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  • Viceroy is the apprentice of Galadar.

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Bwahahah! Happy birthday to you!
You know, iron gets stronger the more you hammer it.
People are the same. Every year makes you tougher and tougher.
So you just need to keep gettin' stronger until you're tough as nails!
And if you ask me to, I'll make a sword that's just as tough as you!


Hey there! I got you a great gift this year!
Go on and take it!
Huh? You don't know what it is?
It's an iron egg, see? An iron egg! You put it in your tea pot or use it when you cook to make things extra delicious and nutritious!
Ha-ha-ha! I know you'll put this to good use, (Captain)!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Go on and take it!
Huh? You don't know what it is?
It's a horseshoe, of course!
You know, like the ones you find on a horse's hoof!
Huh? You knew that already?
You just wanted to know why I'm giving you one?
Heh-heh-heh! The truth is...
If you hang this near your door, then it'll bring good luck your way!
They also say that if you send it to a forlorn lover, then your love can be rekindled...
Or whatever! Just hurry up and take it already!


Today we've got a huge birthday bash for you!
Everyone's coming, and there'll be tasty food. Don't worry, it's nothing very formal—
There'll be barrelsful of booze too!
Bwahahaha! That's a joke!
It's your big day, (Captain). I'm not about to ruin it by getting trashed.
You're always helping me out some way or another. I'm gonna be on my best behavior for you.
Aw, I'm getting embarrassed. Happy birthday, (Captain)!


Isn't it your birthday today?
How many'd we celebrate together, anyway? Erm...
Well, don't sweat the small stuff, am I right! Anyway, congrats!
Speaking of, I wanted to get you a present, but I couldn't come up with anything good...
And I figured it'd be faster to ask the person in question.
So, (Captain)! Tell me what you want!
Oh, but it has to be something I can actually, you know, give...
Basically, anything forged from metal!
Long as you keep that in mind, the Alloy Artisan'll make something that will knock your socks off!
Hope you're ready for this! Bwahahaha! Bwahahaha!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
You wanna see some fireworks?
Heheh, I thought you'd say that.
I went and got some fireworks to shoot into the sky later.
Here, check these out.
What's wrong? Why do you look so disappointed?
You wanna see big fireworks?
Ha-ha-ha! But these things pack a powerful punch, see! I know a thing or two about fire!
Ha-ha-ha! Who do you take me for?


Happy New Year!
Hey, (Captain). You know what I was thinking?
Some people eat beans for good luck in the new year. I thought I'd eat some too.
But beans are like iron, don't you think?
Both are hard at first, but after you put some heat to them, they begin to soften.
They're exactly the same!
So maybe... we could eat iron eggs instead of beans! Imagine how delicious that would be!
Ha-ha-ha! I'm just pullin' your leg! It's a New Year's joke!


Happy New Year, (Captain)!
Hey, you'll got a sec to chat?
I was on the deck just now where they're making mochi! You know? That stretchy snack!
I'm looking at it and it hits me—it looks just like iron!
Huh? Sounds like what I told you last year? Oh, don't sweat the small stuff!
Just listen what the Alloy Artisan's got to tell ya!
If we threw some things into the mochi, we could make a first-class filling, you know!
What do you say, (Captain)? Wanna grab some ingredients and sneak it into the mix?


Happy New Yeeears!
Hey, (Captain), I finally tried it out!
What else? Pounding mochi!
Ever since I saw them making it last year, I wanted to give it a shot!
Turns out it's a heck of a lot harder than it looks.
I figured that pounding mochi was a lot like pounding steel, but... turns out I got my hopes up.
This isn't the end though. I'm gonna become a major mochi maker this year!
Once I can pound mochi right, I'll be that much better at pounding steel!


Man, feels great! The new year's really here, huh?
The birds are chirpin', the sun is shinin'. And the more I feel the rays, the more I get a hankering for a good drink...
I'm just kidding, (Captain). Don't pull such a long face.
Heh-heh. Okay, then why don't we get serious and talk about New Year's resolutions?
Me? Hmm... Thanks to all that mochi I pounded last year, I think I got better at forging metal.
I wanna find something else I can pound this year...
What? The best way to spend New Year's is by pounding a shuttlecock with a racket?
Okay... Not sure I get it, but it sounds like fun!
All right, then! Show me how it's done, (Captain)!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Huh? Is this for me?
Valentine's chocolate...
Oh! No, it's just that I've never gotten any before...
Heheh! But it's nice to get a gift like this! Thank you.
Huh? What's that you say?
Oh, don't be silly! Of course I won't do that! Even I've got brains enough to know you can't melt chocolate into iron!


(Captain), I just thought of something neat! Will you hear me out for a second?
A long time ago, folks used to love putting scents on everything. It was a hit with young girls and little kids.
So... I thought of this!
What do you think? It's a chocolate-scented body shield!
It's as robust as any armor! And check out the aroma. That was hard to do!
Huh? You don't need a shield like this? Aw, come on! You've gotta take it, (Captain)!


(Captain)! (Captain)! Listen to this!
That chocolate you got me was awfully good, see!
Just one bite got me so happy. I started feeling bad about eating it all...
So I baked it with a handheld burner!
No, no, no... But that's what you'd think, right? That it'd melt into a sticky goop? Heh-heh-heh...
But take a look! It's all crispy and delicious!
So I was thinking I should call these things fried fudge and sell them around.
But that won't fly! I mean, when it comes down to it...
I'm a blacksmith, not a baker!
Bwa-ha-ha-ha! That's no oven for me!


You giving me chocolates again this year? Thanks for all the presents.
Whoooa, these are really something! They look amazing... I could never make any like this.
I've gotta pop one of these babies into my mouth.
Aaaagh! It's delicious!
The look of the outside, the taste of the inside... (Captain), you've got some real skills!
How about that? You wanna throw together a little alloy? I'll show you just how.
Buwahahaha! Smithing and chocolate-making are different?
I guess you've got a point. And besides, I've still got a lot to learn before I can catch up to my master. And that's nothing you can do overnight.


Oh, this what I think it is? Thanks!
Heh-heh. But, man, getting these every year... They keep drawing me in and now I'm completely addicted.
But you're the only one that ever gives me chocolates,(Captain).
Buy 'em myself? Nah... Even I find that kinda embarrassing.
A tough blacksmith like me should want booze and nothing else!
Anyway, you always bring me the best chocolate. So sweet it could wrap iron around its little finger.
Gotta say, I really look forward to it. Getting chocolates from you, that is!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Here. This is for you...
What's that look for?
Huh? You think I filled it with iron?
Don't be silly! As much as I love iron, I'm not stupid enough to do that!


Hey, (Captain)! I know you know what today is, right? Heheh...
Huh? You don't know? Come on, (Captain)! Are you serious?
I see... Then I'll give you a clue! A hint!
Two words. The color of milk... And the whole time the sun is out... Think!
Huh? What's that? You knew all along? You were only pulling my leg?
Happy White Day! Here ya go, (Captain)... Thanks for the chocolate you gave me!


Hey, (Captain)! Thanks for the chocolates you got me!
I got you a thank you present for today. Just wait till you see it!
Remember that fried fudge, I made?
Well, it's what I thought I'd make for you at first.
But I just know you'd be happier if I gave you this instead...
Here you go! It's iron!
Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Yep! It's all iron to me!


Were you waiting for me, (Captain)?
I made you a little something to say thanks for the Valentine's present.
You thought it was going to be steel, didn't you?
Don't mean to burst your bubble, but this year I put together something a bit different.
This year it's something you can eat.
Since I got chocolate from you, (Captain), I've been thinking.
I figure that if I learned how to make more stuff, my alloy abilities would be that much stronger...
Buwahahaha! If you're happy, (Captain), that's all that matters!


Wait up, (Captain)!
I was pulling your leg just now.
Even I'm not a total barbarian, okay? And I never forget a favor.
Look, it's your White Day present. I got it right here.
Why didn't I hand it over to begin with. That's...
(It's because I got all shy when I saw your face...)
I'm turning red? You gotta be kidding me! I haven't had anything to drink yet!

Tasty Macaroons
3rd year:
Iron Cluster
4th year:
Tasty Macaroons
5th year:
Tasty Macaroons
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween!
Ta-da! Take a look at this jack–o'–lantern I made!
Say, why don't ya try it on?
Whoa... Guess ya can't even lift your head.
Heh heh! Is it too heavy for ya?
Yeah, I see... Iron is tough, but it's not always the answer.
The master blacksmith used to say the heavier, the better. But I suppose how you use your tools is what counts.
Hey, I just got a great idea! Come help me out! We'll make this thing lighter with some alloy!


Heh heh! Trick or treat!
Hand over the candy or face the wrath of my vice!
Bwahahaha! Just kidding!
Oh? Too scary to have been a joke?
Bwahahaha! So I finally got the better of ya!


Say, (Captain)! (Captain)!
Hey, (Captain)!
Ah! How's it go again...
You know, that thing! That thing you say!
Everyone says it for Halloween!
Let's see... Trick or...
Yeah! Now I remember!
Iron or steel!
It's all iron to me! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!


What'll you be doing this Halloween, (Captain)?
If your plans aren't set, you should come along with me to this costume party.
I forged some armor from a new alloy, and it's really something.
I'm dying to show it to the world.
That's why I need a favor from you, (Captain). Wear my new armor to the costume party.
It's not out of the prototyping process yet, so the weight might be a bit much...
But if anyone can handle it, it's you, (Captain). Can't wait to see!


Well, if it isn't (Captain). You already out trick-or-treating?
You seem more pumped than usual. That hungry for candy, huh?
Sorry to disappoint, but I don't got any. How 'bout I give you some iron instead?
Bwahahaha! What? Iron no good for you? Well, can't say I'm surprised!
I'd take a good bar of iron over candy any day, but seems like it's still too early for you to understand.
Oh, (Captain)... What's that face supposed to mean?
Heh-heh. Looks like there's no getting outta this one.
No choice but to bite the bullet, then. Right! Hit me with your worst pranks!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays!
Huh? A present?
Of course I didn't go shopping!
Fine, you got me... Here's your gift. Go on and take it!
What? You don't know what it is?
Well, it's a block of iron! Pure iron, see! Pure iron!
Oh, boy... You can't even tell, can ya? I fired it super hot in my furnace, so it's completely purified.
It won't rust in water or corrode in acid.
Ah, just take it already! Happy holidays, and all that!


Hey, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
Heh-heh! I got you something good this year!
Here you go! Go on and open it!
Hey! It's not a lump of metal! It's an iron Santa statue!
Feel how heavy it is! And it's tough too!
Ha-ha-ha! I knew you'd get fired up over a gift of metal. Reminds me of the first gift I got from my master!


Hey there, (Captain)! Happy holidays, yeah?
Heh-heh! What kind of party are we having this year?
Nah! I'm looking forward to the spread no matter what it is!
Nope, nope... You go ahead and pick out whatever desserts and snacks you fancy.
The only thing I really want...
Oops! I better watch it. I'd be mortified if someone heard what I'm gonna say...
So... how about it? Do you think you could set aside a plate of cream puffs for me?
Heh-heh! I'm looking forward to it! Can't hardly wait!


Hey, (Captain)! Can I get a "happy holidays"?
You mean I just asked? Haha, so what!
Don't you worry; I haven't drunk a drop yet. The party's about to start picking up real soon though.
I gotta say, that moon sure is gorgeous tonight.
Wish I could make steel that shined like that and lasted just as long...
Buwahahaha! What am I saying...
Looks like I'm already intoxicated by the holiday spirit.


Ho there, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
Looks like I'm having the time of my life, you say?
Heh-heh, well actually... I've fallen hard for the holidays.
Heh-heh. Was it obvious?
That's right! I can't keep my mind off the booze! Man, they serve the best stuff at holiday parties.
Hey, I haven't had any yet. Don't go assuming things now.
You know, they say strike while the iron's hot, but in this case, I think it smarter to save the best for last.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Superalloy

(Captain) and company come across a town that needs a sturdier jail, so they head to a nearby workshop to request that one be built. They meet Viceroy on the way, who turns out to be the workshop owner, and he agrees to build the new jail.

Rowdy Ruffian: Ha-ha! You call this iron? I could bend it with my pinky! Did you honestly think this could hold me?
The local militia's jail is so poorly constructed that anyone they lock up escapes in a hurry.
The citizens are understandably annoyed by this.
Hearing the commotion, (Captain) and company go and investigate.
Vyrn: Whoa, what's that supposed to be? Those iron bars look like they're about to fall off!
Militia Member: That's right, traveler. And it's embarrassing to go to all the trouble of apprehending criminals only to have them escape.
Vyrn: Why don't you just build a better jail?
Blacksmith: Ha-ha! If only we could. But unfortunately the best we can really manage is pots and kitchen knives.
Militia Member: Well, why not ask the guys working at the mountain workshop?
Blacksmith: What? The mountains? But you've heard the rumors. Don't be silly!
Vyrn: What rumors?
Militia Member: There's a workshop deep in the mountains filled with skilled engineers, but rumor has it they used to be bandits.
Lyria: Bandits? Oh my!
Blacksmith: They sound terrifying. I can't imagine anyone being willing to go.
Lyria: Don't worry. As long as I'm with (Captain), I'm not scared of anything.
Blacksmith: What? You're not?
Lyria: Besides, we're not the kind of people to just leave you in trouble like this.
Militia Member: Wow, you're so kind. We'd definitely appreciate any help you can offer. Please tell them we need a properly constructed jail.
Someone watches the proceedings from the shadows.
???: They seem like an interesting bunch.
As (Captain) and the others hurry along the path to the workshop, they're accosted by a young man.
Though they've never seen him before, he shows them a friendly smile and starts talking to them like he's known them for years.
???: I finally found you! I've been looking all over for people like you guys!
Lyria: Um... What do you mean?
???: Heh-heh... You're all heading to the workshop up in the mountains, right? Let me take you the rest of the way!
Vyrn: Huh? Why would you want to help us all of a sudden? You do realize that the mountains are supposedly home to bandits, right?
???: Heh-heh. Don't worry about that. I think you'll find me an excellent guide!
Vyrn: Hey, are we really gonna let that chatterbox tag along? We don't know anything about him.
Vyrn: Wait... Where'd he go? Did he get lost? Some guide he turned out to be!
Lyria: Oh no... What if something's happened to him?
(Captain) and company turn back to look for the young man.
They soon find him. He's digging a hole and whistling to himself.
???: Heh-heh. I finally found it! This is some high quality sand!
He picks up a handful of the glittering sand and puts it in his leather bag.
Vyrn: Heh-heh... He really looks like a kid when he plays in the sand like that.
(Captain) and company eventually reach the workshop, and they knock on its door with a great deal of trepidation.
Artisan: Wahaha! Well bless my tongs! Our first visitors in ages! Thanks for comin' all the way up into the mountains to see us.
Artisan: Hey, someone bring somethin' tasty for our guests! We gotta have some fruit layin' around!
The citizens' worries were for nothing. The artisans at the workshop turn out to be nice, friendly people.
Though they admit that they were once bandits, they gave up that life long ago.
They happily explain that they were taken in by a master blacksmith and have completely changed their ways.
Artisan: So you say the town at the foot of the mountains needs a new prison, huh?
Artisan: Wahaha! And you guys came all the way up here for that? You must be the most helpful people in the world!
Artisan: That makes it all the harder to say this, but I'm afraid we can't help you.
Vyrn: What? Don't tell me we came all this way for nothing!
Artisan: Problem is we need a certain material to make strong steel, and we're all out of it.
Lyria: Then let's go buy some. We'll help you get to the shop.
Artisan: Er, that ain't the problem. See, someone from the workshop already went into town to buy some, but we haven't heard from him in some time.
???: Heh-heh. Don't be silly. I've got all the material you need right here!
Artisan: Oh, that's it! That's just the sand we—urk! Master! When did you get back?
Vyrn: No way! This kid is your master blacksmith?
Lyria: What's going on? Is he someone important?
Artisan: He may look young, but this kid here's one of the greatest metallurgist alive today. He's also known as the Alloy Artisan.
???: Heh-heh... Stop it. You're making me blush.
Viceroy: Oh, I almost forgot. My name's Viceroy, but everyone calls me Vice!
As directed by Viceroy, the workers put the sand into the furnace and start making the steel for the jail.
They then lift the steel cage onto their shoulders and carry it down the mountain like a parade float.
Viceroy: Okay, everyone! Let's get this to the town, and then we can celebrate!
Viceroy: Another job well done! This might just be the finest jail in all the skies! Nothing's gonna break my superalloy.
Viceroy: Huh? Hey! Why am I inside the cell?
Viceroy looks puzzled by his incarceration.
Artisan: Isn't it obvious? We sent you out to buy materials, and you spent all our money partying!
Artisan: Plus you were a nuisance to just about everyone in town! What do you have to say for yourself?
Viceroy: Yeah, I guess I went overboard again. I'm so sorry, everyone.
Viceroy: I tend to enjoy my after-work drinks a bit too much, and I know I need to work on that.
Viceroy: You know what? Don't worry about paying for the jail cell! Just let me out!
Artisan: We really are sorry. And we'll keep an eye on him to make sure this doesn't happen again, so please let him go.
Vyrn: Agreed! These guys all worked really hard on this jail cell. The least you can do is let him out of it.
Lyria: Yes! Please let him out!
Viceroy: Y-you guys. I really appreciate you doing this for a screwup like me.
Militia Member: Well, I see that you have support from all kinds of people. You must not be such a bad egg after all.
Viceroy: (Captain), thanks a bunch. I'd probably still be in that cell if it weren't for you guys.
Vyrn: Heh-heh. Don't mention it.
Viceroy: You know, there's something I was thinking about while I made that cell.
Viceroy: Iron isn't enough on it's own. You need to mix it with something else to make it stronger.
Viceroy: Maybe people are the same. Maybe I need others to make me stronger. You think so too, right, (Captain)?
  1. Just come out and say it: you want in.
  2. I'd love to see you in action.

Choose: Just come out and say it: you want in.
Choose: I'd love to see you in action.
Viceroy: I knew I could count on you! I think if I travel with you, I'll uncover the secret to the ultimate superalloy!
When this metallurgist combines his metalworking skill with a supporting cast, he'd be polished into an even greater person.
Viceroy, the young alloy artisan, takes to the unknown skies in search of ways to make himself stronger.

Metal Maniacs

The inquisitive Viceroy wants to create the world's strongest superalloy and asks (Captain) and company to help him find a gold brick to do so. Such bricks are hard to find, and a suspicious merchant almost convinces him to buy a fake one.

(Captain) and company land on a certain island in search of a new material their new crewmate Viceroy hopes to meld with iron.
The island is famous for its large bazaar, and they're delighted to see the bustling marketplace.
Viceroy stops in his tracks when he spots a family working at a produce stand.
Vyrn: What's up, Vice? Never seen a mom-and-pop produce stand before?
Viceroy: No, it's not that. Seeing that mom and her daughter gave me a rush of nostalgia.
Lyria: Huh? Did your family own a produce stand or something?
Viceroy: No, it's not that either. Just look at them.
Viceroy: See, that mom is teaching her daughter everything about their business, right? It's like how it was with me and my teacher.
Lyria: Um... Is your teacher that blacksmith you told us about before?
Viceroy, now somewhat embarrassed, squints his eyes and gives a slight sniffle with his nose as he begins to tell his tale.
Viceroy: First off, I'm not the sharpest tool in the box, right? So when I was younger, my friend tricked me into joining a band of thieves.
Viceroy: I had no clue what I was doing. And one day, for better or worse, we got this idea to break into a famous blacksmith's workshop.
Viceroy: But the blacksmith suddenly saw us and came at us with this giant hammer of his. I thought it was the end, right?
Viceroy: But he said he wasn't attacking us. He only wanted to reforge our spirits, and he taught us how to work iron.
Vyrn: Sounds like a really nice guy!
Lyria: Hee-hee... I can tell just by hearing about him that he was a great teacher.
Viceroy: Right? That's why I'm trying to learn how to make the best iron ever and repay his kindness!
Lyria: Yeah, great idea. That's really thoughtful of you, Vice!
Viceroy: That's why I really want that over there. It's okay if I buy it, right?
Viceroy points to an ingot sitting deep in the shop that's shining a brilliant gold.
Rackam: What? Of course it's not okay! That's a gold brick! They're harder to find than a four-leaf clover while blindfolded!
Viceroy: Huh? So I can't buy it?
Rackam: What'd I just say? There's some cheaper stuff at this other metal shop you can get though. Why don't I show you?
Rackam and the others hurry over to the shop, weaving their way through the crowd.
Only Viceroy is left standing by himself, unable to take his eyes off of the gold brick.
Charming Merchant: Hee-hee... Excuse me, good sir. You, the man with the golden hair.
Viceroy: Huh? Are you talkin' to me?
Charming Merchant: Pardon me, but I couldn't help but overhear your predicament.
Charming Merchant: Hee-hee... I have something right here you might be interested in.
Viceroy catches the glint of an all-too familiar color peeking out from the merchant's blouse. It can only be a gold brick.
Viceroy: Is that...
His voice cracks as he tries to speak.
Viceroy: C-could you hook me up with just a small piece of that?
Charming Merchant: Please step into my shop. I have plenty more inside.
Viceroy: Awesome! I don't know how to thank you.
The merchant says this gold brick has been circulating around the black market. It isn't as pure as other bullion sold legitimately.
Viceroy doesn't mind at all, because he can purify the metal as much as he needs to.
The two of them leave the main street and the crowd, and they slip into a dark alley where they enter a small, musty shop.
Viceroy: Hey, this place is kind of a mess. Lots of junk in here too. You really have gold bricks in here?
Charming Merchant: Of course. Here you are.
Viceroy: Finally! Heh-heh. I've waited so long to get my hands on this glittering—hey, wait a second!
Viceroy: You call this a gold brick? This just looks like a dusty brick you'd use for building a house!
Charming Merchant: No, you seem confused. That's the finest gold brick you've ever seen.
The kindly merchant drops her smile. Her eyes, now sly and cunning, dart back and forth as she moves closer.
Charming Merchant: All right, that will be one million rupies. Now pay up.
Viceroy: Are you serious? You think I'll pay all that for this hunk of dung?
Hoodlum: Oh, you'll pay all right. Heh-heh...
Some hoodlums suddenly appear as if on cue. The room grows tense.
Viceroy: Uh-oh... There's so little room in here that I doubt even I could take all these guys on...
A familiar voice suddenly echoes through the store.
Rackam: Hey, there you are, Vice. What are you doin' here?
Lyria: (Captain), we found him. So you got lost again, huh, Vice?
Hoodlum: What's going on here? I didn't hear anything about his friends coming along!
Charming Merchant: What are you waiting for? Take 'em all out!

Metal Maniacs: Scene 2

One day, Viceroy hears that it's possible to make a legendary sword by melting hair into iron, so he asks Katalina and the other female members of the crew if he can use theirs. However, after they refuse and yell at him, he leaves dejected and decides to go to a forest where he can find a monster with long hair that the suspicious merchant had told him about.

It's a lazy afternoon, but Katalina's angry cries can be heard throughout the Grandcypher as it sits anchored on the coast.
Katalina: Knock it off, Vice! Just give up already!
Viceroy: Please, Katalina! I just need a little bit!
Katalina: How many times do I have to tell you? The answer is no! And quit looking at me like that!
Viceroy: Sorry, but I'm not giving up on this. This is fate, Katalina. You're exactly what I need to make the greatest, most radiant iron in the world!
Katalina: Fate? That's not a word you should be throwing around so lightly.
Rackam: Hey, what's all the racket?
Katalina: It's just Vice. He said it's fate that he found me.
Rackam: Vice, you hound! I didn't know Katalina was your type.
Katalina: Wait... You've got it all wrong, Rackam!
Viceroy: How about you, Lyria? All I need is a small lock of hair!
Lyria: What? What are you saying all of a sudden?
Katalina: Huh?
Katalina spins around and finds that Vice has already gone over to Lyria and is begging and pleading on the ground.
Rackam: Now on to Lyria, huh? Ha-ha... Talk about casual relationships.
Katalina: What nerve...
Rackam: Oh, what could have been, eh, Katalina?
Katalina: Sigh... This is ridiculous. Quit yammering and help me put a stop to this.
The crew questions Viceroy on his strange behavior.
Crestfallen, he explains what's going on.
Viceroy: I heard about it from a blacksmith who once traveled to the far east.
Viceroy: According to the legends on an island he visited, you can make incredible swords by melting a woman's hair into the iron.
Rackam: Yeah, right! Sounds like a fairy tale to me. Why would putting hair in iron do anything?
Viceroy: Well, I dunno... I'd still like to try it for myself though.
Viceroy: If I could make a sword like that, then I'd be that much closer to the level of my teacher.
Viceroy: All I need is some woman's hair to complete my ultimate superalloy recipe. Then my teacher will finally recognize my skills!
Katalina: I get that and all, but still...
Lyria: Yeah, I don't know.
Charming Merchant: Hee-hee... I couldn't help but overhear your story.
No sooner do they hear her wicked voice than the mysterious merchant from before appears.
Katalina: You again, huh? You've got a lot of nerve showing your face around here.
Charming Merchant: Now just hold on a moment! This isn't like before. I'm a new person now.
Katalina: Oh, sure you are. You're nothing but a crook, and we both know it.
Charming Merchant: I'm telling the truth! Look, I won't ask for a single rupie. This is my way of thanking you for letting me go before.
Vyrn: So you're going to help us for free? Now you seem even more suspicious.
Viceroy: But it couldn't hurt to hear her out, right?
Charming Merchant: Thank you, good sir!
According to the merchant, there's a forest nearby where a monster with long hair can be found.
This monster's hair is particularly famous for its beauty and fetches a high price at bazaars.
Viceroy decides it's just what he needs, so the crew sets off for the forest.
Vyrn: Hey, don't you think this is just another trick? It's hard enough finding any animals around here, much less a monster with long hair.
Lyria: No, it actually does feel like there's something around here. (Captain), be on your guard!
Monster: Groar!
Viceroy: Here it comes! Sorry, bud, but we need that hair!

Metal Maniacs: Scene 3

Viceroy obtains the monster hair and forges the sword, which stuns the crew with its perfection. However, an unexpected visitor warns them that a sword made using monster materials will lead to disaster.

With the monster defeated, Viceroy collects its hair and hurries to fire up his forge.
Viceroy: At last! It's all done!
Viceroy: Here, check it out! Notice the sturdy yet graceful curve. Stunning, isn't it?
Katalina: My goodness... That does indeed look spectacular.
Vyrn: You did it, Vice!
Lyria: Yes, well done!
With his work finally complete and praised by all around him, Viceroy smiles with satisfaction and breathes a sigh of relief.
But an unexpected visitor suddenly arrives.
Any version of Galadar is a crew member

Galadar: Dahaha! Just as I suspected!
Viceroy: Mastersmith Galadar!
Viceroy: What are you doing here? I never thought I'd see you on the ship!
Lyria: Vice, you mean Galadar is the teacher you spoke of earlier?
Vyrn: Uh, he's been on board the whole time, you know.
Viceroy: Oh, really? Well, you should've said something! I would've gone to see you!
Galadar: Dahaha! It's no problem, laddie. I've heard plenty about what ye been up to. Ye been bustin' yer beard, eh?
Viceroy: Th-thank you, sir!
Galadar: But I'm afraid ye dug a little too deep this time.
Viceroy: What do you mean, sir?
Galadar: Laddie, I'm talkin' about that curious blade ye got there.
Viceroy: The one I just made? What's wrong with it?
Galadar: Here, let me give it a wee look.
Galadar snatches the beautiful sword out of Viceroy's hands.
He eyes it carefully, inspecting the craftsmanship.
Galadar: Just as I thought! Ye used yeti hair. That's how ye got it to shine with such gemstone sheen.
Viceroy: Incredible! That's exactly right, sir! I failed so many times before, but I finally came up with this masterpiece!
Galadar: Indeed. But yer unfortunately not the first.
Viceroy: What?
Galadar: When I was about yer age and still a suckling blacksmith, I used the same method.
Viceroy: Really? You did?
Galadar: Aye, 'tis not so surprisin'. All the finest craftsmen should know this one.
Viceroy: But... I didn't...
Galadar: Heh-heh! And there's one more thing ye didn't know either.
Galadar: Forgin' a weapon usin' materials from a monster like this is askin' for disaster.
Viceroy: D-disaster?
Monster's Voice: Groar!
Galadar: Hear that, laddie? They smell that blade of yers.
No version of Galadar in crew

Artisan: Ha-ha! So the mastersmith was right.
Viceroy: Hey, shouldn't you be in the workshop? What are you doing here?
Artisan: Well, I heard about what you've been up to. You know, you've been worrying the mastersmith an awful lot.
Viceroy: I have? You've got to be joking! I wasn't doing anything bad!
Artisan: Ha-ha! Then what's that in your hand?
Artisan: Let me take a wild guess... You made an alloy with yeti hair and iron, and then you forged it into this fine item you have here, right?
Viceroy: That's amazing! You have quite the eye!
Artisan: Nah, that's what the mastersmith told me. You know what that means, right?
Viceroy: Not really.
Artisan: It means you're not the first to try such a thing.
Viceroy: Wait... Are you saying what I think you are?
Artisan: You betcha. Mastersmith Galadar did the same thing decades ago!
Viceroy: Whoa! Really?
Artisan: Just like you, he realized that he could make a powerful weapon by using materials collected from monsters.
Artisan: But what you apparently failed to realize is that doing so will bring about disaster.
Viceroy: Disaster? But there's nothing wrong with my swor—
Monster's Voice: Groar!
Artisan: Heh-heh... Looks like they already tracked you down.
Monster: Groar!

Metal Maniacs: Scene 4

Viceroy's new sword ends up attracting monsters, so he has to get rid of it. But he's not one to stay sad for long, and a short pep talk gets him back on his feet.

Despite having successfully fended off the monsters, Viceroy is still in a state of shock.
His shoulders are slumped, and he barely has the energy to raise his head.
Any version of Galadar is a crew member

Galadar: Dahaha! Now yer mind should be as illuminated as a burnin' forge!
Galadar: Heh-heh. Consider this a wee reminder of why I'm travelin' the world collectin' weapons.
Galadar reaches out and plucks the strange sword from Viceroy's hands.
Viceroy: Man... I was so sure that I'd finally made a great sword that you'd be proud of.
Viceroy: But all I really made was an idiot of myself. I'm still nowhere near as good as you.
Galadar: Oy, watch yer mouth, laddie!
Galadar: I think ambition's gettin' the best of ye. Did ye really think it'd be so easy to catch up to me?
Viceroy: But I'm such a screwup... Ugh... I just wanted you to be proud of me. That's why I tried so hard.
Galadar: Dahaha! It's not about recognition. Listen, laddie. I need ye to pass me up one day.
Viceroy: You do?
Galadar: Yep. I could ne'er have made a sword like this when I was yer age. Take some pride in what ye can do.
Galadar: Dahaha! Just keep at it. All right, Vice?
Viceroy: Thank you, sir!
No version of Galadar in crew

Artisan: Well, I think you get it now.
Artisan: See, you need to consider again why the mastersmith is traveling around the world and collecting weapons.
The artisan reaches out and plucks the strange sword from Viceroy's hands.
Viceroy: Man... I was so sure that I'd finally made a great sword the mastersmith would be proud of.
Viceroy: But all I really made was an idiot of myself. I'm still nowhere near as good as him.
Artisan: Hey, watch your mouth!
Artisan: Don't you think you're getting ahead yourself? Did you really think you could catch up to a mastersmith so easily?
Viceroy: But I'm such a screwup... Ugh... I just wanted him to be proud of me. That's why I tried so hard.
Artisan: Ah, but that's not really all that important. And even if he doesn't give you recognition, I still do.
Viceroy: You do?
Artisan: You know, when he was your age, I doubt he could have made a sword like this.
Artisan: Wahaha! What am I even saying? Oh well, just trust me!
Viceroy: Thank you, sir!
The road to making the ultimate superalloy is a long and winding one, but Viceroy will never give up.
He looks straight ahead, and with a will as strong as iron, vows to do the best he can.

Echo of an Artisan's Hammer

The Grandcypher needs emergency repairs, but a lack of parts stymies Noa's efforts. At this news, Viceroy finds and processes some local ore into usable replacements, and Noa awes at skydweller ingenuity. Before long, the crew takes to the skies once more.

The crew comes under attack by monsters during a voyage one day.
The Grandcypher takes considerable damage as a result, and Noa is tasked with overseeing emergency repairs.
(Captain) and company make a pit stop on a small, nameless island, where Noa is able to assess the airship's condition more fully.
Noa: Phew. The sound the Grandcypher made when it got hit had me worried...
Noa: But just as long as we swap out the outer plate, we should have no trouble resuming flight. There's also...
The crew proceeds with repairs as Noa finishes his checkup and relays orders. Meanwhile...
Viceroy: Phew... Sure didn't expect airship trouble to stop us in our tracks.
Viceroy: Then again, it's not like we're in a rush anyhow. Might as well take it easy.
Relishing his impromptu vacation, Viceroy takes an afternoon nap on the Grandcypher's deck.
He wakes up just as the sun is about to set.
Noa: Oh my... I should have kept better track of our stockpiles...
???: Hey!
Noa: Huh? Where's that voice coming from?
???: Right here! Above you!
Noa is standing by a damaged part of the airship when someone calls out to him.
That someone is Viceroy, standing on the deck.
Viceroy: Comin' down... Phew!
Viceroy: So how are the repairs going? Seems like you're in a bit of a fix, no pun intended.
Noa: Yeah, sorry. I've run into a bit more trouble than expected.
Viceroy: Dahahaha! That's life for ya! It's not always smooth sailing!
Viceroy: Anyhoo... Mind if I ask what in particular is causing the holdup?
Viceroy: We're not gonna be stuck here, are we?
Noa: It's just that I'm lacking some of the metal parts needed for a full repair...
Noa: And I was thinking of possible solutions to the problem.
Viceroy: Not enough parts, eh? Any kind in particular? You have any specifications you can show me?
Noa hands over a simple repair blueprint.
Viceroy skims through the list of necessary materials written on it.
Viceroy: Oh, I see... You weren't kidding about needing some metal, huh?
Noa: That's right. The outer plating is mostly made of wood, making it very easy to process and prepare.
Noa: The problem is that while we do have some metal on hand, it's too soft for our current reinforcement needs.
Viceroy: Let's see here... You're missing the metal plate and fasteners for the inner frame.
Noa: Correct. Our repair stock's run dry...
Viceroy: Hm, I see what you mean. Not like you can just move over the material from other parts of the ship either...
Noa: Hehe. Indeed, that would defeat the whole purpose.
Viceroy: Think you can wait a bit for me? I might be able to do something.
Viceroy: I'll also need to borrow this repair blueprint if you don't mind!
Noa: Huh? Wait a second—
Viceroy has already headed deeper into the island before Noa can respond.
The Alloy Artisan soon returns with carefully selected minerals in his arms.
Viceroy: Ayoop!
Viceroy: Music to my ears!
Noa: Impressive... I've never seen ore turned into usable metal so quickly.
Viceroy: Watch out! Best not to get too close!
Noa: Aha. Using water not for quenching, but much earlier in the process to help remove impurities. I see.
Viceroy forges the necessary metal from the island's mineral ore.
Watching over the process, Noa expresses his admiration for the Alloy Artisan's skill.
Shortly afterward...
Viceroy: There! That should be everything you need!
Noa: Yes, this sturdy metal is definitely usable. More than enough to get the repairs done.
Noa: Thank you. This really helps.
Viceroy: Dahaha! No sweat. Just doing what I can to chip in!
Noa: I have to say I'm especially impressed with how you used the engine room's heat in place of a proper hearth.
Viceroy: 'Course! Wouldn't want all that heat to go to waste! Gotta make do with what you can, ya know?
Noa: Hehehe... You skydwellers truly are remarkable.
Noa: Your boundless curiosity and passion turn into the strength that drives you forward.
Noa: I grow envious each time I see a prominent display of it, like today.
Viceroy: What? Why're you saying that like you've never improved yourself?
Viceroy: Us craftsmen are always getting better day by day, keeping up with new techniques and new inventions.
Viceroy: Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if you thought of an even better idea for fashioning metal tomorrow!
Viceroy: People like us? We're always moving ahead; no time to lie still.
Noa: Haha, I suppose you're right. That's certainly one way to put it.
Viceroy: For sure! Forward's the way to go!
Noa: Well said. On that note, I have another favor to ask if you don't mind.
Viceroy: Sure! Just say the word!
Noa: Any chance you can assist with the Grandcypher's repairs? I could really use your help.
Viceroy: Dahahaha! I should've guessed! Leave it to me!
Soon the airship is repaired, and the crew takes to the skies once more.
Despite the trouble, the bond between primal and Alloy Artisan is improved because of it.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
どんどんくべろぃ!ガンガン燃やせぃ! Burn, baby, burn! Mwahaha!
鉄ってのはなぁ叩けば強くなるんだぜ You know, steel only gets stronger when struck.
今度の鉄は何を合金にしてやろうか Hmm, which alloys should I use next...
トン、チン、カントン、チン、カン Clink, clang, clank! Clink, clang, clank!
付け焼き刃じゃ通用しねぇよ! A rush job won't do this blade justice!
ほらほらほら!オーバーホールだ! Hey! Hey! Hey! It's time for an overhaul!
鉄の心は砕けねぇ! An iron will is unbreakable!
どうでぃ!オイラの鉄の味は! How do you like the taste of my steel!
なぁ、(主人公)、武器、欠けてねぇか? (Captain), isn't that a chip on your weapon?
ほれ、(主人公)、ついて来てっか? Let's keep up the pace, (Captain)!
