Heles (Summer)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 27
Height 168 cm
Race Erune
Hobbies Reading, making tea cakes
Likes Being well-reasoned, people with strong spirits
Dislikes Unreasonable things, injustice
Character Release
アイルスト王国最後の王コノールの娘であり、セルエルの姉。王族として立場に相応しく育てられ、またその才覚を持ち合わせる女性。 冷静沈着で理性的。あまり感情が表情に乗らず、そのせいで人に対し丁寧な態度なのだが慇懃無礼に見えることすらある。元々王族としての教育を受けているため、自然と地位に見合う姿勢を身につけているだけなのだが、それを知らずに相対すると不遜な人物であるように見えてしまうことも。 実際は民を誰よりも想い、また民から信頼を得ているだけの器を持つ人物であり、礼を失した態度であると受け取られた際には素直に謝れる女性である。 根は穏やかで優しいが、公の場に置いては常に公正たれ、私情を挟むべからずと考えているためプライベートと仕事でのギャップに驚かれがち。
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 27歳
Height 168cm
Race エルーン
Hobbies 読書、茶菓子作り
Likes 理路整然としていること、気概がある者
Dislikes 筋が通らないこと、不正
Character Release
アイルスト王国最後の王コノールの娘であり、セルエルの姉。王族として立場に相応しく育てられ、またその才覚を持ち合わせる女性。 冷静沈着で理性的。あまり感情が表情に乗らず、そのせいで人に対し丁寧な態度なのだが慇懃無礼に見えることすらある。元々王族としての教育を受けているため、自然と地位に見合う姿勢を身につけているだけなのだが、それを知らずに相対すると不遜な人物であるように見えてしまうことも。 実際は民を誰よりも想い、また民から信頼を得ているだけの器を持つ人物であり、礼を失した態度であると受け取られた際には素直に謝れる女性である。 根は穏やかで優しいが、公の場に置いては常に公正たれ、私情を挟むべからずと考えているためプライベートと仕事でのギャップに驚かれがち。
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday. Today let's extol your birth and your life.
What you've accomplished is important, as is what you will accomplish.
But most important of all is that you're here, simply being yourself.


As the years pass, we gain perspective. And we learn when to let some things go.
Letting go doesn't hold us back. If anything, it pushes us forward.
And though it may cause us pain, we needn't bear that pain alone.
If you ever need to cry, lay your head on my breast.
I know that tears cried alone can be devastating.
I hope to see you flourish again this year, Captain. Happy birthday.


I could never quite console my grieving father over the loss of my mother.
Perhaps I was too young to do so, but I regret it all the same.
So if you are ever sad or in pain...
Don't hide it. Let me know if there's anything I can do.
I'll do whatever I can to help you. This promise is my gift to you.
Happy birthday. I hope you'll let me celebrate this wonderful day with you for years to come.


When a mother gives birth, it's a battle where she puts her life on the line for her child.
No person comes into this life alone—we all come carrying the weight of our mother's lives.
This is something I learned on the day Seruel was born.
In life, you may experience heartbreak and despair. Sometimes you'll want to shut your eyes and run away from it all.
Even when you're completely alone... you're never truly alone.
Your mother, your father, your siblings and friends... Their spirits are always with you.
Perhaps the day will come someday where I'm no longer by your side.
Death may visit one of us, at any given moment, without warning.
But regardless of this, my spirit will always be with you forever. Please remember that.
Happy birthday, (Captain). My heart truly feels blessed that life has brought us here together.


Happy birthday, (Captain). I am delighted that we can celebrate this special day once again.
The future that we wish for lies beyond an accumulation of the time that we spend each and every day.
At the same time, as the days accumulate, there may be occasions when it takes all that you have to get through the day to tomorrow.
And on other occasions, you may feel that you want to stop altogether and make that day the last.
Of course, if only I can be there to take your hand whenever you feel like stopping...
But unfortunately, no one knows what will happen in life—thus I cannot make the promise that I will always be there for you.
There are things you gain, and things you lose. There are days when you take a step forward, and days when you take a step back.
Whenever you feel like stopping, don't blame yourself for it. It's all right to rest and continue your journey again from there.
I wish you the very best on your journey, (Captain). Happy birthday.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year. Have you thought about what sort of year you'd like to make this?
Your decisions today may follow you for the rest of the year. Choose wisely!


Happy New Year. Days like this invigorate both body and soul.
For the crew and those back at home, we must keep moving forward.
But we must also pace ourselves lest we lose sight of our goals.
Keep that in mind and care for yourself always. That is your duty as captain
. You know how I worry. Do it for me, won't you, (Captain)?


Happy New Year, (Captain).
I hope all the crew members and all the people of Alster have another wonderful year.
I'll do all I can to make this year a success.
One can't focus solely on others though.
Especially you, (Captain). I often see you pushing yourself far too hard at times. Do take care, my Captain.


Happy New Year, (Captain). I pray we all have another blessed year together.
Focus your mind and spirit now and lay a foundation for the new year ahead.
What... was that sound just now?
(Captain)... Did you come out to see the sunrise before eating?
Hehe... I've prepared some food for everyone so that we can start the new year off right in clover.
There's also some Alsterian cuisine prepared, so please eat up to your heart's content.


Happy New Year, (Captain). We've a promising year before us.
You wish to know how we celebrated the new year... As a royal family? Well, it was one ceremony after another.
For the people, the king would hold rites in the capital. These marked the coming of the new year.
Then the royal family would exchange greetings with knights and lords—that is, the classes that assist in the conducting of state affairs.
This exchange of words is in itself an important rite. It strengthens the connection between the ruling class and its people and retainers.
I too received many visitors alongside my father. It required great focus, but I also took great pride in my role.
Yes, it was very tiring—I was so young. But my father always praised me for carrying out my duties, and that made me happier than anything.
Now that I think back on it, the New Year's ceremonies were to me a rare chance to enjoy time with my family.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's Day! This candy is a token of my gratitude to you.
Hehe. I often used to make treats like this for teatime with Naoise and my brother.
I'm reasonably confident in my confections, but everyone has different tastes. I hope that this candy matches yours.


Happy Valentine's Day. Here, please enjoy this candy.
You seem surprised that a princess would spend her time as a culinarian. I suppose my father didn't approve of it.
Nothing quite compares to the happiness I get from watching others enjoy my creations.
And, of course, today is no different. If you enjoy this candy, my efforts will have been worthwhile.
But please don't compare it to the gifts you receive from other people.


Happy Valentine's Day. Here are some long-lasting tea cakes.
Hehe. No need to hide it; I know how many admirers you have.
You won't have to worry about eating these right away; I'm sure you'll have a lot of chocolate to get through as is.
As long as you remember that just like these tea cakes...
My respect and affection for you won't change, no matter how long you wait.


Happy Valentine's Day. Please take these candies, (Captain).
Perhaps it is a little embarrassing for me to say this, but I put my sentiments and feelings into making them for you.
What kind of sentiments, you ask? That's quite a churlish question, (Captain)...
Well, to answer your question... I suppose it is difficult to put those sentiments into words.
To me, you're a most respectable captain, and also precious to me like a younger brother, and...
Um... Ahem. Let's stop it there for now. I am a lady after all.
And a lady has the right to some secrets of her own. Just use your imagination for the rest.


Happy Valentine's, (Captain). Now, would you do me the honor of accepting these?
Yes, I made them with love. Oh? You wish to know what kind of love?
There you go again, trying to read people's hearts—you almost act as if it were a game. I wouldn't do that if I were you. It'll come back to bite you one day.
If you want to be recognized as chivalrous, you mustn't seek to embarrass your partners.
In any case, I'm certain that, as long as you eat these confections, you will understand what they represent—someday.
But, until then, I'd be very happy if you were to simply taste them and wonder why they are so very sweet.

Raspberry Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

It's White Day, is it? I wonder if Seruel and Naoise will be giving me a gift in return.
The two of them do lack in courtesy, so I can't be sure.
The heart of a woman is easily wounded... And I doubt either of them realize that.


Is something the matter, (Captain)? Oh, you have a gift for me.
It's for White Day. Hehe, so you remember what I gave you for Valentine's.
I mean no offense when I treat you like a young person.
But given your gentlemanly behavior today, it's unmannerly of me.
I humbly accept your gift and the goodwill it represents.
Hehe. I suppose I will have to stay until next Valentine's Day to repay my debt, now won't I?


Are these for me? I thank you, (Captain); that's most kind.
Hehe. It makes my heart flutter to receive a gift from you.
You think I'm joking do you?
Hehe. Aah, one does wonder. A lady, however doesn't reveal her heart so lightly.
But yes, it did make me very happy. I'll let on that much.


What's wrong? Your face is all red... Do you have a fever?
Your words are becoming all twisted as well... It must be a cold. Or is it something else?
This... Is this for me? For White Day?
...! Th-Thank you!
Hehe... I've received something truly lovely from you today, Captain... er, from you, (Captain)...
I suppose my face must be turning as red as yours right now.


Is this for me? Thank you very much, (Captain).
Well, aren't you composed? I find that a bit unfortunate, actually.
White Day used to make you blush. Seeing that tinge of red made me as happy as receiving your gifts, you know.
Now I've... gone red?
My, are you jesting with me? We can't have that.
Whenever did you learn how to stay so put together?
Well... I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. You're always hoping to grow up. It's as they say: "to improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."
But, on occasion, I would like to once again see the cute (Captain) I knew so well...

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween. It's admirable to memorialize the dead in such a positive fashion.
So often tears accompany our stories of those who've passed. We have so many fond memories of them...
We should prepare candy for when the children arrive. Perhaps you'd like to sample some too.


Captain, even you're playing tricks today, aren't you?
Wait a moment now. I've nearly finished wrapping these pumpkin candies.
There, all done. Here you go.
One of the candies has hot mustard inside. Hehe. I suppose it's my little trick.
Happy Halloween! I hope you receive plenty of candy this year.


Happy Halloween, (Captain).
While making confections, I remembered something from the good old days.
Seruel and Naoise were both boys and around the same age. I'd always felt like the odd one out.
I'd often play terrible pranks on them during Halloween because of that.
No doubt I must have been a rather annoying older sister.
Hehe. It's been ages since then. Perhaps this year it's time I played a trick on them.


Happy Halloween, (Captain). Will you be playing any tricks today? Hehe, what fun.
I don't wish to play any tricks, but I do have a treat for you.
Now... open your mouth and say "ahh" for me.
Heles tosses a piece of homemade candy into (Captain)'s mouth.
Oh? Were you excited to see what I would do?
I suppose that means I ended up playing a trick on you after all, in a way.
I did quite enjoy it, to be honest.
May I do it again? Here, I'll let you eat another one.


Oh, (Captain). Happy Halloween! Are you enjoying yourself?
Yes, I'm on a little search myself. Seruel's disappeared somewhere since morning, you see.
Most likely he's running around trying to avoid any tricks from Scathacha and me, although we never planned on playing any in the first place...
On the contrary, doesn't this make you want to start playing some tricks, (Captain)?
Hehe, I'm glad you agree. You certainly know how to have fun on a holiday.
Yes, I was just thinking of having a bit of fun myself.
After all, it's the older sister's job to entertain her younger brother.
No matter how much he's grown, he still needs someone to look after him.
Well then, (Captain). Shall we? We need to win this game of hide-and-seek first before we can play any tricks!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

You'd better hurry off to bed before Santa Claus arrives.
I know you want to stay up later. But to me you're still a child.
I hope you enjoy the holiday season! Happy holidays!


(Captain), have you completed your tasks for the day? Please allow me to do any that might remain.
Today is a special day. Santa Claus is coming, isn't he?
You'd better hurry off to bed and dream of presents!
I know you want to be treated like an adult. But what better proof that you're still a child.
Very well then... If you can stay awake through my lullaby, then maybe you are an adult.
Now hop into bed. You wouldn't want to catch cold.


How goes your duties, (Captain)?
Of all days you should rest tonight. Santa Claus won't come if you're not in bed.
Me? I've made traditional Alster cookies for him to snack on.
In fact, now that I think about it, these were the first type of cookies I ever baked. Naoise's mother taught me how.
She was like a mother to me. A mother I gained in place of the one I lost at such a young age. She taught me all sorts of things.
Here. Take these, (Captain). Place these by your bedside tonight and rest well.


(Captain)? You're still awake? It's already past bedtime.
Honestly... Hurry back up to bed before Santa Claus sees you.
Now go say your prayers and get in bed. I'll sing you to sleep with a lullaby if you're good.
Now, now. There's no need to be embarrassed.
Doting on you is my special privilege as an adult, after all.
Hehe... Seeing you puff your cheeks out like that only delights me.
Now get some sleep. That's right, your legs under the blanket... You wouldn't want to catch a cold tonight.
I just hope that you can stay the way you are for a little longer, my darling captain.


My, (Captain). I can't say I'm pleased to see you up so late—it is the holidays, you know.
You've still work to do? I see. Won't you let me handle it, just for today?
Oh, don't be so polite. You know, there are times when the young should act a bit spoiled.
While you're still a child, revel in your youth. All of that will fade when you're an adult, never to return.
In a few years, I'm sure you'll long for days like this one. So don't pull such a long face.
Come now, to bed with you. Here, let me tuck you in...
And hold your hand until you fall asleep. Let go of all worry and dream pleasant dreams.
Good night.
(Captain), please, stop rushing so desperately towards adulthood.
Because when you grow up, I will have one less reason to take care of you.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Royalty in the Summer Sun

(Captain) and company meet Heles on Venera Beach. Heles shares with the crew a homemade salve that can prevent sunburns.

Heles is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Heles not in crew

During their last adventure, (Captain) and company vanquished the monsters that once ravaged Alster Island.
Now that there is peace in her kingdom, Heles, the princess of Irestill, requests to join the crew.
Heles: Alster Island has been long ruled over by the royal family of Irestill.
Heles: Irestill, however, was destroyed by rampaging monsters on account of my father's negligence.
Heles: After the destruction, we gathered leaders from across the land to form the Great Court and discuss how to rebuild.
Heles: However, the council has only just been established. They lack experience, and they're overly reliant on me.
Heles: I trust in this crew, and besides I must repay you for before. Would you allow me to accompany you on your journey?
Heles decides to depart from her homeland in order to save it. Seeing Heles's determination, (Captain) accepts her into the crew.
Continue 1
(Captain) and company go to Venera Beach in Auguste for some much-needed relaxation.
Heles: Ah, so this beach caters more to tourism than do others in Auguste.
Heles: It will serve as a useful reference during the reconstruction of our kingdom. I would quite like to see more.
Vyrn: Hehe! Those were some pretty fancy words you used. You're sayin' you wanna find out more about the resorts here, right?
Vyrn: Then we gotta get out there and have tons of fun!
Heles: Hah. Very well, then. I suppose you have a point.
Lyria: Okay then, Heles. Let's go get changed and have some fun!
Heles: I see. This material repels water. I'm familiar with proper swimming technique, but I must say, I've never worn anything quite like this.
Lyria: Oh, really? Well, it looks great on you, Heles! If you're ready, we can head out to the water.
Heles: One moment, Lyria. With such fair skin, we should both apply this salve before going out.
Lyria: Salve? But why use medicine when I'm not hurt?
Heles: This is not for injuries, dear. It's applied to prevent scalding.
Lyria: Umm... Scalding?
Heles: Skin becomes red and wounded when one stands long in the beating sun.
Heles: During training, many of our new soldiers would fail to apply salve and suffer as a result. We have to be prepared.
Lyria: Hmm... Your skin turns red and starts to hurt... Oh, you're talking about a sunburn!
Heles: A sunburn? Yes, I suppose you could call it that.
Vyrn: That's when your skin turns red and gets darker, right? I guess it is kinda like getting burned by fire!
Heles: Now that you mention it, their skin was often darker afterward. If it didn't darken, their pain lasted longer.
Lyria: It stings when you do things like change clothes or take a bath. It can be pretty painful.
Heles: Oh, so you know of it! Then take some. Let me apply it to your back.
Lyria: Thank you, Heles! Okay, here's some for my arms and legs...
Lyria: Eek! Ahahah! Heles, that tickles!
Heles: Don't move now, dear. Oh, I'd better put some on your shoulders, too...
Lyria: Ha! Ahaha!
Lyria squirms and giggles as Heles skillfully puts on the salve.
Heles: There, all done. Now wait for me. I have to apply some as well.
Lyria: Then let me help you this time! I'll put it on where it's hard to reach!
Heles: Hehe. Thank you. Now my back, please.
Lyria: Okay!
  1. Don't forget the back of your neck!
  2. Doesn't that tickle?

Choose: Don't forget the back of your neck!
Lyria: Oh right! Better put some on there, too...
Lyria: (Captain), do you think you could help us? I can hold her hair if you put on the salve.
Heles: Thank you, Lyria. And you too, (Captain).
Lyria: Heles, your hair is so soft and beautiful!
Heles: Hehe. They say a woman's hair is her everything. Your locks are beautiful, Lyria, and you must work to keep them that way!

Choose: Doesn't that tickle?
Heles: It does tickle somewhat, but I can tell that you're trying to be careful.
Lyria: Huh... I guess I'm just more ticklish than you.
Heles: You might think that because the salve made my fingers slippery.
Continue 2
Vyrn: Hey, aren't you gonna put some on too, (Captain)? The sun is lookin' mighty strong today!
Heles: I would advise it. Come, (Captain).
Lyria: I'll help too! But tell me if it tickles, okay?
Accepting Heles's suggestion, (Captain) allows the two to help put on the protective salve.
Now that everyone is ready, they head down to the beach for a dip in the shining blue sea.

The Princess and the Sea

Heles encounters a sunburned young fisherman. She gives him some of her salve, and then boards his ship with (Captain) and the others.

Heles's home on Alster Island has been ravaged by monsters.
During the rebuilding, Heles researches other regions' industries to promote growth back home.
As a part of those efforts, (Captain) takes her to meet with the local fisherman's guild on Auguste.
Heles: Hmm... It must be great to provide a regional specialty.
Old Fisherman: Yeah, it's good to know they'll sell, especially since they spoil so quick.
Pro Fisherman: Takes time to prepare 'em for sale, too.
Heles: Hmm... I see.
Old Fisherman: Well, that about sums it up. Did you get anything useful out of all that?
Heles: Yes, very much so. I'm very grateful for the time you've given me today.
Pro Fisherman: Hard to believe anything good would come out of talkin' to a bunch of sea dogs like us!
Heles: Oh, how humble of you, sir. (Captain), thank you for bringing me here today.
Lyria: We learned all kinds of things about fishing today! Didn't we, (Captain)?
Kid Fisherman: Hey there! I'm here to prepare the nets.
Pro Fisherman: What the... What are you doin' here? I told you to take the day off and recover!
Kid Fisherman: I'm all better now. Really!
Heles: Are you ill, young man? You mustn't overexert yourself.
Pro Fisherman: Yeah, you heard the lady. You could barely stay on your feet yesterday.
Pro Fisherman: We aren't sayin' this to mess with you. But we know how much pain you're in when you get sunburned on our fishing trips.
Old Fisherman: He's right. You can help out at the marketplace instead.
Kid Fisherman: But, but... Ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to be a big-time fisherman, just like my old man!
Pro Fisherman: Hmm...
Heles: Pardon me, but did you say that this young man suffers sunburns?
Old Fisherman: Yeah. I guess he's just got bad skin or somethin'. He turns all red and when it's real bad, he even runs a fever.
Heles: I see. Shall I offer you my salve, then? It might be of use to you.
Heles: It is often used in my kingdom to prevent scalding—I mean, to prevent sunburns.
Kid Fisherman: That kinda thing exists? Well, my skin's fried, so give it here!
Heles: It would be a shame for a young man as passionate as you to be taken off the job. I hope this salve is effective.
The next day, Heles catches word that the young fisherman is feeling well enough to join the trip for the day.
Heles: As the one who suggested that the boy use that salve, it's my responsibility to ensure his wellbeing henceforth.
And so Heles, (Captain), and the rest of the crew soon find themselves aboard the young man's fishing vessel.

The Princess and the Sea: Scene 2

The young fisherman thanks Heles for the salve that freed him from sunburns.

With (Captain) and company aboard, the fishing vessel sets out onto the open sea.
Pro Fisherman: Okay! Pull up that net!
Kid Fisherman: Got it! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!
Vyrn: Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Kiddo, (Captain), give it all you've got!
Heles: Well, fishing is more alluring than I'd imagined.
Heles: Since you've been kind enough to allow me onboard, I'd like to assist somehow.
Heles: It's been quite some time since the sun came up. How are you feeling?
Kid Fisherman: I feel great! No redness, no pain! And it's all thanks to you!
Pro Fisherman: Here we go with the next one! Get over here!
Kid Fisherman: I'm on it!
Heles: (Captain), please allow me to assist with the next haul.
Lyria: (Captain), Heles, good luck!
Heles: Thank you! Well then, let's get to it! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!

The Princess and the Sea: Scene 3

(Captain), Heles, and the others defend the fishing vessel from a monster that's hungry for their catch.

Pro Fisherman: Hahaha! Now that's a big catch! You're really gettin' the hang of this! Maybe we owe our luck today to your good graces.
Heles: Me? Are you sure it isn't (Captain) that we have to thank?
Soriz (Event) is a crew member

Kid Fisherman: You guys look like you've done this before!
Pro Fisherman: Wow! You were on a research vessel in North Vast? Now that explains why you're so good.
Kid Fisherman: I can't let you guys outdo me!
Vyrn: That's the spirit, kid!
Heles: Hehe.
Heles smiles as she watches the bright young fisherman compete with the crew.
But suddenly her expression hardens. She spots a large object on the horizon.
Heles: Something's coming toward the ship!
Monster: Shrraah!
Pro Fisherman: Damn, we've got incoming! We gotta protect our fish. Get ready to fight!
Kid Fisherman: You got it!
Heles: I may be able to help more in battle than in fishing. My blade is yours!
Vyrn: (Captain), we better help too! Let's fend off those monsters!

The Princess and the Sea: Scene 4

After striking a deal to sell her homeland's salve in Auguste, Heles unwinds on the beach beside (Captain).

After (Captain) and company fend off the monsters, they head back to port with a full load of fish.
Pro Fisherman: Whew! We sure couldn't have beat those things without you.
Kid Fisherman: Thanks for everything, you guys! Giving me that salve, helping us with those monsters... You really saved the day!
Seeing the fishermen nod in gratitude, Heles flashes a gentle smile.
Heles: We're glad to be of service. Thank you for having us aboard.
Pro Fisherman: Our pleasure. Say, about that salve you gave our boy here. That was from your kingdom, right?
Heles: Yes. It's a traditional medicine made by the apothecaries on our island.
Pro Fisherman: So what you're sayin' is, it ain't so pricey. You might say it's some kinda local specialty.
Kid Fisherman: I know guys that get burned just about as bad as me. They'd snap it right up!
Heles: Indeed, you make an excellent point.
Heles: Tourists might yearn for it as much as the fishermen.
Pro Fisherman: Yeah, and there might be more of them than us!
Pro Fisherman: Let's talk with the trade association about it. It's the least we can do after you helped our boy!
Heles: That would be very kind of you. Who would have thought that things would turn out this way?
Heles: Providence truly is a mystery.
Heles and the fisherman leave to go and speak with the association.
Day rolls into night, and Heles returns from her meeting. She is greeted by (Captain).
Heles: Thank you for waiting for me. I have never been to this area before, so it's a relief to know someone is here waiting for me.
Heles: Our business negotiations proceeded smoothly. The only matter remaining is to discuss this with the Great Court.
Heles: One land's everyday objects are sometimes worth a small fortune elsewhere.
Heles: Of course every island has its own culture, but those it's not always easy to notice the value.
Heles: I am reminded to think of the bigger picture. Doing so should allow us to make the greatest progress.
Heles stares out at the sea in silent reflection. (Captain) sits quietly beside her.
Heles: Ah yes, that reminds me. I received a nice gift from those fishermen. Here, have some, (Captain).
Heles: This bottle is filled with one of their local drinks. And the package contains fish bone crackers, which are quite flavorful.
Heles hands the crackers to (Captain), who hurriedly chomps them down.
Heles: It's remarkable how every bit of the fish is put to use in these crackers.
Heles: It's a reminder to be grateful to the other living beings that give us life.
Heles: Oh, are you going to fill my glass for me? Hehe. That's very kind of you.
Heles: The seascape at day is so different from the one at night. Tonight's is quite lovely.
Heles's adventure with (Captain) strengthens her resolve to rebuild her homeland.
But tonight, Heles sets her duties aside and enjoys a conversation with (Captain) to the sound of the rolling waves.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
行軍中は常に警戒を怠らないように Advancing forces must stay vigilant.
夜の波の音は心穏やかになれますね The roaring waves soothe the soul.
スカーサハ様とも海に行きたいものですね I should like to visit the sea with Scathacha.
夏場は冷たいお茶が欲しくなりますね Iced tea is the perfect summer refreshment.
ノイシュも少しは遊び心を覚えねば Naoise must learn to become more genial.
セルエルは昔から手のかかる子です Seruel has always been difficult.
蛮勇は厳として戒めねばなりません The courageous must always remain alert.
我が輩に害成す者は許しはしません You will not harm us!
(主人公)殿、水練のご経験は? Have you swimming experience, (Captain)?
(主人公)殿も遊ぶ時は無邪気ですね How childlike you are when playing, (Captain).

Other Appearances

Rage of Bahamut


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 10.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「ヘルエス(サマーバージョン)」
  3. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 『グランブルーファンタジー』レジェンドフェス開催 &マキラスキンセット販売のお知らせ