Age | 32 |
Height | 180 cm |
Race | Human |
Hobbies | Unknown (as Jin (Event)) Fishing (as of Jin (Ronin)) |
Likes | Playing with children |
Dislikes | Medicines, doctors |
After being rescued from monsters as a child, Jin took up the sword to become like his savior. His greatest wish is to help others, but the daily struggle to make ends meet means he sometimes has to abandon his ideals in the face of reality. From what he has heard, the person who saved Jin called himself a samurai, but Jin doesn't know much more beyond that, up to and including his hero's whereabouts. That doesn't stop him from attempting to emulate the ways of this so-called samurai. Although easy-going and good-natured at heart, Jin has a childish side when it comes to dealing with medicine and doctors. 「人を救いたいと願うにも関わらず、人助けに見返りを求めねばそれだけでは生きていけない」ことに長年悩んできたが、大自然と向き合うことでその悩みは払拭された。 飄々としており大らかな好人物だが、苦い薬が大の苦手という子供っぽい面もある。 砂神の巫女サラが星晶獣マナウィダンを封印するための旅に出た際、誤解からサラと彼女に協力する主人公と戦った。誤解が解けた後、それを許し、また見返り無く人を救う主人公の姿に感銘を受け仲間に加わったという過去を持つ。 その後、サラが体調を崩した際、医者を探すため一時的に騎空団を抜けた。サラの体調不良の原因が解消されたことを聞き、彼女の体力回復のための食材を土産に持ち帰るため、また行き倒れかけたところを救ってくれた漁師カッタクリに恩義を返すため巨大魚カツウォヌスの一本釣りに挑み、これを成功させた。 通年を通して「ぐらぶるっ!」で活躍し続けているジンさんが水着……もとい、待望のふんどし姿で登場!! ちなみにこのジンをマイページに設定すると、BGMが「三羽烏漢唄」になります。(本日のアップデートで光属性のソリッズも同様にBGMが変わるようになります) 今回のフェイトエピソードにて、ジンはついに「とある人物」と再会する事になります。 しかしそれは、彼にとって必ずしも喜ばしい事ではありませんでした。 理想と現実の差を思い知り、終わりなき自問自答を続けるジン。 「正道」を求めるがゆえに揺れ動き悩める、その心と刃が向かう先は果たして――!? ジンが辿ってきたこれまでの道のりと、それが導く彼の「正道」にご注目下さい! |
Jin (Wind)/Lore
Game | Strategy | Lore | Voice |
This page is a Lore stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data. See Meta:Manual of Style/Character Pages/Lore for more info. |
Official Profile
Age | 32歳 |
Height | 180cm |
Race | ヒューマン |
Hobbies | 不明 (as Jin (Event)) 釣り (as of Jin (Ronin)) |
Likes | 子供の相手 |
Dislikes | 薬、医者 |
幼い頃、魔物に襲われたところをとある人物に救われ、その人に憧れて剣の道を修めた。 人助けをしようと意気込んだものの、日銭を稼ぐためには対価をもらわねばならず、理想と現実のはざまで苦しむ。 ジンを救った人物は「サムライ」と呼ばれる者のようだが、詳しいことは不明で行方もわからない。 ジンは彼の真似をしているサムライかぶれ。 ひょうひょうとしており大らかな好人物だが、苦い薬が大の苦手という子供っぽい面もある。 「人を救いたいと願うにも関わらず、人助けに見返りを求めねばそれだけでは生きていけない」ことに長年悩んできたが、大自然と向き合うことでその悩みは払拭された。 飄々としており大らかな好人物だが、苦い薬が大の苦手という子供っぽい面もある。 砂神の巫女サラが星晶獣マナウィダンを封印するための旅に出た際、誤解からサラと彼女に協力する主人公と戦った。誤解が解けた後、それを許し、また見返り無く人を救う主人公の姿に感銘を受け仲間に加わったという過去を持つ。 その後、サラが体調を崩した際、医者を探すため一時的に騎空団を抜けた。サラの体調不良の原因が解消されたことを聞き、彼女の体力回復のための食材を土産に持ち帰るため、また行き倒れかけたところを救ってくれた漁師カッタクリに恩義を返すため巨大魚カツウォヌスの一本釣りに挑み、これを成功させた。 通年を通して「ぐらぶるっ!」で活躍し続けているジンさんが水着……もとい、待望のふんどし姿で登場!! ちなみにこのジンをマイページに設定すると、BGMが「三羽烏漢唄」になります。(本日のアップデートで光属性のソリッズも同様にBGMが変わるようになります) 今回のフェイトエピソードにて、ジンはついに「とある人物」と再会する事になります。 しかしそれは、彼にとって必ずしも喜ばしい事ではありませんでした。 理想と現実の差を思い知り、終わりなき自問自答を続けるジン。 「正道」を求めるがゆえに揺れ動き悩める、その心と刃が向かう先は果たして――!? ジンが辿ってきたこれまでの道のりと、それが導く彼の「正道」にご注目下さい! |
- Priestess of the Dunes
- Balmy Breeze and Foamy Deep
- A Slice of Summer
- Table for Six
- My Beloved Auguste
Special Cutscenes
Spoiler Alert! These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts. View these tabs at your own discretion. |
Happy Birthday Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Happy birthday. We must do something special to honor this wonderful day. |
2 | ✔ |
Congratulations on growing another year wiser, (Captain). |
3 | ✔ |
Happy birthday, Captain. It is an honor to continue to protect and serve you. |
4 | ✔ |
I'm delighted that you have successfully endured another year of life. |
5 | ✔ |
(Captain), I cannot be more glad to celebrate your birthday with you again this year. |
Happy New Year Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Happy New Year. May this year be just as good as the last. |
2 | ✔ |
Happy New Year, (Captain). You can count on my support this year too. |
3 | ✔ |
A splendid new year to you! I hope that our crew continues to prosper. |
4 | ✔ |
Happy New Year. Here's to another year of journeying together. |
5 | ✔ |
Auguste's fishermen swim through winter waters as a way of praying for a year's worth of large catches. |
Valentine's Day Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Today is Valentine's Day... That must be why Sara and Volenna gave me candy. |
2 | ✔ |
Huh? This chocolate's for me? |
3 | ✔ |
What! Valentine's chocolate for me? I... am indebted. |
4 | ✔ |
Captain? What is this? |
5 | ✔ |
Is... Is this Valentine's chocolate? |
White Day Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Today is White Day, yes? Won't you accept this, (Captain)? |
2 | ✔ |
Ha-ha. Looks like a busy day for you, (Captain). I'll try to keep this short. |
3 | ✔ |
(Captain), would you please accept this? |
4 | ✔ |
Please accept this White Day gift, Captain. |
5 | ✔ |
O-oh dear... |
Gift |
Trick or Treat Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Happy Halloween! You're not getting dressed up, Captain? |
2 | ✔ |
Since Halloween comes only once a year, I told Sara to try playing a trick on someone. |
3 | ✔ |
Yawn... |
4 | ✔ |
Water... Water! |
5 | ✔ |
All right, be careful out there.
Sara, Graphos, Branwen! Happy Halloween! |
Happy Holidays Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Happy holidays! It really warms my heart to see all the kids running around so happy. |
2 | ✔ |
I wish you happy holidays, (Captain). 'Tis the season for friends to gather and enjoy each other's company. When I roamed the skies alone, I was so emotionally distanced from everyone else. So the opportunity to spend the holidays with close friends is a true blessing for me. Everything should be experienced once, even loneliness. Of course, I can only say that because I moves past it. |
3 | ✔ |
Impersonating Santa Claus and passing out presents to children—that is the reason for the season. |
4 | ✔ |
Excuse me, Captain, could I trouble you for a moment of your time? |
5 | ✔ |
What's this? Santa Claus is almost here, and you're still awake, (Captain)? |
Fate Episodes
Spoiler Alert! These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion. |
Famed Apprentice
The crew once stopped by an island of sand that was in a struggle with a primal beast. They decided to lend a hand in resolving the conflict.
Jin receives an invitation from Kaz asking him to come to Venera Beach of the Auguste Isles. The crew decides to tag along.
People change for better or for worse depending on who they meet.
Onward to the Whitecaps
Onward to the Whitecaps: Scene 2
Let's just watch for now, Sara.
I understand.
Onward to the Whitecaps: Scene 3
Side-scrolling Quotes
JapaneseThis is an official transcription. | EnglishThis is an official translation. |
これまでの釣果?…五分五分、かな | They're not really biting today... |
海のように広い心を持ちたいものだな | I prefer to keep my mind open like the seas. |
そろそろ魚の調理法も学ばねば… | About time I learn how to cook fish too. |
海釣りも良いが川釣りも捨て難い | Fishing in the sea is nice, but the river's not bad either. |
刀も釣りも好きこそ物の上手なれだな | Fishing and swordsmanship come naturally as long as you enjoy it. |
サラ殿達が笑顔で暮らせる世であれば… | I fight to see a world where Sara can always smile... |
ソリッズ殿の好奇心、見習わねばな | I need to see things more objectively like Soriz. |
オイゲン殿程の方でも悩みは尽きぬのだな… | To think that even someone of Eugen's level has so many worries... |
(主人公)殿、某を存分に使ってくれ | Use me to your fullest, (Captain). |
(主人公)、魚は口にあうだろうか? | Do you like fish, (Captain)? |
Other Appearances
Tales of Asteria
- Jin's outfit appears as a cosplay outfit for Asbel during the Granblue Fantasy ✕ Tales of Asteria collaboration event.
- The crossover events in Granblue were A Tale of Intersecting Fates and A Tale of Skyborn Bonds.
5★ Asbel cosplaying as Jin in Tales of Asteria
6★ Asbel cosplaying as Jin in Tales of Asteria
- ↑ Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Jin - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
- ↑ Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 01.
- ↑ Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 09.
- ↑ Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「ジン」「ナルメア(サマーバージョン)」「J・J(サマーバージョン)」「ルナール(サマーバージョン)」
- ↑ Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「ベアトリクス(水着バージョン)」「ジン(水着バージョン)」
- ↑ Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, グランデフェス開催&新キャラクター「ダヌア」「ジン」紹介のお知らせ