Soriz (SSR)/Lore

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Official Profile

Age About 70
Height 178 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Training, reading adult magazines
Likes Women
Dislikes Talentless men
Granblue Fantasy Theater
Once the owner of a weapons shop that served mercenaries and other wagers of war, Soriz is currently on a journey to transform himself into the ultimate weapon. Wherever he goes, he makes sure to demand the younger generation get into weight training. He never shirks his training, treating the art of combat with stoic firmness, even going so far as to develop his own fighting style out of the various martial arts he has studied over the years.Soriz won countless martial arts tournaments when he was younger, but he now seeks to achieve even greater heights and surpass his physical limits through constant training, day in and day out.
Source [1] [2]
Age 70歳ぐらい
Height 178cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 鍛錬、読書(エロ本)
Likes オネエチャン
Dislikes むさい男
Granblue Fantasy Theater
Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday.
That's one more step down life's long and winding road!
You have to experience all you can while you're young, and maybe... if you're lucky... you'll turn out to be one tough customer like me!


Happy birthday! One step closer to adulthood, eh?
I'd take a hundred of my old-man days to equal just one of your youngster days!
So make sure to try lots of things while you're young, and live your life to the fullest!
You're gonna be a beast when you grow up! I guarantee it! Bet that puts your mind at ease, eh?


When you're a gray old man like me, you really start to feel how fast time flies.
They say that ten years can bring a lot of changes, but ten years starts to feel like just yesterday.
And days... they become like seconds. So, um...
I'll tell you something you've heard a thousand times—live each day to the fullest. You'll never get those days back!
Heheh. But happy birthday nonetheless! Thought I needed to end on a positive note.


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
How long has it been since I met you again?
You were pretty wet behind the ears at first, but you've grown to be quite a fine captain!
Yes indeed... You've really done me proud! I've been watching over you all this time after all... Just kidding!
I've only been able to do a handful of things for you, Captain.
I guess it's not easy to actually be useful to someone.
But you know... I'm a hopeless old man, though I've enjoyed my life. When you think about that, doesn't it take a load off your mind?
I was lucky enough to meet you, so I know life can be surprisingly full of good fortune.
So don't be afraid to keep charging forward! Young people are allowed to be rash and reckless after all!


Today's your birthday, right, (Captain)? Congrats!
You might not realize it yourself, but the light in your eyes has changed a lot since we first met!
You've gotten really reliable, and you're becoming more and more of an adult! Take it from me.
But I guess growth isn't something you can see without looking back at where you came from.
And you young people don't have time for that. But that's the way it should be!
You can wait until you're an old fart to realize how far you've come and indulge in your emotions.
So enjoy yourself, (Captain)! You're only young once. It'd be a shame to waste your youth by rushing through it.
Take all the time you need to grow up. There's no need to rush!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
Make sure to train as hard as you can! If you want iron muscles, you can't skimp a single day!


Yawn... Now that was a New Year's dream worth flexing to!
A gaggle of gorgeous gals were all vying for the chance to ring in the new year with some fireworks...
Wait. What if it wasn't a dream, but a vision of things to come?
All right, (Captain)! I'm gonna go grab some New Year's fireworks. Time to see if I can make this dream a reality!


Hey! Happy New Year! Who knew the first morning of the year could feel this good?
Training in this air gets me revved up!
You too, right? Yeah, thought so!
All right, then let's get to it! Drop and give me fifty! Go on! Drop!


Whew! Training's all done!
How was it, (Captain)? Isn't training while breathing in the clean air of the new year an amazing feeling?
Good health is an important asset to any skyfarer!
Whoa, what was that sound? Oh, was that your stomach growling?
After a good workout, your body craves food. That's proof that you're good and healthy.
All right, let's race to our rooms! If you win, I'll buy you any snack you want!
Hey! Get back here, (Captain)! You can't get a head start while I'm still in the middle of talking!
You'll be eating my dust in no time! Just you watch!


This is a great time of year, don't you think, (Captain)? It's New Year's, after all!
There's nothing better than the new year! It's chock-full of exciting thrills!
Huh? Eating rice cakes, flying kites, and visiting the shrine?
W-well... Sure, those things aren't bad.
But what really gets my clock tickin' are all the pretty ladies dressed to the nines!
I love sneakin' peeks at those low necklines! Really gets the blood pumping, eh?
C-come on, quit looking at me like that!
Okay, okay! My bad! I'll treat you to something sweet for a New Year's gift, so let me off the hook! Pretty please?

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Ah, today's Valentine's, is it?
Oh? You got something for me too?
Well, I know I'm not the type of guy that should expect anything, but that doesn't mean I can't get my hopes up, right?
I mean... I did always get an airship-load of chocolates in my younger days.


Oh? You're giving this to me?
These wouldn't happen to be chocolates for Valentine's Day, would they?
Gotcha... Honestly, I should be giving chocolates to you.
I'm perfectly aware of the names people call me, after all.
So thank you... Thank you so much! I'll think of you while I eat them!


Sigh... I'm a nervous wreck... Wonder if anybody'll give me chocolate this year...
Oh, ho! Cap'n! Did you need someone punched?
That's chocolate... For me?
Gulp... Whimper...
Ooh, sorry... It's just... I feel so glad I got some chocolate.
I'll get you a present back, so don't you worry! And it'll be a good one!


(All right. It's that time of year again...)
(Will I be okay? Can I do this?)
(Will I... get chocolate again this year?)
(Captain) finds Soriz in his room, deep in thought. The captain calls out to him from behind.
You scared me to death! Don't sneak up on me like that, (Captain).
Y-yeah. I was just doing a bit of thinking. Did you need something from me?
(Captain) nods and hands Soriz some chocolate.
Thank you... Thank you so much! You made all my worries disappear!
Even if it's burned or has chili powder in the middle, I'll eat every last bite!
All right, I'm sorry! I wasn't trying to tease you! It was just an example! An example! Okay?


O-oh! Hey, (Captain)! What's up? Need something?
Wh-what's that? A mission? Tomorrow? Sure, you can count on me.
Er... Say, is that all you needed from me? Wasn't there... anything else?
Actually, never mind! If that's all you wanted to say, then okay! Sorry, my mistake!
Is this... chocolate? For me?
Were you pulling a prank on me? Damn, I got all nervous and played right into your hands!
Haha! But since you gave me chocolate, I'll forgive your little practical joke.
Pranks and chocolate are both proof that we're close, after all! Thanks, (Captain)!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy White Day!
Hey! Here's a little thank-you gift from me. I hope you'll accept it!
I wasn't sure what to get you, but...
Huh? Instead of a present, you'd rather I stopped meddling in everyone's business?


Oh ho! There you are, (Captain)! This is for you!
Only fair to return the favor for Valentine's Day!
Nothing strange. No tricks. Just some candy I thought you'd like.
Go on! Smile! You always look your best when you smile.


(Captain), take this! It's my way of saying thanks for the Valentine's Day chocolate!
That really meant a lot!
Next year too? I would love to get more, but that's not at all why I'm giving you these!
It's just you decided to give me a present out of the goodness of your own heart. And that lifts the spirits of an old man like me.
If I stop chasing girls, then you'll give me chocolate every year? Gahaha! Great joke, Cap'n!


Hey, Captain! I was looking for you.
Today's White Day, don't you know? Heheh. I need to thank you for Valentine's Day.
So here, these are for you! I checked out the reviews beforehand and picked out some really delicious sweets.
Judging by the smell, I think they used a bit of alcohol in the manufacturing process.
Haha! Don't worry—it was all burned out. But you can still pretend and feel all grown up for a bit!
But if you're going to act like a grown up, make sure to eat them after a proper meal and brush your teeth afterward!


Hey, (Captain)! This is for you. It's a little thank-you for Valentine's Day!
Thanks for always taking the time to give this old man chocolate. Heh... It makes my day.
Huh? Would I prefer liquor? Don't be ridiculous! I know kids can't buy that stuff!
And besides, I'm looking forward to getting drinks with you once you're old enough. So I'd like to save all that for later.
Anyway, I'm happy with trading sweets right now. I kinda like how it makes me feel young again!
Hey, why are you laughing! I was young once too, you know! Don't let my seasoned good looks fool you!

Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat!
I've been waiting for this my whole darn life!
Nothing better than getting up to mischief at a Halloween party! Let's do this thing!


I'm formulating a battle plan right now. I can't afford to break concentration.
After all today's the day to play tricks on people and get away with it!
Huh? You're telling me to hand out candy instead?
You're just trying to take all the fun for yourself, aren't you, (Captain)? But I won't give in!
Why don't you join the strategy meeting? It'll be a Halloween to remember for the ages!


Oh, what're you doing there, Captain? You're not out getting Halloween candy?
Huh! The girls came by to tell you to watch me so I don't get up to anything naughty this year?
The sheer cruelty... I've been waiting for Halloween for too long to just sit around.
Hmm... Then how about this: you escort me while you're out to get candy.
Okay, okay! I won't do nothin' bad! I'll only look at women if they walk in front me! Deal?


Munch... Oh, (Captain).
Give me just a moment. Munch... Gulp.
Mm, delicious!
Hm? I helped the people in the kitchen carry a few things, and they gave me some sweets as thanks.
I don't buy sweets for myself, but I enjoy eating them from time to time.
I never would have imagined pumpkin and butter could taste so fluffy...
Haha! You look like you're about to start drooling, Captain.
Don't worry, I'll help you out!
Let's go to the kitchen together and tell the people who made these the magic words.
You know the ones... Trick or treat!


Hey, (Captain)! Enjoying your Halloween?
Me? I just got back from buying loads of candy in town.
I have a feeling I'll be hearing "trick or treat" a ton today!
I don't want to turn into some old fart who doesn't pass out treats to the young'uns, so I made sure to replenish my stock!
Here, you can have the first one, (Captain)! Go ahead, say the magic words. Trick or treat!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays!
Huh? You want a present? Let me tell you about this one spot that'll give you the perfect view of paradise, then.
You know, I'm not much of a Santa fan myself, but I do fancy that fluffy red outfit...


Hm? You're looking forward to seeing Santa Claus, eh? Haha! You're still but a child, I see.
At cold times like these, I want nothing more than to get a hard drink and hop in the hot springs.
Even better if there's a nice view to look at too, of course!
Sheesh. You're having that much trouble understanding my manly ideals?
Got it! Let me treat you to a holiday cake, then!


That old man Saint Nick is a pretty sweet guy. Always thinking about how to make others happy. I admire that.
Huh? I could learn a thing or two from him? You don't hold back, do ya, Cap'n?
Huh... So, uh... How about I buy you a cake! I'll even let you pick it out.
Let's get a huge one, so that way everybody on the ship'll get a slice!


I'm back.
Oh, if it isn't (Captain). Couldn't wait to see me, eh?
I just popped into town to pick up some liquor.
The holidays are all about good food. The guys in the kitchen have that part taken care of, but a good meal just isn't complete without a good drink, am I right?
Wait, you can't even drink yet, can you, (Captain)? This is all over your head.
Haha! Come now, there's no reason to pout when you have cake to look forward to! Kids like that stuff, right?
I look forward to the day when we can share a drink together.
Make sure to grow up big and healthy, all right? Hahaha!


Hey, (Captain)! I just got back!
I was out in the shopping district, and it was packed to the brim with people doing their holiday shopping!
I gotta say, I felt a little out of place since I was only there for liquor.
So here! This is for you, (Captain).
Heh. I thought it might be nice to let myself get swept up by the mood! In other words, I decided to buy a gift of my own.
Huh? What's with those wide eyes? Are you really that surprised? It's just a plain ol' assortment of snacks, you know.
But either way, I'm glad you're happy!
Heh... I think I sort of understand how Santa Claus feels now.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

New Tricks for an Old Hound

Soriz raises a glass with his buddies after a mission. Chided by Ghandagoza for his immaturity, Soriz sets out on a grueling training regimen of self-discovery. Rule number one: No women.

No version of Soriz in crew

Not long ago (Captain) and the crew were hired by the residents of a certain village to investigate terrible, echoing crashes coming from the nearby mountains.
The source of the disturbance turned out to be Soriz, a martial artist who was pulverizing the very living rock with his fists as training.
This man, known for his extensive record of tournament victories as Rockfisted Soriz, is also a peerless pervert, preoccupied with peeping into mountain hot springs.
Unabashed in his voyeurism, Soriz decided to join the crew largely because of the female members—and the chance to pontificate to an unwitting audience on the finer points of true manliness.
Not long afterward, he accompanied the crew for a crab-catching expedition into the bitter cold of North Vast.
More recently, he and the crew participated in a martial arts tournament held in Albion.
Any version of Soriz is a crew member

Since joining the crew, Soriz has shared many adventures with them.
His long years have served to hone both his fists and his perversion.
Tonight the crew is in Auguste on an assignment.
Soriz has invited Eugen, Jin, and Ghandagoza to lift a glass with him.
Soriz: Whoo!
Soriz: Now that's good sake! Tastes great and goes down smooth!
Ghandagoza: This sashimi is also superb. The perfect texture to resist the tooth and yet melt on the tongue.
Eugen: Didn't I tell ya? You can't beat Auguste for seafood!
Jin: Ghandagoza, your cup has run dry. Allow me to refresh it.
Ghandagoza: Come now, Jin. You're so busy pouring, you've barely had the chance to drink anything.
Eugen: Hey now, drink up, drink up! You don't get to visit a tavern this good every day. It'd be rude to waste the chance!
Jin: Haha, forgive my lapse in manners. To your health.
The party is in full swing, with good friends, good food, and good sake.
Soriz: Damn, but this is a great island. I haven't had a bad meal here yet.
Soriz: And no matter the season, the beaches are brimming with swimsuited beauties. This place is a true feast for the senses.
Eugen: Geez, Soriz. With one need met, your mind goes straight back to the ladies, doesn't it? But that's you all over, I guess.
Soriz: Don't be such a spoilsport! Jin's on my side—aren't you, buddy? You like to feast your eyes on the feminine, dontcha?
Jin: Er, no, I... well...
Soriz: Well, well. For a man of many talents, this is an unexpected weak spot.
Yngwie is a crew member

Soriz: You know there's fellas like Yngwie with a woman in every port, right?
Soriz: Ghandagoza, don't you think Jin's adorable, gettin' all flustered over this?
Ghandagoza: ...
Soriz: Uh... Ghandagoza?
Ghandagoza furrows his brow, a severe expression settling on his craggy features. He turns to face Soriz squarely.
Ghandagoza: Soriz.
Soriz: Y-yeah?
Ghandagoza: It troubles me that this schoolboy banter still amuses you.
Soriz: Schoolboy banter? We're talkin' about a sophisticated adult's appreciation of the feminine form here.
Ghandagoza: ...
Soriz: Sorry.
Ghandagoza: You and I are well into our golden years. Surely you realize our time in this world is limited?
Soriz: Well, sure, but...
Ghandagoza: I often think about what I should accomplish with the time I have left.
Ghandagoza: For so long, I focused on training.
Ghandagoza: But in the end is honing my body truly meaningful?
Ghandagoza: Everyone ages and must eventually die. Both mind and body will return to dust.
Ghandagoza: And that is why we have a responsibility to leave something behind for the next generation.
Ghandagoza: When I lie dying, I hope to impart something to whoever attends me, so that they may face the future unafraid.
Ghandagoza: We who tread the path a pace or two ahead must light the way for those who follow after. Don't you agree?
Soriz: ...
Ghandagoza: That's why I began to seek a successor to my Eternal Rage Style.
Ghandagoza: Living my life according to the style's philosophy and passing that on to some young martial artist would be my legacy. I have yet to find a disciple, however.
Ghandagoza: And you, Soriz? What is your philosophy? What will you bequeath to the next generation?
Soriz: ...
Ghandagoza: It was presumptuous of me to lecture you. But I was driven to speak out of respect.
Ghandagoza: It would be a great waste for a man as personable as you not to leave something of himself behind.
Soriz: Thanks. That was tough to hear, but I think I needed it.
Soriz: My philosophy, huh? My legacy...
Soriz: ...
As Soriz mulls things over, Ghandagoza fills Jin's cup.
Ghandagoza: Come, drink up!
Ghandagoza gets the celebration back underway, urging everyone to eat and drink.
Once the four men have had their fill, they stroll along the corniche to where the Grandcypher is docked.
Ghandagoza: I like that tavern. Thank you for inviting me.
Eugen: Glad you enjoyed it! I'd be glad to have a drink with you any time you're free.
Ghandagoza: I'll take you up on that!
Soriz: ...
Jin: Is something troubling you, Soriz?
Soriz: Nah... Just thinking.
Soriz: Ghandagoza, you said we oughta be setting a good example for younger people, right?
Ghandagoza: Indeed.
Soriz: I can't come up with anything fancy. I never gave any thought to what I was leavin' behind for the next generation.
Randall (SR) is a crew member

Soriz: Sometimes I'll give a struggling young hothead a kick in the right direction, but nothing as grand as what you were talking about.
Soriz: Feels kinda lame that I didn't have a decent answer when you asked about my philosophy.
Eugen: So? Didja come up with anything?
Soriz: Not really. Don't think this is the kinda question you can answer in one night.
Soriz: I think I need to do some training before I figure it out.
Soriz: Training in the truest sense of the word!
Jin: In the truest sense? What does that mean?
Soriz: Only one thing it can mean!
Soriz: No women!
Soriz: That's the only way!
Eugen: Wha...
Eugen and Jin: Whaaat!
His companions' shocked exclamations echo across the moonlit waves.
Ghandagoza: That's the spirit, Soriz!
Ghandagoza: I look forward to your answer!
Soriz nods decisively. He turns to look out over the ocean, as vast and fathomless as the path that lies before him.
The odyssey he has set for himself will be the greatest and most grueling of his long life.

Gather Ye Rosebuds, Soriz

Spurred on by Ghandagoza's words, Soriz spends his days running through the mountains, breaking boulders, and hitting the books—all while avoiding the women of the crew. Even with help from (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn, Soriz begins to crack under the strain, causing his friends to worry whether he'll ever take a break.

Ghandagoza's words push Soriz to reflect seriously on his way of life.
He sets himself a spartan training regime in order to take a good, hard look at himself.
Soriz: One, two!
One, two!
His morning begins early with a long run followed by weight training.
Soriz: Sooryaah!
He spends his afternoons alone in the mountains, smashing rocks and chasing wild beasts.
Soriz: Well, now... The best thing for soothing tired muscles is a nice, cool soak...
In the evenings, Soriz hits the books and studies martial arts, military strategy, or medicine.
Soriz: Ah!
Soriz: Phew... That was close. If I hang around here, I'll wind up seeing women...
Most important is the self-imposed ban on female company, which extends even to his crewmates. Soriz won't allow himself to so much as lay eyes on them.
Lyria: Huh?
Soriz: Wah!
Soriz: Wh-what're you three doin' here? I thought I was about to clap eyes on a lady!
Vyrn: Uh... Why're you hiding under that desk?
Soriz: I told you before about my new training regime, didn't I?
Lyria: Oh, that's right! Is hide-and-seek good training?
Soriz: Well, sort of, now that you mention it.
Soriz explains about his resolution not to look at women.
Lyria: I see! That... must be difficult. There are a lot of women in our crew.
Soriz: Yeah... I feel like I'm always trippin' over 'em.
Vyrn: Huh... You're really taking your training seriously for once!
Soriz: Hey, I'm always serious! I seriously love women! That's why I had to deprive myself of their company.
Vyrn: Yeah... My heart bleeds for you.
Vyrn: But hey, I can tell you're trying. If you want a hand with your training, just say the word!
Lyria: Yeah! We could keep a lookout and warn you if any women around Katalina's age come by.
Soriz: Whoa, really? That'd be a big help!
Soriz: There's no one around in the mountains, anyway, so could you just be my scouts when I'm on the airship?
Lyria: Of course! You can count on us!
With the promise of (Captain) and the others' assistance, Soriz throws himself back into his training.
Soriz: Hup, two, three, four!
Soriz: Toryah! Seiyaaah!
Soriz: Hmm... I see, I see...
Lyria: Soriz, watch out! Rosetta's coming!
Soriz: Evasive maneuvers!
And so Soriz spends his days running through the mountains, breaking boulders, deepening his relationship with his library card, and running away from the women in the crew.
He sticks faithfully to his resolutions.
Soriz: Huff... puff... Huff... hack...
Soriz: Gyah!
Soriz: Ugh, what's goin' on? My eyesight's getting' blurry...
Vyrn: Heeey! Katalina sighting!
Soriz: ...
Soriz: Wh-wha? Ladies incoming? Right!
Vyrn: Are you all right? You don't look so hot.
Soriz: Gyahaha! You know how tough I am! This is nothin'!
Soriz: Now to shield my eyes from feminine beauty...
Day by day Soriz's grueling regimen takes its toll.
Vyrn: What was that noise?
Lyria: Aaahhh! Soriz collapsed!
Lyria: Soriz, are you all right?
(Captain) hurries to Soriz's side to help him up, but Soriz refuses and gets to his feet on his own.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Soriz: Nooo! No contact with women!
Soriz: Oh, it's just you, (Captain).
Soriz: Yow! Quit pinching me! That hurts!
Soriz: Sorry... Didn't wantcha to see me like this.
Lyria: Um, Soriz? Why don't you take a day off from training?
Vyrn: Yeah... You've been looking more ragged by the day. One little break won't kill ya!
Soriz: No! No can do! It feels like I've been doing nothing but slacking off for years!
Soriz: Sorry I worried you, kids. Just keep rootin' for me a while longer, okay?
And with that, Soriz drags himself off for more punishment.
Vyrn: He's overdoing it, right?
Lyria: Yeah...
(Captain) and the others watch Soriz go, worry writ large across their faces.

Gather Ye Rosebuds, Soriz: Scene 2

(Captain), Eugen, Jin, and the others worry over the changes in Soriz, who never seems to smile anymore. One night, as Soriz forces himself to study through his exhaustion, he gets into a heated argument with his inner voices—one urging him to give up, the other demanding he persevere.

Concerned for Soriz's health, (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn go to find Eugen. They find him in conversation with Jin.
Eugen: Hey, you three. What's with the long faces?
Eugen: The crew'll worry if they see their captain looking so grim, (Captain). Tell me what's up.
Lyria: Um... We're worried about Soriz.
Vyrn: Training's one thing, but he's really going overboard...
Jin: Indeed. I've also been troubled by how sallow he looks of late.
Lyria: It's definitely affecting his health.
Lyria: And I feel like all the fun's been sapped out of him.
Eugen: The fun?
Lyria: He usually looks so happy when he's training or spending time with women.
Vyrn: Yeah... He's been really gloomy lately. Maybe it's 'cause he's tired.
Lyria: Soriz's smiling face always calms me down.
Lyria: Even when I'm scared, it makes me feel like everything will be all right. It's really reassuring.
Eugen: It's true. His cheerful attitude has been a real lifesaver at times.
Eugen: I don't wanna stop him training, but he's losing one of his best qualities, isn't he?
Jin: I believe that by imposing this new regimen on himself, Soriz hopes to discover a new kind of strength.
Jin: But perhaps he would be better off seeking his answer within the lifestyle he's led so far.
Jin: It may lie hidden there, as does his good cheer.
Soriz: Phew... When did it get so late? (Captain) and the others're probably asleep. Shouldn't wake 'em up.
Soriz: Well, that means all the ladies are abed, too. May as well get in my reading and then hit the hay.
Soriz: Lessee here... "When engaged in rigorous physical training, one must be sure to rehydrate..."
Soriz: "Due to elevated body temperature during exercise, one must also be vigilant against heatstroke."
Soriz: "The symptoms are difficult to treat, so great care should be taken to avoid developing them in the first place."
Well, yeah. Even I knew that.
Soriz: Yaaawn...
Soriz: Whoa, no nodding off yet. Still got thirty pages to go.
Soriz: Sigh... Thirty more pages...
???: Give it up...
???: No! Knuckle down!
Soriz: Huh? What was that?
Devil Soriz: It's me, chump! Your inner voice!
Devil Soriz: C'mon, ditch this boring homework!
Angel Soriz: No way! You said you were gonna figure out your personal philosophy!
Angel Soriz: So you're feeling a little starved for feminine company—so what? Isn't it more important to leave something behind for the next generation?
Devil Soriz: What've those brats done for me lately? I wanna see ladies!
Angel Soriz: You wanna do at least something worthwhile with the time you have left, don't you?
Devil Soriz: Hey, if we don't have much time left, let's spend that time getting at least one more eyeful of a bathing beauty!
Angel Soriz: What'd you say?
Devil Soriz: You heard me! Got a problem with that?
Angel Soriz: Yeah! You wanna piece of me?
Soriz: Shut up!
Soriz: Just listening to the two of you is wearing me out!
Soriz: And I'm tired enough from training my ass off all day!
Soriz: You're on my last nerve! Beat it!
Devil Soriz: Say that again!
Angel Soriz: Hey, chief, we're here to help you.
Soriz: I said scraaam!

Gather Ye Rosebuds, Soriz: Scene 3

After laying the smack down on his warring inner voices, Soriz realizes that he wants to do his utmost to make sure he and everyone around him can enjoy life. A few days later, he goes to challenge Ghandagoza and share his new philosophy.

Soriz: Doryaaah!
Devil Soriz: Gyaaah!
Soriz beats down his conflicting inner voices.
Soriz: Sheesh...
Eugen: What was that sound?
Lyria: Ah! Soriz!
Vyrn: You're back? Why didn't you say any... thing...
Soriz: ...
Jin: Soriz?
Soriz: I found it... My philosophy...
Vyrn: Gulp! Yeah? What is it?
Soriz: It's...
Soriz: If it feels right, do it!
Vyrn: What?
(Captain) and Lyria trade surprised looks.
Soriz: Sittin' around thinking things over isn't worth it! It's pointless and it's a bore!
Eugen: Pff... Hahahaha!
Eugen: Hahaha, you're right. That fits you just fine!
Jin: Agreed. I believe that attitude is what makes you the excellent companion you are.
Their conversation seems to be going straight over (Captain), Vyrn, and Lyria's bewildered heads. Soriz reaches out and gives each of them a thorough hair-mussing.
Soriz: In the beginning, I started training to prove that a person's body could be the ultimate weapon.
Soriz: Proving that with my own physique was so much fun, I just kept right on training.
Lyria: Hehe, you always did look like you were enjoying yourself.
Soriz: I was. Training happens to be what I'm into, but it could be other things for other people.
Soriz: Whatever you like, you oughta do it! If it puts a smile on your face, you don't need a better reason.
Soriz: But that's not the most important part...
Soriz: I'd rather see people happy than down in the dumps.
Soriz: I really killed the mood on the ship by going around looking like I was at a funeral.
Soriz: Can't have that. No one was having any fun.
Lyria: We feel the same way. If you're happy, we're happy!
Soriz: Haha, thanks. I've seen the error of my ways.
Soriz: From now on, I'm not just gonna stand by and enjoy other people's good moods.
Soriz: I'm gonna do my best to make 'em happen myself.
Soriz: That's the best way for me and everyone around me to enjoy life!
Soriz: And that's my philosophy.
Eugen: I like it. That's a damn good philosophy.
Soriz: Right? Haha, I guess something good came out of all that hardship!
Soriz: But that's all in the past! Now if you'll excuse me...
Jin: Hm? Where are you going?
Soriz: Where else?
Soriz: I've got peepin' to do!
  1. Stop right there!

Choose: Stop right there!
(Captain) leaps to block the way to the women's baths.
Soriz leads the captain and the others on a merry chase as they try to prevent his bad behavior.
But Soriz, at least, appears to be having a grand old time.
Soriz: ...
Soriz: Thanks for coming, Ghandagoza.
Ghandagoza: Certainly.
Ghandagoza: You look refreshed, Soriz. Did you find your answer?
Soriz: Heh heh...
Soriz: Let me tell you... with my fists!
Ghandagoza: Ohhh, no better way!
Ghandagoza: Here I come, Soriz!
Soriz: Hyaaah!

Gather Ye Rosebuds, Soriz: Scene 4

During their fight, Ghandagoza notices a change in Soriz's style, which he attributes to Soriz's newfound philosophy. Soriz answers that he's discovered his reason for living—to make himself and everyone around him happy. Ghandagoza's approval brings a bashful smile to Soriz's face.

After a spirited battle, Ghandagoza steps away from Soriz and lowers his fists.
Soriz: What's wrong?
Ghandagoza: Your fighting style has changed, Soriz. Is that the manifestation of your newfound philosophy?
Soriz: Yeah... I think it is.
Ghandagoza: Your new style... is oriented towards fighting in a group rather than alone, is it not?
Soriz: Well... Life's just no fun without friends!
Soriz grins and relaxes out of his fighting stance.
Soriz: Y'know, Ghandagoza...
Soriz: I want to surround myself with people, and I want to see them smile.
Soriz: So I want to dedicate these fists to helping others.
Soriz: These hands can do more than punch. They can reach out and hold someone else's.
Ghandagoza: Indeed?
Soriz: So maybe that's... not my philosophy but my reason for living—to make myself and everyone around me happy.
Soriz: And if I put smiles on people's faces, they'll do the same for others.
Soriz: Even after I'm long forgotten, that happiness will keep on rippling outward. That's good enough.
Soriz: No, not good enough. Damn good.
Ghandagoza: I see...
Ghandagoza: A sentiment worth risking one's life for.
Ghandagoza: Well spoken, Soriz. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me.
Soriz: Haha! You're makin' too big a deal out of it!
Soriz: But it's kind of a relief to realize I don't need such a lofty goal.
Soriz: I guess this old hound can still learn a trick or two!
Soriz laughs self-consciously and turns away to gaze into the azure distance.
The possibilities awaiting Soriz and his friends are as vast as the cloud-strewn horizon.

A Nice, Fulfilling Life

After completing a request to deliver cargo to North Vast, Soriz tosses a clump of snow at Randall and instigates a snowball fight with the crew. The group visits a hot spring once the frosty fun winds down, where Soriz happily soaks and reflects on how (Captain) and the younger crew members are like the grandchildren he has never had.

North Vast—a massive island on the northern fringes of the Phantagrande Skydom, enveloped in ice, widely untouched by skydwellers.
Only the bravest of crews have ventured its stretches. (Captain) and the Grandcypher have taken on a mission to bring food to a kingdom building an observatory in the area.
Soriz: Phew... This should be the last of 'em! Ain't nothin' but dust in the warehouse now.
Lyria: Thank you so much, Soriz! I'll check with the others to see if everything's in order.
Soriz: Much appreciated, Lyria!
Lyria: You got it! Let's go, (Captain)!
Soriz: Sigh... North Vast, eh? Can't think of a more unpleasant place to be, honestly.
Soriz: The air here's cold enough to freeze your bones off—couldn't pay me enough rupies to live here.
Randall: Hmph... What's the matter, old man? All those muscles and you can't handle a bit of cold?
No version of Randall in crew

Randall, a young fighter who seeks to forge the strongest legs, is disappointed to see Soriz grumbling over so little.
He had once undergone training with Soriz in preparation to fight his rival, another fighter by the name of Feather.
Soriz: Keh! Must be nice to be a kid who don't know any better—all the muscles in the world won't protect you from catchin' a cold!
To prove his point, Soriz reaches down for a fistful of snow, crushes it into a ball, and launches the freezing projectile at the young fighter.
Randall: Yeeowch! The hell're you playing at?
Soriz: Huh... Weren't you supposed to be second to none when it comes to fancy footwork?
Soriz: Maybe I was mistaken—a few snowballs too much for you to handle?
Randall: Grr... Oh, now you've said it!
Feather: What's happening? Snowball fight?
Randall: What? No, er...
Feather: Smells like training, if you ask me. Whatever it is, I want in!
Feather: Hyaaah!
Soriz: Burk!
Feather: Okay, now somebody do me!
Feather: Where'd that come from! Above?
Vyrn: Hah—got 'em!
Feather: Vyrn! When did you...
Vyrn: Heh-heh! Don't underestimate the advantage of airborne combat—this snowball fight's mine!
Randall: Very well... Challenge accepted.
Randall: Take this and this and this and this!
Vyrn: Oop... Hup... Heh-heh! Missed me!
Feather: Hah! You're thinkin' too small, Randall. Check this out.
As Vyrn dodges Randall's snowballs with ease, Feather begins rolling a new snowball of his own.
Feather: Hooo!
Vyrn: Outta snowballs already? Heh... Guess that's my cue to attack! This game is—
Vyrn: Over?
Feather: You got that right, Vyrn... If your target's too small, you just gotta aim wider! Dodge this!
Vyrn: Uh, hey! A snowball that big's gotta be against the rules or somethin'!
Soriz: Gahaha! Looks like you bit off a bit more than you could chew, Vyrn!
Neglecting to provide Vyrn with any assistance, Soriz merely laughs as Feather chases him with a giant snowball.
Lyria: Ha!
Soriz: Oof!
Lyria: Haha, I got you, Soriz! Did you see that, (Captain)?
Soriz: Phew! I admit I didn't see that one coming... You guys wrap up your business?
Lyria: Hehe, yep! Looks like we came back just in time to sneak up on you too!
Soriz: I'm impressed you were able to get this close in the snow without me noticin'. You got me fair and square, Lyria!
As a reward for landing a snowball on his burly shoulders, Soriz lovingly pats Lyria on the head.
Eugen: Oy! We're done loading up, so round up the crew—you don't wanna be out here when it gets dark.
Lyria: Oh, right!
Eugen: Oy, oy... You're all caked in snow—with extra frosting. It's baths for you bunch as soon as we get to the inn, got it?
Soriz: Oh yeah... I forgot about the hot springs! Finally, somethin' good about this damned place!
Soriz: Feather, all of you lot! I'm callin' a temporary truce. We'll settle this in the hot springs, like men!
Randall: The hot springs? Exactly how are we...
Soriz: Don't sweat the small stuff. Follow me!
At the hot springs, Soriz finally reveals how they'll settle their snowy score: a contest to see who will be able to stay in hot water the longest.
Vyrn: Oof... I'm out.
Eugen: No need to push yourself—Feather, Randall, that goes for you two as well. You'd be losing a lot more than your pride if you passed out here.
Soriz: Gahaha! Looks like I'm the winner this time, eh?
Eugen: Geez... You still get excited about this stuff even at your age, huh? Things could've gone south if one of them passed out.
Eugen: (Captain). Lend Randall your shoulder, could you? I'll take care of Feather.
Vyrn: Ngh... I-I won't lose next time...
Soriz: Ha! That's the spirit, Vyrn—I'll take you on anytime!
Soriz laughs victoriously to himself as the others stumble their way out of the bath.
Soriz: "At your age", huh... I suppose I'm still just a kid at heart.
Soriz: But come to think of it, I've got a whole crew of grandkids right here on the Grandcypher—if that ain't a blessed life, I dunno what is.
Soriz: ...
Soriz: Mmm, yep... Nothin' like a healthy soak...

A Nice, Fulfilling Life: Scene 2

During a spar with Randall one day, a sharp pain in Soriz's abdomen causes him to crumple over. The episode quickly passes, but the pain resurfaces again and again afterward. The crew visits a doctor, but the cause of Soriz's pain remains unknown. With his options running out and his condition worsening every day, Soriz prepares himself to face the end.

Having finished their work at North Vast, (Captain) and the crew return to the Grandcypher.
Meanwhile, Soriz trains with Randall on the Grandcypher deck.
Randall: Hraah!
Soriz: Nnngh!
Randall: Damn... When he gets serious, I can't even get a solid hit in! How about...
Dashing behind Soriz and finding an opening, Randall suddenly stops his movement mid-kick.
Randall: ...!
Soriz: Ngh... Ow...
Randall: Is that all it takes to bring you down these days? Surely you're not tapping out on me already.
Soriz: ...
Randall: Soriz?
After suddenly collapsing during their spar, Soriz is taken inside by Randall for emergency first aid. However, he quickly comes to once inside.
Soriz: Hack! Cough! Huh... didn't see that coming!
Randall: That's my line, you old coot! What the hell happened to you out there?
Soriz: I dunno... All I knew was that my stomach was in a world of pain—so much I couldn't even talk!
Lyria: Are you feeling better now? I could get you a cold compress if you need one.
Soriz: Don't you worry your pretty little head about it—I'm all better now! Like it never happened. What did happen anyway?
Lyria: Hmm... If you were in that much pain, something must've caused it.
Randall: Say, you didn't eat anything weird off the ground, did you?
Soriz: Buh... Of course not! Who the hell do you think I am?
Eugen: Well, if you feel like yakking, better sooner than later.
Soriz: Yakk—I'm tellin' ya, I'm fine! Quit lookin' at me like that!
Lyria: Still, maybe you should go see a doctor when we get to the next island.
Soriz: Eh... I think I'm doin' all better now, so...
Soriz: Tell you what, Lyria. Next time it hurts, I'll go see a doctor about it. Deal?
Soriz and the others write it off as a mere stomachache—however, the worst of it is yet to come.
Soriz: Eurk!
Jin: Was that you, Soriz? Are you okay!
Afterward, Soriz continues to experience sporadic bursts of pain with no warning.
Monster: Grr...
Soriz: Heh, try and come at me if you—
Soriz: Urk!
Monster: Groar!
Soriz: Oh, sh—
Randall: Not on my watch!
Randall: Soriz! Are you hurt?
Soriz: Ngh... I'm a damn embarrassment.
Soriz: Sorry about that, (Captain). Looks like all I did was hold you back this time.
Lyria: Don't worry about it! We're just glad you weren't hurt!
Eugen: You got by with scraped knees this time, but it might be best if you sat out for the next few battles.
Soriz: Yeah, sorry...
Lyria: It's fine! Everyone has off days. It's more important for you to see a doctor and get plenty of rest first!
Soriz: You're right... Thanks, Lyria. That goes for you too, (Captain).
The crew visits different doctors across various islands across their travels. Unfortunately, none are able to determine the cause of his pain.
Eugen: The doc here's supposed to be one of the best. But even this one couldn't figure out what was going on...
Vyrn: From what I heard, we might be able to find out what it is with surgery.
Vyrn: But Soriz ain't young anymore, so it'd be pretty risky...
Eugen: Can't deny he's getting on in years. Going under the knife in these circumstances...
Eugen: Lyria, (Captain)! Well... how was it? The doctor say anything?
Lyria: The pain hasn't gone away, and he still doesn't want to eat.
Lyria: He didn't even have breakfast today either... and he just keeps getting thinner.
Eugen: Hm...
Eugen gives (Captain) and Lyria a somber pat on the shoulders and leaves the room.
Eugen: Comin' in.
Soriz: Eugen, that you? Sorry to worry you like this.
Eugen: Heh. Seein' you in such a sorry state's givin' me the heebie-jeebies, you know that?
Soriz: Speakin' of the heebie-jeebies... mind if I ask you for a favor?
Eugen: Let's hear it.
Soriz: Take care of (Captain) and Lyria for me, won't you?
Eugen: ...!
Soriz: I know I ain't in the position to be askin' this kind of favor, but it's lookin' grim. This might just be what does me in, you know?
Soriz: Not being able to take care of (Captain) and Lyria for a bit longer... That'd be my only regret.
Soriz: They're just kids, but they're saddled with so much—takin' on primal beasts, traversin' the skies...
Soriz: They'll need some muscle to help them carry that weight, and I dunno how much longer I got left in me.
Eugen: It's too soon to be talkin' about leaving (Captain) and Lyria. And I won't be havin' any of it—got that?
Eugen: Just focus on gettin' yourself back in good health. How are you gonna find yourself a honey at this rate?
Soriz: I've got plenty of honeys waitin' for me in heaven. It's a damn shame I'll have to leave you guys, though.
Eugen: I told you I won't be havin' any of that talk. Keep sayin' stuff like that and your body might actually start to believe it.
Soriz: Heh... Cold as ever, ain'tcha?
Eugen: Damn right. I've got enough on my hands as it is. And if something were to happen to you...
Eugen: There's no way I'd be able to carry that weight alone.

A Nice, Fulfilling Life: Scene 3

No matter which doctor the crew visits, none are able to identify the illness which ails Soriz. Unable to fight and out of commission, Soriz feels compelled to leave the crew, but (Captain) and the others convince him to stay, tearfully talking him into continuing their journey together. With everyone's concerns in mind, Soriz steels himself to find a cure.

Randall: I brought you lunch, Soriz! That plate better be empty when I come back, got it?
Soriz: Hm? Oh... Appreciate it.
As Randall places a plate of food on the bedside table, the bedridden Soriz reaches for a utensil.
Soriz: Urk!
Randall: Soriz!
Soriz: Oof... Heh, sorry. Don't think you could give me a backrub, could you?
Randall: ...
Randall: I never wanted to see you like this.
Soriz: Heh... On the bright side, you can scold me all you want without repurcussion.
Randall: This isn't a laughing matter! I want you to get mad!
Randall: Get mad, and then sock me in the face! You're supposed to be the rockfisted Soriz!
Randall: Dammit!
Soriz's condition continues to spiral downward—the pain growing more intense with every spasm, each one coming sooner than the one before it.
Soriz: ...
Jin: Soriz... Are you sure you can be on your feet?
Soriz: As long as I got your shoulder to lean on, I'm good as gold.
Jin: Of course. But I didn't expect this doctor visit to end so soon, to be honest.
Soriz: Yeah, well...
Lyria: This one didn't know what to do with Soriz either...
Vyrn: Hmph, I bet he wasn't even a real doctor! Let's go check out the one the lady at the inn was telling us about instead!
Soriz: You know... It's fine, (Captain). Don't worry about me anymore.
Lyria: Huh?
Soriz: I've been nothin' but a burden... Hell, I can barely feed myself! How's someone like me supposed to help out the crew?
Soriz: On top of that, I know you've been goin' outta your way to find work at islands with famous doctors.
Lyria: That's just because, um... We just want you to get better, Soriz!
Soriz: And I'm mighty thankful for it. But I think I've caused you all enough trouble.
Soriz: At this rate, I doubt this body'd be able to hold up for much longer on an airship.
Soriz: So I think it's about time you let me off the Grandcypher for good. Maybe somewhere nice and quiet, you know?
  1. No way!
  2. I won't have it.

Choose: No way!
Lyria: That's right! There's absolutely no way we'd ever give up on you just like that!

Choose: I won't have it.
Vyrn: That's right, Soriz! You're... you're staying with us on the Grandcypher—captain's orders!
Continue 1
Soriz: (Captain)...
Soriz's expression softens as he takes (Captain) in his arms for a big hug.
Soriz: Heh... It ain't becoming of a captain to cry. You ain't cryin', are you?
Soriz takes (Captain)'s head into his arms for a gentle noogie.
Jin: Even if you're bedridden, you're still an invaluable member of the crew.
Jin: So listen to (Captain) and stay on board... At least for the time being.
Lyria: We'll stay with you no matter what! We'll find you a doctor! And then we'll find you a cure!
Lyria: W-we'll reach Estalucia together! So don't... don't say things like that...
Lyria: Sniff...
Soriz: Lyria...
Soriz extends his other arm to take in Lyria for a warm hug as well.
Soriz: Heh...
Soriz: I always thought that as long as those around me were smilin', I could move on happily. But it looks like that ain't the case right now.
Soriz: And you know I'm a stubborn—there ain't no way I'm kickin' the bucket with y'all lookin' so sorry!
Lyria: Soriz...
Soriz: This old coot may be at death's door, but he's a stubborn one... Whatcha say—mind putting up with him for a bit longer?
(Captain) nods like there's no tomorrow, still wrapped in Soriz's embrace.
Surely there's something that can be done to protect the warmth and strength in those arms.

No Rest for the Wicked

Bedridden, Soriz's condition steadily worsens as time passes. As doctor after doctor fails to help him, Jin suspects the illness might be one local to an island the crew visited once before. He sets off alone from the ship to retrace the crew's path as fast as possible.

Having been taken ill from a mysterious sickness, Soriz offers to leave the Grandcypher.
However, upon hearing what (Captain) and Lyria had to say, their words and tears were more than enough to persuade him otherwise.
Lyria: Soooriz! Ghandagoza's here to see you!
Ghandagoza is a crew member

Ghandagoza: I came back to the Grandcypher as soon as I heard what happened. So never fear, for Ghandagoza. Is. Heeere!
Ghandagoza: Soriz! I brought... you... something!
Soriz: The hell is this?
Ghandagoza: You know what they say! Food is life, and life is food! If you're feelin' sick, you need nourishment to feel better!
Soriz: Sure... but what the hell am I even lookin' at here?
Ghandagoza: Gahaha! It's an Auguste specialty—the king of shellfish dishes! None other than a deepflight oyster!
Ghandagoza: Not only is it mighty delicious, but it's brimming with nutrients. One might even call it the milk of the sea!
Soriz: Uh... huh...
Soriz: You caught this beast all by yourself? And all just for my sake? You shouldn't have.
Ghandagoza: You can thank me by getting better! Anything to save a fellow graybeard in need—there ain't many of us on board as it is.
Soriz: Heh... ain't that the truth.
Jin: I remember Kaz telling me about these once... While they can be enjoyed raw, you chance consuming a bit of poison, and you're in no position to risk that.
Jin: How about cooking it with porridge? That way we can extract its nutritional value into an easily consumable soup.
Ghandagoza: Agreed. Well then, time's a wastin'!
Lyria: We'll help out! Come on, (Captain)!
Jin: Many thanks. We should start by getting the meat out from the shell first.
Jin, (Captain), and Lyria begin preparing a meal in earnest using the oyster Ghandagoza brought.
Lyria: We made you porridge! How about it, Soriz? Feeling hungry yet?
Soriz: Uh... Yep. Famished! Thanks!
Lyria: That's great! I'll fix you up a bowl right away!
Jin hands (Captain) a bowl of porridge, who gently blows on it for Soriz.
Soriz: What's this? Are you gonna feed me too?
Soriz: ...!
Lyria: (Captain)! Don't just stick the spoon in like that!
Soriz: Mmm.... Mhm... Oho! It's delicious!
Soriz: If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was made by the finest chefs in Auguste!
Lyria: Hehe... Be sure to eat your fill, okay!
Soriz: Will do! Now where were we, (Captain)? Ahh...
(Captain) diligently continues to feed Soriz spoon after spoon of oyster porridge without respite.
Soriz: (Honestly, I don't feel like eatin' any of this. Just what the hell's happened to me?)
Soriz: (Either way, Ghandagoza's right—if I don't eat, I'll die!)
Soriz: (I'd better grit my teeth and bear it, otherwise I'm never gonna get better!)
Soriz: Huh? Oh, right... I can still eat! My bad, (Captain). It was just so good I lost myself there for a sec.
Soriz: So don't look so worried! Let's keep it goin', (Captain). Aaah...
Eugen: (Captain) and Lyria are doing their best for Soriz, but his condition hasn't gotten much better.
Eugen: You could say recovering takes time, but... we'd best find the source of his illness sooner rather than later.
Jin: About that, Eugen... I actually have an idea.
Jin: We've visited countless doctors on islands all over the skies—I find it strange that none of them had any idea what to do for him.
Eugen: I suppose that is strange... None of the medicines we tried did any good either.
Jin: Perhaps this sickness is unique to a particular island.
Eugen: A local disease, eh? Definitely plausible. That'd also explain why nobody's been able to help him yet.
Eugen: If it's something that's been contained to a single island, only a local doctor would be able to diagnose it properly.
Jin: Perhaps I should visit each island the Grandcypher has stopped at before Soriz fell sick and see if I can find a solution.
Eugen: Hmm... We don't know how much time he has left, and it wouldn't be efficient to have the whole Grandcypher backtrack through all those islands.
Eugen: Looks like I'll leave it up to you, Jin. We'll try and do our best with other doctors in the meantime.
Jin: Understood. Let's do everything we can to get Soriz back to health as fast as possible.
Eugen: Yeah... Let's do this.

No Rest for the Wicked: Scene 2

One evening, Randall keeps watch over Soriz. The two chat about the reason why Soriz wanted to forge his body into the ultimate weapon. As Soriz reminisces, he starts to feel that the end may be drawing near. A series of harsh pains strike him a few days later, leaving him in a critical state, but before his condition deteriorates any further, Jin comes bursting back onto the ship. He tells everyone that the cure is in North Vast.

Soriz: Still awake... Door's unlocked.
Randall: Coming in. I'm on watch duty tonight.
Soriz: Huh... I thought I told (Captain) there wasn't any need for that.
Randall: What do you think is gonna happen if you were to collapse in the middle of the night with no one around?
Soriz: Sorry... kids like you need their eight hours if they plan on growing big and strong.
Randall: Quit treating me like a kid already! Besides, we're basically the same size!
Soriz: Oh yeah? Heh... Sorry, your presence was just so small—guess I didn't notice. But I guess I've shrunk quite a bit as well.
Randall: If you've got the energy to make quips at me, hurry up and get better so you can get back into shape!
Soriz: Heh, you don't need to tell me twice. Nothin' more frustrating than a body not doing what you tell it to.
Soriz: Ironic, isn't it? My body was supposed to be the ultimate weapon.
Randall: Why'd you start thinking that, anyway?
Soriz: Huh?
Randall: You used to run a weapon shop, right? How did you end up deciding to forge your body of all things?
Soriz: Oh... It ain't much of a story, to be honest.
Soriz: But you're right—I used to run a weapon shop. I mean, all I did was inherit it from my folks.
Soriz: One day, some punks from the wrong side of town came into the shop.
Randall: Was it a robbery? They must've really done a number on you to trigger such a change in lifestyle...
Soriz: What? Hell no. Just some kids that thought they were tough stuff—my father actually taught 'em all a lesson before.
Soriz: Had to teach 'em with his fists, if you know what I mean. Anyway, he turned 'em in to the authorities and that was that.
Randall: You guys ran one hell of a weapon shop... What happened next?
Soriz: Right... It was a damn shame.
Soriz: They came back one day claimin' we sold them subpar weapons.
Soriz: Talkin' a whole bunch of mess about failing some mission on account of their weapons not doin' the job. Now they were out of work and money.
Randall: Fools... Obviously they weren't trained enough to use their weapons. That much was clear when they couldn't beat a mere shopkeeper.
Soriz: Don't need to tell me twice. Even went to check the ledger myself—they bought wares of the most pristine quality.
Soriz: But like you said, what they lacked was the proper training to wield them. A damn waste of steel, if you ask me.
Randall: An all too common story. How ridiculous.
Soriz: As ridiculous as it was—or maybe because it was so ridiculous I realized somethin' myself.
Soriz: No matter how sharp your blade is, if you don't know how to wield it properly, you might as well be holdin' a white flag.
Soriz: Forging your body and mind will strengthen your weapons more than any blacksmith ever could.
Randall: So you closed up shop just like that? Way to stick to your guns.
Soriz: Yup. Ain't no point believin' in your truth if you don't try and make it a reality.
Soriz: Not like I had anyone depending on me at the time or anything. I was lucky to be able to train like this.
Randall: Huh. I guess you do say wise things every now and then.
Soriz: Keh! The hell's that supposed to mean?
Randall: Sorry, it's just... I always thought you trained your body to get women to notice you or something.
Soriz: Hmph, show some respect! Eh... all this brawn ain't enough to get you a lady anyways.
Soriz: When it comes to the ladies... you need a brawny heart!
Randall: Yeah? How's that working out for you?
Soriz: Well, uh, you see...
Randall: ...
Soriz: I might've skipped a few heart days during my regimen...
Randall: You think so?
Soriz: Uh, well...
Soriz: (I could really use a strong heart right about now—all these muscles, but I'm more scared than I've ever been.)
Randall: Soriz?
Soriz: I need more...
Soriz: I need more ladies to fawn over my perfectly sculpted biceps! Otherwise... what's the damn point of it all anyway!
Randall: I knew it! Geez... If you're so obsessed with women, dial down the pervy old man act already.
Soriz: Pervy old... Hmph! You just don't understand true romance! Actually, while you're here, let me tell you about the fire that burns in the cockles of my heart—
Randall: Just go to sleep already!
Lyria: Rise and shine! Good morning, you two!
Randall: Morning... You're both up bright and early.
Soriz: Yawn... Sun's already up? Mornin', you two. And Vyrn, too!
Vyrn: Morning! It's one heckuva nice day outside too!
Soriz: Whoa... Ain't that somethin'. I never knew it could look like this so early in the day.
Lyria: How about you take in some sunlight on the deck? I'm sure it'll do you some good!
Soriz: You know what? I couldn't agree more. I've been cooped up in this room for far too long.
Vyrn: Awesome! We'll go find a chair for you. Randall, can you take Soriz up?
Randall: Yeah, I've got him. If you wanna bask in the sun, you need to get your bum outta bed first!
Soriz: Heh-heh...
Lyria: I brought you a blanket, Soriz! I'll just place it here, but please use it if you get cold!
Soriz: I'm getting the royal treatment out here, eh... Thanks, Lyria.
Eugen: Hey, (Captain)! Is the laundry good right here?
Lyria: Oh! I'll help you, Eugen!
Randall: All righty, then... Guess I could go for a morning warm-up.
Feather: Randall! There you are. You and me, spar on the Grandcypher deck—how about it?
Randall: What hole did you crawl out of? Way to spoil a perfectly good morning.
Feather: Heh! Less yappin', more punchin'! You ready? Cuz it's on!
Feather: Hyaaaah!
Randall: Shut up alreadyyyy!
Vyrn: Hey, watch it! You guys better not mess up the laundry!
Soriz: Haha! Nothin' like a healthy spar to start the day!
Soriz: ...
Soriz smiles to himself as he takes in the idyllic, yet everyday scene before him.
Soriz: Oh? Did you need something, (Captain)?
Soriz: You're wondering what's going on with me?
Soriz: Heh. Well... I'm just thinking about how I'm happy as can be right now.
Soriz: You know? Just look around.
Soriz: After everything I've ever done, every decision I've ever made—somehow I landed here with all of you. Pretty good deal, wouldn't you say?
Soriz: Of course, I suppose I have you to thank for that.
(Captain)'s fists tighten upon seeing Soriz's pensive expression.
Soriz: But you know...
Soriz: It's a damn shame you and I won't be able to share a drink together.
Soriz: A real damn shame...
Soriz: Ngh... Gahough!
Lyria: Soriz! Get a hold of yourself!
A few days have passed since Soriz's incident on the Grandcypher deck. (Captain) and the crew are helping Soriz manage yet another episode of pain.
Eugen: Vyrn! Go get us a towel—anything for him to bite onto!
Vyrn: On it! I'll be back in a jiffy!
Randall: I swear... if you die here, I'm gonna kill you!
Soriz: Ngh... Oogh!
The pain had ravaged Soriz throughout the night. Exhausted and face drained of color, Soriz finally passes out as the pain subsides.
Lyria: Soriz, h-he's in so much pain... Is there really nothing we can do for him!
Eugen: He's barely responding to us. At this rate...
Vyrn: ...
(Captain) draws Lyria near as they look upon Soriz's face, at a loss for how to help him any further.
Randall: I won't accept it. There's no way you're dying on me here, Soriz—not like this!
Eugen: Huh?
The sound of someone boarding the Grandcypher can be heard above.
Eugen: Could it be?
Jin: (Captain)! Eugen!
Eugen: Jin, you're back!
Jin: ...!
Almost completely out of breath from rushing, Jin takes one look at the situation and falls to his knees on the deck.
Eugen: Get a hold of yourself!
Jin: There is... a cure!
Eugen: ...!
Are you serious? Where? Where is it!
Jin: North Vast! On the double!
Jin: We can still... save Soriz!
(Captain), after a moment of shock, makes a mad dash for the steering room.
Finally a sliver of hope can be seen. But now it is a battle against time.

No Rest for the Wicked: Scene 3

A North Vast doctor treats Soriz and cures him, revealing that the root of his illness was a poison which solidified in his body after spending too much time breathing in hot spring fumes. The crew quickly pieces together that Soriz could have only breathed in so many fumes by trying to sneak a peep into the women's bath. Even as the crew punishes Soriz for his misbehavior, however, (Captain) feels a sense of relief at Soriz's recovery.

After receiving the news from Jin, (Captain) and the crew immediately make their way to a doctor located in North Vast.
Soriz lies on the examination table before the doctor as everyone watches with bated breath.
North Vast Doctor: Incredible... I simply cannot understate how painful this must have been. You're a real trooper, you know that?
Randall: Gulp... So what's the diagnosis, doc? Give it to us straight.
North Vast Doctor: Rest easy—he's in a lot of pain, but we can expect a full recovery yet.
Soriz: ...!
Lyria: A full recovery? Thank goodness! Oh... thank goodness, (Captain)!
Both misty-eyed from joy, (Captain) and Lyria share a hug in celebration.
North Vast Doctor: Indeed. This is a sickness you see now and then from people who work in the hot springs here in North Vast.
Lyria: Hot springs?
North Vast Doctor: Correct. It's a toxin that can be contracted by breathing in the vapors of the water.
North Vast Doctor: When that happens, it slowly becomes more and more toxic before solidifying in your body.
Vyrn: Hold on a sec... We all bathed in the hot springs too, but nothing happened to us!
North Vast Doctor: Most people's bodies naturally discharge the toxins after a few hours. However...
North Vast Doctor: If you stay in the hot springs for too long, the toxins will eventually overwhelm your immune system and continue to grow.
North Vast Doctor: And once it solidifies for good, you won't be able to expel it from your body without the right medicine.
While explaining, the doctor begins drawing a gnarled shape for the others to see.
Soriz: Is that...
Vyrn: Yikes... If I had something that prickly inside me, I'd be in a world of pain.
North Vast Doctor: Precisely. Especially for Soriz, who seems to have a number of them at this point.
North Vast Doctor: That means I'll have to up your dosage of the strong stuff.
Soriz: Yeah, bring it on, doc—anything to rid me of this damn pain!
Eugen: Wait just a second... There aren't any side effects, are there?
North Vast Doctor: There are, actually.
Eugen: Uh-oh.
Soriz: Keh! Whatever they are, it'll pale in comparison to what I'm dealin' with now!
North Vast Doctor: Well, let's see... I suppose you're already at that age, so it might actually not even be a side effect.
Soriz: What's age got to do with it?
North Vast Doctor: I can't speak for you personally, but let's just say that you won't be able to perform with your... lower half for some time.
Jin: Perform?
North Vast Doctor: Yes. Your... lower half.
Soriz: ...!
Vyrn: Not a problem, doc! He's already havin' trouble walking right now, so we can just have Randall lend him a shoulder in the meantime!
Randall: Oh, um... Right. Of course, I suppose I could do that.
Randall: Hey! Where the hell are you going!
Soriz: This guy's a quack! Let's go find another doctor!
Randall: Oh, hell no! We finally got you a doctor so act your age and take your damn medicine!
Soriz: Noooo, you can't make meee!
Eugen: Get a grip, Soriz! How are you gonna appreciate the ladies if you aren't even alive to do it!
Soriz attempts to make a break for the exit. However, thanks to his weakened muscles, (Captain) and Randall are able to restrain him.
Soriz: Have mercy, doc...
North Vast Doctor: Now, we'll start with your hips. Soriz, I'll need you to lay face down on the operating table.
Soriz: Not the hips!
Slowly grasping the situation, (Captain) takes Lyria out of the doctor's office and into the waiting room.
Jin: Understood, doctor. Randall, could you give me a hand here?
Randall: Yeah, I got him.
It's now or never, so be a man and take your pants off already!
Soriz: Eyeaaargh!
North Vast Doctor: Now just relax your muscles, Soriz... Ready?
Soriz's Voice: Aaaargh!
Soriz: Oof... What a nightmare...
Lyria: Was it really that rough, Soriz?
Lyria: Even so, I'm glad... Thanks to the medicine, we've finally cured you! Now we just need to nurse you back to health.
Soriz: This... this ain't nothin' to be glad about.
Soriz: Ah... My poor boy...
Randall: Sigh... But who could've thought it was the hot springs that caused everything.
Vyrn: I know you love your hot springs, but what were you doing in there for so long, anyway?
Soriz: Oh, n-nothing! I-I'll just be more careful next time.
Randall: Hm? (Captain), did you have something you wanted to say?
Randall: Considering how long he stayed in the hot spring, it wasn't nearly long enough to cause alarm?
Lyria: Hmm, now that you mention it...
Soriz: Urk!
Randall: It can't be...
Randall: Hold on just a second—don't tell me you tried to sneak into the women's bath again!
Soriz: Uh, no... You've got it all wrong! I, uh...
As Soriz struggles to find the words, a fiery aura can be felt growing around (Captain) and Randall's incensed forms.
Randall: You rotten old man!
Soriz: Ah, mercy! Mercy, I said! You wouldn't hurt a recovering old—ow, ow, ouch!
Soriz manages to escape Randall's punches, but encounters (Captain) instead, who grabs the old man by his sides.
Soriz: (Captain)! Be gentle, won't ya... please?
Vyrn: No way! Let him have it, (Captain)! It's the only way he'll learn his lesson for good!
Randall: Yeah, don't hold anything back, (Captain)! Make sure you really get in there!
Soriz: Aaaarrrgh!
(Captain) joyfully digs in without mercy, no longer taking moments like this for granted.
Even while administering righteous justice, (Captain) can't deny the feeling of pure joy from knowing Soriz has been saved.
Soriz: Let me go, already, (Captain)! I said I'm sorry!
Regardless of any side effects he might be experiencing, (Captain) is just glad to have everyone's favorite rascal of a codger back on board.
What helped Soriz overcome the pain was the love he felt from those most precious to him. He'll surely soon recover to wield his fists for them another day—the next chapter for Soriz has only just begun!

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
年寄りの冷や水ゥ?ハハッ言いやがるぜ! Whaddya mean I'm gettin' too old for this?
キレイなモン見るのは心と体にいいンだよ! Feasting the eyes feeds the body and the soul!
何がロマンかってのは人それぞれなンだよなァ Everybody has their own ideals, y'know.
体を鍛えときゃイザッて時に助かるぜェ? Train now so you don't get caught with your pants down later.
ひとっ風呂浴びてェな!いや、覗きじゃなくてよ! Man, I could hit the bathhouse! No, I swear I'm not gonna peep!
ガンダゴウザの旦那に負けてらンねェよな! I can't let Ghandagoza outdo me!
オイゲンと呑むのは楽しいモンだぜ! Eugen's a great drinking buddy!
ジンの真面目さはよ、青臭くて嫌いじゃねェな Jin's so fresh-faced and earnest... It's a breath of fresh air.
(主人公)ともいつか酒を酌み交わしてェな! When you're older, we'll raise a glass together, (Captain)!
俺が(主人公)達に遺せるモンがあるかねェ… What am I gonna leave behind for (Captain) and the others?


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Soriz - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 04.