Happy Holidays

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Special Cutscenes
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Event duration: 20:00 UTC, December 15, 202505:00 JST, December 16, 2025 - 14:59 UTC, December 30, 202523:59 JST, December 30, 2025
Displayed time is based on your local machine's clock.

The Winter Holiday promo is now underway!

During the promo, you'll be able to see exclusive holiday cut scenes with your favorite characters! Find out how the crew is spending this year's winter holiday!

Holiday messages can be viewed by clicking the Santa hat icon in a character's journal profile. The profile is found in Menu > Journal > Characters.

Cutscene Archive


Character Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


Abby: It's everyone's favorite day of the year again! And the tree's decorated nice and pretty, right?
Bobo: Bobo! (That's right. Let's party!)
Abby: Back when I lived in the woods, people used to ask me to chop down fir trees all the time, so I split 'em right in two!
Bobo: Bobo... Bobo... (If I remember right, there was hardly anything left of the forest after you were done.)
Abby: Anyway... I was always super busy at this time of year! And I couldn't have done it without you, Bobo!
Bobo: Bobo! (Maybe... but working under you was a nightmare!)
Abby: If you do your job right this year, I'll reward you with some of your favorite bugs! You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Bobo: Bobo... Bobo... (How many times do I have to tell you I hate bugs!)

Abby: Hmm, I heard we're eating turkey for the holiday dinner.
Bobo: Bobo! (Finally! Some real food!)
Abby: Oh, but I guess you can't eat it 'cause you're vegetarian. (Captain), you can eat his slice for him!
Bobo: Bobo! (I can make an exception!)
Abby: Don't worry, I'll get you lots and lots of medicine herbs instead! I hear they're good for you!
Bobo: Bobo! (It's better than bugs, but at least give me something that has more taste!)

Abby: (Captain)! Will Santa really give me a present tonight?
Bobo: Bobo. (I hear kids get nice things as a reward for being good.)
Abby: Okay! Then I want a grindstone to sharpen my axe!
And, and! I want to split all kinds of things in two!
Hehe! I'm so excited for Santa! I just can't wait!
Hey! What if I split the sun in two? Would it become night?
Bobo: Bobo... Bo... (The stuff this girl says gets more absurd each year...)

Abby: The holy night's upon us again! That shiny grindstone I got last year to polish my axe made me super happy!
Bobo: Bobo! (Well, you weren't exactly a naughty girl last year!)
Abby: I wonder if I'll get something this year too...
Bobo: Bo... Bobo? (I'd say yes... Though I wonder what's on your wish list this time.)
Abby: What's that, (Captain)? You want to know what sort of present I'd like? Great question!
I want an axe so gigantic that it can split the sun in two!
If it's perpetually nighttime, Santa's job becomes that much easier, and I get my present! It'd be like killing two birds with one stone!
Besides, I'm sure the sun would return to normal once the holy night's over! Whew, how much fun it'd be!
Bobo: Bo... Bobo... (Your ambitions grow grander every year, but can Santa keep up?)
Bobo? (And how do you plan on getting the sun back to normal afterward anyway?)

Abby: Achoo... Sniff... Brr...
Bobo: Bobo. (Hang on. Gonna grab you a sweater before you turn into a snow sculpture.)
Abby: What! Bobo! I can't believe my ears!
Bobo: Bo? (I got a bad feeling about this...)
Abby: You're giving me... your fur coat? But that'll be...
Bobo: Bobo! (The death of me! Yeah, I know! So hands off!)
Abby: Okay... I hear you, Bobo... You're real serious about this, aren't you?
Then, there's only one thing left to do!
Bobo: Bo! Booo! ((Captain)! Don't just stand there! Save meee!)
Abby: Squish!
Bobo: Bo? (What's she doing, clinging on to me like this?)
Abby: I wasn't about to skin you, silly! But you were such a sweetie, Bobo, I thought I'd snuggle up in your fur and get warm.
Hey, (Captain)! Saved a spot for you over here. Bobo's got the warmest flanks in the skies, you know!
Bobo: Bobo... (Know what, Abby? I wouldn't be surprised if my heart burst one day because of you.)

Abby (Promo)

Abby: It's everyone's favorite day of the year again! And the tree's decorated nice and pretty, right?
Bobo: Bobo! (That's right. Let's party!)
Abby: Back when I lived in the woods, people used to ask me to chop down fir trees all the time, so I split 'em right in two!
Bobo: Bobo... Bobo... (If I remember right, there was hardly anything left of the forest after you were done.)
Abby: Anyway... I was always super busy at this time of year! And I couldn't have done it without you, Bobo!
Bobo: Bobo! (Maybe... but working under you was a nightmare!)
Abby: If you do your job right this year, I'll reward you with some of your favorite bugs! You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Bobo: Bobo... Bobo... (How many times do I have to tell you I hate bugs!)

Abby: Hmm, I heard we're eating turkey for the holiday dinner.
Bobo: Bobo! (Finally! Some real food!)
Abby: Oh, but I guess you can't eat it 'cause you're vegetarian. (Captain), you can eat his slice for him!
Bobo: Bobo! (I can make an exception!)
Abby: Don't worry, I'll get you lots and lots of medicine herbs instead! I hear they're good for you!
Bobo: Bobo! (It's better than bugs, but at least give me something that has more taste!)

Abby: (Captain)! Will Santa really give me a present tonight?
Bobo: Bobo. (I hear kids get nice things as a reward for being good.)
Abby: Okay! Then I want a grindstone to sharpen my axe!
And, and! I want to split all kinds of things in two!
Hehe! I'm so excited for Santa! I just can't wait!
Hey! What if I split the sun in two? Would it become night?
Bobo: Bobo... Bo... (The stuff this girl says gets more absurd each year...)

Abby: The holy night's upon us again! That shiny grindstone I got last year to polish my axe made me super happy!
Bobo: Bobo! (Well, you weren't exactly a naughty girl last year!)
Abby: I wonder if I'll get something this year too...
Bobo: Bo... Bobo? (I'd say yes... Though I wonder what's on your wish list this time.)
Abby: What's that, (Captain)? You want to know what sort of present I'd like? Great question!
I want an axe so gigantic that it can split the sun in two!
If it's perpetually nighttime, Santa's job becomes that much easier, and I get my present! It'd be like killing two birds with one stone!
Besides, I'm sure the sun would return to normal once the holy night's over! Whew, how much fun it'd be!
Bobo: Bo... Bobo... (Your ambitions grow grander every year, but can Santa keep up?)
Bobo? (And how do you plan on getting the sun back to normal afterward anyway?)

Abby: Achoo... Sniff... Brr...
Bobo: Bobo. (Hang on. Gonna grab you a sweater before you turn into a snow sculpture.)
Abby: What! Bobo! I can't believe my ears!
Bobo: Bo? (I got a bad feeling about this...)
Abby: You're giving me... your fur coat? But that'll be...
Bobo: Bobo! (The death of me! Yeah, I know! So hands off!)
Abby: Okay... I hear you, Bobo... You're real serious about this, aren't you?
Then, there's only one thing left to do!
Bobo: Bo! Booo! ((Captain)! Don't just stand there! Save meee!)
Abby: Squish!
Bobo: Bo? (What's she doing, clinging on to me like this?)
Abby: I wasn't about to skin you, silly! But you were such a sweetie, Bobo, I thought I'd snuggle up in your fur and get warm.
Hey, (Captain)! Saved a spot for you over here. Bobo's got the warmest flanks in the skies, you know!
Bobo: Bobo... (Know what, Abby? I wouldn't be surprised if my heart burst one day because of you.)


(Captain), happy holidays.
Apologies for the sudden notice, but would it be possible to borrow an empty room on your ship?
Queen Orchis declared that everyone in the palace must take holiday leave, you see.
I'm afraid I don't know what to do with days of free time available to me...
When I went to ask my lady for advice, she instead directed me to you.
Would you mind teaching me how one should spend the holidays relaxing?

I must thank you for teaching me how to spend the holidays last year. It was a truly invaluable experience.
I had reported what I learned to Queen Orchis, and she sent me to join your skyfaring crew this year as well.
It has come to my attention that now is the time when you are all at your busiest.
Supporting Santa Claus and participating in an assortment of seasonal events and whatnot sounds quite hectic.
Instead of taking a break, as it were, perhaps my time would be better spent assisting you in your winter endeavors?
Pardon? The holiday festivities are more recreation than a series of formal events?
How very curious. I gather what constitutes a vacation is in the eyes of the vacationer...
Thank you for the valuable insight. Please allow me to help you on your "holiday."

Ah, (Captain). Is something the matter?
There is the possibility of an oncoming snowstorm tonight, so it would be wise to stay inside the ship.
The snowstorm concerns me as well, you say? Yes, perhaps you're right.
However, I am a golem. A mere snowstorm cannot deter me—in fact, I have a heat generator installed inside me as well.
To tell the truth, I am here to fulfill a role.
Members of the crew returning to the ship from work amidst the storm can receive some of the warmth I generate.
After all, we cannot leave our hardworking friends to perish in the cold.
You will wait for them with me? I could never ask that of you...
You can partake in my warmth in the meantime? Very well... In that case, I shall turn up the heat.


Happy holidays!
I can't hold all these presents I got for Ardora!
Sorry to bug you, but could you help me carry them?

Enjoying the festivities, (Captain)?
What's this? You got a present for Ardora too?
Thanks! Let's take a look here...
Wait. Wait, wait, wait! This does not suit my daughter!
Seriously, (Captain). A pink dress? This does not bring out her eyes!

Yo, (Captain)! Here's my holiday gift to you. Take it already.
I picked it out with Ardora. Pretty neat, huh?
Isn't she just the greatest kid you've ever seen! If only you knew how much she dotes on you...
Grr... I must admit I'm a bit jealous...

I'll pass on dinner and drinks, (Captain). It's straight to bed tonight.
Do you know what Ardora said to me? She said she's going to be my Santa Claus!
She's such a good girl. What kind of dad would I be if I stayed up late after hearing that?
So I need you to bring her to my room before she ends up drifting off to sleep!
I'll be waiting under the covers!

Did you hear, (Captain)?
Ardora wants to hand out presents with me this year!
I get to be Santa, while she'll play the reindeer!
She says everyone else is always working real hard, so she wants to do her part too! Sure moved me to tears!
Problem is she wants to go as a stuffed animal, and I can't help but worry if she can sew on her own...
Any chance you can help her out with the costume, (Captain)?
Yeah? Thanks a ton! With you around, I'm sure everything'll pan out just fine!
Hahaha! Hope you're looking forward to tonight's present from Santa!


This night is sacred, and many of the people of Wales are spending it with their kin.
What have you and your crewmates planned?
I see... A banquet to which all members are invited.
Any night spent with one's intimates is sure to be outstanding.
Well then, please accept this present from me.
This wine is the pride of my dear Wales.
Take it back to your vessel and share it with the others.

I have only one matter to discuss with you today, (Captain).
Regarding the holiday feast you hold with your crew every year...
I would like to offer the Wales cathedral as a venue for your celebration this year.
Of course, our best chefs will prepare a scrumptious dinner and various local specialties for your enjoyment.
There is no need to hesitate. I am simply curious...
I'd very much like to know how a captain such as yourself rewards the crew's members for their hard work...
As I will also be in attendance, there is no need for constraint. You are most welcome.

I had never seen the Wales Cathedral so lively as last year, when you held your holiday banquet there.
You travel with sundry folk, (Captain). I recall meeting knights and mercenaries, wide-eyed children and grim-faced lords.
Yet, regardless of age or station, all took part in the merrymaking as equals.
It was a rare sight to behold—and while it surprised me, it also roused a desire to learn more about your crew.
Hold this year's feast at the castle, if you will. I would be glad to have such laughter and good cheer grace our halls.
I have prepared many ornaments to adorn this night. There are wreaths, festoons, and a tree.
You may decorate the place as you wish. And should you need help, I myself shall lend a hand.

I learned from a foreign merchant that on snow-laden islands they craft all manner of sculptures out of snow and ice.
So this year I have taken the liberty of decorating the castle with ice wreaths and trees of my own creation.
Heh. After all, if I am to lend my halls for your banquet, as the Lord of Frost I must spare no effort.
If you wish, I can even transform the cathedral into a winter wonderland for you.
But never fear—your guests will not feel the cold. My ice is not so fragile as to melt when the room is warmed.
Oho? Has my proposal intrigued you? Then stand behind me.

I came upon this book while searching for something in the library earlier.
It is a simple children's book. Mother used to read it to me on this very eve when I was a child.
I recall Lamorak and Percival pestering her to read it to them once more. Soon after, I scolded them quite harshly.
For a moment, Mother's face seemed somewhat sad. Almost as if she had hoped I would ask her to spoil me as well.
I was in a hurry to become an adult at that time, but Mother wanted me to savor the fleeting moments of my youth more.
I am sorry to have bothered you with dull reminiscences. I should have recalled something more suitable for the holiday mood.
(Captain)... Do not forget to treasure the ones you hold dear today.

Aglovale (Valentine)

This night is sacred, and many of the people of Wales are spending it with their kin.
What have you and your crewmates planned?
I see... A banquet to which all members are invited.
Any night spent with one's intimates is sure to be outstanding.
Well then, please accept this present from me.
This wine is the pride of my dear Wales.
Take it back to your vessel and share it with the others.

I have only one matter to discuss with you today, (Captain).
Regarding the holiday feast you hold with your crew every year...
I would like to offer the Wales cathedral as a venue for your celebration this year.
Of course, our best chefs will prepare a scrumptious dinner and various local specialties for your enjoyment.
There is no need to hesitate. I am simply curious...
I'd very much like to know how a captain such as yourself rewards the crew's members for their hard work...
As I will also be in attendance, there is no need for constraint. You are most welcome.

I had never seen the Wales Cathedral so lively as last year, when you held your holiday banquet there.
You travel with sundry folk, (Captain). I recall meeting knights and mercenaries, wide-eyed children and grim-faced lords.
Yet, regardless of age or station, all took part in the merrymaking as equals.
It was a rare sight to behold—and while it surprised me, it also roused a desire to learn more about your crew.
Hold this year's feast at the castle, if you will. I would be glad to have such laughter and good cheer grace our halls.
I have prepared many ornaments to adorn this night. There are wreaths, festoons, and a tree.
You may decorate the place as you wish. And should you need help, I myself shall lend a hand.

I learned from a foreign merchant that on snow-laden islands they craft all manner of sculptures out of snow and ice.
So this year I have taken the liberty of decorating the castle with ice wreaths and trees of my own creation.
Heh. After all, if I am to lend my halls for your banquet, as the Lord of Frost I must spare no effort.
If you wish, I can even transform the cathedral into a winter wonderland for you.
But never fear—your guests will not feel the cold. My ice is not so fragile as to melt when the room is warmed.
Oho? Has my proposal intrigued you? Then stand behind me.

I came upon this book while searching for something in the library earlier.
It is a simple children's book. Mother used to read it to me on this very eve when I was a child.
I recall Lamorak and Percival pestering her to read it to them once more. Soon after, I scolded them quite harshly.
For a moment, Mother's face seemed somewhat sad. Almost as if she had hoped I would ask her to spoil me as well.
I was in a hurry to become an adult at that time, but Mother wanted me to savor the fleeting moments of my youth more.
I am sorry to have bothered you with dull reminiscences. I should have recalled something more suitable for the holiday mood.
(Captain)... Do not forget to treasure the ones you hold dear today.

Aglovale (Yukata)

This night is sacred, and many of the people of Wales are spending it with their kin.
What have you and your crewmates planned?
I see... A banquet to which all members are invited.
Any night spent with one's intimates is sure to be outstanding.
Well then, please accept this present from me.
This wine is the pride of my dear Wales.
Take it back to your vessel and share it with the others.

I have only one matter to discuss with you today, (Captain).
Regarding the holiday feast you hold with your crew every year...
I would like to offer the Wales cathedral as a venue for your celebration this year.
Of course, our best chefs will prepare a scrumptious dinner and various local specialties for your enjoyment.
There is no need to hesitate. I am simply curious...
I'd very much like to know how a captain such as yourself rewards the crew's members for their hard work...
As I will also be in attendance, there is no need for constraint. You are most welcome.

I had never seen the Wales Cathedral so lively as last year, when you held your holiday banquet there.
You travel with sundry folk, (Captain). I recall meeting knights and mercenaries, wide-eyed children and grim-faced lords.
Yet, regardless of age or station, all took part in the merrymaking as equals.
It was a rare sight to behold—and while it surprised me, it also roused a desire to learn more about your crew.
Hold this year's feast at the castle, if you will. I would be glad to have such laughter and good cheer grace our halls.
I have prepared many ornaments to adorn this night. There are wreaths, festoons, and a tree.
You may decorate the place as you wish. And should you need help, I myself shall lend a hand.

I learned from a foreign merchant that on snow-laden islands they craft all manner of sculptures out of snow and ice.
So this year I have taken the liberty of decorating the castle with ice wreaths and trees of my own creation.
Heh. After all, if I am to lend my halls for your banquet, as the Lord of Frost I must spare no effort.
If you wish, I can even transform the cathedral into a winter wonderland for you.
But never fear—your guests will not feel the cold. My ice is not so fragile as to melt when the room is warmed.
Oho? Has my proposal intrigued you? Then stand behind me.

I happened upon this book earlier while doing a bit of research in the archives.
It's just an ordinary children's book. My mother used to read it on this night when I was young...
I recall Lamorak and Percival insistently begging her to repeat it, for which I rebuked them sternly.
A flicker of sadness crossed my mother's face then, because I refused let her spoil me.
At that time, I was desperate to become an adult. But I imagine my mother wanted to cherish the fleeting moments of our childhood.
I seem to have gone on a tangent. Such a tale was not appropriate for a day of celebration.
(Captain)... Cherish your family and friends as you spend this day together.

Aglovale and Tor

Tor: Happy Holidays, (Captain). I bid you a warm welcome to Wales.
Aglovale: I left the specifics of the banquet in Tor's hands this year, so not even I know what to expect.
Well, this is Tor we're talking about. I'm certain we won't find ourselves bored.
Tor: Indeed. I have done my utmost to ensure that our honored guests enjoy their time here today.
I can assure you that the finale in particular will not disappoint.
Aglovale: There you have it. (Captain), together let us witness what Tor is capable of.
It is a tremendous amount of pressure, but as the organizer, I must not shy away from a challenge. I can assure that you won't be disappointed.
Aglovale: I've prepared a special seat for you as my benefactor, (Captain). I pray you will enjoy yourself to the fullest.

Tor: We are overjoyed to be welcoming you to Wales for yet another winter holiday celebration.
Aglovale: (Captain), I'm sure you've come expecting Tor's preparations to be as amusing as last year's, no?
Having the army band serenade our guests with a euphonious marching song was quite a spectacular way to end the night.
Tor: It brings me great honor to know you all enjoyed yourselves.
Aglovale: Assembling so many vassals for such a grand performance must've been quite the hassle. You truly outdid yourself, Tor.
Tor: You give me too much credit, Lord Aglovale. I would not have been able to do it without your influence and prestige with the people.
Aglovale: One cannot plan an entertaining banquet on authority and popularity alone. You're far too modest, Tor. I insist you take the compliment.
Tor: Ngh...
Though I believe your kind words are wasted on me... I humbly receive them.
Aglovale: Heh, its like pulling teeth trying to get you to accept praise.
I'm terribly sorry, my lord...
Aglovale: It's quite all right, you're just being yourself. Now, escort (Captain) to the banquet hall, will you, Tor?
Tor: Of course. This way, (Captain). I wish you a most relaxing and enjoyable stay this holiday season at Castle Wales.

Aglovale: Behold, (Captain). I've prepared an icy venue for the holiday festivities. Quite magnificent, is it not?
The added decorations serve to further enhance my frozen creations. Tor managed all the arrangements.
Tor: My aim was to provide you with an experience surpassing even that of last year, Captain. So I dedicated my utmost effort to the task.
Aglovale: In my youth, I often used ice to entertain my brothers like this during the holidays.
Tor: That was undoubtedly a delightful tradition for them both.
Aglovale: Tor saw the ice I distributed during a trial run and promptly devised embellishments to enhance it.
Tor: Yes, the gently falling flakes were so delicate and beautiful—like something out of a dream. I wished to showcase this ice in its full splendor.
Aglovale: Heh, I see. I'm pleased to hear that you found enjoyment in it as well.
Now then, (Captain). I hope you find great pleasure in the enchanting winter landscape of Wales Castle on this auspicious evening.


Was it cold out there, (Captain)? Yer nose is all red.
Good gracious... Look at all that snow.
Hm? No, I don't mind the snow per se.
My joints just start hurtin' when the weather gets cold...
Actually, I don't know why I'm tellin' you this. A youngin like yerself wouldn't understand.

Alanaan: Can I ask ya fer a favor, Sun? Pretty please?
The Sun: Sigh... You never think about anyone but yourself.
Alanaan: C'mon now, that ain't true. I'd even say this is the wish of our entire generation.
You tell her too, (Captain)! With a bit of The Sun's shine, we could melt all this snow away in a jiffy!
Why, ya ask? Well, I mentioned this last year too, but the cold does a real number on the joints of old fossils like me...
Aw, I forgot how much you kids love yer snowball fights. Welp, at least I tried.
Woe is me.
Darn it!

Alanaan: (Captain), I heard the news. You're coverin' for Santa Claus since he threw out the ol' back, eh?
I get it. Helpin' out a person in need is a virtue. But don't you think yer forgettin' something real important?
I'm talkin' about a back-up plan. What're you gonna do if a kid wakes up outta nowhere?
Imagine it... Some little angel is asleep in his bed, then he wakes up and sees you.
Bam! His whole image of Santa, shattered!
The Sun: Coward. Just say that you want to be Santa Claus without the extra explanation.
Alanaan: Shhh! Now's not the time, Sun!
But, er, you get the gist...
So pretty please? Can I be Santa, just this once?
I've always aspired to be a jolly, good ol' guy...

Alanaan: Ahahaha! Bring on the blizzards and the snowstorms and what have ya!
I'm not the same man I was last year! All's I need is to put my body through the sauna—
The Sun: Beware, (Captain). This man is attempting to secretly build a sauna inside your ship.
Alanaan: Hey, if you put it that way, o' course I'm gonna look suspicious! And I'm not tryin' to do anything in secret!
Listen, (Captain)... I was gonna come to you after I finished talking with my sauna buds.
After Deliford got super into saunas too, we figured it couldn't hurt to, y'know...
The Sun: Blaming others reflects poorly on your own character. How pathetic.
Alanaan: Urk... Ya got me there...

Alanaan: My, my... This is quite a bit more snow than is comfortable for old-timers like me.
The Sun: (Captain), do you recall him promising to assist with holiday shopping?
You do? Okay, so I definitely didn't imagine it, then.
To think that he'd use the snow as an excuse to break his promise... He's just awful, isn't he.
Alanaan: Whoa, slow down there! I was just grumblin' to myself! I won't be breaking any promises—
The Sun: How unbecoming of a preacher. That is something I do not look favorably upon.
Alanaan: Yeow! Watch it with the flames!
There's no gettin' to her when she gets like this... You've gotta help me out here, (Captain).
Please... I do not wanna be turned into charcoal!


Tonight's a special night, isn't it? Who will you celebrate it with?
If it's not too much to ask, do you mind if I join you?

Holiday party tonight? Well, guess I should lend a hand. Do you want me to carry this?
I know that feeling of putting yourself on the line for your friends. Danger is an occupational hazard for us skyfarers.
But in the face of those dangers, we can still laugh, even if for the briefest of moments. I wonder if we have you to thank for that, (Captain).
I'm a little jealous of your capabilities and compassion, you know...
Heh. No, I'm just mumbling to myself. Come on, let's get excited for tonight.

It's a blessing to be able to celebrate this holiday night without incident.
Heh. But something's missing.
Take a good look at the tree, (Captain).
What do you think of the lights? We all did our best to hide this from you.
My electricity provides power and changes their colors.
It turned out pretty well considering how anyone could decorate the tree any way they wanted.
The holiday's just getting started. Let's enjoy ourselves at the banquet.

Brr... It's chilly outside. Are you okay with the cold, (Captain)?
Though I sure wasn't expecting to have to go shopping for ingredients during the middle of a party...
But maybe I should just be glad for the chance to tour the town with you.
The people walking these streets, our fellow crew members back at the party, and you...
Everyone's so jolly. What a wonderful night it makes for.
We'll be back to our usual busy routine tomorrow, so we should make the most of days off like this.
All right, let's pick up some fruit and cake along with the ingredients we were asked to bring back!

I see this year's holy night is as festive as ever.
Between the holiday trees and light displays, it's no surprise that everyone's so excited.
Huh? (Captain), your face looks a bit flushed. Come here a second.
Hm. This feels like a fever and the beginnings of a cold.
We better take care of you. How about warming your body in a nice spring?
What do you say, (Captain)? Feel like a trip to Levin?
I guarantee a soak in our famous hot springs will cure your cold instantly!

Albert (Dark)

Tonight's a special night, isn't it? Who will you celebrate it with?
If it's not too much to ask, do you mind if I join you?

Holiday party tonight? Well, guess I should lend a hand. Do you want me to carry this?
I know that feeling of putting yourself on the line for your friends. Danger is an occupational hazard for us skyfarers.
But in the face of those dangers, we can still laugh, even if for the briefest of moments. I wonder if we have you to thank for that, (Captain).
I'm a little jealous of your capabilities and compassion, you know...
Heh. No, I'm just mumbling to myself. Come on, let's get excited for tonight.

It's a blessing to be able to celebrate this holiday night without incident.
Heh. But something's missing.
Take a good look at the tree, (Captain).
What do you think of the lights? We all did our best to hide this from you.
My electricity provides power and changes their colors.
It turned out pretty well considering how anyone could decorate the tree any way they wanted.
The holiday's just getting started. Let's enjoy ourselves at the banquet.

Brr... It's chilly outside. Are you okay with the cold, (Captain)?
Though I sure wasn't expecting to have to go shopping for ingredients during the middle of a party...
But maybe I should just be glad for the chance to tour the town with you.
The people walking these streets, our fellow crew members back at the party, and you...
Everyone's so jolly. What a wonderful night it makes for.
We'll be back to our usual busy routine tomorrow, so we should make the most of days off like this.
All right, let's pick up some fruit and cake along with the ingredients we were asked to bring back!

I see this year's holy night is as festive as ever.
Between the holiday trees and light displays, it's no surprise that everyone's so excited.
Huh? (Captain), your face looks a bit flushed. Come here a second.
Hm. This feels like a fever and the beginnings of a cold.
We better take care of you. How about warming your body in a nice spring?
What do you say, (Captain)? Feel like a trip to Levin?
I guarantee a soak in our famous hot springs will cure your cold instantly!

Albert (Event)

Tonight's a special night, isn't it? Who will you celebrate it with?
If it's not too much to ask, do you mind if I join you?

Holiday party tonight? Well, guess I should lend a hand. Do you want me to carry this?
I know that feeling of putting yourself on the line for your friends. Danger is an occupational hazard for us skyfarers.
But in the face of those dangers, we can still laugh, even if for the briefest of moments. I wonder if we have you to thank for that, (Captain).
I'm a little jealous of your capabilities and compassion, you know...
Heh. No, I'm just mumbling to myself. Come on, let's get excited for tonight.

It's a blessing to be able to celebrate this holiday night without incident.
Heh. But something's missing.
Take a good look at the tree, (Captain).
What do you think of the lights? We all did our best to hide this from you.
My electricity provides power and changes their colors.
It turned out pretty well considering how anyone could decorate the tree any way they wanted.
The holiday's just getting started. Let's enjoy ourselves at the banquet.

Brr... It's chilly outside. Are you okay with the cold, (Captain)?
Though I sure wasn't expecting to have to go shopping for ingredients during the middle of a party...
But maybe I should just be glad for the chance to tour the town with you.
The people walking these streets, our fellow crew members back at the party, and you...
Everyone's so jolly. What a wonderful night it makes for.
We'll be back to our usual busy routine tomorrow, so we should make the most of days off like this.
All right, let's pick up some fruit and cake along with the ingredients we were asked to bring back!

I see this year's holy night is as festive as ever.
Between the holiday trees and light displays, it's no surprise that everyone's so excited.
Huh? (Captain), your face looks a bit flushed. Come here a second.
Hm. This feels like a fever and the beginnings of a cold.
We better take care of you. How about warming your body in a nice spring?
What do you say, (Captain)? Feel like a trip to Levin?
I guarantee a soak in our famous hot springs will cure your cold instantly!

Albert (Summer)

Tonight's a special night, isn't it? Who will you celebrate it with?
If it's not too much to ask, do you mind if I join you?

Holiday party tonight? Well, guess I should lend a hand. Do you want me to carry this?
I know that feeling of putting yourself on the line for your friends. Danger is an occupational hazard for us skyfarers.
But in the face of those dangers, we can still laugh, even if for the briefest of moments. I wonder if we have you to thank for that, (Captain).
I'm a little jealous of your capabilities and compassion, you know...
Heh. No, I'm just mumbling to myself. Come on, let's get excited for tonight.

It's a blessing to be able to celebrate this holiday night without incident.
Heh. But something's missing.
Take a good look at the tree, (Captain).
What do you think of the lights? We all did our best to hide this from you.
My electricity provides power and changes their colors.
It turned out pretty well considering how anyone could decorate the tree any way they wanted.
The holiday's just getting started. Let's enjoy ourselves at the banquet.

Brr... It's chilly outside. Are you okay with the cold, (Captain)?
Though I sure wasn't expecting to have to go shopping for ingredients during the middle of a party...
But maybe I should just be glad for the chance to tour the town with you.
The people walking these streets, our fellow crew members back at the party, and you...
Everyone's so jolly. What a wonderful night it makes for.
We'll be back to our usual busy routine tomorrow, so we should make the most of days off like this.
All right, let's pick up some fruit and cake along with the ingredients we were asked to bring back!

I see this year's holy night is as festive as ever.
Between the holiday trees and light displays, it's no surprise that everyone's so excited.
Huh? (Captain), your face looks a bit flushed. Come here a second.
Hm. This feels like a fever and the beginnings of a cold.
We better take care of you. How about warming your body in a nice spring?
What do you say, (Captain)? Feel like a trip to Levin?
I guarantee a soak in our famous hot springs will cure your cold instantly!


To be honest, all of my memories of this season involve being cold and lonely.
I don't know how to handle being so warm and welcome like this.
Thank you, Captain. Happy holidays.

You've got presents for me, don't ya? Hand 'em over!
What do I want?
Huh? Hmm... Now that you mention it, what do I want?
Ah, well...
I guess I already have everything I want.
Heh heh heh... If I bug you about it any more, you might hit me on the head or something.
But that's not fair! You're supposed to give me a present today!
If you got mad at me for askin', then I'd... I'd... Shut up! I'm not gonna cry!

(Captain), you'd better have a present for me this year too!
Just kidding! I've pretty much outgrown presents!
I'm not a kid anymore, you know?
I'd be the laughing stock of the crew if I didn't stop pestering you for presents.
Hm? You thought the same? Hey, what's that supposed to mean?
What! You didn't prepare anything for today?
Aw, c'mon now... I mean, it's not like I was expecting anything, but would it have hurt to have something on hand?
Aha, you do have a present! Grr, sure had me fooled, (Captain)!
Rgh... I guess the joke's on me this year too!

Yay! Happy holidays!
Hey, hey, (Captain)! Gimme presents!
Huh? You're just giving them to me this time? No strings?
Haha! Whad'ya get me! What will this year bring...
What the! Something came flying out!
Why'd you scare me! It ain't Halloween you know!
Sigh... What kinda crap is this... I shouldn't have got my hopes up...
Huh? There's something else in the box?
Oh! This is the real present!
Dang it! You always get me real good!

Heheh! Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Everyone was calling me over to warm them up with a fireball or two. It wasn't easy getting to them all.
But I guess it wasn't too bad.
Though I wonder if they asked me specifically because they know what I can do. Can't say for sure, but it's nice to be needed.
Aw, this is so embarrassing. My body's getting all hot...
Hey, keep this a secret from everyone, 'kay?
This is between you and me only! Promise me, won't ya?


(Captain), you too? Come to pester me about some kinda gift?
Looks like many of the youngins among the crew have mistaken me for Santa Claus. They were telling me about their wishes just before you arrived.
Children are so hard to reason with... But I think I'm getting used to it.
Thinking of my former journey, I never dreamed that I would get to enjoy moments of peace like this.
My heart may have been covered in snow before, but since meeting you, it has all but melted away.
And that's probably the best gift that I could ever hope for.

Whew. Everyone's finally gone home.
Just like last year, it seems the children still think I'm Santa Claus. I was somewhat able to handle the situation...
But the emotions of those youngins go up and down—dealing with them is quite the feat, I have to say.
Still, what surprises even myself is how I don't dislike playing the role of Santa Claus.
And I believe the one who changed me this much was you, (Captain).
Now, there is still much to enjoy this winter night. If you need help with anything at all, don't be afraid to ask.

(Captain), have you been good this year?
That's heartening to hear! A very happy holidays to you, ho-ho-ho!
Oh? I see you're confused as to why I'm laughing in such a manner.
Over the years, the youngins have mistaken me for Santa Claus more times than I can count. They're always disappointed when they find out the truth.
I thought that this year I would act the part and bring a little cheer instead. Judging by your reaction, my efforts are convincing enough.
I even prepared presents, just in case. Would you humor this old man?

Aletheia (Dark)

(Captain), you too? Come to pester me about some kinda gift?
Looks like many of the youngins among the crew have mistaken me for Santa Claus. They were telling me about their wishes just before you arrived.
Children are so hard to reason with... But I think I'm getting used to it.
Thinking of my former journey, I never dreamed that I would get to enjoy moments of peace like this.
My heart may have been covered in snow before, but since meeting you, it has all but melted away.
And that's probably the best gift that I could ever hope for.

Whew. Everyone's finally gone home.
Just like last year, it seems the children still think I'm Santa Claus. I was somewhat able to handle the situation...
But the emotions of those youngins go up and down—dealing with them is quite the feat, I have to say.
Still, what surprises even myself is how I don't dislike playing the role of Santa Claus.
And I believe the one who changed me this much was you, (Captain).
Now, there is still much to enjoy this winter night. If you need help with anything at all, don't be afraid to ask.

(Captain), have you been good this year?
That's heartening to hear! A very happy holidays to you, ho-ho-ho!
Oh? I see you're confused as to why I'm laughing in such a manner.
Over the years, the youngins have mistaken me for Santa Claus more times than I can count. They're always disappointed when they find out the truth.
I thought that this year I would act the part and bring a little cheer instead. Judging by your reaction, my efforts are convincing enough.
I even prepared presents, just in case. Would you humor this old man?


Singularity, what do you intend to do with all those spheres of snow?
Haha. I know what you're thinking.
Very well. I accept your challenge!
Hm? What's wrong? You seem displeased.
Though it may be a mere game, one must give one's very best in all things!
What? You understand what Master Uriel meant when he said what he did?
Singularity. You must tell me the meaning of this.

Singularity, have you noticed how everyone in the crew seems awfully fidgety today?
Huh? You mean...
Haha! Ah, yes, I remember now! Tonight is the night of the holy eve!
What an embarrassing faux pas it is that I'd forget. But I shall make things right.
I'll make certain that I'm on time for the gift exchange later today.
I'll prepare gifts that send hearts aflutter!

Hm... Singularity, I have a question for you.
I am noticing an increase in the number of people walking closely together in town as of late. Why is that?
The holy night, you say?
I don't understand. Is it necessary to flaunt so explicitly to others on such an occasion?
Hm? Singularity... Why do you laugh?
Hmph, don't be mistaken. This is not the jealousy you presume it to be. I was simply asking a question.

Is that you, Singularity? You appear before me with blessed timing. I have a request—would you join me on a trip through town?
The truth of the matter is... I am responsible for the shopping today, but I do not wish to go alone.
You seem confused. I shall explain. Tonight is the holy night, which means the town will be filled with couples.
If I go into town alone, I will attract every manner of pitiable stare!
Perhaps I am overthinking the matter, as you say. However!
The more time I spend with you mortals, the more I realize how much importance you place on this holiday!
Pray cease your questioning, and accompany me through the illuminated town.

Singularity, you're acquainted with Santa Claus, correct?
Would you mind introducing us to one another?
Haha, you need not fret. I have no intention of begging for gifts.
In truth, it is the opposite. The more I learn of the holy night, the more I'm interested in gift-giving.
Children are the pillars of our future. Is there naught more noble than showering them with presents?
I desire to know more of the person who would dedicate their life to doing so. That is my goal tonight while helping Santa Claus with his task.
Hm? You wish to help as well?
Excellent. This holy night might prove to be our most exciting yet.
Now let us be off. To Santa Claus!

Alexiel (Summer)

Singularity, what do you intend to do with all those spheres of snow?
Haha. I know what you're thinking.
Very well. I accept your challenge!
Hm? What's wrong? You seem displeased.
Though it may be a mere game, one must give one's very best in all things!
What? You understand what Master Uriel meant when he said what he did?
Singularity. You must tell me the meaning of this.

Singularity, have you noticed how everyone in the crew seems awfully fidgety today?
Huh? You mean...
Haha! Ah, yes, I remember now! Tonight is the night of the holy eve!
What an embarrassing faux pas it is that I'd forget. But I shall make things right.
I'll make certain that I'm on time for the gift exchange later today.
I'll prepare gifts that send hearts aflutter!

Hm... Singularity, I have a question for you.
I am noticing an increase in the number of people walking closely together in town as of late. Why is that?
The holy night, you say?
I don't understand. Is it necessary to flaunt so explicitly to others on such an occasion?
Hm? Singularity... Why do you laugh?
Hmph, don't be mistaken. This is not the jealousy you presume it to be. I was simply asking a question.

Is that you, Singularity? You appear before me with blessed timing. I have a request—would you join me on a trip through town?
The truth of the matter is... I am responsible for the shopping today, but I do not wish to go alone.
You seem confused. I shall explain. Tonight is the holy night, which means the town will be filled with couples.
If I go into town alone, I will attract every manner of pitiable stare!
Perhaps I am overthinking the matter, as you say. However!
The more time I spend with you mortals, the more I realize how much importance you place on this holiday!
Pray cease your questioning, and accompany me through the illuminated town.

Singularity, you're acquainted with Santa Claus, correct?
Would you mind introducing us to one another?
Haha, you need not fret. I have no intention of begging for gifts.
In truth, it is the opposite. The more I learn of the holy night, the more I'm interested in gift-giving.
Children are the pillars of our future. Is there naught more noble than showering them with presents?
I desire to know more of the person who would dedicate their life to doing so. That is my goal tonight while helping Santa Claus with his task.
Hm? You wish to help as well?
Excellent. This holy night might prove to be our most exciting yet.
Now let us be off. To Santa Claus!


Happy holidays...
I'm not expecting much...
In the Alethea family, it was tradition for us to give each other really thick books as presents...
So I can't imagine anything other than books as presents...
Are you stupid? You don't understand?
But it's okay... I'm not expecting anything anyway...

You gotta be kidding me!
You still believe in the legend of the jolly old red saint at your age? Haha.
Didn't you know those tales are for grade school kids? Snicker...
Hey, what the... Why do you have a present?
Huh? You got it from the old saint? No way! That's impossible!
No wait, but you really did get a present.
This calls for further investigation. Please elaborate on when, where, and how exactly you acquired the gift.
In more detail, please! De-tails!

(Captain), I've grasped an important truth!
What is it, you ask? Why, it's about the jolly old red saint—what else?
Poring over tome after tome has cemented my conviction: it simply isn't possible to receive presents from such a person!
Can you put forward any counterevidence? This year I'm not about to be deceived by the gifts that you offer.
Hm? You've got a present for me?
It's from the jolly old red saint, you say?
No, please hold up! I never said I didn't want it.
If anything, there's a pressing need to investigate. So please, (Captain)...
Hand the present over.

Hum-dee-dum! Why hello, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
I look like I'm in a good mood, you say?
No, I'm the same as always. Please, I'm the shining beacon of hope—the one and only Alistair Alethea.
Just because it's the holidays, I won't go prancing around, like those other commoner children.
How... How did you know I got a present from the jolly old red saint?
Yes, it's true that he paid me a visit while I was sleeping and left a gift by my pillow.
Gasp! Could it be? You've been spying on the old red saint this entire time, haven't you?

Hey there, (Captain)! Bet you're dying to know what I got, aren'tcha? Aren'tcha!
I have in my hand a letter from the red-robed giver of gifts. That's right, a return correspondence left beside my pillow!
Huh? No, I wasn't hoping for a letter from the old saint just to reenact some childhood fantasy.
This is solid evidence. Now I can compare the handwriting in the letter to that of each crew member.
A person's handwriting is distinctly their own. I shall expose the myth of that jolly old saint.
What? Pfft, why do I have to show it to you? Because you want to see the handwriting for yourself?
No way. This is a private piece of mail, you know. It's for my eyes only, nyeh!


Happy holidays!
I always spend today with my Mama and Papa.
All day long, I get to enjoy my family's cooking!
I'm sure they'd both appreciate it if you came along, (Captain). Let's go!

Mama and Papa are asking for you to come over, (Captain).
Seems they really enjoyed your company last year!
Mama's made all your favorites! C'mon and get ready, she's waiting for you!
Papa told me to invite all the crew members along this time! Let's go let them know!
I have a feeling this year's holiday party is going to be a blast! Don't you?

Happy holidays!
My grandpa's coming by my house for a visit today! It's been so long!
We'll get to duke it out like the old days! I can't wait to show him how much stronger I've gotten!
We'll follow up the training session with a holiday party!
You and everyone else should drop by, (Captain)! I'd love to introduce you to Gramps!
Teehehe, it's gonna be so much fun tonight... I'm already stoked just thinking about it!
Well, I'd better get shopping in preparation. Any chance you can give me a hand with that, (Captain)?
I'll treat you to an extra helping of everything as thanks!
Let's make this the bestest party ever, (Captain)!

This year, I followed Mama's instructions and tried making a special dinner to celebrate the holy night!
I've always helped out and stuff, but this was my first time making it from scratch by myself.
It's harder than it looks, you know! There's a lot of secret ingredients involved and tricks to adjusting the heat and flavor in Mama's cooking.
I'm impressed that she's always put so much effort into preparing for the party every year!
Anyway, I think it turned out pretty well, so I hope you'll have some too. Are you free tonight, (Captain)?
Great! Okay, then I'll go and get things ready! Look forward to it!

Wow, look, (Captain)! It's really snowing outside!
Since it never snows in Valtz, this might be my first time seeing so much of it around this time of year!
Do you think it's gonna stay? I hope it piles up so the snow's taller than me!
Then we can make a huge snowman that's as big as this ship! We can make it on the deck—it'd look awesome!
Huh? We can't make one that big?
Of course we can! With the both of us, I'm sure it'll be easy-peasy.
I can't wait! I'm having so much fun just imagining it.
Come on! Snow more, snow more! Ahaha!

Aliza (Event)

Happy holidays!
I always spend today with my Mama and Papa.
All day long, I get to enjoy my family's cooking!
I'm sure they'd both appreciate it if you came along, (Captain). Let's go!

Mama and Papa are asking for you to come over, (Captain).
Seems they really enjoyed your company last year!
Mama's made all your favorites! C'mon and get ready, she's waiting for you!
Papa told me to invite all the crew members along this time! Let's go let them know!
I have a feeling this year's holiday party is going to be a blast! Don't you?

Happy holidays!
My grandpa's coming by my house for a visit today! It's been so long!
We'll get to duke it out like the old days! I can't wait to show him how much stronger I've gotten!
We'll follow up the training session with a holiday party!
You and everyone else should drop by, (Captain)! I'd love to introduce you to Gramps!
Teehehe, it's gonna be so much fun tonight... I'm already stoked just thinking about it!
Well, I'd better get shopping in preparation. Any chance you can give me a hand with that, (Captain)?
I'll treat you to an extra helping of everything as thanks!
Let's make this the bestest party ever, (Captain)!

This year, I followed Mama's instructions and tried making a special dinner to celebrate the holy night!
I've always helped out and stuff, but this was my first time making it from scratch by myself.
It's harder than it looks, you know! There's a lot of secret ingredients involved and tricks to adjusting the heat and flavor in Mama's cooking.
I'm impressed that she's always put so much effort into preparing for the party every year!
Anyway, I think it turned out pretty well, so I hope you'll have some too. Are you free tonight, (Captain)?
Great! Okay, then I'll go and get things ready! Look forward to it!

Wow, look, (Captain)! It's really snowing outside!
Since it never snows in Valtz, this might be my first time seeing so much of it around this time of year!
Do you think it's gonna stay? I hope it piles up so the snow's taller than me!
Then we can make a huge snowman that's as big as this ship! We can make it on the deck—it'd look awesome!
Huh? We can't make one that big?
Of course we can! With the both of us, I'm sure it'll be easy-peasy.
I can't wait! I'm having so much fun just imagining it.
Come on! Snow more, snow more! Ahaha!

Aliza (Summer)

Happy holidays!
I always spend today with my Mama and Papa.
All day long, I get to enjoy my family's cooking!
I'm sure they'd both appreciate it if you came along, (Captain). Let's go!

Mama and Papa are asking for you to come over, (Captain).
Seems they really enjoyed your company last year!
Mama's made all your favorites! C'mon and get ready—she's waiting for you!
Papa told me to invite all the crew members along this time! Let's go let them know!
I have a feeling this year's holiday party is going to be a blast! Don't you?

Happy holidays!
My grandpa's coming by my house for a visit today! It's been so long!
We'll get to duke it out like the old days! I can't wait to show him how much stronger I've gotten!
We'll follow up the training session with a holiday party!
You and everyone else should drop by, (Captain)! I'd love to introduce you to Gramps!
Teehehe, it's gonna be so much fun tonight... I'm already stoked just thinking about it!
Well, I'd better get shopping in preparation. Any chance you can give me a hand with that, (Captain)?
I'll treat you to an extra helping of everything as thanks!
Let's make this the bestest party ever, (Captain)!

This year, I followed Mama's instructions and tried making a special dinner to celebrate the holy night!
I've always helped out and stuff, but this was my first time making it from scratch by myself.
It's harder than it looks, you know! There's a lot of secret ingredients involved and tricks to adjusting the heat and flavor in Mama's cooking.
I'm impressed that she's always put so much effort into preparing for the party every year!
Anyway, I think it turned out pretty well, so I hope you'll have some too. Are you free tonight, (Captain)?
Great! Okay, then I'll go and get things ready! Look forward to it!

Wow, look, (Captain)! It's really snowing outside!
Since it never snows in Valtz, this might be my first time seeing so much of it around this time of year!
Do you think it's gonna stay? I hope it piles up so the snow's taller than me!
Then we can make a huge snowman that's as big as this ship! We can make it on the deck—it'd look awesome!
Huh? We can't make one that big?
Of course we can! With the both of us, I'm sure it'll be easy-peasy.
I can't wait! I'm having so much fun just imagining it.
Come on! Snow more, snow more! Ahaha!

Aliza (Water)

Happy holidays!
I always spend today with my Mama and Papa.
All day long, I get to enjoy my family's cooking!
I'm sure they'd both appreciate it if you came along, (Captain). Let's go!

Mama and Papa are asking for you to come over, (Captain).
Seems they really enjoyed your company last year!
Mama's made all your favorites! C'mon and get ready—she's waiting for you!
Papa told me to invite all the crew members along this time! Let's go let them know!
I have a feeling this year's holiday party is going to be a blast! Don't you?

Happy holidays!
My grandpa's coming by my house for a visit today! It's been so long!
We'll get to duke it out like the old days! I can't wait to show him how much stronger I've gotten!
We'll follow up the training session with a holiday party!
You and everyone else should drop by, (Captain)! I'd love to introduce you to Gramps!
Teehehe, it's gonna be so much fun tonight... I'm already stoked just thinking about it!
Well, I'd better get shopping in preparation. Any chance you can give me a hand with that, (Captain)?
I'll treat you to an extra helping of everything as thanks!
Let's make this the bestest party ever, (Captain)!

This year, I followed Mama's instructions and tried making a special dinner to celebrate the holy night!
I've always helped out and stuff, but this was my first time making it from scratch by myself.
It's harder than it looks, you know! There's a lot of secret ingredients involved and tricks to adjusting the heat and flavor in Mama's cooking.
I'm impressed that she's always put so much effort into preparing for the party every year!
Anyway, I think it turned out pretty well, so I hope you'll have some too. Are you free tonight, (Captain)?
Great! Okay, then I'll go and get things ready! Look forward to it!

Wow, look, (Captain)! It's really snowing outside!
Since it never snows in Valtz, this might be my first time seeing so much of it around this time of year!
Do you think it's gonna stay? I hope it piles up so the snow's taller than me!
Then we can make a huge snowman that's as big as this ship! We can make it on the deck—it'd look awesome!
Huh? We can't make one that big?
Of course we can! With the both of us, I'm sure it'll be easy-peasy.
I can't wait! I'm having so much fun just imagining it.
Come on! Snow more, snow more! Ahaha!


How long has it been since I was able to enjoy a winter holiday like this? On second thought, this is probably a first for me.
Although Istavion holds grandiose festivities in its own right, a shadow of austerity seems to hang over the entire event.
I don't get that feeling with your crew. Everyone participates in a rambunctious fashion.
And that's normal? Hm... I find that absolutely refreshing.
Heh. Then just for today, I'll step out of my comfort zone too.
You'll be accompanying me, won't you, (Captain)? I won't take no for an answer.
Haha... Tonight, sleep is for the weak.

As the holy night approaches, the towns grow livelier and livelier.
I never imagined I would be out shopping with just the two us, but I'm learning much about regular society.
However, I find these decorations to be lacking. The ornaments we have at the palace are far and away more exquisitely crafted.
Despite that, there is one thing this town exudes that I never experienced in my entire time living in the palace: a sense of joy and anticipation for the holidays.
I don't know why my heart won't stop pounding. Why do I feel so restless? So impatient?
Let us return to the airship. I feel the onset of a smile, and I do not wish to walk the streets grinning like an idiot.
No, wait. There is no need to take the direct path back. We may as well take the scenic route.
This feeling of holiday cheer is a breath of fresh air. I don't mind relishing the mood if it's with you.

???: Ahem.
Hey. Wake up.
Alliah: Good. You're finally up. I have a present for you.
Oh, don't look so bewildered. Is it not customary to sneak into someone's room on the eve of the big holiday in order to give that person their gift?
I have fond memories of grand galas and fancy balls during this season, but I think I can get used to a more intimate approach to celebration.
Hm? I'm... not supposed to wake the recipient up?
Rather, I should have stealthily placed the gift by the bedside and stolen away? What a peculiar tradition...
I see. It appears the royal tutelage I received has a few flaws...
Then let us execute a redo. Return to sleep, and I shall place the gift and leave.
Come now. Close your eyes and count sheep.

(Right, (Captain) is probably asleep by now.)
(This is enough waiting. This year I'll place the present and leave without being noticed, just like the tradition goes.)
(I hope I chose a good gift...)
Wha— Why are you awake?
You were looking forward to me coming? But that isn't how the tradition is supposed to work!
You did it because I was so funny last time? I see... Well, I'm not opposed to you finding me amusing, but...
But you're the leader of this crew. You shouldn't be deliberately causing yourself to lose out on sleep.
Now get back to bed. This present won't be leaving my hands until I hear snoring.
I'll be watching you until I'm sure you're asleep.

The time has come to exchange gifts, (Captain).
You hadn't heard? Of course not, considering I took the liberty of making that decision just a moment ago.
The past few seasons of gift-giving haven't gone as smoothly as I had hoped.
I made erroneous assumptions about how gifts are meant to be delivered, which led to you either feigning sleep or staying up late. It's amusing to you, but not to me.
Thus a drastic change had to be made. I've seen many people exchanging gifts in public, so I decided to follow their lead.
Now you can receive your gift hassle-free at an appropriate hour.
But above all else...
Giving you your gift and watching your face light up is a gift in itself...
Wh-what's so funny! Well, I'm ready to give my present, so where is yours? Bring it out this instant!


Ahh, this takes me back! I remember leaving stockings on the bed and begging my father for red shoes befitting a princess.
Can you believe he bought me a shovel instead? Gosh, I must have cried that whole morning away!
But I came to love the shovel so much I would celebrate the holidays each year digging away in the coal mines. Proof that I'm a Valtz girl, born and raised!

Ooh! Look at all that snow! Never knew there was so much! I'd heard a lot about it, but seeing it is something else!
I'm gonna try to touch it...
Eep! Ahaha!
Man, that's cold! Startled me for a second there! It's gonna be a white holiday this year!
Say, (Captain)! Do you know how to make a snowman? C'mon! Show me how!

Happy holidays!
Way back when, I pretty much always worked in the mines on the holiest night of them all.
I didn't ever think that I would be here on the Grandcypher and not working.
But you know I do feel a little uneasy not doing anything physical.
Hm... I know! Let me help with the tree!
I'll put the shiniest ore from the mines all over it!

Happy holidays!
Sigh... Yelling out loud helps me forget the cold. Too bad it doesn't last long.
Speaking of cold, Santa Claus flies through the freezing skies in his sleigh to deliver presents, right?
How does his sleigh resist the cold? No, wait. It's gotta be his clothes... I wonder what they're made of?
Oh hey, that gives me an idea! I could probably put his secret to good use in forging the perfect weapon.
All righty. I'll ask Santa himself, and you're going to help me do it, (Captain)!
So let's get to it! Hm... Um, how am I supposed to contact him though...

Oh! Hey, (Captain)! Were you out shopping for holiday party supplies? You sure bought a lot!
I gotta fill up my belly if I wanna have the energy to stay up all night! I can't wait for the food!
Hm? Why am I staying up? So I can ask Santa about his red suit and sleigh. I told you that last year.
I even wrote him a letter this time!
It'd be great if he could tell me how his sleigh was built and how his suit keeps him warm.
And I can't ask him all my questions if I'm asleep, right?
Hey, why don't you talk to Santa with me?
Your insights might help me forge better weapons!
Great! Now we're partners! But first we've gotta enjoy ourselves at tonight's holiday party!

Almeida (Summer)

Ahh, this takes me back! I remember leaving stockings on the bed and begging my father for red shoes befitting a princess.
Can you believe he bought me a shovel instead? Gosh, I must have cried that whole morning away!
But I came to love the shovel so much I would celebrate the holidays each year digging away in the coal mines. Proof that I'm a Valtz girl, born and raised!

Ooh! Look at all that snow! Never knew there was so much! I'd heard a lot about it, but seeing it is something else!
I'm gonna try to touch it...
Eep! Ahaha!
Man, that's cold! Startled me for a second there! It's gonna be a white holiday this year!
Say, (Captain)! Do you know how to make a snowman? C'mon! Show me how!

Happy holidays!
Way back when, I pretty much always worked in the mines on the holiest night of them all.
I didn't ever think that I would be here on the Grandcypher and not working.
But you know I do feel a little uneasy not doing anything physical.
Hm... I know! Let me help with the tree!
I'll put the shiniest ore from the mines all over it!

Happy holidays!
Sigh... Yelling out loud helps me forget the cold. Too bad it doesn't last long.
Speaking of cold, Santa Claus flies through the freezing skies in his sleigh to deliver presents, right?
How does his sleigh resist the cold? No, wait. It's gotta be his clothes... I wonder what they're made of?
Oh hey, that gives me an idea! I could probably put his secret to good use in forging the perfect weapon.
All righty. I'll ask Santa himself, and you're going to help me do it, (Captain)!
So let's get to it! Hm... Um, how am I supposed to contact him though...

Oh! Hey, (Captain)! Were you out shopping for holiday party supplies? You sure bought a lot!
I gotta fill up my belly if I wanna have the energy to stay up all night! I can't wait for the food!
Hm? Why am I staying up? So I can ask Santa about his red suit and sleigh. I told you that last year.
I even wrote him a letter this time!
It'd be great if he could tell me how his sleigh was built and how his suit keeps him warm.
And I can't ask him all my questions if I'm asleep, right?
Hey, why don't you talk to Santa with me?
Your insights might help me forge better weapons!
Great! Now we're partners! But first we've gotta enjoy ourselves at tonight's holiday party!


The airship's been looking a bit festive lately...
What exactly is going on here, (Captain)?
I see... You're planning a celebration! Indeed everyone has gotten into the holiday spirit.
Is this how you celebrate the holidays where you're from?
Well, being a wallflower won't do me any good...
So please allow me to join in on the festivities with you!

Come now, Vyrn! Give them back! My glasses aren't for you to play with!
Vyrn! That's quite enough joking for now!
Good grief. Vyrn is a handful...
What is he thinking? Using my glasses to decorate the tree...
And don't just stand there, (Captain). Tell him to behave already...
What are you laughing about? Hm? You're saying that all this time...
I haven't been talking to you, (Captain), but to the tree...

Is that a holiday gift list for the younger crew members?
Hoo-hoo. That brings back memories. I once made a request to Santa Claus when I was a child.
I asked for a rare, out-of-print analytical report written in a mysterious ancient language...
But when I woke up the next day, there was a brand new analytical report beside me.
I recall thinking that must have been the best Santa Claus was capable of.
What did you ask for, (Captain)?

Oh, (Captain)? Huh? I have a fine holiday outfit, you say?
That's not exactly what I had in mind... Hm? My back?
What in the... These are tree decorations that got stuck to the feathers of my clothing!
I must have been so absorbed in my reading material that I didn't notice the ornaments falling from the tree!
I'll have to set things right before dinner begins, or the efforts of those handling decorations will be for naught!
But which tree was it? If I cannot even recall that...
You happen to know, (Captain)? Ah, a true savior you are! Won't you please show me the way?
As thanks, I'll sing you a holy hymn for tonight's banquet. Hm? You'd rather not hear it? But why not?

This year's winter celebrations are yet another success. It seems the ship has been thoroughly decorated with a mixture of various cultures—magnificent indeed.
Of course, I also partook in the preparations for this celebration by delegating tasks for the decorating as well as the purchasing of food and props.
As the members of our crew have increased, now we can enjoy an even wider variety of customs and dishes. I believe I have read about some of these before....
But having someone I personally know showing them to me is certainly different from reading about them. It is a very interesting and novel experience.
Perhaps what made it especially enjoyable was seeing our friends' smiles as they introduced what they had to offer.
I consider myself fortunate to be the strategist of a crew that you put together, (Captain), where all of its members can truly enjoy their time together like this.
Now, let's get back to the celebrations, shall we? There is still much more for you to revel in tonight.
After all, your happiness is what holds this crew together, (Captain). I am sure that that is what everyone here wishes for.

Altair (Holiday)

The airship's been looking a bit festive lately...
What exactly is going on here, (Captain)?
I see... You're planning a celebration! Indeed everyone has gotten into the holiday spirit.
Is this how you celebrate the holidays where you're from?
Well, being a wallflower won't do me any good...
So please allow me to join in on the festivities with you!

Come now, Vyrn! Give them back! My glasses aren't for you to play with!
Vyrn! That's quite enough joking for now!
Good grief. Vyrn is a handful...
What is he thinking? Using my glasses to decorate the tree...
And don't just stand there, (Captain). Tell him to behave already...
What are you laughing about? Hm? You're saying that all this time...
I haven't been talking to you, (Captain), but to the tree...

Is that a holiday gift list for the younger crew members?
Hoo-hoo. That brings back memories. I once made a request to Santa Claus when I was a child.
I asked for a rare, out-of-print analytical report written in a mysterious ancient language...
But when I woke up the next day, there was a brand new analytical report beside me.
I recall thinking that must have been the best Santa Claus was capable of.
What did you ask for, (Captain)?

Oh, (Captain)? Huh? I have a fine holiday outfit, you say?
That's not exactly what I had in mind... Hm? My back?
What in the... These are tree decorations that got stuck to the feathers of my clothing!
I must have been so absorbed in my reading material that I didn't notice the ornaments falling from the tree!
I'll have to set things right before dinner begins, or the efforts of those handling decorations will be for naught!
But which tree was it? If I cannot even recall that...
You happen to know, (Captain)? Ah, a true savior you are! Won't you please show me the way?
As thanks, I'll sing you a holy hymn for tonight's banquet. Hm? You'd rather not hear it? But why not?

This year's winter celebrations are yet another success. It seems the ship has been thoroughly decorated with a mixture of various cultures—magnificent indeed.
Of course, I also partook in the preparations for this celebration by delegating tasks for the decorating as well as the purchasing of food and props.
As the members of our crew have increased, now we can enjoy an even wider variety of customs and dishes. I believe I have read about some of these before....
But having someone I personally know showing them to me is certainly different from reading about them. It is a very interesting and novel experience.
Perhaps what made it especially enjoyable was seeing our friends' smiles as they introduced what they had to offer.
I consider myself fortunate to be the strategist of a crew that you put together, (Captain), where all of its members can truly enjoy their time together like this.
Now, let's get back to the celebrations, shall we? There is still much more for you to revel in tonight.
After all, your happiness is what holds this crew together, (Captain). I am sure that that is what everyone here wishes for.


That should be all the dishes, I think. Thanks for helping me carry everything to the dining area, (Captain)!
Because my mother passed away when I was really young and I had do all the cooking, I thought I could handle any culinary situation...
But this was my first time making food for so many people. It was a lot more work than I expected.
I had tons of fun though! I got to know all the skilled chefs on your ship while we were in the kitchen together!
I'm a little nervous what everything will think about my dishes. I'd like to think I did a good job...
(Captain), be sure to try some when the party starts!

Phew. Looks like we'll be going back home a bit later than usual because of all those monsters.
But it wasn't too bad though! Things were pretty smooth with you, (Captain). How are you feeling? Tired?
Me? I'm totally fine! I'm just doing my job as a knight and a crewmember!
I just want to make sure all these townspeople have a safe and peaceful holiday.
I'm sure my father would've said the same thing...
Ahaha... Looks like I'm in need of some food. Can't wait to try all the special dishes tonight!
I'm sure everyone's hungry and tired of waiting.
Let's go, (Captain)!


What are these clothes, (Captain)?
Yes, I can see that it's a Santa outfit. I'm asking why you just gave it to me.
What? You want me to wear it during the party and pass out presents to the kids?
Don't be ridiculous. I refuse.
What do you mean, "why not"? 'Cause that would ruin the mood of the whole party.
(Plus, I've never done that kind of thing before... I'd have no idea what to do.)
No, I'm absolutely not doing it, no matter what you say.
All right, fine. Just once... Just this once, you hear me?
But don't blame me if it wrecks the party.
(Nuah... I'll have to practice with Stuffy later...)


Santa Claus? What's that?
Do you think he knows a shortcut to Helheim?
I know! Let's catch him! He can get us into Helheim and I can meet my mother!

I couldn't find him this year either... You know, the old man who grants wishes.
So I asked the woman at the chapel to give him a message for me. She promised me she'd tell him.
And would you believe it, I got his reply today! He said that if I was a good little girl, I'll meet Mother again for sure!
So that's just what I'm going to be! Hehe!

(Captain). Have you met the grandpa? The wish granting one.
I heard that he grants good little boys and girls their wishes.
Rackam said if I wanted to become a good little girl, I should follow your example.
So I'm gonna watch you real close and do what you do. Stay close to me until I become a good little girl, okay?

Does the gift-grandpa really fly around the world in a sleigh?
If he does, and I catch him, I'll get the sleigh too.
I bet he knows a shortcut to Helheim...
And his sleigh can go around the world in one night...
With both him and the sleigh, I can go to where Mother is!
So help me capture the gift-grandpa, (Captain)!

This year will be the year I finally capture the gift-grandpa!
How do I plan to go about that? It's obvious, isn't it? With raw strength!
It'll be fine! I'm going to pull out all the stops this year!
Why are you trying to stop me, (Captain)? Huh? If I injure him he won't give us gifts?
Ah, I didn't think about that! Do you have a better plan?

Amira (Promo)

Santa Claus? What's that?
Do you think he knows a shortcut to Helheim?
I know! Let's catch him! He can get us into Helheim and I can meet my mother!

I couldn't find him this year either... You know, the old man who grants wishes.
So I asked the woman at the chapel to give him a message for me. She promised me she'd tell him.
And would you believe it, I got his reply today! He said that if I was a good little girl, I'll meet Mother again for sure!
So that's just what I'm going to be! Hehe!

(Captain). Have you met the grandpa? The wish granting one.
I heard that he grants good little boys and girls their wishes.
Rackam said if I wanted to become a good little girl, I should follow your example.
So I'm gonna watch you real close and do what you do. Stay close to me until I become a good little girl, okay?

Does the gift-grandpa really fly around the world in a sleigh?
If he does, and I catch him, I'll get the sleigh too.
I bet he knows a shortcut to Helheim...
And his sleigh can go around the world in one night...
With both him and the sleigh, I can go to where Mother is!
So help me capture the gift-grandpa, (Captain)!

This year will be the year I finally capture the gift-grandpa!
How do I plan to go about that? It's obvious, isn't it? With raw strength!
It'll be fine! I'm going to pull out all the stops this year!
Why are you trying to stop me, (Captain)? Huh? If I injure him he won't give us gifts?
Ah, I didn't think about that! Do you have a better plan?

Amira (Summer)

Santa Claus? What's that?
Do you think he knows a shortcut to Helheim?
I know! Let's catch him! He can get us to in Helheim and I can meet my mother!

I couldn't find him this year either... You know, the old man who grants wishes.
So I asked the woman at the chapel to give him a message for me. She promised me she'd tell him.
And would you believe it, I got his reply today! He said that if I was a good little girl, I'll meet Mother again for sure!
So that's just what I'm going to be! Hehe!

(Captain). Have you met the grandpa? The wish granting one.
I heard that he grants good little boys and girls their wishes.
Rackam said if I wanted to become a good little girl, I should follow your example.
So I'm gonna watch you real close and do what you do. Stay close to me until I become a good little girl, okay?

Does the gift-grandpa really fly around the world in a sleigh?
If he does, and I catch him, I'll get the sleigh too.
I bet he knows a shortcut to Helheim...
And his sleigh can go around the world in one night...
With both him and the sleigh, I can go to where Mother is!
So help me capture the gift-grandpa, (Captain)!

This year will be the year I finally capture the gift-grandpa!
How do I plan to go about that? It's obvious, isn't it? With raw strength!
It'll be fine! I'm going to pull out all the stops this year!
Why are you trying to stop me, (Captain)? Huh? If I injure him he won't give us gifts?
Ah, I didn't think about that! Do you have a better plan?


(Captain). May I ask you a question?
Do you find my dark-clad appearance unsuited for the holy night?
No one has told me so, but the thought occurred to me as I was observing the brightly lit winter celebration.
According to a certain town's legend, it seems there is a Santa Claus in dark clothing who disciplines the bad children.
I would feel terrible if I made any children who know of this tale cry.
I did consider stripping myself of my armor and going unclothed, but...
I was simply joking. Please don't look at me in that way.

Happy holidays, (Captain). Are you enjoying this special evening?
I was just helping decorate the tree. As you might guess, my stature was indispensable in the matter.
Do you remember what we spoke of last year? That I'm worried my dark-clad appearance may be frightening to young children?
It was nothing but a baseless fear. I may even have been using that as an excuse to remain cautious and keep a distance.
Indeed. I must show my gratitude to the crew members who so graciously invited me. I feel I've learned an important lesson from this.
In a manner of speaking, I am the recipient of a splendid holy night gift. Or perhaps I am overstating things, hehe...

Ah, (Captain). Give me a moment to put this down.
There we are. A fine tree indeed—it's twice my height!
Phew. All these workouts on the daily remind me of my younger skyfaring years.
Oh, but I musn't forget the decorations. (Captain), hand me that bauble, will you?
You want to hang them up yourself? My apologies; I didn't mean to rob you of the fun.
Sometimes I forget you're still young. You haven't lost your holiday wonder, huh?
Very well. It's all yours. I'll hold the stepladder for you.
(I never thought I'd get to see a child decorate a tree again. Thank the skies for peace.)


Happy holidays.
Today we're having a party for everyone, aren't we?
Let me and my cloud take care of the high decorations!
Hmm? What is it, cloud? What are you doing? Haha! That tickles!
Ehehe. My cloud sure is ready for fun today!

Tonight is a special night, isn't it? So are you going out tonight?
Hmm? You want to know why I'm asking? I guess it's because I'm not really doing anything right now...
I was wondering if maybe you wanted to spend some time with me tonight.
What? You do?
Yay yay! So is this a date, then? Yay, a date, a date!
A date with (Captain)! Hehehe. I better go pick out something to wear!

Zzz... Mmm...
Thank you... presents... Santa... beard... so fluffy...
Hmm? Oh, it's you.
Present? It's already here... What are you going on about? See? Right over there—
I-it's gone! How? I know Santa gave me a present for sure!
Wait, you were just hiding it behind you? Sheesh... don't scare me like that.
Hee hee, a present... I wonder what it could be?
Don't you wanna know too, (Captain)? Let's open it together!

Hey, do you think Santa will come again this year too?
I want to see him and say thanks.
If he's coming, then all I have to do is stay up to meet him, right?
Yawn... Um... The Sandman's effects are...
Zzz... Zzz... Hehe... Thank you...
Hm? Oh hey, (Captain). Did Santa leave already?
I see... Well at least I got to say thanks... I'm going back to bed. Good night.

Zzz... Zzz...
(Captain) awakens from a deep sleep to find Andira nearby, slumped onto the bed.
There is a damp towel in Andira's hand. It seems that she fell asleep while caring for (Captain), who was down with a cold.
(Captain)... This party... So much fun...
What a big cake... Let's split it, 'kay...
(Captain) smiles, imagining the delightful dream Andira is in.
Outside, snow falls silently against the window. (Captain) reaches for a blanket and lays it gently over Andira's small shoulders.

Andira (Event)

Happy holidays.
Today we're having a party for everyone, aren't we?
Let me and my cloud take care of the high decorations!
Hmm? What is it, cloud? What are you doing? Haha! That tickles!
Ehehe. My cloud sure is ready for fun today!

Tonight is a special night, isn't it? So are you going out tonight?
Hmm? You want to know why I'm asking? I guess it's because I'm not really doing anything right now...
I was wondering if maybe you wanted to spend some time with me tonight.
What? You do?
Yay, yay! So is this a date, then? Yay, a date, a date!
A date with (Captain)! Hehehe. I better go pick out something to wear!

Zzz... Mmm...
Thank you... presents... Santa... beard... so fluffy...
Hmm? Oh, it's you.
Present? It's already here... What are you going on about? See? Right over there—
I-it's gone! How? I know Santa gave me a present for sure!
Wait, you were just hiding it behind you? Sheesh... don't scare me like that.
Hee hee, a present... I wonder what it could be?
Don't you wanna know too, (Captain)? Let's open it together!

Hey, do you think Santa will come again this year too?
I want to see him and say thanks.
If he's coming, then all I have to do is stay up to meet him, right?
Yawn... Um... The Sandman's effects are...
Zzz... Zzz... Hehe... Thank you...
Hm? Oh hey, (Captain). Did Santa leave already?
I see... Well at least I got to say thanks... I'm going back to bed. Good night.

Zzz... Zzz...
(Captain) awakens from a deep sleep to find Andira nearby, slumped onto the bed.
There is a damp towel in Andira's hand. It seems that she fell asleep while caring for (Captain), who was down with a cold.
(Captain)... This party... So much fun...
What a big cake... Let's split it, 'kay...
(Captain) smiles, imagining the delightful dream Andira is in.
Outside, snow falls silently against the window. (Captain) reaches for a blanket and lays it gently over Andira's small shoulders.

Andira (Summer)

Happy holidays.
Today we're having a party for everyone, aren't we?
Let me and my cloud take care of the high decorations!
Hmm? What is it, cloud? What are you doing? Haha! That tickles!
Ehehe. My cloud sure is ready for fun today!

Tonight is a special night, isn't it? So are you going out tonight?
Hmm? You want to know why I'm asking? I guess it's because I'm not really doing anything right now...
I was wondering if maybe you wanted to spend some time with me tonight.
What? You do?
Yay, yay! So is this a date, then? Yay, a date, a date!
A date with (Captain)! Hehehe. I better go pick out something to wear!

Zzz... Mmm...
Thank you... presents... Santa... beard... so fluffy...
Hmm? Oh, it's you.
Present? It's already here... What are you going on about? See? Right over there—
I-it's gone! How? I know Santa gave me a present for sure!
Wait, you were just hiding it behind you? Sheesh... don't scare me like that.
Hee hee, a present... I wonder what it could be?
Don't you wanna know too, (Captain)? Let's open it together!

Hey, do you think Santa will come again this year too?
I want to see him and say thanks.
If he's coming, then all I have to do is stay up to meet him, right?
Yawn... Um... The Sandman's effects are...
Zzz... Zzz... Hehe... Thank you...
Hm? Oh hey, (Captain). Did Santa leave already?
I see... Well at least I got to say thanks... I'm going back to bed. Good night.

Zzz... Zzz...
(Captain) awakens from a deep sleep to find Andira nearby, slumped onto the bed.
There is a damp towel in Andira's hand. It seems that she fell asleep while caring for (Captain), who was down with a cold.
(Captain)... This party... So much fun...
What a big cake... Let's split it, 'kay...
(Captain) smiles, imagining the delightful dream Andira is in.
Outside, snow falls silently against the window. (Captain) reaches for a blanket and lays it gently over Andira's small shoulders.


Happy holidays!
I think you and I were destined to spend this season together.
Why, just look up at the sky. The stars are shining brightly for us. They want us to be happy!
You have no idea what I'm talking about? I'm just practicing for when I meet my princess!

Happy holidays.
Hark, can you hear those sacred melodies? It's as if we're being blessed!
Take my hand and dance with me, Princess!
How was that?
Do you think I've become more beguiling and romantic in my princely capacity compared to last year?
But still my fair princess has yet to appear... Sigh...

Isn't this a splendid party? Witness how the flickering candle flames are akin to twinkling stars in the evening sky.
Amongst the radiance of these celestial bodies, would it be rude of me to abscond with one? Just one.
The celestial that is you.
How was that, (Captain)? This year I've got my lines down pat!
Then me and my darling will sneak away from the party.
The fated winter night has come!
I'll surely meet the princess of my dreams tonight!
Hm? What are we going to do after we leave the party?
Um... Actually I haven't thought that far ahead yet.

Why, you're quite the sinful captain, aren't you? First you steal my heart, and now you're already making the next move.
But it's fine. Because my heart...
And every other part of me is all yours for the taking!
(Epic delivery.)
How 'bout that, (Captain)? I think I'm getting better at this.
Huh? There's a party with the crew coming up?
Hm, as much as I enjoy being an escort on this special night...
A prince must prioritize his bonds with his fellow crew members.
I've made up my mind. Let us attend the party, (Captain)! Fun times do not wait for anyone!

Hello, (Captain)! Glad to see that the party is a success!
The smiles of people enjoying the food and conversation are as beautiful as the sparkling ornaments on the tree...
I shall take it upon myself to ensure that you have a splendid night!
Hm? Don't I want to practice escorting princesses this year, you ask?
Yes, practice is important, but I can't possibly go off to do that when our crew is holding a celebration.
I want to be a prince, but enjoying this time with everyone in the crew is also meaningful to me.
Right now, this is my priority!
But since you brought it up, would you like to be my practice partner after this?
Spending this winter night with you is something I absolutely can't give up on.
So get ready, all right? I guarantee you'll be spellbound by my princely capacity when I escort you later tonight!

Ange (Halloween)

Happy holidays!
I think you and I were destined to spend this season together.
Why, just look up at the sky. The stars are shining brightly for us. They want us to be happy!
You have no idea what I'm talking about? I'm just practicing for when I meet my princess!

Happy holidays.
Hark, can you hear those sacred melodies? It's as if we're being blessed!
Take my hand and dance with me, Princess!
How was that?
Do you think I've become more beguiling and romantic in my princely capacity compared to last year?
But still my fair princess has yet to appear... Sigh...

Isn't this a splendid party? Witness how the flickering candle flames are akin to twinkling stars in the evening sky.
Amongst the radiance of these celestial bodies, would it be rude of me to abscond with one? Just one.
The celestial that is you.
How was that, (Captain)? This year I've got my lines down pat!
Then me and my darling will sneak away from the party.
The fated winter night has come!
I'll surely meet the princess of my dreams tonight!
Hm? What are we going to do after we leave the party?
Um... Actually I haven't thought that far ahead yet.

Why, you're quite the sinful captain, aren't you? First you steal my heart, and now you're already making the next move.
But it's fine. Because my heart...
And every other part of me is all yours for the taking!
(Epic delivery.)
How 'bout that, (Captain)? I think I'm getting better at this.
Huh? There's a party with the crew coming up?
Hm, as much as I enjoy being an escort on this special night...
A prince must prioritize his bonds with his fellow crew members.
I've made up my mind. Let us attend the party, (Captain)! Fun times do not wait for anyone!

Hello, (Captain)! Glad to see that the party is a success!
The smiles of people enjoying the food and conversation are as beautiful as the sparkling ornaments on the tree...
I shall take it upon myself to ensure that you have a splendid night!
Hm? Don't I want to practice escorting princesses this year, you ask?
Yes, practice is important, but I can't possibly go off to do that when our crew is holding a celebration.
I want to be a prince, but enjoying this time with everyone in the crew is also meaningful to me.
Right now, this is my priority!
But since you brought it up, would you like to be my practice partner after this?
Spending this winter night with you is something I absolutely can't give up on.
So get ready, all right? I guarantee you'll be spellbound by my princely capacity when I escort you later tonight!


Season's greetings! Everyone in town gets so excited around the holidays!
Before I was called to duty, every year I would spend the holidays with my family.
I remember the holiday cookies were to die for...
Hm? No, I didn't mean that you should go and make some for me or anything! Honest!

This is our second holiday season together!
So let's get dressed up and go out into town!
Heheh... When you and I stand together like this, we almost look like...
Wait! Never mind!
Hm? What's that you say? You got a table reservation at that pastry place?
That's incredible! Don't tell me... You remembered what I told you last year, didn't you?
Aw! You had me fooled acting all nonchalant!
Heheh! You're a doll! Now let me pinch those cheeks! Pinch pinch pinch!

So this place is your favorite this time of year, right, (Captain)?
It's quite nice! Sitting here on this hill and looking down at the lights in the town below...
With the blanket of snow all around, it looks completely surreal! I'm quite enjoying it here.
Hm? You have one more place you want to go after this? A store that sells strawberry pastries, huh?
You don't really think that buying me some strawberry snacks will get you on my good side, do you?
As if! Heh-heh-heh!
But I'm very pleased! Now let me smush your cute little cheeks!
Smush! Smush! Smush!

La-lalaa. There we are. Decorations are all set.
It's a pity that there's a snowstorm out today, but sometimes it's nice to spend a cozy night indoors.
Hm? What's that box you have there?
S-strawberry cake! My favorite!
How did you know? Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ahem. Actually, I too have a present for you.
Ta-daa! A hand-knitted wool cap! It even has a fluffy little ball on top! Isn't it cute?
Mhm! Suits you well! As expected!
It's made from the best, warmest wool one can find. Do you like it?

Welcome to my humble abode! Come join me inside.
It truly is a shame that our plans to enjoy an evening excursion were disrupted by a raging blizzard.
Though I suppose spending this holy night lounging indoors can prove to be enjoyable in its own right.
Well then, an occasion such as this one calls for a nice knitted blanket! Come a little closer...
Hehehe! A fine, fluffy bundle of warmth we make!
Hmm? Is that a box in your hands? Could that be a present for me?
How marvelous! A strawberry cake! Did you prepare this for my sake?
What a thoughtful present from a thoughtful person! You must allow me to provide a show of appreciation in return!
Hold your mouth open and say "ahh"! Come now, do it quickly!

Anila (Event)

Season's greetings! Everyone in town gets so excited around the holidays!
Before I was called to duty, every year I would spend the holidays with my family.
I remember the holiday cookies were to die for...
Hm? No, I didn't mean that you should go and make some for me or anything! Honest!

This is our second holiday season together!
So let's get dressed up and go out into town!
Heheh... When you and I stand together like this, we almost look like...
Wait! Never mind!
Hm? What's that you say? You got a table reservation at that pastry place?
That's incredible! Don't tell me... You remembered what I told you last year, didn't you?
Aw! You had me fooled acting all nonchalant!
Heheh! You're a doll! Now let me pinch those cheeks! Pinch pinch pinch!

So this place is your favorite this time of year, right, (Captain)?
It's quite nice! Sitting here on this hill and looking down at the lights in the town below...
With the blanket of snow all around, it looks completely surreal! I'm quite enjoying it here.
Hm? You have one more place you want to go after this? A store that sells strawberry pastries, huh?
You don't really think that buying me some strawberry snacks will get you on my good side, do you?
As if! Heh-heh-heh!
But I'm very pleased! Now let me smush your cute little cheeks!
Smush! Smush! Smush!

La-lalaa. There we are. Decorations are all set.
It's a pity that there's a snowstorm out today, but sometimes it's nice to spend a cozy night indoors.
Hm? What's that box you have there?
S-strawberry cake! My favorite!
How did you know? Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ahem. Actually, I too have a present for you.
Ta-daa! A hand-knitted wool cap! It even has a fluffy little ball on top! Isn't it cute?
Mhm! Suits you well! As expected!
It's made from the best, warmest wool one can find. Do you like it?

Welcome to my humble abode! Come join me inside.
It truly is a shame that our plans to enjoy an evening excursion were disrupted by a raging blizzard.
Though I suppose spending this holy night lounging indoors can prove to be enjoyable in its own right.
Well then, an occasion such as this one calls for a nice knitted blanket! Come a little closer...
Hehehe! A fine, fluffy bundle of warmth we make!
Hmm? Is that a box in your hands? Could that be a present for me?
How marvelous! A strawberry cake! Did you prepare this for my sake?
What a thoughtful present from a thoughtful person! You must allow me to provide a show of appreciation in return!
Hold your mouth open and say "ahh"! Come now, do it quickly!

Anila (Summer)

Season's greetings! Everyone in town gets so excited around the holidays!
Before I was called to duty, every year I would spend the holidays with my family.
I remember the holiday cookies were to die for...
Hm? No, I didn't mean that you should go and make some for me or anything! Honest!

This is our second holiday season together!
So let's get dressed up and go out into town!
Heheh... When you and I stand together like this, we almost look like...
Wait! Never mind!
Hm? What's that you say? You got a table reservation at that pastry place?
That's incredible! Don't tell me... You remembered what I told you last year, didn't you?
Aw! You had me fooled acting all nonchalant!
Heheh! You're a doll! Now let me pinch those cheeks! Pinch pinch pinch!

So this place is your favorite this time of year, right, (Captain)?
It's quite nice! Sitting here on this hill and looking down at the lights in the town below...
With the blanket of snow all around, it looks completely surreal! I'm quite enjoying it here.
Hm? You have one more place you want to go after this? A store that sells strawberry pastries, huh?
You don't really think that buying me some strawberry snacks will get you on my good side, do you?
As if! Heh-heh-heh!
But I'm very pleased! Now let me smush your cute little cheeks!
Smush! Smush! Smush!

La-lalaa. There we are. Decorations are all set.
It's a pity that there's a snowstorm out today, but sometimes it's nice to spend a cozy night indoors.
Hm? What's that box you have there?
S-strawberry cake! My favorite!
How did you know? Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ahem. Actually, I too have a present for you.
Ta-daa! A hand-knitted wool cap! It even has a fluffy little ball on top! Isn't it cute?
Mhm! Suits you well! As expected!
It's made from the best, warmest wool one can find. Do you like it?

Welcome to my humble abode! Come join me inside.
It truly is a shame that our plans to enjoy an evening excursion were disrupted by a raging blizzard.
Though I suppose spending this holy night lounging indoors can prove to be enjoyable in its own right.
Well then, an occasion such as this one calls for a nice knitted blanket! Come a little closer...
Hehehe! A fine, fluffy bundle of warmth we make!
Hmm? Is that a box in your hands? Could that be a present for me?
How marvelous! A strawberry cake! Did you prepare this for my sake?
What a thoughtful present from a thoughtful person! You must allow me to provide a show of appreciation in return!
Hold your mouth open and say "ahh"! Come now, do it quickly!

Anila (Yukata)

Season's greetings! Everyone in town gets so excited around the holidays!
Before I was called to duty, every year I would spend the holidays with my family.
I remember the holiday cookies were to die for...
Hm? No, I didn't mean that you should go and make some for me or anything! Honest!

This is our second holiday season together!
So let's get dressed up and go out into town!
Heheh... When you and I stand together like this, we almost look like...
Wait! Never mind!
Hm? What's that you say? You got a table reservation at that pastry place?
That's incredible! Don't tell me... You remembered what I told you last year, didn't you?
Aw! You had me fooled acting all nonchalant!
Heheh! You're a doll! Now let me pinch those cheeks! Pinch pinch pinch!

So this place is your favorite this time of year, right, (Captain)?
It's quite nice! Sitting here on this hill and looking down at the lights in the town below...
With the blanket of snow all around, it looks completely surreal! I'm quite enjoying it here.
Hm? You have one more place you want to go after this? A store that sells strawberry pastries, huh?
You don't really think that buying me some strawberry snacks will get you on my good side, do you?
As if! Heh-heh-heh!
But I'm very pleased! Now let me smush your cute little cheeks!
Smush! Smush! Smush!

La-lalaa. There we are. Decorations are all set.
It's a pity that there's a snowstorm out today, but sometimes it's nice to spend a cozy night indoors.
Hm? What's that box you have there?
S-strawberry cake! My favorite!
How did you know? Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ahem. Actually, I too have a present for you.
Ta-daa! A hand-knitted wool cap! It even has a fluffy little ball on top! Isn't it cute?
Mhm! Suits you well! As expected!
It's made from the best, warmest wool one can find. Do you like it?

Welcome to my humble abode! Come join me inside.
It truly is a shame that our plans to enjoy an evening excursion were disrupted by a raging blizzard.
Though I suppose spending this holy night lounging indoors can prove to be enjoyable in its own right.
Well then, an occasion such as this one calls for a nice knitted blanket! Come a little closer...
Hehehe! A fine, fluffy bundle of warmth we make!
Hmm? Is that a box in your hands? Could that be a present for me?
How marvelous! A strawberry cake! Did you prepare this for my sake?
What a thoughtful present from a thoughtful person! You must allow me to provide a show of appreciation in return!
Hold your mouth open and say "ahh"! Come now, do it quickly!


Oh, um, (Captain)? Isn't the holiday season wonderful?
Listen, um, every year I usually celebrate with just Nightmare and I...
B-but this year, I was wondering if maybe... (Captain), would you like to spend the holidays with us?

Anna: It's the holiday season, so...
I, umm, have a gift for you!
Because... it's been really cold lately. A-and I thought you might like to feel warm...
Nightmare: You better not go catchin' a cold now!
Anna: I... I knit this sweater for you... I hope you like it...
You do? Yay! Aaah...
Eep! Sorry, that made me so happy...

Ah, (Captain)! That's the sweater I gave you last year!
You're wearing it!
Th-this makes me so happy!
I'll knit you a nice hat to go along with the sweater!
I hope it helps you keep warm, (Captain)...

(Captain), happy holidays.
I-I'm so happy you're wearing the present I gave you.
Th-this year I... uh...
Uh, uh... I-if we stay close, we'll be warmer...
You told me that it's toasty when you're near somebody, (Captain)...
Are you warm? G-good...
It's, um, cold out, so... Let's heat each other up.

Anna: Um... (Captain)? What's that bag in your hands?
Huh? I-it's a present for me?
Wow... A sweater and a hat! They match the ones I made you!
You made these for me? Th-thank yoouuu!
Nightmare: Now that's an awesome gift!
Anna: I-I'll treasure this forever and ever! Hehe...

Anna (SR)

Oh, um, (Captain)? Isn't the holiday season wonderful?
Listen, um, every year I usually celebrate with just Nightmare and I...
B-but this year, I was wondering if maybe... (Captain), would you like to spend the holidays with us?

Anna: It's the holiday season, so...
I, umm, have a gift for you!
Because... it's been really cold lately. A-and I thought you might like to feel warm...
Nightmare: You better not go catchin' a cold now!
Anna: I... I knit this sweater for you... I hope you like it...
You do? Yay! Aaah...
Eep! Sorry, that made me so happy...

Ah, (Captain)! That's the sweater I gave you last year!
You're wearing it!
Th-this makes me so happy!
I'll knit you a nice hat to go along with the sweater!
I hope it helps you keep warm, (Captain)...

(Captain), happy holidays.
I-I'm so happy you're wearing the present I gave you.
Th-this year I... uh...
Uh, uh... I-if we stay close, we'll be warmer...
You told me that it's toasty when you're near somebody, (Captain)...
Are you warm? G-good...
It's, um, cold out, so... Let's heat each other up.

Anna: Um... (Captain)? What's that bag in your hands?
Huh? I-it's a present for me?
Wow... A sweater and a hat! They match the ones I made you!
You made these for me? Th-thank yoouuu!
Nightmare: Now that's an awesome gift!
Anna: I-I'll treasure this forever and ever! Hehe...

Anna (SSR)

Oh, um, (Captain)? Isn't the holiday season wonderful?
Listen, um, every year I usually celebrate with just Nightmare and I...
B-but this year, I was wondering if maybe... (Captain), would you like to spend the holidays with us?

Anna: It's the holiday season, so...
I, umm, have a gift for you!
Because... it's been really cold lately. A-and I thought you might like to feel warm...
Nightmare: You better not go catchin' a cold now!
Anna: I... I knit this sweater for you... I hope you like it...
You do? Yay! Aaah...
Eep! Sorry, that made me so happy...

Ah, (Captain)! That's the sweater I gave you last year!
You're wearing it!
Th-this makes me so happy!
I'll knit you a nice hat to go along with the sweater!
I hope it helps you keep warm, (Captain)...

(Captain), happy holidays.
I-I'm so happy you're wearing the present I gave you.
Th-this year I... uh...
Uh, uh... I-if we stay close, we'll be warmer...
You told me that it's toasty when you're near somebody, (Captain)...
Are you warm? G-good...
It's, um, cold out, so... Let's heat each other up.

Anna: Um... (Captain)? What's that bag in your hands?
Huh? I-it's a present for me?
Wow... A sweater and a hat! They match the ones I made you!
You made these for me? Th-thank yoouuu!
Nightmare: Now that's an awesome gift!
Anna: I-I'll treasure this forever and ever! Hehe...

Anna (Summer)

Oh, um, (Captain)? Isn't the holiday season wonderful?
Listen, um, every year I usually celebrate with just Nightmare and I...
B-but this year, I was wondering if maybe... (Captain), would you like to spend the holidays with us?

Anna: It's the holiday season, so...
I, umm, have a gift for you!
Because... it's been really cold lately. A-and I thought you might like to feel warm...
Nightmare: You better not go catchin' a cold now!
Anna: I... I knit this sweater for you... I hope you like it...
You do? Yay! Aaah...
Eep! Sorry, that made me so happy...

Ah, (Captain)! That's the sweater I gave you last year!
You're wearing it!
Th-this makes me so happy!
I'll knit you a nice hat to go along with the sweater!
I hope it helps you keep warm, (Captain)...

(Captain), happy holidays.
I-I'm so happy you're wearing the present I gave you.
Th-this year I... uh...
Uh, uh... I-if we stay close, we'll be warmer...
You told me that it's toasty when you're near somebody, (Captain)...
Are you warm? G-good...
It's, um, cold out, so... Let's heat each other up.

Anna: Um... (Captain)? What's that bag in your hands?
Huh? I-it's a present for me?
Wow... A sweater and a hat! They match the ones I made you!
You made these for me? Th-thank yoouuu!
Nightmare: Now that's an awesome gift!
Anna: I-I'll treasure this forever and ever! Hehe...


I sure hope the holiday party is a success!
Drinks: check. Food: check. One juicy turkey: double check!
Hm? The tree?
Um... Well, uhh... Of... Of course it's ready!
Look! A special spirit tree!
C'mon, let's put the ornaments on it together!
Hm? Dishonoring the dead?
What're you talking about! They don't mind! My spirits love being decorated!
Come on! Hurry now! I can't wait to wow everyone with this one-of-a-kind spirit tree!

(Captain)! Happy holidays!
What am I doing? I'm decorating my spirit tree.
You remember that's what I did last year too, right?
Everyone loved it, so this year I decided to do the same thing again.
Hehe! And this year, I'm going to be even more fancy with it!
I hope you get the chance to see my spirit tree!

Oh, (Captain). Did I wake you up?
Hm? What am I doing? Can't you tell? I'm being Santa!
I mean, it's the holiday season.
So I thought I'd leave a present by everyone's pillows, just like Santa.
That being said, happy holidays, (Captain)! This one here's from me to you. Don't be shy—take it!

Morning! Did you get a good night's sleep?
Oh, that box in your hands... Did you figure out what it is?
Yep, a present from me! I left it by your pillow last night. Was it a nice wake-up surprise?
You looked real cute while you were sleeping, by the way. Kind of reminded me of Grea... Hehe!
I have to go get the food ready for tonight's party, so I'll see you later. Your taste buds are going to be in for a treat!

Hey, (Captain)! Just the captain I wanted to see!
It's the most wonderful time of the year, and I need some gifts for Grea and Owen.
I've been thinking for days, but I still can't decide on anything.
Can you help me pick out presents for them?
Like they say, two heads are better than one!
Choose: Sure.
Thanks! Come on, let's hit the shops.
By the way, I'm getting you something too, so I hope you like it.
Hm? You want to know what it is?
Too bad! It's a secret!

Anne (Light)

I sure hope the holiday party is a success!
Drinks: check.
Food: check.
One juicy turkey: double check!
Hm? The tree?
Um... Well, uhh...
Of... Of course it's ready!
Look! A special spirit tree!
C'mon, let's put the ornaments on it together!
Hm? Dishonoring the dead?
What're you talking about! They don't mind! My spirits love being decorated!
Come on! Hurry now! I can't wait to wow everyone with this one-of-a-kind spirit tree!

(Captain)! Happy holidays!
What am I doing? I'm decorating my spirit tree.
You remember that's what I did last year too, right?
Everyone loved it, so this year I decided to do the same thing again.
Hehe! And this year, I'm going to be even more fancy with it!
I hope you get the chance to see my spirit tree!

Oh, (Captain). Did I wake you up?
Hm? What am I doing? Can't you tell? I'm being Santa!
I mean, it's the holiday season.
So I thought I'd leave a present by everyone's pillows, just like Santa.
That being said, happy holidays, (Captain)! This one here's from me to you. Don't be shy—take it!

Morning! Did you get a good night's sleep?
Oh, that box in your hands... Did you figure out what it is?
Yep, a present from me! I left it by your pillow last night. Was it a nice wake-up surprise?
You looked real cute while you were sleeping, by the way. Kind of reminded me of Grea... Hehe!
I have to go get the food ready for tonight's party, so I'll see you later. Your taste buds are going to be in for a treat!

Hey, (Captain)! Just the captain I wanted to see!
It's the most wonderful time of the year, and I need some gifts for Grea and Owen.
I've been thinking for days, but I still can't decide on anything.
Can you help me pick out presents for them?
Like they say, two heads are better than one!
Choose: Sure.
Thanks! Come on, let's hit the shops.
By the way, I'm getting you something too, so I hope you like it.
Hm? You want to know what it is?
Too bad! It's a secret!


Happy holidays, (Captain).
Heh heh... Tonight is quite the auspicious occasion.
There's an old tale about this important night. Have you heard it, (Captain)?
In ages past, two countries feuded with each other.
Their conflict stretched across the years...
Only on this festive night did they lay down their weapons and sing songs of celebration.
On a night like tonight, we remember. Deep down inside, none of us desire conflict.

Season's greetings, (Captain).
Did you get a present from Santa yet?
Heh heh, I sure do hope it's something nice.
Bringing presents and smiles to everyone—truly an admirable man, Santa.
Spreading happiness and joy to others... It's not so hard if you think about it though.
You don't have to do anything big. Just a small gesture can be enough to show someone you care.
Maybe if everyone were like that, then peace could come to this world...
My wish this year is for our days ahead to be blessed with smiles and happiness.

Happy holidays, (Captain).
Haha... Do I look that happy?
Actually some children saw my mustache and thought I was Santa.
I am honored to have been mistaken for such a great man.
Haha... Then I moved my mustache a little and the children frolicked about happily.
That is what I must protect—the smiles of the children.

Happy holidays, (Captain).
Haha. It seems you've been quite busy with decorating for the holy night.
I, too, took on the challenge of putting up ornaments on the tree together with the children.
The children seemed to be having trouble with decorating the top of the tree, so I used my spear to hook the ornaments on.
Apparently they were quite impressed and even gave me a round of applause. I must say, that made me rather happy.
I never thought the spearsmanship I learned in order to exercise control would someday bring such joy to innocent children...
Ah, it seems another child is having trouble with the ornaments.
That would be my cue to step in. Looks like it's going to be an exceptionally lively night this year.

It seems many people are touched by the beautiful sight of snow on this holy night. It gives them a special kind of warmth.
However, I'm afraid a white holy night does not evoke such pleasant memories for me.
When I was young, the holy night on the year my parents passed away was a snowy one like this.
I was fortunate enough to have adults and friends in similar circumstances close by...
But the reality of never being able to spend another holy night with my parents penetrated my soul, freezing it just as the snow freezes its surroundings.
Even after many years, memories and feelings from your childhood still come rushing back... They don't fade so easily.
I'm sure people have different feelings when it comes to this night.
But I pray that at least tonight will be one that can give everyone peace of mind.


Happy holidays.
You know... I like noise and excitement, but right now I just want to spend the evening in silence...
That's why I made sure we were alone. Just me and my precious (Captain)...
Hey. Wanna spend the rest of today just like this? Together?
Wha? You do? R-really?
Ngh... No! I knew it! It's too embarrassing... Huh? You were just making fun of me?
Don't do that!

It's snowing... No wonder it's so cold.
Is it okay if I inch a little closer to you, (Captain)?
I'm not really dressed for this weather...
Can you... help keep me warm, (Captain)?
Eeep! A-are we cuddling already?
Aagh... I did say to keep me warm, but this is...
Aah! N-no! I-I can't... Ngh!
Hm? Am I blushing? That's because you were snuggling up against me...
Ngh, (Captain). I'm not cold anymore, so give me some room, okay?
Otherwise, I won't be able to handle it...

(Captain), happy holidays!
(Captain), do you have any plans for tonight?
If you don't, why not go to a party with me?
But wait... You probably can't becau—
Huh? You can?
Thank you, (Captain)!
Hehe... I get to have you all to myself on a night like this... What a dream...
Let's make the most of tonight, okay?

Oh, (Captain). There you are.
Me? I was looking for you.
Isn't it natural to want to spend such a special night with the person most important to me?
Yes. You heard me correctly.
You know how I feel about you already, don't you?
T-that's why, um... If you're willing, why don't you join me in my room tonight?
A-and we can have a party, just the two of us.
(I actually said it... But I had to if I want us to go any further together...)
(There's no turning back now. I-I can do this!)
A-anyways, I'll be waiting in my room!
U-um... You can join me whenever you want, but only if you want to, of course!

"Everyone appreciates seeing a cute Santa outfit"... Hmm.
Still, wearing one would be so embarrassing.
But if it'd make (Captain) happy...
Huh? (Captain)! Since when did you get here?
Hm? What am I reading? Oh, uh... That's a secret.
Um, (Captain)... This might sound strange but... can I ask you something?
What do you think about me putting on a cute Santa outfit?

  • Choose: You'd look charming.
    (Ngh... (Captain) said I'd look charming...)
    (Guess I have no choice now but to wear one!)
  • Choose: I wanna see!
    (I didn't think (Captain) would say that... Looks like the book was right after all.)
    (I guess I'll have to wear one now!)

Thank you. I'll put your answer into consideration.
By the way, you won't be able to take your eyes off me at the party tonight, (Captain).
So get ready, all right?

Anthuria (Holiday)

Happy holidays.
You know... I like noise and excitement, but right now I just want to spend the evening in silence...
That's why I made sure we were alone. Just me and my precious (Captain)...
Hey. Wanna spend the rest of today just like this? Together?
Wha? You do? R-really?
Ngh... No! I knew it! It's too embarrassing... Huh? You were just making fun of me?
Don't do that!

It's snowing... No wonder it's so cold.
Is it okay if I inch a little closer to you, (Captain)?
I'm not really dressed for this weather...
Can you... help keep me warm, (Captain)?
Eeep! A-are we cuddling already?
Aagh... I did say to keep me warm, but this is...
Aah! N-no! I-I can't... Ngh!
Hm? Am I blushing? That's because you were snuggling up against me...
Ngh, (Captain). I'm not cold anymore, so give me some room, okay?
Otherwise, I won't be able to handle it...

(Captain), happy holidays!
(Captain), do you have any plans for tonight?
If you don't, why not go to a party with me?
But wait... You probably can't becau—
Huh? You can?
Thank you, (Captain)!
Hehe... I get to have you all to myself on a night like this... What a dream...
Let's make the most of tonight, okay?

Oh, (Captain). There you are.
Me? I was looking for you.
Isn't it natural to want to spend such a special night with the person most important to me?
Yes. You heard me correctly.
You know how I feel about you already, don't you?
T-that's why, um... If you're willing, why don't you join me in my room tonight?
A-and we can have a party, just the two of us.
(I actually said it... But I had to if I want us to go any further together...)
(There's no turning back now. I-I can do this!)
A-anyways, I'll be waiting in my room!
U-um... You can join me whenever you want, but only if you want to, of course!

"Everyone appreciates seeing a cute Santa outfit"... Hmm.
Still, wearing one would be so embarrassing.
But if it'd make (Captain) happy...
Huh? (Captain)! Since when did you get here?
Hm? What am I reading? Oh, uh... That's a secret.
Um, (Captain)... This might sound strange but... can I ask you something?
What do you think about me putting on a cute Santa outfit?

  • Choose: You'd look charming.
    (Ngh... (Captain) said I'd look charming...)
    (Guess I have no choice now but to wear one!)
  • Choose: I wanna see!
    (I didn't think (Captain) would say that... Looks like the book was right after all.)
    (I guess I'll have to wear one now!)

Thank you. I'll put your answer into consideration.
By the way, you won't be able to take your eyes off me at the party tonight, (Captain).
So get ready, all right?

Anthuria (Yukata)

Happy holidays.
You know... I like noise and excitement, but right now I just want to spend the evening in silence...
That's why I made sure we were alone. Just me and my precious (Captain)...
Hey. Wanna spend the rest of today just like this? Together?
Wha? You do? R-really?
Ngh... No! I knew it! It's too embarrassing... Huh? You were just making fun of me?
Don't do that!

It's snowing... No wonder it's so cold.
Is it okay if I inch a little closer to you, (Captain)?
I'm not really dressed for this weather...
Can you... help keep me warm, (Captain)?
Eeep! A-are we cuddling already?
Aagh... I did say to keep me warm, but this is...
Aah! N-no! I-I can't... Ngh!
Hm? Am I blushing? That's because you were snuggling up against me...
Ngh, (Captain). I'm not cold anymore, so give me some room, okay?
Otherwise, I won't be able to handle it...

(Captain), happy holidays!
(Captain), do you have any plans for tonight?
If you don't, why not go to a party with me?
But wait... You probably can't becau—
Huh? You can?
Thank you, (Captain)!
Hehe... I get to have you all to myself on a night like this... What a dream...
Let's make the most of tonight, okay?

Oh, (Captain). There you are.
Me? I was looking for you.
Isn't it natural to want to spend such a special night with the person most important to me?
Yes. You heard me correctly.
You know how I feel about you already, don't you?
T-that's why, um... If you're willing, why don't you join me in my room tonight?
A-and we can have a party, just the two of us.
(I actually said it... But I had to if I want us to go any further together...)
(There's no turning back now. I-I can do this!)
A-anyways, I'll be waiting in my room!
U-um... You can join me whenever you want, but only if you want to, of course!

"Everyone appreciates seeing a cute Santa outfit"... Hmm.
Still, wearing one would be so embarrassing.
But if it'd make (Captain) happy...
Huh? (Captain)! Since when did you get here?
Hm? What am I reading? Oh, uh... That's a secret.
Um, (Captain)... This might sound strange but... can I ask you something?
What do you think about me putting on a cute Santa outfit?

  • Choose: You'd look charming.
    (Ngh... (Captain) said I'd look charming...)
    (Guess I have no choice now but to wear one!)
  • Choose: I wanna see!
    (I didn't think (Captain) would say that... Looks like the book was right after all.)
    (I guess I'll have to wear one now!)

Thank you. I'll put your answer into consideration.
By the way, you won't be able to take your eyes off me at the party tonight, (Captain).
So get ready, all right?


Oh, it's you, (Captain). I was just writing a song for the holiday season. I've been trying to come up with some lyrics, but maybe you can assist me.
Purge this night of its silence. Punish the corrupted trees with gentle decoration. For in my heart, the red rose of snow blossoms this night.
What do you think? You can be honest with me. Wait, why are you running away?

Heh. I just went into town with Vermillios. While we were there, something unimaginable happened.
Some children on the street pointed over to me. Then they yelled out the title of my newest song.
You'd never imagine you'd have that kind of impact on people. I even thought that song would be hard for children to understand, but I'm starting to get a sense of their talents.
You want to know the name of my new song? All right. It's Thunder Claus. Yeah, the one with the white bag.
You know, you seem pretty interested in the song. All right, I'll let you hear it.

I have returned, (Captain). Vermillios and I were out to town buying supplies. We even dropped by a chapel on the way.
But upon hearing the children's hymns, our hearts were lit afire. We could not help but join in.
Humph. The priest was absolutely enraged by us, however.
We barely made it out of there.

Ah, (Captain). Would you kindly lend me your ear?
I was thinking about delivering gifts to all the kiddos in the crew.
I've already picked everything out, but I can't decide who to give what to.
Check this out. Who do you think would want a sunlight stone? Or this ancient relic and an island's ownership?
Hm? You look thunderstruck. All of these came from gig signing-bonuses.
You think toys would be a safer bet? Let me get a sound check from Vermillios and the others.

Ah, there you are, (Captain). Think I could join you for a bit? Seems my bottle's gone dry.
What kind of bottle you ask? It's leftover from the beverage I brought to tonight's feast. Used to drink it when I was flying solo.
Vermillios wanted to try it, so I picked some up. But he was defeated after a sip.
I guess this is pretty potent stuff, but that's no excuse. I can drink glass after glass.
Oh, but that's right... You're not of age yet. Guess I'm still drinking alone tonight.


What comes to mind when you think about holiday music? I imagine it depends on the person.
Young people think of lighter songs, the older generation thinks of solemn classics. What do I think of?
Well... Why don't I play some for you?

I hope my song may please the gods on this most holy night.
Hm? You made gingerbread cookies? There might not be enough to go around?
All right, performance is over. Where were those cookies again? I see. Excuse me, I'll be right back.

Looks like it's the season again. Time for another song for the gods.
Don't worry, this year I'll follow the song all the way through. I made sure to eat before I start.
Hehe. I actually asked the cook to slip me a couple of bites just now.
What? Cheating? This is for the gods after all. Some rules have to be bent if need be!

Okay, now for the twelfth song...
Haha... I can keep going. I need to stay focused on something, or I won't be able to stand the wait.
I was so surprised coming to this town. I'd never considered such a way to enjoy the festivities.
I can already picture the juices leaking from its plump, well-done body as I sink my teeth into it...
I don't think I can bear the wait for the roasted pig much longer...

Oh, (Captain)! What are you doing still up at this time?
Me? I suddenly got the urge to play my lyre...
So I came out here to strum a few notes by myself.
If you're not busy, would you like to listen to me play something?
It'd be nice if there was somebody here to listen...
Hehe, thank you. Then this will be a special performance that's only for your ears, (Captain).
Hmm, let's see... I'll name this "A Holiday Carol Just for You." What do you think?


Happy Holidays, (Captain)!
After taking on jobs as a knight-in-training, I've been able to save up some money little by little.
So this year, I bought warm blankets for not only the kids at the orphanage, but for the sister too!
She always gives us kids her warm clothes when winter rolls around, so I wanted to make sure she was nice and toasty this year.
I'm still a long way from becoming a knight captain, but I wanted to do what I could in the meantime.
I'm not gonna be a kid forever, you know!
I'll keep getting stronger, become a captain, and then I'll be able to make everyone happy, just like Santa!

Guess what, (Captain)! I'm gonna be Santa tonight!
That being said, I'm just gonna be sneaking presents under the pillows of the younger White Dragons.
I told Vice-Captain Vane that I wanted to do something to make the night a little more festive, and he agreed to let me handle it!
Hehe. After all, I couldn't be a role model to the others if I kept getting presents from him forever.
You're surprised he gave me the job? Now that you mention it, this is basically like him giving away the secret...
Until now, Vice-Captain Vane was always acting as our Santa behind the scenes...
You don't think he found out that I know the truth, do you?
But if I ask him to make sure, I'll be giving it away... Then again, if I don't ask, I'll just keep wondering...
Arghhh! (Captain), what do I do!

Hey, (Captain). There's something I wanted to talk to you about...
I asked Vice-Captain Vane about the whole Santa thing before the holidays this year.
He laughed and said that he gave me the role because he thought I'd be a good Santa.
That made me really happy to hear! I'm gonna give it my all again this year so I can be the ultimate Santa!
The vice-captain also told me that I should work on moving stealthily if I wanna be even more Santa-like.
Wait, you don't think someone spotted me last year, do you? No, that can't be...
Argh, now I'm all worried!
Will you oversee my practice later, (Captain)?

Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
Ahaha... You saw? That's embarrassing...
The thing is... I messed up. One of the younger knights realized that I was Santa.
Vice-Captain Vane said we've got some bright members on the team, so I shouldn't worry about it too much...
But he put his trust in me... I'm so upset that I couldn't live up to his expectations!
But you're right. I can't just wallow in my regret... I need to work hard so it doesn't happen again!
All right, I'll practice moving more stealthily! I should work on hiding any signs of myself and camouflaging too...
(Captain)! Do you want to practice with me?
Next year I'm definitely gonna pull off the Santa thing without anyone noticing!

Arthur (Event)

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
I don't believe in Santa Claus anymore of course, but there's something about the spirit of the season that gets me so excited!
I bet all the little ones back at the orphanage are going all out with decorations this year...
I'm not so great myself, but when it comes to arts and crafts, Mordred's a prodigy!
Oh, here's an idea! Let's decorate the Grandcypher together!
Stay right here; I'll go get Mordred!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
This year Mordred and I picked out presents to send to the little ones at the orphanage.
I wonder if they've arrived yet. I'm all nervous about whether the kids'll like their gifts.
I still get excited about holiday stuff like parties and receiving presents myself...
But I guess I'm old enough to feel a little self-conscious about that.
Mordred, on the other hand, seems cool as a cucumber. Like he's not sweating it at all.
But I'm sure deep down, the kids' reactions are on his mind!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Um, when I woke up this morning, there was a present by my bed. Did you put it there?
No? Then maybe it was Mordred... Nah, he'd never do that.
Hm... I also found a strand of white hair caught in the ribbon—ah! Could it have been Santa?
Whoa! I can't believe Santa himself came to my room! That's so awesome!
Hehe. It's because I was even nicer this year than I was last year!
I'm gonna go show off my present to Mordred! I'll show you what I got later, (Captain)!

Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays...
Huh? Oh, er... Yeah, I'm doing all right! Ahaha...
Sigh... Guess I can't hide anything from you, huh? The thing is, this present here...
It came this year too. Everyone's laughing about it and joking about how it's Santa again...
But... I saw!
Last night, Vice-Captain Vane had a white beard on his face and was carrying this huge bag...
I'm happy about it, of course! I'm happy, but... I just feel like it's not something I should've seen...
Plus I can't tell Mordred about this...
I never wake up in the middle of the night... Why'd I have to choose last night to go to the bathroom?

Check it out, (Captain)! I sent Santa a thank-you letter, and I actually got a reply!
Well, I can tell Vice-Captain Vane's the one who wrote it though. The handwriting's the same and everything.
But it means a lot that he channeled his inner Santa while writing me back!
Like here it says, "I ho-ho-hope you become a proud knight of Feendrache someday!"
Eheh, guess this means I'll have to start training even harder!
I gotta say, I'm kinda disappointed the letter didn't come from Santa himself...
But I'm gonna be mature about it. 'Cause either way, I'm lucky to have someone cheering me on!
And honestly, this might be the most memorable gift I've ever gotten. Thank you so much, Vice-Captain Vane!
Heh. If I thanked him directly he'd know I figured it out, so I decided to say it to you instead!

Arthur and Mordred

Arthur: Oh, (Captain)!
Mordred: Happy holidays!
Hm? This package?
Arthur: Hehe. It just arrived this morning. Presents from the sister at the orphanage!
Mordred: Geez... I told her we're not kids anymore. We don't need presents!
Arthur: I don't want to put her to any trouble either, but...
It does make me happy.
Mordred: ...
I didn't say I was unhappy about it.

Arthur: Happy holidays, (Captain)!
I hope you like these ornaments we made for you!
Mordred: We kinda went overboard when we were making ornaments for the little ones of the orphanage.
You might not like how kiddie they look, so you don't have to keep them or anything...
Arthur: Wait, you want to know how we made these? Ah! I bet you're gonna decorate the whole ship with them!
Woo-hoo! Did you hear that, Mordred? (Captain) approves!
Mordred: Uh... That doesn't mean anything if our swordsmanship isn't up to par.
Arthur: Yeah, you say that, but you're actually really happy on the inside! You can tell by looking at his ears—
Mordred: Okay, okay! I admit it! I'm real happy (Captain) complimented our ornaments!
So... If you'll come with me, I'll teach you how to make them.

Mordred: Come on, I was just worried about you. You sure you're okay?
Arthur: Why don't you worry about yourself? You don't even know if you picked the right thing!
Mordred: Wha! I told you I...
Arthur: Oh, (Captain)!
Mordred: Happy holidays.
Oh, it's nothing! We're not fighting or anything. We were just getting ready for tonight's party...
We're supposed to be exchanging presents with Cruz, Tornelio, and the others at the party.
So we each prepared a gift by ourselves...
Arthur: But Mordred keeps asking what I decided to get for my present.
Mordred: I told you, I was just worried whether you were doing okay!
We always do this kinda thing together, right? So I wasn't sure if you were okay getting it ready by yourself...
Arthur: I'm fine! I'm totally fine by myself! I don't know about you though!
Mordred: What? Of course I'm fine!
Okay. If that's how it's gonna be, then let's make it a competition. You and me.
Arthur: I'm in! Whoever picked the better present wins!
Arthur & Mordred: And that's gonna be me!

Arthur: Oh, (Captain)! Did you come to check on us in the kitchen?
Mordred: Don't worry, everything's going fine. I did some cooking once in a while back at the orphanage to help out the sister.
That said, my skills don't have anything on Vice-Captain Vane's.
Arthur: The vice-captain is seriously amazing! That food he whipped up at the encampment the other day was crazy tasty!
Mordred: Word has it he trusts his sixth sense when it comes to seasoning. He really is in a league of his own.
Arthur: Hey! Think I could season like that if I just followed my gut too?
Mordred: Whoa, don't you dare. Cooking is like training—unless you have the basics down, it's not going to turn out well.
Arthur: Huh... Guess the basics are pretty important. In that case, I'm gonna use today to follow the recipe and gain some experience!
Mordred: Except you're already trying to add sugar to the soup! You've got to read the labels!
Arthur: Whoops! My bad!

Arthur: It's snowiiing! Look, Mordred! It's really coming down!
Mordred: Yeah, I can see that without you yelling it at me. Still, it doesn't usually pile up this much.
Arthur: These are perfect conditions for a snowball fight! (Captain), let's all have one together!
Mordred: Then I get to be on (Captain)'s team!
Arthur: Hey, no fair! I wanted to team up with (Captain)!
Mordred: Too bad! I said it first, so you're out of luck!
Arthur: Grr, time to switch to plan B!
Cruuuz, Torneliooo, Henryyy! Join my team for our snowball fight!
Mordred: Hey, Arthur! Four against two is cheating!
He's already gone... But it'd be lame to lose with you on my team, so let's do this for real!


Happy holidays, (Captain). Any plans for the night?
Would you mind if I spent the night by your side?
On a silent and holy night like this, there's nothing better than spending it with a good friend and good conversation.

Tonight we celebrate the holiday season with all our precious friends on the ship.
You may have a frigid, wintry fate ahead of you, but we'll overcome it with camaraderie.
Put another way... people can't do much on their own.
I can see the future, and you have a steady, unyielding resolve. But alone... we're nothing.
Heheh... I can tell you want a little more elaboration.
Let me put it this way. There's no better way to spend days like this than with those precious to you.
Heheh... I thought I would be included in that category for you, but perhaps I was mistaken?
Having memories of these quiet times with you is all I need to overcome any challenge the future poses.

Happy holidays, (Captain)! No matter how old I get, the holiday season always makes me giddy with excitement.
The best chefs in our crew have crowded into the kitchen to show off their skills. I just got back from helping out a bit.
And since holiday feasts differ on each island, we'll be sure to see a smorgasbord of dishes and desserts at the party.
A table full of good eats with everyone chatting happily... Heh-heh! I can't wait for tonight!
But I'm afraid I'll have trouble getting a seat right next to you. I have to admit that's a little disappointing...

Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom... I'll need some ginger, too...
Hmm? Oh, (Captain). I was just thinking about making some mulled wine. It's a spiced wine that's served warm.
The warmth from the heat and spices spreads through your body when drinking it—just perfect for winter, don't you think?
With everyone so busy for the holidays, I thought I'd make some. After all, you wouldn't want to catch a cold during this time of year.
Oh, that's right—you can't have any yet, (Captain). It may sound good, but you'll have to wait until you're an adult.
Hehe, don't look so glum.
See, I'll make some chai for you using the same spices.
Sharing a warm drink with your friends for a joyous night and occasion—what could be better?

Oh my, (Captain). What are you doing up so late? You'll run into Santa Claus if you're not careful.
What about me, you ask? Our holiday dinner was so much fun, I can't quite seem to settle down. I thought I'd take the night air to calm down a bit.
I'm so glad we all got to spend such a peaceful night together this year as well.
My only regret is that the seats beside you were so popular, I never had a chance to squeeze in.
But I can't complain. After all, I have you all to myself, now.
If you're in the mood for a little stargazing...
Why don't we shield each other from the night's chill? The night wind won't bite with me by your side.

Arulumaya (Holiday)

Happy holidays, (Captain). Any plans for the night?
Would you mind if I spent the night by your side?
On a silent and holy night like this, there's nothing better than spending it with a good friend and good conversation.

Tonight we celebrate the holiday season with all our precious friends on the ship.
You may have a frigid, wintry fate ahead of you, but we'll overcome it with camaraderie.
Put another way... people can't do much on their own.
I can see the future, and you have a steady, unyielding resolve. But alone... we're nothing.
Heheh... I can tell you want a little more elaboration.
Let me put it this way. There's no better way to spend days like this than with those precious to you.
Heheh... I thought I would be included in that category for you, but perhaps I was mistaken?
Having memories of these quiet times with you is all I need to overcome any challenge the future poses.

Happy holidays, (Captain)! No matter how old I get, the holiday season always makes me giddy with excitement.
The best chefs in our crew have crowded into the kitchen to show off their skills. I just got back from helping out a bit.
And since holiday feasts differ on each island, we'll be sure to see a smorgasbord of dishes and desserts at the party.
A table full of good eats with everyone chatting happily... Heh-heh! I can't wait for tonight!
But I'm afraid I'll have trouble getting a seat right next to you. I have to admit that's a little disappointing...

Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom... I'll need some ginger, too...
Hmm? Oh, (Captain). I was just thinking about making some mulled wine. It' spiced wine that's served warm.
The warmth from the heat and spices spreads through your body when drinking it-just perfect for winter, don't you think?
With everyone so busy for the holidays, I thought I'd make some. After all, you wouldn't want to catch a cold during this time of year.
Oh, that's right-you can't have any yet, (Captain). It may sound good, but you'll have to wait until you're an adult.
Hehe, don't look so glum.
See, I'll make some chai for you using the same spices.
Sharing a warm drink with your friends for a joyous night and occasion-what could be better?

Oh my, (Captain). What are you doing up so late? You'll run into Santa Claus if you're not careful.
What about me, you ask? Our holiday dinner was so much fun, I can't quite seem to settle down. I thought I'd take the night air to calm down a bit.
I'm so glad we all got to spend such a peaceful night together this year as well.
My only regret is that the seats beside you were so popular, I never had a chance to squeeze in.
But I can't complain. After all, I have you all to myself, now.
If you're in the mood for a little stargazing...
Why don't we shield each other from the night's chill? The night wind won't bite with me by your side.

Arulumaya (Light)

Happy holidays, (Captain). Any plans for the night?
Would you mind if I spent the night by your side?
On a silent and holy night like this, there's nothing better than spending it with a good friend and good conversation.

Tonight we celebrate the holiday season with all our precious friends on the ship.
You may have a frigid, wintry fate ahead of you, but we'll overcome it with camaraderie.
Put another way... people can't do much on their own.
I can see the future, and you have a steady, unyielding resolve. But alone... we're nothing.
Heheh... I can tell you want a little more elaboration.
Let me put it this way. There's no better way to spend days like this than with those precious to you.
Heheh... I thought I would be included in that category for you, but perhaps I was mistaken?
Having memories of these quiet times with you is all I need to overcome any challenge the future poses.

Happy holidays, (Captain)! No matter how old I get, the holiday season always makes me giddy with excitement.
The best chefs in our crew have crowded into the kitchen to show off their skills. I just got back from helping out a bit.
And since holiday feasts differ on each island, we'll be sure to see a smorgasbord of dishes and desserts at the party.
A table full of good eats with everyone chatting happily... Heh-heh! I can't wait for tonight!
But I'm afraid I'll have trouble getting a seat right next to you. I have to admit that's a little disappointing...

Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom... I'll need some ginger, too...
Hmm? Oh, (Captain). I was just thinking about making some mulled wine. It's a spiced wine that's served warm.
The warmth from the heat and spices spreads through your body when drinking it—just perfect for winter, don't you think?
With everyone so busy for the holidays, I thought I'd make some. After all, you wouldn't want to catch a cold during this time of year.
Oh, that's right—you can't have any yet, (Captain). It may sound good, but you'll have to wait until you're an adult.
Hehe, don't look so glum.
See, I'll make some chai for you using the same spices.
Sharing a warm drink with your friends for a joyous night and occasion—what could be better?

Oh my, (Captain). What are you doing up so late? You'll run into Santa Claus if you're not careful.
What about me, you ask? Our holiday dinner was so much fun, I can't quite seem to settle down. I thought I'd take the night air to calm down a bit.
I'm so glad we all got to spend such a peaceful night together this year as well.
My only regret is that the seats beside you were so popular, I never had a chance to squeeze in.
But I can't complain. After all, I have you all to myself, now.
If you're in the mood for a little stargazing...
Why don't we shield each other from the night's chill? The night wind won't bite with me by your side.

Arulumaya (Yukata)

Happy holidays, (Captain). Any plans for the night?
Would you mind if I spent the night by your side?
On a silent and holy night like this, there's nothing better than spending it with a good friend and good conversation.

Tonight we celebrate the holiday season with all our precious friends on the ship.
You may have a frigid, wintry fate ahead of you, but we'll overcome it with camaraderie.
Put another way... people can't do much on their own.
I can see the future, and you have a steady, unyielding resolve. But alone... we're nothing.
Heheh... I can tell you want a little more elaboration.
Let me put it this way. There's no better way to spend days like this than with those precious to you.
Heheh... I thought I would be included in that category for you, but perhaps I was mistaken?
Having memories of these quiet times with you is all I need to overcome any challenge the future poses.

Happy holidays, (Captain)! No matter how old I get, the holiday season always makes me giddy with excitement.
The best chefs in our crew have crowded into the kitchen to show off their skills. I just got back from helping out a bit.
And since holiday feasts differ on each island, we'll be sure to see a smorgasbord of dishes and desserts at the party.
A table full of good eats with everyone chatting happily... Heh-heh! I can't wait for tonight!
But I'm afraid I'll have trouble getting a seat right next to you. I have to admit that's a little disappointing...

Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom... I'll need some ginger, too...
Hmm? Oh, (Captain). I was just thinking about making some mulled wine. It's a spiced wine that's served warm.
The warmth from the heat and spices spreads through your body when drinking it—just perfect for winter, don't you think?
With everyone so busy for the holidays, I thought I'd make some. After all, you wouldn't want to catch a cold during this time of year.
Oh, that's right—you can't have any yet, (Captain). It may sound good, but you'll have to wait until you're an adult.
Hehe, don't look so glum.
See, I'll make some chai for you using the same spices.
Sharing a warm drink with your friends for a joyous night and occasion—what could be better?

Oh my, (Captain). What are you doing up so late? You'll run into Santa Claus if you're not careful.
What about me, you ask? Our holiday dinner was so much fun, I can't quite seem to settle down. I thought I'd take the night air to calm down a bit.
I'm so glad we all got to spend such a peaceful night together this year as well.
My only regret is that the seats beside you were so popular, I never had a chance to squeeze in.
But I can't complain. After all, I have you all to myself, now.
If you're in the mood for a little stargazing...
Why don't we shield each other from the night's chill? The night wind won't bite with me by your side.


This is the longest night of the winter season, but it varies by island.
And to make things even more interesting, the traditions people celebrate varies by island too!
Some islands celebrate with festive pastries...
While others prepare massive cakes many days in advance. The food sure varies, that's for sure.
Oh my gosh! Was that the sound of your stomach rumbling, (Captain)?
Hee hee! I'm getting a little hungry myself! I can't wait for the holiday feast tonight!
It sounds like the best cooks in the crew are going to be putting their skills to the test... and we get to enjoy the results!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
We'll be exchanging gifts at the party today, right?
Hehehe... I'm thinking about giving you one of my favorite books.
Oh? I wasn't supposed to tell you that?
That's right, isn't it... I just got caught up in my excitement.
I suppose I might as well give it to you now, then!
My mother often read me this picture book when I was young.
The cats in town roam the streets on a winter's night... Oh! Sorry, you should read the rest for yourself.
Don't worry about the party either... I have another present ready for you.
Hehe... Just wait and see.

Wow! This tree is so pretty! Look at all the decorations!
There's a lot of meaning behind the decorations, you know!
For example, it's said that candles were first used to brighten up long winter nights.
And these sparkling baubles were crafted to resemble apples.
The ornament you place on top isn't just limited to stars either—it changes depending on the culture!
Oh, wouldn't it be adorable to put a little stuffed kitty up there?
Sorry! That's not a custom from an island or anything...
But cats are known for their climbing skills, so I think it would look natural!

The crew is full of people from all over, and tonight's menu truly reflects that! What a lively party!
It's common to gather with family or close friends on this day... Or at least that's a custom observed on many islands.
Everyone comes together and shares a warm meal to help each other overcome the cold winter!
Depending on the island, there are even islands with a custom of soaking in citrus-infused hot springs.
We know from research that the citrus bath has many beneficial effects, like repelling insects.
The peoples of the past realized this too, and that's why they developed this particular bathing custom!
Each custom and tradition is born from logic or purpose.
We mustn't ignore the ways of the past just because they're old. Finding the truth can be quite enjoyable. Oh, I really sound like a librarian right now, don't I?

And... there we go!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
Yes, I just finished putting the last of the decorations on the tree.
I was hanging these red and white striped treats called candy canes near the bottom.
Tales of how this traditional candy came to be red and white vary from region to region...
One says it's a decorative item that brings health, with the red symbolizing blood and the white representing the bones. The cane itself portrays the body that holds everything together.
In my hometown, we'd give the candy canes out to the children when we took down the tree in hopes that they'll be healthy throughout the winter.
I was lucky to get my hands on so many candy canes this year.
After the celebrations are over, I'll pass them out to everyone in the crew! After all, we skyfarers need to make sure our bodies are strong and healthy!


Happy holidays, (Captain)! Did you find any presents under the tree?

Oh! Hi, (Captain).
Umm... I was wondering if I've been good this year...
I'm always bugging you to take me on missions and doing other selfish things.
I'm sure I've caused trouble for Sutera too...
Hm? You think I've been good?
Ehehe. Thank you, (Captain)!
Even if I don't get any presents, I'll still be happy!

I helped with the holiday party preparations too, (Captain).
I think the best parties are the ones where you work really hard to make sure everything goes as planned!
I'm a good girl?
Mm... I don't really think so.
I'm actually a little worried about how I've behaved this year.
So I thought I should at least make myself especially useful for today.
But I'm sure Santa Claus can tell when kids are just trying to get on his nice list...
Huh? You don't think so?
Hehe. I feel so much better hearing that from you, (Captain)!
Um, well, maybe this is kind of a weird thing to say, but...
I think you've been really, really good this year too, (Captain)!
Santa will definitely pay us a visit!

(Captain), if you're not busy, do you wanna help me decorate the tree?
Hehehe... If we do a good job, then I'm sure everyone will enjoy looking at it!
Look, I've got ribbon and bells and white string—oh, and these sparkly balls!
But I can't reach the top to put the star on...
Climb on your back? That might work...
But what if I hurt you! This sounds risky, but here goes...
I was right! Hurry and put me down, (Captain), before your back starts to hurt!
Are you okay? Oh, you're used to picking up heavier stuff when you train...
Whew... Well thank goodness! Hehe...
Anyway, thank you very much! Thanks to you, the star is in its rightful place on top of the tree!

Wow, everyone's having so much fun. I should really join in...
Ah! (Captain)! I'll be going up too for the holiday talent show!
But I don't know if my reed pipe playing is going to impress anyone... Everyone else probably has more interesting talents to show...
Eep! Ahahaha! That tickles, (Captain)!
You sure surprised me! What was that for?
Me putting on a smile is what really matters?
Hm, you might be right... When I see people happily performing out in town, I find myself so entranced!
As long as I enjoy myself, the audience should have a great time too!
Thanks for the advice, (Captain). I'm feeling much better now.
But my hands are still shaking from being nervous...
If you don't mind... Could you hold my hands until it's my turn to go?

Aster (Event)

Happy holidays, (Captain)! Did you find any presents under the tree?

Oh! Hi, (Captain).
Umm... I was wondering if I've been good this year...
I'm always bugging you to take me on missions and doing other selfish things.
I'm sure I've caused trouble for Sutera too...
Hm? You think I've been good?
Ehehe. Thank you, (Captain)!
Even if I don't get any presents, I'll still be happy!

I helped with the holiday party preparations too, (Captain).
I think the best parties are the ones where you work really hard to make sure everything goes as planned!
I'm a good girl?
Mm... I don't really think so.
I'm actually a little worried about how I've behaved this year.
So I thought I should at least make myself especially useful for today.
But I'm sure Santa Claus can tell when kids are just trying to get on his nice list...
Huh? You don't think so?
Hehe. I feel so much better hearing that from you, (Captain)!
Um, well, maybe this is kind of a weird thing to say, but...
I think you've been really, really good this year too, (Captain)!
Santa will definitely pay us a visit!

(Captain), if you're not busy, do you wanna help me decorate the tree?
Hehehe... If we do a good job, then I'm sure everyone will enjoy looking at it!
Look, I've got ribbon and bells and white string—oh, and these sparkly balls!
But I can't reach the top to put the star on...
Climb on your back? That might work...
But what if I hurt you! This sounds risky, but here goes...
I was right! Hurry and put me down, (Captain), before your back starts to hurt!
Are you okay? Oh, you're used to picking up heavier stuff when you train...
Whew... Well thank goodness! Hehe...
Anyway, thank you very much! Thanks to you, the star is in its rightful place on top of the tree!

Wow, everyone's having so much fun. I should really join in...
Ah! (Captain)! I'll be going up too for the holiday talent show!
But I don't know if my reed pipe playing is going to impress anyone... Everyone else probably has more interesting talents to show...
Eep! Ahahaha! That tickles, (Captain)!
You sure surprised me! What was that for?
Me putting on a smile is what really matters?
Hm, you might be right... When I see people happily performing out in town, I find myself so entranced!
As long as I enjoy myself, the audience should have a great time too!
Thanks for the advice, (Captain). I'm feeling much better now.
But my hands are still shaking from being nervous...
If you don't mind... Could you hold my hands until it's my turn to go?


Everyone seems to be in a festive mood today. Is there a special occasion of sorts happening?
A winter celebration, you say...
I have heard the rumors, but this is my first time seeing a town bustle like this in person.
It is indeed a wonderful sight to behold... I can't seem to find a frown in sight.
A day where skydwellers celebrate in harmony, together with their loved ones...
If you wouldn't mind, (Captain), could you teach me more about this holiday?
I wish to know every detail there is to know about such a wonderful day.
Surely the knowledge will prove useful in protecting smiles across the sky.

Welcome back, (Captain).
Given how chilly it is, I suggest you make your way over here.
This? Truth be told, I was making a holiday wreath.
When I heard that these can banish evil and bring good fortune, I knew I had to try assembling one myself.
I had wanted to complete the task before the holy eve, but things did not proceed so smoothly...
Nonetheless, feast your eyes on it! The shape I've envisioned for so long has finally taken form!
Haha... I am more than just a force on the battlefield. Chances are good that we will get to see my full-fledged wreath before night's end.
Will you join me as I put the finishing touches on it, (Captain)?
May we pray together for the eternal bliss of all in our crew...

(Captain), are you aware of the man named Santa Claus?
I have heard he is a kindhearted fellow who gives presents to the children of the world.
The children, in turn, try to be on their best behavior so they are given one of his gifts. Surely these efforts should lead to peaceful skies...
It would be nice to meet such a man who inspires people to focus on matters other than war and weapons.
You say you've had the opportunity to assist him in delivering presents?
As expected of my captain! So you have also been responsible for spreading holiday cheer.
If it wouldn't be too much to ask, would I be able to assist with the deliveries this year?
Nothing would please me more than to help spread such cheer.

(Captain), I hope you are having a wonderful holiday.
This may be a little forward of me, but I've brought you a gift.
I thought you deserved something nice for the help you gave Santa Claus last year.
You're always so mature, doing the right thing.
Sometimes I forget that you should be enjoying the holy night like other youth.
As for the gift, I picked out a sweater that should keep you warm through these cold evenings.
I hope you find the owl design to your liking.

I hope the holidays are finding you well, (Captain).
There's something I'd like to give you alongside your present.
Here you are—your trousers.
Yesterday, I discovered it on the floor of the laundry area and, upon closer inspection, noticed a hole in the knee area.
I hope you don't mind, but I took it back to my room and repaired it. I happened to have the perfect materials on hand...
Including a large embroidered patch in the design of an owl. It perfectly covers the knee.
I bought the patch some time ago, but never had the chance to use it.
It's nice to see that it proved useful. I think I did a good job applying it too, if I do say so myself.
From now on, this patch will keep your knee safe.
You should wear it for your holy night festivities today. Go on, don't hold back on my account.


Happy holidays!
Teehee! (Captain), (Captain)! Look at this giant chicken I fried up!
My parents sent it. Fried chicken for the crew, their letter said.
The party tonight is gonna be a blast!

Okay, kids! Put those ribbons up on the wall please! Phew, preparations are going swell!
(Captain), thanks for calling me out to your party. I'm having so much fun just setting up everything with the kids on the crew.
The little munchkins fall into line real easily this time of the year. As soon as I tell them Santa gives presents to little helpers, they're all so quick to help.
If you want in on the presents, (Captain), we could use another hand in the kitchen or with decorations.

Perfect timing, (Captain)! Would you take a look here?
Ta-da! I made a snowman that looks like you, (Captain)! And one like Vyrn too!
We've got a white winter, so we've got to make the most of it!
Huh? Is the nose a bit out of place? The real one's like this... Lemme take a bit off here...
Wait, wait! I'm almost done! Stay with me for a little longer!
Please, just a bit!

What's wrong, (Captain)? You look like you could use some help.
Hm? The children in the crew won't go to bed because they're waiting for Santa?
Haha, what an adorable thing to say! Reminds me of when I was a kid!
Why don't you leave the situation to me? I've got a few bedtime stories up my sleeve that should put them to rest fast!
Though considering how energetic the children are here, I'd have a much easier time if you could come with me.

Happy holidays, (Captain)! Here's a present from me!
It's a ticket for a concert we're putting on in that room over there later. I made this together with the children—isn't it cute?
We wanted to give you a surprise. I got the children together a while ago, and we've been practicing some songs since then.
An exciting, special concert for this holy night! You can invite whoever you like, of course. Let's enjoy the night together!

Augusta (Promo)

Happy holidays!
Teehee! (Captain), (Captain)! Look at this giant chicken I fried up!
My parents sent it. Fried chicken for the crew, their letter said.
The party tonight is gonna be a blast!

Okay, kids! Put those ribbons up on the wall please! Phew, preparations are going swell!
(Captain), thanks for calling me out to your party. I'm having so much fun just setting up everything with the kids on the crew.
The little munchkins fall into line real easily this time of the year. As soon as I tell them Santa gives presents to little helpers, they're all so quick to help.
If you want in on the presents, (Captain), we could use another hand in the kitchen or with decorations.

Perfect timing, (Captain)! Would you take a look here?
Ta-da! I made a snowman that looks like you, (Captain)! And one like Vyrn too!
We've got a white winter, so we've got to make the most of it!
Huh? Is the nose a bit out of place? The real one's like this... Lemme take a bit off here...
Wait, wait! I'm almost done! Stay with me for a little longer!
Please, just a bit!

What's wrong, (Captain)? You look like you could use some help.
Hm? The children in the crew won't go to bed because they're waiting for Santa?
Haha, what an adorable thing to say! Reminds me of when I was a kid!
Why don't you leave the situation to me? I've got a few bedtime stories up my sleeve that should put them to rest fast!
Though considering how energetic the children are here, I'd have a much easier time if you could come with me.

Happy holidays, (Captain)! Here's a present from me!
It's a ticket for a concert we're putting on in that room over there later. I made this together with the children—isn't it cute?
We wanted to give you a surprise. I got the children together a while ago, and we've been practicing some songs since then.
An exciting, special concert for this holy night! You can invite whoever you like, of course. Let's enjoy the night together!


Gah... Everyone's making a racket. Something tells me I'm not getting any sleep tonight.
Interested in tagging along, Captain?
You're one for bright, festive places, and I should be able to get some training done too.
Who're you calling lonely? You're asking for some serious season's beatings...

Ugh... You're back? You came to see me during the holidays last year too.
I don't get you sometimes, but as long as you don't mess up my training schedule, you can do whatever you want.
Huh? What do you mean by you're gonna let me stay?
You're not a baby; you don't need my permission. Besides, you wouldn't leave even if I told you to.
Sigh... Damn it...

What are you doing here? You should be off to the holiday party. Some others came by looking for you.
What? You gonna stick around here for a bit, huh?
Humph. Why not join me for a bit of training then? If I win, you leave for the party.
If you win, then... I'll buy you whatever you want in town—
Wha? You'll make me go to the party too?
Kn-knock it off! Who'd wanna go to that crappy thing... Like hell am I gonna lose!

Here you are. Again. Why don't you just give up?
It's the holiday season. I mean, I couldn't care less, but isn't it important to you? Don't waste it on me.
Hm? Today is important, and that's why you're set on spending it with me?
Wha—what do you think you're saying!
The madness of the season must've gotten to you. That's the only reason you'd screw with me like this.
Will I forgive you if you were being serious? That's not what I—
Argh! Whatever! Say what you want!

Sigh... Always so noisy around this time of year.
Of course I'm talking about you. Nobody but you is weird enough to come and invite me on a special night like this.
Fine... I'll go to that party or whatever, just for a short while.
But I'm leaving as soon as I get a few bites to eat, all right?
Hm? What is it?
Oh, er...
Happy holidays.
Tch... Didn't think I'd ever say something so cheesy. Have I gotten soft or what?

Ayer (Summer)

Gah... Everyone's making a racket. Something tells me I'm not getting any sleep tonight.
Interested in tagging along, Captain?
You're one for bright, festive places, and I should be able to get some training done too.
Who're you calling lonely? You're asking for some serious season's beatings...

Ugh... You're back? You came to see me during the holidays last year too.
I don't get you sometimes, but as long as you don't mess up my training schedule, you can do whatever you want.
Huh? What do you mean by you're gonna let me stay?
You're not a baby; you don't need my permission. Besides, you wouldn't leave even if I told you to.
Sigh... Damn it...

What are you doing here? You should be off to the holiday party. Some others came by looking for you.
What? You gonna stick around here for a bit, huh?
Humph. Why not join me for a bit of training then? If I win, you leave for the party.
If you win, then... I'll buy you whatever you want in town—
Wha? You'll make me go to the party too?
Kn-knock it off! Who'd wanna go to that crappy thing... Like hell am I gonna lose!

Here you are. Again. Why don't you just give up?
It's the holiday season. I mean, I couldn't care less, but isn't it important to you? Don't waste it on me.
Hm? Today is important, and that's why you're set on spending it with me?
Wha—what do you think you're saying!
The madness of the season must've gotten to you. That's the only reason you'd screw with me like this.
Will I forgive you if you were being serious? That's not what I—
Argh! Whatever! Say what you want!

Sigh... Always so noisy around this time of year.
Of course I'm talking about you. Nobody but you is weird enough to come and invite me on a special night like this.
Fine... I'll go to that party or whatever, just for a short while.
But I'm leaving as soon as I get a few bites to eat, all right?
Hm? What is it?
Oh, er...
Happy holidays.
Tch... Didn't think I'd ever say something so cheesy. Have I gotten soft or what?


Humph, what is this winter holiday garbage?
You can just forget it. A demon would never seek to honor a saint.
Your smiling faces, gaudy ornaments, and sappy carols fill me with disgust.
The same goes for that smirk on your face. Wipe it off before you speak to me.
Now tell me, (Captain), what is there for dinner?
Fruit punch, chicken, bread, ham, stew, cake...
Wait, cake?
I won't refuse if you insist on bringing that up.
But hear this! I won't take part in any blessings or giving of thanks! The demons will rise again, but until then...
Mmm, mmm. Gulp.
Humph, disgusting. Bring me some more!

Humph, so that tree's meant to celebrate the holidays?
What point is there in decorating a plant like that anyway? It'll only become trash in the end...
Meaningless labor, wasted resources... Year after year people do the same thing, and yet they never notice, do they?
The round golden ornaments, candy canes, candles, ribbons, apples, bell, and stars...
Hm? There's no star on top of that tree.
You mean you'll leave it to me? Didn't you hear any of what I was saying?
Hahaha... All right then.
If you'd like, I can top it with an inverted pentagram. We can make this a very evil holiday, you know!
What are you so giddy about? No, no, you've got that pentagram right-side up!

Pft, Santa Claus... What a detestable being.
He sets out in the night to bring joy to all! What is more infuriating to a demon than that!
Wait. What are you doing with that bag?
Presents to hand out to the children aboard the Grandcypher? Why are you giving it to me?
No, you couldn't possibly expect me to take on the role of that jolly charlatan!
Hehe. You know what? It's fine. I will give them a gift that only a demon could give.
Instead of joy, I'll set curses upon them...
Starting with this doll! And this airship model! And this play-sword!
Oh, but when their little faces light up in terror! Haha! How comical that will be! Ahahaha!

Those annoying illuminations... Glittering and sparkling like that.
They may be entertaining the mass majority of people like you said, (Captain). However...
It's nothing more than the materialization of an idea brought on by an enormous amount of funds and labor. Nothing out of the ordinary, of course.
What I want to say is, there's something that can charm mortals even more without such unnecessary expenditure.
It's simple. Light the candles on the candlestand... and recite a chant in the dark of night.
No need to fear. You can be certain that the demon you summon will be most charming.
What? You already did this on your vacation in Auguste?
Hey, that's no way to treat demons! We're not just fun ghost stories for you to tell with your friends!

What a despicable night…
Why the feasts? Why the lights? Why the laughter of children!
And why, in the name of all that is wicked, would they call it "the season of good cheer?"
Tis the season when shadows reign the longest. It should be the season when mortals tremble in fear...
(Captain), you're about to witness history. I'm going to change the name of this wretched period into something more fitting for the rule of my brethren and I.
I present... "the season of evil despair!"
Hey... What's with those judging eyes? I won't stand for this disrespect!
Tsk... You better change your attitude. How else are you going to appreciate the carnival I'm planning for the season of evil despair?
You're slated to be the first sacrifice to my nights of terror. I hope you're ready.

Azazel (Halloween)

Humph, what is this winter holiday garbage?
You can just forget it. A demon would never seek to honor a saint.
Your smiling faces, gaudy ornaments, and sappy carols fill me with disgust.
The same goes for that smirk on your face. Wipe it off before you speak to me.
Now tell me, (Captain), what is there for dinner?
Fruit punch, chicken, bread, ham, stew, cake...
Wait, cake?
I won't refuse if you insist on bringing that up.
But hear this! I won't take part in any blessings or giving of thanks! The demons will rise again, but until then...
Mmm, mmm. Gulp.
Humph, disgusting. Bring me some more!

Humph, so that tree's meant to celebrate the holidays?
What point is there in decorating a plant like that anyway? It'll only become trash in the end...
Meaningless labor, wasted resources... Year after year people do the same thing, and yet they never notice, do they?
The round golden ornaments, candy canes, candles, ribbons, apples, bell, and stars...
Hm? There's no star on top of that tree.
You mean you'll leave it to me? Didn't you hear any of what I was saying?
Hahaha... All right then.
If you'd like, I can top it with an inverted pentagram. We can make this a very evil holiday, you know!
What are you so giddy about? No, no, you've got that pentagram right-side up!

Pft, Santa Claus... What a detestable being.
He sets out in the night to bring joy to all! What is more infuriating to a demon than that!
Wait. What are you doing with that bag?
Presents to hand out to the children aboard the Grandcypher? Why are you giving it to me?
No, you couldn't possibly expect me to take on the role of that jolly charlatan!
Hehe. You know what? It's fine. I will give them a gift that only a demon could give.
Instead of joy, I'll set curses upon them...
Starting with this doll! And this airship model! And this play-sword!
Oh, but when their little faces light up in terror! Haha! How comical that will be! Ahahaha!

Those annoying illuminations... Glittering and sparkling like that.
They may be entertaining the mass majority of people like you said, (Captain). However...
It's nothing more than the materialization of an idea brought on by an enormous amount of funds and labor. Nothing out of the ordinary, of course.
What I want to say is, there's something that can charm mortals even more without such unnecessary expenditure.
It's simple. Light the candles on the candlestand... and recite a chant in the dark of night.
No need to fear. You can be certain that the demon you summon will be most charming.
What? You already did this on your vacation in Auguste?
Hey, that's no way to treat demons! We're not just fun ghost stories for you to tell with your friends!

What a despicable night…
Why the feasts? Why the lights? Why the laughter of children!
And why, in the name of all that is wicked, would they call it "the season of good cheer?"
Tis the season when shadows reign the longest. It should be the season when mortals tremble in fear...
(Captain), you're about to witness history. I'm going to change the name of this wretched period into something more fitting for the rule of my brethren and I.
I present... "the season of evil despair!"
Hey... What's with those judging eyes? I won't stand for this disrespect!
Tsk... You better change your attitude. How else are you going to appreciate the carnival I'm planning for the season of evil despair?
You're slated to be the first sacrifice to my nights of terror. I hope you're ready.


Happy holidays, (Captain).
You came at just the right time. I was about to light this up.
Apparently, this holiday candle is called an aroma candle.
It seems a lot of people practice aromatherapy as a hobby. This candle gives off a relaxing fragrance...
Hm... This would be perfect for enhancing meditation.
Oh, wait... I did it again, didn't I? I started thinking about how something could help my training again...
Say, (Captain). Would you like to stay here with me for a while?
Having you here would really help. I shouldn't waste such a nice candle by thinking about how I could use it for training.
You'll stay? Hehe, thanks. Let's enjoy this aroma candle together.

Oh. Didn't expect to run into you here, (Captain).
Actually, here. This present is for you.
What was I doing? Choosing what gifts to get everyone else in the crew.
Everyone has their own pursuits and pastimes, so I thought this could've been a pathway into finding a new hobby.
But somehow, each and every one of them led me back to martial arts—I spent so much time shopping too...
You'll help me look? Much obliged. With the two of us, hopefully I won't waste as much time wavering.
And if I could discover a new hobby in the process, that would be the cherry on top.

Ah, (Captain). You came at just the right time—could you take a look at this tree?
I was given the task of decorating this tree, so I tried hanging some candies and ribbons on it. How does it look?
I see. So it looks well-balanced to you? I'm glad to hear that.
I tried to maintain its beauty and harmony to the best of my abilities.
The kind of awareness can also be applied to swordsmanship, you see.
When you swing a sword, you have to be aware of every part of the blade, down to its tip.
There must be a balance between the left and right sides when you make the swing.
When I think about how festivities like this can also relate to the martial arts, I'm filled with intrigue...
Oops, I'm sorry... I connected it to martial arts again. I should focus on enjoying the celebrations.
There are still a few more trees, (Captain). Would you like to decorate them together?

(Captain), are you enjoying the party?
The others were kind enough to let me help with the cooking. I made the roast chicken—would you like to try it?
By the way, do you happen to like lemon? I added some as garnish.
I've witnessed fierce disputes in the past over whether lemon juice should go on chicken...
I wonder—is it a more complete dish with it, or without?
Should one enjoy the chicken's original flavor, or enhance it with a citrusy tang?
Just like the martial arts, perhaps there is no right answer.
There is only the pursuit of mastery. While a righteous path exists, a universal answer does not.
Oh drat, I made it about martial arts again. We were supposed to be talking about cooking.
So how about that lemon, (Captain)? With or without?

Azusa (Summer)

Happy holidays, (Captain).
You came at just the right time. I was about to light this up.
Apparently, this holiday candle is called an aroma candle.
It seems a lot of people practice aromatherapy as a hobby. This candle gives off a relaxing fragrance...
Hm... This would be perfect for enhancing meditation.
Oh, wait... I did it again, didn't I? I started thinking about how something could help my training again...
Say, (Captain). Would you like to stay here with me for a while?
Having you here would really help. I shouldn't waste such a nice candle by thinking about how I could use it for training.
You'll stay? Hehe, thanks. Let's enjoy this aroma candle together.

Oh. Didn't expect to run into you here, (Captain).
Actually, here. This present is for you.
What was I doing? Choosing what gifts to get everyone else in the crew.
Everyone has their own pursuits and pastimes, so I thought this could've been a pathway into finding a new hobby.
But somehow, each and every one of them led me back to martial arts—I spent so much time shopping too...
You'll help me look? Much obliged. With the two of us, hopefully I won't waste as much time wavering.
And if I could discover a new hobby in the process, that would be the cherry on top.

Ah, (Captain). You came at just the right time—could you take a look at this tree?
I was given the task of decorating this tree, so I tried hanging some candies and ribbons on it. How does it look?
I see. So it looks well-balanced to you? I'm glad to hear that.
I tried to maintain its beauty and harmony to the best of my abilities.
The kind of awareness can also be applied to swordsmanship, you see.
When you swing a sword, you have to be aware of every part of the blade, down to its tip. There must be a balance between the left and right sides when you make the swing.
When I think about how festivities like this can also relate to the martial arts, I'm filled with intrigue...
Oops, I'm sorry... I connected it to martial arts again. I should focus on enjoying the celebrations.
There are still a few more trees, (Captain). Would you like to decorate them together?

(Captain), are you enjoying the party?
The others were kind enough to let me help with the cooking. I made the roast chicken—would you like to try it?
By the way, do you happen to like lemon? I added some as garnish.
I've witnessed fierce disputes in the past over whether lemon juice should go on chicken...
I wonder—is it a more complete dish with it, or without?
Should one enjoy the chicken's original flavor, or enhance it with a citrusy tang?
Just like the martial arts, perhaps there is no right answer.
There is only the pursuit of mastery. While a righteous path exists, a universal answer does not.
Oh drat, I made it about martial arts again. We were supposed to be talking about cooking.
So how about that lemon, (Captain)? With or without?


Snow, huh...
The element of water overflows on days like this. As such it's only natural that the sound of the resonance would change.
To be precise, however, no identical sound ever plays on the same day—or even moment for that matter. That's what keeps things interesting.
Tonight is a very special holy night.
Treasure it and make it a night to remember, (Captain).

(Captain). Need something?
You want me to accompany you into town?
Maybe some other time. Right now, I'm not in the mood for—
Hey! Stop pulling! I don't care what day it is!
Why does it have to be me in the first place!
All right, fine! I'm coming, I'm coming! So let go!
Sigh... Why does everyone I know only dance to their own tune? It's sheer cacophony...

Oh, it's you. Nothing—I was just taking in the melody of the carols.
I can't bring myself to appreciate all the noise people make on the holy night, but this melodic sound isn't bad at all.
It's no use, you know. I've already decided I'm staying here all night.
You don't have to ask—I can tell by the look on your face that you wanted to take me around again.
You sure are a strange one. I don't see what's so fun about hanging around me...
Hey, stop looking at me with those sad eyes. Now I can't concentrate on the music.
Ugh, fine! You win! Take me wherever you want to go!
Geez... Why does it always end up like this...

You're saying you've still got more in store for us today?
Sorry, (Captain), but I've actually got other plans. I've been asked to play at a secret show later today, you see.
Of course, you're welcome to come listen as a spectator. I'll play a melody that'll warm you right up.
Huh? After the concert? Well, I didn't have anything planned, but...
Say no more, (Captain). Take me wherever you please.

Thought you'd show up. Where are you bringing me this year, (Captain)?
I've figured out that at the end of the day, you end up having things your way anyhow. So I won't even bother resisting this time.
Bothered? Me? No, rather, I'd say I'm impressed.
Because of my interactions with you, what I once took to be background noise stands out as a lot more distinctive now.
You're a strange one, (Captain)... Or maybe I've just been infected with the holiday spirit.

Baal (Fire)

Snow, huh...
The element of water overflows on days like this. As such it's only natural that the sound of the resonance would change.
To be precise, however, no identical sound ever plays on the same day—or even moment for that matter. That's what keeps things interesting.
Tonight is a very special holy night.
Treasure it and make it a night to remember, (Captain).

(Captain). Need something?
You want me to accompany you into town?
Maybe some other time. Right now, I'm not in the mood for—
Hey! Stop pulling! I don't care what day it is!
Why does it have to be me in the first place!
All right, fine! I'm coming, I'm coming! So let go!
Sigh... Why does everyone I know only dance to their own tune? It's sheer cacophony...

Oh, it's you. Nothing—I was just taking in the melody of the carols.
I can't bring myself to appreciate all the noise people make on the holy night, but this melodic sound isn't bad at all.
It's no use, you know. I've already decided I'm staying here all night.
You don't have to ask—I can tell by the look on your face that you wanted to take me around again.
You sure are a strange one. I don't see what's so fun about hanging around me...
Hey, stop looking at me with those sad eyes. Now I can't concentrate on the music.
Ugh, fine! You win! Take me wherever you want to go!
Geez... Why does it always end up like this...

You're saying you've still got more in store for us today?
Sorry, (Captain), but I've actually got other plans. I've been asked to play at a secret show later today, you see.
Of course, you're welcome to come listen as a spectator. I'll play a melody that'll warm you right up.
Huh? After the concert? Well, I didn't have anything planned, but...
Say no more, (Captain). Take me wherever you please.

Thought you'd show up. Where are you bringing me this year, (Captain)?
I've figured out that at the end of the day, you end up having things your way anyhow. So I won't even bother resisting this time.
Bothered? Me? No, rather, I'd say I'm impressed.
Because of my interactions with you, what I once took to be background noise stands out as a lot more distinctive now.
You're a strange one, (Captain)... Or maybe I've just been infected with the holiday spirit.


(Captain), if I may ask a question...
Tonight is said to be the most wondrous of nights. Can you tell me why?
Oh, is that so! All gather together to celebrate the act of gift-giving?
Ah, to participate in such a selfless act surely emboldens the heart and spirit.
What a delightful tradition this is. I too hope to participate in that act this very night. Hahahaha...

(Captain), happy holidays.
This year I have resolved to make the acquaintance of the man named Saint Nicholas.
Captain, I must beg a request of you.
Would you do me the honor of being by my side even into the eve?
For this is the night I will speak with the deliverer of presents...

(Captain), what a wonderful evening.
I was yet again unable to see Santa Claus.
For what reason does the saint hide himself and yet bestow presents upon us?
I see. So it is his custom to hide.
Would it be the case that he is bound by some law and is unable to show himself?
Then I was attempting to violate his rules...
I have decided to give up my quest to see him.
A person who strictly abides by their own precepts... I aspire to such greatness.

(Captain), if I may ask a favor of you...
Although I do not usually partake in the tradition of this wondrous winter holiday, I must voice my admiration and respect for the old saint.
You see, I wish to be a recipient of his generous alms and study under him.
However, as he does not make his presence publicly known, I lack the means by which to make my request known.
A little bird told me that you are in good standing with the saint.
If you could pass the word on for me, I would be most grateful.

Wonderful is a ship filled with merry like yours, (Captain).
Mere moments ago, I aided the children with preparing treats for their favorite visitor clad in red.
Their desire to convey appreciation for Saint Nicholas's kind almsgiving was truly moving.
Hm? You claim there is something in my pocket?
I suppose it does weigh heavier than usual... Oh!
This is one of the treats the children made.
I believe I understand... They must have slipped it in when they heard that I volunteered to aid Saint Nicholas.
Truly, their compassion is a sight to behold... I have only praise in my heart for them.


Hyaappy holidays! Yahoo!
Heh heh... Holidays and festivals really are nice, aren't they?
Huh? I'm partying a little too hard?
C'mon, to party like this is the manliest thing a man can do!
You don't get what I'm talking about?
Ha ha ha... No worries. I don't, either!

Get it together! This is no time to be prancing around, (Captain).
Today the legendary beast called Santa is coming for our destruction!
We need you in top shape! We need to get pumped!
What do you mean for what? It's obvious!
We need to hunt down Santa!
Hahaha... We're gonna steal his presents and then sell them for a profit! You like that idea, don't you?
What? What do you mean, "no"?
Get out of here. If I don't behave myself, then I won't get a present?
I-I can't have that! I need my presents...
Gaaah... It's off... All of it. We can't hunt Santa!

(Captain)! Hyappy holidays!
I've decided that tonight all those little tweedle dees need a big boom to keep them in line!
That means fireworks! I won't stand for a silent night!
What? You think the lights in the sky would work well for the occasion?
How dare you! You mean to tell me I might make those good-for-nothings have an even better time?
This requires action! I'm gonna blow them all away!

Hyaaho, (Captain)! Let's go take one of those guys down!
Huh? Who? Obviously I'm talking about an evergreen tree!
We're gonna find the biggest one, cut it down and turn it into a holiday tree!
Then I'm gonna put the shiniest star ever at the top!
It has to be me, because the honors can only go to the brightest man around!
You can go wild everywhere else though! This tree is gonna be a beauty once we're done!

Hyave a look, (Captain)! Roasted this chicken all by myself!
Everyone in the kitchen left it to me. Said I seemed good at burning and charring things!
Tasty, right? I know I can't wait to dig in later. Food always tastes better when you've worked for it!
Hehe, no need to thank me. A true man's always willing to help the crew prepare for a feast!
Besides, a good time for everyone means a good time for me too!
Anyway, I'm off to help decorate the tree. Everyone's gonna be in for a surprise by the time I'm done with it!
Time for the hyappiest holy night ever!


Happy holidays.
I heard Santa Claus pays a visit to good children.
He knows that adhering to virtue, integrity, and honor is truly the most important thing of all.

There will be throngs of people making merry tonight, opening their hearts which would normally be reserved.
But putting that aside, when I see the twinkling eyes of the boys and girls who have been eagerly awaiting this day...
It warms my heart, and I can't help but smile.

So the merriest day of the year has come. I'm delighted to have the opportunity to spend such a wonderful night with you.
The Lumiel Order of Holy Knights has made it a tradition to decorate a tree today too.
And we generally have the captain of our order place the star on top of the tree.
Naturally Captain Charlotta is no exception.
Our tree was pretty tall one year, so I actually lifted up the captain to help her.
Heh-heh... Those were the days.

The market is certainly bustling during the holidays, isn't it? I thought I would go out to buy provisions, but these crowds made that a challenge.
What did I buy? They were selling these exquisite turkeys, so I purchased a couple.
I should be able to feed the entire crew with these. They'll be the main course for tonight's feast.
I also plan to make a smaller portion specifically for Charlotta's little skyfarer's meal.
You want a little skyfarer's meal too? Then I will happily prepare two.

Oh, (Captain)... What are you doing here in the kitchen? If you're looking for a light meal, I can prepare something for you right away.
You smelled something sweet? It must have been the cake I was baking earlier.
I made a cake as a present for Captain Charlotta, you see. I'm just about to go and give it to her.
Would you like to join us, (Captain)?
Heh, no need to hold back. After all, the more the merrier—I'm sure Captain Charlotta would be happy to share.
Actually, I'm hoping to note down what you like as reference for your present next year as well.

Baotorda (SSR)

Happy holidays.
I heard Santa Claus pays a visit to good children.
He knows that adhering to virtue, integrity, and honor is truly the most important thing of all.

There will be throngs of people making merry tonight, opening their hearts which would normally be reserved.
But putting that aside, when I see the twinkling eyes of the boys and girls who have been eagerly awaiting this day...
It warms my heart, and I can't help but smile.

So the merriest day of the year has come. I'm delighted to have the opportunity to spend such a wonderful night with you.
The Lumiel Order of Holy Knights has made it a tradition to decorate a tree today too.
And we generally have the captain of our order place the star on top of the tree.
Naturally Captain Charlotta is no exception.
Our tree was pretty tall one year, so I actually lifted up the captain to help her.
Heh-heh... Those were the days.

The market is certainly bustling during the holidays, isn't it? I thought I would go out to buy provisions, but these crowds made that a challenge.
What did I buy? They were selling these exquisite turkeys, so I purchased a couple.
I should be able to feed the entire crew with these. They'll be the main course for tonight's feast.
I also plan to make a smaller portion specifically for Charlotta's little skyfarer's meal.
You want a little skyfarer's meal too? Then I will happily prepare two.

Oh, (Captain)... What are you doing here in the kitchen? If you're looking for a light meal, I can prepare something for you right away.
You smelled something sweet? It must have been the cake I was baking earlier.
I made a cake as a present for Captain Charlotta, you see. I'm just about to go and give it to her.
Would you like to join us, (Captain)?
Heh, no need to hold back. After all, the more the merrier—I'm sure Captain Charlotta would be happy to share.
Actually, I'm hoping to note down what you like as reference for your present next year as well.


Oh? Has the holiday season come again? Back in the military, we always made sure to observe this time of year.
There's a story from the War about how they called a cease-fire in the middle of battle just for this day.
Since then it's been a rule in the military that everyone observe this time of year!

The holiday season always reminds me of that ghastly incident.
It all happened when I first started as a detective. For the first time ever, I accused someone of being a criminal...
But that man was innocent. Moreover, since I was never formally hired to look into the case, I was kicked out for sticking my nose where it didn't belong.
That was a night to learn from...

Happy holidays, (Captain)! I've got another present for you this year.
Heh-heh... It's an object I came across while at a certain antique store. Isn't it strange?
It looks like a person from one angle and a beast from another... Can you figure out the purpose for making one of these, (Captain)?
Truth is... I'm not even sure.
But on silent nights like these, just using your brain to solve mystical puzzles is a holiday present in and itself, no?
Well... I mean, uh... that's what I think at least!

Thaaat dastaaard!
(Captain), lend me an ear!
This morning I woke up and on my nightstand was this note!
I thank you for your present this holiest of nights. Here is a small token of my appreciation.
After reading this letter, I opened the box!
Look at this! A little doll with it's tongue sticking out came popping out for goodness sake!
That dastaaard!
I was saving that pudding for a special occasion! This will not stand!

(Captain), how about a present to celebrate the occasion?
You want one right? Of course you do! Hahaha! I knew you'd say that, so I prepared one for you!
But first you'll have to match wits with me. A word of warning: this is going to be a toughie.
Hah. Don't give me that look. It's just a bit of fun. Rewards always feel better at the end of a challenge.
Let's start... I've been crafting this little ditty for over a year now. Let's see if you can solve its hidden meaning.
"Armor is not scary. Rosey wards stop warrior tears." Your hint is no WORRYWARTS!
I'll give you sixty seconds to solve it, staaarting now! Ooone...
Agh! You solved it already! How did you know it was "minced pie"?
Hahaha! I should've expected you'd get it so quickly.
Well, just as I promised, here's your gift! Minced pie, fresh from the bakery!
I'm so happy you destroyed my puzzle! Truly! That year I spent working on it was worth it! Hah-hahaha!

Barawa (Event)

Oh, has the holiday season come again? When I was in the military we always made sure to observe this time of year.
There's a story from the War about how they called a ceasefire in the middle of battle just for this day.
Ever since then it's been a rule in the military that everyone has to observe this time of year.

The holiday season always reminds me of that ghastly incident.
It all happened when I first started as a detective. For the first time ever, I accused someone of being a criminal...
But that man was innocent. Moreover, since I was never formally hired to look into the case, I was kicked out for sticking my nose where it didn't belong.
That was a night to learn from...

Happy holidays, (Captain)! I've got another present for you this year.
Heh-heh... It's an object I came across while at a certain antique store. Isn't it strange?
It looks like a person from one angle and a beast from another... Can you figure out the purpose for making one of these, (Captain)?
Truth is... I'm not even sure.
But on silent nights like these, just using your brain to solve mystical puzzles is a holiday present in and itself, no?
Well... I mean, uh... that's what I think at least!

Thaaat dastaaard!
(Captain), lend me an ear!
This morning I woke up and on my nightstand was this note!
I thank you for your present this holiest of nights. Here is a small token of my appreciation.
After reading this letter, I opened the box!
Look at this! A little doll with it's tongue sticking out came popping out for goodness sake!
That dastaaard!
I was saving that pudding for a special occasion! This will not stand!

(Captain), how about a present to celebrate the occasion?
You want one right? Of course you do! Hahaha! I knew you'd say that, so I prepared one for you!
But first you'll have to match wits with me. A word of warning: this is going to be a toughie.
Hah. Don't give me that look. It's just a bit of fun. Rewards always feel better at the end of a challenge.
Let's start... I've been crafting this little ditty for over a year now. Let's see if you can solve its hidden meaning.
"Armor is not scary. Rosey wards stop warrior tears." Your hint is no WORRYWARTS!
I'll give you sixty seconds to solve it, staaarting now! Ooone...
Agh! You solved it already! How did you know it was "minced pie"?
Hahaha! I should've expected you'd get it so quickly.
Well, just as I promised, here's your gift! Minced pie, fresh from the bakery!
I'm so happy you destroyed my puzzle! Truly! That year I spent working on it was worth it! Hah-hahaha!

Barawa (SR)

Oh? Has the holiday season come again? Back in the military, we always made sure to observe this time of year.
There's a story from the War about how they called a cease-fire in the middle of battle just for this day.
Since then it's been a rule in the military that everyone observe this time of year!

The holiday season always reminds me of that ghastly incident.
It all happened when I first started as a detective. For the first time ever, I accused someone of being a criminal...
But that man was innocent. Moreover, since I was never formally hired to look into the case, I was kicked out for sticking my nose where it didn't belong.
That was a night to learn from...

Happy holidays, (Captain)! I've got another present for you this year.
Heh-heh... It's an object I came across while at a certain antique store. Isn't it strange?
It looks like a person from one angle and a beast from another... Can you figure out the purpose for making one of these, (Captain)?
Truth is... I'm not even sure.
But on silent nights like these, just using your brain to solve mystical puzzles is a holiday present in and of itself, no?
Well... I mean, uh... that's what I think at least!

Thaaat dastaaard!
(Captain), lend me an ear!
This morning I woke up and on my nightstand was this note!
I thank you for your present this holiest of nights. Here is a small token of my appreciation.
After reading this letter, I opened the box!
Look at this! A little doll with it's tongue sticking out came popping out for goodness sake!
That dastaaard!
I was saving that pudding for a special occasion! This will not stand!

(Captain), how about a present to celebrate the occasion?
You want one right? Of course you do! Hahaha! I knew you'd say that, so I prepared one for you!
But first you'll have to match wits with me. A word of warning: this is going to be a toughie.
Hah. Don't give me that look. It's just a bit of fun. Rewards always feel better at the end of a challenge.
Let's start... I've been crafting this little ditty for over a year now. Let's see if you can solve its hidden meaning.
"Armor is not scary. Rosey wards stop warrior tears." Your hint is no WORRYWARTS!
I'll give you sixty seconds to solve it, staaarting now! Ooone...
Agh! You solved it already! How did you know it was "minced pie"?
Hahaha! I should've expected you'd get it so quickly.
Well, just as I promised, here's your gift! Minced pie, fresh from the bakery!
I'm so happy you destroyed my puzzle! Truly! That year I spent working on it was worth it! Hah-hahaha!

Barawa and Sarya

Barawa: Listen up, (Captain)! You, too, Sarya! I have a great idea!
Sarya: And what would that be?
Barawa: Where does Santa Claus come from? And where does he go once he's done delivering his gifts? It's the biggest mystery of all!
Sarya: I'm not sure if it's the biggest, but it's definitely a mystery.
Barawa: Well, I figured out how to solve it!
Sarya: You did? How did you do that?
Barawa: How, you ask? I'll tell you how... I'll dress Buddy up as a reindeer and go undercover with him!
Sarya: Huh?
Barawa: I'm sure Santa wouldn't notice if one of his reindeers were swapped out for a dog. I know I wouldn't.
Sarya: ...
Barawa: In any case, I've prepared these fake antlers for Buddy, but I can't seem to find him anywhere.
Sarya: Maybe he caught on to your antics and fled. Buddy's quite perceptive like that. I could learn a thing or two from him...
Barawa: (Captain)! Sarya! Help me locate Buddy!
Sarya: I get the feeling that we won't be able to find him until tomorrow... But I guess that's fine! Let's start looking, (Captain)!

Barawa: Right then, you two! I've got an update on the location of Santa's home base.
Sarya: Oh, so we're still doing that. How are you planning to find it this year?
Barawa: I'm glad you asked. This here's a comprehensive report of every spot he's been seen.
I thought that if I went over it long enough, I'd get a sense for what he considers his home turf.
Sarya: But it didn't work?
Barawa: Not even a bit! The man seems to show up completely randomly!
I can only conclude that he'll go anywhere, from the biggest cities to the most far-flung villages.
What do you two make of it, Sarya, (Captain)?
Sarya: (If the report's that comprehensive, wouldn't it include people dressing up as Santa for their families?)
(There's no way you'd figure anything out from that, Detective...)


Another happy day...
Sigh. Oh, you were here, (Captain).
I'm not a big fan of this holiday.
Something happened in my past that I don't like to reminisce about.
I wouldn't want to spoil your fun, so you don't have to keep me company.
Hm? Why are you still here? Oh? I see...
Thank you for staying with me, (Captain).

Heheh! I made sure to do some research into the meaning behind this holiday!
We're supposed to spend it together with the ones we hold dear. Did I get it right?
Um, I mean... like, I want to spend today... with (Captain)... Something like that...
O-okay? Phew... That was nerve-wracking. Hehe!
All right! I'm gonna whip up the tastiest feast you've ever eaten! This is gonna be a delicious day!

Hey, hey, (Captain)! Gimme a present!
Wait, what? You'll actually get something for me?
I mean, I was just joking... I can ask for anything? Okay then...
Um, um... Maybe if you held my hand...
Ah, n-no, I didn't say that! Forget it!
It's fine. I'll just think of something else—Wait! Don't!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Heh heh! Listen... I just had a crazy idea!
We're going to give presents—delicious cookies—to the children in town, right?
That means we'll be the good kids—excellent kids! And then...
That Santa guy will pay us a visit. Hehe, isn't this the best strategy ever?
It's going to be great to see Santa, isn't it? I wonder what sort of person he is.
Okay, let's go hand the cookies out, (Captain)!

(Captain)! Hey, ever seen one of these before?
Ta-dahh! Gingerbread men! No, don't eat them—I want to decorate the tree with these.
So this is Zeta, and this is Vaseraga. And this is Eustace and Sergeant Ilsa! And here's Cassius and Vyrn and Lyria!
U-um... About the Beatrix and (Captain) cookies, uhh... I did make them but...
Hey, no! Stop! D-don't just take them!
W-when they were baking, they got stuck together... And now it looks like they're holding hands...
I-it's not on purpose! It was a complete accident! I'm serious! S-stop laughing!
(Captain), come on! I told you to stop laughing!

Beatrix (Earth)

Another happy day...
Sigh. Oh, you were here, (Captain).
I'm not a big fan of this holiday.
Something happened in my past that I don't like to reminisce about.
I wouldn't want to spoil your fun, so you don't have to keep me company.
Hm? Why are you still here? Oh? I see...
Thank you for staying with me, (Captain).

Heheh! I made sure to do some research into the meaning behind this holiday!
We're supposed to spend it together with the ones we hold dear. Did I get it right?
Um, I mean... like, I want to spend today... with (Captain)... Something like that...
O-okay? Phew... That was nerve-wracking. Hehe!
All right! I'm gonna whip up the tastiest feast you've ever eaten! This is gonna be a delicious day!

Hey, hey, (Captain)! Gimme a present!
Wait, what? You'll actually get something for me?
I mean, I was just joking... I can ask for anything? Okay then...
Um, um... Maybe if you held my hand...
Ah, n-no, I didn't say that! Forget it!
It's fine. I'll just think of something else—Wait! Don't!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Heh heh! Listen... I just had a crazy idea!
We're going to give presents—delicious cookies—to the children in town, right?
That means we'll be the good kids—excellent kids! And then...
That Santa guy will pay us a visit. Hehe, isn't this the best strategy ever?
It's going to be great to see Santa, isn't it? I wonder what sort of person he is.
Okay, let's go hand the cookies out, (Captain)!

(Captain)! Hey, ever seen one of these before?
Ta-dahh! Gingerbread men! No, don't eat them—I want to decorate the tree with these.
So this is Zeta, and this is Vaseraga. And this is Eustace and Sergeant Ilsa! And here's Cassius and Vyrn and Lyria!
U-um... About the Beatrix and (Captain) cookies, uhh... I did make them but...
Hey, no! Stop! D-don't just take them!
W-when they were baking, they got stuck together... And now it looks like they're holding hands...
I-it's not on purpose! It was a complete accident! I'm serious! S-stop laughing!
(Captain), come on! I told you to stop laughing!

Beatrix (Halloween)

Another happy day...
Sigh. Oh, you were here, (Captain).
I'm not a big fan of this holiday.
Something happened in my past that I don't like to reminisce about.
I wouldn't want to spoil your fun, so you don't have to keep me company.
Hm? Why are you still here? Oh? I see...
Thank you for staying with me, (Captain).

Heheh! I made sure to do some research into the meaning behind this holiday!
We're supposed to spend it together with the ones we hold dear. Did I get it right?
Um, I mean... like, I want to spend today... with (Captain)... Something like that...
O-okay? Phew... That was nerve-wracking. Hehe!
All right! I'm gonna whip up the tastiest feast you've ever eaten! This is gonna be a delicious day!

Hey, hey, (Captain)! Gimme a present!
Wait, what? You'll actually get something for me?
I mean, I was just joking... I can ask for anything? Okay then...
Um, um... Maybe if you held my hand...
Ah, n-no, I didn't say that! Forget it!
It's fine. I'll just think of something else—Wait! Don't!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Heh heh! Listen... I just had a crazy idea!
We're going to give presents—delicious cookies—to the children in town, right?
That means we'll be the good kids—excellent kids! And then...
That Santa guy will pay us a visit. Hehe, isn't this the best strategy ever?
It's going to be great to see Santa, isn't it? I wonder what sort of person he is.
Okay, let's go hand the cookies out, (Captain)!

(Captain)! Hey, ever seen one of these before?
Ta-dahh! Gingerbread men! No, don't eat them—I want to decorate the tree with these.
So this is Zeta, and this is Vaseraga. And this is Eustace and Sergeant Ilsa! And here's Cassius and Vyrn and Lyria!
U-um... About the Beatrix and (Captain) cookies, uhh... I did make them but...
Hey, no! Stop! D-don't just take them!
W-when they were baking, they got stuck together... And now it looks like they're holding hands...
I-it's not on purpose! It was a complete accident! I'm serious! S-stop laughing!
(Captain), come on! I told you to stop laughing!

Beatrix (SR)

Another happy day...
Sigh. Oh, you were here, (Captain).
I'm not a big fan of this holiday.
Something happened in my past that I don't like to reminisce about.
I wouldn't want to spoil your fun, so you don't have to keep me company.
Hm? Why are you still here? Oh? I see...
Thank you for staying with me, (Captain).

Heheh! I made sure to do some research into the meaning behind this holiday!
We're supposed to spend it together with the ones we hold dear. Did I get it right?
Um, I mean... like, I want to spend today... with (Captain)... Something like that...
O-okay? Phew... That was nerve-wracking. Hehe!
All right! I'm gonna whip up the tastiest feast you've ever eaten! This is gonna be a delicious day!

Hey, hey, (Captain)! Gimme a present!
Wait, what? You'll actually get something for me?
I mean, I was just joking... I can ask for anything? Okay then...
Um, um... Maybe if you held my hand...
Ah, n-no, I didn't say that! Forget it!
It's fine. I'll just think of something else—Wait! Don't!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Heh heh! Listen... I just had a crazy idea!
We're going to give presents—delicious cookies—to the children in town, right?
That means we'll be the good kids—excellent kids! And then...
That Santa guy will pay us a visit. Hehe, isn't this the best strategy ever?
It's going to be great to see Santa, isn't it? I wonder what sort of person he is.
Okay, let's go hand the cookies out, (Captain)!

(Captain)! Hey, ever seen one of these before?
Ta-dahh! Gingerbread men! No, don't eat them—I want to decorate the tree with these.
So this is Zeta, and this is Vaseraga. And this is Eustace and Sergeant Ilsa! And here's Cassius and Vyrn and Lyria!
U-um... About the Beatrix and (Captain) cookies, uhh... I did make them but...
Hey, no! Stop! D-don't just take them!
W-when they were baking, they got stuck together... And now it looks like they're holding hands...
I-it's not on purpose! It was a complete accident! I'm serious! S-stop laughing!
(Captain), come on! I told you to stop laughing!

Beatrix (Summer)

Another happy day...
Sigh. Oh, you were here, (Captain).
I'm not a big fan of this holiday.
Something happened in my past that I don't like to reminisce about.
I wouldn't want to spoil your fun, so you don't have to keep me company.
Hm? Why are you still here? Oh? I see...
Thank you for staying with me, (Captain).

Heheh! I made sure to do some research into the meaning behind this holiday!
We're supposed to spend it together with the ones we hold dear. Did I get it right?
Um, I mean... like, I want to spend today... with (Captain)... Something like that...
O-okay? Phew... That was nerve-wracking. Hehe!
All right! I'm gonna whip up the tastiest feast you've ever eaten! This is gonna be a delicious day!

Hey, hey, (Captain)! Gimme a present!
Wait, what? You'll actually get something for me?
I mean, I was just joking... I can ask for anything? Okay then...
Um, um... Maybe if you held my hand...
Ah, n-no, I didn't say that! Forget it!
It's fine. I'll just think of something else—Wait! Don't!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Heh heh! Listen... I just had a crazy idea!
We're going to give presents—delicious cookies—to the children in town, right?
That means we'll be the good kids—excellent kids! And then...
That Santa guy will pay us a visit. Hehe, isn't this the best strategy ever?
It's going to be great to see Santa, isn't it? I wonder what sort of person he is.
Okay, let's go hand the cookies out, (Captain)!

(Captain)! Hey, ever seen one of these before?
Ta-dahh! Gingerbread men! No, don't eat them—I want to decorate the tree with these.
So this is Zeta, and this is Vaseraga. And this is Eustace and Sergeant Ilsa! And here's Cassius and Vyrn and Lyria!
U-um... About the Beatrix and (Captain) cookies, uhh... I did make them but...
Hey, no! Stop! D-don't just take them!
W-when they were baking, they got stuck together... And now it looks like they're holding hands...
I-it's not on purpose! It was a complete accident! I'm serious! S-stop laughing!
(Captain), come on! I told you to stop laughing!


Black Knight

It's so silent and snowy tonight... Reminds me of when Orchis and I would wait up for Santa.
I miss those days. But the memories we created give me the strength to keep going.
I suppose children on every island are waiting tonight for him, just as we did.
But I've learned Santa's real gift wasn't the toys he would bring then, but the happy memories we have now.

The kitchen is strangely active.
Hmm? Ah, today is the winter festival? That explains it.
(Captain), you should go enjoy the feast with everyone.
That's an unexpected expression. I will go as well—I have no intention of denying myself these small pleasures.
The memories I build with loving friends are what keep me moving. I have learned this time and time again.

It looks as though it will snow tonight.
There are so many memories that come rushing back as my eyes meet the snow.
No matter how much I change, the snow that falls here never will.
Seeing a world swallowed by the white ice is enough to make even me a bit emotional.
But tonight is the holiest of nights...
I'll find my peace in the children having so much fun.

Oh, it's you, (Captain). Does this garment I'm holding catch your eye?
Sigh... You certainly know how to catch me at an awkward moment.
Tonight is the eve of the winter holiday, and I want to give Orchid and Orchis their presents.
Though I'm sure Orchis would throw a fit, demanding not to be treated as a child.
But giving gifts during this season isn't limited to children. They can be given to anyone that's important to you.
If I'm going to pretend to be Santa Claus, I may as well look the part.
Perhaps my costume will make even the Scarlet Knight feel a hint of envy...
Never mind. That was a stupid joke. Forget I said anything.

(Captain). Do you know who made this cake?
Someone gave me this when I passed by the dining hall earlier. It's not bad at all.
Oho... Orchis and Orchid made this together with the children on the ship?
I see... Then I suppose I'll have to thank the children.
For the cake, and for making sure those two had a good time here.
Hopefully the both of them can have another night like this next year...
Heh... Look at me, getting so ahead of myself.
In any case... I pray with all my heart that the two of them can spend a peaceful holy night next year as well.

Blazing Teacher Elmott

What? You want me to make you roast chicken?
You punk... You think I'm going to do it just because it involves fire, don't you!
Humph... Yeah, fine. I'll make it for you since it's a special day.

Huh? What's so special about today? Humph. I see.
It's cold and it's dark. How can anyone call this festive?
Light up the night and make it warmer for you?
Yeah, I think you got me confused for a fireplace.
Tch. Persistent brat. Fine, come closer.

Gyahaha! Burn baby burn! Ohh yeah, there's a good girl.
Huh? Oh, (Captain), it's you. I was just getting the stove ready for tonight's dinner.
I'm thinkin' a nice juicy turkey cooked to perfection. Mmm, roastin' that baby is gonna feel so good.
And somehow my flames seem to be getting into a jolly mood as well. Ohh man, am I gonna enjoy this.

Whoa, what's this? Lemme guess: you tried to make a giant snowman and messed up?
Wha? This is supposed to be an igloo?
And you want me to get in there and help you start a fire?
We do that, and your igloo's gonna melt away.
Huh? You sure about this? All right, just don't blame me when the snow comes tumbling down on us.
Heh, I'm surprised your little snow hut is actually still standing.
(Captain), might as well come closer to the fire if you're feeling that cold. Relax—I like you too much to turn you into cinders.

Hey, (Captain). What're you doin' outside in the freezing cold snow?
A snowball fight with the kids? Here we are on this special night, and you're up to the same antics as always.
Huh? Hey, don't take off your coat just 'cause you're hot. That goes for you kids over there too.
If you're all sweaty, maybe it's about time to call it quits. There's chicken fresh outta the oven waiting for you.
Seems like a good time to start the party. I'll get some hot drinks ready while you change.


Bowman can only take control of Ayer's body for limited periods of time, so he can't participate in seasonal festivities.


Happy holidays, (Captain)!
I guess that means we've got a jolly old man in red coming by with some presents!
I've been really good this year, if I say so myself. Do you think he'll give me a gift?
I know you're a good person, (Captain), so you'll get something for sure!
We'll get our much deserved rewards and make this holiday the best through and through!

Let's have a party, (Captain)!
It's the season for celebration! Where everyone eats and laughs together!
I did my best through and through with the food and decorations! I know you'll love it!
I hope you enjoy it through and through, (Captain)!

(Captain), it's chilly today so be sure to stay warm through and through!
Your holiday break will go to waste if you catch a cold!
So I took some time through and through to make you something warm to eat!
Nothing would make me happier than to see you warm up after a few bites of my hot homemade dish, (Captain)!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Look! And look real good through and through! These are snowmen that I made!
Starting from the right, this is Captain Charlotte, Sevastien, Baotorda, and Cordelia!
Hehe. What do you think? I call them the Lumiel Order of Holy Snowpeople!
Next, I'll make a snow version of you too, (Captain)!
Would you like to help make it?

I had so much fun at today's party.
The food was delicious, the games were fun, everyone was smiling... And there were even presents!
Oh... Look, it's snowing! What a beautiful sight.
I got to enjoy myself at a lively party and see snowfall... Today's been truly wonderful.
Hehe. Oh, I hope we do this every year!
(Captain), happy holidays!

Bridgette and Cordelia

Bridgette: (Captain)! We're going to have a holiday party tonight!
Cordelia: Haha, it was Bridgette's idea. Though I did help out with a few things.
Bridgette: I made so much food...
Cordelia: While I thought of ideas to liven up the festivities.
Bridgette: Dear Cordelia will dress up in red and give out presents to everyone!
Cordelia: Bridgette... Weren't we keeping that a secret?
Bridgette: Ah...
Cordelia: Haha, it's fine. Just as long as (Captain) can keep it a secret from the others.
Bridgette: I sure hope you're looking forward to it, (Captain)!

Bridgette: Season's greetings! We're putting up decorations for the party later.
Cordelia: Haha, the flag seems to have caught your attention, (Captain). Bridgette took a lot of care and effort into sewing it.
Bridgette: I burned the midnight oil, hoping that flag might bring the crew some smiles!
But it was Cordelia who came up with the color arrangement.
My dearest Cordelia was thinking about it the whole time while arranging flowers. You have to admit she has great sense!
Cordelia: Oh, stop it, Bridgette. Color choice is so subjective a thing that it's hardly worth bragging about.
Bridgette: Aw, you're blushing. Haha, how cute.
We'll be done soon enough, (Captain). You're going to love it!

Bridgette: I really appreciate the help, (Captain)! Cordelia's on a mission, so she'll be coming back late.
I wasn't sure I'd be able to finish the decorations on my own, but it's a sure thing now thanks to you!
Hrgh... there! The curtain hooks, the ornaments... I can almost reach them...
Cordelia: How's this, Bridgette?
Bridgette: Huh?
Aaah! Cordelia, what are you doing here?
Cordelia: My mission ended sooner than expected.
Bridgette: Yay! That means more time with my dearest Cordelia! It's a holiday miracle!
Cordelia: Bridgette... I believe you're exaggerating, but I'm glad to be back early too.
The decorations are perfect thanks to you two. I'll handle the arrangement of the dishes.
Bridgette: I'll do it with you! The more we work together, the faster we'll finish!
Cordelia: I'll take you up on that. Off to the kitchen then.

Bridgette: Look at the snow! It is piling up ever so high, dear Cordelia!
Cordelia: And you seem to be in even higher spirits than usual! I suppose that the snow reaching these heights has me feeling quite elated as well.
Bridgette: Let's make a snowman! Oh, and how about a snow house with a snow table? We could have a snow banquet!
Cordelia: That does sound rather delightful.
The insides of snow structures are quite a bit warmer than you may think. We should be able to bring plenty of food inside with us without issue.
Bridgette: Exactly! Won't you join us, (Captain)? We'll chat and make merry until the night grows old!

Bridgette: I hope you have resolved yourself! You'll do this willingly, I trust?
I hope you have resolved yourself! You'll do this willingly, I trust?
Cordelia: Bridgette... I still don't believe this suits me terribly well.
(Captain), you must talk some sense into her. Don't you agree that this is not right for me?
Bridgette is holding up what appears to be a sleek, and somewhat sexy, Santa outfit.
It would seem she has prepared it for Cordelia to wear.
Cordelia: I intend to enjoy myself at the festivities, not create a scene. And more importantly...
I would never wear clothing of this... t-taste.
Bridgette: Don't be silly! You'll look simply charming! I'm sure of it!
Right, (Captain)?
The captain, with a big smile, nods vigorously in approval.
Cordelia then sighs deeply, as if resigning herself to her fate.


Happy holidays!
Hey! I wonder if Santa is gonna come visit me...
He'll only come if I'm a good girl, right?

Go to sleep already, (Captain).
You know how important tonight is. I'm going to get to the bottom of this Santa legend.
I'll catch him when he drops by in the middle of the night and make him cough up everything he knows.
Hm? That sounds so interesting that you can't fall asleep now?
Sigh... Fine, I'll put you to bed later. Go to your quarters and wait for me, okay?

Hey, (Captain)! Won't you spend the night with me?
Hm? What's with the surprised look on your face? I thought I'd be your Santa this year.
Why, you ask? Don't you know Santa's supposed to take center stage for the holiday season?
And no one's more fitting to play the part than a super cute girl like me!
You know it's true!
So gimme a hand, (Captain)! Every Santa's gotta have a reindeer after all.
Just be thankful you get to see me in my Santa outfit up close and personal.

Sigh... I wonder if Santa will finally come my way this time...
I've been such a good girl and haven't done a single bad thing all year round.
Stop. I know. You don't have to list all the exceptions.
Whatever. I didn't get to see Santa the year before or the year before that.
Humph... If he doesn't think of me as a little girl, then I'll have to use that card.
We'll have a party that runs through the night!
You gotta mix things up, what do you say?
Adults have the right to have sleepless nights anyways. You aren't going to say no to me, are you?
(Captain), tonight I won't let you get any shut eye!

Ah, (Captain). Ready to join me for another rockin' party this year?
Huh? What's with this box? I see the greeting card inside's addressed to me.
Don't tell me Santa's finally decided to give me a present after all this time...
(Hold it, I know that look on (Captain)'s face...)
(Aah, I get it. This must be a surprise from my favorite captain.)
You're way too easy to read, (Captain)...
Oh, don't mind me.
Can you pass on a message to Santa if you happen to bump into him.
Tell him, "Thanks a ton for the present! Cagliostro's suuuper happy!"
Don't forget, okay? I really want him to know how I feel...

Cagliostro (Dark)

Happy holidays!
Hey! I wonder if Santa is gonna come visit me...
He'll only come if I'm a good girl, right?

Go to sleep already, (Captain).
You know how important tonight is. I'm going to get to the bottom of this Santa legend.
I'll catch him when he drops by in the middle of the night and make him cough up everything he knows.
Hm? That sounds so interesting that you can't fall asleep now?
Sigh... Fine, I'll put you to bed later. Go to your quarters and wait for me, okay?

Hey, (Captain)! Won't you spend the night with me?
Hm? What's with the surprised look on your face? I thought I'd be your Santa this year.
Why, you ask? Don't you know Santa's supposed to take center stage for the holiday season?
And no one's more fitting to play the part than a super cute girl like me!
You know it's true!
So gimme a hand, (Captain)! Every Santa's gotta have a reindeer after all.
Just be thankful you get to see me in my Santa outfit up close and personal.

Sigh... I wonder if Santa will finally come my way this time...
I've been such a good girl and haven't done a single bad thing all year round.
Stop. I know. You don't have to list all the exceptions.
Whatever. I didn't get to see Santa the year before or the year before that.
Humph... If he doesn't think of me as a little girl, then I'll have to use that card.
We'll have a party that runs through the night!
You gotta mix things up, what do you say?
Adults have the right to have sleepless nights anyways. You aren't going to say no to me, are you?
(Captain), tonight I won't let you get any shut eye!

Ah, (Captain). Ready to join me for another rockin' party this year?
Huh? What's with this box? I see the greeting card inside's addressed to me.
Don't tell me Santa's finally decided to give me a present after all this time...
(Hold it, I know that look on (Captain)'s face...)
(Aah, I get it. This must be a surprise from my favorite captain.)
You're way too easy to read, (Captain)...
Oh, don't mind me.
Can you pass on a message to Santa if you happen to bump into him.
Tell him, "Thanks a ton for the present! Cagliostro's suuuper happy!"
Don't forget, okay? I really want him to know how I feel...

Cagliostro (Event)

Happy holidays!
Hey! I wonder if Santa is gonna come visit me...
He'll only come if I'm a good girl, right?

Go to sleep already, (Captain).
You know how important tonight is. I'm going to get to the bottom of this Santa legend.
I'll catch him when he drops by in the middle of the night and make him cough up everything he knows.
Hm? That sounds so interesting that you can't fall asleep now?
Sigh... Fine, I'll put you to bed later. Go to your quarters and wait for me, okay?

Hey, (Captain)! Won't you spend the night with me?
Hm? What's with the surprised look on your face? I thought I'd be your Santa this year.
Why, you ask? Don't you know Santa's supposed to take center stage for the holiday season?
And no one's more fitting to play the part than a super cute girl like me!
You know it's true!
So gimme a hand, (Captain)! Every Santa's gotta have a reindeer after all.
Just be thankful you get to see me in my Santa outfit up close and personal.

Sigh... I wonder if Santa will finally come my way this time...
I've been such a good girl and haven't done a single bad thing all year round.
Stop. I know. You don't have to list all the exceptions.
Whatever. I didn't get to see Santa the year before or the year before that.
Humph... If he doesn't think of me as a little girl, then I'll have to use that card.
We'll have a party that runs through the night!
You gotta mix things up, what do you say?
Adults have the right to have sleepless nights anyways. You aren't going to say no to me, are you?
(Captain), tonight I won't let you get any shut eye!

Ah, (Captain). Ready to join me for another rockin' party this year?
Huh? What's with this box? I see the greeting card inside's addressed to me.
Don't tell me Santa's finally decided to give me a present after all this time...
(Hold it, I know that look on (Captain)'s face...)
(Aah, I get it. This must be a surprise from my favorite captain.)
You're way too easy to read, (Captain)...
Oh, don't mind me.
Can you pass on a message to Santa if you happen to bump into him.
Tell him, "Thanks a ton for the present! Cagliostro's suuuper happy!"
Don't forget, okay? I really want him to know how I feel...

Cagliostro (Grand)

Happy holidays!
Hey! I wonder if Santa is gonna come visit me...
He'll only come if I'm a good girl, right?

Go to sleep already, (Captain).
You know how important tonight is. I'm going to get to the bottom of this Santa legend.
I'll catch him when he drops by in the middle of the night and make him cough up everything he knows.
Hm? That sounds so interesting that you can't fall asleep now?
Sigh... Fine, I'll put you to bed later. Go to your quarters and wait for me, okay?

Hey, (Captain)! Won't you spend the night with me?
Hm? What's with the surprised look on your face? I thought I'd be your Santa this year.
Why, you ask? Don't you know Santa's supposed to take center stage for the holiday season?
And no one's more fitting to play the part than a super cute girl like me!
You know it's true!
So gimme a hand, (Captain)! Every Santa's gotta have a reindeer after all.
Just be thankful you get to see me in my Santa outfit up close and personal.

Sigh... I wonder if Santa will finally come my way this time...
I've been such a good girl and haven't done a single bad thing all year round.
Stop. I know. You don't have to list all the exceptions.
Whatever. I didn't get to see Santa the year before or the year before that.
Humph... If he doesn't think of me as a little girl, then I'll have to use that card.
We'll have a party that runs through the night!
You gotta mix things up, what do you say?
Adults have the right to have sleepless nights anyways. You aren't going to say no to me, are you?
(Captain), tonight I won't let you get any shut eye!

Ah, (Captain). Ready to join me for another rockin' party this year?
Huh? What's with this box? I see the greeting card inside's addressed to me.
Don't tell me Santa's finally decided to give me a present after all this time...
(Hold it, I know that look on (Captain)'s face...)
(Aah, I get it. This must be a surprise from my favorite captain.)
You're way too easy to read, (Captain)...
Oh, don't mind me.
Can you pass on a message to Santa if you happen to bump into him.
Tell him, "Thanks a ton for the present! Cagliostro's suuuper happy!"
Don't forget, okay? I really want him to know how I feel...

Cagliostro (Halloween)

Happy holidays!
Hey! I wonder if Santa is gonna come visit me...
He'll only come if I'm a good girl, right?

Go to sleep already, (Captain).
You know how important tonight is. I'm going to get to the bottom of this Santa legend.
I'll catch him when drops by in the middle of the night and make him cough up everything he knows.
Hm? That sounds so interesting that you can't fall asleep now?
Sigh... Fine, I'll put you to bed later. Go to your quarters and wait for me, okay?

Hey, (Captain)! Won't you spend the night with me?
Hm? What's with the surprised look on your face? I thought I'd be your Santa this year.
Why, you ask? Don't you know Santa's supposed to take center stage for the holiday season?
And no one's more fitting to play the part than a super cute girl like me!
You know it's true!
So gimme a hand, (Captain)! Every Santa's gotta have a reindeer after all.
Just be thankful you get to see me in my Santa outfit up close and personal.

Sigh... I wonder if Santa will finally come my way this time...
I've been such a good girl and haven't done a single bad thing all year round.
Stop. I know. You don't have to list all the exceptions.
Whatever. I didn't get to see Santa the year before or the year before that.
Humph... If he doesn't think of me as a little girl, then I'll have to use that card.
We'll have a party that runs through the night!
You gotta mix things up, what do you say?
Adults have the right to have sleepless nights anyways. You aren't going to say no to me, are you?
(Captain), tonight I won't let you get any shut eye!

Ah, (Captain). Ready to join me for another rockin' party this year?
Huh? What's with this box? I see the greeting card inside's addressed to me.
Don't tell me Santa's finally decided to give me a present after all this time...
(Hold it, I know that look on (Captain)'s face...)
(Aah, I get it. This must be a surprise from my favorite captain.)
You're way too easy to read, (Captain)...
Oh, don't mind me.
Can you pass on a message to Santa if you happen to bump into him.
Tell him, "Thanks a ton for the present! Cagliostro's suuuper happy!"
Don't forget, okay? I really want him to know how I feel...

Cagliostro (Summer)

Happy holidays!
Hey! I wonder if Santa is gonna come visit me...
He'll only come if I'm a good girl, right?

Go to sleep already, (Captain).
You know how important tonight is. I'm going to get to the bottom of this Santa legend.
I'll catch him when he drops by in the middle of the night and make him cough up everything he knows.
Hm? That sounds so interesting that you can't fall asleep now?
Sigh... Fine, I'll put you to bed later. Go to your quarters and wait for me, okay?

Hey, (Captain)! Won't you spend the night with me?
Hm? What's with the surprised look on your face? I thought I'd be your Santa this year.
Why, you ask? Don't you know Santa's supposed to take center stage for the holiday season?
And no one's more fitting to play the part than a super cute girl like me!
You know it's true!
So gimme a hand, (Captain)! Every Santa's gotta have a reindeer after all.
Just be thankful you get to see me in my Santa outfit up close and personal.

Sigh... I wonder if Santa will finally come my way this time...
I've been such a good girl and haven't done a single bad thing all year round.
Stop. I know. You don't have to list all the exceptions.
Whatever. I didn't get to see Santa the year before or the year before that.
Humph... If he doesn't think of me as a little girl, then I'll have to use that card.
We'll have a party that runs through the night!
You gotta mix things up, what do you say?
Adults have the right to have sleepless nights anyways. You aren't going to say no to me, are you?
(Captain), tonight I won't let you get any shut eye!

Ah, (Captain). Ready to join me for another rockin' party this year?
Huh? What's with this box? I see the greeting card inside's addressed to me.
Don't tell me Santa's finally decided to give me a present after all this time...
(Hold it, I know that look on (Captain)'s face...)
(Aah, I get it. This must be a surprise from my favorite captain.)
You're way too easy to read, (Captain)...
Oh, don't mind me.
Can you pass on a message to Santa if you happen to bump into him.
Tell him, "Thanks a ton for the present! Cagliostro's suuuper happy!"
Don't forget, okay? I really want him to know how I feel...


Happy holidays!
Look, it's snowing! I've never seen it snow before!
Back on Auguste it was sunny all year round, so I just kept riding the waves through the holidays!
The water gets pretty cold right about now.
I'd have the waves all to myself!

It's already time for the winter holidays, huh? You can feel it in the air... The town is just brimming with holiday spirit!
Just take a look around us—the night is brimming with excitement!
I used to spend my winter holidays at the beach, so I never had a chance to celebrate like this.
It's all thanks to you, (Captain)! Let's enjoy it together tonight!

Brr... It's cold...
It's freakin' freezing! It hurts! My bones are aching!
(Captain)! You came at just the right time! Could you help me?
Tonight I went to a surfer's event, but it was so cold that it was all I could think about.
Oh! (Captain), you're warm... Stay just like that...
This is great... You feel so good. This is where I should have been this whole time...

Whoa! Look, (Captain)! Everything's white, as far as the eye can see!
It snowed a lot yesterday, and the whole town got covered so fast.
Guess the surfing event this year is canceled though.
So how about this! Let's have a blast in town tonight and enjoy all the holiday festivities instead!
You're coming with me, right?
Come on then, let's go! There's only so much time before the fun's over!

Come on, hurry up! They're gonna close registrations soon!
There's no way we're missing out on those luxury prizes!
You get a bundle of Auguste seafood just for participating, and first prize is a free trip to a fancy resort!
Won't be easy to get that though... This season is when a lot of the skilled surfers are out and about.
But what's most important isn't that! As long as I get to ride some wicked waves, I'll be plenty happy!
Still, on the off chance I do win, let's have us an awesome holy night in that resort!
You're looking forward to it?
Then you better cheer me on so that I can surf my way to victory!

Cailana (SR)

Happy holidays!
Look, it's snowing! I've never seen it snow before!
Back on Auguste it was sunny all year round, so I just kept riding the waves through the holidays!
The water gets pretty cold right about now.
I'd have the waves all to myself!

It's already time for the winter holidays, huh? You can feel it in the air... The town is just brimming with holiday spirit!
Just take a look around us—the night is brimming with excitement!
I used to spend my winter holidays at the beach, so I never had a chance to celebrate like this.
It's all thanks to you, (Captain)! Let's enjoy it together tonight!

Brr... It's cold...
It's freakin' freezing! It hurts! My bones are aching!
(Captain)! You came at just the right time! Could you help me?
Tonight I went to a surfer's event, but it was so cold that it was all I could think about.
Oh! (Captain), you're warm... Stay just like that...
This is great... You feel so good. This is where I should have been this whole time...

Whoa! Look, (Captain)! Everything's white, as far as the eye can see!
It snowed a lot yesterday, and the whole town got covered so fast.
Guess the surfing event this year is canceled though.
So how about this! Let's have a blast in town tonight and enjoy all the holiday festivities instead!
You're coming with me, right?
Come on then, let's go! There's only so much time before the fun's over!

Come on, hurry up! They're gonna close registrations soon!
There's no way we're missing out on those luxury prizes!
You get a bundle of Auguste seafood just for participating, and first prize is a free trip to a fancy resort!
Won't be easy to get that though... This season is when a lot of the skilled surfers are out and about.
But what's most important isn't that! As long as I get to ride some wicked waves, I'll be plenty happy!
Still, on the off chance I do win, let's have us an awesome holy night in that resort!
You're looking forward to it?
Then you better cheer me on so that I can surf my way to victory!


Caim: Hey, (Captain), do you think Santa Claus might pay me a visit?
I heard from Siero that he gives presents to good little boys and girls.
I hope he'll give me something too...
The Hanged Man: Hm? Caim, waiting for Santa?
Caim: Mm-hm! I can't wait!
The Hanged Man: Father Holiday, eh...
No need to glare at me like that, (Captain). I know when to keep my mouth shut.
Caim: Huh? What's wrong?
The Hanged Man: Nothing, Caim. You've been a good kid, so I'm sure you'll make Santa's list.

Caim: (Captain), today's that special night... Happy holidays.
Hm? No, I haven't slept...
Because I have to say thank you to Santa Claus.
For both last year and this year.
The Hanged Man: I figured this would happen. As did you, (Captain).
Caim: Snore...
The Hanged Man: Snoring already, eh? I'd better take you to bed.
There, there...
Catch you later, (Captain). And happy holidays.

Caim: (Captain), I'm gonna turn in now.
I want to make sure I thank Santa Claus this time around, since I slept the whole night last year.
I figure if I sleep now, I won't be sleepy by the time Santa comes.
So once it's like midnight, wake me up! You too, Hanged Man! Promise!
The Hanged Man: Of course, I will attempt to wake you.
Whether or not you'll be able to get up is up to you, however.

Caim: Happy holidays, (Captain)! Guess what?
This year, I figured out a way to thank Santa for sure!
Look, I wrote him a letter! This way he'll get my message even if I fall asleep!
Ehehe, Hanged Man's the one who came up with the idea.
The Hanged Man: Yeah, well, I was sick of you getting grumpy every time I tried waking you up.
Caim: Oh, come on! I didn't get grumpy!
The Hanged Man: Right. Not grumpy. Just angry then.
Caim: I didn't get angry either!

Caim: Happy holidays! Look at the new board game I got from Santa Claus!
I wonder how Santa Claus knows what I want...
Oh yeah, he even wrote me a reply to the thank you letter I'd written him!
But it's weird... I feel like his writing looks familiar. I kinda like how the letters are shaped...
Wait! Do you think Santa Claus is...
Capable of knowing what kind of letter shape I like too?
Wow, Santa Claus's amazing!
The Hanged Man: Haha. I saw you sweating there, (Captain).
It sure is nice and refreshing to see Caim like he is now.


Oh, (Captain)! Great timing!
What kinda food do you like? Anything you don't eat?
We're going to make a feast to celebrate the holidays!
You're from Phantagrande, right? From Zinkenstill, yeah?
Then you should experience a holiday feast Nalhegrande-style!
I'll make the dishes with love, so get ready for a little taste of heaven!

You know, every island I go to, I always get the same story about the holidays and Santa Claus.
And of course, Nalhegrande was no exception.
This can only mean Santa can freely traverse across all the skies.
I find it hard to believe he's able to go between skydoms so easily though... Makes me wonder if he might just be a myth.
Wha? You've actually met him in person, (Captain)?
Tell me more! C'mon, I wanna hear all about it while we munch on holiday chow down there!

Hey, (Captain)! If you're not busy, wanna go shopping with me?
What for? Haven't you checked your calendar? We have to stock up on supplies for tonight's holiday party!
Oh yeah, this is probably a good time to mention this too. A lot of food stalls have set up shop for the holidays.
So why not snack on some treats while we're out buying stuff?
We might as well buy as much as we can carry too! Then the others won't get mad at us for missing out if we bring them all something.
Great! Let's not waste anymore time hanging around here! What do you want to eat? I'm sure we'll find some interesting grub between the two of us!

Hey, (Captain)! There you are. What're you doing?
Decorating for the party? Oh yeah, today is a pretty big day, huh...
I guess you're busy then...
Hm? Oh, it's nothing important.
I was just thinking, it'd be nice if we could take a walk around town together since it's the holy night...
But that was a bit selfish of me, since everyone else is busy with preparations.
Huh? You're going into town later to grab some stuff?
Really now! Would it be all right if I tagged along? You could use some hands, right?
Let's hurry up and finish decorating then! Here, I'll help too!

Hey! It's not as crowded as rumors say. Good thing we left early, right?
I mean, the crew's really grown. We're going to have to buy more this year than any other year.
Yeah... Listen, I really am committed to throwing a great party but...
The truth is, I just wanted to spend more time with you. Alone.
I didn't drag you out early to get the best cake or whatever. I did it so I could have you to myself.
Honestly, I didn't even think you were going to go along with it. So when you said yes, you had me over the moon.
For the holidays at least, I want it to be just the two of us.
Cause, well... It's the season of love.
Today, I'm not going to let anything or anyone come between us.

Cain (Grand)

Oh, (Captain)! Great timing!
What kinda food do you like? Anything you don't eat?
We're going to make a feast to celebrate the holidays!
You're from Phantagrande, right? From Zinkenstill, yeah?
Then you should experience a holiday feast Nalhegrande-style!
I'll make the dishes with love, so get ready for a little taste of heaven!

You know, every island I go to, I always get the same story about the holidays and Santa Claus.
And of course, Nalhegrande was no exception.
This can only mean Santa can freely traverse across all the skies.
I find it hard to believe he's able to go between skydoms so easily though... Makes me wonder if he might just be a myth.
Wha? You've actually met him in person, (Captain)?
Tell me more! C'mon, I wanna hear all about it while we munch on holiday chow down there!

Hey, (Captain)! If you're not busy, wanna go shopping with me?
What for? Haven't you checked your calendar? We have to stock up on supplies for tonight's holiday party!
Oh yeah, this is probably a good time to mention this too. A lot of food stalls have set up shop for the holidays.
So why not snack on some treats while we're out buying stuff?
We might as well buy as much as we can carry too! Then the others won't get mad at us for missing out if we bring them all something.
Great! Let's not waste anymore time hanging around here! What do you want to eat? I'm sure we'll find some interesting grub between the two of us!

Hey, (Captain)! There you are. What're you doing?
Decorating for the party? Oh yeah, today is a pretty big day, huh...
I guess you're busy then...
Hm? Oh, it's nothing important.
I was just thinking, it'd be nice if we could take a walk around town together since it's the holy night...
But that was a bit selfish of me, since everyone else is busy with preparations.
Huh? You're going into town later to grab some stuff?
Really now! Would it be all right if I tagged along? You could use some hands, right?
Let's hurry up and finish decorating then! Here, I'll help too!

Hey! It's not as crowded as rumors say. Good thing we left early, right?
I mean, the crew's really grown. We're going to have to buy more this year than any other year.
Yeah... Listen, I really am committed to throwing a great party but...
The truth is, I just wanted to spend more time with you. Alone.
I didn't drag you out early to get the best cake or whatever. I did it so I could have you to myself.
Honestly, I didn't even think you were going to go along with it. So when you said yes, you had me over the moon.
For the holidays at least, I want it to be just the two of us.
Cause, well... It's the season of love.
Today, I'm not going to let anything or anyone come between us.

Cain (Holiday)

Oh, (Captain)! Great timing!
What kinda food do you like? Anything you don't eat?
We're going to make a feast to celebrate the holidays!
You're from Phantagrande, right? From Zinkenstill, yeah?
Then you should experience a holiday feast Nalhegrande-style!
I'll make the dishes with love, so get ready for a little taste of heaven!

You know, every island I go to, I always get the same story about the holidays and Santa Claus.
And of course, Nalhegrande was no exception.
This can only mean Santa can freely traverse across all the skies.
I find it hard to believe he's able to go between skydoms so easily though... Makes me wonder if he might just be a myth.
Wha? You've actually met him in person, (Captain)?
Tell me more! C'mon, I wanna hear all about it while we munch on holiday chow down there!

Hey, (Captain)! If you're not busy, wanna go shopping with me?
What for? Haven't you checked your calendar? We have to stock up on supplies for tonight's holiday party!
Oh yeah, this is probably a good time to mention this too. A lot of food stalls have set up shop for the holidays.
So why not snack on some treats while we're out buying stuff?
We might as well buy as much as we can carry too! Then the others won't get mad at us for missing out if we bring them all something.
Great! Let's not waste anymore time hanging around here! What do you want to eat? I'm sure we'll find some interesting grub between the two of us!

Hey, (Captain)! There you are. What're you doing?
Decorating for the party? Oh yeah, today is a pretty big day, huh...
I guess you're busy then...
Hm? Oh, it's nothing important.
I was just thinking, it'd be nice if we could take a walk around town together since it's the holy night...
But that was a bit selfish of me, since everyone else is busy with preparations.
Huh? You're going into town later to grab some stuff?
Really now! Would it be all right if I tagged along? You could use some hands, right?
Let's hurry up and finish decorating then! Here, I'll help too!

Hey! It's not as crowded as rumors say. Good thing we left early, right?
I mean, the crew's really grown. We're going to have to buy more this year than any other year.
Yeah... Listen, I really am committed to throwing a great party but...
The truth is, I just wanted to spend more time with you. Alone.
I didn't drag you out early to get the best cake or whatever. I did it so I could have you to myself.
Honestly, I didn't even think you were going to go along with it. So when you said yes, you had me over the moon.
For the holidays at least, I want it to be just the two of us.
Cause, well... It's the season of love.
Today, I'm not going to let anything or anyone come between us.


Happy holidays!
What? I should go to bed early because Santa Claus is coming?
Don't be silly! I'm not a kid anymore! I can't believe you...

This is a special time of year, (Captain)! Take this firecracker!
Hehe. I made it myself. Just setting it off will fill you with cheer!
You know, back when I first started messing with gunpowder, this is the kind of thing I wanted to make.
My sister Cucouroux loves this time of year. If she were here, I'm sure she'd love setting off some fireworks.
Anyway, I hope we can all have some fun and celebrate the season together!

Oh! (Captain)! Are you on your way to the kitchen too?
Aye! I thought I'd help out with all the cooking they're doing for the holiday feast.
We've got a lot of crew members who are geniuses in the kitchen, but more importantly, we've got a lot of crew members...
And I can help with the simple things at least! It's time to use the skills my mom taught me!
Besides, I mean... When it comes to cooking, there aren't many surprises to scare you...
Aye! Let's go and give them a hand!

Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
Sorry about the table being a mess and all.
I just didn't know which wrapping paper was best for my present.
Hehe... This year I'm sending mommy and daddy a gift! Me and Cucouroux decided on it!
And I want to make mommy and daddy as happy as possible, so I'm even being really picky with the wrapping too!
(Captain), would you help me pick one? I'm not so sure I know which one of these is best...
Oh, thank you! With your help I feel a hundred times more confident!

Gotta lay low. Gotta be stealthy.
Bah? Hey, (Captain)! What gives? You can't just call out to me like that. Gonna give me a heart attack!
Er. You can stop apologizing now...
Eh? You wanna know why I was sneaking around?
Well, uh... I was thinking 'bout getting Tweyen a present. Brighten up her day a bit, you know?
You bet! Plus, she gave me my present early this year. So this is also a thank-you gift.
I want it to be a surprise but... You know how Tweyen's got a sharp pair of eyes on her?
So the plan's to go shopping—and be real stealthy about it.
And, (Captain). I'd appreciate it if you kept all this a secret from Tweyen.

Camieux (Earth)

Happy holidays!
What? I should go to bed early because Santa Claus is coming?
Don't be silly! I'm not a kid anymore! I can't believe you...

This is a special time of year, (Captain)! Take this firecracker!
Hehe. I made it myself. Just setting it off will fill you with cheer!
You know, back when I first started messing with gunpowder, this is the kind of thing I wanted to make.
My sister Cucouroux loves this time of year. If she were here, I'm sure she'd love setting off some fireworks.
Anyway, I hope we can all have some fun and celebrate the season together!

Oh! (Captain)! Are you on your way to the kitchen too?
Aye! I thought I'd help out with all the cooking they're doing for the holiday feast.
We've got a lot of crew members who are geniuses in the kitchen, but more importantly, we've got a lot of crew members...
And I can help with the simple things at least! It's time to use the skills my mom taught me!
Besides, I mean... When it comes to cooking, there aren't many surprises to scare you...
Aye! Let's go and give them a hand!

Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
Sorry about the table being a mess and all.
I just didn't know which wrapping paper was best for my present.
Hehe... This year I'm sending mommy and daddy a gift! Me and Cucouroux decided on it!
And I want to make mommy and daddy as happy as possible, so I'm even being really picky with the wrapping too!
(Captain), would you help me pick one? I'm not so sure I know which one of these is best...
Oh, thank you! With your help I feel a hundred times more confident!

Gotta lay low. Gotta be stealthy.
Bah? Hey, (Captain)! What gives? You can't just call out to me like that. Gonna give me a heart attack!
Er. You can stop apologizing now...
Eh? You wanna know why I was sneaking around?
Well, uh... I was thinking 'bout getting Tweyen a present. Brighten up her day a bit, you know?
You bet! Plus, she gave me my present early this year. So this is also a thank-you gift.
I want it to be a surprise but... You know how Tweyen's got a sharp pair of eyes on her?
So the plan's to go shopping—and be real stealthy about it.
And, (Captain). I'd appreciate it if you kept all this a secret from Tweyen.

Camieux (Summer)

Happy holidays!
What? I should go to bed early because Santa Claus is coming?
Don't be silly! I'm not a kid anymore! I can't believe you...

This is a special time of year, (Captain)! Here, take this firecracker!
Hehe. I made it myself. Just setting it off will fill you with cheer!
You know, back when I first started messing with gunpowder, this is the kind of thing I wanted to make.
My sister Cassie loves this time of year. If she were here, I'm sure she'd love setting off some fireworks.
Anyway, I hope we can all have some fun and celebrate the season together!

Oh! (Captain)! Are you on your way to the kitchen too?
Aye! I thought I'd help out with all the cooking they're doing for the holiday feast.
We've got a lot of crew members who are geniuses in the kitchen, but more importantly, we've got a lot of crew members...
And I can help with the simple things at least! It's time to use the skills my mom taught me!
Besides, I mean... When it comes to cooking, there aren't many surprises to scare you...
Aye! Let's go and give them a hand!

Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
Sorry about the table being a mess and all.
I just didn't know which wrapping paper was best for my present.
Hehe... This year I'm sending mommy and daddy a gift! Me and Cucouroux decided on it!
And I want to make mommy and daddy as happy as possible, so I'm even being really picky with the wrapping too!
(Captain), would you help me pick one? I'm not so sure I know which one of these is best...
Oh, thank you! With your help I feel a hundred times more confident!

Gotta lay low. Gotta be stealthy.
Bah? Hey, (Captain)! What gives? You can't just call out to me like that. Gonna give me a heart attack!
Er. You can stop apologizing now...
Eh? You wanna know why I was sneaking around?
Well, uh... I was thinking 'bout getting Tweyen a present. Brighten up her day a bit, you know?
You bet! Plus, she gave me my present early this year. So this is also a thank-you gift.
I want it to be a surprise but... You know how Tweyen's got a sharp pair of eyes on her?
So the plan's to go shopping—and be real stealthy about it.
And, (Captain). I'd appreciate it if you kept all this a secret from Tweyen.


Hehe... Happy holidays, Cap.
Y-you heard about the show El and Sel, are putting on?
I-I'm inviting Caro to go, watch it together! Care to come with, Cap?

Hi, Cap. Happy holidays.
M-me? I'm decorating the tree, like I was asked to.
I-it's not, a big deal. I'm happy to be included!
I'm not as good at it, as I am at making instruments. But I'm, not bad at it either.
Hehe... Do you feel, like helping out?
O-okay! There's a spot, next to me!


Hey there, holiday-goer! I made the crew something special for tonight's dinner!
It's no match for a dinner at the castle though! Heeheehee!

Wow, there's so much food here! Teehee, the castle dinners were nice, but enjoying a carefree meal with everyone is great too!
I mean, think about it. You'd be nervous too if you were sitting at the same table as the lord of the castle, wouldn't you? No one uttered a peep!
But someday I'll become a world-famous acrobat, and everyone in the castle will cheer for me!
Ahaha! I can do it, because Lyria's looking forward to my performance!

Teehee! Happy holidays!
You know what? I went out and prepared something big for tonight.
It wasn't easy, but I had enough connections to get in touch with some royal chefs!
Heehee. Everyone's in for a big surprise. Don't worry about money. I've got it all covered!
So make sure you eat and party hard tonight! Peace!

Oops, did I wake you?
Guess I wasn't moving with the catlike tread I thought.
What am I up to? Being Santa, of course!
I've got a present to leave by everyone's pillow.
How did I get in? Haha! No lock can hold the great Carmelina!
I used to dabble in escape artistry, so this was nothing!
And here's your present! Do you like it?
I'm glad to hear that! Well then, gotta visit the next good kid on my list.
Oh, and before I forget...
Happy holidays, (Captain)!

Hey, (Captain). Got a bit?
You know, I'm planning to play Santa again this year.
And I was wonderin' if you wanted in.
The two of us'd leave presents by everyone's pillows—and put a big old smile on their faces!
Don't you worry. I'll teach ya how to pick locks and sneak into the rooms like a regular thief.
So, feeling up to it?

Carmelina (SR)

Hey there, holiday-goer! I made the crew something special for tonight's dinner!
It's no match for a dinner at the castle though! Heeheehee!

Wow, there's so much food here! Teehee, the castle dinners were nice, but enjoying a carefree meal with everyone is great too!
I mean, think about it. You'd be nervous too if you were sitting at the same table as the lord of the castle, wouldn't you? No one uttered a peep!
But someday I'll become a world-famous acrobat, and everyone in the castle will cheer for me!
Ahaha! I can do it, because Lyria's looking forward to my performance!

Teehee! Happy holidays!
You know what? I went out and prepared something big for tonight.
It wasn't easy, but I had enough connections to get in touch with some royal chefs!
Heehee. Everyone's in for a big surprise. Don't worry about money. I've got it all covered!
So make sure you eat and party hard tonight! Peace!

Oops, did I wake you?
Guess I wasn't moving with the catlike tread I thought.
What am I up to? Being Santa, of course!
I've got a present to leave by everyone's pillow.
How did I get in? Haha! No lock can hold the great Carmelina!
I used to dabble in escape artistry, so this was nothing!
And here's your present! Do you like it?
I'm glad to hear that! Well then, gotta visit the next good kid on my list.
Oh, and before I forget...
Happy holidays, (Captain)!

Hey, (Captain). Got a bit?
You know, I'm planning to play Santa again this year.
And I was wonderin' if you wanted in.
The two of us'd leave presents by everyone's pillows—and put a big old smile on their faces!
Don't you worry. I'll teach ya how to pick locks and sneak into the rooms like a regular thief.
So, feeling up to it?


Happy holidays! Did Santa Claus bring you your present?
Glad to hear it! I knew someone as kind as you would have to be on his good list.
Santa paid a visit to the children of Perfetto too! There's nothing more heartwarming than hearing their delighted voices.
He actually inspired me to start secretly placing my own artwork onto the island for others to find as well.
I make sure to do it at a different time of year though. I don't want to steal any gratitude meant for Santa.
Oh, but I did sneak little decorations into various places around the ship today.
Hehe. If you're curious, you should try to find them. I hope they'll help make this special night a little more festive for you and the crew.

Happy holidays! Are you enjoying the party?
Huh? You want me to come with you? Sure, but... is everything all right?
Oh, I see what this is about! You discovered the decoration I secretly put up!
Hehe, I'm so glad! It was worth the effort making another one this year.
Hey, I know! Since you found it, I'll give you a special present from me to you.
Here—a miniature wooden Santa Claus! Place it beside your pillow, and you just might have a delightful holiday dream.
Now, the night is still young. Let's make the most of it until we can't stay awake any longer!


Haaappy holidays! Hey, (Captain), let's party with the crew!
As acting captain, I made a reservation at a restaurant for us!

(Captain)! You know how good I've been this year?
How 'bout letting a goody-goody like me be captain for a while? You can make it my present!
Just leave everything to me! No one'll even know the difference!
No? Tch. Party pooper!

Heya, (Captain). Big party tonight, huh? While we wait...
Ta-da! Check out this fancy cake I bought!
Hehe, you and I are gonna pig out in luxury. Sometimes you gotta spoil yourself, you know?
Man, tonight can't come fast enough. It's gonna be the bomb!

Carren's Voice: Sure! Come right in!
Carren: (Captain), what's up? You want to go shopping for the party?
Okay. I'll get ready in a jiffy.
It's cold out, right? I'll need to apply some magic to my socks to keep them warm.
Don't call me a wussy! If I don't do this, I might get frost burn!
You know what! Don't make me say I won't go shopping with you!
Hehe. As long as you know.
All right, let's head out!

Look, (Captain)! See the ornaments sparkling on the tree? I made them!
Heh! Starting to see me in a new light? I have studied magic, you know. It's easy peasy making things like that!
(Hehehe! If I can keep winning people over, soon I'll be acting captain in name and reality...)
(I made a bunch of other ornaments too! I'll hang them all around the ship and show everyone what I can do!)
Wh-what's that, (Captain)? No, I'm not hiding anything at all! Let's enjoy the holidays with everyone, okay?
Okay, back to decorating! If you have time, feel free to lend a hand!

Carren (Event)

Haaappy holidays! Hey, (Captain), let's party with the crew!
As acting captain, I made a reservation at a restaurant for us!

(Captain)! You know how good I've been this year?
How 'bout letting a goody-goody like me be captain for a while? You can make it my present!
Just leave everything to me! No one'll even know the difference!
No? Tch. Party pooper!

Heya, (Captain). Big party tonight, huh? While we wait...
Ta-da! Check out this fancy cake I bought!
Hehe, you and I are gonna pig out in luxury. Sometimes you gotta spoil yourself, you know?
Man, tonight can't come fast enough. It's gonna be the bomb!

Carren's Voice: Sure! Come right in!
Carren: (Captain), what's up? You want to go shopping for the party?
Okay. I'll get ready in a jiffy.
It's cold out, right? I'll need to apply some magic to my socks to keep them warm.
Don't call me a wussy! If I don't do this, I might get frost burn!
You know what! Don't make me say I won't go shopping with you!
Hehe. As long as you know.
All right, let's head out!

Look, (Captain)! See the ornaments sparkling on the tree? I made them!
Heh! Starting to see me in a new light? I have studied magic, you know. It's easy peasy making things like that!
(Hehehe! If I can keep winning people over, soon I'll be acting captain in name and reality...)
(I made a bunch of other ornaments too! I'll hang them all around the ship and show everyone what I can do!)
Wh-what's that, (Captain)? No, I'm not hiding anything at all! Let's enjoy the holidays with everyone, okay?
Okay, back to decorating! If you have time, feel free to lend a hand!

Cassius (Event SSR)

I would like to know why you are hanging curios on a tree brought in from the outside. What is the point?
You say it is in preparation for a celebration. Interesting.
But why choose such an ordinary tree when your goal is to make this room look festive?
A tree that is naturally populated with blossoms would have saved you from unnecessary decorating. You are being inefficient.
Why are you handing me ornaments? Is this your way of asking me to help?
Hmm. Active participation may allow me to understand the reasoning behind this inefficient behavior.
Very well then. I will provide assistance.

You claim that Santa Claus is an elderly man who delivers items to children without seeking payment.
I fail to see why he would give away quality goods for no compensation. It is highly illogical.
On the other hand, it does bring smiles to the children who receive those gifts.
It could be said that the value of those smiles is a sufficient trade.
Or perhaps this is yet another example of an act of kindness.
Fascinating. I would like to meet this Santa Claus someday.

Earlier, I came across children making a strange object by stacking large spheres of snow together. What are they doing?
An activity in which snow is used as a material for making a figure referred to as a snowman... Hm, a convenient and rational way to spend one's time.
Still, the snow is bound to melt when the temperature rises again. What, then, is the purpose for making such sculpted objects?
I see. So the objective is to enjoy the season through using what is only available during the winter.
To wish to fully enjoy even the changes in climate... A very typical way of thinking for fossildwellers.
It has piqued my interest. (Captain), let's head outside. Teach me how to make this object called a snowman.

(Captain), I have been looking for you.
I want you to open this drawer.
I am told this mechanism is called an advent calendar box.
For each day leading up to the holy night, one drawer is opened, thereby bestowing its gift.
Seeing as today is the long-awaited final day, the contents of the largest drawer at the bottom can now be revealed.
I've struggled to comprehend the necessity behind restricting gifts to individual lots. It defies logic, but I digress.
According to Zeta, opening the last drawer falls to the leader of an organization.
Following this guideline, you are the only one allowed to open it, (Captain).
To implement a security measure that limits access to designated personnel implies that the reward is highly valuable.
Considering the smaller drawers contained lesser items such as gumdrops or lollipops... Surely this contains something more. Perhaps even baked goods.
Hurry, (Captain). Release what is inside.

Ah, I have been searching for you, (Captain).
Pardon my abruptness, but if time is of no concern, I have a favor to ask.
A local ramen shop is serving a limited quantity of holiday ramen.
They chill vegetables in the snow, which locks in the sweetness, and stew them in a thin white turkey-bone broth.
The final product resembles a pure white landscape of freshly fallen snow, and its flavor is equally as deep.
That tantalizing mellow flavor will capture your tongue. Yes... A fascinating concoction indeed.
Needless to say, this style of ramen comes but once a year. You simply must have a taste too.
Let's go, (Captain). I'm sure there is an abundance of other holiday-exclusive flavors waiting for us.

Cassius (Event)

I would like to know why you are hanging curios on a tree brought in from the outside. What is the point?
You say it is in preparation for a celebration. Interesting.
But why choose such an ordinary tree when your goal is to make this room look festive?
A tree that is naturally populated with blossoms would have saved you from unnecessary decorating. You are being inefficient.
Why are you handing me ornaments? Is this your way of asking me to help?
Hmm. Active participation may allow me to understand the reasoning behind this inefficient behavior.
Very well then. I will provide assistance.

You claim that Santa Claus is an elderly man who delivers items to children without seeking payment.
I fail to see why he would give away quality goods for no compensation. It is highly illogical.
On the other hand, it does bring smiles to the children who receive those gifts.
It could be said that the value of those smiles is a sufficient trade.
Or perhaps this is yet another example of an act of kindness.
Fascinating. I would like to meet this Santa Claus someday.

Earlier, I came across children making a strange object by stacking large spheres of snow together. What are they doing?
An activity in which snow is used as a material for making a figure referred to as a snowman... Hm, a convenient and rational way to spend one's time.
Still, the snow is bound to melt when the temperature rises again. What, then, is the purpose for making such sculpted objects?
I see. So the objective is to enjoy the season through using what is only available during the winter.
To wish to fully enjoy even the changes in climate... A very typical way of thinking for fossildwellers.
It has piqued my interest. (Captain), let's head outside. Teach me how to make this object called a snowman.

(Captain), I have been looking for you.
I want you to open this drawer.
I am told this mechanism is called an advent calendar box.
For each day leading up to the holy night, one drawer is opened, thereby bestowing its gift.
Seeing as today is the long-awaited final day, the contents of the largest drawer at the bottom can now be revealed.
I've struggled to comprehend the necessity behind restricting gifts to individual lots. It defies logic, but I digress.
According to Zeta, opening the last drawer falls to the leader of an organization.
Following this guideline, you are the only one allowed to open it, (Captain).
To implement a security measure that limits access to designated personnel implies that the reward is highly valuable.
Considering the smaller drawers contained lesser items such as gumdrops or lollipops... Surely this contains something more. Perhaps even baked goods.
Hurry, (Captain). Release what is inside.

Ah, I have been searching for you, (Captain).
Pardon my abruptness, but if time is of no concern, I have a favor to ask.
A local ramen shop is serving a limited quantity of holiday ramen.
They chill vegetables in the snow, which locks in the sweetness, and stew them in a thin white turkey-bone broth.
The final product resembles a pure white landscape of freshly fallen snow, and its flavor is equally as deep.
That tantalizing mellow flavor will capture your tongue. Yes... A fascinating concoction indeed.
Needless to say, this style of ramen comes but once a year. You simply must have a taste too.
Let's go, (Captain). I'm sure there is an abundance of other holiday-exclusive flavors waiting for us.

Cassius (Valentine)

I would like to know why you are hanging curios on a tree brought in from the outside. What is the point?
You say it is in preparation for a celebration. Interesting.
But why choose such an ordinary tree when your goal is to make this room look festive?
A tree that is naturally populated with blossoms would have saved you from unnecessary decorating. You are being inefficient.
Why are you handing me ornaments? Is this your way of asking me to help?
Hmm. Active participation may allow me to understand the reasoning behind this inefficient behavior.
Very well then. I will provide assistance.

You claim that Santa Claus is an elderly man who delivers items to children without seeking payment.
I fail to see why he would give away quality goods for no compensation. It is highly illogical.
On the other hand, it does bring smiles to the children who receive those gifts.
It could be said that the value of those smiles is a sufficient trade.
Or perhaps this is yet another example of an act of kindness.
Fascinating. I would like to meet this Santa Claus someday.

Earlier, I came across children making a strange object by stacking large spheres of snow together. What are they doing?
An activity in which snow is used as a material for making a figure referred to as a snowman... Hm, a convenient and rational way to spend one's time.
Still, the snow is bound to melt when the temperature rises again. What, then, is the purpose for making such sculpted objects?
I see. So the objective is to enjoy the season through using what is only available during the winter.
To wish to fully enjoy even the changes in climate... A very typical way of thinking for fossildwellers.
It has piqued my interest. (Captain), let's head outside. Teach me how to make this object called a snowman.

(Captain), I have been looking for you.
I want you to open this drawer.
I am told this mechanism is called an advent calendar box.
For each day leading up to the holy night, one drawer is opened, thereby bestowing its gift.
Seeing as today is the long-awaited final day, the contents of the largest drawer at the bottom can now be revealed.
I've struggled to comprehend the necessity behind restricting gifts to individual lots. It defies logic, but I digress.
According to Zeta, opening the last drawer falls to the leader of an organization.
Following this guideline, you are the only one allowed to open it, (Captain).
To implement a security measure that limits access to designated personnel implies that the reward is highly valuable.
Considering the smaller drawers contained lesser items such as gumdrops or lollipops... Surely this contains something more. Perhaps even baked goods.
Hurry, (Captain). Release what is inside.

Ah, I have been searching for you, (Captain).
Pardon my abruptness, but if time is of no concern, I have a favor to ask.
A local ramen shop is serving a limited quantity of holiday ramen.
They chill vegetables in the snow, which locks in the sweetness, and stew them in a thin white turkey-bone broth.
The final product resembles a pure white landscape of freshly fallen snow, and its flavor is equally as deep.
That tantalizing mellow flavor will capture your tongue. Yes... A fascinating concoction indeed.
Needless to say, this style of ramen comes but once a year. You simply must have a taste too.
Let's go, (Captain). I'm sure there is an abundance of other holiday-exclusive flavors waiting for us.

Cassius (Yukata)

I would like to know why you are hanging curios on a tree brought in from the outside. What is the point?
You say it is in preparation for a celebration. Interesting.
But why choose such an ordinary tree when your goal is to make this room look festive?
A tree that is naturally populated with blossoms would have saved you from unnecessary decorating. You are being inefficient.
Why are you handing me ornaments? Is this your way of asking me to help?
Hmm. Active participation may allow me to understand the reasoning behind this inefficient behavior.
Very well then. I will provide assistance.

You claim that Santa Claus is an elderly man who delivers items to children without seeking payment.
I fail to see why he would give away quality goods for no compensation. It is highly illogical.
On the other hand, it does bring smiles to the children who receive those gifts.
It could be said that the value of those smiles is a sufficient trade.
Or perhaps this is yet another example of an act of kindness.
Fascinating. I would like to meet this Santa Claus someday.

Earlier, I came across children making a strange object by stacking large spheres of snow together. What are they doing?
An activity in which snow is used as a material for making a figure referred to as a snowman... Hm, a convenient and rational way to spend one's time.
Still, the snow is bound to melt when the temperature rises again. What, then, is the purpose for making such sculpted objects?
I see. So the objective is to enjoy the season through using what is only available during the winter.
To wish to fully enjoy even the changes in climate... A very typical way of thinking for fossildwellers.
It has piqued my interest. (Captain), let's head outside. Teach me how to make this object called a snowman.

(Captain), I have been looking for you.
I want you to open this drawer.
I am told this mechanism is called an advent calendar box.
For each day leading up to the holy night, one drawer is opened, thereby bestowing its gift.
Seeing as today is the long-awaited final day, the contents of the largest drawer at the bottom can now be revealed.
I've struggled to comprehend the necessity behind restricting gifts to individual lots. It defies logic, but I digress.
According to Zeta, opening the last drawer falls to the leader of an organization.
Following this guideline, you are the only one allowed to open it, (Captain).
To implement a security measure that limits access to designated personnel implies that the reward is highly valuable.
Considering the smaller drawers contained lesser items such as gumdrops or lollipops... Surely this contains something more. Perhaps even baked goods.
Hurry, (Captain). Release what is inside.

Ah, I have been searching for you, (Captain).
Pardon my abruptness, but if time is of no concern, I have a favor to ask.
A local ramen shop is serving a limited quantity of holiday ramen.
They chill vegetables in the snow, which locks in the sweetness, and stew them in a thin white turkey-bone broth.
The final product resembles a pure white landscape of freshly fallen snow, and its flavor is equally as deep.
That tantalizing mellow flavor will capture your tongue. Yes... A fascinating concoction indeed.
Needless to say, this style of ramen comes but once a year. You simply must have a taste too.
Let's go, (Captain). I'm sure there is an abundance of other holiday-exclusive flavors waiting for us.


Tis the season, (Captain).
And what a great season too. Everyone looks so happy, and they're having so much fun.
Have you decided who you want to spend the day with? Wait, me?
Don't be silly. You'll have to wait at least ten more years for that! But I'm glad you're thinking of me.
Well, maybe just for today, you can call me by my real name.

Hey. (Captain). Is there anything you want? I can steal it for you, you know.
As for compensation, I'd say... if you spent the whole day with me, that would suffice. Hehe.
Just kidding, of course. Hehe...
Though I might have been a teensy-bit serious about that compensation.

Here, I just made some hot cocoa.
How is it? The latte art isn't too bad, right? Lyria poured this one.
It's kind of peculiar. You know, that it's become normal to spend this festive night with someone special.
Maybe it's natural. After all, can you imagine spending this day alone?
(Captain), this is your fault. How naughty... Next year make sure you spend this time with me. Or else I'll turn you into smoke... Hehe...

You've been waiting all year, just like you promised.
Spending this holiday night with you is my idea of fun... I've been tapping my foot for the past couple of days.
Oh, lovely... Did you brew this cup of cocoa just for me?
Hehe, that's so thoughtful. I love a good cocoa, but the ones who make it for others are just as sweet.
Mm, nice and hot... And to thank you, I'll whip up my own special blend of cocoa.
What do you say to snuggling up while we sip our drinks?

Sorry to keep you waiting. I got held up a bit while I was getting ready.
Choose: It's okay. I just got here myself.
Oh, really? Heehee, are you sure about that?
It'd be crazy to think of this as a date. I mean, we're just out shopping for party supplies.
Unless I stood you up. Then you could call it a date, or at least an unsuccessful one.
Haha, I'm just playing with you—gasp.
Um, y-you don't have to hold my hand so tightly... Geez, you little trickster.
S-so how about we finish shopping quickly, and then...
Maybe spend a little time together, just the two of us?

Catherine (SR)

Tis the season, (Captain).
And what a great season too. Everyone looks so happy, and they're having so much fun.
Have you decided who you want to spend the day with? Wait, me?
Don't be silly. You'll have to wait at least ten more years for that! But I'm glad you're thinking of me.
Well, maybe just for today, you can call me by my real name.

Hey. (Captain). Is there anything you want? I can steal it for you, you know.
As for compensation, I'd say... if you spent the whole day with me, that would suffice. Hehe.
Just kidding, of course. Hehe...
Though I might have been a teensy-bit serious about that compensation.

Here, I just made some hot cocoa.
How is it? The latte art isn't too bad, right? Lyria poured this one.
It's kind of peculiar. You know, that it's become normal to spend this festive night with someone special.
Maybe it's natural. After all, can you imagine spending this day alone?
(Captain), this is your fault. How naughty... Next year make sure you spend this time with me. Or else I'll turn you into smoke... Hehe...

You've been waiting all year, just like you promised.
Spending this holiday night with you is my idea of fun... I've been tapping my foot for the past couple of days.
Oh, lovely... Did you brew this cup of cocoa just for me?
Hehe, that's so thoughtful. I love a good cocoa, but the ones who make it for others are just as sweet.
Mm, nice and hot... And to thank you, I'll whip up my own special blend of cocoa.
What do you say to snuggling up while we sip our drinks?

Sorry to keep you waiting. I got held up a bit while I was getting ready.
Choose: It's okay. I just got here myself.
Oh, really? Heehee, are you sure about that?
It'd be crazy to think of this as a date. I mean, we're just out shopping for party supplies.
Unless I stood you up. Then you could call it a date, or at least an unsuccessful one.
Haha, I'm just playing with you—gasp.
Um, y-you don't have to hold my hand so tightly... Geez, you little trickster.
S-so how about we finish shopping quickly, and then...
Maybe spend a little time together, just the two of us?

Catherine (Wind)

Tis the season, (Captain).
And what a great season too. Everyone looks so happy, and they're having so much fun.
Have you decided who you want to spend the day with? Wait, me?
Don't be silly. You'll have to wait at least ten more years for that! But I'm glad you're thinking of me.
Well, maybe just for today, you can call me by my real name.

Hey. (Captain). Is there anything you want? I can steal it for you, you know.
As for compensation, I'd say... if you spent the whole day with me, that would suffice. Hehe.
Just kidding, of course. Hehe...
Though I might have been a teensy-bit serious about that compensation.

Here, I just made some hot cocoa.
How is it? The latte art isn't too bad, right? Lyria poured this one.
It's kind of peculiar. You know, that it's become normal to spend this festive night with someone special.
Maybe it's natural. After all, can you imagine spending this day alone?
(Captain), this is your fault. How naughty... Next year make sure you spend this time with me. Or else I'll turn you into smoke... Hehe...

You've been waiting all year, just like you promised.
Spending this holiday night with you is my idea of fun... I've been tapping my foot for the past couple of days.
Oh, lovely... Did you brew this cup of cocoa just for me?
Hehe, that's so thoughtful. I love a good cocoa, but the ones who make it for others are just as sweet.
Mm, nice and hot... And to thank you, I'll whip up my own special blend of cocoa.
What do you say to snuggling up while we sip our drinks?

Sorry to keep you waiting. I got held up a bit while I was getting ready.
Choose: It's okay. I just got here myself.
Oh, really? Heehee, are you sure about that?
It'd be crazy to think of this as a date. I mean, we're just out shopping for party supplies.
Unless I stood you up. Then you could call it a date, or at least an unsuccessful one.
Haha, I'm just playing with you—gasp.
Um, y-you don't have to hold my hand so tightly... Geez, you little trickster.
S-so how about we finish shopping quickly, and then...
Maybe spend a little time together, just the two of us?


Wow! Look... It's snowing outside...
The snowflakes are so pretty... Almost like petals...
A snowy winter... That's another classic in illustrated books.
It must be the sky's way... of giving its blessings to us, (Captain)...
My first holy night with (Captain)...
Moohoohoo! Let's make it... one to remember, okay?

What a lively party... This is going to be fun...
I'm reminded of the communal feasts we had back home. We would all be enjoying our food and dancing with the cows...
Um, I don't mind being around everyone, but...
I'd much prefer to be alone with you, (Captain)...
After all, the stars in the sky are so much sparklier tonight...
I want to watch them with you... Just the two of us...
(Captain) responds to her bashful request with a soft smile, putting her coat over her shoulders.
They then quietly slip out of the venue together.

Catura: (Captain), look, look... I made a big heart ornament for you...
I was hoping we could put this on top of the tree together...
Hm? We won't be able to reach the top without a stepladder?
Oh no... We're utterly out of options...
Moomoo: Moo!
In what can only be described as a holiday miracle, Moomoo hops gallantly from behind the tree and sets a stepladder in front of Catura before disappearing again.
Catura: Yay! Thank you, Moomoo... You're the best...
Moohoohoo... Now we can finishing decorating the tree together, (Captain).

Happy holidays, my prince!
I delivered all the milk and diary products from the Ox Temple to the people in charge of the food...
Extra cheesy pizza... Rich, buttery steak... Cake and ice cream too...
Moohoohoo... Milk is really the main heroine of the party.
Hey, (Captain)? After we eat lots of food and have fun at the party...
Will you... come to my room?
Don't ask me what I'm going to do...

Catura (Event)

Wow! Look... It's snowing outside...
The snowflakes are so pretty... Almost like petals...
A snowy winter... That's another classic in illustrated books.
It must be the sky's way... of giving its blessings to us, (Captain)...
My first holy night with (Captain)...
Moohoohoo! Let's make it... one to remember, okay?

What a lively party... This is going to be fun...
I'm reminded of the communal feasts we had back home. We would all be enjoying our food and dancing with the cows...
Um, I don't mind being around everyone, but...
I'd much prefer to be alone with you, (Captain)...
After all, the stars in the sky are so much sparklier tonight...
I want to watch them with you... Just the two of us...
(Captain) responds to her bashful request with a soft smile, putting her coat over her shoulders.
They then quietly slip out of the venue together.

Catura: (Captain), look, look... I made a big heart ornament for you...
I was hoping we could put this on top of the tree together...
Hm? We won't be able to reach the top without a stepladder?
Oh no... We're utterly out of options...
Moomoo: Moo!
In what can only be described as a holiday miracle, Moomoo hops gallantly from behind the tree and sets a stepladder in front of Catura before disappearing again.
Catura: Yay! Thank you, Moomoo... You're the best...
Moohoohoo... Now we can finishing decorating the tree together, (Captain).

Happy holidays, my prince!
I delivered all the milk and diary products from the Ox Temple to the people in charge of the food...
Extra cheesy pizza... Rich, buttery steak... Cake and ice cream too...
Moohoohoo... Milk is really the main heroine of the party.
Hey, (Captain)? After we eat lots of food and have fun at the party...
Will you... come to my room?
Don't ask me what I'm going to do...x

Catura (Holiday)

Wow! Look... It's snowing outside...
The snowflakes are so pretty... Almost like petals...
A snowy winter... That's another classic in illustrated books.
It must be the sky's way... of giving its blessings to us, (Captain)...
My first holy night with (Captain)...
Moohoohoo! Let's make it... one to remember, okay?

What a lively party... This is going to be fun...
I'm reminded of the communal feasts we had back home. We would all be enjoying our food and dancing with the cows...
Um, I don't mind being around everyone, but...
I'd much prefer to be alone with you, (Captain)...
After all, the stars in the sky are so much sparklier tonight...
I want to watch them with you... Just the two of us...
(Captain) responds to her bashful request with a soft smile, putting her coat over her shoulders.
They then quietly slip out of the venue together.

Catura: (Captain), look, look... I made a big heart ornament for you...
I was hoping we could put this on top of the tree together...
Hm? We won't be able to reach the top without a stepladder?
Oh no... We're utterly out of options...
Moomoo: Moo!
In what can only be described as a holiday miracle, Moomoo hops gallantly from behind the tree and sets a stepladder in front of Catura before disappearing again.
Catura: Yay! Thank you, Moomoo... You're the best...
Moohoohoo... Now we can finishing decorating the tree together, (Captain).

Happy holidays, my prince!
I delivered all the milk and diary products from the Ox Temple to the people in charge of the food...
Extra cheesy pizza... Rich, buttery steak... Cake and ice cream too...
Moohoohoo... Milk is really the main heroine of the party.
Hey, (Captain)? After we eat lots of food and have fun at the party...
Will you... come to my room?
Don't ask me what I'm going to do...


Hey, are you free tonight by any chance? There's a place I want you to come to.
Where, you ask? Well, let's just say I'll be performing on stage.
You're interested? Perfect! Here's the ticket!
I'm gonna totally fire up the stage tonight! I hope you're looking forward to it. See you there! Buh-bye!

Looks like the presents for the kids have arrived. I remember how excited I used to get when I saw them...
Huh? Did I get anything?
What'll you do if I tell you? Well, whatever. I'll answer.
I got a score from a famous orchestra. I went with my mother to a performance. It was amazing, and I wanted to try to play what they did.
There, wasn't that a boring story? Usually little girls want stuffed animals or cute things.
It's a story that suits me? I guess you're right, thanks.
I still remember that song. Maybe I'll try playing it again for the first time in a long time.
If you're interested, I'll let you listen.

Have we bought everything we need for the party?
Right then—we'd better get back to the others.
The town really is lit up like the night sky.
Seems like the perfect place to knock back a drink and enjoy the scenery.
What? You wanna join me?
Sure, why not? But we're short on time tonight, so we'll have to take a rain check.
Still... Nothing says we can't take the scenic route back. If we walk along that ridge there, we should get a great view of the town lights. And a starlit stroll might be even more romantic than a drink.
Hahaha, I'm just pulling your leg. Come on, let's get a move on!

Got your drink? Then here's to the holidays. Cheers!
Hm... You have the look of someone who can't believe they've been invited to the bar by the great Cecile.
I haven't forgotten your request from last year.
We're not alone though. 'Tis the season for couples to come out too.
If only we had five years together... Haha, I'm just messing around.
Today's round is on me, so order whatever juice you want.
I'm going to show you what it's like to be a sophisticated adult. Hopefully it'll help when you meet that special someone someday.

The rumors weren't kidding. The lit-up town looks like a sea of stars from up here.
The climb was tough, but you handled it just as well as I thought you would. Coming up was the right call.
Quite a greedy kid, aren't you? Keeping me to yourself on this holy night. I'm the one who invited you, but still.
I took the trouble to bring this guy along, so it's fine if I play a tune or two, isn't it?
Consider it thanks for making you take time out of your busy schedule. Sit back and enjoy.
Hehe, a private show with a lovely trumpeter against a beautiful backdrop...
Careful now, or you might find yourself falling with no hope of getting up.

Cecile (Promo)

Hey, are you free tonight by any chance? There's a place I want you to come to.
Where, you ask? Well, let's just say I'll be performing on stage.
You're interested? Perfect! Here's the ticket!
I'm gonna totally fire up the stage tonight! I hope you're looking forward to it. See you there! Buh-bye!

Looks like the presents for the kids have arrived. I remember how excited I used to get when I saw them...
Huh? Did I get anything?
What'll you do if I tell you? Well, whatever. I'll answer.
I got a score from a famous orchestra. I went with my mother to a performance. It was amazing, and I wanted to try to play what they did.
There, wasn't that a boring story? Usually little girls want stuffed animals or cute things.
It's a story that suits me? I guess you're right, thanks.
I still remember that song. Maybe I'll try playing it again for the first time in a long time.
If you're interested, I'll let you listen.

Have we bought everything we need for the party?
Right then—we'd better get back to the others.
The town really is lit up like the night sky.
Seems like the perfect place to knock back a drink and enjoy the scenery.
What? You wanna join me?
Sure, why not? But we're short on time tonight, so we'll have to take a rain check.
Still... Nothing says we can't take the scenic route back. If we walk along that ridge there, we should get a great view of the town lights. And a starlit stroll might be even more romantic than a drink.
Hahaha, I'm just pulling your leg. Come on, let's get a move on!

Got your drink? Then here's to the holidays. Cheers!
Hm... You have the look of someone who can't believe they've been invited to the bar by the great Cecile.
I haven't forgotten your request from last year.
We're not alone though. 'Tis the season for couples to come out too.
If only we had five years together... Haha, I'm just messing around.
Today's round is on me, so order whatever juice you want.
I'm going to show you what it's like to be a sophisticated adult. Hopefully it'll help when you meet that special someone someday.

The rumors weren't kidding. The lit-up town looks like a sea of stars from up here.
The climb was tough, but you handled it just as well as I thought you would. Coming up was the right call.
Quite a greedy kid, aren't you? Keeping me to yourself on this holy night. I'm the one who invited you, but still.
I took the trouble to bring this guy along, so it's fine if I play a tune or two, isn't it?
Consider it thanks for making you take time out of your busy schedule. Sit back and enjoy.
Hehe, a private show with a lovely trumpeter against a beautiful backdrop...
Careful now, or you might find yourself falling with no hope of getting up.


You want me to help prepare the holiday party? Do I look like someone that's interested in pointless socializing?
I'll pass. I plan to stay in my room tonight and wait for Santa Claus.
Huh? What's that? I'm the only one that you trust to decorate the tree...
In other words, you need my brilliance to make it shine.
Well, if you insist that much... I guess I can't say no.
But in exchange, you better tell Santa all about how I helped you!

(Captain)! I'm training to become Santa Claus!
With how much work Santa Claus has to do, I bet I can make a ton of money!
All I gotta do is become Santa Claus and my debt'll pay itself off—
Huh? Santa Claus isn't a type of job?
I thought you get hired as Santa Claus and make money...
No way! People go through all that hard work for free?
Such good people exist in this world, huh... I totally misunderstood... Guess I'll just go dig a hole myself and never come out again...


Cerberus: Happy holidays!
Mimi: Woof! A whole day of festive treats!
Coco: And if we bop that Santa guy on the head, he'll give us a bag full of loot! Woof!
Cerberus: Bingo! Today's a super fun day full of presents and food!
Mimi: Grr... Where's the grub? Woof!
Coco: Growl... Where'd that Santa guy run off to? Woof woof!
Cerberus: Heh heh! We don't have this kind of thing where we come from, so let's enjoy today to the fullest!

Mimi: This year we're sure to catch that Santa guy, woof! He'll make an excellent meal for the holidays!
Coco: His cries for help will be our present this year, ruff!
Cerberus: Master, do you hear the things these guys are saying?
Mimi: Woof, hey now! You care what happens to that old coot, woof?
Coco: If we can't have Santa, then we demand an equally scrumptious meal to feast on for our present!
Cerberus: Hee hee, it looks like they've really gotten into the holiday spirit this year.
Cerberus: Well, Master, you heard them—I can't wait to see what you'll surprise us with at today's party!

Mimi: Grr... This old coot's a fake!
Coco: Rrr... That old coot's a fake too!
Cerberus: Hm... All these Santas are impostors. We're as far from the real one as ever.
Mimi: They're not just fakes—they're not even scared of us! They're so arrogant, arf!
Coco: One even kicked me around like a ball, hohoho-ing all the way! Who does he think he is!
Mimi: The sham santas are toying with us!
Coco: It makes me so arfing mad! Let's tear out their guts and deck the halls with 'em!
Cerberus: Nuh-uh! If you do that, you'll get a spanking on the other side.
Hee hee! We're going to have a wonderful holiday this year. I hear there's going to be a wild party. Isn't that right, Master?

Mimi: When we woke up this morning, we found chunks of meat and a message. Somethin' smells fishy.
Coco: We didn't sniff anyone out last night. Must've been (Captain) here that did it.
Cerberus: Hmm... You sure it wasn't the man himself? Santa, I mean.
Mimi: That arfin' old man trying to start somethin'? This meat hasta be cursed or poisoned! He's probably trying to send us to you-know-where.
Cerberus: Santa wouldn't do anything like that. Come on, Coco, take a bite.
Coco: You believe all those rumors 'bout Santa, huh? Well, wouldn't hurt to give it a nip. You take some too, Mimi. Chomp, chomp...
With dubious looks on their little faces, Coco and Mimi dig into the chunks of meat ostensibly left behind by Santa.
Cerberus: So, food tasters, is it poisoned?
Mimi: Bwa! So you didn't trust it after all! I declare animal abuse! Barkin' unbelievable. Munch, much...
Mimi:Incorrectly translated in-game as Mimi, and should instead be Coco. Honestly. Chomp, chomp...
Cerberus: Hehe. But you're still eating.

Cerberus: Happy holidays!
Mimi: Heard an ol' cookie-muncher's making his rounds tonight. You been naughty or nice, captain?
Coco: We were really good pups this year. How about you?
Cerberus: Hehe... Coco and Mimi have been nothing but sweet for the longest time. They really want that present from Santa.
Mimi: I'm bad deep down in my bones, but I wasn't about to pass up on free stuff.
Coco: Gotta wag your tail for the ol' chimney-hopper to get what you want.
Cerberus: What do we want? Oh, just three little things...
Mimi: Your flesh. Wanna shred it with my fangs.
Coco: Your bones. Wanna crush them in my jaws.
Cerberus: And your soul... goes to me, of course.
Hehe. Perfect, isn't it? 'Cause then you and I will be together forever.
Even beyond the end of time...
So do make sure you give me your soul someday. Pretty please? Hehe.

Ceylan (Event)

You mean you've actually met Santa Claus before? Are you kidding!
That's incredible! You have to tell me everything!

Happy holidays!
The strawberries on this cake are placed off-kilter.
Ah, (Captain), there's cream stuck on your lips.

Oh! (Captain)! Happy holidays!
Right now I'm helping Lyria and Vyrn put up the ornaments on the tree!
Would you like to join us?
Look, isn't this one beautiful?
I got this specially ordered from Siero!
Let's make this a winter we'll never forget!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Take a look at this cake I bought!
See this intricately-sculpted candy figure between the frosting roses?
In the light of the candelabra, it glitters like a jewel.
When I spotted it in the bakery, I knew I had to show you.
Ehehe... You really like it then? That makes me so happy.
Well, let's cut everyone a piece. Of course, you get the piece with the candy figure, (Captain).

Why hello, (Captain). Lovely evening, isn't it?
Won't you sit by me? I find the tree most beautiful from here—see how the baubles shine.
Sigh... The sights are breathtaking, aren't they? It's a shame it only lasts for a season.
I wish I could snip out this scene and encase it in amber.
Or... Perhaps this moment feels so beautiful because it's fleeting.
Let's keep today as a memory, shall we? Ahh... I hope the holidays next year will be even more wondrous.

Charioce XVII

It's a holy night. And thus I'll host a splendid party at the castle.
I look forward to your presence. I've also prepared a present for you.
You cannot refuse. Consider this an expression of my gratitude for your everyday efforts.
What's in the present? If I were to reveal it, wouldn't that ruin the surprise?
Don't worry. There's nothing bizarre in it.
It's a product of the best quality, chosen by myself.
You may expect the best.

Tonight is the holiest of nights. Just as last year, I will hold a party at my castle.
Come and bring your crew.
Powerful aristocrats and monarchs from other nations will be in attendance.
Not a bad chance to raise your profile, (Captain).
You have no interest in such things?
Humph. How like you.
In that case, what about all you can eat and drink?
Naturally, all the food and drink will be of the highest quality.
I am confident you will have no complaints.
What do you mean, "Is that all right?"
If the king decrees you may attend, who would dare bar your way?
Therefore come and make merry.

It's a holy night tonight. And as a matter of course, we will be holding an appropriate banquet at my castle.
Hah. You look displeased.
The attendees will be myself and the retainers I keep in my direct employ. And your crew, of course.
Surely you can enjoy those environs?
If there's anything you would like to eat at the party, all you have to do is but ask.
I will use both my influence and my boundless treasury to procure it.
So what are we going to eat at the party?

(Captain). Most unfortunate that the weather took a turn for the worse.
No need to apologize for your late arrival to the party.
It would be tragic if you had pushed yourself and gotten injured along the way.
Not to worry. The chef is still awake—I shall have him prepare something for you immediately.
Ah, no need to fear. The chef had been telling me how much he's looking forward to seeing all of you indulge in his feast.
I feel the same.
Now, rest yourselves for now. The winter party will begin shortly.

(Captain). I thank you for listening to the caprices of a king...
And allowing me to attend your holiday festivities this night.

  • Choose: What about the winter ball at the castle?
    Do not trouble yourself about that. The guests believe ill health has kept me bedridden.
    And I believe the time spent on your ship to be far more fruitful than hours spent watching servile lords bow and scrape.
  • Choose: Did you have fun?
    Of course. It has been a long time since I have been able to set aside the mantle of a king and enjoy myself.
    Hah. I cannot even remember when last I was able to participate so whole-heartedly in festivities.

Ah, yes. Before I forget, I have not yet given you your gift.
I ask that you accept this as a token of my deep appreciation.
Tonight was truly delightful. Should the chance arise, I hope you will extend me another invitation.


Happy, happy holidays!
I really enjoy putting up decorations...
Oof... If only I could reach the top of the tree to put the star on...

Hm? Hello, (Captain). Today's the most festive day of the holiday season...
But you still seem to be awake.
The night has only just begun, you say? I am not sure I understand.
As a holy knight, it is only proper to rest early and await Santa Claus's arrival from within the world of dreams.
I have already partaken of my holiday cake and brushed my teeth!
I bid you a good night, Captain (Captain). May you have a holiday evening full of good tidings and cheer.

(Captain), I couldn't help but notice a small package sitting atop my bed.
Would you happen to know anything of it?
Since tomorrow is the day we open the presents, I assume someone was kind enough to give me a gift. However...
With no labels of any sort to say who it's addressed to, I can't help but worry there's a chance it's not meant for me.
Y-you're the one who left it for me? My!
The adult's supposed to give the child the present, not the other way around!
Grufflesnicks... With this, my pride as a grown-up is all but gone!
I-I'll have to sleep early tonight! Tomorrow can't come soon enough!

(Captain), happy holidays!
Baotorda and Sevastien are preparing a meal for us this eve!
Hehe... I'm looking forward to this night.
Lyria and Vyrn also seem very excited for this evening.
Unlike the carnage on the battlefield, this moment of peace is something I would not trade for the world.

Hmm, hmm, hmmm!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
What's the source of my high spirits, you ask?
As a matter of fact, Baotorda invited me to join him for dinner this evening.
And when he did, I caught a whiff of something sweet!
I'm certain it was the scent of a freshly baked cake!
Baotorda is a master baker! Ahhh, I can't wait to get to the dinner table!
Wh-what? I'm not all atwitter! I'm merely looking forward to dinner with dignity and decorum!

Charlotta (Event)

Happy, happy holidays!
I really enjoy putting up decorations...
Oof... If only I could reach the top of the tree to put the star on...

Hm? Hello, (Captain). Today's the most festive day of the holiday season...
But you still seem to be awake.
The night has only just begun, you say? I am not sure I understand.
As a holy knight, it is only proper to rest early and await Santa Claus's arrival from within the world of dreams.
I have already partaken of my holiday cake and brushed my teeth!
I bid you a good night, Captain (Captain). May you have a holiday evening full of good tidings and cheer.

(Captain), I couldn't help but notice a small package sitting atop my bed.
Would you happen to know anything of it?
Since tomorrow is the day we open the presents, I assume someone was kind enough to give me a gift. However...
With no labels of any sort to say who it's addressed to, I can't help but worry there's a chance it's not meant for me.
Y-you're the one who left it for me? My!
The adult's supposed to give the child the present, not the other way around!
Grufflesnicks... With this, my pride as a grown-up is all but gone!
I-I'll have to sleep early tonight! Tomorrow can't come soon enough!

(Captain), happy holidays!
Baotorda and Sevastien are preparing a meal for us this eve!
Hehe... I'm looking forward to this night.
Lyria and Vyrn also seem very excited for this evening.
Unlike the carnage on the battlefield, this moment of peace is something I would not trade for the world.

Hmm, hmm, hmmm!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
What's the source of my high spirits, you ask?
As a matter of fact, Baotorda invited me to join him for dinner this evening.
And when he did, I caught a whiff of something sweet!
I'm certain it was the scent of a freshly baked cake!
Baotorda is a master baker! Ahhh, I can't wait to get to the dinner table!
Wh-what? I'm not all atwitter! I'm merely looking forward to dinner with dignity and decorum!

Charlotta (Grand)

Happy, happy holidays!
I really enjoy putting up decorations...
Oof... If only I could reach the top of the tree to put the star on...

Hm? Hello, (Captain). Today's the most festive day of the holiday season...
But you still seem to be awake.
The night has only just begun, you say? I am not sure I understand.
As a holy knight, it is only proper to rest early and await Santa Claus's arrival from within the world of dreams.
I have already partaken of my holiday cake and brushed my teeth!
I bid you a good night, Captain (Captain). May you have a holiday evening full of good tidings and cheer.

(Captain), I couldn't help but notice a small package sitting atop my bed.
Would you happen to know anything of it?
Since tomorrow is the day we open the presents, I assume someone was kind enough to give me a gift. However...
With no labels of any sort to say who it's addressed to, I can't help but worry there's a chance it's not meant for me.
Y-you're the one who left it for me? My!
The adult's supposed to give the child the present, not the other way around!
Grufflesnicks... With this, my pride as a grown-up is all but gone!
I-I'll have to sleep early tonight! Tomorrow can't come soon enough!

(Captain), happy holidays!
Baotorda and Sevastien are preparing a meal for us this eve!
Hehe... I'm looking forward to this night.
Lyria and Vyrn also seem very excited for this evening.
Unlike the carnage on the battlefield, this moment of peace is something I would not trade for the world.

Hmm, hmm, hmmm!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
What's the source of my high spirits, you ask?
As a matter of fact, Baotorda invited me to join him for dinner this evening.
And when he did, I caught a whiff of something sweet!
I'm certain it was the scent of a freshly baked cake!
Baotorda is a master baker! Ahhh, I can't wait to get to the dinner table!
Wh-what? I'm not all atwitter! I'm merely looking forward to dinner with dignity and decorum!

Charlotta (Halloween)

Happy, happy holidays!
I really enjoy putting up decorations...
Oof... If only I could reach the top of the tree to put the star on...

Hm? Hello, (Captain). Today's the most festive day of the holiday season...
But you still seem to be awake.
The night has only just begun, you say? I am not sure I understand.
As a holy knight, it is only proper to rest early and await Santa Claus's arrival from within the world of dreams.
I have already partaken of my holiday cake and brushed my teeth!
I bid you a good night, Captain (Captain). May you have a holiday evening full of good tidings and cheer.

(Captain), I couldn't help but notice a small package sitting atop my bed.
Would you happen to know anything of it?
Since tomorrow is the day we open the presents, I assume someone was kind enough to give me a gift. However...
With no labels of any sort to say who it's addressed to, I can't help but worry there's a chance it's not meant for me.
Y-you're the one who left it for me? My!
The adult's supposed to give the child the present, not the other way around!
Grufflesnicks... With this, my pride as a grown-up is all but gone!
I-I'll have to sleep early tonight! Tomorrow can't come soon enough!

(Captain), happy holidays!
Baotorda and Sevastien are preparing a meal for us this eve!
Hehe... I'm looking forward to this night.
Lyria and Vyrn also seem very excited for this evening.
Unlike the carnage on the battlefield, this moment of peace is something I would not trade for the world.

Hmm, hmm, hmmm!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
What's the source of my high spirits, you ask?
As a matter of fact, Baotorda invited me to join him for dinner this evening.
And when he did, I caught a whiff of something sweet!
I'm certain it was the scent of a freshly baked cake!
Baotorda is a master baker! Ahhh, I can't wait to get to the dinner table!
Wh-what? I'm not all atwitter! I'm merely looking forward to dinner with dignity and decorum!

Charlotta (Light)

Happy, happy holidays!
I really enjoy putting up decorations...
Oof... If only I could reach the top of the tree to put the star on...

Hm? Hello, (Captain). Today's the most festive day of the holiday season...
But you still seem to be awake.
The night has only just begun, you say? I am not sure I understand.
As a holy knight, it is only proper to rest early and await Santa Claus's arrival from within the world of dreams.
I have already partaken of my holiday cake and brushed my teeth!
I bid you a good night, Captain (Captain). May you have a holiday evening full of good tidings and cheer.

(Captain), I couldn't help but notice a small package sitting atop my bed.
Would you happen to know anything of it?
Since tomorrow is the day we open the presents, I assume someone was kind enough to give me a gift. However...
With no labels of any sort to say who it's addressed to, I can't help but worry there's a chance it's not meant for me.
Y-you're the one who left it for me? My!
The adult's supposed to give the child the present, not the other way around!
Grufflesnicks... With this, my pride as a grown-up is all but gone!
I-I'll have to sleep early tonight! Tomorrow can't come soon enough!

(Captain), happy holidays!
Baotorda and Sevastien are preparing a meal for us this eve!
Hehe... I'm looking forward to this night.
Lyria and Vyrn also seem very excited for this evening.
Unlike the carnage on the battlefield, this moment of peace is something I would not trade for the world.

Hmm, hmm, hmmm!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
What's the source of my high spirits, you ask?
As a matter of fact, Baotorda invited me to join him for dinner this evening.
And when he did, I caught a whiff of something sweet!
I'm certain it was the scent of a freshly baked cake!
Baotorda is a master baker! Ahhh, I can't wait to get to the dinner table!
Wh-what? I'm not all atwitter! I'm merely looking forward to dinner with dignity and decorum!

Charlotta (Summer)

Happy, happy holidays!
I really enjoy putting up decorations...
Oof... If only I could reach the top of the tree to put the star on...

Hm? Hello, (Captain). Today's the most festive day of the holiday season...
But you still seem to be awake.
The night has only just begun, you say? I am not sure I understand.
As a holy knight, it is only proper to rest early and await Santa Claus's arrival from within the world of dreams.
I have already partaken of my holiday cake and brushed my teeth!
I bid you a good night, Captain (Captain). May you have a holiday evening full of good tidings and cheer.

(Captain), I couldn't help but notice a small package sitting atop my bed.
Would you happen to know anything of it?
Since tomorrow is the day we open the presents, I assume someone was kind enough to give me a gift. However...
With no labels of any sort to say who it's addressed to, I can't help but worry there's a chance it's not meant for me.
Y-you're the one who left it for me? My!
The adult's supposed to give the child the present, not the other way around!
Grufflesnicks... With this, my pride as a grown-up is all but gone!
I-I'll have to sleep early tonight! Tomorrow can't come soon enough!

(Captain), happy holidays!
Baotorda and Sevastien are preparing a meal for us this eve!
Hehe... I'm looking forward to this night.
Lyria and Vyrn also seem very excited for this evening.
Unlike the carnage on the battlefield, this moment of peace is something I would not trade for the world.

Hmm, hmm, hmmm!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
What's the source of my high spirits, you ask?
As a matter of fact, Baotorda invited me to join him for dinner this evening.
And when he did, I caught a whiff of something sweet!
I'm certain it was the scent of a freshly baked cake!
Baotorda is a master baker! Ahhh, I can't wait to get to the dinner table!
Wh-what? I'm not all atwitter! I'm merely looking forward to dinner with dignity and decorum!

Chat Noir

Happy holidays.
Snow is beautiful because it's something that disappears without a trace.
However, it seems this winter will be unusually warm. (Captain) is slightly disappointed knowing that it is less likely to have a snowy day during the season.
Heh heh, could it be that you like snow as well, (Captain)?
(Captain) nods. With that, Chat Noir leads (Captain) outside.
Together, they go out to the deck, where they behold a scene of beautiful white snow.
What do you think? Surprised? I secretly prepared some extra snow, just in case.
Let's see who can build the bigger snowman, (Captain)!

A snowstorm has struck the Grandcypher overnight. (Captain) heads out the following morning to clear the snow.
However, instead of a blanket of snow, the entire deck is covered in a thick layer of ice.
Happiest of holidays, (Captain). A bit chilly, isn't it?
What do you think? A world of ice, illuminated by the morning sunrise. Simply captivating, if I do say so myself.
How did I do it? Hehe... Let's just call it a holiday miracle.
Oh, you can't skate? Don't even sweat it. I'm sure you'll be gracefully gliding in no time.
Don't be afraid. Here, take my arm if you wish. Now muster your courage and take the first step!

(Captain) attempts to clear the heavier-than-usual snow on the deck, but a loud bang is heard.
Well, look at that. You dodged all the snowballs I blasted your way. How charming, (Captain).
Hehehe. You don't seem to understand what's happening.
Those snowballs were from a machine that I prepared for just this moment.
Behold! Ice Assault!
(Captain), put all your presents on the line in this battle of the snow!
Hehehe... I'm cheating by using a machine? Then how about you call all your little friends to help you?
No one will get hurt. The snow used is quite soft and won't harm a soul.
Once you've prepared, let me know. Tonight will be the last stand for all the gifts!

(Captain) is in town, having heard about the appearance of calling cards with a cryptic message. "Tonight, I shall whisk away the familiar and the ordinary."
Suddenly, a silver sound reverberates through the air. The falling snowflakes begin to shimmer and gleam with all the colors of the rainbow.

Hehehe. How do you like this holiday miracle of mine?
Why would I go through the trouble? Well, I would think the answer was obvious.
I wished to show you a marvel—a spectacle even greater than the miracles of Santa Claus himself!
Chat Noir waves his wand once, and the trees begin to glow. The mysterious light illuminates the winding paths and streets.
Now, shall we set out, my dear? A most extraordinary evening awaits you!

Happy holidays. A good child like you deserves a present.
Ta-da! A grand holiday tree made of ice to brighten up the deck!
Not even Santa Claus, the champion of good children across the skies, could give a gift of such size!
Well, yes, you can't bring it inside because it'll melt.
Hehehe... I knew you'd say that, which is why I've prepared another present.
Chat Noir waves his staff, and the snow on the deck transforms into chairs and tables made of ice.
A warm room is nice, but sometimes we should take in the full joys of winter, don't you think?
Come, let's gather the other crew members and have us a holiday celebration on an icy terrace!


Happy holidays, (Captain)! Having fun? Haha, don't tell me...
You're a shrimpy-wimp when it comes to the cold, huh?
Ahaha... I guess that goes for the both of us.
(Captain) takes Chichiri's faintly shivering hands and warms them up.
Much better! It's like having my own portable hand warmer! Care to turn it up?
How kind of you, haha! But if that's how it's gonna be, why don't we go some place warm instead?
Should we invite everyone else too? Or should it just be the two of us?
Hm? Enough with that already, you say? Mwahaha.
Hm, all right. Can't argue with the captain's wishes. Let's just go for a stroll hand in hand.
This holiday is gonna be funsies!


Like, I couldn't be any happier today!
We should go see the light show in town, Captain! And drink hot cocoa too!
I can't wait for tomorrow morning! I wonder what Santa's got for me!
Huh? Santa, the one who puts presents under the tree while you sleep.
I've never met him. But I'm a good girl, so he leaves me something every year.

It's snowing, it's cold, I miss my family, and I don't have a sweetie-poo on a day like this. What a total downer...
Least that's what I thought!
I mean, you've got so many peeps who are single on the G. Cyph. lol
Like, mad props to your l33t crew and all, but we're all totally on the same level when it comes to relationship status. lolz

Season's greets, Captain!
I wanna go holiday shopping and see all the shiny lights in town! Maybe we can even check out a cafe that's, like, all glammed up in cutesy stuff! (*>ω<*)
I'm all jazzed up thinking about this date with you, (Captain)! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Hm? I'm talking about how you and I are gonna totally raise the roof tonight, (Captain)! (´∀`*)☆
Ah, but we'll have to be back before it gets too dark out!
I'm supposed to get a makeup kit from Santa—wouldn't wanna miss out on it!

Oh (Captain)! Season's greets!
Get a load of this! (*´∀`*) I made cake this year. Isn't it just totes adorbz?
I added some plum kelp jerky into the spongy mix, so it's got, like, a really funky taste.
Put it by your pillow, and Santa just might have a bite. ヽ(☆´∀`☆)ノ
I'm mega-thankful for jolly ol' Kris Kringle, and it's about time I did something to pay him back!

Oopsie! Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays! Sorry for being in a rush! (・ω・`)
I've got some stuff to buy. They were saying they forgot to buy a mini Santa to put on the cake and stuff.
Like, it's totally not the holidays without Santa, his reindeer, and some snowdudes.
That's where I come in. I've gotta do what I can to put a smile on the kiddies' faces.
Huh... You'll come with, (Captain)? Like, really really?
We're gonna go on a winter date! Like, you're serious, right? Should I redo my makeup?
I'm already as cute as a button?
Aw, (Captain)! You're totes making me blush!
Teehee! Let's get going then! Time's-a-wastin'! (*^.^*)

Chloe (SSR)

Like, I couldn't be any happier today!
We should go see the light show in town, Captain! And drink hot cocoa too!
I can't wait for tomorrow morning! I wonder what Santa's got for me!
Huh? Santa, the one who puts presents under the tree while you sleep.
I've never met him. But I'm a good girl, so he leaves me something every year.

It's snowing, it's cold, I miss my family, and I don't have a sweetie-poo on a day like this. What a total downer...
Least that's what I thought!
I mean, you've got so many peeps who are single on the G. Cyph. lol
Like, mad props to your l33t crew and all, but we're all totally on the same level when it comes to relationship status. lolz

Season's greets, Captain!
I wanna go holiday shopping and see all the shiny lights in town! Maybe we can even check out a cafe that's, like, all glammed up in cutesy stuff! (*>ω<*)
I'm all jazzed up thinking about this date with you, (Captain)! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Hm? I'm talking about how you and I are gonna totally raise the roof tonight, (Captain)! (´∀`*)☆
Ah, but we'll have to be back before it gets too dark out!
I'm supposed to get a makeup kit from Santa—wouldn't wanna miss out on it!

Oh (Captain)! Season's greets!
Get a load of this! (*´∀`*)
I made cake this year. Isn't it just totes adorbz?
I added some plum kelp jerky into the spongy mix, so it's got, like, a really funky taste.
Put it by your pillow, and Santa just might have a bite.
I'm mega-thankful for jolly ol' Kris Kringle, and it's about time I did something to pay him back!

Oopsie! Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays! Sorry for being in a rush!
I've got some stuff to buy. They were saying they forgot to buy a mini Santa to put on the cake and stuff.
Like, it's totally not the holidays without Santa, his reindeer, and some snowdudes.
That's where I come in. I've gotta do what I can to put a smile on the kiddies' faces.
Huh... You'll come with, (Captain)? Like, really really?
We're gonna go on a winter date! Like, you're serious, right? Should I redo my makeup?
I'm already as cute as a button?
Aw, (Captain)! You're totes making me blush!
Teehee! Let's get going then! Time's-a-wastin'!

Chloe (Summer)

Like, I couldn't be any happier today!
We should go see the light show in town, Captain! And drink hot cocoa too!
I can't wait for tomorrow morning! I wonder what Santa's got for me!
Huh? Santa, the one who puts presents under the tree while you sleep.
I've never met him. But I'm a good girl, so he leaves me something every year.

It's snowing, it's cold, I miss my family, and I don't have a sweetie-poo on a day like this. What a total downer...
Least that's what I thought!
I mean, you've got so many peeps who are single on the G. Cyph. lol
Like, mad props to your l33t crew and all, but we're all totally on the same level when it comes to relationship status. lolz

Season's greets, Captain!
I wanna go holiday shopping and see all the shiny lights in town! Maybe we can even check out a cafe that's, like, all glammed up in cutesy stuff! (*>ω<*)
I'm all jazzed up thinking about this date with you, (Captain)! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Hm? I'm talking about how you and I are gonna totally raise the roof tonight, (Captain)! (´∀`*)☆
Ah, but we'll have to be back before it gets too dark out!
I'm supposed to get a makeup kit from Santa—wouldn't wanna miss out on it!

Oh (Captain)! Season's greets!
Get a load of this! (*´∀`*) I made cake this year. Isn't it just totes adorbz?
I added some plum kelp jerky into the spongy mix, so it's got, like, a really funky taste.
Put it by your pillow, and Santa just might have a bite. ヽ(☆´∀`☆)ノ
I'm mega-thankful for jolly ol' Kris Kringle, and it's about time I did something to pay him back!

Oopsie! Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays! Sorry for being in a rush! (・ω・`)
I've got some stuff to buy. They were saying they forgot to buy a mini Santa to put on the cake and stuff.
Like, it's totally not the holidays without Santa, his reindeer, and some snowdudes.
That's where I come in. I've gotta do what I can to put a smile on the kiddies' faces.
Huh... You'll come with, (Captain)? Like, really really?
We're gonna go on a winter date! Like, you're serious, right? Should I redo my makeup?
I'm already as cute as a button?
Aw, (Captain)! You're totes making me blush!
Teehee! Let's get going then! Time's-a-wastin'! (*^.^*)


Happy holidays! So did you get any presents from Santa, Kitten?
Ha-ha! I'm just kidding. I know you're not quite that young.
How about I keep you entertained instead of Santa this year?

Don't get me wrong. I don't have a problem with Santa. Seems a little pushy though, forcibly dropping presents on people.
Not that there's any harm in getting presents, I guess.
Seeing the smiling faces of children the world over must be all the payment he needs.
Not bad, right? A real win-win.
I just hope he has a safe night out... and doesn't get arrested for trespassing.

Well, my little kitten, you and the rest of the world are certainly feeling the spirit of the season. Looking at the splendor of the city, your heart just dances, doesn't it?
Our celebration at the Jewel Resort is quite the spectacle, you know.
How about it? Want to come peep at it? It'll be the most merry festival in all the skies.
Hehe. That's right: a merry celebration, grown-up style!

We did have an exquisite time at the Jewel Resort when it was tinseled up for the holidays—no question.
But you never got to experience the grown-up fun I had in mind, Kitten.
Do you know why?
Heehee, the reason's simple. It's because the two of us weren't alone...
If you catch my drift.
How about I show you how adults spend the holiday?
What do you say, Kitten?

Hm? Oh, it's you—my sweet, little kitten. I was just looking out the window.
The snow looks so magical, with all the colorful lights reflected on its surface...
And how will you be spending this holy night, little kitten?
Will you be celebrating in a lively fashion with everyone? Or... will you be making a getaway with a certain someone?
Hehe, you're getting pretty red. I wonder where and what you were imagining just now...
Ahaha! You don't have to sulk like that. You were being so cute that I couldn't help but tease you a little.
But tonight is a special night, so I suppose I'll give you a nice present.
Come on, let's head into town.
Don't you want to experience this holy night like never before?


Huang: The holidays are here...
Bai: Yep. Holiday time.
Huang: (Many people spend the holidays with their families, but this is also a prime time for couples...)
(A special day for sweethearts to exchange gifts and chow on meat dishes...)
Bai: (Staring into each other's eyes under the pretty lights... How romantic.)
(What a way to warm up a wintery night.)
Suddenly (Captain) walks over and says a cheerful hello.
Nyaaah! (Captain)! Don't sneak up on me like that.
Huang: You're going for a walk in town?
Bai: And you came to invite us?
Cidala Sisters: O-oh...
Huang: It's not like we have anything better to do, right?
Bai: N-nope...
Cidala Sisters: (I'm so nervous...)

Bai: H-happy holidays, (Captain)...
Huang: So... what are your plans for today again? You know, just checking...
Bai: You're gonna go shopping, come back... and decorate for the party tonight?
Huang: Then you're going to finish preparing for the feast, go into town again to walk around... and come back for the celebration?
Cidala Sisters: I see...
Bai: (But (Captain)'s so popular... The captain can't be planning to go out alone. I mean, everyone wants to spend the winter holiday with someone else.)
(I can already tell... I'm sure (Captain) is thinking of going out for some "shopping" and then running away with me...)
(What a holy night...)
Huang: ((Captain) definitely likes me...)
(The captain will probably come talk to me while we're decorating the ship, and then we'll go to a quiet place...)
(Just the two of us... And then (Captain) might try to c-c-confess...)
Cidala Sisters: (Oh my...)

Huang: Unlucky us! I can't believe we have to go get some last-minute things when we've got a party to attend.
Oh well, I guess walking around the streets during the winter celebration isn't that bad either. Right, (Captain)?
Bai: You're so shallow, Huang. This shopping trip isn't a last-minute thing at all... Everything was obviously planned.
(Captain) wanted to take us out to town this whole time.
Huang: Why would (Captain) want to do that? Besides, we got picked by drawing straws...
Bai: Don't you get it? That's where it was set up. It must've been some sort of trick... It's too late for us now.
This is a special winter night... Who knows what might happen?
(Captain)'s a dangerous one. We might never be able to return to the ship again...
Huang: Wh-what!
Hey. What were you saying about not being able to come back?
Bai: Th-there's probably something else the captain planned! Maybe (Captain) has a crazy present for us hidden onboard and plans to—
Huang: Yeah right!

Cidala (Valentine)

Huang: The holidays are here...
Bai: Yep. Holiday time.
Huang: (Many people spend the holidays with their families, but this is also a prime time for couples...)
(A special day for sweethearts to exchange gifts and chow on meat dishes...)
Bai: (Staring into each other's eyes under the pretty lights... How romantic.)
(What a way to warm up a wintery night.)
Suddenly (Captain) walks over and says a cheerful hello.
Bai: Nyaaah! (Captain)! Don't sneak up on me like that.
Huang: You're going for a walk in town?
Bai: And you came to invite us?
Cidala Sisters: O-oh...
Huang: It's not like we have anything better to do, right?
Bai: N-nope...
Cidala Sisters: (I'm so nervous...)

Bai: H-happy holidays, (Captain)...
Huang: So... what are your plans for today again? You know, just checking...
Bai: You're gonna go shopping, come back... and decorate for the party tonight?
Huang: Then you're going to finish preparing for the feast, go into town again to walk around... and come back for the celebration?
Cidala Sisters: I see...
Bai: (But (Captain)'s so popular... The captain can't be planning to go out alone. I mean, everyone wants to spend the winter holiday with someone else.)
(I can already tell... I'm sure (Captain) is thinking of going out for some "shopping" and then running away with me...)
(What a holy night...)
Huang: ((Captain) definitely likes me...)
(The captain will probably come talk to me while we're decorating the ship, and then we'll go to a quiet place...)
(Just the two of us... And then (Captain) might try to c-c-confess...)
Cidala Sisters: (Oh my...)

Huang: Unlucky us! I can't believe we have to go get some last-minute things when we've got a party to attend.
Oh well, I guess walking around the streets during the winter celebration isn't that bad either. Right, (Captain)?
Bai: You're so shallow, Huang. This shopping trip isn't a last-minute thing at all... Everything was obviously planned.
(Captain) wanted to take us out to town this whole time.
Huang: Why would (Captain) want to do that? Besides, we got picked by drawing straws...
Bai: Don't you get it? That's where it was set up. It must've been some sort of trick... It's too late for us now.
This is a special winter night... Who knows what might happen?
(Captain)'s a dangerous one. We might never be able to return to the ship again...
Huang: Wh-what!
Hey. What were you saying about not being able to come back?
Bai: Th-there's probably something else the captain planned! Maybe (Captain) has a crazy present for us hidden onboard and plans to—
Huang: Yeah right!


'Tis the season to be jolly!
(Captain), do you have any plans today? Because I was wondering if... you know...
You and I...
Aaah, this is too embarrassing!

Oh, hi, Captain! Um, I wanted to ask you if you were going to be busy tonight?
Ah, of course everyone'd be pulling you around here and there. You're Captain Popular!
It's not always easy being popular, I guess.
Well, okay, I'll just head back to my room, then. Don't get too crazy tonight!
Um, but if you're not too busy later, I'd like to spend some time together... you know, if you're free...

Hey, hey. It's the big day!
We gotta get together later and party it up!
Ah, but you're probably super busy, so...
Huh? You'll be free? You're not just humoring me, are you?
Hehehe, then let's shake on it.
What? You think we should invite everyone else too?
O-of course! That was, um, my plan all along!
Better find a place that can fit all of us then.
Guess we can't use my room or your room anymore since company's coming...
All right, I'll take care of all the planning!
See ya tonight, (Captain)!

Um, hey! Hey, (Captain)!
Guess what? My parents sent me a holiday card.
They wrote that I should bring you back home with me for the holidays...
Aaagh, geez! Parents, am I right? They'll say just about anything.
I mean it's pretty obvious you're gonna be really busy around this time and all, so...
Plus I think I'd be on eggshells the whole time just knowing you're there in my house.
But, hey, I don't know... Maybe it's just me?
So... Like, if you kinda maybe sorta wanna hang out at my house with me...
What am I thinking! Of course this is all too sudden! Yeah, yeah! Next time! Subsequently! Future!

I'm sorry, (Captain). You came all the way to my house, but everything wound up a total mess.
I didn't think my parents would make such a big deal...
A-and, well... Don't worry about what Mother said, okay?
What? Don't you remember? She was like, it's about time you came for a formal greeting... Or something like that.
Umm... Seems like my parents have gotten the wrong idea about us.
B-but, uh... I didn't want to say they were wrong or anything. Or, er, I mean, if we really became like that, I would be pretty happy...
Uh. Ignore what I just said.
Basically! I want you to just forget everything and enjoy the party, okay?
Oh, right. (Captain), I almost forgot to say this to you.
Happy holidays!

Clarisse (Holiday)

'Tis the season to be jolly!
(Captain), do you have any plans today? Because I was wondering if... you know...
You and I...
Aaah, this is too embarrassing!

Oh, hi, Captain! Um, I wanted to ask you if you were going to be busy tonight?
Ah, of course everyone'd be pulling you around here and there. You're Captain Popular!
It's not always easy being popular, I guess.
Well, okay, I'll just head back to my room, then. Don't get too crazy tonight!
Um, but if you're not too busy later, I'd like to spend some time together... you know, if you're free...

Hey, hey. It's the big day!
We gotta get together later and party it up!
Ah, but you're probably super busy, so...
Huh? You'll be free? You're not just humoring me, are you?
Hehehe, then let's shake on it.
What? You think we should invite everyone else too?
O-of course! That was, um, my plan all along!
Better find a place that can fit all of us then.
Guess we can't use my room or your room anymore since company's coming...
All right, I'll take care of all the planning!
See ya tonight, (Captain)!

Um, hey! Hey, (Captain)!
Guess what? My parents sent me a holiday card.
They wrote that I should bring you back home with me for the holidays...
Aaagh, geez! Parents, am I right? They'll say just about anything.
I mean it's pretty obvious you're gonna be really busy around this time and all, so...
Plus I think I'd be on eggshells the whole time just knowing you're there in my house.
But, hey, I don't know... Maybe it's just me?
So... Like, if you kinda maybe sorta wanna hang out at my house with me...
What am I thinking! Of course this is all too sudden! Yeah, yeah! Next time! Subsequently! Future!

I'm sorry, (Captain). You came all the way to my house, but everything wound up a total mess.
I didn't think my parents would make such a big deal...
A-and, well... Don't worry about what Mother said, okay?
What? Don't you remember? She was like, it's about time you came for a formal greeting... Or something like that.
Umm... Seems like my parents have gotten the wrong idea about us.
B-but, uh... I didn't want to say they were wrong or anything. Or, er, I mean, if we really became like that, I would be pretty happy...
Uh. Ignore what I just said.
Basically! I want you to just forget everything and enjoy the party, okay?
Oh, right. (Captain), I almost forgot to say this to you.
Happy holidays!

Clarisse (Light)

'Tis the season to be jolly!
(Captain), do you have any plans today? Because I was wondering if... you know...
You and I...
Aaah, this is too embarrassing!

Oh, hi, Captain! Um, I wanted to ask you if you were going to be busy tonight?
Ah, of course everyone'd be pulling you around here and there. You're Captain Popular!
It's not always easy being popular, I guess.
Well, okay, I'll just head back to my room, then. Don't get too crazy tonight!
Um, but if you're not too busy later, I'd like to spend some time together... you know, if you're free...

Hey, hey. It's the big day!
We gotta get together later and party it up!
Ah, but you're probably super busy, so...
Huh? You'll be free? You're not just humoring me, are you?
Hehehe, then let's shake on it.
What? You think we should invite everyone else too?
O-of course! That was, um, my plan all along!
Better find a place that can fit all of us then.
Guess we can't use my room or your room anymore since company's coming...
All right, I'll take care of all the planning!
See ya tonight, (Captain)!

Um, hey! Hey, (Captain)!
Guess what? My parents sent me a holiday card.
They wrote that I should bring you back home with me for the holidays...
Aaagh, geez! Parents, am I right? They'll say just about anything.
I mean it's pretty obvious you're gonna be really busy around this time and all, so...
Plus I think I'd be on eggshells the whole time just knowing you're there in my house.
But, hey, I don't know... Maybe it's just me?
So... Like, if you kinda maybe sorta wanna hang out at my house with me...
What am I thinking! Of course this is all too sudden! Yeah, yeah! Next time! Subsequently! Future!

I'm sorry, (Captain). You came all the way to my house, but everything wound up a total mess.
I didn't think my parents would make such a big deal...
A-and, well... Don't worry about what Mother said, okay?
What? Don't you remember? She was like, it's about time you came for a formal greeting... Or something like that.
Umm... Seems like my parents have gotten the wrong idea about us.
B-but, uh... I didn't want to say they were wrong or anything. Or, er, I mean, if we really became like that, I would be pretty happy...
Uh. Ignore what I just said.
Basically! I want you to just forget everything and enjoy the party, okay?
Oh, right. (Captain), I almost forgot to say this to you.
Happy holidays!

Clarisse (Summer)

'Tis the season to be jolly!
(Captain), do you have any plans today? Because I was wondering if... you know...
You and I...
Aaah, this is too embarrassing!

Oh, hi, Captain! Um, I wanted to ask you if you were going to be busy tonight?
Ah, of course everyone'd be pulling you around here and there. You're Captain Popular!
It's not always easy being popular, I guess.
Well, okay, I'll just head back to my room, then. Don't get too crazy tonight!
Um, but if you're not too busy later, I'd like to spend some time together... you know, if you're free...

Hey, hey. It's the big day!
We gotta get together later and party it up!
Ah, but you're probably super busy, so...
Huh? You'll be free? You're not just humoring me, are you?
Hehehe, then let's shake on it.
What? You think we should invite everyone else too?
O-of course! That was, um, my plan all along!
Better find a place that can fit all of us then.
Guess we can't use my room or your room anymore since company's coming...
All right, I'll take care of all the planning!
See ya tonight, (Captain)!

Um, hey! Hey, (Captain)!
Guess what? My parents sent me a holiday card.
They wrote that I should bring you back home with me for the holidays...
Aaagh, geez! Parents, am I right? They'll say just about anything.
I mean it's pretty obvious you're gonna be really busy around this time and all, so...
Plus I think I'd be on eggshells the whole time just knowing you're there in my house.
But, hey, I don't know... Maybe it's just me?
So... Like, if you kinda maybe sorta wanna hang out at my house with me...
What am I thinking! Of course this is all too sudden! Yeah, yeah! Next time! Subsequently! Future!

I'm sorry, (Captain). You came all the way to my house, but everything wound up a total mess.
I didn't think my parents would make such a big deal...
A-and, well... Don't worry about what Mother said, okay?
What? Don't you remember? She was like, it's about time you came for a formal greeting... Or something like that.
Umm... Seems like my parents have gotten the wrong idea about us.
B-but, uh... I didn't want to say they were wrong or anything. Or, er, I mean, if we really became like that, I would be pretty happy...
Uh. Ignore what I just said.
Basically! I want you to just forget everything and enjoy the party, okay?
Oh, right. (Captain), I almost forgot to say this to you.
Happy holidays!

Clarisse (Valentine)

'Tis the season to be jolly!
(Captain), do you have any plans today? Because I was wondering if... you know...
You and I...
Aaah, this is too embarrassing!

Oh, hi, Captain! Um, I wanted to ask you if you were going to be busy tonight?
Ah, of course everyone'd be pulling you around here and there. You're Captain Popular!
It's not always easy being popular, I guess.
Well, okay, I'll just head back to my room, then. Don't get too crazy tonight!
Um, but if you're not too busy later, I'd like to spend some time together... you know, if you're free...

Hey, hey. It's the big day!
We gotta get together later and party it up!
Ah, but you're probably super busy, so...
Huh? You'll be free? You're not just humoring me, are you?
Hehehe, then let's shake on it.
What? You think we should invite everyone else too?
O-of course! That was, um, my plan all along!
Better find a place that can fit all of us then.
Guess we can't use my room or your room anymore since company's coming...
All right, I'll take care of all the planning!
See ya tonight, (Captain)!

Um, hey! Hey, (Captain)!
Guess what? My parents sent me a holiday card.
They wrote that I should bring you back home with me for the holidays...
Aaagh, geez! Parents, am I right? They'll say just about anything.
I mean it's pretty obvious you're gonna be really busy around this time and all, so...
Plus I think I'd be on eggshells the whole time just knowing you're there in my house.
But, hey, I don't know... Maybe it's just me?
So... Like, if you kinda maybe sorta wanna hang out at my house with me...
What am I thinking! Of course this is all too sudden! Yeah, yeah! Next time! Subsequently! Future!

I'm sorry, (Captain). You came all the way to my house, but everything wound up a total mess.
I didn't think my parents would make such a big deal...
A-and, well... Don't worry about what Mother said, okay?
What? Don't you remember? She was like, it's about time you came for a formal greeting... Or something like that.
Umm... Seems like my parents have gotten the wrong idea about us.
B-but, uh... I didn't want to say they were wrong or anything. Or, er, I mean, if we really became like that, I would be pretty happy...
Uh. Ignore what I just said.
Basically! I want you to just forget everything and enjoy the party, okay?
Oh, right. (Captain), I almost forgot to say this to you.
Happy holidays!


The holiday is finally here.
If it's not too much trouble, would you mind helping me deck the halls for the party?

Tonight's festivities are right on schedule. The preparations will be flawless.
No, I can't partake in merriment. It's my duty as a maid to make sure everything is perfect.
I will use all my power to make sure all crew members have a wonderful, enjoyable evening.

Hm, this snowy backdrop is perfect for a holy night like this.
It's forced me to give up my hunt for a succulent turkey for tonight's dinner, but even I can't deny the beauty of it all.
Imagine, if you will, the pale-blue figure of Lyria standing in pure white drifts, blowing on her fingers to keep them warm...

The sight of a beautiful young maiden frolicking on the holy night fills me with joy.
I'm happy I prepared so many ornaments so that Lyria could fully enjoy decorating the tree.
Look, she's waving us over. How sweetly she beckons...
A maid's duty is to prepare and facilitate, not to participate in celebrations...
But I'm only human. No one could resist such temptation. Hee hee.

Well. I suppose that does it for the holiday decorations.
We made quick work of the ship. I've the rest of the crew and their kind assistance to thank for that.
And, (Captain), your face shows every bit how delighted you are. As a maid, that does make me happy.
Though I must say, I've no great wish to tidy up once all the festivities are over.
Well, I just have to think of it as rifling through the leftovers and forgotten items of young ladies. That's not so bad, is it?
Really, if I find something good, I may be able to pocket it for my collection...
What's that, (Captain)? You're offering to help with the cleanup?
I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid that I cannot entrust this task to another.
After all, it is my duty as a maid... Teehee.


Vyrn: So does anybody know where Colossus went?
Lyria: Um, I think it went searching for a tree we could use for the holidays.
During the most wonderful time of the year, (Captain) and the crew wait for Colossus to return from its trip outside of town.
Eventually the sound of people shouting in surprise accompanies heavy footfalls as the iron giant comes into view.
Colossus: ...
Vyrn: Wh-whoa! That's way too big, don'tcha think!
(Captain) and company are taken aback by the massive tree slung over Colossus's shoulder, its length longer than the iron giant is tall.
Lyria: Ahaha... You're really excited for this, aren't you?
It seems that the tree was dug out carefully with the intent to return it to its original home afterward. For now they carefully place it in a pot.
Vyrn: Haha, the townspeople are in for a big surprise! But first we got our work cut out for us decoratin' something this size!
Everyone tackles the task eagerly, each using a ladder to climb up and place colorful ornaments over the tree's many branches. Soon enough they have a holiday tree fit for the season.
Lyria: Okay, the only thing left now is to put the star on top! We're counting on you, Colossus!
Colossus: ...
It takes the offered star from Lyria and approaches the tree.
Boy: ...
Colossus: ...
But upon noticing the gaze of a boy nearby, Colossus instead offers the star to him. He happily takes the ornament and scampers into Colossus's hand where he is lifted up to the top of the tree for the finishing touch.

Colossus and crew plan to bring a large tree into town this year as well.
However, heavy snowfall fills the road into the forest, and traversing through it is out of the question.
Vyrn: Nothin' we can do about it unfortunately. We'd have a real accident on our hands if Colossus fell.
Lyria: It's just too bad... Colossus was so excited to do it...
Colossus: ...
With disappointed faces, the gathered townspeople decide to return home with their tree ornaments.
Colossus: ...
Colossus appears to sag in disappointment as well, but only for a moment.
Colossus: ...!
The metal giant points at the townspeople, then at its own body.
Lyria: Huh? What are you doing?
Oh! Are you saying we should decorate you instead?
Vyrn: That's not a bad idea! You'd make one heckuva cool holiday tree!
Colossus bows its head in agreement, and the plan moves ahead.
Lifting the townspeople onto its shoulders and head, the iron giant helps with the decorating as much as possible.
Lyria: Wow... You look amazing!
Though the tinsel and other bright ornaments provide plenty of cheer, the large star at the top of Colossus's head draws the most attention.
Colossus: ...
The replacement tree stands tall and proud, surrounded by the smiles of happy townspeople.

Unlike the previous year, no trouble arises this winter celebration with Colossus carrying out its duty as the decorative tree.
Colossus: ...
The joyful crowds disperse as people go back to their homes. The night quiets down, and Colossus stands contentedly in the calm silence.
Colossus: ...
The iron giant is startled by the sudden but faint sound of footsteps.
Careful not to cause any noise, Colossus looks down at its feet to see who the new visitor is.
???: ...
The figure sets down something by Colossus's feet before quickly taking their leave.
Cautiously, Colossus picks up the package.
Colossus: ...
The bundle is wrapped with red paper and a beautiful ribbon, with a letter attached to it.
"Thank you for your help this year as well. I'd like you to have this small gift in return for making everyone's winter night so bright."
Colossus: ...
After reading these warm words, Colossus gently folds the letter back up.
The package opens to reveal cloth and solution for polishing armor. Colossus picks these up and slowly brings it close to its chest.

Colossus: ...
Another year's holy night has come, and Colossus once again fulfills its role as a festive tree decoration.
The bedizened iron giant sounds its reactor in satisfaction as the town's children gaze upon it.
A pair of smiling children approach Colossus while holding something in their hands.
Cheerful Boy: Ahaha! Hey, hey, let me see your hand!
Colossus: ...
Colossus gently vents some steam and extends its massive hand toward the children.
The children's faces light up with glee as they place something in the giant's hand.
Colossus: ...!
Cheerful Girl: Hehe, doesn't it look just like you? We all worked together to make a snowman that's the same shape as you!
Cheerful Boy: Thanks for making the holidays fun for all of us every year!
Colossus: ...
Colossus caresses the special gift tenderly with the index finger of its other hand, taking care not to melt or destroy it.
Colossus: ...
Cheerful Boy: Ahaha! Our friend seems to like it! Happy holidays!
Cheerful Girl: Happy holidays!
The gentle giant exhales a breath of steam in response to the cheerful greeting from its small friends.

As is now custom for the holy night, Colossus once again dresses up as a holiday tree.
Around town, two children in particular excitedly wonder what kind of decorations the metal giant will wear this year.
Cheerful Girl: So? What do you think?
Cheerful Boy: Hmm... It'll probably be the craziest outfit ever!
Cheerful Girl: Do you think it'll be shiny? Or sparkly?
Exchanging predictions, the children head on over to where Colossus awaits.
Their eyes grow wide when they finally spot it.
Colossus: ...
Cheerful Girl: Wow!
Cheerful Boy: Whoa, so tall!
Colossus stands in the same spot as last year.
But this time, its arms and blade extend toward the sky, while decorations cover it from head to toe.
Cheerful Girl: It's both shiny and sparkly!
Cheerful Boy: Ahaha! I've never seen something so big and pretty before!
Twice the height as usual, the Colossus tree delights the children.
A revving sound comes from inside Colossus's chest, indicating the giant's joy at pleasing its audience.


Happy holidays, (Captain).
Do you know of the holiday folktale where a saint blesses all the children? How old were you when you stopped believing in it?
Me? I still believe it!
My job as a praetor places me in a difficult position. I have to fool not only others, but myself as well.
It's all too easy to lose myself in the midst of it all.
To retain my sense of self, I try to make the best of these festivities.
Let's enjoy the holidays together, (Captain).

(Captain), this eve is the holy night, isn't it? I have a proposition for you.
I was planning on dressing as Santa Claus and giving out presents to all the little children, but...
Something doesn't add up. There are just too many children to visit.
That is where you come in. I require your assistance...
What? You will?
Your word is worth a lot to me. Thank you. I appreciate your help.
Hehe... Rest assured. I will save your present for last.
But you must not share our secret with any other crew members.
The children would lose their minds and all would end. That is how dangerous and confidential this mission is.
The dreams of the children must not be destroyed. No information can be leaked to them...
I am glad you understand. You have made a wise choice.
Let us enjoy this night, but don't be late. Hehe...

It's such a beautiful winter night, (Captain).
A quiet snowfall, piles of delicious food, and the exchanging of exciting gifts...
The ladies especially are in a holly, jolly mood around this time of year.
I can't count the number of times a lady had tried to get my attention as I strolled through town.
But since I've already made plans to spend time with you and the crew, I had to turn them all down.
Or should I say it's you who wants to spend some special alone time with me?
Ahaha, just kidding. Come, let's hurry to the party.

Who would have thought we'd actually be able to spend this holy night alone together?
I didn't, and certainly not for this reason.
That's not to say I'm complaining about having to prepare for the party with you.
But this is a good opportunity to enjoy the time we have to ourselves.
What do you think? How would you like to spend a special evening together?
Very good attention to detail, (Captain). Yes, that's the same line I used last year, meaning it's a joke.
I suppose I can't use the same trick twice and hope it works.
Heh. The same goes for anybody who tries anything on me.

Hehe, welcome to the kitchen. Preparations for the party are going smoothly.
My main duty this year is to help make the cake. I just finished decorating it.
While I was out shopping earlier, I found some cute toppings and couldn't help myself. They've added a nice spark to the overall look, haven't they?
I realize I normally have to avoid anything that might damage my reputation as a reserved lady, but...
I'm sure there won't be an issue if this is just between us.
Hehe, you think it looks nice? I suppose it was a good decision then, if it's enough to bring a smile to your face.
I can't wait to see how everyone else reacts. Farewell for now, until we meet later at the party.


(Captain), will you come shopping with me in town?
I wish to experience for myself what it means to bask in the holiday spirit.
Though I've observed skydweller holidays from afar, taking part in one personally may lead me to new discoveries.
Hm? Stores I wish to visit?
Well, I suppose stopping by the confectionery to partake in sweets would be pleasant.
I've been wanting to try some ever since Yuni told me how delicious they can be.
Well then, (Captain)? Will you be joining me?

I've heard that it is customary to prepare a large feast on this holy night...
But now I understand the significance of this custom.
I can feel everyone's holiday spirit—their warmth, as they celebrate and enjoy this special day.
Yuni told me that the meat would be particularly delicious, but I would like to try the other dishes as well.
What would you recommend I start with, (Captain)?


(Captain), (Captain), it's almost time! Santa Claus is on his way!
I love that big bearded guy almost as much as I love my dad!
Why? Well, I wrote a letter to Santa way back when.
What did I ask for? A kind older sister, and a cute younger one. And Santa delivered!
That's why I stopped asking the guy for presents. Gotta make the rest of my dreams come true on my own!

Hmm... Will it snow today? What do you think?
You know what'll happen if it snows, right? Santa Claus will have such a tough time delivering his presents.
I'm going to leave something by my bed. But it'll get cold...
What if I stay up all night making soup and then serve it to him when he comes?
Hm? Yeah! I always make something for him when he comes.
I have to show my appreciation! He's the reason I have a little and big sister!
I just gotta leave him something to say thanks. Hehe!

(Captain)! Sorry, I've gotta go out for a little. I'll be back before the eve though!
Camieux and I are mailing a gift to our parents.
Because Santa only gives presents to kids, right? So we thought we'd make sure they get a present too!
We really struggled to think of something to give them up until the last minute...
But now we're going to have Siero deliver this.
I hope it gets to them in time. Rats... We really waited till the last minute...
Okay! Gotta go!

I'm back from my trip, (Captain)! Phew, I can't believe I actually made it in time for the holy night feast with the crew!
Thanks for letting me, Camieux, and Silva spend our island's holy night with our family though!
Dad, Mom, Uncle Dan, and all the other gunsmiths working at the alloy foundry were super happy to see us!
I have some snacks that Mom and Dad gave us too, but I'll share those with everyone during the feast.
Oh! Before I forget! Me, Camieux, and Silva made some party crackers while we had the chance!
Let's crack them open at the start of the feast and get things started with a bang!

Cammy! Happy holidays! Come on, give your big sister a hug! Ooh, I might just give you a little kiss too!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays to you too!
What am I doing, you ask? You see... I heard about a certain custom for the holy night when I was on another island for work.
They say if a loved one kisses you on the cheek under the mistletoe, you'll have really good luck!
See! I'm holding this mistletoe above Cammy so I can kiss her under it!
Okay! Next is Silva... Hm? What's the matter, (Captain)?
Oh dear, what's this? Did you want a hug and a kiss from me too, (Captain)?
Sure thing, come on over! Of course I want you to be happy too! Come now, don't be shy!

Cucouroux (Halloween)

(Captain), (Captain), it's almost time! Santa Claus is on his way!
I love that big bearded guy almost as much as I love my dad!
Why? Well, I wrote a letter to Santa way back when.
What did I ask for? A kind older sister, and a cute younger one. And Santa delivered!
That's why I stopped asking the guy for presents. Gotta make the rest of my dreams come true on my own!

Hmm... Will it snow today? What do you think?
You know what'll happen if it snows, right? Santa Claus will have such a tough time delivering his presents.
I'm going to leave something by my bed. But it'll get cold...
What if I stay up all night making soup and then serve it to him when he comes?
Hm? Yeah! I always make something for him when he comes.
I have to show my appreciation! He's the reason I have a little and big sister!
I just gotta leave him something to say thanks. Hehe!

(Captain)! Sorry, I've gotta go out for a little. I'll be back before the eve though!
Camieux and I are mailing a gift to our parents.
Because Santa only gives presents to kids, right? So we thought we'd make sure they get a present too!
We really struggled to think of something to give them up until the last minute...
But now we're going to have Siero deliver this.
I hope it gets to them in time. Rats... We really waited till the last minute...
Okay! Gotta go!

I'm back from my trip, (Captain)! Phew, I can't believe I actually made it in time for the holy night feast with the crew!
Thanks for letting me, Camieux, and Silva spend our island's holy night with our family though!
Dad, Mom, Uncle Dan, and all the other gunsmiths working at the alloy foundry were super happy to see us!
I have some snacks that Mom and Dad gave us too, but I'll share those with everyone during the feast.
Oh! Before I forget! Me, Camieux, and Silva made some party crackers while we had the chance!
Let's crack them open at the start of the feast and get things started with a bang!

Cammy! Happy holidays! Come on, give your big sister a hug! Ooh, I might just give you a little kiss too!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays to you too!
What am I doing, you ask? You see... I heard about a certain custom for the holy night when I was on another island for work.
They say if a loved one kisses you on the cheek under the mistletoe, you'll have really good luck!
See! I'm holding this mistletoe above Cammy so I can kiss her under it!
Okay! Next is Silva... Hm? What's the matter, (Captain)?
Oh dear, what's this? Did you want a hug and a kiss from me too, (Captain)?
Sure thing, come on over! Of course I want you to be happy too! Come now, don't be shy!

Cucouroux (SSR)

(Captain), (Captain), it's almost time! Santa Claus is on his way!
I love that big bearded guy almost as much as I love my dad!
Why? Well, I wrote a letter to Santa way back when.
What did I ask for? A kind older sister, and a cute younger one. And Santa delivered!
That's why I stopped asking the guy for presents. Gotta make the rest of my dreams come true on my own!

Hmm... Will it snow today? What do you think?
You know what'll happen if it snows, right? Santa Claus will have such a tough time delivering his presents.
I'm going to leave something by my bed. But it'll get cold...
What if I stay up all night making soup and then serve it to him when he comes?
Hm? Yeah! I always make something for him when he comes.
I have to show my appreciation! He's the reason I have a little and big sister!
I just gotta leave him something to say thanks. Hehe!

(Captain)! Sorry, I've gotta go out for a little. I'll be back before the eve though!
Camieux and I are mailing a gift to our parents.
Because Santa only gives presents to kids, right? So we thought we'd make sure they get a present too!
We really struggled to think of something to give them up until the last minute...
But now we're going to have Siero deliver this.
I hope it gets to them in time. Rats... We really waited till the last minute...
Okay! Gotta go!

I'm back from my trip, (Captain)! Phew, I can't believe I actually made it in time for the holy night feast with the crew!
Thanks for letting me, Camieux, and Silva spend our island's holy night with our family though!
Dad, Mom, Uncle Dan, and all the other gunsmiths working at the alloy foundry were super happy to see us!
I have some snacks that Mom and Dad gave us too, but I'll share those with everyone during the feast.
Oh! Before I forget! Me, Camieux, and Silva made some party crackers while we had the chance!
Let's crack them open at the start of the feast and get things started with a bang!

Cammy! Happy holidays! Come on, give your big sister a hug! Ooh, I might just give you a little kiss too!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays to you too!
What am I doing, you ask? You see... I heard about a certain custom for the holy night when I was on another island for work.
They say if a loved one kisses you on the cheek under the mistletoe, you'll have really good luck!
See! I'm holding this mistletoe above Cammy so I can kiss her under it!
Okay! Next is Silva... Hm? What's the matter, (Captain)?
Oh dear, what's this? Did you want a hug and a kiss from me too, (Captain)?
Sure thing, come on over! Of course I want you to be happy too! Come now, don't be shy!

Cucouroux (Summer)

(Captain), (Captain), it's almost time! Santa Claus is on his way!
I love that big bearded guy almost as much as I love my dad!
Why? Well, I wrote a letter to Santa way back when.
What did I ask for? A kind older sister, and a cute younger one. And Santa delivered!
That's why I stopped asking the guy for presents. Gotta make the rest of my dreams come true on my own!

Hmm... Will it snow today? What do you think?
You know what'll happen if it snows, right? Santa Claus will have such a tough time delivering his presents.
I'm going to leave something by my bed. But it'll get cold...
What if I stay up all night making soup and then serve it to him when he comes?
Hm? Yeah! I always make something for him when he comes.
I have to show my appreciation! He's the reason I have a little and big sister!
I just gotta leave him something to say thanks. Hehe!

(Captain)! Sorry, I've gotta go out for a little. I'll be back before the eve though!
Camieux and I are mailing a gift to our parents.
Because Santa only gives presents to kids, right? So we thought we'd make sure they get a present too!
We really struggled to think of something to give them up until the last minute...
But now we're going to have Siero deliver this.
I hope it gets to them in time. Rats... We really waited till the last minute...
Okay! Gotta go!

I'm back from my trip, (Captain)! Phew, I can't believe I actually made it in time for the holy night feast with the crew!
Thanks for letting me, Camieux, and Silva spend our island's holy night with our family though!
Dad, Mom, Uncle Dan, and all the other gunsmiths working at the alloy foundry were super happy to see us!
I have some snacks that Mom and Dad gave us too, but I'll share those with everyone during the feast.
Oh! Before I forget! Me, Camieux, and Silva made some party crackers while we had the chance!
Let's crack them open at the start of the feast and get things started with a bang!

Cucouroux's Voice: Cammy! Happy holidays! Come on, give your big sister a hug! Ooh, I might just give you a little kiss too!
Cucouroux: Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays to you too!
What am I doing, you ask? You see... I heard about a certain custom for the holy night when I was on another island for work.
They say if a loved one kisses you on the cheek under the mistletoe, you'll have really good luck!
See! I'm holding this mistletoe above Cammy so I can kiss her under it!
Okay! Next is Silva... Hm? What's the matter, (Captain)?
Oh dear, what's this? Did you want a hug and a kiss from me too, (Captain)?
Sure thing, come on over! Of course I want you to be happy too! Come now, don't be shy!


Ooh, this scarf is so cute! Maybe I could get one for Ris and one for myself so we match...
Huh? (Captain)?
Oh no, I'm sorry I didn't notice you there! Are you here shopping for presents too?
Hehe, actually, me too. I came to buy a gift for Ris!
Every year, Ris and I have a party together to celebrate the holiday, and we exchange presents.
I gave her a really warm hat last year and she loved it, so this year I wanted to give her a scarf that'd look good with the hat!
What color do you think would suit Ris, (Captain)?
Choose: Um, does Ris actually...
Come to the party? Nope! I always have the party with the Ris that lives in my heart!
She's really excited for the cake I made today too! It's a chocolate cake, just like she wanted!
Hehe. I can't wait to show her everything! She's going to be so happy!

Oh, (Captain)! I have a super important favor I'd like to ask...
Would you... go see a play with me?
My favorite theater troupe is actually putting on a special winter production tonight! I have to be there!
(Captain) smiles in response, happy to accompany the young Accordant.
You really mean it? Thank you, thank you!
Oh! One more favor, if you don't mind. Can you hold on to this bag for me?
I'm definitely gonna be in my feelings... If the waterworks start going, just pop it over my head!
I always lose it during the emotional parts, but I don't wanna ruin it for everyone else.
It's actually super embarrassing, but I've been banned from a few theaters.
I could use a Prism Arrow, but that wouldn't sit right with me, you know? So I came up with this as a solution!
You don't know how much this means to me, (Captain). Oh, I just can't wait!

(Captain), I made a huge find! This holiday might be the same day as Ris's birthday!
One of the greetings people say is Merry Christmas, right? See? Ris is right in there!
That means a Christmas party is a party that's all about Ris... Isn't that amazing!
Wait, what're we doing just standing here? Captain, we've gotta prepare for the party!
Don't worry! I've got all the Ris collectibles ever made stored safely away!

Cupitan (Summer)


A little bird told me we're havin' a party tonight. Hm, I'm as nervous as a cat...
Since I never had many friends, I had little reason to follow the herd. I'm not sure how I'd act at parties...
You'll be with me the entire time! Woo-hoo, you just made my day!

Ehehe! We get to trade presents today, (Captain)!
Well, here's mine... Ta-da! A plushie to put over head!
I bought it from my favorite store! It's so cute!
It looks nice on you! Let's roar together! One, two...
Rawr! Rawrawr!

Much cake... Such wow... Don't need a lion's share; I'll just have this one piece!
Chomp... The exquisite whipped cream on top of the spongy texture is so fine...
Ah, (Captain)! Look at all this yummy cake! Here, you can have your pick of the litter!
Wait, this is supposed to be for the party later?
Grr... My fault for getting ahead of myself...
It's a shame we can't get high off the hog together, but I'm to blame. I'll just have to bear with the guilt—and like a bear I will!
Huh? You'll give me half? But that's supposed to be your portion!
Teehee. You're so good to me, (Captain)... Thanks...

(Captain)! Happy holidays!
I just heard something neat! Good kids get presents on the eve of the big day!
I forgot who, but...
There's someone who hands gifts out!
And I decided I'm getting one too. But I'm not sure what yet...
A limited-edition iron ball... Or maybe a new plushie for my head...
Huh? You'll let me choose?
Hurray! That makes me feel so warm and fuzzy, (Captain)!
Teehee... Thanks!

(Captain)! I need some advice!
I was wandering around in town and a little kid came up to me.
She called me a reindeer and asked for a present.
But I didn't have a present for her, and anyway, this costume isn't supposed to be a reindeer!
I was wondering what I should do when this old man in red with a big white beard came up and gave both of us these packages.
When I tried to thank him, he was already gone...
Have you seen an old man in red, (Captain)? I want to say thank you...

Daetta (SR)

A little bird told me we're havin' a party tonight. Hm, I'm as nervous as a cat...
Since I never had many friends, I had little reason to follow the herd. I'm not sure how I'd act at parties...
You'll be with me the entire time! Woo-hoo, you just made my day!

Ehehe! We get to trade presents today, (Captain)!
Well, here's mine... Ta-da! A plushie to put over head!
I bought it from my favorite store! It's so cute!
It looks nice on you! Let's roar together! One, two...
Rawr! Rawrawr!

Much cake... Such wow... Don't need a lion's share; I'll just have this one piece!
Chomp... The exquisite whipped cream on top of the spongy texture is so fine...
Ah, (Captain)! Look at all this yummy cake! Here, you can have your pick of the litter!
Wait, this is supposed to be for the party later?
Grr... My fault for getting ahead of myself...
It's a shame we can't get high off the hog together, but I'm to blame. I'll just have to bear with the guilt—and like a bear I will!
Huh? You'll give me half? But that's supposed to be your portion!
Teehee. You're so good to me, (Captain)... Thanks...

(Captain)! Happy holidays!
I just heard something neat! Good kids get presents on the eve of the big day!
I forgot who, but...
There's someone who hands gifts out!
And I decided I'm getting one too. But I'm not sure what yet...
A limited-edition iron ball... Or maybe a new plushie for my head...
Huh? You'll let me choose?
Hurray! That makes me feel so warm and fuzzy, (Captain)!
Teehee... Thanks!

(Captain)! I need some advice!
I was wandering around in town and a little kid came up to me.
She called me a reindeer and asked for a present.
But I didn't have a present for her, and anyway, this costume isn't supposed to be a reindeer!
I was wondering what I should do when this old man in red with a big white beard came up and gave both of us these packages.
When I tried to thank him, he was already gone...
Have you seen an old man in red, (Captain)? I want to say thank you...


What is the meaning of this! What kind of person would do such a thing?
We prepared a holiday feast for Lord Rivera and the others, but it's all been eaten! We must apprehend the monster responsible!
Ah... Pardon me, Lord Rivera, but you have a little cream on your mouth. Let me get that for you.

Nrgh... What an outrage! What a folly!
Last year, someone ate the feast I prepared for Lord Rivera...
And I've been foiled this year as well! The gifts have all been stolen!
(Captain), we must apprehend the culprit!
Hm? Lord Rivera? What's that cushion in your mouth?
Oh my! You retrieved it from the thief already? You work quickly! I should take notes!

(Captain)... What should I do?
A few moments ago, one of the younger members of our crew gave me a special homemade cake...
But I cannot eat it! How could I possibly devour a cake shaped exactly like Lord Rivera's exquisite face?
But I can't allow my fellow crew member's efforts and good intentions go to waste! I couldn't bear seeing a frown on that precious face! What must I do to pass this torturous trial?

Agh! How terrible!
I went to decorate the tree to make the younger crew members happy...
But look under the tree. Someone's pulled down all my ornaments!
(Captain), help me search for the parties responsible! I'm sure that they're somewhere around here...
The scent of tree is coming from... If it isn't Lord Rivera and the others!
I can't believe... They're volunteering to serve as replacement ornaments? Aah, how merciful they are!

Okay, every window is shut. I also made sure to patrol the perimeter of the room as an additional safety measure.
That should just about do it. Now the youngsters in the crew can be assured of a safe holiday.
Hm? Lord Rivera? Why do you seat yourself before the fireplace?
You're watching guard to make sure no intruders come in from the chimney?
How gracious you are, Lord Rivera! Ah, your foresight never fails to impress!
Hm? You wish to take your rest now?
Worry not, for I will be here to stand guard in your place. Please enjoy your nap.

Dante (Halloween)

What is the meaning of this! What kind of person would do such a thing?
We prepared a holiday feast for Lord Rivera and the others, but it's all been eaten! We must apprehend the monster responsible!
Ah... Pardon me, Lord Rivera, but you have a little cream on your mouth. Let me get that for you.

Nrgh... What an outrage! What a folly!
Last year, someone ate the feast I prepared for Lord Rivera...
And I've been foiled this year as well! The gifts have all been stolen!
(Captain), we must apprehend the culprit!
Hm? Lord Rivera? What's that cushion in your mouth?
Oh my! You retrieved it from the thief already? You work quickly! I should take notes!

(Captain)... What should I do?
A few moments ago, one of the younger members of our crew gave me a special homemade cake...
But I cannot eat it! How could I possibly devour a cake shaped exactly like Lord Rivera's exquisite face?
But I can't allow my fellow crew member's efforts and good intentions go to waste! I couldn't bear seeing a frown on that precious face! What must I do to pass this torturous trial?

Agh! How terrible!
I went to decorate the tree to make the younger crew members happy...
But look under the tree. Someone's pulled down all my ornaments!
(Captain), help me search for the parties responsible! I'm sure that they're somewhere around here...
The scent of tree is coming from... If it isn't Lord Rivera and the others!
I can't believe... They're volunteering to serve as replacement ornaments? Aah, how merciful they are!

Okay, every window is shut. I also made sure to patrol the perimeter of the room as an additional safety measure.
That should just about do it. Now the youngsters in the crew can be assured of a safe holiday.
Hm? Lord Rivera? Why do you seat yourself before the fireplace?
You're watching guard to make sure no intruders come in from the chimney?
How gracious you are, Lord Rivera! Ah, your foresight never fails to impress!
Hm? You wish to take your rest now?
Worry not, for I will be here to stand guard in your place. Please enjoy your nap.

Dante (SR)

What is the meaning of this! What kind of person would do such a thing?
We prepared a holiday feast for Lord Rivera and the others, but it's all been eaten! We must apprehend the monster responsible!
Ah... Pardon me, Lord Rivera, but you have a little cream on your mouth. Let me get that for you.

Nrgh... What an outrage! What a folly!
Last year, someone ate the feast I prepared for Lord Rivera...
And I've been foiled this year as well! The gifts have all been stolen!
(Captain), we must apprehend the culprit!
Hm? Lord Rivera? What's that cushion in your mouth?
Oh my! You retrieved it from the thief already? You work quickly! I should take notes!

(Captain)... What should I do?
A few moments ago, one of the younger members of our crew gave me a special homemade cake...
But I cannot eat it! How could I possibly devour a cake shaped exactly like Lord Rivera's exquisite face?
But I can't allow my fellow crew member's efforts and good intentions go to waste! I couldn't bear seeing a frown on that precious face! What must I do to pass this torturous trial?

Agh! How terrible!
I went to decorate the tree to make the younger crew members happy...
But look under the tree. Someone's pulled down all my ornaments!
(Captain), help me search for the parties responsible! I'm sure that they're somewhere around here...
The scent of tree is coming from... If it isn't Lord Rivera and the others!
I can't believe... They're volunteering to serve as replacement ornaments? Aah, how merciful they are!

Okay, every window is shut. I also made sure to patrol the perimeter of the room as an additional safety measure.
That should just about do it. Now the youngsters in the crew can be assured of a safe holiday.
Hm? Lord Rivera? Why do you seat yourself before the fireplace?
You're watching guard to make sure no intruders come in from the chimney?
How gracious you are, Lord Rivera! Ah, your foresight never fails to impress!
Hm? You wish to take your rest now?
Worry not, for I will be here to stand guard in your place. Please enjoy your nap.

Dante and Freiheit

What is the meaning of this! What kind of person would do such a thing?
We prepared a holiday feast for Lord Rivera and the others, but it's all been eaten! We must apprehend the monster responsible!
Ah... Pardon me, Lord Rivera, but you have a little cream on your mouth. Let me get that for you.

Nrgh... What an outrage! What a folly!
Last year, someone ate the feast I prepared for Lord Rivera...
And I've been foiled this year as well! The gifts have all been stolen!
(Captain), we must apprehend the culprit!
Hm? Lord Rivera? What's that cushion in your mouth?
Oh my! You retrieved it from the thief already? You work quickly! I should take notes!

(Captain)... What should I do?
A few moments ago, one of the younger members of our crew gave me a special homemade cake...
But I cannot eat it! How could I possibly devour a cake shaped exactly like Lord Rivera's exquisite face?
But I can't allow my fellow crew member's efforts and good intentions go to waste! I couldn't bear seeing a frown on that precious face! What must I do to pass this torturous trial?

Agh! How terrible!
I went to decorate the tree to make the younger crew members happy...
But look under the tree. Someone's pulled down all my ornaments!
(Captain), help me search for the parties responsible! I'm sure that they're somewhere around here...
The scent of tree is coming from... If it isn't Lord Rivera and the others!
I can't believe... They're volunteering to serve as replacement ornaments? Aah, how merciful they are!

Okay, every window is shut. I also made sure to patrol the perimeter of the room as an additional safety measure.
That should just about do it. Now the youngsters in the crew can be assured of a safe holiday.
Hm? Lord Rivera? Why do you seat yourself before the fireplace?
You're watching guard to make sure no intruders come in from the chimney?
How gracious you are, Lord Rivera! Ah, your foresight never fails to impress!
Hm? You wish to take your rest now?
Worry not, for I will be here to stand guard in your place. Please enjoy your nap.


Danua: Happy...
Hansel: Danua wants to wish you happy holidays!
Danua: Hee hee hee... Let's play...

Danua: Cake...
Hansel: Oho. It sounds like Danua wants to eat that cake over there, (Captain).
Gretel: Watch it, Danua! If you eat nothing but sweets, you're gonna start putting on weight!
Danua: No...
Hansel: Hmm... Danua insists she won't.
Gretel: Yes you will! Let's exercise first! Come on!
Danua: Don't wanna...
Gretel: Don't make that face at me! (Captain)! You shouldn't spoil Danua like this!
Danua: Captain...
Hansel: What do you want to do about this, (Captain)? The decision is yours.

Danua: Cookies...
Hansel: Hm... Hm... Danua's happy that the cookies are ready!
Gretel: These taste great! Thanks for helping me, (Captain)!
Danua: Take...
Hansel: Really now? Danua wants you to have one, (Captain).
Danua: Take...
Gretel: Stop that! If you give all your cookies away you won't have no more to decorate the tree.
Danua: No...
Hansel: Danua's saying she won't run out. (Captain) can decide how many Danua eats.

Danua: Orna...
Hansel: Mhm... Yes, yes... Danua's saying she wants you to look at her hand-made ornaments for the tree.
Gretel: She put together little dolls of me and Hansel. Aren't they cute!
Danua: (Captain)...
Gretel: Hm? Is this a doll of (Captain)? It's a spitting image of the captain!
Danua: Me...
Hansel: Danua made one of herself too so that we can all be together on the tree.
Gretel: Hey now, (Captain), no need to get so embarrassed. We all like being together, right?
Danua: Heehee!

Danua: Snow...
Hansel: Hm, hm... Danua said the snow's starting to fall.
Gretel: Whoo, what a lucky holiday season it's gonna be! I can already feel it!
Danua: Outside...
Hansel: Huh? Aah... (Captain), she's saying she wants to play outside with you in the snow.
Gretel: Danua's always loved making snowmen! And with this much snow, we can make a jumbo-sized one!
Hansel: But it's really chilly outside. Make sure you warm yourself up before heading out, Danua.
Danua: Sca...
Gretel: (Captain), Danua's got a scarf to help keep you warm. We can go out there as soon as you put it on!

Danua (Halloween)

Danua: Happy...
Hansel: Danua wants to wish you happy holidays!
Danua: Hee hee hee... Let's play...

Danua: Cake...
Hansel: Oho. It sounds like Danua wants to eat that cake over there, (Captain).
Gretel: Watch it, Danua! If you eat nothing but sweets, you're gonna start putting on weight!
Danua: No...
Hansel: Hmm... Danua insists she won't.
Gretel: Yes you will! Let's exercise first! Come on!
Danua: Don't wanna...
Gretel: Don't make that face at me! (Captain)! You shouldn't spoil Danua like this!
Danua: Captain...
Hansel: What do you want to do about this, (Captain)? The decision is yours.

Danua: Cookies...
Hansel: Hm... Hm... Danua's happy that the cookies are ready!
Gretel: These taste great! Thanks for helping me, (Captain)!
Danua: Take...
Hansel: Really now? Danua wants you to have one, (Captain).
Danua: Take...
Gretel: Stop that! If you give all your cookies away you won't have no more to decorate the tree.
Danua: No...
Hansel: Danua's saying she won't run out. (Captain) can decide how many Danua eats.

Danua: Orna...
Hansel: Mhm... Yes, yes... Danua's saying she wants you to look at her hand-made ornaments for the tree.
Gretel: She put together little dolls of me and Hansel. Aren't they cute!
Danua: (Captain)...
Gretel: Hm? Is this a doll of (Captain)? It's a spitting image of the captain!
Danua: Me...
Hansel: Danua made one of herself too so that we can all be together on the tree.
Gretel: Hey now, (Captain), no need to get so embarrassed. We all like being together, right?
Danua: Heehee!

Danua: Snow...
Hansel: Hm, hm... Danua said the snow's starting to fall.
Gretel: Whoo, what a lucky holiday season it's gonna be! I can already feel it!
Danua: Outside...
Hansel: Huh? Aah... (Captain), she's saying she wants to play outside with you in the snow.
Gretel: Danua's always loved making snowmen! And with this much snow, we can make a jumbo-sized one!
Hansel: But it's really chilly outside. Make sure you warm yourself up before heading out, Danua.
Danua: Sca...
Gretel: (Captain), Danua's got a scarf to help keep you warm. We can go out there as soon as you put it on!

Danua (SSR)

Danua: Hansel, Gretel... Here's a present...
Hansel: You've prepared something for us as well? Why, thank you, Danua.
Gretel: A scarf to match Danua's! Great job sewing this together!
Danua: Here, (Captain)... Try putting it on...
Hansel: She has one for you too, Captain! My, it looks rather swell on you.
Gretel: And your present to her is trying out the scarf and coming with us to see the snow!
Danua: We're together, with the same scarf... Heehee!

Danua: (Captain)! Let's build... a snowman!
Hansel: Looks like someone wants to take advantage of all that beautiful snow out there.
Danua: I wanna make Hansel, and Gretel... And Lyria, and Vyrn...
Gretel: Gahaha! (Captain), if you don't stop her, she'll end up making the whole crew!
Hansel: You'll help her until she finishes everyone she wants to build? Danua, you should thank the captain.
Danua: Okay... (Captain), thank you.
Gretel: Have fun, but don't forget to keep warm! It's cold out there!

Danua: (Captain)! I'll be... Santa!
Hansel: Danua says she wants to help with Santa's work, together with you.
Gretel: Danua wants to be a good older sister and hand out presents to all the little ones on the ship!
Danua: Everyone in the crew is always so nice...
I want to give them presents... as thank you...
Hansel: If you're going to help Santa, Danua, then you better dress warmly.
Gretel: Remember the scarf you have that matches (Captain)'s? Make sure you wear that before going!
Danua: Okay! Matching. Helping.
Let's do our best, (Captain)!

Danua: (Captain)... Let's help Santa again together!
Hansel: You're excited to do this again this year, aren't you, Danua? I'm sure you and (Captain) will be a big help to Santa Claus.
Gretel: Come on, (Captain)! Put on your matching scarves and be on your way!
Danua: Hm? A hat... and gloves? Can I borrow them?
Hansel: Hm, it seems these are a present to you from (Captain), Danua.
Gretel: Is this in return for the scarf Danua gave you before? You're pretty thoughtful!
Hurry and try them, Danua!
Danua: Okay!
Hehe, so warm...
Thank you, (Captain)! Now I can help... even more!

Danua: (Captain)... I finished my Santa work!
Hansel: You did a great job, Danua. The kids are going to be so happy when they wake up.
Gretel: Hehe, look at her, (Captain)! She makes a great Santa, right?
Seeing her all grown up... really brings a tear to my eye...
Danua: Gretel... don't cry. There, there.
Hansel: Don't worry about her, Danua. Dolls can't actually cry tears.
Now, since we're all done for the day, we should relax by the fire.
Danua: No, not yet... The present...
Gretel: Oh, yeah! We still haven't handed over (Captain)'s present! Good on you for noticing, Danua!
Hansel: Danua's handmade gloves and hat. She made them to match the ones you gave her.
Danua: Hehe... Now we're both warm... and matching!
(Captain), happy holidays...

Danua (Summer)

Danua: Happy...
Hansel: Danua wants to wish you happy holidays!
Danua: Hee hee hee... Let's play...

Danua: Cake...
Hansel: Oho. It sounds like Danua wants to eat that cake over there, (Captain).
Gretel: Watch it, Danua! If you eat nothing but sweets, you're gonna start putting on weight!
Danua: No...
Hansel: Hmm... Danua insists she won't.
Gretel: Yes you will! Let's exercise first! Come on!
Danua: Don't wanna...
Gretel: Don't make that face at me! (Captain)! You shouldn't spoil Danua like this!
Danua: Captain...
Hansel: What do you want to do about this, (Captain)? The decision is yours.

Danua: Cookies...
Hansel: Hm... Hm... Danua's happy that the cookies are ready!
Gretel: These taste great! Thanks for helping me, (Captain)!
Danua: Take...
Hansel: Really now? Danua wants you to have one, (Captain).
Danua: Take...
Gretel: Stop that! If you give all your cookies away you won't have no more to decorate the tree.
Danua: No...
Hansel: Danua's saying she won't run out. (Captain) can decide how many Danua eats.

Danua: Orna...
Hansel: Mhm... Yes, yes... Danua's saying she wants you to look at her hand-made ornaments for the tree.
Gretel: She put together little dolls of me and Hansel. Aren't they cute!
Danua: (Captain)...
Gretel: Hm? Is this a doll of (Captain)? It's a spitting image of the captain!
Danua: Me...
Hansel: Danua made one of herself too so that we can all be together on the tree.
Gretel: Hey now, (Captain), no need to get so embarrassed. We all like being together, right?
Danua: Heehee!

Danua: Snow...
Hansel: Hm, hm... Danua said the snow's starting to fall.
Gretel: Whoo, what a lucky holiday season it's gonna be! I can already feel it!
Danua: Outside...
Hansel: Huh? Aah... (Captain), she's saying she wants to play outside with you in the snow.
Gretel: Danua's always loved making snowmen! And with this much snow, we can make a jumbo-sized one!
Hansel: But it's really chilly outside. Make sure you warm yourself up before heading out, Danua.
Danua: Sca...
Gretel: (Captain), Danua's got a scarf to help keep you warm. We can go out there as soon as you put it on!

De La Fille

Holiday presents... How nostalgic.
When I was little, my father gave me a beautiful jewel encasing a snowy night sky.
I still treasure it more than anything else in the world.

Look at all those pretty lights! It's as if the city's decorated with gems!
I think I can use this scenery as a motif for new accessories!
Inspiration is everything! I'd better get to work while it's still fresh in my mind!
Gems polished during the holiday season contain the greatest magical power.
You'll be the first to see the accessories when I'm done, (Captain)!

I did it!
Ah, (Captain)! Take a look at this! It's the best ornament I've made yet!
I made it using jewels fashioned in the shape of snow crystals.
Which cost me a pretty rupie, but I don't mind.
I prefer to enjoy my holiday seasons!

Oh, (Captain), what timing!
You see, I'm making ornaments to hang up on the tree.
They're silhouettes of our friends aboard the airship cut from gemstones.
This is Lyria... This is Katalina...
And here's you.
I think they turned out pretty well, but I wouldn't mind a second opinion.
Teehee, if you like them, that's all I need to know.
They would look grand hanging high up in the top branches. Will you help me get them up there, (Captain)?

(Captain), get a load of this giant turkey!
I mean, just look at how plump it is! I found it while shopping in town earlier.
Though it did cost me a pretty rupie...
But I guess a bit of expenditure's to be expected for an occasion like this.
After all, nothing beats roast turkey for the holidays. Hehe.
We'll be having it for dinner tonight. It's gonna be great.

De La Fille (Earth)

Holiday presents... How nostalgic.
When I was little, my father gave me a beautiful jewel encasing a snowy night sky.
I still treasure it more than anything else in the world.

Look at all those pretty lights! It's as if the city's decorated with gems!
I think I can use this scenery as a motif for new accessories!
Inspiration is everything! I'd better get to work while it's still fresh in my mind!
Gems polished during the holiday season contain the greatest magical power.
You'll be the first to see the accessories when I'm done, (Captain)!

I did it!
Ah, (Captain)! Take a look at this! It's the best ornament I've made yet!
I made it using jewels fashioned in the shape of snow crystals.
Which cost me a pretty rupie, but I don't mind.
I prefer to enjoy my holiday seasons!

Oh, (Captain), what timing!
You see, I'm making ornaments to hang up on the tree.
They're silhouettes of our friends aboard the airship cut from gemstones.
This is Lyria... This is Katalina...
And here's you.
I think they turned out pretty well, but I wouldn't mind a second opinion.
Teehee, if you like them, that's all I need to know.
They would look grand hanging high up in the top branches. Will you help me get them up there, (Captain)?

(Captain), get a load of this giant turkey!
I mean, just look at how plump it is! I found it while shopping in town earlier.
Though it did cost me a pretty rupie...
But I guess a bit of expenditure's to be expected for an occasion like this.
After all, nothing beats roast turkey for the holidays. Hehe.
We'll be having it for dinner tonight. It's gonna be great.

De La Fille (Summer)

Holiday presents... How nostalgic.
When I was little, my father gave me a beautiful jewel encasing a snowy night sky.
I still treasure it more than anything else in the world.

Look at all those pretty lights! It's as if the city's decorated with gems!
I think I can use this scenery as a motif for new accessories!
Inspiration is everything! I'd better get to work while it's still fresh in my mind!
Gems polished during the holiday season contain the greatest magical power.
You'll be the first to see the accessories when I'm done, (Captain)!

I did it!
Ah, (Captain)! Take a look at this! It's the best ornament I've made yet!
I made it using jewels fashioned in the shape of snow crystals.
Which cost me a pretty rupie, but I don't mind.
I prefer to enjoy my holiday seasons!

Oh, (Captain), what timing!
You see, I'm making ornaments to hang up on the tree.
They're silhouettes of our friends about the airship cut from gemstones.
This is Lyria... This is Katalina...
And here's you.
I think they turned out pretty well, but I wouldn't mind a second opinion.
Teehee, if you like them, that's all I need to know.
They would look grand hanging high up in he top branches. Will you help me get them up there, (Captain)?

(Captain), get a load of this giant turkey!
I mean, just look at how plump it is! I found it while shopping in town earlier.
Though it did cost me a pretty rupie...
But I guess a bit of expenditure's to be expected for an occasion like this.
After all, nothing beats roast turkey for the holidays. Hehe.
We'll be having it for dinner tonight. It's gonna be great.

De La Fille (Yukata)

Holiday presents... How nostalgic.
When I was little, my father gave me a beautiful jewel encasing a snowy night sky.
I still treasure it more than anything else in the world.

Look at all those pretty lights! It's as if the city's decorated with gems!
I think I can use this scenery as a motif for new accessories!
Inspiration is everything! I'd better get to work while it's still fresh in my mind!
Gems polished during the holiday season contain the greatest magical power.
You'll be the first to see the accessories when I'm done, (Captain)!

I did it!
Ah, (Captain)! Take a look at this! It's the best ornament I've made yet!
I made it using jewels fashioned in the shape of snow crystals.
Which cost me a pretty rupie, but I don't mind.
I prefer to enjoy my holiday seasons!

Oh, (Captain), what timing!
You see, I'm making ornaments to hang up on the tree.
They're silhouettes of our friends aboard the airship cut from gemstones.
This is Lyria... This is Katalina...
And here's you.
I think they turned out pretty well, but I wouldn't mind a second opinion.
Teehee, if you like them, that's all I need to know.
They would look grand hanging high up in the top branches. Will you help me get them up there, (Captain)?

(Captain), get a load of this giant turkey!
I mean, just look at how plump it is! I found it while shopping in town earlier.
Though it did cost me a pretty rupie...
But I guess a bit of expenditure's to be expected for an occasion like this.
After all, nothing beats roast turkey for the holidays. Hehe.
We'll be having it for dinner tonight. It's gonna be great.


There's something I'd like to discuss with you, (Captain). You've noticed that we have quite a few children on board the ship, haven't you?
I was thinking about dressing up as Santa and handing out gifts to the kids.
What'd you just say? We've got the real Santa, so we don't need some old man imposter?
How dare you! There are two things wrong with that!
First of all I'm still in the prime of life, and you'd do well not to forget that!
And secondly, Santa isn't real—
Gwah! Oof! Ugh!
Pwaaah! What was that for, (Captain)... Huff... I thought I was going to die...

Rrrgh... (Captain)... Season's... Ngh... Greetings... Urk!
Ah... As you can likely tell, my body's in quite a lot of pain.
An embarrassing story, really... It happened yesterday when I helped hunt for tonight's supper.
I must've strained myself too hard, because I can barely move today!
I was just so excited to see the children happy... But it appears I must have gone a bit overboard.
Bah, don't mind me though, (Captain). As long as you're having a good time, that's all that matters.
Did you enjoy the meal? If so, I'd say it was all worth... it... Yeowch!

Hah hah hah! This is quite the tree, don't you think?
I wanted to see the surprise on the faces of you and the kids in the crew, so I decorated it last night.
What do you mean? It was for the boys and girls. A little task like this isn't a burden at all, but...
Maybe I used some muscles I normally don't... Because in a single instant, my body started crying out...
And I couldn't move at all, so I spent the night here.
(Captain), I do apologize, but would you mind carrying me back to my quarters?

(Captain)! Can I have a moment of your time? I must tell you of a great miracle that has happened!
When I woke in the morn, I found by my pillow... A gift from Santa!
Oh, my apologies! I've been carrying on in the most undignified manner. I was very eager to share my joy with someone, see.
But I get ahead of myself. I haven't even glanced at the contents. Let me open it now.
! Why, this is... A ticket for a shoulder massage? Oh? It appears there's also a letter. Let's see here...
"Hey, pops! Man, you always look like somethin' the cat dragged in! Well now, you can just say the word, and I'll give you a shoulder rub, 'kay?"
Hm? I say, (Captain), was Santa Claus always one to speak with such frivolity?

(Captain), could I speak to you for a moment?
Last year, Vyrn left tickets for shoulder massages on my pillow. I was thinking of returning the favor somehow.
But I'm not sure what gift would please him, and I haven't been able to come up with anything good.
It would be great if you could, as Vyrn's partner, share any ideas you have.
Hmm... Apples... Of course. I was afraid a gift of fruit might not be elegant enough, but if he loves apples that much...
What's that? I could try traveling to different islands and gathering products made from apples...
What a wonderful idea! Thank you for the advice.

Deliford (SR)

There's something I'd like to discuss with you, (Captain). You've noticed that we have quite a few children on board the ship, haven't you?
I was thinking about dressing up as Santa and handing out gifts to the kids.
What'd you just say? We've got the real Santa, so we don't need some old man imposter?
How dare you! There are two things wrong with that!
First of all I'm still in the prime of life, and you'd do well not to forget that!
And secondly, Santa isn't real—
Gwah! Oof! Ugh!
Pwaaah! What was that for, (Captain)... Huff... I thought I was going to die...

Rrrgh... (Captain)... Season's... Ngh... Greetings... Urk!
Ah... As you can likely tell, my body's in quite a lot of pain.
An embarrassing story, really... It happened yesterday when I helped hunt for tonight's supper.
I must've strained myself too hard, because I can barely move today!
I was just so excited to see the children happy... But it appears I must have gone a bit overboard.
Bah, don't mind me though, (Captain). As long as you're having a good time, that's all that matters.
Did you enjoy the meal? If so, I'd say it was all worth... it... Yeowch!

Hah hah hah! This is quite the tree, don't you think?
I wanted to see the surprise on the faces of you and the kids in the crew, so I decorated it last night.
What do you mean? It was for the boys and girls. A little task like this isn't a burden at all, but...
Maybe I used some muscles I normally don't... Because in a single instant, my body started crying out...
And I couldn't move at all, so I spent the night here.
(Captain), I do apologize, but would you mind carrying me back to my quarters?

(Captain)! Can I have a moment of your time? I must tell you of a great miracle that has happened!
When I woke in the morn, I found by my pillow... A gift from Santa!
Oh, my apologies! I've been carrying on in the most undignified manner. I was very eager to share my joy with someone, see.
But I get ahead of myself. I haven't even glanced at the contents. Let me open it now.
! Why, this is... A ticket for a shoulder massage? Oh? It appears there's also a letter. Let's see here...
"Hey, pops! Man, you always look like somethin' the cat dragged in! Well now, you can just say the word, and I'll give you a shoulder rub, 'kay?"
Hm? I say, (Captain), was Santa Claus always one to speak with such frivolity?

A new year! A chance to become a new person!
I swear I won't complain, or rush recklessly into trouble anymore! I shall change for the better!
Huh? Oh, it's just you, (Captain).
Haha... I apologize for making a fool of myself in front of you.
Since you're already here... I should make my vows again for my captain.
I promise to become a man capable of facing any challenge!
You see, watching over you and the crew reminds me that anything is possible so long as we stick together and protect one another.

Deliford (SSR)

The crew sets out from the island that Deliford's family calls home.
Thank you so much for indulging my selfish request, (Captain).
I realize full well that your missions are to take utmost priority...
But as both a husband and a father, I wanted to spend some time with my family for the holidays.
(Captain) asks if Deliford enjoyed the trip back home.
Most certainly! My wife and parents were more pleased to see me than the presents I brought them!
I'm glad I made the time for them...


Wow, the city lights are so beautiful tonight.
Teehee, spending the day with you makes me feel like a rebel.
Why? Well I was always decorating the altar this time of year when I was still a maiden.
But here I am enjoying the day with you, Captain. I wonder how everyone's doing at the altar.
Anyway, I have a present for you. I hope you like it!

I made cake for the holiday party, but I accidentally burned my hand a bit when I was taking it out of the oven.
Hehe... Guess I should've been more careful.
Ah, it's all better now... So you can use curative magic, huh? Thanks, (Captain).
Hm? You want to know what kind of cake it was? Nuh-uh, too early for that. Teehee, you'll have to wait until the party.

Okay, the sponge is about to cool down.
(Captain), what toppings would you like on the cake?
Apple, cherry, and orange? Okay, I'll add some strawberries for myself. Let's see, how should I cut this...
First, I need to place the fruit and apply whipped cream. Hehe, just a little bit longer.
Hm? Whipped cream? Of course I can make it.
Like this...
Okay, I cut the cake into three pieces of the same size. I've been practicing this recipe every day, you know—
Wha! Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to take a look at it before biting in, (Captain)? Sigh...
So how is it? Should I make another one? Haha.

I love seeing all the holiday decorations in town. It never gets old.
Sparkly lights, jolly music, and people in a merry mood...
Brr, it's getting cold. I wonder if it'll snow.
Um... Is it okay if we hold hands?
My fingertips are freezing...
Ah, much better.
Thanks for keeping me warm, (Captain).

Diantha: Oh... Look, (Captain). It's snowing.
(Captain): A...
Diantha: A?
(Captain): Achoooo!
Diantha: Whoa! That was a big sneeze... Are you okay? It is pretty cold today.
All right, guess I'll...
Hehe. Surprised? I've always wanted to give you a hug like this.
I really love snow, you know. It's beautiful and all, of course...
But when it snows, you can stand close to someone you love and warm them up, just like what we're doing now.
Hehe... Feeling better? Your face is a little red.
(Captain)... Hug me tighter, will you?
I wish it'd snowed all year long like this...

Diantha (Promo)

Wow, the city lights are so beautiful tonight.
Teehee, spending the day with you makes me feel like a rebel.
Why? Well, I was always decorating the altar this time of year when I was still a maiden.
But here I am enjoying the day with you, Captain. I wonder how everyone's doing at the altar.
Anyway, I have a present for you. I hope you like it!

I made cake for the holiday party, but I accidentally burned my hand a bit when I was taking it out of the oven.
Hehe... Guess I should've been more careful.
Ah, it's all better now... So you can use curative magic, huh? Thanks, (Captain).
Hm? You want to know what kind of cake it was? Nuh-uh, too early for that. Teehee, you'll have to wait until the party.

Okay, the sponge is about to cool down.
(Captain), what toppings would you like on the cake?
Apple, cherry, and orange? Okay, I'll add some strawberries for myself. Let's see, how should I cut this...
First I need to place the fruit and apply whipped cream. Hehe, just a bit longer.
Hm? Whipped cream? Of course I can make it.
Like this...
Okay, I cut the cake into three pieces of the same size. I've been practicing this recipe every day, you know—
Wha! Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to take a look at it before biting in, (Captain)? Sigh...
So how is it? Should I make another one? Haha.

I love seeing all the holiday decorations in town. It never gets old.
Sparkly lights, jolly music, and people in a merry mood...
Brr, it's getting cold. I wonder if it'll snow.
Um... Is it okay if we hold hands?
My fingertips are freezing...
Ah, much better.
Thanks for keeping me warm, (Captain).

Oh... Look, (Captain). It's snowing.
Choose: A...
Choose: Achoooo!
Whoa! That was a big sneeze... Are you okay? It is pretty cold today.
All right, guess I'll...
Hehe. Surprised? I've always wanted to give you a hug like this.
I really love snow, you know. It's beautiful and all, of course...
But when it snows, you can stand close to someone you love and warm them up, just like what we're doing now.
Hehe... Feeling better? Your face is a little red.
(Captain)... Hug me tighter, will you?
I wish it'd snowed all year long like this...

Diantha (Summer)

Wow, the city lights are so beautiful tonight.
Teehee, spending the day with you makes me feel like a rebel.
Why? Well, I was always decorating the altar this time of year when I was still a maiden.
But here I am enjoying the day with you, Captain. I wonder how everyone's doing at the altar.
Anyway, I have a present for you. I hope you like it!

I made cake for the holiday party, but I accidentally burned my hand a bit when I was taking it out of the oven.
Hehe... Guess I should've been more careful.
Ah, it's all better now... So you can use curative magic, huh? Thanks, (Captain).
Hm? You want to know what kind of cake it was? Nuh-uh, too early for that. Teehee, you'll have to wait until the party.

Okay, the sponge is about to cool down.
(Captain), what toppings would you like on the cake?
Apple, cherry, and orange? Okay, I'll add some strawberries for myself. Let's see, how should I cut this...
First I need to place the fruit and apply whipped cream. Hehe, just a bit longer.
Hm? Whipped cream? Of course I can make it.
Like this...
Okay, I cut the cake into three pieces of the same size. I've been practicing this recipe every day, you know—
Wha! Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to take a look at it before biting in, (Captain)? Sigh...
So how is it? Should I make another one? Haha.

I love seeing all the holiday decorations in town. It never gets old.
Sparkly lights, jolly music, and people in a merry mood...
Brr, it's getting cold. I wonder if it'll snow.
Um... Is it okay if we hold hands?
My fingertips are freezing...
Ah, much better.
Thanks for keeping me warm, (Captain).

Oh... Look, (Captain). It's snowing.
Choose: A...
Choose: Achoooo!
Whoa! That was a big sneeze... Are you okay? It is pretty cold today.
All right, guess I'll...
Hehe. Surprised? I've always wanted to give you a hug like this.
I really love snow, you know. It's beautiful and all, of course...
But when it snows, you can stand close to someone you love and warm them up, just like what we're doing now.
Hehe... Feeling better? Your face is a little red.
(Captain)... Hug me tighter, will you?
I wish it'd snowed all year long like this...


Happy, happy holidays!
What a fun-filled day! Can I interest you in anything? Cake, perhaps? Just jingle the bell and let me know what you want, okay?
You know, Santa never visited me, but that's all right.
I still love celebrating the holidays with Claudia and everyone!

Hum, hum, hum. Hum... Oh, hello, (Captain).
Couldn't wait to see me? I knew it! But now's not the time yet.
I'm working hard to make tonight's feast and cake extra special, so please wait just a tiny bit longer.

Wow, it's really piling up. The view outside is truly becoming a winter wonderland!
We had snow where I was from too, but as a kid I tried so hard to avoid the cold. It didn't leave a nice impression on me.
Now that I look at it again, it really is quite pretty. Winter nights full of holiday cheer are nice, but I don't mind these quiet moments either.
It makes me happy knowing I can serve you on your journey, (Captain).

Shall we cut a slice of cake, Master? Do you want seconds of anything? Can I top off your drink?
If there's anything more you want, please don't hesitate to tell me, and I'll get right on it!
Yes? Two large stockings, you say?
Ah! You need something for Santa to stuff presents in!
Understood! I'll have them for you in no time!
Hm, you did say two, right? Why do you need two?
One's for me?
You want me to ask Santa for something too?
Teehee, thank you. In that case I'll hang my stocking right next to yours!

Come and have a peek at this splendid cake! The crew and I decorated and decorated to our heart's content, and it turned out so very colorful!
I also had help fixing the other dishes, and I believe they came out quite well!
Well, if I were to speak frankly, I would've liked to prepare your meal all on my own...
But I had such fun cooking with the others, talking and laughing the whole time.
There is no such thing as too much merriment during the holidays, after all.
Still, I simply won't allow anyone else to spoon-feed you. Oh, please wait for me to attend to you, Master!

Dorothy and Claudia

Dorothy: Happy holidays, Master! We're pulling out all the stops to make you a fantastic dinner!
Claudia: ...
Dorothy: Yeah, yeah, I know, Claudia! Don't worry—I'll keep the kitchen clean!
Claudia: Please do. Because this is a kitchen that we, as you put it, pull out all the stops to keep tidy.

Claudia: Coldest night... A beautiful flower frolics in the snow... Hehe...
Dorothy: Gasp! Master! Lyria's in danger. Don't let Claudia get near her!
I'm too busy preparing a meal, so I can't protect her myself!
Claudia: Always thinking the worst of people... I wouldn't hurt a fly. Honest.
Dorothy: Don't listen to her, Master!

Dorothy: W-why, Claudia! Whatever are you doing, sneaking about so late at night?
Claudia: Why must you speak in such an accusatory manner?
I was simply hoping to leave a present by Lyria's pillow.
Rather, might I ask what you're doing? I believe that hall leads to (Captain)'s quarters.
You could not possibly be meaning to steal into (Captain)'s bedchamber...
Dorothy: I-I would never! I only meant to slip a present in Master's stocking!
Dorothy & Claudia: ...
Dorothy: Claudia, I believe it may be prudent to simply act...
Claudia: As if neither of us saw anything, correct?

Dorothy: Have no fear! Claudia and I can take care of this year's decorations and feast again!
Claudia: It seems like a lot of work for us every year? Oh, please. Don't underestimate us. This much is child's play.
Besides, it hardly feels like work when we know Lyria and the other crew members are looking forward to it.
Dorothy: Exactly! Master's trust in our abilities is the best holiday gift of all!
It's actually fun to clean and cook together. Right, Claudia?
Claudia: Well, you certainly know how to increase the workload with your explosions, at least.
Dorothy: Awww, don't be like that! I know you have fun teaming up with me!
Claudia: I wonder. But that's enough chitchat. Let's get started.

Dorothy: Master, there's enough powder out there to bury you in! You can't possibly go to a snowball fight in your shirtsleeves!
Claudia: You're free to have your fun, but please put on something warmer. You're just asking to catch a cold.
Though if you insist, I'm perfectly happy to let you take responsibility for your own choices.
Now, Lyria, on the other hand... No chill must be allowed to seep through her delicate frame.
But, yes... On the off chance that it does, I suppose I shall just have to envelop her in a warm embrace... Hee... Hehe...
Dorothy: What! Well, if you're going to act like that, Claudia, then I claim all rights to cuddle Master...
Wait. Master? Master?! Where've you gone?!

Dorothy and Claudia (Summer)

Dorothy: Happy holidays, Master! We're pulling out all the stops to make you a fantastic dinner!
Claudia: ...
Dorothy: Yeah, yeah, I know, Claudia! Don't worry—I'll keep the kitchen clean!
Claudia: Please do. Because this is a kitchen that we, as you put it, pull out all the stops to keep tidy.

Claudia: Coldest night... A beautiful flower frolics in the snow... Hehe...
Dorothy: Gasp! Master! Lyria's in danger. Don't let Claudia get near her!
I'm too busy preparing a meal, so I can't protect her myself!
Claudia: Always thinking the worst of people... I wouldn't hurt a fly. Honest.
Dorothy: Don't listen to her, Master!

Dorothy: W-why, Claudia! Whatever are you doing, sneaking about so late at night?
Claudia: Why must you speak in such an accusatory manner?
I was simply hoping to leave a present by Lyria's pillow.
Rather, might I ask what you're doing? I believe that hall leads to (Captain)'s quarters.
You could not possibly be meaning to steal into (Captain)'s bedchamber...
Dorothy: I-I would never! I only meant to slip a present in Master's stocking!
Dorothy & Claudia: ...
Dorothy: Claudia, I believe it may be prudent to simply act...
Claudia: As if neither of us saw anything, correct?

Dorothy: Have no fear! Claudia and I can take care of this year's decorations and feast again!
Claudia: It seems like a lot of work for us every year? Oh, please. Don't underestimate us. This much is child's play.
Besides, it hardly feels like work when we know Lyria and the other crew members are looking forward to it.
Dorothy: Exactly! Master's trust in our abilities is the best holiday gift of all!
It's actually fun to clean and cook together. Right, Claudia?
Claudia: Well, you certainly know how to increase the workload with your explosions, at least.
Dorothy: Awww, don't be like that! I know you have fun teaming up with me!
Claudia: I wonder. But that's enough chitchat. Let's get started.

Dorothy: Master, there's enough powder out there to bury you in! You can't possibly go to a snowball fight in your shirtsleeves!
Claudia: You're free to have your fun, but please put on something warmer. You're just asking to catch a cold.
Though if you insist, I'm perfectly happy to let you take responsibility for your own choices.
Now, Lyria, on the other hand... No chill must be allowed to seep through her delicate frame.
But, yes... On the off chance that it does, I suppose I shall just have to envelop her in a warm embrace... Hee... Hehe...
Dorothy: What! Well, if you're going to act like that, Claudia, then I claim all rights to cuddle Master...
Wait. Master? Master?! Where've you gone?!


Hey, hey! 'Tis the season to be jolly!
How's the tree? How's the ornaments? Got the stockings ready?
Oh! Hope you have a nice big turkey in the works too!
Hm? Well how can I not be excited! Today only comes around once a year y'know!
I already have your present all wrapped up! Here you go! Don't open it till tomorrow!

Fa la la la la! La la la la!
Hm? What's that? You wanna know what I'm up to? Are you curious? Super curious?
Oh shucks! I guess since you asked, (Captain), I'll tell you then!
Well, you know what time of year it is! I thought I'd dress up as Santa and pass out some presents!
And now that you're in the know, you can be my little helper, (Captain)!
Now then! Let's make it rain with gifts! We're the stars of the show for tonight!

Heya, (Captain)! Been waiting forever for you!
C'mon, let's be Santas together this year! Just imagine the smiles on the childrens' faces! What do ya say?
Sturm? You know she'd never agree to do that! Believe me, I ask her every year.
A pity really too! I just know she'll look great in a Santa outfit.
But you won't let me down, will ya? I can count on you, can't I? Right?
Yes! That's the spirit!

(Captain)! Happy holidays!
It seems like it's that time of the year again for us to get to work.
We're going to dress up and pass out presents!
Hm? You're willing? That's perfect!
Wait... What is that brown clothing?
A reindeer? Me?
Hold on! I'm glad you took the time to get this costume for me...
But I wanted to be Santa! Just kidding...

Oh, (Captain)! Take a look at this!
I tried putting the sphere I use on my nose. Isn't it cute?
Well, you know how you suggested I dress up as a reindeer last year?
I thought about it and realized that it actually kind of suits me. I mean, we both do things without being recognized for it.
Reindeer have shiny noses, right? So I tried putting this sphere on my nose and I ended up really liking it.
Huh? You're going to get on the sleigh with all the presents and I'm supposed to pull it as the reindeer? Ah, yes, I guess that is what reindeers do...
Oh, Sturm!
Hey, Sturm, you want to be a reindeer with me? I'm sure this reindeer costume will look great on you—

Drang (Grand)

Hey, hey! 'Tis the season to be jolly!
How's the tree? How's the ornaments? Got the stockings ready?
Oh! Hope you have a nice big turkey in the works too!
Hm? Well how can I not be excited! Today only comes around once a year y'know!
I already have your present all wrapped up! Here you go! Don't open it till tomorrow!

Fa la la la la! La la la la!
Hm? What's that? You wanna know what I'm up to? Are you curious? Super curious?
Oh shucks! I guess since you asked, (Captain), I'll tell you then!
Well, you know what time of year it is! I thought I'd dress up as Santa and pass out some presents!
And now that you're in the know, you can be my little helper, (Captain)!
Now then! Let's make it rain with gifts! We're the stars of the show for tonight!

Heya, (Captain)! Been waiting forever for you!
C'mon, let's be Santas together this year! Just imagine the smiles on the childrens' faces! What do ya say?
Sturm? You know she'd never agree to do that! Believe me, I ask her every year.
A pity really too! I just know she'll look great in a Santa outfit.
But you won't let me down, will ya? I can count on you, can't I? Right?
Yes! That's the spirit!

(Captain)! Happy holidays!
It seems like it's that time of the year again for us to get to work.
We're going to dress up and pass out presents!
Hm? You're willing? That's perfect!
Wait... What is that brown clothing?
A reindeer? Me?
Hold on! I'm glad you took the time to get this costume for me...
But I wanted to be Santa! Just kidding...

Oh, (Captain)! Take a look at this!
I tried putting the sphere I use on my nose. Isn't it cute?
Well, you know how you suggested I dress up as a reindeer last year?
I thought about it and realized that it actually kind of suits me. I mean, we both do things without being recognized for it.
Reindeer have shiny noses, right? So I tried putting this sphere on my nose and I ended up really liking it.
Huh? You're going to get on the sleigh with all the presents and I'm supposed to pull it as the reindeer? Ah, yes, I guess that is what reindeers do...
Oh, Sturm!
Hey, Sturm, you want to be a reindeer with me? I'm sure this reindeer costume will look great on you—


Santa's coming tonight! Aren't you excited!
Huh? What was that, (Captain)? Yes, I told you—I'm a full grown woman now!
What? Santa doesn't come for grown-ups?
O-of course I know that! What do you take me for!
No! I wasn't expecting Santa to come! I'm all grown up after all!
(Sob, sob. My presents...)

Why hello, (Captain). Happy holidays!
This year we had a splendid feast. Though, it's not as fantastic as any party my house has ever held.
You want... to know more about my parties?
Haha... Alright, I'll tell you.
In halls as large as ships, we partook of an extraordinary meal and... We had the most famous guests we could find!
Then... In the evening, my great grandmother would tell us a story...
Those times were so wonderful...
Oh no... It's nothing. Please don't pat me.
Everyone here is oh so kind. I really am... grateful to you.
That is why this night will also be great!
Oh... Please stop coddling me!

What? You want to put decorations on the tree? Allow me to assist!
The party will be evermore the better with sparkly things hanging to and fro.
Hm? This stone is beautiful! What would this fetch? A pretty rupie, I suppose...
What! How can that be... Is it really worth so little?
Well... I already knew that!
I only meant that this silly rock would easily be mistaken for something of more value!
Enough prattle. Hurry up and decorate the tree!

Look, (Captain)! It's snowing! It's just what we need for a festive holiday!
You think I'm making way too big of a deal about it? Well, I just thought seeing snow would lift everyone's spirits!
The snow piles atop the holiday tree with the sparkle of the holiday lights, and the children merrily make their snowmen...
It's as if the town puts on its face to delight and please all who dwell within it... Ah, how picturesque, don't you think? I read the scene in a book!
I am a lady after all! So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I find such joy in simply taking in sights and sounds! Rather than sully myself in the snow, I—
Huh? You want to play with me in the snow, (Captain)? And you won't budge until I say "yes"?
Haha, very well then! I suppose I can accompany you for a bit!

(Captain)! You won't believe it!
There was a present next to me when I woke up this morning! Santa must've come last night!
Hehehe! Guess being a good girl has its merits! I even ate the veggies I hated...
A lady s-such as myself wasn't waiting for a gift or anything, but since he already left one, I may as well take it.
Huh? So why did I put a big sock next to my bed?
H-how did you know about that?
A-anyway, I just wanted one there! That's all!
Hey, why are you patting me on the head!

Drusilla (SSR)

Santa's coming tonight! Aren't you excited!
Huh? What was that, (Captain)? Yes, I told you—I'm a full grown woman now!
What? Santa doesn't come for grown-ups?
O-of course I know that! What do you take me for!
No! I wasn't expecting Santa to come! I'm all grown up after all!
(Sob, sob. My presents...)

Why hello, (Captain). Happy holidays!
This year we had a splendid feast. Though, it's not as fantastic as any party my house has ever held.
You want... to know more about my parties?
Haha... Alright, I'll tell you.
In halls as large as ships, we partook of an extraordinary meal and... We had the most famous guests we could find!
Then... In the evening, my great grandmother would tell us a story...
Those times were so wonderful...
Oh no... It's nothing. Please don't pat me.
Everyone here is oh so kind. I really am... grateful to you.
That is why this night will also be great!
Oh... Please stop coddling me!

What? You want to put decorations on the tree? Allow me to assist!
The party will be evermore the better with sparkly things hanging to and fro.
Hm? This stone is beautiful! What would this fetch? A pretty rupie, I suppose...
What! How can that be... Is it really worth so little?
Well... I already knew that!
I only meant that this silly rock would easily be mistaken for something of more value!
Enough prattle. Hurry up and decorate the tree!

Look, (Captain)! It's snowing! It's just what we need for a festive holiday!
You think I'm making way too big of a deal about it? Well, I just thought seeing snow would lift everyone's spirits!
The snow piles atop the holiday tree with the sparkle of the holiday lights, and the children merrily make their snowmen...
It's as if the town puts on its face to delight and please all who dwell within it... Ah, how picturesque, don't you think? I read the scene in a book!
I am a lady after all! So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I find such joy in simply taking in sights and sounds! Rather than sully myself in the snow, I—
Huh? You want to play with me in the snow, (Captain)? And you won't budge until I say "yes"?
Haha, very well then! I suppose I can accompany you for a bit!

(Captain)! You won't believe it!
There was a present next to me when I woke up this morning! Santa must've come last night!
Hehehe! Guess being a good girl has its merits! I even ate the veggies I hated...
A lady s-such as myself wasn't waiting for a gift or anything, but since he already left one, I may as well take it.
Huh? So why did I put a big sock next to my bed?
H-how did you know about that?
A-anyway, I just wanted one there! That's all!
Hey, why are you patting me on the head!


Hm. Has the holiday evening come upon us already? I advise you head to bed soon, child.
Oh? You claim you are a child no longer? My, what an amusing thing to say...

Since time immemorial, it is customary for children to sleep early on holiday eves such as this. You would be well served to follow.
You ask about my childhood? Hrm... I find it difficult to remember such things.
To forget requires time commensurate to one's experience. A span difficult to express in words.
If the passage of time is what makes someone who they are, what does it mean to forget...
Even now... there is much I do not understand.

Mm? What's this... You're still awake? You know what night it is. Children should go to sleep early on this night.
For children to grow, they should eat well and sleep well. You can play well and study well afterward.
Compared to the growth of adults, children develop exceptionally quickly. Do not neglect creating a basis for your own growth.
There are things that you can only accomplish when you are young. But you won't know this at the time.
What? You're no longer a child? Gahaha! Just what a child would say!

The night is upon us. And our stomachs are filled. May I suggest you return to your quarters to rest up, child?
Santa Claus may very well come by and leave you a fair helping of rupies after gazing upon your resting countenance.
Why Santa, you ask? That's a mystery for the ages.
Perhaps he means to be jolly. Or perhaps he has a deeper conviction.
Or perhaps he simply wishes to frolic with you. The truth is known only to the big red man himself.
But his endeavors over the years define who he is.
The beliefs in one's heart gives way to action. Which in turn further develops a sound mind and body. Everything goes hand in hand.
Which is why I ask you to turn in early, child. Getting a good night's rest regularly leads to strength of character.

A gift for the holy night. Take this, (Captain).
There are countless things one cannot recover, and countless things one must let go of in the journey through life.
There are also things one realizes the importance of only after they are lost.
They are all things that can only be understood when one looks back on them.
That is why it is wise to gain as many experiences as you can when the opportunity presents itself.
This peace and quiet is not something that can be easily attained. You would do well to appreciate it while it lasts.


Hm hmm hm hm hmmm! (Happy holidays!)
Mm hmm... Hm mmph hmph hm... (Ah, memories... I used to sing at parties...)
Mmm mmmph! Hm hmmph! (I love the buzzing holiday atmosphere, and walking in a winter wonderland!)

Hmm mmm, mmmph mm! (Happy holidays, (Captain)!)
Mm... Mmph hmm hmm. (I can't enjoy the food unfortunately, but I love the feeling in the air!)
Mmph, hm hmmm. (The feelings of my heart will surely join the happy voices in harmonious chorus!)

Mmm mmph hmmm! (Season's greetings, (Captain)!)
Mm? Hnn unnh? (Oh? Go into town? How fun! I'd love to!)
Mmmph... (Hehe, strolling the streets with (Captain)... It'll be like a winter wonderland!)

Mmm mmph! Hmmm! (Look, (Captain)! Snow!)
Mmm hmm, mmph mmm! (I can't believe it's snowing on this special night. How romantic!)
Mmm hmm... (Urgh... I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it's cold when there's snow falling...)
Hmm.... mmm hmm? (Hm? You think I ought to go back to my room so I don't get sick?)
Mmm... hmm, mmm mmph? (You're probably right... But I'd like to stay outside just a bit longer.)
Mmph, hmmm... (The snow is so beautiful. It'd be a shame not to enjoy it.)
Mm, mmm hmph? (Really? You'll stay with me?)
Mmm! Mmph... hmm mmm! (Thank you! It would have been kind of lonely watching the snow fall by myself.)
Mmm... (And...)
Hmm, mmph mmm! (Well, I'm just really happy.)
Mmph, mmm hmmm. (Hehe. I love when the holidays are festive, but a quiet night like this is nice in its own way.)

Mm, hmm mmph... (Ah, are you out shopping too, (Captain)?)
Mm, mmph... Hmmmph! (Yes! I am also buying supplies for tonight's party.)
Hmm... Mm mmph... (And, of course, I need to find presents for everyone.)
Mm... Hmm, hmph mm. (Oh, I would never forget you, (Captain).)
Hmmph... Mm, hm mmph. (You'll get your present at the party. Do look forward to it.)
Hmmm, mm... Hmmph. (I put a lot of thought into these gifts. I do hope everyone will like them.)


Happy holidays, (Captain). Care to help me decorate the tree?
I'm spearheading the tree initiative. I have a wide variety of ornaments ready to be hung.
Checkered stockings, ribbons, snowmen—you name it.
Personally, I'm fond of the reindeer ones. Aren't they the cutest?
Choose: For sure.
You have good taste, (Captain).
The moment I laid eyes on these little cuties, it was love at first sight—
A-actually, I don't think these are all that cute! They're pretty boring now that I really study them!
Cough, cough. Anyway, you came to help decorate, right? Come on, let's get started.

I like this plush, but the family's already so large as it is...
Choose: Whatcha looking at?
...! (Captain)!
What brings you here?
You're present hunting for the crew?
Right, of course. I guess I wasn't expecting to bump into you at the same shop...
And before you ask, no, it wasn't the allure of these adorable stuffed animals that drew me into this establishment.
Ahem. Since you're here, there's something I'd like to discuss with you.
I'm struggling with the usual issue that always plagues this holiday: what gifts should I buy?
Would you be able to give me a few hints about people's preferences?
Great, thank you.
By the way, I don't mean to intrude on your shopping excursion, but if you're shopping for Yuisis, I'd be glad to accompany you.
No one knows her tastes better than I do, after all.

Sigh... This store doesn't have it either...
Hm? Well, if it isn't (Captain). Fancy running into you here of all places.
Me? I was hoping to find a plushie I want—
Er, no! I mean, it's not for me... I'm... gift hunting for Yuisis!
She's pining for a special limited edition holiday plushie, but none of the stores I've checked so far have any in stock...
(Sorry, Yuisis. I never meant to use you as a decoy to cover for my own weakness.)
Wait, what? You saw one at a different store?
Y-you're not pulling my leg, are you? I don't think I know where that shop is...
Can I ask a favor? I know you're busy with your own shopping, but if you could show me to—
Actually, never mind. Let me take that back. I've already benefitted too much from your kindness. Sorry to bother you.
Thank you so much, (Captain). You can expect something nice from me in the coming days.


Happy holidays to you too!
Don't worry, (Captain), just leave the cooking to me!

Mwahaha... I'm honored you chose me to make a holiday feast!
Everyone's going to love it! I stake my reputation as a cook on it!
Grilled chicken, roast beef, salads, assorted cookies, and cakes! Oh, I can't wait!

Check out this gorgeous pattern on my cleaver when I raise it up to the snowy moonlit sky!
I need to keep this massive cleaver in tip-top shape if I'm to make you the best food on this side of the skies!
I'll treat you to a super nice gourmet meal once I'm done sharpening this thing!

What! You really want to help me prepare the holiday feast?
Hehe. I understand that feeling.
I bet your homemade food will make the best present ever!
Hehe. And I'm proud that you've chosen me to be your sous chef.
Oh, we'd better get our aprons on.
Let's get cooking! We'll make an amazing dinner for our beloved crewmates!

Let's see... Next I need to prepare these... Oh, but before that I need to check on the stuff that's cooking over there...
Whoa! (Captain)! Are you here to help? You're a real lifesaver!
The more crew members that join, the more mouths I have to feed, so my hands are always full when it's dinnertime!
Hehe! Not that I'm complaining, of course! Nothing makes me happier than having everyone enjoy my food!
Now then, there's not much work left before we're done! Let's pick up the pace and feed our hungry crew!


What? You want me to make you roast chicken?
You punk... You think I'm going to do it just because it involves fire, don't you!
Humph... Yeah, fine. I'll make it for you since it's a special day.

Huh? What's so special about today? Humph. I see.
It's cold and it's dark. How can anyone call this festive?
Light up the night and make it warmer for you?
Yeah, I think you got me confused for a fireplace.
Tch. Persistent brat. Fine, come closer.

Gyahaha! Burn baby burn! Ohh yeah, there's a good girl.
Huh? Oh, (Captain), it's you. I was just getting the stove ready for tonight's dinner.
I'm thinkin' a nice juicy turkey cooked to perfection. Mmm, roastin' that baby is gonna feel so good.
And somehow my flames seem to be getting into a jolly mood as well. Ohh man, am I gonna enjoy this.

Whoa, what's this? Lemme guess: you tried to make a giant snowman and messed up?
Wha? This is supposed to be an igloo?
And you want me to get in there and help you start a fire?
We do that, and your igloo's gonna melt away.
Huh? You sure about this? All right, just don't blame me when the snow comes tumbling down on us.
Heh, I'm surprised your little snow hut is actually still standing.
(Captain), might as well come closer to the fire if you're feeling that cold. Relax—I like you too much to turn you into cinders.

Hey, (Captain). What're you doin' outside in the freezing cold snow?
A snowball fight with the kids? Here we are on this special night, and you're up to the same antics as always.
Huh? Hey, don't take off your coat just 'cause you're hot. That goes for you kids over there too.
If you're all sweaty, maybe it's about time to call it quits. There's chicken fresh outta the oven waiting for you.
Seems like a good time to start the party. I'll get some hot drinks ready while you change.

Elmott (SSR)

What? You want me to make you roast chicken?
You punk... You think I'm going to do it just because it involves fire, don't you!
Humph... Yeah, fine. I'll make it for you since it's a special day.

Huh? What's so special about today? Humph. I see.
It's cold and it's dark. How can anyone call this festive?
Light up the night and make it warmer for you?
Yeah, I think you got me confused for a fireplace.
Tch. Persistent brat. Fine, come closer.

Gyahaha! Burn baby burn! Ohh yeah, there's a good girl.
Huh? Oh, (Captain), it's you. I was just getting the stove ready for tonight's dinner.
I'm thinkin' a nice juicy turkey cooked to perfection. Mmm, roastin' that baby is gonna feel so good.
And somehow my flames seem to be getting into a jolly mood as well. Ohh man, am I gonna enjoy this.

Whoa, what's this? Lemme guess: you tried to make a giant snowman and messed up?
Wha? This is supposed to be an igloo?
And you want me to get in there and help you start a fire?
We do that, and your igloo's gonna melt away.
Huh? You sure about this?
All right, just don't blame me when the snow comes tumbling down on us.
Heh, I'm surprised your little snow hut is actually still standing.
(Captain), might as well come closer to the fire if you're feeling that cold. Relax—I like you too much to turn you into cinders.

Hey, (Captain). What're you doin' outside in the freezing cold snow?
A snowball fight with the kids? Here we are on this special night, and you're up to the same antics as always.
Huh? Hey, don't take off your coat just 'cause you're hot. That goes for you kids over there too.
If you're all sweaty, maybe it's about time to call it quits. There's chicken fresh outta the oven waiting for you.
Seems like a good time to start the party. I'll get some hot drinks ready while you change.

Elmott (Summer)

What? You want me to make you roast chicken?
You punk... You think I'm going to do it just because it involves fire, don't you!
Humph... Yeah, fine. I'll make it for you since it's a special day.

Huh? What's so special about today? Humph. I see.
It's cold and it's dark. How can anyone call this festive?
Light up the night and make it warmer for you?
Yeah, I think you got me confused for a fireplace.
Tch. Persistent brat. Fine, come closer.

Gyahaha! Burn baby burn! Ohh yeah, there's a good girl.
Huh? Oh, (Captain), it's you. I was just getting the stove ready for tonight's dinner.
I'm thinkin' a nice juicy turkey cooked to perfection. Mmm, roastin' that baby is gonna feel so good.
And somehow my flames seem to be getting into a jolly mood as well. Ohh man, am I gonna enjoy this.

Whoa, what's this? Lemme guess: you tried to make a giant snowman and messed up?
Wha? This is supposed to be an igloo?
And you want me to get in there and help you start a fire?
We do that, and your igloo's gonna melt away.
Huh? You sure about this? All right, just don't blame me when the snow comes tumbling down on us.
Heh, I'm surprised your little snow hut is actually still standing.
(Captain), might as well come closer to the fire if you're feeling that cold. Relax—I like you too much to turn you into cinders.

Hey, (Captain). What're you doin' outside in the freezing cold snow?
A snowball fight with the kids? Here we are on this special night, and you're up to the same antics as always.
Huh? Hey, don't take off your coat just 'cause you're hot. That goes for you kids over there too.
If you're all sweaty, maybe it's about time to call it quits. There's chicken fresh outta the oven waiting for you.
Seems like a good time to start the party. I'll get some hot drinks ready while you change.

Elmott (Yukata)

What? You want me to make you roast chicken?
You punk... You think I'm going to do it just because it involves fire, don't you!
Humph... Yeah, fine. I'll make it for you since it's a special day.

Huh? What's so special about today? Humph. I see.
It's cold and it's dark. How can anyone call this festive?
Light up the night and make it warmer for you?
Yeah, I think you got me confused for a fireplace.
Tch. Persistent brat. Fine, come closer.

Gyahaha! Burn baby burn! Ohh yeah, there's a good girl.
Huh? Oh, (Captain), it's you. I was just getting the stove ready for tonight's dinner.
I'm thinkin' a nice juicy turkey cooked to perfection. Mmm, roastin' that baby is gonna feel so good.
And somehow my flames seem to be getting into a jolly mood as well. Ohh man, am I gonna enjoy this.

Whoa, what's this? Lemme guess: you tried to make a giant snowman and messed up?
Wha? This is supposed to be an igloo?
And you want me to get in there and help you start a fire?
We do that, and your igloo's gonna melt away.
Huh? You sure about this?
All right, just don't blame me when the snow comes tumbling down on us.
Heh, I'm surprised your little snow hut is actually still standing.
(Captain), might as well come closer to the fire if you're feeling that cold. Relax—I like you too much to turn you into cinders.

Hey, (Captain). What're you doin' outside in the freezing cold snow?
A snowball fight with the kids? Here we are on this special night, and you're up to the same antics as always.
Huh? Hey, don't take off your coat just 'cause you're hot. That goes for you kids over there too.
If you're all sweaty, maybe it's about time to call it quits. There's chicken fresh outta the oven waiting for you.
Seems like a good time to start the party. I'll get some hot drinks ready while you change.


When you wander the streets on the year's most joyful night, you can always hear carols.
Whether they're inside where it's warm or out in the cold, everyone celebrates the occasion by singing.
I used to just sing along by myself when I heard caroling, but I want to sing with my friends this year.
Why don't we all sing a song, (Captain)? I'm sure it will be fun!

Happy holidays, (Captain).
Everyone's enjoying the festivities, aren't they?
And that's why, um...
If it's okay... During the party, there's something I'd like to sing...
It's okay? Hurray!
I'll perform my heart out so this sacred night is a festive one for all!

The holidays certainly are chilly this year... I wonder if everyone's finished setting up for the party?
I'd like to play a song as soon as I get back to the inn, but my hands are so frozen I can't really move them...
I'm sorry... Could you give me a moment? I won't be able to strum the strings like this.
Huh? My hands? But why?
Wha! Y-you want to hold them and warm them up?
Th-this is a rather embarrassing...
But your hands are very warm, Captain...
Suddenly I feel like I could give my best performance ever. I'll be sure to make this party a festive one!

(Captain)? What are you doing awake? Can't fall asleep?
Ehehe, I can't fall asleep either. Maybe I'm still a little too excited from our holiday party.
I'm glad I ran into you though. It's almost like an early present from Santa Claus.
Oh, speaking of which, how about I play you a song before the day's over?
Okay! I'll play something nice and soothing to help you go to sleep.

The holiday concert is about to start, (Captain).
I'm very honored to be able to play the first piece in the concert... I hope you enjoy it!
Hm? How come I don't seem nervous, you ask?
That's true, I usually am just before a performance...
But right now, I'm more excited to have everyone listen to it!
You think I've changed? Really?
Um, do you mean for the better... or for worse?
For the better? Haha, thank goodness!
Thank you for telling me that! It makes me really happy.
Hehe, what a great holiday present... I'll make sure to return the favor with my performance!

Elta (Light)

When you wander the streets on the year's most joyful night, you can always hear carols.
Whether they're inside where it's warm or out in the cold, everyone celebrates the occasion by singing.
I used to just sing along by myself when I heard caroling, but I want to sing with my friends this year.
Why don't we all sing a song, (Captain)? I'm sure it will be fun!

Happy holidays, (Captain).
Everyone's enjoying the festivities, aren't they?
And that's why, um...
If it's okay... During the party, there's something I'd like to sing...
It's okay? Hurray!
I'll perform my heart out so this sacred night is a festive one for all!

The holidays certainly are chilly this year... I wonder if everyone's finished setting up for the party?
I'd like to play a song as soon as I get back to the inn, but my hands are so frozen I can't really move them...
I'm sorry... Could you give me a moment? I won't be able to strum the strings like this.
Huh? My hands? But why?
Wha! Y-you want to hold them and warm them up?
Th-this is a rather embarrassing...
But your hands are very warm, Captain...
Suddenly I feel like I could give my best performance ever. I'll be sure to make this party a festive one!

(Captain)? What are you doing awake? Can't fall asleep?
Ehehe, I can't fall asleep either. Maybe I'm still a little too excited from our holiday party.
I'm glad I ran into you though. It's almost like an early present from Santa Claus.
Oh, speaking of which, how about I play you a song before the day's over?
Okay! I'll play something nice and soothing to help you go to sleep.

The holiday concert is about to start, (Captain).
I'm very honored to be able to play the first piece in the concert... I hope you enjoy it!
Hm? How come I don't seem nervous, you ask?
That's true, I usually am just before a performance...
But right now, I'm more excited to have everyone listen to it!
You think I've changed? Really?
Um, do you mean for the better... or for worse?
For the better? Haha, thank goodness!
Thank you for telling me that! It makes me really happy.
Hehe, what a great holiday present... I'll make sure to return the favor with my performance!


Ah, (Captain). To what do I owe the pleasure?
You came to see me? I've been enjoying this holiest of nights with Kydoimos.
Choose: You aren't going to the party?
No. If I attend the festivities, I would be putting everyone on edge.
Please return without me. I'll be fine.
Or would you prefer to stay with Kydoimos and I?
Hehe. Well, that doesn't sound too bad.
I would have you all to myself, until the first light of morning.
I imagine that would disturb the crew greatly if they found out...
So what will you do? Spend the night with me? I promise to make it worth your while.
We'll do things to make your crew members despair their lives away.

This "Santa Claus" character... He's supposed to be someone who brings presents to good children?
So you're saying if I were to trample him myself, the lamentations of children would be heard across the skies.
Hehe... Thank you for sharing this with me.
We ought to make haste, (Captain). If we don't find him by nightfall it'll be too late.
Heh. Imagine the grief on their faces after not getting anything from Santa Claus.
It's already put a smile on my face.
Do you get a present from Santa every year as well, (Captain)?
Is that so?
It seems then that I'll have to make a move soon.
I can't let this opportunity to see you suffer go to waste after all.

It seems everything's in order.
The reindeer... Well, I'm sure Kydoimos can take on the role well enough.
Oh, (Captain). What are you up to at this hour?
What am I up to? Hehe. I suppose you could say I'm making preparations to imitate Santa Claus.
Last year, I had an epiphany.
I realized that even if I were to imitate Santa Claus, I couldn't see the distraught expressions of children up close.
That's precisely why I must become the one, the only, the bonafide Santa Claus this year.
I'll become Santa Claus and give the ultimate present of despair.
That's right. The children will wait in anticipation only to be met with deceit. What sort of expressions of despair will they show me, I wonder?
Hehe. I can't help but smirk just imagining them.
Well then, if you'll excuse me I have—
Why are you pointing your weapon at me, (Captain)?
I see... You intend to impede me, huh.
If that's the case, I'll hand over your present first and foremost.
A present named "deceit."
Don't worry. This is just a taste of what's to come.
It's far too early to spoil the real deal.

My, my, if it isn't our captain, running in the halls. Is something the matter?
You were concerned about me? As you can clearly see, I'm helping with the holiday party preparations.
Ah, I understand what this is about now. You're worried that I intend to rob the children of their joy tonight.
You can relax. I plan on doing nothing this year, least of all because of Athena's watchful eye... I simply realized there's no amusement to derive from such a scheme.
Confused? Let me put it this way—no dread and dismay can be had when you can predict my actions.
No, as long as you're around, I'll never obtain the destruction I crave.
So while I design a new path to desolation, I'll behave.
Your guard might even drop one day if I keep playing nice.
Do try to remember that I'll always be waiting... Watching for the perfect chance to drag you to the depths of despair.
But for now, I'll return to preparing for the party. If you're going to watch over me regardless, why don't you lend a hand?

Enyo (Summer)

Ah, (Captain). To what do I owe the pleasure?
You came to see me? I've been enjoying this holiest of nights with Kydoimos.
Choose: You aren't going to the party?
No. If I attend the festivities, I would be putting everyone on edge.
Please return without me. I'll be fine.
Or would you prefer to stay with Kydoimos and I?
Hehe. Well, that doesn't sound too bad.
I would have you all to myself, until the first light of morning.
I imagine that would disturb the crew greatly if they found out...
So what will you do? Spend the night with me? I promise to make it worth your while.
We'll do things to make your crew members despair their lives away.

This "Santa Claus" character... He's supposed to be someone who brings presents to good children?
So you're saying if I were to trample him myself, the lamentations of children would be heard across the skies.
Hehe... Thank you for sharing this with me.
We ought to make haste, (Captain). If we don't find him by nightfall it'll be too late.
Heh. Imagine the grief on their faces after not getting anything from Santa Claus.
It's already put a smile on my face.
Do you get a present from Santa every year as well, (Captain)?
Is that so?
It seems then that I'll have to make a move soon.
I can't let this opportunity to see you suffer go to waste after all.

It seems everything's in order.
The reindeer... Well, I'm sure Kydoimos can take on the role well enough.
Oh, (Captain). What are you up to at this hour?
What am I up to? Hehe. I suppose you could say I'm making preparations to imitate Santa Claus.
Last year, I had an epiphany.
I realized that even if I were to imitate Santa Claus, I couldn't see the distraught expressions of children up close.
That's precisely why I must become the one, the only, the bonafide Santa Claus this year.
I'll become Santa Claus and give the ultimate present of despair.
That's right. The children will wait in anticipation only to be met with deceit. What sort of expressions of despair will they show me, I wonder?
Hehe. I can't help but smirk just imagining them.
Well then, if you'll excuse me I have—
Why are you pointing your weapon at me, (Captain)?
I see... You intend to impede me, huh.
If that's the case, I'll hand over your present first and foremost.
A present named "deceit."
Don't worry. This is just a taste of what's to come.
It's far too early to spoil the real deal.

My, my, if it isn't our captain, running in the halls. Is something the matter?
You were concerned about me? As you can clearly see, I'm helping with the holiday party preparations.
Ah, I understand what this is about now. You're worried that I intend to rob the children of their joy tonight.
You can relax. I plan on doing nothing this year, least of all because of Athena's watchful eye... I simply realized there's no amusement to derive from such a scheme.
Confused? Let me put it this way—no dread and dismay can be had when you can predict my actions.
No, as long as you're around, I'll never obtain the destruction I crave.
So while I design a new path to desolation, I'll behave.
Your guard might even drop one day if I keep playing nice.
Do try to remember that I'll always be waiting... Watching for the perfect chance to drag you to the depths of despair.
But for now, I'll return to preparing for the party. If you're going to watch over me regardless, why don't you lend a hand?


Oh, hey, (Captain)! Hope you don't mind me borrowing the kitchen!
What am I making, you ask? Well, you know how we have a few children in the crew?
I thought I'd bake them some holiday treats for the occasion.
Well, you're looking awfully surprised that I'd do something like this.
I'm not half bad at cooking, you know.
(Captain), if you have a moment, would you help me wrap up the treats?
In exchange, I'll give you some bonus snacks I made using leftover ingredients!
Haha, thanks! Hope these brighten up the children's day!

(Captain)! Happy holidays!
Oh, and great timing! I have a question for you. Which decorations do you think I should go with for the tree?
I've got this standard cutesy style, or this kinda old-school, retro vibe that's pretty cool...
By the way, I was shocked when I opened up the storeroom. There were enough holiday trinkets in there to open up a specialty store!
Do you change up the decor every year? I feel like last year I saw a bunch of handmade stuff...
Oh, so crew members just put up whatever they want when the holiday rolls around? Wow, now all those crafts in the storeroom make sense.
Guess I should try making something myself too then, huh!
I might not look it, but I'm pretty good with my hands! For example...
Check out this pouch! Cute right? It was made by yours truly.
Hey, (Captain), why don't we fashion decorations together!
Crafting is so much more fun with a friend! Wait here, I'll go grab materials!

Oh, (Captain)! Great timing!
Ta-da! How's my Santa Claus costume? Pretty good, right?
The crew have been planning to give presents to the kids at tonight's party.
We figured that those of us handing them out should look the part!
So don't be surprised if you see the others around in costume too!
Speaking of which—here! A costume of your very own!
The kids will be over the moon if they get presents from you.
There's a gift for you too, of course, but you'll have to wait to see what it is!
Oh, plus, Dad and Anderson are going to put on some kind of show.
I just know this year's party is going to be a blast. Hehe, I'm already counting down the hours!


More snow? I'm so tired of seeing snow.
But the snow today somehow feels special.
It must be because you're beside me, (Captain).
Sorry if that seemed a bit direct.
(Captain), let's just forget about everything happening outside and enjoy watching the snow for a while.

Santa Claus... The person who delivers presents on the holy night...
No, I'm not interested in Santa. I'm interested in his reindeer.
I read they're super fluffy and gentle creatures.
Hehe. I wonder how they really feel. I wanna touch one...
Can't it be nighttime already? Then I might be able to see one of them.
You don't need to ask! You already know I'm not going to sleep! This is my chance!

I didn't get to see any reindeer last year... Even though I waited up all night...
Hm? No. This year I'm not going to wait. There's no guarantee I'll get to see them even if I do.
Plus, there's something else that I'm more interested in anyways.
Say, (Captain). Do you know anything about polar bears?
They're much fluffier and cuter than any reindeer.
I looked it up in a book, and it turns out they live around here.
So I'd like to go see one. (Captain)... would you come with me?
I'm still not used to going outside...
Is that a yes?
Thank you. Let's get going.
Hehe. I wonder what kind of animal it is. I'm so excited.

What? This stuffed animal is for me, as a present for the holidays?
I see...
Can I ask you a question? What animal is this?
It's a fox? So this is what a fox looks like.
Hehe, it's quite soft and cute. I almost feel compelled to embrace it...
(Captain), thank you. I'll take good care of this one.

(Captain), can I talk to you for a moment?
Last year, you gave me a fox plushie, remember? It's very cute...
So I... I kind of want another one...
Since it looks quite lonely without a friend.
But I'm not sure I'm ready to go to the store by myself...
That's why I was wondering if you'd go with me.
You will? Thank you!
A new, soft stuffed animal... Hehehe...

Erin (SSR)

More snow? I'm so tired of seeing snow.
But the snow today somehow feels special.
It must be because you're beside me, (Captain).
Sorry if that seemed a bit direct.
(Captain), let's just forget about everything happening outside and enjoy watching the snow for a while.

Santa Claus... The person who delivers presents on the holy night...
No, I'm not interested in Santa. I'm interested in his reindeer.
I read they're super fluffy and gentle creatures.
Hehe. I wonder how they really feel. I wanna touch one...
Can't it be nighttime already? Then I might be able to see one of them.
You don't need to ask! You already know I'm not going to sleep! This is my chance!

I didn't get to see any reindeer last year... Even though I waited up all night...
Hm? No. This year I'm not going to wait. There's no guarantee I'll get to see them even if I do.
Plus, there's something else that I'm more interested in anyways.
Say, (Captain). Do you know anything about polar bears?
They're much fluffier and cuter than any reindeer.
I looked it up in a book, and it turns out they live around here.
So I'd like to go see one. (Captain)... would you come with me?
I'm still not used to going outside...
Is that a yes?
Thank you. Let's get going.
Hehe. I wonder what kind of animal it is. I'm so excited.

What? This stuffed animal is for me, as a present for the holidays?
I see...
Can I ask you a question? What animal is this?
It's a fox? So this is what a fox looks like.
Hehe, it's quite soft and cute. I almost feel compelled to embrace it...
(Captain), thank you. I'll take good care of this one.

(Captain), can I talk to you for a moment?
Last year, you gave me a fox plushie, remember? It's very cute...
So I... I kind of want another one...
Since it looks quite lonely without a friend.
But I'm not sure I'm ready to go to the store by myself...
That's why I was wondering if you'd go with me.
You will? Thank you!
A new, soft stuffed animal... Hehehe...


Captain, is something going on? Everyone seems to be in particularly good spirits for some reason.
Happy holidays? I'm not sure I understand, but seeing everyone else having fun puts me in a good mood, too.
Care to tell me about these holidays of yours, Captain? I'm sure I'll have even more fun once I know the details!

You told me of what this night meant last year, (Captain).
So this year I know the proper greeting for the season.
Happy holidays!
Did I get it right?

On this night, the town sparkles like the starry sky.
I like that the darkness does not truly fall.
Not... Not that I am scared! But everyone can enjoy the twinkling lights.
So a bright night is best. That is all.
(Captain)... Why are you laughing?

I heard a mysterious elder dressed in red enters people's homes on this night every year.
I will not sleep. I will stand guard by the children's rooms.
What? The elder distributes presents to the children? Then... he is a good person?
I see. In that case, I should show my appreciation for his kindness. I still will not be sleeping.

I have a present for you: a feather charm.
I prepared one for each member of the crew to hand out on this special day. I will be Santa.
Their smiles please me greatly. A wonderful thing.
Giving them to everyone will take time, but I'll do my best.
You get the first one, (Captain). I hope you like it.

Eso (SR)

Captain, is something going on? Everyone seems to be in particularly good spirits for some reason.
Happy holidays? I'm not sure I understand, but seeing everyone else having fun puts me in a good mood, too.
Care to tell me about these holidays of yours, Captain? I'm sure I'll have even more fun once I know the details!

You told me of what this night meant last year, (Captain).
So this year I know the proper greeting for the season.
Happy holidays!
Did I get it right?

On this night, the town sparkles like the starry sky.
I like that the darkness does not truly fall.
Not... Not that I am scared! But everyone can enjoy the twinkling lights.
So a bright night is best. That is all.
(Captain)... Why are you laughing?

I heard a mysterious elder dressed in red enters people's homes on this night every year.
I will not sleep. I will stand guard by the children's rooms.
What? The elder distributes presents to the children? Then... he is a good person?
I see. In that case, I should show my appreciation for his kindness. I still will not be sleeping.

I have a present for you: a feather charm.
I prepared one for each member of the crew to hand out on this special day. I will be Santa.
Their smiles please me greatly. A wonderful thing.
Giving them to everyone will take time, but I'll do my best.
You get the first one, (Captain). I hope you like it.


Snore... Got any o' that holiday pudding?
Sleeping expends energy, you know...
Hum... I need sweets to hibernate...
Happy... holi—snooze...

I managed to escape from the tots in the crew just a while ago. They were hounding me to teach them how to talk in their sleep.
Hum-mum... It seems they'd like to thank Old Man Santa for their gifts.
Hoho, reminds me of myself at that age. I was exactly like them.
After all these years have passed me by, I still do not know who that bearded man is.
Perhaps I could use my sleeping facade to my advantage tonight and thank him when he stops by. Snore...

Snore... Oh... It's snowing.
Snow's nice. It covers everything as far as the eye can see, absorbing imperfections and sound into a blank sheet.
Over the years, I've found that achieving peace of mind requires emotional restraint...
But it's pleasant to achieve peace without such constraints.
Yawn... Quite calming too... Snore...

Snore... Sniff...
Do I detect the tantalizing scents of seasoned meats wafting over from the kitchen? Oh this brings back memories...
Hum... My wife used to cook holiday dinners using these same spices.
She'd always ask me to guess what she'd used, and I could never manage to get it right...
But even my incorrect guesses brought a smile to her face.
Yawn... Enjoy your holiday dinner tonight to the fullest, young skyfarer. These moments should be treasured.

Snore... Sniff... Hmmm...
I know this creeping feeling... It's spreading throughout my body...
The holy night, so clear and tranquil, has come upon us again...
Yawn... It is on days such as these that my mind and body seek to rest...
That is to say... I'm growing tired... as I always do... Today is an excellent day to sleep...
Join me, young skyfarer. Together... Yawn... We can enjoy the wonders of a good nap...


Happy holidays to ya!
Ah! This here dinner spread is pretty tasty!
Wuzzat? I said the same thing last night? There's no shame in havin' a good meal two days in a row, ya know!

Heya, (Captain). I've got somethin' I need to ask ya. Have ya got a sec?
Ya might not have guessed it, but I've kinda got an eye for sweets.
So when ya cut the cake, could ya cut me a piece and bring it later?
If Apollo ever saw me doin' that, she'd give me an earful for sure.
Gahahah. I'd tell her to give it a rest, but I guess she's just watchin' out for me in her own way.

Whoa there... Now that's what I call a cake! What bakery did ya stumble upon?
Oho! Don't tell me you made it yourself! Well color me surprised.
Incredible... You can just make a cake whenever you're feelin' up to it?
You're really somethin', ya know that? I'll do anything I can to help—just make another one!

Hey, (Captain). You're gonna decorate a tree this year too, right?
Bahaha! I knew it. You always go big on these seasonal customs.
So anyway, I broughtcha one. A tree, that is.
You can't really enjoy tonight without a tree, now, can ya?
What? I'm in way too good a mood?
Dummy. When it comes to holidays, he who has the biggest blast wins. Didn't you know?
So let's party our hearts out, (Captain)!

A snowball fight in this freezin' weather? You youngsters are mighty lively.
Sorry, but I'm gonna pass. I don't have any energy when it's this cold. Old guys like me have trouble regulatin' their body temperature.
On that note, I think I'll head inside where it's nice an' warm to help with the holiday feast.
Huh? Well yeah, 'course I'm lookin' forward to it.
This is the night where I get to enjoy top-class grub and booze while admirin' a gorgeous tree. And there's even cake to top it all off.
Bahaha! Nothin' beats a holiday feast!

Eugen (Grand)

Happy holidays to ya!
Ah! This here dinner spread is pretty tasty!
Wuzzat? I said the same thing last night? There's no shame in havin' a good meal two days in a row, ya know!

Heya, (Captain). I've got somethin' I need to ask ya. Have ya got a sec?
Ya might not have guessed it, but I've kinda got an eye for sweets.
So when ya cut the cake, could ya cut me a piece and bring it later?
If Apollo ever saw me doin' that, she'd give me an earful for sure.
Gahahah. I'd tell her to give it a rest, but I guess she's just watchin' out for me in her own way.

Whoa there... Now that's what I call a cake! What bakery did ya stumble upon?
Oho! Don't tell me you made it yourself! Well color me surprised.
Incredible... You can just make a cake whenever you're feelin' up to it?
You're really somethin', ya know that? I'll do anything I can to help—just make another one!

Hey, (Captain). You're gonna decorate a tree this year too, right?
Bahaha! I knew it. You always go big on these seasonal customs.
So anyway, I broughtcha one. A tree, that is.
You can't really enjoy tonight without a tree, now, can ya?
What? I'm in way too good a mood?
Dummy. When it comes to holidays, he who has the biggest blast wins. Didn't you know?
So let's party our hearts out, (Captain)!

A snowball fight in this freezin' weather? You youngsters are mighty lively.
Sorry, but I'm gonna pass. I don't have any energy when it's this cold. Old guys like me have trouble regulatin' their body temperature.
On that note, I think I'll head inside where it's nice an' warm to help with the holiday feast.
Huh? Well yeah, 'course I'm lookin' forward to it.
This is the night where I get to enjoy top-class grub and booze while admirin' a gorgeous tree. And there's even cake to top it all off.
Bahaha! Nothin' beats a holiday feast!

Eugen (Summer)

Happy holidays to ya!
Ah! This here dinner spread is pretty tasty!
Wuzzat? I said the same thing last night? There's no shame in havin' a good meal two days in a row, ya know!

Heya, (Captain). I've got somethin' I need to ask ya. Have ya got a sec?
Ya might not have guessed it, but I've kinda got an eye for sweets.
So when ya cut the cake, could ya cut me a piece and bring it later?
If Apollo ever saw me doin' that, she'd give me an earful for sure.
Gahahah. I'd tell her to give it a rest, but I guess she's just watchin' out for me in her own way.

Whoa there... Now that's what I call a cake! What bakery did ya stumble upon?
Oho! Don't tell me you made it yourself! Well color me surprised.
Incredible... You can just make a cake whenever you're feelin' up to it?
You're really somethin', ya know that? I'll do anything I can to help—just make another one!

Hey, (Captain). You're gonna decorate a tree this year too, right?
Bahaha! I knew it. You always go big on these seasonal customs.
So anyway, I broughtcha one. A tree, that is.
You can't really enjoy tonight without a tree, now, can ya?
What? I'm in way too good a mood?
Dummy. When it comes to holidays, he who has the biggest blast wins. Didn't you know?
So let's party our hearts out, (Captain)!

A snowball fight in this freezin' weather? You youngsters are mighty lively.
Sorry, but I'm gonna pass. I don't have any energy when it's this cold. Old guys like me have trouble regulatin' their body temperature.
On that note, I think I'll head inside where it's nice an' warm to help with the holiday feast.
Huh? Well yeah, 'course I'm lookin' forward to it.
This is the night where I get to enjoy top-class grub and booze while admirin' a gorgeous tree. And there's even cake to top it all off.
Bahaha! Nothin' beats a holiday feast!


(Captain), is everything okay? It's surprising to see you come out to town alone.
Me? I'm shopping for the party later.
Anyway, would you believe how lively it is out here today?
Is this how it usually is during the holidays?
I find it a bit noisy, but not altogether unpleasant.
What I do like is the smiles on everyone's faces...
It's quite a beautiful sight in its own way.
There is so much charm to be found in this world.
Just as Gabriel and the supreme primarch told me.

Look, (Captain). The town is positively glittering. These kinds of decorations only come out around the holidays.
They're so lovely... What a wonderful way to celebrate.
I can understand skydwellers' desire to spend such a special occasion with someone they care about.
That wish has already been granted for me—here I am, walking side by side with you after such a pleasant shopping trip.
Haha... I suppose we should get back to the ship. I'm sure preparations for the party are finished. Everyone must be waiting on us.
Still, there's no need to hurry...

(Captain), take a good look around. There is a distinct lack of snow, despite the approaching holiday.
I've heard that the celebration is improved drastically by the addition of snow.
I am inclined to believe it true. A world covered in pure white is a beautiful sight to behold. It puts the heart at ease.
And yet not a single snowflake is in sight...
Perhaps I should use my power and gather snow around the town myself...
Though leaving the matter to nature might be a better course. I'll place my faith in the skies.
Besides, there is a certain charm in waiting for snowfall together, don't you think?
Would you like to join me this evening, (Captain)?

(Captain), look outside. See? It's snowing.
At this rate, I have no doubt it will accumulate and paint this special night a brilliant white.
By the way, are you alone right now?
Could you lend me your ear for a moment? If you don't mind, that is...
Would you like to disembark from the ship together for a while?
Hehe. I'd like to try strolling through the snow-covered streets, just the two of us.
But I wonder why it is... When I get close to your face like that, my body feels like it's on fire...
Surely going out in the frosty weather will help cool me down.
Now, (Captain)—please rescue me from this blaze. Quietly...

It's gotten quite chilly. Are you cold, (Captain)? Do you mind if I touch your hand?
My, it's freezing. I'll use my own hand to warm it up, so let's continue on like this for now.
By the way, what are your plans for this evening?
Oh, of course... There's going to be a holiday party on the ship. How silly of me...
Er... I'm very much looking forward to the festivities, but I plan to excuse myself early.
If possible, could you come to my room by yourself after everything winds down?
I'd like to celebrate this night together in private, just the two of us... if you would be willing.
Knock three times, nice and slowly...
Hehe. That will be our secret signal. I'll make sure to tidy up my room, so I look forward to seeing you.
I plan to entrust the entirety of this special night to you, (Captain).

Europa (Holiday)

(Captain), is everything okay? It's surprising to see you come out to town alone.
Me? I'm shopping for the party later.
Anyway, would you believe how lively it is out here today?
Is this how it usually is during the holidays?
I find it a bit noisy, but not altogether unpleasant.
What I do like is the smiles on everyone's faces...
It's quite a beautiful sight in its own way.
There is so much charm to be found in this world.
Just as Gabriel and the supreme primarch told me.

Look, (Captain). The town is positively glittering. These kinds of decorations only come out around the holidays.
They're so lovely... What a wonderful way to celebrate.
I can understand skydwellers' desire to spend such a special occasion with someone they care about.
That wish has already been granted for me—here I am, walking side by side with you after such a pleasant shopping trip.
Haha... I suppose we should get back to the ship. I'm sure preparations for the party are finished. Everyone must be waiting on us.
Still, there's no need to hurry...

(Captain), take a good look around. There is a distinct lack of snow, despite the approaching holiday.
I've heard that the celebration is improved drastically by the addition of snow.
I am inclined to believe it true. A world covered in pure white is a beautiful sight to behold. It puts the heart at ease.
And yet not a single snowflake is in sight...
Perhaps I should use my power and gather snow around the town myself...
Though leaving the matter to nature might be a better course. I'll place my faith in the skies.
Besides, there is a certain charm in waiting for snowfall together, don't you think?
Would you like to join me this evening, (Captain)?

(Captain), look outside. See? It's snowing.
At this rate, I have no doubt it will accumulate and paint this special night a brilliant white.
By the way, are you alone right now?
Could you lend me your ear for a moment? If you don't mind, that is...
Would you like to disembark from the ship together for a while?
Hehe. I'd like to try strolling through the snow-covered streets, just the two of us.
But I wonder why it is... When I get close to your face like that, my body feels like it's on fire...
Surely going out in the frosty weather will help cool me down.
Now, (Captain)—please rescue me from this blaze. Quietly...

It's gotten quite chilly. Are you cold, (Captain)? Do you mind if I touch your hand?
My, it's freezing. I'll use my own hand to warm it up, so let's continue on like this for now.
By the way, what are your plans for this evening?
Oh, of course... There's going to be a holiday party on the ship. How silly of me...
Er... I'm very much looking forward to the festivities, but I plan to excuse myself early.
If possible, could you come to my room by yourself after everything winds down?
I'd like to celebrate this night together in private, just the two of us... if you would be willing.
Knock three times, nice and slowly...
Hehe. That will be our secret signal. I'll make sure to tidy up my room, so I look forward to seeing you.
I plan to entrust the entirety of this special night to you, (Captain).

Europa (Summer)

(Captain), is everything okay? It's surprising to see you come out to town alone.
Me? I'm shopping for the party later.
Anyway, would you believe how lively it is out here today?
Is this how it usually is during the holidays?
I find it a bit noisy, but not altogether unpleasant.
What I do like is the smiles on everyone's faces...
It's quite a beautiful sight in its own way.
There is so much charm to be found in this world.
Just as Gabriel and the supreme primarch told me.

Look, (Captain). The town is positively glittering. These kinds of decorations only come out around the holidays.
They're so lovely... What a wonderful way to celebrate.
I can understand skydwellers' desire to spend such a special occasion with someone they care about.
That wish has already been granted for me—here I am, walking side by side with you after such a pleasant shopping trip.
Haha... I suppose we should get back to the ship. I'm sure preparations for the party are finished. Everyone must be waiting on us.
Still, there's no need to hurry...

(Captain), take a good look around. There is a distinct lack of snow, despite the approaching holiday.
I've heard that the celebration is improved drastically by the addition of snow.
I am inclined to believe it true. A world covered in pure white is a beautiful sight to behold. It puts the heart at ease.
And yet not a single snowflake is in sight...
Perhaps I should use my power and gather snow around the town myself...
Though leaving the matter to nature might be a better course. I'll place my faith in the skies.
Besides, there is a certain charm in waiting for snowfall together, don't you think?
Would you like to join me this evening, (Captain)?

(Captain), look outside. See? It's snowing.
At this rate, I have no doubt it will accumulate and paint this special night a brilliant white.
By the way, are you alone right now?
Could you lend me your ear for a moment? If you don't mind, that is...
Would you like to disembark from the ship together for a while?
Hehe. I'd like to try strolling through the snow-covered streets, just the two of us.
But I wonder why it is... When I get close to your face like that, my body feels like it's on fire...
Surely going out in the frosty weather will help cool me down.
Now, (Captain)—please rescue me from this blaze. Quietly...

It's gotten quite chilly. Are you cold, (Captain)? Do you mind if I touch your hand?
My, it's freezing. I'll use my own hand to warm it up, so let's continue on like this for now.
By the way, what are your plans for this evening?
Oh, of course... There's going to be a holiday party on the ship. How silly of me...
Er... I'm very much looking forward to the festivities, but I plan to excuse myself early.
If possible, could you come to my room by yourself after everything winds down?
I'd like to celebrate this night together in private, just the two of us... if you would be willing.
Knock three times, nice and slowly...
Hehe. That will be our secret signal. I'll make sure to tidy up my room, so I look forward to seeing you.
I plan to entrust the entirety of this special night to you, (Captain).


Happy holidays.
What? Do I look like I'm having fun?
I quite enjoy days like today.
Peace and quiet draws near. A good day.
You're not going anywhere?
Then stay here.
No deep meaning intended. But you'll find more relaxation that way.

What's up? Did you come by for something?
No, you don't need a reason to come see me.
You're free to visit me anytime, (Captain).
It's getting chilly out there... Care to spend the day with me, (Captain)?

(Captain). So that's where you are.
No, I don't need anything in particular... I just thought I'd stay by you.
Humph. Because it's the holidays.

(Captain), happy holidays.
Aren't you cold having come all this way?
Give me your hands.
I don't mind this weather...
Sharing my warmth with you isn't bad at all.

Look. It's snowing.
Seeing snow fall always reminded me of home. And for the longest time I felt nothing.
But that's changed now.
It's all thanks to you.
Happy holidays, (Captain). Thanks for staying with me through thick and thin.

Eustace (Dark)

Happy holidays.
What? Do I look like I'm having fun?
I quite enjoy days like today.
Peace and quiet draws near. A good day.
You're not going anywhere?
Then stay here.
No deep meaning intended. But you'll find more relaxation that way.

What's up? Did you come by for something?
No, you don't need a reason to come see me.
You're free to visit me anytime, (Captain).
It's getting chilly out there... Care to spend the day with me, (Captain)?

(Captain). So that's where you are.
No, I don't need anything in particular... I just thought I'd stay by you.
Humph. Because it's the holidays.

(Captain), happy holidays.
Aren't you cold having come all this way?
Give me your hands.
I don't mind this weather...
Sharing my warmth with you isn't bad at all.

Look. It's snowing.
Seeing snow fall always reminded me of home. And for the longest time I felt nothing.
But that's changed now.
It's all thanks to you.
Happy holidays, (Captain). Thanks for staying with me through thick and thin.

Eustace (Halloween)

Happy holidays.
What? I look like I'm having fun?
I enjoy days like this.
A perfect day... for peace and quiet.
Do you have plans for today?
If not, stay here with me.
Don't read too much into it... I just feel better when you're around.

What's up? Did you come by for something?
No, you don't need a reason to come see me.
You're free to visit me anytime, (Captain).
It's getting chilly out there... Care to spend the day with me, (Captain)?

(Captain). So that's where you are.
No, I don't need anything in particular... I just thought I'd stay by you.
Humph. Because it's the holidays.

(Captain), happy holidays.
Aren't you cold having come all this way?
Give me your hands.
I don't mind this weather...
Sharing my warmth with you isn't bad at all.

Look. It's snowing.
Seeing snow fall always reminded me of home. And for the longest time I felt nothing.
But that's changed now.
It's all thanks to you.
Happy holidays, (Captain). Thanks for staying with me through thick and thin.

Eustace (Summer)

Happy holidays.
What? I look like I'm having fun?
I enjoy days like this.
A perfect day... for peace and quiet.
Do you have plans for today?
If not, stay here with me.
Don't read too much into it... I just feel better when you're around.

What's up? Did you come by for something?
No, you don't need a reason to come see me.
You're free to visit me anytime, (Captain).
It's getting chilly out there... Care to spend the day with me, (Captain)?

(Captain). So that's where you are.
No, I don't need anything in particular... I just thought I'd stay by you.
Humph. Because it's the holidays.

(Captain), happy holidays.
Aren't you cold having come all this way?
Give me your hands.
I don't mind this weather...
Sharing my warmth with you isn't bad at all.

Look. It's snowing.
Seeing snow fall always reminded me of home. And for the longest time I felt nothing.
But that's changed now.
It's all thanks to you.
Happy holidays, (Captain). Thanks for staying with me through thick and thin.


(Augh, what is it now? The commoners are running around at such an early hour!)
(I've got nowhere to stand but in this corner... How dare they do this to me!)
Spotting the cat curled up in the corner of the room, (Captain) reaches down to pet it.
(Singularity? What is it now... You've been so busy with your tasks and ignoring me all day... Hm?)
(A winter feast... You mean food? And Santa Claus... means presents, right?)
(Oho! Those who've been good receive gifts, don't they? Well I've been really good!)
(All right, then I guess I can put up with a little bit of noise, if that means I get a feast and gifts!)

(Captain) spots the figure of a cat sitting under the festive tree that decorates the ship's deck.
(Why is there a tree here, of all places? It's in the way of my sunbathing!)
Rrreow! Meow! Meow!
(Captain) watches with wide eyes as the cat begins to punch at the tree.
Meow, meow!
(What! Ow, something poked my paw! That hurts!)
The captain lifts up the flailing cat, a needle from the tree caught between the pads of her paw.
(Waaah! Hurry up and do something about this prickly thing, Singularity!)
(And while you're at it, give me pats and something good to eat! I'm having a bad day here!)

(What are you doing there, Singularity? What's that sparkly bottle?)
(Captain) is writing some greeting cards when Ewiyar sticks her paw out, reaching for the ink bottle. The captain quickly stops her.
(Hmph! It's shiny and sparkly. Let me touch it!)
Miffed, Ewiyar escapes from (Captain)'s hold and jumps at the ink bottle.
(Wh-what is this black water! Ack, it got my paws dirty!)
Seeing the cat wave her ink-stained paws around, (Captain) sighs and reaches out to wipe the ink off.

Ewiyar (Grand)

Hm... To what end do these people decorate a simple tree? It's beyond me.
What a waste of time. They should be grooming and praising me instead!
You! Hand me that sparkly garland, Singularity! Right now!
(Captain) is busy decorating the tree but stops for a moment to adorn the fussy Ewiyar in tinsel.
Purrr. Aren't I just the cutest? None of you deserve to see me in all my glory.
I'm simply meant to don glittering attire. Plant life simply can't compare!
Singularity, I shall allow you the privilege of adorning my body with your mortal ornaments, for I am a magnanimous wedge.

(Captain) returns to the captain's quarters, only to find Ewiyar sprawled across the bed and playing around.
Meow! Meow...
Choose: Hey, leave that stocking alone!
Mrgh! Must you ruin my fun? I was having a good time with that thing.
Huh? You mean you put presents in this sock? It isn't just a toy?
Nyah-hah! If it's a gift you want, then look no further!
Behold! Ewiyar—the greatest and most lovable present—is here! Now, quit dawdling and pet me!
You should thankful that I chose to play with your sock, Singularity! There's no greater honor!
What are you doing? Return the sock at once! I still haven't finished playing with it!
I see how it is! Are you willing to be my plaything in its stead, Singularity? Because that's what'll happen if you don't give it back!
Throwing a fit, Ewiyar rolls back and forth all over the bed, leaving (Captain) with no choice but to keep her entertained.


So it's the merriest day of the year. Ha! What a joke. Just because someone named the day doesn't make it special.
And only fools would go so far as to celebrate it. Peace is only temporary, and we have better things to do.
Still... I guess it's not a bad thing that people can enjoy themselves once in a while. But whatever.

Another merry day... Only because the night was longest on this day did someone decide to give it a name.
Fools are led astray by beautiful words and let themselves prance and hop.
I'm not saying it's wrong to relax now and then... I'm saying to keep that to a minimum.
Don't let yourself be another one of those idiots.

Just another excuse for people to frolic meaninglessly...
And yet some call this the holy night... How pretentious.
I suppose there are those who require such excuse to indulge themselves.
For them, this night must have significance.
Appreciation may be appropriate for those who cannot otherwise unwind in their daily lives.
However, there is nothing more inexcusable than unfettered merry. Even if it is the holiest night.

This is the day of the year when everyone on the ship can have a moment of rest and relaxation.
Therefore I suppose it's only fitting that some call it a holy night.
One could say the crew is only able enjoy this respite as a result of the achievements your daily efforts have wrought.
Enough with the vacant expression. Considering you're captain of this crew, all that should go without saying.
It wouldn't do to let it go to your head, but you should at least give yourself credit where credit is due.
The night is still young. I will take this opportunity to unwind briefly. You ought to get some rest as well.

Hm? What are you doing here, (Captain)?
Dinner ended quite a while ago—there shouldn't be anything else of interest. It's time you went back to your room.
You're the captain of this crew. What kind of example would you be setting for the crew if you caught a cold from walking about at night?
If you understand what I'm saying, then hurry up and...
Fine... I'll escort you. We wouldn't want you wandering off somewhere again, would we?
Some others might attempt to rope you into their foolish festivities... I'll make sure you safely return to your room myself.
To think I'd make assumptions without consulting the amethysts... It seems being on this ship has had more influence on me than I thought.
Wipe that smirk off your face and get back to your room, (Captain). We can't afford to have you catch a cold.

Ezecrain (Event)

So it's the merriest day of the year. Ha! What a joke. Just because someone named the day doesn't make it special.
And only fools would go so far as to celebrate it. Peace is only temporary, and we have better things to do.
Still... I guess it's not a bad thing that people can enjoy themselves once in a while. But whatever.

Another merry day... Only because the night was longest on this day did someone decide to give it a name.
Fools are led astray by beautiful words and let themselves prance and hop.
I'm not saying it's wrong to relax now and then... I'm saying to keep that to a minimum.
Don't let yourself be another one of those idiots.

Just another excuse for people to frolic meaninglessly...
And yet some call this the holy night... How pretentious.
I suppose there are those who require such excuse to indulge themselves.
For them, this night must have significance.
Appreciation may be appropriate for those who cannot otherwise unwind in their daily lives.
However, there is nothing more inexcusable than unfettered merry. Even if it is the holiest night.

This is the day of the year when everyone on the ship can have a moment of rest and relaxation.
Therefore I suppose it's only fitting that some call it a holy night.
One could say the crew is only able enjoy this respite as a result of the achievements your daily efforts have wrought.
Enough with the vacant expression. Considering you're captain of this crew, all that should go without saying.
It wouldn't do to let it go to your head, but you should at least give yourself credit where credit is due.
The night is still young. I will take this opportunity to unwind briefly. You ought to get some rest as well.

Hm? What are you doing here, (Captain)?
Dinner ended quite a while ago—there shouldn't be anything else of interest. It's time you went back to your room.
You're the captain of this crew. What kind of example would you be setting for the crew if you caught a cold from walking about at night?
If you understand what I'm saying, then hurry up and...
Fine... I'll escort you. We wouldn't want you wandering off somewhere again, would we?
Some others might attempt to rope you into their foolish festivities... I'll make sure you safely return to your room myself.
To think I'd make assumptions without consulting the amethysts... It seems being on this ship has had more influence on me than I thought.
Wipe that smirk off your face and get back to your room, (Captain). We can't afford to have you catch a cold.


Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Hehe... Katalina and I have been exchanging gifts since our days in the imperial army!
But this year, I got you something too, (Captain)! I hope you like it!

Hm? You're wondering why I'm so happy?
I'm going on a date with Katalina today!
Katalina's all mine for the day! I couldn't have asked for for a better present! Eheheh...

Happy holidays!
What brings you here, (Captain)?
Katalina and I were making candles! Bunching together different-colored wax makes for really pretty ones!
Katalina's are the prettiest—as pretty as the seas of Auguste!
She said anyone is capable of doing it, but I have to disagree! I was almost moved to tears!
When night falls, I'm going to light up this handmade candle for a private chat with Katalina!
A dreamy fun time with Katalina awaits me tonight!
Oh, I can't wait!

Aha! There you are, (Captain)! I've been looking all over for you.
There's a party tonight, so I came to deliver your invitation.
Wouldn't I rather be spending time with Katalina, you ask?
Heh heh heh. I'm way ahead of you!
You see, the ones hosting the party are me and Katalina!
We're preparing everything, just the two us. So basically I'll get to spend the whole day with her!
It's going to super fun tonight, so I hope you come too.
Well, I'll be going now. I've got more invitations to hand out!
Then after that it's decorations and making foo—Oh no! Katalina! Don't start without me!

Hey, guess what! Katalina asked me to go see the pretty lights in town with her!
An invitation from her is the best present I could ever ask for.
Ehehe, in a way she's my very own Santa.
Huh? You have a present for me, but it looks like I don't need it after all?
Ah, I just remembered! You're my Santa too, (Captain)!
R-really! Sorry, me forgetting was just a brain fart on my part... Besides, look at what I've got!
Ta-da! I made sure to get you a present too! Let's trade!

Farrah (Event)

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Hehe... Katalina and I have been exchanging gifts since our days in the imperial army!
But this year, I got you something too, (Captain)! I hope you like it!

Hm? You're wondering why I'm so happy?
I'm going on a date with Katalina today!
Katalina's all mine for the day! I couldn't have asked for a better present! Eheheh...

Happy holidays!
What brings you here, (Captain)?
Katalina and I were making candles! Bunching together different-colored wax makes for really pretty ones!
Katalina's are the prettiest—as pretty as the seas of Auguste!
She said anyone is capable of doing it, but I have to disagree! I was almost moved to tears!
When night falls, I'm going to light up this handmade candle for a private chat with Katalina!
A dreamy fun time with Katalina awaits me tonight!
Oh, I can't wait!

Aha! There you are, (Captain)! I've been looking all over for you.
There's a party tonight, so I came to deliver your invitation.
Wouldn't I rather be spending time with Katalina, you ask?
Heh heh heh. I'm way ahead of you!
You see, the ones hosting the party are me and Katalina!
We're preparing everything, just the two us. So basically I'll get to spend the whole day with her!
It's going to super fun tonight, so I hope you come too.
Well, I'll be going now. I've got more invitations to hand out!
Then after that it's decorations and making foo—Oh no! Katalina! Don't start without me!

Hey, guess what! Katalina asked me to go see the pretty lights in town with her!
An invitation from her is the best present I could ever ask for.
Ehehe, in a way she's my very own Santa.
Huh? You have a present for me, but it looks like I don't need it after all?
Ah, I just remembered! You're my Santa too, (Captain)!
R-really! Sorry, me forgetting was just a brain fart on my part... Besides, look at what I've got!
Ta-da! I made sure to get you a present too! Let's trade!

Farrah (SR)

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Hehe... Katalina and I have been exchanging gifts since our days in the imperial army!
But this year, I got you something too, (Captain)! I hope you like it!

Hm? You're wondering why I'm so happy?
I'm going on a date with Katalina today!
Katalina's all mine for the day! I couldn't have asked for a better present! Eheheh...

Happy holidays!
What brings you here, (Captain)?
Katalina and I were making candles! Bunching together different-colored wax makes for really pretty ones!
Katalina's are the prettiest—as pretty as the seas of Auguste!
She said anyone is capable of doing it, but I have to disagree! I was almost moved to tears!
When night falls, I'm going to light up this handmade candle for a private chat with Katalina!
A dreamy fun time with Katalina awaits me tonight!
Oh, I can't wait!

Aha! There you are, (Captain)! I've been looking all over for you.
There's a party tonight, so I came to deliver your invitation.
Wouldn't I rather be spending time with Katalina, you ask?
Heh heh heh. I'm way ahead of you!
You see, the ones hosting the party are me and Katalina!
We're preparing everything, just the two us. So basically I'll get to spend the whole day with her!
It's going to super fun tonight, so I hope you come too.
Well, I'll be going now. I've got more invitations to hand out!
Then after that it's decorations and making foo—Oh no! Katalina! Don't start without me!

Hey, guess what! Katalina asked me to go see the pretty lights in town with her!
An invitation from her is the best present I could ever ask for.
Ehehe, in a way she's my very own Santa.
Huh? You have a present for me, but it looks like I don't need it after all?
Ah, I just remembered! You're my Santa too, (Captain)!
R-really! Sorry, me forgetting was just a brain fart on my part... Besides, look at what I've got!
Ta-da! I made sure to get you a present too! Let's trade!

Farrah (Summer)

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Hehe... Katalina and I have been exchanging gifts since our days in the imperial army!
But this year, I got you something too, (Captain)! I hope you like it!

Hm? You're wondering why I'm so happy?
I'm going on a date with Katalina today!
Katalina's all mine for the day! I couldn't have asked for for a better present! Eheheh...

Happy holidays!
What brings you here, (Captain)?
Katalina and I were making candles! Bunching together different-colored wax makes for really pretty ones!
Katalina's are the prettiest—as pretty as the seas of Auguste!
She said anyone is capable of doing it, but I have to disagree! I was almost moved to tears!
When night falls, I'm going to light up this handmade candle for a private chat with Katalina!
A dreamy fun time with Katalina awaits me tonight!
Oh, I can't wait!

Aha! There you are, (Captain)! I've been looking all over for you.
There's a party tonight, so I came to deliver your invitation.
Wouldn't I rather be spending time with Katalina, you ask?
Heh heh heh. I'm way ahead of you!
You see, the ones hosting the party are me and Katalina!
We're preparing everything, just the two us. So basically I'll get to spend the whole day with her!
It's going to super fun tonight, so I hope you come too.
Well, I'll be going now. I've got more invitations to hand out!
Then after that it's decorations and making foo—Oh no! Katalina! Don't start without me!

Hey, guess what! Katalina asked me to go see the pretty lights in town with her!
An invitation from her is the best present I could ever ask for.
Ehehe, in a way she's my very own Santa.
Huh? You have a present for me, but it looks like I don't need it after all?
Ah, I just remembered! You're my Santa too, (Captain)!
R-really! Sorry, me forgetting was just a brain fart on my part... Besides, look at what I've got!
Ta-da! I made sure to get you a present too! Let's trade!

Farrah and Juri

When (Captain) peeks in on the scene, Farrah is sitting on Juri's shoulder and placing ornaments on a holiday tree.
Farrah: Nnngh... Juri, a little higher!
Juri: Wh-whoa! If you move that much, we're gonna—
In a flash, (Captain) catches Farrah and grabs Juri to keep him from falling.
Farrah: P-phew, thanks for the save.
Juri: Appreciate it greatly, (Captain)...
Farrah, we really should've grabbed a stepladder before attempting this.
Farrah: Come on, I was in focus mode! And... also a little too lazy to grab it.
(Captain) quickly settles them both down and offers to help.
Juri: M-me? R-r-ride on your shoulders, (Captain)? I could never...
Farrah: Oh? You're going as red as Santa's hat!
Juri: D-don't tease me like that!

Farrah: Ah, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
Juri: Farrah, where are you running off to?
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
For a second, Farrah, I thought you were trying to shirk your bag-carrying duties.
Farrah: Of course not! Holiday shopping is as important a job as any other!
I know it was only a game of rock, paper, scissors that I lost, but the deal was that the loser carries all the bags! And I plan to uphold my part of the deal!
Juri: Good...
Huh? You want to help carry the bags, (Captain)? True, there are a lot...
Farrah: Yeah? Thanks a bunch, (Captain)! You can have this, and this, and...
Juri: Farrah! Don't push all the work on our captain!
Farrah: But I thought (Captain) wanted to help?
Juri: Yes, I suppose it would be rude to reject the captain's offer of help... Fine, I'll chip in too!

Farrah: Oh hey, (Captain)! Enjoying the party?
We were just building a snowman with all the kids!
Juri: A problem has reared its head, however. It is the head. It's too big.
Farrah: I told you that you were getting way too into it!
Juri: I just thought the kids would be happier if we made it really big!
Farrah: You should've volunteered to make the body parts then!
Juri: Huh? We decided who would make the head with a game of rock paper scissors, remember?
Farrah: Yeah, and look how that turned out!
How about this then? We turn Juri into a human snowman!
Juri: Huh... wait! Calm down, this isn't funny! I'm sorry, all right?
Farrah: Too late!
Juri: Agh! S-stop it, let go of me! Ahhhh!

Farrah is riding on a sled overloaded with presents as Juri pulls it.
Farrah is riding on a sled overloaded with presents as Juri pulls it.
Farrah: Hey (Captain)! I'm playing the role of Santa today, and Juri's my reindeer! We're passing presents out to the kids of the crew!
Juri: This sled is really heavy! I think it might be a better idea to just pass them out normally!
Farrah: After all the trouble we went to getting it? This was your idea in the first place!
Plus, it's only this heavy because you insisted on loading it exclusively with books!
Juri: Urgh... But there are so many excellent tales of chivalry, and I didn't want to leave any out!
I limited myself to works that I thought would be able to hold a child's interest, but it seems we still ended up with far too many...
Farrah: And honestly, I'm pretty sure something like candy or toys would be have been a better idea anyway, since we're giving them to kids.
Juri: Huff, huff... But if everyone gives them stuff like that, doesn't that seem... you know, not ideal?
Farrah: Eh, that's just how it goes. Anyway, at this rate it's gonna be midnight before we finish.
Oh look, there's (Captain)! Perfect timing!
Juri: What? Farrah, don't tell me you—
Farrah: It'll be much easier if you pull it together! Just make sure to say thank you once we're done!
I thought this might happen, so I've already got our present for you right here, (Captain)!
Right then! Juri the Reindeer! (Captain) the Reindeer! We go to bring smiles to the kids faces!
Juri: I-I'm so sorry about this, (Captain).
Skies, it's so heavy!


Happy holidays!
I heard an old man in red is coming to visit the kids in town today!
Sounds like a true warrior... I'd love to fight him some day!

What's wrong, (Captain)? You're feeling cold?
Then I'll warm you up... by making you quiver at the sight of these fists!
You should feel warmer once you start shaking... I hope!

Hear me out, (Captain). I've got a wish to make.
We're in holiday season—the perfect time to spend with our loved ones. You know what I'm sayin', right?
I want to spend the time off with you. Because you're the only one who can do me this solid.
So you'll hear me out then? Thanks, (Captain)! You rock!
All right, here goes! I took out a few monsters just now, but I'm still itchin' for more!
Let's you and I heat up these ice-cold festivities with a good ol' fashioned romp!
Ooh... (Captain)! You're makin' me feel warm all over!

Deck those halls, (Captain).
I still can't forget that powerful punch you landed on me last year...
The fire within you hit me hard and spread throughout my body!
I want to get stronger, (Captain)!
Scratch that, I have to get stronger!
And I need you to get me there! So if you'd indulge me...
I challenge you to a holiday deathmatch!
Basically we're gonna bust it up all night long without getting a wink of sleep!

(Captain)! Do you hear that! The bells are ringing!
And those battle gongs are telling us to have a rematch! I'll get my revenge for last year!
This must be the blessing of the holy night! You hear them, right?
We're gonna settle this tonight!
Let's see your furious fists! Your screaming soul! We're gonna rock this holy night!

Feather (Halloween)

Happy holidays!
I heard an old man in red is coming to visit the kids in town today!
Sounds like a true warrior... I'd love to fight him some day!

What's wrong, (Captain)? You're feeling cold?
Then I'll warm you up... by making you quiver at the sight of these fists!
You should feel warmer once you start shaking... I hope!

Hear me out, (Captain). I've got a wish to make.
We're in holiday season—the perfect time to spend with our loved ones. You know what I'm sayin', right?
I want to spend the time off with you. Because you're the only one who can do me this solid.
So you'll hear me out then?
Thanks, (Captain)! You rock!
All right, here goes! I took out a few monsters just now, but I'm still itchin' for more!
Let's you and I heat up these ice-cold festivities with a good ol' fashioned romp!
Ooh... (Captain)! You're makin' me feel warm all over!

Deck those halls, (Captain).
I still can't forget that powerful punch you landed on me last year...
The fire within you hit me hard and spread throughout my body!
I want to get stronger, (Captain)!
Scratch that, I have to get stronger!
And I need you to get me there! So if you'd indulge me...
I challenge you to a holiday deathmatch!
Basically we're gonna bust it up all night long without getting a wink of sleep!

(Captain)! Do you hear that! The bells are ringing!
And those battle gongs are telling us to have a rematch! I'll get my revenge for last year!
This must be the blessing of the holy night! You hear them, right?
We're gonna settle this tonight!
Let's see your furious fists! Your screaming soul! We're gonna rock this holy night!

Feather (SR)

Happy holidays!
I heard an old man in red is coming to visit the kids in town today!
Sounds like a true warrior... I'd love to fight him some day!

What's wrong, (Captain)? You're feeling cold?
Then I'll warm you up... by making you quiver at the sight of these fists!
You should feel warmer once you start shaking... I hope!

Hear me out, (Captain). I've got a wish to make.
We're in holiday season—the perfect time to spend with our loved ones. You know what I'm sayin', right?
I want to spend the time off with you. Because you're the only one who can do me this solid.
So you'll hear me out then?
Thanks, (Captain)! You rock!
All right, here goes! I took out a few monsters just now, but I'm still itchin' for more!
Let's you and I heat up these ice-cold festivities with a good ol' fashioned romp!
Ooh... (Captain)! You're makin' me feel warm all over!

Deck those halls, (Captain).
I still can't forget that powerful punch you landed on me last year...
The fire within you hit me hard and spread throughout my body!
I want to get stronger, (Captain)!
Scratch that, I have to get stronger!
And I need you to get me there! So if you'd indulge me...
I challenge you to a holiday deathmatch!
Basically we're gonna bust it up all night long without getting a wink of sleep!

(Captain)! Do you hear that! The bells are ringing!
And those battle gongs are telling us to have a rematch! I'll get my revenge for last year!
This must be the blessing of the holy night! You hear them, right?
We're gonna settle this tonight!
Let's see your furious fists! Your screaming soul! We're gonna rock this holy night!

Feather (SSR)

Happy holidays!
I heard an old man in red is coming to visit the kids in town today!
Sounds like a true warrior... I'd love to fight him some day!

What's wrong, (Captain)? You're feeling cold?
Then I'll warm you up... by making you quiver at the sight of these fists!
You should feel warmer once you start shaking... I hope!

Hear me out, (Captain). I've got a wish to make.
We're in holiday season—the perfect time to spend with our loved ones. You know what I'm sayin', right?
I want to spend the time off with you. Because you're the only one who can do me this solid.
So you'll hear me out then?
Thanks, (Captain)! You rock!
All right, here goes! I took out a few monsters just now, but I'm still itchin' for more!
Let's you and I heat up these ice-cold festivities with a good ol' fashioned romp!
Ooh... (Captain)! You're makin' me feel warm all over!

Deck those halls, (Captain).
I still can't forget that powerful punch you landed on me last year...
The fire within you hit me hard and spread throughout my body!
I want to get stronger, (Captain)!
Scratch that, I have to get stronger!
And I need you to get me there! So if you'd indulge me...
I challenge you to a holiday deathmatch!
Basically we're gonna bust it up all night long without getting a wink of sleep!

(Captain)! Do you hear that! The bells are ringing!
And those battle gongs are telling us to have a rematch! I'll get my revenge for last year!
This must be the blessing of the holy night! You hear them, right?
We're gonna settle this tonight!
Let's see your furious fists! Your screaming soul! We're gonna rock this holy night!


Singularity! The holidays are upon us! Surely you plan on spending the night with your better half.
The perfect opportunity for me to observe dyad activity...
Huh? You plan to be in merriment with the entire crew tonight?
So I see it is every single member of the crew that completes your dyad! Most impressive, Singularity! You exceed my wildest expectations!
Huh? I'm mistaken? Hm, you mortals are so difficult to understand...
I give up! I'll just have to see for myself what it means to be in merriment with your crew! Show me, Singularity!

I caaaught youuuuu...
Singularity... I thought you and the girl and blue were a dyad, but you've let many others on the crew do the "ahh" thing with you!
I've learned that this is not only a means of feeding between parent and child, but a dyad activity to show affection!
Surely you don't mean to claim the rest of the crew for yourself!
Sigh... But it is understandable. Mortals tend to be secretive when it comes to who they form dyads with, after all.
Embarrassment, perhaps? I've observed the behavior of mortals enough to understand this much!
But you have no reason to be embarrassed now that it is no longer secret!
Dyad or not, you and the others can show me the ways of copulation! Come along now—don't be shy!

What are you writing, Singularity? The paper appears to be quite fancy...
Choose: It's a holiday card.
A... holiday card? What is that? Hmm... So they are given as a form of celebration?
I see... Nights for the islands of this realm are longest during the holidays, correct?
In other words, celebrating this season means celebrating the night and darkness that I preside over.
Good, good! Delight in the peace and security that the darkness of night brings!
I shall send some festive messages of my own as well.
Now, Singularity. Teach me how to write one of these holiday cards!
The first will be for you, and the second will be for the Erune lass... Words of celebration for all!

Fediel (Summer)

Singularity! The holidays are upon us! Surely you plan on spending the night with your better half.
The perfect opportunity for me to observe dyad activity...
Huh? You plan to be in merriment with the entire crew tonight?
So I see it is every single member of the crew that completes your dyad! Most impressive, Singularity! You exceed my wildest expectations!
Huh? I'm mistaken? Hm, you mortals are so difficult to understand...
I give up! I'll just have to see for myself what it means to be in merriment with your crew! Show me, Singularity!

I caaaught youuuuu...
Singularity... I thought you and the girl and blue were a dyad, but you've let many others on the crew do the "ahh" thing with you!
I've learned that this is not only a means of feeding between parent and child, but a dyad activity to show affection!
Surely you don't mean to claim the rest of the crew for yourself!
Sigh... But it is understandable. Mortals tend to be secretive when it comes to who they form dyads with, after all.
Embarrassment, perhaps? I've observed the behavior of mortals enough to understand this much!
But you have no reason to be embarrassed now that it is no longer secret!
Dyad or not, you and the others can show me the ways of copulation! Come along now—don't be shy!

What are you writing, Singularity? The paper appears to be quite fancy...
Choose: It's a holiday card.
A... holiday card? What is that? Hmm... So they are given as a form of celebration?
I see... Nights for the islands of this realm are longest during the holidays, correct?
In other words, celebrating this season means celebrating the night and darkness that I preside over.
Good, good! Delight in the peace and security that the darkness of night brings!
I shall send some festive messages of my own as well.
Now, Singularity. Teach me how to write one of these holiday cards!
The first will be for you, and the second will be for the Erune lass... Words of celebration for all!


Oh, (Captain)! Today's the big day, right? That means, well, um...
Ahaha! This isn't like me at all... I just wanted to tell you that I'd like to spend the day with you!
Well? What do you say? C'mon, spit it out! Don't you dare say no!

Happy holidays, (Captain)! So where should we go?
Hm? Tonight's a special night, isn't it? You know, for a date? C'mon, the two of us are heading out together!
Hey, what's the hold up? Oooh, are you trying not to blush? Hehehehe.
All righty then, move those legs! Don't be so uptight!

Here I am, the unrivaled cutie of holiday cheer, Feena! I get to play Santa this year and give presents to all the good boys and girls!
So without further ado, I'll use these flower petals to see how good you've been.
What will it be... Goodie-goodie, baddie-baddie, super-goodie... Goodie-goodie, baddie-baddie...
Super-goodie! Oooh, good job, (Captain)!
Now, for this very well-behaved captain, I have just the perfect gift picked out for you!
I hope you're as well-behaved next year as you were this year! Hehehehe!

(Captain)! Mm, this is too much fun!
Nothing like a party to get the holiday cheer going!
Hey, what are you pouting for?
Wait, lemme guess! It must be because you didn't get to go out with me this year for the holidays!
Heh-heh-heh... You're in luck! I was just about to ask if you wanted to go out right now!
Slipping out of a party to enjoy ourselves can be a real blast too, I'll have you know!

Look, (Captain)! I'm decorating the deck with sparkly ribbons! Isn't it pretty?
I tied the ribbons to toy arrows and shot them with my crossbow to attach them to spots outside my reach!
Pretty neat, huh? Nothing's impossible for the brilliantly cute Feena!
Huh? You want to know how I'm going to take down the decorations if I can't reach them?
Oh... I didn't think about that. But just leave it to the invincibly cute Feena—I'll come up with something!
Well, time to get back to decorating! I'll let you know when I'm finished, so sit tight, okay?

Feena (Event)

Oh, (Captain)! Today's the big day, right? That means, well, um...
Ahaha! This isn't like me at all... I just wanted to tell you that I'd like to spend the day with you!
Well? What do you say? C'mon, spit it out! Don't you dare say no!

Happy holidays, (Captain)! So where should we go?
Hm? Tonight's a special night, isn't it? You know, for a date? C'mon, the two of us are heading out together!
Hey, what's the hold up? Oooh, are you trying not to blush? Hehehehe.
All righty then, move those legs! Don't be so uptight!

Here I am, the unrivaled cutie of holiday cheer, Feena! I get to play Santa this year and give presents to all the good boys and girls!
So without further ado, I'll use these flower petals to see how good you've been.
What will it be... Goodie-goodie, baddie-baddie, super-goodie... Goodie-goodie, baddie-baddie...
Super-goodie! Oooh, good job, (Captain)!
Now, for this very well-behaved captain, I have just the perfect gift picked out for you!
I hope you're as well-behaved next year as you were this year! Hehehehe!

(Captain)! Mm, this is too much fun!
Nothing like a party to get the holiday cheer going!
Hey, what are you pouting for?
Wait, lemme guess! It must be because you didn't get to go out with me this year for the holidays!
Heh-heh-heh... You're in luck! I was just about to ask if you wanted to go out right now!
Slipping out of a party to enjoy ourselves can be a real blast too, I'll have you know!

Look, (Captain)! I'm decorating the deck with sparkly ribbons! Isn't it pretty?
I tied the ribbons to toy arrows and shot them with my crossbow to attach them to spots outside my reach!
Pretty neat, huh? Nothing's impossible for the brilliantly cute Feena!
Huh? You want to know how I'm going to take down the decorations if I can't reach them?
Oh... I didn't think about that. But just leave it to the invincibly cute Feena—I'll come up with something!
Well, time to get back to decorating! I'll let you know when I'm finished, so sit tight, okay?

Feena (Holiday)

Oh, (Captain)! Today's the big day, right? That means, well, um...
Ahaha! This isn't like me at all... I just wanted to tell you that I'd like to spend the day with you!
Well? What do you say? C'mon, spit it out! Don't you dare say no!

Happy holidays, (Captain)! So where should we go?
Hm? Tonight's a special night, isn't it? You know, for a date? C'mon, the two of us are heading out together!
Hey, what's the hold up? Oooh, are you trying not to blush? Hehehehe.
All righty then, move those legs! Don't be so uptight!

Here I am, the unrivaled cutie of holiday cheer, Feena! I get to play Santa this year and give presents to all the good boys and girls!
So without further ado, I'll use these flower petals to see how good you've been.
What will it be... Goodie-goodie, baddie-baddie, super-goodie... Goodie-goodie, baddie-baddie...
Super-goodie! Oooh, good job, (Captain)!
Now, for this very well-behaved captain, I have just the perfect gift picked out for you!
I hope you're as well-behaved next year as you were this year! Hehehehe!

(Captain)! Mm, this is too much fun!
Nothing like a party to get the holiday cheer going!
Hey, what are you pouting for?
Wait, lemme guess! It must be because you didn't get to go out with me this year for the holidays!
Heh-heh-heh... You're in luck! I was just about to ask if you wanted to go out right now!
Slipping out of a party to enjoy ourselves can be a real blast too, I'll have you know!

Look, (Captain)! I'm decorating the deck with sparkly ribbons! Isn't it pretty?
I tied the ribbons to toy arrows and shot them with my crossbow to attach them to spots outside my reach!
Pretty neat, huh? Nothing's impossible for the brilliantly cute Feena!
Huh? You want to know how I'm going to take down the decorations if I can't reach them?
Oh... I didn't think about that. But just leave it to the invincibly cute Feena—I'll come up with something!
Well, time to get back to decorating! I'll let you know when I'm finished, so sit tight, okay?

Feena (Light)


Oh, so the holy night is the longest night for an island?
Does that mean that if I fly to a different island every day, every night could be the holy night?
Choose: Yeah, I guess it could. That's amazing!
I am? I'm amazing!
Ehehe! I can fly really far, really fast!
Oh, but...
Even if I go to an island where it's the holy night, I'd be there by myself.
Never mind! I want to spend the holy night with your crew and Sabrina!
So I don't want to fly anywhere! I'll stay here on the Grandcypher!
The holy night's fun because we're all together, after all!


Happy holidays!
Tonight? I'll be decorating trees with the children of Stardust Town while we wait for Santa.
How does that sound? Care to come along and lend us a hand?

Hm? What presents do I want? If I can protect the peace of Stardust Town, that's good enough for me.
The more special possessions I accumulate, the more sluggish my movement becomes. Not something I want.
Still... If you have something to give, give it to the children in town.
Huh? You want to give something to my sister? Together?
In that case... how about a stuffed animal?
I can't guarantee anything, but I think that will make her quite happy.

There's a winter party tonight for the children of Stardust Town.
Although I use party in a loose sense since we won't be surrounded by mountains of food.
Oh? You have presents for all of them? How nice of you.
You have a present for me as well? Thanks, but I think that's best left for the kids.
Well, if you insist that I open it, I won't push it any further.
This is a really sparkly party hat...
Yeah, it'd be pretty hard to get the little ones excited with how I usually look. Thank you for this.
If you have time, you should come to the party too, (Captain). I think the children would like to see you.

This year I'll be having a party with the children of Stardust Town. Well, that's what we do every year.
Here you are. This is for you.
It's a sparkly tricornered hat—the one you gave me last year. The children decorated it with colorful construction paper.
I think they did quite the job, don't you? Do you like it?
You're pleased I saved the hat you gave me?
It's just our way not to waste anything that could be useful. It's not like I kept it out of sentimentality.
Did I say something funny?
Well, never mind.
The children are waiting for you, (Captain). I trust you'll accept our invitation?

Happy holidays. So you've decided to come to Stardust Town again.
Have you noticed, (Captain)? The children are practicing their songs for the party on the holy night.
The sound of singing, echoing all the way to the streets... Doesn't it give such a warm feeling?
It's peaceful moments like these that make me think how we need to get even stronger in order to protect this peace.
I've finished patrolling, so I'll be going back to where the children are now.
Come on, (Captain), let's hurry. Both the children and I have been looking forward to seeing you again!

Feower (Holiday)

Happy holidays!
Tonight? I'll be decorating trees with the children of Stardust Town while we wait for Santa.
How does that sound? Care to come along and lend us a hand?

Hm? What presents do I want? If I can protect the peace of Stardust Town, that's good enough for me.
The more special possessions I accumulate, the more sluggish my movement becomes. Not something I want.
Still... If you have something to give, give it to the children in town.
Huh? You want to give something to my sister? Together?
In that case... how about a stuffed animal?
I can't guarantee anything, but I think that will make her quite happy.

There's a winter party tonight for the children of Stardust Town.
Although I use party in a loose sense since we won't be surrounded by mountains of food.
Oh? You have presents for all of them? How nice of you.
You have a present for me as well? Thanks, but I think that's best left for the kids.
Well, if you insist that I open it, I won't push it any further.
This is a really sparkly party hat...
Yeah, it'd be pretty hard to get the little ones excited with how I usually look. Thank you for this.
If you have time, you should come to the party too, (Captain). I think the children would like to see you.

This year I'll be having a party with the children of Stardust Town. Well, that's what we do every year.
Here you are. This is for you.
It's a sparkly tricornered hat—the one you gave me last year. The children decorated it with colorful construction paper.
I think they did quite the job, don't you? Do you like it?
You're pleased I saved the hat you gave me?
It's just our way not to waste anything that could be useful. It's not like I kept it out of sentimentality.
Did I say something funny?
Well, never mind.
The children are waiting for you, (Captain). I trust you'll accept our invitation?

Happy holidays. So you've decided to come to Stardust Town again.
Have you noticed, (Captain)? The children are practicing their songs for the party on the holy night.
The sound of singing, echoing all the way to the streets... Doesn't it give such a warm feeling?
It's peaceful moments like these that make me think how we need to get even stronger in order to protect this peace.
I've finished patrolling, so I'll be going back to where the children are now.
Come on, (Captain), let's hurry. Both the children and I have been looking forward to seeing you again!


This takes me back. I haven't celebrated winter festivities in decades...
Oh, I had so much fun then. My father was there, my mother was there... and that little girl too...
Oops, I didn't mean to dampen the mood. But I'm not sad at all.
Reminiscing with you about old times helps me enjoy the holiday.
I'm happy just like I was in my memories. Thank you, (Captain).

Listen, listen, (Captain)! I placed the star way up on top of the tree!
Back when I was celebrating with my family, they wouldn't let me help because I was too young.
I never knew how much fun decorating for the holidays could be!
Tonight's going to be super fun, (Captain)!

So we're having cake tonight...
Oh no, it's nothing. I was just remembering something from the past.
My younger sister and I loved strawberries on our cakes. We'd always fight over who gets what, which drove our parents crazy.
I was supposed to act as an older sister should, they said, and she'd end up winning the strawberries.
That really was such a long time ago. I was so serious about even small things like that back then.
What else will come back to me the next time I bite into a strawberry, I wonder?

(Captain)! Do you have any big wool stockings?
You don't? Hmm... Oh well, that's just how it goes I guess.
Did you forget what day it is? I wanted to hang stockings from the tree.
That's how you get Santa Claus to come visit or so I was told as a kid.
As you can see, I'm not a kid anymore—I'm a ghost. Does Santa even visit ghosts?
But it's still pretty exciting to think he might come, you know?
Oh, here's an idea. Why don't we go out and shop for stockings together?
We can buy some for everyone on the airship and really cover the tree with stockings.
Heehee, I just know it's going to turn out bright and colorful.

(Captain), look at this!
I was walking around town when an elderly lady gave me these lovely cookies! She said it was a present for the holidays.
Meeting her made me think that maybe in another life I could have grown older and become just like her...
But I'll always be stuck in this child-like body.
What I can still do is give out presents though. I think that'd be nice.
Say, what do you think about coming with me to buy some presents for the kids aboard the airship?
Then Santa Ferry and Santa (Captain) can walk around surprising them later.
Hehe, it sounds fun, right?

Ferry (Grand)

This takes me back. I haven't celebrated winter festivities in decades...
Oh, I had so much fun then. My father was there, my mother was there... and that little girl too...
Oops, I didn't mean to dampen the mood. But I'm not sad at all.
Reminiscing with you about old times helps me enjoy the holiday.
I'm happy just like I was in my memories. Thank you, (Captain).

Listen, listen, (Captain)! I placed the star way up on top of the tree!
Back when I was celebrating with my family, they wouldn't let me help because I was too young.
I never knew how much fun decorating for the holidays could be!
Tonight's going to be super fun, (Captain)!

So we're having cake tonight...
Oh no, it's nothing. I was just remembering something from the past.
My younger sister and I loved strawberries on our cakes. We'd always fight over who gets what, which drove our parents crazy.
I was supposed to act as an older sister should, they said, and she'd end up winning the strawberries.
That really was such a long time ago. I was so serious about even small things like that back then.
What else will come back to me the next time I bite into a strawberry, I wonder?

(Captain)! Do you have any big wool stockings?
You don't? Hmm... Oh well, that's just how it goes I guess.
Did you forget what day it is? I wanted to hang stockings from the tree.
That's how you get Santa Claus to come visit or so I was told as a kid.
As you can see, I'm not a kid anymore—I'm a ghost. Does Santa even visit ghosts?
But it's still pretty exciting to think he might come, you know?
Oh, here's an idea. Why don't we go out and shop for stockings together?
We can buy some for everyone on the airship and really cover the tree with stockings.
Heehee, I just know it's going to turn out bright and colorful.

(Captain), look at this!
I was walking around town when an elderly lady gave me these lovely cookies! She said it was a present for the holidays.
Meeting her made me think that maybe in another life I could have grown older and become just like her...
But I'll always be stuck in this child-like body.
What I can still do is give out presents though. I think that'd be nice.
Say, what do you think about coming with me to buy some presents for the kids aboard the airship?
Then Santa Ferry and Santa (Captain) can walk around surprising them later.
Hehe, it sounds fun, right?

Ferry (Halloween)

This takes me back. I haven't celebrated winter festivities in decades...
Oh, I had so much fun then. My father was there, my mother was there... and that little girl too...
Oops, I didn't mean to dampen the mood. But I'm not sad at all.
Reminiscing with you about old times helps me enjoy the holiday.
I'm happy just like I was in my memories. Thank you, (Captain).

Listen, listen, (Captain)! I placed the star way up on top of the tree!
Back when I was celebrating with my family, they wouldn't let me help because I was too young.
I never knew how much fun decorating for the holidays could be!
Tonight's going to be super fun, (Captain)!

So we're having cake tonight...
Oh no, it's nothing. I was just remembering something from the past.
My younger sister and I loved strawberries on our cakes. We'd always fight over who gets what, which drove our parents crazy.
I was supposed to act as an older sister should, they said, and she'd end up winning the strawberries.
That really was such a long time ago. I was so serious about even small things like that back then.
What else will come back to me the next time I bite into a strawberry, I wonder?

(Captain)! Do you have any big wool stockings?
You don't? Hmm... Oh well, that's just how it goes I guess.
Did you forget what day it is? I wanted to hang stockings from the tree.
That's how you get Santa Claus to come visit or so I was told as a kid.
As you can see, I'm not a kid anymore—I'm a ghost. Does Santa even visit ghosts?
But it's still pretty exciting to think he might come, you know?
Oh, here's an idea. Why don't we go out and shop for stockings together?
We can buy some for everyone on the airship and really stuff the tree with stockings.
Heehee, I just know it's going to turn out bright and colorful.

(Captain), look at this!
I was walking around town when an elderly lady gave me these lovely cookies! She said it was a present for the holidays.
Meeting her made me think that maybe in another life I could have grown older and become just like her...
But I'll always be stuck in this child-like body.
What I can still do is give out presents though. I think that'd be nice.
Say, what do you think about coming with me to buy some presents for the kids aboard the airship?
Then Santa Ferry and Santa (Captain) can walk around surprising them later.
Hehe, it sounds fun, right?

Ferry (SSR)

This takes me back. I haven't celebrated winter festivities in decades...
Oh, I had so much fun then. My father was there, my mother was there... and that little girl too...
Oops, I didn't mean to dampen the mood. But I'm not sad at all.
Reminiscing with you about old times helps me enjoy the holiday.
I'm happy just like I was in my memories. Thank you, (Captain).

Listen, listen, (Captain)! I placed the star way up on top of the tree!
Back when I was celebrating with my family, they wouldn't let me help because I was too young.
I never knew how much fun decorating for the holidays could be!
Tonight's going to be super fun, (Captain)!

So we're having cake tonight...
Oh no, it's nothing. I was just remembering something from the past.
My younger sister and I loved strawberries on our cakes. We'd always fight over who gets what, which drove our parents crazy.
I was supposed to act as an older sister should, they said, and she'd end up winning the strawberries.
That really was such a long time ago. I was so serious about even small things like that back then.
What else will come back to me the next time I bite into a strawberry, I wonder?

(Captain)! Do you have any big wool stockings?
You don't? Hmm... Oh well, that's just how it goes I guess.
Did you forget what day it is? I wanted to hang stockings from the tree.
That's how you get Santa Claus to come visit or so I was told as a kid.
As you can see, I'm not a kid anymore—I'm a ghost. Does Santa even visit ghosts?
But it's still pretty exciting to think he might come, you know?
Oh, here's an idea. Why don't we go out and shop for stockings together?
We can buy some for everyone on the airship and really cover the tree with stockings.
Heehee, I just know it's going to turn out bright and colorful.

(Captain), look at this!
I was walking around town when an elderly lady gave me these lovely cookies! She said it was a present for the holidays.
Meeting her made me think that maybe in another life I could have grown older and become just like her...
But I'll always be stuck in this child-like body.
What I can still do is give out presents though. I think that'd be nice.
Say, what do you think about coming with me to buy some presents for the kids aboard the airship?
Then Santa Ferry and Santa (Captain) can walk around surprising them later.
Hehe, it sounds fun, right?

Ferry (Summer)

This takes me back. I haven't celebrated winter festivities in decades...
Oh, I had so much fun then. My father was there, my mother was there... and that little girl too...
Oops, I didn't mean to dampen the mood. But I'm not sad at all.
Reminiscing with you about old times helps me enjoy the holiday.
I'm happy just like I was in my memories. Thank you, (Captain).

Listen, listen, (Captain)! I placed the star way up on top of the tree!
Back when I was celebrating with my family, they wouldn't let me help because I was too young.
I never knew how much fun decorating for the holidays could be!
Tonight's going to be super fun, (Captain)!

So we're having cake tonight...
Oh no, it's nothing. I was just remembering something from the past.
My younger sister and I loved strawberries on our cakes. We'd always fight over who gets what, which drove our parents crazy.
I was supposed to act as an older sister should, they said, and she'd end up winning the strawberries.
That really was such a long time ago. I was so serious about even small things like that back then.
What else will come back to me the next time I bite into a strawberry, I wonder?

(Captain)! Do you have any big wool stockings?
You don't? Hmm... Oh well, that's just how it goes I guess.
Did you forget what day it is? I wanted to hang stockings from the tree.
That's how you get Santa Claus to come visit or so I was told as a kid.
As you can see, I'm not a kid anymore—I'm a ghost. Does Santa even visit ghosts?
But it's still pretty exciting to think he might come, you know?
Oh, here's an idea. Why don't we go out and shop for stockings together?
We can buy some for everyone on the airship and really cover the tree with stockings.
Heehee, I just know it's going to turn out bright and colorful.

(Captain), look at this!
I was walking around town when an elderly lady gave me these lovely cookies! She said it was a present for the holidays.
Meeting her made me think that maybe in another life I could have grown older and become just like her...
But I'll always be stuck in this child-like body.
What I can still do is give out presents though. I think that'd be nice.
Say, what do you think about coming with me to buy some presents for the kids aboard the airship?
Then Santa Ferry and Santa (Captain) can walk around surprising them later.
Hehe, it sounds fun, right?


Happy holidays! Hey, can you gimme a hand with something?
Santa ain't getting away from me this time!

Santa Claus is really something... Not even Grampy can catch him!
But I'm not gonna give up! Not until I get a chance to ride that sled of his!
You want to ride it too, don't you, (Captain)? I bet flying through the sky on that thing feels awesome.
So will you help me catch Santa? Please? Pretty please?

Guess what I decided!
I'm gonna try not to capture Santa Claus!
Cuz if I catch Santa, then he won't be able to visit all the other girls and boys.
Sigh... I really want to ride in his flying sleigh though...
Yeah, I can fly already using magic. So what? It's totally different! The sleigh's cooler!

I've thought of a way to ride Santa's sleigh!
I just have to help Santa pass out presents!
I bet it's tough for him to pass out all those gifts on his own.
So I'll use my magic to deliver presents from the sleigh!
Like this!
There's no doubt that Santa will let me on this year!
I'd better start writing a letter to him now!

Hey, (Captain), do you think Santa likes chicken?
I was helping out with the preparations for the feast this year...
And it turned out really great, so I want Santa to have some too!
Santa's gotta be hungry from going around to so many places...
Hm? What's that? How it looks is important too?
I see! Leave it to you to think of that! You're right—it'll look much nicer wrapped like a present with a ribbon around it! I'll go look for one!
Once I find a ribbon, let's tie it around the chicken together, (Captain)!


What's... the matter?
Me? I was looking at the snow. What brings you here?
You... came to invite me to a party? Thank you...
But... I think I'll stay here. I'm not sure how to handle...
The warmth of others...
Besides... I'm just happy you came to see me...
You look... cold. Your face is all red.
You should head back inside. Everyone's waiting for you... I'll stay here a bit longer...
Why did you suddenly grab my hand?
You want to take me back inside?
You should let go... My hands are cold.
You don't mind? Why?
It's so strange... Not only does your hand warm me up, but so do your words.
Thank you... And happy holidays, (Captain).

(Captain)? What is it? Are these stockings?
For Santa, right?
Lyria told me. If you hang up big stockings, Santa will fill them with gifts.
But I also heard Santa only gives presents to children on his nice list.
So... I probably won't get one.
Santa's never visited me. I think I'm on his naughty list...
What do you mean, that's not it?
It's because I had no stockings? Maybe... I've never hung them up before.
Okay... I'll try putting them out before bedtime. One for me and one for Inej.
(Captain)? Do you think I've been good this year?
Wait. Don't tell me.
If I've really been good...
I'll bring my present to your room.
If Santa visits... you'll be the first to know.

What're you doing, (Captain)?
Party preparations? And you made these decorations all by yourself?
Beautiful. Like looking at a fresh blanket of snow.
Do I think the crew will like them? I don't know... I'm not too acquainted with parties and the like.
But... I like them.
You're relieved? I'm not sure if I quite understand, but I'm glad.
I was going to give you this during the party, but...
Here. It's a scarf I made together with Inej.
You don't have to give me anything back in return. We made it especially for you.
And I've already received the best present—spending time with you.
Happy holidays, (Captain).

What is it?
You came to see if it's snowing?
It hasn't at all this year, now that you mention it.
Does it make you sad not to have snow on the holy night?
Would it make you happy if it started falling, (Captain)?
Alright then. I'll see what I can do.
Look up, (Captain).
It's a white holy night. That's my present this year.
Did you like it?
Good. That makes me happy.
Happy holidays, (Captain).


Happy holidays, (Captain)! I made a cake—do you wanna have some together?
What're you so surprised for? I eat cake when there's an occasion to celebrate too, you know.
See? Ta-da! A steamed masterpiece using only chicken breast and broccoli... I name it the "muscle cake"!
What? It's no different than what I usually have? Nuh-uh, see here—there's a cherry tomato on top, just like a real cake.
Muscles are a lifetime's work, you know! If I gave in that easily, Rosa would wither in no time!

Fiorito sits in the parlor, her nose in a book. Stacks of the tomes surround her like a colorful, crumbling fortress.
Choose: What's all this?
Oh, (Captain). They're, uh... holiday presents, I guess.
You remember that orphanage we went to? I thought I'd send them some picture books and kinda ended up collecting a library.
Thought I'd read through everything and pick out the best, but... Heh... Before I knew it, I was hooked.
I've always liked books, you know. Would get lost in them immediately.
Guess I got that from my dad.
Fiorito smiles, her eyes distant.
Hey, I've got an idea. It's gonna take me forever to go through these books alone. You mind helping?
(Captain) pulls out a chair besides Fiorito and begins flipping through the illustrated volumes.
Far from the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the two sit cozily together, listening only to the flapping of pages like wings.

Hoo! Hah!
It's the holidays. Fires are roaring, drinks are steaming... and Fiorito is out punching and kicking invisible enemies in the cold.
Choose: What is going on here?
Oh, hey, (Captain). Just trying out my new workout routine in the snow. I call it "Fight the White!"
Every time a flake flutters down, I punch it—bam—and it melts on impact!
See? You can't spot any snowdrifts around me, can ya?
Now, this is what I call winter fun. You're having a blast too, aren't you, Rosa?
Huh? What do you mean all this bod talk's ruining the holiday mood? Muscles are the greatest gift of all!

Yo (Captain)! Happy Bulkydays!
Oh, the outfit? They wanted me to dress up as Muscle Santa for the kids at the orphanage.
Just a little present from me to them, you know! I was putting the kids on my shoulders and spinning them around and stuff.
They had a blast and I got my cardio in, so it was two birds with one stone!
Oh, I've got an idea! How about you ride on my shoulders for a bit too, (Captain)?
Don't worry, I'm ripped enough to handle you! Hop on!

Look at that spread, (Captain)! Turkey, roast pork... That soup on the other side looks amazing too!
Huh? There was a time when I'd only eat chicken breast—even at the winter party.
As important as muscles are, making memories with our friends in the crew is even more important.
That's why I'm gonna enjoy the feast with everyone! Giving my muscles a bit of a breather shouldn't be too much of a setback!
Of course, this is just for the holidays! A special exception!
I think spending time with you has changed me for the better, (Captain).
All right, time to fill our plates! Anything you recommend?

Fiorito (Holiday)

Happy holidays, (Captain)! I made a cake—do you wanna have some together?
What're you so surprised for? I eat cake when there's an occasion to celebrate too, you know.
See? Ta-da! A steamed masterpiece using only chicken breast and broccoli... I name it the "muscle cake"!
What? It's no different than what I usually have? Nuh-uh, see here—there's a cherry tomato on top, just like a real cake.
Muscles are a lifetime's work, you know! If I gave in that easily, Rosa would wither in no time!

Fiorito sits in the parlor, her nose in a book. Stacks of the tomes surround her like a colorful, crumbling fortress.
Choose: What's all this?
Oh, (Captain). They're, uh... holiday presents, I guess.
You remember that orphanage we went to? I thought I'd send them some picture books and kinda ended up collecting a library.
Thought I'd read through everything and pick out the best, but... Heh... Before I knew it, I was hooked.
I've always liked books, you know. Would get lost in them immediately.
Guess I got that from my dad.
Fiorito smiles, her eyes distant.
Hey, I've got an idea. It's gonna take me forever to go through these books alone. You mind helping?
(Captain) pulls out a chair besides Fiorito and begins flipping through the illustrated volumes.
Far from the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the two sit cozily together, listening only to the flapping of pages like wings.

Hoo! Hah!
It's the holidays. Fires are roaring, drinks are steaming... and Fiorito is out punching and kicking invisible enemies in the cold.
Choose: What is going on here?
Oh, hey, (Captain). Just trying out my new workout routine in the snow. I call it "Fight the White!"
Every time a flake flutters down, I punch it—bam—and it melts on impact!
See? You can't spot any snowdrifts around me, can ya?
Now, this is what I call winter fun. You're having a blast too, aren't you, Rosa?
Huh? What do you mean all this bod talk's ruining the holiday mood? Muscles are the greatest gift of all!

Yo (Captain)! Happy Bulkydays!
Oh, the outfit? They wanted me to dress up as Muscle Santa for the kids at the orphanage.
Just a little present from me to them, you know! I was putting the kids on my shoulders and spinning them around and stuff.
They had a blast and I got my cardio in, so it was two birds with one stone!
Oh, I've got an idea! How about you ride on my shoulders for a bit too, (Captain)?
Don't worry, I'm ripped enough to handle you! Hop on!

Look at that spread, (Captain)! Turkey, roast pork... That soup on the other side looks amazing too!
Huh? There was a time when I'd only eat chicken breast—even at the winter party.
As important as muscles are, making memories with our friends in the crew is even more important.
That's why I'm gonna enjoy the feast with everyone! Giving my muscles a bit of a breather shouldn't be too much of a setback!
Of course, this is just for the holidays! A special exception!
I think spending time with you has changed me for the better, (Captain).
All right, time to fill our plates! Anything you recommend?


Season's greetings!
That reminds me... This is the time of year for exchanging presents, right?
I'm sorry, but I don't know much about giving gifts...
I know! I'll tell you all about the mountains instead!
Whether it's about the animals or the plant life, just ask me anything!

Huh? I look sleepy? Well, yeah... You got me.
Last year was so much fun... And I was so looking forward to the party this year that I couldn't sleep.
After all, I love celebrating with you, (Captain)!
But don't worry! I got you a great gift this year!
All right, (Captain)! I'll see you later at the party!

Say, (Captain)! I heard that tonight is supposed to be the most stunning night of the year. Is that true?
Huh? Not the most stunning but the stillest? Stillest... The stillest night... What's that mean exactly?
Ohhh, I see... Because the children go to sleep, so the world grows quiet and mystical? In an innocent way?
Hm... I think I know what you're saying.
When I was a kid, my mom and pop would tell me stories about the mountain goddess that sounded a lot like that.
I didn't really believe them at first, but when I finally met the goddess while standing on the mountain...
Heh-heh! I'll tell you all about it later on tonight!
Hey, that's a promise, (Captain)! So don't you go to bed yet!

(Captain), I have something I wanna ask you about.
You know the man who's supposed to come at night... Santa?
Is he really a he? Or a woman?
A man? Okay...
It's nothing... I was just worried because I heard that Santa delivers presents...
If Santa were a woman...
I'd be afraid to incur the jealousy of the goddess...
But if he's a man, then that's not a problem!
Phew... I'm so relieved. Now I'll sleep like a baby.

Hey, (Captain)! I've got something to show you! So I made a wreath, using acorns and pinecones...
Course, Camaro helped me gather all the stuff. I just thought we could try decorating our tree with a wreath—might look pretty neat.
What do you think? Ehehe. Glad you approve.
And after the holidays are over, we could give this wreath to some squirrels. As a present.
I mean, who says the spirit of giving has to end with the holidays?
Hey, I'd be really happy if you came along when I go visit the squirrels.


Good evening, (Captain). It's a beautiful night for celebrations, isn't it?
The sight of holiday trees has brought back memories. Once upon a time, I used to decorate them with Gawain and our parents.
Gawain would ride on our father's shoulders to place the star at the very top, while I would create magical ornaments out of snow alongside my mother.
I can still recall every moment clearly—fond memories I hold dear to my heart.
Oh? You'd like me to decorate the ship?
Why, I would love to assist.
After all, this holy night aboard your ship shall surely become another fond memory to treasure.

Thank you for inviting me, (Captain). It looks like everyone is having a wonderful time making preparations for the holy night.
I've brought a fruit cake for the winter celebration tonight. I hope everyone can try some.
This cake was a specialty of my mother's. It was our family tradition to gather around to eat this cake every year on the holy night.
That's why I thought to bring this here tonight, to where Gawain now belongs.
Oh, do you want to try making this fruit cake too?
I'd be happy to teach you how to make it. Let's head to the kitchen, shall we?

Welcome back, (Captain). I understand you were out for a job—were you able to complete it without any trouble?
Very good. I'm glad to hear it went smoothly. Now you can relax for the rest of the evening.
Hm? Me? Actually, I arrived quite early so I was helping everyone in the crew with decorating the room for tonight's celebration.
They were quite happy when I used my magic to move the paper dolls the children made.
You'd... like to see the moving paper dolls as well? Hm, the thing is...
The children said they wanted to dance with the dolls at the party tonight, so they took all of the dolls away to prepare.
I'm sure you will be able to see them later on in the evening. I myself am looking forward to it very much.

Happy Holidays, (Captain).
Here you are. I made a magic paper doll for you, (Captain).
Last year, I happened to notice you staring at them quite intensely.
I thought that maybe you wanted one for yourself, so I prepared one for you.
It's enchanted to dance to any song you sing to it.
I'd recommend finding an opportunity to sing to it together with Lyria and Vyrn at some point.
Hehe, I'm glad to see that you like it.
Just getting to see you smile like that seems like a present all by itself.

Season's greetings! I'm happy to be attending the holiday party once again this year.
Speaking of which—I have some delightful news to share, (Captain).
The children have been taking great care of the magic paper dolls I gave them last year.
Over the past twelve months, the dolls have learned a variety of songs and now dance beautifully.
The children thanked me for the lovely gifts... but in truth, I should be the one thanking them.
It brings me immense joy to know that my magic is helping to make this season all the more special for the crew.
Oh my! You helped train my dolls as well?
Hehehe, thank you so much. You've given me yet another reason to look forward to tonight.
I'm sure the celebration will be utterly spectacular. So let's make our way to the venue!

Florence (Dark)

Good evening, (Captain). It's a beautiful night for celebrations, isn't it?
The sight of holiday trees has brought back memories. Once upon a time, I used to decorate them with Gawain and our parents.
Gawain would ride on our father's shoulders to place the star at the very top, while I would create magical ornaments out of snow alongside my mother.
I can still recall every moment clearly—fond memories I hold dear to my heart.
Oh? You'd like me to decorate the ship?
Why, I would love to assist.
After all, this holy night aboard your ship shall surely become another fond memory to treasure.

Thank you for inviting me, (Captain). It looks like everyone is having a wonderful time making preparations for the holy night.
I've brought a fruit cake for the winter celebration tonight. I hope everyone can try some.
This cake was a specialty of my mother's. It was our family tradition to gather around to eat this cake every year on the holy night.
That's why I thought to bring this here tonight, to where Gawain now belongs.
Oh, do you want to try making this fruit cake too?
I'd be happy to teach you how to make it. Let's head to the kitchen, shall we?

Welcome back, (Captain). I understand you were out for a job—were you able to complete it without any trouble?
Very good. I'm glad to hear it went smoothly. Now you can relax for the rest of the evening.
Hm? Me? Actually, I arrived quite early so I was helping everyone in the crew with decorating the room for tonight's celebration.
They were quite happy when I used my magic to move the paper dolls the children made.
You'd... like to see the moving paper dolls as well? Hm, the thing is...
The children said they wanted to dance with the dolls at the party tonight, so they took all of the dolls away to prepare.
I'm sure you will be able to see them later on in the evening. I myself am looking forward to it very much.

Happy Holidays, (Captain).
Here you are. I made a magic paper doll for you, (Captain).
Last year, I happened to notice you staring at them quite intensely.
I thought that maybe you wanted one for yourself, so I prepared one for you.
It's enchanted to dance to any song you sing to it.
I'd recommend finding an opportunity to sing to it together with Lyria and Vyrn at some point.
Hehe, I'm glad to see that you like it.
Just getting to see you smile like that seems like a present all by itself.

Season's greetings! I'm happy to be attending the holiday party once again this year.
Speaking of which—I have some delightful news to share, (Captain).
The children have been taking great care of the magic paper dolls I gave them last year.
Over the past twelve months, the dolls have learned a variety of songs and now dance beautifully.
The children thanked me for the lovely gifts... but in truth, I should be the one thanking them.
It brings me immense joy to know that my magic is helping to make this season all the more special for the crew.
Oh my! You helped train my dolls as well?
Hehehe, thank you so much. You've given me yet another reason to look forward to tonight.
I'm sure the celebration will be utterly spectacular. So let's make our way to the venue!

Florence (Halloween)

Good evening, (Captain). It's a beautiful night for celebrations, isn't it?
The sight of holiday trees has brought back memories. Once upon a time, I used to decorate them with Gawain and our parents.
Gawain would ride on our father's shoulders to place the star at the very top, while I would create magical ornaments out of snow alongside my mother.
I can still recall every moment clearly—fond memories I hold dear to my heart.
Oh? You'd like me to decorate the ship?
Why, I would love to assist.
After all, this holy night aboard your ship shall surely become another fond memory to treasure.

Thank you for inviting me, (Captain). It looks like everyone is having a wonderful time making preparations for the holy night.
I've brought a fruit cake for the winter celebration tonight. I hope everyone can try some.
This cake was a specialty of my mother's. It was our family tradition to gather around to eat this cake every year on the holy night.
That's why I thought to bring this here tonight, to where Gawain now belongs.
Oh, do you want to try making this fruit cake too?
I'd be happy to teach you how to make it. Let's head to the kitchen, shall we?

Welcome back, (Captain). I understand you were out for a job—were you able to complete it without any trouble?
Very good. I'm glad to hear it went smoothly. Now you can relax for the rest of the evening.
Hm? Me? Actually, I arrived quite early so I was helping everyone in the crew with decorating the room for tonight's celebration.
They were quite happy when I used my magic to move the paper dolls the children made.
You'd... like to see the moving paper dolls as well? Hm, the thing is...
The children said they wanted to dance with the dolls at the party tonight, so they took all of the dolls away to prepare.
I'm sure you will be able to see them later on in the evening. I myself am looking forward to it very much.

Happy Holidays, (Captain).
Here you are. I made a magic paper doll for you, (Captain).
Last year, I happened to notice you staring at them quite intensely.
I thought that maybe you wanted one for yourself, so I prepared one for you.
It's enchanted to dance to any song you sing to it.
I'd recommend finding an opportunity to sing to it together with Lyria and Vyrn at some point.
Hehe, I'm glad to see that you like it.
Just getting to see you smile like that seems like a present all by itself.

Season's greetings! I'm happy to be attending the holiday party once again this year.
Speaking of which—I have some delightful news to share, (Captain).
The children have been taking great care of the magic paper dolls I gave them last year.
Over the past twelve months, the dolls have learned a variety of songs and now dance beautifully.
The children thanked me for the lovely gifts... but in truth, I should be the one thanking them.
It brings me immense joy to know that my magic is helping to make this season all the more special for the crew.
Oh my! You helped train my dolls as well?
Hehehe, thank you so much. You've given me yet another reason to look forward to tonight.
I'm sure the celebration will be utterly spectacular. So let's make our way to the venue!


I've been having this strange sensation in my chest today. I just can't figure it out.
I thought that it would get better with you by my side, but just the opposite happened. It got worse.
I hate to do this since you're still so green...
But we must cross blades! Ready your weapons, (Captain)!

The night of presents... They say if you've behaved yourself throughout the year, you'll receive a present.
Humph... How naive... How ridiculous... Utterly ridiculous...
(Captain)... Take this.
Do not misinterpret my intent. I didn't give this to you because you were a good child this year.
I'm making an investment. I am sharing a gift that will lead to your growth. Nothing more...
What are you smirking at... Ugh! Now you've done it! Ready your weapon!

(Captain), I have a gift for you.
Humph... But this year I don't intend to hand it over without a fight.
You must first defeat me in battle! What do you say!
W-what! You don't need the gift if it means having to trade blows?
B-but wait! I've been preparing for this day for quite a while—and I mean to give you the gift either way—but, no...
I understand. My heart would hardly be in any battle against you on this holiday night.
Yes, all right... I'll just give you the present.
Now then, enough of your smirking! We'll spar just as soon as the holiday is through!

I see you've returned, (Captain). Where did you go?
Oh, you went out to buy supplies for the feast tonight? Isn't the town a bit far from here? You should have asked to ride one of my dragons there.
Hmm. Well, I suppose that served as decent training for your leg muscles, but...
Come here. I'll show you to the cave where my dragons rest.
It's cold tonight, and you could use some of their body warmth.
You don't want to miss the celebration tonight because you catch a cold. Keeping your body healthy is part of training too!

I found you, (Captain). I am here to invite you to this year's holiday training fest.
What kind of training will take place? Well, we'll be distributing presents to good boys and girls.
The gifts must be delivered with speed and accuracy by the time the sun comes up.
Yes, being quick and showing good judgment is of utmost importance.
And for those reasons I have listed, you are the only one I can ask to participate in this training, (Captain).
If the presents aren't delivered on time, there will be disappointed children in the morning, and we cannot have that.
You don't mind helping, but you wish to know why we are doing it this way?
Why, it's all for the children—wait, it's a secret! Since you have already pledged your assistance, I expect you to put your all into this endeavor!


(Captain), happy holidays!
What are you planning to do for the holy night?
Me? Well, I'm going into town while it's still festive.
Huh? You'll go with me?
Heh heh, the truth is that I'd feel lonely if I were by myself.
So that would make me incredibly happy.
Ah! This is just like a date!
A date with (Captain) on the holy night... Let's have all the fun we can!

Hi, (Captain)! Thanks for coming to see me even though its freezing outside. It's been less than five minutes since I gave you the message!
I never would've thought you'd answer my invite, to be honest.
Last year's winter date felt more like a spur of the moment type of thing.
If you're going to invite someone out, you need to do it with intention.
That doesn't mean I didn't have fun with you last time, (Captain), because I definitely did.
Teehee, we're going to have so much more fun tonight compared to last year though.
Let's go, let's go! I've got a lot of things to show you this time around!

Sorry, (Captain), did I keep you waiting long?
You say you just got here... But your ears are bright red from the cold.
Maybe we should've planned to meet earlier.
Your hands are freezing too. Let's go get you something hot to eat.
I picked out the perfect restaurant for today! I think you'll like it.
Their lunch was amazing, so I'm pretty sure we can expect a lot from their holiday dinner.
You want to try the lunch too? All right. If you end up liking dinner, we'll come back sometime for lunch.

Oh, (Captain)! Over here!
Jeez, you sure took your sweet time getting here!
Heh heh, I'm kidding. I only just got here myself.
We've still got some time to kill before our reservation. Should we head over now or...
Wait, you're dressed pretty light for the chilly weather. Aren't you cold?
You were worried about being late so you rushed out in a panic?
Better to be late than catch a cold, you know. Besides, I wouldn't have minded waiting a bit.
Here, I brought a scarf with me just in case. It's pretty long.
Want to share it? You take that end and wrap it around your neck.
I'll take this one. We're going to be squished together, but I don't mind. You don't either, right?

(Captain) and Fraux are out shopping for the holidays.
Okay, now we have the strawberry cake. That should be everything.
But since we're already out here, why don't we look around a bit more before heading back?
The illuminations on the holiday trees and ornaments help to give off a festive mood.
It's so pretty and shiny everywhere we look!
I couldn't have imagined spending the holidays like this a few years back.
I'm blessed to be able to enjoy this beautiful scenery with you, (Captain).
I have so much to be grateful for. Thanks a million, (Captain).
Well, should we be heading back now? The holiday dinner should be ready soon!


Tomoi: It's the holidays, huh? Oh, Freezie...
Freesia: There are couples everywhere. How can they shamelessly walk around holding hands like that?
Tomoi: Well, whaddya say we give it a try?
Freesia: Th-that would be too embarrassing. I'd rather die.
Tomoi: Your ear's droopin', Freezie. You're not being honest, are you?
Freesia: ...!
Th-that's not what it is! I'm just shivering from the cold!
Tomoi: Then I'll give you a hug to warm you up!
Freesia: Eek!
Tomoi: There. All warm and toasty, right?
Freesia: F-fool! This is even more embarrassing! Everyone's looking at us...
Tomoi: Forget about them. Just look at me.
Freesia: Tomoi...

Tomoi: Another holly, jolly holiday, huh... If only Freezie were here. Man, wonder how that'd go...
Freesia: What a beautiful tree.
Tomoi: Hits me right in the feels. Those lights are, like, literally lit!
Freesia: ...
Freesia quietly closes her eyes and clasps her hands in front of her chest.
Tomoi: Huh? You offerin' Big Greenie a prayer or somethin'?
Freesia: Yes. I pray that I can always be with you.
Tomoi: Haha! Why even bother prayin' for that?
I'm never gonna leave your side anyway! The only thing that can stop me is death itself!
Freesia: Fool. Even in death, we'll still be together, right?
Tomoi: Freezie...

Tomoi: The holy night, huh... Man, love is tough, I tell ya.
It's the holy night, Freezie! Wanna hold hands like the lovey-dovey couple that we are?
Freesia: Hmph.
Tomoi: Whaaa! Come on, babe, don't leave me out here in the cold!
Freesia: The holy night's a special night... where the snow falls like a blessing on sweet lovers.
If things get too hot between us, the snow might start melting. Other people wouldn't be able to enjoy their special night, would they?
Tomoi: Freezie... Are you the sweetest goddess out there or what?
Here's an idea. How 'bout we jump on a jet ship and make a getaway to another island? It'll just be the two of us, and we won't be causin' trouble for anyone.
I mean, I don't care 'bout the snow or lights. All I need is you, Freezie baby.
Freesia: Oh, Tomoi... You know I'll follow you wherever you go.
And so Tomoi and Freesia set out into the unknown skies, with only each other.
Though none have yet to catch sight of the couple, rumors say they lived a modest but happy life together, forever and ever.

Tomoi: People are s'posed to be merry today... Love is hard, man...
Freesia: Sorry for asking you to meet me out here all of a sudden, Tomoi.
Tomoi: Aw, it's all good, honeybunch. I'd fly to the moon if you told me to. So what's up?
Freesia: I've been thinking... Maybe we really should break up.
Tomoi: Wh-what are you talkin' about, Freezie! C'mon, Halloween's over, ya'know?
Wait, is this an out-of-season April Fools' joke?
Freesia: No, I'm being serious. This isn't a joke.
Tomoi: ...
Freesia: Please don't ask me why. Just... take care of yourself, Tomoi.
Tomoi: Freezie, don't go... Freezieee!
Amid the silent downpour of snow, Tomoi watches in shock as his beloved walks out of his life.
Standing alone in the field, the man is adrift in a sea of white. How will the new year greet him?

Tomoi: It's a cold one tonight. The only cure for the chills is the roaring fire of love.
Freezie and Tomoi are out for a walk. The shock of her breaking up with him caused him to lose his memory.
Hey, Freesia? May I hold your hand?
Freesia: Huh? Why, of course.
Tomoi: Thanks. It's so warm.
It's strange. When I'm holding your hand like this, it almost feels like I'm on the verge of remembering something.
This warmth is so familiar.
Freesia: Tomoi...
The reason why my hand feels warm is because you taught me how to love.
You're not alone, Tomoi. It's my time to support you the way you've supported me.
Tomoi: Freesia... Thank you.
Thanks to the power of their eternal love, Tomoi's memories are slowly returning. Perhaps the new year will bring more developments.


Ah, it's you. A rare occasion for us to meet in a place like this.
The wind is calm tonight. The smell of smoke and the sound of clashing metal have been drowned out by the snow.
This night is called the holy night, is it not? Since long ago, the holy night has always been blessed with a peaceful breeze that brings warmth to the skies.
It is like a spring breeze, blowing from the future I dream of.
Ah. Snowfall has begun once more.
You should go. There are those who await your return, are there not?
You, too, are one who suffers much strife. But I pray that you may forget battle and find rest, if only for tonight.
I wish you a joyous holy night.

Oh? What a strange coincidence for us to meet here again on the holy night.
So what brings you alone to such a remote place? Is this not a special evening?
You wish to know why I am here? I cannot say that I approve of answering a question with a question.
There is no particular reason. If I had to say... it is because this place is full of silence.
This night brings with it a great clamor. Much of it is positive, filled with joy and happiness. And yet...
Even if it is but a moment of peace, that jubilant radiance is far too dazzling for me.
Now then, I have given you my reason. Why have you come here?
For a similar reason?
I see... So there are days when you need to escape from the hustle and bustle as well.
Then it must be some kind of fate that we have met here. Let us surrender ourselves to the silence until we are both satisfied.

Good evening. I expected that I would find you here.
Hmm, it appears my intuition has taken you by surprise.
You are surprisingly easy to decipher, in fact. Though you may be able to maintain a convincing front, you cannot fool the winds that surround you.
I presume that your exhausted spirit could not bear the hustle and bustle of the festivities, and you chose to flee.
No, I am not passing any judgment upon you.
I understand the desire to seek out silence, even on the holy night.
Now then, I would not want to tire you out any further with needless conversation.
I shall be on my way. It must be difficult to truly unwind in the presence of another.
You would rather me stay here for a moment longer?
I see. Very well.
But do not expect comfort from me. All I can do is remain by your side, like the gentle winds that blow here.
If that is acceptable to you, then I am willing to grant your wish out of consideration for the beauty of the skies tonight.

Friday (Summer)

Friday: Oh hello, (Captain)! Hey, would you take a look at this?
I'm writing Santa Claus a letter to let him know all about the wonders of Premium Friday!
He brings such joy to the skies. We should really give some back, don't you think?
And if Santa starts celebrating Premium Friday, I'm sure every kid on his list, and their parents, will get onboard!
Ahh, this'll spread the message for sure! I'm so excited!
All right, I'm off to deliver this letter!
FRIED SHRIMP: Fry-fryyy!

This may be a bit sudden, (Captain), but do you think I could borrow the ship deck tonight?
Actually, I wanted to pass a letter to Santa last year to inform him of the benefits of Premium Friday...
But I just couldn't find him no matter where I flew with my FRIED SHRIMP. My plan ended up being a failure...
That's why, this year, I'm thinking of where he might appear ahead of time and making plans to ambush him there!
Yes. Like this very ship! Since there are so many children in your crew, Santa has to come!
You're asking if I'll be cold waiting out here? Oh dear, are you worried about me?
I'll be fine. I have my piping hot FRIED SHRIMP with me, straight out of the fryer. I don't feel cold at all!
Well then, I'll be starting my preparations, so don't mind me. Have a wonderful holy night, (Captain)!

Hey, (Captain), you showed up at a fantastic time!
This town is having a special offer right now! Every guest who stays at a participating inn gets a coupon for a free meal!
See, tourism's slowed to a trickle recently thanks to monsters throwing a tantrum.
Now, you know I frown on overtime, but a society that's willing to work but can't is just plain wrong! So I'm here to fix that!
Come on, (Captain)! It's the holidays! Invite a special someone over, and have a grand old time!
Mm-hm! All the promotion details are laid out in this handy little pamphlet! I promise you're going to wanna give it a gander!

Ah, I see you've zeroed in on the razzling, bedazzling lights that ornament FRIED SHRIMP.
A village chief asked me to add those bells and whistles as part of their village's revitalization project!
The shrimpers love their work, but the village has little else to attract tourists. That kept the chief up at night.
So to spice up the place, I'm doing flybys from time to time to rain down cheerful messages.
Who can resist the enchanting costume and charming tail? No one, that's who!
Well, well! The sight of a crispy, flashing FRIED SHRIMP is bound to make anyone hungry.
Might I recommend this special edition winter holiday shrimp box to appease your growling tummy? Every morsel was caught by the shrimpers here, of course!
It also includes shrimp doria and shrimp cocktail.
Why not buy a bunch for the entire crew!

(Captain) takes a stroll around town, delighting in the holiday spirit.
Ah, (Captain)! Talk about good timing!
Friday appears to be playing the role of a struggling shopkeeper.
The patissier here was so overworked that she fell ill.
I'm helping out while she recovers, but sales aren't going too well...
Choose: What's with that cake?
I'm glad you asked! I call it the fried prawn tower cake!
This miraculous fusion of fresh cream and fried prawn is my finest creation as an amateur baker!
I was told I could sell anything I see fit to, and so this is the one item I'm using to draw in more customers.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be doing too well... I wonder why?
The fried prawns towering over the layer of cream imbue the cake with an imposing aura.
(Captain) wonders if it is truly possible to get this profoundly curious product to fly off the shelves.


(Captain) and Gabriel wander the shopping arcade in search of things they might need for the holiday party, when they happen upon a tree in trouble.
My, take a look at that, (Captain). You see the very top of that enormous tree?
The star topper looks like it's seconds from falling. That's not cute at all. Not to mention it could be a potential hazard.
Hmm... The townsfolk seem to be lost in the holiday spirit. I'm sure they won't notice me spreading my wings for just a moment.
Phew... There, I fixed it! Now we can breathe easy!
The next day, the shopping arcade is packed with visitors hoping to admire the tree rumored to have been "touched by a goddess."

Happy holidays! Thank you for inviting me to the party today.
I was just painting the crew. Everyone was having so much fun eating cake and chatting that I couldn't help but pick up my brush.
Mortals engage in the most delightful activities. It's truly inspiring!
Oh? Why are you holding my hand?
Choose: Come join us.
Hehe, that's right. I'm part of this too, aren't I?
In that case, would you mind accompanying me? That cake has been calling my name.


Sorry I'm missin' the white hair.
But a red-haired Santa's just as good, right?

Bahahaha! Season's greetings, (Captain)!
Ye've been a good we'an this bygone year, so Galadar Santa here's gotten ye a gift!
Och, sae ye don't like bein' spoken to like a child?
Gahahaha! If ye ask me, ye're still just a fledgling!
But enough blatherin'! Here, have a taste of mah special steel candy canes!

Dahahaha! Pardon my steely stench, but Galadar Santa's here again!
Anyhoo, have ye been a good kid this year, (Captain)?
Oho, so ye have, eh? This calls fer a present from Galadar Santa!
What's that? Ye bet it's just a lump of cold steel?
Dahahaha! Right on! Nothin' but steel here!
But ye've got another thing comin' if ye think that's all I've got!
This is forged from the finest steel ye can find in my hearth.
With layers upon layers of steel coating serried upon it.
Dahahaha... A steel cake made by one of the steeliest men on this side of the skies!
No need to say another word! Go on and feast on my specially steely mille-feuille!

Dahahaha! Galadar Santa returns at last, tae answer the prayers of all the wee lads an' lasses!
I trust ye've been a good we'an this year as well, Cap'n?
Ohh! That's what I like to hear! Well then, ye've earned yer present!
What's that? You wannae know what manner of iron I have for ye this year?
Why... I do believe ye've come to look forward to my gifts!
Dahaha! Ye gladden me heart! An' I'll nae disappoint ye!
I tempered this especially for ye, (Captain)!
A dessert that one an' all can enjoy on this holiest of nights...
Galadar's Special Steely Puddin'!

Huh. Guess that's how it is.
Oh, (Captain)! Havin' a merry festival, I hope!
I plan on bein' Galadar Santa again this year, so I've made a grand present for all the we'uns on the ship!
It's a mammoth tree, forged tip to stump from the finest iron! Makes for a pretty solid holiday, eh?
What do ye think? The sparkle is perfect for the season, eh?
Normally people decorate the tree to add a little pizzazz, but when the tree itself is the star, well there's no beatin' that.
Everybody aboard the ship is gonna feel the holiday spirit when they get a load of this thing! Dahaha!

Galadar (SR)

Sorry I'm missin' the white hair.
But a red-haired Santa is just as good, right?

Bahahaha! Season's greetings, (Captain)!
Ye've been a good we'an this bygone year, so Galadar Santa here's gotten ye a gift!
Och, sae ye don't like bein' spoken to like a child?
Gahahaha! If ye ask me, ye're still just a fledgling!
But enough blatherin'! Here, have a taste of mah special steel candy canes!

Dahahaha! Pardon my steely stench, but Galadar Santa's here again!
Anyhoo, have ye been a good kid this year, (Captain)?
Oho, so ye have, eh? This calls fer a present from Galadar Santa!
What's that? Ye bet it's just a lump of cold steel?
Dahahaha! Right on! Nothin' but steel here!
But ye've got another thing comin' if ye think that's all I've got!
This is forged from the finest steel ye can find in my hearth.
With layers upon layers of steel coating serried upon it.
Dahahaha... A steel cake made by one of the steeliest men on this side of the skies!
No need to say another word! Go on and feast on my specially steely mille-feuille!

Dahahaha! Galadar Santa returns at last, tae answer the prayers of all the wee lads an' lasses!
I trust ye've been a good we'an this year as well, Cap'n?
Ohh! That's what I like to hear! Well then, ye've earned yer present!
What's that? You wannae know what manner of iron I have for ye this year?
Why... I do believe ye've come to look forward to my gifts!
Dahaha! Ye gladden me heart! An' I'll nae disappoint ye!
I tempered this especially for ye, (Captain)!
A dessert that one an' all can enjoy on this holiest of nights...
Galadar's Special Steely Puddin'!

Huh. Guess that's how it is.
Oh, (Captain)! Havin' a merry festival, I hope!
I plan on bein' Galadar Santa again this year, so I've made a grand present for all the we'uns on the ship!
It's a mammoth tree, forged tip to stump from the finest iron! Makes for a pretty solid holiday, eh?
What do ye think? The sparkle is perfect for the season, eh?
Normally people decorate the tree to add a little pizzazz, but when the tree itself is the star, well there's no beatin' that.
Everybody aboard the ship is gonna feel the holiday spirit when they get a load of this thing! Dahaha!


(A being known as Santa Claus is said to offer gifts to children on this day.)
(A wonderful tradition it may be, but why does he offer gifts only to mortal children?)
(Every life-form struggles to survive in this distorted world.)
(Thus they are all equally deserving.)
(Yet Santa Claus grants compensation only to the most frail.)
(Perhaps it is a sign of how far away things have veered off from the original state that was meant to be.)
(I apologize on behalf of all wedges for lacking the power to fully preserve the world's shape.)
(But at the very least, Singularity, I can offer my blessings to you and those around you.)

(The spirit in which holiday gifts are given warms my heart.)
(I would very much like to gift all of mankind a present of my own.)
(But I am afraid my nescience precludes me from preparing a proper offering.)
(I still have much to learn about the mortal existence.)
(An unsuitable gift may very well cause dismay rather than delight.)
(Though it is not just my ignorance... I simply do not have the power to perform this deed.)
(In my current state, I cannot hope to protect the sky and all who live in it from those who would see it harm.)
(Annihilating the Otherworlders would have made a most excellent gift.)
(Recognizing my own deficiencies has left me feeling quite ashamed...)
(For this holiday season, the best I can do is bestow blessings unto you and all who are near...)

(So decorating a tree is a mainstay of the holiday season's festivities?)
(It is strange that a star is placed at the tip, given the symbol's association with the Astrals.)
(Nevertheless, it adds a nice touch. The composition is pleasing to gaze upon.)
(Yet... This is the only tree on the ship's deck.)
(I am willing to fetch more, if you wish.)
(It stands to reason that they would further enliven the mood.)
(Ah... Excellent point. I did not consider the ship's weight limitations.)
(I had thought the trees the perfect holiday gift...)
(Still, allow me to help you hang the decorations. It is the least I can do.)

Galleon (Summer)

(A being known as Santa Claus is said to offer gifts to children on this day.)
(A wonderful tradition it may be, but why does he offer gifts only to mortal children?)
(Every life-form struggles to survive in this distorted world.)
(Thus they are all equally deserving.)
(Yet Santa Claus grants compensation only to the most frail.)
(Perhaps it is a sign of how far away things have veered off from the original state that was meant to be.)
(I apologize on behalf of all wedges for lacking the power to fully preserve the world's shape.)
(But at the very least, Singularity, I can offer my blessings to you and those around you.)

(The spirit in which holiday gifts are given warms my heart.)
(I would very much like to gift all of mankind a present of my own.)
(But I am afraid my nescience precludes me from preparing a proper offering.)
(I still have much to learn about the mortal existence.)
(An unsuitable gift may very well cause dismay rather than delight.)
(Though it is not just my ignorance... I simply do not have the power to perform this deed.)
(In my current state, I cannot hope to protect the sky and all who live in it from those who would see it harm.)
(Annihilating the Otherworlders would have made a most excellent gift.)
(Recognizing my own deficiencies has left me feeling quite ashamed...)
(For this holiday season, the best I can do is bestow blessings unto you and all who are near...)

(So decorating a tree is a mainstay of the holiday season's festivities?)
(It is strange that a star is placed at the tip, given the symbol's association with the Astrals.)
(Nevertheless, it adds a nice touch. The composition is pleasing to gaze upon.)
(Yet... This is the only tree on the ship's deck.)
(I am willing to fetch more, if you wish.)
(It stands to reason that they would further enliven the mood.)
(Ah... Excellent point. I did not consider the ship's weight limitations.)
(I had thought the trees the perfect holiday gift...)
(Still, allow me to help you hang the decorations. It is the least I can do.)


Happy holidays.
I hear this Santa character delivers presents today.
If I can track him down, I wonder if I could make off with all his loot...

Is it that time of the year again?
It's easy to get carried away when you're feeling festive. You'd best be careful.
At the same time, we should be thankful for the opportunity to just kick back and relax.

Happy holidays, eh?
Wrong. I'm not celebrating anything here.
I was just taken aback by what a frivolous greeting that is.
Not that I'd go up in arms about it. You enjoy the holidays as you like, (Captain).

'Tis the season.
Everyone's at home cutting cake and celebrating the holiday with neighbors, not a concern in the world.
Back when I was a bandit, I never thought that I'd be spending the winter like this.
You say I seem giddy? Heh-heh, come on...
I was simply stating a fact. I suppose it might a bit touching though...

Humph... Looks like there's gonna be a holiday tree out in town this year too.
I just don't get how people can set up something so posh in front of everyone.
It's almost like asking all the thieves out there to come and rob you. Am I wrong?
Yet something about it is so heartwarming. Simply glancing at it brings a sense of joy somehow.
Er, don't mind me... I'm just mumbling to myself.


Humph... Everyone is getting so excited... I don't get this Christmas thing.
What? I was invited to the celebration? Humph! I guess I don't have much of a choice but to go along. But only for today!

You, (Captain). Is there anything you want?
Hey, don't get the wrong idea now! I'm just doing my part for the holiday season!
Hurry up already! We're going shopping in town!

You want a present? Have you forgotten already that I got you something last year?
It's your turn to fork over something this year. Need I remind you that we are of equal standing?
All right, it's time. You're coming with me. Huh? You think I'm pining for some alone time with you?
Oh, shut your pie hole! I'm just here to waste your time! And you're gonna eat it all up!

Humph... Why the hell is it snowing?
Is this what you wanted? A world of white?
It doesn't exactly set the mood, but it's not bad.

Hey, (Captain). I'm not made of time, you know. What did you call me out here fo—
Why you! You have some nerve!
Here I graciously answered your summons, thinking it was an invitation to a holiday feast, and you cravenly ambush me with snowballs.
So you wish for a duel fought with snow.
Of course, you realize this means war.
Prepare yourself, (Captain)! I will never surrender, and you shall receive no quarter!

Gawain (Light)

You told Florence to come to this year's winter party?
I see... Let's quickly finish putting up the decorations then. Leave the higher spots to me.
What? No, I am not getting into the spirit just because Florence is coming!
It's simple. If Florence thinks I'm not acclimating to the crew, she's going to get on my case.
You know how incessant her meddling can be. So to allay her fears, I'm going to help to the best of my ability.
Look, if you understand what I'm saying, then give me a hand already, (Captain)!

I've put the dishes on the dining table. Speak up now if there's anything else you need help with.
Huh? Is that dry fruit cake you're making?
It brings back memories... My mother used to make that for the holidays when she was still alive.
The scent of all those fruits at once really gets me primed for a holiday feast.
How I miss those family gatherings we used to have...
Ah, what am I being so sentimental for! I'm happy with my life in the crew right now!
So stop it with that sullen face! Let's not spoil the night's festive mood.
As I said... I'm happy with life in the crew right now. That's why I'm content helping you like this.
So give me your next orders already, before I start feeling sullen myself.

You're going on a mission now? Shouldn't you be resting during the holiday season?
You can't resist helping those in need? Some things never change, do they?
Remember, if you miss tonight's party, you'll have a ship full of disappointed crew members.
Even knowing that, you'll still go... Hmph. Fair enough.
Then I'll accompany you. We'll finish the mission faster that way.
Pft, well if you didn't want to inconvenience me, you shouldn't have taken a mission during our time off!
It's going to get cold later, so let's bundle up and then head out.

Alright, I finished decorating my tree, (Captain).
What are you doing? You're obviously not tall enough to decorate up there.
Just let me do it. What? You want to do it yourself?
Alright, fine. It would be faster for me to do it, but get on my shoulders.
Okay, holding on tight? I'm standing up.
Maybe a bit to the left? There, that looks good. I'm bringing you down.
Next time you need help, just ask, for goodness sake.
I'm not saying that for your sake! If you get hurt, the whole crew will be sick with worry!

(Captain)? What are you doing here? Isn't the party still going on?
Huh. So you saw me leaving... and followed after.
You don't need to worry about me. I'm just not used to lively events like this. I'll be back once I take a breather.
You're willing to stay by my side even if I don't return? Don't be ridiculous...
It won't be much of a celebration if you're not present.
Come on, let's go back. May as well make the most of this holy night while we can.
And I won't take no for an answer! You'll be keeping me company, (Captain)!


Happy holidays!
What, (Captain)? Do I look like I'm having a good time?
Hehe. Yes, I'm enjoying myself.
After all, on this airship, there is always fun to be found!
Allow me to add my sword dance to the entertainment list!

Happy holidays!
(Captain)... I have something to ask...
There's a special holiday performance tonight with one of my favorite dance troupes. Won't you come with me?
Don't worry, we should be able to make it back to the ship in time for the party.
Hehe. Thank you! I'm so happy! Why, I could dance with joy!
Oh, don't be like that; I won't actually dance with joy.

You want me to give the tree a pruning with my sword dance?
I can't really say it'll turn out well though...
But since it's to pretty-up our crown jewel of the holiday season and a direct order from the captain, I'll give it my best shot!
Um, if I pull this off and make the tree look great, there's one favor I want from you.
Could we have a mini-ball around the tree during tonight's party?
If we do, I want you to be my dance partner.
Is that a yes? Yay, thank you!
Now stand back and witness the awe of my sword dance!

(Captain)! O-oh! Look at me, all flustered!
Say, do you remember that performance we went to a few seasons back? By my favorite dance troupe? Yes, that lovely show!
Well, the troupe sent me an invitation! They want me to come not as a guest, but as a dancer!
Oh, it's like a dream come true... To think that my sword dance would be among the jewels adorning this dazzling night!
My! (Captain), you're coming to the show?
I'm so very thrilled! I'll put on such a fiery performance, you won't be able to tear your eyes away.

Season's greetings!
Thanks for coming to my performance again this year.
I'm so lucky to get requests as a dancer for two years in a row! It's like a holiday miracle!
But it wouldn't be much of a holiday if it were all work and no play! Let's head out, (Captain)!
There's so much to do, from the crew party at the restaurant to a stroll through the pretty lit-up streets!
You're not sure if we can get to all of it?
Sure we will. I made the perfect schedule here. As long as we follow this, we'll be fine!
The next item on the schedule is coming up, (Captain)! Let's hurry!


Heh heh, so a battlefield awaits, you say?
What's that shibboleth everyone has on the tip of their tongue... "Happy holidays," was it?
In deciding on a secret code, we must be careful in controlling the flow of information even amongst ourselves.
Anyhow, the others seem to be preoccupied making arrangements for something. Will we be taking off shortly?
What is it? Why do you laugh? Your heart must be beating with excitement for the battle to come!
Choose: I said snowfield! Not battlefield!
By the heavens... What shame I've brought upon myself...
(Captain) rushes to catch up with the scurrying Geisenborger, promising a treat if he'll come back.

Hah hah hah. 'Tis the holy night, when the populace carouses in delusive bliss.
It pays to keep in mind that a light too bright can give way to darkness.
I heard this from others, but there is one who lurks in the shadows...
His name is Santo. He spreads suffering to all.
He slips into people's houses without anyone noticing. His stealth skills are second to none.
The irony is that he wears bloodred clothing that stands out like a sore thumb, as if he wishes to be sought out.
Haha, fascinating, don't you think?
Hm, are you holding in your laughter, (Captain)? Surely you're interested in Santo's true nature. If you ask me, chances are he's a former merc—
Choose: The guy's name is "Santa," not Santo.
He's a jolly old red saint who hands out presents to children, and everyone knows about him?
As Geisenborger races off, (Captain) calls him back to give him a present.

Heheheh, tonight is the holy night... That Santa fellow's coming to give presents to all the kids, right?
But you, (Captain)... I can tell you want something more exciting than a peaceful, boring evening.
Heh, you can stop pretending you don't know. This large tree piled with objects is a clear challenge from you.
That star at the very top... It clearly hints at The Star, the primal beast.
Which means this large tree symbolizes... me.
In other words, you insultingly imply that I am beneath The Star.
And these sparkling decorations. You know I dislike gaudy displays, but you plastered the tree in them... You're trying to provoke me.
Heh, you could've just challenged me directly and skipped the theatrics.
Come at me then! We'll exchange fists and dye this holy night red with every blow!
Choose: This, my friend, is a holiday tree.
A what?
It's a special tree decorated for the holy night? A tradition that everyone knows...
(Captain) tries asking Geisenborger to decorate the tree too, but the man is already running away at full speed.

Heh heh, tonight is the holy night. Reminds me of post-victory celebrations, what with all the children running around.
But what are those large red socks that they are holding?
It's true that children always need new clothes, as they're growing...
However, those socks are far too large, and they each only have a single one, not a pair...
(Wait, I know where this is going... I've experienced this one too many times!)
(Those socks must be used for some special holy night ritual!)
Choose: What's wrong?
((Captain) is looking at me with a knowing grin!)
(I need to find a way to change the subject...)
(I can't think of anything!)
As Geisenborger runs away, (Captain) tries to tell him that they're having chicken for dinner tonight.
I am no chicken!

Heh heh, tonight is the holy night...
(Every single year... Whenever I say something, somehow it ends with me running off.)
(In that case, I will counter with silence! Keeping silent must be the best plan!)
Choose: ...
(What is this strange feeling of wanting to express myself? Somehow this doesn't sit right with me...)
When (Captain) continues to gaze at him quietly, Geisenborger comes to a realization.
Aha! The holy night... must be the designated day for me to shout and run off! It's meant to be!
I see now! It can't start with me doing that!
Watching Geisenborger run off once again, (Captain) smiles, amused. The captain calls after him, inviting him to spend the winter celebration together with everyone.


Happy holidays! Hm? What's all this?
Red socks, red hat, red suit... Surely you jest...
I... I...
I'll never switch over to Holirage Style!

The day has arrived when I, Ghandagoza, scion of the arts of the Eternal Rage Style, roar louder than any other!
Bwahahahaha! With burlap sack in hand, I will bring cheer to children everywhere!
I will become the legendary martial artist of the holiday season! I hereby dub myself...

Eve-ho! Eve-ho! Eve-ho! Eeeve-ho!
Hrm? (Captain)! What hath happened! A troubled faced thou does have!
What? Me? Playing around?
Bwahahahaha! Not so, not so! Does thou think me an infant? I am the wizened master of the fistial arts!
But it is all well. Now come, join me in training!
Charge! Brace! Punch!
Eve-ho! Eve-ho! Eve-ho! Eeeeve-ho!
Think not this is child's play ever again!

Theeere! Puuunch!
Punch! Punch! Delicious holiday puuunch!
(Captain), there is no need to look at me so skeptically.
I have no intention of hiding my feelings anymore. I... love....
The holidaaays!
See over there? I brought a tremendous cake to celebrate!
(Captain), you must call in the others.
Their presence would surely be the icing on the caaaake!

Gahahaha! Finally... It is upon us... That which we have long awaited... The holiday seasooon!
Eve-ho! Eve-ho! Eve-hoooo!
Last year, when I spoke of my feelings, I confess I felt some bashfulness...
But 'tis no longer so. Why conceal, when you can lay it all baaaare!
Come, (Captain). This is no country for old men! Let us frolick into the night like a pair of sprightly youths!
We shall feast upon gargantuan cakes and turkeys whole! We shall exchange presents with our peers, in the most amiable fashiooon!
Happy, merry...

Ghandagoza (Summer)

Happy holidays! Hm? What's all this?
Red socks, red hat, red suit... Surely you jest...
I... I...
I'll never switch over to Holirage Style!

The day has arrived when I, Ghandagoza, scion of the arts of the Eternal Rage Style, roar louder than any other!
Bwahahahaha! With burlap sack in hand, I will bring cheer to children everywhere!
I will become the legendary martial artist of the holiday season! I hereby dub myself...

Eve-ho! Eve-ho! Eve-ho! Eeeve-ho!
Hrm? (Captain)! What hath happened! A troubled faced thou does have!
What? Me? Playing around?
Bwahahahaha! Not so, not so! Does thou think me an infant? I am the wizened master of the fistial arts!
But it is all well. Now come, join me in training!
Charge! Brace! Punch!
Eve-ho! Eve-ho! Eve-ho! Eeeeve-ho!
Think not this is child's play ever again!

Theeere! Puuunch!
Punch! Punch! Delicious holiday puuunch!
(Captain), there is no need to look at me so skeptically.
I have no intention of hiding my feelings anymore. I... love....
The holidaaays!
See over there? I brought a tremendous cake to celebrate!
(Captain), you must call in the others.
Their presence would surely be the icing on the caaaake!

Gahahaha! Finally... It is upon us... That which we have long awaited... The holiday seasooon!
Eve-ho! Eve-ho! Eve-hoooo!
Last year, when I spoke of my feelings, I confess I felt some bashfulness...
But 'tis no longer so. Why conceal, when you can lay it all baaaare!
Come, (Captain). This is no country for old men! Let us frolick into the night like a pair of sprightly youths!
We shall feast upon gargantuan cakes and turkeys whole! We shall exchange presents with our peers, in the most amiable fashiooon!
Happy, merry...

Goblin Mage

Why is everyone so excited? Huh? Winter holly... day?
Hrm... Holly-day...
Oh, holiday! Hey, I said it! Now I know why everyone's getting excited!

Hmmm... I wanna ask you something, (Captain). I found a funny box by my bed, see!
Hm... San... ta. Cla... us? Santa... Claus?
It's from Santa Claus! Heheheh! I can read it! Thanks, Santa!

(Captain)! Guess what I saw! There was a reindeer right over there!
Hm? Reindeer don't live in towns? But I saw it! I really saw it!
It had horns and a bright red nose... And it told me it flies through the air all the time!
Let's see... Its name was Lam... Or Lamret... Lam-something...
I'm not lying! Come see it with me! It's probably still asleep on the ground in front of the tavern!

(Captain), I want you to help me! Tell me how to meet Santa!
I wanna see him and say thanks for the presents!
You mean he's too busy to meet people?
Yeah, I guess he's delivering presents for the whole world...
But I wanna see him... I wanna tell him how grateful I am in person...
You think I should write a letter?
(Captain), that's a great idea! I'll go write one right away!

(Captain)! Lookie!
Last year I wrote Santa a letter! And this year he replied!
It says since I was such a good girl this year, he'll give me new sparkly stuff!
Today I'm going to wait for Santa and thank him when he gets here!
Hm? If I don't fall asleep he won't come? I won't get my present?
Oh no... I want to say thanks to him, but I want a shiny present...
I know! I'll go to bed and pretend to sleep!
Yay! I know this'll work!

Goblin Mage (SSR)

Golden Knight

How long has it been since I was able to enjoy a winter holiday like this? On second thought, this is probably a first for me.
Although Istavion holds grandiose festivities in its own right, a shadow of austerity seems to hang over the entire event.
I don't get that feeling with your crew. Everyone participates in a rambunctious fashion.
And that's normal? Hm... I find that absolutely refreshing.
Heh. Then just for today, I'll step out of my comfort zone too.
You'll be accompanying me, won't you, (Captain)? I won't take no for an answer.
Haha... Tonight, sleep is for the weak.

As the holy night approaches, the towns grow livelier and livelier.
I never imagined I would be out shopping with just the two us, but I'm learning much about regular society.
However, I find these decorations to be lacking. The ornaments we have at the palace are far and away more exquisitely crafted.
Despite that, there is one thing this town exudes that I never experienced in my entire time living in the palace: a sense of joy and anticipation for the holidays.
I don't know why my heart won't stop pounding. Why do I feel so restless? So impatient?
Let us return to the airship. I feel the onset of a smile, and I do not wish to walk the streets grinning like an idiot.
No, wait. There is no need to take the direct path back. We may as well take the scenic route.
This feeling of holiday cheer is a breath of fresh air. I don't mind relishing the mood if it's with you.

???: Ahem.
Hey. Wake up.
Alliah: Good. You're finally up. I have a present for you.
Oh, don't look so bewildered. Is it not customary to sneak into someone's room on the eve of the big holiday in order to give that person their gift?
I have fond memories of grand galas and fancy balls during this season, but I think I can get used to a more intimate approach to celebration.
Hm? I'm... not supposed to wake the recipient up?
Rather, I should have stealthily placed the gift by the bedside and stolen away? What a peculiar tradition...
I see. It appears the royal tutelage I received has a few flaws...
Then let us execute a redo. Return to sleep, and I shall place the gift and leave.
Come now. Close your eyes and count sheep.

(Right, (Captain) is probably asleep by now.)
(This is enough waiting. This year I'll place the present and leave without being noticed, just like the tradition goes.)
(I hope I chose a good gift...)
Wha— Why are you awake?
You were looking forward to me coming? But that isn't how the tradition is supposed to work!
You did it because I was so funny last time? I see... Well, I'm not opposed to you finding me amusing, but...
But you're the leader of this crew. You shouldn't be deliberately causing yourself to lose out on sleep.
Now get back to bed. This present won't be leaving my hands until I hear snoring.
I'll be watching you until I'm sure you're asleep.

The time has come to exchange gifts, (Captain).
You hadn't heard? Of course not, considering I took the liberty of making that decision just a moment ago.
The past few seasons of gift-giving haven't gone as smoothly as I had hoped.
I made erroneous assumptions about how gifts are meant to be delivered, which led to you either feigning sleep or staying up late. It's amusing to you, but not to me.
Thus a drastic change had to be made. I've seen many people exchanging gifts in public, so I decided to follow their lead.
Now you can receive your gift hassle-free at an appropriate hour.
But above all else...
Giving you your gift and watching your face light up is a gift in itself...
Wh-what's so funny! Well, I'm ready to give my present, so where is yours? Bring it out this instant!


Hey, (Captain)... There's something I want to ask you.
I've only ever gotten to celebrate the winter holiday with Anne.
So I was wondering if this time I could exchange presents with everyone.
Would that be okay?
Hee-hee, thanks. I'd better start shopping for gifts everyone would like.
Will you go with me, (Captain)?

Hey, (Captain). Do you have a sec?
All the kids at Mysteria were talking about throwing a holiday party...
Yeah, so... you should come too if you can, (Captain).
Huh? No, nobody will mind at all!
Anne, Owen, and the class president all want to see you, (Captain).
And I'd be really happy if you came too.
So what do you say?
Really? That's great to hear.
Thanks. Everyone else and I will be looking forward it.

Oh, (Captain). Good timing.
Can I ask you to accompany me for a bit?
I'm thinking of getting presents for Anne and Owen.
But I'm not sure what they'd like best...
I was hoping you could help me pick them out.
You'll come along? Great, let's have a good look around.
Teehee, it'll be so much fun shopping with you, (Captain)...

What's something I can cook that would make everyone happy...
Oh, (Captain). Perfect timing.
About the holy night... I'm going to be making the dishes for the party this year.
I've been thinking about what to make, but I can't seem to come up with any good ideas...
Anne already said she'll bake the cake, so... Do you have any suggestions, (Captain)?

  • Choose: Roast beef
    Roast beef, huh? Yeah, that could be a nice and sophisticated dish.
  • Choose: Roast chicken
    That's true. Roast chicken is perfect for gatherings...
    But it's actually pretty challenging to make.

Thanks for the idea, (Captain). That really helped.
I'll do my best to prepare something delicious for everyone.
I hope you'll have some at the party too.

Oh, good evening, (Captain). What are you doing at this hour?
Me? I suddenly felt like playing the piano, so I'm on my way to the music room.
Actually, if you're not busy, would you like to come hear me play?
It kind of gets lonely playing by myself.
Besides, I like performing for people who enjoy my music.
You will? Thank you. Then let's go to the music room.
So what song would you like to hear, (Captain)?
Tis the season for giving after all.
But instead of a book or toy, I'll play for you whatever your ears desire.

Grea (Event)

Hey, (Captain)... There's something I want to ask you.
I've only ever gotten to celebrate the winter holiday with Anne.
So I was wondering if this time I could exchange presents with everyone.
Would that be okay?
Hee-hee, thanks. I'd better start shopping for gifts everyone would like.
Will you go with me, (Captain)?

Hey, (Captain). Do you have a sec?
All the kids at Mysteria were talking about throwing a holiday party...
Yeah, so... you should come too if you can, (Captain).
Huh? No, nobody will mind at all!
Anne, Owen, and the class president all want to see you, (Captain).
And I'd be really happy if you came too.
So what do you say?
Really? That's great to hear.
Thanks. Everyone else and I will be looking forward it.

Oh, (Captain). Good timing.
Can I ask you to accompany me for a bit?
I'm thinking of getting presents for Anne and Owen.
But I'm not sure what they'd like best...
I was hoping you could help me pick them out.
You'll come along? Great, let's have a good look around.
Teehee, it'll be so much fun shopping with you, (Captain)...

What's something I can cook that would make everyone happy...
Oh, (Captain). Perfect timing.
About the holy night... I'm going to be making the dishes for the party this year.
I've been thinking about what to make, but I can't seem to come up with any good ideas...
Anne already said she'll bake the cake, so... Do you have any suggestions, (Captain)?

  • Choose: Roast beef
    Roast beef, huh? Yeah, that could be a nice and sophisticated dish.
  • Choose: Roast chicken
    That's true. Roast chicken is perfect for gatherings...
    But it's actually pretty challenging to make.

Thanks for the idea, (Captain). That really helped.
I'll do my best to prepare something delicious for everyone.
I hope you'll have some at the party too.

Oh, good evening, (Captain). What are you doing at this hour?
Me? I suddenly felt like playing the piano, so I'm on my way to the music room.
Actually, if you're not busy, would you like to come hear me play?
It kind of gets lonely playing by myself.
Besides, I like performing for people who enjoy my music.
You will? Thank you. Then let's go to the music room.
So what song would you like to hear, (Captain)?
Tis the season for giving after all.
But instead of a book or toy, I'll play for you whatever your ears desire.

Grea (Light)

Hey, (Captain)... There's something I want to ask you.
I've only ever gotten to celebrate the winter holiday with Anne.
So I was wondering if this time I could exchange presents with everyone.
Would that be okay?
Hee-hee, thanks. I'd better start shopping for gifts everyone would like.
Will you go with me, (Captain)?

Hey, (Captain). Do you have a sec?
All the kids at Mysteria were talking about throwing a holiday party...
Yeah, so... you should come too if you can, (Captain).
Huh? No, nobody will mind at all!
Anne, Owen, and the class president all want to see you, (Captain).
And I'd be really happy if you came too.
So what do you say?
Really? That's great to hear.
Thanks. Everyone else and I will be looking forward it.

Oh, (Captain). Good timing.
Can I ask you to accompany me for a bit?
I'm thinking of getting presents for Anne and Owen.
But I'm not sure what they'd like best...
I was hoping you could help me pick them out.
You'll come along? Great, let's have a good look around.
Teehee, it'll be so much fun shopping with you, (Captain)...

What's something I can cook that would make everyone happy...
Oh, (Captain). Perfect timing.
About the holy night... I'm going to be making the dishes for the party this year.
I've been thinking about what to make, but I can't seem to come up with any good ideas...
Anne already said she'll bake the cake, so... Do you have any suggestions, (Captain)?

  • Choose: Roast beef
    Roast beef, huh? Yeah, that could be a nice and sophisticated dish.
  • Choose: Roast chicken
    That's true. Roast chicken is perfect for gatherings...
    But it's actually pretty challenging to make.

Thanks for the idea, (Captain). That really helped.
I'll do my best to prepare something delicious for everyone.
I hope you'll have some at the party too.

Oh, good evening, (Captain). What are you doing at this hour?
Me? I suddenly felt like playing the piano, so I'm on my way to the music room.
Actually, if you're not busy, would you like to come hear me play?
It kind of gets lonely playing by myself.
Besides, I like performing for people who enjoy my music.
You will? Thank you. Then let's go to the music room.
So what song would you like to hear, (Captain)?
Tis the season for giving after all.
But instead of a book or toy, I'll play for you whatever your ears desire.

Grea (Summer)

Hey, (Captain)... There's something I want to ask you.
I've only ever gotten to celebrate the winter holiday with Anne.
So I was wondering if this time I could exchange presents with everyone.
Would that be okay?
Hee-hee, thanks. I'd better start shopping for gifts everyone would like.
Will you go with me, (Captain)?

Hey, (Captain). Do you have a sec?
All the kids at Mysteria were talking about throwing a holiday party...
Yeah, so... you should come too if you can, (Captain).
Huh? No, nobody will mind at all!
Anne, Owen, and the class president all want to see you, (Captain).
And I'd be really happy if you came too.
So what do you say?
Really? That's great to hear.
Thanks. Everyone else and I will be looking forward it.

Oh, (Captain). Good timing.
Can I ask you to accompany me for a bit?
I'm thinking of getting presents for Anne and Owen.
But I'm not sure what they'd like best...
I was hoping you could help me pick them out.
You'll come along? Great, let's have a good look around.
Teehee, it'll be so much fun shopping with you, (Captain)...

What's something I can cook that would make everyone happy...
Oh, (Captain). Perfect timing.
About the holy night... I'm going to be making the dishes for the party this year.
I've been thinking about what to make, but I can't seem to come up with any good ideas...
Anne already said she'll bake the cake, so... Do you have any suggestions, (Captain)?

  • Choose: Roast beef
    Roast beef, huh? Yeah, that could be a nice and sophisticated dish.
  • Choose: Roast chicken
    That's true. Roast chicken is perfect for gatherings...
    But it's actually pretty challenging to make.

Thanks for the idea, (Captain). That really helped.
I'll do my best to prepare something delicious for everyone.
I hope you'll have some at the party too.

Oh, good evening, (Captain). What are you doing at this hour?
Me? I suddenly felt like playing the piano, so I'm on my way to the music room.
Actually, if you're not busy, would you like to come hear me play?
It kind of gets lonely playing by myself.
Besides, I like performing for people who enjoy my music.
You will? Thank you. Then let's go to the music room.
So what song would you like to hear, (Captain)?
Tis the season for giving after all.
But instead of a book or toy, I'll play for you whatever your ears desire.


Hey, Singularity, hey! It's not every year that there's snow on the holy night, huh?
That means this day's extra special!
Singularity, I've made up my mind! More than anything else, I'm going to enjoy this special holiday!
How do I plan on having fun?
Heh... Do you even need to ask?
There could be no better match for such than some quiet moments alone with the poetry of Nietzel...
Huh! W-wait! You're telling me that there's a holiday party tonight?
Are you serious! You've gotta tell me this stuff earlier! I wouldn't be anywhere else!
Hurray! I can't wait!

Garbed in a hat and suit of vermillion bright, with hair and beard of snowy white. Flying reindeer draw him in lacquered sled, unseen he brings gifts to children in bed.
(Captain), would you happen to know this distinguished figure?
That's right! Santa Claus!
Ahh! He's so cool! Delivering presents in secret and by stealth!
Sigh... I'd like to play Santa just once in my life!
Huh? What do you mean I'm too noisy and noticeable to be Santa?
I-I can do sneaky! I'll be the sneakiest gift deliverer ever!
I know! I'll try bringing presents to the crew tonight! I hope you're excited!

Heh. A winter feast at which people give shouts of joy like children is ill-fitting for a god of war.
My tempest shall take you to a place much farther, Singularity... to a banquet among the stars in this obsidian sky. Now, let us raise our gaze to the heavens!
Huh? If we spend all our time looking at the sky, there won't be any cake left for us?
U-ugh... We can't let that happen! Let's get back to the party right away!
Just to be clear, it's not like I wanna have cake or anything! I was just thinking how it'd be sad if you didn't get to eat any... Yeah!
Oh, but I really did wanna spend time stargazing with you!
After we get ourselves some cake, let's come back out to look at the stars!

Whoa... H-hey, check it out, (Captain)!
Have you ever seen such splendorous illuminations like this? They're absolutely spellbinding!
O holiest of lights, on the holiest of nights, cleanse the darkness of night and its billions—er, trillions of evils...
Ah, darn it! I was this close to nailing it that time!
Heh... Well, as long as you thought it was funny, I suppose that's fine too!
Wait, look! It's snowing for real! Wow... It's so white and sparkly!
Heh, now this is a scene that takes me back.
I made the right choice joining your crew, (Captain).
I mean, every day is more fun than the last, and that's all thanks to you!

Wow! This is my type of wintry world! Look at all that snow piled up!
There's only one thing for us to do here, (Captain)!
That is to invite the jolly old man in red who sports the finest of majestic white beards to make a snowman with us!
We can dress up the snowman in a dandy scarf and hat! It's going to be sooo cute!
But first... We should all make sure we're dressed up nice and warm!
The holiday bash is gonna be no fun at all if you catch a cold!

Grimnir (Valentine)

Hey, Singularity, hey! It's not every year that there's snow on the holy night, huh?
That means this day's extra special!
Singularity, I've made up my mind! More than anything else, I'm going to enjoy this special holiday!
How do I plan on having fun?
Heh... Do you even need to ask?
There could be no better match for such than some quiet moments alone with the poetry of Nietzel...
Huh! W-wait! You're telling me that there's a holiday party tonight?
Are you serious! You've gotta tell me this stuff earlier! I wouldn't be anywhere else!
Hurray! I can't wait!

Garbed in a hat and suit of vermillion bright, with hair and beard of snowy white. Flying reindeer draw him in lacquered sled, unseen he brings gifts to children in bed.
(Captain), would you happen to know this distinguished figure?
That's right! Santa Claus!
Ahh! He's so cool! Delivering presents in secret and by stealth!
Sigh... I'd like to play Santa just once in my life!
Huh? What do you mean I'm too noisy and noticeable to be Santa?
I-I can do sneaky! I'll be the sneakiest gift deliverer ever!
I know! I'll try bringing presents to the crew tonight! I hope you're excited!

Heh. A winter feast at which people give shouts of joy like children is ill-fitting for a god of war.
My tempest shall take you to a place much farther, Singularity... to a banquet among the stars in this obsidian sky. Now, let us raise our gaze to the heavens!
Huh? If we spend all our time looking at the sky, there won't be any cake left for us?
U-ugh... We can't let that happen! Let's get back to the party right away!
Just to be clear, it's not like I wanna have cake or anything! I was just thinking how it'd be sad if you didn't get to eat any... Yeah!
Oh, but I really did wanna spend time stargazing with you!
After we get ourselves some cake, let's come back out to look at the stars!

Whoa... H-hey, check it out, (Captain)!
Have you ever seen such splendorous illuminations like this? They're absolutely spellbinding!
O holiest of lights, on the holiest of nights, cleanse the darkness of night and its billions—er, trillions of evils...
Ah, darn it! I was this close to nailing it that time!
Heh... Well, as long as you thought it was funny, I suppose that's fine too!
Wait, look! It's snowing for real! Wow... It's so white and sparkly!
Heh, now this is a scene that takes me back.
I made the right choice joining your crew, (Captain).
I mean, every day is more fun than the last, and that's all thanks to you!

Wow! This is my type of wintry world! Look at all that snow piled up!
There's only one thing for us to do here, (Captain)!
That is to invite the jolly old man in red who sports the finest of majestic white beards to make a snowman with us!
We can dress up the snowman in a dandy scarf and hat! It's going to be sooo cute!
But first... We should all make sure we're dressed up nice and warm!
The holiday bash is gonna be no fun at all if you catch a cold!


Gwynne's Father: Hey there, (Captain)! Thanks for stopping by!
Gwynne's Mother: And you brought your whole crew with you! This is going to be fun!
Gwynne's Father: Some of our regulars are here too, so it's gonna get rowdy, but make yourselves at home!
Gwynne: Did you clear enough room in your stomach, (Captain)?
Gwynne: Draphs are known to go all out, and my parents are no exception when it comes to serving as hosts. You've been warned.
Gwynne's Father: Here's what we're planning. Start off with a roasted chicken appetizer, potato wedges, salad—the works.
Gwynne's Mother: After having cake for dessert, we'll kick off round two of dinner with a whole roasted pig!
Gwynne: There you have it. Don't worry about eating until you explode. We've got boxes for leftovers.

Ah... Hello, (Captain). Happy holidays.
Thanks so much for inviting me to the crew party.
Huh? Oh, I'm having lots of fun... Hm? I look really excited?
Ahaha... Well, I may be a little into the festive spirit. This holiday has a whole new feeling away from my family.
How do I put it? It's like a sleepover, the way we're so comfortable all together.
I was a little nervous when I left home, but the experience was enjoyable overall.
I really do appreciate the invitation.

Haaa... Haaa...
Choose: What are you doing?
Ah, I was just breathing out into the cold air to make a white mist.
If you look at the moon through the mist, you can see a faint rainbow. At least I think it is...
I find it fascinating... Haaa...
Ah, sorry... We're here to enjoy the holy night together, but I'm lost in my own little world.
Don't worry, I'm not bored or anything—just feeling oddly relaxed.
Guess that's what happens when hanging out with good company. But I'll try not to zone out again.
Well then, let's go spend some quality time together.
So... What do you want to do first? I'm down for some cake if you are, (Captain).


Season's greetings, (Captain).
Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to treat you like a child.
I, however, do believe in the jolly old man.
Teehee, you must think I'm childish.
The mere thought of how Santa brings smiles to children all over makes me jealous.
I'd like to be more like him someday.
You may find me arrogant for thinking so, but I'll hope you'll support me in the endeavor.

Hello there, (Captain). Season's greetings.
I'm putting decorations on the holiday tree. Would you like to join me?
Doing this reminds me of the orphanage.
Making cake and trading presents with Lette and the other children...
I treasured the reprieve I felt in those moments away from the austerity of the imperial palace.
I can't go back to the past anymore, but I pray that some of this holiday cheer reaches Lette and the children—wherever they might be.
It'd be great if you could join me for a silent prayer, (Captain).

(Captain), you came at a good time. Take a look.
It's a snowman based off of you.
Since tonight is the holy night, I also added a red hat in the spirit of Santa Claus.
The two black spots there are the eyes, the dot in the middle is the nose, and the dots at the bottom form the mouth.
Hehe, it's a very unique snowman, isn't it?
Oh my, that's quite the stare. Is it not to your liking?
You're a nice person though. I know you'll forgive me for it.

A little ways away from the holiday party, (Captain) stumbles upon Haaselia all by her lonesome.
(Captain)? The celebrations are still ongoing, aren't they?
You're wondering about me?
I simply... wished to escape my brother's gaze for a moment.
He has an embarrassing habit of complimenting me without end in front of any crowd of people.
I must admit, it's almost impressive how he can bare his true feelings without hesitation.

Well, if it isn't (Captain)?
I was handing out gifts to the children earlier. They're just so cute when they're happy.
Seeing their innocent smiles fills me with a sense of joy. It's like my very soul is being cleansed.
The same goes for you as well. I'm blessed to have met as pure a heart as you, (Captain).
A pure heart mends the souls of others. I hope to be more like you in that regard.


Yeeaaah! Happy holidays!
Let's make this holiday crazy happy! Crazy, crazy happy!
Hey, hey! Did ya ask Santa for anything? I haven't!
I guess I've just been so happy since I met you, I don't even want anything else.
Aaah! That's pretty weak, right? Let's think of something to ask Santa for! Come on, (Captain)!

Winter Death Saw of Death! Yee-haw!
Check my baby out! I strung a bunch of lights onto it for a crazy-to-the-max effect!
I made one for you too, (Captain)! Let's go swing these around and give Santa a huge welcome!
Don't worry. I lowered the power and took the teeth off. It's totally safe!

(Captain)! I, I heard that Santa kidnaps bad boys and girls...
The people in town said that when Santa realizes you're a bad kid, instead of giving you a present he stuffs you into his bag.
I think I might be a bad kid. I'm always swinging around my Divine Death Saw of Death and screaming and stuff...
Do... Do you think he'll come kidnap me, (Captain)?
I don't wanna go... I don't wanna be apart from you... Sniffle...

  • Choose: You're a good girl.
    You really think so? So he won't put me in his bag? He won't steal me away for ever and ever?
  • Choose: I'll protect you.
    Oh, (Captain)!
    If you're here to watch over me, then there's no way he'll be able to stuff me into his dumb sack!

But I'm still a little scared. Will you stay with me for tonight?
And maybe, just to be extra sure, you should hold me tight?
It's okay? Hehe. Goodie-woodie, lovey-dovey yay!
Yup, (Captain), I never feel more safe than when I'm with you.

(Captain)! Look at this lovely, outta this world mini tree!
My Divine Death Saw of Death revved up when we saw this beauty of a fir, and before I knew it, we were hack, hack, hackin'!
And those wild, awesome ornaments hanging off it? I made 'em aaalll!
See this Santa right here? Ain't it crazy pretty? Insanely lovely?
Heehee! With a tree like this, our holy night's gonna be merry to the max!
Hehehe! Don't go anywhere yet! Santa Hallessena is gifting this to everyone on the airship!
Ehehe... I hope you guys will like it.

Haaappy holidays! Yee-haw!
Santa Hallessena is comin' to town! I've prepared some lovely presents for y'all this year!
Hehehe. All you crazy people who want presents, follow the beautiful sound of my Divine Death Saw of Death!
With these grand presents, you're sure to have a grand time this winter! Come one, come all!

Hallessena (Halloween)

Yeeaaah! Happy holidays!
Let's make this holiday crazy happy! Crazy, crazy happy!
Hey, hey! Did ya ask Santa for anything? I haven't!
I guess I've just been so happy since I met you, I don't even want anything else.
Aaah! That's pretty weak, right? Let's think of something to ask Santa for! Come on, (Captain)!

Winter Death Saw of Death! Yee-haw!
Check my baby out! I strung a bunch of lights onto it for a crazy-to-the-max effect!
I made one for you too, (Captain)! Let's go swing these around and give Santa a huge welcome!
Don't worry. I lowered the power and took the teeth off. It's totally safe!

(Captain)! I, I heard that Santa kidnaps bad boys and girls...
The people in town said that when Santa realizes you're a bad kid, instead of giving you a present he stuffs you into his bag.
I think I might be a bad kid. I'm always swinging around my Divine Death Saw of Death and screaming and stuff...
Do... Do you think he'll come kidnap me, (Captain)?
I don't wanna go... I don't wanna be apart from you... Sniffle...

  • Choose: You're a good girl.
    You really think so? So he won't put me in his bag? He won't steal me away for ever and ever?
  • Choose: I'll protect you.
    Oh, (Captain)!
    If you're here to watch over me, then there's no way he'll be able to stuff me into his dumb sack!

But I'm still a little scared. Will you stay with me for tonight?
And maybe, just to be extra sure, you should hold me tight?
It's okay? Hehe. Goodie-woodie, lovey-dovey yay!
Yup, (Captain), I never feel more safe than when I'm with you.

(Captain)! Look at this lovely, outta this world mini tree!
My Divine Death Saw of Death revved up when we saw this beauty of a fir, and before I knew it, we were hack, hack, hackin'!
And those wild, awesome ornaments hanging off it? I made 'em aaalll!
See this Santa right here? Ain't it crazy pretty? Insanely lovely?
Heehee! With a tree like this, our holy night's gonna be merry to the max!
Hehehe! Don't go anywhere yet! Santa Hallessena is gifting this to everyone on the airship!
Ehehe... I hope you guys will like it.

Haaappy holidays! Yee-haw!
Santa Hallessena is comin' to town! I've prepared some lovely presents for y'all this year!
Hehehe. All you crazy people who want presents, follow the beautiful sound of my Divine Death Saw of Death!
With these grand presents, you're sure to have a grand time this winter! Come one, come all!

Hallessena (Summer)

Yeeaaah! Happy holidays!
Let's make this holiday crazy happy! Crazy, crazy happy!
Hey, hey! Did ya ask Santa for anything? I haven't!
I guess I've just been so happy since I met you, I don't even want anything else.
Aaah! That's pretty weak, right? Let's think of something to ask Santa for! Come on, (Captain)!

Winter Death Saw of Death! Yee-haw!
Check my baby out! I strung a bunch of lights onto it for a crazy-to-the-max effect!
I made one for you too, (Captain)! Let's go swing these around and give Santa a huge welcome!
Don't worry. I lowered the power and took the teeth off. It's totally safe!

(Captain)! I, I heard that Santa kidnaps bad boys and girls...
The people in town said that when Santa realizes you're a bad kid, instead of giving you a present he stuffs you into his bag.
I think I might be a bad kid. I'm always swinging around my Divine Death Saw of Death and screaming and stuff...
Do... Do you think he'll come kidnap me, (Captain)?
I don't wanna go... I don't wanna be apart from you... Sniffle...

  • Choose: You're a good girl.
    You really think so? So he won't put me in his bag? He won't steal me away for ever and ever?
  • Choose: I'll protect you.
    Oh, (Captain)!
    If you're here to watch over me, then there's no way he'll be able to stuff me into his dumb sack!

But I'm still a little scared. Will you stay with me for tonight?
And maybe, just to be extra sure, you should hold me tight?
It's okay? Hehe. Goodie-woodie, lovey-dovey yay!
Yup, (Captain), I never feel more safe than when I'm with you.

(Captain)! Look at this lovely, outta this world mini tree!
My Divine Death Saw of Death revved up when we saw this beauty of a fir, and before I knew it, we were hack, hack, hackin'!
And those wild, awesome ornaments hanging off it? I made 'em aaalll!
See this Santa right here? Ain't it crazy pretty? Insanely lovely?
Heehee! With a tree like this, our holy night's gonna be merry to the max!
Hehehe! Don't go anywhere yet! Santa Hallessena is gifting this to everyone on the airship!
Ehehe... I hope you guys will like it.

Haaappy holidays! Yee-haw!
Santa Hallessena is comin' to town! I've prepared some lovely presents for y'all this year!
Hehehe. All you crazy people who want presents, follow the beautiful sound of my Divine Death Saw of Death!
With these grand presents, you're sure to have a grand time this winter! Come one, come all!

Halluel and Malluel

The smallest of noises suddenly wakes (Captain) from dreamland.
Malluel: Oopsy! Sorry, I guess we were too loud.
Halluel: We didn't mean to wake you, (Captain).
Someone told us today is the day all the good boys and girls get presents delivered next to their pillows.
Malluel: So Hal and I are going around delivering gifts on everyone's behalf!
Halluel: Okay. Hold out your hand.
Both: Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Malluel: The original plan was to make the drop and tiptoe out with you none the wiser. Sorry again for disturbing your slumber.
Halluel: Oh! I know the perfect apology. We'll sing you a lullaby.
Malluel: Heehee. That's a great idea, Hal!
Let's tuck you in, nice and snug.
Like being wrapped in a fluffy hug.
Now close your eyes, and sleep well in beddy-byes.
Halluel: Good night, (Captain). May visions of dancing sugarplums visit you on this holy night.

Malluel: Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Halluel: A present for the holy night from the Archangel Parcel Service!
This year's present is something special that we prepared for you.
Malluel: Hehe. Let's take a look, shall we?
Ta-da! A specially made, five-layered cake!
Halluel: Az and Iss helped us with it. They were so determined to make something that you'd like!
Malluel: It was supposed to be something small at first, but the dessert got bigger and bigger...
Halluel: All the layers have different flavors. It's really big, so enjoy it with everyone in the crew, okay?
Malluel: We should get back to delivering then. We need to get all the presents to the children tonight.
Halluel: Yeah. Let us know how you like the cake after. I'm sure Az and Iss are dying to know too.
Have a good holy night, (Captain)!

Halluel: Hahaha! Looks like Az and Iss are real serious about winning.
Malluel: Yeah, I think we're going to get crushed. Maybe we should just give up and start practicing for next year?
Halluel: Oh! (Captain)! This is perfect. Are you in the mood to join our snowball fight?
Malluel: Az and Iss recruited Sandalphon for their team, so the chances of us winning are slim to none without even sides.
Halluel: We were discussing picking up another member. Besides, getting sweaty before the holiday party is good for working up one's appetite.
Malluel: The losing team has to get the winners a cake. Let's make sure we win!

Halluel: Here's our holiday gift to you, (Captain).
It's a greeting card for the holiday season.
Malluel: We found it while out on a shopping spree in the previous town.
Halluel: Greeting cards are a great way to send love to friends and loved ones during the holidays.
So that gave us a great idea.
Malluel: We'll provide everyone in the crew with a card that they can then send to someone special, and we'll deliver them!
It's the kind of service only the Archangel Parcel Service can provide.
Halluel: Okay, here's your card. Just put down the name of your favorite person.
Malluel: We'll get it to them, guaranteed.
(Captain) nods and then writes "Halluel and Malluel."
Malluel: Haha... Oh, (Captain). You had us in mind from the start, didn't you?
Halluel: Ahaha! This is the best holiday gift we could've asked for! Thank you, (Captain).

Malluel: Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Halluel: I hope you enjoy our gift. We tried mixing it up this year.
Malluel: Ta-da! Here you go, (Captain)! A treasure map!
Follow the map, and you'll find yourself a magnificent present!
Halluel: If you get stuck, just let us know, and we'll give you a hint.
But if you find it without any hints, then...
Malluel: Well, we'll give you an extra special prize! What's the prize, you ask? That's a secret!
Halluel: Hehe. Anyway, I hope you're ready for the treasure hunt of a lifetime!
Halluel & Malluel: Ready! Set! Go!

Halluel and Malluel (Summer)

The smallest of noises suddenly wakes (Captain) from dreamland.
Malluel: Oopsy! Sorry, I guess we were too loud.
Halluel: We didn't mean to wake you, (Captain).
Someone told us today is the day all the good boys and girls get presents delivered next to their pillows.
Malluel: So Hal and I are going around delivering gifts on everyone's behalf!
Halluel: Okay. Hold out your hand.
Both: Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Malluel: The original plan was to make the drop and tiptoe out with you none the wiser. Sorry again for disturbing your slumber.
Halluel: Oh! I know the perfect apology. We'll sing you a lullaby.
Malluel: Heehee. That's a great idea, Hal!
Let's tuck you in, nice and snug.
Like being wrapped in a fluffy hug.
Now close your eyes, and sleep well in beddy-byes.
Halluel: Good night, (Captain). May visions of dancing sugarplums visit you on this holy night.

Malluel: Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Halluel: A present for the holy night from the Archangel Parcel Service!
This year's present is something special that we prepared for you.
Malluel: Hehe. Let's take a look, shall we?
Ta-da! A specially made, five-layered cake!
Halluel: Az and Iss helped us with it. They were so determined to make something that you'd like!
Malluel: It was supposed to be something small at first, but the dessert got bigger and bigger...
Halluel: All the layers have different flavors. It's really big, so enjoy it with everyone in the crew, okay?
Malluel: We should get back to delivering then. We need to get all the presents to the children tonight.
Halluel: Yeah. Let us know how you like the cake after. I'm sure Az and Iss are dying to know too.
Have a good holy night, (Captain)!

Halluel: Hahaha! Looks like Az and Iss are real serious about winning.
Malluel: Yeah, I think we're going to get crushed. Maybe we should just give up and start practicing for next year?
Halluel: Oh! (Captain)! This is perfect. Are you in the mood to join our snowball fight?
Malluel: Az and Iss recruited Sandalphon for their team, so the chances of us winning are slim to none without even sides.
Halluel: We were discussing picking up another member. Besides, getting sweaty before the holiday party is good for working up one's appetite.
Malluel: The losing team has to get the winners a cake. Let's make sure we win!

Halluel: Here's our holiday gift to you, (Captain).
It's a greeting card for the holiday season.
Malluel: We found it while out on a shopping spree in the previous town.
Halluel: Greeting cards are a great way to send love to friends and loved ones during the holidays.
So that gave us a great idea.
Malluel: We'll provide everyone in the crew with a card that they can then send to someone special, and we'll deliver them!
It's the kind of service only the Archangel Parcel Service can provide.
Halluel: Okay, here's your card. Just put down the name of your favorite person.
Malluel: We'll get it to them, guaranteed.
(Captain) nods and then writes "Halluel and Malluel."
Malluel: Haha... Oh, (Captain). You had us in mind from the start, didn't you?
Halluel: Ahaha! This is the best holiday gift we could've asked for! Thank you, (Captain).

Malluel: Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Halluel: I hope you enjoy our gift. We tried mixing it up this year.
Malluel: Ta-da! Here you go, (Captain)! A treasure map!
Follow the map, and you'll find yourself a magnificent present!
Halluel: If you get stuck, just let us know, and we'll give you a hint.
But if you find it without any hints, then...
Malluel: Well, we'll give you an extra special prize! What's the prize, you ask? That's a secret!
Halluel: Hehe. Anyway, I hope you're ready for the treasure hunt of a lifetime!
Halluel & Malluel: Ready! Set! Go!


Happy holidays!
Today is the day good little boys and girls get presents.
(Captain), have you been good this year? If so, you get a present.
And if not, you get a nice big fist to the... Hahaha! No problem this year, right? Well then. Here's your present.

Another year of good behavior, (Captain)?
Heheh. I've been observing your actions. You've been the very model of decency.
I made sure to get you a present befitting such a bastion of virtue. Here. It's yours.

What am I doing in these red clothes with this white bag?
Haha. Why, I'm fulfilling the wishes of the local tikes.
Actually I was with those children just moments ago. And to be honest, I'm a little tired.
But don't worry, (Captain). I haven't forgotten your present.
You've been a bastion of virtue this year as well, so go ahead. Take it.

(Captain), happy holidays!
Hahah, the children clung to me this year as well.
I was just traipsing around town in my red outfit and hat.
No worries of course. I made sure to prepare you a present as well. Here, it's yours.
Hm? You, too, have a gift?
Hehe... I guess we can definitely cross you off the naughty list.
Thank you. I appreciate it.

Happy holidays! Ho ho ho!
Of course I have a gift for you, (Captain). You've been so good this year!
Here you are. Did my sudden jollity startle you?
I'm rehearsing so that I can be an even better Santa Claus this year, when I hand out gifts to the children.
Oh, wait a moment now! I can't accept your gift yet, (Captain).
First I have to complete all my Santa Claus duties.
Would you save it for me as a reward once I've finished?
In that case, I'm off to spread good cheer! Have a wonderful holiday, (Captain)!

Hazen (SR)

Happy holidays!
Today is the day good little boys and girls get presents.
(Captain), have you been good this year? If so, you get a present.
And if not, you get a nice big fist to the... Hahaha! No problem this year, right? Well then. Here's your present.

Another year of good behavior, (Captain)?
Heheh. I've been observing your actions. You've been the very model of decency.
I made sure to get you a present befitting such a bastion of virtue. Here. It's yours.

What am I doing in these red clothes with this white bag?
Haha. Why, I'm fulfilling the wishes of the local tikes.
Actually I was with those children just moments ago. And to be honest, I'm a little tired.
But don't worry, (Captain). I haven't forgotten your present.
You've been a bastion of virtue this year as well, so go ahead. Take it.

(Captain), happy holidays!
Hahah, the children clung to me this year as well.
I was just traipsing around town in my red outfit and hat.
No worries of course. I made sure to prepare you a present as well. Here, it's yours.
Hm? You, too, have a gift?
Hehe... I guess we can definitely cross you off the naughty list.
Thank you. I appreciate it.

Happy holidays! Ho ho ho!
Of course I have a gift for you, (Captain). You've been so good this year!
Here you are. Did my sudden jollity startle you?
I'm rehearsing so that I can be an even better Santa Claus this year, when I hand out gifts to the children.
Oh, wait a moment now! I can't accept your gift yet, (Captain).
First I have to complete all my Santa Claus duties.
Would you save it for me as a reward once I've finished?
In that case, I'm off to spread good cheer! Have a wonderful holiday, (Captain)!


Oh, it's finally here—the one day a year in which we all celebrate becoming one in the night!
Choose: I thought today was the holy night.
It is! And what could be more sacred than worshipping one another's bodies and partaking of your partner's sacred nectar?
Ehehe... I see you have no idea what I'm referring to.
That's perfectly fine. I expected as much, which is why I decided to take things one step at a time with you...
Once you have come to crave my presence, I shall show you the most supernal of nights.
But for today, you have a party to host, don't you? I trust you are prepared to entertain me.
Choose: Let's take care of the party prep together!
The audacity...
Oh, all right. I shall grant you this boon.

Happy holidays, (Captain). You've been so good this year that I've come to give you a present.
Choose: Are you acting as Santa for today?
You think I would give up being the goddess of the night to become an almsgiver? Haha, don't be ridiculous.
No... I'm here to show you it's much more fun to be naughty than nice.
With half-lidded eyes, Hekate leans in close to the captain and licks her lips.
Drool... Well? Shall we... have at it?
Returning Hekate's intense stare, (Captain) nods.
Choose: Yeah, let's get ready for the holiday party!
E-excuse me? Now just wait a moment... You expect me to help you again this year?
Sigh... I see our sacred night together is still beyond reach.

Hekate (Summer)

Oh, it's finally here—the one day a year in which we all celebrate becoming one in the night!
Choose: I thought today was the holy night.
It is! And what could be more sacred than worshipping one another's bodies and partaking of your partner's sacred nectar?
Ehehe... I see you have no idea what I'm referring to.
That's perfectly fine. I expected as much, which is why I decided to take things one step at a time with you...
Once you have come to crave my presence, I shall show you the most supernal of nights.
But for today, you have a party to host, don't you? I trust you are prepared to entertain me.
Choose: Let's take care of the party prep together!
The audacity...
Oh, all right. I shall grant you this boon.

Happy holidays, (Captain). You've been so good this year that I've come to give you a present.
Choose: Are you acting as Santa for today?
You think I would give up being the goddess of the night to become an almsgiver? Haha, don't be ridiculous.
No... I'm here to show you it's much more fun to be naughty than nice.
With half-lidded eyes, Hekate leans in close to the captain and licks her lips.
Drool... Well? Shall we... have at it?
Returning Hekate's intense stare, (Captain) nods.
Choose: Yeah, let's get ready for the holiday party!
E-excuse me? Now just wait a moment... You expect me to help you again this year?
Sigh... I see our sacred night together is still beyond reach.

Helel ben Shalem

Take a look at how the town transforms when wrapped in a white blanket of snow. It's a curious sight indeed.
The majority of the ancient people chose to settle in lands with little snowfall where it was more conducive to survival.
But the people of your time aren't intimidated by the elements. They band together to pioneer new trails.
Perhaps the awareness of one's mortality inspires limitless possibilities. Potential lies everywhere you look.

Mortals are extremely active in the snow, despite the chilling temperatures.
Children build their snow totems, while adults walk around in pairs.
You are no exception. Why have you brought me to town in such weather?
Sigh... To show me impressive landmarks and locations? Do you recall the warning I gave you last year?
A lack of warmth will result in a variety of sicknesses. Do you understand this, or are you being a simpleton on purpose?
If you insist, then I won't complain. Take us to the next location.

So this is where you've been hiding. The holiday party is ready to start.
By the way, I baked a cake. It's chock full of my nutritious gratitude.
I used a gamut of multicolored ingredients to sculpt a kaleidoscopic work of art. Not only does it look good, but the spicy yuzu paste gives it much needed body.
Hm? Did anyone taste test it and give feedback?
Don't be ridiculous. The captain always has the honor of taking the first bite. Everyone knows that.
Enough dawdling. If the red pickled ginger dries out, the flavor will fall flat.

What compelled you to accompany me on this supply run for tonight's holiday party?
Is it because you enjoyed last year's red pickled ginger cake? Then I am glad you came shopping with me.
However, now that we have purchased strawberries and fresh whipped cream, what will they be used for?
You're not thinking about adding them to the ginger cake, are you? I was under the impression that the chaotic taste would be too much to handle. Modern mortals are incredible.
In honor of your adventurous spirit, I suppose I can take the first bite this year.
Actually, let's split the difference. I'll eat half, and you eat half.
The risk of flavor overload is ever present, but with my skills, it will come out tasting better than last year's cake.

Come to think of it, this will be the fifth time I spend the holidays together with you.
These parties always have so many different dishes and flavors. The variety is quite astounding.
An amalgamation of the many islands' different culinary cultures—that is what led to the cuisine of today.
The exchange of various techniques, the rivalries between numerous cultures, and the sharing of different values...
This yuzu paste is the pinnacle of such gastronomic innovation.
All right, let's make our way to the party. I must taste the fruits of you mortals' efforts.

Helel ben Shalem (Holiday)

Take a look at how the town transforms when wrapped in a white blanket of snow. It's a curious sight indeed.
The majority of the ancient people chose to settle in lands with little snowfall where it was more conducive to survival.
But the people of your time aren't intimidated by the elements. They band together to pioneer new trails.
Perhaps the awareness of one's mortality inspires limitless possibilities. Potential lies everywhere you look.

Mortals are extremely active in the snow, despite the chilling temperatures.
Children build their snow totems, while adults walk around in pairs.
You are no exception. Why have you brought me to town in such weather?
Sigh... To show me impressive landmarks and locations? Do you recall the warning I gave you last year?
A lack of warmth will result in a variety of sicknesses. Do you understand this, or are you being a simpleton on purpose?
If you insist, then I won't complain. Take us to the next location.

So this is where you've been hiding. The holiday party is ready to start.
By the way, I baked a cake. It's chock full of my nutritious gratitude.
I used a gamut of multicolored ingredients to sculpt a kaleidoscopic work of art. Not only does it look good, but the spicy yuzu paste gives it much needed body.
Hm? Did anyone taste test it and give feedback?
Don't be ridiculous. The captain always has the honor of taking the first bite. Everyone knows that.
Enough dawdling. If the red pickled ginger dries out, the flavor will fall flat.

What compelled you to accompany me on this supply run for tonight's holiday party?
Is it because you enjoyed last year's red pickled ginger cake? Then I am glad you came shopping with me.
However, now that we have purchased strawberries and fresh whipped cream, what will they be used for?
You're not thinking about adding them to the ginger cake, are you? I was under the impression that the chaotic taste would be too much to handle. Modern mortals are incredible.
In honor of your adventurous spirit, I suppose I can take the first bite this year.
Actually, let's split the difference. I'll eat half, and you eat half.
The risk of flavor overload is ever present, but with my skills, it will come out tasting better than last year's cake.

Come to think of it, this will be the fifth time I spend the holidays together with you.
These parties always have so many different dishes and flavors. The variety is quite astounding.
An amalgamation of the many islands' different culinary cultures—that is what led to the cuisine of today.
The exchange of various techniques, the rivalries between numerous cultures, and the sharing of different values...
This yuzu paste is the pinnacle of such gastronomic innovation.
All right, let's make our way to the party. I must taste the fruits of you mortals' efforts.

Helel ben Shalem (Summer)

Take a look at how the town transforms when wrapped in a white blanket of snow. It's a curious sight indeed.
The majority of the ancient people chose to settle in lands with little snowfall where it was more conducive to survival.
But the people of your time aren't intimidated by the elements. They band together to pioneer new trails.
Perhaps the awareness of one's mortality inspires limitless possibilities. Potential lies everywhere you look.

Mortals are extremely active in the snow, despite the chilling temperatures.
Children build their snow totems, while adults walk around in pairs.
You are no exception. Why have you brought me to town in such weather?
Sigh... To show me impressive landmarks and locations? Do you recall the warning I gave you last year?
A lack of warmth will result in a variety of sicknesses. Do you understand this, or are you being a simpleton on purpose?
If you insist, then I won't complain. Take us to the next location.

So this is where you've been hiding. The holiday party is ready to start.
By the way, I baked a cake. It's chock full of my nutritious gratitude.
I used a gamut of multicolored ingredients to sculpt a kaleidoscopic work of art. Not only does it look good, but the spicy yuzu paste gives it much needed body.
Hm? Did anyone taste test it and give feedback?
Don't be ridiculous. The captain always has the honor of taking the first bite. Everyone knows that.
Enough dawdling. If the red pickled ginger dries out, the flavor will fall flat.

What compelled you to accompany me on this supply run for tonight's holiday party?
Is it because you enjoyed last year's red pickled ginger cake? Then I am glad you came shopping with me.
However, now that we have purchased strawberries and fresh whipped cream, what will they be used for?
You're not thinking about adding them to the ginger cake, are you? I was under the impression that the chaotic taste would be too much to handle. Modern mortals are incredible.
In honor of your adventurous spirit, I suppose I can take the first bite this year.
Actually, let's split the difference. I'll eat half, and you eat half.
The risk of flavor overload is ever present, but with my skills, it will come out tasting better than last year's cake.

Come to think of it, this will be the fifth time I spend the holidays together with you.
These parties always have so many different dishes and flavors. The variety is quite astounding.
An amalgamation of the many islands' different culinary cultures—that is what led to the cuisine of today.
The exchange of various techniques, the rivalries between numerous cultures, and the sharing of different values...
This yuzu paste is the pinnacle of such gastronomic innovation.
All right, let's make our way to the party. I must taste the fruits of you mortals' efforts.


You'd better hurry off to bed before Santa Claus arrives.
You don't like me treating you like a child? Hee hee... I suppose I just can't help seeing you as one.
Whatever the case, I hope you enjoy the holiday season! Happy holidays!

(Captain), have you completed your tasks for the day? Please allow me to do any that might remain.
Today is a special day. Santa Claus is coming, isn't he?
You'd better hurry off to bed and dream of presents!
I know you want to be treated like an adult. But what better proof that you're still a child.
Very well then... If you can stay awake through my lullaby, then maybe you are an adult.
Now hop into bed. You wouldn't want to catch a cold.

How goes your duties, (Captain)?
Of all days you should rest tonight. Santa Claus won't come if you're not in bed.
Me? I've made traditional Alster cookies for him to snack on.
In fact, now that I think about it, these were the first type of cookies I ever baked. Naoise's mother taught me how.
She was like a mother to me. A mother I gained in place of the one I lost at such a young age. She taught me all sorts of things.
Here. Take these, (Captain). Place these by your bedside tonight and rest well.

(Captain)? You're still awake? It's already past bedtime.
Honestly... Hurry back up to bed before Santa Claus sees you.
Now go say your prayers and get in bed. I'll sing you to sleep with a lullaby if you're good.
Now, now. There's no need to be embarrassed.
Doting on you is my special privilege as an adult, after all.
Hehe... Seeing you puff your cheeks out like that only delights me.
Now get some sleep. That's right, your legs under the blanket... You wouldn't want to catch a cold tonight.
I just hope that you can stay the way you are for a little longer, my darling captain.

My, (Captain). I can't say I'm pleased to see you up so late—it is the holidays, you know.
You've still work to do? I see. Won't you let me handle it, just for today?
Oh, don't be so polite. You know, there are times when the young should act a bit spoiled.
While you're still a child, revel in your youth. All of that will fade when you're an adult, never to return.
In a few years, I'm sure you'll long for days like this one. So don't pull such a long face.
Come now, to bed with you. Here, let me tuck you in...
And hold your hand until you fall asleep. Let go of all worry and dream pleasant dreams.
Good night.
(Captain), please, stop rushing so desperately towards adulthood.
Because when you grow up, I will have one less reason to take care of you.

Heles (Summer)

You'd better hurry off to bed before Santa Claus arrives.
I know you want to stay up later. But to me you're still a child.
I hope you enjoy the holiday season! Happy holidays!

(Captain), have you completed your tasks for the day? Please allow me to do any that might remain.
Today is a special day. Santa Claus is coming, isn't he?
You'd better hurry off to bed and dream of presents!
I know you want to be treated like an adult. But what better proof that you're still a child.
Very well then... If you can stay awake through my lullaby, then maybe you are an adult.
Now hop into bed. You wouldn't want to catch cold.

How goes your duties, (Captain)?
Of all days you should rest tonight. Santa Claus won't come if you're not in bed.
Me? I've made traditional Alster cookies for him to snack on.
In fact, now that I think about it, these were the first type of cookies I ever baked. Naoise's mother taught me how.
She was like a mother to me. A mother I gained in place of the one I lost at such a young age. She taught me all sorts of things.
Here. Take these, (Captain). Place these by your bedside tonight and rest well.

(Captain)? You're still awake? It's already past bedtime.
Honestly... Hurry back up to bed before Santa Claus sees you.
Now go say your prayers and get in bed. I'll sing you to sleep with a lullaby if you're good.
Now, now. There's no need to be embarrassed.
Doting on you is my special privilege as an adult, after all.
Hehe... Seeing you puff your cheeks out like that only delights me.
Now get some sleep. That's right, your legs under the blanket... You wouldn't want to catch a cold tonight.
I just hope that you can stay the way you are for a little longer, my darling captain.

My, (Captain). I can't say I'm pleased to see you up so late—it is the holidays, you know.
You've still work to do? I see. Won't you let me handle it, just for today?
Oh, don't be so polite. You know, there are times when the young should act a bit spoiled.
While you're still a child, revel in your youth. All of that will fade when you're an adult, never to return.
In a few years, I'm sure you'll long for days like this one. So don't pull such a long face.
Come now, to bed with you. Here, let me tuck you in...
And hold your hand until you fall asleep. Let go of all worry and dream pleasant dreams.
Good night.
(Captain), please, stop rushing so desperately towards adulthood.
Because when you grow up, I will have one less reason to take care of you.

Heles (Wind)

You'd better hurry off to bed before Santa Claus arrives.
I know you want to stay up later. But to me you're still a child.
I hope you enjoy the holiday season! Happy holidays!

(Captain), have you completed your tasks for the day? Please allow me to do any that might remain.
Today is a special day. Santa Claus is coming, isn't he?
You'd better hurry off to bed and dream of presents!
I know you want to be treated like an adult. But what better proof that you're still a child.
Very well then... If you can stay awake through my lullaby, then maybe you are an adult.
Now hop into bed. You wouldn't want to catch a cold.

How goes your duties, (Captain)?
Of all days you should rest tonight. Santa Claus won't come if you're not in bed.
Me? I've made traditional Alster cookies for him to snack on.
In fact, now that I think about it, these were the first type of cookies I ever baked. Naoise's mother taught me how.
She was like a mother to me. A mother I gained in place of the one I lost at such a young age. She taught me all sorts of things.
Here. Take these, (Captain). Place these by your bedside tonight and rest well.

(Captain)? You're still awake? It's already past bedtime.
Honestly... Hurry back up to bed before Santa Claus sees you.
Now go say your prayers and get in bed. I'll sing you to sleep with a lullaby if you're good.
Now, now. There's no need to be embarrassed.
Doting on you is my special privilege as an adult, after all.
Hehe... Seeing you puff your cheeks out like that only delights me.
Now get some sleep. That's right, your legs under the blanket... You wouldn't want to catch a cold tonight.
I just hope that you can stay the way you are for a little longer, my darling captain.

My, (Captain). I can't say I'm pleased to see you up so late—it is the holidays, you know.
You've still work to do? I see. Won't you let me handle it, just for today?
Oh, don't be so polite. You know, there are times when the young should act a bit spoiled.
While you're still a child, revel in your youth. All of that will fade when you're an adult, never to return.
In a few years, I'm sure you'll long for days like this one. So don't pull such a long face.
Come now, to bed with you. Here, let me tuck you in...
And hold your hand until you fall asleep. Let go of all worry and dream pleasant dreams.
Good night.
(Captain), please, stop rushing so desperately towards adulthood.
Because when you grow up, I will have one less reason to take care of you.


I always used to spend the holidays with my family.
But sometimes it's fun to just go partying with some friends! Now, I wonder if there are any beautiful ladies out there...

Did you know that different regions have their own ways of celebrating tonight?
I've come across quite a few customs as I hopped from city to city.
There's a place where it's a day for lovers to reaffirm their affections for each other.
Romantic, isn't it?
Celebrating with your one true love...
That's the best thing in the world.
I hope I can find someone to share my heart with someday.
There's a party going on in the city right now. If I go, do you think I'll run into the one, (Captain)?

It's a beautiful night, isn't it, (Captain)? A romantic moon like that—really makes you want to snuggle up to somebody special.
I bet that's why you've come to see me.
Hehe. It's okay to assume something vain like that, right?
After all, you're the one who came to me.
Want to go outside for a bit?
I want to show you just how beautiful the night sky is. Well, shall we?

Mm, aah... Oh, it's you, (Captain). What's happening?
Hm? The party's already started? That's right, it's the eve of the big holiday, isn't it?
I'm sorry... I was totally absorbed in making models. Thank you for coming to let me know.
Let me lead you to the venue.
You don't mind if I have you all to myself on the way, do you?

Whew... Sure is cold tonight.
Heya, (Captain). I'm back. Really chilly out there, huh?
Everyone out in town was having a jolly ol' time—just what I like to see for the holidays.
I'm nearly chilled to the bone after walking all the way back here. But no frostbite thankfully.
It's such a relief that it's always warm and cozy inside the ship.
I bet the secret to it is you, (Captain).
Any chance you can let me in on how you do it?

Helnar (Summer)

I always used to spend the holidays with my family.
But sometimes it's fun to just go partying with some friends! Now, I wonder if there are any beautiful ladies out there...

Did you know that different regions have their own ways of celebrating tonight?
I've come across quite a few customs as I hopped from city to city.
There's a place where it's a day for lovers to reaffirm their affections for each other.
Romantic, isn't it?
Celebrating with your one true love...
That's the best thing in the world.
I hope I can find someone to share my heart with someday.
There's a party going on in the city right now. If I go, do you think I'll run into the one, (Captain)?

It's a beautiful night, isn't it, (Captain)? A romantic moon like that—really makes you want to snuggle up to somebody special.
I bet that's why you've come to see me.
Hehe. It's okay to assume something vain like that, right?
After all, you're the one who came to me.
Want to go outside for a bit?
I want to show you just how beautiful the night sky is. Well, shall we?

Mm, aah... Oh, it's you, (Captain). What's happening?
Hm? The party's already started? That's right, it's the eve of the big holiday, isn't it?
I'm sorry... I was totally absorbed in making models. Thank you for coming to let me know.
Let me lead you to the venue.
You don't mind if I have you all to myself on the way, do you?

Whew... Sure is cold tonight.
Heya, (Captain). I'm back. Really chilly out there, huh?
Everyone out in town was having a jolly ol' time—just what I like to see for the holidays.
I'm nearly chilled to the bone after walking all the way back here. But no frostbite thankfully.
It's such a relief that it's always warm and cozy inside the ship.
I bet the secret to it is you, (Captain).
Any chance you can let me in on how you do it?


Heh heh. It sure is quiet tonight, (Captain).
On a night like this, two people illuminated only by candlelight...
It's the perfect setting for drills.
Haha, I'm just kidding.
I must thank you for letting me in your crew, (Captain).
It's my fondest wish to spend another peaceful holiday evening like this with you.
Next year, the year after, and so on.
Have a wonderful evening.

On certain islands, I hear this holy night is dedicated to... L-lovers...
Have you ever... spent time with a lover on this holiest of nights?
I... I'm sorry. Forgive me. I don't mean to be so prying. What am I thinking...
You have my deepest apologies, (Captain). Please forget my question!
Agh... I will never be able to live up to my father's legacy if I'm so busy worrying about such trite matters.
Curses to these superfluous thoughts! Will I ever be free from pondering such silly things?
I'm sorry, (Captain). I need to clear my mind of such thoughts. To do so, I will be going for a run!

Um... (Captain)? Forgive me for asking this out of the blue, but...
Do you have any plans today?
Really? Great! Then let's spend the day together!
I keep thinking about the tradition of spending this day with the person you love...
Someday I might be in a position to do that... So I have to prepare!
Ah, wait, no! I shouldn't burden you with such a selfish request!
Agh... My impure thoughts have gotten the better of me once again!
(Captain), I've changed my mind! I want you to spend today training with me!
We'll train until my mind is as pure as the driven snow!

(Captain)... Should you really be out here during the holiday party?
Hm? You saw me come out and chased after me?
Haha. Thanks for caring, (Captain).
I had such a good time with all the fun and drinks that my body started heating up. Thought I'd come out for some fresh air.
I've always kept up my training during the holidays even though I gave my agents time off.
I was too obsessed with getting stronger to know how to take it easy and enjoy myself at such occasions.
Haha, how I've changed ever since meeting you, (Captain). I... hope you'll take responsibility.
Oh, just kidding. I guess being in such a good mood makes me more glib. A bit strange perhaps, given how chilly I'm feeling.
Say, why don't we go back inside and hang out there? We'll make this a night to remember!

(Captain), happy holidays. How are the party preparations going on your side?
So the room decorations aren't hung up yet. I'll bolster our efforts in that area then.
I actually just finished pruning the tree over here. It was a more enjoyable activity than I expected.
Slicing off the branches and arranging them into a pleasing shape...
It made for good swordsmanship training, so I ended up getting quite into it.
Haha, I know the banquet is supposed to be the main source of entertainment... But training is equally as entertaining to me.
I like to think of it as a bonus, in addition to being able to contribute to a wonderful holy night for you.
Now let's get to that decorating. Just a little bit more, and we'll be set for a fun evening!

Herja (SR)

Heh heh. It sure is quiet tonight, (Captain).
On a night like this, two people illuminated only by candlelight...
It's the perfect setting for drills.
Haha, I'm just kidding.
I must thank you for letting me in your crew, (Captain).
It's my fondest wish to spend another peaceful holiday evening like this with you.
Next year, the year after, and so on.
Have a wonderful evening.

On certain islands, I hear this holy night is dedicated to... L-lovers...
Have you ever... spent time with a lover on this holiest of nights?
I... I'm sorry. Forgive me. I don't mean to be so prying. What am I thinking...
You have my deepest apologies, (Captain). Please forget my question!
Agh... I will never be able to live up to my father's legacy if I'm so busy worrying about such trite matters.
Curses to these superfluous thoughts! Will I ever be free from pondering such silly things?
I'm sorry, (Captain). I need to clear my mind of such thoughts. To do so, I will be going for a run!

Um... (Captain)? Forgive me for asking this out of the blue, but...
Do you have any plans today?
Really? Great! Then let's spend the day together!
I keep thinking about the tradition of spending this day with the person you love...
Someday I might be in a position to do that... So I have to prepare!
Ah, wait, no! I shouldn't burden you with such a selfish request!
Agh... My impure thoughts have gotten the better of me once again!
(Captain), I've changed my mind! I want you to spend today training with me!
We'll train until my mind is as pure as the driven snow!

(Captain)... Should you really be out here during the holiday party?
Hm? You saw me come out and chased after me?
Haha. Thanks for caring, (Captain).
I had such a good time with all the fun and drinks that my body started heating up. Thought I'd come out for some fresh air.
I've always kept up my training during the holidays even though I gave my agents time off.
I was too obsessed with getting stronger to know how to take it easy and enjoy myself at such occasions.
Haha, how I've changed ever since meeting you, (Captain). I... hope you'll take responsibility.
Oh, just kidding. I guess being in such a good mood makes me more glib. A bit strange perhaps, given how chilly I'm feeling.
Say, why don't we go back inside and hang out there? We'll make this a night to remember!

(Captain), happy holidays. How are the party preparations going on your side?
So the room decorations aren't hung up yet. I'll bolster our efforts in that area then.
I actually just finished pruning the tree over here. It was a more enjoyable activity than I expected.
Slicing off the branches and arranging them into a pleasing shape...
It made for good swordsmanship training, so I ended up getting quite into it.
Haha, I know the banquet is supposed to be the main source of entertainment... But training is equally as entertaining to me.
I like to think of it as a bonus, in addition to being able to contribute to a wonderful holy night for you.
Now let's get to that decorating. Just a little bit more, and we'll be set for a fun evening!

Herja (SSR)

Heh heh. It sure is quiet tonight, (Captain).
On a night like this, two people illuminated only by candlelight...
It's the perfect setting for drills.
Haha, I'm just kidding.
I must thank you for letting me in your crew, (Captain).
It's my fondest wish to spend another peaceful holiday evening like this with you.
Next year, the year after, and so on.
Have a wonderful evening.

On certain islands, I hear this holy night is dedicated to... L-lovers...
Have you ever... spent time with a lover on this holiest of nights?
I... I'm sorry. Forgive me. I don't mean to be so prying. What am I thinking...
You have my deepest apologies, (Captain). Please forget my question!
Agh... I will never be able to live up to my father's legacy if I'm so busy worrying about such trite matters.
Curses to these superfluous thoughts! Will I ever be free from pondering such silly things?
I'm sorry, (Captain). I need to clear my mind of such thoughts. To do so, I will be going for a run!

Um... (Captain)? Forgive me for asking this out of the blue, but...
Do you have any plans today?
Really? Great! Then let's spend the day together!
I keep thinking about the tradition of spending this day with the person you love...
Someday I might be in a position to do that... So I have to prepare!
Ah, wait, no! I shouldn't burden you with such a selfish request!
Agh... My impure thoughts have gotten the better of me once again!
(Captain), I've changed my mind! I want you to spend today training with me!
We'll train until my mind is as pure as the driven snow!

(Captain)... Should you really be out here during the holiday party?
Hm? You saw me come out and chased after me?
Haha. Thanks for caring, (Captain).
I had such a good time with all the fun and drinks that my body started heating up. Thought I'd come out for some fresh air.
I've always kept up my training during the holidays even though I gave my agents time off.
I was too obsessed with getting stronger to know how to take it easy and enjoy myself at such occasions.
Haha, how I've changed ever since meeting you, (Captain). I... hope you'll take responsibility.
Oh, just kidding. I guess being in such a good mood makes me more glib. A bit strange perhaps, given how chilly I'm feeling.
Say, why don't we go back inside and hang out there? We'll make this a night to remember!

(Captain), happy holidays. How are the party preparations going on your side?
So the room decorations aren't hung up yet. I'll bolster our efforts in that area then.
I actually just finished pruning the tree over here. It was a more enjoyable activity than I expected.
Slicing off the branches and arranging them into a pleasing shape...
It made for good swordsmanship training, so I ended up getting quite into it.
Haha, I know the banquet is supposed to be the main source of entertainment... But training is equally as entertaining to me.
I like to think of it as a bonus, in addition to being able to contribute to a wonderful holy night for you.
Now let's get to that decorating. Just a little bit more, and we'll be set for a fun evening!

Horus (Summer)

Ah, (Captain). Care to sky gaze with me?
Look at the stars. They're most vivid during winter nights because of how dry the atmosphere is.
How can something that seems to move so little be so beautiful? It's strange, don't you think?
You know, I usually prefer to gaze at the stars alone, but looking at them with you is just as delightful.
If the feeling is mutual, perhaps we can do this again around the same time next year?
We can meet in this exact spot. I'll be here waiting for you, (Captain).


Icarus: Happy holidays, (Captain)! Something in the kitchen smells real good!
Chicken, cake, and a whole lot of other food too! There's so much to eat... I can't wait!
Deimos: (You best keep your eyes on this child, (Captain).)
(The moment you let your eyes off him, the entire table will be wiped clean. "Just a little taste," he says.)
Icarus: L-like I'd ever do that!
I mean, back when I was a kid, sure... I'd get in trouble with Mom though.
Hey, stop looking at me like that, (Captain)!

Icarus: Oh, (Captain)! Perfect timing—check this out!
I found a sweet-looking pine tree in the forest nearby, so I cut it down and lugged it over! Let's decorate it together!
Deimos: (Might I point out that the ship already has a tree? You've wasted your time.)
Icarus: Come on, don't be like that! More trees means we can have more fun decorating!
Besides, I've got a good eye for pine trees! Picking them was always my job back home.
I'd find one with a nice shape and lots of bushy needles, and my brother would polish a star to put on top.
Everyone always said ours was the best tree in the village!
I'll save the star on this one for you to put on, (Captain)! It's gonna be awesome!


Heard that somewhere they turned one of my works into a date spot.
Even made up some kind of fable, something about how confessing in front of my graffiti will bind you together, or not.
Take this, little dude. It's your new ink. Pretty nice place here, isn't it? How about you and I throw up a new date spot right now?
And when we're done, I can sing you a little confession. Bind us together, like the rumors say.
Heh. I'm just joking with you. Don't have much experience, do you, little dude? That's cute.
But for real, after, we can stargaze and stay up till the moon starts fading. Special night tonight and it's just getting started.
Happy holidays, (Captain).

Yo, little dude. I'm Santa. Look at my sick sack.
What do you mean, why is it empty? That's how it's supposed to be.
You ever heard of the anti-Santa? When you've been bad, he sticks you in his sack and spirits you away.
Hey, little dude... You're a good kid. Or you were.
You know what we do at night. You're crazy now, kid. I drove you crazy.
Heh... Heh-heh... Oh, you know why my sack's empty now.
Hey, no running!
We're gonna have ourselves a dope little holiday. So come to papa...

Yawn... Good night, little dude. Man, whole world looks like a gigantic snow globe... Huh?
What's this? A sleeping bag? Naw, looks more like Santa's sack. Question is, heck am I doing in it?
Oh... Little dude, you set this up? Getting me back for all those times I pranked you, huh?
Heh. Turning into a real piece of work, aren't ya? You wild child...
With a wicked smile, Illnott produces a spray gun, points it at (Captain), and pulls the trigger.
A powerful jet of ink slams into (Captain), not from the nozzle, but from behind the captain's back.
Startled, (Captain) reels toward the huge sack Illnott was sleeping in and...
Wouldya look at that? Seems like I bagged me a crazy gift.
You ain't ever out-pranking me, kid.
So, little present... How do you think we should celebrate Dope Eve?

Illnott spray-paints the window of a house in town, surrounded by children eagerly watching over the process.
Oh. What's up, little dude?
Me? Just doing some snowy art. Not my usual style, I know...
Go ahead. Laugh it up.
Was dropping some "gifts" around town when these kids found me. Roped me into painting their houses after that.
Tch, I tried to tell 'em no, but they wouldn't leave me alone. So here I am.
Choose: You're nicer than you let on.
Yeah? Then I better get a special present for being on the extra nice list.
You best not forget.

'Sup, little dude. I brewed some inks, so let's go bombing.
What, you think I'm scheming something? Nah, was just thinking about the time when we first met.
This is winter holiday number... what now that we've spent together? Heh, you know how to play foul, for real.
I've been a night lover since way before I joined the crew. Back when I was a tyke myself.
But after you came along, my beloved nights got an extra coating of gnarly.
And don't get me started on the big holiday night. Totally crazy to think you've recolored my world.
Especially when painting over someone else's work is an unspoken no-no... Unless the new one is a sick-ass burner.
Psh, the hell am I getting sentimental for? Sucks to be losing my edge. So that's why I'm taking back control.
I'll paint this eve's evening into your memories, one that you'll never be able to erase. I'm gunning for you, little dude.

Illnott (Holiday)

Heard that somewhere they turned one of my works into a date spot.
Even made up some kind of fable, something about how confessing in front of my graffiti will bind you together, or not.
Take this, little dude. It's your new ink. Pretty nice place here, isn't it? How about you and I throw up a new date spot right now?
And when we're done, I can sing you a little confession. Bind us together, like the rumors say.
Heh. I'm just joking with you. Don't have much experience, do you, little dude? That's cute.
But for real, after, we can stargaze and stay up till the moon starts fading. Special night tonight and it's just getting started.
Happy holidays, (Captain).

Yo, little dude. I'm Santa. Look at my sick sack.
What do you mean, why is it empty? That's how it's supposed to be.
You ever heard of the anti-Santa? When you've been bad, he sticks you in his sack and spirits you away.
Hey, little dude... You're a good kid. Or you were.
You know what we do at night. You're crazy now, kid. I drove you crazy.
Heh... Heh-heh... Oh, you know why my sack's empty now.
Hey, no running!
We're gonna have ourselves a dope little holiday. So come to papa...

Yawn... Good night, little dude. Man, whole world looks like a gigantic snow globe... Huh?
What's this? A sleeping bag? Naw, looks more like Santa's sack. Question is, heck am I doing in it?
Oh... Little dude, you set this up? Getting me back for all those times I pranked you, huh?
Heh. Turning into a real piece of work, aren't ya? You wild child...
With a wicked smile, Illnott produces a spray gun, points it at (Captain), and pulls the trigger.
A powerful jet of ink slams into (Captain), not from the nozzle, but from behind the captain's back.
Startled, (Captain) reels toward the huge sack Illnott was sleeping in and...
Wouldya look at that? Seems like I bagged me a crazy gift.
You ain't ever out-pranking me, kid.
So, little present... How do you think we should celebrate Dope Eve?

Illnott spray-paints the window of a house in town, surrounded by children eagerly watching over the process.
Oh. What's up, little dude?
Me? Just doing some snowy art. Not my usual style, I know...
Go ahead. Laugh it up.
Was dropping some "gifts" around town when these kids found me. Roped me into painting their houses after that.
Tch, I tried to tell 'em no, but they wouldn't leave me alone. So here I am.
Choose: You're nicer than you let on.
Yeah? Then I better get a special present for being on the extra nice list.
You best not forget.

'Sup, little dude. I brewed some inks, so let's go bombing.
What, you think I'm scheming something? Nah, was just thinking about the time when we first met.
This is winter holiday number... what now that we've spent together? Heh, you know how to play foul, for real.
I've been a night lover since way before I joined the crew. Back when I was a tyke myself.
But after you came along, my beloved nights got an extra coating of gnarly.
And don't get me started on the big holiday night. Totally crazy to think you've recolored my world.
Especially when painting over someone else's work is an unspoken no-no... Unless the new one is a sick-ass burner.
Psh, the hell am I getting sentimental for? Sucks to be losing my edge. So that's why I'm taking back control.
I'll paint this eve's evening into your memories, one that you'll never be able to erase. I'm gunning for you, little dude.

Illnott (Summer)

Heard that somewhere they turned one of my works into a date spot.
Even made up some kind of fable, something about how confessing in front of my graffiti will bind you together, or not.
Take this, little dude. It's your new ink. Pretty nice place here, isn't it? How about you and I throw up a new date spot right now?
And when we're done, I can sing you a little confession. Bind us together, like the rumors say.
Heh. I'm just joking with you. Don't have much experience, do you, little dude? That's cute.
But for real, after, we can stargaze and stay up till the moon starts fading. Special night tonight and it's just getting started.
Happy holidays, (Captain).

Yo, little dude. I'm Santa. Look at my sick sack.
What do you mean, why is it empty? That's how it's supposed to be.
You ever heard of the anti-Santa? When you've been bad, he sticks you in his sack and spirits you away.
Hey, little dude... You're a good kid. Or you were.
You know what we do at night. You're crazy now, kid. I drove you crazy.
Heh... Heh-heh... Oh, you know why my sack's empty now.
Hey, no running!
We're gonna have ourselves a dope little holiday. So come to papa...

Yawn... Good night, little dude. Man, whole world looks like a gigantic snow globe... Huh?
What's this? A sleeping bag? Naw, looks more like Santa's sack. Question is, heck am I doing in it?
Oh... Little dude, you set this up? Getting me back for all those times I pranked you, huh?
Heh. Turning into a real piece of work, aren't ya? You wild child...
With a wicked smile, Illnott produces a spray gun, points it at (Captain), and pulls the trigger.
A powerful jet of ink slams into (Captain), not from the nozzle, but from behind the captain's back.
Startled, (Captain) reels toward the huge sack Illnott was sleeping in and...
Wouldya look at that? Seems like I bagged me a crazy gift.
You ain't ever out-pranking me, kid.
So, little present... How do you think we should celebrate Dope Eve?

Illnott spray-paints the window of a house in town, surrounded by children eagerly watching over the process.
Oh. What's up, little dude?
Me? Just doing some snowy art. Not my usual style, I know...
Go ahead. Laugh it up.
Was dropping some "gifts" around town when these kids found me. Roped me into painting their houses after that.
Tch, I tried to tell 'em no, but they wouldn't leave me alone. So here I am.
Choose: You're nicer than you let on.
Yeah? Then I better get a special present for being on the extra nice list.
You best not forget.

'Sup, little dude. I brewed some inks, so let's go bombing.
What, you think I'm scheming something? Nah, was just thinking about the time when we first met.
This is winter holiday number... what now that we've spent together? Heh, you know how to play foul, for real.
I've been a night lover since way before I joined the crew. Back when I was a tyke myself.
But after you came along, my beloved nights got an extra coating of gnarly.
And don't get me started on the big holiday night. Totally crazy to think you've recolored my world.
Especially when painting over someone else's work is an unspoken no-no... Unless the new one is a sick-ass burner.
Psh, the hell am I getting sentimental for? Sucks to be losing my edge. So that's why I'm taking back control.
I'll paint this eve's evening into your memories, one that you'll never be able to erase. I'm gunning for you, little dude.


Today I got off of work early, so I headed into town and bought a cake.
I saw a lot of couples and families walking about. Everyone looked very happy.
What am I doing tonight? I thought I would go back to my room and eat my cake.
With who? I'm afraid I don't have anyone to eat it with.
It's just... I wasn't sure if it was all right to go to the crew party.
Oh, looks like I've gone and worried you. But I'm happy you thought of me.
Thanks, (Captain). Allow me to treat you and the others to some cake.

Impressive... Not only is this year's tree imposing in size, but it's been beautifully decorated.
I'm glad I decided to stop by the plaza on my way home from work.
You don't have to stay with me, (Captain). I didn't expect to run into you while you were out shopping for party supplies like this.
Wouldn't you rather be out creating fond memories with others closer to your age?
This special night only comes once a year, and surely you'd have a more enjoyable experience with them.
You... really don't mind being here with me? Ah, I see. You wanted to invite me to the party too.
Thank you. Then allow me the pleasure of bringing another cake this year.
Shall we walk for a bit? I can help you carry some of those bags if you'd like.

It took so long to finish the work the brass threw at me that it's already late. What an awful holiday present.
(I expected as much, but it's a little disappointing I wasn't able to attend the crew's party...)
As Ilsa reaches out to open the door to her room, she notices a card attached to it.
A season's greeting card... from (Captain).
Heh... Hope you'll be able to join us next time. This level of consideration deserves a medal, (Captain).
Now then, I wonder if I have any candles?
It would be dull to eat this cake in ordinary lighting. I think I'll get into the holiday spirit with some warm candlelight.
Having made her decision, Ilsa sets the card from (Captain) on the table and smiles at it fondly.

Happy holidays, (Captain). Sorry I'm late to the party.
Yeah, it was a long day at work. Anything even mildly irritating seems to come during the holidays.
Just seeing the tower of paperwork waiting for me on my desk was enough to give me a headache...
Well, but seeing that grin on your face makes plowing through all that work worth it.
As an apology for my tardiness, I bought some desserts on my way here.
Cream puffs—the swan ones, of course. There's also strawberry shortcake, some tarts, crepes, and boba...
Whew... Since it's my favorite place, I got a little carried away and ended up getting almost everything. Let's enjoy tonight's party together.

Happy holidays. Sorry I'm late to the party.
I was planning to arrive before the event kicked off, but I had to put out some minor fires first.
The top brass and their backstabbing politics may be gone, but now my subordinates are running around like headless chickens. I wish they'd grow a pair and start thinking for themselves.
Sigh. Sorry, didn't mean to rant. Tonight is all about fun, and I intend to have it.
I bought a lot of dessert to share with everyone.
Oh, and remember that cake you were eyeing last year?
I grabbed the only two left—one for you, and one for me. Let's keep this between us, okay?

Ilsa (Light)

Today I got off of work early, so I headed into town and bought a cake.
I saw a lot of couples and families walking about. Everyone looked very happy.
What am I doing tonight? I thought I would go back to my room and eat my cake.
With who? I'm afraid I don't have anyone to eat it with.
It's just... I wasn't sure if it was all right to go to the crew party.
Oh, looks like I've gone and worried you. But I'm happy you thought of me.
Thanks, (Captain). Allow me to treat you and the others to some cake.

Impressive... Not only is this year's tree imposing in size, but it's been beautifully decorated.
I'm glad I decided to stop by the plaza on my way home from work.
You don't have to stay with me, (Captain). I didn't expect to run into you while you were out shopping for party supplies like this.
Wouldn't you rather be out creating fond memories with others closer to your age?
This special night only comes once a year, and surely you'd have a more enjoyable experience with them.
You... really don't mind being here with me? Ah, I see. You wanted to invite me to the party too.
Thank you. Then allow me the pleasure of bringing another cake this year.
Shall we walk for a bit? I can help you carry some of those bags if you'd like.

It took so long to finish the work the brass threw at me that it's already late. What an awful holiday present.
(I expected as much, but it's a little disappointing I wasn't able to attend the crew's party...)
As Ilsa reaches out to open the door to her room, she notices a card attached to it.
A season's greeting card... from (Captain).
Heh... Hope you'll be able to join us next time. This level of consideration deserves a medal, (Captain).
Now then, I wonder if I have any candles?
It would be dull to eat this cake in ordinary lighting. I think I'll get into the holiday spirit with some warm candlelight.
Having made her decision, Ilsa sets the card from (Captain) on the table and smiles at it fondly.

Happy holidays, (Captain). Sorry I'm late to the party.
Yeah, it was a long day at work. Anything even mildly irritating seems to come during the holidays.
Just seeing the tower of paperwork waiting for me on my desk was enough to give me a headache...
Well, but seeing that grin on your face makes plowing through all that work worth it.
As an apology for my tardiness, I bought some desserts on my way here.
Cream puffs—the swan ones, of course. There's also strawberry shortcake, some tarts, crepes, and boba...
Whew... Since it's my favorite place, I got a little carried away and ended up getting almost everything. Let's enjoy tonight's party together.

Happy holidays. Sorry I'm late to the party.
I was planning to arrive before the event kicked off, but I had to put out some minor fires first.
The top brass and their backstabbing politics may be gone, but now my subordinates are running around like headless chickens. I wish they'd grow a pair and start thinking for themselves.
Sigh. Sorry, didn't mean to rant. Tonight is all about fun, and I intend to have it.
I bought a lot of dessert to share with everyone.
Oh, and remember that cake you were eyeing last year?
I grabbed the only two left—one for you, and one for me. Let's keep this between us, okay?

Ilsa (Summer)

Today I got off of work early, so I headed into town and bought a cake.
I saw a lot of couples and families walking about. Everyone looked very happy.
What am I doing tonight? I thought I would go back to my room and eat my cake.
With who? I'm afraid I don't have anyone to eat it with.
It's just... I wasn't sure if it was all right to go to the crew party.
Oh, looks like I've gone and worried you. But I'm happy you thought of me.
Thanks, (Captain). Allow me to treat you and the others to some cake.

Impressive... Not only is this year's tree imposing in size, but it's been beautifully decorated.
I'm glad I decided to stop by the plaza on my way home from work.
You don't have to stay with me, (Captain). I didn't expect to run into you while you were out shopping for party supplies like this.
Wouldn't you rather be out creating fond memories with others closer to your age?
This special night only comes once a year, and surely you'd have a more enjoyable experience with them.
You... really don't mind being here with me? Ah, I see. You wanted to invite me to the party too.
Thank you. Then allow me the pleasure of bringing another cake this year.
Shall we walk for a bit? I can help you carry some of those bags if you'd like.

It took so long to finish the work the brass threw at me that it's already late. What an awful holiday present.
(I expected as much, but it's a little disappointing I wasn't able to attend the crew's party...)
As Ilsa reaches out to open the door to her room, she notices a card attached to it.
A season's greeting card... from (Captain).
Heh... Hope you'll be able to join us next time. This level of consideration deserves a medal, (Captain).
Now then, I wonder if I have any candles?
It would be dull to eat this cake in ordinary lighting. I think I'll get into the holiday spirit with some warm candlelight.
Having made her decision, Ilsa sets the card from (Captain) on the table and smiles at it fondly.

Happy holidays, (Captain). Sorry I'm late to the party.
Yeah, it was a long day at work. Anything even mildly irritating seems to come during the holidays.
Just seeing the tower of paperwork waiting for me on my desk was enough to give me a headache...
Well, but seeing that grin on your face makes plowing through all that work worth it.
As an apology for my tardiness, I bought some desserts on my way here.
Cream puffs—the swan ones, of course. There's also strawberry shortcake, some tarts, crepes, and boba...
Whew... Since it's my favorite place, I got a little carried away and ended up getting almost everything. Let's enjoy tonight's party together.

Happy holidays. Sorry I'm late to the party.
I was planning to arrive before the event kicked off, but I had to put out some minor fires first.
The top brass and their backstabbing politics may be gone, but now my subordinates are running around like headless chickens. I wish they'd grow a pair and start thinking for themselves.
Sigh. Sorry, didn't mean to rant. Tonight is all about fun, and I intend to have it.
I bought a lot of dessert to share with everyone.
Oh, and remember that cake you were eyeing last year?
I grabbed the only two left—one for you, and one for me. Let's keep this between us, okay?

Ilsa (Yukata)

Today I got off of work early, so I headed into town and bought a cake.
I saw a lot of couples and families walking about. Everyone looked very happy.
What am I doing tonight? I thought I would go back to my room and eat my cake.
With who? I'm afraid I don't have anyone to eat it with.
It's just... I wasn't sure if it was all right to go to the crew party.
Oh, looks like I've gone and worried you. But I'm happy you thought of me.
Thanks, (Captain). Allow me to treat you and the others to some cake.

Impressive... Not only is this year's tree imposing in size, but it's been beautifully decorated.
I'm glad I decided to stop by the plaza on my way home from work.
You don't have to stay with me, (Captain). I didn't expect to run into you while you were out shopping for party supplies like this.
Wouldn't you rather be out creating fond memories with others closer to your age?
This special night only comes once a year, and surely you'd have a more enjoyable experience with them.
You... really don't mind being here with me? Ah, I see. You wanted to invite me to the party too.
Thank you. Then allow me the pleasure of bringing another cake this year.
Shall we walk for a bit? I can help you carry some of those bags if you'd like.

It took so long to finish the work the brass threw at me that it's already late. What an awful holiday present.
(I expected as much, but it's a little disappointing I wasn't able to attend the crew's party...)
As Ilsa reaches out to open the door to her room, she notices a card attached to it.
A season's greeting card... from (Captain).
Heh... Hope you'll be able to join us next time. This level of consideration deserves a medal, (Captain).
Now then, I wonder if I have any candles?
It would be dull to eat this cake in ordinary lighting. I think I'll get into the holiday spirit with some warm candlelight.
Having made her decision, Ilsa sets the card from (Captain) on the table and smiles at it fondly.

Happy holidays, (Captain). Sorry I'm late to the party.
Yeah, it was a long day at work. Anything even mildly irritating seems to come during the holidays.
Just seeing the tower of paperwork waiting for me on my desk was enough to give me a headache...
Well, but seeing that grin on your face makes plowing through all that work worth it.
As an apology for my tardiness, I bought some desserts on my way here.
Cream puffs—the swan ones, of course. There's also strawberry shortcake, some tarts, crepes, and boba...
Whew... Since it's my favorite place, I got a little carried away and ended up getting almost everything. Let's enjoy tonight's party together.

Happy holidays. Sorry I'm late to the party.
I was planning to arrive before the event kicked off, but I had to put out some minor fires first.
The top brass and their backstabbing politics may be gone, but now my subordinates are running around like headless chickens. I wish they'd grow a pair and start thinking for themselves.
Sigh. Sorry, didn't mean to rant. Tonight is all about fun, and I intend to have it.
I bought a lot of dessert to share with everyone.
Oh, and remember that cake you were eyeing last year?
I grabbed the only two left—one for you, and one for me. Let's keep this between us, okay?



Happy holidays!
Come on! Let's go get some cake!

There really are all kinds of great things to do this time of year.
You can spend time with your friends. You can eat great food. And you can even get presents from Santa Claus!
Hehe. It really is the best time of year!
I can hardly wait for it each time.
Hey, let's go over to the kitchen! I'm sure someone's making something good for dinner.
We should help them out! Then maybe we'll get to try some!

Hehe! I'll be making the cake for tonight!
And you'll be helping me, (Captain)! Let's see if we have all the ingredients ready...
Hm? Where's the apple? I could have sworn I put it here. Don't tell me...
I know who did it! We'll bake that cake later, (Captain). First we gotta catch this thief!
Hehe. Time to add some roast lizard to tonight's menu.

(Captain)! Hey, (Captain)! It's snowing!
Hehe. Don't you think it's romantic?
This holiday really isn't complete without a thick, white blanket of snow.
What? You wanna have a snowball fight! And you want me to go round up the rest of the girls to join?
Really, (Captain)! Way to ruin the mood!

Hey, (Captain)! Have you seen Vyrn around anywhere?
What? He went to borrow clothes from Santa Claus?
All right, looks like he's getting ready! I better get changed too.
We're going to be giving presents out to the kids on the ship, so we've got to look the part!
That's what a good adult does during the holidays, isn't it? Hey, how about joining us too, (Captain)?

Io (Grand)

Happy holidays!
Come on! Let's go get some cake!

There really are all kinds of great things to do this time of year.
You can spend time with your friends. You can eat great food. And you can even get presents from Santa Claus!
Hehe. It really is the best time of year!
I can hardly wait for it each time.
Hey, let's go over to the kitchen! I'm sure someone's making something good for dinner.
We should help them out! Then maybe we'll get to try some!

Hehe! I'll be making the cake for tonight!
And you'll be helping me, (Captain)! Let's see if we have all the ingredients ready...
Hm? Where's the apple? I could have sworn I put it here. Don't tell me...
I know who did it! We'll bake that cake later, (Captain). First we gotta catch this thief!
Hehe. Time to add some roast lizard to tonight's menu.

(Captain)! Hey, (Captain)! It's snowing!
Hehe. Don't you think it's romantic?
This holiday really isn't complete without a thick, white blanket of snow.
What? You wanna have a snowball fight! And you want me to go round up the rest of the girls to join?
Really, (Captain)! Way to ruin the mood!

Hey, (Captain)! Have you seen Vyrn around anywhere?
What? He went to borrow clothes from Santa Claus?
All right, looks like he's getting ready! I better get changed too.
We're going to be giving presents out to the kids on the ship, so we've got to look the part!
That's what a good adult does during the holidays, isn't it? Hey, how about joining us too, (Captain)?

Io (Summer)

Happy holidays!
Come on! Let's go get some cake!

There really are all kinds of great things to do this time of year.
You can spend time with your friends. You can eat great food. And you can even get presents from Santa Claus!
Hehe. It really is the best time of year!
I can hardly wait for it each time.
Hey, let's go over to the kitchen! I'm sure someone's making something good for dinner.
We should help them out! Then maybe we'll get to try some!

Hehe! I'll be making the cake for tonight!
And you'll be helping me, (Captain)! Let's see if we have all the ingredients ready...
Hm? Where's the apple? I could have sworn I put it here. Don't tell me...
I know who did it! We'll bake that cake later, (Captain). First we gotta catch this thief!
Hehe. Time to add some roast lizard to tonight's menu.

(Captain)! Hey, (Captain)! It's snowing!
Hehe. Don't you think it's romantic?
This holiday really isn't complete without a thick, white blanket of snow.
What? You wanna have a snowball fight! And you want me to go round up the rest of the girls to join?
Really, (Captain)! Way to ruin the mood!

Hey, (Captain)! Have you seen Vyrn around anywhere?
What? He went to borrow clothes from Santa Claus?
All right, looks like he's getting ready! I better get changed too.
We're going to be giving presents out to the kids on the ship, so we've got to look the part!
That's what a good adult does during the holidays, isn't it? Hey, how about joining us too, (Captain)?


Happy holidays! Santa must get mighty cold traveling alone in winter.
But it's nothing a warm bowl of ramen couldn't fix!

Jolly holly holidays, Captain!
Care for a little stroll before ol' Santa drops by?
A piping-hot bowl of ramen should be a fine, festive delight on a cold winter day!
My treat of course! Take it as my holiday gift to you!

I'm telling you, ramen tastes great when the season turns chilly!
The longest winter night is the best time to sit down with a few bowls of ramen!
So how about it, (Captain)? Let's grab a bite while we wait for Santa!
Ha-ha! If he shows up while we're eating...
I'll treat him to a bowl of ramen too!

'Tis the season!
Brr... It sure is cold, though. Looks like it'll snow tonight.
There's a ramen cart around here that I've been meaning to try. How about we check it out?
They say this one only shows up on the most holy and silent of nights.
Oho! So you're interested? All right. I'll lead the way.
There's something magical about ramen on a snowy night, don't you think?

I'll be making ramen for this year's holiday dinner!
My piping hot ramen is sure to warm you up and give you the strength to make it through the winter!
That being said, if you eat a big bowl of ramen, you won't have room for anything else.
And that'd be a waste, considering the huge spread of delicious food at the feast.
So I did a little brainstorming, and I came up with this!
I call it... cup ramen!
This way, light eaters can have one cup, and heavy eaters can have refills!
I hope you'll eat to your stomach's content too, (Captain)!

Ippatsu (SR)

Happy holidays! Santa must get mighty cold traveling alone in winter.
But it's nothing a warm bowl of ramen couldn't fix!

Jolly holly holidays, Captain!
Care for a little stroll before ol' Santa drops by?
A piping-hot bowl of ramen should be a fine, festive delight on a cold winter day!
My treat of course! Take it as my holiday gift to you!

I'm telling you, ramen tastes great when the season turns chilly!
The longest winter night is the best time to sit down with a few bowls of ramen!
So how about it, (Captain)? Let's grab a bite while we wait for Santa!
Ha-ha! If he shows up while we're eating...
I'll treat him to a bowl of ramen too!

'Tis the season!
Brr... It sure is cold though. Looks like it'll snow tonight.
There's a ramen cart around here that I've been meaning to try. How about we check it out?
They say this one only shows up on the most holy and silent of nights.
Oho! So you're interested? All right. I'll lead the way.
There's something magical about ramen on a snowy night, don't you think?

I'll be making ramen for this year's holiday dinner!
My piping hot ramen is sure to warm you up and give you the strength to make it through the winter!
That being said, if you eat a big bowl of ramen, you won't have room for anything else.
And that'd be a waste, considering the huge spread of delicious food at the feast.
So I did a little brainstorming, and I came up with this!
I call it... cup ramen!
This way, light eaters can have one cup, and heavy eaters can have refills!
I hope you'll eat to your stomach's content too, (Captain)!

Ippatsu (SSR)

Happy holidays! Santa must get mighty cold traveling alone in winter.
But it's nothing a warm bowl of ramen couldn't fix!

Jolly holly holidays, Captain!
Care for a little stroll before ol' Santa drops by?
A piping-hot bowl of ramen should be a fine, festive delight on a cold winter day!
My treat of course! Take it as my holiday gift to you!

I'm telling you, ramen tastes great when the season turns chilly!
The longest winter night is the best time to sit down with a few bowls of ramen!
So how about it, (Captain)? Let's grab a bite while we wait for Santa!
Ha-ha! If he shows up while we're eating...
I'll treat him to a bowl of ramen too!

'Tis the season!
Brr... It sure is cold, though. Looks like it'll snow tonight.
There's a ramen cart around here that I've been meaning to try. How about we check it out?
They say this one only shows up on the most holy and silent of nights.
Oho! So you're interested? All right. I'll lead the way.
There's something magical about ramen on a snowy night, don't you think?

I'll be making ramen for this year's holiday dinner!
My piping hot ramen is sure to warm you up and give you the strength to make it through the winter!
That being said, if you eat a big bowl of ramen, you won't have room for anything else.
And that'd be a waste, considering the huge spread of delicious food at the feast.
So I did a little brainstorming, and I came up with this!
I call it... cup ramen!
This way, light eaters can have one cup, and heavy eaters can have refills!
I hope you'll eat to your stomach's content too, (Captain)!

Ippatsu (Summer)

Happy holidays! Santa must get mighty cold traveling alone in winter.
But it's nothing a warm bowl of ramen couldn't fix!

Jolly holly holidays, Captain!
Care for a little stroll before ol' Santa drops by?
A piping-hot bowl of ramen should be a fine, festive delight on a cold winter day!
My treat of course! Take it as my holiday gift to you!

I'm telling you, ramen tastes great when the season turns chilly!
The longest winter night is the best time to sit down with a few bowls of ramen!
So how about it, (Captain)? Let's grab a bite while we wait for Santa!
Ha-ha! If he shows up while we're eating...
I'll treat him to a bowl of ramen too!

'Tis the season!
Brr... It sure is cold though. Looks like it'll snow tonight.
There's a ramen cart around here that I've been meaning to try. How about we check it out?
They say this one only shows up on the most holy and silent of nights.
Oho! So you're interested? All right. I'll lead the way.
There's something magical about ramen on a snowy night, don't you think?

I'll be making ramen for this year's holiday dinner!
My piping hot ramen is sure to warm you up and give you the strength to make it through the winter!
That being said, if you eat a big bowl of ramen, you won't have room for anything else.
And that'd be a waste, considering the huge spread of delicious food at the feast.
So I did a little brainstorming, and I came up with this!
I call it... cup ramen!
This way, light eaters can have one cup, and heavy eaters can have refills!
I hope you'll eat to your stomach's content too, (Captain)!


Isaac: Ahem... "Blessed be the fruit granted unto us by the cycle of life..."
"We give thanks to the heavens and gods almighty who oversee all creation for a plentiful harvest."
Gwynne: "Peace be with us..."
Isaac: That's how the holiday prayer goes in our family.
Gwynne: Thanks for teaching it to me. Are you okay with not being at the crew's party though?
Isaac: It's nice to spend some quiet time with family sometimes, especially on a special night like this.
Gwynne: So that's what you had in mind...
Isaac: That a problem?
Gwynne: I actually invited Commander Ilsa too. She said she'll bring the crew along if she's able to drop by.
Just then, the restaurant's door opens and in comes (Captain) and company.
Isaac: No, no, it's fine. I consider them family too, so this works out great.

Everyone: Happy holidays!
Gwynne: Pfft! Isaac, you have any idea how loud you were just now?
Isaac: Ahaha, my voice is cracking... Guess I should tone it down a bit when trying something new.
Gwynne: Still though, I never pegged you for the type to get this excited about holding a party.
Isaac: Yep, it's definitely unheard of. Not even Raybury would believe it if you told him.
While the more somber type of holiday observances our ancestors practiced are also important, I think I could get used to festivities like this.
Gwynne: Oh? Color me surprised.
Isaac: It was your family that taught me the importance of living happily together. And I'm just trying to do more of that.
Only I'm not used to being at the center of it all. Haha...
Gwynne: No need to overdo it though. Let's go up and chat at the terrace later.
Isaac: Sure. I wanted to catch up with you too.

Happy holidays! So happy to have ya invite me out, Cousin.
Wait, most've everyone's already here? Hope I can adjust...
You know, I tend to show up for these types of things a little bit before the start time, and I know that could be both a good or bad thing.
I know that in some cultures, it's actually considered more polite to arrive a little bit after everything's started. Could be considered awkward to show up too early.
Oh, right, right! The crew's made up of people from all different kinds of backgrounds. I guess everyone kinda shows up at their own pace.
That's great actually... That we can all do what we're accustomed to even as a big crew.
Well, then, if you invite me back next year, I'll come a little early as usual.
Why don't we have ourselves a little chat until everyone else gets here, Cousin?

While wandering festive streets, (Captain) comes across a large gathering of people.
Haha... Take your time, folks. These lights aren't going anywhere.
In the middle of the crowd, Isaac stands next to a beautifully lit-up display.
Oh! Hey, Cousin. Didn't expect to see you here. Are you out enjoying some holiday fun?
What am I doing? Well, you see... I was testing out these decorative lights when people started gathering... I couldn't bring myself to kill the show after that.
Everything's powered by this hand crank, since I was gonna worry about the power system later. So I've been stuck.
Huh? You'll turn the crank for me?
Thanks, you're a lifesaver. I'll be right back with a generator.
Gotta say... I never expected so many people to enjoy something I made. Feels pretty good.


The fireplace in my home always used to be lit.
On cold, quiet nights, everyone seemed to wander toward it.
I loved that fireplace. It was so warm... and inviting.
When you sat in front of it, it always felt like its warmth was there protecting you. I was so used to that feeling.
In those days it was the one thing that truly gave me solace.
But that was all so many years ago...

Good evening, (Captain). Hm? Did you wish to speak with me?
Ah, that's right. Tonight is the night for holiday celebrations. And is that a present for me?
It warms my heart knowing that you went out of your way to see me on this special day. Thank you, (Captain).
You're as warm and cozy as a roaring fireplace.
When you're with me, I feel happiness even on the coldest nights...
I like you, (Captain)...

Tonight is that time of gift-giving and mistletoe. Oh, are you cold?
Mm... I always end up making things chillier whenever I'm around.
But your kindness and warmth never fails to thaw my frozen heart. Those qualities are irreplaceable.
So I'd love it if you stayed by my side...
I want to feel your warmth. Is that okay?
Thank you. I like you, (Captain).

I'm so lucky I get to spend another holiday with you, (Captain).
Are you sure you're okay, though? I'm very worried that you'll catch a cold from being around me.
And I feel... restless. You're always so warm and kind to me, but I...
I've always wanted to return that favor. Presents can be given early on the eve of the big day too, right?
But what gift can I give? I'd like to think about it for a bit. So will you stay with me?
Sitting here, chatting by a roaring fireplace... I'm positive it'll help me think of something.

I guess it's become customary for us to relax here in front of the fireplace, every year on this holy night...
Ever since we met, I've been so blessed with your kindness and warmth...
I've heard that the holy night is a special occasion to celebrate the time you spend with your loved ones.
I'm very happy that I can experience this kind of appreciation for others...
(Captain), thank you for showing me this warmth. I love you...

Izmir (Summer)

The fireplace in my home always used to be lit.
On cold, quiet nights, everyone seemed to wander toward it.
I loved that fireplace. It was so warm... and inviting.
When you sat in front of it, it always felt like its warmth was there protecting you. I was so used to that feeling.
In those days it was the one thing that truly gave me solace.
But that was all so many years ago...

Good evening, (Captain). Hm? Did you wish to speak with me?
Ah, that's right. Tonight is the night for holiday celebrations. And is that a present for me?
It warms my heart knowing that you went out of your way to see me on this special day. Thank you, (Captain).
You're as warm and cozy as a roaring fireplace.
When you're with me, I feel happiness even on the coldest nights...
I like you, (Captain)...

Tonight is that time of gift-giving and mistletoe. Oh, are you cold?
Mm... I always end up making things chillier whenever I'm around.
But your kindness and warmth never fails to thaw my frozen heart. Those qualities are irreplaceable.
So I'd love it if you stayed by my side...
I want to feel your warmth. Is that okay?
Thank you. I like you, (Captain).

I'm so lucky I get to spend another holiday with you, (Captain).
Are you sure you're okay, though? I'm very worried that you'll catch a cold from being around me.
And I feel... restless. You're always so warm and kind to me, but I...
I've always wanted to return that favor. Presents can be given early on the eve of the big day too, right?
But what gift can I give? I'd like to think about it for a bit. So will you stay with me?
Sitting here, chatting by a roaring fireplace... I'm positive it'll help me think of something.

I guess it's become customary for us to relax here in front of the fireplace, every year on this holy night...
Ever since we met, I've been so blessed with your kindness and warmth...
I've heard that the holy night is a special occasion to celebrate the time you spend with your loved ones.
I'm very happy that I can experience this kind of appreciation for others...
(Captain), thank you for showing me this warmth. I love you...

Izmir (Yukata)

The fireplace in my home always used to be lit.
On cold, quiet nights, everyone seemed to wander toward it.
I loved that fireplace. It was so warm... and inviting.
When you sat in front of it, it always felt like its warmth was there protecting you. I was so used to that feeling.
In those days it was the one thing that truly gave me solace.
But that was all so many years ago...

Good evening, (Captain). Hm? Did you wish to speak with me?
Ah, that's right. Tonight is the night for holiday celebrations. And is that a present for me?
It warms my heart knowing that you went out of your way to see me on this special day. Thank you, (Captain).
You're as warm and cozy as a roaring fireplace.
When you're with me, I feel happiness even on the coldest nights...
I like you, (Captain)...

Tonight is that time of gift-giving and mistletoe. Oh, are you cold?
Mm... I always end up making things chillier whenever I'm around.
But your kindness and warmth never fails to thaw my frozen heart. Those qualities are irreplaceable.
So I'd love it if you stayed by my side...
I want to feel your warmth. Is that okay?
Thank you. I like you, (Captain).

I'm so lucky I get to spend another holiday with you, (Captain).
Are you sure you're okay, though? I'm very worried that you'll catch a cold from being around me.
And I feel... restless. You're always so warm and kind to me, but I...
I've always wanted to return that favor. Presents can be given early on the eve of the big day too, right?
But what gift can I give? I'd like to think about it for a bit. So will you stay with me?
Sitting here, chatting by a roaring fireplace... I'm positive it'll help me think of something.

I guess it's become customary for us to relax here in front of the fireplace, every year on this holy night...
Ever since we met, I've been so blessed with your kindness and warmth...
I've heard that the holy night is a special occasion to celebrate the time you spend with your loved ones.
I'm very happy that I can experience this kind of appreciation for others...
(Captain), thank you for showing me this warmth. I love you...


The festive season? Can't say I ever heard of that!
As an orphan, I didn't get a Santa hat! I didn't get a tree or presents from the store!
So what the heck are you botherin' me for?
Yo, you want to give me all that stuff? Well, then I hope a thanks is enough...

Yo, happy! Happy, happy! Happy holidays!
Tonight, we're gonna party 'til we drop! And I'll be coming in, bringing on the hip-hop!
Captain, J.J., everybody!
You want a tree? One red costume, please! How about some fruitcake? Let's party, for goodness sake!
Hey, what's goin' on up here? I'm not feeling the cheer. We gotta raise the roof with this crew!
Just kidding, Captain. We're having a good time. This place is so happening!
Heheh. Now this is what I call a real happy holiday!

Yo, yo, jingle bells, jingle bells!
Ringing those bells, dashin' through the snow, party's gonna start before you even know!
All right y'all, Santa J.J. is in the house!
Jinglin' here, jinglin' there, blingin' all the way! Ho!
All together, all together, let's party night and day!
Whoo! Happy holidays! You havin' fun, (Captain)?
Holiday partaaay! Yeaaaah!

What am I bringing to the gift exchange? Well, someone's gonna get a healthy dose of my freestyle!
J.J. droppin', poppin', hip-hoppin', O ho-ho-ho holy night!
It's hot—so hot—meltin' the snowy twilight!
Singin' "yo!" The holiday's awaitin'! And so! We gonna go a-wassailin'!
See the ice—bling bling—wrappin' 'round the tree!
Keep on rhymin'—ring-a-ling—a freestylin' spree!
Oh, what fun is it to rhyme on this Noel scene. Getcha holly-jolly on, y'know what I mean?
Can I hear ya say "yeah"? Yeaah!
Okay! That rap's a wrap! My present's good to go!
What? It's supposed to be something physical? But I don't have anything else to give...

Say yeah! Holy night, oh! (Captain), you ready to celebrate?
The streets are alive with light. But where there's light, there's shadow.
When I was a kid, I used to watch people going about their holiday business from the back streets...
I always saw a bunch of kids my own age, hanging out with their moms and dads and loving the season.
I used to look at those sparkling trees with a lot of contempt. And I know there are still a ton of kids out there like me.
That's why I vow to bring them the gift of hip-hop!
Yo! Hear it, the rhyme panther! It's your hero, J.J. Santa!
You wanna help me spread the cheer, man?

J.J. (Summer)

The festive season? Can't say I ever heard of that!
As an orphan, I didn't get a Santa hat! I didn't get a tree or presents from the store!
So what the heck are you botherin' me for?
Yo, you want to give me all that stuff? Well, then I hope a thanks is enough...

Yo, happy! Happy, happy! Happy holidays!
Tonight, we're gonna party 'til we drop! And I'll be coming in, bringing on the hip-hop!
Captain, J.J., everybody!
You want a tree? One red costume, please! How about some fruitcake? Let's party, for goodness sake!
Hey, what's goin' on up here? I'm not feeling the cheer. We gotta raise the roof with this crew!
Just kidding, Captain. We're having a good time. This place is so happening!
Heheh. Now this is what I call a real happy holiday!

Yo, yo, jingle bells, jingle bells!
Ringing those bells, dashin' through the snow, party's gonna start before you even know!
All right y'all, Santa J.J. is in the house!
Jinglin' here, jinglin' there, blingin' all the way! Ho!
All together, all together, let's party night and day!
Whoo! Happy holidays! You havin' fun, (Captain)?
Holiday partaaay! Yeaaaah!

What am I bringing to the gift exchange? Well, someone's gonna get a healthy dose of my freestyle!
J.J. droppin', poppin', hip-hoppin', O ho-ho-ho holy night!
It's hot—so hot—meltin' the snowy twilight!
Singin' "yo!" The holiday's awaitin'! And so! We gonna go a-wassailin'!
See the ice—bling bling—wrappin' 'round the tree!
Keep on rhymin'—ring-a-ling—a freestylin' spree!
Oh, what fun is it to rhyme on this Noel scene. Getcha holly-jolly on, y'know what I mean?
Can I hear ya say "yeah"? Yeaah!
Okay! That rap's a wrap! My present's good to go!
What? It's supposed to be something physical? But I don't have anything else to give...

Say yeah! Holy night, oh! (Captain), you ready to celebrate?
The streets are alive with light. But where there's light, there's shadow.
When I was a kid, I used to watch people going about their holiday business from the back streets...
I always saw a bunch of kids my own age, hanging out with their moms and dads and loving the season.
I used to look at those sparkling trees with a lot of contempt. And I know there are still a ton of kids out there like me.
That's why I vow to bring them the gift of hip-hop!
Yo! Hear it, the rhyme panther! It's your hero, J.J. Santa!
You wanna help me spread the cheer, man?


Hmm... Ah, would you like a gift, Master (Captain)? I have obtained some toys and treasures.
Yes, I liberated them from a bandit. He was carrying a large bag full of presents as he ran away from me.
But there's one thing I don't understand. Why would he dress in such an eye-catching red outfit... What? It was Rackam in costume?
Oh no... This is the most mortifying thing that's ever happened to me...

... Ah, Master (Captain), forgive me for not responding immediately.
Because of my little mishap the previous year, I decided to give Rackam a hand this year.
But he immediately told me to run off to bed for some reason.
I wonder if he'll be okay carrying such a large bag alone...

I have erected a snowman over there, Master. Please make good use of it.
Hm? For what purpose?
My clan would routinely use it for clandestine operations. You can observe the enemy by hiding inside.
Even if a snowman wasn't there before, no one would give a second thought to a freshly made one. There is a small caveat however...
You'll freeze to death if you fall asleep inside it. Well, honestly it's not that big of a deal.

Are you heading out, Master?
In that case, rest assured that your security will be absolute. I have built snowmen all over town in which I can conceal myself in order to watch over you.
Should any miscreants dare to cast the shadow of violence over your holiday outing, I shall eliminate them before they have a chance to—
Hm? I should just come along with you? But...
Understood. Then I shall travel with you as your bodyguard.
Thank you for your consideration.

Master... Are you certain you want to lend your assistance? I'm perfectly capable of making a snowman for infiltration purposes on my own...
Could it be that... there is a flaw with my snowmen? If that's the case, please inform me of it and I will work to fix it immediately!
There aren't any flaws? I see... I'm relieved to hear that.
Still, I would hate for your plans on this holy night to be interrupted from helping me with this endeavor. Perhaps it would be better if you...
Huh... You'd like me to walk you through how to make a snowman, step by step?
Very well! If that is your wish, then I would be more than glad to oblige.
Wait! Master? By walking me through it step by step, you don't mean... actually taking me by the hand and walking together?

Jamil (Dark)

Hmm... Ah, would you like a gift, Master (Captain)? I have obtained some toys and treasures.
Yes, I liberated them from a bandit. He was carrying a large bag full of presents as he ran away from me.
But there's one thing I don't understand. Why would he dress in such an eye-catching red outfit... What? It was Rackam in costume?
Oh no... This is the most mortifying thing that's ever happened to me...

... Ah, Master (Captain), forgive me for not responding immediately.
Because of my little mishap the previous year, I decided to give Rackam a hand this year.
But he immediately told me to run off to bed for some reason.
I wonder if he'll be okay carrying such a large bag alone...

I have erected a snowman over there, Master. Please make good use of it.
Hm? For what purpose?
My clan would routinely use it for clandestine operations. You can observe the enemy by hiding inside.
Even if a snowman wasn't there before, no one would give a second thought to a freshly made one. There is a small caveat however...
You'll freeze to death if you fall asleep inside it. Well, honestly it's not that big of a deal.

Are you heading out, Master?
In that case, rest assured that your security will be absolute. I have built snowmen all over town in which I can conceal myself in order to watch over you.
Should any miscreants dare to cast the shadow of violence over your holiday outing, I shall eliminate them before they have a chance to—
Hm? I should just come along with you? But...
Understood. Then I shall travel with you as your bodyguard.
Thank you for your consideration.

Master... Are you certain you want to lend your assistance? I'm perfectly capable of making a snowman for infiltration purposes on my own...
Could it be that... there is a flaw with my snowmen? If that's the case, please inform me of it and I will work to fix it immediately!
There aren't any flaws? I see... I'm relieved to hear that.
Still, I would hate for your plans on this holy night to be interrupted from helping me with this endeavor. Perhaps it would be better if you...
Huh... You'd like me to walk you through how to make a snowman, step by step?
Very well! If that is your wish, then I would be more than glad to oblige.
Wait! Master? By walking me through it step by step, you don't mean... actually taking me by the hand and walking together?

Jamil (SSR)

Hmm... Ah, would you like a gift, Master (Captain)? I have obtained some toys and treasures.
Yes, I liberated them from a bandit. He was carrying a large bag full of presents as he ran away from me.
But there's one thing I don't understand. Why would he dress in such an eye-catching red outfit... What? It was Rackam in costume?
Oh no... This is the most mortifying thing that's ever happened to me...

Ah, Master (Captain), forgive me for not responding immediately.
Because of my little mishap the previous year, I decided to give Rackam a hand this year.
But he immediately told me to run off to bed for some reason.
I wonder if he'll be okay carrying such a large bag alone...

I have erected a snowman over there, Master. Please make good use of it.
Hm? For what purpose?
My clan would routinely use it for clandestine operations. You can observe the enemy by hiding inside.
Even if a snowman wasn't there before, no one would give a second thought to a freshly made one. There is a small caveat however...
You'll freeze to death if you fall asleep inside it. Well, honestly it's not that big of a deal.

Are you heading out, Master?
In that case, rest assured that your security will be absolute. I have built snowmen all over town in which I can conceal myself in order to watch over you.
Should any miscreants dare to cast the shadow of violence over your holiday outing, I shall eliminate them before they have a chance to—
Hm? I should just come along with you? But...
Understood. Then I shall travel with you as your bodyguard.
Thank you for your consideration.

Master... Are you certain you want to lend your assistance? I'm perfectly capable of making a snowman for infiltration purposes on my own...
Could it be that... there is a flaw with my snowmen? If that's the case, please inform me of it and I will work to fix it immediately!
There aren't any flaws? I see... I'm relieved to hear that.
Still, I would hate for your plans on this holy night to be interrupted from helping me with this endeavor. Perhaps it would be better if you...
Huh... You'd like me to walk you through how to make a snowman, step by step?
Very well! If that is your wish, then I would be more than glad to oblige.
Wait! Master? By walking me through it step by step, you don't mean... actually taking me by the hand and walking together?


Happy holidays! I hear today is going to be a wonderful day!
Yeah, hehe! Looks like I heard right! The rabbits, the squirrels... oh, everyone looks so happy!
(Captain), are you happy today too?
Huh? Oh no! Your hands are half-frozen!

Hey, (Captain)! Over here!
It's really chilly today, so let's have the animals warm us up!
Hm? It's better if the animals aren't here? You mean you'd rather be alone with me?
Eheheh... No, I don't mind at all... Let's spend the day together then...

Today's a day to spend with your loved ones... Will you spend the day with me, (Captain)?
Teehee, thank you. I hope you don't mind my animals joining us.
I love you all the same!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Why don't we decorate the tree together this year?
The animals have gathered lots of ripe fruits and berries for us.
It's all for making the tree look super pretty.
You can hang up the ones you like too, (Captain)!
Hehe, with you and all the animals hustling about...
Decorating the tree tonight feels like a party!

(Captain)! Happy holidays!
I made little stockings for all the animals to make sure Santa's presents reach them too!
Of course, I saved one just for you!
Here you go, (Captain)! Don't forget to hang it by your bedside!
When morning comes, we'll be able to compare our presents!

Jasmine (SR)

Happy holidays! I hear today is going to be a wonderful day!
Yeah, hehe! Looks like I heard right! The rabbits, the squirrels... oh, everyone looks so happy!
(Captain), are you happy today too?
Huh? Oh no! Your hands are half-frozen!

Hey, (Captain)! Over here!
It's really chilly today, so let's have the animals warm us up!
Hm? It's better if the animals aren't here? You mean you'd rather be alone with me?
Eheheh... No, I don't mind at all... Let's spend the day together then...

Today's a day to spend with your loved ones... Will you spend the day with me, (Captain)?
Teehee, thank you. I hope you don't mind my animals joining us.
I love you all the same!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Why don't we decorate the tree together this year?
The animals have gathered lots of ripe fruits and berries for us.
It's all for making the tree look super pretty.
You can hang up the ones you like too, (Captain)!
Hehe, with you and all the animals hustling about...
Decorating the tree tonight feels like a party!

(Captain)! Happy holidays!
I made little stockings for all the animals to make sure Santa's presents reach them too!
Of course, I saved one just for you!
Here you go, (Captain)! Don't forget to hang it by your bedside!
When morning comes, we'll be able to compare our presents!

Jasmine (SSR)

Happy holidays! I hear today is going to be a wonderful day!
Yeah, hehe! Looks like I heard right! The rabbits, the squirrels... oh, everyone looks so happy!
(Captain), are you happy today too?
Huh? Oh no! Your hands are half-frozen!

Hey, (Captain)! Over here!
It's really chilly today, so let's have the animals warm us up!
Hm? It's better if the animals aren't here? You mean you'd rather be alone with me?
Eheheh... No, I don't mind at all... Let's spend the day together then...

Today's a day to spend with your loved ones... Will you spend the day with me, (Captain)?
Teehee, thank you. I hope you don't mind my animals joining us.
I love you all the same!

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Why don't we decorate the tree together this year?
The animals have gathered lots of ripe fruits and berries for us.
It's all for making the tree look super pretty.
You can hang up the ones you like too, (Captain)!
Hehe, with you and all the animals hustling about...
Decorating the tree tonight feels like a party!

(Captain)! Happy holidays!
I made little stockings for all the animals to make sure Santa's presents reach them too!
Of course, I saved one just for you!
Here you go, (Captain)! Don't forget to hang it by your bedside!
When morning comes, we'll be able to compare our presents!

Jeanne d'Arc

Happy holidays, Captain.
It's fun to have a lively celebration, but silent nights can be enjoyable too. Whichever you choose, I hope you have a great time tonight!

As a child, I always looked forward to Santa Claus's visits.
All the teddy bears I received back then are still in my room back home.
Teehee... They're all so cute; I couldn't bear to throw any of them out.
Santa Claus has given me so many fond memories with his gifts.
Knowing that the children of today are receiving gifts like I once did warms my heart.

Sincerest greetings to you, (Captain). The streets are filled with joyous chatter on this holy night.
Even so, the number of couples strolling about is most unusual...
Hm? Tonight is also a special time for deepening one's relationship? Ah, that makes sense.
I'm sorry. I can't say I pay much attention to such details.
But there is truth in it.
The holy night should be a blessing. It's best to spend time with someone important to you.
I have to show my thanks for being able to spend this night with you and the rest of the crew.
It's a very cold night, but my heart is warm.

Happy holidays, (Captain). Another festive season is upon us.
People coming together in harmony around a table...
It's such a normal custom, but I hope such warm-heartedness continues next year, the year after, and forever after that.
My wish is to protect people as they go about their daily lives.
I know what I can manage by myself won't amount to much...
But still... If my meager help provides the key to even one person's happiness, then I am sure of this path.

Hm? Oh, (Captain). Happy holidays.
I'm sorry, could you wait just a minute? Thank you. I'll just hang this here... Fix this a little...
There! It's perfect. Look, (Captain)—it's a tapestry, spun into a holiday design.
It has a red and green motif with a cake, Santa Claus, a tree with ornaments...
I made it to depict a scene with everyone spending an enjoyable holy night together. What do you think? Hehe... Thank you.
I pray with all my heart that I can continue spending the holiday season with you and the others... Not only this year, but also in the years to come.
That is why I shall devote myself to my mission... But I suppose that kind of talk would be too solemn for a festive night like this.
Hehe, I apologize. You're right—tonight, let's relax and enjoy the holiday season together.

Jeanne d'Arc (Dark)

Happy holidays, (Captain). A holy night like this... does not suit me the way I am now...
Haha, how kind of you. But please don't make such a sad face.
Your smile is the greatest gift for me now. Something more would be...
It's really cold, can you give me a hug? Haha... Please?

The holiday season no longer suits me...
And yet I still love the snow and how it covers everything in pure white.
Perhaps if the snow covered and froze my heart, I'd be free of this torment.
But no... Running from my sins will not do.
Even if it means letting the torment drag me down into madness!

Tell me, (Captain). Is this holy night supposed to be so freezing cold?
Though the streets are filled with joyous voices, all I hear in my heart is silence.
It's cold and dreadful...
Will you take my hand, (Captain)?
Squeeze my hand as if to fill that void... More, more!
Mm, warmth. Your hand alone is always warm.

I hear the voices of children at play...
Is it the winter festival? I remember when I too felt like those children during this time of year.
Such innocence, when you look past the surface, is simple ignorance.
Once you've realized this truth, you can never return to purer days.
I suspect that I won't ever...
Ah, excuse me, (Captain). You've come to invite me to the festivities?
I'm afraid I must refuse—I had planned to pray in my room.
Don't make that face. It's more than enough that you came to invite me.

What's the matter, (Captain)? You want me to join you in singing holiday carols?
I'm sorry, but I will have to turn down the kind invitation.
I'm afraid I'm not fit to celebrate the holy night...
I'll only stain the noble sentiments with which you sing, you see...
You tell me I'm thinking too much into it, but I don't think I can do it, (Captain).
Now go. They're waiting for you. I'm happy that you went out of your way to invite me—thank you.
I shall offer up my prayers as I listen to the sweet sound of your singing.

Jeanne d'Arc (Grand)

Happy holidays, Captain.
It's fun to have a lively celebration, but silent nights can be enjoyable too. Whichever you choose, I hope you have a great time tonight!

As a child, I always looked forward to Santa Claus's visits.
All the teddy bears I received back then are still in my room back home.
Teehee... They're all so cute; I couldn't bear to throw any of them out.
Santa Claus has given me so many fond memories with his gifts.
Knowing that the children of today are receiving gifts like I once did warms my heart.

Sincerest greetings to you, (Captain). The streets are filled with joyous chatter on this holy night.
Even so, the number of couples strolling about is most unusual...
Hm? Tonight is also a special time for deepening one's relationship? Ah, that makes sense.
I'm sorry. I can't say I pay much attention to such details.
But there is truth in it.
The holy night should be a blessing. It's best to spend time with someone important to you.
I have to show my thanks for being able to spend this night with you and the rest of the crew.
It's a very cold night, but my heart is warm.

Happy holidays, (Captain). Another festive season is upon us.
People coming together in harmony around a table...
It's such a normal custom, but I hope such warm-heartedness continues next year, the year after, and forever after that.
My wish is to protect people as they go about their daily lives.
I know what I can manage by myself won't amount to much...
But still... If my meager help provides the key to even one person's happiness, then I am sure of this path.

Hm? Oh, (Captain). Happy holidays.
I'm sorry, could you wait just a minute? Thank you. I'll just hang this here... Fix this a little...
There! It's perfect. Look, (Captain)—it's a tapestry, spun into a holiday design.
It has a red and green motif with a cake, Santa Claus, a tree with ornaments...
I made it to depict a scene with everyone spending an enjoyable holy night together. What do you think? Hehe... Thank you.
I pray with all my heart that I can continue spending the holiday season with you and the others... Not only this year, but also in the years to come.
That is why I shall devote myself to my mission... But I suppose that kind of talk would be too solemn for a festive night like this.
Hehe, I apologize. You're right—tonight, let's relax and enjoy the holiday season together.

Jeanne d'Arc (SR)

Happy holidays! Huh? You want to know who I'll be spending my time with? Hrm, with all my friends in the crew I suppose.
The winter chill will be tough to brave, but days like this when we can just relax and enjoy each other's company makes it all the more bearable.
Even when surrounded by frigid snow, the company of others helps me forget the cold and have a good time.
It's important to remember that we're not alone.
Haha... Shall we go and prepare dinner?

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Today's a festive night! The children can barely contain their excitement waiting for Santa Claus!
Huh, me? I'm a little too old to get presents from Santa Claus... Right?
Although I do cherish all of the presents that I've received in the past.
Mm? What kind of presents?
Let's see... My favorite was a stuffed rabbit, I guess.
I used to make clothes for Mr. Bunny myself. That's how I learned to enjoy sewing.
I hope the children will forever treasure the presents they receive tonight.

Hello, (Captain). Happy holidays!
Oh... I'm sorry, that was a little loud, wasn't it?
I was doing some vocal training just now. I'll need to get used to lowering my voice again...
Hm? Why vocal training, you ask? Why, for the holiday carols, of course...
Oh! Come to think of it, other towns might not have the same customs we do.
In Orleans, everyone gathers and offers up a song of prayer on the holy night.
I was practicing so my song can ring out and reach the creator in the skies above...
Huh? You want to hear it? O-oh, well... All right, then I will sing it once more for you.

Happy holidays, Captain. Have you finished hanging up ornaments?
I also just returned from helping the village children decorate a holiday tree.
They really enjoyed the small Santa Claus doll I made...
So much so that they were about to fight to see who could place it on the tree. I'll have to make more for next year.
What? You wish you could have seen it?
Hehe, how about I make one for you next year as well?
If it will brighten up your holy night, then I shall be happy to do it.

Ah, I finally found you, (Captain).
Last year I promised to make you your very own Santa Claus doll, and I have come to deliver on my promise.
Please take this.
Whether you place it under the tree or in a windowsill, I'll be happy just knowing it has a home somewhere.
Haha. I'm glad you like it. There's something fulfilling about putting up decorations that you make yourself.
I hope every holy night is as peaceful and relaxing as tonight.
No, I shouldn't be "hoping," so to speak. It is my mission to protect the peace.
I will do my best every day in order to secure another harmonious holy night with you, (Captain).

Jeanne d'Arc (Summer)

Happy holidays, Captain.
It's fun to have a lively celebration, but silent nights can be enjoyable too. Whichever you choose, I hope you have a great time tonight!

As a child, I always looked forward to Santa Claus's visits.
All the teddy bears I received back then are still in my room back home.
Teehee... They're all so cute; I couldn't bear to throw any of them out.
Santa Claus has given me so many fond memories with his gifts.
Knowing that the children of today are receiving gifts like I once did warms my heart.

Sincerest greetings to you, (Captain). The streets are filled with joyous chatter on this holy night.
Even so, the number of couples strolling about is most unusual...
Hm? Tonight is also a special time for deepening one's relationship? Ah, that makes sense.
I'm sorry. I can't say I pay much attention to such details.
But there is truth in it.
The holy night should be a blessing. It's best to spend time with someone important to you.
I have to show my thanks for being able to spend this night with you and the rest of the crew.
It's a very cold night, but my heart is warm.

Happy holidays, (Captain). Another festive season is upon us.
People coming together in harmony around a table...
It's such a normal custom, but I hope such warm-heartedness continues next year, the year after, and forever after that.
My wish is to protect people as they go about their daily lives.
I know what I can manage by myself won't amount to much...
But still... If my meager help provides the key to even one person's happiness, then I am sure of this path.

Hm? Oh, (Captain). Happy holidays.
I'm sorry, could you wait just a minute? Thank you. I'll just hang this here... Fix this a little...
There! It's perfect. Look, (Captain)—it's a tapestry, spun into a holiday design.
It has a red and green motif with a cake, Santa Claus, a tree with ornaments...
I made it to depict a scene with everyone spending an enjoyable holy night together. What do you think? Hehe... Thank you.
I pray with all my heart that I can continue spending the holiday season with you and the others... Not only this year, but also in the years to come.
That is why I shall devote myself to my mission... But I suppose that kind of talk would be too solemn for a festive night like this.
Hehe, I apologize. You're right—tonight, let's relax and enjoy the holiday season together.

Jeanne d'Arc (Water Summer)

Happy holidays, (Captain). A holy night like this... does not suit me the way I am now...
Haha, how kind of you. But please don't make such a sad face.
Your smile is the greatest gift for me now. Something more would be...
It's really cold, can you give me a hug? Haha... Please?

The holiday season no longer suits me...
And yet I still love the snow and how it covers everything in pure white.
Perhaps if the snow covered and froze my heart, I'd be free of this torment.
But no... Running from my sins will not do.
Even if it means letting the torment drag me down into madness!

Tell me, (Captain). Is this holy night supposed to be so freezing cold?
Though the streets are filled with joyous voices, all I hear in my heart is silence.
It's cold and dreadful...
Will you take my hand, (Captain)?
Squeeze my hand as if to fill that void... More, more!
Mm, warmth. Your hand alone is always warm.

I hear the voices of children at play...
Is it the winter festival? I remember when I too felt like those children during this time of year.
Such innocence, when you look past the surface, is simple ignorance.
Once you've realized this truth, you can never return to purer days.
I suspect that I won't ever...
Ah, excuse me, (Captain). You've come to invite me to the festivities?
I'm afraid I must refuse—I had planned to pray in my room.
Don't make that face. It's more than enough that you came to invite me.

What's the matter, (Captain)?
You want me to join you in singing holiday carols?
I'm sorry, but I will have to turn down the kind invitation.
I'm afraid I'm not fit to celebrate the holy night...
I'll only stain the noble sentiments with which you sing, you see...
You tell me I'm thinking too much into it, but I don't think I can do it, (Captain).
Now go. They're waiting for you. I'm happy that you went out of your way to invite me—thank you.
I shall offer up my prayers as I listen to the s