Happy Birthday Cutscenes |
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Happy birthday!
Heh heh. We've known each other for a long time, haven't we (Captain)?
I've got it! You're always workin' so hard, I'll give ya this apple. I just picked it myself, and it looks so... tasty.
I mean, it's present for you! Here!
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Heheh! Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Another year's gone by since we left for the skies, huh?
Ever since we started on our adventure, every day just seems to fly by!
But the place we're trying to reach is still so far away! So let's keep at it!
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Heh-heh! Looks like it's time for your birthday again, (Captain)!
Everyone in the crew is getting something ready in their own way to celebrate with you—we're gonna go wild tonight!
But when it comes to celebrating your birthday, I ain't losing to nobody!
Happy birthday, (Captain)! Thanks for everything always!
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Happy birthday!
We sure do have a lot more allies these days than when we first left Zinkenstill...
Back then I never would have imagined your birthday becoming such a boisterous affair!
But we're headed for Estalucia, so this is only the beginning!
We've got lots more adventures waiting for the both of us!
Right, partner?
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Heheh! Hey, partner! So your birthday's come around again, huh? Time to celebrate like we always do!
Ya know, I really look forward to your birthday every year. You're lookin' more and more like your dad.
We've made a ton of friends we can count on, and you've gotten a whole lot stronger too. As your partner, I'm really proud of ya!
Maybe next year, you'll—Nah, I guess that's jumpin' the gun a bit too much.
But I'm excited to see just what kinda skyfarer you'll turn out to be!
Happy birthday, (Captain)!
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Happy birthday!
Hehe, did I catch you off guard? Bet you aren't ready for the next surprise!
It's present time! I got you something real cool!
Ta-da! Look at this apple! Never seen one like it before, right?
I found it at the Knickknack Shack and snatched it right up.
Kinda feel bad since it's a rarity and all, but I wanted you to have it more than anyone else.
You won't get hurt or sick for a year if you eat it! At least, that's what I heard. Probably just a tall tale, but...
We're always runnin' off on some adventure or another, yeah? Figured somethin' is better than nothin' to keep you healthy.
That's why I got you this apple!
Just promise you'll tell me how it tastes after!
- Choose: Why don't we share it?
- Y-you sure? It's your birthday present though...
- Y-you sure? It's your birthday present though...
Hehe, thanks! You're the best! Nothing beats having you for a partner!
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Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Boy, a year flies by like a shooting star. Feels like only yesterday I was wishin' you a happy birthday.
Fun times, hard times... This year's seen it all.
But the important thing is we can still come together today and raise the roof!
By the way, do you know what the secret was for making it safely through last year? That's right, the apple I gave you!
Now before I get ahead of myself, I gotta give you this!
It's your super-mega-awesome present!
Ta-da! Does it blow your mind? This year's apple was specially grown!
I've actually had this in the works since way early on. I had a chat with Siero, and she introduced me to a friend who grows rare apples.
Thanks to those two, the secret apple plan went off without a hitch.
Do you like it?
- Hehe... Aw, you're making me blush. I knew the apple would be a hit!
- Choose: What a thoughtful gift!
- Hehe... Aw, you're making me blush. I knew the apple would be a hit!
Now I gotta think of a way to top myself for next year...
So let's promise to spend next year's birthday together too!
Just about anything can happen on our adventure. Makin' this promise'll be like a prayer for luck.
But who needs luck when you're (Captain)? Nothin' can take you down!
You and I are pals till the very end! Whatever happens, we'll always face it together!
So one more time a big happy birthday to you, buddy!
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Happy birthday, champ! Celebrating your birthday never gets old!
I'm pretty sure it's no surprise by now, but I got you a birthday apple!
Or I woulda, if this year's harvest wasn't so bad. None of the places I checked had even decent apples in stock.
But that didn't stop me from comin' up with another sweet present!
It's an apple sapling! Hehe, betcha didn't see that coming.
If good apples are hard to find, then we'll just have to grow 'em ourselves!
We're budding orchardists! How's that for a new hobby?
With you and me raisin' this tree, our apples'll be known as the best in the world!
You know, we haven't seen the last of danger on our adventure. Not even close.
We could grow the prettiest, juiciest apples in the history of apples, but none of that would matter if I lost ya.
We're always gonna be doin' stuff as a team, from island-hopping to pickin' our fruits when they ripen!
That's a Vyrn guarantee, buddy!
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Happy birthday, (Captain)! Happy to be able to celebrate another year with you, buddy!
Well, here's this year's present! Hope ya like it!
Cool, right? It's a super shiny golden apple! I grew it myself!
I gave you an apple sapling last year, right? After that, I kinda wanted one for myself too.
So I've actually been growin' an apple tree in our ship's storage room...
And that's how this shiny golden apple came to be!
I wanted you to try it, so go ahead! I'm sure it's gonna taste amazing!
(Captain) takes the apple from Vyrn and thinks for a while.
The captain takes out a knife and slices the apple in half.
Wha? You're givin' half of it to me? But this apple's for you...
Seeing Vyrn hesitate, (Captain) asks if this reminds him of anything.
Vyrn's expression lights up.
Come to think of it... You and I shared an apple once back in the day, didn't we?
When you were just a wee kid, we got lost in the forest one time...
Both of us were so hungry we couldn't move...
Then somehow, you found an apple and we shared it.
Heheh! You know, that's actually how I got to like apples even more!
There's a kind of nostalgic taste to it... Reminds me of how that little kid I was with back then's grown up so much.
All right! I guess we can share this one too!
Let's eat it together while we take a trip down memory lane!
(Captain) nods, and the two bite into their halves of the apple.
Without a doubt, the apple is the most delicious thing they've ever eaten in the skies.
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To coincide with (Captain)'s birthday, Vyrn and (Captain) take some time off to visit their hometown of Zinkenstill.
After enjoying a leisurely break, they prepare to return to the airship where their friends await.
Guess the vacation's almost over. Did ya manage to unwind at all?
Choose: Yeah, plenty!
Heh, sounds like you're all refreshed and rarin' to go! Glad to hear it!
Hey, before we head back to the ship, there's somewhere I wanna stop by. C'mon.
With Vyrn leading the way, they arrive at their destination.
Boy, this place hasn't changed a bit. You remember it, right?
This is where our whole adventure kicked off.
We met Lyria, faced off against the Erste Empire... and now we're sailin' the skies.
Anybody can see you're one heck of a skyfarer! Seriously, (Captain)—you're really somethin' else!
We've sure faced our fair share of dangers and tough times along the way though...
- Choose: Even so, the journey goes on!
Heh, yeah! I figured you'd say that, (Captain)! After all, I've been by your side the whole time. I know how your mind works.
- Choose: I nearly gave up more than once.
I feel ya. There were definitely moments I thought we were done for. But every time, you picked yourself back up and pulled through, right? (Captain) nods firmly, vowing to continue doing the same on their journey ahead. Heh, that's what I like to hear!
The world around ya has changed a lot since back then...
But you're still the same (Captain). Just like I'm still the same me!
Oh, I almost forgot. This is for you.
Grinning broadly, Vyrn hands something over to the captain.
Happy birthday, (Captain)! This is my gift to you!
This time around, I decided to try makin' an apple pie!
The whole crew helped out, so you can bet it's super tasty!
- Choose: Thanks so much!
- Choose: It looks delicious!
Heh, hearin' you say that makes my day!
But it might be a tad on the large side...
I started out makin' it on my own, but when the others found out it was for you, they all came runnin'.
Everybody got so into it, the pie ended up way bigger than I planned.
Sheesh. Popularity's not without its ups and downs, huh?
(Captain) proposes an idea to Vyrn about what they should do with the massive pie.
I was thinkin' the same thing! We really are in sync, aren't we, buddy?
Upon returning to the ship, the pair round up Lyria and the rest of the crew.
Afterward, they throw a party where everyone enjoys the enormous apple pie together.