggro against us.
Sutera: In other words her innocent love for Katalina has caused the meltdown and outpouring of her groove.
Sutera: (Metera knew that one wrong step could lead to such cataclysms and encouraged me to join this mixer to strengthen my groove.)
Elsam: So what now?
Tomoi: Is Vira gonna mellow out if we thrash that thing?
Lowain: Time to step it up.
Elsam: She's trippin'...
Tomoi: And it can only be righted by the power of us dudebros!
Sutera: As a sworn guardian of my village, I will accompany you!
Korwa: Count me in too. No way we're ever gonna see a happy ending with that thing running loose.
Lamretta: I can't leave Vira alone either knowing she's shuffering like this!
Lowain: On your mark, bros!
Elsam and Tomoi: Ready!
Elsam: Time to rock your world...
Tomoi: So hard that you...
Lowain: Forget about us!
All Three: Wahey!

Table for Six - Ending

Willing to do anything to let Elsam escape, Yggdrasil comes in to fight off Psycho Vira. Elsam utilizes ancient technology to transform into an iron giant, working with Yggdrasil to double-team Psycho Vira. Back in reality Metera walks into the cafe to find everyone asleep.

Psycho Vira: How... dare... you...
Psycho Vira: Death... to... playboys... who... talk... to... Katalina...
Lowain: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Dudes, is this really happenin'?
Elsam: Oh snap, it just swallowed Amalthea whole. Look at it grow!
Tomoi: We'll never beat it at that size. We're gonna have to carry Lambo and hightail it outta here.
Psycho Vira: Playboys... death... to... you...
Psycho Vira: Playboys... absolute... death... to... you... all...
Lowain: It's shootin' up in size with every bite!
Elsam: Aw hell, is that, like, mega-giganticus or what? It's the size of Bahamut!
Tomoi: This island's done for! Time to bail, dudes! Back to the G. Cyph!
Sutera: Oh no! Psycho Vira has its sights set on the boys!
Psycho Vira: Katalina...
Psycho Vira: Katalina, Katalina, Katalinaaa!
Lamretta: Yikes! It's comin' this way!
All Three: Whoooaaa!
Korwa: ...?
Elsam: Korwa! You're not hurt, are you?
Korwa: I-I'm fine.
Korwa: But why did Psycho Vira stop all of a sudden?
Everyone takes notice of the giant shadow looming over them.
Elsam: No... way...
Yggdrasil: ...!
Elsam: Yggy! How are you even here?
Yggdrasil: ...
Elsam: Don't tell me you came all the way from Lumacie just to see me?
Yggdrasil: ...!
Elsam: It's too risky, Yggy! We're bustin' outta here!
Yggdrasil: ...
Yggdrasil watches Elsam standing guard over Korwa and comes to a realization.
Yggdrasil: ...
Elsam: Huh?
She mutters something with a pleasant smile before turning to Psycho Vira.
Elsam: El... sam... be... happy?
Yggdrasil: ...!
Elsam: No! Don't do it, Yggy!
Elsam: Nooo!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Psycho Vira: Aaaugh!
Yggdrasil throws herself at Psycho Vira, ready to give her life.
As much as Elsam wishes to join the battle, he can do little more than watch with his small size.
Elsam: Why! Why am I so small?
Elsam: Yggy's gettin' beat up before my eyes... There's gotta be somethin' I can do!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Psycho Vira: Out... of... my... way!
Yggdrasil: ...!
The surrounding structures get caught up in the epic clash between well-oiled machine and tender primal beast.
The titanesses appear to be evenly matched. However, there is a limit to the amount of malice that Yggdrasil can harbor to maintain her upgraded form.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Elsam: Yggy! I'm coming for you!
Yggdrasil sinks to her knees, but gets right back up in defiance of Psycho Vira.
She takes the brunt of the mechanical titaness's attack, pleading under her breath for Elsam to run.
Elsam: Run? How could I?
Lowain: Dude, get back down here! There's no making up for that size difference!
Elsam: Don't dude me! There's no way I'm leavin' Yggy like that!
Tomoi: Bro, if somethin' happens to you, Yggy's never gonna forgive herself!
Lowain: Only direction we're headed is out! And fast!
Elsam: Ahh...
Elsam: Eeyaagh!
Lowain: Dude, wait up! We got the G. Cyph docked elsewhere!
Lowain: This the way Sammy came?
Tomoi: Uh-huh! We're on his tail! I can smell that new hair gel of his from a mile away!
Lowain: Geez, Sammy! How deep of a hole are you tryin' to dig yourself into?
???: Graaargh!
Lowain: Shoot, what's with this shaking?
Tomoi: Oh! He's lying over there!
Psycho Vira: No... escape... for... naughty... playboys!
Yggdrasil: ...!
The bruised and battered Yggdrasil no longer has the power to resist.
Yggdrasil: ...
But knowing that Elsam and bros are safe and sound, she peacefully shuts her eyes.
Psycho Vira unleashes a finishing blow on the defenseless Yggdrasil.
Yggdrasil: ...!
???: Am I too late to the party?
An iron giant appears before the playboy-slaying titaness.
Psycho Vira: Playboy...
Psycho Vira: Playboooy!
Super Robo Elsam: Bring it, you giant piece o' scrap metal!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Barely conscious and unable to grasp the situation, Yggdrasil heeds the words coming from the iron giant's youthful face.
Lowain: Yggy! This time it's, like, our turn to do the saving!
Tomoi: Dude, are we livin' the dream or what? I've always wanted to ride on an iron giant!
Yggdrasil: ...
Yggdrasil faintly hears the voices of the Lowain bros. Her eyes scan the surroundings for Elsam.
Super Robo Elsam: Over here, over here! I know it's hard to tell...
Yggdrasil: ...!
Super Robo Elsam: But look at how big I am now!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Super Robo Elsam: Now this is the retro tech I'm talkin' about! Super Robo Elsam to the rescue!
Yggdrasil: ...
Her expression is one of utter shock and surprise.
Super Robo Elsam: I had to, Yggy! What kind of a man would I be if I just turned tail and ran!
Super Robo Elsam: This is where we make a stand and fight for what's right!
Super Robo Elsam: Lowain! Tommy! You dudes ready to rock?
All Three: Let's roll!
Psycho Vira: Playboooys!
The entire island trembles and the atmosphere reverberates with every blow between the juggernauts.
Super Robo Elsam: This is bad! Vira's thoughts sure turned into something hella powerful!
Super Robo Elsam: Ngh!
Lowain: Radically bad! She... got us... good...
Tomoi: Urgh... Ack...
Super Robo Elsam: Radibadical! The left side won't move!
Psycho Vira: Mwahaha! Playboys... must... die... die... die!
Super Robo Elsam: Grgh, not if I have anything to say about it!
Super Robo Elsam: Lowain, Tommy, help a bro out! It's morphin' time!
Lowain and Tomoi: Okay!
Lowain: Ayayay... Ayayay...
All Three: Ah... Ayayayayay!
Super Robo Elsam: Iron is my body...
Lowain and Tomoi: And lettuce is my blood...
Super Robo Elsam: Have withstood machos...
Lowain and Tomoi: To create this...
Super Robo Elsam: Gigantic bod!
Lowain and Tomoi: And these hands will...
All Three: Hold the girl of our fantasies! (Gotta protect that smile!) No more bein' emo!
All Three: Wahey!
All Three: Aaargh!
Super Robo Elsam: (Crap, my left arm's acting up again! How am I gonna swing a sword with one arm?)
Super Robo Elsam: Yggy! I know you're hurt, but lend me your strength and we'll overcome this together!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Super Robo Elsam: I know I can't be alone anymore... There's so many things I can do only with you beside me!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Super Robo Elsam: Let's go, Yggy!
Super Robo Elsam: This is gonna be our first... co-op effort!
Psycho Vira: P... Playboooy!
Super Robo Elsam: It's over...
???: The strength of a man and woman combined is a sight to behold.
???: I must continue to train in the ways of a blossoming maiden if I want to catch up to Metera. No, rather, I should do it for myself.
Yggdrasil: ...
Super Robo Elsam: Hm? You want to see me in my usual body? Doubt that's possible. Can't say for sure though.
Yggdrasil: ...
Super Robo Elsam: Aww. No need to make that face, sweetie!
Super Robo Elsam: We're, like, the same size now... So we can be together, right?
Yggdrasil: ...!
Yggdrasil: ...
Victory has never been sweeter.
Elsam and Yggdrasil hold each other in a loving embrace at the end of the climactic battle.
Lowain: Yawn...
Elsam: Zzz... Yggy...
Tomoi: Aaah!
Korwa: Mm...
Sutera: Zzz... Mixer...
Lamretta: Snore...
The sun is about to rise, bringing a close to the long, eventful night. A woman visits the bar once they've all fallen asleep.
Metera: Whew, I'm beat. Barkeep, give me something to keep me going.
Barkeep: One moment, please.
Metera: I wonder how the mixer went for her...
All Six: Snore...
Metera: Ahaha... Sleep tight, everyone. Oh—careful, Sutera. Don't wanna catch a cold now.
Sutera: Yawn...
Sutera: Metera?
Metera: You were up chatting all night? Good job, Sis!
Sutera: I dozed off in the excitement of it all... Rrrngh!
Metera: So how was it? You have fun at this mixer?
Sutera: Yes. I've never experienced something so stimulating.
Metera: So has your groove gotten any better?
Sutera: To be honest I'm still struggling with the concept of groove.
Sutera: But... I do feel some growth in myself.
Metera: Well, what a surprise to hear you sounding so sure of yourself.
Sutera: I learned so much...
Sutera: Metera...
Metera: Yes?
Sutera: Thank you.
Metera: Ahaha, don't mention it. Next step for you is to land a boyfriend.
Sutera: Perhaps. An honest-to-goodness, sincere man who finds no joy in being yelled at would be ideal.
Metera: Ooh... You're gonna have to tell me the details on that!
Sutera relates to her sister the events of the sleepless night while everyone else continues to slumber.
The get-together proved to be quite the adventure for Sutera.
Table for Six
The End