Cassius (Event)/Lore

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This page is a Lore stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
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Official Profile

Age Unknown
Height 183 cm
Race ???
(as Cassius (Event))
(as of Cassius (Yukata))
Hobbies Pursuit of knowledge, reading and experiments
Likes Studying the unknown
Dislikes Sentimental arguments
Character Release
彼の正体は、イベント「Second Advent」内にて語られますのでイベントストーリーにてご確認ください!

Character Release

Character Release

バトルにおいては高い頻度で発動できるようになる「敵の強化効果無効化」により、敵が有利になるような状況を防いでくれます。 また同じくダメージアビリティも頻繁に発動できるため、サポートだけでなく敵への攻撃にも一役買ってくれることでしょう。
Character Release

Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 不明
Height 183cm
Race ???
(as Cassius (Event))
(as of Cassius (Yukata))
Hobbies 知識の探求、読書や実験
Likes 未知の研究
Dislikes 感情論
Character Release
彼の正体は、イベント「Second Advent」内にて語られますのでイベントストーリーにてご確認ください!

Character Release

Character Release

バトルにおいては高い頻度で発動できるようになる「敵の強化効果無効化」により、敵が有利になるような状況を防いでくれます。 また同じくダメージアビリティも頻繁に発動できるため、サポートだけでなく敵への攻撃にも一役買ってくれることでしょう。
Character Release

Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday, (Captain).
This is my first time celebrating the day of someone else's birth. Those around me never cared for such things.
Of course I am aware of my own date of birth. Acutely aware in fact.
Date of birth and age are essential in determining how much usefulness can be reaped from my remaining years.
What? Do you find that point of view strange? How so? I am only stating a fact.
So you are saying that adding a year is proof that you are alive and not a countdown toward death.
That is how you people think. I see. I admit that is a profound notion.
Now I cannot get the meaning of birthdays out of my head. I will spend all of today with you in order to investigate what makes this day so meaningful.


Congratulations on your birthday, (Captain).
I read in a book that your kind celebrates by placing candles on a cake equal in number to the celebrator's age.
It's a very interesting practice but with one minor flaw.
Consider someone who has lived for a long time. Wouldn't the heat from so many candles melt the cake if it's too small?
Therefore I hypothesize that the size of a cake must also increase for each accumulated year.
If we were to follow my logic, then my cake would be... Gulp.
Heh. That doesn't seem half bad.


Today is your birthday, isn't it?
I attempted to imitate the habits of fossildwellers and purchase a birthday present, but I was unsuccessful in choosing one.
It would only increase the amount of work if the item was deemed unnecessary and required disposing of, resulting in the opposite of the intended effect.
Not at all, you say?
Heh... I see. You wish to tell me that my intention to present you with a gift makes you happy.
I've gradually come to understand your nature to seek value in emotions. However, the fact that I was unable to prepare a gift remains true.
Instead, I have secured a sufficient amount of rupies and time to acquire whatever item you might desire.
You may, therefore, make your own selection for your present this year. Now, let us depart for town.


Happy birthday, (Captain).
I referenced your gift selections during last year's shopping trip in order to acquire a gift for you this year.
Whether this gift is the most suitable choice remains to be seen, but logically it should be close to the correct parameters.
Take it, and this as well. I was told a birthday card was also necessary.
Though I cannot understand why. If one has more to say, then why not speak it directly?
A keepsake to remember me by?
In other words, a birthday present by itself is insufficient then?
The gift and the message complement each other to form a physical memento of emotion...
Hm... It is clear there are still many concepts in this world that I do not fully comprehend.
Heh... Fascinating.
In any case, if that is what you wish for, (Captain), then next year I will be sure to do the same.


Over the long course of our time together, I have come to understand the importance of various emotions.
Which led me to draw another conclusion: the things we can't see are stored away in the heart.
You and the handy-dandy engineer, in addition to other comrades, have shown me a wealth of experiences which I have saved to my heart.
What a complicated organ. No wonder I find it so fascinating.
I owe you a debt for helping me decipher these thoughts and feelings.
In turn, I wish to give you something that you can file away into your own heart.
Therefore I shall continue to walk with you on this long road.
Happy birthday, (Captain).

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year.
That is what I hear everyone saying, but why?
Ah, so it is a greeting that welcomes in a new year. Does that alone warrant attention? What significance is there to the start of a new year?
Hmm... I see. The cause for celebration is all the obstacles you and your comrades overcame during that time frame.
Some things cannot be accomplished alone, thus there are situations that necessitate cooperation from friends. Sound reasoning.
Happy New Year, (Captain). I will remember to use this greeting again next year. Please do not die before then.


If I remember correctly, it is customary to prepare traditional dishes to be consumed on New Year's Day.
Black soy beans for warding off evil, herring roe to bring prosperity to one's offspring, mashed sweet potatoes to boost financial fortunes...
The fact that each dish comes with its own meaning is most fascinating.
Although I am still extremely skeptical that eating food will somehow bring wishes to fruition...
But I suppose regularly setting one's expectations is what makes a fossildweller a fossildweller.
Living is all about the experiences. I think I shall try a few of those New Year's dishes.


(Captain). Tell me, what is the purpose of this line? I am unable to see where it starts even after turning five corners. Could this be a line for ramen?
A line for praying at the shrine? What is this shrine that you speak of? What kind of food is praying?
Hm. You mean to tell me that all of these people are here to offer their gratitude for the past year, and to make new wishes at a structure called a shrine.
I do not understand. I cannot think of any merits in speaking to an architectural structure.
But from my experience here in the world of fossildwellers, there must be something extraordinary waiting at the front of this line.
The end's that way. Let's get in line, (Captain).


(Captain), I have caught wind of a dangerous weapon that only appears in the Sky Realm during the start of a new year.
According to the rumors, the weapon is white with viscoelastic properties that allow it to stretch—
Ah. Yes. Similar to the white substance you're holding right now.
You claim what you're holding is the weapon?
I think not. Even I recognize the foodstuff known as mochi.
"It's easy to choke on mochi because of its consistency"?
I have no words to describe how illogical it is for skydwellers to intentionally put their own lives at risk.
No... Perhaps such risk-taking is responsible for the evolution of modern-day cuisine... Hmm, deeply fascinating.
If so, then I shall salute those pioneering forebearers while indulging in mochi.
(Captain), where is the red bean paste? Preferably the unmashed kind.


Happy New Year, (Captain).
What do you think would make for a suitable dessert in place of New Year's soba?
New Year's maritozzo? New Year's macarons? New Year's crepes?
Enticing as those options are, none of them carry the same nuance of bestowing luck as soba does. It's difficult to find the right replacement.
Despite a lengthy discussion with Beatrix and Zeta, we were unable to arrive at any optimal answers.
Hm... A dessert that foretells good luck... Perhaps the best way to research this topic is to conduct experiments.
Very well. Come on, (Captain). Let's go on a dessert-sampling tour.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

If you are offering me confectionery, then I will not refuse.
Hm. Chocolates as you fossildwellers call it. Brown, sugary treats.
High in nutritional value and easy to eat. A sensible snack.
More importantly, you appear agitated. What is troubling you?
This is Valentine's chocolate?
Hmm... Then this confection has a ritualistic meaning behind it.
And what exactly would that be? Explain.
Wait. Where are you going? Why do you run?
Humph. Incomprehensible.


Giving me chocolates again this year? You have my utmost thanks.
Actually, that reminds me of what you said last year.
Whenever I purchase chocolates for myself, it is a menial activity devoid of any particular emotion.
But when I receive them from you in this manner, I feel a warmth spreading throughout my chest.
I don't know what this feeling is called, nor why it occurs, but it is surely connected to the fact that the gift is coming from you.
Yet I have so little data to go on to understand this feeling. Especially when the opportunity to gather said data comes only once a year.
I request that you have chocolates ready for me next year as well, so that I may better myself.


I see you have brought me chocolate this year as well. Thank you for continuing to help me collect data.
Hm. Whenever I receive chocolate from you, (Captain), I feel a certain warmth in my chest.
Occasionally Beatrix gives me bread smothered in jam, but this is a different sensation.
Is it because I receive this gift from you only a year? Or is it because the form of the gift is different? I do not have enough data to formulate an answer.
Thus, I must insist that you bring me chocolates next year, (Captain).
And, for my part, I will endeavor to give you a proper conclusion to this puzzle. I am counting on you.


I see the chocolate gift in your hand, (Captain).
My research continues from last year, and I promised I would share with you the results I have gathered.
Ever since the previous Valentine's Day, I have been observing those that give gifts and the items that are given.
Put in another way, does the act of receiving chocolates itself carry meaningful significance, or does it only have meaning when you are the one giving them?
Unfortunately the long-awaited conclusion is inconclusive.
I had the idea to record my reactions when I receive chocolates from others today.
But strangely, immediately after devising that plan, I felt discomfort in my chest, and my thoughts became muddled.
I felt that sensation just now too. It is a noise in my head that is unprecedented and inexplicable.
When I see you giving other crew members chocolate...
I experience the same symptoms, whenever I witness other receiving chocolates from you.
This year's research was supposed to bring about an answer, but instead it raises new questions.
The mystery behind this circuitous gift exchange is more frustrating than I thought.
Help me to quickly clear up this mystery, (Captain), so that next year I may finally arrive at a suitable conclusion.
I await further chocolates from you next year, Captain.


Thank you, (Captain), for this year's gift.
This roundabout cycle of gift-exchanging no longer confuses me.
I remember the first time when you gave me a gift. I sensed an unexplainable noise in my chest.
However, with each passing year, that disconcerting noise morphed into a feeling of comfort.
I finally understand what that noise is.
I look forward to another round of circuitous gifting next year as well.
And it must be between you and me. Receiving gifts from anyone else does not trigger the same palpitations in my chest.
Thank you again, (Captain).
Happy Valentine's Day.

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

After receiving a gift on Valentine's Day, it is customary to return the favor on White Day.
This gift is in accordance with said custom. Take it.
Although it does not change how illogical the entire affair is.
Instead of giving a gift in order to receive a gift, the sensible thing to do would be to purchase the desired object yourself from the outset.
You are smiling. Does receiving confectionery from me make you that happy?
I do not understand. Though gifts may be identical in nature, emotions change at the point of delivery.
Curiously I do not view this concept unfavorably, regardless of how little sense it makes.
Hehe. Fascinating.
Understood. From now on I will participate in future confectionery gift exchanges.


(Captain). I was unable to arrange a gift in time for today. Sorry.
My original plan was to follow your example and make sweets by hand, but I did not know how to cook.
Therefore I propose we cook together. What do you think?
Once I learn how to cook, I can then gift you my own creation. It makes sense to kill two birds with one stone.
Though you are free to refuse if it does not satisfy you...
Hm, I see from your smile that I didn't even have to ask.
Very well. Let us wash our hands and get right to it.


I have prepared a thank you gift to express gratitude for Valentine's Day.
This box contains the same gift as last year's, but I increased the flavor parameters via repeated trial and error.
During the research process, I gained weight, and pimples appeared on my cheeks. However, I believe the results were worth it.
It bears mentioning that, while I did put in great effort to prepare you this gift, one could exchange rupies for a dessert of equal merit.
I thought I would mimic you and prepare the gift by hand, but it is still unclear to me why this method produces more joy.
Oh, it makes you happy because I spent much time for you?
So one might say that the value of the gift is not in the gift itself, but in the method done to obtain the gift.
I admit, it is an illogical mode of thinking but intriguing nonetheless. I shall handmake you a gift next year, just to be sure.


(Captain), this gift is to say thank you for Valentine's Day.
You are very observant. This dessert is indeed store-bought, but that does not diminish its quality.
Actually I did prepare a handmade item just as I had the previous year, but there was an accident.
That is to say, the final product was successfully completed. However...
Beatrix put an end to my attempt to offer it to you.
It was not due to an issue with taste. In fact, it tastes even better than my previous work.
You want it anyway since I worked hard to make it?
Hm... If that is what you want, then I do not see a problem.
I actually brought it with me with the intention of consuming it myself. I'm glad I had the foresight to do so.
What I made is a recreation of the Mont Blanc I saw in a pastry shop.
Its swirling, layered strands grabbed my attention.
You see it too, don't you? It looks like my—
Heh, that was a joke. It has passed Beatrix's taste inspection. You may ingest without worry.


Here, (Captain). This is a personal creation I deem worthy to give.
I spent countless hours researching ways to capture this ultimate sweetness.
Even Beatrix and Isaac expressed their approval.
However, your batch includes a component no other has ever tasted.
It is difficult to convey in words what I am trying to say. In short, I wanted you to consume a product of the highest caliber.
May you enjoy them, (Captain).

Tasty Macaroons
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Has something affected everyone's mental state? They are all wearing costumes and repeating the same actions.
Ah, so a festivity known as Halloween is underway. There is never a dull moment around you people.
And now you hand me a mask to wear and join you?
Hmm... There is no better way to learn about other customs than active participation.
But I would not even know where to start with Halloween.
Where we go and what we do, I will leave that to you, (Captain).


I want to consult with you about a more effective method for carrying out deception, (Captain).
In order to acquire many treats, one must have many tricks at their disposal, correct?
I still find this all highly illogical, but understanding fossildweller culture necessitates participation.
As compensation for your time, I guarantee you half of the candy I receive.
Now then. Show me befitting trickery, and I will copy what you do.


You wish for me to consume this? To offer me a treat and require no compensation in return—this must be what you refer to as an act of kindness.
Though the inexplicable smile on your face is concerning, it is not my will to allow food to go to waste. I shall partake of it.
Pulse has returned to normal. My sense of taste, momentarily paralyzed from the acidity, has reached 90% recovery.
I was unable to predict that a trick could be carried about by adjusting the sourness of a treat to an extreme.
An admirable strategy—I wish to test this trick on someone myself. Show me where I can purchase this treat, (Captain).


Eat this candy, (Captain). It is extremely savory.
This is—as you put it—an act of kindness, so refrain from being humble.
Hm... Judging by your grimace, my calculations were correct.
The bitterness and sweetness are difficult to describe in words... I liken it to the taste of machine oil.
Think of this as me returning the courtesy for the sour candy you asked me to ingest last year.
What's most surprising is the fact that this confection was not manufactured for the purpose of creating mischief. It's a staple treat with its share of aficionados.
Should you wish to learn more about this candy, you have only to ask.


(Captain), did you know about pumpkin ramen?
The depth of ramen runs deeper than I imagined.
This is the first I have heard of a seasonal ramen sold exclusively during Halloween.
They say the thickness of the rich broth is more akin to a pottage interlaced with subtle hints of sweet, ripe pumpkin.
And underneath all that flavor is the soft tang of simmered tomatoes serving as a final accent.
This sounds like the supreme Halloween treat to me. I would very much like to try it.
Look how busy that ramen shop is. How is it that the fear of missing out elevates the taste even further?
Heh. It seems I may never fully unravel all the mysteries hiding in these skies.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

I would like to know why you are hanging curios on a tree brought in from the outside. What is the point?
You say it is in preparation for a celebration. Interesting.
But why choose such an ordinary tree when your goal is to make this room look festive?
A tree that is naturally populated with blossoms would have saved you from unnecessary decorating. You are being inefficient.
Why are you handing me ornaments? Is this your way of asking me to help?
Hmm. Active participation may allow me to understand the reasoning behind this inefficient behavior.
Very well then. I will provide assistance.


You claim that Santa Claus is an elderly man who delivers items to children without seeking payment.
I fail to see why he would give away quality goods for no compensation. It is highly illogical.
On the other hand, it does bring smiles to the children who receive those gifts.
It could be said that the value of those smiles is a sufficient trade.
Or perhaps this is yet another example of an act of kindness.
Fascinating. I would like to meet this Santa Claus someday.


Earlier, I came across children making a strange object by stacking large spheres of snow together. What are they doing?
An activity in which snow is used as a material for making a figure referred to as a snowman... Hm, a convenient and rational way to spend one's time.
Still, the snow is bound to melt when the temperature rises again. What, then, is the purpose for making such sculpted objects?
I see. So the objective is to enjoy the season through using what is only available during the winter.
To wish to fully enjoy even the changes in climate... A very typical way of thinking for fossildwellers.
It has piqued my interest. (Captain), let's head outside. Teach me how to make this object called a snowman.


(Captain), I have been looking for you.
I want you to open this drawer.
I am told this mechanism is called an advent calendar box.
For each day leading up to the holy night, one drawer is opened, thereby bestowing its gift.
Seeing as today is the long-awaited final day, the contents of the largest drawer at the bottom can now be revealed.
I've struggled to comprehend the necessity behind restricting gifts to individual lots. It defies logic, but I digress.
According to Zeta, opening the last drawer falls to the leader of an organization.
Following this guideline, you are the only one allowed to open it, (Captain).
To implement a security measure that limits access to designated personnel implies that the reward is highly valuable.
Considering the smaller drawers contained lesser items such as gumdrops or lollipops... Surely this contains something more. Perhaps even baked goods.
Hurry, (Captain). Release what is inside.


Ah, I have been searching for you, (Captain).
Pardon my abruptness, but if time is of no concern, I have a favor to ask.
A local ramen shop is serving a limited quantity of holiday ramen.
They chill vegetables in the snow, which locks in the sweetness, and stew them in a thin white turkey-bone broth.
The final product resembles a pure white landscape of freshly fallen snow, and its flavor is equally as deep.
That tantalizing mellow flavor will capture your tongue. Yes... A fascinating concoction indeed.
Needless to say, this style of ramen comes but once a year. You simply must have a taste too.
Let's go, (Captain). I'm sure there is an abundance of other holiday-exclusive flavors waiting for us.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

After the Fall

Cassius needs provisions in order for his body to recover from its injuries, so Beatrix readily offers him the bread she gets as a stipend. Cassius finds Beatrix's actions to be highly illogical, but at the same time it piques his interest in skydwellers.

Cassius: ...
Cassius is seriously injured crash-landing onto Moon Sliver.
He agrees to follow the crew at their behest, but he's in constant pain from his injuries.
Cassius: (My body is damaged in multiple places. Luckily blood loss was staunched before it could exceed ten percent.)
Cassius: (Those emergency measures have stabilized afflicted areas. Now I can focus on recuperation. However...)
Beatrix: Does it still hurt?
Cassius: It's nothing.
Beatrix: Yeah, I don't know about that. Your face tells a different story. C'mon, you can be straight with me.
Cassius: ...
Cassius relents after realizing that he has unconsciously given himself away.
Cassius: I lack iron.
Beatrix: Huh? Iron?
Cassius: Proteins, calcium carbonate, silicon, lipids. Furthermore—
Beatrix: Wait, wait, wait! Let me get this straight. Iron and proteates? Carbonics? What do you need all that stuff for?
Cassius: Oral intake of the aforementioned resources is required to repair damaged tissue. I need to find these provisions.
Beatrix: What the heck are you talking about?
Beatrix: Oh! Maybe you're hungry! Is that it?
Cassius: Hunger is not a prerequisite for eating.
Beatrix: Haha! Getting your appetite back is a good sign! And I've got just the thing!
Beatrix rummages through her pouch.
Beatrix: Here you go. This bread'll do you some good.
Cassius: ...!
Beatrix: It's my pay from the higher-ups. Gobble it down and you'll feel good as new. Plus your injuries will heal faster. Try it.
Beatrix stuffs the large loaf of bread into Cassius's hands.
Cassius: I don't understand. Why are you giving your rations to a complete stranger?
Beatrix: Huh? Um... I don't like to ignore people who are down on their luck I guess.
Cassius: This arrangement imparts no benefit to you. It is a highly illogical action.
Beatrix: Excuse me? Life isn't just about profiting, you know.
Beatrix: Anyway, as long as you make a quick recovery, that's more than enough for me.
Cassius: I see.
Cassius hasn't lost his skepticism but accepts the bread nonetheless.
Cassius: Mm... Mm...
Cassius: (No hint of poison.)
Cassius: (Comprised of wheat and oils, and fortified with healthy quantities of nutrients. I can see how this will shorten my convalescence.)
Beatrix: Whoops, almost forgot the best part. It tastes even better with strawberry jam!
Beatrix again reaches into her pouch and pulls out a small glass jar.
Cassius: Strawberry... jam?
Beatrix: Oh, do you like it?
Cassius: Frankly this is my first encounter with jam. Luxury items are only awarded to designated individuals.
Beatrix: You're kidding me! It's only strawberry jam! And you've never even seen it before?
Lyria: Just where were you living before, Cassius?
Cassius: ...
Cassius: All I can tell you is that we are compensated based on our contributions.
Lyria, Vyrn, Beatrix: ...
Vyrn: Hmm... He really doesn't wanna give the deets about where he's from.
Lyria: Mm-hm.
You just worry about eating your fill, Cassius.
Cassius: ...?
Cassius seems intent on dodging this topic. Thus the conversation takes an unexpected turn.
Beatrix: So, um, I've got other flavors too! Like blueberry, tangerine, apple... Let's use all of them!
Cassius: Okay.
Beatrix produces jar after jar from her pouch and starts slathering the bread with preserves.
Vyrn: Whoa... That thing's more jam than bread...
Beatrix: Heheh. This ultimate sandwich can even unclog those pangs of guilt you get in your chest when you blow a mission!
Cassius: ...
(It has stress-relieving properties?)
Cassius stuffs the bread, which buckles under the weight of quivering jam, into his mouth without question.
Cassius: Very sweet.
Vyrn: I told her that was too much.
Cassius: No, this is acceptable.
Beatrix: I know, right? The best cure to a problem is a big dose of all the spreads! I've got honey too, if you want some.
Cassius: ...
Cassius's nod does all the talking for him.
Beatrix: Haha! We've got a heavyweight here!
Cassius: (On the moon, only provisions of the highest grade would have such high sugar content.)
Cassius: (So this is what is consumed by the upper echelons. Fascinating.)
The bread doesn't stand a chance against Cassius.
Cassius: (Elevated heart rate and rising body temperature confirmed. These nutrients must be given time to be properly absorbed. Focus on resting.)
And so Cassius closes his eyes.
Vyrn: Wow. Lights out right after the last bite.
Vyrn: You gonna pull through this, Blue? He ate your food.
Beatrix: Yeah. I'm used to going without a thing to eat!
Beatrix: Actually this is just like the time Zeta and I first met. Only she was the one feeding me, and it ended up in a fight.
Vyrn: Uh... How do you go from someone sharing food with you to having a fight? What happened?
Beatrix: I mean, the way she looked at me when she handed it over, anyone would take it the wrong way!
Beatrix: But that was then, and this is now. Consider it my way of making up for the past! Aaah, it feels good to get that off my chest!
Cassius: (To feel elation at giving away one's own sustenance is utterly illogical. I understand now why the higher-ups need to know about these people.)
Cassius: (They defy rationality with irrationality. They can defeat automagods.)
Cassius: (The people of Fossil are most fascinating...)
This is the last thought in Cassius's mind before his consciousness drifts away.

Highly Illogical

(Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn take Cassius to a ramen stand, where he proceeds to evaluate the worth of ramen in terms of nutrition and utility. He deems ramen to be highly illogical for sustenance, but for reasons he can't understand, he returns for more the next day.

Unable to find a way back to the moon, Cassius joins (Captain)'s crew in the interim.
The crew decides to try a famous ramen shop.
Vyrn: Holy smokes. Look at that line.
Cassius: So this is that "ramen stand" you were telling me about earlier.
Lyria: Yes. It's famous for its delicious food. That's why we wanted to bring you here.
Cassius: ...
Cassius: Highly illogical.
Vyrn: There he goes again. What's got your goat this time?
Cassius: I fail to see the reason for waiting in a long line as a means of satiating one's hunger.
Cassius: I spot no fewer than fifteen other establishments that offer immediate food distribution.
Lyria: Ahaha... Well, that just shows you how tasty this ramen is.
Cassius: Hmm...
Cassius silently falls into the line, though he's not entirely convinced by Lyria's reasoning.
Vyrn: So what's so special about the menu here anyway?
Lyria: Let's see. An extra-savory broth stewed from pork bones with extra-thin noodles to die for...
Vyrn: Nice. That's where that pork smell's coming from. I can't stop drooling!
Lyria: Heehee. I'm craving a bowl so badly! How about you, (Captain)?
(Captain) smiles and nods.
Cassius: ...
Cassius observes the small group of crewmates who can barely contain their excitement.
Cassius: (They even extract enjoyment from meaningless waiting.)
Cassius: Heh. Quite fascinating.
Vyrn: Huh. Guess you finally found something to look forward to.
Cassius: With reservations.
Lyria: Haha. It's going to be so delicious! You'll see!
After many minutes tick away, the crew members can finally grab seats at the counter.
Steam billows around them, and the aroma of ramen intensifies their salivation. Empty bowls line the countertop, ready to receive their bounty.
Stallkeeper: And your ramen is served!
Lyria: Oooh! It looks even tastier up close!
Cassius: Indeed.
Gleaning how to use chopsticks from his companions, Cassius brings the noodles to his mouth.
Cassius: Slurp...
Vyrn: Hehe! What'd I tell ya! Good, right? Now aren't you glad we waited?
Cassius: Hm...
Cassius: (Wheat flour is stretched into long, thin strands. Quick to heat, easy to prepare, and easy to eat. A sensible design.)
Cassius: (And the flavor is indeed pleasing. These "toppings" arranged in the broth ensure that taste buds do not become complacent. A wise choice.)
Cassius: (However...)
Cassius: (Where do I begin with its nutritional composition? One could say the ratio of salt and carbohydrates to all else is haphazard at best.)
Cassius: (The entire purpose of consuming nutrients is to sustain life. This meal fails completely by that logic.)
Vyrn: You look like you've got a bug up your butt. Ramen not your thing?
Cassius: I wouldn't say that. The flavor is agreeable.
Lyria: Hehe. I'm glad you found something you like, Cassius!
Cassius: (The fact remains that it is unreasonable to expend an inordinate amount of time for a meal of so little nutritional value. Thus I conclude ramen to be highly illogical.)
The meal comes to an end, and everyone returns to their lodgings.
The crew will be in town for a few days to wait for a client. Each member thinks of how they'll pass the time as they drift off to sleep.
Stallkeeper: Come on in!
Cassius: ...
Stallkeeper: Sir, you've come again! Take whichever open seat you like!
Cassius: (Why?)
Cassius: (Why did I come back here alone?)
Not grasping the meaning behind his own illogical actions, Cassius has a seat at the counter.

Highly Illogical: Scene 2

Consecutive days of eating ramen at the same ramen stand has thrown off the nutritional balance in Cassius's body. On his final visit to the ramen stand, the owner thanks him for his patronage with an extra helping of toppings for free. This generosity reminds Cassius of why he finds the Sky Realm and skydwellers to be so fascinating.

Cassius: ...
Cassius scowls at the face he sees in the mirror.
He's been going to the same ramen stand for days, though he still has no idea why. Now he knows what it has cost him.
Cassius: A blemish...
Using the mirror as a guide, he gently brushes the red bump on his face with his fingertips.
Cassius: Consecutive days of consuming ramen have upended the nutritional balance in my body.
Cassius: Regardless of the taste, in terms of health it is worse than the lowest-grade meals served on the moon.
Cassius: There is zero rationale to eating ramen. I will stop today in order to restore balance to my body.
Stallkeeper: Hey, good to see ya again! Come in!
Cassius: ...!
Cassius: (Why am I here? I am certain that all the previous bowls of ramen were enough to complete my analysis, but it appears my interest persists.)
Cassius: (I don't understand. I am clearly being irrational.)
Stallkeeper: Here you go! The usual, yeah?
The owner of the stand sets a familiar bowl in front of Cassius along with a smaller plate to the side.
Cassius: What is this? I do not recall ordering it.
Stallkeeper: Oh, it's an extra helping of boiled egg and roast pork. On the house.
Cassius: What?
Cassius: I do not understand. Why abruptly offer a product without seeking compensation? One would assume there is malicious intent involved.
Stallkeeper: Haha. Paranoid, much? Just wanted to say thanks for coming to my joint every day.
Stallkeeper: Gives me a smile knowing you like my ramen that much.
Stallkeeper: Well, didn't mean to be pushy or anything. You scratched my back, so I'm scratching yours.
Cassius: ...
Cassius: (Here too...)
Beatrix: You're a real weirdo. There's no tricks or anything.
Beatrix: Maybe you think we're butting in, but we're simply doing this out of kindness.
Cassius: Thank you.
Stallkeeper: Sure, don't mention it.
Cassius: ...
Ever since arriving from the moon, Cassius has encountered, in his eyes, many incomprehensible situations.
With conflicting emotions in his chest, he proceeds to finish his final bowl of ramen.
Cassius: (Why did I keep going back to that stand? I could not repress my deep interest in a food I deemed illogical.)
Cassius: (Illogical... Yes, that's it. It has been one mystery after another with this culture.)
Cassius: (That includes (Captain) and those individuals from the Society.)
Cassius: (Not only has flesh proven victorious in conflicts with automagods—some have even communed with them.)
Cassius: (Irrationality overturns rationality, spawning an outcome that is highly... illogical?)
Cassius: (Heh. I was right to find them fascinating.)
Vyrn: Oh, hey. You're back. Didja go for ramen by yourself again?
Cassius: Yes.
Cassius offers a terse response and falls silent.
Vyrn: Hm? Were you hoping we'd come with?
Cassius: No.
Cassius: I have concluded that fossildwellers and ramen are quite similar.
Vyrn: Huh? What's that supposed to mean?
Cassius: Heh. Exactly what I said.
Cassius returns to his room without further elaboration.
Vyrn: Oookay... So much for trying to figure that guy out...
The client that the crew has been waiting for finally arrives shortly thereafter. (Captain) and company prepare to leave town.
Cassius gets dressed, eager to encounter more enigmas as they present themselves.

(Captain) pays a visit to a Society-run medical facility to see how Cassius is doing.
Cassius, recovering in bed, props himself up on his elbows when (Captain) enters his room.
Cassius: Perfect timing, (Captain). I have a question for you.
Cassius: I've been wondering since my time at the Central Axis...
Cassius: How is it that the islands here remain aloft? The more I consider the problem, the more it baffles me.
Cassius: Gravity is clearly in operation here, so how can such heavy masses float?
  1. Good question, come to think of it.
  2. They float because they're light.
  3. What's gravity?

Choose: Good question, come to think of it.
Cassius: I see. So you've never even questioned it. Fascinating.
Cassius: Then the fact that islands float is so deeply ingrained in your people's consciousness that it never occurs to them to examine the physics.
Cassius: Which means seeking an explanation from any of you would be an inefficient use of my time.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 100!

Choose: They float because they're light.
Cassius: ……呆れたな。
Cassius: If islands floated because they were light, then everything lighter than the rock and soil which comprise them would float straight off into the cosmos.
Cassius: I see I will have to look elsewhere for intelligent answers.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 50!

Choose: What's gravity?
Cassius: Gravity is the force which draws objects toward the ground—in other words, the reason why matter has weight.
Cassius: Are people here not familiar with the concept?
Cassius: Or perhaps a more logical conclusion is that you know the concept by another name.
Cassius: Fascinating, in either event.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 75!
Continue 1

: Scene 2

Cassius is sitting up in bed, reading a tattered old tome.
It appears to be an illustrated book on biology.
Cassius: Ah, (Captain). As you can see, I am studying your ecosystem.
Cassius: This book is all about the strange life-forms down here which are not found on the moon. It's fascinating.
  1. So what does live on the moon?
  2. Would you like to go see them in person?
  3. Can I read along with you?

Choose: So what does live on the moon?
Cassius: I regret that I am not authorized to share any information on that subject.
Cassius: What I can say is that my world is different enough from yours to make this book quite enthralling.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 75!

Choose: Would you like to go see them in person?
Cassius: A logical course of action. Certainly direct observation would yield more information than the mere perusal of secondhand accounts.
Cassius: I will gladly accept your offer once my convalescence is complete.
Cassius: Slimes... Goblins... And this wyvern in particular merits detailed study.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 100!

Choose: Can I read along with you?
Cassius: Why?
Cassius: I can think of no way for two people to simultaneously read a single book which would not be egregiously inefficient.
Cassius: If you wish to read it, you will have to wait. I will lend it to you once I have finished.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 50!
Continue 1

: Scene 3

(Captain) drops by Cassius's room in the Society medical facility.
The captain arrives just as the healer is wrapping up Cassius's treatment.
Healer: That should do it for today. Make sure you get your rest.
Cassius: Understood.
Cassius: Oh. Hello, (Captain). Excellent timing.
Cassius: When I inquired, that doctor claimed he chose his profession of his own volition.
Cassius: I struggle to comprehend.
Cassius: People are subjected to an aptitude test at birth to determine the profession to which they are best suited.
Cassius: Personal preference has no part in this.
Cassius: Just as I was assigned at birth to be a soldier...
  1. So that's normal on the moon?
  2. So you were forced to fight against your will?
  3. Is there any other job you'd like to try?

Choose: So that's normal on the moon?
Cassius: Indeed.
I gather there is a different system in place here.
Cassius: So fossildwellers choose their vocations haphazardly, with no regard for suitability?
Cassius: And your society continues to function? I cannot fathom such a system.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 100!

Choose: So you were forced to fight against your will?
Cassius: I was assigned to become a soldier and raised to that end. That's all.
Cassius: I had no particular objections.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 75!

Choose: Is there any other job you'd like to try?
Cassius: I see. This hypothetical question is predicated upon the ability to choose a profession for oneself.
Cassius: Hm... I have trouble imagining myself as anything but a soldier...
Cassius: But the positions of scholar or researcher at Site Zero were not without their merits...
Cassius's curiosity rose by 50!
Continue 1

: Scene 4

Another day of convalescence.
Cassius pauses after the first bite of his meal, spoon resting on his lip. His brow furrows.
Cassius: This has been troubling me since my treatment here began...
Cassius: The meals here taste far too good. Why is that?
Cassius: Surely flavor has no impact on a meal's restorative properties. Why expend any effort on its taste?
Cassius: These luxury rations would better befit the upper echelons than a mere soldier.
  1. Should I ask them for something different?
  2. This food is nothing special.
  3. Better eat it before it gets cold.

Choose: Should I ask them for something different?
Cassius: That was not my intention. Please refrain.
Cassius: No, wait. You mean to tell me that a mere request would suffice to procure different rations?
Cassius: In that case... I would indeed like to try other dishes as well.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 75!

Choose: This food is nothing special.
Cassius: Nothing special? You consider this fare commonplace? Based on what metric?
Cassius: Are you telling me everyone here partakes of such high quality food on a daily basis? It boggles the mind.
Cassius: Heh... Heh heh... I am eager to see what manner of food I will be given next.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 100!

Choose: Better eat it before it gets cold.
Cassius: Mm. Indeed. This food's flavor is closely linked to its residual heat retention.
Cassius: Rations with such a narrow window of edibility seem an illogical choice... but their flavor is inarguable.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 50!
Continue 1

: Scene 5

(Captain) pays Cassius a visit and finds him holding playing cards and a stringed instrument.
Cassius: Ah, (Captain). I was just conducting an investigation into your people's leisure activities.
Cassius: There really are an endless variety. Gambling, sleight of hand illusions, music... I find it fascinating.
Cassius: Moreover, it seems you all engage in these pursuits regardless of origin or social status.
Cassius: It strains credibility.
  1. Why don't we play something now?
  2. So no one has hobbies on the moon?
  3. So which hobbies caught your fancy?

Choose: Why don't we play something now?
Cassius: You'd be willing to help me investigate these behaviors? I was just considering a hands-on experiment.
Cassius: Let us engage in a game of poker using these playing cards.
Cassius: It seems there are a variety of card games, each with different rules. I wish to try them all in turn.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 100!

Choose: So no one has hobbies on the moon?
Cassius: Only those of high rank or social standing are allowed such frivolities.
Cassius: At my rank, I was only allotted a modest sugar ration and permitted to indulge in reading.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 50!

Choose: So which hobbies caught your fancy?
Cassius: Hm... A difficult question. It is gambling that most holds my interest, but music is also an attractive option.
Cassius: I initially assumed that theoretical knowledge would suffice, but the people here continue to betray my expectations.
Cassius: I've come to believe that firsthand experience of your behaviors is required to properly understand.
Cassius: Once my treatment is complete, I believe I shall make a thorough survey of these leisure activities.
Cassius: I would be pleased to have your cooperation in this endeavor, (Captain).
Cassius's curiosity rose by 75!
Continue 1

: Scene 6

(Captain) pays Cassius a visit and finds him holding playing cards and a stringed instrument.
Cassius: Ah, (Captain). I was just conducting an investigation into your people's leisure activities.
Cassius: There really are an endless variety. Gambling, sleight of hand illusions, music... I find it fascinating.
Cassius: Moreover, it seems you all engage in these pursuits regardless of origin or social status.
Cassius: It strains credibility.
  1. Why don't we play something now?
  2. So no one has hobbies on the moon?
  3. So which hobbies caught your fancy?

Choose: Why don't we play something now?
Cassius: You'd be willing to help me investigate these behaviors? I was just considering a hands-on experiment.
Cassius: Let us engage in a game of poker using these playing cards.
Cassius: It seems there are a variety of card games, each with different rules. I wish to try them all in turn.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 100!

Choose: So no one has hobbies on the moon?
Cassius: Only those of high rank or social standing are allowed such frivolities.
Cassius: At my rank, I was only allotted a modest sugar ration and permitted to indulge in reading.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 50!

Choose: So which hobbies caught your fancy?
Cassius: Hm... A difficult question. It is gambling that most holds my interest, but music is also an attractive option.
Cassius: I initially assumed that theoretical knowledge would suffice, but the people here continue to betray my expectations.
Cassius: I've come to believe that firsthand experience of your behaviors is required to properly understand.
Cassius: Once my treatment is complete, I believe I shall make a thorough survey of these leisure activities.
Cassius: I would be pleased to have your cooperation in this endeavor, (Captain).
Cassius's curiosity rose by 75!
Continue 1

: Scene 7

Cassius expresses a desire to see the sea, so (Captain) brings him to Auguste.
Cassius: So this is the sea.
Cassius: We have something called a "sea" on the moon, but it looks nothing like this.
  1. How 'bout a swim?
  2. Wanna taste some seawater?
  3. Well, time to head home.

Choose: How 'bout a swim?
Cassius: For what purpose? I am not yet sufficiently recovered to engage in physical training.
Cassius: For leisure purposes? With what objective?
Cassius: You claim the activity is enjoyable in and of itself... Swimming for pleasure...
Cassius: Hmm... No, I fail to comprehend.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 75!

Choose: Wanna taste some seawater?
Cassius: Heh... I was just about to do so.
Cassius: Slurp...
Cassius: I see. The salt content is too high for potability. This would not make a suitable reservoir for drinking water.
Cassius: Much like the meadow we visited the other day, however, it is a splendid sight.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 100!

Choose: Well, time to head home.
Cassius: What, we're out of time already?
Cassius: I was hoping to conduct a more leisurely study. Can we not extend our stay?
Cassius: Half an hour... Even a quarter hour would be sufficient. Will you grant me that much?
Cassius's curiosity rose by 50!
Continue 1

: Scene 8

One day, Cassius asks (Captain) to spar with him.
Just as they are both beginning to break a sweat, Cassius lowers his spear.
Just as they are both beginning to break a sweat, Cassius lowers his spear.
Cassius: Hm. Let us end here.
Cassius: My injuries appear largely to have healed. My mobility has been restored almost to pre-injury levels.
Cassius: But I am once again reminded... You are uncommonly strong, (Captain).
Cassius: You exceed average capabilities for your age range. If you were to go to the moon, you could immediately be ranked alpha-9... No, higher. You might make omega-3.
  1. You're no slouch yourself.
  2. What does Omega-3 mean?
  3. I've still got a lot of work to do.

Choose: You're no slouch yourself.
Cassius: Heh. How odd.
Cassius: When we first met, you expressed your admiration for my abilities, but I felt nothing.
Cassius: Now I find it... not unpleasant. This is highly illogical.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 100!

Choose: What does Omega-3 mean?
Cassius: In broad strokes, it is the rank assigned to the moon's most capable soldiers.
Cassius: Supposedly only three moondwellers currently hold this rank. They are said to enjoy various special privileges.
Cassius: But I have nothing more to go on than rumors of dubious credibility. There are no confirmed eyewitness accounts of their existence.
Cassius: In the end, these soldiers may be no more than the stuff of legend.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 50!

Choose: I've still got a lot of work to do.
Cassius: So you remain unsatisfied even with such great power at your command.
Cassius: Interesting.
Cassius: Heh... Fascinating. Raise your weapon, (Captain). Let us go another round.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 75!
Continue 1

: Scene 9

Cassius: I hear you experience a meteorological phenomenon here known as snow.
Cassius: I have only encountered it in books, so I am eager to witness it in person. Where must I go to do so?
  1. There's no such thing as snow.
  2. This is the wrong season for it.
  3. The North Vast!

Choose: There's no such thing as snow.
Cassius: What! Then the accounts I read on the moon were mere fictions...
Cassius: They described it as white and cold... and incomparably beautiful... I always wanted to see it for myself.
Cassius: ...
Excuse me? You were joking?
Cassius: Then snow does exist.
Cassius: (Captain)... Why would you lie to me?
Cassius's curiosity rose by 50!

Choose: This is the wrong season for it.
Cassius: I see. The phenomenon is linked to the time of year.
Cassius: That makes sense. Snow consists of ice crystals formed from atmospheric moisture...
Cassius: In order for snow to fall, the temperature must be low enough to freeze that moisture.
Cassius: Then we shall wait for the appropriate season to arrive. With luck, I will be able to remain here until then.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 75!

Choose: The North Vast!
Cassius: What is that? An island?
Cassius: We can see snow there? Heh. Then I wish to proceed there with all haste.
Cassius: (Captain), could I ask you to bring me to North Vast?
Cassius's curiosity rose by 100!
Continue 1

: Scene 10

At long last, Cassius is discharged from the Society's medical facility with a clean bill of health.
He accompanies (Captain) into town.
Cassius: I am in your debt, (Captain).
Cassius: I must admit, I was surprised by how often you came to see me during my treatment... Surprised and gratified.
Cassius: Thanks to you, the time I spent convalescing was not wasted.
Cassius: As thanks for your time, I would like to take you on an all-day outing.
  1. It was nothing. Don't worry about it.
  2. Then let's party all night!
  3. Do you have the money for that?

Choose: It was nothing. Don't worry about it.
Cassius: Heh... This again.
Cassius: Well then, allow me to accompany you today as a simple act of kindness.
Cassius: Don't worry about it.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 100!

Choose: Then let's party all night!
Cassius: Heh. I hoped you would say that.
Cassius: No doubt your towns are overflowing with leisure activities.
Cassius: There shouldn't be a dull moment. I am beside myself with anticipation.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 75!

Choose: Do you have the money for that?
Cassius: You refer to rupies? Have no fear—I do have some.
Cassius: My superiors furnished me with the appropriate currency when I was sent here.
Cassius: Although I cannot imagine why they had it on hand.
Cassius: Do not trouble yourself over the financial aspect. Simply choose whichever activity you wish, and I will accompany you.
Cassius's curiosity rose by 50!
Continue 1

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
敵の掃討を確認 Confirming elimination of the enemy.
降格した時の食事は味が……最悪だ The food I received after my demotion was disgusting.
道草など非合理極まりない Procrastination is highly illogical.
ニ テチミカ カラ スイチシトラモイカクニミキ ミイテ I tawn ot drea ingthemso wen.I want to read something new.
ノインには触るな Do not touch Yek.
ニ テチミカ カラ トイイカクイ ハニスイ チキチニミ I tawn ot ese het efir agnai.I want to see the fire again.
当分、月には帰れそうにない…… Returning to the moon is impossible for now.
(主人公)の戦法は合理的で無駄が少ない (Captain)'s tactics leave nothing to be desired.
フォッシルの民は表情がコロコロ変わる Relics have fickle emotions.
(主人公)の親切シン、フッ……興味深い (Captain)'s kindness is... fascinating.
